N OVEMBER/DECEMBER Message from the Office 2009

If the first three months of Our choir and some of our participating in conferences project UNESCO Living our school year is any indi- musicians participated in the and meetings; in Brandon on Lab is now a contender in cation of what the rest of the River East Transcona Cele- leadership, at United Na- the semi-finals of the Aviva year will be like, we are in bration of the Arts with the tions International School in Community Funds program. for some incredible adventu- Symphony Or- New York City on human This was no small feat to res. The school is just com- chestra. What a thrill, and rights, at Transcona Access accomplish and we are now pletely energized by the for many a thrill of lifetime, for Teens Making A Change getting ready for the second creativity, dedication and to stand and fill the church and meeting with members round. Please cheer us on exuberance of the students with glorious music. Early of the legislature and vote every day. The and staff. Students are excel- in the morning when you on youth concerns. They are details are included in the ling academically, musical- enter the school you can active, visible and vocal. newsletter. ly, and athletically while hear them playing providing being actively engaged in the rest of us the opportunity supporting various worthy to start our day with music And as if this wasn’t Finally, the student council causes and maintaining in our souls. enough, we received a call has been hard at work recy- school spirit. from the Manitoba Liberal cling, fundraising and ma- Party wondering if Justin king sure that everyone has Volleyball season has just Trudeau, Pierre Elliott Tru- an opportunity to display Mid term reports clearly concluded with a very dra- deau’s son, could drop in for school spirit. The Brouha- indicated that the students matic finish. It was by far a visit to talk to our students ha! was a hoot with students are taking their studies se- one of our best seasons in on the role of youth in the actively supporting their riously. You can observe years. Our athletes gave democratic process. Justin houses. them working in the library, had no problem engaging their all by providing us studying in groups in the with nail-biting competition. the students who came from resource area and the cafete- We were riveted to our seats five various French immer- As you can tell, things are ria. At lunch time, students thoroughly enjoying adrena- sion schools in our school can be found in classrooms line-charged finals. division to ask him ques- certainly happening at receiving added support tions. The students were Collège Pierre-Elliott- Students have organized from their teachers. And the fundraising events for Team thrilled. Trudeau. Thank you for end result is that 37% of the Fox (a Back to the Future being part of it and encoura- students have obtained ho- film fest) and World Vision ging us to surpass our goals nour roll status for this mid- Due to the overwhelming ( I can wear my hat at and dreams. term. support of the students and school day). Students are our school community our

October in Photos

(left) Jamie C., Breanne H., All dressed up with nowhere to go... CPET students know M. Justin Trudeau et Andrew C. how to use their heads! P AGE 2 N OVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 Enjoying the provincial parks of Manitoba

During the past month, the grade 12 Despite in what place each team fin- to the beginning of the trail and the Physical Education 40F – Outdoor Edu- ished, each person was able to see dif- giant cedar trees that were close to cation class has been busy completing ferent parts of the park and was able to twenty inches in diameter. The natural different outdoor activities in two of learn about the importance of knowing waterfalls and streams that carved their Manitoba’s great provincial parks. On how to use a map and compass when in way through the land and the sheer October 16th, the class went to Birds a wilderness setting. cliffs on the shoreline of Westhawk Hill Provincial Park for an afternoon of Lake were breathtaking. Despite the orienteering followed by a campfire cold temperatures and a chilling wind, rd lunch. The class was divided into On November 3 , the Outdoor Educa- the group remained positive, worked groups of two or three and with map tion class hiked the challenging 12.6 well as a team and enjoyed their time on and compass in hand, they set out to kilometer Hunt Lake Trail located in the beautiful, but rugged Hunt Lake find different control points in the park. Whiteshell Provincial Park near West- Trail. hawk Lake. The group experienced Congratulation to Jamie, Graeme and some picturesque scenes of nature dur- Jasper, as they were the first team to ing their walk, such as a small cave that complete the 7.1 kilometer course. was half way up a wall of granite close -M. Devion

CPET Alumni headed off to the Roar of the Rings

The staff at College The Gunnlaugson team has become do battle against the following Brier, Pierre-Elliott- know as the “most exciting new faces World and Olympic Champions: Glenn Trudeau wish to breaking into the ranks of Manitoba’s Howard, , , congratulate Braden top curlers”. , , Pat Sim- Zawada and his cur- mons and . It was in an extra end victory over Burt- ling team from nyk and a hard fought extra-end battle Braden, nous te félicitons pour tes ac- Beausejour, with against McEwen that Gunnlaugson and complissements et te souhaitons le meil- Jason Gunnlaugson as . The team his team claimed the cherished berth in leur succès à . has recently earned a spot in the final the Canadian Trials. competition to name the Canadian Me- Bonne Chance. n's Curling representative for the 2010 Now in Edmonton, from December 6th – -Mme Klausen Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. 13th, Braden and his team will need to

