Weather 40 percent chance of sunshine, highs in up- per 505 as Raleigh seeks 7, an expansion Japanese Technici t baseball franchise North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper since I 920 ~‘ ‘ ,., because they’re worth p.o more than American .1 "ll” " O QT” Hill 2° mams UJEARY Volume LXIX, Number 44 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 ‘ feigh, Nort‘ m Editorial 737-2411 Advertising 737-2029 W Student using Land swap fake AllCampus makes parking Cards arrested

Base in obtaining fake ID deck a reality reveals cards” ‘vulnerability’ By Madelyn Rosenberg Executive News Editor "Milk” By Paul Baker -..... Staff Writer A land swap completed last . ._ \\ month made a new parking deck a An NC State student was arrested last week in reality. university officials said Fri- connection With the fraudulent use of AllCampus Cards day. _ \ as identification to open checking accounts at three But Janis Rhodes. director of NC. area banks, according to Public Safety. State‘s Division of Transportation. Lynn Adams. 24, was charged last week with four said the l,200-space parking deck, to wideningDan Allen Dr felony counts of obtaining property under false be constructed this spring. will not pretense, said Capt. Laura Reynolds. Adams was eliminate the parking problem. $4,000 unsecured bond and ordered to Rhodes said that the budgeted released on a $8.9 million deck will still leave the foclllfvPorkinq appear in Wake County District Court for arraignment demand for spaces surpassing the Jan. 24. supply. According to Reynolds, Adams allegedly obtained A 1983 analysis projected a \ the AllCampus Cards from University Dining, using five-year population growth for the other students‘ names and Social Security numbers. university community that showed a demand is going to be more i:.tense Using the cards for identification, Adams allegedly short-fall of 1,800 spaces. for about a year while the land is opened checking accounts at a Raleigh branch of Rhodes said the addition of the under construction," Rhodes said. Wachovia Bank and Trust and Cary branches of new deck. to be located near She said the leased spaces on land Wachovia and Central Carolina Bank. Friendly Drive behind the railroad formerly belonging to Valentine Will Adams deposited about $50 in each of the accounts, tracks, is an effort to “to maintain be leased on a month by month Reynolds said. Then, over several months, she allegedly the number of spaces to the basis. with priority given to those wrote at least 10 checks totalling $1,015 to local stores, ' population. We‘re not able to who leased from Valentine. “We including the NCSU Bookstore and the student bank increase the level, we're just trying to accommodate everyone located in Peele Hall. to maintain the current tonel.“ expect A new dorm, under the private throughout the end of the year . . . An investigation began on Oct. 5 when Kristy ownership of Val Valentine, is also btit beyond construction. we can't Pearce, a sophomore in middle school education, scheduled for construction within accommodate." contacted Public Safety about complaints she had the next year on a plot of land near The parking deck is scheduled for received from the bookstore regarding a bad check the parking deck. completion in August 1989, Rhodes written under her name. Rhodes said a land swap between said. “Until then. we‘ll do the best Because the check was drawn on a Cary bank, Public the university and Valentine was we can.“ Safety called upon the Cary police to help with the completed last month. allowing Although the deck is still in the case, Reynolds said. construction to begin on both design stages. Rhodes said members The next tip came on Dec. 4, Reynolds said, when projects. She added that the univer of her department are working on someone attempted to obtain a card from University srty also acquired a small amount of reorganizing the “entire Inning Dining in Harris Hall. When a Public Safety officer land in the deal. system," but it is just iii the “concept appeared on the scene. Reynolds said, the person fled, stages.“ leaving her picture behind. The 16 university-owned buildings Plans also include the iniplcmcn "I? currently located on the site will be tation of a ride/share program in amazrvw @534 is“, ,3 . 2 3 demolished by April l5. said Marc An employee at the student bank in Peele Hall MARC KAWANJSHl/STAFF Hamel, assistant director of engi- conjunction with the TrrJ (‘ouncrl identified the picture as Adams when she attempted to neering. of Governments. which covers a cash a check last Tuesday. The sweet taste of victory When construction begins. the sixcounty area, Rhodes said. Reynolds said the employee detained Adams long students will feel more of a parking ject is expected to cost enough for Public Safety to arrive and make the arrest. Guards Chris Corchiani and Quentin Jackson share a victory hug after crunch because spaces currently $8_.OOO—-one half off the market The ease with which Adams obtained the falsified Saturday's last second victory over Georgia Tech. See game story page 5. leased on the site will be cleared Once—and will he installed in “The See DECK. page 2 See STUDENT,page [3 along with the property.

Residence Life restructure shifts E.S. King responsibilities Under the new organi/ation. Haney the problems they have discussed with him, ('cntral and West Campus. are currently By J. Ward Best within the Department of Housing and Youncs. assistant director for facillities, The most urgent problems facing the studying the problem. Housing and Rest Senior Staff Writer Residence Life. she said. would be responsible for repairs in King residents are the poor ventilation in the deuce Life should receive the feasibility Student Family Housing Director Eli Village along with Mark Dcnke. associate apartments and possible window replace- study on options and projected costs either A new organization structure of Housing Panee presently handles responsibilities for a director. Denke. who currently handles the ments, Howell and Bonner said. at the end of this month or the beginning of and Residence Life will disperse the broad range of concerns in King Village budgets for all the dormitories on campus, Even though the department is working next month. Bonner said. responsibilities for E.S. King Village among including renovation and repairs, overseeing will also take over responsibility for the to correct the problems, Bonner could not Bonner and her staff will decide on the department members. Cynthia Bonner, staff, residence programs and checkin and King Village budget. provide a time frame for the repairs. procedure for replacements and repairs and director of Housing and Residence Life, said check-out procedures. Under the new The Residence Life Advisory Committee “They‘ve waited this long," she said. the affordability of the project after Thursday. organization, Panee’s title will be changed to endorsed the proposed changes in a meeting “What's another week?" reviewing the report. Plans will then be “What we're planning to do, is make King Area Director and his responsibilities will be Thursday morning, and the changes will go Panee declined to comment on his new drawnvup by the department which Will be Village one of our residence areas." she said decreased. He will have the same re- into effect March I. job or any problems currently facing the offered tocontractors for bidding. in a meeting with Student Body President sponsibilities as othercampus area directors. Howell‘s main concern with the new village. Bonner said she dies not expect the Kevin Howell. In doing so, responsibilities “The responsibilities in King Village will was the possible Stogner and Canoy, the architecture firm for the family housing complex would be be the same scope as the area directors in organization structure responsible for the window replacements on See RENOVATIONS. Page 5 shared by a greater number of persons the residence halls,” Bonner said. effects on the residents of King Village and Camping out for the Carolina game Wednesday Three-part symposium Inside on ethics scheduled over Brian Howard’s last sec- Prize ‘definitely worth wait’ the NC. ond tip-in gives February State Wolfpack a narrow January, By Suzanne Perez camping out on Dunn Avenue since ll am. victory over the Georgia Students and faculty will be given "We said we can't drop the hall Senior Staff Writer Saturday. when student government. officrals Tech Yellow Jackets Sat- an opportunity to learn about ethics here and it started to roll.“ announced that the agcold tradition could legally urday in Atlanta. in the workplace during a sym- Hanley said the project is being NC. State senior Jon Moon loves — begin. Sports/Page 4 posium sponsored by the office of funded by the school deans and will especially Wolfpack basketball. Scott Carpenter. one of the six student the provost and college/school deans. replace some of the Provost‘s So, like almost 4.000 other NCSU students who government line monitors who served over the “We didn’t think a oneshot deal forums. wanted tickets to Sunday‘s State-Carolina basket- weekend, said the campers caused no major Defense once again would help the campus." said Erin The symposium will be free to ball rivalry, Moon jumped out of bed at 4:30 am. problems. About [30 groups were represented in played an important role Hanley, coordinator of the event. students and faculty and will be Monday and joined a group of friends in front of the four lines throughout the 3] hour campout, be as the NC. State women The symposium will be divided into open to the public. “I think there the Reynolds (‘oliseum box office. said. basketball team routed three parts, spread out over January will be a healthy number." Hanley Branching otit of the coliseum‘s ticket Windows. “There was one minor problem when we moved the Duke Blue Devils and February. said. “It‘s a grass roots thing. The the four lines of Wolfpack loyals seemed to stretch people across the street." ('arpcnter said “We had Hanley said the purpose or .m time is right. it will appeal to for miles. Scattered here and there was a student to move them in the same order they were I". We Wednesday in Reynolds symposium is three-fold. It will students with some work experience. government monitor or the remainder of a had to make sure they didn't jump in line." Coliseum. reflect on the ethical dimensions of ”In my own classes more than 50 six pack. Sports/Page 4 professional decisions, consider how percent of the students work. I don‘t Moon's group of I4 friends had taken turns See CAROLINA-STAThpagt' these decisons affect society and think I would be atypical." Comic books aren’t just discuss the university's role in Each school or college chose a for kids anymore. Col- educating for the ethical account- speaker they thought could best comics have ability in the work place today. address the subject matter. llanlcy for UNC tickets lecting The three parts of the symposium said. “They all accepted." Turnout tops gone from the the dusty will “provide background on ethics Speakers range from ('laudc Sit piles in the attic to a and (the audience) will be able to ton. editor of News and ()hscrtcr. l‘or about 43 hours this drug the intensity of the rivalry. serious activity. identify with one or more areasland and Chancellor Emeritus John weekend, we had the loudest. if (luldrcn are brought tip wearing Features/Page feel it applies to them." Hanley said. Caldwell to Dennis Campbell. head not largest. campground the blue or the red. and the The third portion of the event is of the DIVinity' School at l)ukc the Rainbow Family put down basketball battle lines form early said. University and NCSL. student ( lnis last summer up in the Jeff in grade school. University officials “terribly important,“ Hanley Johnson. ll\ stakes It‘s easy to see. then. how the should give students at “Each college will talk about the mountains actually be present at implications.“ _ Campbell will offer the keynote No one run around iii the buff Cherry chance to least a glimpse of what Hanley said the event is gcarcd address on"l7thics til the Pro lill\ lllllL‘. thanks to the cold and such a game can cause us they are paying SHED a towards both students and faculty, fessions" on Jan. 3| at 3 pm Ill the mm that probably made those hlcttnic Wolfpackcrs to throw yvarfor. “We will try to gear it toward Ballroom of the Student . .tt limits from Saturday at ll BECAUSE I SAID SO sensibility land liomcworkl to Opinion/Page 12 common concerns and interests.“ site On Mb. 3. a panel mtxlcralcd by d ill to r. a ”T. Monday morning the wind. said. former UN(' System President \L'L‘lll .1 lot longer to some of the ldliftldti tracks and Dunn I \‘lCde this year's campout Index The idea for thc symposium “in William Friday \Hii address ethics citiilpcrs tthc ones without the Avenue were hoping for that front a different pcrspcctnc. that Sports...... 4 generated by the students. Hanley decisions and how they address ti'lll\l most prccrou‘ of campus ductits. of line monitor This means I inlfdllllll'tIJN...... 4 said. “They said tethicsl was tlcycr \(XIICI) l tt' those of you who are tlict aiolina basketball ticket spent the weekend III a position Jt'dltll’t‘H...... 7 really discussed.“ The final phase will be ollcicd .vtltlcticdllt ohlryious. the lhosc who grew up far away not unlike that of Hitler or \t‘tltitls...... Ill lhc ('ollcgc of Forestry cxpcri mid l‘cbttmt‘t through March wlicrc hundreds of students who oc from Tobacco Row sometimes merited with this type of llrtigrnm the collcgc icprcsclitatiyt-s xiiiI dis «opted that lllllli pit lictwccn tllc hate a difficult tunc undcrstan New STl ' DFNTS’. page I ()pltiitiil ..... l2 last year. llzinlct said “'l he \ltltit‘lll'« cuss the ruminations ml “llllas (Lisslllt'tls...... li really packed it in ” alct‘Nth 2 l.iiiii.ii\ .’ti l‘ti‘ii". ll‘t liiiit i.iii \t'Ws

