Socialist Workers Win Round in Court to Get out the Trulh-Vour Help Is

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Socialist Workers Win Round in Court to Get out the Trulh-Vour Help Is DECEMBER 21, 1979 50 CENTS VOLUME 43/NUMBER 49 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE II II Socialist Workers win round in court By Arnold Weissberg In a victory for civil liberties and a blow to Washington's war drive against Iran, a federal court has struck down President Carter's order singling out Iranian students for possible depor­ tation. The December 11 ruling by Federal District Judge Joyce Green came in response to a lawsuit on behalf of the 50,000 Iranian students in this coun­ try, filed by attorneys for the Socialist Workers Party and the National Emer­ gency Civil Liberties Committee. The American Civil Liberties Union had also filed a suit, which was merged with the SWP and NECLC suit. Agreeing with the SWP attorneys' arguments that Carter's order illegally discriminates against Iranians, Judge Green wrote: "May the President or the Attorney General abridge those rights guaranteed by the Constitution in order to further this country's foreign Militant/Rita Lee policy objectives? This Court thinks not." Seattle antiwar protest. Public opposition to Carter's racist deportation order set She ordered an immediate halt to the stage for court decision. deportations and to Immigration and Naturalization Service grilling of Iran­ ian students. She added that informa­ political beliefs: did they support the ter's order "would not only reject the Party candidate for president, hailed tion already gathered in questioning shah or Khomeini? most cherished constitutional precepts the decision. the students could not be used as the Carter's deportation order also applicable to all of us, citizen and alien "The Carter administration is hav­ basis for deportations. aimed to encourage the racist notion alike," but would also set a precedent ing a hard time convincing Americans The government announced its in­ that all Iranians are "the enemy" and for "future extreme assertions of execu­ that we must sacrifice our civil liber­ tention to appeal the ruling. are rightful objects of attack by red­ tive power." ties, our standard of living, or our lives Carter had ordered all Iranian stu­ blooded Americans. Whipping up such The government's m~ves against for its crusade against Iran," he said. dents in this country to report to the anti-Iranian racism is a key part of democratic rights had already gone far "The crude racism of the deportation INS by December 14 to have their Washington's efforts to win public beyond Iranian students, as city and order has especially produced opposi­ status checked. Failure to report would support for war. state officials tried to ban pro-Iran tion." have been grounds for deportation. SWP attorneys Shelley Davis and demonstrations in some areas. "The solution to the crisis is simple," The order was an open effort to block Margaret Winter, along with Eric Lieb­ The deportation order had met with the socialist candidate declared. "Send pro-Iran demonstrations and to intimi­ erman of the NECLC, argued that widespread protest by civil libertar­ back the shah. Stop the war moves date Iranian students from speaking infringement of the rights of Iranian ians, student organizations, Black and against Iran. That's what I am cam­ out in support of their country's de­ students was a big step toward curbing Chicano groups, and some unionists. paigning for. And that's a message mand for extradition of the shah. the rights of anyone who dissents from This public opposition set the stage for that American working people are Students who reported to the INS as government policies. the court's favorable ruling. agreeing with more and more each ordered were questioned about their Judge Green agreed, noting that Car- Andrew Pulley, Socialist Workers day." To get out the trulh-vour help is needed An emergency appeal By Janice Lynn With only two weeks left, the Socialist Workers 1980 presidential campaign fund needs a big boost in order to meet the extraordinary costs of getting out the truth on Iran to the American people. The $80,000 drive now stands at $58,530. To meet our goal, an additional $21,470 must be received by December 31. The SWP candidates have been campaigning from one end of the country to the other in defense of the Iranian revolution. They have appeared on radio and television and been interviewed by the daily papers-speaking out against the bipartisan efforts of the Democrats and Republicans to drag us Continued on page 3 In Our Opinion VOLUME 43/NUMBER 49 DECEMBER 21, 1979 CLOSING NEWS DATE-DEC. 12 the European workers themselves, especially The ball is being carried by Secretary of Carter escalates in France and Italy, and the national libera­ Labor Ray Marshall. In a special interview tion movements in the colonies and semicolo­ with the December 2 Los Angeles Times, nuclear arms race