CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 1

CD ISSN 0045-9127


CROWN September / October 2009 Welcome to the transcript for Track 1: Introductions CROWN CD1, 2009 / 2010. Track 2: The Amazing Life of … Gandhi Track 3: Miley or Trace? Who do you love? The symbol in your Track 4: On the Streets: What time do you start school? magazine means there is a listening CROWN November / December 2009 item related to the topic area of the Track 5: Introductions article. Track 6: On the Streets: A tax on chocolate Track 7: The Amazing Life of … Queen Victoria The listening activities are at the Track 8: CROWN Phone-In: What are you afraid of? back of the booklet and on page 4 CROWN January / February 2010 of the CROWN Teacher’s Notes. Track 9: Introductions Track 10: The Amazing Life of … Track 11: The Big Story: Pushy parents Track 12: CROWN Phone-In: Your love problems! CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 2

CROWN SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2009 Track 1: Introductions

Ben: CROWN. September / October 2009. Hello and welcome to CROWN Radio! I’m Ben … Nicky: …And I’m Nicky! Hello! Ben: On CROWN Radio today, we’ve got our new cartoon…It’s called ‘The Amazing Life of’… Nicky: …Gandhi. And we’ve got news stories. Ben: We’ve even got a discussion about the world’s most famous teenager - ! Nicky: Great! Let’s start the show! Track 2: The Amazing Life of … Gandhi

Narrator: It’s 1879, in India. Gandhi lives with his family in a comfortable home. Mother: That boy is always reading. He will get a good job. Father: Perhaps he will be a lawyer. Narrator: At school, there is a spelling test. A Government Inspector is watching. Narrator: Gandhi can’t spell one of the words. The teacher notices. Teacher: Look, Mohandas, you’ve got one wrong. Copy from the boy next to you. Gandhi: But that’s cheating, sir! Narrator: But Gandhi isn’t always a ‘good’ child! He’s a Hindu, and Hindus don’t eat meat, but one day ... Friend: Hey, Mohandas – have a piece of chicken. It’s delicious! Gandhi: OK! Narrator: In 1882, Gandhi gets married. He is thirteen. Narrator: It’s 1893. Gandhi is now a lawyer. He goes to work in South Africa. One day, on a train … Guard: Get out of first class! Coloureds travel in third class! Gandhi: I have a first class ticket. I’m a lawyer. Guard: Get out of this carriage or I’ll throw you off the train. Narrator: Gandhi is shocked at the difficult life of Indians in South Africa. Gandhi: These rules are not fair. I must stay here and help my people.

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Narrator: Newspapers around the world report on Gandhi’s protests in South Africa. Newspaper seller 1: Times! Gandhi fights anti-Indian laws! Times! Newspaper seller 2: Get the Post! Gandhi leads non-violent protests! Buy the Post! Newspaper seller 3: Read all about it! Gandhi wins! South Africa changes its laws! Narrator: Gandhi wins the fight and decides to leave South Africa. Gandhi: Now I must go home. India needs me. Narrator: It’s 1918. The British rule India. Life for the Indian people is difficult. Gandhi: Friends, the British think they are better than us. We cannot start our own businesses. We cannot get a good education. We must fight for independence! Gandhi: Tomorrow will be a ‘No-Work Day’ in all of India. We will all stay at home and fast. We will win with our non-violent protest. Friend: You are a good man – we will call you ‘Mahatma’ – Great Soul. Narrator: The British put a tax on salt. When poor Indian people take salt from the beach, they have to give money to the British. Gandhi leads the Salt March. Gandhi: Watch me break the law. Judge: You will go to prison! Gandhi: Good! Now I can have a rest. Narrator: It’s 15th August, 1947, in Delhi, India. After 90 years of British government, India wins independence! Shouts from the crowd: We are free! Long Live Mahatma Gandhi! Narrator: But Gandhi is not celebrating ... Gandhi: This is a very dangerous time. Muslims and Hindus are fighting. I will not eat until the violence stops. Narrator: It’s ten past five on 30th January, 1948, in Delhi. The violence between Muslims and Hindus stops. Gandhi is very thin. He comes to talk to the people. BUT…. Gandhi: Oh God! ... Oh God! Track 3: Crown Phone-In

