Vol. X III - No. 29 , N. Y., MONDAY, JULY 18, 1949 PRICE: FIVE CENTS CIO Steelworkers SWP Asks Board of inquiry Face Showdown Battle on Wages To Probe Stalinist Slanders JULY 14 — The frantic efforts of Truman and Philip Murray to forestall a steel strike by a formula of govern­ Howard Fast ment intervention without open use of the Taft-Harfley Act has foundered On the flat Touchstone for Conference refusal of the major steel cor­ agreement reached through gov­ Challenged to porations to accept Truman’s ernment intervention. proposed “fact-finding” procedure The Truman administration has unless carried out formally under assured the steel companies that To Defend Bill of Rights the “fact-finding” board he pro­ Face Hearing the law. -An Editorial- Contemptuous and arrogant, poses to set up will have power NEW YORK, July 13 — the U. S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel to recommend a settlement, but Popular indignation is mounting against the police-state terror and Republic Steel corporations that such a proposed settlement fostered by the Truman administration. The time is at hand to or­ Farrell Dobbs, National insist on nothing less than all- w ill not be binding on either party ganize this resistance in a broad movement of united action to stop Chairman of the Socialist out, open government strike­ in the dispute. Under these con­ the campaign for thought control and defend an victims of the Workers Party, today called breaking. They refuse to allow ditions, the companies would still witch-hunt. The Bill of Rights Conference is presented with a for establishment of a Com­ 'I ruman and Murray even a poli­ be able to refuse any concessions, magnificent opportunity to become an important part of that move­ mission of Inquiry, composed tically face-saving formula for however small, the government ment. But unfortunately it is also presented with an ultimatum of impartial liberal and labor applying Taft-Hartley procedure might suggest. which, if accepted, will nullify all its activity and blow it up as an leaders, to investigate the libelous without invoking the Taft-Hartley Murray, however, has virtually effective instrument for civil rights. slanders against Dobbs and the law. committed the steel union, in the The ultimatum is delivered by the leaders of the Communist legless veteran James Kutcher Thus, Murray’s hand has been eyes of the public, to accept any Party. In an editorial in the July 14 Daily Worker, a compendium made by Howard Fast, Stalinist terms, no matter how slight the of misrepresentation and slander, the Stalinists put two peremptory forced and he has been compelled literary hack, in Fast’s letter to fix a strike deadline for mid­ gains, proposed by Truman conditions to the conference and all defenders of civil rights: published by the July 11 Daily through his “fact-finding” board. 1. That a movement for civil rights which defends the liber­ night Saturday, July 16. Unless Compass. For it has been known for weeks ties of Trotskyists will not be supported by the Communist Pavty the steel barons reverse their Fast’s scurrilous lies about that Murray wanted intervention but must expect its most vicious animosity, sabotage and disruptive stand at the last minute and Dobbs, Kutcher and the Trotsky­ by the government, that he in­ opposition. accept Truman's second plea to ist movement represent the Com­ vited if and eagerly accepted it 2. That any moveipent for civil rights which receives the sup­ present their case before his munist Party’s answer to liberal as soon as Truman made his port of the Communist Party must accept its position on Trotsky­ special “fact-finding” board in columnists I. F. Stone and Albert proposal. ism, its whole catalogue of unfounded, irresponsible and criminal return for a 60-day delay of the Deutsch who, in recent issues of str.kc, an estimated 500,000 charges and accusations. AGAINST THEIR WILL the Compass, attacked the posi­ workers in basic steel will hit Imitators of Tom Clark and FBI Murray and the top CIO lead­ tion 'of the CP in refusing to de­ the picket lines this week-end. The model for this ominous ultimatum is to be found in the ers, much against their will, may fend the civil rights of Trotsky­ methods and reasoning of the Tom Clarks, the Un-American Com­ NO ASSURANCES be forced to lead a show-down ists and other political opponents mittee and the FBI. The witch-hunters are not for the suppression of Stalinism. There is no assurance, how­ battle. Rut they have no stomach of all critics at this time. They now lim it their victims to the left- Stone and Deutsch rebuked the ever, that if there is a prolonged (Continued on Page 2) wing minority which is critical of the administration and especially Stalinists specifically for their steel strike which progressively of its foreign policy. action at the New York Civil affects wider sectors of industry, Nor are the witch-hunters at present demanding the suppres­ Rights Congress when they voted Truman will not resort to Taft- sion of critics just because they are critics. Their criterion for the down an amendment to support Hartley measures to break the denial of civil rights, for the time being, is the accusation of “ spy,” the pardon cam paign o f th e 18 strike. He will be under the “conspirator,” “subversive,” “agent of a foreign power” and seek­ Minneapolis Labor Case victims heaviest pressure of the capital­ ing to “overthrow the government by force and violence.” No ef­ Truman Report Belittles and to defend James Kutcher, ist press, the whole capitalist fort has been made to prove these charges or to provide organiza­ who was fired by the Veterans class and Congress to smash a tions so blacklisted with a hearing or the right of self-defense. Administration for his member­ strike that might well set off a But that ddes not prevent the government from smearing and vic­ ship in the SWP. new wave of labor struggles in timizing members of these organizations. Danger of Depression Among other slanders, Fast al­ auto, electrical equipment, coal The Communist Party merely changes a few words but operates leged that Kutcher had “said June, unemployment at close to has worked as little as 1 hour and other industries now in nego­ on the same principle. It claims to be in favor of civil rights for By Art Preis quite frankly that he supported 4 million and business invest­ during the week of the survey, tiatio ns. all with one exception —• its opponents and critics from the left, With almost all economic in­ the overthrow of the government ments running 26% below tile On the other hand, even if the the Trotskyists» Like Tom Clark, it proceeds from the standpoint dexes dropping steeply, Truman those on temporary lay-offs of by force and violence.” To this 1948 peak. less than 30 days and any laid- steel corporations finally accept of “guilt by association” in its warning to I. F. Stone that if he at last has been forced to admit FBI-stoolpigeon lie he added that Truman’s proposal and a strike persists in defending Trotskyists he is to be read out of the “pro­ that there is “a declining na­ Truman’s figures on employ­ off worker not “actively” seek­ the Trotskyists are “admitted is averted or halted after it gressive” camp. tional economy.” But his Mid­ ment and unemployment illustrate ing a job. More than four million pro-fascists,” that they “were starts, there is no assurance that Like Tom Clark, the Stalinists are willing to permit “differ­ year Economic Report to Con­ his efforts to minimize the others cut to less than half-time financially supported by the Ger­ the steel workers will gain more ences” from all except those whom they arbitrarily blacklist as gress, issued on July 11, still seriousness of the situation. He employment are not mentioned man Nazi movement,” and that by Trum an. than crumbs, if that, from an PHILIP MURRAY “fascists,” “fifth columnists,” "agents of Hitler and Franco” — sees only a “ moderate downward claims, for instance, that civilian the SWP members generally are accusations which are also made without evidence or the right of trend.” He tries to freight this em ploym ent in June was 59.6 G overnm ent experts have been “ strikebreakers, thugs and agent those so charged to publicly defend themselves. The penalty for latest report, with the optimism million, down only 11/, million telling us that less than 60,000,- provocateurs.” those blacklisted by Stalinism is not only to be barred from the of his previous ones. But now, from a year ago. He does not 000 employed and more than In his reply sent to the Daily DICTATOR-RULE IN UAW civil rights movement but to be denied its defense against the instead of being able to point to state how the U. S. Bureau of 5,000,000 unemployed means a Compass, Dobbs gives a point- witch-hunters and,persecutors. Here the liberals and progressives new records in production and Census arrived at this figure. major crisis. Truman has "avert­ by-point answer to Fast’s inven­ are called upon to uphold the Smith Act against the Trotskyists, employment, he has to concede The bureau balanced off a ed” the crisis simply by covering tions and challenges Fast to sub- and to join a united front with Tom Clark against James Kutchcr. a reverse trend. sharp decline in industrial em­ (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 3) FOUGHT AT CONVENTION Liberals Branded “ Disrupters” Too His statistical data, however, ployment by claiming a big sudden rise in agricultural em­ Those liberals like I. F. Stone, Thomas Emerson, Albert Deutsch, is selected and trimmed to MILWAUKEE, July 12 — The twelfth convention of the ployment, although, as the July Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman and others who have never m inim ize the exte nt and speed CIO United Automobile Workers Union is a far cry from 9 Business Week observes, “ Why hesitated in defending Stalinists from government persecution but o f the decline. He trie s to ..assure this should be — with crops no Three Conference Sponsors the convention that met in this same city and in this same who reject with indignation this Stalinist disruption of a united us that American capitalist "free hall twelve years ago. The 1937 defense movement are themselves attacked as “disrupters” by the enterprise” is fundamentally larger and machinery more Milwaukee convention, flushed ministration’s record on the ■Daily Worker. Herein is revealed the true nature of Stalinism, which sound and that the current down- plentiful — is one of the little with the union’s remarkable vic­ speedup problem, Reuther thun­ considers the very notion of submitting disputed questions to demo­ slide is merely a “transition mysteries of the employment Agree on United Action Need tories over the automobile manu­ dered that, “ We take the position cratic discussion and decision — for that matter the whole demo­ period” that holds no cause for figures.” It is no mystery when facturers, was the very embodi­ we will mobilize our union to cratic process — as “ disruption.” alarm. The net effect, is a falsely we understand that this surpris­ JULY 13 — Three prominent educators this week ex­ ment of insurgency, fierce and fight against speedup wherever Let the victims perish, let the witch-hunt triumph, but let no reassuring picture of the present ing growth in farm “employ­ pressed agreement with Farrell Dobbs, National Chairman jealously-guarded democracy and it raises its ugly head.” one question the crimes and treachery of Stalinism — that is the state of the economy and the ment” largely reflects the return of the Socialist Workers Party, that the Bill of Rights Reuther then attempted to take to farm homes of relatives laid defiant m ilita n cy. The 1949 Con­ meaning of the ultimatum delivered to the- Bill of Rights Confer­ direction it is traveling. Conference should undertake to1 'he edge off any criticism of his off from city jobs. vention shows that the union is ence. Thus, his first stress is on the defend the civil rights of all ticipants are going to speak and wage strategy and his mis­ in the grip of a conservative This threat cannot be ignored or evaded. The Bill of Rights claim that employment, produc­ Truman’s figure of 3.8 million groups under attack. They were act constructively — not attack handling of the recent Ford machine and th a t it has been Conference will stultify itself as a mere front for Stalinism if it tion and business investment are unemployed, also based on Census Harlow Shapley, director of the each other. The enemy is the strike by vaguely threatening to corroded with the deadly acids of submits, to the Stalinist ultimatum. Only the unambiguous and “still high.” But even his own Bureau statistics, is at least Harvard College Observatory; persecutor of all minorities, not call a new strike at Ford if the red-baiting and opportunism. unqualified rejection of this ultimatum can lay the basis for the figures, selected to give the most 1 '/i million shy of the real mark. 1 nomas I. Emerson, professor in those who differ from us in poli­ union’s economic demands were Nevertheless, as was made clear widest mobilization of all sections of