Deck will Students’ need to create reorder priorities crunch after UNC game

from page I little guilty. This ticket mania is a Continued wonderful display of school spirit, Completion slated Stalin: l was hated and feared by and it is infectiously exciting, but millions (OK, maybe a little less, but why can‘t we get excited about for August 1989 it felt like millions). Actually, most anythingclse? of the campers were cooperative and When Friends of the College some were even sympathetic. One brings world famous performances 'mili/im'i/Irum page / student asked me. “How do you to Reynolds Coliseum. you won’t March or April. in preparation for guys put up with this tccnsorcd)." find many students camping out at next year's parking needs, Rhodes But this campout. like Christmas the doors. Many students don‘t even ‘silltl. parties. featured a couple of fruit- know where the Craft Center is A computer will match studcnls’ cakes. There were the guys who located, let alone utilize its pro addresses and schedttles to show were first in line two. They had no grams. And what about Thompson who would be compatible to share tent—not even a piece of plastic Theater, the Student Center‘s art transrxirtation to and from the over a lawn chair — and just stood displays, or even student publica- university “We can give the in there in the rain Sunday night like tions? formation over the phone in a they were in the checkout line at Big Voter turnout for student gov- matter of minutes." Rhodes said, Star. ernment and homecoming court The system would also IX vail There was the guy whose group elections is pitiful at best. When able to local eo ops. she added. Pain TOM OLSEN/STAFF was 24th in line four, and therefore open forums were held last semester Rhodes, viho has served as belonged somewhere in front of the to get student input on the Martin director of transporta'ion for six John Conner was injured Thursday night Carmichael Gymnasium and transported Student Center. He decided he Luther King holiday controversy, years. said the $8,000 fee is “not during a intramural basketball game. Public him to Rex Hospital. He was released the wanted to hang out in line two With few were present other than Student much for what we‘re getting in i Safety officials wheeled Conner out of same night and has possible torn ligaments. group 22, whose tent was pitched Government members and Techni- return " about 200 yards away, in front of cian reporters. Everyone seemed to She said students will be proVided the parking deck. He wondered why have an opinion on the holidays, but With information about starting a I nearly threw his group out of line no one wanted to go to the trouble carpool. but would haVe to make the after spending five minutes scream- of finding out about meetings or initial contacts themselves. Carolina-State tickets worth long ing “4 24" at the top of my lungs even (honors)attendingthem. Van pools are another future when a routine check of his line So we’re willing to sit in rain and possibility. Rhodes said. but only turned up nary a trace of him. He mud for hours on end to get a ticket after this calendar year. claimed he had told the groups to a game that will last about two Other options include transporta- lines, wait Pack faithful agree around him where he was, which is hours. but we're not able to go sit in Bush a warm, dry auditorium to give tion from university-owned lots According to box office manager guest tickets leftover from Wolfpack about as effective as George things that will affect us for outside of the campus area. (‘onlinur’dfrompage I Bessie Steele. the tickets went like Club members who wc.'e not able to hiring Bob Dole to manage his input on Students can park in the lot at Despite a rainfall that began attend the game. Steele said. compaign. years to come. Pretty sad. After we K Mart on Western Boulevard for Saturday evening and continued wildfire. But now that the last ticket is finish rearranging the Heels on “Those long. long lines lasted for As for Jon Moon and his group of and the last camper Sunday. maybe we should go to no charge. and ride the Wolflinc to through Sunday night. many-cam- about three hours." Steele said. “We Wolfpack supporters. the prize was handed out, work on our priorities,as well. campus for a quarter. Rhodes said. pers said they were grateful for the didn‘t see an end to the lines until worth the 31 hour wait. gone home, l can’t help but feel a “We will continue to look for mild temperatures. about l0:30 or II. and then there F fl options." "I‘m just glad it‘s not as cold as it were stragglcrs for the next couple “We got sideline tickets. Front Rhodes said the projects are has been the past week.“ said senior of hours. row." he said. “We’ll be able to rub EVCS “related to the growing university, Tom Kilty. “But it does get kind of “They took everything." ltelevision announcer) Dick Vitalc‘s Executive and our mission of trying to improve chilly when you‘re out here as long The 4.000 tickets alloted for bald head if we want to. II and increase the quantity and as we've been." NCSU students were all distributed “Yeah. it was definitely worth the Center Services II quality of transportation service. When the ticket wirmws opened wait." "’I here‘s a lot of interest in getting at 6 am. Monday. campers greeted by Monday afternoon. along with COMPLETE WORD PROCESSING SERVICES this in place as quickly as possible to box office employees with a round o Typing/Resumes 0 Copying service address the growth and demand in of applause and audible sighs of l I - Research papers - Theses the interim period.“ relief. :THE CUTTING EDGE l 0 Term papers 0 Correspondence I I 3301 Woman’s Club Dr. I NQMUS and Daul Mitcneit ProduCZs I VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR L Koger Executive Center 782-3620 All - you - can - eat I 5‘; 00 off l-ia-rcut —— guys and gets : Monday and Tuesday night buffet I S 7 O 00 cf.‘ Boos/waves and Perms HOURS . ' one BLOCK FROM CAMPUS M°"-‘F"- I includes pizza. spaghetti, lasagna. soup, salad I 8am-9pm I bar, garlic bread. and one cone of ice cream. : appointmentor walk-in Sat. 8am-3pm I $3.69 I 832-4901 I GOOD FOR 1 - 4 PEOPLE . 2906 Hillsborough St. ' I across from Hardees expires 1/31/88J lllll\ll(i 3933 Western Blvd. 851 -6994 ‘fl 0—0 OUR DELIVERY PERSONNEL AVERAGE $6 - $10 hourly RALEIGH WOMEN’S HEALTH more Pizza Hut Delivery is now accepting applications for delivery personnel. We have full and part—time General Anesthesia Gyn Clinic available. For more informa- ' positions available for day and evening shifts. Please tion call 832-0535 (Toll-free Pregnancy TeStmg apply in person at 3116 Hillsborough Street or call in state 1-800-532-5384. Out Abortlons from AMERICA’S BEST DRESSED SANDWICH Behnam at 833-1213. 2402 Hillsborough St. of state 1-800-532-5383) be- 7-18 weeks of Pizza Hut Delivery is now accepting applications for ' tween 9am-5pm weekdays. Pregnancy LUNCH SPECIAL: Reg.Sub, Med. Coke cooks & telephone personnel. We offer: 81 Chips ONLY $3.50 917 W. Morgan Street 832-0535 MONDAY: STUDENT SPECIAL 0 Up to $4.50 per hour 12 02. Beer ONLY 50¢ 0 Full or part-time positions 0 Flexible schedules for students —i— 0 Paid vacations for full time employees $1.00 OFF 3 $1.00 OFF 0 Day or evening shifts available Any Giant Sub E Any Giant Sub SINGERS - DANCERS INSTRUMENTALISTS at 0 at PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AT TECHNICIANS - VARIETY PERFORMERS Blimpie 3116 HILLSBOROUGH ST. Kings Productions, the world's #1 producer of Blimpie I live entertainment, is holding auditions for the 3/1/88 OR CLL BEHNAM AT 833-1 213 spectacular I988 season of CAROWINDS, Expires 3/1/88 i Expires _. -— . -. Charlotte, North Carolina Pay is good and robs are plenty (we'll even provide one round trip oirfore it you're hired to smv I-l. KAPLAN work at a pork over 250 miles from y0ur homo). Make your audition 0 show we can’t do without! F RE SCHOLARSHIP INFORlllllON FOit I IEPIIAIIII III! SPEAKS III "El" SlllDElll'S WHO NEED 7'” "The‘ Widely' .' (‘ICIO“MI I we“.r iaWs Pnncetomans' tot‘( iis't'tl . RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ncreasmg ltd-id?" Thursday, January Ql \ numbers “filllk‘i in North Carolina State University, Thompson Theatre MONEY Hill IILLEGE DAILY PIIINCETONMN' Singers l-3 PM, Dancers 8. lnstrumentolists: 4-5 PM Specialty Acts; l-S PM Every Student is Eligible tor Some Typo of CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. Sunday, January 24 - We have 0 data bank of over 200.000 listings of scholarships, Corowmds, Midway MUSIC Holl lollowohipo, grants. and loans. npruonting over 810 billion in private Singers ll AM I PM; Dancers 8. lnslrumenlolists. 2-3 PM sector funding. Specialty Acts, Technicians, Escorts, Hosts, Characters ll AM-3 PM otdony scholarship are given to students bond on their academic interests. coroor plant. family heritage and place of residence. Thoro': money ovoilobto for students who have boon newspaper cor- riors. grocery ciortto. choorloodors. non-smokers . . . otc. for intitiiimml ililrirmulirirt t' m)WIHVI'A l(i't‘t'lllnmPnI(Wire 704/588-2606 «it. GRE t GIMT 0 ISM t I0“ liiiqiI’iutlurtiriris 8001544 5464 . “u. IForAFMBrochm . WWSSMSTWEMM “Not, DOMINION o rARflWiNDS o CANADA'S CALL std-"ft PLUSSPIEDRIADIIO wriiiotitiAiiooklNGSi5iANt).CHAtAMERICA ANYTIME 1 600-962-6252.: :l Misti/AHA stanRtANo iKingtPrUdc/(IiontI988 us!mum“mores-act“ 489-8720 and

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Centerfloxfljflce Technician

Sports Technician January 20,1988 4

Shackleford leads State past Georgia Tech

Brian Howard’s last-second

tip—in gives Pack victory

By Katrina Waugh 20-foot jump shot by Vinnie Del Sports Editor Negro with 6:25 togo in the half. State eventually went up by four ATLANTA —— With the sound before losing ground to the Yellow of the final buzzer ringing in their Jackets and giving Tech a 38-37 lead ears. 9.0!6 farts in Alexander at halftime. (‘oliseum and countless others in The two teams again traded leads front of television screens watched early in the second period. but State Brian Howard's tip shot fall through took the lead for good on a Del the net to give N.('. State a 7674 Negro finger roll lay up off a pass over Georgia Tech. from Chris Corchiani. The score The Wolfpack bench gave State a 53-52 advantage with erupted onto llzl6toplay. the court and ‘3' The Wolfapck went on a mini run b e g a n with Corchiani feeding off to celebrating its Charles Shackleford for a dunk. then narrow escape Del Negro stealing the ball and in front of the dishing off to Corchiani for the lay s t u n n e (1 up. Atlanta au- Tech recovered and hung close to dience. Basketball the Pack with Tom Hammonds, T h e w i n _ Duane Ferrell and Craig Neal stretches State‘s winning streak to keeping Tech in the hunt. seven and gives it a l0-2 record With l:l0 left in the game. Brian overall and a 2-0 conference-mark. Oliver fed the ball to Hammonds. Georgia Tech has now won I of 13 .who popped in a jumper to bring games and is H in the league. Tech within two points of the The win also brought the Wolf— Wolfpack. Tech called a timeout at pack its first appearance of the l:07. season in the State took the ball inbounds and top-twenty poll. State debuted this worked the clock down to :26. but week at number 20. Shackleford‘s hook shot refused to Tech led the game in the early fall and Tech had a chance to tie the ‘7» ::_ . ,v going. leading by as much as six score. 3's points in the first period. But the Ferrell drove into the lane and SCOTT RIVENBARK/STAFF Wolfpack was able to come back collided with Del Negro. Del Negro SCOTT RIVENBARK/STAFF catches a Chris Corchiani pass for the alley oop and tie Tech four times before Rodney Monroe leaps over the Yellow Jackets’ Dennis Scott while slam in the Pack’s 76-74 victory over Georgia Tech. taking its first lead. 3028. on a See SHACKI.EFORD. page 5 the Pack's Avie Lester reaches for the loose ball.

