
1‘ 98 7-88 Basket, WOLFPACK & THE WOLFPACK


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“Let me personally invite you to join the Wolfpack Club. We offer a free one year's membership to all graduating seniors. Just came by our office at the Wolfpack Center or fill out the application below to sign up. We would like to have you as a member.” —' Wolfpack Club Director Charlie Bryant

The Wolfpack Club PO. Box 37IOO Raleigh, NC. 27627 (919) 737-2112


This Is What Being a Wolfpacker Is All About!


Name: Permanent Mailing Address: . Cin: SIGTe: Zip; County: Home Phone: Graduation Date: Fall ‘87 Spring ‘88 Summer ‘88 Thanks... Contents The cover photo, along with a number of other photos in this edition, was taken by Technician photo editor Marc Wolfpack Memories 4 Kawanishi. Kawanishi, executive photo editor Scott Rivenbark and the entire photo staff were extremely helpful in putting How can anyone who doesn't remember Bill Lake this together. call himself a real Wolfpack fan? The Agromeck donated the help of photo editor Woody Taylor and editor Mark lnman. Taylor let us have some of his photos and Inman designed the pagelines and a whole lot of Wolfpack Trivia Qurz6 other stuff. Technician advertising manager Lib Seigh and her staff did Who, what, when, where and how the Wolfpack did it in the past. an excellent job putting all this together. Thanks to Seigh, Cyndi Horkin, Cheryl Zerof, David Carr, Paula Boulware, Jeff Rudd and Alan Kane, we might even make some money out of I Red and Red Game...... 7 this. Production manager Tonya Peeples and senior editor Bob Reed both put in countless hours fixing my mistakes, and Wolfpack meets Soviet National Team and winds up layout artists Lisa Coston and Crickette Purdie (known to her on the short end ofa 99-90 score. parents and the payroll people as Rene) cheerfully struggled to figure out what all those notes we scribbled in the middle ol 2 the night meant. Technician all-ACC teams ...... 8 And all the other people who contributed their time to this Valvano misses all-conference honors by a nose. project, THANKS. Thanks for putting up with all of my demands and for not bashing ny head in with a baseball bat. ‘ “Thanks, Bud“ to john Austin for late night treats and Missing Inaction 10 l snacks (and to Krispy Kreme for being open). N.(I. State's sports information director Mark Boekelman. Both the men's and the women's basketball teams women's basketball information director (larter (ibeeves and have suffered major personnel losses since the last all the rest of the sports information staff were a great help. season. The pictures of liverette (Ease and liill Lake came to Us . courtesy ofthe sports information office. J (You‘re doing a good job. Mark. Pay attention. I probably In Need of Assistance...... 12 won't ever say that again.) Thanks to basketball coach/athletics director Jim Valvano There's no telling what would happen to State's and coach Kay Yoyv. who put up with our photograhers at basketball programs without these assistant coaches. practice and gave us everything we asked for. 1d especially like to thank the ’l‘eehnician sports staff. even those who‘s names don‘t appear in this edition. for keeping Hoops”unununuunnnunnnuuun14 the rest of my job from falling apart when l was a walking basketball index. Without their help either the special or the This season’s newest styles in women’s and men’s basketball. regular paper \\'( )uld have fallen apart. .-\nd managing editor Michael llughes. who stayed up with me all night and most of another night. desertes the best ACC Champions 18 thanks of all. \V'e'll have to go out drinking sometime, Mike when you're old enough. \leamvhile. we‘ll just have to settle for sipping whiskey from a dirty cup (or just out of the bottle.) And last but not least. I‘d like to thank (lod and Kentucky 1987 marked the first time in ACC history that the. for combining efforts to create some excellent bourbon. same school won both the men's and women’s —Katrina Waugh Atlantic Coast Conference basketball Sports liditor championships.

The Numbers Game 21 A few token pages for all those statistics buffs. Everything anyone needs to know for the upcoming season. Ifit's not here, no one needs to know it.

Growing up on Tobacco Road ...... 30 A North Carolina native describes basketball's hold on ACC Country.

Fresh bodies 33 Eight freshmen have joined the ranks of the Wolfpack basketball teams—four each for the men's and women's squads. Z O ‘4’ .4 I11

Bill Lake: an answer to Bill Walton? Last spring. State‘s athletic ball. Although a year apart in coats. Actually. old Norm Leftwich. Nelson lsley. A1 department em )tied its age. Walton and Lake were pretty conservatively in Heartley equipment rooms of old game several millennia apart in terms dressed and via Bradle reiseys and warmup jackets of talent. his early years with NC. State. University and the Keg — Rick from several sports and sold Lake's playing days. if that's Bruce perha s figuring that a 7-10 Anheuser. Quite a group. them in front of the Student what you want to call them. recorchcombined with repu nant Williford. Sloan's first recruit Supply Store (now known as the weren't that long ago. and I taste in clothing might o fend and an all-ACC selection in '09 NCSll Bookstore). thought back to when 1 first Winkworth the Wolfiack faithful and cost and '70. stood 6-6 and layed Among the items sold were started going to State games him his job center until Coder came afon in countless old basketball jerse 5. back in the mid-sixties. If this Sloan didn't start melting 1970. Leftwich had a milfion dating all the way back to the kid didn't remember Bill Lake. camera lenses with those bright dollars worth of basketball tal- fifties At seven bucks a pop — what would he make of names couple of years and won 38 of madras jackets until he'd ent. but his brain far too often a bargain for sure these old like Billy Mavredes and Tommy 51 games and the 1905 ACC pocketed an ACC title and had indulged in deficit spending. He rerseyr, were guaranteed to Mattocks and Billy Moffitt and title. After David Thompson stashed safely dropped off the team and out of trigger memories long since Pete stunning nationally away on the freshman team. school in 1971 and apparently Auksel and Larry Worsley? ranked Duke in the tournament Now hasn't been heard from since, given up for dead Those were the names I finals. Maravich and the Wolf that's job security. Anheuser Or so l thought. remember from the 1904 and '65 pack players Worsley. Mat- By the time 1 was in high made a name for While perusing the stacks of Wolfpack teams. the last teams tocks. Moffitt. Pete Coker. Larry school Raleigh Broughton. himself one night by single» Jerseys. a kid nearby picked it a a coached by the great Everett Lakins. Hal Blondeau and Ray class of '70 if you must know — handedly ridding the Keg of a reisey. opened his mouth an in Case. Thanks to the - Hodgdon among others aid Sloan had added Vann Williford. platoon of ‘unruly Marines. a \‘Olt e ravaged by puberty said. shaving scandal a few years tribute to Case. who forgecf‘his Paul Coder. loe Dunning. Ed See THE, page 5 Lake Who the hell is Lake? 1 earlier. Case‘s last years at State reputation as a tournament thought I knew State basketball weren't memorable ones. which coach, pit-try Well. but 1 never heard of is too bad One of the treatest A year later. Maravrch left and tlirsgm’ roaches ever. Case shou d have Norm Sloan's sport coat collc'c'r 10% DISCOUNT ON How could anyone who gone out with a better ending. tion took over as head coach tl.lllll\ to know a thing abotrt Case died in 1000 after a Sloan's first team was a star ALL PARTS & ACCESSORIES State basketball not remember 17-year record of 3777134. In- studded cast that included Dick WITH STUDENT I.D. Irlll Lake States answer to Bill cluded in that were six Southern Braucher. Nick 'l‘rifunovic‘h. Paul Walton Conference championshi s and Hudson. Sam Gealy. Joe Serdrch. Ahh. Bill Lake a seven-foot four Atlantic Coast Con ‘rence Billy Kretzer. Bob Lewis and the white grant with shocking red titles. Nine of those 10 confer- ever-lasting Mavredes. a group hair. much like Bill Walton. ence championships came in a that dropped 19 of 20 games. Unlike Walton. and most unfor- loryear span from 1947-50. perhaps not used to the glare tunately for the Wolfpack. Lake When Case steped down two given off by Stormin' Norman's from start to firiish - was completely unable to shoot. games into the 1905 season. gametime wardrobe. dribble. pass or catch a basket— Press Maravich took over for a A word about Sloan's sport r‘slsigh’s mew complete bicycle shop

bike sslss pepsin sspvics mi 1) If sccssscr‘iss

Iv EE— R? a‘>?0“‘- A(‘3 (L N Vales/.551, FEgpw RD M‘sslo A

From Start to Finish Raleigh's New Case’s Crew Complete Bicycle Shop Everett Case led the Wolioack to six Southern Conference titles and four Atlantic Coast Conference cnampionships. He died in 1966, but the Old Grey Fox‘s spirit lived on upset of the South Carolina Gamecocks for the 1970 ACC title. in State's The spirit of Everett Case (‘(rminuedjmm page 4 salli‘ despised team in .‘ii if \N'irlliraclt t"llh‘tl rill : i..‘ ‘J history 'i' iev not t'ltl\' got llllcr artist-7 irrilrriilile i‘U'Yllllit' When word went otrt that more lights than the hearing that .‘u‘urth i‘anvlaia Anheuser was srmply working Philadelphia l5lyeis their llt‘sll 't-arri \Mi“ sue-M and there 'i‘.i'li‘ on his man-to-man defense. no man team got into more lights :irrrnerrriis lieree lirrt Well a la one doubted it. Many of than the t’lyeis as well _ ‘i"st't\'t'\ Rc‘tlrlltlil lcri'isa .iiiif liiii Anheuser's ACC rivals fared One of my greatest memories ltisiriger itt‘tlllt‘t til tt‘huirr much worse than those ever at Reyrio ds Coliseum was \l.i\'eil in the game may have Marines the second lieric’h clearing lriawi l‘t't'tt the luggest heroes of all Before Coder left school. he between the State and South Alter the game it was revealed showed his enterprising spirit Carolina freshmen in 10‘0 l that they tad saved a seat Oil and went into business with iai'ticulai'ly enioyed Rick lloldt the State l‘L‘Iltll l0! [lie spirit Ul fellow forward Bob Heuts. Un- blind-Siding Kevin Joyce. .1 liveiett Case and attiiliuted the fortunately. selling bags of heralded USC recruit who used writ to the Old Urey l‘UX marijuana at Pullen Park wasn‘t . to sit on the bench and sharpen himself the kind of business that the his elbows With a steel ile No one in the Wolfpack camp Raleigh police looked favorably lo ice's hands reseriihled a pair ever doulitecl it 'l‘hey all knew upon. and they arrested Coder 0 blacksmith's anvils You can it was trite and Heutsin the fallof 1971. guess what he used them for With a collective resume like The lQ"O South Carolina that. ou ask. how could that varSity won most of its fights For A Fist team ose? Well. the 1970 Wolf- that year and all of its regular pack didn't lose often. winnin' season conference games in the the ACC championship an ACC finals. however. Dunnruy Full Of upsetting a nationally ranked and Anheuser each hit critica goon squad from SOuth Carolina free throws and I.eftwrch scored Dollars . . . MM...... in the process. the winning liasket after stealing um Lake, State’s answer to Bill Walton. Unlike Walton, Lake That South Carolina team the ball from lohn Roche. tlSCs you can get a heap til couldn't run, pass, dribble or shoot. may have been the most univer- arrogant point guard. and the classified titli’t-rtisiiig