Ben: In CROWN magazine, you can read about Miley Cyrus. She plays – and is now also a famous pop star herself. Miley has a famous family. And, in today’s CROWN Radio 3 CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 4

Phone-In we’re asking: Which member of the Cyrus family is a better singer, Miley or Trace? And our first caller is on the line … Hello? What’s your name? Chloe: Hello. I’m Chloe. Ben: Hi, Chloe. So, who do you like – Miley Cyrus or Trace Cyrus? Chloe: I like Miley. I think she’s a great singer. She’s a really good actor too. Ben: Are you a big Hannah Montana fan? Chloe: Oh yes! Ben: Have you got a favourite song? Chloe: Mm … I’d have to say ‘Best of Both Worlds’. Ben: And what do you think of Miley’s brother, Trace Cyrus? Chloe: I think Metro Station are OK, but I’m not crazy about him. I can’t stand his tattoos – they’re gross! Ben: So you quite like his music, but … Chloe: … I don’t like his style – he’s a dork! Ben: OK, thank you, Chloe! And next on the line we have … Sean! Hi, Sean. Sean: Hi. Ben: So who’s better – Miley or Trace? Sean: Trace. I think he’s a brilliant singer, and his band rocks! Ben: What about Miley? Sean: I’m sick of Miley Cyrus, because my sister’s the biggest Hannah Montana fan ever. We’ve got Hannah everywhere in our house! On the TV, on the CD player, on the computer … Ben: Don’t you like her music? Sean: … Hannah Montana magazines, Hannah Montana posters, Hannah Montana books … Ben: So … erm Sean … you don’t like … Sean: She’s even got a Hannah Montana toothbrush! A toothbrush! I mean … Ben: OK, thanks, Sean. I think Sean isn’t a fan of Hannah Montana. Our final caller is Ruby. Hello there, Ruby! Ruby: Hello, Ben! Ben: Who do you like, then – Miley or Trace? Ruby: I like Trace. He’s got a fantastic voice, and he’s cool! Ben: And do you like Metro Station’s music? 4 CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 5

Ruby: Yes – I’m listening to ‘’ now! Ben: What do you think of Miley? Ruby: I don’t really like her voice. But I like her dad, – well, my mum likes him!! Ben: Thanks, Ruby – our last caller for now. So we’ve had fans of all the Cyrus family ... Who’s YOUR favourite? Track 4: On the Streets

Ben: And now, school news. What time do you start school? Eight o’clock? Nine o’clock? How about eleven o’clock? A head teacher in England wants school to start at eleven o’clock. Why? Because young people study better later in the day. An Oxford University professor says that it is difficult for young people to get up early and study in the morning. This is not because teenagers are lazy; it is because of your body clock - it’s different from an adult’s! Nicky: Our CROWN Radio reporter is in London. She wants to know: What time would you like to start school? Reporter: Hello. I’m from CROWN Radio. Can I ask you a few questions about school? Josh: No problem! Reporter: Great! What’s your name? Josh: I’m Josh. Reporter: So, Josh, what time do you get up? Josh: I have to get up at seven because I live a long way from my school. It’s really hard. Reporter: Would you like to start school later? Josh: Definitely! I’m half asleep when I get to school. I don’t learn anything in the morning. Reporter: What time would you like to start? Josh: Ten thirty would be OK. Then I could get up at nine – that would be fantastic! Reporter: Thanks, Josh … Reporter: Hello. Can I ask you some questions about school? It’s for CROWN radio. Georgia: Sure. Reporter: What’s your name? Georgia: Georgia. Reporter: What time do you get up, Georgia? 5 CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 6

