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FITZSIMMONS GAVE M'COY INSPIRATION TO BECOME BOXER RITCHIE AND RIVERS M'COY STARTED CAREER Copyright, 1814, by The Prsss Publishing Cs. (The New York World). MAY BATTLE AGAIN ACtW HO lively Times AS COOK AND DISHWASHER IN FttZ-'- AT VERNON FEB. 22 TRAIMIM6 CAMP. HVTTlNC. IN CAMP Tom McCarey Confident He EMMONS'S Can Meet Champion's De- , I mand for Return Match. Be- "Graduated From Kitchen and By John Pollock. waajPFORTw ta Ieach came Sparring Partner .. Fitz's n jn i i - tin n tail iiai M lr lrfai- ml einikfli I a I m Quit Camp When He Learned finally abandoned hv Fight Promote Mot'srey of Los Angeles, Cat, whea tie Fine Points of Game. received word from Champion Willi.' the Ritchie that he ni willing to rase: Rivers on thst date for the title, pro vlding the purse was right While las I Carey 'l unfailing principle has beer. UNTOLD RING never to bid for any tnan'a servleeaj o. TALES OF THE offer any large guarautr-es- . he is cOnfl TMa Is the fourth of a series by Robert Bdgrsn on fights ami flghtsrs of dent that he can meet Ritchie's de fast ul present. Including stories ttiat have never found their wer Into msnds, If they ars anynhere within Bat. Tkt MriM w4M b continued on those ptfn at least twles a weak. rcston.

' ! In s letter just received from A I I.lppe. . by T Frese Publishing Co. (The World) gtjlgfM Now. Tork j the American msuager of fighters, ah. U JlVM heal cowpunchers. miners, boiler makers, horee-sfaoe- rs. roll-- l on his nay to . AI says Ihu. Bsf drivers and bank clerka among tha champions (jScorgis Carpenttsr, the Kronen cap " and nlnn hu. i..i.h.i ...i. --I I,... sik 1 he has (tigsged In start gotac story the list six lore tkto la to ba a of a young man woo root to the heights Pafpontier began lighting In 1x97, an of fame through being a dishwasher. five years niio WOT keg in the mines s Back In tie early nineties than Francs al ti a week. r $40,000 Offer warn a vcuna-ate- heatlnw hta ara of Federals Buttling Levlnsky i booked up fsr iv. around tha country by tha various mote flints. Tuesday night lis mes.i tarir 941 Drags own muxes, occasionally by Porky l'lyni, at the National Sportli.. Turned Down Johnson; !c;.ir, J in. i; li" tackier Bill M Kay . dropping off at some tank town to riharkev A. C Jan, --"H hi DOXSI Jsi look for a match. Ha was j Krj'.titiM at Bridgeport, Conn., Jsn. - Joe Wood Declines, Too ha tx on .ia k Lester o; KsatUa i. tall, slender, handsome, with curly , the Nat! ir.al A. C. of I'liiladslphll an . COLUMN .lah. ;"l he Lh and Innocent, wide open eyaa meStl ildler kearns at hair ij Atlantic Uardsn A, 0, shew that never hinted at the curious Washington's Star Twirier Said He Was "Sorry" but Had A- thoughts that flittered through the Tom u'K ,urk-- thiitki Danny Mjrgi- - lready Signed and Wouldn't "Jump" Contracf Red Sox nuilf a l, nilstsko In seml uu Battim Ind behind them. LeVlnak) agniu't ihs clever Hi M When this Interesting person had Pitcher Gives Similar Reason for Refusing Tempt- Alllstsr fOttySlght hours after ;hr tier's t.giu Alt. Jim off, y la l'iiilad been circulating through the out- TO ing Bid for phla. Le.'lus'f,' rlor.l,t e?s ns sore' lying districts for a couple of years, Columbia Never Again to ANSWERS Services. la.' linn abie to d his beat against tl. CallfornlBii, says f t taking on fight whenever could LsvlnSki a he SPORT QUERIES I goes againii I'nrky Klyt.n at l ie Na , w And any one willing to hand him a Act as Pacemaker in Race OHtOAQQi Jan. B, Walter Johnson. the National l.e..:. ue. agner'g aslar) tional Ctnb next Tueldaj iilght n:.d. av-- ! Mr couple ihe fsmnus Washineton nltrher. his '"'a ll."'