t V ' > • V'S

WEDNESDAY, JULY SB, MM jEwnittB Ijgntlii Aireraffe Dafllj Net Ptmb Kob TOe Bmmm Far the Week HhiM i ^ ^ I V Etaff Sgt Arthur F. LaFond AL Convention MIy U, 1964 o f the UMted Stataa A m y , Shea Attacks Hearing Slated Tanight HAVi YOUR PORTRAIT Portly aloniy, cooler tanigia. whose wife lives at 49 Brook­ Gets Underway field St., recenUy participated 1 3 , 7 9 8 XanriMra o f tho XuiohM tor with other members of the 7th Quick Vote On ]^visions of Charter SKETCHED BY n e annual Department Oon- Uinai9 of tha Audit , eongreeatioB o t Johovab’a wlt- Iirfaatry Dlvlskm la Exercise • y Ugh hi sea. nnroni will atUnd^the "Prult- ventkm of Uie American In- Bnraan ot Circulation Ridge Runner, a three-day field Ihe town board of directors# cemlhg the 12 proposed quea- Maneheator— A CUy of Village Chmm •M of tba dtetrlct as- training exercise in Korea On Charter gion will be ]^eld at the Hotel y iM y to ba hold at tha East- willm .jaAMsSesM#oondurt am Mpublic tKIlM >iAE«slnarhearing Mtionsa m a Mcenters AwfAMi onAM thettiA proposalnf*nfW UI&l tote which Included extensive moun­ esUbllsh a mandatory review of Bond, Hartford, beginning to­ Bud Schneider arn Btatas Exposition ground at 8 tonigbt in the hearing MANCnESrrER, c o n n ., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1964 (OlaeeMed Advertlidng ea Page 2IH pRicx SEVEN c n m at Woat Sprlngfldd, Masa, be­ tain fighting techniques and Former GOP Town Chair­ room of the Municipal Building the general manager’s perform­ day and oonunulng through VOL. LXXXm, NO. 250 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECmONS) ginning tomorrow and oontlnu- tactical maneuvers. man Atty. John F. Shea, re­ on about SO propoMd charter ance every second year in No­ Saturday. ^ IN FRONT OF OUR iTORE chsinges, condensed into 12 vember, commencing with 1985. DUworth - Cornell - Quay Sig through Sunday. cently ^ 4>ointed member o< the The 4Srd Infantry Division queetlons. ’The DemocraU are strongly in Poat will be repreaented by Charter Revision Commission DURING 8IDBWALK SALE DAYS Correct Foreca»t MendMrs a t the Veteraae of Veterans’ Association will hold ’Hie hearing, and aubsequent favor o f the proposal,,while the Kenneth Yeomans, Eugene Its 18th annual reunion at (CRC), who was on vacation approval by tne board, will be Republicans are just as ada­ Freeman, Henry Wier^ckl, World Wiar n AiwlHary will Francis Miner, Herman Wag­ THURS., FRL, SAT.—JULY M-84-W NOR’TH GRANBY, Conn. ■ponaor a picnic for patients at Lsike Iforey, Falilee, Vt., on last week when the CRC com­ the next to last srtep in plac­ mantly opposed. (AP> — It rained at the Sept. 11, 12 and 18. All former menced and completed its short ing the questions on the 0«t. 5 ’The directors, after the pub­ ner and Earl Petersen. Alter­ the Rocky HUl Veterans Hospi nate delegates will be Anthony company picnic Wednesday tal at d pjn. on July 28. Any members of the division and deliberations, has issued a votkig machines. ’The last step lic hearing, and after voting ap­ just as the company said it statement, atUckihg what he will be to file the questions, at proval of tho charter revision O’Bright, Lee Palino, Edward one interested In helping may tiielr families are welcome to Walters, Burton Frasier, <3arl might. The company ? Brooklyn Negroes least 90 days prior to the elec­ attend. For additional informa­ calls the "rubber-stamp” meth questions, will discuss the town’s Travelers Weather Service, eontskct Mrs, Hden Erickson, tion, with the office of the sec­ Priesa and BJdwln Edwards. tion, write to Ool.. Joseph B. ods’ of the commission. participation in a 4-town, gar­ m o o r apeciallsts in forecasting fO Cottage St. Delegates and alternates frmn S <>»«*«»* The commission first met retary of state. bage-incinerator project, pro­ Zimmw, State Armory, Hart­ the auxlllMy will be Mrs. Ed­ and meteorology. ford. for 16 minutes on July 18, and ’The 12 questions are the ex­ posed to be erected at the »1T MAIN STRBBT-JJANCHBSTEll again, this time for 30 min­ act ones that were defeated at town’s Oleott St. disposal area. ward Walters, Mrs. Ruth utes (Including a public hear­ the May 19 referendum for lack Tho participating towns are Hlckox, Mra Bessie Farris, V A Monastery Eucharistic Mrs. EJverett Kennedy, Mrs. Eu- ing) on July 17. of sufficient affirmative votes. Manchester, Vernon, Bolton and Hour will be offered Sunday, A new Charter Revision g«ie Freeman, Mrs. Leon Brad­ the Feast o f St. Anne, in her It has approved and sent to South Windsor. Events the board of directors the same Commission w a s appointed ’The directors are also expect­ ley, Mrs. J. F. Wallett and Spurn Peaee Plea honor on behalf of the sick emd Mrs. Wilbert Auden. Dele^tea 12 questions on charter change early this month and, with the ed to sign three bid waivers: g. - X;. suffering at 3:30 p.m. In the as were defeated at the May exception of one member (Atty. at-large will be Mrs. Wilber One for $30,900 for extension of Little, department chaplain; Adoration Oispel of the Mona.s- 19 referendum. John F. Shea (R) for Aity. a sidewalk repair contract with In State f ^ tery of Our Lady of Grace at The board of directors has Thomas Bailey), is composed Mrs. Henri Pessinl, department Charles Pontlcelli; another for music chairman, and Miss Bar­ Stiidebalar J North GuUford. scheduled a public hearing of of the same men who proposed an estimated $2,000 for repairs bara Wallett, department mem­ its own for tonight at 8 in the and steered the questions onto to a Disposal-based bulldoser; Mayor Urges Mrs. Marion Crossen, 137 N. hearing room of the Municipal the May 19 voting machines. bership chairman. and the third for an extension of Members of tho Manchester THE C0MM0N-8EN8t GAR Court, Lawyers Elm St., has returned home af­ Building. ^ ^ , The commission was Instruct­ a contract with Data Processing Atty. Shea’s statement fol­ ed by the board to reconsider auxiliary serving on the con­ Order; Riots ter spending a week at Castle of Hartford for preparing motor vention committee Include Mrs. Hold Conference Harbor in Bermuda. lows: only the same proposals, and vehicle, real estate and person­ I "I sincerely hope that the did so last week in two meci.- Pesolnl, music; Mrs. Little, me­ al property assessment lists. A morials; Mrs. Leon Bradley, On Apportioning! In Fifth Night Board of Directors will reject Ings and a ptibllc hearing, in $6,206 item has been Included in the recommendations of the so- a combined elapsed time of 48 pages; Miss Wallett, program, Belfast Guest the town assessor’s 1964-66 and Mrs. Wallett, publicity. « < 8 0 0 called Charter Revision Com­ minutes. budget to pay for the last item. HARTFORD (AP) — A NEW YORK (A P )— Ne­ mission, following its farcical ac­ The greatest controversy con- DONT WAIT TILL OCTOBER Ends Town Visit tion of the past week. It com­ three-judge federal court gro rioting and looting and RipInWiikk pleted Its business after two met in closed session today police gunfire erupted Joseph McReynolds of Belfast meetings and a public hearing, GET CLOSE-OUT PRICES with attorneys of all .con­ again during Wednesday Ireland, left from Bradley Field all in the course of one week, cerned parties to dikcuss night despite a broadcast colildiT deep withFriday night for Logan Interna­ consuming a total of less than PLANNING TO BUILD? methods for reapportioning plea by Mayor Robert F< tional Airport, Mass., where he three-quarters of an hour. Ob­ RIGHT NOW ...IN JULY boarded a jet for his home. He viously, there was no Intent to You’ll be building a bright future for your fam- the Connecticut General As­ Wagner for peace and or­ had spent the past three months seriously consider any needed ily when you “feather your nest” with savings. sembly. der. nagging as a guest of his sister and changes in our charter. It was the second such meet­ Police shot and wounded ttiree brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. "The so-called CRC was mere­ When building plans call for financing— you'll ing— the first was July 2— Negroes and arrested 122 in the William R. McMullen of 11 Ed­ ly a rubber stamp to okay the since the U.S. Supreme Court Bedford- Stuyvesant section o t mund St., and his niece and her recommendations of the previ­ be better off with a “Savings & Loan Home upheld the federal panel’s rul­ Brooklyn in the frUh sucxieaslve husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ous commission, which had al­ Mortgage. ing in the Connecticut reappor­ night of disorders In the city. backadE D. Foster of 368 Woodbridge St. ready been soundly rejected by tionment case. Police said about 200 store the public at the last referen­ The three judge court has windows were smashed, raising Nowl You can get the fast relief you During his stay in this coun­ need from nagging backache, headache try McReynolds visited the dum. ruled that General Assembly the total to nearly 600 in Hie and muscular achn and pains that often World’s Fair several: times. New ‘■The manner in which lliis "ft members must be elected at city. cause restless nights and miserable York City, Cape Cod and Cape commission was organised and 2-DOOR SEDAN large unless both houses are re­ 'Die trouble broke out in Har­ tired-out feelings. When these discom­ Ann, Mass., as well as Con­ run is an insult to the intelli­ S A V I N G S f SALE PRICE apportioned. lem Saturday night after a forts come on with over-exertion or necticut and Rhode Island gence of the people who volun­ ^.CYLINDER ’The lawyers and the judges white police lieutenant fatally stress and strain —you want relief — beaches. — Judge J. Joseph Smith of the shot a IS-year-old N ogro boy want it fast! Another disturbance may teered to serve on it. I v O I V j Heater and defroater, under­ "Tho major changes, calling "Mancheeter’s (/ coating, appearance group, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last Thursday. The lieutenant be mod bladder irritation following Advertisement— s S I ) t I A I ' ' > ' wrong food and drink —often setting for a two-year review of the Oldest Financial convenience group, oil filter, 1.95 and U.S. District Judges Rob­ said the youth was coming at Institution” him with a knife. The disorders sp a restless uncomfortable feeling. Why risk expensive loss: manager and providing fOr his seat belts. ert P .Anderson and William Doan’s Pills work fast in 3 separate removal, obviously stems from H. Timbers—got together to­ have centered for the pMt two ways: l.by speedy pain-relieving action ’Travelers Checks from Con­ a i.e s s T naauciaL READY TO OOl nights in the predominantly Ne- necticut Bank and Trust Com­ the present Democratic ad­ Current Annual day in chambers. to ease tormentrment of nagmngni ' backache, ministration’s dissatisfaction Before the session got under g;ro Bedford-Stuyvesant distriirt beadaches, muscular a»es and paint. pany are the safe and worry- Dividend On of Brooklyn. 2. by sootiiinjg effect on bladder irrita- free way to carry money, when with the manager. Insured Savings way at 10:30 a.m.. Judge "Lacking the courage to deal BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE *L COVENTBx Smith said there was a possi­ Wagner, who cut short a Eu­ tion^ 3. by mild diuretic action tending you go places on vacation. The ropean trip, went on radio and to increase ouq>ut of the IS miles or cost is just a penny per $1. with this situation directly, they bility that the proceedings may kidney tubes. are attempting to circumvent be transferred to open court television and said continued di­ Enjoy a good night’s sleep and the Only you can cash them, but Boland Motors sorders could set back Negro you can cash them anywhere. the problem by altering the MON.-TUES.-FRI.I later in the day. He did not same happy relief millions have for charter and thwarting its origin­ Fv tra llniirc 0PENTILLSP.M. elaborate. and civil rights programs for over 60 years. Get your Travelers Checks at 369 CENTER ST. at WoBt Centar St. al Intent and spirit. I trust that ’The possibilities appeared half a century. For convenience, 893 Main, 16 North Main or L^LICI IIVUI W Thursday 9 a m . to 8 P'.DL—Wed. . dosed At Noon “Law and order are Hie Ne­ ask for the large the Parkade. You are assured the public will not be fooled by Td. 643-4079 O p«i Evanings many on how to go about re- apportionment. New York police put handcuff.s on Percell Marshal, 21, after picking him up for gro's best friend—make no mis­ size. Get Doan's prompt refund if lost or stolen; this action.” take about that,” he said. "The Fills todayl Although the three judge Doai6 throwing bottles during riots in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn opposite of law and order is court has ordered reapportion­ last night. Police had to fire volley after volley over the heads of roving Negro ment of the House as well as mob rule, and that is the way o< the Ku KIux Klan and Hie night the Senate on the basis of near­ bands in the city’s fifth night of riots. (AP Photofax.) riders and the lynch mobe.” ly equal population units, it did not spell out how Connecticut Wagner said news of the di­ THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY should implement the order. sorders had damaged the city’s ’The court could undertake tourist ttade but that none o< 4^4 French Goal Eyed million visitors in the past three FANTASTIC VALUESVALUED DUKINWDURING MANCHESTW'Si*iMiawnwi*i4 • SIOElirJUiK the task itself, or assign it to a special master. It also could months, Inctuding 160,000 Shrin- agree to stay Its order to al­ Asks Parley ^ „ ers now holding Hieir convention IDEWALK low the General Assembly a here, had been attacked. reeisonable time to reapportion O n Vietnam In Scoring Barry The visitors circulate largely SIDEWALK SALE! Itself. in Hie midtown area, visiting It is not considered likely such right-seeing attracHoos as that the court will insist on an PARIS (AP)—President the Untied Nations and Rocke­ HOE A FREE DELIVERY-INSTALUTIOH-SERVICE ★ Scott Thomas, 10, with triple decker ice cream cone, celebrates the 60th anni- feller Center, and Hie Worid’s at-large election this year. Charles de Gaulle today pro­ EDITOR’S NOTE—The Re- Soviet Premier Khrushchev versy of its discovery. ______’The U.S. Supreme Court up­ posed a four- power parley for publl(»uis' nomination of Sen. raised tae operation to the sum­ Fair In (Jueens—well outride the Thoofondt of doHon worth of G «i«o l Eloetrie T ^ vIbIoii — held the three-judge panel’s or­ the settlement of the Vietnam­ Barry Goldwater has been shar­ mit level this week by denounc­ trouble areas. der on June 22. ese conflict and the future sta­ ply criticized by many newspa­ ing both the Republican nomi­ Nevertheless, the Hotel Asao- StoTM — WoBhors — Dryors — Rofrig^wtors. ciation of New York said that ALE HURRY g o o d / ^ V e a r At the July 2 meeting of tus of the whole Indonchlnese pers in allied European coun­ nee and the platform on vdiich tors. Floor Models - Scrotehod - on* ond fow of a kind. First lawyers and the judges, coun­ peninsula. tries, and now by Soviet Prem­ he is running. almost 600 reservations had AS Como First Sorved. Fantastic Voluos - Famous G.E. AppH- D’y’know Any Better Way sel for Republican intervenors Hie president said the big na- ier Khrushchev—in a manner This kind of action by a for­ been canceled in the past Hufee in the oase submitted a propos­ eign official is traditionally days as a result of the violence. T H K E thms with a direct responsibHiy that for a diplomat would be Im­ oncos at LOWEST PRICES EVER! al for study. ’The contents of for the tae of VleL Nam should proper interference in internal classified In diplomacy as inter­ Some 160 Negro leaders, in a VALUES the pn^josal were not made meet to settle the nation’s diffi- affairs. Is it proper? What is Its ference in the internal affairs of rare display of unity amcmg Nafionally Famous public. olties. aim? John M. Hightower, AP the United States, and the dlplO' their various factions, demand­ WILL GO For Enjoying Ice Cream? mat who tried It would quickly ’There were unofficial indica­ He sedd these nations were the diplomatic affairs writer, pro­ ed the immediate ouster of Fo-,, FAST! BARGAINS AVAILABLE JHEYJ ^ J ■ tions, however, that the propos­ United States, Red China, the vides some answers. find himself in serious trouble. lice Commissioner Michael al suggested summoning a spe- Soviet Union and France. In 1888 British Ambassador Murphy. VITALITY Q_90 Lionel Sackvllle-West was sent By 8. R. (SUGAR) COHEN

PAGE f I V I MANCHBSTER BVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ THURSDAY/ JULY 88, 19*4 WOMDAT, JULY M, 1«M there Is an Inter-American law si Castro Penalty or If we are afraid to act." Bolton African Leaders Ecuador Foreign Minister O’NefflCase » ^owdown Near Gonsalo Biacudero said the con­ Yoimg Actresi See Egypt Might ference "haa the undeniable f)ro m Y o u r mission to sanctioi an aggres­ Bound Over $nary (Osadtetied tron Page Om ) Adaptable School CAIRO (AP)—r r o siasiit sor wMch la violating the Inter- In Unique Role American law and haa become Tha Clroult O ow t ki lC#a> Ghunal Abdd Nasser today gav* World countries to "take ap­ chaster today bound over to th# a dosen visiting African imMIs a danger to all tha Latln-Ameri- Viet Nam Neighbor’s Kitchen nOLLTWOOb (Al*>r^jruns propriate steps In toe field of can countries. superior coint in Hartford tha of state a great military dls- t M e with duba." The United Reed’s fifst televiaion perfor- Eyed by Liguori Jorge Fidel Duron, foreign case of John P. OUeOL 1S» ptay- States has had only partial suc­ minister of Honduras, appealed formerly of 478 Main SL, oharg- maaoe ehuld well be her tast as Television u - Stin Reds For 2^ hours, Nasser parad­ cess In Its own efforts to per­ for sanctions on Cuba. Other­ ed with robbery with vloleoca. ______Movie m a child'Stress. ' ' and Mmeo ed his Soviet-e^pped army, ate suade Its allies to cut off their wise, he said, "The Inter-Ameri- O’NeUl is presently In the eoatp- % WBXUM BTAN That’s because there are few __itri Japsa 8upC Philip LIguorl, alaborat-yParka to Gartnida H. McDon- force and naval imta on toe 12tb trade with Cube. can community would prove to dy of the Cheehlre Reforaiatory lAT) tfM kl OorfBspaaiwit ______I) Doeaa Reed anniversary of bit ovaitorow ot In his speech. Rusk did not roles that June,, an tlqrsar^ld S) BawUds tng on a letter aent the public aid of profMrty on Tolland Rd.; be of no use.’’ where he was sentenced to as blonde with freckles and blue UAR Houaing Carp, to Karl U King Farouk. qwll out toe sanctions he pro­ indeterminate term on a pro* ]T«an rngb today Franca 0) Naked Oky building eommisslon, has called eyes, can play. She la deaf. 1) 7m editors and June 8. HSina, lot ori kCt. The display-including some posed, bet the foreign ministers vioua charge of forgery. ally BgMd a Oaneva ae- have before them a resolution She and six other students | 4 I«) Dr. Kildare for adaptability In the design of Sumnsr; Robert Nril to Robert SO of Egypt’s rockets plus Soviet •SM auWag Flat Nam la halt. li NseTlSSefts and WSail MOdri Ky Three Sons calling for all members of the According to pollito, O V eill front the kCary B. Bennett f-U) Perry Mason a proposed new elementary W. and Dorothgr B. Nell, prop­ antiaircraft mlssUea evidentaly Police Arrests I and a companion, Donald Gag* Tha Oommunlat'North is urine School for tha Deaf bi Los Ah- , S) M ^ vs. OtoebinaU was eiwwni' at underlining the Organization of American S;U % ) Chib Boose school. erty on French Rd.; Lillian V. States to break diplomatic and non, 17, of 488 N. Main S t. a#, IM annlvarsary to riaam up a eles are appearing in the Ben (111 Newsbeet (S q ^ IBielgB OThole fiixim that Nasser bka plenty ot gsles (it) By-Liiae . In the latter, read at a PBC Shensle to Harvey K. and Don­ trade relations with Cuba. saulted and robbed William, drfva apparantiy almad at fore- Oasay televirionvlsi series in an ep­ mUltajy armed forcaa. Louis Pantaleo, 47, of 170 Cen­ •=•*ltS^5S^•SUklu • ;S0 (is) Anatomy of Hit meeting Monday night, be had na M. Robinson, property on Venezuelk Foreign Minister ter St., was charged with breach Gallup, 86, o f 2 Peari S t, neij; tha Xndochtna question ones isode dealinging with the difficul- (104S40) Basel ((7) suggested that the building have S seemed to him that only a deaf algn to the PBC but rather to President Sekou Toure of Gui­ child could speak as a deaf child (M ) Whars Im rti. Weather erty on Lyman Rd.; 'Riomas W. and ’Trust Company has an­ man of the Manchester United American Treaty of Mutual As­ Richard Pagan!, 28, of 128 with violence also, but tho Srimlsts, tutorad by tha Red T:tf (SI) KInss of Oolf n ;M (iO) Inmillht R iow (C ) convey to the commission his nea and others—none of 'Urhom Fund, and holds the honor of sistance "with the exception of charge was reduced to broach speaks. ( S) Movie Wilson Jr. to Roy E. and Ju­ nounced the appointment of Bldrldge 8t., was cited for CMnaaa, also appaar to sae an (SO) Sports Oameia _ Idea that the building should be possess a fraction of such mili­ havirg been made a Knight of the uae of armed force.’’ of tha peace. astvantaca to be seised from the June, however, can speak ar T;S0 (SO) m rs Oun Will TiaTSl (U) Cbrla Clark dith A. Miner, property on Matthew M. Morlarty and R. breach of the peace at 8:80 (IS) Ufa of RlUy (40) Movie adaptable to changes in educa­ South Rd.; John H. Chaplin to tary might. Bnice Watkins to the bank’s St. Gregory by the Pope. Mori- Under the treaty aggression ptaaldantlal election campalyn tlculately. Offstiige she talks U ;|0 0 3 ) MOrtc a.m. today following a com­ O’Neill pleaded not guUty to about her studies, "arithmetic ( S) Password tion. Carl F. and Mary Jones, p re^ Ona notable omission from a Manchester Advisory Board.- arty U a native of Mapohester. against one of the American the charge and waived a hear* m tha United States. hOSS) Temris Boustoa tl'.M (10-SS) TM lght Ibew (O Portable l>EHUMIDIFIER flypud of more than 100 war- plaint of a prowler at the home geograirfiy, history and health ( S-XMO) nbitateaea ( S) Movie He emphasized that his ideas erty on South Rd.; Ahah> R. Matthew M, Morlarty la Pres­ R. Bruce Watkins, also a na­ republics la to be regarded as of Mrs. Judith A. Arcari at 460 ing for probable cauae. AI-> - A Oommunlst propaganda should be in no way cemstrued plraea was a prototype superson­ tive of Manchester, la vloe presi­ an aggression against all of cswpalgn keyed to tha annivar- education.’ ’ BBKfSATUMiA**« TV W l I FOB OOMOnJHB LHTlNa STOPS MoUfuro Damogo and Rose S. Santoa to Edmund ident of Morlarty Brothers, au­ Main St. Paganl posted a $100 though he le at Cheshire, bond Robert R. Cole, father of two as educational speciflcationa for L. and Jeanette L. Raguin, ic Jet fighter which bas been de­ tomobile dealers. Active in civic dent of Watkins Brothers, Inc. them. was set for hie impearanoe In aary seams to herald a signlfl- veloped here by German tectanU The Venezuelan position con­ bond and was ordered to appear deaf children and adviser to the the new buildli^. These would property on Lyman Rd.; Joseph affairs In Manchester, he Is peat A p«duate of Tufts University, in CSrcult (3oiu112 here on Aug. superior court at $2,600. epintly Increased Red effort to DtIm « h» a room hi heuri. Koops ll H.irttorci Electi ic Light Com p.'inv missions of riaotora In town by against Venezuela has been pro­ being exhorted to mark the an­ Scouts from Nigeria at the sixth :S0 Nows, Sports, end Wsethsr 7:4B BhiK Along two. The school, requested for ists to Greece. In second place trustee of St. James Church, Chamber of Oommerce in Man­ court In Manchester on Aug. 8 6 tons of Spanish moss. ?:U Ed Hynas Show 8:t0 Pope Cbnoart the fall of 1966, Is to be ex­ obtaining a fonn from her of­ chester. ven. We have now to decide If niversary with greater labor ef- National Jamboree, says lions i:so sisB cat t:00 Pleas Promenade were Germans, with 86,706. director and first drive chair­ torts. are so uncommon in his part of w nir—isst 10:40 Nlfhtbeat miKsm-maBaMi pandable to 20 classrooms. fice and returning tt not later The Northemars have been Africa that he’s never seen one. 4:00 News 11:00 New, Liguori said that he would than Ajug. 8. i:S0 Radio Orsatar Hartford 11 ;U Sports Sinai Bomarco, town couple’s dub, told that only increased produc­ The youth likes hunting st t:4fi Lowrll Thomas 11:00 Art Johnson Show Uke a building which would be tion can promise an end to auS' night for antelope, but prefers 7:00 New, WPOP 1414 able tot accommodate Itself to wlU Itold a luau at at the home terlty and the guerrilla war in his old matchlock-type gun to 7;.10 Public A ffair, of Mr. and Mrs. .PhlUp Dooley 8:00 Taakess vs. Washlnatoa :00 Lou Terri educati(Wl developments over the South. The North always has the automatics used on the jam­ 10:U Music to Relax By f•9? the oourae of a great many on Watrous Rd. Starting at 7 \<)ii (an ( oniit on I (,)iialil.i ( No Morn a( Sna i depended an the fertile South to boree rifle range. 13;U Stga o n Read Herald Advertisements years, and erne which can t^ e p.m. Saturday. M » . B ru ce make up a rice deficit, and to­ advantage of recent innova­ Hutchinson and Mrs. Harold day's cry for reunification of (HercUd photo by tions In education, Uke team Smith are hoeteaaea. ’Those Viet Nam has special meaning MRS. CUFFORD CALLAHAN teaching, which, he said, has attending are aaked to bring In Hanoi in the North. proved Its worth. something to_ ait on ainee the Therefore, the pressure in In­ the Hartford and Rockville WANT MORE FOR YOUR MONEY? KEEP YOUR EYE ON GRANTS Moveable paui^itions, or "op­ grass may be damp. dochina promises to increase Bgr DORIS BBUMNO < School Systems, erable walls," would enable the Nei^boris Night sharply. The Southern regime DeaaerU that paok wril and same mace to be used in many Bolton Grange wlU hold a claims regular North Vietnam­ She ie a member ef the stay bitaot,' no mattar bow high Women’s Auxiliary of the Hart­ ways, Llgfuorl said. For «cam- neighbor’s night tomorrow at 8 ese forces have moved into ple: As reg;ular-8lze or smaller tha tontoMRtur* sou *, ar* bi ford YMCA, Graatar Htirtford p.m. at the Community Hall. South Viet Nam border proV' classrooms, as lecture rooms Bolton members are requested bices to fi^ t alongside guerril' geaat demand at tfaia tima od Home Economists Club and Its and as an auditorium. to bring an Item for the white la units of Oommunlri Viet publicity chaliman, and the Liguori said that when the yaar. Mra. Clifford Callahan of Himma Nettleton Group at Cen­ elephant table. Mrs. Gertrude Cong. Horton Rd. finds that Taa- now Junior-senior high school In Laos, the Communists ter Congregational Church. F (m dh IJndenvm r S A L E was in the planning stages he Noren Is In charge of refresh­ timb Taasiee are good trav­ She, and her husband, an ments. seem intent on stepping up the elers and simple to prepare. had asked for two sets of clasa- pressure on the U.S.-supported electrician tat Hartford, are SALT I NDS roonui with a moveable partition A son, Adam Ralph, was bom neutralist government. ‘‘Thla ia,” ehe said, "an old New members of Manchester and to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wild Ekigland recipe I received from South Windsor Square Dance sepaeatelng them, but only one All dlls might point to an at' S A T T JK D A Y Suptr nvingi m GnRb-om branik for lopoiior comfort, quality, style set is In the building. Although July 15 In Cardiff, ddif. The a friend In Northeaetem Maine, Clube and Center Congrega­ tempt to seek a showdown at at not designed for the purpose, Wilds are former town resi­ tional (Jhurch and its 0>-Wed '■ St . ^ a time—. Dtiring an elec­ and one that aoon beoame a fa­ these two rooms, with the par­ dents. Wild Is a former teacher tion campaign — which ts vorite at our houae." group. They have two marriad at the elementary school. sons, Thomas W. FreekletMi of tition <^n, will serve as a lunch awkward for the United States. Teattnne Taaalea room during the coming school A presidential background to Oheeaa Paatry Wolcott and Harold R. FVeckle- Manchester Evening Herald ton of Glastonbury, and one year. hll this is for a new 14-nation 1 t-ounce package e r e a m G in g e r PnbUo Records Bolton correepondent, Cleme- Geneva conference. The Red grandson. well Young, telephoiie 648-8881 cheese Mrs. CMllahan’s hobbies are Warrantee deeds: Ernest Chinese would like to see South 14 oup butter or margarine fo r t it t e r Viet Nam neutralized and the round and square dancing and r»i$* for m other 1 oup all-purpoee flour bowling. Americans out, though it is un Soften oheeaa and butter at South Windsor likely the Communists ever room tMuperature. Blend well. MMMUHHMMP would agree to neutralise North Stir in flour. Chill at leant one Viet Nam. hour. Preee dough hi tiny un- Multination Ship ClOWSOrTNMM D088 LE-MCR lUlOM U «r H W a BRIEFS Ten years ago, .SYsnce threw greaaed nrtuffin oupe, ehout ene Substitute Teachers Sought hi the towel in Indonchina. Now and three • quarter inohea in Project Still Oil President Charles de Gaulle’s aiae, covering bottom and aidea. government wants the Geneva Uae about one heaping teaapoon For Coming School Y ear conference reconvened to con­ GENEVA (AP)—The United Salo3 '*'*l sider a guaranteed neutrality of dough per cup. Dough may Stotes aaid today Soviet clamor for all Indochina—Laos, Qam' ba made two to four days ahead against toe p r i s e d multlna- OeMosi and layoa with omc Sunt, of Schools Cnarles L.<^ tlonal Scout Jamboree at Val bodia and the Viet Nams. De of time and atored hi reftigara- tional force will not deter it riariic kgi • »! riaktband. Warner^ .has announced______.j that AK thea ley Forge, PPa.a TLocal flCOIlLflscouts &Lat­ tor until ready to use. Gaulle contends any lasting set­ from building up the new nu­ Whit#, past#!#. Wbnder- South Windsor School system Is tending are Leonard Anderson, tlement must take into consid­ Peean FUHng clear deterrent of the North presently accepting the names son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard | eration the incontrovertible fact 1 egg Atlantic Treaty Organisation. waah, osdek-dnriBff. of college graduates Interested Anderson, Newberry Rd.; Vic­ of mssslve China and her inter­ K cup Hgbt brown sugar U.S. delegate O ara H. Tim- In substitute teaching positions tor Barchers, son of Mr. and ests. 1 tablespoon soft butter berlake told the 17-natlon dia- for the coming year. Mrs. Charles Barriiers, Nevers Franoe achieved a settlement 1 teupoon vanilla armament conference the So­ Substitute teachers are need­ Rd., and James Chuneron, son of | to years ago by agreeing to talk % teaspoon salL viets are attacking toe plan for ed for both the elementary and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Camer­ Mix ingredients and beat un­ only W with her adversaries in Indochi­ the NATO surface fleet armed secondary schools in town. De­ on, Miller Rd. na. But the Communists had left til smooth. Break one-half of a with nuclear missiles as they tails on requirements for sub­ pecan into pieces and place in hordes of their own cadres in have attacked “ almost every stitute teachers are available Manchester Evening Herald each dough-lined cup, Fill with South Viet Nam. The settlement past indication of progress in from the superintendent's of* South Windsor Correspondent, lasted only until they were egg mixture, about one tea- , developing or strengthening _ ^ per ctq>. Preee a flee. Brownie Joseph, telephone 644-1 ready to mount an offensive to apoon NATO’s cooperative defensive Those interested in substitute liuUf each tart. Bake in 325 0148. take the Yriiole country. j oa T ; capability or toward greater positions may call the superin­ Theoretically. Viet Nam was d e ^ oven for 26 minutea Let Atlantic uiTtty.’’ c«era, Easy Payment Plan ■CNASCf-ir tomorrow at the 'Wapplng HUe- told a newB conference that Ourreni Annuai Oividend l o o t tA ieU n SERVING N. E. mentary School. Dancing wUl On Insured 'SavUifs NO MONEY DOWN...30 DAYS W . T . GRANT about half the $10 mlUkm need­ ba from 8 to II pan. The caUer BKAACM OhUCt., KUtilt. »l. COVt.NTKI Ot MONniS TO SAY V ^ x - ’T- f-cu ^dlL f FOR 57 YEARS ed to oonatruct the John F. Ken­ OPEN 9i80 AJI. WlU ba Audia Gaylord. Afi okib nedy Ltbnury already has been I MA7!iCBl%T]n SAPPING PARKADE I ■-'"'■-iBkil'-daaoars -AriB 'fovttedi'' dofiatod: ■Tbe'KbMuy.wfltlN taultt.1 WlfiT IODMJ TUiaiPIKl! 4IM 8W ':(Tuis.''M i MON.-TUES.>,FRl. In Boston. I PARMDE MANOHESTEB | MMH 8T , MAWCHESTEB | VEWNOW BTHOLE

