Aalst, Jules 269 Accommodation 23 Acculturation 2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 30
Index Aalst, Jules 269 Blodget, Henry 177–78 accommodation 23 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 74 acculturation 2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 30, 138 n. 1. Book of History, The 書經 115 see also enculturation and inculturation Book of Poetry, The 詩經 115 Age of Empire 8 Boone, W. J. 175–77 agency 95, 102, 111, 125–26 boss Christians of Wenzhou 18, 320, 323 Aleni, Giulio 173, 180, 194 Boxer Uprising义和团运动 57, 204, 226 Ambassadors for Christ (AFC), 89, 214, 219 bracket-sets 斗拱 (dougong) 226 American Bible Society (ABS), 177 brain circulation 84–85 American Episcopal Church Mission 175 brain drain 84 American Maryknoll Fathers 220 British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) 177 American Methodist Middle School 154 Brossard-Mopin (French construction firm) ancestor-related worship 239, see also 215, 217 ancestor worship Brother Groups 兄弟小组 93–94. See also ancestors, Christian 239 Gospel Station ancestral halls, Christian 236–43, 247–50, Buck, Pearl 69 253–54, 256 Buddhism 4, 12, 20, 23, 30, 122, 133, 185–86, ancestral homes 233, 236, 239, 244–45, 222, 241, 263, 325 249–53 Buddhist wisdom 159–60 ancestral tablets 249–50 Buglio, Ludovico 184 ancestral worship 13, 236, 251, 257 Burns, William 265 Anti-Hu Feng campaign 140 Apostolic Delegate 197. See also Cai, Renhou 蔡仁厚 110–11, 126 Catholicism Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CEF, 海外 Aspiration of Christians 聖徒心聲 (Shengtu 校园 Haiwai Xiaoyuan) 90 Xinsheng) 300 Canton 39, 49, 173, 197 Associated Press 71–72. See also YMCA Carey, George Leonard 297 Augustinians 2 Carter, Jimmy 297 Aurora University 震旦大学 208 Castiglione, Giuseppe 219 Catholic University of Peking 208, 210–11, ba shen 八神 (the eight spirits) 172, 177 213–14, 219.
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