. Hnrlhiur admits cordrni to p'npurkc, will havs to bs a; of dollars for mingling with To the Rdltor: Wsgnsr glveh very II refused an offer fa salary of ItMM thst ims him IRt'e h's heat to star- the nil. O'Roufks, Kindly decide the following questtor.s eni.iiir.iHsnient. I e iio clynn through really emytMog from a feather to a , ha found that at nineteen he tl'l.iWi, ha ;ut his Over Poughkeepsie Course for us: (1) Aro Willie Leu Is and Har- for three years snd a ius of ie-w- was already developing a good pair of shoulders and a rather surprising nrsi sysieniBiia courss training, dldates Is thslr lsck of weight. Th ry Lewis brothers? (t) What was ,,11: federal league gets lievss Kiy.'in enn '.i Ciunaoat knack of kitting. Also ke was able to think for himself. His mode of ideal oarsman should he between 10 Stanley Ketchel's correct name and htn'r.T,:: Smith, I IMS had sheirebsd his wits. Just about tha time tha "rube section" life wsa Coaoh Rice, Hit Charges and 170 pounds and shout six feet tall, was he Jewish? CI I Who ! considered annonnosd Jo'umoii ssid hs INnORPflRATinN at To n Kennady, Hi le heavy ossjht begtanlng to pall upon him ha happened to sea Bob Fltsalmmons In an Instant bul msny of the boys fell far short of the better shortstop, Wagner or Jen- "was sorry, but had nlresly signed . . ; who quit ths l sever months eav, was a real ftghter- -a man who could do the Is lie- - Washington and would not jump ine he recognised the fart that here Start Indoor Practice, Sayt those msasurements. In fact, several nings? Ill Of what nationality with Capital i- - Named as $200,000 u!:i c: ,"; ' in th'' sa:" again sa Jan the way he had Instinct sly been trying to do them himself, remaps of them appeared su light they maree and Is Leach Cross's cor- - his ontract." n;k A thlasa thst what , , .... M whtn he Will tlht Mc 'liskey in pull .' i A e Chora was something occult about the way In which the wandering yaunsster didn't seam able to a hen off Its rect name (I) UI.I Tommy Murphy similar offer wss made J, Wood. WUD it) hivai , ;i,e main ootfi or round ihe Some Other Crew Mutt Set nest, not ten it ahe was to tha great Their fighting Instincts were curiously to mention their ability to ever fight Bud Anderson and who was the Boston American pltc'ier. but he tin Brow;i Qymnalti;ti A. A. Ke-- I attracted Fltilmmone. pull an oar. Cuks. lol Year Blue the winner? (S) What championship also deeHnsd beeavaa lis ha i a:rn.iy ned) has been iralnlng s! Brown's for Paot This and "We'll keep right on the Job, getting Signed up lln'e olid fee.s COtlfWeilt h csn At that ttma mtaslmmeas was already! famauS, for he had knocked out Jack doea Da Oro Hold? (7) Did Benny Al- his team. PntNOFISLD. in . Jan. t. Uesnsa laontS ready for the I'oushkee.pslt race." went i oe;it many of llic r iy "ahlle McCarty (Ml "Kl:ig"f ole, who fame aa S pi'esen: " am posy far the world's championship, had beaten and on len ever beat him? Who are the Raimd to Issued ', P White Lacking in thp ("oiumble coach. "Every day in.'nrpnmte was tfl tic Federal lures." " j 'Jgahar many equal reputation. Maw ha was matched to Oartmen popular Man- member of the Cuba' pitching staff In and others of almost now until about the middle of March most ball players from Ueagus BaasbaT club of Chicago1 to- In boys go ll'lfl and who was drafted by the New 'ght Jim Hall of Australia New Orleans. tha will through some pretty hattan and the Bronx. Hta-- s Dan Morgan lake h i string of Weight Will Not Join New York frjm ColttmbUI last day jy Secretary of (Voeda, Tne Whan freckled Bob's training ramp had beea eetabllshed a tall. Mender, hand