• 4t.------PAGE srm i- ' i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JULY 2$, 1984 UANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. OaNN„ THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1964 % Mrs. Lucius Robinson Jr., Mrs. Hebron Russell Inzlnga, Mrs. Sidney Ndws stories frofn South Vietnam say Connecticut Whltehouse, Mrs. Henry Raman that American officials there have In­ and Arthur Austin: and He­ deed for some' time been trying to get bron, Mrs. Helen Hodge, Mrs. n t^ 1|rraUt Yankee G O P Slate Dorothy Ellis, Mrs. P&triola Premier Khanh to exert a more dynamic Tlie Baby Has ’M i L i n a p By A.H.O. Manley, Hsuold Hills and D. •iSki INC. leadership for his people, but that they Benton Crittenden. 8tr««t Is Readied are somewhat startled by his sudden de- . Th« ptrennial debata over St Peter’s Episcopal Bible Oo—■ vacation school closed with a dsian to march north. In his oratory at whether the Republican party becomes atrongeet or w ^ eet Been Named I picnic at Gay City SUU Park. least And there la some suspicion that For Caucus when It puts lUwlf In the hands Mrs. Albert Taylor was direc­ perhaps Premlsr Khanh has already be­ o f Its own right wing was an- tor of the Bible school, which VERNON NATIONAL BANK Sunday* gun adjusting himself to a United States Bwered disastoously in Connecti­ A slate of candidates to be had an attendance of 22 chil­ voted upon at the fall election dren dally, during the two In which a Senator Ooldwater could be cut In 1968, tod la to be an- i^ ered a g ^ In 1964. W e think has been prepared for approval weeks it was held. nominated for the presidency. Additional Baby Namea on Page Ten by the Hebron Republican Town Church Fund Increased I scnacauFTioM lUTioB there are some dlllerdnose, as Against the alluring prospect of a dra­ well as similarities, between Committee, U be presented at The sum o f $100 has been: la AdTaMM Holooasb, Soott William, son o f Howard F. and ‘nieodora the Republican caucus, Aug. 11, Om TREP T ret < RJJ'JS matic march north, the sltuaUon in 1964 and 1958. but the turbu­ contributed to, the Hebron First ■ Pfsffer Holcomb, 74 SUverwood Rd., Vernon. He was bom recommending that Karl H. Y o u r Full Service Bank S T MflftthBUquitm *•••••«••••••«•••* lence of the national campaint Congregational Church’s redec- ' ^tOBtha •«•••••••••••••• R'g South Vietnam still sdems, by most re­ July 18 at Manchester Memorial Hospital His maternal Links and Douglas M. Fellows, even In lU earUest momenb, oration fund, realized from of-, ports, to be one In which South Vietnam mndparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Pfeffer, Torrington. the present incumbent sUU forbid! Eny prodiction ee to ferlngs at the Sunday evening's KUHBJBR o r His Internal grandfather is Howard C. Holcomb, Toiring* representatives, be again nom­ cannot even claim the loyalty of Its own which will prove more important musical concert. Mrs. Richard -inaiI ASSOCOATKuouuATKD PR1C8B ton. He has a brother, Jeffrey, 21 months. inated. Burleson was unable to attend Announces H h A*Mdit*d Prjf* U “ ‘•yjJ people In their own villages. Once the when Connecticut goes to the » • * * • • 0 tM na* o( npubllcatlao ot all o**r* d » A campaign committee and in her place, as soprano! Mdobw ci«dU*d to It or DM oUMi^rl** cradle South Vietnam government had that, it polls In November. Nielsen, Andrew William, son of Charles R. and Beverly named to work In the OOP in- If, by fate and by chance, by soloist in the presenUtlon of paper and also lb* local ntw* dud* might not need to march north In order O. Hunt Nielsen, 68 P le A u t Valley Rd., South order 25#) thing special and luxurious, not just an one sister, Susan F., 7. INC. Senate yesterday. Senator James O. E. Baldwin and Dwight Elsen­ ***** tiM fakalMt t14 XEROX COTIE! tinrtt ytt Uggetts ordinary wine with a little carbon diox­ hower. Eastland of Mississippi was solving the ide shot into It. These recent court .decisions Thresher, Karen Jean, daughter o f William W. and At The Parkade Dorothy Jean Chase Thresher, 37 Marble S t She was bora REED'S. Inc* problem of the civil rights controversy The federal government puts a tax of and approaching revision of the MANCHESTER In his own state. Ho said there was a Connecticut General Assembly July 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Manchester Shopping Parkade 17 cents a gallon on any wine, foreign or grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Chase, Concord, Vt. "Communist conspiracy to further or make-up do Indicate that the Phone 643-7167 domestic. But the moment somebody Republicans of Connecticut, to Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin participate In the Invasion of Mississip­ shoots bubbles into this same amount of get anywhere in the future, Thresher, B arnet Vt. ON ALL SAVINGS ON DEPOSIT pi,’ ’ and as fo r the throe civil rights * • * • • wine, the tax goes up to $3.40 a gallon. must reconstruct and broaden workers whose bodies authorities have the basis of their own appeal by Jones, Brad M ichael son of Robert Wade and Pauline And, the wine merchants argue accu­ Cormier Jones, 22 Trumbull St. He was bora July 7 at been searching for, he suggested that making surer than ever they rately enough, bubbles don’t cost that Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents their disappearance may have been a Aerial Photo By Reginald Pinto stay close enough to the politi­ much, aren’t worth that mu^. They cal middle to give themselves a are Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Cormier, 22 Trumbull St. Hta FOR ONE YEAR OR MORE hoax, part o f a Commtlnlat-backed con­ paternal gfrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wade C. Jones, •have got a bill In Congress to put an LAKE STREET SCHOOL, VERNON chance of victory whenever spiracy to "thrust violence” upon the they can also demonstrate pub­ North Palm Beach, Fla. He has two brothers, Brett R obert end to the tax discrimination against people of Mississippi. lic competence and csndldatori- 6, and Brian Wade, 4. bubbles. ***** Where does some presumed voice of al appeal. I f they got their bill passed, that con­ Pending those November re­ Csaszar, Dawn Marie, daughter of Richard Alexander sanity stand In the face o f such conten­ and Diane Katherine Gero Csaszar, Buena Vista Rd., South ceivably might make champagne just as Thought for Today turns, when the Goldwater pro­ tions? phecies may of course prove cor­ Coventry. She was bora July 7 at Manchester Memorial cheap to buy as any other wine. Sponsored by the Manchester Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. Katherine First, we think. It says that It would Jimmy Council of Churches rect, and Ooldwater and his po­ It might be so cheap nobody would Gero, East Hartford. Her paternal grandmother la Mrs. Indeed be some kind of miracle If, given More to Come? sition may prove able to do just consider It status, or Iilkurlous, or gala, as much for Connecticut as Rose Csaszar, 22 Ridge St. She has two brothers, Richard, situations as they exist in Harlem and "H e shall come down like 3%, and Gary, 2'/4; and one sister, Lisa, m . n s t a n t a r n in g s Elsenhower could, the reading I E or especially suited to celebration. • • • « * In Mississippi, Communists and their rain upon the mown grass: As from the book of political norms Breslin Steffano, Denise Ann, daughter of Arthur and Carole agents were not forever trying to mix showers that water the earth.” would say that the national RENT A FLAMELESS shift of party position couldn't Ann Gagnon Steffano, "B? Birch St. She was bora July 6 at Into these situations and inflame them. Psalm 72:6 The Republican Candidate much trouble here. So they’ll go Jim lAwson is a man who have occurred at a worse time Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother But second the voice o f sanity has to NEW YORK, July 23—All Savings on Deposif less than 1 Year to the beaches.’’ spends his time drinking and If we are looking for a re­ so far as Connecticut Republi­ Is Mrs. Alice Gagnon, 486 N. Main St. Her paternal g o d ­ ELECTRIC WATER HEATER The delegates to the Republican Na­ along 126th St. In Harlem yes­ putting out a weekly bulletin parents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steffano, Coventry. She decide that there is something else and The kids are the whole thing ligious symbol in nature, we cans are concerned. tional Convention have spoken. terday, when there was a red which', lists people he says are has one brother, Kevin Peter, 16 months. something more basic than the Com­ now. They have rioted ^ should use rain. It brings the The courts are shooting their ***** All the Hot water you want for youneK and They have chosen for their stand­ light and traffic stopped mak­ antl-Colored. His lists seem to traditional control f t the Con­ munist meddling Involved In such situ­ found they can disrupt an en­ substance essential to the T.«nn.n, Colleen Gale, daughter of Robert Donald and ard bearer and presidential candidate Include everybody this side of necticut House out from under your family without having to buy a water ations, and that we could organize our­ ing noise, you could hear the tire city by rioting and yester­ earth If life is to flourish. In Senator Barry Morris Ooldwater of Roy Wilkins and there would be them at the very moment a new Roxann Alice Norris Lannan, 400 Lake St., Bolton. She was hollow sound of nightsticks tap­ day afternoon they hung around the city rain seems to be a born July 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her matemm neater. No installation coit$ for normal In­ selves to hate and jail suid kill all Com­ Arizona. , ^ . many more names except every­ kind of lassoo has faUen over the playgrounds or sat on nuisance, but even the city . grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Norris, Enfield. munists Incessantly and we would never While his selection may be greeted ping against wooden barriers or body knows that the merchants them. Whether the lassoo tight­ stallation. No maintenance worries. No re­ with dismay in many parts of the na­ stoops and they did this in Har­ needs rain and it only takes a Her paternal grandfather Is John C. LAnnan, North Brook- get one slight step nearer the basic solu­ mailboxes. The policemen hold­ pay Lawson to keep their names ens around their neck, or more lem and in Bedford-Stuyvesant short dry spell to pro.'e it. field. Mass. She has one brother, David Kerry, 6; and one pairs. Call your plumbing contractor or • * * tion and, indeed, by many members of ing the clubs were standing in off his sheet. safely and beneficially around tion o f the problems which attract the the party he represents, the nomination and now in South Jamaica, too, groups of four and five, waiting This week Lawson was talk­ Now the odd thing is that their waist, November will tes­ sister, Merrybeth, 3. Communists in the first place. was one more living proof of the fact and they all seemed to be wait- rain has a terrible reputation. ' ***** for the night to come and the ing about murdering white busi­ tify. that the United States of America Is ting to start more trouble. And W e stand as children at the Keller, Terry Lee, daughter of Jerry Samuel Sr. and Other than advising us to hate and trouble with It. nessman In Harlem. 'While mak­ The Hartford Electric Light Company truly a land of opportunity. The grand­ they do not want to listen to Olena May Hunter Keller, 8 Ward St., Rockville. She was denounce the Communists, voices like The ones taking a break sat window watching the rain pour 3 / 2 ing the statements. Lawson can son of a Polish immigrant Is now a can­ anybody. That’s the bad trouble down and feeling gloomy. The bom July 5 at Manchester Memorial Hospital Her m a tei^ In the Chock Full O’Nuts in the Herald those of Lawrence and Eastland do not now. The kids act as if they be depended upon to get good rain streams down the window grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Olen E. Hunter, New rout msTOii-ma aismc cmuir didate for President. Hotel Theresa, smoking ciga­ carry us on to their ultimate solution. While the polls are probably correct have no ears. and stiff. He 1s, at first, a buf­ pane like tears, we feel de­ Canaan. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James rettes and drinking orange foon. But then you realize that Yesterdays But what their logic, so far as It may in giving the Republican choice little or " I talked to a couple of pressed; it is a gray da;'. The T. Keller, Bristol, Tenn. She has one brother, Jerry Samuel juice. these kids out in the streets no chance of election, it wasn’t too long them,” a big policy n u *i b e r s solution, of course, is to get out Jr., 18 montha; and one slater, Karen A lfra Klbbe, 10. be called logic, would suggest is that if "The papers said it was quiet only want to listen to someone * # • • • ago when It was popular to say that guy was saying, "and they say into it— to take a walk. Some 25 Years Ago only we could subdue and eliminate up here last night,” one of them who talks as he does. Forget while Goldwater appeared to have more to me, ’Get out of here who the odd souls nice to get drenched; American Legion bingo peti­ Varney, Debora Carol, daughter of Raymond Edward DATE OF DEPOSIT was saying. "I don’t know, there FROM: Moscow, we might at least have peace delegates than any other aspirant the this Communist drive. It is to feel the water of a summer and Marie Betty Eaton Varney, 1042 Foster St., Wapplng. was an awful lot of 1013’s hell wants to listen to you?’ tion withdrawn due to lack of Republican convention would never there, but in small doses. These rain is for them like swimming She was bora July 6 at ManchesUr Memorial HosplUl. .^tn Harlem and Mississippi. ^ around here last night.’’ A 1013 Now with all these cops around, signers. choose him as standard bearer. are kids who can’t spell Russia. on the land. Well, this may not Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Varaey, But If, for the moment. It is not con­ is a radio cali that means a pa­ they’re making it hard to go Herald newsboys entertained The Goldwater machine did a mag­ They only want to hear of be possible in all climates and Osslpee, N.H. She has two brothers, Joseph, 6, and Ken­ trolman needs assistance. about your business. So we’re by O. C. Buck.*Legion Show. venient to shoot up Moscow and get the nificent job in getting the nomination trouble. for all people. But the idea Is neth, 2; and two sisters, Cynthia, 4, and Judith, 3. "W hat does it look like?’’ he trying to call them off. But Zoning Board votes changes trouble at its real' source, at least we for their man. And the most amazing At 6 p.m. last night, another sound. * • * • * TO: DATE OF WITHDRAWAL you mention a name to them In Zoning Reg;ulatlons which was asked. A good symbol, we say, for Walters, Joanne Nancy, daughter of Kenneth Dale and can stop worrying about any other re­ thing about Its operation was that It "Bad," he said. “ I don’t know and they laugh. I say to them, one they like to hear, Eklward will prevent the establishment worked tirelessly for nearly four years religion; which also has a bad Nancy Stoutnar W alUrs, 8 N. Park St., Rockville. She was sponsibilities of our own for trouble In about tonight. But I ’ll tell you, ’Bumpy Johnson wants you to (Roll On) Davis, got up on a In residential areas of alms­ to accomplish the job and everyone reputation in some quarters. bom July 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maUmm there is going to be hell this cool it.’ They say, ’Who the hell ladder In front of the Theresa houses, insane asylu'ns or phil­ Harlem or Mississippi. If we won't Go forth and feel its cleansing grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stoutnar, 23» This mwoBi you oetuolly • o t h mor# th «i 3Va*/o dti« fo our paying Intmost to dot# knew that it was operating. Y et no one is Bumpy Johnson?’ !’ and, with the light rain falling anthropic institutions other squash the Communists, we must expect came forward to warn the delegates who weekend.” touch. Rain is not the only re­ Woodbridge St. Her paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Outside, a kid wearing a on him, began to talk. Davis than public hospitals. were being sewed up that Goldwater Johnson, who comes out of minder of the grace of God, but Mrs. Charles R. Graff, Spring St. Her maternal of withdrowd. they will keep on creating such problems white helmet that said "CORE- has been speaking on this cor­ the days of Owney Madden and it is one of them. , grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, Talcottvllle. for us. was not the type of candidate who ex­ FIRST AID" walked across Sev­ ner for 15 years. Last Sunday, 10 Years Ago emplifies the principles of the Republi­ Bill Duffy, is the best known She has one brother, John, 13 months; and one sister, Jes­ What a beautiful ^ d conscience-free enth Ave. He had a walkie- put on television, he said that can Party of Lincoln and Eisenhower. gambling name in Harlem. He Taken from Pray As You John F. Shen Jr., Charles S. Most banks pay intara$t FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT. W a pay FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT talkie strapped to his back. the black man in Harlem should sica, 3. way for a civilization to go! Oddly enough the harder the Gold- means nothing to these kids. Go. Forward Movement Publi­ Tarplnlan, and Frsincls C. Shea Dried blood covered the be prepared to die scientifically. TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL providing a balance of $10.00 it left in the account at water adherents worked the more zeal­ Nor does any other na,me mean cations. are admitted to Connecticut Cowan, Jeffrey Louis, son of Rodney John M d Barbara of his short-sleeved blue Last night on the streetcor- State Bar Association. ous they became in the Senator’s cau.se. anything to them. Mayor W ag­ The Rev. Eldward W. Johnson, Jean Saldak Cowan, 97 High St., RockvUle. He was bom He said his name was ner he tried to soften that Board of Directors sees slim June 29 at St. Francis Hospital. B‘»i"aterM l.^M dpaiwt8 intarast time. By the time they reached San Francisco ner .spoke on television 1 a s tA 'Vicar “Bac Tien” they were so definitely committed to Spencer. night. He meant nothing. They statement But the kids weren't chance of cutting Board o f Ed­ are Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Saldak, Rockville. His paternal " I ’m with the youth commit­ the destiny of their champion that they want to listen to people like around to hear him. St. George’s ucation budget as 87 per cent grandparenU are Mr. and Mra. Alton Cowan, Rockville. There has, over In South •'Vietnam, tee of New York CORE," he Episcopal Church of funds are earmarked for fix­ even defeated reasonable amendments Jim Lawson and them go out 1964 Publishers Newspaper been a sudden Infusing of vigor into the designed to clarify the party platform. said. ■^olton ed costs. Miller, Amy Lauren, daughter of Charles H. and Jane "W h at’s it going to b e?’ he and riot. Syndicate native oratory. The day, 10 years ago, They also gave short shrift to such DeMars Miller, High Meadow Rd., Bolton. She w m party luminaries as Governor Rocke­ was asked. July 6 it ManchesUr Memorial HosplUl. Her paternal when settlement at Geneva, after 250,000 "South Jamaica," he said. feller, former Ambassador Lodge and grandfather Is Harold E. Miller, Windsor ^ k s . She hM one "We got a call from South Ja­ French army casualties, brought an end Michigan’s Governor Romney. brother, Charles H. Jr., 10; and two sisters, Susan J., 15, maica and they asked us to bo to the war between France and the na­ The Goldwater supporters, while they and Nancy J., 2. ready to come out there. Some­ ^ • • • • • tive revolution, has now been christened are mostly normal individuals who yearn |f ^ / F - I - - 1 thing must be going on." MoNary, Lee Winifred, adopted daughter of John H. Tbii wonderful hsad-osfted taUe is a "day o f shame" and France been ac­ for a return to conservatism, are equal­ ly fanatical when It comes to espousing Now It Is South Jamaica. and WlnUrad LlUlbrldge McNary, 10 Fenwick Rd. She wM perfect for liTiag-dining or small cused o f treachery because the Geneva Tuesday night it was Bedford- bom March 2 and she arrived at her new home July 2. Her dining areas. 'Takes up little room, yet Goldwater against any or all criticism. c h a r m i n g ! settlement turned half the country over From all accounts,, Senator Gold- Stuyvesant. The police had the - maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. it will seat up to jo comfortably. comer of Nostrand Ave. and Choose from more thao 400 Ethan to the Communists. water Is an extremely likeable Individual. Marblehead, Mass. She has one brother, John H. M cNary PRACTICAL Fulton St. cleared, but the dark Allen pieces io informal Antiqued Tw o footnotes should be appended to A staunch party stalwart who fought ETHAN ALLEN continually against the opposition, he blocks to the west were lined * * * * * Fine, elegant Heirloom Solid Cherry, this heroic revision of history. First, had numbered among his friends the late with hoodlums who stood in Fleming, Cathryn-Jean, daughter of Jerome A. tmd EARLY AMERICAN gracious Solid Mahogany, sp.ce.saving there not been truce and partition nego­ President John F. Kennedy and enjoys front of the stores they had Rosemary Cunningham Fleming, storage-making Custom kopm Flan VERNON NATIONAL BANK shattered and looted anfl threw HARVEST TABLE units, and traditional Colonial in tiated at Geneva, there would indeed cordial relations with President Johnson She was bom July 7 at ManchesUr with whom he • served In the United bottles at the car whbn you maUrnal grandmother is Mrs. Mary (^ n n ln g^ , 21 ^dar jugged Solid Maple and Bifch. See it VERNON, CONNECTICUT a 649-2887 a 875-2541 have been one Vietnam, all Communist. to^y. State Senate. drove by. The police ln.,.Brook- S t Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Second, one of the agreements at Geneva AH sorts of dire predictions are ema­ lyn were handling the trouble Fleming, Meriden. She has one brother, Terence Jude, 1, and Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. gave the people of the country their nating from the pundits about the future with squad cars, not lines of pa­ two sisters, M ary Claire, 5, and Jeri-anne, 3. STORE HOURS: trolmen, the way their do In • » • • • chance the next year to unify Vietnam of the Republican P arty and the pos­ Monday and Tuesday Open till 6 PJVI. Harlem. In Brooklyn, they had Mullaney, John Robert, son of Rol^rt L. wid JoM by their votes in a free election, But sible collapse of the two party system O ^ n Thursday and Friday Evenings BANKING HOURS: as we know it since the Republicans six to a squad car and they Wrightson Mullaney, 199 Woodland St He Closed Wednesdays when next year came, it was Sffuth chose Goldwater ns presidential nominee. would pull up in force, three and 30 at St. Francis HosplUl Vietnam, backed by the advice of Its We doubt that such a catastrophe will four cars, at a trouble spot and fUnrvn F WriehUon. Turner Falls, Mass. His paternal clear it out. It didn’t seem to WMkdayt S:S0*3....Frl4ay eicht i-I....Stlanla| RM-ll American friends, which refused to hold overtake a party which has managed to g ra ^ p a ren U are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond'J. Mullaney, Elast work as well as Harlem, but Hartford. He has one brother, MlchMl, 1. ■uch a free election, for fear that too survive in spite of the fact that one of their candidates only carried Maine and there was a redson fo r It. They ***** would be lost. 'Vermont li> a presidential election. didn’t have as many cops in Llzotto, David Joseph, son o f Jean Guy DRIVE-IN HOURS: , i The cuij:ent Infusion of oratorical It was the delegates’ choice to make Brooklyn. You wonder what Saucier Llzotte, 125 High St., R ^ k v llle He they’ll do If the trouble hits in vigor in South Vietnam does pot halt at San Frahclsco. The Republicans have 29 at Rockville City Hospital. His HU South Jamaica. are Mr. and Mrs. OcUve Saucier, Fort ^ with heroic revision of the past. It goes their national ticket after a bitter con­ WMkiayt RIO-5 ....Friday alylrt I-I...,Saturday 1:31-12 vention, albeit futile for Goldwater op- A block up 125th St.. In paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand LixotU, on to an heroic \noQmmendatlon for the ponts. But political parties have been Frank’s ResUurant, they talk­ St. Jacques, NSyr Brunsadek, Can^ada. futura. It has a war cry, "Bac Hen,” known to close ranks after worse Intra- ed about othei'- places. "Coney Island,” Paul Zuber, " Olranlln, MlcheUe k , daughter «>f Joseph G e r a r d ^ which translates "to the north” and ' party fights than those which took place during the past week. the lawyer, was saying. “You GlnetU M. BlaU Glrardln, 67 WeUerell St ,She ^ 20 UNION STREET—ROCKVILLE, CONN. whIA, |iunctwtw .orato|^ In whl^ Pre- watch .Coney Island this week-* Jfily 10 at Manchester Memorial HosplW. Her — One .thlng-fO(r..aure,.A.4Tfillit...... - _____ ; ______ialerifchiHnh suddOTliT w a 'o p e n -" publicans would rather lose with Barry — Ahd-RItt Park. Thfr beach­ gnL^paiwnto-ara.:Mf. 8t H « paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. 8ylvio Mnncl^anfjj^r 643-0890— Rockville 875-2534 ly 'dnlAndlng popular agitation for ah Goldwater than they would wla with es. . These kids ai:e smart, '^ e y *m/ m r-m r? rrijBXS maicmvmmifi M vm Lm t* know they’re up against too * \ ■ Glrardln, 147 Brookfield S t tavaaion ofjMorth Vietnam. anyone else.—BRISTOL PRBS8.

■ tACft KfGSV IIANCHEBTBB BVBNINO H BBAIA MANCHESTEB, COHN« THUKSDAY, JULY « , 1964 MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 19H4 P A G E N IN E mm -iM <■■■.■ alist Glussi^o Saragat ra- moat quit after losing a pw*- Ttet agreement granted unres­ tamal asctirity af the IteMah amenti^ vote on school aid. -rr- state. Only 2 Changes malnod as foiwign minister. PEN1LAND tricted travel facilities to na­ The new regime must go be­ Quality U alwayi your botl J tionals of both countries. "The Greek govamment haa ■nie premier replaced Budget t b b n x m v i ^ Turks Crack Down Minister Antonio Giolltti, a fore ParUament for a vote of W o m e n B o s s The Turks then began to unconditionally supported the In New Regime moat buy. And it’s all tha | regime of Cyprus President former Communist turned Soci­ approval, which nu^ take two crack down on Greek nationals alist, and Labor Minister Gia- or three weeks. Since the coali­ engaging in professions and Makarlos in its policy of annihi­ Headed by Moro “’SSSiS'.s-sS" BIBOB mora so at POPULAR, ba- j lating the Turks of Cyprus,” a clnto Bosco, a Christian Demo­ tion has 361 of the tSO seats in H maasm On Greek Nationals businesses forbidden foreigners crat. Both represented factions the chamber of deputtes, en­ •4g,4M4 — S6S-CM7 under Law 3007. These include spokesman said. Open 8:S6«6tlS l £4iuta wa trim oft axcait bono- The Greek nationals have hOMB (AP)—Premier Aide in their partloa that opposed a dorsement is assured, barring in Houston #tiBtablizhment has been closed, doctors, nurses, dentists, bar­ Moro was awotii in today with a new eqnter-left regime. party revolts. Opaa tBmedaar Nlgkta im • and fat bofort waiflbing and By aALMoounuc bers, printers, laborers, ser­ many friends among the TVrks the Greeks charge. The Turks who express sympathy for their Paridag Aeroas the Street nrTANBUL., Turkey (A P ),- vants, cabaret artists and sing­ new center-left coalition govern­ Moro announced his accept SHABE-ArPLANH also seised movies of the meet­ predicament. But the Turks For too Oars... By wnXlAM OUPVBB pricing. That maant you got Tliey impatiently emit each ers, stock brokers. Interpreters ment virtually duplicating the tance of the premiership ing of Pope Paul VI with Ortho­ claim the Greeks have been Wednesday night after weeks of ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — jl^ o c U M * * * * Om ma Writav and guides. Cabinet that folded 37 days ago. m om lnf for the door* of the old dox Patriarch Athenagoras I in trying to get the best of both political bickering that opened siarh spring citizens of Arling­ HOUtrON. Texas (AP)—In MORE of tho taito-tbrilling Greek ooneulet* to ^ e n . Iliey Jerusalem last January during Many Greek nationals, soon worlds—llring in Istanbul, Moro and Ms Oabinet tMk the new rifts in the coalition and ton are Invitod to parttclpate to found themselves out of work oath before Prdbldent Antonio a “ plant giveaway.” Anyone Bouston theater, women make •rowd Into the vaulted ante­ the Pope's Holy Land pilgri­ which is cheaper than Athens, roused speculation as to how goodnais of top-grado maats mage. and falling back on their sav­ and avoiding military service of Segnl at the preBdential palace. l« ig his new government could having Burj^us plants is asked Bm d ifle i^ * - room, quietly talkinc, arguinf Only two changes appeared in The government’s latest get- ings or aid from relatives and both countriea survive. to bring them to. Reddents are Klsewhitfa, from Dtoadway to in avery poured you buy . . . ■ J the new government, which Ik invited to come and select CEMENT or occasionally crying. tough policy started last March friends. M oto's consultations with, par­ IwcoUc byway, stage enterprise The Turks say they have the 36th since thd fall of fascism Itents whether they themselves -They are Greek citliena or­ with the announcement that the ty leaders failed to produce any Is mostly male monopoly. dered to leave Turkey. 1930 agreement granting special rights under the 1980 treaty to $810 Gir Typical in 1948. Like Moro’s earlier re­ had any to give away. H. ENGLAND gime, it has 16 ministers from basic agreement on issues that w. But hers to Houston, there are Many of them were bom in residence, trade and shipping expel anyone engaged in harm­ led to the previous govern­ The idea originated with a D E T R O IT — The average his ChristUn Democrat party, two long.rtmnlng theatrical cen­ Turkey. Many have never even privileges to Greek nationals in ful activities. After fighting ment’s collapse. They Inchido long-time Arlington resident— .t POPULAR. wh.r. QUALITY MEATS . r . .u* lor ECONOMY. visited Greece. Turkey would be abrogated broke out on Cyprus last De­ price for a used car in 1961 — six Socialists, three Democratic Mrs. Helen Wessler — Who be­ LUMIER CO. ters—and boto art tributes to Socialists and a Republican. state aid for private and largely ftmalo drive and determination. So far, Turkey has ordered Sept. IS. cember it was obvious, the the last year for which com­ Roman Catholic schools, and lieves that a part of gardening plete data is available — was Veteran Socialist leader Pi­ «A t the Greea” 06S-SM1 One la the Alley Theater, more than 800 of Istanbul’s esti­ This was followed by the tem­ Turks allege, that the large plans for urban reform. is to share whit you have with 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST, MANCHESTER mated 9,000 Greek nationals to porary suspension of the 1986 Greek community in Istanbul $810. The median price was etro Nennl stayed on as vice which,tMgQzn to 1347 and is now premier and Democratic Soci­ six-month-old g o w n - others. OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY OBd SATURDAY TILL 9 P.M* pack up and leave. The Greek visa agreement with Greece. threatened the internal and ex- $630. Mtttog ready for Imprasalva ex- community believes all will be * ■— with, the twlp of a $2.i- forced to go eventually. |Nt Fqtmda^pn grant, The deportation, which began ryist gtvtorsy that or- TENDER ... JUICY ... FLAVORFUL .. * last March, has sent shock to a regional drama waves through the estimated 80,- ndlzputed mistress of 000 Turkish citizens of Greek £not^Ut^/f6 s Nina Vanes. descent residing in the greater t h a t t a s t e s •’^e r is Theater Inc., 11 Istanbul area. ' and praud of Ment- They fear some kind of repri­ niA accomptoflunanta that sals against them also, ^ e HERE’ S THE WlMHER it int$ids shall serve As a irilot Turkish government denies this, operatforf for stmllar centers saying that as Turkish citizens VEAL SALE elRewHers. Heading the under­ they enjoy full citizenship rights taking) tZ;M>'*- Johnny George. and protection under the consti­ * * * * * * * * ^ The!Alley and Theater, Inc., tution. differ . touch in operational Hie Turkish g^ovemment de­ methoA'htoctlon in a spirit of Chuck Roast nies that the Cyprus conflict has LEGS or CO warily; cbrdlal rivalry, but are any direct connection with the ! ^ s w t t ’ s Premium Tenw i ^ eq u a^ dedicated to providing evacuation orders. The expelled H ous^’i rapidly growing popu ^ BEHER TRIM . BEHER CUT .. ★ BETTWMiP Greeks have been engaging in RUMPS.0 0 lation'-Ww entertainment varie activities detrimental to nation­ ty andjwallty. al Interests, the Turks charge. The A ^ y is a professional op- Greek officials laugh at this. eratlonj with Equity actors. P o p u la r Sources close to the Greek con­ Theatefi”Inc., relies mainly on sulate say the first lists of 400 TENDER amateim performers and volun. Grand included nine persons over 80 teer hwpers. years old, 92 over 70 and five Duriig the Alley’s span, 183 deceased. LOIN CHOPS 8 9 ' Champion productions have been ataged in The Greek national usually M EATY _ the 214»seat arena playhouse. In has a week to settle his affairs 1984 siritch was made to pro QualHy and depart. He is permitted to status.' Yhe frayed shoestring take his , 900 Turkish m f T m J X j r i RIB CHOPS 7 9 ' on v4]^6h the project began lira —about $22—plus Ms tran- b u h o i -* has be6h replaced by a $300,000 MINUTE MAID FSOZEH Bportation ticket. •RAND UNION CRY-O-VAC VEiU) annual Operating budget which He must leave his home, his covers seven productions during furniture, his business. His bank a 40-week season. accounts are blocked, his safe CUBE STEAKS 8 9 ' CORNED BEEf Although comedy—revivals of SELECT CHOICE deposit vaults are sealed. He FOR STEWINO BroaAw^ hits—has been the ORANGE must pay his 1984 income tax. . s t i r s worn** surest M xoffics lurs ovsr ths The trouble is, say the BRISKET Biim * yeari. Miss Vance has main- Greeks, no one wants to buy BONELESS 6 9 ' taine|i A high degms of artistic their businesses. Or if tiiey do, ywtnd CUBES Chuck Steak the price offered is ridiculous. stUiitosiit...... DELIGHT loM la « Pot Only The government, in effect, as­ latiop of cl , , , sumes control. Sisters'’), solemn drains ("Long Day’s Journey into FRESH 5 TO POUND Most of the Greek community Night” ) V'and avant-garde SAVE anxiously waits anxiously for tniMhl** ("Waltipg'For Godot” ). each new list of deportees to be lb BEEFBURGERS *1710 Zaalli emphasis at ths published. Those listed visit the .jBSHCiUjO WILSON'S VERIFINE Beef Patties police an dslgn a statement say­ SOO-seat auditorium of Theater, ing they “have been deported.” Sdfvt Mini IdM, miU nr# cotmJ btef with FRANKS ALL MEAT Inc., is on^inusical works such Then they are fingerprinted, nhbGRG fGT AlNIOrawaGf sH(6 it raM (or tosto- titn- as '‘Gentlemen Prefer SELECT CHOICE TENDER, JUICY m m —BAB-B-Q Blondes,” '“ in n s La Douce’ MeINTOSH photographed and given a police iMMpHiii sirndwidios. Qoality coutroiltdi escort until they leave, the CHICKENS a 55' and tlto recent highly successful Greeks say. BBAHD UmOW showing of* “ The Unsinkable “ This anti-Greek policy is sul- Molly Birowiw'^'It’s only straight eida for Turkey,” says one hl^- SLICED BACON a 59' dram*. was “ Inherit the Minute Steak placed Greek who declined use FRESHLY FROZEN Wind.’* APPLESAUCE of his name. “ Turkey needs fi­ SOLID WHITE - TUNA 7 A A r Mrs. George's long labor LONG ISLAND FRESH nancial aid from the rest of the and to Bosy to use! BEEFUVER a 49' love for the enterprise started world now. She needs new in­ out aq-m one-year commitment vestment. But vriio would want FAN < to invest money in Turkey if she FROZEN CHICKEN OF THE SEA 3 " 98 gSo^ chdck a 69' Ito-6o in the REASY continues to follow this antlbusl- EARLY MORN botes the Ducklings ness. Xenophobic policy?” lady wbq has studied ,with such DOLE BM SLICED BACON teacnC(*f as- Jean-Louis Bar­ TETLEY A Turkish government HAWAIIAN PUNCH BONELESS, FROZEN PAN READY iqiokesman said tMs charge was ABlfODK fTAB— BAB-B4 rault! P^'earl ‘ Primus and Lee KOSHER SPEARS ;S 4 9 ‘ NESTLE'SQUIK 43' $199 Strafpei^. Ahe has staged 80 per baseless. ^ a g a . WHITB KOtE oon ^ “ On the contrary,” he said, cent Of .toe group’s productions PINEAPPLE “ the Turkish economy incurred ^ 4 9 ‘ REDITEA 69' lAO NBCH — ITAUAW MrfL 'George and her assO' great losses through fortunes KOSHER CHIPS ciat«ii |ee Theater, Inc.’e pre Veal Steaks MS smuggled out of Turkey by SAUSAGE P A im l?6 9 ' domtoatit value as opening the TEA BAG S Greek nationals through imlaw- WBPCO door 1^. opportunity to fledgling j u ia tul channels.” LIPTON talentir 'igll performers -are vo- lONELESS BRISKET HEADCUT Greeks admit many have sent BOLOGNA imonnRff a 49' lunteei$."'A few are paid essenti' money out of Turkey, to Athens, rOK I W WINQ a) eiqpiepBeB. Casts include law. to numbered accounts in Swit­ yers, ^ angineers, biochemists, ^ GIANT zerland. r 59' BONELESS BEEF a 69' arch ito^ , doctors and house­ TEA BAGS 4E OZ. CAN Coined Beef “ We did the same thing in EANCY MEDIUM c ,u n PT wives. ! Athens when the Greek econo­ ORANGE JNCE 3 - 89* . TheAfer, Inc., proudly points my seemed in danger,” a Greek MimiTB MAID . - - WHITE SHRIMP sLIs 79' out tolu 183 players subsequent­ S A V E 30' CAPITOL FARMS CRY-O-VAC says. “ The Greeks would keep ETONOMYFOn. "S’ 59' raESBW^*'“'^3 nUMH — BONBLBM ly halrO gone on to professional their money here if it had a work. ^ • SAVE 23' ehance to make a profit.” ORANGE deiicht6 ^ 8 9 * COD FILLET “ I'l^',b0t the national average The Greeks say the Turks also SSNBCA imPAPER ^ 3 5 ' nestlFsqoik ^£43' is about-a thousand to one fo)- Kielbassa kb. have been harassing the com­ thosd. who have gone on from munity in many ways, including APPLE JUICE 6 - 89* community toeaters,” says Jay newspaper attacks, breaking HI-C Promab of the George staff. CAPITOL FARMS SLICED * , . windows in some Greek homes »-qt. Noncy Lynn Pies and Pastries Operating without subsidy or WITH THIS COUPON ONLY and schools, anU-Greek signs 14- 01 . foundaUon support. Theater, chalked on walls, threatening CUT BEANS 5^-4 are Fresh Baked Daily Inc.,^ oUances its books with X letters, and measures taken FRUIT DRINKS boxofflee receipts and well- against the Eastern Orthodox i i ssr awn qsaHty canlrolM glasl wisherk' contributions. 8 PAC Cooked Salami patriarchate and Greek private Friends of Miss Vance and 6 Os. BoHlei schools. SPINACH 21^35* eKAMDVNlOK—Fitathlifk ga 4MABDUlllO»-ancr n g a . Mrs;. George describe them in COCA COLA 'j. Two Orthodox prelates and almost tdehtical terms. FREE Cententi Only •■n four priests have been expelled GREEN BEANS 3 4 9 ' SALADOn * 1 ^ 5 -5 9 ' Says ona o f Miax Vance: and the patriarchate's printing m tH P A K -^ O L ID P A K ga aKAND UMIinf ^ M A A n “ 3qa mAy drive us all nuts Wim THI PURCHAK OF ANY ROU ■Ml • APKE DANISH 69* com MUSHR00NS.%4!:?89' somMlmas, but she doesn't set­ * .r, • . V TOMATOES 3 4 9 ' tle fot^'^dss than toe best.” KODAK BLACK & WHITE FILM OR COLOR FILM S aji an WALDORF George: ARE YOU IN “ She ie a. dynamo of dedica­ OR SLEEVE OF FLASHBULBS DAIRY DEPT. FEATURES tion. Jhe seta a standard and or out of TOILET TISSUE 29 makes Us come up to it.” GET 50 EXTRA STAMPS, TOO! rU fH B A K B aRAMD UNION—WHOLB H O T W A T ER? % tusalisi. G rU-az. Q Customer pays for cost of film plus cost of proceaaing. ■□I. 4 9 ' COOKIES (NtaDnpi ^ pkgs. BREAD BUTTERMILK ^ 2 5 * Hiith MUlett Just SVic* a day for foci KOSHER DHLS MELT.A-WAT aODULAR MARKETS ONLY can get yoD out of trouble! RIHSOBLUE 4BH®® IroobES iwia 2 it ^ 6 9 ' COFFEE CAKE 5 ^ 4 5 * WHA^ COMES AFTER ‘BUT’ T aOLD A MARBLE If you live in a typical PICK OF THE CROP - FARM FRESH PRODUCE! Whjn a woman makes a com- NATIVE CORN house, you could easily run plim m tiry statement about an­ 14 Ox. Cen out of hot water several From Nearby Farms POUND CAKE '3S ft 5 5 * other.^ woman and then adds times a week. “ but!f, iiliiat,fQllows is what she SAVE 11c Now you can have all the hot water you need at one FRESH SWEET really, mqane. Swift's Beef Stew time for anly 0%c* a day. She’d .really a nice person— FARM FRESH Think of it—only 9^^c• DELICATESSEN t ALS! but kWfully boring. day! £ai/a on Beatify Shift a marvelous cook—but Chunk Reg. Tea, thanks to Mobilheat YOUR FAVORITE BR. flAnttPBAT—BBe.azeCNTU you can tell that by her figure. SAVE GOLDEN YEUOW —and an oll-flred hot water 1 L b . C O R N i y 4 T Shd’a 'a perfect housekeeper— Cent He heater of correct eapaclty- Loaf 19c but bvarytoing 1$ just a Uttle Starkist Wh!ie Tuna your family can taike cars RYE BREAD fWEBT — RED-RIPE HELENE CU RTIS^’ P L too paiffct to look homelike. o f all their Washing needs DEODORANT She has a marvelous sense of Trunz Trunz .'■T at one time. Old Fashioned humw-^mt it can be a bit LONG GHEEN Mom can do the family Old Fashioned WATERMELON CWTB 5 sharp and cutting at times. 100 Count wash. Sis can do the dishes BOLOGNA LIVERWURST RIGHT GUARD ^ 8 9 L She’q'as cute as can be—hut Family Pac at the same time Junior PREIH — CRISP CAUrORM IA auuMPOo awfully scatter-brained. takes his bath, and yem en­ Sha’k very efficient—but a lit­ Hudson Paper Hapkins joy a shower. L b . tle on.the bossy side. Don't delay—phone us to­ LEMONS PEPPERS HEAD & SHOULDERS'i^TO* Cucumbers C U em B E R S She’s a good friend of mlne- day. Find out how easy it is aTRAK0inANPiwniPiMunorND.n but I wouldn’t tell her anything TIP TOP CINNAMON to switch to a Mobilheat- LUNCHEON LOAF 49c I didii't Want repeated all over flred waiMT heat. FA RM F R E S H •Average family of tour. 3 - 1 9 ' 1 0 & 3 9 « 2 a . 3 5 ' I P 0 A Toothpaste town. ■ W E L C H A r i She’s charming to meet—but RAISIN BREAD somehow she strikes me as be­ REDEEM TODR COUPONS THAT YOU RECEIVBD ■ ! THE MAO. FOR ing just a Uttle too sweet. 1 LAYER IN SILD OIL lb IT'S NATIONAL Pfi She’s always been so young- MORIARTY lA D D U BOT — TtrtlA Cam looking—but she’s beginning to Tomatoei 29 4 C .M I NORWAY SARDINES 8 ^ ^1®® ■how her age. CAT FOOD She used to be a good-looking BROTHERS LABMB BOT MtotMT RIDGEMONT CALIFORNIA SUNKI8 T woman—but )she has certainly DOG FOOD l a S'tnsrH®® let herself go. 643-5135 She has beautiful clothes—but BEX 400 « STAMPS 50 EXTRA STAMPS HOUSI a aAlM N ■he always looks a bit over­ 101-315 C«nt«r St. DOG FOOD 12**-^ ijo® 100 EXTRA STAMPS with m C H M E or $S at MORE COOKIES dressed for the occasion. ^ E F BOYARDEE r w r CAT She means well—but she Just LemonslQi39' WE GIVE 100 EXTRA STAMPS with PURCHASE W 2-Ui. GROUND CHUCK doesn’t have any tact. 50 EXTRA STAMPS CAT UTTER 5 1 3 5 ' She has a lot of Ideas—but SPAGHETTI 40 •!. Cas 29*1 SANTA ROSA LARGE GREEN STAMPS AABDn BOT 100 UTRA STAMPS with PURCHASE O n-lkM TWIN PACK TSSS? POTATOCHIPS most of them aren’t very prac- r / i C is-os.$100 . ticaL ...j. Witk Meat DOG FOOD ih i V 9mm . . jl „ lO G E X T U STAMPS wUhPURiEASE a nVE28-M.hllAE^^^ “ ■''i'She ’looks' wr'Tmiclr'jwingei' RAVIOLL 40 ei. Can 19* than her husband—but then, of iOO EXTRA STAMPi CAtNauoiiat.9T. MobiHiaafiS;. eourse, she’s his third wife. When m e woman is descrlb- SPAGHETTI ** 55‘ iil tog another—it’s what comes af- lor toe “ but . . .’’ that counU. BEEFARONI « > c*. 55* 25 EXTRA STAMPS An righto reoerved Eatospriao Am

