his sincere sympathy, and praised the desperately COLONIAL CONFERENCE. JOCKEY H DEATH AT EPSOM. [ALL RIGHT* CURRENT OPINION. THE GREAT BATTLE, courageous fight which the Russians had offored, FIELD AND G4RD] adding that he hoped Admiral Rujdeatvenaky An Irqaeak was held at Epsom on Saturday on would soon be able to return to Rossis. SPEECH BY MR. BALFOUR. BELIEF IN SPAIN'S FUTURE. William Garnet Evans, an apprentice to Mr. 8am HOW THE EUSSIAN FLEET WAS Admiral Rojdeatvensky thanked his visitor, and FLOWER GAED«K NOTM.—Sow hardy IR YANIS1 Dealing with King Alfonso's visit to this coun­ Loatea, who waa killed on Eps'im racecourse on congratulated Japan upon the courage and for flowering late in the autumn. Thin tu try the " Speaker" says that not only is there CRUSHED.} * The Prime Minister on Friday night, addressing Derby day whilst riding his master's filly Brjiw • patriotism of her sailors, saying that it lessened annuals where growing too thickly together^ goodwill and sympathy for Spain, but a real a great meeting of the Unionist parky in the his regret and sorrow at the defeat to know the Lass. lawns and gravel paths a good rolling djjj EDITH C. fcelief in her successful regeneration. Nobody Albert Hall, London, referred to the Colonial high character of the vlotors. John Farmer, a painter, said the accident took after rain. Remove seed pode from pans*, mow would can Spain a dying nation. Indeed, INCIDENTS OF THE FIGHT. Conference question and aaid he, had asked that .0/" Which wi*th place closa to Tottenham corner. Witness saw violas, unless seed i.s required. Ten-week « • «< Tin it is curious to notice how rapidly people have the questions which had touched the whole Empire deceased's horse leading. It bad passed about 50 6t< Three disabled Russian cruisers, the O'.eg, Jemt- asters, and swoet-scented tobacco may 2 «J *** made up their minds that Spain is a country with should be dealt with by a Conference representing or 60 yards beyond the road where the tan wa.c A Japanese naval officer who has returned to ohug, and Aurora, the latter ship flying the fl.g of planted out. Peg down shoots of verbena,, a future. The presentiment is based on a sound the whole Empire, free and unfettered. He asked The horse seemed to cross its lu;s and tarn a com­ Saaebo from the float tells the following story of ma, and gazania growing in bede to surfc, CHAPTI instinct, the feeling that her emancipation from Admiral Enqulst, arrived at Manila at nine o'olook them further to suspend tbeir judgment until they the battle of the l\u-thini-» StraitR :— plete somersault, and in doing so It threw tie soil. Hyacinth bulbs should be lifted, d:.. her colonial system is bound to give new life and on Saturday night. All the oruisers are damaged oould aee what sould be dune. Waa that an un­ CONCl It was at •! 13 p.m. whtn the*'i>3oiy openw fire. de eased from Us back. the sun, and stored away until planting • vigour to Spanish politics. To-day Spain, after and there are many wounded on board. reasonable demand? ("No"). Oaght that to be He sent two shots which feii eko:t of our hue. The Coroner: There w.s soma tan pot down Plant dahlias, marvel of P enemy's destroyers kept lo the port side of their occurred ?—No. Is was completely away from the store away in a cool, dry place. Lavender her position, and that is her abandonment of Bannerman that this plan of giving a mandate to ,,,d Ml,m main tqutdron, at.d in this formation we pressed tan that the accident happened. be propagaued by slips—i.e.. small shoots ""Tb* foreign adventure. . . . What Spain wants aummon a free Imperial Conference and then jeI,'s bedside lurue them SK»it:?i the coast of Ba-thln. They were Mr. Philip Leon, a china and glass dealer, carry­ Witness udded that b y-.rd th> fact that be saw off and ins. rted in a shady berder oui i.3 a definite forward Liberal movement like that submitting the reeult of that Conference to the tuff• obliged to change their course to the east, and we ing on business at Putney, wanted a sale, and the horse crocs its leg?, he could cot acoouct for Caterpillars are likely to be troublesome which has given such a hopeful turn to Italian ragea of the nation put off the consummation of ?.£™ie," lie fnlters l-'o i';..