Clerk to the Council:


Planning Services Magdalen House 30 Trinity Road L20 3NJ 26th March 2018

Dear Sirs

Re: Your ref: DC/2017/02359 Land East Of Waddicar Lane North Of Footpath Melling No 3, Waddicar Lane, Melling, Erection of 149 dwellings, construction of new vehicular access, flood attenuation basin, landscaping and associated works

Dear Sirs,

Please find below our comments relating to the above development.

The amendments to the proposed plans do not relieve the concerns that we have previously expressed and, in some cases, the amendments seem to exacerbate rather than resolve these concerns. We would be obliged if you would, therefore, please consider these further comments together with the comments we have previously submitted, many of which remain unanswered. We have attached a further copy of our previous letter along with copies of photographs evidencing the drainage and flooding issues that form a large part of our objections.

Flooding and Drainage

We would ask that our previous comments relating to the drainage provision on this development be considered again as set out in our initial response (copy attached). We have also attached copies of photographs showing the extent of the flooding issues.

In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the proposed plans refer to reports that are several years old and these reports do not, in our opinion, reflect the current position accurately. The data provided relating to the levels expected in the proposed pond are based on a survey carried out on 10th August 2013. This report is wholly out of date and does not reflect the current extent of the flooding in this area.

An inspection of the area was carried out on 22nd March 2018 by John Carlsen, Highways and Licensing Enforcement Officer from SMBC. It is our understanding that during that visit Mr Carlsen agreed that the current issues of flooding on Waddicar Lane are a direct consequence of excess surface water coming off the land where this development is proposed. We understand that Mr Carlsen is now commencing enforcement action against the current owner of that land. Mr Carlsen is, we understand, of the opinion that the drains

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on and near Waddicar Lane (including drains which pass through existing properties on Waddicar Lane) cannot cope with the current levels of surface water and will, therefore, be under much more pressure with any new development.

Andrew Martin, Sefton Lead Local Flood Authority is also aware of the issues in this area and we request that enquiries are made directly with both Mr Carlsen and Mr Martin in respect of the proposals within the application. This request is made on the basis that they have both reviewed the situation recently whereas the report within the application is relying on data obtained 4 years ago.

We are also concerned that the proposals to widen and tarmac the footpath will lead to more water flowing along the same onto Waddicar Lane with no opportunity for drainage.

On reviewing the plans a resident has commented that they appear to show a large diameter drainage pipe flowing from the development into a smaller diameter pipe as it joins with the existing system on Waddicar Lane. This appears to give rise to an obvious risk of backed up drains as a larger diameter of pipe cannot possibly drain effectively into a pipe of smaller diameter that is already under pressure from existing drainage requirements. We would point out in this respect that this concern has already been evidenced by the issues arising from the developments at Satinwood and Archers Fold which both gave rise to drainage issues resulting in the escape of raw sewage onto the highway.

Finally, we would be obliged if we could receive some assurance from Sefton that the existing properties in the area will be protected from any issues arising from any new development. The concerns have been raised in detail and at the end of the day liability for any issues with any new drainage system will fall on the shoulders of the residents who are already struggling to cope with existing issues of flooding and overloaded drains running through their properties. What assurances can we provide to our residents that there will be some recourse for them if this situation worsens?

Security Concerns

Concerns have been raised by residents of the proposals to widen the public footpath to make it more accessible. It was felt that this would increase security concerns by encouraging crime by providing increased access to homes and what will effectively be a better escape route. This footpath is already a cause for concern to residents and it is felt that this will increase if the plans proceed in their current form.

It is felt that the additional pedestrian traffic along the footpaths bordering the development will lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour along the footpath which has previously affected many residents, including burglaries of existing properties where access was gained from and to the footpath.

To alleviate the above concerns we request that consideration be given to diverting this footpath away from existing properties.

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In addition, we would point out that the same situation will apply with the intended footpath leading into Rainbow . There is currently an issue with anti-social behaviour in Rainbow Park which we believe will be exacerbated by this footpath. Also we are concerned that the gate to Rainbow Park, which should be locked by Sefton at 9pm, is frequently left open. If this continues then the introduction of this new footpath will result in the creation of an easy access and escape route through the park from the centre of the village as well as encouraging anti-social behaviour within the park after 9pm.

Access to Development from Waddicar Lane

Melling Parish Council has recently made an informal enquiry with Sefton planning department regarding the potential for installing a Community Garden project on land to the West of Waddicar Lane.

The comments received back from the planning office regarding this included a concern about accessing this project from Waddicar Lane given the amount of traffic and width of Waddicar Lane.

This advice is somewhat at odds with the development application which proposes a much more significant access point on the opposite side of Waddicar Lane where the same safety concerns as have been raised by Sefton’s planning department itself must also apply.

National Framework

The government attaches great importance to Green Belts. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence.

The Green Belt serves five purposes:

(1) to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas (2) to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another (3) to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment (4) to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns.

We are concerned that the communities of Melling and are effectively being merged through this proposed developments.

We are aware that Sefton Borough Council looked at Brownfield sites to build on but the number of Brownfield sites available would not meet the Government's targets of house's to build, nevertheless, it is the opinion of Melling Parish Council that Sefton Council should offer Brownfield sites first to developers before agreeing to new developments on Greenbelt

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land. This will serve to ensure that there is sufficient take up of these houses with needlessly losing Greenbelt land.

We would be obliged if you would kindly keep us appraised of all progress with this application and, in particular, notify us directly of the date on which the application will be considered by the planning committee.

Yours faithfully

Jenny Farrar (Miss) Clerk to Melling Parish Council

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