P f I ) ■

*‘*Vt\Vv^ r. ■ B A N C ^ T E B SVBMINO KEHALD, MANCHESTER CXJNN, THURSDAY, JULY 88. 1994 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCH Bm iR CONN, THURITOAY, JULY 28, 19f(4 ■ < ' road show in Uhaatrtoel Malo­ -is not a odiiiadate. The party Ie •teetate, MaOoiiai O a * Bagia- ManDhaater’a OfoeuR Court IS ebook. Brighasa was ralaasod Rockvill©«Vemoiii national aolvancy,” Dali said. badly worded and creates an |700 Register without ohaige after the case ry,” saya William Sargent Jr. executlva dletatonriilp,” Dali to nominate fVlday. tar Oo. mariitne whloh haa an Golf Ball Toss plea aBaaicn on Aug 10 to aa- "W a mqat stop throwing awa)y reglateilag m tBat awsr to ths odtnffa., InvaaUgstton and arrest, poHoa Sargent, 27, a garrulous, red- Jerry Page said. "It invades the rights of Dall expresaed disappoint­ haired man from New Orleane, money to foreign countries. We ciUiens. The bill is the law and ment over Alabama Ckri Stdien at Kings 9090.90 can ba rung up with a Leads t6 Arrest Fatrofanaa B iU a Rooney, who IITUWNOUS U FM LT PRVimi Angle puah of a key where made the arrest, reported that and Alfred Crown, a somdeteat Bank Has Record Year^ must think lesa of Viet Ham and must be obeyed for the time George C. Wallace withdrawing older New Yorker, are the main Recalls Day being with a hope It can be re­ his name as a possible candi­ • DBIVXWATB a FAJUONO IXnM X oarti nglater, veluad at moat similar martihtsa only go when h f atoppad Hawas men on the moon and take care up to 100.90, Sartor raportod. FeNoa ohaarvaoM of golf bans vrtilole, a feSow peaaenger Bm- torcee behind a proeeae named l%e Baby Has of our home problems." pealed and reworded.” i date for any party. Constitution |700, haa bean taken In a break ‘Hamlet’ to Open Theatrofllm. officials had favored Wallace a GAB BTATIONB a BA8KBTBA1X OOUBTS The regiater waa empty of being thioini by oocupanta of sat J. Brigham, 20, of Coventry Top Officers Re-elected "I feel eorry for the moon If Dali, a former aon-in-law of Into the lower floor level at The prodess makee poaaible Of Struggle the late P ri^d en t rranldin. D.. for the party’s nomination. An Work PeveooaBj gnpervlaed any money and no oOiar mar- one car at anotfaar vahlela leat swapped wallets with Hawas so we repeat up there some of the jOng^B Department Store off the motorist would have a H- Filmf^ Theater the filming of Broadway pUye mistakes we have made down Roosevelt, has been mehtlfmed 'Gov. Wallace would have We Are 106% Inaared chandlae waa reported mlsabig. night led to tba arreat of a 24- or other attractions durhig reg­ The Savings Bank of Rock-^ Two major loen aervlOM w e n prominently, as the parly’s p r «f a great many votes,” pine St. The break waa reported by year-old WHHmanttc motorlat on cenaa to Sbam to Patrolman vUIe bad a record year, corpor­ Initlatod by the beak for a m Been Nam ed ••• By HAL BOYLE here.” Horne said. Det. Sgt. Joseph Sartor, in- Rooney. Rooney’a investigation NEW YORK (AP)—The pub- ular performance without spe- NEW YORK (AP)—When she "The so-called rights biU ie idential nominee but he said he said. maitagement, It waa reported. motor vriilcla driving violatlona clad lighting or inconvenience to ators were told at the ennual raeldante thla year, HalM w r re­ veitlgating the break and theft, which required the poeting of a revealed file hoex. first came to Msmhattan, Geral­ lie gets its first look at the lates the auifience. The second step is meeting on Tuesday. ported. He eald that the peat reported that b|Bmeone broke $250 bond. An open can of beer was dine Page worked as a hat Cable Traffic Heavy innovation In mass entertain- speedy and intensive exhibits of Bank president F^ederlok B. year had been an aetlve one in DE MAIO BROTHERS *“ into the building Rometlme be­ Richard Auatin Hawes of Wll- found by Rooney at the feet of the ftelda of home mortgagee check girl. tween 10 p.m. Monday and 10:30 Hawea._ „ An odor _ of_ _ alcohol - on- ment when "Hamlet,” atorring the show tor limited runs. Hallcher reported that assete Hmantlc was cited tor operating Including oonvantlonal, jfmA She sold Christmas cards in a Tel. «48-7691— We Carry Jennite Saalar -m Tueaday through a north- WASHINGTON — The United Hawes’ breath brought a written I Richard Burton, appears slmul- "We aim to provide a special reached a record $25,546,862 a motor vafaiele while Ids li­ and the 14,498 customers of the and VA mortgagw. Ad«Htioa«l Bkby Name# on Page Seven book store. She modeled negli­ aide ground-lervel, window. States State Department warning for driving after drink-1 taneously on a thousand movie feature every 60 days that cense is under euspenslon and bank depoelted a record $32,- Mortgagee Inanred by the gees. She got a Job in a thread FIRST FOOD'S THRIFTY The regiater, uoed by a con­ about 1,800 cables every work­ failure to carry a registration Ing. Police saidid file tee car was I screens across the country in would be rtwwn everywhere n*vld WMi of lIugMie L. and B. Mary factory, and as she wrapped the cessionaire in the store’s fur­ day and sends out 1,000 cabled registered to Hawes wife foHow- September. during Just one midweek,” Sar­ 152,478 Surplus funds were set Federal Houring Admlalatra- certificate. On poeting bond, at $2,695,641. tion or the Veteran’a Adratnle- Blaokwan, 111 Baldwin Rd. He waa bom July 7 at packages of thread she read niture department, is a tan. replies plus 600 bags of maU. Haiwea waa told to return to Ing a motor Vriilcle Department 1 "W e’re gring to be the largest gent says. StFrancia Hospital. HIb maternal grandmother la Mra. Shakespeare. tratlon compriae 48 per e «it e f Sin/A G «»S U l^ d w ln Rd. Hia paternal grandparenU Today Jerry Page is rated by the loans made by the bank. S n i r a H , ^ L. Blackwell. RoBlindale, M ^ . He many in the theater as one of The bank began paying Ite baa two broUiera, William, 14, and Geoffrey, 6; and one , the nation’s most gifted actress­ four per cent interaet rate from es. But she likes to recall those the day of deposit, with dlvl- atotar, Barbara, 4. , , , , * early struggling years. denda oompovmdsd and paid OatbMlna Loniae, daughter of Norman K. a ^ " I got $6 a week on hat check­ quarterly Y rith ths sM of a iww Bettv OaaUe Marshall, 110 Columbus St. She waa bom J u y ing Jobs,” she recalled. "They computer. w “ t SSmches^^^ Hosptteh-Her maternal grand- also expected you to steal 10 Bank offioera raslsotsd w a n motter U Mrs. A. Castle, FairMeld, Vt.H sr^U m al g o d ­ cents from every quarter you Hallcher, president; Dr. B. H. parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Maridiall W^elleld, Kan- got—but not if they were look­ Metcalf, vice president; Owrias aas^nie has two brothers. David, 4, and Douglas, 6. ing. X. Preasler, secretary and traa* • • • • • "That made it all rather com­ surer; Herman W. Uaher, aa« plicated, and I couldn’t keep my siatant secretary and aaslatant Jav Mir***** Rtdiard, son of Laroy W. Jr. and M ary Jane arithmetic straight.” treasursr; George R. Chase, as­ Henle’ Jay, 86 HBlaabeth St., South Windsor. He was born She quit her $21 a week Job in $A>IE TIME.8A»E EWNEK.. sistant treasurer and Min Jnlv 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His inatemal the thread factory for a part in Edith T. Oaaati, assistant ssera- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Henle Norris T e ^ FLAVORFUL an off-Broadway show for which tary. S s paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leroy W. Jay she gol $10 a week. Since then W ayns O. Vincent, a dirsotor ■r., Fbrest Him, N. T, He has two brothers, Roy, 2, and her name has brlg^itened many SHOP FIRST NATIONAL! of the baidc, was sleoted to tos ihlrles, 1...... marquees. board of eorporatora. At present Miss Page is star­ GENIUNE Agency Gettiim FYmds Betti Jerald Owen, son of Chariee and Veronica Bowes ring in a,revlval of Anton Chek At Convenient Modern, Streamlined First Botti, 272 Burti Hill Rd. He was bom July 10 at Membeni of the Rookrills Re­ tiov’s ‘"me Three Sisters.” development Agency mat to ter Memorial Hospitel. His maternal grandfatoer hi VSo far I’ve played about 450 National Supermarkets, you'll save precious Bowes. Hunter. N. Y. He has one brother, Anthony, 9, and special eeeaioo last night and ro lW \ y my career,” she said, SPRING vacation time, as well as hard cash . . . approved a resolution steMi sn- one sister, Charlene, 1®- , , , , “and I’d like to play at least sblss ths agency to obtain n that many more. Tirst and you'll Save once more with famous temporary federal loan. Sarah Chapin, daughter o f Thomas H. and SusM "Acting is so much fun. You GET 50 EXTRA STAMPS Oheney Connell, 32 Donnel Rd., Vernon. She was bom July get so wrapped up in the prob­ Green Stamps/ Agency officials aomset to gat 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her materMl gi^ d - lems of the character you’re National I ths funds, $l,8M.m, wltfala parents are Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Cheney, Old Oroen>^ch. playing that you forget your WITH GLASSWARE two weeks. Ths money will bs llorpatemal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. P^derick (^n- own. S tores lussd to purriisas property to nrfl Sr., Old Greenwich. She has one brother, Jonathan, 2h - “ Acting is also a Joy because THRILL |ths renswal area. • • • • « you never get through with it. 5 glasses for LIQUID DETERGENT The temporary loan aw rovsd J w t, Jeffrey Mark, son o f Ward S. Sr. and Nancy M. Gag- You can never say, ‘Well, at I last ni|^t win bs repaid from Banh Just, 7 Berger Rd., Rockville. He was bom July 10 at last know it all.’ In acting you MIX OR MATCH WITH COUPON 7C SPRING I tegular funds to be obtained Rockvine City Hospital. His maternal grandparents aro Mr. never reach the bottom of the 'V?L^37c’^',r6 5 e I f r ^ a bond issue. Agency laad- and Mrs. Leon Gagliardi, Bast Hartford. He has two broth- cup, particularly if you have the I decided to apply for the loan ess, Ward Jr., 4, and Thnothy, 2. good fortune to play a variety of GET SO/ Of f I because the bond iaaus will not roles. There’s always something go on sale for three mcRth% ■otanidt, Mark Alan, son of Norman B. and Ruth Schind­ more to leam.” CHEER and funds era raquirsd sooner, ler Sohmldt, Ann Dr., Tolland. He was bom July 10 at Jerry is married to actor Rip ON DINNERWARE slnee the agmoy Is now pnr* DETERGENT R^kville City Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. Tom, and they have a 6-month- a g you add to your » t i DUCKUMGS‘3V |rtiaalng property. and Mrs. Fred ScWndler, Rockville. His paternal grandpar- old daughter, Angelica. On ma­ Thsrtng BHuhedsliJ eots are Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmidt, Hartford. He has tinee days—which happens to be on 4 p c. placo sotting and on GIANT FKC 85e A hearing sat for last nigh* two brothers, Paul, 4, and John, 8. the maid’s day off—Jerry I by the Rockville acnlog board . . . . • brings the baby to the theater moat plattor with eoupons 7A A 7B of appeals wns rasriudolsd for MahoB Nancy Lffnn, daughter of John William and Patri- dressing room. next ersek bsoa.uss ndvartlBlng da BMmbeth Killian Mahon, 17 Pine Knob Dr.,' Wapptag. She feels her own greatest -39 IVORY for ths hsnrtag Imd not bean PIUS COUPONS WORTH 2M EXTRI ^ )/ n M IP i •he was bom July 9 at Manchester Memorial Hospitel. Her character defects are laziness sufaaisnt STtiJSJa pandpi^ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold, J. Killian, and timidity. Hams UQUK) DETMGENT Th hmntag mstotos to an ap- ” I have a tendency not to IXTIA SAH IXTMA SAH h y D m MJ. Wstatenr Newington. Her paternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. m 9 S < fight things through. I some­ James MalMa, Valley Stream, N. Y. She has one brother, STAMPS STAMPS I Sor’*^^ - MS to bsOd an times chicken out before I ought centr John WTIBam Jr., 4, and one sister, Patricia Alice, 8. LAMB with One Hb Pkg et more with One Pkg of 100 ’IS'37c65c I spsrtmant Im uss on an nndHN to.” . rtnad lot on Bouth S t • • • • • h o n o r m a id 59 I Jerry’s hobbies are music, SLICED Celdeii Rest er Heewliad No objsotora ehowsd np a* Poltfi- Douglas Donnelly, son of Afred John and Patricia painting, and reading. I last night’s adhsduM hanring. DonnsOy Potter, 47 Waddell Rd. He was bom July 9 at Her dislikes? FRESHLY GROUND ALL BEEF Sliced Bacon _ 2 SALVO but one rasidsnt of the arcs to- Manchester Memorial Hospitel. His maternal grandparmts “ I don’t have many,” she BOILED HAM TEA BAGS DETERGRiT TABLETS I Toirsd todloated fsstaedny that are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Donnelly. 49 Waddell Rd. His said. "But I do dislike people WITH COIVON 70 WITH COUPON 71 w opposition to tbs propon* po,temal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Archie Potter, who expect too little of life and GIANT lal oowd be mowAaL Tim Painted Post, N. Y. His maternal great-grandparents are »Hl ^ in. -41. ALL U. S. RAISED themselves. We’re all capable of PKG 83c apartment honss Is veofce^ Mr. and Mns. Herbert Donnelly, 109 Porter St. He has one doing so much more than we lb JS43c for Ml a m at Urn bass s4 Vtoc sister, Laum Jean, I. do.” £ a v » o#» fam ous Bfonds / • • • • • "People get in a lot of trouble * . r u - Steaks" Badowdky, Cynthia JIU, daughter of David and Diane and make a lot of extra work Beef Cube "iSSSt DUZ total o f SOT pstttoto wars RosenMum Sadowrtty, 143 Chestnut St. She was bom July 9 for themselves by thinking only REGULAR I treated at Rodcrito at Manchester Memorial Hospitel. Her maternal grandpar­ HAMBURG Brillo Soap Pods 3 s;?, SOAP POWDER of the next five minutes, five pttel during June, niisotatng to ents are Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenblum, Little Neck. N. Y. 49 days, or five years Instead of S M A L L L E A N IDEAL FOR BARBECUE TENDER OM M<*r**. Iceei* a— usfc Tender, DeKebiM monthly hoapitol lepert. __ ^ Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sadow- looking at things from a lifetime GIANT PKG 89c TSmts wars 41 Mttlis eseosd- sky. Little Neck, N. Y. She has one brother, Richard perspective,” she said. Sterling Salt u>ioozpkg 10c lad and ntas aseidsnt toettme Scott. 2. "The people who contributed CHUCK Pink Mealed tmted. Dootosa patfonaad 89 the most to art always thought SMOKED Q C C SPAOHITTt SAUCE QT JAR " n c -•-»>« (peratloas. Ths nrarm sm ^ Bombardier, Cindy Ann, daughter of Robert Joseph and in larger terms than the mo­ PfillCB 57. Young Lamb IVORY [bar of pstiMts toeatsd A m Elisabeth Goldstein Bombardier, 102 Deepwood Dr. She ment.” was bom July 9 at Manchester Memorial Hospitel. Her ma­ PICNICS STEAK ms 9R MheimBl RAKES ternal grandfather Is Jack Goldstein, Wethersfield. Her pa­ Wheaties Cereal ”k°'30< Alto?w!**SnmlL 99, ternal gmndpsrente are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bombardier ItJnton tiL, was arratoed I t w Sr., 86 Deepwood Dr. Solvency of U.S. M tP N G 3 7 * • • • • • day ifigfat wMfa e wniran* to* Sunsweet jmCI 45< sued by Otooid* Court U . _ » ■ Breau, Cheryl L 3mn, daughter of Robert and Elsie White I§ Party’s Cry PRODUCE h o iS p u iik l OVBN RIADY i« 67< was otaaxgsd wOh todem n m Breau, 1 Pine St., Rockville. She was bom July 9 at Rock­ m K sad tojuor w ville City Hospital. Her materal grandparents are Mr. and Wise POTATO CHIPS 16 OZ CELLO 49. IVORY HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) A FANCY CULTIVATED m W 4 FOMQUARTIR CHOP iOMMNATION Iju cy to oMUracke Mrs. Abe White, New Brunswick. Canada. Her paternal platform emphasizing national KX)Z gn u u ^ ren ts are Mr. and Mrs. Emery Breau, Rockville. She SNOW •m all posted 9S,000 bond foe solvency was to be placed be­ J U I c i M A A t m a r g a r i n e ^ 1 LB PKGS h w one sister, Unda Lou, 2. BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2 appsranos to ocurt on Asig. A fore the Constitution party to­ BLUEBERRIES B sk t. I l l l S W W f 2c DEAL PACK * PKGS Aooording to poUos, ten ohaigs day. IAMB COMUNATION - 39 lOE PKG 3 7 * ■earns, Ann-Marie, daughter of Ernest Unwood and Pa­ LUNCHION llnrolvsd azstoor gW. BmaP wan Party officials agreed in preli­ anrwrtsd by Pntroiman Hemann tricia Ann Palmer Kearns, 302 Main St. She was bom July minary committee sessions the FANCY CALIFORNIA "YOR" OARMN W O Z PNC Halnia MEAT 3 89. Itots. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ past three days that the national SWEH PEAS Miohasl P. Hanswi, 91, SOaar* parents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Palmer, Wethersfield. Her debt and debt spending are the COLD CUP PKG OF 100 C A, niESH____ SWORDHSN 1 -45< ■ OXYDOL nor PL, wns arrsatad Ihaaday paternal grsuidparents are Mr. and Mrs. Blmest A. Kearns, most critical problems facing PEACHES 2 Lbs. 3 9 c REFILLS 5-OZ CUPS 220 E. Middle T>ke. the American people. DETWGB4T nlpht «Ml Gmrgsd wNh toMara to oany awtor rshlals rsGMrn* "W e must do away with fur­ tion and improper wm « ( Om Brault, Steven Ronald, son of Ronald Lawrence and Mary ther debt spending and strip the ME PKG 37c Rita Lamotte Brault, 341 Lydall St. He was bom July 8 at federal government of its for­ S i ^ m p S l p e e M ^ / Afmmer fieoaory i4ght haw. Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents eign give-away program.” said ITEM OF THE WEEK Fuiios said that H n a s s a are Mr. and Mrs. William Lamotte, 349 Oakland St. His (Tkirtis Dali, national chairman EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS , ewsrvsd Ms oar to anraU Mttliic wternal grandfather is Lawrence Demeritt, 717 Tolland from Philadelphia. 16-OZ I • oat that ran into the road. Ha w M a w with the purchase of One TIDE l ^ e . ” We also must stop the non struok a parked ear owned by • • • • • CAN sensical aid to education pro SWEET LIFE HNAST CHERRY PIE Hershey Chocolate Syrup DETMGENT Lois J. Lawson, 86 H als 8 t Boidey. Robert Andrew, son of Richard Arthur and Joan gram s,” said W. Frank Horne, Ext. Both oars were aectenalnm- Marie Marquis Bouley, Wilson Lane, M.R 8, Rockville. He the platform committee chair­ EXTRA S&M GREEN STAMPS ly damaged’and had to be Urn- was bom July 8 at Rockville City Hospitel. His maternal LGE PKG 3 6 c I ad troas the soana. The noeMent man from Renton, Wash. l-LB. with the purchase of One - FIN AST B'/i O Z grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Aurele Marquis, Walllng- The platform is expected to loocucrad on Beat Bt. PKGS Vt. res paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ include 14 or IS planks. Both PKGS. ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE Educator Beer Chasers 3 Hanaan was aixested by igt. . mond Bouley, Wallingford, Vt. He has two brothers, Kevin » Dall and Horne declined at a Ror I Otennoa Naff and la toaM mr Arthur, 6, and Michael James, 2V4, and one sister. Coral DUI news conference Wednesday to Margarine 4 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS |oourt appaaraaca Aug. A A m , 4H. list them but said one would R with the purchase of One Pkg - FIN AST PREMIUM DETERGENT Motas brand the new civil rights law Admitted yaaterday: Joaaph Morrow. Denise, daughter of James N. and Mary Helen O Z C A N as unconstitutional and another SUGARED CHOCOLATE DONUTS LrtM, 126 W. Mato K-| Louia Chessey Morrow, 818 Spruce St. She was bom July 12 at would ask Congress to exercise MAXWELL HOUSE King Oscar Sardines Me M E PKG Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her material grandparents EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS 9ropat 59c lYoriz, 112 Union St; David an option it has held since 1913 Phi, Sohuli, 19 Middle ButcAmr Rd.; are Mr. and Mrs. George Cheksey Sr., Tolland. Her paternal and take over the Federal Res­ with the purchase of One Loaf - FIN A ST — udparents are Mr. and Mrs. James D. Morrow, 818 2'/4 O Z Mrs. Joium Farrar, 8 Oak fM.; erve Bank system. l-LB. OLD FASHIONED BREAD Michael Fontanella, Mltngton; uee St. Both indicated the nation CAN CANS tes SPIC & SPAN Azma Fray, 19 Wlndarmera Ava. should at lea t slow down its ex Underwood Births yesterday: A dauMfiae Cormier, Patrice Denise, daughter of Bdward D. and Qai] pansive space program but each I Fott H0USR4OLD CLEANER ^ 14'/i OZ ’ • p p c iz 1 3 to Mr. and Mrs. J o a ^ to. Gar- B. Fullerton Cormier, 70 Wadsworth St. She was borrt said the nation faces more seri Coffee IVAPORATID MILK main, 1 Pleasant St OUB Pet 4# CANS 7-OZ July 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospitel. Her maternal problems. JELL-0 44< HNAST 160Z PKG 2 9 c Diacbargad yesterdays Joaaph gmndfather is Donald Fullerton. Madawaska, Maine. Her " I ’m more concerned about CANS * l - h n a a lAPointe, Tolland: Thomas Pan* atemal grandmother is Mrs. Grace Cormier, Brookline, RONID Solid in Oil HASric GELATIN DESSERTS Assorted Flavors 12 'pk?. TURKEY 5-OZ CAN White Tune Fish FQC tenello, 47 High S t; B arry Aa> Slass. She has two brothers, Eric, 2%. and Craig, 16 Swanson 33< draws, U Franklin Parii; Catb* inoRthSi KRAFT’S DELUXE COMET erina Taylor, 98 Floroncs St; 1-LB 9-OZ Mrs. Judith Shuts and d n u ^ ■astlUo, Jacqueline, daughter of Ralph and Annette Car­ BIG ROLL AMERICAN SLICED CHEESE 8 Oz. Pkg. 29c ScotTowels 29< JARS CLEANSER ter, Tankerooaan Rd.; Janet ter Hastnio, RPD 8, Rockville. She was bom July 11 at Rodrigue, 17 Vamon Ava.; Rob­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother NNAST A 1-LB Finast Apple Sauce KRAFT’S 2 140Z CANS 3 1 C ert Lea; 41 Laiwrancs Bt.; Is Mrs. Ovila Carter, Broad Brook. She has two .brothers, Potatoes WHOLE WHITE ■ t CANS 49< Robert, 8, and Michael, 2, and one sister, Theresa, 1. Mauds Mllnaa, Bavartiill, aaa.; SusaB Burks, 16 Pros­ * • • • • GRAPE JELLY Lge. 18 Os. Jar 29c INSTANT A 3-OZ - Urge 110 COUNT ROLL MDorYKLOW ’^l-QTVi-OZl pect St. CMlmartin, Ellen Margaret, daughter of Thomas Joseph R0TE‘ Royal PUDDINGS ■ t PKGS 49< and Margaret McGraw Gilmartin, 46 Diane Dr., Wapping. DUNCAN HINES—WHITE, YELLOW OR DEVIL Paper Towels Iropieel Blend J CANS IVORY She was bom July 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. ^ ee m Cocoanut Choc. Drops ^ 1-LB DOU CAKE MIXES Reg. Pkg. 35c ^1-QT14-021 SOAP T1m*llNinld^RoA^ Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Donald B. Var- er Pecan Sandies As BAGS 89c HAWAIIAN 4J CANS I W. Mala 8 t, tolepkona STS- rell. South Windsor. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and fEIGEL Piueapple Sandwkli Spread'»**”Mi>39c 9196 er 649-9711. Mra Joseph Gilmartin, New York, N. Y. She has two sis­ FINAST A 'h O lM ft Crape Jelly 1, PMIAPPLI- ^1-QT140Z' 3 MID lARS 3 1 c m / B B atMAT SCOnOW ELS Jumbo Roll 28 c ters, Lauralvnn Ann, and Amarie Elizabeth, 2, :D CAN ■#T* K GRAPIPKUIT 4J CANS CBmOZBS mBABUBT • • * • * Shrimp ,1-LB 8-OZ nKuraff "NAST S l u m O AViOl 9 | PRANKFURTS NABISCO EDUCATOR WASHINGTON (A P )—Rap. Taylor, John Christian, .son of William A. and Barbara JAR UIIV 6 S JUMBLE PAC J JARS ■ Grape, C 1-QT 1 OINGRR SNAPS 16 ee. pkg. S9c CHOOO MALLOWS 10 oa. pkg. S9o Peanut Butter'***” 65< John S, Mbnagan, OOmn.,. Covington Taylor, 426 W. Middle Tpke. He was bom July 11 1 Orange, Cherry J CANS IVORY at Manchester Memorial Hospitel. His maternal grandpar­ has. orittoixad the ttm m uy ents are Mr. and Mrs. August M. Covington, St. Lo- ■. Mo. Hunt's Tomato Sauca 2 ' oi 25c SOAP Department for toiling to aUaw His paternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. James C. Tay­ V P T 8 4 X m private Induatiy to stamp ou* FOR DELIVERY— CALL 643-8059 Cain's Swaat Papper Relish n o i ja« 33 c ------7 ------GrUPe JUNe So-eerl V,iM y Uank oolna to hrip saga tha lor, Alton, m . He has one sister, Jeanne, 2314 months. Come To PMS BAM 2 6 c • • • * • ooki ehortaga. In a atatament Maxwall House Instant Coffee »« mal •« oz ja« I .75 Beekland, Thomas Bverette, son of Everette and Mary Hawaiian Punch EROZEN to the Smate Bariklng and Oatw Jane Bush Buokland, 453 Keeney St. He was bom July 11 Sorden's Danish Margarine uifKo 45e DOUBLE rmey Committee yesterday, mt Manchebter Memorial Hospitel. His maternal grandmoth­ HARVEH Monagan noted ttiat the Bureau Sumbla Baa Chunk Light Tuna oz CAN 35e PROZIN JOY er is Mrs. Sophie Sankey, 88 Santina Dr. His paternal of Mint recently avrardad aav> Seneca Juices aral contracts for eommarOlal grandmother is Mrs. Eskel Buck|and, 453 Keeney St. He has Pels Naptha Bar Soap 2 *K iA» 23c GREEN STAMPS LIQUID DETERGENT otM brother, Mark, 3 ^ , and three sisters, Judith, 14, Jane, "YOR" CARDIN manufaotura of . metal. itripa BEACH from wtaioh hlartha May n* XI, and Laurie, 4^. FIRST Instant Fals Naptha Soap Granules lai KQ 36c P R O ZIN - lo o t CAN 14 c • • • • • Crape Juke atempad. A t tlM s u m tkOA Ito Grant Hammoek Road t-fT«.oz»n' 65c ",S'37c’".{i°^65c M siilH WiUlam DevMI, smi of Bdward H. and Jeeste Bald- Gentle Feb Liquid Detergent WEDNESDAY said, It faiiad to panntt Merrttt, 64 Woodhill Rd. He was bom July 10 at Man- paoduotian of tko biaaitol (Routo 164) D azzle Bleach ' KAUeALAW 41c aatvoB. *«uie|y,*' ha •heater Memorial Hospital. His nuternal grandparents are lA-REX DOWNY r Swift's M eat Dinners 2 iMOCMRt 49e At Your Pint Hadond taper Markaks vats todustxy ahoQM Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Baldwin, Fltewilllam, N. Hi His pater­ Old Saybrook / MR. CLEAN nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Merritt, LRltia, pwm RAVORIO SYRUP FABRIC ^T E N E R the opportunity ■■■ oaw ■ - J u ^ 7,..al.>]i|;iinehester Memorial Hoapital. His maternal A Public Bathinf Place ____ qPIN W » « 1HU1S» HU. JUJ. t J.M . S A T-n u 4 - grandmother is Itn.' Xrthttr Oaasaday. Wast,Tork< JBa..ilia paternal grandparents nre Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roy, Box .1 Oar Paririns 11.00 njNTV OF N H PAEKM#44« CENTEX STREET man I t O, R T D 8. He has one brother, Anthony, g; and ana slater, "T.- ^