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Wolfpack Trivia

What woman basketball player holds the NC State records for career scoring. field goals? '\ . rebounding III d blocked shots? 2 What is the Wolfpack men's largest margin olivictory I Largest margin ofdefeat? The Electric Co. Mall —3rd Floor 3 In what years did I. Innie Shavlik lead the Wolfpack in both scoring and rebounding? 2526 Hillsborough Street 4 Who Is the only men's player in Wolfpack history to lead his team in both scoring and RaIEIQh, NC for three consecutive years? 6 classes a day to fit any schedule 5. Against what team did Linda Page score the Wolfpack‘s highest individual point total. \Come inandtryaFREE CLASS ForDetailscall831-2814 twice? How many points did she score? i—‘" ,__s 0. What's the first line to UNC's alma mater? . 7. What's the line after “Go to Hell Carolina" in State's fight song? , VILLAGE INN 8‘ What's a Wahoo? 94 Who was the 1978 ACC Rookie ofthe Year? 1977? PIZZA PARLOR 10. Who holds State's men's career records in both assists and steals ? I 11. What's the Struttin' Wolf's name? COME IN AND ENJOY OUR BUFFET 12. What is the longest men's basketball winning streak in Reynold's Coliseum ?'I‘he longest women's home streak ? BEFORE THE GAMES AND GET A 50¢ 13 What is State5 men s basketball won--lost record against North Carolina? The women5 DISCOUNTWITH YOUR BASKETBALL record ? TICKETS.OFFER NOT GOOD ON 14. What ACC team has beaten the Wolfpack women most often ? DISCOUNTED BUFFET TIMES. IS. How many ACC championships have State's men won? The women ? EVENING BUFFET $4.25 16. Who hit the most consecutive foul shots at State? How many were there ? 17. Who was the first varsity women‘s basketball coach ? 5 PM - 9 PM MON. - FRI. l8. Who scored the first basket in Reynolds Coliseum ? 11 AM 9 PM SAT. and SUN. 19. Who did State play in the first Reynolds Coliseum game ? Western Blvd. 851 - 5994 20. What was the Wolfpack men's first AP ranking? See ANSWERS,page 31


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Russian nationals invade Reynolds

Defeat Soviet coaches very

’Pack, similar to Americans Soviet National team lieacl .lllt Min-g pt truth lll lllt‘t 4'!‘.7t'1 99-90 coach Aleksandr tiorirc-lsky looking remarkably like llari\‘ S titrrrit'lski also it‘rninivntml Truman. spoke to the media nearly as sulrth as Dean Smith By Katrina Waugh after the Sovrc'ts ltc'at lllt' \‘v'till would that his team ll.ltl rit' Sports Editor ll‘l‘k 00 00 been plating at lull ‘xllt'll‘illll The Wolfpack men's basket- ”Hits team \lllt‘ Wollpatkl l lt‘t'l \vt- tlltl not pla\ liatllv ball squad got its first chance for PJJVULJ \‘c’ty \Vc'll ls lllc' llt'fil llt‘saitl \‘l icitltst- \x‘r'cliil titrl action Nov. 0, against the Soviet team we liaVc- facetl so lar Wt- have our lug litws t‘tir' is ' i National team in Reynolds Coli. played in Sprmgllrglrl against the other " i We usually plat .r SCLln] 111mg“ State and m Mm)“ tt‘llllll\lt’tl controlled game l”. The Soviets won. 00-00. btit against Georgia 'l'etli tJllttllt‘llll .L‘JW‘QJ lllt‘ ll-lll It‘ «t‘ttlr‘t 'l'ltt' the loss didn't discourage Wolf» cing the ’ch' in Tech like the clr gi-llm‘ 1:» oigairi/t-tl lur lltc' big pack coach Jim Valvano's in churchl and this is the best l‘t‘ji‘x 'l’oriight lrw ll.ltl to rlrarigt- expectations for the season team yet " our play We played a last "Other than losing the game. “This team vely tlurtk and [im lml‘lkmg 3mm“ l“ gm. H‘ lhll we accomplished everythin we tValvano‘ is a great organr/er ol t“1l‘rltlt‘ sllt‘l set out to do." Valvano sai'. “It this tidickness They run an ’iefore anyone gets was a great game for us. I told impressive fast break and have sympathetic it» the man \.‘.‘llll no our kids the "L" we got was for goodshooters” big men a trunk tlit‘tb’ til the learning. not loss. Gomelsky singled out anw roster shows txvo sewn lt‘t‘lt‘ls Senior guard Vinnie Del Negro . Del Negro and Chris Corthiani. two 0 ll l‘l-Wm“ “ml lW“ mm" played the kind of consistent SCOTT RlVENBARK/STAFF referring to them as "that White 0 10 "My“ game that a senior should play. Red v.ed boy number 14" and “that white It He led the team in scorin with boy number 13." as quick smart ball .s‘eerrrs that Sovret basket 20 points and had eigt re— Junior guard bounces a pass around a Soviet and good shooters. coaches are a lot like bounds and two steals. national defender in last Friday night’s action. The lightning American coaches Chucky Brown had a strong quick Weems averaged 3.9 points per game last year while He also complimented performance. taking up the slack dishing off 57 assists. Charles Shackleford for "not ——Katrina Waugh from a somewhat lethargic Charles Shackleford. Brown box score — [)‘Amico with a scored 17' points and pulled and Poston with a down five rebounds before , VALVANO’S BACK fouling out early in the second Freshmen and half, had the best Avie Lester started at center performances of the Wolfpack WITH A FRESH NEW ATTACK for the Wolfpack and tallied 12 newcomers. Green tallied nine oints. seven rebounds and a points and a rebound in 22 blocked shot in the 22 minutes minutes on the boards. he played. Corchiani. who played 20 Sophomore Brian Howard. a minutes at the pornt. scored 13 seldom seen forward last year. points. dished out five assists started the game and played and recorded one steal, with fifteen minutes probably the only one turnover. l most in a single game of his Freshman career. took over the shooting guard YOUR THE Senior Quentin Jackson spot for 17 minutes. gettin started at point guard and three rebounds. two points and handed out four assists before two assists for State Valvano started shuffling the "We accomplished what we COLORS PACK lineup. with Jackson receiving set out to do and that's to play less playing time as the game everyone on the team." Valvano wenton. said. "It would be great to be After the first five minutes. able to play about three pre- Shackleford Kelsey Weems and season games to see how you're freshman forward Sean Green doing. It would be so helpful to FROM THE ACC TO THE came in for Lester. Jackson. and play a few more like this one." Howard. From then on keeping Unfortunately for State. its FINAL FOUR track of who was in the next game isn't until Nov 30 ballgame was a full time iob That one wrll count Visit us at the NC State Fairgrounds at Building no 4 Everyone an State‘s roster to see over 350 removable tatoos. played. with red-shirt Brian D‘Amico and last year's perma» Back THE PAPER DRAGON, INC. rient bench warmer lx'ennv the FD. BOX 3295 Wilmington NC, 28406 Poston each pulling four minutes of time Both made the Pack Z O (D_q .4> m

Valvano piqued at missing all—Schnoz team Lock Iyour doors, fasten the hurts Wolfpack recruiting ef- bad guys in next week‘s episode of Ali-47s. Uzis and M-lOs are deadbo ts and shutter your forts. "It's not fair. It'ss , s. is awesome. You guys better arrivrng at Reynolds Coliseum. Windows. folks. NC. State not." Valvano cried to last year's watch out. because I'm starting And now. on to the other coach Jim \‘alvano is on a probiscus picker. iThe past two the V-qualizer next week. You picks. with a short detour to rampage pickers who graced this annual got a guest shot." Mexico Seems like the coach is a little space have flown the coop But no writer worthy of this The annual all-Ugly team is ticked off at your friendly. Apparentl. they figured Val- space is caving in to pang graced this year by comeback neighborhood sports writer for vano wou d someday change his warfare and threats. even rom ugly player of the year Keith overseeing \or maybe Lllinliin’ bellyaching to rage. They got Mr ACC-Tourney himself “Sleestak” Gatlin. who was over‘ V's nose for the annua out just in timel. Which means this column bet- happier than ever when "Land all-Coaches Schno/ team This is Since last year. however. the ter be finished fast. so i can of the Lost" was returned to the fourth straight year UNC V-man has viewed one~too~ split. local television Gatlin sat out Coach Dean Smith has been many episodes of "The Anyway. after all is said and last year because of academic graced with this honor. As Equalizer." "Edward Woodward done and dead. Deanose Smith difficulties. Good to have on usual. he beat out Valvano and is my hero." Valvano claimed in still reigns as the Top Schnoz in aboard. Keith. He's is joinecfby Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski an anon mous letter sent to the ACC. Despite reports that rCoac h l; O.\ by a nose hair. these of ices. "i saw him on mysterious late-night shipments See CRAIG,page 29 Valvano has vowed ven- Letterman the other night Any geance Last year, Valvano was man who can survive a heart whining about how his loss attack and blow away fifty-three


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Women must replace four stand-out seniors The Wolfpatk women's basketball team will have a long \"33' to go in order to ll\'L‘ up to last season’s Atlantic Coast Conferente Champions Gone from State's squad are the font standout seniors who led the Wolfrratk to the t‘hartipronshrp tro ihy. AllACC tenter 'l‘rena Tllkt.‘ SCLOllé'lCdlll allACC swing gtliilkl Annemarie Treadway, guard Carla Hillman and forward Angela Dai'e are all gone ’i‘te four players roirrbrrred for two ACC championships l0“! NCAA tournament appeararrtes and a 00-33 reeord in then [our seasons at State Trice averaged 153 points and 1091 rebounds last WM ““1 domrnated State's front-tourt 'l‘readwav SLOI'Cd 171‘ 1‘01”“ collected -l 7 rebounds per game and had ’39 steals and fl assists for the year L Hrllman ratked up 02 steals and 10; assists last season to :10 wrth her 5 irroints-per game average. Daye stored an average of 10.1 points a game and pulled down 0 2 rebounds a game, With these four starters one from the 24-7 squad. the Wolfpatk fates a major remodeling project this year. Bennie Bolton burns UNC’s Curtis Hunter in the lane during regular season play last year. The Pack will miss Bolton's quiet leadership on the court this year. tforgotten . . .

Men lose leader from

Championship team The list of players missing from last year's Atlantic Coast Conference champion men's basketball team is almost as long as the list of returning players. Senior forward Bennie Bolton. the only starter not returnin this year, will be sorel , missed by the young squad. Bolton led the team in scoring wit an average of 15 pornts per game Mike Giomi. also a senior and sometimes a starter last year. averaged 1 points and five rebounds per game Last year's only other senior was 'l‘evirn Binns who averaged 2 4 points and 1 0 rebounds in the l’ games he played Walker Lambiotte a small forward-bi guard who started in over half of State's games. and gum Andy Kennedy. who played swaringly in 25 of the Wollpack's KS games. both [l'JlllCll‘L‘LLl to other schools after last season , Pornt guard Kenny Drummond left the team in the middle of . . .. last year. Drummond averaged 11 2 points per game while With ' ’ ' . ‘ a WM. ‘ the team and handed Wt 106 35515“ ‘ Walker La biotte takes me iow road throu h Clearly the team will miss Bolton the most. because he had . ” Georgia Tech's defense 9 needs most—experience . . «z .. ‘ what this year‘s Wolfpack Kenny Drummond cuts up, around and over Duke's Tommy Amaker. .—I.“ .— JD 0 z ELVLS3N

Hope for success lies with Wolfpack assistants

By Mike Leek As for Martin's expectations for the coaching Division I basketball. 1‘is third of us. but they will get a lot of us." StaffWriter upcoming year. he feels that State not year as 3 Wolf ack assistant. The Moser was graduated from the Uni~ only has a good chance to win the Pittsburgh native as also coached at versity of Wisconsin — Lacrosse with a With the arival of the 1987-88 Atlantic Coast Conference Champion- Fordham. Penn State. Oregon. Bachelor of Science degree in sports basketball season comes an ex ctation ship for the second strai t year. but Pennsylvania. Connecticut and South management. for success. These hopes willmlie not that the squad has the abi ity to do well Carolina. only on the shoulders of head coach Jim inpost-season lay. Stewart's association with Valvano Stan Lewter is also a first-year coach Valvano and the startin five. but also Martin's decffcation to the Wolfpack came in 1967. when both men played at State. He was an assistant coach on the group of basket all minds that program is obvious. guard for Rutgers under coac Bill during the 1986-87 season at East complement State's men's basketball "When it comes to tradition we don't Foster. now at South Carolina. Stewart Carolina and was the head coach for program the assistant coaches. take a back seat to nobody." Martin was graduated from Rutgers in 1969 five ears at Southern Nash High Ray Martin is an ex tienced player said. with a Bachelor of Arts degree in School]. where he instilled in his players and coach who will egin his eigth As for the future. Martin's goals are political science. an attitude of hard work and team play. season as a Wolfpack assistant. Martin not unusual. He would like to be a head Clay Moser has three years of Lewter has high hopes for the upcom- began his coaching career as the head coach some day. but for now he says he coachin experience under his belt. He ing season. freshman coach at Howard Univers .y in is proud to be "working for the best." coache from 1983 throu h 1987 at "I've got a lot of people pullin for 1977. From there he went into private Martin is a native of New York Ci Fer us Falls Communit Co e e. where me." Lewter said. "My parents. Va vano enterprise. until 1980 when he saw Iona and played high school basketball at St. he ad played basketgall be oe trans and the other coaches. I'm mud to be play in Madison Square Garden John‘s Prep High School. He then signed ferring to Winona State at State and I want to do the est I can." Martin was impressed with Iona's with Notre Dame. where University. A style of play and with its head coach —- he was a newcomer to the Wolfpack system. Lewter was graduated from Atlantic four-year letter winner at oint guard Moser says he wants to "take the Christian College in Lint Valvano. Since that time. Martin has from 1973—77. He was gra uated from opportunity afforded and to learn from 1980. and played een an assistant to Valvano. Together Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts Va vano." basketball there afer transferring from the have brought a tradition of success degree in Lewisburg Junior College. After radua- to the Wolfpack. economics. "We have a good blend of veterans." tion. he played professional bas etball Dick Stewart is in his 19th year of Moser said. "People don't expect a lot in Europe for a year. Irresponsible?