the labor and liberal movement optimistic picture, show in­ The bureau does not list as un­ 1he Yale University School of tical ideologies.” in the presentation of. a minority (Continued on page 2) in defense of our precious liberties. dustrial production down 13% in employed anyone laid off who Law; and Frederick L. Schuman, report on CIO Policy and the professor in the Political Science RIGHTS OF ALL GROUPS brief rebellion against holding Department at Williams College. On the same day Professor conventions bi-annually, the tradi­ All three are sponsors of the Emerson sent the following letter tion of insurgency in the UAW July 16-17 Bill of Rights Con­ to Dobbs: has not died by a long shot. It ference. “I am in agreement with your has simply been quelled because Dobbs Answers Fast’s Lies in "Compass" They had received copies of position that any conference on of specific developments in the Dobbs’ letter to Paul Kern, tem­ civil liberties should support the faction fight inside the UAW and Ted O. Thackrey, Editor s:on among the American Armed victed on the basis of any acts Trotskyists, shot by the Italian clior, the legless veteran who porary chairman of the coming political and civil rights of all the sweeping witch - hunt from The Daily Compass Forces.” of violence or intimidation but fascists; the French leader, Mar­ was fired from his clerical job in conference (printed in last week’s groups in the . I outside the union. But this con­ 164 Duane Street A mere accusation, without solely by reason of their ex­ cel Hie, tortured to death at the Veterans Administration Militant). Dr. Shapley sent the also agree that a representative vention has provided enough signs proof, appears sufficient to con­ pression of political views and Buchenwald; Leon Lesoil, veteran solely because of his membership following letter to Kern on July of your party should appear as to confirm that militancy will vince Mr. Fast of guilt. By his opinions.” Mr. Wallace further Belgian Trotskyist, starved and in the Socialist Workers Party. 1.1, with a copy to Dobbs: speaker at the conference and on animate the UAW again, once Dear Mr. Thackrey: standards of justice, the simple stated in the same letter: “ I fully beaten to death at Neuengamme: Kutcher’s case, he says, is only the important committees. I the ranks shake off the effects Howard Fast’s letter in The fact that the government prose­ support the restoration of their and scores of other martyred one of many. To raise such cases “ A PROPER R E Q U E S T ” have, w ritte n to th is e ffe c t to of the present anti-red hysteria. Compass of July 11 makes it cutor has made unproven accusa­ civil rights to the defendants in Trotskyiss, murdered by the would water down “the central “ I have, received as you m ust Paul Kern.” crystal clear that the Communist tions against the Stalinists would this case.” fascist butchers. intent of the resolution.” Besides have also received a copy of On July 12 Professor Schuman K E U T H E R ’S SPEEC H Party, for whom he is obviously constitute grounds to deny that Mr. Fast boasts of .Stalinist Mr. Fast slanders the Trot­ there are “very simple chan­ the letter from Mr. Farrell wrote a letter to Dobbs, which Walter Reuther, UAW Presi­ speaking, intends to stand pat on this persecution has anything to “consistency in the anti-fascist skyists as "strike-breakers, thugs nels” for asking Civil Rights Con­ Dobbs, National Chairman of the read as fo llo w s: dent, pitched his opening address its refusal to defend the civil de with civil liberties. struggle.” He accuses the Trot­ and agent provocateurs.” Again gress aid. “Why then was the Socialist Workers Party. On its “ I am in receipt of your letter very cleverly to meet the rights of political tendencies op­ The truth is that the 18 Trot­ skyists of “advocating support let mt remind him of a few amendment on Kutcher raised?” face, the argument in his letter of July 9 and of the copy of your grumbling in the ranks and the posed to Stalinism and aims to skyists were convicted only of to the Nazi and fascist dealers facts. Trotsky was murdered by he asks, hinting darkly at some to you, dated July 7, appeals to letter of the seventh to Mr. Paul union’s lack of achievements in impose that fatal policy on any advocating the teachings of Marx, in death.” Let me remind him of a proven Stalinist police agent sinister motive. The answer is me as a proper request. 1 did not J. Kern, acting chairman of the the past year. The speech was movement they are connected Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. The a few facts. known as Frank Jacson, who has sim ple. follow the activities at the meet­ Bill of Rights Conference to be militant in tone and consisted, with. That is the real reason for Communist Manifesto was in­ It was not Trotsky who signed been convicted by a Mexican Bolh Kutcher and the Trot­ ing of June 25. Naturally I would held at the Henry Hudson Hotel in the main, of a savage attack his insolent rebuke to I. F. Stone troduced as evidence against us. a pact with Hitler opening the court for that heinous crime. skyist victims of the Smith Act expert the communist cause to be in New Y o rk on J u ly 16 and 17. against the Big Business giants, who has sharply criticized the Unions representing millions of way for the slaughter and It was not The Militant that requested Civil Rights Congress strongly defended and presented Although I am one of the their huge profits, salaries and Stalinists for their refusal to members and scores of liberal destruction of World War II. It attacked the striking coal miners support prior to the June 25 at the Civil R ghts Congress. It Initiating Sponsors of this Con­ bonuses, their gouging and their support Trotskyist victims of organizations protested the con­ was Stalin. It was not Dobbs, or in a headline that screamed, meeting. A second request was strikes me as highly important ference, circumstances beyond my responsibility for depression. th.e v. itch -h u n t. viction and have supported the any other member of the So­ “Not An Hour’s Stoppage! The submitted to the resolutions com­ that no favoritism of any sort control will make it impossible Reuther also brought out the full Mr. Fast contends that the con- pardon campaign of the Trot­ cialist Workers Party, who said, Mines Must Be Seized!” It was mittee at the meeting. Virtually prevail at the coming meeting for me to participate in person. justice of the workers’ demands \ict:yn of 18 Trotskyists at skyists. “Fascism is a matter of taste.” the Daily Worker of March 30, eveiy Stalinist civil rights case under your chairmanship. I am ‘‘I am, however, in agreement and the ability of the corporations Minneapolis in 1941 under the Perhaps Mr. Fast would also It was Molotov. 1945. was mentioned in the resolutions sure, that it is your intention, with your position that the to grant wage increases, pensions same Smith Act that is now being like to rebuke Henry A. Wallace Mr. Fast vilifies by his accusa­ Mr. Fast presents an involved adopted, but there wasn’t a single and the intention of the great lefense of civil rights cannot be and health plans while lowering used against the Stalinists "is for stating in a letter to me on tions Martin Widelin, German alibi for the refusal of the Civil reference to the Trotskyist vic­ majority of the sponsors, that all honestly and effectively furthered prices at the same time. not a case of civil liberties.” September 21, 1948: “ I t is ap­ Trotskyist leader executed near Rights Congress to accept at its tims of the witch-hunt. Believing sufferers from abuses of the Bill rave on the basis of defense of all At complete variance with his Why? Because the Trotskyists parent that the defendants in the Paris by the Gestapo; Pantelis June 25 meeting an amendment themselves entitled to civil liber- of Rights be given recognition. minority groups whose rights are previous declarations and his ad­ “ were accused of sowing dissen- Minneapolis case were not con­ Pouliopoulous, head of the Greek pledging support to James Kut- (Continued on page 3) “ Of course I hope that all par­ (Continued on page 3) P age T w o THE MILITANT Monday, July 18, 1949 Dictatorial Rule in UAW Fought Strikers on the A ir BACKGROUND OF THE (Continued from Page 1) machine, brushed aside these Caucus,” up on charges for- that while the delegates under­ not met. “We say to them here necessary proposals and supported publishing a suppressed report. stand the significance of these CRISIS IN BRITAIN and now,” he declared, “we are the Reuther policy. The Stalinist caucus ran a full proposals [Reuther’s two - year prepared to use all the weapons The anti-Reuther anti-Stalinist slate of officers against the convention motion] and have ex­ By Charles Hanley possessed by free labor in opposition gathered around the Reuther candidates. On the roll pressed their opposition in such During World War II Britain made an enormous ef­ America in those negotiations. “Committee for a Militant and call, G rant o f Ford Local 600, splendid fashion, on the overall We know that we can’t solve all Democratic UAW ” challenged the thoir candidate for President, re­ questions of policy of our union fort to escape being vanquished by German imperialism. of our problems through collective machine on its resolution on CIO ceived 672 votes against 8,080 the majority of this convention That effort was crowned with success, but Britain was bargaining over the conference Policy. The Reuther resolution for Reuther. The Committee for retains confidence in the present drained by it. Her dollar assets' tab le.” consisted of a fierce attack on the a Democratic and M ilitant UAW leadership. . . and foreign investments virtually buy American rather than British The convention proceeded to Stalinist forces inside the CTO nominated Claude Bland, Presi­ “ We believe that the important vanished; she came out of the goods. pans in routine fashion a whole and the necessity of adhering to dent o f Hudson Local 154, against job now to be done is to utiilze war much poorer than she en­ The present condition of British series of canned resolutions tradi­ “CIO Policy.” It proposed to Reuther. Bland declined the to the fullest extent the present tered, whereas the United States industry is not the result of any tional nowadays in CIO union endorse the anti - democratic nomination with a well-motivated convention and the period ahead grew richer and more powerful. “nationalizations.” On the con­ conventions and embodying what decision of the recent CIO Ex­ speech, which was favorably to bring these issues before the Britain’s gold reserve is dwindling trary, British capitalists per­ is known as “ CIO policy.” On the ecutive Board meeting and further received by the convention. He delegates and our membership. . . while the world’s gold has been mitted nationalization only of T a ft Hartley Act, the' union pro­ demanded that the Stalinist- stated: For these reasons and in view of streaming to America, as it still those industries which were par­ posed to get out the vote to elect dominated unions in the CIO be "By now, most of you know the present situation in our union, does. ticularly antiquated and un­ more “liberal” Congressmen in expelled and that organizing com­ that our Committee for a Mili­ 1 am declining this nomination In Asia, the most precious sec­ productive and did not bring mittees be set up in the respective 1950, in line w ith the CIO pro- tant and Democratic UAW has and ' releasing the supporters of tor of Britain’s Empire, the foun­ enough profits (the coal mines, Trum an program. On full em­ jurisdictions. been organized to fight for pro­ the Committee for a M ilitant and tainhead of British richness has for instances), their technical ployment, Murray’s totally in­ Paul Silver, a prominent mem­ gressive, m ilitant policies such as Dem ocratic U A W so th a t they been dried up by the awakening equipment having been neglected adequate program is repeated in ber of thé opposition and a mem­ for some forty years by capital­ made our union famous in the may vote as they feel best, guided On the air nightly, members of CIO United Electrical Work­ of the Asiatic peoples during and essence. The convention also ber of the resolutions committee, g re a t days o f 1937 and to defend by the needs of their local situa­ ers tell the story of their 10-week strike at the Singer Sewing after the war; and though British ist management itself. adopted, as it had done for many submitted a forceful minority the democratic rights of our tions and a desire to help build a Machine plant in Elizabeth, N. J. Recording the evening’s pro­ influence is still prevailing there, Britain’s economic difficulties years past, fine-sounding resolu­ report which declared that “We membership from attack from bigger, more.militant and demo­ gram are (I. to r.) Olga Bowers, Marie Farrell, Bob Callahan it certainly has become far less are the heritage of British tions on “equal pay for equal do not support and have no sym­ whatever source. . . It is clear cratic UAW.” and Milton Meltzer. d ire c t than before 1941. capitalism. And