[(t; /red our ships so as to have their bowc entrusted the London Advertising Company with the accident. The ground w;a not at all slippery, politics. She has a Socialist Party and a pro­ Search for and kill all you can find. Ii.sec-, iltle S«i«ti«\ have yoi 40,000 handbills, to distribute in the distrlots of their wishes to some Indefinite period through an but the turf probably might have betn. mising political leader in Canalejas. rias she in parallel to the north side of the enemy's line. are not of much service for destroying Yes, f:<*', >•'•» Roehampton, Barnes, Putney, eto. He brought almost innumerable aarlea of General Eieotlona Mr. Sam Loates, examined, sai i, the horeet: Alfonso XIII. a Sovereign with the enlighten­ The Mtkasa, with our first division, which had Procure some- cabbage ieaves. hold them r.wards biiu >>- I'"' *i,le, ol thousands ef the bills were thrown about and that the plan of a double election should foroe on added that the horpe having blundered would try THE OBDURATE CZAR. line whioh the ccui-cr Kaluga headed. The other fat, and lay them about the ground % " F«'"g,ve ',"e- stuffed In rabbit holea oo Wimbledon Common. operationa unless they were returned to power at to keep on bat lege as lo .g aa the coa'd, engagement had now become very' three, and the earwigs. A small brown fly attacks the siw •'My l»'rn." sa»1 the next General BUotlon. Gsorge Moore, foramen of the recec aia?, aai.i The " Spectator" cannot endorse the opinion Russiai battleship Borodino was seen to be on fire. Judge Edge said he could not suppose that the pansies at thi« time of year. A solution at a, poor l"*l b.iiir limit of the lost olrculars was 4,000, but all the If they were not golag to return to power at the the road was in better condition thau ever before. that the amazing defeat of Russia must be fol­ A little later the enemy headed to *he west, and and water applied to the infested shoots wij .Jon ner head, rabbit holes on the common would have to be next General Election the whole scheme of a double Every precaution had been taken. lowed by negotiations for peace. The Russians we changed oar course accordingly. Five ships of finger and thumb ie the best remedy. SpitUt his " never more d< election, of course, fell to the ground. They would Dr. Eiworthy deposed that death waa due to are as fully convinced of a tribal God as ever the our seoond division c .ucenu.ted their fit-.i on the examined If they were to come to anything like an froth on the shoots of plants indicates the . .-.> i - flow exact estimate of the number lost. deal with a new situation under new c. editions. oocouasion from an injury to tbe head. Jsws were; and the Czar, in particular, still B •<•:dino. sence of an inaoct within, called the fro ^Mt time before she A verdict of £3 3s. and coats was given In The matter waa one that preaaingly required the The jury returned a verdiot of " .Accidental dreams that victory may rebuild the prestige Oar ri-f. division now began firing vigorously, or cuckoo spit. Remove the froth witi aother? Do you < moat Immediate consideration of every part and death," and expressed sympathy with the of Russia and of his dynastv. while the reaction­ steaming ia a course parallel to the enemy's line. plaintiffs favour. " finger or with a brush, and crush the insect !• "-rive roe i element of onr Empire. If the 0e position were relatives. aries around him remain convinced that to We begin to press against the head of the Russian therein. There is no answei returned to power did they mean to treat with acknowledge defeat will ruin them more com­ line, while our thud division veered to the Ru tian .reyes; her face 1 contempt the oft expressed wish of the Colonies, THE COMING BEDDEE.—The tuberous- pletely man any disasters that may be in store rear, thus enveloping their ship?. The engage, PERFORM IN G SEAL'd PROFITS. Jakes with her te for their general in Manchuria. There will mens prooeeded, hotly. Oar second division and without examination or oocaultation, to rejeet MR CHAMBER LMN ON A FRaE begonias are b coming popular plants for • lipa quiver no a never, he thinks, be a time when Russia cannot followed a oourse parallel to tie '. ino of the enemy's tbelr overtnrca ? CONFERENCE. ding, without a doubt, but even now the, The value of performing seals to their owners He feared that In thsir haste to snatch a party nut ueed with that freedom that the elrps. She is al collect more troops, and the fear of bankruptcy, van, this movement completing the envelopment ,er was demonstratsd at Windsor, when Charles intently ' which so appals the journalists of Paris and of '.he Russian fleet. advantage they had committed themselves to a enthusiast would rejoice to see. The t Winter, an old sailor, of Noifoik, w&s charged position In whloh they oould not, with the best Addressing a meeting o: about 8,000 ptople at and the calceolaria were two or three di •Oh, m"' tier." n| Berlin, probably does not affect hira at all. He The Rnstiaoa were e-wi «ktr.p;ptmg to break r with being drunk. S\ Helens on S-umday M . C -aia'uer.ain aaid the run away--nnd is relieved for the present of all naval expend! through, bat our destroyer fLtliU interrupted will in the world, oarry out their da y to the ago " old fashioned," and " nowhere' Fifteen years ago he oaplured a seal on tha tide waa fl .wing at the preaent moment very SUt WHS only to 1,-u ture; his financiers have collected, or can collect, them in this m-.ric.ivre, and they remained en­ Empire. the all-conquering begonia, which was Dogger Bank, and, having trained it, has since strongly iu favour of tbeir opponenta, but tbe ebo lid but RO after AI enough gold to guarantee the Debt; and hi veloped until the following day, the Japanese ships hold the field alone. Howbeit, steadily tit made It a means of livelihood. would come (covers) In tho meantime Unionism gonia is 'appealing to the public as a oturn me the £30 I Treasury has not) yet even begun to sell the sncitoliog them at various distances. 