UNESCO LIVING LAB AVIVA Community Funds Semi Finals

Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau is in the lopment within their courses and have Find our site – UNESCO LIVING AVIVA Community Funds semi finals! hands on experiences designing and LAB – do a ‘word search’ if you Thank you to everyone that has suppor- making various energy saving devices. are having trouble. ted us thus far. Now we need to get We expect that the semi finals will be Cast your vote. ready for the next round which begins very competitive. The top 25 projects Give us words of encouragement on December 2, 2009 and ends on out of the 60 semi finalists that receive in the comment section. December 16, 2009. the most votes will then go on to the Vote everyday with every email What is our project all about? Our pro- finals at which time they will be judged by a panel. If we are selected, our pro- you own by login in starting De- ject is called the UNESCO LIVING cember 2 until December 16 – LAB. Currently, students, staff and ject would be funded up to $250,000. including weekends. university professors – one from the University of Manitoba and one from Please encourage your family, friends the University of Dalhousie , Nova and co-workers to do the following: We are very excited about getting this far. We will be over top if we get to the Scotia are researching various alternati- Access the Aviva Community finals. Sometimes it is the journey that ve and sustainable energy and construc- Funds site tion practices that would allow us to brings people together and offers us so Register – one time only – you can much joy. build a lab that would be off the energy register with every email account grid. All the students will have oppor- that you own. Thank you for your support ! tunities to learn about sustainable deve- Student Services Services aux élèves

Peer Tutoring Program

The Student Services Department of Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau has an active Peer Tutoring Program. All tutors in the program demonstrate leadership qualities, maintain confidentiality and show a genuine desire to help others on a regular basis. Tutors work in cooperation with the resource teacher who provides support as needed. Tutors benefit by gaining the satisfaction of seeing others succeed. They also develop patience, com- mitment, and understanding. Other benefits include references for résumés, job applications, scholarship appli- cations and portfolios. Tutees in the program receive one-on-one instruction in order to overcome areas of difficulty and achieve hig- her grades. They receive encouragement and support as well as reinforcement of learning strategies and study skills. Tutorials take place before or after school, at lunch hour or during a spare. Sessions vary depending on the needs of the tutee. Students may request tutorial help for short or long-term contact. Students interested in volunteering as Tutors as well as students experiencing academic difficulties are encou- raged to speak to Mme Grossman or Mme Klausen in Student Services.


Post-secondary entrance scholarships are available to grade 12 students who apply to universities before “Advanced Early” and "Early” admission deadlines. A comprehensive list of Manitoba university deadlines is available in the counselling office. Students wishing to apply to colleges are encouraged to apply early. Many of the programs accept admissions on a first-come first-served basis. Application forms and handbooks for many universities and colleges are available in the guidance area. Students who are interested in community scholarships and bursaries are asked to pick up a scholarship boo- klet in the counselling office.

Free access to great career information

The CAREER CRUISING website will provide assistance to find a career that matches your interests, locate a school that offers a particular program, determine a program required for a particular career or build a resu- me. It can be found at www.careercruising.com. The user name is manitoba530 and the password is ca- reers.

Resource Centre

The resource Centre is daily from 8:30-4:00. Students requiring counselling services, academic assistan- ce or tutoring are asked to drop by to see Mme Grossman or Mme Klausen. C OLLÈGE P IERRE-E LLIOTT-TRUDEAU P AGE 4

Spending Time

Winter break offers two weeks away I suggest using the two weeks as an Use your time to help someone in your from school, homework, tests and quiz- opportunity to get outside and be active. community. Shovel a neighbor’s drive- zes provides much time for students and Try tobogganing, skating or return to way while he is at work. Volunteer at a their families to connect with society, childhood roots and build a snow fort. community daycare, food bank, or ani- with nature and with each other. Rather These activities are free and require mal shelter. A few hours of commu- than spend each day of your break little planning. nity service can warm the spirit for sleeping until noon, texting friends who weeks. live 5 minutes away, playing video Perhaps try your hand at some holiday games and complaining about boredom, baking. Find an old family recipe and Ultimately, be deliberate in how you why not spend your time being healthy, surprise friends and loved ones with spend your time. There is no refund for happy and helpful? some homemade treats. wasted time...