atlff exercise on the rowing machines, ROY. RL'OO TIM. Americans i ighters to North Brother Is'and learning how fall, y h Manager spitai stork is Mt,03t and the ncorrtd earns youngster with ayea and curly hair came up one day and asked to handle an oar and ths (1) Mo. (a) Mlecal. Mia was slBiifd I to treal i!:e tulisrcjlcuis p.rieiita thsiv dark for Stanislaus C, - A. proper atom are a. Wsoghnan, J a. Oil- ! lighter ajeb. York C. band and motion. When the nationality was Polish-America- n. (3) T.nker. to n basing entertain licnt. fix weather la suited for work more an-- VV. M. Walker. who will r. urc Bstt ivtnsky and your name?" asked Pltsslmmons. outdoor ce Wagner. (4) American. Zjonls O. Wal- -' "What's will tsks to the water, and It will he Ijohnm iioniird or n.iyonnr, Tour.,; Ihlyi name oh Kid McCoy," replied the boy. His name waa Norman flelby, lack. (6) Murphy and Anderson never Ilnn-Icoitey busy times for the niue and White crews FEDERALS GET KING Qradwell and Bobby rtciiio'.di Vat be waa lost at tha age when youngsters with wanderlust Inclinations make ITii the Intercollegiate regatta then." fought, (g) Pool championship of the Wagner Gets COLE. nnd. Otto Kohler and K. O. h Brass of outlaws snd pirates. The original McCoy was a burglar of some note still five months off, Columbia Jim BUee dJjdln't care to discuss the world. (T) Tss. (a) Capt. Wagaer of Brown nnd Battling Hon? SB these days Tha Kid picked hie own name. W started preparations for the chances of his crews in the big college ths Boston Americana and Xsials Elm-regat- ta $15,000 Offer CUtCAGO. Jan. 1 King Cole. Shtl "Hah!" ntsaimmona. "What can you Poughkeepsie race yesterday when the tills year, but lie said with n mermaa of the Cabs. was slatetl to pitch for the N'ew TOM Billy nihson received a trlern.m fro"". crusted dor' Baddy," managsr of Mike oibuon-- . "Weil," replied McCoy. "I can wsah dishes-e- nd I csn cook." firat bunch at oandldatte reported for great dal of emphasis that Columbia To the Sinrtine blitnr Ameriinns this year, was signed to-d- a Bddls Forty-tlv- e woum ststlng OHlbona won'1: "Can you asked Pits, whose stable of sparring - Indoor practice. answered never again be pacemaker at Who la the best emorlstop In the To Desert by the Federal League. The formei last nlshi. that boar" psrtnsrs wasn't ever- Poughkeepsie. "We cut out pace len'.s St. "sul y for tv city hi freshmen crews and such s major league? Who Is the best Cttb twirier has been - swswded. the call for the a constant islto. put finishing touches to his t.sln- e last year." declared Rice, "that wo the trjs-l'- ve hut twenty-on- came out for the var- iiurterback of these seven: Peterson, to the new league's off! o here and h s Ii "I might based a little with the boys." said McCoyt with his most killed ourselves, well, be- PlTTSBl'ROH, Jsn. . President Ins lor his otround bout nith Ho wsa the smsll- - and Cornell as Wilson. Prltchard, Nieliolls, Hunting- - going over to the Federal Lea- - le sity sheila. Ths turnout fore the finsl mile. to keep up Barbour of the local Federal League MeAlllstsr of California at the Oargen In vTrylng or Logan? expe ted for days. The terms el i sst tha Blue snd white hss had ton. Miller c. on Monday nighi utbbona w"i Oecldsd that a dishwasher and oook'a hslper might be worth a with our boat Cornell nulled Its cork Club has offered Hans Wagner tlll.OOO Cole's have not yet been an- a. bring sny smile of A 8TKADY RKAUKR. ctii.traot t A. A assail salary, and hs put McCoy to work. Thst afternoon McCoy rushed through yesrs sndf It dMn't before th lsst half mile, and Court- year for two years If he will' nounced. work