Connect the Components to a or Exercise Activity

In no less than two paragraphs (minimum of 5 well-developed sentences per paragraph), describe a sport or exercise activity of your choosing using both the Health and Skill Related Components. Your first paragraph should include a description of your sport in terms of anaerobic or aerobic characteristics. Is it more anaerobic or aerobic in nature and explain why?

The second paragraph should include one or more of the Health-Related Components and two or more of the Skill-Related Components in your description of the sport. Describe how those components relate and underline the key terms (components discussed in class).

The following is an example that may be helpful, write however in your own style and capability.


Underwater hockey is a blend of both anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Anaerobic in that players have to hold their breath exhausting their supply of available much like what happens in a high intensity sprint when muscles can no longer maintain highest intensities because the need for more oxygen is greater than what the body can provide at that intensity. So in underwater hockey players have to surface, clear their and then inhale (hopefully only air) to replenish their oxygen and likewise sprinters have to slow down after a few seconds of level 5 intensity in order to allow their bodies the time needed to replenish oxygen to their muscles.

The continuous process of kicking underwater as well as high oxygen consumption places underwater hockey primarily in the cardiovascular endurance component. Leg and torso muscles are also in constant repeated use calling for muscular endurance as part of this highly cardio-based activity. However there are moments where underwater sprints are needed to get to the puck quickly or when there is a battle for the puck-- in those moments power (muscular strength and speed) are needed to gain control of the puck. In these situations the game becomes highly anaerobic.

Additionally a wide variety of the Skill-Related Components are employed to play the game well. In terms of , a form of coordination using either a “tilt” or “blast” technique is used to clear snorkels when surfacing. Coordination in that the timing of the tilt requires adding air to the snorkel and tilting the head back at the same time just before surfacing and also some coordination of the tongue and lung volume on the snorkel in the blast technique. Coordination is also used in the use of the stick in catching, passing, shooting and driving the puck. Play often involves agility using quick change of direction with flutter or switching to dolphin kick either on the stomach, the side or a combination of acrobatic moves on offense and defense.