Improv Cures What Ails Us

According to Liz Allen of the The Im- M. Miron is the Drama 30S teacher and in the arena, ready to outwit, out-sing, prov Olympic Theater in Chicago, serves as the Improv club coach. and out-act each other. With such “Improv cures what ails Americans.” Though this may seem a conflict of themes as imprints in the sand, forbid- The CPET 2009 Improv Tournament interest in a tournament, M. Miron was den love, bingo, and “Stop bugging held on Friday November 13th, was a too busy playing the roles of referee, me”, there was rarely a dull moment. prescription for laughter from which master of ceremonies, and coach (to There were some confusing moments to many staff and students benefited. both teams) to choose favourites. He be sure, but this typically added to the Unlike previous CPET Improv tourna- also entertained the crowd of spectators hilarity of the scene. ments, both participating teams were by dancing and tossing treats into the comprised only of our own students. stands during deliberation periods for On one bench sat the members of our the teams. It was exhausting to watch Hooray for the students who showcased Improv club while perched on the oppo- his energy. their talents and their command of the French language. Kudos to M. Miron site bench were students of Drama 30S. What linked these two groups? Simply for preparing the students and organiz- put: a teacher with a lot of energy to Students in the Drama class and mem- ing the event so successfully. burn. bers of the Improv club met face-to-face -Mme Konczak

Poinsettia Fundraiser

The 2010 France participants are selling The plants will be delivered to the beautiful holiday poinsettias and door school on December 2nd, where partici- swags from Shelmerdine’s –renown for pants will collect them and then distrib- its quality plants. The selling price per ute them to purchasers. poinsettia is $19 and the door swags sell for $29. The poinsettias are available in Contact Mme Konczak if you are inter- your choice of colour: ested in purchasing a quality holiday Red plant and supporting a good cause. Pink Creamy White Contact via email: [email protected] Marble Peppermint White Glitter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

November 23 November 24 November 25 November 26 November 27

CPET Jazz concert 7pm

November 30 December 1 December 2 December 3 December 4

CPET Winter Concert Canadian Blood Services Donor Clinic

December 7 December 8 December 9 December 10 December 11

International Day of Human Rights

December 14 December 15 December 16 December 17 December 18

Last day of classes before Winter Break Journée Abrégée

December 21 December 22 December 23 December 24 December 25 Winter Break Return January 4: Day 1

Student Council Updates

The month of October was busy and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, ’s 15th Other news from around the school: exciting for all the students and staff of Prime Minister. our school! The two fundraising campaigns (La Later that day, we shed the serious tone Montagne & Entertainment) went very th On the 30 , we had the privilege of hav- and had a good time at the annual Brou- well and we thank everyone for their ing Justin Trudeau come and share some haha! The meaning of the word brouhaha cooperation in raising funds! words of motivation and inspiration with is: loud confused noise from many the school. His message promoted youth sources. The Brouhaha is CPET’s version Also the school radio is up and run- becoming involved in their community. of a gym riot, and certainly there is a lot ning! A big thanks goes out to all vol- He reminded us that youth are leaders- of noise! This event showcased the great unteers who are responsible for its not just of tomorrow- but of today. His school spirit possessed by our students operation. presence marked the first member of the and staff . Trudeau family to step foot into our -Josh P. school, which is named for Justin’s father, Staff 2009-2010

Administration Faculty, continued David Rondeau [email protected] Principal Estelle Lamoureux [email protected] Dan Turner [email protected] Vice-Principal Ron Cadieux [email protected] Rafael Zuath [email protected] Faculty Teacher Candidate [email protected]' Kathryn Amato [email protected] Teacher Candidate [email protected] Alan Binne [email protected]

Marc Desjardins [email protected] Support Staff Sean Devion [email protected] Clerk Rita Buors [email protected] Brady Gill [email protected] Clerk Lise Giesbrecht [email protected] Anne Grossman [email protected] Librarian Rita Vernaus [email protected] Chris Gusberti [email protected] Paraprofessional Thérèse Garroni [email protected] Patrice Harvey [email protected] Paraprofessional Rachel Hagel Amber Kjernisted [email protected] Custodian (day) Laurent Prairie Lillian Klausen [email protected] Custodian (night) Rod Herchak Jennifer Konczak [email protected] Custodial Aide Valerie Lamy Diane Lavergne [email protected]

Eric Miron [email protected] Website Jean Mousseau [email protected] http://schools.retsd.mb.ca/cpet/Pages/Welcome.aspx Simon Normandeau [email protected] Login Larry Paetkau [email protected] Username: cpetuser

Passwod: Canadiens1


Colleen Carswell Ward 1 Robert Fraser Ward 3 Rod Giesbrecht Ward 4 Peter Kotyk Ward 5 George Marshall Ward 1 Brian Olynik Ward 5 Greg Proch Ward 6 Eva Prysizney Ward 4 John Toews Ward 2

New RETSD annual report

Be sure to check out the RETSD annual report to the community (2008-09) to learn more about the division, our staff and students and their accom- plishments, as well as finances, innovative technology and how we're working to build a stronger community. http://www.retsd.mb.ca/site/about/docs/ann_report/annRept0809.pdf