Young Mass gets kids going at local parish P15

Archdiocese of Miami Vol. XXIV No. 32 „ September 25,1981 Price 25$ Controversy on women Keep the mother in the home, or liberation from forced work? By Father Kenneth Doyle my kids stand in the way of my development as a person.' I say to ROME (NC) - In Rome much con- • them, "Then why did you have them/" troversy has been caused by what What was it that Pope John Paul said Pope John Paul ll's new encylical says in his new encyclical, "on Human — or does not say — about women. Work," which provoked such strong Coming out of the Vatican Press Of- and varied comments? fice moments after the encyclical had In one way there was nothing slart- been released, a woman journalist tlingly new, but in another way the en- said: cyclical contained more than a "Here we go again. Grants for- repetition of previous statements. women. Keep them in the home, He said that the "primary goals of the that's what this pope has always said. mission of a mother" were "to devote There's not much new in that." herself to taking care of her children The woman, in her mid-forties and and educating them in accordance unmarried, is weli-respected in her with their needs, which vary with age." profession. The pope had said that before. In THE FOLLOWING day a male Poland in 1979 he said that columnist in a Rome paper echoed her "motherhood must be treated in work thoughts. The encyclical showed, he policy and economy as a great end said, a "radical insensitivity to the and a great task in itself. For with it is feminine problem, present only in the connected the mother's work in giving conspiciousness of it absence. The birth, feeding and rearing, and no one problem of female labor does not can take her place. Nothing can take exist. The rights of women seem to be the place of the heart of a mother confined to remaining housewives. always present and always waiting in Stay at home, spin the wool. the home. True respect for work Everything returns to its origins." brings with it due esteem for But that same day, in a casual con- motherhood. It cannot be otherwise, versation in the Vatican Press Office, the moral health of the whole of another woman had a different idea. society depends on that." She, too, is a capable journalist, ' BUT THERE WAS indeed a new representing a worldwide wire service element in the encyclical's treatment. POWER PLAY — Two anti-nuclear demonstrators are removed by police from and an international radio network. For the first time, the pope was the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near San Luis, Obispo, Calif. Thousan- She is in her mid-thirties and has two suggesting grants which would make it ds of demonstrators massed at the plant to attempt to halt construction. Hun- young children. possible for mothers who chose to do dreds of California Highway Patrol officers on the scene arrested anyone who "You know," she began, "I agree so to remain at home. tried to block workers. (NC Photo from UPI). with the pope. He doesn't say that To understand the concept one has women shouldn't work. He only says to grasp first the pope's passionate that once you're a mother, you concern for the health of the family There is no other topic on which this Catholic social teaching, in the en- shouldn't have to work if you don't unit. pope has spoken so often. He knows cyclical he equates a just wage with a want to. And that makes sense to me. "This pope has a deep, deep esteem the problems of today, so time after family wage, one which will equip the Once you're a mother, your biggest for the family," said Jesuit Father John time he stresses the importance of the family to live decently. job is making sure those kids grow up Schasching, dean of social sciences at survival of the human family." But then comes this pope's new con- to be decent human beings." Rome's Gregorian University. "It Pope John Paul's ideas on labor are tribution to Catholic social thought, "I'M TIRED," she said, "of women comes partly from his Polish experien- . rooted in his convictions about family. according to Father Schasching. who say to me, "i'm not going to let ce, but also from personal conviction. Following what has been traditional continued on p.; 4 When two schools merge It's best of both worlds for Curley and Notre Dame when the two schools in northeast "I am really happy about it," says Julie Although Curley is only a few blocks By Ana M. Rodriguez Miami merged to become Curley- Roig, a senior from Notre Dame. away, at N.E. 2nd Ave. and 50th Street, Voice Staff Writer Notre Dame. Now students, teachers The move had been in the works for Fr. McGrath