Fencing team Pack wrestlers pin Tar Heels in important match still exists, By Katrina Waugh with a 2-0 mark in the A(‘('. North The Wolfpack‘s Joe Cessari won without even scoring a point.“ Earlier in the week. State defeated records wins Sports Editor Carolina is now 7-4 overall and O-l topped Enzo Catullo. 8-4. in the Then the Tar Heels” Rob Koll another nationally-ranked team — in league competition. l42-pound division. Catullo is pinned Bob Kocher in the I67- Maryland. The Wolfapck swept the N.(‘. State still has varsity fencing State’s wrestling team got off to a The Wolfpack won the first five ranked fifth at l42-pounds. pound weight class at 3:27. and first five weight classes in that match . learns and they are back in action. 20-0 lead against North (‘arolina weight classes before losing three “Joe got off to a slow start this UNC's Ben Oberly decisioned Mike as well. . The Athletics Department decided Tuesday night before defeating the straight. year." Guzzo said. “But it won't be Baker. 6-l. in the l77-pound Guzzo identified Lombardo's not to cut the fencing program from Tar Heels 26‘ l 2. Mark Annis scored a major long before the‘sl ranked right up divtsion. heavyweight match with Maryland‘s its varsity roster. decision over North Carolina‘s Neal there in the top.“ Wolfpack freshman Ty Williams Tom Reese as a highlight of the And the Wolfpack fencing teams “It was a real big win for its." Burkhead. I24. in the ll8-pound Scott Turner finished off the for State with a 9-6 match. came out of this weekend’s matches W o l f p a c k class. Annis is starting in the place of Wolfpack‘s streak with a technical turned the tide Lombardo pinned Reese in 3:56 with two big wins. Both State‘s men coach Bob an injured Dave Cummings. fall over UNC‘s Darryl Clark at 3:54 decision over Glen Pazinko at into the final bout. and women fencers dominated teams Guzzo said. “I have to give Mark Annis a lot togive State a 20-0 lead. I90-pounds. “The win was really impressive from Duke and Virginia Tech. “We‘re ranked i of credit." Guzzo said. “He got a "We‘re beginning to expect a “Ty really came on strong.“ because Reese is a dominating ' e n i o r c a p llth and they win for us a with a major decision. technical fall from Scott.“ Guzzo Guzzo said. “He‘s done an outstand— wrestler.“ Guzzo said. “He‘s strong tains (ieorges were ranked L He got extra points for the team. He said. ingjob as a freshman.“ and quick and Lombardo just Samalra and l3th in the na- just did an outstandingjob.“ Then at l58-pounds. North Then. with the score at l9sl2 dominated him." Randy liulp led tion. I can’t say Wrestling State's Michael Stokes. who is Carolina’s Jay landolfo pulled off a lState lost a point earlier for overly “We‘re all wrestling very well.“ the men to a enough about ranked fifth in the |26~pound 2»l decision over Rod Mangrum. active protests). heavyweight Mike Guzzo said. “We totally dominated 22-5 win over how much this wrn means to us." division. earned a technical fall over Guzzo called the loss “a heart Lombardo decisioned UNC‘s Pat Maryland and came back out and Duke and a North Carolina has been ranked as (lino (iiumarelloal 5:56. breaker.“ Crowley “handily“. according to dominated North Carolina." l‘) 8 win over high as eighth in the country this Bill Hershey. also ranked fifth in "The kid iLandolfol didn't even GUZZO. The team will travel to the Hokics. Fenclng season. his class. decisioned UNC‘s John score a point.“ Guzzo said. “Rod got “Lomba rdo just dominated Bloomsburg State and Penn State S a m a h a . a The Wolfpack is now I 1-5 overall. I34. called twice for stalling. so the kid Crowley.“Guzzosaid. this weekend. foilist. won all five of his bouts while leading State to a shut out over the Blue Devils'. Defense enables Pack t. Rifle team Don Meullcr. another Wolfpack NC. State sa' t‘oilist. won all five of bouts for the 55°.-;- ' day. \S. Pulp was 4-0 in the sabre to rout Blue Devils l.i. on mark competition. Wake Forest The Wolfpack men used the By Mike Leek Yow used three. State started Virginia Tech match to give some Staff Writer the game in a man-to-man at Citadel substitutes a chance at competition State‘s women‘s basketball formation and once a lead was and still cante out with a l9-8 win team led by as many as 22 established. switched to a zone. The Wolfpack rifle team traveled over the Hokies. State put in I] points as the Wolfpack coasted The strategy was effective in to Charleston. SC. to a five-team substitutes and came out with wins to an immpressive win over the maintaining a comfortable lead. inter-collegiate shooting match in seven of those bouts. Wolfpack 0 TIME: 9:00 p.m. l3th ranked Duke Blue Devils. Later. the Pack used a halfcourt hosted by The Citadel. Besides. sub ( y Smith. a freshman. went 2-0 9785. Strong inside play. both press which caused headaches \ N.C.State and The Citadel. Pre- in sabre competition for the Pack. 0 TV: WRAL,channelS offensively and defensively. for Duke and successfully sbyterian. Wofford and Alaska —— The women‘s squad was led by. allowed the Pack to take control snuffed their rally. \a. Fairbanks participated in the meet. (,‘ltarla Willaims. last year‘s most 0 RADIO: WPTF 680 AM; early. and State never looked “I thought a key for us was Sharon Mannlng In spite of a 5:40 am. wake up valuable player. Williams went 8-0 WNCT 108 FM back. how haro and aggressively we call in order to start shooting at for the weekend to lead State over F i v e played defensively." said Yow. Sharon Manning. the team‘s 8:30. State rallied up a smallbore Virginia Tech and Duke. SITE: Greensboro p l a y e r s “I felt that. defensively. we 6-3 freshmen center who led the team total of 4.342 points out of freshman Susan Kuharcik. fenc- Coliseum (15,300) scoring in played one of our best games. team in scoring with 20 points. 4.800 possible points. ing lll lter first season. scored a 6-2 double fig- We’ve had a real problem in had to prove herself in practice Steve Reagan tallied |.l09 of a record for the weekend. Senior NOTES: Wake Forest ures gave some of the games we‘ve lost in in order to start in the Duke possible l.200 points for State. captain 'lamsin Toler went 53 as the Pack just not having the kind of game. Yow insisted that she Bennet Wilder contributed I082. did sopltorrtorc Cindy Ballenger. who and State are t h c o f intensity defensively in our in- have stamina. and the only way Larry Glickman added l.07l. and is also a first year fencer. two teams fe. n s i v c Women's side people. Tonight. they had to prove it was to time her in the Phillip Bradley scored l.()46 points Ilolh the men‘s and women‘s headed in the punch it Basketball one of their best games as a mile. for the Wolfpack. teams wrll travel to Ohio State this opposite direc- n e e 'l e d . group.“ “I told Sharon that she needed Dixon Herman also came in weekend. The women will face Case tion. State is The win A large part of State‘s scoring to improve on her running and shootinga I.003 out of l.200. Western Reserve. Detroit. Wayne coming offa gives the Wolfpack an 8-8 was produced by a fastbreaking that she would have to meet a Later that day. in the air rifle State and Ohio State. The men will last second vic- record. overall. offense which the team started mark in the mile in order to competition. State shooters put face (ase. Detroit. Wayne State. tory over “I thought everybtxly played after collecting each of its [7 start.“ Yow said. “She did that together a L420 score out of a ()hioStare and Illinois. Cerogia Tech. well." said Wolfpack coach Kay steals. Although most of State‘s in practice and showed that she possible 1.600 points. Reagan shot a Both coach David Porter and Yow. “Before the game. I would scoring was in the paint. the deserved the starting position. 363 of 400. Wilder a 36l. Glickman ('ltarla Williams expressed relief that Charles Shack- have thought that if the score transition play gave State a She‘s really given us a lift on the a 358. Bradley shot a 338 out of the fencing program was still alive lcford. the was in the 90‘s we would lose. I welcomed cushion. (Berri boards and on defense. and she‘s 400 for State. and were optimistic about the teams‘ ACCs leading thought that we would have to Robuck and Mary Lindsay. who improving offensively as the Herman also turned in a 32l of ltittrrt's. rcbounder, has hold them to 50 to win." combined for 34 points. were season goes along.“ 400 possible points. ‘l‘rtr glad I'll get to spend my come. alive and Although the final score was involved in many of State‘s The Pack‘s next game is at Overall the Wolfpack was 2-2 for senior tear fencing," Williams said. and if the Dea- high. defense once again proved fastbreak points. and gave the home against Maryland talso a the match with wins over both "We will corttintre to grow as long cons csn't keep ‘t key factor for the Wolfpack frontcourt time to work inside. Top 20 teamlon Jan.23. Presbyterian and Wofford. while .is we're still here." Porter said.“ him off the being squeezed out by The Citadel “lite men‘s team has depth in all boards, it will andAlaska __ Fairbanks. weapons. and it's depth with expert be a long night The rifle learn is looking forward t'llt C H for the Dea~ lntramurals offers basketball clinic to the annual “('op Shop Shoot" this Iltc women's learn is not as weekend in Tampa. Fla. against tiirttrriatt' \HIlltilll) four members. cons. Wake‘s Southern Florida. \tr don't have enough women. scamn resem. Ilre ltrtraniurals Ik‘parttnent rs For more information contact the The next meeting of club presi The tneet got the “(op Shop \l‘ll need four starters." l’orter said bles a roller uttering .i basketball ol‘licralls LlllllL‘ lntramurals Department in room dents will be at o this eienirtg in Shoot" moniker because Southern coaster ride tonight at (i in roorii kill-1 Jill I of Carmichael Uymnasrum. room 2036 ( armichael (it in I’lorida's coaclt. Roger Johnson. 'ltiit these l’lrl\ are great. Ilie (.irnttthacl (J\lll. The department Please note that this change was .iirit:itli- this war is much more Win straight to has ‘il Athletics Directors for Fraternity. mt its a gun store called “( 'op Shop." lll.lll List \L'.ll l.tlll\tll and ( harla Dante's reams registered for league Men‘s Open and Women‘s Open necessary because of the reused The ('op Shop Shoot has lradr inferno. [ll.t\ and has einpltasr/ed the need academic calendar \\lltt‘ll included lronali) been one of State‘s ”HM .iti: nocturnal and Susan and llll .it lt'.l\l ill ntorc officials. No stsirtr learns are reminded that the new lioliilrn schedule It is cutting trips and tire “olipzts‘k tiiiilt .iii: retiring so strong tioVi Hall and lune: State by I2 J .'\|tt’llt‘lltt‘ ts necessary and wages registration lor the meet ends Mort. ni‘iper'atne that .tll clubs are r'cprc hopes to do well against Southern tirit or i .iti li.i\w .i \\ irirrirrg' season .. .tlt‘ i \lltlii .l.rit 35 at 5'00 settled at this meeting l I'irrda ianuary 20, 1088 lt'thnltlan Sports 5

on the 90

State forward Brian Howard ‘ picks the passing lane to get this pass intended for Georgia Tech's Tom Hammonds enroute i to State's 76-74 victory in Atlanta Saturday.


4 p.m.. 214 Cox. Career Plann- takes on Clemson in SWimming. Shackleford, Howard pound ing and Placement orientation seSSion tor majors in PAMS. 7 30 pm. Walnut Room. Stu~ dent Center Thailand Cot- 4 p.m., Stewart Theater. Finanv teehouse (international Student Georgia Tech with rebounding cial Aid meeting for all students Committee) applying for the 1988-89 aca- demic year, ’« 7 30 p.m. Reynolds Coliseum. January 30-25 Kay Yow's Woltpack Women Continuedfrom page 4 team would have had a tremendous Ferrell led the game with 27 All events are free and open to NCSU 5 p.m.. Student Center Gallery. take on Maryland's Lady Ter- advantage. points and Shacklcford led the . studentsunlessotherwisenoted. Opening Reception for "itera- rapins in women's basketball. was called for blocking and sent “The basketball gods shined upon Wolfpack with 20. tions" art exhibit. Broadcast live on WKNC. Ferrell to the line. Ferrell hit both me today.“ Del Negro had i6 points and shots to tie the score at 74 with l0 Georgia Tech coach Bobby seven rebounds for State and 5:30 p.m., 226 Daniels. Seminar 8 p m. Stewart Theater. Perfor- seconds to play. Cremmins described his teams per- Chucky Brown had l4 points. m 11 am, 3533 —~ "interview Techniques for mance -— "The Alchemedians ’ formance as “Not great. but gutsy.“ Corchiani led State with ID assists G a r d n er . E n - .Job Seekers.“ (NCSU Center Stage). Call Del Negro took the inbounds pass. Though the game was close. State and four steals. tomology seminar — “Purifica- 737-3104 for ticket prices, drove down to within scoring range had a decisive 4630 rebounding tion and biochemical character~ 8 pm, 3712 Bostian. Biochem» and took a shot. edge. State will face Wake Forest ization of insect juvenile istry/Matrone Memorial He missed. Shackleford tipped up Shackleford. who is the Atlantic tonight at 9:00 in Greensboro hormone estérase" by Y.A. Aal Lecture “The Biogenesns ot the and he missed. too. Coast Conference‘s leading re Coliseum. The game will be televised (Assiut Univ, Egypt). Lysosomes" by Stuart Kornteld m 1 p.m., Reynolds ,Then Howard tipped it up. with the bounder. hauled in 19 boards. in regionally. (Washington Univ., Coliseum. The buzzer blaring. and it fell in. comparison. Tech leading rcboundcr Wake Forest has been struggling 4 p.m., 128A Polk. Biochemistry St. LOUIS). Wolfpack basketball team bat- “I feel fortunate to be talking Hammonds collcctcd eight boards. this season after losing last year's seminar — “Assembly and 8 p.m., Stewart Theater. Film, tles the UNC Tarheels. about a win.“ Wolfapck coach Jim “Shack is a formidable ()lfCITSIH‘ leader Tyrone Bogues to graduation secretory pathway of laminin “Three Days of the Condor." Valvano said. “if we would have rebounder." Valvano said, “We and the NBA. The Deacons have subunits in em bryonal 7 p.m., 3307 Carmichael Gym. gone into overtime. l think the home thrtlri rnknrund Mn,” '51.." 1‘,.(.h not yet won a conference game. carcinoma F9 and 3T3-L1 AdmiSSion $1 for students. The Woltpack gymnastics team adipocytes" by Yasuo Kitagawa $1.50iorthepublic. hoststhe Tarheels. (Nagoya Univ. Japan). 8 p.m. Stewart Theater. Con- Renovations planned for King Village 4 p.m., 3533 Gardner. Botony “3:30 p.m., 206 cert —7 "Jonathan Kramer, Cox. Statistics (MUSlC Department seminar— "Gene flow in Seminar—"Confidence |n~ Cellist“ Continuedfrom page I ventilation and Window project usuai increase in rent prices is five lichens" by Chiquita Culberson terval Estimation in Semi- Artist Series) Slogncr and (‘anoi will receive percent. (Duke). ' Nonparametric Regression" by renovations to King Village to $3,600 of this money The budgets to King Village and 5 p.m., 2100 Student Services Brian Eastwood (Carleton Univ, ms p.m.. Erdahl- inconvenience the residents or raise the other residence facilities have Center. Career Planning and Ottawa. Canada). Cloyd Theater, the rent. “l anticipate the (window) "We thld like to acciiiiijilish the not been merged under the new Placement orientation session DH. Hill Library. Film, "A Man replacements taking place with the window replacement rind \t-ntilation organiiation. although Bonner said for business. management. 7. 9. 11 p.m.. Stewart Theater. Called Horse." residents in" the buildings. she said improvement wrihoui .iiii llit‘lCdW that may be considered later. so any economics and accounting Film, "‘Robocop." AdmiSSion $1 The l987-88 budget for the other than the routine iritruisc llltll increases in rent to King Village majors. for students. $1.50 for everyone facility includes 385.000 for the we have planned." ilniiiicr \lltI l‘ltc would only effect those resrdcnts else. It you have a campus event 8 p.m., Erdahl-Cloyd Theater. of interest to the general .‘iiiiiltitfittittfifi... "DH. Hill Library. Film. “The student body, send it (at .. _ ..__.’.__—_———. Cl. Time Machine." mNoon, Swimming least two weeks in advance) PRECISION TOP FLlGHT vroeo - ' - ' pool, Carmichael to: FYI, Technician, Box OQOOOItititiifiiQCI'... Gym. The Lady Woltpack swm 8608, MC. State University, 3:30 - 5 p.m., 2130 team hosts Clemson‘s Lady Raleigh, N.C. 27695-8608. HAIRCUT -Student Services Tigers. Please include the name of a in The Electric Co. Mail Center. Academic Job Search contact person and tele- program for PhD. and Masters 3 p.m. Swimming pool, phone number, both of 831 -2723 candidates. Carmichael Gym. The Wolipack which will not be published. Mon - Sat 10am - 9pm VCR and Video Tape Rentals FREE MEMBERSHIP WITH FIRST RENTAL! Specials: REGULAR $4.50 Understanding SAVE 5LOOWITH YOUR STUDENTLD. Mon & Tues : 2 Tapes for $4.25 We take the time to give you (TWO DAY 3 Tapas for $5.50 Last Nonjndgnn’nml the haircut style you want. RENTALS) 4 Tapes for $7.00 Our clinic provides services for Health Can: men and woman. You do not need Wed: 2 Tapes for $3.50 an appointment. Ybur service will be Fri & Sat: 3 Tapes for $5.50 provided bya qualified student styiist Including Abortion, underthe supervision ofour talented (Return Mon) 4 Tapes for $7.00 staff. You will like our clinic prices Birth Control, and and we assure your satisfaction. chance Gynecology ' Return This ad for 2 tapes for the price of one ' PHONE 821-2820 Special Rates for If you're going into industry, you Students need to have good Call 781-5550 CommunicatiOn skills — which ‘ THE 90% of US. business executives , FLEMING consider a job applicant’s most * CENTER SHOPPIGN CENTER important quality. 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l_ eatu res lot liiiit ian lanuary 20,1988 7

Holy collectors’ item...!

