SKY GUIDE Map Marks the Point Directly Overhead

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SKY GUIDE Map Marks the Point Directly Overhead TO USE THE SKY MAP: Hold the map over your head with NORTH “North” pointing towards the northern horizon on the Earth. The center of the SKY GUIDE map marks the point directly overhead. January 2016 The position of the constellations on the map will match the night sky. URSA MAJOR DRACO URSA MINOR Polaris Vega LYRA CEPHEUS Pollux Castor Albireo Deneb CYGNUS CASSIOPEIA Capella GEMINI AURIGA EAS CANIS PERSEUS MINOR T S T DELPHINUS WE ANDROMEDA TAURUS Betelgeuse Alpheratz Enif PEGASUS Bellatrix ARIES ORION PISCES Rigel CETUS AQUARIUS Fomalhaut This is the sky in EARLY JANUARY at 9:00pm and LATE JANUARY at 8:00pm The Sky Guide is drawn for Phases of the Moon Genesee County and other places 43 degrees north latitude. Planet positions are shown for mid-month, unless otherwise noted. SOUTH 3RD QUARTER NEW MOON 1ST QUARTER FULL MOON January 2 January 9 January 16 January 23 VISIBLE SKY Evening Planets: Jupiter has finally made the rounds and begins to rise very late in the evening. You can find Jupiter between Leo and Virgo this month. Morning Planets: Mars and Venus continue to brighten the morning sky in January. Venus will be the very bright point in the morning. Saturn will be near Venus all month but will not be as bright and may be more difficult to spot as the sun rises. COUPON Show this coupon at Longway Planetarium SKY GUIDE for a FREE child January 2016 with paid adult. Expires January 31, 2016 (Good at Longway Planetarium only. Not good for Groups or Combo tickets) Show Schedule Dark Side: Skies Over Skies Over Michigan The Accidental Astronauts The Light Show Michigan Daily at 3:30pm Sat. & Sun. at 1:30pm Friday & Saturday at 8:00pm Stars To Space and Back Sea Monsters Saturday & Sunday at 4:30pm Daily at 2:30pm Friday & Saturday at 7:00pm.
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