says that perhaps the fact and administrators alike say the same a year, whe'n the Sisters of the Im- that boys are present diminishes some When the brother-sister schools thing: Categorically, yes. maculate Heart of Mary who staffed of the parents' fears. Also, Curley is finally moved in together, some ad- "THIS HAS BEEN probably one of the Notre-Dame decided that decreasing fenced in, while Notre Dame wasn't. ministrators and faculty members biggest things that has happened enrollments would force the school to feared trouble: The two schools, founded at the here," says Fr. Gerald McGrath, prin- close. (Voice, May 29,1981). same time in 1953, had always been • Would the Curley boys make the cipal. It's "something that should have THE ALL-GIRLS => .hool had 314 close, swapping some classes on oc- Notre Dame girls feel at home? happened a long time ago." , students, not enough to get by on, and casion. At one time, the Notre Dame • Would the Notre-Dame girls get "I think it's turned out super," says prospects for increased enrollment girls were the cheerleaders for the used to the antics of the Curley boys? Linda Miller, who taught at Notre Dame seemed dim as many parents feared Curley football and basketball players. • Would all of them get used to the last year and now teaches home letting their daughters into the neigh- But in 1972 Curfey began to admit school's bigger size? economics to both boys and girls at borhood, at N.E. 1st Avenue and 62 The answers came this September, Curley-Notre Dame. Street. continued on p. 10 Fight pollution, Quebec ask MONTREAL (NC) - The Social Affairs Committee of the Quebec Assembly of Bishops has challenged Christians in the province to take individual and collective action to stem the tide of pollution. In a statement published in French, entitled "Les Chretiens et ('Environ- ment" (Christians and the Environment), the bishops said everyone shares in the responsibility "of leaving to those who follow us a world in which it will still be possible to live and to live in harmony with others and with nature." The committee suggested that citizens participate in programs for BELFAST INTEGRATION — Headmistress Mrs. Sheila enrolled both Protestant and Catholic pupils. It is one recycling paper, glass and metal, and Greenfields walks with six students on the opening of the few schools, if not the only one in Northern that they organize car pools or use day of classes at Lagan College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where children of both faiths attend class public transportation to cut air pollution caused by engine exhaust. Ireland. The privately-run secondary school has together. (NC Photo from Wide World). Book group told: expel Jack Chick MILWAUKEE (NC) - The Catholic • Its own good name from being because "those in the religious • The is trying to League for Religious and Civil Rights damaged by association with an publishing industry have lacked the destroy Protestant Christianity through has urged the Christian Booksellers organization whose tactics and objec- common decency and Christian blackmail, murder and other criminal Association (CBA) "to expel anti- tives are un-Christian. charity to take a stand against Chick's activities. ' Catholic publisher Jack Chick from the • Its members from being linked with • campaign of defamation." • The Catholic Church is at the cen- association." an organization whose publications • The American public, which has a ter of a Masoniq-communist con- In a letter to John T. Bass, CBA are "a _scandal to the religious right not to be subjected to religious spiracyto destroy Christianity, and publishingjndustry." bigotry. executive vice president, the League • The Jesuits fomented the Civil War expressed dismay at the association's • Retailers of religious literature from in the United States and the failure to repudiate the activities of being deceived into thinking that Schwartz said Chick has alleged, assassination of President Abraham Chick and his associate, Alberto Chick is a reputable Christian among other things, that: Lincoln. _ Rivera. publisher. • The Vatican keeps the names of all In the letter, Michael Schwartz, direc- • PATRONS of Christian Protestants in a giant computer, with These allegations, "are vile, contempt- tor of public affairs for the Milwaukee- bookstores, who have been the intention of massacring them. ible lies," Schwart said. "They are the based League, said the CBA should seduced into an attitude of suspicion • Jesuits take an oath to kill on seeds of fear, hatred and sectarian; expel Chick to protect: and hostility toward Catholics command. violence."