■ » ■ S- . \ ' \

iiAiiCEiinat KvranNQ h i r a l d . OOMN« THUISDAT. JULY M, ttM SfctioH Two THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1964 THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1964 I P a g es 13 to i Tliair axpenaai be flnaaobd '•oott 8*1^ n w Axmaaam woor a o f Mr. and Mm. Lawranoe vm mmuaoLy^ A u n i r Coventry B^enUman o f Staadlah Rd. by the oburoh’a Fragtnant Bo- M ^ayna to Got ’The Rev. James H. Ameling, doty, ttM Olmnanf Circle and ‘^ a o ' v i q ^ r C o ^ M at in pastor of the church, this oom- Deaoona and Deamnasaea Dia- road hack, Bnt hi sadiBi saaf t l A Aggistance Proposed School Calendar Ing week wUl be serving on the erattonary Fuad. aqoltatkMl, ttdrd ta E ngH sh Expert Gives m ocra ts staff of the youth conference of Sunday maaasa ait S t Mary’s w;M raNaTON Mrs. Kennedy Captivates Campers the OonnecUcot Conference of Oniroh wiU ba ad T*.M am., & glt* dMatan. lUniatir Abdd Rrtman of Congregational Christian S:M Am., 10:80 mas., and 11:80 Te«)DMwaaat Malaysia holds g seoand reand Townes Camp W ill D ance Has Scheduled 185 Days Tha tean-agoaF danoa w4H ba M V Mora By S. R. COHEN C hur^es at ttie Conference Mn., and at S t Jonaph’a Mis­ of talka wMi Praaldant Jofanaen sion Ohuroh la DaglevlUa at held from 8 pm. to 11 pm. Sat- 'Mrs. Joseph P. (Rose) Center at Bilver letko, Sharon. utday at the Nathan Com­ and lacretery of Stata Dean o ( tb« local Damo- 24 to Jan. 4, Christmas 8:30 am . High Rating Tbe Coventry school system^Dec The Rev. Mr. Ameling may be munity Center. There will be Riiak today after gaining V.S. Kennedy Sr. paid a visit to rW Tobm CommlttM are recess; the week of Feb. 21, Worship BMVioas at the First suggested calendar for the year reached there in case of need. free admtaaion for thqae pra- Manchester’s Camp Ken­ Blac to attend a amorgaa- reopening March 1, winter vaca­ Congregational Church wUl ba support for a mlUtaiy training Dr. Jamea N. Oliver of tha 1M4-66 is reported to cover 186 ’Two deacons of the church seating thehr pink lOM-86 mam- dance at the Stafford tion; April 16 for Good Friday at 0:30 am. Sunday. program and tha aide of Jot m RENTALS Unlveraity of BirminghM, nedy yesterday afternoon Spitoga Fair Exhibition Hall. days with 83 of these in the first and closing the week of April will handle the remainder of berahip tMcata. Mrs. Philip m - and completely captivated a Tha Rev. Kart Stake, pastor aenbatg will be in ehaiga of tha trahiars and hallcm>ters. England, a leading world au­ The dlnnar-dance la In honor of half of the school year and 93 18 for spring vacation, re­ the service Sunday at the of the Redeemar Lutheran Sandwlchad in betwsan the large throng of campers, opening April May 84, in ob­ church. Laiwrdnce Fentinum ohaperana •r LE M IN I thority on physical therapy for William St. Onge, candi­ in the second halt year. The COuiroh in Lebanon, will serve tan> meetlnga was an address to volunteer counselors, town date lor re-election from the servance of Memorial Day, and will give the invocation and as the interim minister at the a luncheon masting of the Na­ the mentally retarded, has been flooond Oongreasional District school year will start Sept. 9, a four-hour session June 26, Psalter Reading. Frank ’Tur- tional Preaa Chib. • A l MdMS in Manchester alnce Tueaday officials, and townspeople. local Prince of Peace Lutheran Coventry rorreepoiidwat, F. Pan- She arrived alone at Bradley naketa may still be obtained since Labor Day is on Sept. 7. closing of the school year. cotte will give the scripture Church. Services wlU be at night, evaluating the program Une little, telephone T42-8881. Tha ei-yaar-old Malaysian • A l M o M field at about 12 noon, was met from town chairman Paul Mer­ The annual teachers’ meeting Delivers Sermon reading, the pastoral prayer 10:15 Am. Sunday. dlecloaed at a news conference at the Kennedy Day Camp. • A l ThM t by Mayor and Mrs. Francis J. rick, Oeorge Peters, vice chalr- with the administration heads and the offertory prayer. Home Show Awards Wednesday that he baa accepted Dr. Oliver, who will leave to­ Alan Fentlman, a pre-theo- Mahoney and Mansfield Train­ y t i and Mra. Blmll Malek. will be held Sept. 8. Throughout the summer, sev­ Coventry 4-H members re­ an offer from Preaident Johnson night to visit a Quincy, Mass, The calendar schedules no logical student at Hedmont Health Ituurance Gairu D odoa Pooflac ing School Superintendent The Women’s Auxiliary of College in Demorest, Ga., will en youths of the church parish ceiving awards at the fifth an­ to train "some of our military Paul camp, is a consultant for the Ibe Volunteer Fire Department classes on: Oct. 80, teacher’s nual Tri-Town Home Show in people.’ ’ INC. Joseph P. Kem-iCdy Jr. Founda­ Francis Kelley, and was driven convention; Nov. 11, Veteran’s deliver the sermon at the 9:30 will be attending church youth NEW YORK — Seventy • five wlH aponaor a food sale July 30 Vemon follow: Melinda Christa- Ha said the Preaident put no MS MAIN SnUBOV tion, a co-iHxmsor of the local directly to the Globe Hollow Day; a four-hour session Nov. a.m. worship service Sunday at (xmferences:' Lynne Howland, per cent of the people In the PhoM 849-2881 at 4:80 pm. and Aug. 1 at 11 dore, fimt in pony trail, third United Btatee are protected by limit on the numbers and that it camp site. 25 for closing Nov. 26 to Nov. the Second Congregational Linda Schmidt, Mark French, camp. sum. at the firehouse. Mrs. Fred health insurance now compared could include anyone from ser­ There she was greeted by ap­ 80, ’Thanksgiving recess; a four- Church. His subject will be Richard Gale, Fred Hewitt, Bri­ in weatem eommand, sixth in He also has been lecturing Macht and Mrs. Thomas Cho- an Lewis and David McG8 on Vietnamese army tactics. 3 .7 9 CHUCK GROUND Compare at 4.96 r BRAND ly ereditefl with being the first s SKINLESS NEVER A PARKING PROBLEM STEAKETTES "W e’ve done everything we to serve ice cream in the Whi$e can to Instill these things into BEVERAGES House.' wkM you shop riio them, but unnecessary Ice cream today Is consumed Lb. Lt 69c bloodshed continues." 22 Flavors Hkihlond Pork Morltot.,. 89c Fringed fingertip towels in one form or another In all RUBY PAPER MYSTERY corners of the world, as we from absorbent cotton teny Dietetic Soda know it. In some places it is an GBOTE A W EIGEL — BfUCKE’S DALLAS, Tex. (AP)—A minor i Franks *?olar-Bar^ SfNBials FIRST PRIZE cloth. 11 rich, eibnnt colon. POTATO SALAD mystery has developed over f For inexpensive food. In otherii' a Home Delivery prohibitive luxury, but every­ SWEET LIFE newspaper which investigators SfOr^ Can 649-5680 COLE SLAW FRANKFURTS reported finding in Jack Ruby's f where a tasty delicacy. W FANCY "S^EET car, a defense lawyer said Conpara at 2S4 da Although ice cream is sold in FRENCH FRIES MACARONI SALAD Wednesday, Regular or Crinkle Ont The newspaper, a Nov. 16 is- COLD CUTS ■ue of the Wall Street Journal, 48 VARIETIES — 8UCED TO <»OMR was addressed to a J, E. Brad- SRICIALIY PRICID SOPT AND PLUPPY DACRON^ BOUNCY, RISILIINT POAM Delicately embroidered 5kS99e NOT PRE-PACKAGED •haiir. cotton pillow cases. 3 iBACON Although prosecutors say they ITANDARD fIZI KAPOK PILLID RID PILLOWS STAY BID PILLOWS WITH . Something New! different floral designs ----- MSlIik ' know of nthlng to link the news­ ZIPPBRID, COTTON COVBKS in pink, blue, yellow a LABflE, FANCY FANCY, YBLLOW Wo rent eoM storage lookors for your f nWQYK W ra W r VK . paper with the slaying of Lee PlUiD RID PILLOWS PRISH PORIVIRI WMuwn not forced to pof off BMirtgagB! Attractive cotton ticking covefa aoft, natural DacrollWpolyastar is wuhihia, noth proof, duat Non allaritnic, odorioat, tnildsaMHOof and green. os $1.25 a month. The locker holds c 250 poimds of moolk Harvey Oswald, FBI agents and fret arid non ailarianic. Cotton oovoring comoa oomploltly waahablo pofy foam. Pink, bhie Itasr plan oiseta laoalUy pnymeota lor M«wt8«ce> *>4*% BUM CHERRIES Bb. KBCHES I Lbs. a representative of the Warren flbara, and kap^ realata molatuie, too. 21"x27** ht piiins of pink and bluo. 21” x 27^' and wbNi. 31” x 27” Box of R fcf 994 He«t and light, and Bbintenanee. I Compare this deal before you buy o Commission have eiqireased an For Details OaU NABISCO OREO OUEAM COOKIES ...... 1-Ib. pk|:...... for SBo feitarsst in It. GNnpora «t 1.J9 99« Compor* «l 4.98 2a89 Cemporn irt 2.99 1.99.. Compart at 1.49 t .. j!jao]u.UllA.ia9 >>8..^ mystt- 'W ii fied," defense attorney Joe^Ftfi' Inisurance Manager IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST nahiU said. "Ha says be never LEON 0. BLOOM, 51 BISSEUST. REAR OF ICE PLkNT read tha Wail Street Journal, I HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ; - 2 4 9 ^ * 9 5 A------FLINTY OF’ FREE P A tK IN O rs rA I^ haduao.jiov not Men a copy of the Nov. MANCHI^IR PARKADE, A tro il TURNPIKI WMT • OPIH MON. THRU lAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. • ^A R O E IT" AT 9RAMO-WAY... TAKE MONTm tO PAY! » IkHM, and a doesn’t have any Ofiloea ta Venon and I It waa d od v in hla Joooooo»oooooo#U#o«#oo#i)#u#u#u##### ) J' •A- m MANGHS8TBB EVXMlKO HERALD. MANCHESTEB. CONN^ THURSDAY. JU LY 28, 1964 rAqs.«roii» ■ANCHBSTEK IVENINO RBRALD, MAlfGHMTBR, CONN, IHUaSDAY, JULY 11. IfM Jmmuml Report ■( Nikita’s Goal Eyed Library Gains Negroes Hartford, East Hartford, West Hartford, MiddiofoMNl* j .. In Circulation Hwmpsewdle, Brittoi, Maneheator and Now Britain. In Scoring Barry The Manehedler Public Li­ brary has made a gain of ►um Peace Plea •,488 boric*, records, aad ple- l O O n i E E S) innha at to t ton*, tures in circulation oinea tha Stop<$liop has Ined up a Parada of Pooltry Bargains for p ! par eol 1962-63 Sscal year. ») B. Braaauakas; one son, Robert through__ to tha Kramlla. Midway T O P V A L U E C. Braaauakas of Springfield; l^ieeday Is probably only a ba- The system’s annual report of ^ katarasn Ninon Issued Friday shows total cir­ pr«MM4 “oomplat* eoolMwica” three daughters. Rev. Sr. Chea­ and tha late John F. Kaenady. ter Marie of the Slaters of St Khriuhebev told a Polish au- culation has climbed to S85;30i. C liMptay, « on«-tlm« patrol* tha Soviat laadar tried to switch The report also notes that the STAMPS MM who oliUliMd a law dafraa Joseph of Mont Marie, Holyoke, dlsncs that the candidate put to a neutral poaltlon. Mass., Mrs. John T. Mytyck of forward by the RenubUcan par­ cdrculatlon of adult mm-flcUon batoraadvanciaf to hta liB.OOO a gpcaking o t the two opndl- Is greater than that of Action, wHh If pcrtlMM ^ nari year poat. Vernon and Miss Aniiette T. ty “made it clear toat he wanU daUs, be said: a new trend in the library’s Mnrptiy has said th« polica Brasauskaa of Springfield; one to onter the White House under oI . Which is Ita Mm Satarday, Jaly 2f the slogaxu of unbridled anti­ developmmt. win protect peacelhl demonetra- brother, John J. Ptkow of Hart­ right or the left ? U w ^ d Children’s books account for Eseepl Beer 8 CiqereHri I ooepoe per tora but will not be Intimidated ford; one sister, Mrs. Earl W. communism and war threats.” he difficult to dlstlnguiah bet- He also nsssrtsd that the Re- a large percentage of the cir­ fa) auppressins violence. Barnhart of Pasadena, Texas, wAAn tliRTn ** culation total being only 41,000 Thirty-nva Nofro leaden who and one grandchild. pOUican platform, which he de­ The Bovlst press and r a ^ nounced as warllks, had been less than their elders. attended an evening meeting In The funeral will be held then quicklyI took up tto n y ^ Five thousand new borrowers the Bedtord-Stuyveemt aectloo Saturday at 9 a.m. from the T. •dopted “In an atmosphere line and it remained the Soviet rwnlnisesot of the fascist gatb were registered this year, the m id In a resolution that “ the P. Sampson Funeral Home. 780 positton untU the electtmi. report states, bringing library people can no lonfcr he res­ State St., Springfield, with a wtaigB to Nuernberg.’’ Dlplomata here believe ^ cards to a total of 22,000 peo­ trained.’’ solemn high Maas of requlon Ths Mg question raised among presmt campaign dabata on lor- ple. It seems that many people The resolution said "basic at Our Lady of the Saered D.g. forwga poUcy officials who ^ poUcy prohaMy to are Anding, the library r e p ^ evils from which the community Heart Church, Springfield, at ar« always concerned with the ^ r e fw reaching » d Involve states In Its opening sentence, suffers must be corrected.’’ 10. Burial will be In St. aim of Khrushchev's maneu­ more fundenieBtel then "... the doors... to the library In Washington, Rep. Adam lOchael’s Cemetery, Spring- vers, Is what he hopes to ac­ any In the past 90 years. ...lead to the richest treasures POULTRY SALE complish by an attack at this Clayton Powell, a Harlem Ne­ fMd. Where the Communist prob­ of our open society.” emu’ll love gro Democrat, said the violence Friends may call at toe fu­ liras. Is ba seeking to magnify ths lem U concerned, for symple, The library has two reading represented “the built-in, con­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9 clubs for the benefit of its Boaetearis! 3)S! tinuing resentment of the black and tomorrow from 3 td 4 and 7 eonoani siqireaaod In the Euro­ ths Johnson admlnlMratlon has pean press that Goldwater, If he bean foUowlng a pollM of t r y l^ younger mamben. The Whiton people of the bUck ghetto of to 9 p.m. Memorial Library branch has a New York” against police poll- bscams president, would radi­ to treat differant Communist Mfu. Oatoerlae M. LsSota cally alter T7.B. policies toward countries dUfersntly according "Circus Tan Reading dub.’’ He said the violence could be M ra Catharine M. LeSota of the Communlri countries to their wUllngnasa to make At the West Side Branch a “ended before the sun goes WethenSeld, motoer of Mrs. toughening American attitudes practical agreements with the summer reading program has down’’ If Wagner would set up a Oliver Cfomwell of 00 Coolldge the Commimlst coimtries, UnitedUIAAIrVU SUtes.esaesnww* In ths - ---- Kmnady------w been organized entitled non-police board to review St, died this morning at Hart­ toughening American attitudes, Johnson administratioii the out­ “World’s Fair Vacation Read­ rh a i^ of police brutality ; as­ ford HoMittal. a,__ a ^ would possibly make some standing example of this policy ing Oh*.* sign a Negro police caidain to She la survived h y tour sons, changes In nucleeu' weapons pol- is the limited nuclear toot-ban More than 8,000 new b o c ^ the troubled Harlem precinct; one other daughter, two broth­ toy? treaty signed with the Soviet were added to tfie oeflectiona MAXWELL auspend Lt. James R. Cllligan, ers. three aleters, 18 grandchil­ Doss he wish to arouse anti- Union last summer. - this year. A revision of the who shot the Negro youth; ex­ dren and M greet-grandchn- American fears in the restless In Ms accsptgnce speech present sard oatalog system Is pand the Jurisdiction of grand drsn. Oommunlst countrlss of Eastern Goldwater spoke of all Com- underway to order to make It Juries to Include “misuse of po- The funeral wfll be held Sat­ Europe and thus try to tie them muhlst govenunento as ene­ easier for llie puhHe to find hca authority,” and stop assign­ urday at 8 a.m. from the Rose ekwer to the Soviet Union? mies, In this sentence: books. The reference eoUection HOUSE ing rookie policemen to Harlem. Hill P^meral Home, Elm St, Does he want to prove for in- “We must make clear that un- at the central library has been Every Poultry item listed here is sale-priced for this weekendl Rocky Htn. wlih a Mass ef tamal political reasons that be U1 (Communism’s) goals of eon- A grand Jury Is Investigating can to more antl-Qoldwater added sad a new room pro­ ttie shooUng by Gllllgan. requiem at SB Cyril ' and queirt are absolutely renounced, vided for reference at tha Whit­ Methodius Chureb, Hartford, at thsji Ms Chinese toes within the INSTANT COFFEE NATIVE In predominantly Puerto Ri­ CSonununlst camp who pursue a and its relations with all naUons en Memorial.to 9. Burial wUI be In Rose Hill can Kast Harlem, adjacent to strong anti-American policy tempered, communism and the The demand for books in the OVEN-READY the Negro areas of Harlem, a Memorial Park, Hooky Hill. governments it now controils are Broiler Turkeys Ducklings Friends may oaB at the fu­ anyway? . ^ Junior division Is greater thsm group of 38 Puerto Ricans Or is Ms purpose to Influence enemies of every man on earth CMva be met with the present IwUt'u ButtauboM. Aar VA. A) 4-« lb. avge. T h a bMtl U.8. Grade A (4 bo S lb. avge.) Sagularly 49c lb. formed a peaoe patrol that has neral home tomorrow from 8 yriio is or wants to be free." to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. American voters against the budget, the report stateo. Story been urging residents to avoid senator and thus strengthen the Goldwater also spoke in an In­ hours, school visits and Instruc­ the oonfllet. election prospects of President terview with the Gerinan news tional classes ir< East Harlem, with a popula­ Anthony O. lelsals magazine Der Spinel, of Ms Anthony George ZMonis, 91, Johnson? additional aettvHlea ef this dl- tion of about 80,000, has not Khrushchev has interfered in “disagreement with diplomatic been involved In the disorders. of 98 Elisabeth Dr. died sudden­ recogniUon of Russia” arid aaid vision. Reck Cemish Hens39^ Genuine Capens 59: ly this morning at his home. U.8. presidential politics before. Negro Harlem has a popula­ In 1960 he spoke out against tMs recognition should be re­ Famoos Swift’e Pramium, ^ u m p 96 oz. sach. Regularly M e lb. Tander, meaty Swift’s Premium, 7-0 lb. avge. Reg. 79c ^ tion of some 800,000. Bom in New Britain on April garded by the United States as 18, 1908, he had lived here roost Republican nominee Richard M. Police headquarters gave Nixon. At that time Khrushchev a tool for use In Its relations these figures on tbs five days ef of his Ufe, and was ths owner ef Porters Express Co., E ast H art­ had broken off friendly personal with the Soviet Union. d L nrdtn: relations with President Dwight In the same interview to ■srlsm—a dead, lU In^ired ford, tor the post 84 ysara. He is survived hy his arifs, D. Elsenhower over the U3 talked of the possibility of mak­ Fresher hy far! M etier hy far! (M etvUiana, 86 poUeemen), 803 idiane incident, and he ex- ing tactical nuclear weapons "of arrestsd and 117 property dam­ Mrs. Virginia Forbeo ZMonls; one son, Anthony B. Zelonis of tressed Ms antagonism toward a very small nature’’ available age Incidents. Manchester; one brother, _lixon by Identifying Mm with to NATO with control of the St o p Shop Bedfocd-Stuyvesant—no dead, weapons “to to rested as close­ Cliaries Zelonis of Bolton, and Elsenhower. SUPfR MARKETS WHOLE IS In jin ^ (6 civilians, 10 police­ The dominant reaction in the ly as possible in NATO itself.” NATIVE man), 337 arrested, 871 property one sister, Mrs. Agnes Dewey of Ithaca, N. T. United States then to Khrush­ damage incidents. Funeral services will be held chev’s interference was that he When buying washable gar- Wagner said In his broadcast Saturday at 11:80 a.m. at tot helping Nixon by attacking menU, especially outer ^niarel, that She Federal Bureau of Ih- Roae Hill Fhneral Hoane, Ehn Iton. PosslMy this eatonate, re­ cheek to make certain that tto G « r b e r 's n U S H M c m d veedgatloB had siqipUed the po- U M ^ also are washable. 6EISIH St. Rocky Hill. Burial will ba flected hi ednoitala aad newspa- B a b y Fo o d s MIATRR lloe wMh “certain Information In Roae HUl Memorial Park, wMsh Is of greatest Intsrest and Rocky HUl. Theyre Buying Up the Bargains Friends may sail at toe fa. Strsinod 9 j«rs 95e TMs appeared to be a possible nsral home tonight from 7 to 9 Junior 6 }ors 92e relsreoce to toe statement by VConneotiout Bank aad toruat Oo. and tomorrow from 8 to 4 and Rme cf ringing eaahwMOln St “Psople havs baenbbuyara. If yeu N M aR ehiekN is There ■ loileraa world of dtfferance kt flavor I Sweat, dalicate, tender meat Z9.that fiiT Pahl R. Soravanc, acting mayor 7 to 9 p.m. regtotan, mwry to the mer- here since 8:80 this morning,’’ And there’a more to meet the Another painter waa bnuhlng wlrito Wagner was away, that myt than signs of “q;>ecials'’ up a picture of St. James’ Crab Meat almoat medbe hi your mouth. That# plump, juicy broilers are rushed from ^ eara, euatomssB In a said one merchant iMtef a Wm leM. rare probing the are hugrlng up At noon time the stores ware and “dearanoe.’* Artiat Rita Church as intorasted oaasaraby O c 8 M S p r a y the larm bo your bable in leee than >4 hours! 2^-3 lb. avarage. iP t te iD f groupa, toe of the annual bringing out more merohandlne Betko of 51 Horton Rd. dla- looked oh. (Herald pootoa by Onmmanlsts, were Id­ F o n e r s k on to meat tha eontkiuoua flow of plays her work outside of the Bateraia.) Cranborry Cocictall iom anting toe dlsor- Mrs. Nathan BUOer laadera denied Idix wHIi OMier Frak Jslee" OOVSINTHT — *n»s IWnsral Hebron Town Surplus $ 233 , 000 , 6—ft bettl* 5 I g ROASTING CHICKENS ‘wSIte'iemi” cf Itoa. Dorotogr MlUsr of Bread Events Unsurpassed flavor! Oven-ready, ^ - 4 ^ lb. avge. Reg. M e lb. Mid Mito St waa bsM tola Stuffed Turkeys 49 —«<—*-g from toe John F. Tlar- $ 100,000 Above Estimate Swifts P r e m i u m with ho me-e^lc draseing. 8-lC R>. Rag. Me. Mgr SkuMral Homs, 919 W. Om- Board Gets Ocean Spray tsr St, Manctoator, wMi a In State TURKEY ROASTS 89L Obituary Maas ef requiem at St. Maurioe The town has wound up Its^the town, with the board of ed- Cranborry Souca M m ri rwWI Land O ’ Lakes Boneless Roaat, »S*S *>.) Reg. $1.09 lb. Report from ucation reporting over 828,000, (Oonttnned from Page One) A torrLAc buy for main-diab maolal Ctaurob, Botton. The Rev. Ber­ laat fiscal year’s operation with *8i«at wHti Ckidwe'' raadytiM fk. nard L. MoQuzic was esisbrant. a surplus of over a quarter mil­ and the O m m ^ty College a Fa no y qoriky at a spociol low prie*. Fresh Fewl lltUe over |16,000 of the |90,000 rial session the General Aus- 7 ^ es. aan, sogularly Me. Mrs. Segur Dies, Chartaa Robbins was soMst School Nurse lion dollars, about $100,000 Mtels** er irhiU J A fabuloue bu y for Srieaaaee, aalada and aandwiehee. Cu t up 38*. TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 'rV’tT * 35* sad Paul Chstalat, organist. abova the May asUmate. It had been allocated. ! sembly to arrange for a eonstl- Y o u d o n ’t have to b u y a rriiole bird to get your favorite m e a t Burial was hi the veteran’s aso- Mn. Harry K. Khkbam, Me- Hie surplus as of June SO to­ The state contributed to the Widow of Qieney taled 1283,002, as compared with surplus by allowing the town tuUonal oooventloei. ^ eon- tion ef Bast Oemetary. Father bron’s achool nasna, to to r an­ 823,000 more In education aid vention would draw the new MoCkHk read the eommlttal nual report to Am board of the board of directors’ estimate Sc off Lipfon ONLY AT STOP 4 SHOP! NOW YOU CAN SK Mrs. Ruto ’Tiffany Chaney Se­ servioe. education, shone torsrif as a of 8134,482. than bad been anticipated, In district lines and submit Its Chicken Breasts 49:lb gur of Watertown, formerly of hard worker In bar field of The "newfound" additional addition to reimbursing the plan to the voters to a special Bearsm were CUnton O'Brien, town 82,244 for street lighting. election. Intianf Tag NEW! JNST ARRIYEK W e a v e r Br an d ( 2 ^ lb. box. $1.23 for the phg.) TIK DAY RIGHT ON THE lA K l! Manchester, died this morning Uoyd Hobron, Michael Hirtli, duty. She tMted 886 pupBs In surplus funds are the equivalent at Watorbury Hospital after a ■riairn soraening duitiig tto of more than one-hsdf mill in Although some of the surplus Others, including House Ma­ Paul Moyers, Atoert MWer and is encumbered for town projects jority Leader Louis J. Padula, O U R O W N stop& 1 H 0 P abort illness. She was the widow Herbert Miller. year. TWrty-elght of theae were revsnue. sf BSarle H. Segur and R O. ref aried for furttor issto and to______oomparison,______the 1963-84 already voted or started. It has I R-Norwalk, have suggested V 46c Mmm^tTWNM 1 COLE SLAW : : 69* TODAY'S GROUND BEEF A delegation from the VFW budget w u based on a surplus always been thus at the conriu- ‘ amending the state constltuUofi Chancy Jr., and the mother of Poat and AuadUty attended toe 32 w en recommended to obtsdn Douglas Tiffany Cheney of professional sdd by fl»a «»d of of about 880,000 from the pre- slop of every fiscal period, and through the General Assembly, only at Stop A Shop funeral. vlous year. I the' figures can be used as a bypassing a constitutional con- GRAPE DRINK GUARANTEED TODAY South Rd., Bolton. the year. . B ritio Mrs. Segur was bom Dec. 19, She tested 476 eUldrcn to Surpluaes werw^recorded In guide line for 1964.66 opera- vention. Now! Every package of St<^ A Shop 8892, in WUUmantic, a daughter 1 • p hearing, including reisMa. Soma ^rlrtually evecy department of - tions. Padula suggested a meeting Soop Pads Ground Beef carries a label elating Nie of Dr. Ttanothy Chauncy and n > n f » h f f ||g > T form of tseatmant wes ylv«- between leaders of both partlea PACE-SETTING VALUES! D A Y k wee ground. That ■ the hind ol Katherine Foote Beckwith Tlf- * • C fSC xIt Btxtean were referredtoir treat­ of toDda hy the toeasurer by the Coventry: Robert Belyea, in an effort to reach agreement on reapportionment. Should “-avar A M H ^100 H freehneee-care Stop ft Shop takas — tony, and lived in Manchester j ment and nine had ftwAs me schedule as last year, Wapplng; Lucille Hood, Bktft, -- r tr 4ic many years before moving to yS amlnatlona. Hartford: Mary i ^ Cariwr, braafs af s k s P a r l e y Phyaioal eeaminatlosis wars 830,000 for 5 months; 810,000 FRESH GROUND BEEF lb 39e Watertown in 1941. ^ for three soonths, and 830,000 W appli^: Robert Somogyl, 24 sinllar 79 59c Shuttle Meadow Country Club, j (( and 4. Dr. Mervyn Little, setMOl for two months. on the reapportionment amend­ 79* Bayar's Aspirh JT?S665* 89* Baby Powder ‘7i7"69* The sum of 867.26 has been Murdock, 574 Gardner St.; Mrs. L a R o s a DATED! Kensington, and the Cariouel i ^ physician, examined S9 at Betty Sawyer, 37 Tracy Dr.; ment this year. HALF F R E S N g r o u n d ROUND K> 79c Oub of Clearwater, Fla. France loet a decade ago, he school, snd 85 were referred to transferred from Insurance and A constitutional amendment 47* J & J Band-Aids 33* 49* Sbw pao 29* their family doctors. ’Hiere bonds to tax ooUector’a expense Mrs. C^arie Breneman, Coven­ Hbow Macaroni VsUST Survivors, besides her son in aaid a miUtary solution in Viet try; Mrs. Joan Quigley, Phoe­ requires action In two succee- Bolton, is a son, Richard Otis j Nam is Impossible and that the were 67 referral#. to eover an over expenditure to slve legislative sessions. Under Of the 66 klndergartnars 86 the 1063-64 budget. nix St., Vernon; Mrs. Terry Cheney of Kensington, and four Mg powers toould guarantee Morsev and son, 426 Broad St. the Padula plan, second roupd A I S e grandchildren. were given the Tine teat for SUNSWEU X* peace In the area. tuberculosis by' Mrs. Kirkham, DISCHARGB® TODAY: Paul action could be taken at tie LESTOIL Funeral services will be held Thia implied a Joint guarantee - Htndley, Wapplng; Robert Av- regular seuion that convenes price all tests being negative. •etMMUMfteel J 0 ( Satmday at 11 a.m. at the Al. of neutrality for the two Viet T Morse Rd,: E d^rd Mor- in January. This would allow I- P M |I2 m C Q c deraon P^meral Home, 70 Cen­ BHrst aid for accidents was i gl, 1 bottle §JL \ Think Cool! Nams, Oambodia and Laos. It administered to 248 pupils a ^ ano, 19% Eldridge S t; Mark a referendum on the amend- S n o w 's You save 29* on 6 pkgs! 01 DN 8Rttr Bottia tral Ave., Waterbury. Commit­ simply reiterated a policy De *96-8454. FitxSimmons, 20 Bruce Rd.;! ment next July. COUPONS FOR J g Serve ’em tal services will be held Satur- 144 were treated for Ulnees. At GanUe first enunciated last Aug. least 87 home visits were made James Nightingale, Coventry; Republicans have muoh at Clam Chowdar day a t 2 pjn. at Blast Cemetery.' qk newsmen the 1964 by the nurse In behalf of the Walter Phillips, 117 Cooper Hill stake in the reaipportlonment with see ereaml There will be no calling hours.' Geneva agreement—negotiated 100 Dixit CMFf IS 59* children. Including other calls. Hospital Notes St.; Mrs. Betty Elmer, Tolland, question. R I V E R S I D E ANswaat Marfarice 2 45* ’The family requests that | by w nations including the Unit- During the yew* a number of Alton Kunkel, 5 McKnlght Cir. They have oontroUed the i r 27c FrhM Spafhalli SaMM*]T57* flowers be omitted. ed states, France, the Soviet formal classes were held at AJJMITTBO) TODAY: Mrs. cle, Rockville; Mlsa Doris Na­ House virtually without Inter­ FMEvap.MM( 3^44* Union, Red China and the two the invitation of tse ckuwroom son, 29 Agnes Dr.; Mrs. Mar­ ruption since 1876 largely be­ Alfirander Undeey Dlanoo Barriomireo, 4 M argaret Bkz Gackarf A 37* Bwdarwaad't • * :* 2 X *3 9 * Viet Nam regimes—was intend­ teacher, and 14 films Rd.; Yvonne Cbiclone, 71 jorie Kraasowski and daughter, cause of their strength to the SOUTH WINDSOR—Alexan­ ed to end the fighting in the pen­ shown In the year’s p r o g i ^ to 11 Overbrook Rd., Vernon; Mrs. state’s amsUl towns. With a PARK D a n i a der Lindsey (Linsky), 62, of insula. But, he added, the ao- Spring St, Rockville; Bertrand the various riasses on health Harrtoon, 68 Horton Rd.; Leelle Jacqueline ScheltUn and son, B3- House baaed on poputotlan, the Maaeh KLEENEX Hartford, father of Alexander oords have not been respected AGAWAM Hunter, 943 BL Center St.; Miss lington; Mrs. Katherine Taylor power will toift to the ritles Undsey .Jr. of 31 Hillside Dr., by either side. * * T 7 ^ school health p o lic y Om 9. MargariiM 4^$l 3-Nb jar Peamit Butter 99* an enormous generalised eon- Appllcente for Oerk Porter St; Mn. Susanna How­ n h r 8 7 c Yratchers low Hartford, at 9. Burial will be In flict. districted sinoe 1903. 8 t Catherine’s Cemetery, Broad Ttie local board of finance la ard, 968 Mato 8 t ; Mrs. Lecma S y s te m f o r Under any reapportionment bezel hi price for bud­ De GauUe asserted that the seeking applicants for the posi­ Jarvis, 16 High St., Rockville; si IN Brook. South Vietnamese population plan, Democrats would be ex­ IBER get-watchers! tion of clerk to the board. Ap- Gloria Jean Ktog, Enfield; Un­ pected to retain owtrol of the B a a c h - N u t l-aly EDUCATOR aMHRS KT OFF NESCAFE MIcantB must be prepared to aC' wood RolMns, 91 OomaU S t; Income Data Senate, but Repubhcana would \ support a cause iriiich seems to M n. Ann Donlon, 166 Benton and tomorrow from 8 to 5 and them that of a foreign power, eept such duties as attendance be to g tm ,f danger o t kwing Strainod Baby Feed Yaaiat * iM lait BeNet y T to 9 p.m. regardleas of toe people’s opin­ at aB board nveetlnga, taking S t; Mn. Bttolito JobnMn, Rea- The Town Recrentlan Depart- control of the House. lM Ree|ar ion of eommunlMn. Mwi typing minutes, handling naMmdUe, Fa. ment has Instituted a new sys­ Parttea i*prea*ted by a*- MMipSftaal «F btMO I tem whereby all records of to- Mn. Chester E. Dropping Ms voice to aar- boanl oorreapondence and such ADMITTBE) V O ^ Y i < tomeya at today’s ssaslon h>- f ?5c Mrs. Nina M. Plkow Bra- furUier miscellaneous olwioal enoe Snow, 999 SkMaid D r, eome are kept by the bookkeep­ ohide the 10 oltlsens who ■auskas, 47, of Springfield, eaam, De GauUe noted that er and money turned in to tite former President Ngo Dlnh work as will to called for In the Vernon. brought the suit; Gov. John M. PrnrtffeiKie'rJSSCMH.35* Stracfbaart riSk 3^i 29* BbtekteetSea rusi 4Bc MaM., formerly of Manchester, year's work. Ability to take BmTHS YIQSTBHDAY: A son bookkeeper Is substantiated by Dempsey and the other state Diem of South Viet Nam had registration lists, ticket num­ CHun King Chinese died toere yesterday at Wesson placed himself “in Washington’s shorthand and to type are re­ to Mr. and M n. John Gould, 42 officials named as defendants; B a a e h > N u t Vndarwaod'f 37* FrxH Cocktail 39* Kraft Saiid Oil Me Memorial Hospital after a short bers. reg;ister tapCj or mem­ orbit.” Finally, the United quired Salem Rd.; a son ,to Mr. and Democratic intervenor. State Banka’s laatant * • illness. bership numbers. I- ----^ LIBBY'S B auualt U* 42* States began to mistrust TTie amount allotted for thia Mn. Robert Gremer, (Jlaston- and National, Chairman John M. *• With any purchase at M p y I w u CaptKiKTflMA.2'r25* Bom in Hartford on July 6, Diem, De Gaulle aaid, ahd add­ position la $150, estimated to bury: a son to Mr. and Ml*. Sqpt. James F. Herdic of the Bailey, and Reptfbhoan toter- Mar-UatWbHaTiaa 81a 1917, she was the daughter cf reereaUon departmwit toformed venora, 8tate Chairm an ed Sist Diem had been over- mean an aaavafe of MJW for an Thomas WoWe, Wlndnr: a son Gensral Manager RlObard Mar- f t e p A Shop, rnceivt a sMipoH radaemabla laatItar-Wal jdSK T«e Me Fred Plkow of Middletown and tlirown and stain, and that stfU hour’s work. Tkose Intorerted to Mr. and Msa. flaarie Ptanay, House Speai 4 '~ 9 * c tka late Mrs Dora Sokol Plkow, anotoer soup d’etat amptad In 97 Baas Brook Dr. tta ot, ,Bw ay>tom« a reauK of J. T^Ptar Fattsmon Jh, a TOMATO JUKE and had Itvad in Sprlogflrid for are asked to gat to touch with i ssilmmmdaHons ' made by •t Rtvanide Park. TUs gMqioB Ptaa $1 aa* Saigon lator. Hadley B. Hill, board ehatoman. BOmiS TODATt A daugb- fltata 8408. fVadertok Pops Jh. tha paat 10 yaara. She was sm- At a news oonfersnee last B ony h Maori Oo. to their au­ and Peiter P. Mariani. tities you to |2 worHi of rides. This offer Baker's ploy^ as a casMer at the Stop before Aug. 6. t«r to Mr. and Mm. John Kloa- dit, to a report on aourcea of in­ Trend S u d s A lp o 2c offy CoNege bin Jan. 81, De Qaidle called tor Anmial Eeporto gyr, 36 WaddeU Rd.; a son to R e n io n I StYf I l f Nabiaeo Oreo and Shop, Blast Longmeadow, neutralization of Southeast Asia, come of the department. i - • 00 D o g Food Vanilla Extract Letters are being s«rt to Mr. and M n. WUliam Sbelaky, Sources of income of the rec-1 dudes A LL RIDES, and is good Monday Datargant Chinan Broth Mass. She was a life member Including Viet Nam, and de­ Eorly Potatoes Chipper Hbow Macaroni m 4 Crama Sandwich Cbeidat of the Blessed Mother Sodality town officers, boaiMs and agen­ RFD 2. RockvUle. reation department Include clared ufiat diplomatic relations thru Friday only during the month of Au* MH m ■ MHaa A Heraonwat 29a leasee keWi 4 5 c of Holy Trinity Church, Hart- with Rad China ware neceass^ cies, r^uestlng that they send DISCHARGBID YBBTERr memberships, towels, pools, WASHmOTON — The Depart­ 2 p l4 C .^ 9 c . and was a^ tommu^^ a ‘to?itotr-ai»«M**eporia^ the Cynthia Oti. 97 B rentals, swimming lasadns, ment of Agriculture says the J B t 4 9 < g u lit. RenMHibM’, Mmmc odu poBS a va U a b le o a ^ 4-1 MtlesuMtoe* 49e Boof It.** 29a 4eaaeebe«He OSC Onr padgr of ths Sacred H eart afterFrande had actandad dl- flaoai yaar pater *o Nd.;_8te| ^ y ^ ‘***'^* ? ' vandlDg laaoWnss, bowling. bast potato iddps aome .tram CfeMNiL ■I yav Mop * aNV. . Shidto torfothsr,.*e to sim> ■*«.% .0 ■ ■■ ■ \. t *