nles. Marshall does some fast figuring to "prove" . As we go to press a NATO conference in Today, in the face of a whole series of that if it weren't for the undocumented, unem­ Brussels, Belgium, is voting on a Carter ad­ setbacks, beginning with its debacle in Viet­ ployment would be under 4 percent. ministration proposal to station a new fleet of nam, Washington is striving to reassert its Never mind the profit drive of the auto and medium-range nuclear missiles throughout ability to use military might to police the steel companies that have closed plants and Western Europe. The plan calls for deployment world. And it is demanding that its imperialist put tens of thousands of workers on the street. of 572 new cruise-missiles and Pershing II partners share more of the burden for interven­ Never mind the deliberate efforts of the Carter missiles capable of striking Eastern Europe ing against the toiling masses wherever they administration to deepen the recession under and the Soviet Union. rise up. the guise of "fighting inflation." Just keep There is nothing "defensive" about these Meanwhile the Carter administration hopes your eye on the Mexican border. sophisticated, mobile missiles. They are de­ to use the Iran crisis to push through new signed for first-strike capability. escalations of the U.S. military budget. "Presi­ If border controls were tightened, Marshall The new U.S. war proposals have touched dent Carter has approved a five-year accelera­ says, and employers made liable for fines for off a wave of protests abroad, including one of tion in U.S. defense spending," the Wall Street hiring the undocumented, then Americans the largest antinuclear demonstrations in re­ Journal reported December 12. would be eligible for those jobs. Particularly, cent history in Brussels itself. According to this article, "The budget plan he says, "minority teen-agers, women who Under this mass pressure, the Dutch parlia­ places particular emphasis on increasing U.S. head families and older workers." ment voted against accepting any of the new capability to move combat troops to distant Marshall concedes the jobs held by the weapons in the Netherlands, and the govern­ trouble spots." undocumented are not prize-winners. ments of Denmark and Norway are said to be War against Iran . war against anti­ "They earn less money than just about considering asking for a postponement of the imperialist "trouble spots" elsewhere in the everyone else," he says. "They endure poor decision. world . continental war in Europe ... and unsafe working conditions . and little The concern of working people in Europe is nuclear war against the Soviet Union. All chance for advancement." fully justified, and is shared by American remain part of the Pentagon's global conting­ Marshall calls for a crackdown on the un­ working people as well. ency plans and military capabilities. documented because "I am convinced we are The nuclear plans for Europe are especially And for what? sowing the seeds of a serious future civil rights ominous in light of Washington's drive toward Freedom? National honor? Human rights? struggle, and we would be better off if we were war against Iran. Any U.S. military action No-for the global profit interests of U.S. to confront it now." there-on the borders of the Soviet Union­ corporations. For markets. For control over Marshall's target is not just the undocu­ could escalate into a worldwide holocaust. natural resources. For the right to wring mented. Not widely publicized in the American press billions out of the superexploited labor of "We need," he declared, "an identification is the fact that the new NATO plans include peoples around the world. system which would apply to all workers." stepped-up agreements for the deployment of U.S. workers have no interest in sustaining Assuring of his "concern" for civil liberties, conventional forces. According to the British this war apparatus, much less expanding it. Marshall adds, "But the fears of such a system Economist, "Good progress has been made in Our interests lie in demanding total disarma­ are exaggerated, because all workers would be stepping up the readiness of the forces in ment of the Washington warmakers. End the covered, not just Hispanics.... " Europe. The plans to get reinforcements to the war budget and put those funds to work for the It's a danger to civil liberties, you see, when central front from Britain and the United urgent social needs of humankind! internal passports are fastened on one section States have been improved." of the working class. But not if it's all the The guns of NATO are aimed not only at workers. Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. They Think about it. From the day you start are also aimed at the workers of Europe and National ID card? looking for your first job, you must carry a the toiling masses of Africa, Asia, and Latin government-issued "counterfeit-proof" ID card, America.
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