st e New Polo face. opinion. a desert the SJsh is so hurriedly that he broke three pistes, and then slipped out to satisfaction to Coach Rice's ney's boys didn't have much strength It's a matter of Fletcher, Although disappointed at the small left toe answer the Hyracuse sprint at Barry, Wagner, Maraaville and Bush Sinner O'Nsll. the clever Enxtl-- ' BOSS to watch the master baser. Pltsslmmons gave him y trunks snd response csndldstss, Jim Rice Imme- the finish. This year Columbia will are considered the leaders. Walter llarhtwalatht. whs instohsd B spar, and MoOey concealed all he knew about the game, of Adams, p.omls but charges St work on ths allow some other boat to show the Oamp selected Muntlngtoa as All- - O'rankls the swed suah natural epeed and atranath and w.ilingnasa Bob Pltsslmmons, diately sst his his of New BllZland, In the that rowing room soon way." American Quarterback ysar. New Waiver Rule Blocks fnhter great delight In discovering and developing machines and tha this Ths of ten rounds to the elisions teak real talent, coached and moving COACH final htm sad pre aasid to 1st him box sveryt day resounded with the click of the RICE WILL REMAIN AT Bvealag World picked Millar. McAllister bout ai the tlurden weights aa the prospective osrsmen COLLrMBI A To the Soortitig Kdltur: next Monday night. Adams has heen Preen that taste on KM McCoy waa Pltsslmmons, concealed all ha knew, . I given tryout. am sixteen years and six months Trip In form in the diffsran: Una assisat youneater la a dossn and set about studying Tommy Ryan wsrs a Talking on other rowing subjscts , Railroad to Minors flphlii.2 sreit half In Rlr, olu. ! 8 ,,. ln h0M an(1 in New . graduated from the from his hair to his shoo laces. Ityan At times sixteen machines were f.t i ou:d be notified whe'i si..rs .vere towns wssn't the coach hovers around o7?k.r5 rat"twnbSrtthra: iis'ied. Incidr . wdl regulsr like Pltsslmmons. Fits hsd been operation, and H Ptoi;nd:, italli this aavo the ; became a 1 t j lil'lrxpie of the Irvln-- rough enough, but It waa half horse man giving Individual Instructions miles. coach dodged lasue M "tT? Granting of the Fraternity's De- basebn'l writers tioni iiAVtnj to dig Matchmaker gaaprksg paroser. and every day hs each Ths tha bv signed up tw " four-mil- ln young igh many v. , A. C. of Brooklyn h9l play witn him. snd trying to correct glsrlng faults. taytng If the e course was the height and weight a thr ills f s,vr cv i, hen thsng about tha ring tht - d bouts for the re'tulnr weekly McCoy boxed under arena with way of demonstration Coach too ssvere It waa the stewards' business r u,at age should he. the tnngnstes stirt ittilkSrlng Iq n.ld- Tommy, ItSan As s bsttar mand Does Away With Under season. ..(xlng show of tint piii.i on Baturge y and beat him up more Rice would ousf some Inexperienced to order a rhsngs. Asked what he B. COIIKN. Marty Allen "But net asm Jilting by any mi every ' night, in th" first o' and more day. In a way that i thought of the much mooteil Kngli-.- i boy dMsOsy oarsman, and, Jumping In the machine Tou're a little too light for a of Brooklyn Will ta!;e on HVihy ReynolJ tail ma whan relating tha story. MoCoy thought particularly malicious. 'would proper "troke. R'ce tacitly answered hand Practice of Punishing Th. r.t ten dav.