•••••I News At A Glance)

Contents of Sadat letter a secret due in part to the spiritual needs of the people going unattended by the CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy, (NC) - Pope John Paulll received a letter from Egyp- Catholic Church," said the Rev. Hermes Canales, council secretary. tian President Anwar Sadat when Egyptian Foreign Minister Butrus Ghali was received for a 15-minute private audience. "We don't know what was in the let- Extend Voting Rights Act, bishops urge ter," said Father Peirfranco Pastore, vice director of the Vatican Press Office. "The letter was sealed and even Mr. Ghali does not know what it contained," CLEVELAND (NC) - Calling the right to vote sacred in a democratic society, the said a spokesman for the Egyptian embassy to the Holy Se. But United Press In- four bishops or Cleveland have urged support for a bill in Congress to extend the ternational reported that diplomatic sources in Cairo said that one of the pur- Voting Rights Act. "The dignity and equality that are the birthright of every peson poses of Ghali's visit was probably to dispel Vatican fears of discrimination again- demand Congress to support (extending the act) without weakening amend- st Coptic Christians in Egypt. President Sadat earlier this month dismissed the ments," said Anthony M. Pilla of Cleveland. Bishop Pilla's statement Coptic Orthodox patriarch of Cairo, Pope Shenoudaill, from his position. was supported by his three auxiliaries. Chileans turning to Protestant churches Developed nations need 'change of heart' SANTIAGO, Chile (NC) - Quoting church sources and its own surveys, El Mer- PARIS (NC) - An American priest acting as spokesman for the Vatican has curio, a Santiago newspaper, reported that increasing numbers arc joining called for a national self-evaluation by every developed country regarding its at- Protestant churches in traditionally Catholic Chile. Only 6.2 percent of the titudes toward underdeveloped nations. Speaking to the United Nations Con- population professed to be Evangelical Protestants in 1970, but Protestants in- ference on Underdeveloped Countries in Paris, Sept. 14, Msgr. William F. Mur-, creased to 8.5 percent, according to 1980 estimates by the Jesuit-run Bellarmino phy of the Boston Archdiocese, undersecretary of the Pontifical Commission for Research Center. The Pastoral (Protestant) Council reports 10 percent of the in-' Justice and Peace; said that a change of heart in policies by developed nations is ner city people are Protestants. "The success of Evangelical denominations is needed "to promote fraternity and solidarity" among all the peoples of the world. Group to work for Newman sainthood Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy (USPS 622-620) •YOU* Archdiocese of Miami HUNTINGTON, Ind. (NC) - Weekly Publication The friends of Cardinal Voice President. The Voice Publishing Co. inc. 6201 Blscoym Blvd., Miami Newman Association in the' Average weekly paid circulation Robert L. O'Steen POSTMASTER: tend chonaa of addrass noHc.r 51.000 United States has been formed Editor to Th. Vole*, P.O. Box 38-1059, Miami. Fl., to promote the canonization Distributed to the home by mail on Friday and bought in 132 cause of Cardinal John Henry chinches on Sunday, 50 weeks in George Kemon-Feature Editor iDon Dugan-Sales Management Consultant MAILING ADDRESS Newman, according to Fr. Vin- the year. P O BOX 3S-1059 Jose P. Alonso-Spanish Editor George Lezcano-Promotional Director Miami. Fl*. 3313* cent J. Giese, Our Sunday Second class postage paid at TELEPHONES Visitor vice president and News 7580S43 Miami, Florida. Subscription rates Ana Rodriguez-Staff Writer Victor M. Rejon-Marketing Director Advertising 754 2651 editor-in-chief. $7.50 a year, Foreign $10. Single Cfct»«tf.»d-754-2*62 copy 25C. Published every Friday June Meyers-Classified Advertising Circulation,; 7S4 2652 Fr. Giese is heading up the except weeks including Christmas Prentice Browning-Staff Writer Ft LeudsrdaM' 525 5157 work on behalf of Cardinal and Independence Day. Edith Miller-Bookkeeper Piedad C. Fernandez - Circulation Manager W Palm Bch J33-1951 Newman in the United States. PAGE 2 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 'L1L V Vg*' ' ^--^-- >j^^ 2nd News Front, J New pro-life amendment opposed