if the Laborite work,” a national health pro­ pathy with the policies of the So there remained only one way government is to be blamed, it is gram, housing, an additional Communist Party,” but which out for a poorer capitalist not for having dealt blows to resolution embodying Reuther’s asserted the autonomous rights Britain in 1945: a record increase capitalism, but, on the contrary, proposal for using idle aircraft of international unions and the in exports to supply her with for having failed to abolish and ship construction facilities democratic rights of the rank and dollars she badly needs for im­ capitalism. Instead, the Laborites file within the UAW and all Showdown Fight Looms in Steel for mass production of houses, ports of vital raw materials with­ have helped maintain it. (In fact, other unions to express their retit control, guaranteed annual (Continued from page 1) are so adam ant in th e ir stand Such intervention in the past a period of 10 to 12 million un­ out which her industry cannot representatives of old capitalist opinions and voice any criticisms. wage etc. A number o f these for a fight. Several leading CIO against any concessions whatso­ has invariably ended with the employed, When it had no vast w ork. companies are to be found on the resolutions contain many pro­ The resolution concluded with a unions, including the Textile ever. workers getting the dirty end of treasury, when its unions were And, indeed, Britain’s exports boards of all “nationalized” in­ gressive demands. Their fatal resolve to “avoid the harm of a Workers and Amalgamated Cloth­ If the issue were settled on the the stick. The bitter, long-fought weak in membership, inex­ grew enormously not only because dustries!) Assuredly, a Tory gov­ defect consists in their lack of witch-hunt which could drag our ing Workers have abandoned basis of the justice of the demands Bendix strike was recently settled perienced and untested. Today, of her concentrated industrial ernment would have faced a any proposals for action to ca rry union into the strangling atmo­ wage demands altogether on the of the union, there could be no by •government intervention and the C IO is solidly entrenched, effort and the “austerity” pro­ similar situation, if not a much sphere of an AFL bureaucracy.” through and realize these aims. pretext of the worsening eco­ question of the outcome. The the workers got nothing. A t best, with more than six million mem­ gram at home, but also because worse one! The Stalinists opposed both the nomic conditions and the CIO Na­ Nathan report, released by the the government whittles down the bers experienced in unionism and every country needed manufac­ There is now considerable talk PROPOSALS REJECTED majority and minority resolutions tional Maritime Union recently CIO last week, proves by irre­ union’s demands to mere crumbs tested in battle. Its financial tured goods after the war. These of the possibility of Britain’s When De Vito, a Stalinist sup­ w hile the Reutherites made signed a contract with virtually futable facts and figures that the which the union leaders then try resources are imposing. It is not exports almost balanced Britain’s devaluating her pound sterling. p o rte r fro m Local 45 in Cleve­ straight red-baiting speeches. One no gains. M urray, Reuther and incomes of steel and other in­ to peddle as a "v ic to ry .” faced wth mass unemployment im ports. This would not resolve the land, proposed that the conven­ Reutherite delegate, Shier of Chi­ the other C IO top leaders made dustrial workers are lagging far The CIO is in position to win on the scale that, existed when it Most of her exports, however, problem, since its effects would tion call for a “one-day labor cago Local 6, supported the Silver no objection to this. behind the minimum decency level major gains if it undertakes a fought its heroic battles in the went to countries other than the be quite temporary. In particular, holiday all over the country” to report. Reuther felt it necessary Although the CIO auto, rubber, fixed by the government itself and serious, determined course of Thirties. TJ. S. and were paid for not in other European countries would fight the Taft-Hartley Law, a to personally intervene in the electrical and oil workers are that the big corporations have unified, coordinated fighting ac­ dollars but in so-called “soft follow suit, to prevent Britain Reutherite delegate immediately debate with a demagogic, twisting W hat is decisive is the w ill and pressing wage, welfare and pen­ never been in a better position tion. Along with the steel work­ currencies” which could not be from getting any advantages out called for the question and the speech, after which the majority the militant spirit. The CIO can sion demands like the steel work­ to grant wage increases and ers there are the auto workers converted into dollars. The Mar­ of it. After a while, the whole Reutherite majority summarily resolution carried with about 200 win on the picket lines, if the ers, the C IO leadership has made other benefits out of their record- and electrical workers. shall aid (ECA) whs ostensibly problem would reassert itself, shut off the discussion. Reuther delegates voting for the Silver leadership does not throw the no effort to formulate and carry breaking profits and reserves. If the CIO could win in 1936- designed to fill this dollar gap, with bankruptcy menacing direly. personally felt so secure that he report. out a unified strategy or to victory away behind locked doors For the moment, Britain has Bui the best statistics, the most 37, it ce rta in ly can w in today. but Britain, obliged to import so even suggested a little more The second day of the conven­ prepare the CIO workers for a stopped buying in the dollar area. annihilating proofs of the cor­ The CIO rose to its heights in in Washington. many raw materials and food­ debate would be in order. But the tion also witnessed a brief revolt, real battle. M urray and his She is now trying to obtain some rectness of labor’s demands have stuffs from the dollar zone, Reutherites figured they had the reminiscent of past U A W con­ lieutenants have clearly been raw materials and food from never won a nickel for the work­ found that these ECA dollars votes — why bother discussing? ventions. The delegates over­ banking on government interven­ other countries (Argentina and ers. At best they have helped to could not stabilize her financial Delegate McLogan from the whelmingly turned down the tion to relieve them of respon­ position, all the less so when her Soviet Russia) but many of the West Coast called for the 30 hour Reuther motion to hold conven­ inform public opinion and win DANGER OF DEPRESSION sibility for leading an independent needed supplies w ill still have to sympathetic support for workers exports began to run up against week at 40 hours pay as a prac­ tions every two years. T h a t even­ militant battle. No doubt they be bought from the dollar area. in th e ir struggles. B ut it has been increasing difficulties. tical measure to combat unem­ ing, Reuther for the first time are still hoping that government Washington may agree to throw the workers’ struggles — their ployment. This proposal was called a mass caucus meeting intervention w ill succeed and BELITTLED DY TRUMAN END OF BOOM more dollar loans into the breach. picket lines — that have supplied seconded by a Stalinist supporter, where he worked up his sup­ that the decision ■will be taken The beginning of the ECA vir­ This, however, w ill postpone open the decisive arguments and forced Delegate Ellis of Local 453 of porters on backing the machine. out of the hands of the workers (Continued from Page 1) government has provided tually coincided with the end of bankruptcy without in any way Cicero, 111. On “ Fair Deal Legisla­ Next day, he succeeded in jam­ the employers to yield con­ and w ill be made in AVashington up the true extent of joblessness “cushions.” By this he means the postwar boom and the start solving Britain’s grave economic tion,” a good speech was made by ming through a modifie.d proposal cessions. and imposed by government fiat and exaggerating the number still such hand-to-mouth measures as of depression. In the U. S. the and fiscal problems. delegate Rawcliffe of Lincoln that the next convention is to be on the workers. The CIO workers are con­ a t w ork. unemployment insurance, old-age exceptional demand for goods is The capitalist hopes for a Local 900 o f D e tro it to break held in 20 months. The remaining fronted with a crucial choice. pensions etc. But unemployment over; imports from foreign coun­ The 13% drop in industrial return to “normal market and with the pro-Truman policy and controversial issues still to come PATTERN AT STAKE They can conduct a fighting insurance of $20 a week average tries are growing much smaller; production in a country where business conditions” are absurd. form an independent “Labor- before the convention are Reuth­ More than the interests of the struggle of the kind that has and old-age pensions between $25 America’s own industries are the labor force and productivity In this era of acute capitalist Fanners Party and send our own er’s constitutional amendments workers immediately involved in won them every important gain and $45 a month aren’t much of entering a crisis, with unemploy­ are rapidly rising, which Tru­ decay, there can be no such thing members to Congress where they which would give him dictatorial the steel dispute are at stake. in the past. Or they can sur­ a “cushion” for the loss of full ment spreading rapidly. man cites, is no insignificant as lasting stabilization. A crisis w ill support us and not Big Busi­ powers, and the report of the It is generally recognized that render their demands to the take-home pay by millions. Most European countries are following upon the shortlived matter in itself. Averages here ness.” But these were only in­ grievance committee which is the settlement' in steel will set tender mercy of boards dominated The main “cushion,” however, reducing their imports, too, and postwar boom is the “normal” don’t give the full story, how­ cidents in the discussion. The holding hearings against Tracy a pattern for the most important by capitalist-minded “impartial” is more than $60 billion in an­ buying only at the most ad­ ever. A number of the key in­ evolution of capitalist world convention majority, still lined Doll end Sam Sage, officers of sectors of American industry. agents of the capitalist govern­ nual governmental expenditures, vantageous prices. British in­ economy, as the Trotskyists have dustries are in a far worse plight. up solidly behind the Reuther the Stalinist “ Progressive Unity That is why the steel moguls ment. federal, state and local. But even dustry is not modern. Like other foreseen and predicted from the Steel — the biggest basic in­ this huge shot - in - the - arm — old industrial countries (Belgium dustry — has already declined by very outset. largely through expansion of the and especially France), Britain more than 25%, although the The only realistic solution is a m ilitary establishment—no longer cannot produce goods as ef­ experts had been predicting it workers’ world with interna­ suffices. The current decline is ficiently and rationally as U. R. tional planning of production and would “never” fall below 75% of proof of that. industry, and the average quality capacity this year. distribution for the exclusive of these goods is not outstanding, benefit of the toiling masses in AID FOR PROFITEERS Most instructive is the either. each country and on a rigidly thoroughly false picture Truman How does Truman propose to American mass production is non-profit basis. There is no way gives of the relation between soive the problem? First of all, cheaper without being inferior in of overcoming the menacing wages and profits. “ Personal in­ by concessions to the profiteers. quality and Britain cannot com­ British, American and world come of consumers after taxes Instead of demanding, as he pete with it on the world market. crisis other than the road of the AMERICANto the American EMPIRE people has been a savage assault on their decreased only about 1% from promised, higher taxes on profits Other West European countries anti-capitalist struggle for a basic rights that bodes ill for the future. G. F. Eckstein the level of the last half of and big incomes, he has with­ will use their ECA dollars to socialist society. probes the underlying social forces behind the “ loyalty” purges, 1948,” he claims, while “ profits drawn his previous request for witch-hunts and anti-labor legislation. He shows why the drive reflected the decline in prices and tax increases — an action hailed against independent thinking was deliberately launched and production.” by Republicans and Democrats why it extends from the most oppressed sections of the Negro How docs Truman square his alike. Truman assures the people right pp to the top circles of the atomic scientists. If figures on consumers’ income monopolists that whatever hap­ you wonder why a vast, secret police