Area shops

Comics have offer variety By J. Ward Beet Senior StallWriter tiomic collecting hasgrown from clutter on children's bedroom floors toa serious activity for come of age all ages. As with any growing trend. the market reacts. Raleigh now has three stores that cater to local collectors. All three buy. sell and trade comic hiinks and carry both old and new comics. Few other similarities exist. though. Each store is as different as. say. Batman and Spider-Man. Tommy King owns and operates the oldest of lht' three stores. Tales Resold. After graduating troin ('Iemson. King moved to Raleigh in 1969 to work with IBM. Ten years later. he opened Tales Resold. Because he couldn‘t work as both a computer programmer and at the store. he quit IBM “tosee what the store could do." Interest in the store and comic collectinggrew. iiiii] King opened another store in Goldsboroand ii warehouse for excessstock. located in a groupof shops on the corner of Collectors enjoy, profit from« l- ranklin and Person Streets downtown. Tales also carries used books and gamingequipment such as Dungeons and Dragons. But comics cover halfof comic industry ‘Renaissance’ the floor space or more. "1 don‘t like to be bragging." King says. but he comic books featuring national icons \ estimates the number ofcomics he owns at By Calvin Hall Woman. .iround 100.000. The Raleigh store houses nearly Assistant Features Editor Superman. Batman and Wonder 30.000of that number. The rest are in the Marvel features equally well—known characters. (ioldsboro store or the warehouse. A poster taped to a door in Turlington Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk. among its Standing racksof new comicsoccupy the front Residence Hall says quite a bit about the statusof many titles. wall comic boots today. So what is the appeal of today‘s comic books? pilrl of the store at 213 East Franklin St. The An ad for a new comic book series, “Excalibur," Stock in Raleigh area specialty shops. including behind King‘s counter iscovered with comics and of Capitol Comics. Tales Resold and newcomer iiiiigazines. some 30 and 40 yearsold. from the the poster is simple in concept —— an action shot Foundation‘s Edge. show that 50-year-old "( iolden Age"of production. Boxesof the older the series' five main characters —— yet stylishly Superman still sells. comics and back issuesofcurrent titles cover a drawn. The creation is evidence that comics have While the lure ofeasy money attracts the more large table. and the floor toward the middle of the come a long way since Superman‘s arrival from the infatuation \ltlIC. A“; Krypton 50 years ago. capitalistic comic book collectors, The “Golden Age" represents the early days of As today‘scomic book collectors celebrate the See COMIC,page 8 comic productionjthe 19405and 505. Collectors ‘ birthday ofone of the the world‘s best-known consider these comics some of the most valuable superheroes. the industry itself is experiencing a due to theirscarcity. Although Tales stocksa rebirth in popularity. One need only visit the racks largc selection of“Golden” and“Silver Age" of comics at Dl‘s College Book and News on comics (the late 19505and606). few of the comics Hillsborough Street to sample the tremendous King stocks are priced over S100. changes that have taken place in the industry over King considers older comics the best the past few years. investment. but he says his regularcustomers _, Perhaps the most evident change is on the those who come in to buy the latest issue of their pricetag of today’s comics. Prices have increased liivorite titles —~ are his “bread and butter." dramatically H the book that wasonce called “all Regular customers also make up the bulk of in color for a dime" now costs 75 cents. $1 or even business for Ken Pleasant at Capitol Comics of more. Raleigh. and the store itself reflects this obligation. Indeed. the monetary value ofolder comic (‘apitol Comics looks more like a country Store books and the promising future of today's books than a buying house for investments. A display of are primary reasons for the hobby‘s popularity. the latest merchandise for sale —— each week's new “It’s kindofa poor man’s stock market.“ says shipment ofcomics sits just inside the door Ken Pleasant, owner of Capital Comics on Posters and sketchesofcomiccharacters drawn Hillsborough Street. by customers surround Pleasant's desk. A prime example is a first issue ofa comic book Pleasant alsooffersa subscription service tor mini-series featuringThe Shadow. a 1930s radio his customers. Five boxesof neatly-packed comics character. The mini-series‘ first issue had a cover sit in front of a television in the middle of the price of S l .50 in 1986. According to the store. The boxes hold current issues Pleasant sets “()verstreet Comic Book Price Guide,“ that issue aside for his customers on subscription. sells for about $21 today —- an increase of 1.400 The subscription list and the store's stock has percent in omy two years. grown considerably since CapitolComicsopened And several older comicsare worth even more. A mint condition issue number 15 of “Amazing See RALEIGH.” 1‘antiisy.“ a Marvel comic featuring the debut of Spider-Man. currently sells for about $1,450. Pleasan' says. While it is obvious that there is money to be made in collecting comics. Pleasant adds that collectors should not plan to buy a number one issue ofevery new comic that comes out. “Some of the new stuff is not as solid an investment.“ he says, Two major comic book publishing companies —— I)(‘ Comics. Inc.. and Marvel Comics Group — own the lion‘s share oftoday’s comic book market and grab a majority of publicity in the national MARK S.lNMAN/STAFF media. A number of independent publishers'also How does the serious comic collector spend his MARK atrium/STAN vie for collectors‘ money in the very competitive comics market. hard-earned money? He buys the latest Foundation’s Edge . . . Raleigh's newest comic I)('. the older of the twocompanies. publishes offered by publishing giants Marvel and DC. shop.

amuses audience Movie showcases Williams, Yes. Good" ll shuts off with (“S Will he bring his petting zoo? t‘llARIDTTE ~ New this is Sounds like there should be a At one point in the field. Williams shining. \icititiiiicsc people shop‘ Will he have his oxygen chamber? slumniingit. Christmas message in that anecdote. and Forest Whitaker are driving on ping. iiiilii.iii boats at sunrise. Will he cry when the press gets I came out here with Obie for the But don‘t grope too hard. a road that the Viet Cong control. V'ictiiiiiiicsc lio.iis going down the too pushy? Beatless show at the Church of Charlotte is big and impersonal. When the jeep wrecks and they met and liii.ill\. (l Vietnamese Will he get his hair on fire? Musical Awareness. It was the Let‘s get on to a brighter subject. must flee the V(‘ patrol. something illagc lictiit' llillli’lllllctl. Rumor has it that he's put a bid group‘s worst show. ismissing. \liitbc lll|\ tooiage doesn‘t sum on the remains ofJesse Helms. It was also the group‘s worst Movies Corey Agun. tip\'ictii.iiii litit \tiiigetanidca. Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford also audience. What type of soldier goes out into Ilic black humor of “Good will show up to endorse Michael‘s The biiiid and l are eating at "Good Morning Vietnam“ is not PARTY PM. this the bush without his weapon? Morning \'ii:tii.iiii” l\ the best It is run for President. Slioncy‘s trying to avoid being another “M ‘A'S‘H." It's funnier. I‘m not sure what type of iiliiiost :i Statilcx Kiibrzitk vision of Skip says Michael wants to die a caught by the Nazi waitress as we Robin Williams has finally made a he goes straight for the slang and statement Barry Levinson was trying the our itiili lllt‘ Strtirigelove at- white woman riiid the breakfast and salad buffet. film that he can be proud of. He curses. to make. There was a gun in the tiltiilcttmaiilsit I don‘t care. I just want to 1 can count six professional uses his comic style at full tilt in his The conflict over what news can radio control room. Why wouldn‘t ( heck it out li's one of the best experience Michael and his music. wrestlers eating near us. portrayal of Armed Forces Radio go over 'he air during a “police Williams have one in the jungle'.’ l'iiiiisoul .it tlic moment. I cry when I hear “Billie Jean “ Him can I tell'.’ disc jockey Adrian ('ronauer. action" is also investigated. Williams A faux pas. indeed. Don‘t even try humming “Human All the wrestlers have large stir Williams is a powder keg of battles the identical twin military Also. at the end of the nl()\‘lC ii Concerts Nature.” tissue deposits on their foreheads. comedy. and director Barry censors about the boundaries of Vietnamese character gives Williams Who‘s BAD? l was trying to meet up with Ric levinson allows him to explode in what he can say. what incidents a lecture on who the enemy really is ‘xlicliticl‘s coining" Michael. Hair. but the closest I got to Flair brilliant colors. Williams can announce. But this is unnecessary, \ cs the 11111” child has announced was it gouge he made on some guy‘s \iiu llltl\| scc tlitu iiiotic twice to Williams also battles the station It sticks out. Levmson may as well fll‘s llllL‘ltllt‘lh lti play the Dean Warning iippci ll|). L'i’llt‘ll all of Williams‘ jokes when management over music selection. have had a flashing sign declaring ”Hilly Hunk livcs iiextdoor to Hair And lies on tlic air Wllllitllt's bccotiies a The management constantly “Social conscience at work. Please l'iii tjiiitci tug \\ itli C\t'llClIlCIll a week since 1 invited sziiil that \tlicii it sntmcil last week. “(hi Air” sign is lit wants music like Perry (‘omo and feel guilty.“ Slat iiit’ \‘wtli \tiiii glove before I it‘s been otcr illltl the maniac when the point shouldn‘t lltlHlIl null. .it'.itii Bruce Poiilton to go bowling. and lhistt Rliotlcs cgiiiic He takes the Sidel‘tL’lll .iciiitg polkas played for the fighting men. It‘s not that this tiiiul but just the still no reply. loo ll.lll .i slush light Hi the limit lct hiutjtic to the iiitixiiiititii \‘v’tlliams wants rock ‘n roll. and he be made -» but it‘s already IlliltlL' lili' lily .iiii~i Must I take over his seats during Mitzi up .i job ol ill‘ hes it out in big lteapings. and in a more Visual way A collage liiiuii'lil til \liili.icl Jackson In ”16 Wt iltillllt.,\ liitritl Ill .i Wlicti Williams tiikcs lhcrc faults in this filini’ of shots go to James Brown‘s “l lt-cl lii.iii;.‘l~ t.?i=i:'i'|ii::' the UNC game to gain his attention? lli' :‘ ll‘lii li‘ |\ ltlllt' \ it'timitit .. [l','lll‘ll' l iigiixli Arc wk” 8 human _’ll, t‘llltl It‘t lititt ta . It'dllllt‘x

Raleigh shops meet Comic collectors remain demand for books loyal to the ‘superhero’ Continuedfrompage 7 (imlirim'dImm page 7 void ol the traditional superhero...... in Oct. I986. Sonic t-vcti display labels warning After working as a loan officer for with the superhero is a mainstay buyers that the books should only bc BB&T for to years, Pleasant took "People still want their read by “mature" readers his own collection of comics and did superheroes." says Tom King. owner Roiiiiitgcr and his Iiicnds are something he always wanted to do of Tales Resold on East I’ranklin among the group of collectors that — he Opened his own comic store at Street. .. have either Just begun tollccting or 3027 Hillsborough St. The original Readers have " had collected comics at one time and collection filled only the front room always enjoyed stopped due to lack of interest or of the three—room store. All three heroes. Many lack of money. They have returned rooms are now full, even if they are (i reek and to comic collecting mainly because unorganized. Roman myths . of the publishers dcer to appeal to Unlike Tales Resold. most of the tell stories ol an older. more Ittcratc customer, older comics at Pleasant‘s store are demi-gods This is due. in part. to the fact from the I97OS and 805. This does blessed with that readers who did not stop not mean the comics are any collecting began to demand better cheaper, though. A hardback edition mere mortal stories instead of C(llllfl\’tftl tales of of the I986 “Dark Knight” series men .. comic Tommy King coincidence and endless light sccrics signed by the artist, the store‘s most books are no different. “('ollege agc people get IIl‘t'(I of expensive book, currently sells for As pure escapist entertainment. superheroes bashing each other over $350. comics offer readers a simplistic yet (UIICII. pro >43 1 The newest comic store in the the head." says Mike MARK S.INMANISTAFF area. Foundation's Edge. shows important view of the heroic ideal priclor of Foundation‘s lidgc. some similarities to the other two for modern times. As a result of the realistic In the last five years. independent publishers have exploded onto the comic market, offering collectors stores in its selection and price Although many collectors see the movement iii comic books. Marvel an alternative to traditional Marvel and DC products. range, but it shouldn't be considered hobby as a money-making scheme. ('omics has created “’I he Nam." the the same. few claim that they collect comics first realistic comic book about the morbid depressed world of the both word of mouth and national shops.“ Guthrie says. Like Capitol Comics. the older for that reason alone. Some even say Vietnam War. The series gained not too distant future. media attention. “Rolling Stone“ Even though comic books seem to issues in stock are from the 705 and they spend more money on the national media attention and has Both wcllwrittcn and stylishly inaga/ine published a favorable story be going through a Renaissance of 80s, but the most expensive comic in pasuime than they earn. drawn praise front both comic book illustrated by frank Miller. this oti "The Dark Knight" after its sorts. they are still far less popular in stock, the first printing of “Teenage David Rominger. a junior in collectors and veterans of the mini series is still talked about some release. as did newspapers around America than economic competitor Nigja Mutant Turtles.” sells for only textile chemistry at N.(‘. State. says VietnamWar. three years after its initial release. the country. Japan. where literature-hungry Jap- SI 5. he spends about $20 per week on “The t)ucstio" featuring an "I was impressed . . I ncycr saw People who came back to comics anese buy millions monthly. Foundation‘s Edge opened last comics. That updated version of a character from a comic book written that well." says found dramatic changes had taken Unfortunately, there is still a July as an off-shoot of Second doesn‘t include the l96tls. is a superhero comic with Romiitger. who also reads science place in both art and storytelling. stigma attached to comic books. Foundation in Chapel Hill. located weeks when a 3,, a slightly different tone. The vtllans fiction. ('ornics had grown tip. Says one State student. “I think in Electric Company Mall on special issue is ,,;j " are everyday people. and the whole “The Watchmen" also was an ('ollectors found the art to be grown men who still read comic Hillsborough Street, the store looks released. .book has a gritty. urban look. In artistic and coitinicrctal success. It's more stylish. and the popular artists booksshow a lack ofmaturity." more like a business operation than Rominger says , addition. each issue contains a list of tlicrtrc centers around how the world from years past had been replaced Erick Benson. a senior in electrical the other two owneroperated shops. he and his . . thoughfprovoking books recom- would be different if superheroes by “superstars." engineering. says that “even though It is wellorganized. with racks and roommate keep mended for reading. really existed. More importantly. it Also. the new comic book fan comics are stylistically better than casesfor new andoldercomics. a selection of Perhaps the two most successful shows —— realistically — what kind became increasingly aware of the when l was younger, they have Most of the store‘s reguar custom- comics purely Kori Homo! of the new realistic comic books. in of people Would be superheroes Ari importance of specialty shops. stores become increasingly sexually and ers are NC. State students, says f o r, t h e i r terms of publicity and collectabiliq». aucrinsprrirtg. thought provoking catering to the needs of comic violently explicit.“ Mike Cullen. the main buyer for the personal enjoyment and another set have been "The Dark Knight" and work. it is well worth reading by collectors and offering a level of Whether you love comics or hate store. He adds that customers are for investment purposes. “The Watchmen." both published by anyone. not just comic book col service and selection the collector them. and despite the books’ in- not limited to college students. “We want to see if we can make DC Comics. “Dark Knight." a lectors. cannot find elsewhere. creasing realism, collector Tim Buie however. Highvxhoolers as well as any money,” he says. four-issue miniseries printed in the The new books and their modern “((‘omic shops) are really impor- says they are “just comics." in their 40s and 505 Upon closer inspections of local best format possible for a comic. themes serve to open up comics to a tant because a lot of comics I buy And there is really nothing wrong businessmen comic book shops. the casual ob- deals with the trials. tribulations and are sold directly through specialty with that. is there? shop there. server may be surprised to see books triumph of art aging Batman iii a wltolc new set of readers. through \ \~/J.- \ RBY “I need... an Agromeck!” I N.C. State‘s yearbook