- - t much himeelf show the wav to that your height. Take modsrate exercise, brlna ie o." Philadelphia, while in the main go Phenever I thought I had learned At lsst McCoy reached the bottom of opinion It was s Joke, ,t pull an osr. After sn hour's drill ths i his but that he but don't walk oS weight, as many dlsousssd strer.itth the federal Coffey, loosl lightweight. eaawrythlng knew oM fox slipped Ryan'a fighting mind, knew what wished he some of Vale's Men. League to s showdown. of tne Jimmy the Flu tha fiat rowers were sscused snd Bice found hsd material parsons do. M.'i Will exchange punches with Ray Camp-he- ll Ryan knew -- - fcet Maturs do ths vest and brand new over on ms. Hs and left hla ramp. Later to exDiain ( o lu inuia a situation on hlg league pin vers were norlflcl by the Tommy lint you probably won't have to worry con-tisc- of California something up his sleeve he tricked Into making a match ths wster. The oarsman denied the ru- Fraternity not to s'n the'r ISlt, why witn turn to pick up aome easy money, mors that the New York Athletic Club about tha result. until the demeilltl had been I never thought of. That'e I - TO RE- Police tlAiette sport lux annual rooieo Tommy into negiectlnsr his train- CANDIDATES NOT UP secure hla IS the S.iartinf Ktliter passed iroon iiv the MatlonsJ C immls- - The never had msde efforts to service". By Bozeman Bulger. 1911. the record, ni fought Mm afterward. I in i oy writing mm a letter and begging QUIRED WEIGHT. Waa Jimmy Brllt ever a c tampion, iilon. The contracts sre for which contains gat Rice said that he was for Columbia blggesi lictory scored by th hands all nghters for ISS. year and to the bottom of bis mmd tha him to make the loser's end a little big- disappointed If SO, when? I mean the Jimmy now and they must do one thing or the "I sm naturally at the first, last and all the time, and If some "J' in f.itin the very handy book for '.he fcl way I could with aM tha others.'' ger), snd when they met et Mssneth boys reported of Morntngslde give now in THK Ifraternli) their Other, It Is said that rot leas than is s amsll number of thst for the students him Urltt vaudeville -- Just been Iss ieJ 'Although MsCoy, own gave Tommy a moat revengeful beating Is th.' Natlennl Coinni.sslon hlg In posses-- , lowers of pugilism liii with his nstural practice," began Rica, "but this our some substantial encouragement they A CONSTANT RRADatlt fifty leaguers, ha their compiled by Snm c. Audthi. hi mm Hpne ,rs InslatttlAoanl on Its face y It was SpslAses. tiled to conceal ha knew and Bnocsea out in the nrteenth plenty of time j to worry how Blue one that slon Wank eontracts from both i what first day and there's for won't need the snd Brttt was a good lightweight bnt wall 'Wn spcrti-- nrr.er and li'ensul bout aghtlng, and learn everything that round to come out. The only fsult I White crews will finish this yesr at Aas the establishment nf a raid which the Federal and the National Leagues. kc McCoy othsrs ' nsvsr ehamploa. referee of this State. BO ootiM from Pltsslmmons. Freckled After thai never had to waah have to And with hatch of ran- - Poughkeepsls. prevents club owners B'llhdrBOlng re- It is up to them to make a eholoe, dishes or cook sraln. Ha made a mint To the HiMirlini Ixlitur. quests waivers on a player they LBati peon began to regard him as almost 1)11 Christy Muliiewaou ever play on for after 01 money in me ring, fought among once been made. Tt rival. The mind of Pltsslmmons rec- tne cnampiona, beating men Ihe donhen, N.""T.. teuni ye:irs agOf have A pectl!!ar feature to the rapidly grow- much his granting of this demand robs the Is ognised quality In that of McCoy. It gar than hlmeelf In world I HKU KROOK. The ing baeieball war that the tmerlcau McCarey Escaped famous ,'Hib owner or manager of one of his players have been wee a case of the stssl striking sparks battlea. and Instsad of looking for tha played on luigue untouched. Racing News ($) Msthswson asvsr the strongest weapons when he a ints to Thg Federsls appear to h Intent on from ths flint And that Just appealed Brass beams travelled all over the world Ooshsa team. Xa came directly to ths Charge in Trial every on atsamera Pulirmti ars like mske a threat. dirn:t'nif the National Lsegue alone. to Bob, whose delight grew with snd n Xisagns re- - Otanta from email Southern ,i being ra!'