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! Catholic University, then came to Drathfl Funeral Services Held stood outside to hear the Ibatfttf Funeral Services The Star. He served in the services BARNARD JOSEPH 1 On Tuesday Au- I.AFSON. V. On Army Funeral MATTIE Monday Au- Mrs. Elmer 5. Newton Today Services Held transmitted to them gust jo. 3943. at Providence Hospital. gust 9 J943. at Georgetown University For Mrs. Arthur T. during the last war. by loudspeaker. JOSEPH L. BARNARD, beloved husband of Hospital. MATTIE V LAR80N. beloved Gray is the He survived by two sisters. Mrs Among the many floral tributes late Viola M Barnard and father of daughter of Mrs. Mary E Knott and mother Special Dispatch to The Star. For C. S. Steelman Robert H and Charles E. Barnard and Mis. of George Marmion and Beatrice For C. Theophil Tiverny Rogers and Mrs. Martha Bascom sent was one B Sullivan — Slemp from Wendell Wtllkle. Lorene Remains resting at the Geo W Wise fu- Funeral Rites BROOKEVILLE. Md„ Aug. 11 call at the 1 ee Held; Charles Sylvester Steelman. 54. Alexander, both of Friends may funeral neral home. 2900 M st. n.w., until Thurs- Washington, and B» A»«oci»t*d Pr***. Burial was in Turkey Cove. Lee borne. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n e where day. August 12 Funeral services lor Mrs. Arthur T. at his mother. Mrs. Mattie colored, chef The Star for about Steelman. BIG — on a knoll eprvicrs will be held on Thursday. August Funeral from the residence of her sister STONE GAP. Va Aug 11 ! County, overlooking the a: w Statesville. N. C. 32. 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited Mrs Mabel Newman 4H43 Brewer pi n w Gray, 52, ho died at her home near 30 who died site of Mr. birth. Interment Cedar Hill years, Monday at Funeral services were held Slempa Cemetery. on Fridav August 1 3 a» 8;.TO am thence Former D. C. Teacher yesterday Mr to Our Lady of Victory Church, where mass here Saturday after a long illness, Slemp. former Representative BEALL. NINA NEWTON Tuesday Mount Alto Hospital after more at the Stone On will he offered at 9 a.m Relatives and Big Gap Methodist from 10 1943 NINA Private funeral services were held Virginia’s #th district and sec- August NEWTON BEALL friends invited Interment St. Gabriels were held yesterday from the fu- than a years’ illness, will be buried Lady Astor Is Grandmother beloved wife of Ralph R Beall of 4913 Church for C. Bascom Slemp. 72. retary to President Cemetery, Potomac, Mb. 12 for Mrs. Elmer S. New- in National Ceme- Coolidge. died Rosedal"' ave Rethepcia Md yesterday neral home of Roy W. Barber. Lav- today Arlington LONDON. Aug. 11 i.4*).—A son was Mr former Funeral sen ires at the Bethrsda-Chevy LEWIS. CAPT. H Slemp. Republican Saturday in Knoxville. Tenn., where TURNER. On Tues- tonsville. The Rev. Conrad tery. following services at 2 p.m. born Monday to Michael Chase funeral home of Wm, Reuben Ptim- a' ton. 3823 road N.W who Jordan, Capt. Astor national committeeman day August 10. 194.1 Mount Alto Hos- Woodley and party he was stricken about 10 days ago phrey on Thursday. August 12 at 2 p.m. pital Cap' H TURNER LEWIS, beloied of the Methodist Church at at Jarvis funeral home. and his wife, it was died at Doctors pastor announced to- leader in for 30 until with a cardiac Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. husband of Mrs. Midge B Lewis of Blue- Hospital Monday- A Virginia years ailment while en conducted the services native of North Carolina. Mr day. Capt. Astor is the son mont. Va and brothrr of Mrs. Leona Brookeville. of Lady he retired in 1932. was bv route to his summer BLAKE. ETHELY\ S On Tuesday Au- after two and one-half months’ ill- mourned home here. He Hauselt of Bradley Beach. N J. Remains w as in I he at Steelman came to Washington in Astor. American-born member in at residence Hi49 2H'h and burial cemetery of large numbers of his friends who was gust 1943. her resting at Hysong s funeral home, LTOO N returning from Florida where ness. Burial was in Rock Creek 1911. He worked first as a cook at Parliament. south. Arlington. Va EYHELYN S st. n.w. Laytcnsville. crowded into the small church and < he had the BLAKE beloved wife of Comdr James C spent winter. Funeral services will be held at Fort Cemetery. Blake, mother of .Jethelyn Blake. Edward H Myer Chapel. *• Arlington National Ceme- and A Marsh A native of Marsh Ricnard Remains ■erv on Fridav. August l.T. at 2 Dm Washington, Mrs. resting at the & h Hines Co. funeral Relatives and friends are invited to attend Newton was educated at public home 29ni 141 h st n w Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 12 Mei Funeral services at Fort Myer Chapel. schools here and attended RadclifTe Lan-fang, 50, For- Myer. Va on Friday August 1.3. at NT HI.HAUSEN. S. LOUISE. On Mon- JULIUS' Mass. She 3 ;p m Interment Arlington National day. Avgust 9. 