Health Services Short of Money
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R.~ ~ J 1ip '\; ~~i v~.;-+ Bulk Rate,US Post;,iae Pa,~ Vol. 78 No. ._17 TUESDAY, 'NOVE~BER 3, 1987 (603)862-1490- Durham.N.H. Durham "-J H Perm!! 1130 :.;___.....:.:.,. ___ _;___ __,;,_...;...___ ____;_,.__......;.,~---_:.._--,;__---------------------~-~..;._~-..,;..--- Health services Berry addresses short of money diversity issue By Amanda Waterfield weeks to be seen by the· person. By Beth McCarthy centage of biacks in higher ·uNH women in need of non- of their choice: This situation In the words of Martin Luther education as whites," said Berry. emergency gynecological care becomes dangerous when a King, "I have a dream." Equali'cy · But the percentage has been are having incieasing difficulty woman develops complications in America. Does it exist today? · decreasing since· 1979 she said. in getting immediate attention, which could have been avoided Dr. Mary Berry addressed the Further, Berry said she dis according to Moniq. Wells, if she had received immediate . question of diversity in Amer covered poor whites make the chairperson of the Health and medical attention. i.can education Friday in the lowest SAT scores. Asian Amer Human Services Committee of "UNH is a- sexually active Johnson Theatre. B.erry is a icans, "a minority", ~ake the the Student Senate: Because of campus. A woman may pick up . black woman who has been highest of all. Blacks, as a 1a shortage of staff, a woman may a venereal disease and carry it involved in various aspects of generalization score very low receive an appointment that for weeks before she can see a education in America. she said. · requires her to wait weeks in doctor," said Wells. Berry argu~d chat education . To exacubate chis problem order to be seen by a--d9ctor she The.University does not sq.b- should be diversified and chat Americans are "test score jun said. - sidize treatment outside of minorities should be allowed kies," exclaimed Barry. SAT Wells said the school's budget Hood House. So if women seek to be educated. It should ·be, she scores, said Berry, are "good does not provide for the money medical attention somewhere · said, chat "you could get all the sorting devices ~ffrr. universi Health Services requires to hire els_e, such as one of the Dover education you could cake, not ties)." the staff big enough to serve the or Portsmouth medical groups; what your parents could afford." Gordon Haaland said UNH student body. they must pay for it themselves. The United States is a nation pursues a policy of affirmative Wells said, "UNH can't offer Graham said, "People wtth made up of many different action. It is a "policy of non competitive pay, and as a-result, emergency situations are seen people said Berry. Who is to say discrinination and inclusion " .He-althServicesdoesn'thave immediately, and non chat whites should be the elite he said. · ' the money they need-to hire the emergency cases are seen within majority she asked? - Haaland said, "To minorities, necessary people." . one to two weeks. This is --- "The wbrld"is''aNery large and education should be an oppor Gloria Graham, Supervisor excellent when compared tp inter~qnnected place," said Ber tunity. To majorities, here at of Health Services' Appoint- outside medical associations. ry. UNH, we should e·liminate ment Systein, agreed that more Portsmouth does not have any Affirmative action is evi prejudice.'' money would be helpful, but said gynecological appointment op- . MARY BERRY denced in some' states~ Berry "We need to pro_cect the she does_ not . feel that the . enings until January. or later." shared with the audience. "In situati'on ·at Hood House is ·as . The shortage of staff at Hood 1977 ·there· was ·the same per- B~RRY, page 13 dire as Wells makes it out to be. House is focused in gyhecolog- Graham s.aid,. "Hood House ical services. The people on sraff is short by two people this . ·at Hood House are overworked, semester; a part-time nurse according to Wel-ls, and;appoint Election resµlts ·passed practitioner and a part-time ments get backed up. Graham gynecologist. Both of these disagreed with this ~tatement. By Joanne Marino people were employed by Hood "Other than the two open dropped from the race as well Student Body President Warner House up until this semester, positions, (part-time nurse prac- and Bryan Alexander and O'Connell was declared the- Jones and Academic Affairs co . but left for personal reasons." titioner and part-time gynecol- The Student Senate approved w rnner. chairperson Charlie Jones. She said that a nurse practi- ogist) Hood House i-s up to last Wednesday:s trustee elec.: Almost all the senators vocecJ "I hope ( the al-legations) tioner has been hired and will ~taff," she said. She also pointed tion results naming Senate for approving the election re haven't tarnished the position s_~art working next week, ·and out that this shortage has not Speaker Dennis O'Connell the sults. Only one person, Senator of Student Trustee," said O'Con people are currently being in- affected the services offered by _next Student Trustee represen B.J. Anderson, voted against nell. He asked that the other terviewed for the' doctor's po- Hood House in any way. tative. approva'Lwhile three ocher STUDENT TRUSTEE, page 5 sition. · "The staff increase will reduce The vote·on Sunday marked . senators abstained, including Wells said she believes that th_e back up," said Graham, "but the end of discussion over a many ~omen would rather wait, more women are·bein-g seen at . Trustee election which promp sometimes days or weeks, to see Hood House, which compounds ted yells of unethical campaign a doctor rather than see a nurse the problem. This is good news ing from all sides. practitioner immediately. - , though, because it means some- In the election O'Connell Graham poinred~out that one must like what we are drew 47 percent of the student there are no nurse practitioners doing." · vote. He was ;Jllowed by write currently on staff at Hood 11,The one point that Wells and in candidate Patrick Sweeney House, but that Health Services Graham have similar views on (26 percent), Larry Donovan does employ a physician's as- is the issue of money. Wells ( 16 percent), and Elizabeth sistant and a gynecological stated that UNH pay scales are Delucia (nine percent). nurse. not competitive enough. In most elections, the results Graham also mentioned that "People don't want to work would·have brought about a run.:. women do not so much prefer (at Hood House)for the amount off election between Sweeney to. see doctors rather than of money they would make and O'Connell because, election nurses; but prefer to see women there," she said. rules require the winner cake rather than men. Graham agreed chat more 50 percent plus one vote. But . Wells said she is worried money wouldn't hurt. a.llagacions of illegal politicking about the problems that arise "One full-time person would clouded the election. · when a woman seeks treatment be preferable w the two part Ballot box observers said · for a seemingly minor com- time people, but Hood House Sweeney was unfairly swaying plaint. Non-emergency cases can't pay for another full-time voters by campaigning too close often must wait one or- cwo . position," she said. to the polling areas. S~eeney claimed he was not informed of chis rule. One observer said she found one Sweeney suppo.rcer srnffing the ballot box with Sweeney VOTE votes. Sweeney said this alle gation was ·laughable. · for TOWN COUCIL at Oyster River High School. Trans Before O'Connell could pro portation to- polls provided by: 1. the Outer Shuttle (any ces c the results, Sweeney pick up stop) from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2. the Student dropped out of the_race. He cited Senate Vote Van, pick ups near long ramp behind the problems at home and the MUB every half hour from 8:00 to 7:00 p.m. · continuing damage the cam paign was causing the Student Senate as his reasons for drop / ping. O'Connell's win was ratified by the Senate. (file photo) Donovan . and Delucia NOVEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, Spirits at large in frclternity By Kellie W ard~·an · 'Turn back ... Beware .. :" I wa~t I need to watch rny steps in order Saturday evening Kappa Sig~ to go back but something is to concentra_te on something ma fraternity and Chi Omega pushing me forward. There is oth~r than the scarred man lying sorority put on. a Haunted a peculiar smell in the air that in the-path, reaching for me. House for students at UN H. I arn trying to distiqguish. The • There is a figure ahead, hold Tlpe event •raised $400 for the odor is hanging .in the air, ing a light that bobs up and United Way. Our fearless re draping off the walls and hiding down when we walk. I feel like porter was one of thf: mariy who in ·the •corners. •a charac~er frorp Dungeons and know what will braved through the corridors I feel something underneath 1 Dragons. I don't of Kappa Sigma. my feet; it is slippery. I can feel 'appear before me, and all I have the wetness soaking through to defend myself with are my I walk in the cellar door, into my shoes. I keep going forward, screams. The figure leads me a dark world where I'm not seeing the dark shapes lingering around corners and through certain I want to go.