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Assistant coaches to provide strong support The success of the 198788 [with our intensity. women's basketball team de- "We look for Kerri Hobbs. pends largely u on the guidance Meg Lindsay and Lori Phillips and direction of)its two assistant to o the scoring. and Debbie coaches. as head coach Kay Yow Bertrand will provide much will attest. Both are experienced needed leadership." basketball people and will pro- Baldwin. a North Carolina vide strong support to a native. was graduated from pereniall winningprogram. North Carolina Central Universi~ Ed Bal win joined NCSU prior ty in 1976 with a Bachelor of to the 1985-86 season after Arts degree in history. As an completing a sparkling coaching undergraduate. he started as a stint at Ra eigh's own Broughton wide receiver for three seasons ,. High School. During a six-year on NCCU's football team. period from 1980 to 1985. Karen Freeman is the other Baldwin uidecl Broughton to assistant coach. Freeman arrived four con erence titles and two at State during the summer of state 4A championships. His 1986. She is beginning her teams compiled an overall re- second year as a Wo fpack cord of 124—26. an 83 percent assistant. winning percenta e. “I'm very excited to be at Following his inal season at State." Freeman said. "If i could Brou hton. Baldwin was named have had my pick of any job. Nort Carolina Coach of the this would have been the one, I .‘u Year by the Greensboro Daily think it's a tredmendous privi- News lege to work with coach Yow." PHIL TAYLOR/STAFF Stepping up to a successful Before coming to State. The her of l college rogram might have Freeman worked as an assistant proven ifficult for some peo- women's basketball coach and Women's basketball coach Kay Yow directs practice with the help of assistant coaches Ed ple. but Baldwin handled the head trainer at the University of Baldwin and Karen Freeman. The two assistants will play a major role in the Wolfpack challenge well. Wisconsin-Green Bay. She was women's quest for another ACC title. "Moving from hi h school to also a graduate assistant at college required a at of adjust- Eastern Kentucky. where she ing. Coach Yow helped make received her masters degree in New York. got her Bachelor of that transition smoother." athletic administration. Science degree in physical edu- CHRISTOFHER’S Baldwin said On the Wolfpack's immediate cation from Canisius College in in addition to coachin prac- future. Freeman said “it is New York. where she started at HAIRSTYLINGJNC. tice. Baldwin has worke with difficult to project performance point uard for three seasons. women's and men's basketball because we are so youn but Whie playing for the Lady camps and is responsible for she believes the W0 pack's Griffs. Freeman set school rel recruiting. team unity and work habits will cords in assists and in (Next to Best Products) What does Baldwin expect help them through the year. percentage During her senior 3944 WESTERN BLVD. from the women's squad this "We will de end on Mary year. in 1983. Freeman was year? Lindsay for lea ership. We also named co-captain. She was later PHONE: 833-1909 "We have a lot of young have a couple of players who selected an academic all- eople. and you never know can shoot the three-pointer —— America. Walk-ins Welcome how they will react on the Lori Phillips and Nicole Lehman. i Open on Thursday till 7:00 court." he said. "Because they This adds a new dimension to L are young. they will hustle and our game." we will surprise some people Freeman. a native of Lavonia. , ‘oe9 amen:' . Tthnicidn \e\°° IJ’t DIN o s I35 “ac/.98 l Classifieds: H " clays Ll week lfH )ll;i.m. Italian & Other Fine Foods iiiitliiiglir The Marketplace ofthe Delivery: SW) ' Enjoy lunch or dinner of Michael's lil~3 Student Body. Colzones, pastas, grilled seafood, .2--i 3 4% pizza, hearty soups, sandwiches, Al‘lCl‘ ‘l FREE LetThem Sell ForYOu. daily specials, vino from California CéLL 833-3495 and italio—ALL at affordable prices. man.a BREEZE-THRU Drive-Thru Daily "Specials" that A$572!." ‘ . II! have regional Italian emphasis. . Convenience Store Our specialty — peasant dishes" that emphasize I KEGS! fresh ingredients and simplicity =4 III- Ll 'L DINO. Sl'US [I‘L DINO. 811 5 Corner of Oberlin & Fairview Roads 2418 Hillsborough Si. g p _ 832-6548 Rmeigh l l-‘rcc‘snmll\li'iiik \\llll.lll\ ': lll'v' \illJlltlllllh '.\' owners" - lli ‘llliiii'i\\ll>\' stilts . in rim l Hum \llll‘~ Todd ——. LSP ‘85 Delivery Ava'lab'e : W a Charles — TBE ‘87 82l'3535 ; :,__fl - -c - _ No stars for this year’s women

Wolfpack women to rely on teamwork, desire, a lot of heart Wolfpack women's basketball "We're going to be a team other." Yow said. "I see a toach Kay Yow is gomg into her that relys on good teamwork balanced attack there. Debbie. 11th season at State with only and a lot of desire. This team Mary and Krista have the ability loin upperclassmen on the will play with a lot of heart." to score with range. Debbie and team Three sophomores and The Woll'pack's backtourt is Krista will penetrate a little live neWLomers round out the the healthiest art of the team. more than Mary. Wolfpat k 's roster. Both Bertran and Lindsay, "Our backcourt will find a "This team won't look any along with sophomore Krista way toget their points. thing like last year's team." Yow Kilburn. have the talent to score Junior Sandi Osborne and said "We'll have to pull from the guard spots. freshmen Nicole Lehmann and together because there won’t be 'On the perimeter I don't see Gerri Robuck will back tip .mystais one particular player over the Lindsay. Bertrand. and Kilburn. The Wolfiack's most vulner- able wea ness is in the frontcourt. Sophomores Kerri Hobbs and Sandee Smith are Yow's only inside retui'ners. See NEW. page I5

RIGHT: Freshman Nicole Lehmann lays in two of her game high 25 points in this year‘s Red—White game. BELOW: Krista Kilburn and Angela Daye reach fora loose ball against UNC. E. Kilburn and others must make up for the loss of Daye and three other stand-out seniors.

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PHIL TAYLOR/STAFF axon Sophomore Raleigh native Gerri Robuck look: for help. Robuck, a forward, popped in five points in the Red-White game. HAPPY HOLIDAYSNCSU! Road and Wrec her 5ClVlCC 5201 WCSlem Blvd. jir‘ri lii'vririrl llt‘jilllllt' n (Milt-y Bob COle 851 5932

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Fast-paced attack added

to Wolfpack’s repertoire

By Katrina Waugh perfect time to teach some new back Howard up at small Sports Editor tricks. forward. Before the doggets too old, Charles Shackleford and The Wolfpack men's basket Senior Vinnie Del Negro. last Cbucky Brown. along with Brian ball team is trying to add a new year's ACC Tournament MVP. D'Amico and Avie Lester. make dimension to its playing st rle will move around the Wolfpack up State's front line. this year. Along with the tric y. backcourt. probably spending Junior Chucky Brown. a ()8 half-court style of vlay State has most of his time in the s ooting forward from Leland. NC. has ‘become known or. Wolfpack guard slot. enough experience to go around. head coach Jim Valvano is tryin Senior point guard Quentin to install a full-court. fast-pace Jackson. who earned a startin Brown led State in both game plan. spot late last year and guide scoring (18 points) and rebound- He's been working on his State through a sixgame winn- ing (10 boards) in the ACC newest plan in practice and got a ing streak. will vie for playing tournament victory over North chance to try it out for the first time with freshman Chris Cor- Carolina. He earned second- time against the Soviet National chiani. team all-tournament honors. Team in an exhibition game, Rodney Monroe. another averaging 13 points and 8.3 Nov. 6. freshman guard. and Kelsey rebounds per game. "We la ed an u

(3‘ Ovpfi": Raleigh junior League 9.0 Bargain Box Calendar of Events Fur & Leather & Fine Coats Sale ...... Nov. l4 Ii. . . . Toy Sale — Come buy Xmas gifts...... Dec 5 (Rain date Dec. l2) SUMTERSQUARE January Clearance Month —-— 25% off all stock ...... Starting Jan. 4 1X1.... .$305.00 Bag Day — $3 for l bag; $5 for 2 bags.....Jan. 30 2X1.....$375.00 (We supply bags) 2X15. . . .$405.00 Spring Restocking Week 3X2.....$455.00 new merchandise stocked daily ...... Feb. l-6 2|04'/2 Smallwood Dr. SUMTERSQJARE (near Cameron Village) M"013mMenDAVCAI!.. C! II N m Be a Hoot— I‘D—{ours Mom-Sat. l0 am to 4 ppm Don't pollute so» \ . FIE HOTO Throwing down Junior power forward Chucky Brown slams two points home in last year’s action. Brown expects to score and rebound more in the 'Pack’s up-tempo game. Soviet Union before fouling out well not play early in the second half, As a junior and returning But even as a Iunior. starter. Brown believes his role Shackleford has had tronlile on the team is changing. consistently producing. "In my new role. I have to Wolfpack center Charles score more and rebound more." Shackleford is expected to draw a Brown said. "I personally will do lot of attention — and defend. whatever I can to win. I ‘ust ers — this season. don't want to do anything bad." Slhackleford averaged 13.9 Like fouling out of the Soviet pomts and 7.0 rebounds per National game, game last ear and was named "I didn’t want to foul out. but to the al-ACC tournament at the same time I didn't want squad. to slack oil." Brown said. "If I'm going to slack off. I might as See ’PACK,page 28

STAFF PHOTO Chucky Brown battles Byron Tucker for a rebound in the Red-White game in Fayetteville. W o2 , .1(D .4> m

Wolfpack men and women: The 1030 b“ marked the first came away with nothing but Atlantic Coast Conference Shackleford and Chucky next 12 games to Kansas. time in Atlantit Coast Corr fond memories championship, Brown both suffered ankle iniu- Oklahoma. DePaul. North leiente history that the men's In spite of the NCAA results. State started its season with a ries just before the Wolfpack Carolina. Louisville. Clemson. and women’s basketball chant the Wolfpack men's and 80-84 win over ei hth-ranked traveled to Chapel Hill to face Georgia Tech. Duke and Virginia pious Were from the same women's basketball teams are Navy at the Hall 0 Fame Tip the number one ranked Tar twice \(llUUl N C Stale the undisputed champions of Off Classic in Sprin field. Mas Heels for the first time The The fact that those teams Neither the Wolfpatk men the {\lltlllllt Coast Conferei'ice sachusetts The Wolgfpack went Heels took advantage of State's tould make up the honor roll of llt‘l tlte Women dominated the lleres a look at State‘s on to the Great Alaskan iniuries to hand the Wolfpack a collegiate basketball didn't do .‘tth during the regular season. NSC-8" seasons Shootout. where it won two of 90-78 drubbin t. much to improve the Wolf- but both teams won the confer three contests. losing only to Point guarc Kennv Drumond iack's standings or its chances ente tournaments WlllLl‘. do Iowa. then ranked in the na- kicked in a Zb-pOint perfor- for post-season play. termtne the league iltampiorr Men tion's top ten. in overtime. mance and Brown pulled down During that reriod. State was ship NC. State's men's basketball The Wolfrack rolled easily to a season-high 12 rebounds to shooting in tie thirty percent lioniially both State's men team took the 1080-87 season a 12-4 record. with senior Bennie give State a 87-74 win over Duke range as a team and was and women beat the regular like an olympic skier takes a Bolton and sophomore Charles in its next outin . but it was the struggling on the boards. season "champion" in the lump, Shackleford each scoring in last glimmer of rope the Wolf- Drummond jumped ship in tournament finals ’l‘he Wolfpack started at the double fi ures almost every pack saw until the end of the‘ the midst of the Wolfpack's Both teams advanced to the top. swooped swiftly and surely outing be ore the team started year. problems Coach )im Valvano NCAA Tournament and both downhill. then soared to the “" downhill slide. State went on to lose 10 of its juggled Vinnie Del Negro and )