/ IUNCH18XBR SVEMIMO HERALD. MANCHBSTIR, OONN, THURSDAY, JULY DB. IDM PA oa IIANOIESTBR BVffihNO' HBftAiS/ dbl«,‘ THUtebAti ^ Y ^ 19i4 I -TTin iMSm 4 officer en Oie scans and R da- van 8,868, and Watarbury with n era ■ 200. FoUca, riot unlta 2 Fingtn pefids on the tamper of tea tot gunbHac, but womhon tioa growth. For an eiimlnal teasn’t M aam Uke^ that tha Kacaatly a phcna. can waa ra- Jobless Qaims 8,808. New York Uses WUMW and troops had baouid tt 1,018 Dance Studio Manchaater waa to tea 16te crowd and tha nature of tee ac­ M i Murthrth t/oioy totey teasdoM gambfambttaf anta, thass young offandars oost of policing tha activity and calTad teptoring lha fact that Sii paraons on ourftw vlolatlan Hardman to Direct them ware no 'asch faellitiea anCAOO — In the avanif a spot among tha stato’a 30 o i- Mounted Police tion to be oountorad.” aa much ebaflMion, oon-< mate up 17 per cent of all po­ added w elfare. coats will mora charges and another 1B6 were Rise by 4.5% Pollca here use borsea dally in w i in Manchaater. Riots person tha middle finger is toe flo^ T1ia-wa«k hafora It had oam and eormatloa aa in tha lice arraeU." charged with unlawful assembly spots of hoavy traffic, and aa a than eftsat any ravanua ra- Helen M. Watkins atrongest, fOllowad 1M tha index Venture Left bean 17th. -yH' w «H r united S U t a a * ' Tha April Raadars Digest rioting, finder, the fourth ftogar, and Unemployment compensation NUW YORK (AP)-Mouniad safety measure when crowds celvad from lagaliMd gam­ lines# U.S. Training Plan Tha FBI Rapoit of July H, points eut Oraat Britain's ax- bling T Dat us consider all the sm o A K > R £rriAipKchi A federalfederd police spokesman in the litUe tingor. Fingara 2 and claims Iliad to Manchsstar last FAIBB AiAMf pollca war# used Wednesday pour out ot thotders, '^diiMuid that OONFBMES MISHAP and Malaya pobred Mto tha IBM atatoa, "alnca IBM, crime perience with gambling In an factors involved and learn from Kuala Lumpur, capital of 2 are fastest. By Murray weak rose by 4.6 par cant over HARTFORD (AP)— A wom­ night for tea first time since rar parka and auditoriums. streets of 8infate**ik h>r .Malaysia, aaid although the sH- awtkm concam - haa Increaaad flva tlmea faater article titled, "Britain Ooas on the aotwal experience ef other ORANOB, N.J. (AP)^-Flra an loftoad out her wtadow.yaa- clal dlaordera broke out tat tee Mounted police always ara a Oambllng Sprea." Thay found trucks want roaring to a house racial battlaa today, ! tmtlon continued serious In Sln- A oiitical shortage of trained pereoimel in the high tboae Iliad during tea pravloua W l « w Ot the than tha population growth. states and groups before being SUB BASK BbtTSDfA . NKW YORK (AP)—Arthur terday and saw a man appar­ city last Saturday. available to help quell disor­ Four aarloua Crimea occurred that "four per eent of tha reg­ here Wadnasday night after an offlcUl death toll to tha rioting had not skill metal cutting trades has prompted the Federal gov* weak, with 907 peraons draw­ ‘ ho placed m the carried away with proapecta of WASHINGTON (API—Oon- Murray to stopping out of tea ently stuffing aaoteor man Into Tha mountsd polics appeared ders. They are ej^rta at repell­ every mihute during IBM ." ular bettors were deflnitely anonymous caller teleiritoned a communal rioting began rapaad-to other parta of Malay- erament to authorize its oD-the-job training inogram, ing checka during tee week Fan U M s f ( gressional approval haa bean danca studio huatnesa he started tee trunk of a car. at one trouble s ] ^ In Brooklyn. ing unruly crowds or breaking M l Hoover aald "a conservative hardship eases, people who a large'tax revenue. report of an explosion. day night. . ending July 18, and 867 during Speaking again of crime and completed on a $1,584,BM|000 training director William E. Hudman of 28 Judith Dr. In tea lB80a vtean ha taught resi­ PeriiapB reacting to those Deputy Police Commissioner them up Into splinters—either in VENETIAN MJNDS^ Tfte Board of D lrecton claim eetlmata of the annual cost of were unemployed, sick, or on The caller waa in error, as the Hospitals reported M more in -f■. "fhe'curfeW, In effect for 18 told Tlw Herald yaaterdky. < the week ending July 11. Walter Arm, public relations tee street or on sidewalks. youth, Manchester haa been do­ authorisation bill fo r' oonstrue- dents of Minneapolis to circle stories o f callous people not they arc able to call a review national assistance or old age firemen discovered when they Jured were brought In after four hours uhtjl 5:80 a.m., waa re­ Hardman, who ia director of Claims filed throughout the man tor tea department, ex­ The horses are specially crime in the United States is ing a fine Job of providing fa tion of military faeilitlaa in and say "o i” to tea tuna of .the wanting to get Involved in at their dtaoretion. Thla ia theo- $27 billion." Ha aaid further, pensions. NkUonat Union of arrived and spoke to the lady of hours of serioua clashes, moet of laxed, somewhat In an apparent training for tha Nattooal Tool, state last week, convaraely, plained the new tactics to a trained to push Into crowds, cillUea for wholeaome them during a morning break in attcmiB to " prevent complete this country and abroad. Ihe L a m ^ Walk. moogy ertoilnal affairs, tee Im- L A. JOHNSOIt- retleal^ oorreot, but in actual "The number of arreata of Small Shopkeepers found that rccrea- the housC, Dorothy Gower, Die and ftadalon Hmohlntog Ha aaid Wedneaday teat twd drapped by 166, to a total of statement today. moving forward with head practloa, partiaan politloa pre- its members have experienced tion for Ha young people, let us " i sccidentally drove our car tha curfew to allow people to atagnatloh of the island's bus­ total, approved in the Senate medhrtely called police. youthful criminal ofTanders yeaterday, includas MiMl.SOO Aaan., to being retaload by Bac- franchisee have purchased con­ 88,'779. Claims filed during the “The use'of horses ia to pre­ down, backing up or moving PAINT 00. ' renta the Initiation of any for- a ten per ceht rise in bad keep up the good work, but let throtigh the back of tha garage buy food. tling — „ economy. . , Beginning Fri- corresponding period laat year Soon Michael Lambert, a vent possible hand-to-hand con­ crabwise with almot a full side­ aoared laat year. Since IBM ." OonfllcUng official reports o f' (j»y the neww ourfet^fiourfe' >-free hours for various projects, kiehidlpg retaiy of Labor W. Willard trol of tha oroas-country chain, S al reylew. We are ahot^ed to he aaid, "tha arraat ot Juve­ debts, in some areas the rise us not overlook the need for fa - i when I was parking it,” ex- W k ta to carry out a 600-man Arthur Murray Inc., for about totaled 88,723. mechanic, was axpiaining to po­ flict and to reduce Injuries to ways shove, and without tram­ 928 Mato Bt—4M. 868 iB ii nd the majority ot the Board the total number of Injured In g^re from 5:80 a.m. te.10 a.m. housing, at the U.S. Submarine niles has Increased twice as has been 20 per cent cllltiaa for rehabilitation of tha plained the em barram d Mrs. appropriate training program in 81 million. The new owners aaid The Bridgeport office ranked lice how he put a fellow me­ rioters and police,” he said. pling any one. lOf Directora atlU believe that the battling ranged from 1B2 to and from 8:80 p.m. to 6 papi. Base, Groton, Conn. fart aa the iroung age popula- Aa to revenue for the state. young people already In trouble. I Gower. 40 dlffarent ettlea in tea United they would retain M urray'! first last week In total claims chanic Into the trunk and drove "The decision to employ dlf­ Ihrou^ long training and as­ '4kia th e^ can be practiced filed with 4,288, followed by him around the Mock whUe tee farent tactics rests upon tee sociation, the man and his tbmifh in fact H haa not been Btatoa. name, though he aaid ha wishes they wouldn't Mrs. Murray wUl Hartford with 8,876, New Ha- man checked on a ratUe. Judgment of the commanding mount make a perfect team. -SEtempted. Hardman waa intorvtowed Read H ^ald Ads. ^ W e believe the mandatory yeatorday amktot tee problema continue as an advisor. jrevloar ot the Town Manager U ' of m o v l^ hia family to Bowia^ Murray,' 69, who had been a neoeaelty in order to provide REDEEM MOTT’S COUPONS Mailed to your home! Hd., where ha w ill be In oom- president, said be plans to pro­ a check and balance ayatem muting diataaea of tala Waah- duce dramatic television shows, drawing upon experience be between the taxpayera and the Ington, D. C.. office. The fam­ FLAVORFUL TASTY PINT BSiCr ' EXTRA STAMPS gained pro^clng "The Arthur Town Manager. At preeent we. 1 0 0 ily will fly to Maryland today. WitH Ihit Cwpon ltd PuickiH of t$.00 w Mwt. Murray Show” teat featured bis the ta^^yera, can only con­ PrlcM Effective Thors, th Tha daw developmental pro­ done the acta of the Town wife, Kathryn. SHorrs Coupon good July 28 thru July 25, 1864. gram usee funda made avail­ Murray started as a dance Manager through our weak and 17 MIDDLE TURNPIKE Limit one newspaper coupon to n family. "ocmpatfiile’* Btuud of IMrec- able under the Manpower De­ teacher In 1918. He waa an as­ Blueberries SUPER Thla coupon of no value when used In con­ velopment and Training Act It sistant to Vernok Castle In New tora. 7 junction with mailed coupons except when OonaWer the foUowlng nlin- I BELIEVE: MARKETS preparea a training methodo­ York and later was part of a FRESH DELIOOUB mayy of fa ^ whith demand h MANCHESTER single purohasea total 815-OH or more. State logy and Inatructlonal appara- dance-at-night, teach- durlng- mandatory review. Obrloua lack f ( y i *>c.. and Fair Traded t\u that wBl be the baala for in- tee-day team. He recaUed that a of plenning. peraonnel It's A OPEN NIGHTS items c::cr-(lcd from offer. duatry - wide apprentlcMtalp fluke and tee Lambeth WaU got dUng, and misdirection that training after the one-year fed VraUam K. Hardman him started. haa been and may atUl be pree- Mon. thru Sot. till 9 aral funda ara uaed up. “In 1936 or 1987,” be said, Cherries ant in our Highway Dep^- Woman's World Hardman said that ooat haa the Statler Hotel in Minneapol­ ment The alarming manipito- alwaya been a deterent to year apprentices trained imdar is wanted someone to teach tlon o f funda by the B eereaU ^ at A Mott training in the induatry. "Main­ old program methods. guests the new dance erase, the Department which, provolw ly,” he aaid, "becauae when you "The lack of skilled personnel Lambeth Walk. I started doing S t m attention. The atrength Moot create a aklU In a man you cre­ in the industry is a national that and it caused such interest of our Board of Directora when Morrs QUALITY ate a qultal inveatment you calamity,’’ Hardman said, "and teat I started others In other ho-1 Cucumbers they ore told to review the Department don't o m ." Hardman went on It la viewed as such by the La­ tois.” meneger by the manager hlm- to point out that if the newly bor Department’’ Beridea thia The Lambeth Walk died out, ■^Traally to prove that we trained apprentice leavea hia need, automation which la com­ but tee bunny bop and other the votora can really take a toM Tht key word you want to be concerned about ahop the day after he la train­ ing In slowly but steadily is not new dances kept the chain | LONG U M lOka the only recommendation ed there’a not much the em­ leasanlng tea need for trained growing. 4 kx1 9 * that fought lU way out of the when baying a Sicken is “ FRESH.’* ’ ployer can do except loae the personnel but Increasing It. By 1948, there were some 600 100 ^fualon.of Manager Martina money apent on the man. Too many men, Hardman franchised Murray studloa ] •elfHsalled review waa dlsre- ESH CHICKEN For thla reaaon, Hardman said, do not have training in tee acroaa tee country, grossing 840- gerded by him aa unworkable Mott chickens are fresher when you buy them . . . new machinery. “And although 800 million. Miuray said he sold I Buy Supf-Highi Qyalky M0ttt§ AM A %Aod Um. I m through paat experience. because Mott chickens are ru sh^ every 24 hours aaid, the Induatry needed help, SERVE THE FRESHEST, TA.STIEST especially to uptete old train­ tee new machinery will not re­ out bis ownership interests teen W e feel thia Joka has lost its to each Mott store . . . each chicken is carefully WHOLE for gyanmt— d lA T In ffco M§ATI Chicken thl» nlde of the farm . . . Mott'* ing methoda to make uae of place teem, it considerably for about 82 million. He has re­ iM ^r. We ask the Board of padeed in freshly crushed ice, to guarantee flavor. ebangea tee character of the mained in a role of dlmlnlaUng Quality Frenh Cliicken. Alway* younR. modem day educational know­ eaaMaauNMmiBaiM Dinotcn how many audita are how. knomedge they must have," he activity since. SUOAHT neoeaeary before they imple­ tender. Juicy-rich . . . oaperially ralieil The recent purchase, complet­ Iwpw-Wght Jifigy m d Each plump meaty Mott chicken is tender and Hardman ia tha author o f the said. CANNID PICNICS » — 1.49 Weo*^ to m iFod Dtoar Bim # ment their theoreUcal poweraT to be plump and meaty. 100% cleaned bo<^ "In-Plant Training" pub- "Soma of this new machinery ed last week but not dlscloeed How long do we wait before delicious every time because it’s been scientifically and dreeied . . . the fre«he*t most Uataed in 1068 by the National such as electrical discharge until today, was by Harry SUPBt4IOHr IKINIEM Evans of Houston, Tex., who the Tynm Manager la told in raised under specific conditions to be sure it de­ taste-tempting riiicken yon ean buy at Foreman'a Inatttute Division of milling, electro - chemical PRANKPORTS 2-"*90* ■paattle terms that be ia aub- velops into a full breasted bird with lots of lean Prentloe-HalL He began tala machining and numerically con­ owns 17 franchised btudlos, and Round Rousts aay price! James R. Bants, of F'ort Lau­ Ject to the Board of Directora tender meat on its bones. career In 1968 aa an Inatructor trolled machining has never 8UPH-6IOHT 010 MMHOMO' and In turn to the will of the to tha technical training depu^- been in a training program be­ derdale, Fla., who owns about SLICED LOAF • Ot m * 9 9 > •Mpw-Wght Q w o % , Hamy, Woetam, O o m ^ , SBoor Bm I, O vcr Boo# TotaeeT How loag do wa the ment cf Pratt and Whitney. He fore,” Hardman pointed cot. 31. Evans, who will make hia iMve to labor under And please remember . . . Mott chickens, like all also acted' aa ^>eelal oonaultnat The new training programs SUPER-MOHr an outrageoas tax rate while we and Inatructor to the U B . headquarters in New York, aaid • 01 of your othN' Mott purchases are guaranteed to Split, C«l-Up maka use of trade Journeymen no operating changes are fore- SLICED O llV I LOAF "•SO* Face Rump Roust a«oel«« medioore aervices and Army at Gonnectlcut Nike In- working In tee indtistry in a ra­ please you or your money back. stallaticna to 1060. aeen. wtaBa we alao aaauma the eoat tio oi one experienced Inatructor The two mm gained control •UPK-RIGHT MCKU 4 MM6MO ot Inafnalant town dapart •r 3-LtggBd Ib.O# The now program which la to 16 students. The materials, IwpsrOobt QuoUty, Homry, WBOem, Oonriod, Soar Booi Ovwi Roast being aet up by Hardman in by ptirchasing stock owned by HICBDLOAF mwitoT Thaee proMame eduld admlnistratora, and Inatructora Murray's relatives. Murray aaid be mbilmiBed or eUmtnated by the nation's tool centers is al­ salaries while they are away ready in uae In Rocheater, tee sale was with his knowledge the adoptloii of tlie Charter Re- from their Jobs Is reimbursed and consent. Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, by the federal funds. Buck Rump Roast vlalaa propoeals. TV> delete the Milwaukee, Detroit, Syracuse, “I ’m not in the least nostalgic mandatory review queatlon "B y ccmcentrating Informa­ Jan. Parkw U rg . 8 Indi 1 H> I « H artford, Bridgeport, and about leaving," Murray said. Soper-RIghf Qweltty, Hoavy, Woetorn, Com-fod, itsar Boof, Ovon Rooit would be to leave the other CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS ib.39< Ro<^ord, m. tion and tee best experience of "After 60 years, I feel it no APPLE, LEMON eleven propoeala without auffi HUNDREDS OF qualified Journeyman on the longer represents a challenge.' cleat etres^th to fidftll their ul Four Texts for thla program trainee we are able to produce have been written by Hardman ttanoto purpoee. a better quaUfled and more or PINEAPPLE PI EXTRA S A H STAMPS QUARTERS hlmaelf. th ey cover mathe- quickly trained apprentice teat Bills, Sips . . . Spouse Eye Round Roast . 1 .0 9 la oonokMioB, tiM Charter matica, m a c l^ e shop theory, win have a better than 76 per Barlaliaia including and aup- NO COUPONS NEEDED . . . NO LIM IT CHICKEN BREAST y^th Wings ib.45< blueprint reading, and an In­ cent chance of holding his own OEINKVA — Some Swiss ro- ] MVB TSi •Apor-Right QuaKty, BonaloSi, WoH Trtmwod, Hoavy Soor Roof portod by the mandatory re­ th e s m s o r ’ s f i n t s l All llemi at everyday lew pricea structor’s guide. in the induatry,” Hardman said. mantles still sling to an unusual I ON lACM - ' view givw the power to the The on-the-Job training pro­ He noted that older training pro­ Christmas belief. They advise a [ Board o f Dtoectora rather than ■ A C w l * i « purchane Hygradea* Dalqr visions In the progpram are be­ grams can seldom assure better boy or a girl to visit nine foun­ to the Town Manager. The PU C A irfl FORK SHOULDER BUTT ing used industry wide. Shop than 60 per cent achievement. tains and tadee three sips from I Corned Beef — 'ST 14 Boaal ef Mreetcaa now baa the • I t h t s m s o m ’ b lb. 45' owners in the Hartford pilot m g C w Am a purchaae Capitol Farme TENDER BEEF LIVER each while the bells are ringing aMHty to place the revlaicn M C A ira POLISH KIEtBASA program feel trainees in the for midnight services Christ- [ Afpor-Right Quality, Carefully Curod Loirw of Tondbr Podl queetioaa cnee again before the new program receive 2 years of Bedrock Far Under Ice m g E wAm puroha*e lb. pkg. Hygradee mas Blve. After this rite has It'S u rn AND DCIK80UI lOtMUL It le BOW the Board of : IpwQst prIcpB! the older training in 1 year, 2 9 C A lia COLD CUTS - All Varietlea Hardman said. NBW YORK — Bedrock In been completed the future hus- PUantoW raapnaaibUtty and M ib.49‘ beuid or wife Is supposed to be I JELLY BUNS VEAL LEGS or RUMPS Antarctica lies about 1,000 feet M ear hope they fulfill thla Ob- m g C wAma with purchaae 1-lb. pkg. Nepea In a comprehensive test given Smoked Pork^a75*s; found standing at tea church | JMU FAMCM MUY OR lEHOI 7 9 * 2 9 C X llB All Beef Jt Extra Mild tee Hartford trainees, the men below sea level, but is covered Rolls MVI OP TO •B--tPECtAL SKINLESS FRANKS door. **"**"^ Caat M. MuMTcayk averaged higher scores than 4- to 10,000 feet of Ice. ¥0wl« ur#MM Supor Right QuaHty, Froth, Tondor and AAoaty Bade Portion Ind. Wings Imhidad Wh«ot ir»«Ki r 2 l “ 4 9 ‘ ttaynsead U Fana PEACHES VEAL BREAST ib.29< •MTEF High Color, Jutoy SERVICE DELICATESSEN SUMMItTIME COOURS TeUow C h ic k e n QUAmts iib35^ QUAirraRs.3 9 * Vo m o Bdttor. MACHINE SLICED got______1^ *J* OTM* FUVOM « NU A . I a n adbraMkig a preHml- 3 - 4 9 ‘ NEPCO PASTRAMI SPECIALS FOR THURS.-FRI.-SAT. W i n g w r a i v YVKoa-cDunm # an Swpor-Right QuelHy, Cut From Froth, Young, Corn-fad Porhort aaav aapMri to tha Maetota of ib.99' BONELESS VEAL STEW ib.59> Prvit Drinks S;:^$1 8Ma Sown iaa web aa the Herald DAIRY DEPARTMENT JviM Drinks ^49* seadaaa m to the progreaa made U. S, CHOICE TOP QUALITY—6” CUT Center Perk Chops Cota hB In tea affort of ehangtag our Celery Hearts SHOP-RITE White or Colored SoNfood Dtpt. Frait Jwisn Drinks •** 29* praiint town managerahlp tom AtLOOOO IM Orongn Julcn AAF FROZEN 4iS99* Sllcod Bacon 2WPK01hf PtEG FrIod Cod of vovemment which has CAUF. FANCY TABLE AMERICAN CHEESE provan so bnpinatloal with the G rap s Jnise ^ 2 VtOTORY 23< I -.yment strictly up to him. I Charcoal Briquets 10 Croom Cheoso DOLE'S NAMteO admired Atty. Leo Paraky with great tondnem during the INSTANT Educator R orty C ro x ’***^39* 1QT140Z oouma of our talk, because his POTATOES Phiaapple Joke CAN 39' Oreo CreniM gpgclAL 2 PH06 reaoaroh fees were placed at a Instant Too LIQUK) OETfiRGGHT UPTON3 ITS NIW, PIAVOMD WM4 liMON minimum of 870 to 8160. U. S.Ne.1 Nescafe Coffee GIANT A O C Thanhs tor a man like Atty. 3tZE 0 4 Pantey wp 2000 signers are SSc MFUND OFFM Ajax kMlTcaMix 2 P10. 29* bound to get oome'satiafaction CONN. FRESH—SMALL ON u n u c E DETERGENT SUNNYBR(X)K GRADE A - oven though the odds at present car NTAiu F*oa mdpuy at aaa trtut GIANT ara cna aided to be sure. IN-STORE BAKERY W.__ WICKMDFTCEMA 7 0Z.eC V anyone wishes to halp toi ■ana white mud pack dan Me Chotr-Diu SIZE 83"^ Frtsh Eggs DOC dafraying the cost of reoearcb FILLED CINNAMON WfMlM O M A A O t u r n Itartie I. M l 1 iHr a iklalKr. TiU»m iriAiai A H— .nAaWtl t, Mi mm$L Om PtiN tUm tow. work, ote., into the town man­ rap'd GRADE A EGGS frtssi sRmm Is tfeb U fHfisiMd tvs IsL, jBhr U • agership form of government RAISIN BUNS they may aend their contribu GOLDEN MELLO ------...... tion or checks to Francis J, % Baked 100 Derbors Baby Foods Cold Wotor All Htq>peny, 221 School St., town. On The C o p t.K H t A t laoat we ean await impor­ Za-Rex Synipi tant nows to baneflt 2,BOO m o Tt b o n u s o f f e r Prenii*ea 4 1 49« 2 : 2 9 ° PUBf PBWT KAVOBIO T o m For C o h Stroiiwd 9 ja«s 95*" Liquid Dotorgents signara on a pettUan for a BANANAS i ^ i a r teanga to our form e of f govern- Columbian DOUBLE STAMPS WED. moot. ' CANNON JUMBO SIZE aaVkOZ.CCC » 4 S ‘ „ , 8 r Thanking you tor tee aHot- PINTS 3 y , w CANS » » Ju n io r 3 jaiis46^ Bad apses, H o MiHe Thoi Madt Caaa. H itt^ I lemain, Franeia J. Happony. •GBR. APPROVED N0M0GINI2ED OPEN H d iI i O x OPBI Colo Loroso Spogbolti or KitebMi d u m Donh Moocli S ^ ly to *Colcbestor tUcaway' 9 to 9 0 iu s ri\ 0 rs 9 to 9 ■wHHiMCiibM To tha Bdltor, BEACH TOWELS Vitamin D ‘ Col or Dog Food Elbow McNoroiii vwuK Before we are too carried emRRN« tmo-ONioN away with thoughts of revenua C(k 2S^ toOMl41* mbh fe e oamlng to tha imte from horaa ALL C O n O N • 18M OZ j j e M» fe e ■ y ; i r toe. * * iBdiig and pari-mutuel batting, SIM $ . 5 9 MILK • CANS ^ Coimful .Stripes M ua avaliiate the exporlanoa ValM MM NALP g a l o f other atatoa and countrias and P rints SUPREME / jigiMSf ssmsi CbiMM Dinnors RED HEART hdTlng racing and betting. NtN6 UVto 1 T o quote from a panq>falot Cst Fosd 4 ‘ « “ “ 59* UeMlIag MtoMMlI* titled, "Gamblin|> and the BHUN HBee ^ fboubn D O G F O O D tifc UaW eaiataiM 7 3 < 3 8 < doom BNor am m Church"— “a series o f artlolea Plui Dtpatir in tha New York Times haa ex'- FOODS HAMM PMtesn poeed gambling as a world problem. In the first of five 469 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER TssNlt RsEs U* SsySsots MQKME s ;s i 4 r a<|UclM on gambling and its bbcn eontrol hogo and atatend. Me; DOUBLE S&H STAMPS EVERY WED Barger wrote, 0 \ ! !