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tilt at]; “3‘ UNIVERSITY AD DAN’S BOOKSTORE SYMPOSIUM on CONGRATULATES WEDNESDAY’S AND ETHICS A/ ' THURSDAY’S PRIZE WINNERS IN THE Steve Gamlin pnortassrons AND _/ Barry Shapiro Harry Southerland ’1‘“1""?~..»p.: agrirwifiswwwm Jennifer Seymour Shari Pogledich rtflgn'l'nu"rm?!rifts?!an81533;?"L2,.'1it:at!i WORKPLACE Kenneth Mullins jay Scoggins JANUARY 21. 1988 @ IE1!!: Keynote Address: ”ETchs IN THE PROFESSIONS." Dr. Dennis M, Michael jacobson Rodney Rhau nflhn.5, Campbell. Prolessm ol Theology and Dean. The Divinity School Yvette'Stevens Duke University. Kathleen Murphy Todd Barnhardt Teddy Reed Noted lecturer. seminar leader. and author. Dr. Campbell haswritten rthj-EHnr numerousarticlesand reviewswhich have appeared in the Journal ol the 11'L.‘ American Academy atReligionfietipion in Lite. Christian Century. Duke * WE NOW CARRY VERBATIM 96 TPI FLOPPY DISKS! * Divinity School Review. Humanities inthe South. and the Review oiBooks "“1,t‘:.r.‘lhqij‘my” and Religion. He isauthor atAuthorityandtheRenewalofAmericans Theologyand Doctors. Lawyers. Ministers: ChristianEthics in Professional GOOD LUCK WITH SPRING SEMESTER! Practise. WSW TIME: 3:00-5:00 PM. gogbmt New Tum» r7233!15;?“25h PLACE:Ballroom. University Student Center ADDAM’S BOOKSTORE 1"“ ti Refreshmentsat 2:30 PM. SPONSORED BY THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOST AND Mission Valley Shopping Center COWSCHOOLDEANS 832-99 38 ‘m‘”5.“;sz‘2’" Kiri" "little utility“ nitrite «rattan instill! until" Hittite ultra iliiilltit irritant -‘ In

The NCSU Union Activities Board The NCSU Union Activities Board


Kevin Lay " Orrin Gallop Position: Entertainment Co’Chair Position: UAB Entertainment Committee Chairman Home Town: Elizabeth City,NC

Home Town: Elkin,NC Major: Electrical Engineering

Major: TXM Favorite Quote: “Failure is simply someone else’s opinion on how an act or Favorite Quote: “Eureka!” task should be performed.H

Latest Leisure Activity: Skiing Latest Leisure Activity: Jogging

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O pinion January 20,1988 t pu/w [Hill I\ mil/rely Ilw [Ink/Ill! u/ Ihl' \llll/i’rll body IX'tUIflc‘\ a! once Ihe official organ through LII/1h I/li' Ilmiiu/ils Ihl’ (IiIIl/Ir u/iil III (ml Iht‘ ll'l\ liji' u/ Ihl’ ram/mt are reg/sieved. It it (he IiIUUI/lfllt’t v I/lllillL’h nhii h lht’ vim/wily Ihi'msi'lr m Iii/It allegeli/e niihnui i'is imimalis blank. It'thllitrun. vol I no l. l'ebruary l. 1920