FILE PHOTO Coach Kay Yow and the rest of the Wollpack women storm onto the floor all-ACC Center Trena Trice and second team all‘ACC Annemarie Treadway. after winning last year's ACC Championship. The defending ACC Ruttgers ended last year’s season with a 75-60 victory in second round NCAA Champions lose four key seniors from last year’s title team, including ac ion. 14".

efending ACC cham pions Walker Lambiotte in the starting named the Most Valuable Player point guard position before set- for the tournament. tling on junior Quentin Jackson. Wolfaack watchers found The Wolfpack then beat up themselves reminiscing about on hapless. not to mention the 1083 Cardiac Pack who winless in the conference. defied the odds to win the Mar'land. 8S-72. and national championship Could Shackleford scored a season» the Wolfpack repeat the per- high 28 points and pulled down formance? a season-high 17 rebounds to Nt‘t in l037. lead State to an 80-70 overtime State Went Lia against the win over Wake Forest. Florida Gators of former Wolf- The Wolfpack was airborne. pack coach Norm Sloan. who State cap wed off the regular coached State to its 1074 na- season with a 80-70 win over tional championship. Chicago State and headed for And it was the Gators who the Atlantic Coast Conference prevailed and ended the Wolf- Tournament. pack's ACC championship State. 0—8 in the ACC. was season. by a score of 8270 seeded sixth in the tourney. just ahead of 212 Wake Forest and Oil Maryland. Women With a 1TH record. the only The Nae-5‘ women‘s basket- way the Wolfpack was going to ball team lost only two games in return to the NCAA tournament Reynolds Colesiurn on its way for the third year in a row was to winning the Atlantic Coast to win the ACC tournament. Conference Cliampionshi r receiving the automatic hid that The Wolfpack. Which was goes to the tournament champi ll 7» in the ACC and 2+" overall. on won the championship from Bolton scored 10 points to regtrlarrseason leader Virginia in lead the Wolfpack to a 71~ti4 the tournament finals overtime wrn over Duke in the State started ot its season at tournament's first round. the Rotary Invitational Tourna~ Shackleford. with 10 points merit in Orlando. Fla. defeatin and 10 rebounds. and Del Negro. Western Michigan. Fairfield and with 1§ points and six boards. South Carolina added to the Wolfpack effort Center Trena Trice had three But State's excitement wasn't excellent antes. averaging 21 over. ioints and more than l0 re- The next da' the Demon lroundst ame Deacons of Wa e Forest took Then tie Wolfpack lost to State to two overtinies before 'l'enness’ee in the Vols‘ home falling. 7.173. court. before returning to Rey- The scene was set for the nolds. where they beat UNC- championship game. Asheville and then topped State would face archrival league foe Clemson in South North Carolina for the Atlantic Carolina. Coast Conference Champion- State returned to the tourna- ship The Tar Heels wgie al merit road. this time for the ready assured of an NCAA bid Buckeye Classic in Columbus. and had beaten the Wolfpack in Ohio where ’l‘erirressee. Ohio both of their regular season State. and lndraniia fell \‘lLllnl to contests. Annemarie 'l‘readway's power State needed the win to get surge 'l‘r‘eadtt'ay averaged 32 fl. F PHHT" into the NCAA's pornts in the first three games ACC Tournament MVP Vinnie Del Negro celebrates by cutting down the nets after State's The Wolfpack battled to a Penn State beat the Park 68-67 victory over UNC in the Tournament final. Del Negro and the rest of the 'Pack look to 32—25 halftime lead. but North * ‘3 in the tournament finals repeat as ACC Champions in 1988. Carolina came rolling back. in spite of True storing 30 shooting 57.6 percent for the points and nillrrig down 10 second period. rebounds antf 'l'readtt'at' adding Old Dominion ended Start-s North Carolina and t‘li-rrrsori tr» ‘.\'llll rr.r.r ~in .trtl li The teams traded a single another 30 points to the Wol . streak With a ”M win Then get into the tournament lrrnalx l'Lt-t'rttril i-trt .l“ w. il point lead late in the game. Del pack effort Duke's lllue l)e\'rls topped the against the Cavaliers ltl‘flt't lt'llllf\lll‘ Negro hit two free throws With The Wolfpaik returned to Wollpatk "ti (it). at llUmt' 'l'rrte lead lllt‘ team in lmtll lll'l'l‘lt' l‘lt‘llldll‘i w‘rr'n" '«ml 14 seconds remaining in the ACC action. beating Cleamson State rebounded With a string storing and rebounding against ll points it» the ‘t‘.'wll; :} arne to give State 08-07 lead. a in Rt iolds and losing to of four wins ’ Virginia Norti the Tigers ‘.\‘l'ill la prints and 1% S" §t‘ atrrr titer ‘.'rr,;rrri,i i‘tir 'llt‘ ead Kelsey Weems areser'ved Virginia an the road Carolina Maryland and rebounds twirtr'rv'rurnham“: it hit by keeping North Carolina's top State started off a s": game Northern Illinois The Wolfpatk Carlr llillrnarr lmltl Sialw un away from the winning streak with wins over dtt‘l’llml a loss to \N‘akt‘ Forest in against North ‘frzvilrtirr with To lltt‘ Writ tl‘i‘ i-t'zrv". _ fall in the final seconds. Georgia Tech and North Winston Salem then won t‘dtll points .rrrd ll\'t' tI‘ltttlllltl~ ulnh- 'lll' the IDA} I .‘:.r:‘ .‘ And so the Wolfpack came Carolina liast Carolina. Duke. of its next six games intludrrrg ’l'riie pulled in a garnehigli ll llrv \‘lelriatla tn t :r; away with its tenth ACC chain; Maryland and Wake Forest all the confeieiiie thainprorishrp rebounds 'l‘readxt'ay was .r t lt‘sr llllllthlt'l‘llltl‘ Kw; lt‘iiii " ' ‘ pionship and a bid to the NCAA fell to the Wolfpack Not all of and the first round of the NCAA third. storing 1" points \tll\’l\‘t‘ the totiriiariti-rr' pn-ri tournament. the wins were easy ones. Tournament ing but Ringer» ended r't-u Del Negro. who averaged 14 Maryland took State into State. which had finished Trice exploded for 19 porri's season With a ”S otl drrili'tvriig ‘.‘.l points. 7.7 rebounds and 3.3 overtime before bowing out. second to Virginia in the regu against Virginia and Kerri Hobbs whtth 'l’rrte stored a seam ml. ”.1. assists for the tourney. was 80-78. larseason standings had to beat lead the squad on the boards four points @ CRUSTY’S

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Men’s 1987-88

Basketball Schedule

Nov. 6 Soviet National Team (ex- Wolfpack coach Jim Valvano, hibition) shown here with junior guard 30 VERMONT Kelsey Weems. is looking forward to another run for the Dec. 2 TAMPA ACC Championship. l6 Marathon Oil (exhibition) l9 KANSAS 2| WINTHROP Men’s 1987-88 roster 23 at California-Santa Barbara Dec. 27-30— Rainbow Classic at 52 Chucky Brown F 6—8 203 Jr. Honolulu, Hawaii (Arizona State, Hawaii, 13 Chris Corchiani G 6-0 180 Fr. Louisville, SMU, Texas A — M, Creighton, 54 Brian D’Amico C 6—10 220 So. Mississippi State) 14 Vinnie Del Negro G 6-5 185 Sr. Ian. 3 CORNELL CLEMSON 23 Sean Green F 6—6 210 Fr. l3 MORGAN STATE 22 Brian Howard G-F 6—7 207 So. l6 at Georgia Tech 35 Quentin Jackson G 6—0 187 Sr. 20 at Wake Forest 32 Avie 24 NORTH CAROLINA Lester F-G 6—9 217 So. 27 at Maryland 21 Rodney Monroe G 6-3 170 Fr. 3| DEPAUL 30 Kenny Poston F 6—6 203 Jr. Feb. 3 VIRGINIA 33 Charles Shackleford CF 6—10 225 Jr. at Duke 11 Kelsey Weems G 6—1 180 Jr. 8 BAPTIST I I at North Carolina l3 LOUISVILLE l5 UMBC '3 at Clemson 20 GEORGIA TECH 24 DUKE ou wish you were born with 27 at Virginia ni A Special Price! 29 UNC-ASHEVILLE The new Cibalhin soil linlod conlacls oiier comiori, color and even flexible Associates in Eye Care Mar. 3 MARYLAND wear (occasional overnile) Dr.- Clyde Croom WAKE FOREST 58; $159.00 Complete- Dr. William Fox BUl HURRY ~ ”“3 OFFER IS FOR A LlMllED llMl' Specializing in Conlocl Lenses includes 0min “lung, 7 rnonlh [allow up l‘illi‘ kil insulin)” Ii t lllElpll‘it: iii (Across IlOlll Bell lower) Mar. I l-I3-— ACC Tournament at and removal liaining, and guamnlee plan Telephone 834-6206 Greensboro, NC. ACC Men’s Statistics Others lost: Martin Nessley. C (4.3 ppg. 2.9 rpg) Clemson Tigers Starters returning: 4 . F-C. 6-10 junior Coach: Cliff Ellis (60-3-1. 3 years). (14 ppg. 7.8 rpg. 4.3 apg. 844 FT percentage); Billy King. Starters lost: 3 — . F-C (21 ppg. 9.6 rpg. F. 66 senior (72 ppg. 3.7 rpg. 1.9 spg). John Smith. F-C. 65.6 FG percentage). Anthony Jenkins. F (9.1 ppg. 3 7 6-7 junior (11.9 ppg. 3 3 ppg. 57.6 FG percentage): Kevin rpg. 45.1 3-pornt FG percentage). Michael Tait. G (12.9 Strickland. G. 6—4 senior (115 ppg. 4.6 rpg. 814 FT ppg. 3.4 rpg. ,7 steals per game. 51.5 3-point FG percentage) percentage), Others returning: Alaa Abdelnaby. C. 6-10 sopho- Others lost: Michael Best. G. 6-4 sophomore (transfer more (3.7 ppg): Robert Brickey. F. 6-5 sophomore (5.7 — San Diego State); Michael Brown. G. 6—4 senior (88 ppg. 3 rpg. 58.5 FG percentage); George Burgrn. C. 7-0 ppg. 2.9 rpg. 44.7 3-point FG percentage. suspended). sophomore; Phil Henderson. G. 6—4 sophomore (7.3 JeffHolstein. F; Larry Middleton, G (8 ppg. 2.9 rpg)! ppg. 55.6 3-point FG percentage); Quin Snyder. G. 63 Starters returning: 2 — Grayson Marshall. G. 62 junior (6.7 ppg. 3.4 apg). senior (61 ppg. 7.4 apg. 1.7 spg); Jerry Pryor. F. 6-7 Newcomers: Clay Buckley. F-C. 6-10 freshman: Joe junior (12.2 ppg. 4.7 rpg. 57.4 FG percentage). Cook. G. 6-2 freshman. Greg Koubek. F. 6-6 freshman. Others returning: . C. 6-10 sopho- record: 249: ACC 95. more (8.8 ppg. 4.1 rpg. 2 bpg); Ricky Jones. F. 6-7 1986-87 freshman (red-shirted for shoulder); Tim Kincaid. G. 6-3 sophomore. Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Newcomers: Colby Brown. F. 6-8 freshman; Donnell Coach: (111-70. 6 years) Bruce. G. 6-6 freshman; . C. 6-10 freshman: Starters lost: 2 — Bruce Dalrymple. G-F (13.4 ppg. 5.9 Chris Duncan. G. 6-6 junior (Georgia. JC). Mack Smith. rpg. 3.9 apg. 1.8 spg); Antoine Ford. C. 7-0 senior (5.1 F. 6-9 freshman: Sean Tyson. F. 6-7 sophomore ppg. 4.3 rpg. 1.6 bpg. transfer to VCU). (proposition 48). Starters returning: 3 ~ Duane Ferrell. F. 6-7 senior 1986-87 Record: 25-6. ACC 104. (17.9 ppg. 5.9 rpg); . F. 6-9 junior (16.2 ppg. 7.2 rpg. 56.9 FG percentage); Brian Oliver. G. 6-4 mm”? Duke Blue Devils sophomore (7.1 ppg. 3.2 apg). Coach: Mike Krzyzewskr (146-77. 7 years). Others returning: John Martinson. G. 61 senior; The Best Deal in Town a; l Starters lost: 1 Tommy Amaker. G (12.3 ppg. 2.3 James Munlyn. C. 611 sophomore (2.9 ppg. 2 rpg); Craig rpg. 3.6 apg. 1.8 spg. 42.7 3-pointFG percentage). Neal. G. 6-5 senior (75 ppg. 5.9 apg. 83.7 FT percentage. :23?: «1»or fl 25 Join NCSU's #1 Nowopen Saturdays foryourconvenience. Student Community O-BELLES Wei tloss satires STUDENT'