10 se During the last nine months Winter hat deposited had a char and definite policy—a upon keeping. »»d « mighty properties—railways, forests, and gold enclosed on all sides, the enemy were striking attributes and worthy of recognition, nearly £80 in the Post Office Savings Bank, mott cf THREE ACRES AND A COW. whioh they were united—the policy pursued by piiriiae to marry mines—still at its. disposal. He is not nearly helpless, and powerless to esoape. Previous in­ keen rival of the old and well-tried geranini whioh was oolleoted In ooppers. their leader—(loud cheer.)—iccepted by the vast either the one nor reduced to the position in which Frederick the structions had been given to the destroyers and rather, zonal pelargonium. Upon the riti Wnllst under the influonoe of drink Winter lost MR. MARSHALL HALL'S CONDITIONS. majority of the party. When this inevitable «M> entleman-a lord- Great found himself when he sent the plate of torpedo-boaks to attack those of the enemy's ships refined appearance of a bed planted wit! control of the truck on whloh waa his seal. The oame they would go heme again and bring their 'ade him g'vn me the Palace to be melted down into debased coin. wbloh were set on fire, and following this order, sorted colours one need not dwell, but it mi- truck went through a ahop window, and tha seal tails — their policy (Uugbter) — behind the;.. Jrougbt^rae safely He can fight on for three years at least. oi-y had now from hlr a cry ol' - going to give the last thrust at them." The meeting, on the condition that he would cultivate up on long legs and thin leaves. A well-«( illl Then slic Ii "oceans of nonsense" which are poured out off with a fine of 5s. the land and milk the oow. The offer was lips a clear exposition of offiji&l pclioy at the BJCQtt fairly rich, and holding soil is tbe ideal an Russian ship oontinued to fire, and seeing the -lisan falls "\*a ll each summer about cricket heroes and their cen­ immediately accepted, but Mr. Hall found diffi­ election. He «aid that tariff reform would be the for begonia* out of doors. approaching tarpedb*boats, direoted its fire on is time for tjuMj j turies and records and each winter about the culties in the way, and a long correspondence took moat Important part of Unionist policy. He said them. / • Meanwhile Je- half.backs or three-quarters of football, and DIED WHILE GOLFING. place. Colonial preference waa the aaoat import wit par" HONESTY.—Lunaria biennis is all vert Nothing daunted, our destroyers pressed forward 'r-ring the MMM says: The unceasing chatter during the past Mr. Hall haa at length oonaented to give Mr. of tariff reform, and it would therefore be the firs but honesty is a far better name for this —the i.rulsei Chitoae In the meantime continuing ,-re are her paw fortnight or so about cricket records and cen­ Turney tbe land and oow, but he Introduces con­ item of the future Unionist programme. He urged, wholesome, homely plant. Taken to pice* to fire on the* Russians until she arrived wlthia a While playing golf on Felixstowe links on ,.,ir to tbeinsel ve«, turies, about cricketers of the Empire, the state ditions whloh Mr. Tarney says were never men­ lastly, that the Colonial Conference ehould bs ab carefully examined, honesty is not eabla length of the objective. The destroyer Saturday, Mr. Gordon F. Ruck, wine merchant, "l„e«th of swev-t I of their health, and the like, has been a nuisance tioned at the time the offer was made. Mr. Turney soluteiy free, and that all who weee represented at when in bloom, though a mass of it, in a Souanuhl first launched two torpedoes, and the Sutton, Surrey, auddenly fell to the ground. |i is a lovely day. to many people who really like the game and ia to be granted free of all rent for life a lease of that ooLferenoe—the Motherland as w^ll as th. bery or in any odd corner, hae a pleasing ot:>er destroyers one each. The Bhlranuhl re His frienda raised him up, and he appeared to be i„, ky is blue otf believe that it has been and may be again an three aorea of land In Essex, provided that he Colonies—should be free afterwarda to consider The flowers ai e of a lilac-magenta colour, c] s ce' ved two shells, but her oousorts esoaped damige lifeless. Dr. Havell was summoned to the spot, , l>le all alKMit in instrument for good. One cannot open a paper and to deal with the results, whatever they mignt coarse trusses, and have no special ben ;i The Russian ship, on the other hand, was suck. and at once pronounced