-- i Had noticed that none of the Improvement m part- millionaire ue'a still doing It, for 104; N'etnaw. Knll.-ln.- It prevents player from y" dap's his sparring thuugli fighting any CHARLESTON WINNERS. 108: HI): Sluiuis oi years ago, and dnrlnj that ports show where an American leaguer ner. Pits ahowad his enbhuslaam by he Isn't more he '(ialtoat Bey. ire, Hunuiin:. 110: U Uisase, thirteen oti.led to the minor leag'les. I'ormerly of Jess Willard the mental IOT: 86; never bees a member of ims been tampered wllht sn this be retains alertness thst msds 'teraquet, Ulnl a Kirk Cikb. tlms hs has this COUkt oe uoi.e. whether SO IUS olm' - lighting harder and harder. And ah him go IhWl three- - US; VolUrhom. Ponehsoreg an explanation or H.in .lonn- straight to the beet men In tha F1HXT UllT IsJMHI IWrMa. N; 'Callsr no. lot any team other than tha Mew Tork eluh In the hig league anted h m or not. tola time McCoy waa playing foxy -- son's re.'ent MriUU wel to the 8. a world whan hs wanted to Iran, year-old-a upward; furlonga. sCCONn RACK :il four vear-eti- ,1 'ome LOS ANUKI.KS. .Inn. The ths and aix fUrM si STatlonals. The players ssy thst notiiing less tha new league? 'al. concealing his own reel clever-- fighting gama 1. S Hliwanl; Mlllng; ill furlima- .- Jwlso Menrk p.igll'st, fnd Lajra. M iktaTacgart), to to and Hi To the KiKirtuu Kditur: a FiMiersi League touK i have trial of lesa Willard. the and secretly studying Fttssimmons CaiiUIn Jinks. 107; Plain Ann. 105; llotoneli Flts- leare mj. 1 to S. won: Helen St.. N (Ward). 10 to 111: Will you kindly state when grant particular boxing promoters slid spectatora, every la Kslartlla, 110: Musn m tlSl Bm I the Commission ihnt The biggest laugh yet qo.nes nine In movement. Perhaps hs hoped 1, . Uempsey out of JUAREZ ENTRIES. I. 10 to I nnd 4 to second; Cliff Msid. Tune. HA: .Snowflako, 10; HI; slmmona and fouKht.' Here's Ihe idea: i having violated the 1 demand. Pittsburgh, where report ha It the SOOUSSd of Stats to become expert enough to cut 1, 7 10 7 30, Hosed Head. 116. A RKAURll, If, U. that tig (Turnsr), J to to and to Under the aid waiver rule the Reds, National Ieogue is preparing to With Bob some time give him an HACK- - THIRII HACK Purae S0U; sl-.- ban- snd rinST Pane. cull A Ttme. l id. Kffsndl. Beinl Quav-- fmr rear uldi anil ntsslmmona knocked ont Dempssy for Instance, who wanted IS a play- ...... i sskUaas: tares furtoaew- - Hemtfue. third. iilXMl; wiling: all fnrloiif, Mira krupt the Federal hj urring J,L a... ..r. .. I1.! S.. uaaxpecte-- trimming. But the feeling km Ik'll mi 8few er to the miners, would usk wuivers on i Toksj ICS; Maaalea. 10. Mtltoa Birtwr s Pluvlois, John Marrs, No Manager, iloMtn I'rinee Jatkann IIA- IBb in thirteen rosads at Orlsaas players to sign the fat OgOtTgetg, grab nil ' request wss sent last, WIllanl'K opponent. skat Bob still knew a few things hs Dr. Caaa. I IS; 108; Curry. 