Students paying $6.75, THE KI'IORNEY GENERAL'S still no sign of Annex For the last two years students have been told repeatedly that the university was planning to expand the current Student Center. Numerous proposals were brotrght out. discussed and debated. Finally. the decision was made toward construction of a multipurpose student activities center that would provide new facilities for the Cultural Center. student groups like Student Government and publications and new office space. liventually. as with every new university proposal for the students‘ benefit, a fee increase in tuition was proposed and approved so funds could be provided for the project. Last spring the administration approved a $6.75 increase in semester tuition bills for students. Now students are paying for the new Student ( 'enter Annex. But where are the dumptrucks and bulldozers and earthmovers? Where are the construction workers? Where is the site for the new Annex? All of the above questions have yet to be answered because no campus site has been successfully approved — no construction has yet begun. We say successfully approved because every site looked at so far has been unsatisfactory to some campus party. Shed some light on a dark subject Last semester much study was done on replacing the current Cultural Center with the new Annex. Architects were brought in. designs were drawn Early in this year's NBA basketball be nice if Clemson beat Wake Forest in the up and opinions were sought. After several thousands of dollars were spent and season, Golden State Warriors point guard ACC championship this year. thus winning people generally thought the project was set. up pops the observation that the Chris Mullin admitted to a weekend beer its first ever ACC title. proposed building would crowd space around the electrical substation already drinking problem. Now. Mullin is receiving on srtc. all sorts of praise for admitting he had a Dwuan No definite plans were in the works for expanding the substation in the problem. If my memory serves me correctly. 3 young man by the name of Chris Ever wonder what would happen if a future. One Physical Plant engineer said there may never need to be any Washburn admitted to a drug problem and June diarrhea epidemic hit NCSU after all the expansion done. But the option had to remain open, so all those plans were he too sought help. However. Washburn. students had thrown all their dorm’s toilet scrapped. Mullin‘s former teammate. received nothing tissue into the trees after a victory over Now we are back to square one. A new site has to be found. new plans have but harsh criticism. What‘s the difference? Carolina? Someone would have a terrible to be drawn up and a new approval has to be sought. Meanwhile students are Think about it. be too hung tip on being No.1 in football. messon their hands. paying an additional $6.75 per semester for a building they have yet to see any llowcycr. head football coach Jimmy Johnson doesn‘t agree with the latter part of sign of. the statement and said he Would consider Now it seems Campus Planning is dragging its feet regarding this project. A Have you ever been at a shopping mall leaving the university if the right job came new site was recommended by the architects on Harris Field adjacent to and come away with the impression that up. especially if Miami toughens the How stupid can NCSU get? Cancelling Tucker Dorm. Campus Planning prefers a site on Harris parking lot across the there are only two universities in the state of academic requirements of prospective Miami Registration/Change Day Friday because of street. Their complaint is that too much green space would be lost at the North Carolina: Duke and UNC-(‘hapei football players. Football players being the snow was not a bad idea and may have Tucker site. Hill. Seems like every department store 7 recruited by the. University of Miami need to been the smartest thing the university will lividently none of the Campus Planning committee members have to park even the stores in Raleigh—have more reali/c that this university does not care do this semester. The dumbest thing the Duke and Carolina paraphanelia than about them as students. only as athletes. and university will do this semester is cancel on campus. Construction of a facility like the Annex on the Harris lot would NCSU paraphanelia. It isn't like NCSU is should consider a football program that will Resgistration/Change Day and not re- take up too many valuable parking spaces. Supporters can claim the new the biggest university in the state or the help them get their degree. Because today. schedule it. Students who came up on parking deck will ease this need. but that deck has yet to be built. Even if defending ACC basketball champions or you need more than athletic ability in order Thursday hoping to get their schedule construction on it began tomorrow. it would not hold its first cars until 1989 at finished higher in the ACC football to succeed in life. released from the university are out of luck. the earliest. Standings. So why is NCSU the other Imagine the problems not rescheduling Thoughts of campus green space are admirable, but unrealistic. university? Must have something to do with Registration/Change Day will have on the those cows out near the School of whole university. Students will not be able to ‘Consideration for the number of campus parking spaces and the current Veterinary Medicine. get the classes they need and this in turn will parking problems should take higher priority. Construction of the Annex at the Dick Vitalc has got to go. College put them further behind their quests for Harris Field site can be done with little disruption of an already fragile parking basketball would be much better off without graduation. All this because the university scenario and can be designed to enhance the area’s green space. the Mr. Clean-lookalike shouting "look out couldn‘t reschedule Resigration/Change Day. Most important, however, is keeping an eye on time. New buildings do not It‘s nice to know that someone out in the it‘s showtime“ everytime there‘s a Maybe this is the reason we are the “other” spring up overnight. Supposedly the new Student Center Annex can be NCAA really cares about recruiting athletes threeon one fast break. his predictio s of N.C. university. The day the NCSU finished by 1990 —— two years away already. But campus construction projects who are just as smart on the field as well as who will be in the Final Four this year fter administration makes a decision with stu- off. For example. University of Miami only one month of real basketball action and dents in mind will be a cold day in hell. never finish on time: for example. Winston Hall, the Carmichael gym President Tad Foote believes the university his cute nicknames such as the Pasta addition. and Student Services Center, all of which were delayed by several should have the fundamental values that are Connection ifor Vinny Del Negro and Chris Editor's Note: Dwuan June isajunior months before they were finally completed (Winston is still under construction, basically academic and that Miami shouldn't Corchiannii at NC. State. . .. Wouldn‘t it majoring {it English. the new completion date is set for Marchi. Further study and debate and consideration will only delay the Annex completion date further. Meanwhile. students will continue to shell out $13.50 a year for a building many will never benefit from. The university should at least give them the benefit of witnessing some signs ofconstruction. Israelis not murderers, rather self- defenders . i—rro“an.«aru-rid-Al“A"... ; murmurs) I would like to address Dennis Draughon‘s camps. Though the land the ch.s wanted to (quuda and Mexico don‘t like this so they raid, disgusting. anti-semitic cartoon of January 13. establish their state was surrounded by hostile bomb and terrorize our sporting events SON...AND THE l First of all. the Star of David is a religious \rab governments. Israel has survived count- (remember 1972 Munich, Germany fry; BEST or LUCK ’ symbol. not a political one. so it would be less attacks and bombings for four decades. Draughon). airline flights and civilians. ' FOR rtrr appreciated. if Draughon did not show his Palestinians are Arabs left inside the border Diplomacy and reprisals prove futile toward by oonfusing the two. of Israel after the state was justifiably given to stopping Canada and Mexico from their ignorance the Jewish people. Despite Draughon‘s snide terroristic activities. The only option the US. Religious observations aside. I would like to innuendo. Arabs have been permitted to has is occupation of their lands to keep Maine. comment on the political points of Draughon‘s peacefully practice their own Islamic religion. Michigan. etc safe. misleading cartoon. Because lsrael. not the which is more than the surrounding Arab The previous analogy may seem ridiculous; Jewish people. occupies Lebanon in self nations cart claim in regard to their hostility yet. that is exactly what is happening now defense. Draughon’s drawing seems to indicate toward the Jewish state. between lsrael and Lebanon. that Jews, not the Israeli army. are ruthlessly Now to show the occupation of Lebanon is Showing a Star of David slaying a killing Palestinian people. Before I defend the justifiable. if not necessary. let me use a simple Palestinian is revolting. ignorant and unfair. present military occupation. take a look at analogy so Draughon will understand. Pretend Please consider the facts the next time you what has led up to this situation. the people of (‘anada and Mexico are of the accuse a religious group of murder. Draughon. Jewish people were granted their own state. saute religious origin and hostile toward the Israel. with the full support of the US. and the United States. Raleigh happens to be the UN. in 1948 shortly after 6 million innocent religious center for all three countries Raleigh David Klew Jewish people died in Nazi concentration is obtrously controlled by the United States. Junior. Economics and Business TECHNICIAN dccpcst. h yyoultl be an atmosphere to make behind their bench. heads should roll in the ‘u-rr my \mili illrl/IIHI \Iulr I inti‘I\I.’1 \I/ltr' IV?!) Mix up your favorite the MI ls holiday more memorable and Athletics Department. starting with the moron Editor in Chief sourcthnrg to be looked forty 11rd to all year. who suggested selling student seats apparently lost-jib (ialarnt-au Jell-O in honor of King because “there won't be many students there. 0n Washington‘s birthday.we bake a cherry .lohn Kube . . it‘s Christmas Break.“ This action was not Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor pie. Fourth of July we have Bar B Ones. l‘reshrnzrrr. Accounting only unfair to students. but it was unfair to Mu hat-1 Hughes Dwuan lune Memorial Day we go to the beach. Today any person who bought tickets and then (Martin Luther King‘s Birthday. Mon. Jan. lb‘i Kansas game ticket sale couldn‘t use them because there were students Ext-t utivr- News Editor...... ~ld(it’iytl Rosenberg Advertising is a holiday. We're home from school. but as I in the seats. News Editor...... Mi-g Sullivan General Manager...... Lib Seigh sit here 1 ponder the thought that I missed out By the way. if this should happen again. I Asst. News Editor...... l’.nil Woolvr-rton Sales Manager...... Cyndi Horkan on something. left students in the cold urge all students to ignore the tickets sold by tditorial Page Editor...... "ht oitt .upi-nti-i Credit Manager...... Cheryl Ierof Should I have gotten a tree for the occasion} a half years at NC State. I the Athletics Department and sit in their features Editor...... Su1anm- l’vri-I Sales...... David Carr, Paula Boulware Or maybe put on a costume and gone door to v\ltcr tour and deserved sections. Assistant features Editor...... (..ilvin llall Jeff Rudd, Alan Kane door begging. or maybe just worn something thought I‘d seen it all and that nothing could If the seats in question were not sold, I Sports Editor...... Katrina Waugh Ad. Production Manager...... lohn Austin green and drank myselfsilly. surprise me Boy “as 1 wrong. apologize to the entire Athletics Department lntramurals Editor...... lomt amphi-Il Asst. Ad Production Managers...... Beth Sullivan Thoughts of hiding marshmelloWs in lltc I arrived at Reynolds ( oliseum about 3 pm. for questioning their integrity and judgment. If Ext-r utive Photo Editor...... St ott Rivt-nliark Alan Nolan snow. or starting a countdown in Titties Square for :1 home basketball game nith hopes of they were. this must not happen again. The Photo Editor...... St on lat ksorr I)t-signers..Mir hael Dernbitsky, Winthrop Smith intrigued me. These ideas have already been getting d good seat. or at least a seat where I obvious solution is to make all games of this Asst. Photo fditor...... I titlit- (iontrarn Henry Kwie(inski, ludy Davis taken. so what we need is something original. could see the court. What surprised the was caliber rcscrvc seating for everyone no matter (.raphit s Editor...... Dt-nnis Draughon Classifieds Manager...... Kori May something to make us look forward to this that I “as dcrncd entrance hecausc the student \y ho they are, but this responsibility falls on opy Editors...... ‘\l71ylif¢ltkt‘tl,( .itht ltlpt’l Production holiday above all the others. sections \tere lull. burcly half an hour after the the Student Senate. not the Athletics Depart- Personnel Dirt-t tor...... Dana Kli-tti-r Asst. Managers...... l rsa Coston, Charles Kadlec I‘ve got it: “Jell-o Party." One may say. “No. doors \ycrc first opened 1 \\us skeptical. but it ment. Until such changes are made. the St-t ri-tary...... Harlem- Mimy layout Artists...... Ki-vrn Krowson, Dave Krause it‘s too wild" or “inappropriate." but look at \yas A big y‘tunc. \llllclle Department must abide by the Systems Engineer...... Hill llarrsli'y BobOlsen what we do on other holidays. What does Still, as I stood by the door nailing llll illl\ established rules regardless of the expected Senior Editor...... Bob Rt‘t'tl Proofreaders...... Lauren Nurkolls, Jim Hauser Santa Claus have to do with the birth 01 seats to bccornc £t\llliililit'. my fellow students .rttendznicc. Christ. or cremefilled eggs and hollow tycrc cornmcnlurtt about hon they heard one of l‘nltKN oilii-rmw Itldltled, the opinions expressed in the editorials, editorial tartoons and (olumm appearing in chocolate rabbits with the resurrection oi thc sidchnc sections had been sold to the Mark Hollifield to. hurt tan do not m-rt-ssarily rellert the viewpoint of the University's Student Governmt, “ministration, faculty Christ. witches and goblins with All Stunts |).i\, general public WhatH lhc Student Senate Class of 1987 u.- start ()pmmm «spit-«ed in the columns and tartoons ol [ethnitian editorial pages are the views of the On your reading of this letter the King ticket polity s.l\\ the sidelines .nc for students llltinttithli iolumnists and iartoonists. the unsigned editorials that appear on the left are the opinion of 10(an holiday has come and passed its by but It is and their gut-sis l \\.isut assure the \thlctrt‘s and are the ri-srmnsrhihly of the lditor in ( hit-l not too late to plan for next year. On the first Department could tilirllt't' that policy on :r Quote oft/re Day li-(hniimn iti'st’s llfi'tlfitlr is tlw otlnml slutll‘nl newspaper of NJ. State and M published every Monday, holiday of the next spring semester we could yyluni I don‘t knoyy ll those scars \scrc rc.rl|\ Wednesday dlltl lritim throughout the .ltJlIl‘ll‘nll Hair lroin August through May tutepl during scheduled holiday close all the streets through campus and have wild but uhcn l lirmlly got In llll .r p'cncrdl People who knoyy little arc usually great and l summation tit-nods Sumrni-r [infiltration is i-vi-ry W’Nlni-sdas lrorn May through August. ()"ll'f‘ are ltxalcd in our very own “First Annual N( Stutt- lcll o tnhlt ()i \Illlil'lli\ llllirllyil lllt' lllllll\l l tilti sc‘t' talkers. ythilc men \sho knott Soot-s llill- l 111 iii the liniti-rsity Student ( t'llll‘r, ( .iti-s Asi-nur. Raleigh, N.( . 17607. Mailing address is Do: m, Party,“ lt would have a carnival lypc .il I‘L'til‘ii ‘\\llil Hikers lot thcsrtlclrncscclrtrns nruch say Kilt-rub, NI I'h‘l'yl’lbflfl. Suhst ripliiins iiisl S ll) pm H'." Printed by Hinlim Press Int ., Meham, N.C_ mosphere with booths set up for |lItil\ \s 1 MIL! lit‘lrrlt‘ i don't knon him many link- Pt isI \t \sllll ‘svnrl any .idtlrt-ssi hangtw to It“ itnii ran, Hot “Mill, Raleigh, \.( l7h‘i'y-Hbflfl contests: for example maybe a contest to we suit‘illlt‘ Irikcts \ycrc sold ll. hoyycyci it nus which NCSU female cart syvullim a humor in tirw' liHii .i hall \t‘tllull lot lyntrmrs lair» .lwmi .lui t/llt'\ Rousseau Tor hnir ian lginuaryLZO, 1988 13 [Classifieds Crier :— back1 University Dining has pasttions Luxury lawn” home 2 bedroom SP fireplace availableWelcomeimmediafeiyl if you is interested in good deck. all new appliances 5.100018 2 at $275 each HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD pay excellent benefits, free meals and selecting 8466676 Technrcran now offers DISCOUNTS for EXTRA WORDS and your own work schedule coll Tom. NCSUOT/i block away Uniurnished room lor Student using fake .EXTRA RUN DAYS, Annex/Snackbars-737-3270, John, Dining female Share bath/kitchen S2OOJmo includes DOWN every Hal1737-3963 Gloria or Eric, Student Center utilities 847-1726 '7’“?“’9 WOTCIS-"“"m‘um50 theis 6-10longerwordsyourforad$2is50theAlterCHEAPER10 wordsit ISRATESAlso theGOLONGER your 7317-2021 H0 RENT UNTIL FEBI Female roommate wanted to ad runs the LESS EXPENSIVE it gets to reach more people share 2 bedroom condo near campus Rent r: C ' $150 0_Op_lus 1/3 utilities 839-0302 school IDs arrested Rate Table r OT )0 IF; Nonsmoking female to share large room when applying for a replacement 1 day 2 days 3 day 4 days 5 days 6 days per day I Furnished townhouse. AC/wosh/ary, $150 plus 114 ‘1 /\|i( ampusCard. zone 1 (lo 10words) 2 50 4 84 b 60 8 48 i0 20 il 76 190) I For Said ""‘smm‘on‘nniae‘rma;7:31 um. 8590248 (tint/mm] Iron: page / zone2(10—15words) 3 00 5 76 7 65 9 7? it 55 13 M 1651 I Malcolm, 8210810after6pm. QUIET can be hard to find We have quiet rooms F (, ur) Police [)ctcctivc Sid Holden. zone3(15-20words) 3 76 7 20 9 60 i2 16 14 d0 16 3? r60l Perfume Galore, students. Giorgio, Obesession, for male graduale students/upper classmen Fully cunts T;ii\C\ \Cl'llilh questions about who assisted in the investigation. zone4(20-25words) 4 40 8 40 ll 25 14 20 16 75 18 '10 l 55: Opium, White Linen, Parson. Liz Claiborne, Chanel furnished, 3160/170 per momn includes all the rich xixicni‘s \LiIiiCl’illiiIil) to \aid Aihms got the victims‘ names. zone 5(25-30words) 4 92 9 35 12 80 15 84 18 60 :10 88 l 50) . Lauren.non fancyAnalsbattle.Anais,1/4Oscar.fioz. GreatSold Price.underNomySundaylabels, utilities Cai1834-4172 uhuxc SUL‘iaI Security numbers, and zoneO(over30words) I 75) ( 70) l 65) I 50) l 55) l 50) l 45) I saiesior calls. 19194778142, RatDurtia.__ 7 99HWWENEEOED839'589b3‘7 . 8115;;Close. 7 Apts nos/i'm Reynolds uni! \rlurii- "\iilipl) addresses "from the library." Hc Roommate needed. male, non-Sinokingfstisimo wciii to liurnx liuli. gtili: them a rcluxcd to give the exact location Words like "is"_ and "a" counl the same as unfurnished and "uncomplicated Words that C i coll Dan/Chrls/Mike.681-0537 name and illiiliIX’T. and they. gave "hill ll I180 I“ d“ Wllh ChOCkInE out abbrevratedstreetaddresseswithoutandspaces.pricessuchcountasasone"washwordl dry/AC"SeeRatecountTableasaboveone word Phone AUIOS IOI oOie Roommate needdd, $250/month Future" 5 IlL‘T a curd iiiih that name and hikiiisfmcsaid. Deadlineforadis 12pin theprevrouspublicationday All adsmustbe prepaid Brunoadto (2:6"riot ha‘riainEi‘cTuEWCOTS—0307;. minutesto campus CoilCurtisat851-4557 details social Technician Classifieds, Suite 3125, NCSU Student Center. planes repa'd Surplus Your area Buyers guide NCSU Library Nice ittiliihcr." Adams. who is studying (118056876000, Ext 8-4488 2 bedroom apt 1 block from 821-3447 or Slit JLILICLI 1Ii;ll SILT-s haw hccn \wrk. is not registered at the 8210520__yard AC. lease.“ .s380/mo Call takentocllixc\ucli"lrxipiiuics," unncrxity this semester. If 00n- lrx 7/. . A \piikcxpcrsrtll for University \ictcd. \I’iL‘ faces up to I0 years in Miscellaneous ‘\_.I!E;)I Dining Scnicu and that non prison arid/or .i Illit.‘ for each of the Help wanted: Fresh, soph, jun. need a you this weeks. Private and confidential Typing summer and next fall. Apply now at the Char-Grill. ABORTIONfacilityto 20with Saturday and weekday an \IlliIL'ilh nltiNl present a picturc ll) Irunlichzirgu $4.00 and up to stun, T-shlrts and bonuses. Very GYN Free Pregnancy Test. Pain medication Crierdeadline is12 pm. Monday ABC WORD PROCESSING, Resumes, Research flexiblehours 833-1071.Call after3:00pm. given.painfments.ChapelHill 18004332930. PHYSICAL AND MATH Pam. Theses, Correspondence. Professional if you want to spruce up your resume, then SCIENCES COOP STUDENTS if you are work,reasonablerates.848-0489. Technician is the place to be. if your interested LEASED PARKING 1: BLOCK 10 YOUR BUILDING OR EMAthAL in earning money, while gorng to qualify for your typing and attend an orientation program tonight (Wed) at 9 YOUR DORM. Coil 834-5180, 95. Monday-Friday or interested..the COOP is for youl Please come to one DIPPING is FOR DIPS. lg BETTER SERVICEneeds.and Short walk from campus. pm in theStudentCenterBrawn Room. leave message on ouransweringmachine. schoolorientation meetings to find out more about Mu," urn-I word procewng letters, openings at Raleigh Papagayo. Experi- LOLLIPOP EXPRESS" Lollipop arrangements for all at our Education Program fHE ORIENTA- I’ll. (.m' termAccuratepapers,and reasonablytheses, etc.pricedCandaceresumes,Morse by encedimmediateline cooks and dishwashers needed! Top occasions. Call 481-4173. theTIONSCooperativeWILL BE HELD 200 Cox. 4 00 pm on appointment, 828-1638. pay for this field. Please contact Laura Research papers. 15,278 available! Catalog $2.00. September 28, October 5, andOctober 26 (Mon-Thurs. am) or Chris (Mon-Thurs. pm) at Research. 11322 ldaha, '206xT, Los Angeies, Cal. Seniors-Spring Commencement will 5"]; PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Quick - While you wait. 847-3103. 90025. Toll Free 118003510222. 9x133. Visa/MC Audition ALL May 7. 1988. The following HAD AN AUTO ACCIDENT? Reasonable rates. Word processor with special OPENINGS. Part-time evening hours. Set orCOD. be held on Saturday,for productions must be Your characters. Barbara 872-6414. appointmentsiMMEDlATE be telephone. This may be the Job requirements Degree card must be submitted to RESUMES/OOVER LETTERS. Laser printing/Free for you. Call Jack at 851-5800 at Piedmont Air applicationdepartmentfor no later that January 15, 1988 All .\ I.i\\ _ii-i' inn IlL‘II) _\ on gt'l xitiii‘ III. I I. inilnv) runner} lifetime disk storage. Five years of service to Conditioning. 1310 Nowell Road, off Highway 54 Rooms 8; llnancialyour bolas must be cleared; all courses NCSU/closeto campus. Visa/MC welcome. Rogers nearStateFairgrounds. transferred for credit, lmcompiete grades re for pr-i‘snntil lllllli‘it.“i .iniI pt‘rfiin'l'll LI«\ii\i\L‘,t' (All 8Assoc. 508St. Mary’sSt, Raleigh.8340000. help wanted, good Poommoies moved; and reexaminailans scheduled by 5 pm, .\ltor'ni-j. and Counselor .it THE EXPERT TYPER-THE REASONABLE PRICER. Kitchen prep, and line prepinquire of Michael's Thursday1491 5, 1988. ELWOOD BECTON Resumes. 9099's, research reports, theses, dis- pay. and flexible hours. Raleigh. Attention, ak person, 30, seeks to share apt. with Venez purer Fra'ncais ovec I..\\\, 828-8787 Siliii- ‘22” ill-‘1 I‘rlki‘tlmiIIL‘ 5lt‘t‘i'l sertations. Will pick up on Tuesday and Thursday Restaurant~2418 Hillsborough St, females. Also to live where I'm living Cali 833-116i Cafenape at(FrenchCroissants,Club) mercerdi le 20 yonvrer on campus. Word processing by Hannah Hamilton. Kitchen prep and line prep help wanted, good pay. todiscuss. 0900-1000. Faculty lounge 1911 Bldg New Ma“, Raleigh. .\ 1‘ 783-8458formoreinfonnatlon. and flexible hours. inquire of Michael‘s Restaurant. DUPLEX FOR RENT. 3 1/2 blocks from NCSU memberswelcomel Other Sc;‘\ il‘m' I)\\ I li'ntllr «\lllI triniinnl repre- THE EXPERT TYPER—THE REASONABLE PRICER. 2418HillsboroughSt., Raleigh. $340/mo. Size for 2-3 people. Fireplace, parking, 1 TO BE Resumes, papers, research reports, theses, dis- Local Commercial Real Estate Company seeking 1/2 story, brick, 1 1/2 bath, range/refrig/wastier CAREER PLANNING: WHAT DO YOU WANT for Si-iltniion. LII\L1|‘\ \' .1an LIOII‘L'hlIL Illi\ll\‘l'\ (.-\I.I. for .\ sertations. Will pick up on Tueway and Thursday Jack-of-oli-irades. Work around your class sched- hook-up. Location: 4 Rosemary St. (Behind NOW THAT YOU'RE GROWN UP? Designedmay want to on campus Word processing by Hannah Hamilton. ule. Wheels 0 must. Good pay. Good future Readers Corner Book Store.) 00118321308. NCSU adult students and alumni whoimprove their I‘RL‘LL inilml corsultniion 783-8458formoreinfonnatlan. refer-“Me. Call 878-6603. twnhse.. change careers, curriculumregistrationor required Typing- let us do your typing of a reasonable rate. FER“ FOR COLLEGE- Private scholarships avail- FEMALE 10 share 3 br., 2 1/2$157/mo.bath plus 1/3 current situation Advanced Feb 6 (Sat) 9 30 1 \Or_\..f'.'/4 Or .01... . lBMSelecfrlcll. CallGinny,848-8791. able. Federally approved system. Satisfaction wash/dryutilities, 8594461.for spring semester. Registration fee, Call 737-2396. TYPING, lBM-PC, Edit, Proof, 24-hour tumaround. guaranteed. Scholarship Consultants, Inc. 876- room in nice home Call for details. @ME;,.Choosing--E an- 2occupation? 552-3091, leavemessage. 7891. Free rent forrequired.851-3842nights only. Choosing a major? exploration? Try the TYPING/WORO PROCESSING: Letters, resumes. Need upper level student with 3.0 GPA and interest References Need help in careerself guided career counseling reports, graduate papers, etc. Pick-up and delivery in marketing to assist with development and Furnished 7 room. 3 bedroom house with grand Occ-U-Sartiat itNOisCOSTa in OH Hill Library reference Nicho’s Mexican Cafe available. Please callKathyat481-1156. implementation of direct mail program for small piano,- half mile NCSU; bus route; 2-4 grad available Career Planning and Placement company located 2 miles from campus. Flexible students, female preferred. $600.00 month. room or(2100the Student Services Center) it takes TYPING — FAST -- ACCURATE - REASONABLE. Call hours. $5.50/hr, 00118323416. 541-9151 direct, 9291448collect. Centerapproximatelyonehourtocampiete._hi_fi_ . . 7 g PART TIME HIiLI’ \I'AN'I‘ED Mrs.Tucker-828-6512. North Raleigh Cleaning Service needs Raleigh Furnished efficiency apanment in basement Engl- TYPING/WORD PROCESSING/EDITING. Cometo The residents for 2-3 hrs., 5 nights weekly 54-58/hr. includes utilities. HBO, washer/dryer. near Oberlin, CO'OP JOBS AVAILABLE FOR SPRINGthe Cooperative'88 OFFICE SOLUTIONS BUSINESS CENTER for expert Excellent chance for advancement. 831-9865 prefer graduate student, yard work, 5265 month. it neerlng students interested inare encouraged to \\ iIIIilL;l\1 \\\‘ I\ .li'iliilllI SiiilIi-ni St Ilt'LIIII\‘\ 54 lIlI'Iii' typing, editing of reports, dissertations, theses, etc. afternoons. 781-6859.w 848-8500. Education program at NCSU annex. There Tape transcription. phone-in dictation. One-day OVERSEAS JOBS...Summer, yr. round. Europe. Furnished rooms. Utilities included. Half block from come by the 0001’ office in Riddickfor Spring 1988 in resume service. 8 am-6 pm. Man-Fri. 9 am-12 noon S.Amer., Australia, Asia. All fields. 39002000 mo. Library.Single or shared rooms. Call 362-1506 or are job opportunities availableChemical, Electrical. on Sat. Wardlaw Bldg. 2008 Hillsborough (across Sightseeing. Free info. Write lJC, PO. Box 52-N05. 362-0866. the followingMechanicalcurriculums-and Civil For more .\ppI4\ in person .\i ~iiill-I \\ mil-m ISIHI fromBellTower)834-7152. Corona Del Mar, CA, 92625. HOUSES, APARTMENTS, ROOMS. alt-1 black from industrial,information, contact William Holloman. Beth TYPING/WORD PROCESSING: Letters, resumes. name mailing program! Excellent ln- campus, including parking. Call 834-5180, 9-5, i.\.l.\..l.\II.\. 1.1 ..i 4.1 . .1 il.\i -.\ .1 - reports, graduate papers. etc. Pick-up and delivery Pan-timecamet Details, send self-addressed, stamped Monday-Friday or leave message on our answering rava- or Nazi-QuniAL-ESJLOEH available. Please CallKathyat481-1156. envelope. West, Box 5877, Hillside,NJ 07205. machine. Continuedon page 74 TYPING, WORD PROCESSING. Fast, accurate, Part-time work (15-hours/wk), Troubleshooting and guaranteed. Will also format and print your disk. repairing small electromechanical ports. Will Selma.467-8239. Flexible hours. Located near library. Jab TYPING—FAST-ACCURATE-PERSONABLE. Call Mrs. Train.reference stating dependability a must. Call 100 MOVERS NEEDED Tucker,828-6512. 821-0520. 1 Yr till 301 1 1w} 1, til rr-r I'll" it‘ .i 1 null/(- ritrirlllr 1“,ng- $1800" with “I - inr‘lltlh lease lob 5:30-9:30. Man-Fri. $6 Wonted Perfect part-time training. Career op- IN FEBRUARY FOR Help perportunitieshour,available.$7-$10 833-8150after after1 pm. Are you interested in writing and seeing your work Break Vacation Sales. Earn top pay selling 859-2 1 OO published? We're looking fora few good peopleto vacationsSpring to Florida. Guaranteed 515 commission 2WEEKS write for THE TECHNICIAN news staff. Stop by our per sale. Must be organized, outgoing, and honest, 4 officeorcgli737-2411iormoreinformation. Individuals or organizations call 1-800338-0718. BEHIND K-MART ON WESTERN BLVD BABYSITTER NEEDED Mon and/or Wed, 4-8 pm. FloridaVacation Service. LOCAL OFFICE MOVE Transportation helpful but not required. Enjoy my 3 SUMMER JOBS-Slxty-five f-H camp redheads while i work. Please call ASAP. Melanie SUPER open. Five camp locclons in the available: WESTOROVE YOWII - In- 829-9024. summerwithjobs manynow interesting program areas. Shifts cludes a fully furnished apert- Mexican Restaurants is hiring for the StateExcellent training provided. Come by 208 Ricks Monday Friday, days followingCHI-CHI'S positions: wait staff, buspeople. Hall on campus for more information and an Saturday — Sunday, days ment w/ completely ec- had/hostess, dishwashers, line cooks. Apply application. cessorized kitchen. private ‘ between 2 and 5 Mondaythrough Saturday at 4212 looking for writers and reporters for Saturday— Sunday, eves. WakeFaresRoad. No experience is necessary, but Pay OttThose Christmas Bills With bath, carpet, A/C, blinds, free Driver needed for blind piano tuner. $4.00 per its news enthusiasm are. To find out more. Hourly Pay. bus service to campus and hour. Must have clean driving record. Study while motivationourandoffice at 3121 Student Center any Good i'mworklngl. 834-7510. Sunday,stop byTuesday, orThursdayafter2 pm. _ We are searching fordependability, night attendant. GOVERNMENT JOBS. $18,040359,230/yr. Now TYPIST-Hundreds weekly at home! Write: PO Box and workersto handle some heavy hiring. Your area. 1-805-687-6000 Ext-R4488 for 17, Clark, NJ 07006. lifting, must havecar, phone. 210’s. 'Applr'es onlyto oneandtwo bedroom floorplans currentFederal list. M-F, 11-2 pm, M-Sat., for Technician Features Waiters/waitressespm, Apply in person. Golden Graphic artistMustneededbe able to do free-hand 4:30-9:30Restaurant, 2910 Hillsborough St. _—~ Yul-m mAIDm department. as well as charts and graphs. Key 0.... DRAKE iNDUSTRIAL 8051 New illustrationsexperience is a plus. Call Suzanne Perez BE ON T.V. Many needed for commercials. «Meagan-.5311 M-Thur ia - 9 O KI‘IDEORAMlE atComputer737-2411formoreinfarrnatlon. Casting info. (1)8056876000 Ext.TV4488. OVERLOAD Fri&SaitO-10 0 RCI€£1813I1.1<_N ./ 7" “P'T‘YT’TY’T-F‘ 7‘ Sunt-B O In Town 782-8486 Oooeoeoeoeeeoooo mfisg’flinchES Plaza Avent Ferry Sl'C 1e11‘0“” LII’IL DIN'D- SUBS _ _ 7 mIII noun"3’“ Stonehenge Market Kroger PRIME ROASI BEE i. Raleigh Cary Raleigh STEAK 'n CHEESE, 469-0787 851-3310 HAMBUHGER AND CHEESE, PASTRAMI, HAM PHY SICAL THERAPIST S 847-5444 SALAMI, TURKEY, CAPPACOLA, TUNA, BBQ. PHARMACISTS MEATBALL & CHEESE, PEPPERONI, SAUSACI OPTOMETRISTS Open 10:00 am - Midnight 7, nights a week CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGISTS Delivery from 11 am 3209 Hillsborough St. CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKERS FFIEE delivery after 4pm 833-3535 833-3495 MOVIE RENTAL The Air Force can make you an attractive offer _ out- MEMBERSHIP! $1 .00 standing compensation plus R8111tillyllillvli-J‘. type opportunities for professional withcoupon($9.95 value) It you can development. You can have a regular DTIC(; :1an challenging practice and time Security deposri and rent a second for will, quickly and accurately, to spend with your family while driver‘s license reqwed 51.00 use you. you serve your country. ind out Technician can what the Air Force otters. Call oirest-3l-88 expire-(.1 .il 88 written material TSgt Ken McCullen We are looking for typists to enter to Station Collect Pay is $3/hour. a nd hours Station into our computer system. stop by our 919-850-9549 are very flexible. For more information, offices at 3121 Student Center, and speak to Dana Kletter or Darlene Moxey.

