Canada 加拿大 2021 | French | DCP | Colour | 75 min Director Denis Côté Producer Denis Côté, Andreas Mendritzki, Annie St-Pierre, Aonan Yang Scriptwriter Denis Côté Cinematographer François Messier-Rheault Editor Nicolas Roy Sound Jean-François Caissy, Frédéric Cloutier, Clovis Gouaillier Cast Maxim Gaudette, Larissa Corriveau, Eve Durancea Production Inspiratrice & Commandant, Greenground Productions World Sales Greenground Productions

Social Hygiene Hygiène Sociale 戲在瘟疫蔓延時

Once again, you bring us to a place where we did not expect to [導演訪問] find you. What are the origins of this project? 再一次,你把我們帶到一個無法預計你的地方。整個 Truthfully I wrote it on vacation, without any clue if it would ever see 電影計劃其實是怎樣開始的? the light of day. I spent a month in Sarajevo in the fall of 2015. I had 老實說劇本是我度假時寫的。寫時沒想過它會否有天得 no friends there and no plans of how I would fill my days. I wandered 見天日。2015 年秋天我在薩拉熱窩住了一個月,我沒 around a lot, I read about the Balkan War. The more I learned about 有朋友在那裏,也沒有想過怎樣過日子。我四處逛,閱 the war, the more its reality struck me as absurd. I was also reading 讀關於巴爾幹半島戰爭的書,知道得愈多,就對箇中的 a lot of Robert Walser. His prose is light as air, weightless. It was in 荒謬愈有感受。我也讀了很多羅拔華爾沙。他的散文輕 this state of alienation and the influence of Walser that I wrote these 如鴻毛。正是這種疏離的狀態和華爾沙給我的影響,令 dialogues. Each morning, in the only non-smoking café in Sarajevo, 我寫下那些對白。每天早上,我跑到薩拉熱窩唯一不准 or in the eccentric Zlatna Ribica coffeehouse right next door, it felt 吸煙的咖啡座,又或者隔鄰的山娜里比卡咖啡室,令我 like I was living Antonin’s life a little bit and also the lives of these 覺得自己活得愈來愈像安東尼,也愈來愈明白那五個女 five women. 人的想法。

A considerable number of projects were filmed during the 世紀疫症期間有不少電影開拍,這是否也是你回應這 pandemic. Do you think that Social Hygiene speaks in its own way 個時代的作品? to this very unusual period? 我不同意。這齣電影並非切合時代,沒有時間性,也 I don’t think so. The film is anachronistic and timeless. I suspect 許我決定在疫症期間拍攝它有關。裏面有一種逃避及 it’s more likely the decision to make this film during the pandemic 反抗現實的欲望。有趣的是影片 2015 年已有 Social that is a bit more telling. There is a desire to flee and to defy reality Hygiene(「公共衛生」)這個片名,角色保持距離地對 in this film. What is troubling or perhaps presciently apocalyptic is 話也是一早想好的。 the fact that the script was already called Social Hygiene in 2015 and involved characters who conversed at a considerable distance from each other. Interview with Denis Côté

Denis CÔTÉ was born in New Brunswick, Canada in 1973. As a film critic-turned SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 filmmaker, his first feature-length film, (05), won the Golden Leopard (Video 2010 Curling 冰上滾石 Competition) at the Locarno International Film Festival. His thirteenth feature, Social 2016 Boris Without Béatrice 折翼大丈夫 Hygiene, was awarded the Encounters award for Best Director at the 2021 Berlinale. 2017 (docu) 丹尼郭迪 1973 年生於加拿大紐賓士域,蒙特利爾阿安色大學電影系畢業,曾當新聞工作 爆肌六壯士(紀錄片) 者及影評人。2005 年憑首部長片《北國》獲羅迦諾電影節最佳錄影作品獎。憑《戲在瘟疫 2019 Ghost Town Anthology 人間鬼鎮 蔓延時》榮獲柏林影展「賞遇」單元最佳導演。 2021 Social Hygiene 戲在瘟疫蔓延時