TARBERT (LOCH FYNE) COMMUNITY PLAN By Jura Consultants February 2010 JURA CONSULTANTS Economic & Financial Analysis 7 Straiton View Straiton Business Park Loanhead Midlothian EH20 9QZ TEL. 0131 440 6750 FAX. 0131 440 6751
[email protected] www.jura-consultants.co.uk FOREWORD The top priority of the Scottish Government is increased sustainable growth and that is underpinned by a commitment to create increased cohesion & collaboration between national and local Government and also with communities and the voluntary, public & private sectors. This new approach creates the opportunity for communities with similar aspirations to be more proactive and more involved through the preparation of Local Community Plans and the triggering of more community projects and community ownership of the local destiny. To that end Tarbert has ably demonstrated an active & resourceful community spirit and this Community Plan will assist community groups, local authority functions and businesses to focus their efforts with a united approach based on common aims. I am very much aware of the detailed consultation and research which has been required to get to this stage and I commend Tarbert Community Plan to all who have this vibrant West coast fishing village at their heart. Jim Mather MSP Argyll & Bute Minister for Enterprise, Energy & Tourism CONTENTS Section Page 1. Introduction 1. 2. Strategic Context 5. 3. Overview of Tarbert (Loch Fyne) 19. 4. Public Consultation 55. 5. SWOT Analysis 67. 6. Action Plan 73. 7. Conclusions and Recommendations 81. Appendix A – Mind Maps Appendix B – Proforma Questionnaire Appendix C – List of Respondents Tarbert (Loch Fyne) Community Plan 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This report sets out a Community Plan for the village of Tarbert (Loch Fyne), including the locality of West Loch Tarbert.