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41.5 3-point FG percentage); Willie Reese. F. 0-0 junior. Newcomers: Pete Chrlcutt F. 0-8 freshman (re- Anthony Sherman. F-G. 0-7 junior. dshirted). Dong Elstirn. F-G. 0-3 freshman walk on): Newcomers: David Boisvert, F. 0-0 junior (transfer , F. 0-7 freshman jfrom Bahamas) King RILL‘. G. from Oglethorpe); Michael Christian. G. 0-3 freshman 0-0 freshman (redshirted for leg injury); Dennis Scott. F. 0-7 1986-87 record: 32-4. ACC 14-0 freshman; David Whitmore. F. 0-5 freshman. 1986-87 record: 10-13. ACC 7-7 Virginia Cavaliers Maryland Terrapins Coach: Terry Holland (271-132. 13 years). Coach: Bob Wade (9-17. 1 year). Starters lost: 3 — Andrew Kennedy. F 1105 ppg. 7’5 Starters lost: none. rpg. 50.7 FG percentage). Mel Kennedy. G-F. 0-5 senior Others lost: David Gregg. F-C. 0-9 sophomore (12.1 ppg, 5.5 rpg. suspended) Tom Sheehy. FC (11.0 iflunked out); Ivan Powell. G. 0-4 junior (0 ppg. tranfer ppg. 0.2 rpg). to Connecticut); Andre Reyes. C. 011 sophomore Others lost: . G. 0-4 junior (transfer itranfer to California). Texas)? Tom Calloway. G: Anthony Solomon. G Starters returning: 9 - Dave Dickerson. F, 0-7 junior Starters returning: 2 — john johnson G. 0-0 senior 18.3 ppg. 5.0 rpg). . 1“. 0-0 sophomore 11-12 (12 ppg. 0.3 apg, 81.1 F'l‘ percentage). thlidltl Morgan. ppg. 3 Q rpg. 43 8 3-pornt FG percentage). john Johnson. G. 0-3 junior (1? lppg. 3.5 rpg. 2 Mpg. 1 Mpg). G. 0-3 junior 1100. 33 apg). Derrick Lewis. F-C. 07 Others returning: Bill Baits. F-C. 0-8 sophomore \Z 0 senior (10.0 ppg, QS rpg. 4:1 hpg. 00 2 FG percentage) ipg). Mark Cooke. F, 0-4 sophomore )efl Daniel FC. 'l‘eyon McCoy. G. 0-1 sophomore j” >1ppg. -1 Mpg) 0-0 sophomore jr‘eds‘hi’rted for foot injury) john Dyslin. Others returning: Keith Gatlrn L1. 0-5 senior C. 0-1] senior. 'l'im Martin. C, 0 11 jiinior Rolr Mettalf. riedshirted for aiademiis). Mark Karver. F. 0-" t; 1’. 0-5 sophomore Darrer Simms t. 0 1 sophomore sophomore, Mitch Kasoff. G. 0-1 sophomore. 'l‘ony one F11 t' PHOTO Massenhirrg l". 0 S sophomore \redshirted for academ- Newcomers: Brent Barr C, 0 10 mirror .10 Man 1t s). Greg, Nared.t3.0--1junior lilirirdin. F. 0-7 freshman john Ciortv t; 0 1 freshman Newcomers: Rudy Archer. G. 0-1 junior rjiiiiior Dirk Karstra. l" 00 freshman Kennv 'liiiner l" 0‘ College ti.rrisfei‘-\jt\. CL‘tll'lt Lewis: C. 0-10 feshman. freshman Rodney Walker C. 0-10 jiinioi \iiarisfer from Syracuse). 1986-87 Record: 21 10 ACC 5 0 fCary Schwinfil Iiirari Williams. C 010 freshman 1986-87 record: 0-1‘ AFC 0-1-1 Wake Forest Demon Deacons 469-1849 North Carolina Tar Leels ('oach:1’ioliSraak \32 30 3 years) 748 Chatham St. Cary (‘oachz Dean Smith Starters lost: ‘7 -- 'l‘yrone Rogues r, \1 1 is pj ;; . - rpg Starters lost: Dave Popson. l-‘ \10 ppg. 48 rpg s13 apg. $1st) Mark Cline. 1 ‘12 0 pp; -1 ipg 11-1 ~71 1 1’0 percentage). Kenny Smith. G 11“ Q ppg, 2 3 rpg, 1pornt FL} peiientage). Rod Watson G 0 3 minor .10 ‘1 02 apg l S .spg. SL1 ‘ 17'1‘ percentage 103 3-point FG 10-1 3-point Ft; peirr-ntagi'. transfer rdo we know to Save $3.00 on Tune-ups per‘ientage) joe Wolf. 1’ r1; 2 ppg. "1 rpg. 5‘1 1‘6 where‘1 percentage V 1 1 point it] perwntage‘ Others lost: Alan Dir Kerrs (‘ Save $5.00 on Mini Overhaul Others lost: Curtis Hunter. (3 \4 0 ppg 2-1rpg) Starters returning: 2 Sam ivy 1-' 0 ” .sophoriioie Save $10.00 on Overhaul Starters returning: 2 ~ Ieff leho L}. 0-1 mirror .13; \1i 3 ppg. 0 1 rpg S0; 151} pertentage‘ Greg Keith 1‘ ppg. >12 apg 810 1'1 per‘tentage 1; 1-point percentage). 0 11 sophomore \2 ppg‘ (100% Garauteed Work) I R Reid. F-C. 0-0 sophomore 1H 7 ppby " -1 rpg. £8 -1 Ft} Others returning: 'l‘oiry Blaik G. 0-1 sophomore 5 0 percentage) ppg) Cal Boyd. Ci. 0 1 minor 1; ppg) Antonio johirson Others returning: Steve BULKHJll. F. 0-0 junior \17 G. 0-4 sophomore. Ralph Kitley. C 0 1L1 sophomore ppg). )eff Denny. G. 0-1 sophomore, Marty Hensley, Newcomers: Davrd Carlyle. F 0 sophorntirt' 1’ C. 0-0 sophomore. Kevin Madden. l-'. 0-; sophomore itiansfer from Old Dominion). Dani K‘)\‘A,‘ I (V (a Fit Kit Special \redshirred for JLJtlt‘liliLSl Ran/mo Smith. L}, 0-1 senior freshman, Rohert Silei G. 01 freshman ’1 our Wise \” 9 ppg). Scott Williams C 0-0 sophomore 5 9 ppg. -1 2 l’-C. 0-0 freshman Save $7.00 ipg). 1986-87 record: 14-15. ACC 2-12. Call for an appointment todayl

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Women’s 1987-88

Basketball Schedule

Nov. 27-28— at Iona Invitational Tournament (First round: Iona vs. St. Woltpack women's coach Kay Yow says . everything is A-OK as her team begins its ' ' Francis, State vs. Canisius) quest for consecutive ACC titles. Dec. l HOWARD 5 at Clemson Women’s 1987-1988 roster '2 UNC-ASHEVILLE '9 at Stanford 24 Debbie Bertrand 0 5-5 ' Jr. 20 at Cal- Berkley Adrina Chrichlow* 6-0 So. Dec. 28-29— N .C. STATE-WRAL A 25 Kerri Hobbs 6-0 So. CLASSIC (Ohio State vs. Georgia, State 21 Toni Hughes 5-1 0 Jr. vs. Providence) 45 Christa Hull* 6-2 Fr. 2 at South Carolina 22 Krista Kilburn 117-171-111100O 5-9 50. 6 CLEMSON Mary Lindsay 5-9 Sr. 9 at Georgia Tech 12 Nicole Lehmann 5—5 Fr. '2 NORTH CAROLINA 50 Sharon Manning 6—3 Fr. '6 at Virginia 11 Sandi Osborne GOOD 5-6 Ir. '9 DUKE 23 Lori Phillips 6-0 Jr. 23 MARYLAND 20 Gerri Robuck 5—1 0 50. 30 OLD DOMINION 34 Sandee Smith 5-1 1 So. 'l'l'l'lfi'l* Feb. 2 EAST CAROLINA denotes season—ending injury 5 GEORGIA TECH 9 at North Carolina l3 VIRGINIA l8 WAKE FOREST 20 at Maryland 24 at Duke 28 MONMOUTH Mar. 5-7— ACC Tournament at Fayetteville, NC. 20% ()I4 It Student Discount . hair by nature’s my IF------‘ 2524 Hillsborough St., Raleigh Present this Valuable CDupon at (Next to the bowling alley) 833 - 9326 PORKY’S Must have current student ID In the Electric Company Mall p———-——-—— - Coupon good only at Hillsborough St. Salon to get your Let our Professional Designers FREE BAR-‘B-Q SANDWICH‘ Enhance your looks Hair design consultation, cut, a fabulous perm, natural highlights and with purchase of regular price BBQ Sandwich}, 2924 Ilillsboi'ough St.. Raleigh style finish. \m'xt tn the bowling .illt-yl HOURS 833-9320 7:00 AM —- 0:00 I’M l 828-4812 0Z i (D.1 .4 m