PAGE NINBMMIIi : \ ^ itANcaifeTOR ttvmttiro o o n h ^ Th u r s d a y , j u l y t s ; i964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN^ THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1964

d a i l y c r o s s w o r d p u z z l e I j BY ROUSON OUB BOARIMNG HOUSE with MA.IOR HOOPLE

/^EmlR9 ' A^/e!l^iRS Timely Tidbit Boast Best Record June LOO*

lUNCHESTER EVEKIKO HER4U), iU N CH lSTIS. OONN^ THURSDAY, JULY IS, 1964 ------t v . r .. ' ; inii,.,.;,. ,,-..mV j ,.-,— - MANCHESTER EVBOTNQ HERALD, MANC^IBflTSR. CONN, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1984 FA C E T W E N W I - «ri I ) iipiS m Pitch Helps Record to 15 Without Ja. ALUMNI JUNIORS 6-5 Legion Win Wlnnerii laat niMit were the Checks L a I It’s only a matter of opinion f r ^ Bok Yrnd Ori(>iea. The Red Jay Hebert, the PGA Toumamrat Sockera trimmed the Indiana, Nothin^r has come easy credits the tremendous interest in goK and the 10-3, with each team getting L o 88 Skein Next came the sixth and leries these days to Arnold Palmer and Jade NlcMaus. only, two hita, at Keeney Field for the Manchester Ameri­ what proved to be the' last Hebert, the 1960 POA chem -« and the Oriolea trimmed the Tl- can Legion baseball team frame. 4-1, at (jharter Oak. Anderson led off by getting pWn, says that “ Palmer and terest and the erowd# tieae this seasm and last night, Nlcklaus have done more for The Red Sox scored 10 runs In Shutout on base when his roller to third days." oa only two hits, etrange aa It ______before darkness set in, the was misplayed. Steve Brady golf in the past 10 years than Palmer and Nleklaua are may eeem. Six Indian errors,; m r w v n w v (AP)__ Hn. locals had to go all out with sacrificed and Mark Monette anyone.” passing up the $80,000 ftnir-day plus walks, helped the winners lU K K ( A F ) — H o- a come-from-behind rally to doubled down the rightfield There probably are some Insurance City Open that other reasons, but not to Hebert. reach double scoring figures. hum. whip lut place Stafford, S-5. line, Anderson scoring. Marsh started today at Wethersfield. Sharing the Red Sox mound Sandy Koufax pitched Two runs In the sixth 4nning did singled to short left, Monette Relaxing in the locker roofh at the Wethersfield Country Qub, But two other members of duties were Dale O s t ^ t and again Wednesday night. the trick, the winning tally reg­ taking third, Detor's next pitch golf’s newest aristocracy are istering on a wild pitch, just be­ nearly hit Skip Dragon and latest stop on the major league SS Won .,nin. Struck out 10 play-for-pay tour, Hebert in­ competing — National fore the lights were turned on rolled to the screen as the Champion Ken Venturi and Na­ diun d~.rvol • »«tMr tuu. i or more utaiu. Didn’t ullow UMPIRE GEiS OUT OF THE WAV—Umpire Ken at M t Nebo. hefty Monette scored the win­ sists: tional POA Champion Bobby ♦ 1 ning run. "It used to be that you could Pitchers were also in the spot- any runs again, Burkhart barely gets out of the way as San Fran­ Duke Hutchinson went the Next start for Manchester win a tournament with two good Nichols. light at (jharter Oak with Ben Same old stuff. cisco’s Tom Haller (6) comes skidding and rolling distance on the hill in notching ’Then there are, to drop a few (Irzyb spinning a n ^ t four-hit- That’s the way it is with sys- will be Friday night at 6 o’clock rounds. But Palmer and Nlck­ across the plate in second inning at Candlestick his fifth win in six decisions in at Mt. N-'bo -^antelson. laus, more than anyone else, more big names, Sam Snead ter. He atruck out 15 uid drove tematic Sandy. His latest effort and Billy Casper, dast year’s ^ n e Four play. He was in M snrhealer (fi) changed this. The winner of a in three of his club s four r w » vi>as another Koufax special, a trouble only once, the fourth _ ah r h po s p rb' ICO winner. with a homer. All four talllee four-hit, 12-strikeout Job that HoaplUl. The accident occurred Savino 3b ...... 4 0 “ tournament now has to shoot Race Fan Dies a.s two cars, driven by Lee Robb inning when the visitors tallied n 1 1 1 0 four good rounds. In Wednesday’s Pro-Amatour came in the third frame. b«at Houston 1-0 and ended the Andarwn. 2b . . . . 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 SporU Schedule] Bowling POTTSTOWN, Pa. (AP)— A and Ben Fazio looked together all five runs on five solid base H, » '-lA j Brady, aa 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 “ Palmer has really changed tourney, Jim Perree and. Rex Taking the loss was Bob Kler- los Angeles Dodgers losing hits. Outside of this frame, Monattp. lb 3 2 1 7 0 0 1 this, game, and so has Nicklaus. Baxter Jr. shared first place nan, who gave up seven bits gtreak at four games. second person died Wednesday and crMhed through a guard Marh. cf ... 4 2 0 0 0 while fanning nine. HUHTINC ss a re.sult of injuries suffered rail into the pit area. Schneider Hutchinson allowed only one Draxon. c . 3 0 1 4 1 1 0 Amle started shooting real good with flve-under-par 66’a Snead Walt. Alston’s personal. tran­ Thursday, July 8$ PINERETIES -- Jackie Ka- harmless single. Helltr, I f ______1 1 1 0 0 0 0 rounds four or five years ago was second with 67 and seven quilizer — the Dodgers have to I in an accident at Grandview was in the pit area and '' as Lvneh. rf ...... 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 ALUBINI b a s e b a l l nehl 12,5-355. Addy Sturtevant First three innings were RICH MARSH and made other players on the pros tied for third place: Fred mix in at least one run for com­ , ^ a n d Gams vs. Walnuts, 6 — Mt. Speedway July 12. John atruck by the two cars. Harvey Hutchinson, p ... 3 0 1 1 4 0 0 Dick O’Qrady’s triple, follow­ Marsh, 24. died inst-’.nt'y. scoreless but Stafford got to tour realize they would have to Hawkins, Terry Dill, Don Fair- plete rclaxaUon — now has won Nebo. 133, Myma Ciarcia 128-338. Schneider, 38, died in Pottstown Starting pitcher Klecak for Totals: ...... 27 S 9 18 9 0 2 ed by a wild pitch in the sev- 11 games In a row since he last Hutchinson in the fourth. Sin- shoot the same scores in order field. A1 Balding, Oeorge Arch­ Stafford was replaced by Bud Stafford Spriass ra. 2b. cf 3 0 1 0000 “ That’s what is behind the In­ link, all with 68’s. to retire a batter and left with FiUeerald. 3b .. 3 0 1 1 0 2 0 over' the "Elk's in the first play- shutout lowered his earned run phy and Bob Curran, plus a the bases loaded and none out M. DpTora, p. as 3 0 0 2 ,8 0 0 off gams last night at the West average to a remarkable 1.78. ’TU>S ON LAKE FISHING walk and an error resulted in KIpcak. p .... 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 and Mark Detore was waved in Side Oval. Just as remarkable Was the Every lake offers built In five rune. L. Champagma. a». 2b from shotstop...... 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 The Elks tallied twice In the feat of Philadelphia’s llght-hlt- cluss to good fishing grounds.' After stranding two rrmnera Muiio. If ...... 3 1 1 2 0 0 1 FGA CHAMP vv'AttMS Ul*— Bob Nichoh, winner of the PGA Championship Hornung Impressive second and added a nm In the ting ^ b b y Wine, a .206 swinger Here are some to watch for In each of the first three STANDINGS Purphy. lb .... 3 1 2 4 0 0 1 i third for a 8-0 lead. However, who slammed his second homer when fishing new waters. Bpm al, rf .... 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 last week, has a “ball” as he jokingly tunes up for the Insurance City Open golf frames, the locals got on the W. L. Pet. Curnan, c ...... 2 0 16102; the Msnors etruck back for a in two nights, a bases-ompty Bays and covss. Thess usual­ scoring board three times in RookvlUe ...... 10 S .700 Julian, rf. p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tourney. The “Louisville Slugger” is one of the favorites in the $50,000 event. pair In. the fourth, thanks to shot off Warren Spahn that trig- ly have underwater weed beds Manchester ...... 8 6 .571 In Packers ’ Workout back to back triples by Bob gered the National League lead- which attract pickerel, north­ the fourth. ’ToUIs: ...... 25 5 6 16 8 3 4 Rich Marsh, who led the nine- South Windsor ...... 7 6 .538 Stafford ...... 0 0 0 S 0 0—6 Martens and Rick Roberts, and ing Phillies to a 4-1 victory over ern pike, larsgmouth bass and Coventry ...... 7 7 .500 Manchoster .... 0 0 0 3 1 2—6 tied the score in. the fifth with Milwaukee, pan fish. Fish over the weeds hit Manchester attack on three 2B: Monette; SB: Brady. Ander- U.S. Royal Wethersfield ...... 6 6 .500 NEW YORK (AP)—Paul Hornung is back with tht Stafford pitchers with three Bon. Marsh: SAC: Brady: LOB: Internationals Bow in Windsor^3-0 one-marker. Hitting honors for the dsy. but don’t neglect the outer Danielson ...... 5 0 .455 Manchester 9; Stafford 4; BB: Green Bay Packers and that means trouble for the Chi­ The winners will now meet however, went to Pittsburgh's fringe where lunkers prefer to singles, opened the stanza with Stafford ...... 2 11 .154 Hutchinson 2. Klecak 2. Julian 1, a single. With one out, Mark cago Bears, the champions. Mahor (j(^tructlon Friday Bill Mazeroski and Willie Star- lurk and pounce on passing bait A wild pitch resulted in a run M. DeTora 1: SO: Hutchinson 4, night at 6 at the Oval. gell. Mazeroski drove In five fUh. Heller also singled and Dennis and Manchester now trailed by Klecak 2. M. DeTora 1; Hits off; Hornung, star halfbick whee­ Lynch walked to load the bases. Hutchinson 6 for 5 runs in 6 InninRs: led the Packers to the 1962 NFL Green Manor 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 — 4 5 2 runs and Stargell hit for the Long, stony points. These are only one, 5-4. After walking M. DeTora 2 for 2 runs In 2: Klecak Elks ...... 0 210000—33 3 cycle with a single, double, often the beginnings of reefs runs tallied on a throwing Heller to load the bases, Detore 6 for 3 runs In 4: Julian 1 for 1 title then was suspended a year run in 0: H BP: (Anderson) Klecak: Nationals Advance Bourqub, Roberts (2), and triple and homer as the Pirates which extend well into the lake for betting on league gamee, tiger paws. error and Ron Anderson singled then got the next three batters Buddy Ybung WP; M. DeTora (2); P.B. (Tuman: worked out with the Packers Richter; Hughes, Smith (6) and lashed 18 hits and crushed St. and which draw smallmouths the third one home. without any trouble. L : M. DeTora. Klelnschmldt. Louis 13-2. Wednesday for the first time and walleyes. Find the ridge since his suspension In April, Issues Plea Elsewhere, the second-place with a sounding weight and REC SOFTBALL *Two or Three’ 1963. San FYanclsco Giants remained drop anchor. If the water drops Beating Suffield, 7-5 Standings one game off the pace by belt­ off sharply on both sides, He appeared in top ptnysical Legion Crown Near BOS’TON (AP) — Bill Russell To Athletes W. L. Pet. ing the Chicago (jubs 7-S but the you’ve found a Ukely spot. condition, brightening Green Gus’s No. 2 ...... 9 2 .818 third-place Cincinnati Reds fell Steep, rocky shorellnss. These says he will play "two or three Bay hopes of regaining the Moriarty Bros...... 7 4 .636 4^ games back by losing their usually Indicate deep'water, and seasons more at the most” with It’s one up, one down an d fth e margin to 6-3, Suffield, ln«>attack with a home run. Tapper NFL crown from the Bears. ’The BALTIMORB (AP)-CIaude Wyman Oil ...... 6 4 .600 fifth straight to the New York a bottom strewn with boulders. For Rockville Nine the Boston Celtics’ National one ready to go in Manches­ the fifth. gave up four hits, two more first time he carried the baU In Hobby Shoppe...... 5 6 .454 Mats, 4-S in 10 innings. Smallmouths love such a jum­ Three runs In the fifth by than Balesano allowed. a controlled scrimmage he burst (Buddy) Young, former college • • * Bcuiketball Association cham­ ter’s Little League picture Sportsman’e ...... 6 7 .416 ble, and the sheer shoreline is Manchester knotted the count. The winner’s other hit was through the defensive Une. and profesfional football star, Mai Tool ...... S 5 .276 DODGBR8-OOLT8 thus s tip-off to good fishing pions. Tossing aside any refe­ in District Eight Tourna­ Practically assured of a second straight Zone,Four rences to retirement in the near Mark Ballard aingled and also a homer, this (me a two- The next few times he was urged athletes today to provide B. A. Club ...... 1 8 .111 Koufax, who struck out 10 or which nobody can miss. title in American Legion baseball warfare in Rockville. future, the 6-foot-lO defensive ment competition following Sproul doubled and when the run shot by Bid Pinney. tackled hard, but bounced up moral leadership for the youth Although each aide, traded more batters In a game for the Any sharp drop-off. These ball was being tossed around, ’There was only one error, of the nation. Last night the Windy City nine took a giant step toward center added — with a wink — last night’s opening action. after each effort and seemed five-run inningrs in the third, 58th time in his career, had to are seldom visible, yet they that "If everything goes haywire both runners scored. Carl Og- that charged to the winners, as none the worse. “ It’s time for the athlete to Moriarty’s had too much power be at his best against Houston's should be anticipate, a n d the crown with a 6-1 decision over Coventry at Henry The National Licague All- ren followed with a homer pull himself up by the boot­ for me, than I may play nine Stars thumped Suffield, 7-6, to the defense on both sides was ’The Bears, preparing for their and went on to post a 13-7 win Ken Johnson, who allowed only prospected for, at the outer Park. which brought smiles to the outstanding. straps and be more than just a over the BA Club last night. limits of all flats and shallows or 10 seasons.’’ Asked about the advance while the International game with the College All-Stars ■even hits before he left for a Brilliant hi a four-hit pitch­ story Wilt Chamberlain is being Silk Town rooters. Sunday afternoon showcase for Carl Carlson’s homer paced a which continue out from shore League All-Stars were being Aug. 7 In Chicago that official­ pinch hitter in the eighth. ing effort was Jimmy Macin­ sought as a pro football re­ MUewskl opened the sixth by the paying customer," the one­ 14-hlt Gas House attack. Bob The lone Dodger run came a considerable distance. Such Track Meet Set whitewashed in Windsor by the ly kicks off the season, put in tosh. ceiver, Russell said: “He’d drawing a base on balls. He was time halfback of the Baltimore Damaschl added two hits. Rod across in the third when Dar­ flats often end by dropping Windteor All-Stars, 3-0. Tonight a 45-miimte scrimmage at their RockviUe got off the mark make a good football end if he forced at second by Dick Ja- Oolts said in an intervieVr. Watson and Ken Jones each rell Griffith and Ron Fairly abruptly Into deep water, and At Wesleyan Site the American Leagrue All-Stars camp. Bill W a d e’s 68-yard fast, scoring twice in the first wanted to be. He has big hands goutz. TTie latter moved up a Young, a Negro, is assistant came up with two hits for the smacked doubles. the end (rf the shelf can be frame. ’They added one more and is strong. will get their first taste of post­ touchdown pass to Rich Kreit- general manager and sports di­ • • • found by sounding. Fish just season play against Rockville base on an infield error, ^ole Ru h t in c BA’s. nm in the second and two tn Middletown — The Mid- ling highlighted the workout. rector of Radio station WEBB in over the Up and you should at Henry Park. Action starts third and scored as Jimmy a Moriarty’s ...... 126 014— IS PmiA-BRAVB8— the third. Coventry averted a dleown Recreation Department Jackeon roUed out to the second The San Diego Cheirgers, Baltimore. He 1ms been working B. A.’s ...... 016 100— 7 Wine, who hit a homer Tues­ have action. at 6 o’clock. with Negro children in Cam­ shutout by scoring in the fifth, will sponsor its second annual Changes Mind baseman. champions of the American day night before singling home The mouth of an inlet. Many action halting at this point due AAU track and field meet at It was a come-from-behind League, held their first pre-sea­ bridge, Md., where National SUAIMER BASKETBALL a whopping trout and landlock decision that the Nationals Monday night the Nationals the decisive run, got the job to darkness. the Wesleyan University track BOSTON (AP) — High jump­ son drills and Coach Sid Gill- Guard troops were removed It w u a .500 night for the done again for the Phillies by salmon ha# been taken by a gained with Bill Mllewskl, In re­ will meet the winner of to­ Saturday after a year of duty in Curt Zahner led a seven-hit Sunday, Aug. 2, at 1 p.m. All er John ’Thomas apparently will man said they were the best In Indians. The Juniors trounced breaking a 1-1 tie with his hom­ shrewd enough to lief of Steve Keeney, getting night’s game between Somers ^FISHING the racially troubled tohm. explore the mouth of a mere RockviUe attack with a single AAU events including the mile, be going to the Olympics In his 19 years as a mentor. He the North Enders, 42-21, while er in the seventh Inning. The and double. He also drove In a three mUe and six mile event credit for the mound win. and Windsor Locks, site to be praised rookies Kenny Dill of “ There’s something for every­ the Indian, (jbiefs (Varsity) trickle of spring water, and the NIGHT SIGHT Braves’ only run came on a wUl be on the long program. Tokyo this October after all. A After Suffield opened a 2-1 announced. Mississippi and Sammie ’Tay­ one to do in the Negro’s struggle lost oqt to * more experienced cool water will attract other pair of runs. If you have to use a gun at homer by Spahn off Ray Culp, bronze medal winner in 1960, first Inning lead, Milewski came Sprpul led the attack with a lor of (Srambllng. tor his civil rights,’’ said Young. MiMdacty Brothers, , 37-84, at species as well. Approach sloW' The program is open to all night and don’t have time (or 8-5. high school, prep, free runners ’Thomas feared he would not be on and hurled the remaining single, double and homer. Ogren “ I decided I cotild help most Charter Oitic Park In the Rec • • • ly and carefully and ( « t a long Injection Idea Dutch able to complete. He had lost don’t want) to paint your front Other developments on the pro with the kids. They arb oiur fu- and college runners. Medals will distance. Summer Basketball League. line: fish In these spoU are his job with so much time off added a single to his homer for sight, wrap the tin foil from a footbaU front as the training ttu'e.’ ’ MRATBS-OABDS— be presented for the first three Suffield led, 3-1, after two, the locale. Rosemond and Jim Dick Bamberger was the big very easily spooked. AMSTERDAM—’The first per­ to qualify for the games and felt cigarette pack around It. tempo picked up included: Young, 88, said athletes could Mazeroski batted in a run Underwater springs. Spring places. but Bill Sproul's homer with Modzellsky starred for Suffield. ’’bomber” for the Juniors with son to embalm by injecting a he would not be able to stand BLAZE A 'TRAIL Detroit Lions — Halfback Dick perform a great service to pro­ with a sacrifice fly in the first, holes are magic spots which Complete data on registra­ Jack Grezel on base m the sec­ Lebeau and fullback Nick Pie- 14 points and Dave Wollenberg doubled home two runs In the prepared preservative chemical the financial loss. As a result of ond squared the count at 3-all. Internationals Bow CThristmas tree "snow” apray mote civil rights without partic­ added ei g h t more. Eleven will produce even when hot tion may be made with Bernle his admission, he took one of a trosante signed contracts. seventh and hit a two-run hom­ solution into the blood vessels The home nine took the lead All the scoring at Windsor makes an easy trail blaze. Car­ ipating in campaigns or de­ points by John Roberts paced weather has killed the, fishing O’Rourke, Director of Recrea­ dozen jobs since offered him New York Giants — Cut half­ monstrations. er in the ninth. Stargel con­ is believed to have been the in the fourth when big Sol Rose- came in the third Inning when ry it in pressurized <»n. A fin­ the losers. everywhere else. They are hard Dutch anatomist Fredrlk tion, Municipal Building, Mid­ and will draw pay while he is at the home team scored three ger push marks the way home. backs John Rollins and Bob “Athletes probably get more tributed three runs batted in to locate and perhaps your best dletown. mond cracked a home run with It was a long time coming with his 4-for-4 performance Ruysch (1638-1781), the Olympics. Dunn. publicity than anyone in the but Moriarty’s entered the win­ bet la to be kind to strangers the bases empty. A single and times. BRICK FIRE while Jerry Lynch came up Jimmy Tapper outhurled Jim­ Los Angeles Rams — Jon Ar­ business world, and are sought ning column for the first time and hope that some kind heart­ double make it 5-3 and two sin­ Don’t forget some cold nett, recently switched from with the same run production my Balesano and also led the spring day. a brick soaked in after and projected more tham in the nightcap. With just over ed local fisherman will let you gles, and an infield out, upped halfback to end, twisted his on a homer and single. kerosene will bum for several most millionaires,’’ Young said. a minute to play, the Gas • • • In on the secret. hours. right knee in practice and will “ They owe a debt to that posi­ House Gang was out front by Most of a lake’s secrets can be out for several days. tion not to duck responsibilities a point. Dan Pinto's 15-foot GIANT8-OUBS— be discovered by prowling and GREAT BALLS OF CHEESE Home runs by Hal Lanier Baltimore (jolts — Defense or issues.” jump shot iced the verdice. probing and lake fishing is such 35 Carry balls of dried cheese and Orlando Cepeda did most of Pre-Season NFL Games beat the offense 16-0 in a scrim­ Young said sports personal­ Pinto led all scorers with 20, that, when you find where the wrappM In cheese cloth. Next the damage for the Gianti r mage in which the defense was ities could form a volunteer task double the total of teammate fish hang out, you usually have time fishing gets slow, bait up credited with two points each force for civil rights. Lanier hit a three-run shot f and fish the bottom deep. You Jim Moriarty. Big Bob Evans it made. Sports Shirts, Cold D rin k s time they stopped the offense “ All they would have to do is tossed in 15 for the Indians. the fifth and Cepeda connected ^ “BIGGEST SALE YET might be surprised. short of a first down. talk about their relationships with one on in the sixth —both homers opposite field hits off CROW DECOYS New York Jets — Rookie with other races on the playing CHURCH SOFTBALL . SteinkrauB Win* For Spectators at C a m p s You can make fair crow de­ guard Dave Herman of Michi­ field,’’ he said. Larry Jackson, 12-8. coys from old black . In Young said he never had any Pair of three-run innings hlgh- Billy Pleroe checked th e gan State was named to start Ughted St. Mary’s 7-1 decision LONDON (AP)— Bill Steln- blind area, stuff socks with Friday’s rookie game with Bos­ trouble with the white players (jubs on two hita In four in­ NEW YORK (NEA) — Here<^'boya in the 14-club National leaves or grass and shape during his football career. over Center Congo last night nings of relief work, picking up kraus of Noroton, (5onn., won ton Patriots at Lynn, Maiss. at Robertson Park. The Saints it ii only mid-July and profes­ FootbaU League alone. The roughly to resemble crow’s sil­ "We accepted each other as hissecond victory without a the King Oeorge Fifth Gold scored three times in each the sional football clubs are in player limit was raised from houette. Individuals and football play- loss. (jup at the Royal Intemtlonal third and seventh frames in win­ • • • Specials! training camps stretching from 37 to 40, which spells 42 more RED FLAG FOR PIKE There were nine below-par 70'era,” he said. "While playing Horse Show at White City Sta-1 jobs. It means that 560 people- One of the best lures for rounds in this year’s U.S. Open, j with the New York Yankees and ning regular season laurels. MBT8-REDS— dium last night. Queen Eliza­ Kingston, R. I., to Orange, One of the best lures for Ron Halderman’s five-hit eaters will survive the cuts. pickerel or pike is the old I Two each were turned In by Ar-1 the (jolts, I roomed with several The Reds tied the .score 3-3 beth presented the trophy after I MEN’S — BOYS’ Calif. pitching featured the champ's 18" SCHOOL How the proa have changed The warriors start playing ^ standby: A strip of red flannel | nold Palmer and Gay Brewer, white Southerners—Zollle Toth in the eighth when singles by Steinkraus won the men’s Indi­ LOW WHITE FISHING for keeps in the NFL Sept. 12. | underwear on a bare hook. If ; Others under par for one round from Virginia, Bruiser Klnard victory. Bill Troutman lent val Frank Robinson and Don Pav- vidual championship. Elizabeth the traditional season atmps- uable assistance with a perfect Only $3 more than ordinary tires. UTILITY BAG phere! Football in most sec­ Sea.sonal firing ends Dec, 13, j you don't want to cut up your were winner Ken Venturi. Tom- from Mississippi and Bruce Al- letlch around an infield out attended with her sister. Prin­ with the championship game drawers, a strip out of your my Jacobs, Bob (jharles, Billy lord from Texas CSiristian Uni- four for four batting perform­ produced a run, but the Mets cess Margaret. Steinkraus. 38. Reg, GOOTS tions of the country formerly ance. He also starred defensive was played in the crisp, invigo­ Dec 27. Activity continues iin pocket bandana will do. I Casper and Don January. * verslty. won it in the 10th when Ron captain of the U.S. team, won If you were Pontiac and you had the wildest new car in Detroit The tiger’s paw is sure-footed at high sp>eeds. It comers nimbly $5,95 $J.44 til Jan. 10, when the Pro Bowl ly- Hunt singled, moved up on a the event on the second jumpoff »2.44 rating fall. Now there is an en­ Dick Gilligan’s two hits paced •—the GTO— what kind o f tires would you pick for your tiger? and quietly. It gives you a nice sense o f stability whcR yoti’r* Ree. 112.95 tirely new feeling in the air in in the Los Angeles Coli.seum sacrifice and scored on a over a course which included a trots out the All-Stars of the th6 losers. plnch-hlt double by Jim Hick­ takingacurve. * • the early going. Tonight, Congo meets (jom 15-foot water Jump. Riding his Something special? MISSES’ — LADIES’ Conditioning headquarters at Eastern and Western Confer­ man. 13-year-old Sinjon. Steinkraus If you do a lot o f driving at turnpike speeds, then you o u ^ t LOW WHITE $9.99 ences. munlty Baptist with second Larry Elliot homered for the That’s exactly what Pontiac did. They picked U.S. Royal tiger rustic retreats look more like place at stake. Mets, Deron Johnson for the covered the course In 41.5 sec-1 to have a set o f tiger paws under you. summer boys’ camps than Pro football continues to paws, otherwise known as Super-Safety 800s. St. Mary’s 103 000 3 7-12-1 Reds. onds. SNEAKERS places where football generals grow at the bucks office and And for good reason. Here’s what the tiger’s paw has done They cost $3 more than ordinary, large-size standard equip^^ ■ on the air. Each NFL club this Center Congo 000 001 0 1- 8-8 and their shock troops are ment tires and only $2 more in Chevrolet, Fofd or Plymouth season banks exactly $1,007,- Halderman and Kilby; (joffln in special tests for safety and durability: *2.44 girding for all-out war. Play­ 142.86 in television swag. and Smith. 1(X) miles at 120 mph without a failure. 17,(XX) miles at 83 mph sizes. ers report in Bermuda shorts Following are the batting The NFL’s 45th season proves Don Chandler Reconsiders ' (16 hours a day) without a failure. We have U.S. Royal tiger paws in stock now. FELT SOLE and sneakers and wearing sun that pro football can outlive averages and home run lead Arnold Palmer Signature glasses. ’They carry fat note­ betting scandals. It marks the ers, averages compiled by Wally It has a construction that’s taken 300° temperature build-ups Come in and look them over. books and are fined for not WADING return of suspended Paul Hor­ Irish: Ajfid Will Join Grid Giants^ without flinching. Well above what it’s ever likely to nm. They won’t bite you. SWIM MASKS IRONS (6) bringing them to class. nung to Green Bay and Alex Batting Averages Remember way back when Karras to Detroit. Hits Ave. Reg. $112.00 SHOES spectators bundled up for foot­ .611 Reg. $1.98 0 0 ^ All clubs wheeled and dealed Lane, Travel 22 TULSA, Okla. (AP)— Don#of the Giants’ training camp at Reg. $13.95 ball and . came equipped with during the offseason. Philadel­ lYxnitinan, Bt. Mary’s 23 .590 Chandler, kicking specialist for Fairfield, (3onn., Monday. thermos bottles full of Tom phia fans, In particular, won't Halderman, 8. Mary’s 14 .560 SAM SNEAD the New York GianU, will re­ (jhandler’s 106 points in 1$ I and Jerrya or hot buttered be able to tell the Eagles with­ WtaltBsy, 8t. Mary’s 14 .538 rum? Now for presea.^n turn to the National Football field goals and 52 extra points | SWIM FINS 88c out a program. Joe Kuharlch, Valsntlns, Baptist 16 .516 led NPT. scoring last year. IRONS (8) games the customers come in the new head man, cleaned League team this year — aa a “ I’ll give you a BOVS’, MEN’S OiUlgan, Center 14 .500 Chandler first told ths Gi­ Reg. $1.98-$2.98 ^ 0 ^ sport shirts. Thermos battles house with six major deals in KIK^, 8L Mary’s 21 .490 fulltime player. Specially Designed... Reg. $154.00 Chandler announced his de­ ants he was thinking of quit­ are filled -with cold Tom Col­ which nine athletes departed B. ftonlth, Travel 14 .483 couple of tigers. cision Monday after Giants’ ting, but then said he might re­ MAINE linses. and 13 checked in J. Albert, Baptist 1$ .481 m a o X OUT ’The National Football League Coach Allie Shenhan had re­ consider. too —7 with * MIX MATCHED AFL Healthy Broberg, Liberty 16 .471 plays 35 preseason games The jected a proposal for part-time BOAT TRAILER TIRES < ..j MOCCASINS TVJumhrd, (jenter 18 .462 League goes into its fifth year REC SOFTBALL of four tiger GOLF BALLS starting with the champion .450 play. GOLF SETS R eg.' $3.99 Bears deploying against the in the healthiest state it has Palmer, 7* (jhandler, a place-kicking and All Nylon Construction Tubeless or Tubed Type P. Albert, Baptist 16 .444 College All-Stars at Soldier known. Each outfit gets $263,- punting specialist who led the One big inning did it for the I paws. DoOglas, Liberty 17 .436 Teachers last night at Charter Field on the Chicago lakefront 000 in television receipts this HFL In scoring last year, ■■ AVAILABLE •3.99 HOME RUNS Oak Park as they downed the ^2,59 Aug. 7. Preseason engagements tpip. The league becomes full wanted to show up a couple of NOW IN ALL CUlUgan, Center 4, Switzer, . Walnuts, 9-6. ’Trailing 8-1 after SEAT belts Or rU give you a spread, interest In pro football grown in 1965, when each club days before each game. But * BOYS’ — Beg. $4.95 Oanter 3, J. Albert, Baptist, I, three, the Educators srupted (Choice of colors OUTDOOR, VOIT, RUBBER throughout the land. They are nets $900,000 under a new five- Sherman turned this down. gun and you can Palmer, Baptist, 3, Ross, Bap­ for eight tallies in the fourth being played in nonleague cities year contract. "Maybe It was okay in the 1 The leagrue sigpied 93 college tist, 3, Bjorkman, Baptist, 8, in pulling out the decision. str^ching from Atlanta, Ga., psurt,” he said, "but the game get your own OASEGALL SUITS 88c S , $4.99 men, name performers among TVoutman, St. Mary’s, 3, Miko- Big hitters were Dave Doo- $C.95 to Portland, Ore., and from has grown to where no one can man and Don Standist, each Ithaca, N. Y., to New Orleans. them. Scott Appleton, the line­ lelt. Travel 3. tigar." man of 1963, and Diin Trull, do their best with part-time ef­ with three safeties, and Dave I 9 E a ch , SALT WATER BOAT ROD GOLF. FISHING. Big Business fort. ’Turkington with a pair. ’The | ’They have become big busi­ who led the passers, are with MM. 4.00/4.80x8 Houston, for instance, and Pete “You arc * either a fiill-time latter also turned in the field­ Jay Boll REEL With LINE $184)5 III BOATING GAPS $^^9 $ 1 .4 9 ness, ^00, and last year intro­ Beathard, the brilliant South­ BASEBALL HEROES professional football player or ing. gem with a great catch be-1 t •wcHjding installation. duced the doubleheader. ’lYie ern California quarterback, you art sometiiliig slse.” hind the plats. one bringing out New York and Pacing tbs Walnuts A WHOLE STORE FULL OF with Kansas City. Each outfit AtJttng—Wime StargM FK Oenffonted 'with that state- Detroit and Green Bay and the has fortified itself in barters rate*, baeame only seofM N»- msnt, Chandler said he would Davs Vmts with a bcmsr and I F-R-E-E! Browns Sept. 5 will pack Cleve- and with fresh faces. San Diego $loaal Laagae ttia seasMi to hit report “in a few days” to two triples. Stevs MeAdam la ^ stadium with 76,000. cams up with two hlto and Joe 1 Boys’ or Girls’ Periscope TREMENDOUS is the defending champion. tor eyelK alamnslng aingie, don* Giants to begin hi* ninth PreSeason'’reSeason games are the The American Football hie. M ple and homer and driv­ Camposeo’s catch in 1«ftfield| fesslonal season. Asked If he was a betuity. with any purchase over coaches' laboratoiiM. It la in League is here to stay, so much ing In ttwae runs as Pbatos wal­ got the terms he wsiited, he Teachers 100 800 0— 9 16 4 I $5.00! BUYS!-! them that recruita for the first so that for the first time there loped St. Louis 18-9 with an 18- No, but thep I never time discover there resdly la a hit attack. ^ Walnut 201 011 0—5 9 3 1 is serious talk qf the two SHE’S ON THE BALL—Conceiitration on a j^eturn shot bugs eyes of Patti do.” Dooman and Turkington; difference between the oollege wheels getting together. Pljtchlng — Bandy Koufax, Chandler, 28. has 'ousbiess tn- SPORT 977 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER • PHONE 643-6$5S Hogan, 14> LaJolla, Calif., during National Girls 16 and Under tournament in Dodgers, won his 11th straight Carlson and Mlstrqtta, Viot (6). and money game. The way things are going, tsrssU in Tul$a. had htsn SHOPS A total of 870 MooktoM there is room for both—and a Lake Bluff, a Chicago suburb. Apparently ooncentration helped, bemuse Patti aad 15ih of the season, pKchmf eei^dirlng ^utoto^ niUlnmsnt Navy V its fifth atraifht bumping head! with the Ug football World Beriss.. defeated her nent. (AP Phfxtofax.) Us rizth shatoot, h fenrrhit, U - •tojHnant Jeh that haat MoBstiMi MGAA laeroMMiss* ehampiensotp I 1-t. HsmiMMd ths fomalopening JV* ■*****»■ , ; r'-,-sv , \ 1 ■ 7

f? ^ f ^V' ^«i.-'' 'i'-' ilANCHBSTER BVENmO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1964 PAGE TWENTT-THBai ApartniMito—Fhito>- THERE OUGHtA BE A LAW By FAGALT and SHORTEN Household Goods * 51 TsBMBMila S3 Fumislied Apartments 68-A Hooms For Ssk 72 Hoosm For Ssk 72 Hoescs for 9slt 72 Honses For Sale 72 Homes For Sole 72 Hov For flab 72 Lots For flab n Offered 13*A THAYER BABY CARRIAOB, XNDOVER — Two room tor- aCl White Interior, $89; baby B b L io i^ -: ISSutG c u s t o m b u il t I bedroom fUAOO - ATXRACXXVB 8 bed- NRWER GARRISON Colonial ATTENTION — Reduced tor so. WINDSOR—Colonlai! ranch, CAPE — IHIS Is A "mtHt MANOODSTBR — Burak am RBWHAVma of BURNS, moth ll ^ MQtorn nlMtod apoitaaeat tor rent, re- tenrt, 2 baths, large living roooe nuKh. firojdace, alumin­ 111 fine residential area. 6 tulck sale. Husband trans- AA sone. Six large rooms on aee” . Six beautiful rootna, at­ Street. 1% acre wooded kidC^ A MAMA eVIR MAP batUnotte, |2; Mack wrought fill 6 room . frigerator, stove. C. H. SUens, holea. Z ljm ra repaired. Win­ iron headboard tor twin bed, oonvanisBoss, floor, roOT, fireplace, kitchen with um etoenu, encioeed carport, rooms in best M concOtlon, fire­ Ssrred. Must sell 6' s room acre lot one-half mile fratn tached garue, lovKy lot, 815,- lag lot, 156 toot dow aliadu made to meaauia, ^ANOLOVIOOD- Route 6, 742-7378. water or rawera, 89. 949-8418. near now high oohoeViyttable buUt-tas, finished rec room hasemrat, Um e lot, nice view. place, 1%T baths, paneled ranch In youra neighbortiood, new sriiool, wooded area to 900. B. J. Carpenter, Realtor, all alaaa ^^atlaa blinds. Keya lUflHRW tPtilll AND with fireplace and bar, ot- rear. Madeline Smith, Realtor, 649-6001. er 64^8887. tor tanolMn. Call 6494TT1 at­ TWO ROOMS, utiUtiea, tioe Cariton W. w tchins. Realtor, breeseway and 3 cor nrage. one-half acre nt. Any reaoon- made arhlla you wait. Tape ra- •0M8 CNH.VMRra»ni CELEBRATION SALE! **®*“*1 garage, large 9494183. Don’t miss this one! Wesley able offer considered. Owner 640-1643, or evenings 648-8186. t.f cordera tor rant. M arlowV 867 tar 6 pjB. p ^ l n g , aduHs, buMness Hock, BY OWNER — Porter Street -AMD WE MANAGED $60 F tm Free Free |60 Depot Square. Tel. Mr. Keith, woMed lot for maximum pri­ R. Smith Agency, 648-1667. 644-0690. Wonted—Rool Islata f t ADVERTISING Main., 60-82X1. OROCBRIBS OR MEATS vacy, $30,900. PhKbrlck A m ­ $1S,900-QUALITT CAPE closa Area. One-year-rid 7 room cue- NICEL'y - IHRBlD ROOM 4«attm 6«t, hadt and hot water, $66 ttentbly. oy. 6494464. to schoots, bus line. 6 finished, MANCHESTER—Large expand­ tom built (tokmial, 1% ceramic PLANNING TO SELL y o n OLASttflED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS yURNTrURX Raflnlahad, ookin DURINO Cm^RATTON SALE baths, dream kitchen with (W OPENING OF OUR NEW Adults only. No pate. 6494106. tastefully decorated rooms, ex­ able Cape, exoellent condition, JOYOUS UVING Coll Joseph Barth, 8 AJI. to S PJL ehanrad, estimates given. Man­ cellent finoaclng available. RENOVATED city utilities, garage, extras. built-ins, fireplace, heated rec ;er, 649-0820. chester Raflnlshlnr Oo., 60- DANBURY STORE AT 86840 Business Locations room, aluminum storms, excel­ MAIN ST. YOU GET |60 GRO­ t h r e e r o o m i^arlmaote, aU Wesley R. Smith Agency, 648- Owner 040-1648. M8S. utilities and air aonditloaing. For Rent 64 VERNON VALUES 1687. 'With new paper and new lent neighborhood. Mid 30’a WANTBD-Muat find I or • COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. CERIES OR MEATS AT THE MANCHESTER—Iii the Buck- Relax and enjoy tife and CaH 648-6806. room Cape in Manchooter an* HAND BRAIDED nigs made to SUPER MARKET OF YOUR For appointmant eaB Mr. ceilings os needed, this 6 NOMDAX Xhni fWDDAT MiSe AJL^-^THBOAT • AJML f o r l e a s e —Bhccellent loca­ $18,600-7 ROOM Colonial. Uv- ley School area. Big, Immacu­ your family in this custom der $16,800 for waltinf’ ellaat. order. Call 60-2462, 10 a.m.-6 CHOICE AND WE PAY FOR Patonnan, 64Sr246t, sr Mr. room OoConial with 2-car ga­ built ranch on Lyness St. In MANCHESTER — 2 family Just PonUcelll. 640-1844. tion tor doctor’s office or W,900 — Here Is a home Ing ro(»n, fireplace, formal rage, represents excellent late 7 room Ranch, featuring Cariton W. Hutchins, Realtor, p.m. IT. HURRY! THIS OFFER IS beauty parlor. 4U Main Street where you can enjoy family dmlng room, 8 bedrooms, ■un 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, kitch­ Manchester. 6 rooms, full completed, in excellent loca-! 649-6180. U MTX'ED FOR A SHORT TIME Oomiuetely renovated and am­ value. An ideal neighbor­ basement, attached garage. PLEASE READ YOUR AD m EXCLUSIVE rantal agents tor life to the fulleet. Located porch, natural woodwork, ra- hood location, close to all en with large dining area, tion. This fine dwelling has i ONLY. THIS o f f e r IS NOT Aluminum storms, screens WANTED — Business zone lot •r "W aat AM* era M m anr tlie phaM m a two apartment buHdlngs, $186. ple parting. J. D. Realty, 841- on Sunset Terrace off Rt. rage, shade trees, centrally bullt-lns, fully finished and everything — large rooms,' BaihnnK— ContrsetinK 14 >VELL,fMNOTA VAUD ON THE OOSMOPOU- schools, transportation, and and awnings. Beautifully In Bolton, preferably Route 8. ______n e mercrtlaer ahonld read his M R APraABS w d IUEF

