Citizens Association of Georgetown |
Georgetown CITIZENS V OLUME X X V I / I SSUE 2 / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 2 WWW . CAGTOWN . ORG CAG Presents GEORGETOWN ARTS 2012 at the House of Sweden February 16-20 he third annual CAG art show opens with a reception on Thursday evening February 16 from T6 to 9pm at the House of Sweden at 2900 K Street NW. CAG Presents Georgetown ARTS, sponsored by CAG and the House of Sweden, along with several generous patrons, will showcase talents of Georgetown’s many artists – “emerging” to established, young to old, working in classes, studios, and plein air. The CAG Presents Georgetown ARTS 2012 Committee: Back row: Betsy Cooley, Jane Lepscky, Shaun Murphy, Chair Laura Following Thursday evening’s opening reception, Anne Tisconia, Jennifer Altemus, Camilla Bozzoli. Front row: Georgetown ARTS 2012 will be open daily Friday, Febru- Bear Miller, Robin Hill, Mary Wagner, Wendy Plotkin-Mates ary 17, through Monday, February 20, from 11am to 5pm, featuring works by Georgetown residents — and artists The House of Sweden, our lead sponsor, is itself a note- who have studios in Georgetown. Artists Edward “Bear” worthy destination for beautiful contemporary design — Miller, Camilla Bozzoli and Robin Hill will offer demon- and Potomac River views. They have graciously donated strations of portraiture, watercolor and oil painting during the use of two stunning large rooms for the show. the course of the show. Art work on view will include oil, acrylic and watercolor painting, prints, sculpture, photogra- Art Show Committee Chair, Laura-Anne Tiscornia, is phy, and mixed media. Most works will be available for working with a terrific committee of volunteers who are sale, with a few on loan from the artists and private collec- planning a knockout show.
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