ACC Women’s Statistics VirginiaCavaliers The #1 Wolfpack Coach: Debbie Ryan Players lost: fourseniors. two starters. Rental Community for 10 Years! Starters returning: Donna Holt. 5—6. Sr. Guard (12.5 ppg. 5.7 assists. 5.3 steals); Daphne Hawkins. 5-6. Sr. guard (13.7 ppg); not a starter Tonya 1 mile from campus on Avent Ferry Road Cardozo. 5-10. 50. forward (8.7 ppg. 4.1 rebounds): Laurie Carter. 62. Sr. center (98 ppg. 5.6 rebounds). Others returning: Dawn Bryant. 61 Jr. forward (55 ppg. 5.4 rebounds); Kirsten Anderson. 6}. Sr. forward (57 ppg): Kathy McConnell Ir. guard (3 $275 Decorator Allowance!!! we) Newcomers: Amy Fuller. 5-10. Fr. all-America. David Lipscombe High. Rent one of our apartments and select $275 worth Nahsville. Tenn: Tekshia Ward. ()1 Fr. . Ga.; Tina Toney. 5-8 Fr. guard, of custom improvements from our decorator 1986-87 Record: 26-5. book absolutely free! Be your own decorator! Choose from ceiling fans, light fixtures, Duke Blue Devils wallpaper, paneling, custom paint Coach: Debbie Leonard colors, shower doors and more! Players returning: Chris Moreland. 6-1. Sr. forward (20.9 ppg. 10.5 rpg); Sue You decide how to use the Harriett. 64. So. center (10 ppg); Katie Meier. 5-10. Jr. guard (16.9 ppg. 5.2 . decorator allowance... rebounds. 4 assists): Paula Anderson. Sr. forward (8.9 ppg). \ - because we're out to Newcomers: Monica Kost. 6!. Fr. prep all-America from Lindenherst. N.Y. ' raise your interest in High; Traci Williams. 62 Fr. from Westover High. Fayetteville. NC Kensington Park... 1986-87 Record: 1910. not your rent! North Carolina Tar Heels Come look us over! Coach: Sylvra Hatchell first year Starters lost: Dawn Royster, all-ACC forward. Darlene Cannon. 54 guard Others lost: Marlene List Convenient, affordable living in Starters returning: Kathy Wilson forward (10 ppg. 5 rebounds) 'l‘ra the Wolfpack Community! Pomdcxtei. forward (97' ppg. 5 8 rebounds) Others returning: Melanie Oden. 0-]. Jr forward. Liza Donnell. 575 I: Clubhouse with party room, fireplace, guard widescreen TV, Wolfpack billiards room, Newcomers: ’l‘anya Lamb. 570 guardforward; 03 Kim Odom. 0‘3 Christi exercise room...3 pools...sand volleyball courts... Cranford basketball courts...and more! Large one, two and 1986-87 Record: 10-10 three bedroom apartments with carpets, draperies, disposals, dishwashers...five on site laundry Maryland Terrapins facilities...PLUS FREE resident parties... Coach: Chris Weller. clubhouse open to watch Wolfpack sports Players returning: Beth Hunt. 6-3 So. (16.? ppg. 9.3 rebounds). Vicky and other events on the widescreen Bullett. 6-3 It; Christy Winters. 0.3 So; Edna Campbell. 5-8. So. guard. Lisa Brown. 5-8. Sr. guard. TV with your friends! Walk, drive Newcomers: Deanna Tate. 5-8 So. (academically ineligible last season. or take the Wolfline to campus. 1980 ACC Tournament MVP); Carla Holmes. Fr. Virginia; Melissa Gaines. 6-O.]uco. 1986-87 Record: 15-14. We're the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Wolfpack Community... Coach: Bernadette McGlade Players returning: Delores Bootz. 6-7. Sr center (185 ppg. 11.4 rebounds). and Hea Iu Moon. 5-8 Sr. (10 ppg); Mandy Miller. 073 Sr. (7.4 ppg, 5.2 relr0unds); Marielle Walker. 6-0. Sr; lda Neal. 5-0 )r.. Newcomers: Val Avant. 1987 )uco of the Year (10." ppg. 8 assists) WE SUPPORT WOLFPACK BASKETBALL! 1986-87 Record: 13- 12 Wake Forest Demon Deacons Coach:)oe Sanchez Kensington Park Apartments Players returning: Denae Siensass. 570 Si . ;\ll\.L‘ Neal 5e. )1 , Lisa Carter. (3-! SO Rental Office in Clubhouse - 851-7831 Newcomers: ienny Miirlrt-ll c 2 1‘1 Sarah White 0 _‘ l-‘r Sarah Strike o i. l"r .Bt'lli tironrir \\'lt 5 0 l! Colleen limits in 1" 1986-87 Record: 1 7. 15 A Reasonable Plan? Clemson Tigers Coach: Jim DaVIs (first year) Returning players: Louis Greenwood ti 3. ii center. Karen Ann Jenkins. 6'01r. forward. Ramona O'Neal. 5er. guard. Cheryl Nix, 5»? Sr Technician Classifieds: Targeting the Newcomers: Susan Fehling. 510 senior (sat out last season). Melissa Miller. 61 Fr. Rose Ballard. 5-10 Juco all-America; Lisa Brown. 5-11 (signed largest student body in North Carolina last year but academically ineligible). toronly a few dollars. 1986-87 Record: 620 1986-87 Wolfpack Men’s and

Names (1-0.5 Min FGM—FCA Pct FTM-FTA Pct Reb Avg PF-Dq A TO Blk 5 Pts Avg Bolton 35- 35 1151 148-345 .429 159-194 .820 143 4.1 95-3 58 82 7 18 524 15.0 Shacklfd 34-34 1079 204-429 .478 88-127 .520 280 7.8 88-1 30 88 48 34 474 13.9 Del Negro 35-21 918 133-289 .494 83-71 .887 115 3.3 80-1 102 48 4 22 365 10.4 Giomi 35-27 758 108-209 .507 35-53 .887 178 5.0 96-4 28 50 11 15 247 7.1 Brown 345 829 81-138 .587 81-80 .783 145 4.3 49-0 12 32 6 9 223 6.6 Lambiotte 34-22 548 81-158 .513 19-30 .833 89 2.0 43-0 48 26 8 26 185 5.4 Weems 35-1 399 52-88 .591 33-58 .589 32 0.9 54-0 57 43 4 15 138 3.9 Lester 32-0 282 33-88 .500 30-49 .812 54 1.7 50-0 3 12 9 4 96 30 Jackson 28-7 382 21-53 .398 17-25 .880 35 1.3 31-0 64 30 1 26 70 25 Kennedy 25-0 188 20-46 .435 1417 .824 20 0.8 13-0 10 13 1 6 66 2.6 Binns 17-1 108 14-32 .438 13-17 .785 27 1.6 13-1 3 8 2 1 41 2.4 Howard 180 73 5-14 .357 3-4 .750 9 0.5 10-0 3 4 3 13 0.7 Poston 8-0 23 1-7 .143 0-2 .000 2 0.3 0-0 1 2 1 0 3 0.5 Drummond 24-22 811 108-248 .431 27-43 .828 49 2.0 61-0 106 88 2 51 269 11.2

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Women 5 Season Statistics Name G—GS M P FGM- Pct Rebounds PFDq A TO Blk 5 TP Avg FGA Tot-Avg Trice 31—31 921 238-399 .596 322—10.4 101-5 18 84 57 41 588 18.3 Treadway 31-31 1050 231-487 . 74 1454.7 57—1 58 87 1 39 531 17.1 Daye 31-31 894 138-277 .498 193—82 75-3 38 94 20 35 313 10.1 Bertrand 31 -31 813 65-160 .406 58-1.9 84—4 154 110 1 82 194 8.3 Hillman 29-29 847 63-159 .396 832.9 82-3 185 118 5 82 154 5.3 Kilburn 31 -0 494 63-141 .447 842.1 83-2 38 84 1 41 181 5 2 Lindsay 31-2 347 36-72 .500 27-0.9 39—0 78 58 0 18 120 3.9 Hobbs 31-0 301 31-55 .564 7123 36-0 2 23 1 15 94 3.0 Smith 29-0 278 32-59 .550 541.9 30-0 8 21 1 10 88 3.0 Crichlow 12-0 144 23-52 .442 31-28 11-0 11 12 2 5 51 4.3 Phillips 8-0 57 1424 .583 10-13 7—0 2 4 0 2 32 4.0 Forsyth 9-0 52 4-11 .364 2-0.2 7—0 2 5 0 4 11 1.2 Osborne 5-0 17 1-2 .500 102 4.0 2 0 0 1 2 0.4 A“;

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VHS and Beta Commercial Plastics and Supply Corp. VCR 81 Camera Rentals N.C.S.U.’s #l Plastics Source 10% Discount with this ad . Tape Dubbing and Transfer Plastics for Design and Research Projects Stonehenge Market Kroger Plaza Raleigh Cary All colors — We cut to size - Cut—off specials 847-6444 469-0787 500 Hoke St. (take Blount Si. past Shaw U10 Hoke St) Aveni Ferry S/C Raleigh, NO. 8284100 Raleigh ...... -__.J8....—.—— 851-3310 Explf0812"3187 -an-b—-—._—--I.' I IIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIItIL ’Pack to mix fast and slow playing styles Avre Lester. a 00. 210 pound. game. blocked nine shots and ( 'onrinuedfrom page I 7 sophomore center. started in never started. place of Charles Shackleford in In the exhibition game he You don't want to inhibit State‘s exhibition game against scored 12 points. pulled down talent" Wolfpatk coach Jim the Soviet National Team and seven rebounds and blocked a Valvano said of Shackleford "I saw a good deal of playing time shot. think that )udgement is the inthatgame Regardless of the personnel. difference between a good "Avie Lester has played Valvano plans to enlarge State's player and a great player — extremely well in practice and playbook with his new style. )udgement and consistency of he earned what he ot." Wolf- "Any way you look at it. we effort" pack coach Jim Va vano said. want to be better in Febuary "lf you can get good judge "He's stron and effective. He's than we are in December." ment and consrstency of effort. improveda 0t.“ Valvano said. "And hopefully ~..A ma be consistency of results Last season Lester avera ed we'll be at our peak for the ACC wrl follow." three points and l 7 reboun s a and NCAA tournaments. Kelsey Weems runs the Wollpack offense. Paid Advertisement

’ Parking services provides efficient‘traffic control Wollpack lloop Season is on us again provided in the East Coliseum Lot. 3. From US l~64 Beltlinc to Western North Campus area is congested with as fans gather at RC)nolds (‘oliscum to along ('atcs Avenuc. Morril Drive. Boulevard East. turn left onto Dan parking of faculty and students during Coliseum Bay Lots and the Parking "Back the Pack" One of the concerns Harris Lo. Lee Bragaw. and the West Allen Drive and Park in the Harris or night classes. special seminars and Dock. With the Season Pass you are that man) fans address is parking. The or Fringe Lot. West Lots. Drivers can bypass Dan speaker presentations. guaranteed a parking space in the l)|\l\|()ll ol' 'lransrxrrtation provides Allen by turning left on Morril Drive lf parking as close as possible to the parking deck and adjacent surface lot traffic officers and attendants to make 3. If you are planning to arrive earlier and their right onto (‘atcs Avenue to Coliseum. as close as possible to the right up until “tipoff‘~ tinrc. parking for home basketball games as than 30 minutes prior to “tip off". park in the East Coliseum Lot or lower “tip off“ minute is one of your Certain bays 0f the Coliseum Lot are efficient and cl'l'cctbc as possible. You. there is ever) possibility that you may level of the parking structure. prioritcs. you can purchase a Priority reserved for the Handicapped. press. as lans. can do your part to facilitate park in the surface areas surrounding 4. From Western Boulevard West ttirn Season Basketball Pass front the media. and athletic staff. We ask that the vase of getting into and out of the Coliseum However. if you arrive right onto Pullcn Road to reach Catcs Division of Transportation. The pass these Wolfpack games. To avoid later than 30 minutes prior to “tip off“ Avenue and from Avent-Fcrry enter costs $30.00. or the equivalent of fans avoid these areas in consideration missing the "tip off" for an) of the your best bet for parking convenience the Campus on Morrill Drive and Park $1.50 per game for each of the 20 to those with special needs and borne games here are sortie tips for is to take the most direct route. as in the East Coliseum or Harris Lot. home games. Traffic Officers and reservations. basketball game parking: indicated on the map. to the Harris parking attendants are directed to look Backing the Pack is a great NCSU Lot. West Lot or the l.ce~Bragaw 5. Please avoid the North Campus for the Season Parking Pass and tradition and we encourage and l Parking for the general ptiblrc is parking areas. areas for all wcckanight games. The provide direction directly to the support the Woll‘pack and their basketball efforts. However. to avoid the anxiety and frustratin of receiving a parking ticket or coming out out of the game and experiencing you car GENERAL PUBLIC PARKING missing due to towing. do not park in eon ucsu hOME BASKETBALL GAMES the NO PARKING areas. These areas are monitored and vehicles illegally ’I parked will be ticketed and/or towed. “"0000“ smut No parking areas include the vicinity -—. of a fire hydrant. dumpster. on the ouOflm. //~ sidewalks, blocking a driveway. blocking driving lanes. parking in a manner that would prevent access to a fire lane, traffic lane. blocking a crosswalk. blocking an intersection. blocking other vehicles. parking on the grass or on landscaped areas and parking in a handicapped access point unless the vehicle is handicapped marked. When coming to the Wolf- pack basketball games. share a few extra minutes walking from a regular parking space with your friends rather than sharing the frustration of a ticket or having had your car towed after the big win. Celebrations shouldn‘t be hampered by the last minute rush and poor t....ning. The cost of a violation g}. for illegal parking is $|0.00 per ticket. \ the cost of towing is $35.00 per . ‘~(/ vehicle. PULL!” 'All When you arrive within 8 miles of the general campus vicinity tune your car radio th station 16l0 on the AM dial. The Transportation Information System. or "US network, will be B’ broadcasting up~to»the~minute parking and traffic information. The traffic wnrutu It") information is repeated on a two- minute interval to provide you with information that will in your getting quickly and easily to that ever important “tipoff“ moment. 2—.- The Division of Transportation en~ couragcs you to come to Reynolds. Paid Advertisement support the Pack. and have a great Lsrnfiliaq :girffiulglavIAIazq., . '15“ 1. u basketballSeason. Z O .4(I) .4 m