WASHINGTON (NC) - A major new it," said the official, who contended One key group which had no im- of Cincinatti. A spokesman said the constitutional amendment on abortion that "real world* political con- mediate position on the Hatch amen- committee's position would be introduced by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- • siderations dictated support for the dment was the National Right to Life de'termined at an early October board Utah) has created a major new con- measure during the current Congress. Committee headed by Dr. J.c. Willke of directors meeting. troversy for the pro-life movement. Hatch's amendment, which would give Congress and the states the power to regulate abortions, was im- mediately attacked by a coalition of. pro-life groups who said they wanted nothing les than a full human life amendment. But it also was immediately welcomes by the National Conference ce of Catholic Bishops, which called Hatch's amendment "a significant op- portunity to restore legal protection to unborn human life." HATCH himself admitted that his proposal would fall short of a "direct constitutional prohibition on abortion." But he urged support for the measure, saying it would reverse the Supreme Court's 1973 decision on abortion and would not preclude a broader abor- tion amendment in the future. Opponents of Hatch's amendment likened it to a "states'.rights" approach on abortion, in which states would be given the power but would not be required to restrict abortions within, LIDflRITU Dflll their borders. SOLIDARITY DAY — Labor union leaders, joined by Reagan's economic and social policies include But Hatch contended his amen- thousands of rank-and-file members, march down Washington's Mayor Marion Barry, left; the AFL-CIO's dment is stronger than the states' Washington's Constitution Avenue in the largest president. Lane Kirkland, second from left; Vernon rights approach because it also would protest against the government since the Vietnam Jordan, Urban League president, center and Coretta give Congress the power to set War. Solidarity Day marchers protesting President King, right. (NC Photo from UPI). national standards7 on abortion and thus prevent any state from becoming an abortion "haven" for the rest of the country. Reagan still backs tuition credits "When a greater consensus exists in this country on the repugnance of WASHINGTON (NC - A Reagan ad- credits would have a significant revenue tax relief to the families of non-public abortion — which consensus I believe ministration official reaffirmed the school students," he said. will be promoted by this amendment impact and must oe considered president's support for tuition tax together with other budget matters. Chapoton said refundability to — I will be among those seeking a credits at a House education sub- provide assistance to needy families direct constitutional prohibition on But Chapoton told the subcommit- committee hearing Sept. 22. tee-that "tuition tax credits are a mat- who are not taxpayers "is not desirable abortion," said Hatch in a statement The subcommittee on elementary, from the standpoint of tax policy and made public Sept. 22. ter of considerable personal concern secondary and vocational education of to the president. administration. It would be both costly A high-ranking NCCB official, who the House Committee on Education "This administration is determined to and burdensome. asked not to be identified, later added and Labor heard testimony from work as closely as possible with He also suggested that the credit be that the NCCB would strongly back the Assistant Treasury Secretary John E. Congress in constructing a tuition tax "phased-ouf based on the income Hatch proposal. "We'll go all out for Chapoton, who warned that tax credit bill which provides substantive level of the family. World Council, Vatican to study social issues VATICAN CITY (NC) - Represen- statement said. . tht would lead toward catechetical ' some of the concerns that were the tatives of the Vatican and the World AS A RESULT of the meeting, the - and pastoral ac'ivity to voice the chur- content of the work of SODEPAX, Council of Churches have begun a WCC's Commission on International ches' concerns in a positive and effec- although the new group has a broader new phase of collaboration on social Affairs and the Vatican's Pontificial tive way," the statement said. mandate and a wider spectrum of issues. Justice and Peace Commission will Among the other topics discussed at collaborators," it added. The first meeting of the Joint con- publish jointly a booklet summarizing the meeting were church aid and relief sultative Group on Social Thought and the positions and appeals of the activities; education for Christian in- SODEPAX, the Committee on Action took place Sept. 17-18 in Catholic Church and the WCC mem- volvement in social action; and "the Society, Development and Peace, was Rome. ber churches on the issue. means of clarifying some of the moral a joint WCC-Vatican body. It was "From a variety of viewpoints, all the "That publication would, however, and ethical issues in the social field in dissolved at the end of last year. j participants concurred that peace and by only the first step in an effort that which Christians are called to give The next meeting will take place Feb. the threats to peace remain the great would seek to promote an ecumenical co'mmon witness." 23-24, 1982, in Geneva, Switzerland, challenge of today," the Vatican consensus on peace and disarmament The group "takes up where the WCC is based.