network is being built in with the fact that more than 5 pens their profits will not suf­ America on the pattern of the Gestapo, you’ll find the answer World Events million are totally unemployed fe r. in this instructive article. and more than 10 million cut His specific 11-p o in t program 1 ■ By Paul G. Stevens ■ - ■■■■ from a 40-hour week to 35 hours begins by asking Congress to whom were purged in the course 5. Wall Street's Labor Salesmen or less, with corresponding loss “liberalize the provisions foY One Year After of the year. America’s 60 richest families could not rule long without of pay ? In fact, the crux of the carry-over of losses by corpora­ The Tito Split The prominence of the purged the support of the top labor bureaucrats. Bert Cochran tells current economic slump is the tions” — the way the corpora­ This month marks the end of individuals is merely symptomatic the sordid story of W all Street’s cheapest diplomats, the labor vast lag in mass purchasing tions got back a tax-grab of the first year of the split between of the depth and extent of the “ statesmen” who go abroad at union expense to peddle evil power. And he omits the fact billions in the first two postwar Tito and the Cominform. Con­ disaffection in the Stalinist schemes of American imperialism. At home these same that in the first quarter of this years. trary to most predictions in the ranks. For, as their titles in­ "statesmen” are doing their utmost to keep labor in the har­ year corporate profits rose tin For the masses, he repeats his world’s press, the Yugoslav revolt dicate, some of the purge victims ness of the capitalist political parties. Brutal anti-labor legis­ average of 9% to an all-time proposals for “Improved” unem­ against world Stalinism has not were themselves in control of the lation has been the pay-off. This article cuts through all the high. ployment insurance, old-age pen­ been crushed. The position of The August issue of Fourth International, the monthly pretenses and camouflage of the top labor bureaucrats to ex­ sions, etc. But even the meager police and repressive apparatus theoretical magazine of American Trotskyism, presents: THE pose the miserable role they play as low-priced messenger THE BASIC FACTOR improvements contained in the Yugoslavia seems rather to have in their countries until a year AMERICAN EMPIRE. A whole isBue devoted to the most boys and cut-rate salesmen for American imperialism. The heart of the matter, which bills he has sponsored in Con­ been strengthened considerably ago. ominous development of our times — the drive of the Wall Truman’s report brushes over, gress are not in prospect of since its declaration of inde­ Of equal importance is the Street oligarchy toward domination of the entire world. 6. Program of the Opposition was nevertheless indicated in the passage in this congressional pendence from Moscow, in spite continual deterioration of the William F. Warde sums up 60 years of anti-imperialist report of his Council of Economic session. And all of his measures of the growing fierceness of economic situation in most of the 1. The Power and its Nemesis struggle in the United States. How can the American people Advisers: “The downturn com­ taken together do not begin to Kremlin attacks against it. The Salinist - controlled countries of In broad strokes the editors place the American Empire find their way to a new economic system that operates in menced with a failure of con­ touch the real core of the matter reason for that is obviously to Eastern Europe which has led, in its historic setting, showing how it far transcends anything their interests? How can they end the rule of the profiteers sumer markets to expand in line - - the ever - greater slice the be found, not so much in the for the first time, to public seen before in wealth and malignancy. But American capital­ and put in power a Workers and Farmers Government? The with total output.” A hundred capitalists are taking from the inherent strength of the Tito demonstration and hurtger riots. ism carries the seeds of its own destruction. Its real destiny experience of the struggle against W all Street since the Span- years ago Karl Marx revealed national income and the ever regime, as in the threat of wide- is to prepare the ground for socialism in America. This edi­ ish-American war demonstrates that the answer cannot come this as one of the classic con­ smaller share going to the work­ spioad disaffection throughout The Mine Strike the other countries of the Soviet torial presents the main Marxist conclusions that are de­ from “isolationism,” from pacifism, from the social-democ­ tradictions of capitalism. The ca­ ers. In Australia veloped in detail in the succeeding articles. racy or from Stalinism. The great hope for the future lies in pitalists are gobbing up a greater Truman proposes to prop up buffer zone. Australian coal miners have the unique combination of Marxist theory and native Amer­ and greater share of the national the economy by more and more This is evident from several been on strike for two weeks. 2. The Reigning Oligarchy ican leadership embodied in the Socialist Workers Party. A income, the wage-earners are “pump - priming” — expansion facts. This whole past year the' Thair main demands are $3.85 Ferdinand Lundberg’s book America’s 60 Families created profound study, drawing deeply on the lessons of history, getting less and less. The inevi­ of government expenditures by Stalinists have had their hands weekly raise, and nationalization a sensation in 1937 with its facts about the enormous concen­ “Program of the Opposition” fittingly rounds out another table result is declining mass means of running into debt. And, full in suppressing echoes of the of the coal industry. Their strike, tration of wealth in America. What has happened in the 12 outstanding issue of Fourth International. markets, “over-production” for in the end, as his whole course Tito schism in the Communist coming in the midst of the years since then? John G. W right brings the essential material the market, production cut-backs, indicates, he will resort to the parties of Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, etc. Australian winter, has had a up to date. From the obscure records where the capitalists Send for a sample copy of the August issue of FOURTH lay-offs, still further declines in one final extreme that Roosevelt The extreme violence of these paralyzing effect on the country’s try to bury the truth, he has pieced together the evidence. INTERNATIONAL. Only 25c. Fill out this coupon and mail mass purchasing power — in resorted to when his “pump- purges was recently emphasized industries, according to all re­ The cold figures reveal a startling increase in the size of the it today. The address is FOURTH INTERNATIONAL, 116 brief, the whole unfolding of priming” failed — war. The only by the public execution of Koci ports. giant fortunes and the sinister power of the economic royalists. University Place, New York 3, N. Y. depression. other alternative is the elimina­ Dodji, former Secretary of the The strike issues have been The pirates of private enterprise won’t like this article, but Truman, however, insists this tion of the profits system and the CP and Minister of the Interior complicated by a court decision class-conscious workers w ill. Put this down as must reading. is not. possible today because the establishment of a planned economy of socialism. That, how­ in Albania. While no execution enforcing the Australian govern­ 3. Organizer of Counter Revolution Nam e ...... ever, is the task of the revolu­ has been announced in the case ment’s recent legislation which, Wall Street doesn’t export democracy. It exports dollars tionary American working class. of Lajos Rajk, former Minister forbids the use of union funds and guns to strengthen reaction throughout the world. George of the Interior and Politbureau for strike purposes. Several of­ Clarke presents the black record of AVashington’s foreign Street ...... member in Hungary, his an­ ficials of the miners’ and iron policy. He lays bare the economic sources of this policy, show­ N E X T W E E K : nounced expulsion from the Stal­ workers’ unions have been jailed for refusing to comply with the ing how the explosive force of American capitalism impels C ity ...... Reports on: inist party leads to conjecture the multi-billionaires to take the road of conquest and another that he met a similar fate. court orders demanding an ac­ The 40th annual conference world war. No further indications have counting, under this legislation, of the NAACP in Los Angeles. State ...... Zone ...... been given in the Stalinist press of the disposal of union funds 4 . The Iron Heel The Bill of Rights Confer­ recently withdraw from the Q 25c Copy. of the fate of former Vice- A reactionary policy abroad cannot be maintained with­ ence in New York City. I’rem’er Kostov of Bulgaria, banks. The miners’ strike com­ out entrerfehing reaction at home. The price of imperialism | | $1.25 Six months. Q $2.50 Full year. The conclusion of the U A W former Vice-Premier Gomulka of mittee has announced that it w ill convention in Milwaukee. Poland, oh of the Greek guerrilla not enter into negotiations until leader, General Markos, all of their leaders are freed from jail. Pagre Threw SWP Denounces Rigged Regents 'Hearings’

ALBANY, July 14 — Farrell Dobbs, National Chair­ reaching threats to civil liber­ placed us on his “ subversive” list thought would be put in iron3. man of the Socialist Workers Party, today appeared before ties has been manifested among without charges or a hearing Our children would be blighted the New York Board of Regents special committee to broad sections of the population. under due process of law. in their education, cruelly de­ Both the CIO and AFL at their Consequently, you are not by prived of their right to go forth denounce its fake “hearing” on1 1948 national conventions passed any stretch of the imagination from school equipped to blaze new In the capitalist states the most monstrous forms of bureau­ so-called “subversive” organiza­ We didn’t even know that the resolutions d e m a n d in g the justified in using the Feinberg trails of human progress. tions. He demanded that the Socialist Workers Party had been cratism are to be observed precisely in the trade unions. . . rescinding of Executive Order Act as a pretext for stigmatizing Regents “accord to the accused put on the Department of BURDEN OF PROOF It is thanks to this that the whole structure of capitalism now 9835 upon which the Clark black­ the Socialist Workers Party “sub­ every single right guaranteed Justice “subversive” list until we stands upright, above all in Europe and especially in England. lis t is based. versive.” If you really want to protect under the constitution before tak­ read about it in the . James Carey, CIO secretary, the public school system, you If there were not a bureaucracy of the trade unions, then the ing action against our party, or On J u ly 28' 1948, I w rote a le tte r EVERYTHING ON ITS HEAD denounced the firing . of James should challenge the constitu­ police, the army, the courts, the lords, the monarchy would against any other organization to Attorney General Clark in Kutcher because of his member­ .Everything is stood on its head tionality of the totally unde­ or individual.” The full text of which I protested against his appear before the proletarian masses as nothing but pitiful ship in the Socialist Workers here. An unproven accusation by mocratic Feinberg Act. You Hobbs’ statement follows: illegal action, requested a detailed and ridiculous playthings. The bureaucracy of the trade Party which has been, as Mr. the Attorney General is regarded should refuse to join in the statement of all charges against Carey put it, “gratuitously termed by you as a verdict of guilty. thought - control purge in the unions is the backbone of British imperialism. Mr. Chairman and members us, and asked for a public hear­ subversive in the personal opinion Instead of recognizing our con­ schools. You should defend the — Leon Trotsky, “Communism and Syndicalism,” 1929, of the committee: ing with the right to cross- of the Attorney General.” stitutional right to be considered constitutional right to employ­ I appear before you today in examine our accusers and present TROTSKY LENIN innocent until proven guilty, you ment in the public schools, response to Commissioner of Intel-national unions in the witnesses in our own defense. demand that we prove our regardless of political beliefs. Education Francis T. Spaulding’s auto, clothing, maritime packing innocence. You act like this was If ycu choose instead to press letter of July 1 to the Socialist HISTORY OF BLACKLIST and other industries have pro­ a court of appeal from a trial the unjust accusation that thè Workers Party in which he stated: Assistant Attorney General tested against the Clark list. The that has never been held. Socialist Workers Party is “sub­ Dulles Blurts Out the Truth “ The Regents are conducting an Alex Campbell replied as follows Amalgamated Clothing Workers We are not told why we are versive,” the burden of proof inquiry to determine what or­ on August 16, 1948: “In the ab­ Union has called it “indicative called “subversive>” Instead we legally rests upon you, not us. The other day John Foster Dul’es, the need for measures against “ foreign ag­ ganizations are subversive within sence of provision therefor in of a trend away from the demo­ are challenged to disprove a We demand that you accord to the new. U. S. Senator from New York, made the terms of Chapter 360 of the the Executive Order (9835) the cratic principles of freedom which gression,” they have been carrying on a charge so vague that it can have accused every single right guar­ Laws o f 1949 o f the State o f Department does not contemplate the-people of this country have his maiden speech. In the course of war of nerves against the American peo­ any meaning our political op­ anteed under the constitution be­ New York, commonly referred to holding hearings in such matters, cherished and guarded.” whooping it up for the Atlantic Pact, he ple, keeping them “ artificially alarmed.” ponents want to read into it. fore taking action against our as the F ein be rg A ct. with or without specifications or State CIO councils in Cali­ blurted out some top-drawer secrets. The traditional test of a party, or against any other or­ For what purpose ? So that the capital­ “ You are so characterized by charges.” fornia, Washington, Connecticut, teacher’s qualifications is his com­ ganization or individual. Dulles has played a prominent role both the Attorney General of the ! next sent a letter on August Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, ist politicians, militarists and diplomats petence. You would substitute the Provide us with full informa­ United States.” 