Craig Neal: 3 fifth-year wimp Continuedfrom page 8 nolds Coliseum. we've decided spent its off-season revising its to name a subsidiary all~Name tape measures i teammate Rudy "I'm so self- team. the allRussian Soundin It doesn’t matter, Slim Ten conscious I s end my time on Name team. This roster is kinc pounds doesn't make a ten- the bench an even it gives me a of short-manned. consisting of pennies difference to our steely cold shoulder" Archer. Duke's Greg "Koupek" Koiibek eyed panel Qum's teammate Never fear. Wolfpack faithful. and Maryland's Mitch lx'asoff. is John "Purgin"' Burgm ioms the NC State is represented on this spying the real reason Lefty left team as well. At 70. 215 team as well — namely by in such a hurry? We'll never pounds. Burgm is Duke's answer Charles Shackleford. Rounding know. but the DC. area is full to Chuck Nevitt out the first land onlyl team is of potential targets Steve Bucknall makes the Georgia Tech's Anthony Sherrod Speaking of targets. that's all-Wimp team by Virtue of a and UNC's Pete Chilcutt. Both Neal technicality. Anybody who were rumored to be in hiding what Craig “Noodles" needs a 00. 2§O~pound iotential were rumored to spends his off-season time do all-American to plLk a fight in a Both mothers ing. The Georgia Tech rifle team bar deserves the honor be ecstatic. coach claims no one has pegged Speaking of 0-0 potential Moving right along. this year's Neal yet, “Best reusable target all-Americans. this year's Winner allName team includes not one. we've ever had. makes my boys of the annual North Carolina not two. but 0 players. Duke's work harder." he said. saliva spitting contest is the one. Alaa Abdu Hussein Abdelnaby This is the fifth straight year the only. the flattop himself —~ tops off this list. Contrary to the 6-5.106-pound UNC‘s IR. Reid. popular belief. Alaa is not the featherweight has weighed in He ‘5 the only member of the guy everybody in the Persian under the limit. He's not the all-Haircut team as well. Gulf is fighting for. That's Allah. only Tech wimp. as 0-1. 148- Now. the conclusion. The He does. however. claim to be pound John “soda straw" ending. The tradition. The all King of Jordan. Alaa is joined by Martinson will attest. Schnoz team. This one's bound teammates Quin Snyder. David Martinson's working on etting to be a killer. with three Johanning and Coach Mike off the team. thou h, aving Tobacco Road coaches sniffing (what Eastern-bloc nation is that added an extra poun since last out victories. Once again. the name from) Krzyzewski. Roun- season. nasal head coach is Blue Hell's ding out the list is Virginia's very own Deanose Smith NC. iohn Crotty. State's Kelsey Speaking of rowmg. Quin State’s 11m "The Godfather" Weems. Clemson‘s Elden "Slim" Snyder. despite his best Valvanose and Duke's Coach Campbell. Maryland's Teyon offvseasori efforts. once again "KO." Kr/yzewski are assis- McCoy and Georgia Tech's suits up for the wimps. Seems tants. David Boisvert. Snyder s ent the summer The allStar cast of the all- in honor of amicable interna- drinking a ot of milkshakes. He Olfactory players include State's tional relations. not to mention grew from 0-2. 100 pounds to . Maryland's the USSR National Team's re- 6-3. 170 pounds. (Unless the Derrick Lewrs. UNC's Rodney cent successful invasion of Rey- Duke Sports information office Hyatt. Duke‘s Phil Henderson and Phil's teammate George .I‘ .r 0 Burgin. Fit FPHOYO Burgin's nose really isn't that big. it‘s just geeky. Smith is all smiles after nosing out Coaches V and KO. tor the annual all-Schnoz team. As usual. Smith won this Technician — Michael Hughes tradition by a nasal hair.

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RALEIGH PLASMA CENTER -- 1-Maiden Lane Raleigh NC (across from Bell Tower) FILE PHOTO MILES --- Cutter Biological: CALL 828-1590 Valvano claims lack of all-Schnoz titles hurts his recruiting efforts. Here, he takes out his frustrations on Charles Shackieford. v vows to cut off Smith’s nosehair. Z O .4(D -l> I11

Hot Summers, Cold Tea and Basketball

By Jeff Cherry graduates probably can’t pro- week-night games started on the lose thegameandachance atthe Staff Writer nounce the word. C. D. Chesley Network. I con- final four. To understand the ACC bas- tinually risked spankings by But my most devastating loss ketball fan is to understand the Some nights there were —theoneI still gnashmyteethand The first thing newcomers to conditions in which he or she double-headers which started at pull my hairoutover- isthe 1979 North Carolina learn is to enjoy grew up (the environment, that 7. But usually that was the less home game against Carolina. (or at least tolerate) hot summers is). interesting match, featuring such In front ofmy TV, I watched and cold tea. Next, they learn to The earliest game I remember perenial doormats as Clemson or with joy as State rallied from 21 enjoy ACC basketball, and, bar- is State’s 1974 NCAA touma- pie-Sampson Virginia being points down at halftime to take a Clyde Austin ring that, at least understand its ment game against Pittsburgh. beaten by teams I detested like 69-68 lead on a 25-foot jumper, game, those ads get branded into grip on the local populous. During the game David Th- Lefty’s Maryland Terrapins and, and then gained possession on a the part of my brain normally Some say that true basketball ompson crashed to the floor and of course, the Heels. missed shot by UNC's Dudley reserved for traumatic experi— fans are a product of heredity was taken to the hospital, only to But then there were the sear- Bradley with 14 seconds left. ences. If I ever get in a car wreck rather than environment. They return at the end of the game with ing defeats — games so devastat- Then I watched in horror as or something, I’ll probably hear persist in spouting inane little his head bandaged to inspire his ing thatall true fanscarried them Bradley stole the ball from Clyde “Sail with the Pilot” instead of rhymes like “I’m Tar Heel born teammates to a 28—point win. around in their memories. They “the Glide” Austin in the seeing my whole life flash before and Tar Heel bred, And when I die I was in firstgrade,and already are permanent emotional bag- backcourt and dunked it to seal my eyes. etc." was a devoted Pack backer. Of gage, like the chains carried by the win for Carolina. I can still Frank Purdue can feed his Kinda makes you wish they course, it was easier back then. Scrooge’s partnerJacob Marley. rerun the closing seconds of that chickens all the marigolds they would die, just like their team Dealing with all those Tar Heels game in my mind - in color. can eat, but he’ll never beat out does every March. in Mrs. Woolard’sclass. This was For the Wolfpack follower, Years ofACCTV gameshave Dinah Shoreuntil he starts buying This attitude, of course, is before the days of O’Koren and therewere many such games: the done strange things to my mind, those timeout ads. provcncial and narrow~minded, Worthy and Jordan. We always 109-108 triple-overtime loss to especially when its down to the Outsiders areperhaps mostbe- and indicative of the mentality in beatthem,aninescapablefactthat Maryland in the firstroundofthe final seconds,a timeoutiscalled, wildered by the way the entire thatquaintvillagedown Highway made their elaborate excuses and 1978 ACC tourney; the loss to and there is yet another Jeffer- state shuts down on that weekend 54. smug superiority a joy to ignore. Kansas in the 1986 NCAA Mid- son-Pilotor Holly Farms comer- in early March. They should real- Anybody, even a Clemson My bed-time at that age was 9 west Regional Championship, cial. izethat there are three major holi- graduate, canbecomeahoops afi- pm, a constant source of irrita- when thePack losta seven-point Since I‘m such a nervous cionado, although Clemson tion since that was when the lead in the final ten minutes to wreck about the outcome of the See GROWING, page 31 a At El Wake 1 1 Technical 3 College . . . '3‘; 3 it 3—: 1 A congenial atmosphere You learn how 11 Cl whole family! Try practical handSvon education The Family Favorite from in these fields: the High Chair Up! Daily Specials Cafeteria now in meat & any two vegetables 14 car (Associate Degree) lZ—Month (Diploma) our 42nd year $2.68 \rtlzirvtrurnl TL'LllniilULW .‘\lr Conditioning, Hearing and Lunch ll am. till 22l5 «\ur ~lll.llli4ll R. rx-riu Trclmmlnux RCYl'lL’t‘I‘Jfll‘n Fill‘ilicni uriiplrrcr l‘rr 'L'ldlllliilllL' .-\utuniuri\ Mechanic‘s Dinner 4:00 pm. till 8:00 ‘ lit-until Engineering Tu llllllllg" Cnnlf‘utt‘l’ Operations 13 l .\ ii I riuiriu‘riri: Tn lm. lw‘_‘\ l‘iuiral El('\ rrunic Repair t iiir‘mt-r Emmet-rm: Tk'LllnlllllL’\ Elerrrital lfhlJllJl'lHll and liim tr» ‘HIL‘ hunt-wring I m lint vi~ .g .\l.lllilc‘l"t.ll\(t' COLLEGE STUDENTS l :znvrml Erwin-ring Trulirinlwux ElL‘Lrlltnlk Sen ILllifl We at Balentlnes welcome all students in our area. Our large lillu-rrml l‘liiltzxitt'urual ln\lll\ITl.|l l‘lanr .\l.ilnlt'll-lnkt: \illii’ll‘ll\ Mnrhrmsr variety of wholesome food will give you some of the best food xi: '. lllli .il lilfiHt‘r’llllL‘ lr‘tlillwlw‘.“ Mutlmmtxil l‘mtrinu Tr ml and l‘lc Hakim: away from home. Reasonable prices -— Excellent food. Winter Quarter begins Dec. 3 ln—state Tuition is $75 per quarter. Cameron Village Call 773—7500 to learn more. \Vake Technical College 9lOl Fayetteville Road Raleigh. NC 27603—5696 (51 .t‘i‘i‘.Himmler.“mayhem~