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Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25, T 981 / PAGE 3 Controversy on women's roles

continued from p. 1 added. "It simply says that mothers do "No," said Father Schasching, "the very strong in defending the rights of" a tremendous job for society and that encyclical does not say that. It says, women who work. There must be no "IN THE ENCYCLICAL the pope the humaneness of the society of rather, that mothers must not be for- discrimination, he declares, and clearly believes that society today tomorrow depends on the children of ced to work." women must be allowed entrance on should recognize, in a financial way, today. So society should help to pay Father Schasching pointed to what an equal basis into all the fields for the contribution of mothers, thus a for tnat, the same way as it pays for he called "a whole other aspect of the which they are qualified." grant for mothers who choose to stay schools now." * pope's thought" presented in the en- at home and raise their children," said • Asked if the pope is saying that, . cyclical. • . • . The bottom line of Father the priest. women should not work, the priest Schasching's analysis seems to be: A natural question of course, is: commented: "And here the pope just starts with a fact. The fact, across the world, is that Women can work if they want to. From whom should that grant corned "IN THE WHOLE section of the en- Mothers can-work, tao, so long as they According to Father Schasching, it cyclical, the pope is careful to speak many women work, and that many of . them are mothers. The pope doesn't can still fulfill the irreplaceable role of could come from a combined effort about mothers,' not women in the mother in raising their children. by various segments of society. "It general. If a woman has no, if condemn the fact, he doesn't say whether it's good or bad/right or But if a mother chooses not to work, could be like health insurance," he ex-. a woman is single, let's say, and simply society should see to it that finances wrong. It's simply a fact," the priest' plained, "where the employer, the chooses not to work, there's no do not force her to. And no women said. employee and the government each reason at all why society should finan- who works should suffer contribute a share." ce that choice and support her. The discrimination. The idea said the Jesuit dean, is not pope is speaking here only about Given this fact, he said, "the pope is Original with the pope. Many European mothers, and it's in the context of countries such as Austria (Father children and their future effect on Schaschings native country), West society." -Expert on church design Cermany and France are quite close to it, he said. Is the pope saying that mothers must ' IT is not o very radical idea at .ill, he ; not work? , to speak to priests, architects of 'normalcy' in Architecture, in Patrick J: Quinn, internationally : recognized architect, writer and Liturgy, in the Ideal of the Holy?"; "Building the Best and the Challenge of IN REMEMBRANCE educator, will present a one day Cost," and "What are our Respon- seminar for priests and architects at sibilities to our Successors?" Of the Death Barry College library/on Friday, Oct. of St. Therese 2,1981. QUINN is particularly noted for his Quinn, former dean of the School of research and design in urban religious On September 30th Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic architecture, and he is called upon and Her Feastday Institute, and now Institute Professor frequently as a lecturer, critic and at Renssalaer will consider "Critical juror. . • ' October 1st. Problems in Religious Architecture and . He is a native of Ireland and an Their Resolution at the Parish Level." honors graduate of the National The seminar is sponsored by the Of- University of Ireland and the University THE MISSIONARIES OF fice of Worship and Spiritual Life of the of Pennsylvania. He practiced in San Archdiocese of Miami, and is the Francisco and taught at the Univrsity of THE HOLY APOSTLES second of a series begun in Oct., T979, California at Berkeley. would like you to accept for priests and architects who will be Among the awards he has received building church worship spaces or are the American Institute of Architec- FREE a blessed PRAYER. who are interested in modifying ts National Honor for a church in- existing spaces to meet the needs of Chico, Ca. cited for its quality of CARD and SCAPULAR the contemporary Catholic com- design and economy; and the Bartlett munity. Award for buildings that enable easier St. Therese of Lisieux has been called the greatest Saint of modern The seminar, which begins at 10 a.m. access for the handicapped. times. Devotion to the "Little Flower