Georgia: I usually get up at eight … sometimes a bit earlier. Reporter: Would you like to start school later? Georgia: No, nine o’clock is fine for me. I live near the school, so I don’t have to get up too early. And I’m a morning person, so I study better before lunch. But I sometimes feel sleepy in the afternoon! Reporter: That’s great, Georgia – thanks very much! Hi. I’m from CROWN radio. Can I ask you a few questions about school? Nathan: OK. Reporter: Thanks. So, what’s your name? Nathan: It’s Nathan. Reporter: So, Nathan, what time do you get up? Nathan: Half past seven. Reporter: Would you like to start school later? Nathan: Yes, please! Reporter: What time would you like to start? Nathan: I’d like to start at twelve thirty, then have lunch for an hour, then finish at two o’clock! Reporter: Hi. Can I ask you some questions about school? It’s for CROWN radio. Ellie: Yes. Reporter: Thanks. So, what’s your name? Ellie: Ellie. Reporter: OK. What time do you get up, Ellie? Ellie: Half past six, in the week. Reporter: Would you like to start school later? Ellie: Hm, I don’t think so, no. I feel a bit tired in the morning, but I wouldn’t like to finish school later. I wouldn’t have any free time in the evenings! Reporter: Thank you, Ellie. So, some students would like to start at eleven, but some are happy to start at nine! That’s all from London. Back to the studio!

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CROWN NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2009 Track 5: Introductions

Ben: CROWN November / December 2009 Nicky: Welcome back to CROWN radio! Ben: On today’s show, we’ve got our cartoon – about Queen Victoria. Nicky: And we’re talking about the second Twilight film, New Moon. Ben: But first we’ve got a story about my favourite subject! Nicky: What’s that, Ben? Ben: It’s chocolate! Nicky: Yum! So, let’s start! Track 6: On the Streets

Nicky: Chocolate! We love it! But we’re eating too much of it. Ben: A few years ago, a bar of chocolate was a treat. Nicky: Now, many people eat chocolate every day ... Ben: And we’re all getting fatter... and fatter! Nicky: One Scottish doctor has an idea. Dr David Walker says ... Ben: Put a tax on chocolate! Nicky: A tax? Why? Because if chocolate costs more, we won’t buy so much. Ben: How much chocolate do you eat? Our CROWN reporter, Myles, is on the streets of London. Myles: Hi, Ben. I’m in Barnet in London. I’ve got three pupils with me - Lily, Craig and Kate. They finished school half an hour ago, and they’re eating snacks. Let’s talk to them. Teens: Hi ya! Hi! Myles: So, who likes chocolate? Teens: Yes! Me! Myles: Lily, let’s start with you. How much chocolate do you eat a week? Lily: Well, I eat a bar of chocolate every day at school. And then in the house we always have

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chocolate biscuits, so I often have a chocolate biscuit when I come back from school. Myles: So that’s seven bars a week – plus all the biscuits! Lily: Yeah, I know it’s bad for me … but I love it! Myles: Craig, what about you? You’re eating crisps. Do you eat much chocolate? Craig: No way. Sometimes I have a bar of chocolate from the vending machine. But only if I’m really hungry! I eat chocolate about once a week. Myles: And, this is Kate. Kate, are you a chocoholic? Kate: Yes! If I have a test or some homework, I like to have some chocolate! It helps me! Craig: Kate always has a bar of chocolate in her locker! Myles: What do you all think about a tax on chocolate? Kate: A tax on chocolate? That’s a crazy idea. Why? Myles: The idea is to stop people eating chocolate. So they will make chocolate expensive. Craig: That’s not fair! Lily: Yes, there are already so many controls about what we eat today. Leave chocolate alone! Kate: Yes! We don’t want a tax on chocolate! Myles: So that’s not a popular idea here. Back to the studio! Track 7: The Amazing Life of … Queen Victoria

Narrator: It’s Germany, in 1819. The Duke and Duchess of Kent are travelling to London. Duchess of Kent: Let’s go to England after the baby is born. Duke of Kent: No, my dear. This is the future Queen of England. She must be born in London. Duke of Kent: I like the name Alekandrina Duchess of Kent: I want to call her Victoria! Narrator: It’s 1835, at Kensington Palace, London. Young Victoria is bored! Victoria: Why can’t I have friends of my age? Why do I have to sleep in my mother’s bedroom? Governess: Your mother wants to protect you. Victoria: Huh! She wants to control me! Narrator: It’s 5 o’clock in the morning, on 19th June, 1837. Lord Chancellor: Your uncle, the King, has died, Your Majesty. You are Queen of Great Britain. Victoria: Now I can have my own bedroom! 8 CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 9