26, 1948 to P resident T rum an , Ohio, Michigan, New in the secret councils of the bi-partisan could have a pretext for extorting the test of political prejudice, with tion as to the exact nature of the Not another word is said about demanding that he direct the A t­ Jersey and Minnesota have warmongers as well as in the public con­ countless billions of dollars required for competence ignored as unftn- charges against us. Hold a any charges against us. The rest torney General to withdraw’ his demanded the reinstatement of portant. You propose to victimize genuine public hearing under due duct of Washington’s “ cold war.” Among their imperialist program to dominate illegal “subversive” list and Kutcher. Carl Holderman, New of the Commissioner’s terse letter public school employees through process of law not a fake hearing other things he took a leading part in the world. So that they could have a pre­ grant us a public hearing under Jersey CIO president, branded describes the narrow, arbitrary the unconstitutional, anti-detno- like this one. Permit us to con­ the U. S. delegation to the recent Paris due process of law before taking the firing of public employees for text for instituting a permanent con­ limitations on testimony at this cratic charge of guilt by associa­ front our accusers and cross- so-called hearing. any action against us. their political beliefs a “very in­ confab with the Kremlin. And what did script army, for expanding their FBI tion, making mere membership in examine them. Let us call wit­ 31 y letter was ignored, so I fectious business that is spread­ this delegation seriously discuss among a blacklisted organization cause nesses in our own defense. stoolpigeon network, for their attacks GUILTY BEFORE TRIAL again w ro te to M r. T rum an on ing beyond the confines of gov­ for dismissal. We intend to fight with every themselves? Here is what Dulles himself on civil rights, etc. In effect, Commissioner Spauld­ September 29, 1948, repeating ernment service into labor.” Under that policy, stupidity legal means at our disposal toi said: ing has said to us: “The Regents these demands. Finally, on Everything that has transpired since “AGAINST ANY MAN” ' would soon reign side-by-side with secure these rights and to safe­ intend to brand you subversive October 18, 1948, A ssista n t A t ­ “ A t Paris last month there was dis­ the Paris Conference — the drive for Referring to the firing of Kut­ injustice in our public schools. guard freedom of thought and because the Attorney General has torney General Peyton Ford re­ cussion as to whether to accept at all the cher, A. I. Davey, editor of the Timid souls who conform to back­ freedom of expression for every ratification of the Atlantic War Pact, so branded you. The trial is al­ plied to my second letter to the AFL Cleveland Citizen, said, ward prejudices, and outright employee in the public school Soviet-proffered truce and to resume, the arms-for-Western Europe scheme and ready over. But if you insist, you President which he said had been “Once any people permit this ignoramuses, would preside over system, regardless of political even on a tentative basis, four power con­ may say a few words before referred to him. the continuing assault on civil liberties the class rooms. Freedom of beliefs. sultations. Some feared that any relaxa­ at home — proves that for tactical rea­ sentence is passed barring your Mr. Ford insolently told us sort of thing to become a com­ members from their constitutional that “the Attorney General has mon practice . . . we are fooling tion of East-West tension would bring a sons, Dulles, Acheson, Truman and their with dynamite that might even­ corresponding relaxation on the part of right to employment in the New had strict regard for all of the fellow conspirators decided in Paris only York public school system.” substantial and procedural rights tually operate against any man the people and that they should a rtifi­ to make it appear that there has been If that is to be your procedure, of those affected” by the “sub­ or woman, no matter what their Dobbs Answers Fast's Lies beliefs.” cially be kept alarmed.” some “relaxation” in their war drive. you are about to commit a grave versive” list. Numerous other organizations There you have it, from the lips of one The capitalist rulers must resort to injustice. You are about to add While we were getting this more innocent victims to the runaround from the President, like the Americans for Demo­ In ’’Daily Compass” Letter of the chief plotters, Dulles himself, that “ artificial” methods, that is, secret diplo­ witch-hunt that is spreading like James Kutcher, a legless veteran, cratic Action, the American Vet­ the American people have been and are macy, conspiracies, and lies, to put over a terrible plague throughout the was fired from his clerical job erans Committee and the Ameri­ can Civil Liberties Union have (Continued from page 1) liberal movement to defend the victims of one of the most monstrous their real program. If they told the truth country. You are about to move in the Veterans Administration Stalinists against the thought- rallied to Kutcher’s support and lies equal to those demanded by conspiracies in modern times. All the about their aims, the American people dangerously close to the actual solely because of his membership control prosecution. This we have burning of books, after the in the Socialist Workers Party. attacked the Attorney General’s the Stalinists, the Trotskyists time that the capitalist rulers of this would rise up in wrath and put them in high-handed policies. Hundreds naturally offered an amendment done despite our fundamental op­ fashion of Hitler. With understandable indigna­ position to Communist Party country have been howling about the the insane asylums where they belong. What evidence has Attorney tion over this insulting, tyrannical of scientists, educators and to that effect. religious and cultural leaders policies and practices. General Tom Clark supplied you treatment at the hands of the Mr. Fast’s alibi is completely have spoken out in similar op­ In similar manner the Socialist to back up his charge that the federal government, I immediately exposed by an editorial in the position to the Clark “ subversive” Workers Party and The M ilitant Socialist Workers Party is “ sub­ requested a personal interview June 24 Dail$- People’s W orld, list. have defended every victim of the versive” ? Before what legally- with President Truman to protest a West Coast Stalinist paper, Rubber Workers and 30-Hour Week Over 100 members of the Uni­ witch hunt including Howard Fast constituted tribunal has he proved til’s outrage. My request was which b lu n tly says Of the K u t­ versity of faculty have in the appeal from his conviction this outrageous accusation? Were ignored. cher case, “ Let it be stated that Last week in discussing the abject fail­ so acute as to make decisive action im­ joined with Dr. Harold C. Urey, for contempt of the House Un- we informed of the nature of his everything connected with this ure of top union leaders to advance the perative. Effective action can come from POLICE STATE STEP famous atomic scientist, in declar­ American Committee. charges against us? Did we have sorry affair reeks of fraud and ing: “Administrative agencies demand for the 30-hour .week with no re­ one source and one source only — and an open trial before a jury of Such are the facts concerning deceit. What is being touted as The Stalinist slanders of Trot­ have been and are dealing with duction in pay we mistakenly referred, that is, from organized labor itself. our peers? Were we granted the the Attorney General’s illegal the ‘ease o f the legless v e t’ and sky as a “paid agent of fascism” governmental employees in pro­ in passing, to the rubber union. We are right to confront our accusers branding of the Socialist Work­ a ‘test case’ for civil liberties were long ago refuted by a formal Delay, especially at a time when union cedures which violate the basic and cross-examine them ? ers Party as “subversive.” For a hasn’t the remotest connection Commission of Inquiry, headed by glad to take this opportunity to make a decencies of notice and hearing contracts are up for negotiation, can act You do not, and you could not, political party in power to thus with the defense of civil rights.” the eminent educator and philo­ correction. which are part of our tradition only to aggravate such a major problem Have a shred o f evidence that the suppress the constitutional rights Giving his own game away, sopher, Professor John Dewey. of due process of law. The leadership of the CIO United Rub­ as unemployment and render it more dif­ Attorney General granted us a of an opponent party is a long Mr. Fast libelously asserts that Seekers of the truth w ill find the “ All of this at the hands of single one of these constitutional step toward a police state and “Kutcher said quite frankly that facts in the Dewey Commission ber Workers is to be commended for high­ ficult to ameliorate the already intoler­ administrative officials and other rights. For the facts are that undisguised thought control. he supported the overthrow of report, published by Harper and ly progressive steps that were taken by able position of workers in one industry non - juridical bodies proceeds Mr. Clark put us on his political If these sinister acts continue, the government by force and Co. under the title, "Not Guilty.” from (he doctrines of ‘guilt by its Executive Board which recently held after another. blacklist without giving any ex­ there will soon be a policeman violence.” James Kutcher never Mr." Fast now libels Trotsky’s association’ and ‘subversion’ ar­ a special meeting on the unemployment The action of the URW Executive planation whatever for his high­ standing over every work bench made any such statement any­ disciples, who have advocated the bitrarily defined.” problem. handed procedure, and he has and police spies — detestable where at any time. On the con­ Trotskyist program since his Board on the 30-hour week is all the “Subversive” lists, said Pro­ denied our repeated demands for paid stoolpigeons, or obnoxious, trary, lie has vigorously and death, as “ admitted pro-fascists.” It was here decided to include in 1949 more noteworthy because it points up fessor Edmund Ezra Day of a public hearing under due self-appointed gossips and scan­ repeatedly denied this wholly un­ He charges that the Trotskyists Cornell University, "under the URW contract demands the extension of the urgency of the situation and the process of law to defend our­ dalm ongers — w ill be snooping founded accusation, and Mr. Fast “were financially supported by guise of- attacking communism, the German Nazi movement.” He the six-hour day throughout the indus­ dangers of any further delay. selves against his dictatorial in every home. knows it. Serious concern over these far- attack something o.uite difj further states that the “record” try with no reduction in pay. action. This contemptible provocation An example has been set. It should be ferent . . . academic freedom.” of the Trotskyists in this respect is the Stalinist way of saying to While making this demand upon the picked up and followed. Above all, the “What is the new loyalty?” is “amply documented.” This is the Foley Square prosecutor, companies, the URW, at the same time, rubber workers must not be left in a posi­ Professor Henry Steele Com- false from beginning to end. “All that’s wrong with your mager of New York University There are no such “documents.” came out in favor of federal legislation tion where they can be isolated by the THREE CONFERENCE SPONSORS thought-control trial is that you recently asked. “ It is, above all, I challenge Mr. Fast to submit cutting the work week in rubber from employers in the struggle for the insti­ have the wrong defendants in conformity,” he said. “It" repu­ his slanders and forgeries to thè 40 to 30 hours. tution of the 30-hour week. Any set­ AGREE ON UNITED NEED diates the once popular concep­ the prsoner’s dock. You should lest of examination by an honest put Kutcher and the rest of the Here, indeed, is a splendid example to backs in this connection will be paid for (Continued from Page 1) and liberal movement.’ In ideo­ tion of progress, and regards and impartial body. I Ask that Trotskyists on trial.” follow. By taking the lead in fighting for by the labor movement as a whole. in jeopardy. I am inclined to logical rivalries, as in religious America as a finished product, an impartial Commission o f In ­ perfect and complete.” On top of that Mr. Fast falsely such a key issue as the 30-hour week, the On the other hand, if other unions doubt the practicability of your wars, heretics are invariably quiry, composed of leading figures suggestion that ‘all sections of hated more than infidels. The Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, Chan­ charges that The M ilitant report­ in the labor and liberal move­ URW leadership has performed a signal rally behind the same demand, pooling the labor and liberal movement Conference, moreover, is not cellor of Chicago University, has age ‘(cannot possibly be construed ment, be constituted to investigate service for organized labor as a whole, their resources and forces in a common be invited into the Conference on primarily a meeting of delegates denounced what he called “that as fair, much less favorable to Mr. Fast’s accusations and render and, in particular, has aided greatly in struggle, a giant step will have been an equal basis.’ It is altogether of organizations. On the other easy process by which one the people on trial” at Foley a ve rd ict. the unpostponable struggle to curb the taken to assure one of the most effective unlikely that full agreement can hand, I am in complete agreement disposes of different views by Square, and that The Militant In his letter Mr. Fast describes with your statement that ‘all “does not call for such unity” of spread of joblessness. immediate remedies that can be taken be had as to what groups and applying a dirty name to them.” I. F. Stone as a sincere and organizations deserve to be des­ victims of the witch-hunt should The New York Times of June all people whose civil rights are honest person. I agree with that The unemployment situation is already against the spread of unemployment. cribed as ‘sections of the labor be defended, regardless of poli­ 19 states that a national survey threatened as I advocated in my characterization, and I propose to tical belief.’ I am writing Mr. by its staff brought reports of speech a t the June 25 m eeting. Mr. Fast that he join me in asking Kern to this effect and urging “growing restlessness with the Here are the facts. Mr. Stone to act as chairman of that you or some other repre­ whole business of spy-hunting, When the Stalinist leaders were such an impartial Commission of sentative of your organization be Communist investigations and indicted under the Smith Act in In q u iry . URGE BOARD OF INQUIRY ON STALINIST SLANDER invited to participate in the Con­ similar activities” and “grave J u ly 1948, the S ocialist W orkers FARRELL DOBBS ference. public misgivings concerning the Party form ally proposed a united (Continued from Page 1) ing their appeal for a broad unit­ . . . We ask you not to permit dicted Stalinists. His letter to the National Chairman need for such investigations and front with the Communist Party ed front of all liberal and work­ the profound political differences Daily Worker, which it did not “Within the limits of demo­ Socialist Workers Party mit proof of his allegations be­ to combat the whole Witch-hunt. ing class organizations, regard­ cratic procedure, there is no way the manner in which they are fore a non-partisan Commission between us to stand in the way publish, cited chapter and verse less of political differences, in by which the Chairman of the being conducted.” That proposal was ignored by the of Inquiry similar to the one that of a broad united front of the on how the CP supported the De­ defense of all witch-hunt victims. Sponsors can control the votes of Stalinists. Professor John Dewey headed, working class in defense of civil partment of Justice prosecution THE FEINBERG ACT The p a rtic ip a tio n Of the SW P the participants. I would regard A t the start of the Foley Square w hich in 1937 held hearings in rig h ts .” and frameup of the Trotskyists. Newark Branch in the recent New York Civil it as wholly inadmissable, how­ Yet Commissioner Spaulding’s trial, Tbe M ilitant of January 24 Mexico on the Moscow Frame- The CP leaders did not even Abramson’s letter, published in Rights Congress conference, the ever, for any such conference to letter and the Regents’ state­ carried a front - page headline up Trial charges against Leon reply. They sought to bury the The Militant, helped focus na­ widespread publicity and liberal put itself in a position, overtly ments to the newspapers indicate reading, “Tri^l of CP Threatens O u tin g T ro tsky. fact that the Minneapolis Labor tional attention on the CP policy indignation aroused by the Ac­ Case set the precedent for their of no defense of civil rights for or by implication, of defending that you intend to use the At­ All Labbr’s Rights.” Subsequent Dobbs invites Fast to join in torney General’s illegal “sub­ to Mt. Spring Camp tion of the Stalinists at the con­ own prosecution and that the CP opponents of Stalinism. the civil rights of particular issues of the paper have con­ advocating a Commission of In­ JULY 24, 1949 ference, have at last forced the had hailed the imprisonment of When Dobbs spoke at the Civil groups and declining to defend versive” list as an alibi for ex­ sistently called on the labor and quiry and proposes that I. F. Communist Party to make its po­ the Trotskyists under the Smith Rights Congress he brought the those of other groups. The prin­ tending his hateful methods into $3.00 includes transportation, Stone, who Fast in his letter ad­ sition on civil rights unambigu­ Act. But the government’s intro­ whole issue to a head. This forced ciple here at issue, in my judg­ the New York public school meals and program of outdoor mits is a sincere and honest lib­ ously clear. They can no longer duction of this precedent into the the Stalinists to a clear-cut ac­ ment, has nothing to dc with the system. sports. — $2.00 for children eral, shall be the chairman of duck the issues of the Kutcher Stalinist trial forced the defend­ tion in denial of civil rights for question of whether any par­ You may say that the Feinberg .Los Angeles under 12. such a commission. (Dobbs’ let­ case and the pardon campaign of ants and their lawyers to claim the genuine Marxists, the Trot­ ticular group, were it in a posi­ Act authorizes you to use the Cars Leave 8:45 AM ter to the Compass is published Hear JAMES KUTCHER and the 18 Trotskyist and Minneapo­ in the court that the SWP case skyists. An article in the N. Y. tion to do so, would or would not Attorney General’s blacklist. If in full on Page 1.) leading labor and liberal sup from 423 Spring Avenue lis CIO leaders imprisoned dur­ “is not a parallel with the pres­ Times, an editorial in the N. Y. respect the civil rights of others. so, I re p ly th a t even th a t vicious porters of the defense of th Phone reservations: BI 3-2574 ing the war under the same ent case.” Post and the forthright stand of ‘Free trade in ideas’ is meaning­ thought-control law merely says AIM TO INTIMIDATE legless veteran. Smith “ Gag” Act now being used I. F. Stone and Albert Deutsch, less it embraces all ideas. ‘Free­ you MAY use the Clark list if Undoubtedly, Fast’s letter was against the CP leaders. ABRAMSON LETTER who support the defense of the dom for the thought we hate’ is you so desire. You are not com­ Southern California designed to intimidate liberal ele­ This is the answer of (he CP The Stalinists similarly tried indicted Stalinists, resulted in the meaningless unless the civil rights pelled to use it. Kutcher Civil Rights San Francisco ments at the national Bill of leaders to the SWP’s proposal for to ignore the case of James But­ venomous public attack by Fast of all are safeguarded, regardless Once again I ask: What Banquet Rights Conference this week-end a united front on civil rights first cher. But as liberal and labor and the Daily Worker on civil of how hateful their thoughts evidence did Mr. Clark submit Marxism and the Problents from supporting the defense of made a year ago. On J u ly. 26, support for Kutcher mounted, the rights for Kutcher, Dobbs and the may be, so long as they are whereby the state legislature and Saturday, July 23 6:30 pm of the American Working the victimized Trotskyists* Those 1948, im m e dia te ly a fte r the F B I- CP hacks in the unions sought to Trotskyists. acting within the law. It is my Governor Dewey could honestly PARK MANOtt Class who do so are being labeled in arrest of the CP leaders, Dobbs sabotage such support. Finally, On J u ly 16 and 17, the SWP hope and belief that the forth­ conclude that the Socialist W ork­ advance as “defenders of fas­ 607 So. Western Ave. issued a press statement denoun­ the Feb. 18 Stalinist Daily Peo­ representatives w ill participate in coming Conference will fully en­ ers Party had been constitu­ Eighth Lecture cists.” cing the indictment of the CP ple’s World in Los Angeles open­ the Bill of Rights Congress and dorse this position. I should be tionally adjudged “subversive” ? For tickets write to the REFORM OR REVOLUTION The July 14 Daily Worker, also leaders under the Smith Act as ly attacked Kutcher and his de­ seek once more to put forth the the first to repudiate any resolu­ The answer is still the same: Kutcher Civil Rights The Social Democrats in the form of a reply to I. F. fense campaign. “a monstrous blow against civil program of a genuine united front tions or recommendations which The state legislature and Gov­ Committee 1739 Fillmore, 4th floor Stone, hands down explicit orders liberties.” Two days later, the On May 16, Irving Abramson, of all liberal and working class seek to distinguish among varie­ ernor Dewey did ndt, and they 809 Cornwell Street Friday, July 22 8 PM to the Stalinists at the confer­ SWP sent a formal statement to eastern regional CIO director, organizations to defend the civil could not, have any such evidence, Los Angeles 33 ties of political and social Admission free ence not to allow Trotskyist “dis­ the CP Central Committee, say­ answered the Daily Worker’s liberties of all victims of the because the Attorney General 'or phone: ruption” — that is, to prevent ing that “we the first victims of complaint about labor leaders not witch-hunt, including both Stal­ heterodoxy in the matter of the violated every constitutional right • AN 2-5390 or RI 7-8356 REFRESHMENTS the SWP delegates from present­ the Smith Act, offer you our aid supporting the defense of the in­ inists and Trotskyists. defense of civil rights.” involved when he arbitrarily A Depression Story ■ By Ruth Johnson It was a coincidence that a letter was sent me take a complete rest, build himself up with plenty VOLUME XIII M O N D A Y , J U L Y 18, 1949 NUMBER 29 on the day Truman was telling the nation that of milk and eggs and meat. the “recession” is really nothing to worry about. They didn’t think it was too bad. Of course “Dear Ruth,” the letter said, “Ralphie died they had to give up the apartment and take a three months ago, but I haven’t been able to write cheap furnished room, with barely enough space about it until now. The end came after three for a bed and a bassinet. But Gladys was work­ weeks of terrible pain. lie had a headache that ing up to the day of the baby’s birth, she picked wouldn’t go away. . . Doctors and two brain her way through rush-hour crowds morning and Dockworkers Strike Spreads specialists made all kinds of tests, spinal taps, night. Her boss, who liked the idea of keeping two minor operations on his head, and then a a good worker, so disciplined by necessity, even major operation to remove what they thought told her she could come back in two weeks. was a tumor. In spite of the doctor’s care, Bud wasn t get­ “He died eight days after the operation. After ting any better-. Still, it didn’t take much exertion As Laborites Invoke Decree the autopsy they told me it was tubercular menin­ to feed and dress a baby, so he shouldered these As the London longshoremen’s strike entered its third gitis, and the beginning must have been contact tasks while Gladys worked. It is possible that month, the Laborite government invoked and applied the with Bud so many years ago.” the doctor was careless. Or was it just, that he Witch-Hunt Purge British Troops As Scabs As I remembered that episode of long ago, I didn’t think much about what happened to pa­ Emergency Powers Act in order to try to break the strike could see Ralphie’s mother and father, twenty Aimed at Detroit by use of armed troops and legal tients who had so little money? Anyway, it took more than yesterday.” (N. Y. years old and deep in love. That was in the bitter him months to discover that Bud had tuberculosis, City Employees te rro r. depression year of 1934, but they weren’t afraid T his law , enacted in 1920, in ­ Times July 12 dispatch from in an advanced stage. The Detroit Common Council of a thing. They both had jobs, and that alone vests the authorities with sweep­ London.) I put the letter down, thinking of how long, proposes to place on the Septem­ seemed like a miracle to the rest of us. Between ing dictatorial powers, enabling The mood of the/longshoremen even then, they had to wait for a vacancy at ber ballot a charter amendment them they earned $32 a week, enough to get mar­ them to billet troops anywhere was indicated by their voting the free sanitarium. Bud lived on!