ACE OAP«UIE,OMT garage, 118 Main Si., flOO. side ha.s Alcoa aluminum sid­ Legal Notice A APPLIANCES 649-5229, 9-6. p.m. — Give your kiddies •m kitchen with birch cab­ NEW LISTING — Four room ing, ameslte drive, and well «ha rakM of tha adrwttaeaMat wB not ka eatraefad hff «M*DMAIMGE a riiance to romp around inets, attached garage, cen Cape, full basemeht, tile bath, JARVIS REALTY CO. UMITATIOM OBDKB OONSTRUenON WORK — Also THE ••COSMOPOLITAN” 643-1121 landscaped lot. Priced to sell In gaad” kmrUaa. COLONIAL HEIGHTS Apart­ 2ND FLOOR SPACE the Jovelly yard of tMs 8 tral air conditioning, uuminum wall to wall carpeting in liV' AT A COURT OF PROBATB held patios, fireplaces, sidewalks SfALLf 8 ROOMS ...... $186 BELFIORE AGENCY Eves, 643-0038 the mid 20’s. The Elsie Meyer at Manchester, within and for the ments—4Vi room town hoiMes, ^*er month 648-6676, 648-0000 or extras. Call Barbara Babin. SHADED CAPE—Diane Drive. Lots For sole 73 M>How JbNMriaf SoniM Special Services IS at office 15 Forest Street. living quarters. 476 Main Realtor, 643-1108. estate, and sold administratrix la 8 YEARS TO PAY! Street. 649-6229, 9-6. $81.000—RED HOT. Just on the WILLIAMS ST.—Two family, 4- 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, full shed, directed to give public notice to the UL APPROVED lightning rods, BnsineBS Opportanltles 32 Help Wanted— Male 36 Articles For Sale 45 THE PRICE INCLUDES FREE market, big 4-bedroom co- 4, economical gas heat, alu­ large lot, carport. Owner 649- MAN(JHESTER — 7 room Split creditors to bring in their claims minum storms, garage, sewers, WYLLYS STREET — 240 fewt within said Urns allowed by pub­ Frao n NwaM RMon awnings, roofing, aiding, gut­ DELIVERY. FREE SET UP, 149 OAKLAND' STREET, 1 room lonia- with all the extras. Rec 2595. level home ideally situated on a lishing a copy of this order in soine ters, combination windows. In­ COMPLETELY remodeled res­ MILLER PHARMACY, 389 LOAM SALE! Dark, rich stone JARVIS REALTY CO. bus line, priced low for quick well riiaded lot. 2-car garage, frontage, 648-7444. newspaper MTlng a olreulatioti in FREE SERVICE AND' FREE apartment $60. 649-6239, $-5. Houses For Rent 65 883 E. Center St., Manchester room, breezeway, 2-car garage, o f aa TMa sured warranty. Free esti­ taurant, Main Street location Green Road, now accepting spp-' free loam, regular $14 only STORAGE TILL NEEDED. porch, awnings, carpeting. Sub sale. Robert Anderson, Real­ ASSUMPTION PARISH — Im­ kitchen ■with built-ln.s, living said probate district srlthln ten days downtown, reasonable rent with 112.60. FiU, gravel, sand, stone. 643-1121 tor, 528-0139, 628-1776. mediate occupsincy. 7 room Co­ from the date of thia order aad ns- at ■Mad? Sbnnla mates, budget accounts. Bea­ plicants for general drug store REGARDLESS OF TIME. FOR RENT—4 room heated f i v e ROOMS, single home, urban, but in Town. T. J. room with fireplace, dining tum make to this ooort of the no­ good lease. Owner has other work, for fall or winter, part- 643-9604. Eves. 648-1686, 640-7814 lonial, fireplace, park-llke Legral NotkcM con Lightning Protection, 648- Phone for appointment apartment, near Park Street. $125. monthly. Inquire 82 Crockett, Realtor, 643-1877. NEW LISTINO—Porter Street room. 8 bedrooms, large tice given. ____ _ . interest. Tel 648-9983. time, evenings, or weekends. Church St., anytime. grounds, on tos line. Char-Bon JOHN J. WAUjSIT, Judgs ■>WARDS 0818. SAMUEL ALBERT (Call 643-611$ between 840 a.m.- area. 6 room (Jape, plus rec closets. Two tiled bathrooms Experienced preferred. Must 300 CEDAR RASKETBALL and LAKEW(X)D (3IRCX.E—Want i Rea) Estate. 648-0688. . . . and a 23x24 heated family AT A CX>URT o r PROBATE held clothesline pMes, many aises, Hartford 247-0368 4:80 p.m. room, 2-car garage, deep tree held at Mancheeter. within and lor ANSW HUIM SERVICE be reliable. Driver’s license es­ If you have no means of trans­ CTNTBR HAIA, C rionlal-St home with quality through­ room. Cu.stom built 1961. Wol­ the District of Mswcheeter, on the delivered or Installed; also, FIVE ROOM RAN(JH, $128 shaded, private lot, $17,900. Roofing— Siding 16 Help Wanted— ^Pemale 35 sential. Over 18. No phone portation. I’ll send my auto tor HARTFORD — Sub-let apart- James Parish. Porter Street out? Look over our split level verton Agency, Realtor, 649- noth day at July, 1964. Vietnam Denies 44f4M 00 — S75-2519 calls. 276 tank. 649-1868. month. Tel. 876-8130. area. 8 years old. 8 large up in the Lakewood Circle Phllbrick Agency, 646-8464. Preeent. Hon. John J. WallolL you. No obligation. ment, bertnning August 1, 8% OFF SILVER LANE 2813. Judge. A. A. DION, INC Roofliw RN OR LPN, IGT^ M l ot rooms, air-con&tloning, stove, rooms, 1% baths, huge recrea­ area. 8 rooms, 2% baths, etc. and kara jraor maaaaaa, VaaV Im r froai ai siding, painting. Oarpantry. AJ- part-time. Vernon Haven, 876- ELECTRICIAN OR HELPER, SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT AT ENFTELD — 25 minutes from $11,900 — MXN(3HESTER Vi­ Estate of darence £. Warner late Intent to Attack I-JIC refrigerator, parking. 638-7984. tion room with fireplace, bullt- Priced in the mid thirties cinity—Reduced—Ranch home CUSTOM DESIGNED contem- of Manchester, in said District de ttoa wHboat apeadlag a l aMBlaa at the telephoaa. taraoiDoa and addlaons. OeO- 2077. experienced, Trade School HIP BOOT’S, size 10, worn Manchester. 6 room Colonial, BUSLINE ceasetl. A—L—B—E—R—T’—S lns. breeseway and attached and we think it worth it. T. J. with garage on beautifully porary built for gracious Hv­ ings. Workmanship guaran­ graduate or equivalent. Call twice, $8. 643-4979. 43-46 ALLYN ST, HARTFORD 1 % baths, carport, workshop 2-car ____ garage_____ $26,900_____ Phil- Oockett, Reactor. 648-1577. ing, sunken living room, for­ The admin Letralrlx having ex­ SAIGON, South Viet Nam teed. 299 Autumn S t 962-4860. PART-’ITME and full-time fab­ 644-d with breeze­ pletely encased with close- two huge fireplaces, recrea­ ORDERED: That the iOUi day of commander of Us air force waa Company — Roofing, aiding, al- swimming pool used once. Rea­ August, 1964, at ten o'clock fore­ Hartford Road, Manchester. tric range, looks good, $36. ANDOVER CENTER — 4 room 2 baths, laige U'vlng room, way and ^ ra g e , tree shaded BOLTON—Big 7 room ranch on set aluminum siding, Includ­ tion room, bar, patio. Priced in expremlng only his personal Lo s t — 4-months-Oild Mack teraaons, adAtiaos aad ra- Open dally 10 a.m.-8 p.m., sonable. Phone 643-4822. noon at the Probate Office In the DUAL. MUFIiY.BXlS for 1961-1964 wiUi foreman experience; 742-6646. apartment, stove, refrigerator, fireplace, dining room, rec lot, dining room, large lilting 4 acree. 1% baths, 3 car ga­ ing the garage . . . and a 40’s. Call owner, 649-6286. 648- Municipal Building In said Maoob- views when he called tor an male kitten vicinity Vernon modsllng of all typoa. Bzoal- Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. also experienced plumber's ter, be and the same le assigned for Oorvair, |16. 742-«281. and utilities Included, $66 Suburban For Rent 66 room, atteched 2-car garage, room with fireplace, 8 bed­ rage, basement finished off. real "picture book” look 6863. aerial attack against Commun­ Street. 640-8882. laut woncmanahlp. 649 6466. helper. beautiful view, $81,000. m i - a hearing on the allowance cf said CANNING JARS for saHe. Call monthly. After 6, 742-6414. rooms, 1% baths, all for $17,- large productive blueberry inside. 3 large bedrooms and administration account with said ist North Viet Nam. VERNON (JOVENTRY — 6 room Colonial, KO ncas Is hereby given that DION CONSTRUCTION—Roof- after 5, 644-1969. Machinery and Tools 52 brlck Agency, ReaStors, 649- 400. Wolverton Agency, Real­ patch . . . good for $800.00 wokk-in closets, built-in estate, aacertalnment of heirs and Air Commodore Nguyen Oao H. G. SCHULZE, INC. 8464. 2 fireplaces, carpeting, 1% order of distribution, and this Pass Book No. E6492 issued by Trailers— ing, siding, alteratlonB, ceil­ TOY PARTY BOLTON CENTER tor. 649-2818. per year Income. Vacant, low kitchen with dining area, a Ky told newsmen at Blen Hao West Road, Ellington FOR BE5TTER cleaning, to keep e i g h t FXJOT porcelain sinks long living room with wall- baths, aluminum siding, storms Court directs that notice of the time Wadneutsv that ha him. The Savings Bank of Manches­ Mobile Homes 6-A ings, gutters and aluminum SPACIOUS 6 room older Co­ thirties. T. J. Crockett, Real­ and place assigned (or said hearing; W edn esd^ .“ “ I.™ 876-9707 colors gleaming, use Blue Lus­ with four faucets. Good for in­ APARTMENTS You Can Afford and screens, breezeway. 2-car be given to all persons known to be , self flew flC over North Viet Nam ter has been lost and applica­ windows. 648-4362, 643-0696. DEMONSTRATORS lonial, modern kitchen, 1% tor. 643-1677. to-wall carpet. A very at­ tre carpet cleaner. Rent elec­ dustrial work. Original price Comer Brandy St. tractive open stairway. garage. Owner 429-6398. interestey of this order Brookline, 26 — «t Rockland, 0760. F\)R SALE — 38” boy's Ameri­ factlaa guami^aad. OaO 649* Male or Female 37 shie/ld, cu^lons, canvas cover, bedrooms, 2 baths, M 72xin. 648- 1577. WATERFRONT—Beautiful year and screens, 4 bedrooms, laige In some newspaper having a otron- m s. ohubbette 14-14%, all exceKent rant, $70 per month. Call 649- Marion E. Robertoan, Realtor, living room, fireplace, formal I^on In said DMriot, atleast sev­ Maine, 26 — at Portemouth. can lightweight bike. Like new, LPN, PART TIME, Cbll 649- lights, trailer. All practically condition. Call 876-0163. JENSEN STREET—New 6 room 'round waterfront home at N.H., 27 — at Weft Nowbury new condition, $976. 649-1026. 6808 or 649-8781. Samuel M. 648-6958. dining area, 2 full baths, porch, en days before toe day of saU $26. Also, repairs done. 640- 3868. Ranch, 8 bedrooms, living ANDOVER LAKE-Channing, nearby lake available for Im­ hearing, and by mailing on or be­ Hl|^ School, 28 — at ■orwlch- 3274. TWO ST. JAMES School jump­ 6 room cottage, large lot, hot mediate occupancy. 6 rooms garage, kitchen with bullt-lns, fore July 20, 1964, by oertlfled mail ABtoiii<>bDe9 For Sale 4 Millinery, Dreannaking 19 FRIENDLY ICE CREAM FIFTEEN FOOT runabout, 78” SIX ROOM DUPLEX In good EAST HARTFORD — Garrison room, formal dining room, a copy of Wis orde order to Mary 3. port, 29 — at Chalmstacd, 20 ers, size 8, $4 each; two girl’s condition, family with teen­ air oil heat, 2-oar garage, tip­ 1% baths, 2-car garage, inside superior school district, fine SHOP beam, steering wheel and Lavitt Agency Colonial, 8 bedrooma, 1% kitchen, basement garage, all condition, 8-years-rid. Price CMsUllo, c/o IVaoets J. OormoHy at Marlboro. Get 12 — it ptyaa- DRESSMAKING, alteratkms, winter coats, brown tweed with agers only, $100, including hot baths, fireplace, boUt-lBB, utiUtlea, convenient location, top condition, full price, $9,- and outside fireplaces,, beauti Jr.. Atty.. 77 Lotoyrite ■(.. HSrt- nte, 20 — at Waytand BIgh, M. mSED CART Tour orsdB tam­ Business Senrlees Party Plan traKer, $200. 649-0117. 643-2168 Realtors 875-6297 high teMis. Can tranefeired toid, Omn. ____ repairing, socks darned, slp- 172 Union St., Rockville leggins, 6-6X, $6; red polo coat, water. J. D. Realty, 643-6139. breeseway, attached garage, BHA financed, will consider 800. Alice (Jlampet. Realtor, fuKy landscaped. Asking price — at Okmoaolar. ed down! flhoct OB down pay- TOY DEMONSTRATORS size 8, $6 . 649-8418. Vernon (Srcle, Pky Exit 96 owner, 648-7287. JOHN T. WALLBIT, JiriOs mantT BahkngitT Rapoaaea- Offered 13 pers replaced, patches ap­ Now accepting applications tor 1968, 19’ OWENS OPEN BOAT, wooded k>t, $33,600. PhUbrlck trade. Oall Charies PonticelH, 640-4643. $13,900. Call F. M. Goal Agen­ plied, skirts shortened, cater­ 186 h.p., V-8 engine, full cover, 5% LARGE ROOM flat, second Open 7 days a week Agency, Reailton, 649-8464. 640-9644, or Barney Petermra, cy, 648-2682 or 648-0281. Mon7 Don’t daqialri Bee Hon­ VACUUM CLEANERS, toasters, WIN A FORD! fall and winter part-time po.si- GIRLS’S DREJSSES, blouses, ing to expectants, little cher­ padded seats, extra clean, rea­ floor, frernt and back porch, 640-0404. NEW LISTING — 6% room est Douglaa. Bimlru about low- irons, lamps, drills repaired. tions evenings and weekends, skirts, etc., sizes 10-12-14, ex­ MANCHESTER — 717 Center ubs and small fry. 643-6602. Leading toy party company male and female, over 18. sonably priced. Call 643-2791. garage, central! location, on MANCaiBSTER — $14,900 Six ranch, set high on a hill, huge sat down, smallest paymento Free estimates. BYee pickup cellent condition. Reasonable. Resort Property Street—Olcott Drive section. 6 NOTICE wiK pay top commissions to busline. $106 a month. (CaH 643- room brick Cape, fireplace, SIX ROOM Ranrii In Manches­ yard tor the little ones to play, FOUR BEDROOM RANCH anywbera. No small loan or B- and delivery. 629-3866. 649-1092. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HElABINa ON PROPOBBD BSVTBR aanoa company plan. Douglaa high-calibre toy demonstra­ 875-9910 9869. For Rent 67 garage, excellent oonmtion, ter Green. Kitchen butit-ins, walk-out basement, kitchen large rooms, bath, lavatory, Moving—^Trucking— fireplace, 1% baths, garage. A with dining area, 3 bedrooms, breezeway. 2-car g;arage. AA MAIN EXTENSION IN PORTION OF DBVON DRIVll AND Motors, 888 Main. Sharpening; tors . . . PLUS FORD FAL­ Diamonds— 'Watches— trees, near bus, shopping, Just over Manchester line in LAWNMOWER re­ FTVE ROOM apartment In He­ Ha m p t o n — Seabrook Beach, fine home in an attractive minutes to riiopplng, $14,900. zone lot 140x150. City water, A PORTTON OF DBBPW(X)D DRIVE pairs, sales, rotor blades Storage 20 CONS as Bonus Prizes. For Jewelry 48 Wanted—^To Buy 58 school. Carlton W. Hutcnlne, Bolton. Modem, Immaculate 1961 LmOOLN Continental, ex bron, Route 86. Oi'! furnace, hot N.H. New three bedroom wa­ Realtor, 846-6182. wooded eettingi Wesley R. Wolverton Agency, Realtor, sewer. Hot water heat, oil. riiarpened; bicycle sales, serv­ details, call or write for 4 bedroom ranch, 1% baths, DBVON INBIVB ceUlent running conditlan, all MANCHESTER Dellvanr. LlgM R^ATCH AND JEIVELRY re­ WE BUY, SELL or trade an­ water heater, newly decorated. terfront apartment, all util­ Smith Agency, 648-1667. 649- 2813. Well Insulated. Plaster walls. ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, personal interview: Situations Wanted— Call 228-3266. OFF EAST CENTER Street—6 2-car garage, screened North BMa powered, plus air conditioning. trucking and package delivery. pairing. Prompt service. Up to tique and used tuniitura, china, ities. Aug. 16. 644-8037. Copper tubing. Outside field- 149 W. Middle T u m ^ e , 649- room Colonial with 2-car ga­ SPLIT LEVEL—6 rooms, mod­ porch, lovely, shaded lOOx- Name Mailing AAdress ’ very reasonable. 648-9095. 3008. Refrigerators, washers and Female 38 $20 on your old watch In trade. glass, silver, idctura frames stone fireplace, patio. Reason­ stove moving specialty. Foldliig AMERICAN HOME TOY THREE ROOMS for rent, first BLACK POINT — 8 bedrooms, rage, like-new condition, only ern kitchen with bullt-ins, 8 ably priced. H. B. Grady, Brok­ 200 lot. •nils is a large well Gtorald P. k Clara J. Dumond 28 Dsvoii Ditva Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, and old coins, old dolls and built home in convenient 1060 FORD—On the roed eon- chairs tor rent #494)752. PARTIES, INC. COLLEGE FRESHMAN wants floor, $75. Call at 98 Wer.ls fireplace, shower, full bath, $16,900. Wesley R. Smith Agen­ large bedrooms, dbiing room, OUTSTANDING BUYS er. 643-8009. a John k Judith B. lagrossl 29 Devan Ditva REPAIRS oo all makes of re­ 737 Main Street, State 'Rieater guns, hobby collections. sJtic Street before 8. location. We invite your in­ 28 Devon Drive ditlan. Ca£ 649-4173 before 8 Marilyn Lentocha babysitting for August and part Building. screened porch, pine paneled, cy, 643-1667. fau^ tamUy room 21x28 with Donald F. k Luclanne R. Mathiews frigerators, washers, ranges, of September. Oall 649-4366. contents or whole estates. Fur­ fireplace, 2 full baths, 2-car ga­ $8,900 — SINGLE HOUSE, cor­ spection. Priced in I w 20’s. 37 Devon Drive j, p.m. or after 10 p.m. and dryers. All oil burners Kingsbury Ave. Ext., R.D. No. 1 niture Repair Service Talcott- large yard. 643-6000. Lawrence A. k Catherine A. Fountain Painting—Papering 21 6% ROOM DUPLEX West NO. (30VENTRY — Custom rage, excellent neighbortiood, ner lot, oil hot air heat, gas hot Alfred W. Ac Gertrude R. Oloion 48 Devon Drive cleaned and serviced. All arork Rockville, Conn. 06066 ville, Conn. Tel. 643-7449. Street, available August 1st. m g -t f c l a s s ic r o a d s t e r , Garden— Farm— Dairy COLUMBIA LAKE — Small oullt L-colonlal ranch, paneled $S1,9(X>. PhKbrlck Agency, 649- $16,400 — See this cracker- water heater, full celler, city Angela Grant 47 Devon Drive guaranteed. 649-0066. PAINTTNO, EXTERIOR and In­ Phone 876-1332 WOULD LIKE housework by the Call 643-4097 or 228-3627. jack investment property on excellent condition, wire WANTED TO BUY—Antiques waterfront cottages for rent. 24 foot Hving room, many au­ 8464. water and sewer, no sidewalks, VINCENT A. BOGGINI Sophie M. Metrofeki 88 Devon Drive wheels, $896 for quick sale. 289- terior, paperhanging, wall­ day. Call 649-6628 after 8 p.m. Products 50 Call 643-2596, 649-4929. thentic detrils, 6 picturesque Walnut St. in Manchester. 2 STEPS, SIDEWALKS, atooe and good used furniture. Vil­ WORKING CX5UPLE. no pet.s. 4 near bus and schools. G. 8. Realtor (Jarl W. k Edith M. Andenon 59 Devon Drive 6242, 649-0210. paper removed, dry wall work. acres. Hayes Agency, 648-4808. OONfJORD ROAD — $28,000. 7 family home with 4 rooms Keith, Broker, 640-9125. 86 Devon Drive walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ Reasonable rates. Bank flnsme- LARGE (CULTIVATED blueber­ lage Peddler Auction House, rooms, heat, hot water. Inquire NIANTIC — For rent or sale. room ranch. Finished base­ (Jarl J. A: Marie B. Swanson races, hatchways, dry wells. ries, pick your own, 30c pint. Route S3, Ellington. 875-8711, on the first floor and 8 on Anthony A EliMbath Sgro 78 Devon Drive 1968 OOMET Convertible, excel- tng arranged. Fully Insured. RN. PART TIME. GaU 649- Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 30 William St. 4 room cottage, hot water, stall BBAUnFDL paneled heated ment, 1% baths, real deep lot the second. Good Income. All concrete repairs. ReeMon- Dooley, Watrous Rd., Bolton. Bob Flucklger, and Son. ANDOVER—Six room raised BEL AIR REAL ESTATE Daniel k Bertha N. Busne 84 Devon Drive ' lent condition, an Meal second Free estimates. 649-9668, Jo­ 3968. shower. Very reasonable. 648- family room ofi kitchen, 8 bed­ with picnic area, etc. Terrific CaHl Cart Zinsser. able. 648-0861. DACHSHUND, AKC registered, Call 649-3096. THREE ROOM modem apart­ ranch, 8 double bedrooms, 2, ear, $100 down, take over low seph P. Lewis. 0420. room rancdi, aluminum etorms, buy. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, CO. BOVON DIMVB PREPARE NOW for next year’s puppy shots, champion blood ment, heated, private porch 7 or 10 acres available, with payments. Please call Valle, TYPEWK1TEH8 — Standard BUTTER AND SUGAR CX>RN, Rooms Withoat Board 59 cellar, 168x346 lot, only $16,- 643-1677. brook. No agents. 849-6402. 529-6866, 283-8222. INSIDE AND OUTSIDB paint­ vacation. You will be able to go lines. 643-9482. and entrance, central location, 6C0. Carlton W. Hutchins. 649- $19,900 — Buy yourself good 648-9882 and electric. R^ialred, over­ cucumbers, squash. 21 Angel Don Lae A Helen B. Palmer IB Devoe Drive ing. You name your own price. farther and do more with $96 per month, newly deco­ Wanted To Rent 68 6182. MANCHESTER — central, bus income with this 14 room 2 hauled, rented. Adding ma­ GROOMING and boarding, will Street. FURNISHED ROOMS, complete family duplex. Business ODVBNTRY — (Justom built 6 Robert A. A Effle M. White 28 Doven Drive 1069 RAMBLER, very clean, 649-7868, 875-8401. money you save ae an Avon light housekeeping facilities. rated. Call 649-9713 or 648-0644. line. Excellent 2-family of radio and heater, 6 cylinder, chines rented and repaired. collect and deliver. H. C. SMALL, RELIABLE engineer’s ^ FAMILY—Central Man- zoned on Center St. Call room Ranch, 4 bedrooms, 3-car Albert O. A Doris E. Therrisn 13 Daven Driva Pickup and delivery service. Representative. Cash in on LARGE CULTIVATED blueber- Centrally located. Mrs. Dor­ 4%-4%. Two heating systems. garage, 2 fireplaces, rec room, 86 Devon Drive standard transmission. 649-8664. EIXTERIOR and Interior paint heavy summer-time demand Chase, Harmony Hill Kennels, FTVE ROOM apartment, cen­ family wants nice 6-8 room | Chester, excellent condition, Carl Zinsser. Henry M. A Frieda B. Knapp Yale Typewriter Service. 649- riea, pick your own, 26c pint, sey, 14 Arch Street, Manches­ Priced to sell at $16,500. plastered walls, private beach, MANCHESTER — Beautiful 6 43 Devon Driva ing. Wallpaper books. Paper­ for our fragrances, deodorants Bolton, 643-6427. trally located, $60. monthly. apartment-house, good neigh- garages, assumable mortgage. Ruth Lillian Boober 4986. bring containers. Manchester ter. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. $700. down. Pasek Realty, 289- room home, complete with fire­ 40 Devon Drive I960 FORD CONVERTIBLE, V- hanging. Ceilings. Floors. B\illy and suntan lotions. Complete 643-5129, J. D. Realty. borhood, 1-2 years' lease. 649- Wesley R. Smith Agency, 648- Avind A Alice L. Beck 8, automatic transmission, Insuiaa. Workmanship guar­ BOARDING, dogs only, Lady Green area. Call John (Calve, 7475, 643-7208, 742-8243. place, rec room, detached ga­ (Jharles E. Bettlnger A Patricia O. Hubbard 58 Devon Drive l a w n m o w e r s , toarpaned training. No experience need­ FRONT ROOM, centrally locat­ 0294. 1567. ______$14,200 — ATTRACTIVE 6 room rage and carport. Inside area power steering, brakes and anteed. Leo Plllletler, 649-6826. Buster Kennels, R. P. Cobb 216 Jr. after 12 noon, 649-5961. Katherih A John Roth 86 Devon Drive and repaired, salsa and sarv- ed. Call 289-4922. ed, half block from Main, Cape, dormers, hot water heat, JARVIS REALTY CO. for storing two boats and trail­ windows, very good condition, If no smswer, 648-9043. Hillstown Rd., Manchester. Furnished Apartments 63-A WANTED — Furnished rooms, MANCHEOTERr—Deluxe 6 room shade trees, near bus, school, SOUTH WINDSOR — Split lev­ Kathleen G. Luby 03 Devon Drive tce, rantal equipment. L A M 649-8496. parking, 59 Birch St. 649-7129. 648-1121 el, very desirable, 7 rooms, ga­ er. Convenient to stores. Junior 60 Devon Drive $1,200 or best offer. 643-6214 be­ NURSE’S AIDE, 8-11, 40-hour fumiriied or uirfurnlrfied apart­ ranch, 2 baths, t-o K garage, shopping. (Jarlton W. Hutchins, Eves. 648-0088 Lawrence F, A Stather L. Bunco Equipment Oo^., Route 81, INTERIOR and exterior paint­ Household Goods 51 FXDUR ROOM tenement, fur­ family room, acre suDurbar rage, 1% batiis. Price $18,600. and Senior ISgh School. Price 73 Devon Drive tween 6-7. week, or part-time. Laurel DACHSHUND puppies, AKC ROOM FX)R RENT, gentleman ments and houses, for rent or Realtor, 649-5132. Helen E. DUIon Vemcn, 875-7609, M uebaster ing, wallpaper removed, fully nished, on bus line, parking, lot. Hayes Agency. 64S-4808. 3 bedroom ranch, attractive reasonable. Call F. M. Gaal 76 Devon Dri'va SKChanga, Enterprise 1916. Manor, 649-4619. registered, |66„ black and tan, (CROSLEY refrigerator good only. Free parking. Refer­ sale; office and store space. Joseph C. A Agnee M. Komor PONTIAC, 1965, 2-door sedan, Insured. Rene Belanger, 648- adults only. 166 Adams St. Call Rockville Redevelopment FOR SHADE and shelter, an breezeway room, garage, fire­ Agency, 648-3082 or 64S-()381. 80 Devon Drive 0612 or 644-0804. mates or females. Call 644-8266. running condition, $36. Tel. ences required. Call after 8. James T. A Anna A. LoBel automatic transmission, good WASHING MACHINES RELIABLE WOMAN for care of 643-0603. 643-2693. Agency, 16 East Matin St., acre of shade trees surrounded NEW COLONIALS — We have place, unusual family room In running condition, good tires, FURNISHED apartment for COLONIAL — Chock full of IWBPWOOD DRIVE ed, RCA Whirlpoo]Irlpool and aged lady, light housework, 6 BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN pure- men or married couple, 4 Rockville, 876-6238. this long, lean contemporary Just listed two four bedroom basement, $20,600. 6 room Co­ $100. 640-6793. days a week. Box G, Herald. SOUTH WINDSOR colonials with a;!l the extras up lonial, garage, Wg wooded lot, charm, paneled den, profes­ Ncrtti SMS more All woric guaranteed. HAITB PAPERING boards—wHl bred Collie pups. No papers. I THE THOMPSON House. Cot­ rooms, 2 baths, park-l^e lo­ ranch. 6 rooms Include 2 or 3 ASSORTMENT of good used tage Street, centrally Jocated, bedrooms, relaxed formal din­ on Grandview Street. One home $21,500. July Is “ bargain sionally landscaped lot, close Valerie O. Starkweather ' 06 Deapevood Drive Call 643-4918, 644-8141. paper. Oall 638-2472. TWO HOURS WEEKLY is a lflt Males, $30; females, $28. Call cation. In the country, 1/6 mile to schools. Sacrifice. E. J. VOLKSWAOEJN, 1962 Sedan, 742-7937. I ranges. 643-6563. large pleasantly furnished Business Property ing room, U'vlng room with has two and a half baths, the month” . Glenn Roberts Agen­ William A Hertha F. Mey 67 Deepwood Drive radio, extras. Ca’l after 8 p.., takes to run shopping club for to Parkway, 6 miles to Pratt One - year - old V k H built cy, MLS Realtors, 644-1621, 644- Carpenter, ReaRor-Owner, 640- 79 Deeperood Drive YOU ARB A-1! Truck Is A-1! rooms, parking. (Tati 649-2358 A WhitneV. 649-6906. For Sale 70 Georgian marble fireplace, other 1%. Two car garages, Joseph B. R A Leonore M. Grenier 875-6602. Cellars, attics, trarii, Bnall a few friends. You get $26 In CATS ONLY Boarded. Must LARGE SHIPMENT apartment for overnight and permanent 7% room Colonial, 4 eMi- Mtchen with buUtins, 2 car ga­ walk-out basements, family 1887, 238-3828. 5061. Harold Y. A Anna J. Curry 86 Doqnvood Driva Electrical l^rviccs 22 name brands free In 10 weeks. trucking done A-1 right! Oall have been altered and in­ size stoves, $28. Fontaine’s guest rates. THREE ROOM furnished apart­ iuSINESS ZONE in - Bight cioiis bedrooms, $ full bauis, rage. A Real Ckmntry Gentle­ room, etc. Has to be seen to Frances B. A Frank Gentile 89 Deqnrood Drive 643-2928, Tremano Trucking FREE ESTIMATES. Pnxnpt Send for catalog and details. oculated. By re8er\'ation. Fen- Restaurant Equipment, 473 rooms with two offices, sep­ U'vlng room with flreplauie, be appreciated. Call, we have 95 Deepwood Drive 1967 MERCURY for parts. $96. ment, second floor, heat, hot man. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Keith P. A Deborah F. Hassard Service. oervlca oo all typea o< alec- Alice Williams, Popular Club ros Cattery, 876-9131. Windsor St., Hartford. 627-6771. (X)MFX)RTABLE room for gen­ arate entrance, suitable tor bookcases, beam celling, the key. T. J. Crockett. Real­ L. William A Mary Frances Oauefaer 107 Deepwood Drive Call 649-8964. Plan, Department K803 Lyn- water. No children. (3all 643- tor, 649-2818. tricol wiring. Uceiued and In- tleman, separate entrance, 7376. business or professional use. slate foyer, family style tor, 643-1677. LEGAL NOTICE William L. A Ann-Marie C. Sheridan IIS Deqiwood Drive HAROLD A SONS Rubbish Re­ brook. New York. EVERYTHING In sterilized re­ ourad. Wilson Electrical Co., FXDR SALE — Airedale puppy, parking. Cal'! 649-2656. Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. kitchen with bullt-ins, com­ VERNON—Ranch 6 rooms, 8 Wilfred C. A Edith M. Jones 117 Deepwood Drive 1059 FORD, 9 passenger sta­ m oval-Cellars, attics, yards. Manchester, 649-4817, 643-1388. male, 8-months-old. Call 643- conditioned used furniture and bination windows, 2-car at­ MANCHESTER Vicinity— Notice Is hereby given of the certification of party-endored LIGHT ASSEMBLY work to do BEDROOM AND KITCHEN, bedrooms, family size kitch­ Mary A. Moore 123 Deepwood Drive tion wagon. City Squire, white­ Weekly or monthly pickup. 0703. appliances, high quality—low MIDDLE AGE WIDOW has furnished, for two adults, In­ 44,000 SQ. FT. PLANT 28 mllra tached garage. Immaculate en, partial rec room in bsae- Choose from a Cape Cod or a candidates of the Republican Party for nomination to the Munic­ 127 Deepwood Drive at home. (Crest Mfg., 68-421 room for rent In private home Robert CJurtis A Mary H. Hack walls, power steering, radio, Harold Hoar, 649-4064. prices. LeBlahc Flimlture, 198 cluding gas, electricity, heat, eatot of Hartford, 6 miles off condition. Owner transfer­ ment, lot 90x155 with trees, Ranch type home. Not far from ipal Offices specified below, to be filled at the municipal election 131 Deepwood Drive etc. 649-7824. Floor Finishing 24 Commercial Road. Cathedral South Street, Rock-Wile. 876- next to bath, with privilege of WEbur Cross. Good labor area. to be held on October 6, 1964 in the Town o f Manchester. Ann A. Seifert hot water, private bath. Call red. Priced bellow replace­ $14,600. Phllbrick Agency, 649- town, you’ll like the country Wlnalow G. A'^Martha D. Place 137 Deepwood Drive RAPID RUBBISH removal—At­ (City, (California. WANTED — GOOD home tor 8 2174. Open 9-8. liWng room. Middle age work­ 16 acree plus lake, free water ment cost. atmositoere. Six years old, A list of the persons so endorsed as candidates is on file In my tics, cellars, and yards. Handy FLOOR SANDING and refinish- 643-7636. 8464. Hazel A. Wright 141 Deepwood Drive 1964 MERCURY Convertible, weeks’ old puppy. 643-4849. ing gentleman or lady prefer­ and power, low taixes. Plant present G.I. mortgages may be office, being the office of the Town Clerk, 41 Center Street, and red, 812 engine, with 8 carbure­ man servioa. Call 649-0218, Ing (specialising In older FOUR GIRLS wanted for coun­ BLOND OAK dining set, apart­ red, but will consider others. Edward F. A Susan J. Blake 146 Deepwood Drive ter work, experienced neces­ Mko new. Will sell or lease. FOUR BEDROOMS. . .6? assumed. $14,400. Ellsworth copies thereof are available tor public distribution. 149 Deepwood Drive tors. excellent condition, a.»ed ^publican Party member may obtained^ from 168 Deepwood Drive knives, axes, aiiaars, akotas, Into one monthly payment of ney Street, Ellington. 875-7143., Septie Tanks Foreign Gar Ganlar 18,600 - WBUU KEPT 6% room School, 134 Middle Turnpike Frederick E. Peck. Republican Registrar of Voters, 41 Center Leonard V. A Evelyn F. Raterman LEAVING STATE — Furnish­ SO. WINDSOR—$500 down Imys dining room, wall to wall car­ rotofjr Modoa Quick aervtoe. $23.16 tor each thousand dollars IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AND ranch, I bedxwms, attractive a 3 bedroom 8% rocm ranch, East, Manchester, relative to gtreet, Manchester, Connecticut. Instructions for filing *ich a LAWNMOWBR8 — Ariens, ings of apartment tor mo. iWnina a n o , ■uburhon. Owner pet in Uvlng room, built-in oven You are hereby notified that the Board, o f Dlrectois^ **f^ GRIP-ON Oopitol Equilmant Oo., E Including re p o ^ e n t over five qU hot !water heat, 100x200 lot. the proposed hnprovoment of In- candidacy are contained In Part I, Instruction Page, of the po­ Otawn of Man«*ester proposes to eonstniot a sewer saate la a Main SL, Maneheoteg. H oyn joors. raout Burke, M6-88$T, Lawn Boy, Toro, Berfens Orbit sale: Westinghouse refrigera­ onxloua. Oorltaa W. BntchlnB, bidA ranM, eloae tp bus line, Air, and riding mowers. Wheel- COMPLETE PUlbrioIdk Agenoy, 649-Si64. tentate 84 frojn a^roadn^tgy tmon form, copies of e^ch or* available In s«d Registrar’s portion of Devon Drive aw* » portion of Deepwood Drive. dolly 7*S. Iburoday 7*9. Satur­ Oonneotleut.Mortgaf e Ex- Bridraport o|>erators, good tor; cabinet flat top gas stove; Plnggad Sawart RggHiir. 54M1M.______branodlste oooapanogr, $16,000. boriie and Bolens 4-wheel rOREHON CAB BBSVIOa WotvertoD Agemoy, Realtor, 0.8 mile north of Wttddle Turn­ office. Prior to obtaining the petition form, the consent of eooh MASONRY PAINT day 7-4. 648-7NS. ebonfe- U Lawla St., HOrttoed, capaole men, overtime, in­ 2 studio couches; cocoa tweed s l a t e r ST. - $17,900-4 bod- tractors. Ports and service. rug 9x15; miscellaneous kitch­ fioNOORD RD. - Baoutifid 840-2818. pike West In Manchester to the candidate to be pn^poeed therein plus a deporit o f $25.00 for each You ore given this notice os the owiisr or owners^ 3 Ckmn. surance, vacations, benefits, Mackina Glaanail USED pABS loom, 2 hath ranch. Mg lot, no No Wofl WEtthig PROFESSIONAL lawn core, Capitol Equipment (Company, en; tour 6 ft. wooden eabinets> nneh, targe Bvtaig room, tonn- Vemon-ToHand Town Line. A such canflidate must be filed with said Registrar. A petition oon- buildings up - y ' : ' " 'i - f •’-*-