Narrator: It’s October 1839, at Windsor Castle. Victoria meets her cousin Albert. She likes him. Victoria: Albert, will you marry me? Albert: Yes, I will. Narrator: It’s 1840, in London. Some people were not so happy. Man with a gun: We want a king, not a woman! Albert: Are you hurt? Victoria: No! I am the Queen of England! Narrator: It’s 1845, at Buckingham Palace. Albert: You are the head of state, Victoria. Why are you playing on the floor? Victoria: You are right, Albert. I must be more serious. Narrator: It’s 1851, at the Great Exhibition, in Hyde Park, London. Victoria: Albert, well done! This is a wonderful exhibition and it looks like a fairy-tale palace. Albert: It’s making a lot of money too. We can use the money to build museums for everyone. Narrator: It’s 14th December, 1861, at Windsor Castle. Child: Father! Don’t die! Victoria: Albert, don’t leave me! I can’t live without you. Narrator: It’s 1864, at Buckingham Palace. Onlooker 1: Where is the Queen? Why doesn’t she come out? Onlooker 2: She is depressed. She misses Albert. Onlooker 3: Huh! She’s not doing her job. Prime Minister: Your Majesty, your people want to see you. Victoria: You’re right. I must serve my country and the empire. Narrator: It’s 1874. The Queen works hard with Prime Minister Mr Disraeli. Victoria: Dizzy, many of our people work long hours and live in dirty houses. We must help them. Disraeli: Yes, Your Majesty. Victoria: And we must treat all the peoples in the Empire well. Disraeli: Yes, Your Majesty. Narrator: It’s 22nd January, 1901. Queen Victoria is dead! She served her country for 63 years.

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Track 8: CROWN Phone-In

Nicky: We’re big fans of Twilight here at CROWN Radio. We are looking forward to the next Twilight film – New Moon. It’s out in cinemas this month. Ben: In the film, Robert Pattinson plays Edward, who is a vampire. Nicky: Edward falls in love with Bella, who is a human. Ben: Hm. I think there’s going to be trouble. Nicky: Yes! There is! Anyway, Robert Pattinson also acted in one of the Harry Potter films. He played Cedric Diggory. Everyone liked him in that. And everyone loved him in Twilight. Ben: So he’s got lots of fans. Nicky: He likes his fans, but he doesn’t like being famous. In fact, he’s afraid of fame. Ben: He’s afraid of fame? And he’s an actor? Wow! On today’s CROWN Phone-In, we’re asking: What are you afraid of? Nicky: Yes, call us or text us at CROWN Radio. Ben: Our first call is from Rachel, who is in Oxford. Hi, Rachel. Rachel: Hi, Ben. Hi, Nicky. I love Robert Pattinson. I’m counting the days until New Moon. Nicky: Me too, Rachel. Now, what are you afraid of? Rachel: I’m afraid of vampires, except Edward Cullen, of course! And I’m afraid of birds. Nicky: Birds? Really? Rachel: Yes. Those pigeons in London! I hate pigeons! They fly right down on your head. I hate them! Ben: We’ve got a text here from Ricky in Clapham. Ricky says, “I’m afraid of clowns. When I was six, a clown looked right into my face. I had bad dreams for years after that!” Ricky, I agree with you. Clowns are strange! I’m afraid of them too! Nicky: Now, on the line, we’ve got Hayley. She’s calling from Kent. Hi, Hayley. Hayley: Hi, Nicky. I’m only afraid of one thing! Nicky: What’s that, Hayley? Hayley: School exams! Nicky: Ha ha! Thanks, Hayley! That’s all we’ve got time for. Thanks for all your calls and texts.