110; ll: K..l. U'A; ntlUl, When the dough, see new league when Ht; "Mel. "Yak. Fnd To n Hancock slso rsn. lletra Tin Turk A' Jan. 14, leas. the the bust and s prevented that. T.. 1U; Bmtl.w. l.twtml. Ktiml sround. the i.'ubs. we'll say, would re- Young, killed, was begun In Ihe A hain't shown nta's lit; 8bXXNl RACK-Selll- ng; MOO; four- - Causa HS; Mailman. Il.'i; Tp.urtm 11" To tin- Bnurtlug Editor: then come back Into tho fold. Can you While all this waa going on McCoy rnit Sum, lit. "Weit MrtM. Hi Hock, 116. fuse to waive. In other words, they Ves, perlnr Court here The i year-old- s 1. Would like to know lu list place beat that one? they have even Juryj ItACkV SeUlat; three ytsr-akl- end and upasrd; aix furlongs. use the wslver price of managed to get the sympathy of every FtB'BTH HACK Piirae $vm 2. ould Smith at sent out a report to the effect Otto was selected yesterday. nu finiM and wans; and oLe-hs- rats 108 to 1, . the Yankees finished last year. Is that fts Loretta (Nathan). I to sad upward-- laihBgl saadkwin furl, DBS 81.000. But, nothing doing. The minute i one In camp but the enthusiastic Pits. Si- Ii US; Hsm lye:, ...... - , . .. - IChabe signed so as to get the money In to prlr.e tight Aufiu Barllaeieb le. I S. lull Vrrcna, IIS: I.. mi a Brown llgitlng, snd Is i c order make the 10 and i to firat; Yenghss, lT (Corey), All. II. dan mi Knockout still sny Slue reiuaeu io ,. In- MirTseta. W.. Pretty wajve, am aw tn Baltimore promoters von Mas. Pltsslmmons, who never "KHtls li; Uak. " MSBOSaA', YiHiug raa ns; gjg Hryauu a ago. and Issue elear before the Jury, I0!l; Aaioaslko, loft; Aaskp. 107; 107; lo I, 7 lo 8 and I to A. second. Arnold, 1': he us good hi ho was yehr snd would withdraw thrlr until the them down. Th n terfered with what Bob thought was Trm. I0S; Watti Udi, luo, But. then throw say out! Dlatrlct-Altoniti- y. MadtU. 107; Daitlsht. CkriaUsei Bskf, 1. 8 1 8, fTlllBf 00. oM Is S. lierk Keyes still In time wsa r.pe for putting through it Joseph Ford, Deputy ltd. ill illusion), to to and ( to - how he? Is right In the matter of training, pro 110; 110s Eaaotek. 11'.'; lady FIITII HACK- Purae ftOO; latSI ISSI I the Cubs lea ntraHs. 1.181-6- . lllll llll how old Is he. Doea he olean SlalOi ihe nean time dismissed ths ci.arge against Thomas tested to Bob tnat it ass a shame to XX third. Time. Ann Tilly. lip; Milllif; liandkaii; flic and a halt furkins the ring and Psadsr. Ul) Padelsk. lit. would also want waivers on a playei Charley Herxcg, having exercised the J. McCarey, a boxing promoter, and In- Ms poor, slim hoy so hard, snd THlkb SACK Pusm. I hate-is.- ! tli i"hnrtler, Jabo,, rtoriiinnage and lleil u'lkn. 100: Silas Uni.u S; Udi Uslxmns live a straight life? that lu; The Reds would then say: "We'll waive option held by the Reds on Ylngllng "poor, slim boy" rolled his fins sad a half fafluass. Klnlaad. St: ltutr. VS; lllgnt Kasy also ran. . 108: Ruian Hradltr. 104. Aourinu. ius Mim WILFRKH FLINN. on ours " dicated that the same action woul'he the SS; BsTtSBurt Mrli SS; S Luna. IIA; Ijjat a. on your man If you'll waive of Brooklyn, will probably eyes pathetically and said he didn't nis Luaua. loo, it; Wild nkf, Kurluna . 1. They fiBilbao last. Ksaiokont would and Moran taken with reference to the other de- Hans, lot; llareosd. 1U. F,nu. lie. THIRD thrse 100;il.arrmata. ul. lighting, does not As a consequence the twdIaysra get those two players unless Charley anted If only ha could learn how to box. 116 Brown is stui bnt league, whe.i fendants excepting Willard. rotiaru BACK sellus; U,rw.. mo and Bllliiail ih fcklgsr. (Callahan), 7 lo SIXTH RACK -- I'urat M0; four- - Mr.R, , was ysar be shunted to Ihe minor Kb'oets hustles back on the Job and lets March 1Mb, Pttasiramons fought Jtm ta-- . sssm to ba aa good as ha a ln t ofi; flUlsa sad awns; fits t a naB 10, ! t and out, won. '.a'.sarr,, 110 IS SS a ssUmg; out MIS. Hen dletina s twsuty years they have still hsd Jobs fast out a squawk. You see. Charley gave eMail la New Orleans and knocked him Mutt. 10S. Maiaiad. 