/ three weeks which would legalize the setting ried on, buy furniture on the easy-payment plan, they please, including union of­ overwhelmingly to continue the after they finally admitted him. I remembered up of a five-man loyalty board to and get a cozy apartment. Bud was a bright am­ fices; to make arrests without strike while the Cabinet was the twenty two year eld wide v stunned with investigate and pass on the poli­ bitious young man, going to night school to “im­ wairfityts; and to deal summarily convening on the issue amid cries grief, holding Ralphie in her arms. tical and religious beliefs and prove himself” so they could afford a family wih sabotage or “interference” of “treason” “agitators from There was nothing weak about Gladys. She affiliations of city employees and some day. with soldiers or even, “ loitering.” abroad,” and the ominous threat worked, she managed well, she gave her baby applicants for such jobs, and to He worked in a warehouse office nine hours a It was by means of such powers of the dictatorial decree. glowing health. Somehow she could always af­ fire all those accused of belong­ day, more whenever the boss ordered it. Who that the Tory government 'broke The. longshoremen did not ac­ ford specialists for him, no matter what she did ing to organizations termed could refuse to put in a little overtime, when the General S trike o f 1926. tually call a strike at all. They hungry lines of unemployed stood before the without herself; she was haunted by the knowl­ “subversive” by the U. S. At­ have been locked out by the ship­ edge of her child’s early exposure to tuebrculosis. The Attlee regime last invoked building every morning? Often Bud dashed off torney General. Mayor Van owners and the Laborite govern­ the 1920 law to break the “ un­ to class without time for dinner, then plopped Now Ralphie is gone. Bora in ihe midst of a Antwerp, fearful that such an ment. As a London AP dispatch, depression, struck down by its effects, dead at official” strike of 20,000 dock- into bed too tired to eat at midnight. amendment would be unconstitu­ July 11, correctly reported: w orkers in June 1948. A t th a t Before the furniture was paid for, Ralphie the age of thirteen as another depression looms. tional since the Communist Party “The strike began when some time the mere proclamation suf­ was on the way. Bud worried a great deal, skipped That is the story of Bud and Gladys and Ral­ is a legal organization, has asked stevedores refused to unload two ficed. This time the law has been a few more meals to put aside a little extra phie. It is a small part of the bigger story of a the State Legislature to outlaw Canadian ships (the Beaverbrae applied. Despite the earlier money. The big long hours, the strain, the skimpy society that dooms millions upon millions to such the Communist and other parties and (he Argomont) . . . The fraudulent claims of a “growing meals began to tell on him. He lost weight, tired fate. Out of all our rememberings and suffer­ as “ subversive.” Dock Labor Board — governing return - to - work feeling,” the easily, kept getting colds. Two months before ings will some day come the power to free our The present city charter clearly dockyard body composed of man­ ranks of the strikers increased the baby was due, the doctor ordered Bud to lives from the death-clutch of the capitalists. forbids the questioning of civil agement, labor and government afer (his open act of government service employees regarding their representatives — refused to let strikebreaking. Socialized Medicine VJ 1 religious or political beliefs, and them unload any other ships until “ Labor Minister George Isaacs prohibits discrimination against they went back to work on the (old (he House of Commons this theta on these grounds. Canadian ships.” afternoon that the ‘position at British Doctors These actions follow a long and There can be no question that the London docks has not im­ carefully-planned drive by the the dockworkers’ justifiable ac­ ------By Grace Carlson — proved.’ He added that the num­ anti-union Detroit press to whip tion. involving elementary inter­ ber of men on strike had risen L ik e their American counterparts in the Amer­ and the Laborites fought a strenuous fight with up hysteria. Typical was the national solidarity, is widely A vote by striking British longshoremen to continue their 2- to nearly 1^,000 — about 2,500 ican Medical Association, the bureaucrats of the the embattled BMA bureaucrats. Detroit News’ front page ques- popular among the British labor month walkout resulted in proclamation of state of emergency more than yesterday. Other of­ British Medical Association resist every real move The BMA heads conducted three plebiscites tionaire to be signed and sent to movement a whole. Otherwise by King George VI, empowering the British Labor Government ficial sources gave the number of toward “ socialized medicine.” In 1911, they fought among British doctors to determine whether the the Mayor. It stated, “I, as a the strike could not have lasted as ships now idle as 127, fifteen a bitter but losing fight against Lloyd George, doctors would cooperate with the health service. qualified Detroit voter, believe to use troops to break the strike. long as it has, the Laborite strike­ whose Liberal Government enacted the first na­ These were carried out by medical association the City should protect itself breakers would not have been tional health insurance program for British work­ leaders in the same hysterical spirit in which the and its people from plotting by compelled to expose themselves ers. While they lost the fight, they did win some American Medical Association heads now attack subversive employees of the City. so openly, and the rank of the points, such as local administration and choice the proposed National Health Insurance Pro­ I support the suggestion of the strikers would not have swelled o f doctor. gram. As expected, the plebiscites in 1946 and Detroit News that the City Du Pont Monopoly Faces in response to Laborite strike- Charter be amended to provide By 1948, when the National Health Service 1947 gave a substantial majority against partici­ break ng. replaced it, this panel practice enrolled 20 m il­ pation in the National Health Service. for a Loyalty Board to determine These misleaders of the British lion workers in England and Wales and two- In February, 1948, the Labor Party called a the qualifications for public of­ working class have seized as a thirds of Britain’s doctors had at least some special debate in the House of Commons on the fice of any city civil service em­ "Trust-Bustins" Farce pretext on the lie that the strikers forthcoming health program. A Labor Party ployee.” are acting under “Communist panel practice. Under pressure of Labor Party Pont octopus rules General Such losses are made up by higher members, Churchill’s coalition government threw leaflet circulated at the time said, “On July 5, By Ruth Johnson agitators obeying instructions GRILLING BEGUN Motors, the United States Rubber prices to other users. Why don’t out a sop to the British workers in the terrible 1948, we begin a major attack on poverty and ill from abroad.” The Stalinists arc Mayor Van Antwerp has mean­ For the fourteenth time since Company and subsidiaries in order these customers balk ? The gov­ war year of 1943 in the form of' the Beveridge health. Britain awaits the attack on misery and undoubtedly* active in the leader­ 1907, the huge du Pont monopoly to keep prices up and competition ernment explains, that du Pont is report. Among other benefits, the Beveridge plan everybody is ready save the BMA.” while set up his own special ship of the British longshoremen three-man investigating commit­ is being sued by the government helpless. also guilty of “inducing” outside provided for the extension of free health services The third plebiscite occurred after this debate, as well as of the Canadian sea­ for violating anti-trust laws. At­ suppliers of commodities to buy to all Britains from the “cradle to the grave.” which was widely publicized in the British Isles tee. Several city employees have FOUR BILLION ASSETS men. B u t so fa r as a ll these already been dragged before the torney General Tom Clark, like only du Pont, GM and U. S. The Beveridge plan was instantly popular and a and served to enlighten the public as to the greedy The s u it names over 100 m em ­ workers arc concerned they resent character of the BMA opposition to the National board and submitted to grilling. prosecutors who preceded him, Rubber products or forfeit their Gallup poll taken in 1943 showed that 88% fa­ bers of the du Pont family and any attempt to have imposed on Health Service. Equally and perhaps even more The board has stated that it points with alarm to the size sales to the trust. vored its passage after the end of the war. their retainers. The du Fonts them leadership and decisions important, the vote was taken after Bevan made welcomes from private citizens and power of the trust. But he Where fields of operation over­ Faced by this widespread demand for the ex­ have wealth that makes kings not of their own choosing. some significant concessions to Britain’s doctors and city employees the names of will do no more than the others lap, as in the manufacture of tension of compulsory health insurance, the BMA look like paupers by comparison. The Canadian strike which has — concessions which gave them a larger guar­ any city employees they suspect to pry up a single tentacle from tetraethyl lead, ethyl fluid and supported the Beveridge plan, but began to put The corporation bearing their provoked world repercussions was anteed income, and removed their fear that of being "subversive.” the monopoly stranglehold on ethyl chloride, du Pont and GM pressure on the Health Minister to draw up a name produces a thousand com­ precipitated by the AFL Sea­ British doctors would become salaried officials. These sinister moves represents America’s wealth. set up a new subsidiary, the bill that would favor the medical profession. modities, many under a total farers International Union’s at­ After the third plebiscite, the BMA withdrew its a grave threat to the entire The government uses such Kinetic Corporation. Twice, the BMA rejected health bills submitted monopoly set up, such as nylon, tempt. to raid the Canadian union expressed objections to the Health Service and Detroit labor movement. For in trials as public masquerades to to them by Hubert Willick, the Conservative cellophane, certain plastics and Where there is danger of new while the latter was engaged in the vast majority of British doctors joined up. its. wake will come the argument keep up the pretense of free com­ Health Minister. Later the BMA and the Con­ chemicals; and many other pro­ competition, all three companies negotiations for a new contract. One year later, the BMA heads are still com­ lliat if the city can purge the petition under capitalism today. servatives were near agreement when the 1945 ducts, including explosives and made contracts to control “the The SIU signed agreements of plaining. They do not ask to have the National reds, so can private enterprise. The middle class and the work­ elections swept the Labor Party into power. munitions in vast quantities. But sale of products, the grant of its own with Canadian shipowners Health Service bill repealed. It has been too In anticipation, Labor - hating ers arc supposed to be impressed this is only the core of their licenses, agreement to ■ licenses which the seamen in that coun­ Aneurin Bevan, the former Welsh miner, was popular with the British workers this past year. Police Commissioner Harry S. by the legal bombast, and forget empire. under patents, and agreements try have