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CROWN JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2010 Track 9: Introductions

Ben: Welcome back to CROWN! Nicky: Hi, Everybody! We’ve got lots on the show today! Ben: Yes, first of all we’ve got our cartoon – “The Amazing Life of ... John Lennon!” Nicky: Then we’ll be talking about Taylor Swift – she’s the singer who wrote ‘Love Story’. Ben: Oh yes! I like Taylor Swift. Nicky: And finally – Have you got difficult parents? We talk to some teens who have got pushy parents! Ben: Pushy parents! Oh no! Let’s start! Track 10: The Amazing Life of … John Lennon

Narrator: It’s 9th October, 1940, at Liverpool Hospital. Nurse: It’s a boy! Mum: Ahh! Teacher: ... and so in 1502 Henry became King Henry the eighth when his older brother Arthur died. Henry’s father, Henry VII, was looking to secure peace with Spain, and so he looked for a wife for young Henry ..., Narrator: It’s 1956, at Quarry Bank School, Liverpool. Teacher: Lennon! Pay attention, boy! Your marks are terrible! Mum: Happy Birthday, John! John: Thanks, Mum. I’m going to be famous one day. Narrator: It’s 6th July, 1957. John is playing with his band, the Quarrymen. Paul: Hi, I play guitar too. John: What’s your name? Paul: Paul. And I’ve got a friend who is good at guitar too. His name’s George. John: Hmm. OK. You’re in!

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John: Auntie Mimi – what’s the matter? Mimi: I’m so sorry, John. Your mother’s dead. Narrator: It’s 1960. The band are playing in Hamburg, Germany. Paul: That was great. We need a new name for the group. John: How about ‘The Beatles’? The others: Yeah. Narrator: It’s 11th February, 1963. The Beatles record their first album. It takes them one day at Abbey Road Studios! The Beatles: Yey! Finished! Narrator: It’s 1964 – the start of Beatlemania! John: I can’t hear the music with all this screaming. Narrator: It’s 1966, in the USA. John: We’re the most popular band on the planet! Narrator: It’s 1969. John: The Beatles are over. I started the band. I finished it. Narrator: It’s March 1969. John and his new wife Yoko are on honeymoon in Amsterdam. John: Peace, man. Stop the war in Vietnam. Narrator: It’s 1971. John: “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try ...” Narrator: It’s 10.49pm on 8th December, 1980, outside John’s apartment building in New York City. John: Help! I’m shot! Yoko: John! Doorman: Do you know what you’ve done? Mark Chapman: Yes, I just shot John Lennon. Track 11: The Big Story

Ben: All parents want their children to be the best. But what happens when you have pushy parents? Nicky spoke to three pupils in a school in London yesterday. Listen to what they said! Nicky: Hi, Ben. I’m in Kingston, in London. I’m at a school and I’m with three teenagers. They say they’ve got pushy parents! I’m with James. James, what’s the problem with your parents? 12 CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 13

James: Hi, yes. I love football and every Sunday I go to football matches at the park. I play in a Sunday league. The problem is, my dad. He watches the matches – and he gets very excited. Nicky: Uh-oh. What does he do? James: He shouts! He shouts at me. He shouts at the other players. He shouts at the referee! Nicky: Oh no. And how do you feel when he does that? James: I feel embarrassed! I hate it! Nicky: Oh dear. Thanks, James. Now I’m with Sasha. Hi, Sasha. Sasha: Hi, Nicky. Nicky: Have you got pushy parents? Sasha: Oh yes! Nicky: What do they do? Sasha: They are a nightmare! They are always talking to my teachers. Nicky: About what? Sasha: If I don’t get an A grade, they call my teachers! Nicky: They call your teachers? Is that so bad? Sasha: Yes! They do this every week! And I’m sure the teachers hate my parents! Nicky: Oh dear! Thanks, Sasha. I’m now with another girl, Kirstie. Kirstie, what are your parents like? Kirstie: Well, my parents are lovely. They are very musical. My dad is a good violin player. He can play the violin really well. Nicky: And..? Kirstie: Well, Dad bought me a violin – an expensive violin. Then he bought me music lessons.. Nicky: But what’s the problem? Kirstie: Er, well … I don’t like the violin! I’m not very good at it! In fact I hate the violin. Nicky: Oh no! Can you tell your parents? Kirstie: No! They really want me to be the same as them – to love the violin! Nicky: Oh dear. Thank you, Kirstie. Back to Ben in the studio.