life extinot. Mr. Ruck satisfies an independent person :— without being faced with column on column of be. form, though the white variety is rather '. copse beyond. Sunset «.aw the battle still ,-agiug lurloasly, and was fifty-six years of age, and was on a short visit (1) That he baa been earning hta living in cricket news and gossip. A little while ago many and when the two are grown together they „d young foliage our shells were evidently telllug oa the enemy, to Fdlxitowe. lo is said that his brother agrioultu>al pursulta ; ^ering about tia of us were making light of the writings of the have oddly-striped flowers. But when the I who showed signs of ooniusiou. suddenly txplred In fait dressing-room five weeks (2) That he has had an adequate experience In _>i- nnine on the b professional reporters of the game. These writers MUSI" STAB SOMr,ONrC. is over the beaarty begins, first in the oral Che filth destroyer flotilla, after sinking the ago. keeping and milking oows ; and Involuntarily Jv have disappeared in the background. Instead, we pale green seed vessels, which stand np Borodino, followed in the wake of the second (3) That he is a man of good character. Ademare-looklnx Italian girl, Marie Bjaveri: off f v 1 have the players themselves writing or wiring off At the end of twelve months, aays Mr. Hall, he dignified grace totally unknown to tbe Bterking * ''* 1 division. accounts of .th. game. . . . There is 'no Gaolente, aged 14, but looking older, waa oharg-d and secondlv in the silvery membrane whin |OW,TS, pins thotii A signal reading something like " Eseory'o tub- NORTH SEA OVERFISHED. will present Mr. Turney with a cow if he finds be escaping cricket talk—railway carriage, club, re­ on remand, at Mtryleborie Poiice-oourt, London, mains when the green sheath has turned is she does so^tli aiaiissa sighted.' Attack jltem," being received, is a praotioal agriculturist, bat the offer la subject freshment bar are full of it. We are not quite on Saturday, with committing a asrloua assault and dropped off with the seeds. In the ir. bow so long M the flotilla followed and located the orgeat whloh to the oondition that he will not Bell, exohange, or Bafe in church. All sensible people agree that upon a lady name 1 E 'z -oe h Ann Rutoetford, of garden it is like an elegant ghost, and ii |ti-<-.:3ured her je».;u had b6en takbU f or a submarine. Is proved to be a The deoline in tho number cf fi.h taken from the ramove her from the three acres without Mr. Hall's this kind of cricket cackle is absurd, and that the Lochaber-atroet, Roatb-park, Cardiff. the perfection of winter nosegays, for tho* in it, returns striking ship, Which had ty-ntd turtle, and was North Sea was strongly commented upon Mr. T. written oonscnt. .craze for records and record-breaking is an Tbe prosecutrix arrived at Poddington atatlon love bouquets of dried flowers. It «>W! :<• sick at hvaij looting bottom upwards. Thirty tuivivors were 0. Sufi>, the ohairman of the Dsep Sea Fishing unpleasing feature of the game to-day. late at night, intending to travel to Cardiff. As most industriously, and its woolly leaves a) imi futile longing. clinging to the wreok, crying for assistance. Company, at the annual meeting at Boston, Lin- THE WHITBY ELECTION. oolnshire, on Saturday. she opened the first claaa waiting-room door to no means unattractive the first year. •* Oh dear, but < firing ceated with darkness. Orders had been EARTHQUAKE IN ALBANIA. enter the prisoner sprang frota behind It, ami Whatever chu The "'Westminster Gazette" says: The The decrease he ascribed to the catching of given for a torpedo attaok when darkness fell, and without a word passing bstween them, atab'oed the KITCHEN GARDEN.—No garden crop ptti I find here I Whitby by-election has resulted in the return of Immature fish. In four months daring 1902 about the destroy er flotillas, dividing into two squadrons, lady in the face with sharp instrument. ter for being given a long period of growth That eriw »r' Mr. by a majority over his oppon­ 5,555 tons of nnderalzsd place were landed at 100 PERSONS KILLED. proceeded against the Russians, the attack Using Through Mr. Pern bo, Interpreter, thj magis­ the Bruasels sprout, and if an earlv lot of" ent, jVir. Gervase Beckett, of 445. The Liberal 3rimsby alone. This would equal 44,660.000 fish, •lie says, speaking kept np the whole night. trate ascertained from the girl that arte had an tona " ia desired there must be no delav ii Party thus gains a seat and secures another and at the end of twelve months they would have Jcrisie mine! i The enemy frustrated lha first and second Idea that she mist attack somnbody—the first ting the plants into permanent position notable victory in a constituency which, a few weighed 11,151 tons. An earthquake visited the North-Western i- p-rnl and ua- remains a mystery. Mrs. Rutherford la improving, ut she cantnot d;-.« location of their fl