rejected as strike­ named as the new Health Minister and drew up But they are asking that the fee for the first 1000 that after every trial the trusts Toy has already reactivized his The controlling share of Gen­ for the exchange of know-how,” breaking. the health bill, which a Labor-controlled parlia­ patients on a doctor’s list be raised from $3.40 to have grown bigger, more power­ Red Squad. eral Motors, 23% of its stock, is the government says. When the Canadians received ment passed in 1946. Immediate and loud cries $7 per head. If the BMA heads can bring enough ful and more arrogant. Union leadors in the Detroit in the hands of the du Ponts, All tjiis is an old story. The support front the dockworkers in of protest rose from the BMA and in the two pounds and shillings in through the doctor’s door, area have maintained silence on Nevertheless, a lot of interest­ current case against-the du Ponts British and other Commonwealth years which elapsed before the National Health they will gladly toss the Hippocratic oath out giving them the power to out­ this issue. Their failure to act ing facts are uncovered in the vote 436,000 small stockholders was started two-years ago, and ports, notably Australia, the AFL Service went into effect on July 5, 1948, Bevan the window! can only be construed as tacit course of such farces. This time who together own the balance. will drag on indefinitely, Accord­ sought to bring pressure on support of the witch-hunt. the government shows how the du The controlling interest in U. S. ing to the United Press, “ex­ unions acting in solidarity with Rubber — 17% while the rest of perts” estimate it will “probably thh Canadians. A recent move is the stock is scattered among take years of. legal maneuvering a threat by the AFL Maritime The Rent Fight in Chicago 14,000 holders — makes th a t before it even comes to trial.” Council in New York to call a KttTCHER III LAST LAP still another private du Pont If it ever comes to trial, the boycott of British shipping in preserve. trust will go scot free. Over a rep risal. thousand similar suits have been Climaxing a series of public hearings to de­ the landlords in the audience that the chairman These three companies together While these arrogant and black­ started by the government, and termine whether Chicago should be the first city threatened to clear the house. OF WEST COAST TOOK have over four billion dollars in mail threats by the American not once has a single monopolist labor- bureaucrats only stiffen the to get a blanket rent increase, the Cook County The. Cook County Rent Advisory Board met assets. Their 1947 sales amounted been sent to prison for violating determination of British dock- Rent Board has voted to reject the landlords’ de­ June 28 to consider the voluminous record of the LOS ANGELES, July 9 — The warm welcome accord­ to mere than five billion dollars. the anti-trust laws. At the most workers to express their inter­ mand for a 45% increase. The vote was 8 to 7, testimony collected at the hearings. Michael ed James Kutcher on his arrival at the municipal airport Their net profits after taxes, five “ public interest” members voting with three were nearly half a billion dollars. ‘-hey are reprimanded, and urged national solidarity, their “own” Mann, CIO Regional Director and a public in­ Thursday and at an informal house party tonight are a to be more discreet lest their tenant representatives to reject any increase. Other capitalists of course Labor government has undertaken terest member, promptly made a motion to reject few of the many indications of ® Chicago will long remember the hearings held would like a slice of this juicy depredations raise too great an’ the task of bringing the long­ the requested increase. In the discussion that widening support in labor and and a public hearing for my early in June. The principal protagonists were melon. But the du Ponts safe­ outcry from their victims. shoremen to their knees. followed, M. J. Myer, tenant representative on liberal circles on the West Coast party which was placed on the the Chicago Tenants Federation, representing the guard it in a thousand ways. This the board and attorney for the Tenants Federal subversive list without being told organized tenants, and the Cook County Fair for the defense of the civil rights isn’t news, of course. ’Way back tion, assailed the landlord-sponsored survey in a of the legless veteran. of the charges against it.” Rent Committee, whose petition for a 45“" blank­ ill 1923, when they bought the masterful one hour presentation. He was also correctly quoted as FITZGERALD SPEECH HINTS AT et rent increase had precipitated the hearings on Kutcher was met at the air­ controlling power in General “If there is room for a general rent increase saying that “ the only time I com­ the “adequacy of the rent level in Chicago” and port by a large committee, in­ Motors, the du Ponts set up a in Cook County,” he concluded, “then there will cluding officials of the CIO Steel­ mitted an act of force and violence the “general operating position of landlords.” special committee to award or POSSIBILITY OF SPLIT IN CIO be one for the whole country. That would amount workers, Textile Workers and was in the Army under the orders Apparently enough the stage of the Civic withhold bonuses of cash and to legislative action by this board and Congress, of the United States government.” PHILADELPHIA — Albert Fitzgerald, President of Opera Building was the scene. The “perform­ Amalgamated Clothing Workers stock to GM executives. “As an never intended that or it would have written it The article incorrectly stated, the CIO United Electrical Union, spoke to a membership ances” ran the gamut — from shoddy burlesque unions. M ore then 100 persons inevitable and intended conse­ into the law.” Myer asserted that the Fair Rent however, that he “said the So­ to first rate drama. The landlord-packed house attended the welcoming house quence,” the government com­ meeting of UE Local 107 on the subject, “ 1949 Wage Fight Committee’s analysis of rent conditions was shot cialist Workers Party is a bitter hooted and booed and hissed the tenant represent­ p a rty and $151 was netted fo r the plains a quarter of a century and the Program of UE.” But through with inaccuracies and misleading con­ foe of Communism and believes ciples, what new trade union pro­ atives and at times completely drowned out ten­ com m ittee. later, “General Motors have the implication of. a coming split clusions. in ’a farmers and workers gov­ gram would serve as the basis ant testimony. They saved their best efforts for This week, also, three important responded to the influence and in the CIO' was the main theme ernment elected through legal of his remarks. for his “new organization.” It Jack A. Rosen, executive secretary of the Chicago The decision was a blow to the landlords, who additions were made to the desires of the du Pont company.” channels which would carry was never clear whether his vague Tenants Federation. His charge that Chicago confidently expected to win a large rent increase speakers’ list for the Kutcher As in every capitalist enter­ Before Fitzgerald spoke, a through socialization of the coun­ tenants were paying the highest rent in the coun­ and thus make Chicago the opening wedge in re­ Civil Rights Committee banquet prise, these “ interests.and desires” motion to disaffiliate from the threats indicated a decision of the try’s basis industries’.” State CIO Council was over­ Stalinist UE leaders or were still try was met by such an outburst of booing by moving all rent controls throughout the country. to be held J u ly 23 a t the P ark are to drive out competition and Kutcher actually said (hat the whelmingly defeated by the mem­ only bluster. But this talk of Manor, 607 South W estern ave. have a free hand to fix exorbitant only group that has viciously- bers who want to stay in and splits and expulsions shows how They arc newly-installed Council­ prices. It is not surprising to attacked him in its press in his fight to make it a better organiza­ man Edward R. Roybal; CIO- read the government charge that strained relations between the entire West Coast tour has been tion. He began by commenting Murray leadership and the Stalin­ Notes from the News PAC Field Representative George du Pont forces GM and U. S. (he Communist Party. He em­ favorably on the arguments for ists in the CIO have become. Roberts, and Attorney Leo Gal­ Rubber to buy “substantially all” phasized the fact, that while the disaffiliation: “They are good lagher noted labor and civil the products they need from the immediately after making the Socialist Workers Party is op­ trade union arguments and cannot ANOTHER “FAIR DEAL” FRIEND — Com­ meet. I talked to Mack (the landlord) and told rights lawyer. du Pont combine and from it above remarks, Fitzgerald .tried posed to the Stalinist regime in be answered. Men must stand up menting on the Senate Appropriation Commit­ him I didn’t like it. Mack promised to close Already on the speakers’ list alone, "thus depriving outside to cover his flanks: “ It is not we the Soviet Union and false Stal­ for what is right and what they tee’s decision to earmark 50 million dollars of the h a ll.” in addition to Kutcher were Carey suppliers, of an opportunity to who threaten to leave. It is they inist policies in the labor move­ believe in. If everyone thought ECA money for the butcher Franco, Secretary * * * McWilliams, author; Attorney compete.” who go around the country talk­ ment here, we defend the civil of State Acheson declared that he and his col­ SIGN OF THE TIMES — A Pittsburgh want- Loren Miller of the NAACP; that way about unity there would ing about kicking us out, or others rights of the Communist Party METHODS OF CONTROL leagues have “no political objections to granting ad offering “good, clean factory work” brought CIO Regional Director Irwin De- never have been a CIO. A point who think like we do.” of the eleven leaders on trial in is reached when unity alone is Spain an American loan.” 1,500 anxious applicants. There were five jobs Shetler; and Attorney A. L. The profits from GM and U. S. Fitzgerald had little to say * * * New York, and of the members not the issue.” open, or one for every 300. Wirin of the American Civil Rubber were used by the du Ponts about the 1949 wage fig h t in his of the party. “We will not toe the political PROFESSORS DISSENT — Unlike the Na­ Liberties Union. to exnand their own plants, and talk or in answer to questions. * * * Another Los Angeles paper, line of Murray and Reuther,” he tional Education Association, the investigating in addition both companies were When one member asked what RENT-HOGS ON RAMPAGE — Federal rent PRESS COMMENT Crossroads, a Japanese-Amcrican continued. “ Why don’t they force committee of the American Association of Uni­ dictated to enter new fields of steps were being taken to win officials have proudly anounced that since April Following a press conference weekly, devoted its entire editorial other unions to toe the line on versity Professors upholds the right of teachers manufacture that could use up the 30-hour week, he answered, 1 when Truman’s “Fair Deal” rent law went into yesterday, the Los Angeles Daily- this week to the Kutcher case. the fourth round wage fight? If to belong to the Communist Party as long as it more du Pont products, establish­ “We are going to start a real effect, dwellings have been decontrolled at the News today published a full- is a legal party. “The label of ‘subversive’ to a ing “a closed and guaranteed we have to toe the line as they honest-to-God petition campaign.” * * * rate of 9,300 a day. length picture of James Kutcher see it, then the time will come member of the Socialist Workers market” at prices set by the Ridiculous as it may sound, the * * * with the caption, “Lost legs in when we must build a new organ­ FREE SPEECH LOCKED OUT — The Labor Party without public hearings is m onopoly. “militant UE” is reduced to peti­ Italy campaign and VA job in as terribly unfair as that same ization just as the people who Youth League in Minneapolis found itself locked NEW MEMBER OF “SH-H-H” CLUB — All To keep the structure air-tight, tion campa'gns again. Not a word cut of the hall it had hired for its meeting on this talk about a depression is just “propaganda” Clark’s purge.” The article re­ label was affixed on all Japanese du Pont orders U. S. Rubber, left the AFL to form the CIO about industry-wide bargaining, July 9. Capt. William McCormick of the North against the Democratic Party, according to CIO ported the history of the case in 1942,” the editorial concluded. the “infant” of the group, to sell did.” Side police station explained: “ I saw in Thursday’s Amalgamated Clothing Workers President Jacob and quoted Kutcher: “ . . . Back the Committee while tires and tubes to GM at less Not once did Fitzgerald state not a move for a strike vote. Just Minneapolis Star that these people were going to P o to fsky. “ A ll I yyant is my job back you can.” than prevailing market prices concretely what new guiding prin­ words and bluster.