Tha ATwaga Daily Nat «S V. B. fHURSDAX «, MM for tl» WMk msad |r.-w .U 'M iiH -s . y- ■ ftttf 18, XM6 IKanrlr^fltpr Sttntittg Hrralit ■M ndif. Low tortliib t t a d l n r t ' " ...... 13,798 Batarday ta 81a, pi Attman George R Mwards, r tlw Audit afta m oen . Ml— Jean a Hay, daughter Members of DUworth-Comell- son o f Mr. and Mrs. James H. a t Ctrenlatioa Mattohetter—A City o f ViUmgm Charm o f Donald G. H iy o f 118 Con­ QUhy unit of the American le g ­ Edwards, 16 Wadsworth S t has ------ilbout Town way Rd., was recently named ion Auxiliary will have a recep­ completed the first phase of Air to the Dean's Uat for high aca­ tion tonight at 8 at the Hotel Force basic traUilng at Tsmk- MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 84, 1»«4 m Bag* M ) PRICE 9SYWS taunt Htai Kkrtn Flsnni ct W ilto^ demic standing at Pembroke Bond, Hartford, for Miss Bar- land AFB, Texgs. Ho will be h a n d l i u L (FOtTRTEEN PA6B8) SonMrly of Monohostor, wlU College of B iw n University, baraU Wallett, the group’s can­ sent to Chanute AFB, HI., for •dMar as "Ado Annie,” In “ Ok* Providence, R. I. didate for Department presi­ technical training as an aircraft liiii— " St the Wilton Plsjr* dent. The event will be held in maintenance specialist at Air house July 30, 81 and Aug. 1, Sp. 6.C. Philip Stoddard of 8 room 6, meszanlne floor and is Training Command school. He and Aug. 7 and 8. Ourtaln time Alison Dr., South Windsor, is open to all delegates and mem­ is a 1961 graduate o f Manches­ w iU h c a h S L te 8 pjn. She Is the daughter of training at Camp Dempsey, Nl- bers of the auxiliary. ter High School and attended Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn. antic, as a member of Head- St Petersburg (Fla.) Juhior quartern and Headquarters De­ David Kaye, son of Dr. smd College. tachment of the Connecticut Mrs. Paul Kaye of 62 Oak St., K’s no wonder «soh o< «■ li Constitutional Convention Scheduled The Rev. John I>. Hughes of •t Maiys Episcopal Church Army National Guard. Stod­ has been named to the Dean's The Salvation Army will Mtting sbont 6 timM m much dard, a payroll specialist, will List of Duke University, Dur­ duct an open air service at 7^80 win be in charge of Uie daily ohicken in a yoar m w« did devotions on radio station return with his unit to Hart­ ham, N.C., fqr Uie becond se­ tonight at Main and Birch Sts. WINF from Sunday through ford, its homo base, on Satur­ mester of the 1963-64 academic Cadet Charles Butts will be in 15 years ago. Pinehurst ehiek- ^ year. A«g- 3L day. charge. ens are handled with care Members of Veterans of from the farm to your refrig­ World War I Auxiliary will For Reapportioning General Assembly sponsor a picnic Tuesday at 6 erator. With 8Vi lb. fryow p.m. for patients at Rocky Hill and roasten aelling at $1.M Veterans Home and Hospital. each they will appear on many GLEN NE W S Those wishing to attend may call Mrs. Helen Erickson, 76 shopping lists and at more Cottage St. than one barbecue this week­ Governor Calls Charles A. Shattuck Jr., son end. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barry Sees LBJ Shattuck of 37 Walnut St., and Everett P. T^ittle, son of Mrs. Meeting of Aides Edna C. Tuttle of 131 Mather St., recently began nine weeks On Rights Issue of basic training at the Naval Training O n ter at (Sreat Lakes, HARTFORD (AP)—Gov. John pempaey has iched- HI. WASHINGTON (AP)—Against a backdrop of harsh uled a weekend meeting of state officials to study a fed­ words. Republican presidential nominee Barry Gold- eral court outline that calls for the summoning of a con­ Q. Whaf /s fhe best way water talks with President Johnson today about steps stitutional convention to reapportion the Connecticut “SPAItTAN” Town Seeks “to avoid any inflating of trouble” over civil rights in General Assembly. Chicken the presidential campaign. The court yesterday announced a tight tametabl* Added Data fo store chicken? I don’t want to exploit the which it said should be followed in bringing about reap­ ALUMNUM campaign In any way that will portionment. your food cause disorder,” the Arizona Events First step is the calling of a special session of the leg­ On Nike Site A. At home, break the wrap at once and r«nove senator said Thursday night. EXTENSION Ho talked with newsmen just islature the week of Aug. 3 to determine the makeup o f the chicken, then store, lightly covered, in the after he had voted against John­ the constitutional convention. General Manager Richard refrigerator and cook within one to two days. son’s $947.6-mllllon program to In State Convention delegates would be chosen by Oet. 6 and budget’s friend combat poverty. It passed 62 to Martin has written the General Most chickens come spanking clean, rinse the the convention would begin its work Nov. 6. Services Administration (GSA) S3. The convention would submit proposed amendments chicken in cold water, pat dry and chill. For Goldwater sld he is not going LADDERS requesting information on pos­ • Watch for specials on chicken, then buy some to propose a formal agreement Yachtsmen Safe; to the state constitution to the legislature no later than sible town purchase of the freezing, wrap the clean bird tightly and put for today’s dinner, some for the freezer. And rjH with Johnson to keep the explo­ March 1 and the legislature would schedule a referen­ sive side of civil rijghts out of 9 Days on Raft ByFUNT Keeney St. Nike site. into the freezer. member—it takes little extra work to fry a big PRESIDENT DEOAULLE dum to be held by April 5. t ’ politics In the months ahead. TTie three-judge panel re­ Martin’s letter refers to a batch of parts, put a second bird in to roast, or And he said he does not want to previous GSA letter which ques­ PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP)—A quested the 10 plaintiffs in the •tew an extra one for another day’s treat. discuss the new <31vil Rights act, ] British freighter neared port to­ reapportionment case to submit Senate V ote» tions the length of time being which he opposed In the Senate. taken by the town to consider day with four sun-broiled a proposed decree by Monday Bonn Rebuffs What he wants, Goldwater the purchase. yachtsmen who were plucked that would embody the time­ said, is a "broad discussion on from the Atlantic Ocean sifter Poverty Bill The General Manager asked table. Hielr attorneys said they the campaign and what we both drifting nine days on a tiny life for clarification of rights-of-way would comply. Europe Plan can do to avoid any Inflating of raft. and other ele m e n t matters. He jlllillliljjjijfHjniijliii: Tbe court said It would rs- By 2 to 1 Edge trouble.” The ordeal of the CJonnecticut also informed the federal offi­ Goldwater sought the White .apportion the legislature iteelf Name Your Choice sailboat hobbyists, whose 86-foot K Its outline was not followed. 20 FOOT cials that besides considering Of DeGaulle House session. boat foundered July 14, ended The court said the legislature WASHINGTON (AP)—Prairt- the property for recreation and No extra charge at Pinehurst service meat de­ To prepare for It, he called a dent Johnson’s Mil to carry out water utilization purposes the Thursday when their raft was to be elected In November PARIS (AP)—President huddle of his research advisers spotted by a Navy patrol plane. his war on poverty has won 8to- town is also considering the site partment for cutting, splitting or quartering your for a discussion of the message should conduct no business ex­ Charles de Gaulle’s call for an The motor vessel Maiden ate approval by nearly n S-1 SJ^QOO for educational purposes. tender fresh chicken. These plump 3^/^ lb. chickens he will carry to the President. cept its own reapportionment— International conference to picked up the four. It reported margin. He mentioned that plans of make a nice roaster with 4 servings. Stuff with Goldwater has said he wanU the state’s buslnees In effect The battleground now sbifis they were in good health except would have to wait for the these proposals would follow biing peace to Indochtaa and to give the civil rights law a to the House, where ttie RuIm 1 bag of Pepperidge Farm seasoned stuffing . . , for sunburn and minor sores. election of a General Assembly later. his new challenge to United chance to work, even though he The Maiden was en route to Wil­ Oommlttee Is expMted to vote eook ki a jiffy. voted against It on grounds Its which was reapportioned on The 37-acre site has been States leadership of the West mington, Del. early next WMk on n similu made available to the town on a drew cold rebuffs today from sections on public ccommoda- lines acceptable to the court. proposal to be considered the tlons and equal employment are Rescued were Ralph C. Stev­ Dempsfy, asked today about BUILT-IN "first refusal” purchase basis The 3'A lb. fresh chickens will average $1.39 Washington and West Germany. ens, 32, and Leo Pogorzelskl, following week. by federal agency administrat­ American officiala brushed unconstitutional. a special Mssion, told a news The measure had oome under Fresh From Goldwater has. In effect, both of Waterbury: Philip Kara- ing the disposal of th« surplus e a c h .. .and this week we will also have the aside as wholly unacceptable D* conference: heavy attack from Sen. Barry dared Johnson to make an issue koosh, 21, of Cheshire, and JuH- ONC COAT r FADE AND BLMTIR 24 FOOT property. Gaulle's proposal for a now 14- "I will be pr^>ared to say Goldwater of Arisona, the Re­ RESISTANT Block Island Wafers 2 V7 lb. size (average 98c each) for those us Kaslmer, 34, of New Haven. tMKt WMk the steps which In IKMHmWl Town officials have been natlon conference—with the publican presidential nominM, Om swii Muod wr- (8m Page 8evea) They left Saybrook, Conn., my Judgment are necessary to Kioei yovr home look- quoted as saying that very fav­ who like split broilers for their barbecue... United States, Russia, Red <3hi- July 11 In Stevens’ second-hand as a "hodgMwdsa programs hM a( I lisiHir color mi new, lon|ir. Re. sMurs a sound and orderly orable purchase prices are na and France as the principals motor sailer, the Gooney Bird, treating onty the resifits, aot the I kWHiifvlly, duces bllsterini end all at the same low price of 39c lb. program ol actien in the light available to the town if it choses —to settle the woes of South and for their first long trip, a sail to causes, at poverty.” Hdini ecused ^ w- $22^0 Army Worms Bl^kt Corn Fields at the court’s deelMon.” cscsive moitturt m Iht to exercise its priority of pur Swordfish North Viet Nam, Laoa and Cam Negroes Oppose Bermuda that was to have end­ ‘ Tt se«n s doeigned to adUeve homo. chase for special uses such as bodia. ed July 17. Gordon Woimann of”the (36nnecticuTilxperimental Station in Windsor itands "My ehieT oonesm,” DeanMy the single objeenve of sectoring schools or parks. CENTER SLICES They also rejected De Rights Issue Gag The Coast Guard quoted them amid corn stalks in Columbia ruined by an outbreak of army worms. At lower said, "Is to make certain that votes,” he said In a minority re­ Gaulle’s contention that a mlk the InterMte of the sate and port on the bill. Chicken as saying the Gooney Bird hit a right, Weimann holds the inch-long insects curled up in his hand. See story on Ur TO Mg MORE USE ON ALL 1 . tary solution In South Viet Nam submerged object at 11 p.m., its people are protected at all Although Goldwater did not is impossible. They said the VICKSBURG, Miss. (AP)— July 14, and they rbandoned the page four. (Herald photo by Ofiara.)______times until completion at the eater Into the two days of Sea- ouRABurfy EXTERIOR SURFACa il' Hiree national Negro leaders Fava Bid Low United States cannot consider boat the next day. tetoi at reapportionmMit and nte debate on the measure, a Tin Mm house peht No need to chenie say they hope today’s meeting points when you come another Indochina conference The Navy patrol plane com­ restricting the General As­ majority of the 3B R^bUcan anlo«i ehieh snil |iue between President Johnson and at jiuinenoIX-lreeerv- to e dUferenl surfeee FOOT On Razing Job Legs untU a new military balance Is mander who spotted the fotir sembly.’* senators Joined btm in voting ... seves you time! 28 I lb. .4 9 Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Arlz., Mt—true odonomy created in South Viet Nam. men on their bobbing raft 420 First Arrest He said he has asked State against it. pels6n|. 69 won’t result in an agreement to The French leader’s sharp no miles east of Cape Henry, Va., Racial Disorder Finance Oommissioner George On the ea-88 nfil oall Ifiuarsday Fava’s Building Wreckera of keep the civil rights issue out of (DOWN 10c LB.) Put 10 lbs. hi your freezer wrapped at no extra tificatlon to Washington that its said he almost missed them. Oxtkling to study the court’s night that sent the bill to the $ 2 0 6 0 Middletown, with a price of postwar dominance of the West the presidential campaign. Lt. Pete J. Theodorelos tem­ Made Under House, 52 Democrats voted for oost. Goldwater (s the Republican decision "to deteimine what fis­ 3945, ia the apparent low bidder had ended hardened the Impres porarily lost sight of the raft but cal problems may arise snd to and 11 against passage. The Re­ MINNESOTA 80% more durabHity - i>»-1 ‘ !r”V 'n l« n& presidential nominee. for demoliahing the old Center I Sion among U.S. diplomats that circled back, flying lower, and prepare a idan to meet thoM publican Une-up 10 for and •UAINTS over 1200 eohre the rift between De Gaulle and The three leaders—^the Rev. saw the men waving. Subsides in NYC Rights Laws 22 agidnat. Sen. Peter H. Dom­ Firehouse. inick; R-Colo., the only absent the United States Is beyond Dr. Martin Luther King, James Tbe Coast Guard said an un­ The (Sovemor held a news Others who this morning sub-1 successful effort was made by OOP member, was amKwaced SELECTED LARGE WHITE MEATED TENDER FRESH healing. Farmer of the Congress of Ra­ GREENWOOD, Miss. (AP)— conference after yesterday's mitted bids for the project are, In Bonn, De Gaulle's reasser­ cial Equality, and John Liewls of the plane to drop food to the raft (AP)—Whlte<^of Racial Equality which ac. The FBI has made Its first ar­ as against passage. Choman of Manchester, $1,158; court action and read a brief tion of his design for an Inde the Student Non-Violent Coordi­ before the Maiden was notified youths hurled missiles at Ne ruaed tha police of brutality and rests imder the public accomo­ Southern Democrats s{dn and Manifort Bros. Inc. of New i statement: pendent Europe based on nating Committee—are In Mis­ and came to the scene. groes and whites picketing po­ demanded tne ouster of Police dations sections of the new Civil about evenly. Before the letl.S Britain, $2,340. "Hie court has proposed _ *7.85 Gal. French-West German political sissippi to boost the predomi­ Stevens’ wife said In Waterbu­ lice headquarters during the Commissioner Michael J. Mur- Rights Act. plan of legislative redistriot- million bill was passed, two Fava’s promised to com­ ry that her husband, vice presi­ states rights amendments were coordination also drew stem re­ nantly Negro Freedom Demo­ night while disorders dwindled phy. Agents of the burMU charged uig and reapportloiunent which mence the work immediately I dent of a metal stamping con­ An egg thrown by the whites adopted giving governors a veto Breasts of Chicken ^ M jections. cratic party. In Harlem and Brooklyn, scenes three Greenwood white men has far reaching implications. upon award of a contract, and U cern, had bought the (looney who opposed the CORE group over establishment of son^e of LB. Officials in Chancellor Ludwig "It would be a real tragedy of five nights of strife. with a conspiracy designed to ‘T intend to have further dls> to complete it within three | Bird only a week before the narrowly missed Murphy. FREEZER WRAPPED IF REQUESTED... Erhard’s government repeated the civil rights issue Is kept out The picketing of the head­ keep a Negro from going to a eussitm with appropriate state days. their Insistence that West Oer- of the campaign,” said King. voyage. It had no radio. A rock hit Police Inspector o ff lS ls this WMkend to deter­ (•m Page F ew ) { ■ ■ ■ ■ THE RIGHT TOOL Bid specifications call for the I quarters, In lower Manhattan, Henry Yack, 99, in the right downtown movie theatre. was sponsored by the Congress mine the effect of the decree work to be done during normal (See Page Five) (•m Page Seven) (8m Page Four) eye. He was taken to a hqspital. The three men, Willie Amon and actions which will be ro- n ■ ■ ■ r FOR THE JOB daytime working hours, and for | Police protected the. men Belk, 47, a plumber; his son, qulred." removal of a buried fuel oil stor­ picketing them by setting up Jimmy Allen Belk, IB, and Sam The Governor apparently had age tank adjacent to the fire-1 wooden barricades to keep the Allen Shafer Jr., 40, a Belk em­ as few answers as anybody to house and the filling in of the j ploye, posted $1,000 bonds be­ BuUetms ^ RESTORES U.S. Choice Shoulder Steaks It’s Relaxing Work whites at a distance. some of the ramifications of the black TOP JB E i i exposed hole. None of the pickets was hit. fore U.S. Commissioner W. O. court outline. OAM from AP Wirtfi & BEAUTIFIES Salvageable material of the I and Center cut lean The antipicket crowd swelled Luckett at nearby Clarksdale He WM asked whst effect the SEALER two-story frame building, with following their arrest Thursday. ^YOUR DRIVEWAY BLOCK CHUCK ROASTS lb. 49c to 1,500 at its peak. Most just plan would have on iJie state’s the exception of the oil burner, watched the activity. A fraction fiscal program. M orn a, b o m b b d PROTECTS AGAINST will be the property of the con­ She’s Foreman for Wrecking Crew of them—mostly teen-agers (■m Page ThiM) "That’s the question," ke 80*. AU O U firnN E,. Fla. tractor. from the Italian-American said, "that’s the question.’ (AP) — The restanrastt ef a GAS-OIL-WEATHER Hose Co. 2, to the rear of the 1 Lean, solid K U I ^ neighborhood surrounding the It appeared conceivable that ffinsh nootel, target of hoth AVOID MAINTENANCE HEADACHES & EXPENSIVE REPAIRS! Lincoln School, has been unused , BOnOM ROUND ROAST lb. 99e By JAMES WHITESIDE police headquarters—jeered and political leaders would take It integrattonlst and segregta EASY TO USE . , . since early June, when the new Record Earnings With no help from us except a good spot in our hurled objects. upon themselves to speed the ttonist demcastraficiis ta tUa Central Firehouse became avail- | A 112-pound grandmoth- JUST POUR & SPREAD self seiwice meat case . . . Oscar Meyer “vac- After three hours of picketing, For Automakers reaK>ortlonment timetable — to iwotally tom d ty , waa badly ^ DO-IT-YOURSELF and SAVE able for use. ROUND STEAK GROUND lb. 99c .. er is the gang foreman for the (X)RE demonstrators were have the constitutional conven­ The area to be cleared will be j packed” lean sliced Bacon has become one of our damaged today by a fire ‘ the demolition firm of Cho- escorted in three groups to tion’s proposed amendments bomb. Two cne-galloB con- R«g. 6.95 SPECIAL RENTAL BY THE DAY OR WEEK used by the Center Congrega-1 presented to the legislature best sellers. maq House Wreckers, Stock nearby subway stations. They NEW YORK (AP)—The big toliKirs of InfianunaMe Hquid tional Church as a parking area, soon after the assembly con­ FLOOR TILE R O L L E R S ...... $1.00 Per Day PINEHURST HAMBURG lb. 59c PI., Manchester. were trailed all the way by hos­ three automakers are earning were tossed through the win­ and will also be available for | tile residents of the lower East more money than ever before. venes In Jaunary. Then the ELECTRIC JIG S A W ...... $.1.50 Per DayLincoln School parking. This week we feature it Mrs. Anthony Choman, referendum could be held early, dow of the Moiiaoa Motor Side neighborhood, who contin­ General Motors Corp. and Lodge reotaunmt, then Ignit- FLOOR SANDERS and EDGER ...... $6.00 Per Day The old firehouse was built I Chrysler Corp. reported Thurs­ clearing the way for actions on Franks from Grote & Weigel who her men know as Bet­ ued to hurl missiles st both po­ «d. ‘The oontainers reeke^ ed around 1904 to bring town fire 10c below regular price day that profits and sales Important measures before the RUG SHAMPOOER...... $.1.00 Per Day First Prize and Morrell ty, is a small woman who lice and pickets. A policeman keroMoe,” said the manapef, companies up to the modern soared to record levels in the current fiscal biennium ends * BELT SANDER ...... $.3.50 Per Day pulls her own weight as a was hit on the shoulder with a James Brook. Tke tacldent ke- 6.39 standard of that day. Fire at 69c lb. second quarter and first half of next June 30. rock, treated at hospital and re­ Vi" ELECTRIC D R IL L ...... $1.75 Per Dayequipment, prior to that date, | working member of the this year. Ford Motor Co. Issued The chief lawyer in the case curred as hundreds e f s e g i^ SQUEEGEE 89c U.S. Choice Lamb Legs leased. gatloidBta attended a Ku Khta PAINT SPRAYERS (2 Gal.) ...... $6.00 Per Day had been stored in the old trol. five-man crew she directs. Police arrested seven whites a similar report earlier in the for the Republicans, Meade Al­ ley barns and in commercial | Along with her husband, who corn, said "the court In general Klan laUy on the outakkrta d< who were In an auto from which the natlon’B oklast city. buildings. is a printing department super­ an anti-Neg;ro placard had been General Motors’ sales and I aeei^ed our recommendations.” visor with American Dye in ANDERSON SCREENS AND FOR A (COMPANION SBLF-SERVIC® (fiM Page 'Hu m ) M JIXIVAN UCADCl lOO 0 Rockville, she directs the 10- (Sm Page H u m ) (8 m Page H u m ) I WINDOW Public Records SPECIAL OFFER year-old firm which has razed HARTFCmO (AP)—Bodto ARE BEST FOR YOUR Seedless numerous area buildings since Sullivan of Yuba City, O al^ her husband started the firm In pMted a •• today for a •#- Warrantee Deeds OSCAR MEYER LEAN HAM the early 50's. hole total of 186—six onddr SHUTTERS Orarg^ia D. Jeffers to Ronald par— to take the early lead ta Andcrstn^^ndowalls . The Chomans with the help Government Friend, Not Foe, • ^ * tBAbiHAH. or ANOiaaiN oearenAtioM J. Weston and Janet L. Weston, I Pullman shaped to give you nice lean square slices. tile 858,000 lasnranoe Ciigr property at 52 Linnmore Dr. j of a normal crew of five steady For these 6 big, reasons: (1) They’re GRAPES employes and five part-timers Opea golf touimunent. T m ; Kugene R. Pinto and Angela i totday*B leader, A1 Oelherg j f, quality built; (*) They’re tailor-made; M. Pinto to Donald M. Nourse, have taken down such structures Says LBJ in Jamboree Speech la eight under pnr with IBta property at 813 Center St. | « , 9 * 9 9 as St. Joseph’s R.C. Church in (*) They’re smartly designed; (4) lb . can ^ Rockville, St. Joseph’s R.C. holM yet ta *■ tatay’s They're easy to handle; (6) They’re Raymond L. Andersen and Margaret M. Andersen to Mau- | 3 Church in Suf field. Trinity the moon.^sruvlved the winter of 1777-78 round. DefenAng chamsfHi VALLEY FORGE, Ps. (AP) ■afalntly outlined by reasonably priced; (6) They’re quickly rice A. Leverault and Claire E. Methodist in Windsor and many and then “ went forth to liberate Bill Caapar shot a 88 at thd President Johnson told 52,000 pulled a banner that read available. Leverault, property at 97 Cush- | other structures Including three and create the United./States of turn to put him four laalta 25® warehouses for Hartford Des­ cheering Boy Scouts at Valley "Goldwater ’64.” Johnson gave par at 27 holes. Bobby Nldb>- man Dr. no Indication that he saw It. America.” Attachment of Real Estate patch and Warehouse (3o., Inc. Forge that the U.S, government He said America “was to be a oto, the PGA diasnik ta. During the day Mrs. Choman “ exists to protect the freedom The President received a First Federal Savings and Nabieco’s CAMEO Cream Sandwich CooMes 41e tumultuous reception when he country where every citizen had reached the tom In pnr 86 Mr SAVE Loan Association of New Haven B.C. Juices— is the boss of the job and res­ and enlarge the opportunities of the chance—through his own a one-under-par 1M( at ttls ponsible for all the procedures arrived to help the scouts close against Bienvenido and Loretta Maxwell House 10 oz. jar Instant Coffee $1.76 every citizen” and thus should work and skill—to provide for end e f 87 holea. Orowd tavfilk and measures that produce safe "not be feared or attacked.” their eUth national jamboree Montalvo, property at 80-821 his family and enrich his life. Me Sam Snead and UA. liiwver-styled exterior shutters Shurfine Instant C o ffe e ...... 10 oz. jar $1.39 Grape-Apple or and profitable demolitions. Her The government, he said and receive their Silver Buffalo Wells St„ $6,000. award for "distinguished serv­ And that is the kind of country Ohasapien Ken Venturi hegta made of treated Ponderosa Marriage licenses R&R Boned Chicken 6 oz. /educed to 43c can husband joins the group after Thursday night, "is to be helped Cherry-Apple his own work hours and on Sat­ ice to boyhood.” we have built.” their rounds later t a la a % » . FIbe for long Hfe. Alfred William Cavedon Jr., as long as it serves the country DavU Smith, 18, Springfield, 3c off pkg. of Tide with a 5c coupon inside. urdays. well, and changed when It neg­ Shortly before Johnson spoke. noon at the par 86 88 i. Wapping, and Ixirralne Ann | Jay T. Leekley, 15-year-old life Pa., aaid the 10-mlnute talk WetberafleM country Pitcher, 76 Scarborough Rd„ Save 8c every Tide purchase. She seems to have dohe her lects Its duty.” "was Inspirational. The Presi Ig. 46 oz. can . . 39c work quite well since the Cho- Although Johnson did not scout from AppleUm, Wls., was Billy Maxwell, who wn Aug. 1, at St. James Church. killed by a bus when he darted dent wants us to have the best David Paul O’Neill, Spring- man’s have never had lost time mention Sen. Barry Goldwater, Insurance Olty Open out behind a parked car. He ap­ that we can.” field, and Louise Rita Mewnlw, REGINA WINE VINEGAR WITH GARLIC accident In their ten years of the Republican presidential can­ yeiurs ago, T dozan. . . . $4.60 parently was running to catch A 16-year-old Indianapolis Ns- Springfield. qi. boHla (iMually 49e) Spaaiai »t 19« operation. didate, by name, it appeared he 188t tatoniqiht n* up with hlB troop marching to gro, Dwight Lundsrmsn, said, eauae « f a h a ttl h|| 10% •« Mahlon Lawreaoe 'miotaon. Betty Choman w ys she enjoys was taking this opportunity to ^ e really got down to the boys. renew his defense of the govern­ the giant arena. Indtanapofis glUai' Oh i Or Mon M r East Hartford, and Robonna| the strenouB activity. "It la m- saying what Is expected of them Lee Hagenow, 17 Duval St. ment against Goldwater’s criti­ Heart attecki earher thU hand wtata plpgliif tereating and a challenge and week killed two assistant scout tathls day and a|;e.” the outaide work ia a better cism. Today, 42,000 scouts leave for OYCUNO BANDIT Ths Arizona senator frequent- masters. t m Over m t : : 1C medicine than anyone can buy.” Johnson cauttonod, ttto scouts home by bus, train, plant and BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (A P)— oneShe xoiatold theuie Herald theui* juujob ...uhad ly hae charged that the feder^ ______auto. Saturday, the rest break SHOP FRIDAYS A would-be bandit wearing a la a aa » !■ » W a w to romomber t t Rpui at Valloy helped her regain her health 1 ^vemment has grown too large earap and the