1943. at Sibley Hospital. S College, Cambridge. Cemetery Erie Pa and Denver, Colo LOUISE NUHLH AUSEN, beloved wife of taught for a number of years in pipers please copy ) 12 Fred Nuhlhausen District schools until 1902, when Dead Funeral from the William H Scott fu- Actor, Reported 12:30 BRENT. MARY. 9. to On Monday. August neral st se 9 home. 409 8th Fridav. August she man i#ri Dr Newton, who was a PM. 3 943, at her residence. 1319 Linden court By 'he Associated Press. Open IT. at A pm Relatives and friends in- ! Thursday r e MARY BRENT mother of William vited. chemistry teacher at Western High Interment Congressional Cemetery. CHUNGKING. China. Aug 11.— Brent, and Katie Murgin. She also leaves 12 School from 1898 to 1915, when he fi r grandchildren, two great-grandchildren An unconfirmed report appearing in and a host of other relatives and friends. PIERCE. ANNA LOUISE. Suddenly, on became principal. Dr. Newton re- The la’e Mrs. Brent will rest at the resi- Tuesday, Jo. ANNA a local Chinese newspaper said to- August 1943. LOUISE tired from this last August. dence of her brother 1303 Linden court PIERCE of TO 18 Porter st n w formerly position that Dr. Mei Lan-fang, 50. P c after -3 p m Wednesday ol Grand Rapids. Mich daughter of the Mrs. Newton was a member of" day Masp will be offered Thursday. August late Col and Mrs Edwin S Pierce Re- famous Chinese actor who played St. Mark's Church. She is survived 3 2 ai 9 a m at Holy Name Church. 11th mains resting at the S H Hines Co. iu- female roles, had been poisoned by and K sts n e Services by Stewart s fu- neral home. 2901 14th st n.w. by. in addition to Dr. Newton, two neral home, 30 H s.t n e. II Services at the above funeral home on the Japanese and died Sunday in Thursday. August 12. at n a m Inter- nieces, Elizabeth J. Towne, who has CASE. ELIZABETH JOHANA. On Tues- ment Arlington National Cemetery. Shanghai. Po- lived with the Newtons for a num- day. August 10. 1943 at her home The report was treated with re- tomac Md ELIZABETH JOHANA CASE, PIERCE. DORA G. On Tuesday. August ber of years, and Mrs. Margaret T. beloved daughter of Charlrs Samuel Case lo. 1943. DORA G. PIERCE of Vienna. serve here. and the late Mary Margaret Case Miss Va beloved wife of Irving R. Pierce and McAlwee. and a nephew. Marvin W. : Case rests at the Warner E Pumphrey fu- mother of Mrs. Anne M. Stontenburgh and Towne. both of Washington. neral home. M34 Georgia ave Silver Guilford R. Pierce Mei brought his company to the Spring. Md Services at the S. H Hines Co funeral United States for a tour in 1930 and Notice of funeral later. home 2901 14th st. n.w on Friday. Au- gust. l.T. at 1 pm. Interment Fort Lin- appeared on New York, Chicago and ^MlIRRITURE^ On Monday. 1 ° Mrs. John C. Atchison COFFEY. JEAN DOLORES. coln Cemetery. He also nad August 9 194:’.. at The Washing’on Sani- Washington stages. tarium, JEAN DOLORES COFFEY beloved PRUNKARD. CAROL ANN. On Tuesday performed in Japan and Russia and Take sis- of daughter of Mrs Margaret D. Coffey, JO. 1943. at These August Childrens Hospital. actor to Advantage Items the Chinese ter of Ruth Coffey of Los Angeles. Calif.: CAROL ANN PRUNKARD. 'he beloved Dies in Paio Alto, Calif. was first appear Quality Allan and Joan Coffey Remains resting daughter of Pauline and Franklin Prunkard on a foreign stage. It was estimated at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 Chapin and sister of Donna Sue Prunkard Mrs. John C. Atchison, wife of that his income once had reached at. n.w Services at Chambers' funeral home John C. Atchison, former head of in at Memorial S. D A Our Services Capital 1400 Chapin <t n.w., on Thursday. August *750.000 annually. Furniture Exhibit F sts. n w on Thursday. August Church. 3th and 12. at 10:30 am. Interment Andrew the Washington Bureau of Fairchild August 12. Rt 1 p.m Interment Arling- Chapel. Va. Mei came from a of famous and how a Pacific family ton National Cemetery. 1L Publications Convenient RICE. CLARA. On Tuesday. August 10. Chinese actors and made his first Budget Terms 1943. at Gallincer Hospital. CLARA RICE.