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Track 12: CROWN Phone-In

Nicky: In CROWN magazine, we’ve got an article about Taylor Swift. Ben: That’s right. Taylor Swift is a pop star from America. She wrote the song, ‘Love Story’. Nicky: But the problem is …Taylor isn’t very lucky in love! Ben: Why is that? Nicky: Well Taylor was the girlfriend of Joe Jonas, you know from the Jonas Brothers? Ben: Really?! Nicky: Yes. Well, she was his girlfriend. But he sent her a text. On the text it said: “I can’t be your boyfriend anymore – goodbye!” Ben: Oh no! How did Taylor feel? Nicky: She felt terrible! She was very unhappy. Ben: We want your love stories! Nicky: And your love problems! We can help! Phone or text the CROWN number now! Ben: The telephones are ringing! Who’s that? Mandi: I’m Mandi. Ben: Hi, Mandi! You’re on CROWN Radio, What’s your love story? Mandi: Well, it’s a love problem. Ben: Oh dear. What happened? Mandi: I was at my boyfriend’s house. Ben: OK … Mandi: And my boyfriend was in the bathroom. I saw my boyfriend’s mobile phone. It was bleeping! Ben: Was it a text message? Mandi: Yes, it was. I looked at the phone and I saw the text message. Ben: Did you read it? Mandi: Yes, I did. It came from another girl in my class. What should I do? Ben: OK. Let’s ask our two teens in the studio - Louis and Lucy! Ben: Louis. What do you think? Louis: Hi, Mandi. You shouldn’t read your boyfriend’s texts. They are private! Ben: OK … Lucy. What do you think? 14 CROWN CD SEPT 09 FINAL 9/7/09 17:55 Page 15

Lucy: Mandi, you should leave your boyfriend. He’s got another girlfriend! Ben: Thanks, Lucy and Louis. Nicky: I’ve got another caller here. Hello, who’s on the line? Seb: Hi, I’m Seb. Nicky: Hi, Seb! Have you got a love story? Seb: Sorry, no. I’ve got a love problem! Nicky: Oh no! What’s the problem? Seb: Well, I’ve got a girlfriend. But two months ago, she moved with her parents to another city – Glasgow – it’s in Scotland. And I’m in England – in London! Nicky: Oh dear. Let’s ask our teens in the studio for their advice. Louis, what should Seb do? Louis: It’s easy. Seb should find another girlfriend – In London! Nicky: Lucy. What do you think? What should Seb do? Lucy: Seb shouldn’t leave his girlfriend! He loves her! He should call her and send her messages. He should see her in the school holidays! Nicky: Thanks, Louis and Lucy. Ben: Well, that’s all from the CROWN CD. Nicky: Thank you and see you for CD2! Ben: Yes, so it’s goodbye from all of us in the studio in London. ALL: Goodbye!

CROWN CD 1 2009 / 2010. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines. All rights reserved.

Writers / Editors: Sarah Johnson, James Greenan, Jane Rollason and Nessa Urquhart. Voices: Ben Elliot, Nicola Hornett, Georgia Legg, Louis Williams, Lucy Delaiche and Myles Taylor. Studio Engineer: Norman Goodman, at Motivation Sound, London. Picture Credits: Page 18: S. Gries, D. Hogan, F. M. Brown/Getty Images. Page 20: G. Barskaya, Kaczka, J. Duplass/iStockphoto. Page 21: Sarej, Gastonmag, Redster/SXC. Page 24: A. Brand, L. Daniels, Argus 456, S. Shaw/iStockphoto; Photodisc; Sateda/SXC; Hemera. Page 27: R. Legg, J. Stephens/iStockphoto.

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CROWN SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2009 Track 2: The Amazing Life of … Gandhi Listen to the story of Mahatma Gandhi’s life and choose the correct answers.