Growing up in ACC-Land Trivia thisdevelopementonly Continuedfrom page 30 serve that Answers moves the drama from the cham- days in North Carolina : Christ— pionship game to the first round. mas, Easter, and ACC Touma- The formula for becoming an 1. Genia Beasley. 1976-80. merit Weekend. ACC basketball maniac is quite 2. 77 points vs. Appalchian. Sure, weall had to go to school simple. Watch several hundred 1973. tNCSU 130-53); 52 on Friday, but all teachers had games and several thousand Jef- points by North television setsintheirclassrooms. ferson-Pilot commercials, aquire Carolina. 1921. (UNC So much for educational TV. a distatse for men in light blue, 62-10) People don't understand this ob- and develope a sense of etemal . 1954-55 and 1955.56 session, and point out that the optimism that allows for hope no Aw. Thurl Bailey: 1980-81. tournament is meaningless, since matter how lopsided the score. 1981-82. 1982-83 four or five conference teams go And. oh yes. a couple of tick- 5. Clemson; 3/5/83 and to the playoffs now. ets to the tournament would help. 2/4/84; 42 points Coach Norman Sloan led the Woiipack to a 1974 NCAA Say, know any rich alumni? 6. Hark the sound of Tar Champlonshlp victory over Marquette. But the diehard fan will ob- Heelvoices 7. Who cares as long a you 1 '» “ :7. get the Go to Hell ~- “T"'-L~"fl—~rfir~'~i‘~'- i l l.- Carolina part right (o.k.. if». Jl :w Devils and Deacs stand "15r. ‘5 I . .' '. in line) .' ' .- '. '. . ; ' .-u ' ‘5 ' ' i ' ’ ,' '1‘ ; ‘- ' ‘ " 8. As far as anyone can tell. u?:are'’L:‘}:\." $" - 1‘ . . . ". ' . . = .‘. .* ,. .. -. ..- :Aa. '54 pyfizy it's just the second line . -. {Mew in Virginia'a alma mater -- has .15 -- (Virginians are strange . .t about names. what's a hokie? SPRING .1.O ' Q . Gene Banks (Duke); Mike 5'l 3 LEASES 0“.“ 'E‘ ‘ b; Gminski (Duke) and o. 0!. Charles "Hawkeye" '>.0 5:. .1. .1. l .2. t. .t. a. l'!‘ Whitney (NCSU) (g: AVAILABLE v: .9. .c'o ' d , poo ‘, Or? :_ .0 10. Sidney Lowe t ; °: . f- : Roommate problems? !'- ‘ ‘-. ' , l 11. Toughie . .' Q' .0o‘ l-. .‘oI. 12. 36 games (last three g'r ;' 4“: ‘1‘ Tired ofcampus? games in 197172. all 12 3.5 a. 5;}. ,' STATE HOUSE my. .. games in 1972-73. all 13 § ' : '5'; . has the answers with new w z 1+ games in 1973-74 and the g ‘t'; 5 {:7 x '3‘ rent 81 deposit rates '-_ a ' first eight games of 1974—751; the women I2.5 ."= ,1!.t .' J..l available”l' 1'" l"-2' '3 won 23 consecutive games from 1976-79 at I.‘ '4‘] Rooms are 15'x12' and includes washer. f" Reynolds including a dryer. microwave, refrigerator. a large 120 mark in 1977-78. desk. and cleaning services provided 13. North Carolina leads the weekly. newly carpeted. only a 10 min. men 103-62; State walk to campus. Free parking. wooded women lead North surroundings. Carolina 24-10. 14. Maryland has won 11 games in the ZS-game series. No ACC team has a winning series record against State. 15. The Wolfpack men have won 10 ACC champion- ships. The women have won three. 16. Cristy Earnhardt hit 36 consecutive free throws during the 197576 season. 17. Peanut Doak coached State to an 11-4 record in 720 Bilyeu Street 0 Raleigh. NC 27606 1974-75. .$!.\v€élé'a.£nl‘l’.’ 18. Vic Bubas. 53%} 790-0424 19. Washington 81 Lee. Dec. ‘ -2. 1949. (NCSU 67-47). 20. S; State was ranked fifth in the nation in 1950 after AP started its writers' poll in 1949. BLVLSON

Great expectations

for freshmen four By Lisa Coston 'l‘oclay Tucker averaged 33.9 Staff Writer rornts ll " rebounds and 1.8 locks rer game as a senior 'llre 103' 85 Wolfpack fresh- while leading Potomac High nrarr class rs rated by nrany School to a 20-3 record De experts to be arnon the best in scribed by Valvano as an the country. andé the four excellent shooter. he hit 54 players enter Coach Jim Val percent from the field and 07 vano's program With impressive percent from the line. while credentials and high expecta- scoring in double figures in trons every game his final year As a Valvano describes the four junior. he averaged 21.9 points players Chris Corchiani. Sean and 0.8 rebounds playing the Green. Rodney Monroe and guard position. Byron Tucker — as “a very The Washington Post named mature. very talented. very nice him suburban Washington. DC group of kids" who have had a Player-of-the-Year. and he very good preseason played in the McDonald's Capi- He says that although early tal Classic. All Star Sports sreculatron rs risky. he expects ranked him 45th on their list of all four — including Tucker. the nation‘s top 500 preps. and who has decided to sit out a many analysts have compared year to develop into eventual Tucker favorabl to former starters Wolfpack fc “war Thurl Bailey, 'i‘ucker'. a 0-0 forward from Chris Corchiani is considered Oxon Hill Md. made the one of the best pure point personal decision to become guards in the country. and Valvarros frr‘stvever redshirt Valvano comments that he player The coach explains that “always thinks ‘ ass."' on the Tucker Will be able to "con court. and is "aways thinking centrate on hrs hooks and his about the game . . . and runnin body" and get better settled the show." descriptions whicr rntcr the c ollege envrr'onment may evoke memories of former Assrutant Coach Dick Stewart Wolfpack point guard Sidney concurs "Byron 'l‘rrcker Will Lowe. be contr'rl'rutrrrg tc the team by Because of the team's depth. building up his Strength. learn- it is not important for Corchiani rrrg the system and being an to start this year. But he will rnsprratron to hrs teammates." definitely see playing time ac- Named as an all/\mer'rcan by cording to Valvano. Street and Smith's and USA Corc riani. at (3-0, 180 lbs. is the alltime Scorin’ and assist leader in Florida igh school MARC KAWANlSHI/STAFF basketball history. with 3435 Freshman Rodney Monroe (21) tries to move in on freshman Sean Green during State’s points and 1.497 assists. He is intra-squad scrimmage. the only player ever named the state‘s Mr. Basketball twice. This two-time state prep I Plavrng for a 31-9 llialeahv Player-of-the-Year became I Mrami Lakes team. he averaged Maryland's all-time leading I 243 points. l0] assists. 4.5 scorer wrth 3.047 points. break- I steals and a 4 rebounds a game ing the )revious record of 2.844. I while SliUOIlllf 00 percent from set by the NBA‘s Quintin Dailey' I the frelcl and 85 percent from during his high school career. As I the line He scored in double a senior. Monroe averaged 27.3 I EXECUTIVE digits rn all 30 games with a points. 10 rebounds 3.5 assists I 42pomt high and had 15 games and 3 4 steals a game I rn which he also totaled I CENTER double-digit assists. llis statistics I were nearly identical his junior I year when his team won the I US#1 North lr'lor'rda 4er title with a 394 I 2910 N. Boulevard record I Lrsted among Street and I 878-9550 Smith's Top 20 prep star‘s. I Exec. Whirlpool Rm. $39.95 plus tax(1 or Corchiani played in the I 2 person per night) McDonald's AllAStar Classic and I the Dapper Dan Roundball II Classic. He became the first high I FREE: Executive Breakfast school player in Dade County to I coffee and newspaper/local calls have his iersey retired I movies/satellite TV(with remote) Joining Corchiani rrr what I Health Club/Swimming pool Valvano lrkes to call hrs “back- I court of the future." is 0-3 I WATERBEDS AVAILABLE Rodney Monroe. a Parade Maga- I MARC KAWANlSHl/STAF zine and USA Today firsr~team I COUPON all-America from Ha erstown. I Chrls Corchianl I Md . at the sec and guard spot. I»I a-----n----—--—------—u—--—------ul Pack welcomes four frosh Connecting on 52.5 percent of will be interested to see how which participated in the Albert his field oal tries and 86 the team progresses early. Schweitzer games in West ercent of is free throws. he Rounding out the group is 6-6 Germany last summer. He ed St. Maria Goretti High forward Sean Green. whom started in six of the gold—medal School to a 355 record and a Valvano describes as the best winning teams seven victories. second straight Baltimore city athlete of the group. a "very averaging over 15 points a game. championshi . He hit a 60—foot exciting player" possessing out Green says that this season he shot at the gauzzer in the title standing quickness and leaping hopes to “contribute to the game to down undefeated Lake ability. team the best I can. Clifton 73-72. He is known as a “slasher," a "Whatever I'm asked to do to Monroe scored at least 10 lay/(er capable of driving to the help the team win the ACC points in each of his 40 senior as etandcreatin shots. ‘championship again. I'll do it " games. and had 47 in the Green won a l-tournanient Valvano says that in addition championship game. Over four honc-s last season in the pre- to their many strengths. the four years as a starter. he averaged stigious Las Vegas Holiday Pro players share many of the 21.2 points per game. Classic. the Sonny HilIi weaknesses common to fresh- Philadel hia Invitational. and men. He sa 5 they "need to As the Most Valuable Player the Ash and Holiday Classic. work much arder at defense." of the Raleigh Times Tip-Off Nicknamed “Rise" by virtue and to develop the game Classic last year. Monroe set the of his 40-inch lus vertical jump. judgement which he considers scoring records both for a single he won the 5 am dunk contest so important. game (45) and for the 3-game at the Dapper Dan Roundball Both of these goals should be series (103). He was also the Classic by leaping over a realized with ilaying time and MVP at last summer's Five Star teammate seated in a chair for a experience Adjusting from high Camp. resoundingdunk. school. where thei were proba- According to Valvano. The Long Island. NY, native bly used to being t e best player Monroe is an excellent shooter spent his senior season at Oak and the center of attention. to a who "can really fill it up." Hill Academy. where he shot college envu'oiinieiit where they Although he had a slow pre- 51.4 percent from the field and are among so many talented season start he is improving (19.2 percent from the foul line players. is difficult for all fresh— every day. on the way to a 17.3 points per men. he adds. "He is one of those players game average. He also averaged “They are all etting better who you know will just get 0.4 rebounds a contest. each day as they Eecome famil- better and better each year." Green‘s team went 251 on iar with our system. their Valvano said. "His senior year the year and was ranked fourth teammates. and with what we will be his best." in USA Today’s final prep poll. are trying to do." Valvano said. Green played three seasons at “This group of kids is a real "I think I’ll be able to shoot August Martin High School in pleasure to work with — their the 3.pointer well . . . I hope to lamaica. NY. where he earned effort is consistent and they MARC KAWANISHi.S1AlF see a lot of playing time this all-city and all-metro honors as a work hard at ractice.. They year." Monroe said junior. will certainly a contribute this Byron Tucker glides over Vinnie Del Negro during an He sa 5 he is very excited He was one of ten players year . . . and they are our team intra-squad scrimmage. Tucker has decided to sit this year about t e coming season. and chosen for the US. junior team ofthe future." out.

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Four new women for Wolfpack This year's Wolfpack women's basketball team points. 19 rebounds and four blocked shots a features four new members. but only two of game in her senior season and was twice named them are freshman. Virginia 2-A Player of the Year. "This team won't look anything like last year‘s "We‘re ho ing for big things out of Sharon." team." coach Kay Yow said. "Our biggest Yow said. "S e is mobile with a lot ofpotential." problem will be experience. so we'll need a Sophomore Gerri Robuck. who joined the team number of young players to come through for this summer after not joinin the team her first us. year at State. earned both al state and academic Nicole Lehmann. a 5-5 freshman guard. was allAmerica honors in high school. She averaged named an honorable mention all—America after 20 points. eight rebounds and five assists at her senior season. Lehmann led both teams in Raleigh's Ravenscroft High School. the annual Red-Whitegame. scoring 25 points. She averaged 20.9 points. seven assists and 3.5 Robuck is ex ected to make an immediate steals pergame as a high school senior. impact at guard t is season. "Nicole Lehmann is probably the most "Gerri is just icing on the cake." Yow said. fundamentally sound pla er we‘ve ever re- "She's very intelli ent with the ability to become cruited." Yow said. “As ar as fundamentals. _ a solid collegiate p ayer. passing. ballhandling. shooting. and positioning. Junior forward Toni Hughes is only the she knows thegame." Wolfpack’s second walk-on candidate to ever State's other freshman. 6-3 center Sharon Fake the team. (Junior Sandi Osborne was the Manning. was a third-team Parade all-America irst. and was selected as one of USA Today's top 15 Hughes played at Peace College for two years ft; prep players in the nation. Manning averaged 31 before joining the Wolfpack.

“w“‘m‘b‘ MARC KAWANISHi/STAFF Sharon Manning (50) battles for a rebound with sophomores Kerri Hobbs (25) and Krista Kilburn (22) in intra-squad game. RiGHT: Toni Hughes dribbling up court in Red — White game.

look, . .

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