10A; US: .larJtn Aia'.lu, I.. , HrtaWl ago. Bs wU. be three I'cwei. (B.- :. 'i k, altlhul US: 116; O'eod. company. Hedt, those options to aasusge QIANTS ' of Alkl,. HilUIs aw :.(..! tmv, t lo to .net to 1 ftir-OSf- S. Xsyss ngass ths their BEAT WHITE SOX out In four rounds. McCoy watehsd toil in, roll. 1161 l.'sten. Is t, , .u j old nest April. tojatf Managers io threaten la ',, 1 us. huve been known grief over losing Joe Tinker, or, rather. lUT: HiflBa Arri. 110; NUt S:s.us. 110; I Che lie I. i..tm - to to and HA: lob. sa.u BrriiaiJ BOW. Mis .IS BIS OH, - Pits Is real action and decided that he -- 'vessta u. "lis ssminnij to send plssei.- to the minor "(ague AGAIN AT no; TIH Wuinsn., IU; I I , , getting Instead of players for MELBOURNE. win. lie; iMiaaat. I g Otnal. Wocl (es, (laSBABI I(S: tweaty-algh- t old. tiling:-aske- i..' for . carh Might as well out and apply some TIlllO MHi Brown Prince. tt; lo... Be IB abont jeers the;, did n.l :l.l . ,A , v. .. ,...... suit HS Ella arash Otri. Ill, OlaUi, llff cian To. less certain ,. woe. . i the things hs the tl. ll. May I lstier.1.1 .h, i Us H,..Ttln KiUtor: 1 n 1 ., nMi vtf mi urnui. .nu of had learned from US. ISievtr. ui, Ippi, 'AppfSSttaSit.ailuMSQce rialuM'.. I., waivers SS a bluff ST.? ,7 to repudlsts Qarry Trii'a . tism-ulo- - tried Herrmann's MF.LHOl'RNF.. Austrslla. Jan,' ft BPS tar. So he good by HA )etr-el- s laa. A 11 Wolgasl won go glth II said and reclined PIPTH Ktllias faur sad uu aisraan, Coeiiin also ran. Lets thai id rule th not to IhtMhh desl. SS soak and sparring partner, and eard; m ails. Elates. lea iiiii from Nelsun In ."nrty-flr- kTiintiuat of the emend i ne .oi:nnii ueague tilant Timb t lt, Juv riie iul Started out on a surcaesful boxing tour kaiusB. U. Ilelw llaeslaa, I0S lit Osaaana I'OUIIll i scheduled 'orty-fiv- e round ,iu,.f owav practice ueieaieu nie nieago SSSt. 105. yiuMiM'e Idrcli. Ben Cm., Vive Wins. of with th'.t Ullderhsild Amerl CHARLESTON ENTRIES. now Tommy Ratty, uliltsrdlst and 4 from New Orleans to Indianapolis and 101; Uar. NIonlsMaerr. 10k,I; tnm The lattggl A. C. some - bout. H suyh Ad iiea. Hat in ten if Aa'vers are aaked on a player the League White Sox by to 3 In IU;. 10; has baaket- e, ether Middle Weatern cities. wsoea, ius; ius. iaarai(i 11; tl aa lo ,valvc gals him poetry nit r, who former,., lived in elever.-lnnln- s kskbit. Hs, tea. n de- - rounds. the team st rtfu same. TheChirigDt notes Onsen. 110; WW M.aon. II.'; J.stfs wal B, hall bill two weeks ago the,' ... . WaUaan says some of .ne folks from It was a ysar or so later, while he RAOt) TILVCK. Charleston. ' '., Jan lal. rwia, IB for ll.oOO. and ther no Iianoe of bsc" In .i fB-e- 111 In same against a Victorian nlns won itiTM-iea- the Hoi a fUir. ely fought down were town the other day waa still little known, that he played BIXTN HA:K Stllii.i i old sad s. Tho stilrlea for .act:. Pl ro oa potaU BB. aa, 1810. ing out. thr.e a foftuti, x4 by 18 to 1. skjat Cssnoas trick on ao. uao aiikv lamiu, y u iw r.ador. xa ne o i. ibv torme.-'- court, ami laai Thsy SBfagsd tn a toa-ron- As long sa his ability lasts hs stays snd told him thst ths Federal Leaguers ".'..V. raised something like 8800,000 to gst The American visiters af ara- sjteaasm.ua middl.A.igM. HsiolaJ1 ;.)., .'A0Ia Uiros nor olds; aaaataa, they won from lbs AnutiK'smi atea BSOVtsaStf ea Jan. IS, 1S0S, In ths big league. had a tsrward - tf - boat .a. aaasp last as he bast that of "V" it ast 'siinsgi as tsstasT-- g mm. tea; by a score ef td to It ant this biajahid ae aBeet an the ttUe. The players also Aasd it so that thsy a good team starts. ii.i.u. g' . I ak i