1. Gandhi’s father thinks his son will be a

teacher c lawyer c shopkeeper c

2. What don’t Hindus eat?

fruit c vegetables c meat c

3. How old is Gandhi when he gets married?

twenty-three c thirteen c thirty-three c

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Class: Date:

4. When Gandhi leaves South Africa, where does he go?

Britain c USA c India c

5. What does Gandhi take from the beach?

seafood c salt c money c

6. In what year does Gandhi die?

1948 c 1949 c 1950 c

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Track 3: CROWN Phone-In This Phone-In is about the Cyrus family. Ben asks,“Who do you like best?” There are 3 callers. Draw lines to join the names to the faces.

a. Billy Ray Cyrus b. Trace c. Miley

1. Chloe 2. Sean 3. Sean’s sister 4. Ruby 5. Ruby’s mum 6. You

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Track 4: On the Streets CROWN reporter is in London. She’s asking some teens “What time do you get up?” and “Would you like to start school later?” Listen to their answers and complete the chart.

gets up at would like to start school later: Yes/No

Josh 7 o’clock


Nathan Yes


[your name]

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CROWN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 Track 6: On the Streets CROWN reporter Myles is in London. He’s asking some teens,“How much chocolate do you eat?” Listen and write the names.

Lily Kate


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1. ______eats seven bars of chocolate a week.

2. ______eats chocolate once a week.

3. ______needs chocolate to help with homework and tests.

Choose the best word in italics in this sentence.

4. Lily, Kate and Craig do/don’t want a tax on chocolate.

What about you?

I eat ______a week/a month.

I think/don’t think a tax on chocolate is a good idea.

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Track 7: The Amazing Life of Queen Victoria Listen to the story of Queen Victoria’s life. Write one word to finish each headline. 1. 1837 LAST WEEK THE NEW QUEEN MOVED INTO HER OWN ______.

2. 1839 Yesterday Queen Victoria asked her ______to marry her.


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This Summer’s G 4. 1851 Ex reat hibition earned of______a lot for Britain.


6. 1901 _____ Queen Victoria is __ .

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Track 8: CROWN Phone-In On this month’s CROWN Phone-In, Ben asks “What are you afraid of?” Which things do the callers and texters mention? Listen and tick the boxes.

1. vampires c 2. spiders c 3. pigeons c

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5. the dark c

6. exams c

What are you afraid of? List your Top 3 terrors: 1. ______2. ______4. clowns c 3. ______

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CROWN JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009 Track 10 The Amazing Life of … John Lennon All these places are important in John’s life. Listen and number them in the order you hear them. Amsterdam c New York City c The USA c Liverpool c Abbey Road Studios, London c Hamburg c Track 11 The Big Story CROWN reporter Nicky is outside a school in Kingston, London. Three teens are telling her about their pushy parents. Listen and mark these sentences are right cor wrong c . 1. James’s mum watches all his football matches. c 2. James’s dad shouts at James, the other players and the referee. c 3. Sasha’s parents call her school about her grades every week. c 4. Kirstie’s dad can’t play the violin. c 5. Kirstie’s dad bought her an expensive violin. c 6. Kirstie loves the violin. c

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Track 12 CROWN Phone-In Two teens – Louis and Lucy – are giving advice on love problems on CROWN Radio. There are 2 callers – Mandi and Seb. Who gives this advice? Who do they give it to? Listen and write the names.

1. You should leave your boyfriend! ______to ______

2. You shouldn’t leave your girlfriend! ______to ______

3. You shouldn’t read your boyfriend’s texts. ______to ______

4. You should find another girlfriend. ______to ______

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Track 2: 1. lawyer 2. meat 3. thirteen 4. India. 5. salt 6. 1948 Track 3: 1c 2b 3c 4b 5a Track 4: Josh: 7 o’clock, yes; Georgia: 8 o’clock, no; Nathan: 7.30, yes; Ellie: 6.30, no. Track 6: 1. Lily 2. Craig 3. Kate 4. don’t Track 7: 1. bedroom 2. cousin 3. queen 4. money 5. died 6. dead Track 8: The callers mention 1, 3, 4 and 6. They don’t mention 2 or 5. Track 10: 1. Liverpool 2. Hamburg 3. Abbey Road Studios, London 4. the USA 5. Amsterdam 6. New York City Track 11: 1. T (It’s his dad.) 2. R 3. R 4. T (He can play very well.) 5. R 6. T (She hates it.) Track 12: 1. Lucy to Mandi 2. Lucy to Seb 3. Louis to Mandi 4. Louis to Seb

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