Environment Policy & Governance LIFE PROJECTS 2013

LIFE Environment Environment Introduction to LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance 2013

LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance 2013: Commission funds 125 innovation projects in 22 countries with €130.8 million

The European Commission has approved funding for 125 new environmental innovation projects in 22 countries under the LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance programme 2013. These projects will demon- strate new methods and techniques for dealing with a wide diversity of Europe’s environmental problems. The projects are led by ‘beneficiaries’, or project promoters, based in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech ­Republic, Denmark, Finland, , , Greece, Hungary, Ireland, , Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. They represent a total investment of €318.5 million, of which the EU will provide some €130.8 million.

LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance in LIFE has co-financed some 4 100 projects, contrib- 2013 uting approximately €3.4 billion to the protection of the environment. LIFE+ is the European financial The Environment Policy & Governance strand of LIFE+ ­instrument for the environment with a total budget of supports pilot projects that contribute to the develop- €2 143 billion for the period 2007-2013. The Com- ment of innovative policy ideas, technologies, ­methods mission launches one call for LIFE+ project proposals and instruments. Of the 961 proposals received, the per year. Commission selected 125 projects for funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations. LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance is one of three thematic components under the LIFE The winning projects, situated in 22 Member States, ­programme. The other two components, LIFE+ Nature represent a total investment of €318.5 million, of & Biodiversity and LIFE+ Information & Communica- which the EU will provide some €130.8 million. tion, focus ­respectively on improving the conserva- tion status of endangered species and habitats, and Under this component, the Commission will contribute on ­disseminating information and raising the profile more than €41.2 million to 33 projects directly tack- of environmental issues, or providing training and ling climate change, with a total budget of €109.4 awareness-raising for the prevention of forest fires. million. The selected projects, situated in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Lux- The LIFE programme will continue from 2014-2020 embourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the under the new LIFE Regulation for Environment and United Kingdom, are highlighted in the annex to this Climate Action. The programme has a total budget for press release. In addition, many other projects focus- the period of €3.4 billion in December 2013 prices. ing on other issues will also have an indirect impact on greenhouse emissions.

Other important areas of focus include waste and More information on each LIFE+ project is available at: natural resources, innovation, water, and chemicals. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/ index.cfm Background Contact details for the relevant national authorities LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument to support envi- can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ contact/national-contact/index.htm ronment and nature conservation projects throughout the EU, and in certain non-EU countries. Since 1992, inREACH: protecting health and LIFE13 ENV/IT/000849 LIFE+ inREACH ­environment by streamlining REACH compliance check at European ­Economic Area import stage

Project background

The EU REACH Regulation aims to ensure that goods im- Beneficiary: ported into the EU undergo the same checks as equiva- Type of beneficiary lent goods produced within the EU territory. It includes Development agency the requirement for producers and importers of chemi- cals to prove that their substances are safe before they Name of beneficiary Ticass s.c.r.l. can be placed on the market. But, its application is not sufficiently harmonised to ensure consistently reliable Postal address information on imported substances. There is a need Viale Bartolomeo Bosco, 57/4 for better information concerning the impact of many I – 16121 Genova chemicals present in these goods, their correct usage, ITALY and on the exposure arising from their downstream use. Phone +39 0108900601 Furthermore, the establishment of liability in relation to Fax N/A the marketing and use of imported dangerous chemicals Email [email protected] needs to be clarified. Name of contact person Stefano GIANAZZI Project objectives Duration of project: The overall objective of the inREACH project is to im- 36 months (01/09/2014 – 31/08/2017) prove the protection of health and the environment by facilitating information exchange on chemicals imported Total budget in euro: into the EU and their compliance with the REACH Regu- 801,034.00 lation, by means of innovative solutions with a public dimension. EC contribution in euro: 400,517.00 Specific objectives are to streamline REACH and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) compliance Themes: Industry-Production: Chemicals / Information- Communication: Environmental training - Capacity checks for goods imported into the European Economic building - Public and Stakeholders participation / Risk Area and the EU customs space, by simplifying access management: Human health protection - Pollution to and tracking of relevant REACH and CLP information, ­control / Services and Trade: Trade such as substance identity, registrant identity, substance registration status, safety datasheets and the presence of SVHCs. A more efficient collection and sharing of data on origin and destination of REACH and CLP-related • A national thematic stakeholder’s platform estab- goods for customs and enforcement authorities will fa- lished with links to relevant EU authorities and agen- cilitate transit through EU main access points, while en- cies to support project actions; suring proper data security and correct policies of access • Consolidation of the inREACH Framework and identifi- to them, in order to preserve confidentiality, industrial cation of the 25 most critical issues affecting REACH and intellectual property rights. Regulation implementation; • A roadmap for the definition of strategies and activi- Expected results ties to overcome the 25 most critical issues affecting The project’s main expected results include: REACH Regulation implementation; • Overall evaluated reduction by 5-10% of actual un- • Technical specifications for an operations and process safe chemicals entering into EU space/mobilisation/ model, supported by an ICT platform, to check compli- use; ance of chemicals with the REACH Regulation at the • Improved science-policy integration and the transfer EU import stage; and of results to provide a solid technical background for • Demonstration of the exploitability, viability and sus- public bodies, authorities and the business commu- tainability of the developed inREACH Framework at nity affected by the REACH Regulation; national level and its replicability potential at EU level. KH-AT-14-001-EN-N This publication is only available in electronic format. Cover photo: LIFE09 ENV/ES/000467/ASTRALE EEIG/Audrey Thénard photo: Cover Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Reproduction is authorised provided © European Union, 2014 doi:10.2779/8991 ISSN 1977-2319 ISBN 978-92-79-37961-1 LIFE Publication / Environment Policy & Governance LIFE Projects 2013 LIFE Publication / Environment Policy & Governance Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014 More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://europa.eu). More information (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 Freephone Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Europe Direct is a service to help you find