COME VISIT! Edenton Street U.M.c. invites you to 9:45 Sunday School NEED W ( )RK? 14 (228 W. Edenton Street) Price includes: g... i, ,-n i-A .. ill A‘ :ARL Hr" uMimi 'ilt’ A iii: L! .r-riii. 1H4 I 1‘; I‘ll! 1 III I lxlxi ixlxr‘xlilrltllltlil‘r1 l 1 I r r r I 1' o. ill(1 4i-\1-,r>4 inti 1.1-- *ru-i'JlAllat A' nA.’in: '1‘jjwf’ztA'--Iv.‘§ . I ’Ifiir Hr n'Aiivfi-ru';nz,11-,C*' v A 'Jut'nlES lit/SAM}was of STARTTHE NEW YEAR RIGHT! err-«gan .Au.“,i.-,-_ -.i "4' m—.'r,l'A",u-itisvWi'S Positions available in the NCSU 5; .IIiI‘F np'A i "l‘r_i(‘,.i v “on“ min. '.i.i‘.‘ilr.iiir,i .liS ,- ._ Dairy Plant . .; orntzrO‘HE i usNil-'- 1. "in:1'40.‘{AlANS3»- ‘i .0:, . . g, -. rr w .i , wt ’FSi J’VPI' Starting pay is ointeresting Teachers .n'.’\b\l -1lvll .1, iii Flu 1:0 nassau $4.00/hr. Hr -Discussion Oriented 4. Q . . 0Doughnuts 8 warm drinks! / Drivers' license is required. .2- in Rm. 1?. Schaub llall ,h Apply Cruise to Fr'eepor‘h see Mr. Wood (737-2760) 14 IIIIXXIIIIIIIIIIILIIIII‘IIILITIIIIEX Cali Leah at 832-7535 with questions CALLTOLL FREEI'BOII'B' BAHAMA T4 l.irtli.ii\ JII, I‘Itlll it‘liill'rl.l" ‘ l\‘wl'itli ("l‘ ( lillllllHl‘t/II'U"! /)(l_L'l’ /.t’ 5’15an H/Jl'l'JN FAN‘, NC?) '~, 4-”, ’1’47 (,r Ig'rrrr ENGINEERING STUDENTS Free tutorial assrstance tr'n" Curr, 'nw's every Monday at 1 wt, It" 1' ANDPRESENTINGBE YOUNGONE 8F’Hrtari‘y‘SIII DURINGo disru'x.tilt )08 SEARCHgroup Ra‘eiqh Brain Tumor Support 670))“ Tuesday Want to be politically active but havent found the is available tor Engineering Students in Freshman College Republicans will hold their first meeting at (i ‘1‘) Irimpkm', Aylr' rs Inriyir—r, grip-J wturerr, l’JCIJSittQ on yerbn‘ and my) yerbrtl crimrriiinicntiqrill,r ”.400I 26 7'50Wake9 00ForestI)"RdRaleigh Community Hospita "ant group? Tired ot religious groups pressuring (Hid Sophomore revel Math Chemistry Physrcs, the semester on Monday January 25 at 8 30 pm pl‘ 'ASODHIIIV‘Q rl'r. Iat" ‘rr-atiyrn, mm I;'TI“ nrlrldrnq poise and keeping a positive wt Imago rm to be' we what they believe2 Fundamentalists rind Enallsh courses Assrstance Is available for in the Student Senate Holt All interested students ' r r, 'j‘“ . for) i" Must pre register Registration fee Feb 13 (Sat; The Socraty ot Women Engineers wul kickott the MarkAnonymousat 839-0506on Campusfor moreis infothe group tar you Cal English HI and II2 on IndiVIdual sessrons. are int/lied toattend SYUDFNW “)9 IHI HHICAI TREATMFN' Oi ‘4 10 0'" I 30 pm 7100 SSI spring semester With a sacral on Wednesday NewYork (,It Assistance in Physics Math and Chemistry is DOES YOIIR GROUP'ORGANIZATION NEED A PIACE ANIMAI'} ’GIIA, It, rrmniirtnq in, 1p:"‘0 ivory- January 27 at 5 30 in the basement at Alexander You CAN attord toyouseecanthebeBESTa partof at the Stewart offered oi. either a drop in basis or In structured I0 MEET2 Consider the Renovated Othuh Under DG‘ISVIID UIIYF: JI‘ "it Ari"th Aflqrrrfn ’Iphtp‘l ”Itr RAMS Courcu meets ‘oriight an the second liesedence Holt Everyone Welcome For only $l75 00 Committees 3 days 2 group DICDIGTI’I sowing sessmns For applications ground For more intormdtton Contact Billy at 784 Tompkins tar Irrtar'nation trout of Cox Hall Ihr: meeting time I‘. 6 Dirt Note Irained Emergency Medical Personnel meets rtieritre Programming trip to New York City or r‘ are .ntormaIIoIi call 73723“ or come by the T3764‘9 rHE ACADEMIC 068 SEARCH FOR PhD r and MA r. "It": Change The room number WIII DP Dostec lhursdays at Its pm in the Green Room at the manIs $I75tuntilied00 weekendincludes Round trip airfare RJR Nabisco Titeiope Program desk .n the Riadick Everyone Is welcome to rain the NCSUJudoClub trite, seminar is for raividtials with advanced rrear the elevators on the first tioor at Coir Hail Student Center No medical training needed Cone transportr’our to and tram the airport tickets to 2 Annex .‘lorks are tuesdays and Thursdays in I206 degrees who WIS"; to obtain marterriic pasuiarrs "‘IDIESGU'OIIVGS at RAMS organizations should give usa try‘ shows auuled tour of lower Monhat Carmichael Gym commen'sirdlt: Nth their education abilities and attend Trained Emergency Medical Personnel meets every tanBROADWAYa Harbour Cruise out of South Street Seapon French Club meeting Interests Focus ~Il' Dl,‘ on the praresses at The search is .ntll Students interested in lhutsdoy night at 715 pm in the Brown Room at and two nights lodgingl You cant pass this upll .lQ} pm talculty lounge 19tlThusrday.bldg SeeJanuarya French21.76mom:30 desrgrnq acade'nc vrta'i and r,ro‘r:'.r,irirtal re becoming Freshman Orientation Counselors the Student Center No training needed' Come try the trip will be April 810 l988 You can call MCI and eat piuo New members welcome sumes at writing chi-olive Cowl iettcrr. preparing should attend one of ihe tollowmg mandatory i‘si 1’37 3927 or come by the Center Stagi. Administro Gay and lesbian Community For counseling for and successfully Interrrc-wmgwlitti scorclI information sessions from 3 4 pm In the Cultural Wanted conservative college students Apply In live Ottice on the lust tloor of the Student Center to Lost German Shepherd, male. W,RaleighABthe information servrces and peer support committees No sign up necessary January 20. Center Tuesday, January I9. Wednesday January person on January 25 at 8 30 pm in the Student Sign up BY JANUARY 29th| Hurry now---limited collar very friendly Has been mlssrng since 85I9030 79 pm weekdays or write PO Boxcall 3 305 Rm 2i30 StudentCenter Sen/ices Center 20 and Thursday. January 2i Senate Hall space available Non-studentprice IS $275 December Call Billy, 833 2075 335I9FO'QLQEL‘C27606 NCSU S G L C /GA L A GERMAN STAMMTISCH Tuesdays lounge, Room I33 19" Building I2I, Faculty staft and anyone else InterestedStudentsIn speakingtocuity German please comet lMPORtANt REMINDERS FROM THE UNIVERSITY CASHIER SPRING SEMESTERAND STUDENT ACCOUNTS OFFICE—1988 Deadlinelhe Iasy dayI totuition Change and Refund with a retund or reductionwithdrawIn turtionor dropIS Januarycourses 25 1988 The tuition charge Is based on the crown thisnumbersday atPleasehours andPhonecourses737-2986cartedifasthereat 5 arepm questions 2 Adding and Dropping Courses Upon tee,addingstudentscourseshouldwork that results in and increase and pay at 2 Peale presentHall Retundsthe atticlalresultingadd fromform thecoursesatticioldroppeddrop formcan atbe2obtainedPeale Hallby Thepresentingtuition Rally Farms Grade A7 100% Pure v) andchargecoursesIS based on the ottlctal number of hours Ground Beet Please phonecarried737-2986at 5 Ifpmthereon January 25, l988 HTTOI'ICIOI Aid RGCIDIGNS'SIUOOMSarereceivingquestionsfinan-3 Patties ClOinot Signedaid for the I988 Spring Semester who have should do 50theirimmediatelytinanCIal didat authorization terms Room 2, Peale Hall RecipientstheareCashiersrequired toOfticeSign the authorization torm before the HICKE tunds can be applied to their tlnancialeducationalaid expensessign the orauthorizationdisbursed to themtarm Iteachis importantsemesterto immediately aher registration stnce failure to do so Reg. 0r Family fundsmay resultbeingInreturnedthe cancellationto the sponsoringof tInonclalaccountold withor agency the Cashier‘s Office hours are 8 30 am to Prices in this ad good thru Pack We Reserve The Right To Limit 300 pm weekdays Please Phone 7372986 It BREAST Sunday, January 24,1988. Quantities On All Items. enrolledthere areIn coursesquestionsrequiring4 CoursecomputingteesStudentsfaculties and sottware, a laboratory, or a project experience must pay a course fee to partially otfset the cost of necessary USDA Choice Bccf London Broil, Top fee will notequipmentexceed and operation The course assessed for courses$30otthtaIIyper semestercarried atand5 pmwill onbe Round, & Sirloin Gcnuinc Idaho IfMonday,there areJanuaryquestions25, I988. Please phone 737-2986 Intormotlan Session art The LondonExperience program will be held on Wednesday January 20 The400Internationalpm In the Blue Room intheStudent Center POTATOES day, January 2T atInterest700 pmGroupin thewillAlexandermeet ThursHall Lounge Application deadline for the International Student atExchangethose Programinterested(ISEP)in isthisFriday,yearlyJanuaryexchange29 All program please contact the Study Abroad Office $179 Suite 2I18 Student ServicesCenter " ' aruuwr lntertested in seeing Mike Dukakis reach the 223... 10 Lb. Bag nan 9/ IDAHO Presrdency2 Join NCSU Students for Dukakis and POTATOES dealilswork tor Duke" coll 83I-I236 or 737 5673 for (3’5?! F00; Interwew Techniques how to ace the on campus USDA hoicc Beef Bottom Fresh Frcsh presentor screeningyourselfinterviewettectivelyWhatJonto2l(Th)expect5 301700how to 2Dan(Tu)226,4 005Jan 3027Cox(Wed)2045 OO-6:30 Cox 200, Feb The Academic .Iob Search for PhD '5, Masters for R0". FLORIDAUte/DA.FLDRIDA (Wed)Graduate330-5students00 Job2I30seeking350,processMar 22Jan(Tu)20 3 30-5 00 2I30 350 Career decision-making seminar Discussmns and m interest,exerctsesassesswill helpskills, participantsvalues, and experiencesdefine careerIn relationship to career choices REGISTRATION TEMPLES REQUIRED. Materials tee. Attend all 4 meetings at Y‘ORANGES 4.30-5.30.each section.2T30SectlonSSC. I Feb. 8, I0, I5, 17. interviewingand other studentsTechniqueslob Workshop.hunting LearnFor howseniorsto 1 115159 conduct a successful Interview, field difficult 3129 Noquestionsstgn andup assessnecessarythe progressSponsoredat on intervrewby the Placement Office January 21 5 30-7 pm, Dan 226. 4 Lb. Bag January 27 5 006 30, Cox 200 ALUMNI.JOB HUNTER'ADVANCEDS GROUP FORREGISTRATIONADULT STUDENTSREQUIRED.AND Raleigh Four part, small group workshop. Improve m. Coca Did Budweiser Ta lor strategles.Interviewing developskills, learnpersonaleffectivereferrallob-seekingnetwrok 23Small25,registration6 30pm800pmtee Call2l00737SSC2396 Feb 16, I8. ola JoIn the NCSU OUTING CLUB We kayak rock Milwaukee Bccr Calif. cllars climb,more Wehangglldemeet everybackpack,Wednesdayspelunkat 700and pmmuchIn Room 2036 of Carmichael Gym Beginner oriented Everyonewelcome 109 579 700I0Korean Student00 pmwelcomeWherepartyBallroomWhenJanuaryat Student20 $189 $539 Center 2 Liter - Catfeine Free Coke, Cherry HawkinsMEDICALofCAREERECU SchoolCONFERENCEat MedicineMsJacquelinewill discuss Coke, Coke Classic, Diet Coke, Caffeine 3 Liter Blush, Burg., Chab., Rhine, Rose, the Summer Program and health career ap— Free Diet Coke Pkg. at 6 - 12 02. Cans Reg. & Lt. Pkg. at 12 - 12 Oz. Cans - Reg. & Lt. Fr. Colo., Chen. Blane inportunltlesRoom 4704on Wednesday,Bastian HallJanuaryCall20737-2402at 3:00 pmtor details NCSU (Stale) Gay Lesbian Community, Party/social, Friday, January 15 at 9 pm Call EXTRA“LOW-PRICES ,. .. Everyday rim“ SST-9030 M-F, 5-9 pm for Intormatlon. looking tor new members. NCSUAnyonePipe:Interested8i DrumsInIsbagplpe or drum lessons contact John Sprogue, Rm II7-Prlce Music Center or call 82871269. No previous experience Is necessary Apple HBush’ Butter-Mc- Need a summer lob? There is summer lab BLISIIIS’lIEST Planningintormatlonandavallab'Placementa for Centerstudents(2I00In theSSC)CareerSee the employer listings and the summer employment I’lldney searIS' 9"“ u‘.r 0‘. notebook Juice Beans NOtSIO ili'iiiUtRiLLI til-l ORIENTATION SESSIONS FOR PAMS MAJORS AND butte‘rt BUS MGT, ECON, ANDstudentsACCOUNTINGwlth In 2 semestersMAJORS me-Dots atSeniorsgraduationand graduateplanning to use the Career Planning rp-fi'‘II'N and Placement Center must attend an orientation session If they have not already done so These are walk-In sessions. PAMS Majors, January 2l, 3I$1 3! 1 - Combination/ Ing4 00500.JanuaryCarr20,21‘.5 006.00,Business2t00Mgt,StudentEcon, Account-Services - Tree Top 16 Oz. KidneyIChili Hot 5 Oz. - 5 Ct. Biscuits sausage/Pepperoni Center pmPrevetIn I404ClubWilliamsmeetingMondayHall Dr toJanuaryManning,25 atNCSU700 guest speaker Refresh meritsVet School,served,willeveryonebe thewelcome SCUBA DIVE the Florida Keys sprin Bredk' Certified divers Organizational meeting ebrary IS. Potato Chips udgct Gourmet Rm 20l6—D Carmichael Gym Contact Wesson 3 John430 Stewan-737-24BBpm 89¢... $149 Food Lion - Reg/Ripple Frozen IMIC HAIE IS 9.1 02. Chicken Au Gratin/1D Oz. 16 Oz. Corn Chipsltz Dz. Baked U Lasagna With MeatITO 02. Chicken Dr Fried Cheese Curls 0r Cheese .. . , 8. French chJfo Oz. Chicken Man- Nacho Tortilla Chips- Food Lion darin SLMI10 Dz. Sirloin Beef/10 Dz. Snacks...... Each .99 Beet Oriental SLMItD 01.Linquini With Scallops & Clams 64 Oz. - Old South

Italian 8i Other Fine Foods inlay lunch or dinner at Michael 3 Cotton'ICC pastas grilled scatnnd, Toilet pizza, hearty soups sandwmhes daily soccrols VIIIO from Colilorriiri and It Ira AI rilallorrtaole DUN") Tissuck f lltlily ,pcr.Irtl. t'iril trim? IQQIQI‘ITI IIIIat. priming“, (I it (by; in,” Iii-7180'? twirl)". that tillpirawr: 9t t ‘i'..r til’wtri‘trlrr'“‘. ”I'll ‘tIITlI: ’. 4 Pack- Charmin large Roll ”Rd80 3 Lb.--Ambeiglow II 20 Lb. - Dog Food 4l8 Hillsboraugh St ~ 3615 U.S. Highway64 8. Trawick-Raleigh (reedmore and Lecsvillc Roadszaieigh ' ‘. ‘ Raleigh ' . 4430 CreedmorcRoadin hidds Hill Plaza-Raleigh HwyI North Blvd Shoppingtchtct‘ikolcigh i ’ 4317’Jt‘allsrril theNl'Ii‘s-c Road-Raleigh ‘ 980 Kildaire Farm Road-Cary . 323i Avenl Ferry Road-Raleigh E3l7 Fifth Avenuein ForestShopping CenterGarner 82I-3535 Six Forks and Strickland Roads-Raleigh 820 East Williams St. on Hw 55 A ex '