of Jesus" has never ceased to grow and concludes at 3:45,p.m., will con- Priests and architects may register for since her'death in 1897, and there is no end to the number of miraculous sider many topics including "Is the the seminar by calling the Office of favors obtained through her intercession. St. Therese was canonized in Holy still possible in Church Architec- Worship and Spiritiual Life at 757-6241 - 1925, and in 1927, the Church proclaimed her Patroness of the Foreign ture?"; "Can we ever return to a sense by Monday, Sept. 28. Missions. No Saint, more powerful or gracious could have been chosen to comfort and guide all those who have become missionaries for our Lord. Among them are the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles who train men for the priesthood to serve the people in the United States and foreign lands. The Prayer Card to St. Therese has been specially written and prepared by the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles. It contains a Petition prayer and Meditation along with historical notes on St. Therese. The small Scapular inside the Card is in remembrance of the full scapular that has been part of the Carmelite habit for more than 700 years. It was presented to St. Simon- Stock, a Carmelite Friar, by Our Blessed Mbther with this promise: "Whosoever wears this scapular, will not suffereternal fire." St. Therese wore the scapular as part of her habit, if you choose to wear it, it will surely bring you many blessings. ; Please use the coupon below to send for your Free Prayer Card to St. Therese and the small scapular. They have both been blessed. And pray along with us that the "Little Flower" may comfort and inspire all missionaries throughout the world and '.increase their number everywhere. TWO SPECIAL MASSES TO ST. THERESE WILL BE OF- FERED ON SEPTEMBER 30TH AND OCTOBER 1ST. WE Joseph, Alexander, Patricia, Alexander Patrick... The KOLSKI Family - WILL BE HAPPY TO PRAY FOR YOUR INTENTIONS, As individuals and as a family, we are active in the affairs of the Archdiocese and deeply in- volved in the Catholic community. . •..••" To; Father Norman — St. Therese Mission So we are as personally concerned as you, when we lose a rrjember of our community. Cromwell, Connecticut 06416 Please send me y|our FREE Prayer Card and Scapular in honor of St. Therese. I un- It should ease your grief substantially to know that you willbe served not only far beyond con- derstand that there is no further obligation on my part. And please include me in your siderable professional abilities, but with the sensitivity of a family-minded Catholic Funeral Director and staff. Masses. KeyT-3 • My name. ' Address. BESS? KOLSKI & COMBS

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PAGE4 Miami, Flprida/THE VOICE7 Friday,September 25,1981 'In my confusion I prayed for guidance and eventually the thought of serving God in religious life came to me' — Sister Margaret Mary.

'Number 645' takes her vows

By Dick Conklin many young people respond to the call. Fortunately for Sister Margaret Mary, her , Fr. Christopher Stack "Sister Margaret Mary." of Sacred Heart Church, encouraged "Lord, You have called me." her to visit some of the local com- "My dear sister, what do you ask munities of sisters. Today she credits the "spirit of prayer and hospitality" of God and of His Church?" she experienced with the Sisters of "I ask to be admitted to a Mercy as aiding her in her decision to religious profession. choose that order. There are probably few Catholics in That dialog between Archbishop South Florida who haven't met a Sister Edward mcCarthy and Margaret Mary of Mercy. Members of an order foun- Rorick marked the beginning of the ded 150 years ago in Dublin, Ireland, profession of vows of a new Sister for> by Mother Catherine McAuley, they the Archdiocese of Miami — to be' are also identified with precise, the 645th. "congregations" that trace their origins Surrounded by family and friends in a back to counties in Ireland. The sisters tiny chapel in Deerfield Beach, Sister at the Our Lady of Mercy Novitiate in Margaret Mary recited the timeless Deerfield Beach - where Sister promises of obedience, chastity and Margaret Mary lives — belong to the congregation of County Clogher in poverty that mark the religious Sr. Margaret Mary leads the procession into the chapel where she will vocation. Northern Ireland. Originally from Buffalo, N.Y., Miss The novitiate, which is the only one profess her vows. Rorick followed her parents to Lake in the Archdiocese, is also home for Worth five years ago. An avid sports another novice, Sister Debbie, and two school. In addition to her P.E. training "THERE ARE OVER 1000 children on enthusiast, she pursued her hobbies of professed sisters, Maureen (A Director and love of athletics, she has done the waiting list at just one of our grade swimming, softball, basketball and of Religious Education at St. Gabriel's parish work at St. Coleman's in Pom- schools, and 600 more waiting to get jogging into a Physical Education major in Pompano Beach) and Anastasia (DRE pano Beach for two years and has in a single high school." at Broward Community College, at Our Lady of Lourdes, West Boca been a teaching aide. She has also After the Eucharistic celebration — receiving her diploma in July. Raton). Other sisters from the Clogher visited Catholic schools on career day .called the Rite of Religious Promise - congregation are at Immaculate Con- to discuss religious vocations with the Sister Margaret Mary Rorick looked BUT ALONG the way something else ception in Hialeah and St. Bernadette's students. She needs another two years ahead to her future with the Sisters of happened. "When I was in my early in Hollywood. of college at Florida Atlantic University Mercy. twenties. I began to think seriously AT ONE TIME the Sisters of Mercy to complete her education before "In the years I have been here I have about what to do with my life in the trained most new novices in Ireland. becoming a full-time teaching sister. grown to experience great inner peace future," she recalled. "1 had considered Today the local novitiates are According to Archbishop McCarthy, and contentment," she said. "I'm marriage, but I was not at peace with preferred. As Sister Anastasia says, she shouldn't have trouble finding thankful that out of the confusion of the idea. In my confusion I prayed for "These girls (Margaret Mary and Deb- work. "We need her," he said during my earlier years I heard God's call to ; guidance and eventually the thought bie) are Americans. Ifs enough to the special Mass. follow Him in this lifestyle." of serving God in religious life came to make the transition to the religious life me." without learning a new culture as I The "calling" Sister Margaret Mary well." felt to the refigious life is considered Sister Margaret Mary will be well by most sisters and priests to be just as prepared for her vocation, which will MARY'S VINYL FLOOR frequent today as it was in the past. likely be as a physical education SAXONY PLUSH The difference, they feel, is that not as teacher and coach in a local Catholic BIG ioo% 095 SELECTION ANTRONIH** CARPET fi" Sq-YdL WEDDING INVITATIONS - ENGRAVED & PRINTED 5 YRS. WARRANTY Business & Personal Stationery ^Custom Printing (INSTALLED) (INSTALLED) CABLES PRINTING SERVICE INC. VERY SPECIAL SPECIALS 208 ALMERIA -CORAL GABLES HUNDREDS OF CARPET REMNANTS IN STOCK 448-5350 Fru'titlly i.ourli'ims Srrriri\ Roasonahlv I'rirvs 20TH CENTURY MAGIC RUG HEADQUARTERS


Mianji, Florid*/T,HE; VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGES Stricken bishop talks with God

(The author of this article. Bishop BISHOP BLANCHETTE: 'You hove blessed Bishop Blanchette: You have blessed Blanchelte, resigned in lanuary 1979 me, though unworthy, with the ordained me, though unworthy, with the or- as bishop of loliel, III., .liter he learned dained priesthood and the fullness of that he had amyotrophic lateral priesthood and the fullness of the priesthood the priesthood by making me a bishop sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig's and successor to the apostles. Now disease. An immobile and voiceless by making me a bishop and successor to the you have chosen me also for the patient in Si. Joseph's Hospital in loliel, apostles. Now you have chosen me also for apostolate of suffering. Why are you he communicates by using a method giving me all these blessings? he devised earlier. The procedure the apostolate of suffering. Why ere you God: You will find out in eternity: divider the alphabet into vowel*,, the giving me all these blessings?' Now you are both priest and victim. lirsl hall ol the < onsonanls and the Bishop Blanchette: St. Bemadette second halt ol the consonants When GOD: 'You will find out in eternity. Now you said, "The Lord is not ready for me. J the right letter is pronounced, the have not suffered enough." Is this true bishop blinks his eyes until the < orrec I are both priest and victim.' also for me>. word is tormed and so on Through God: Yes, but remember that my thai long and tiring method he wrote burden is never too heavy with my the lollowing article, which he titled, help. "Silent Dialogue ") Bishop Blanchette: I need courage By Bishop Romeo R. Blanchette and strength to endure with joy and cheerfulness my pain and JOLIEI", III. (NC) - Several years ago helplessness. the editor of a Paulist magazine asked, me to write about what prayer meant God: Put all your trust in me and the to me. The whole issue was the view Holy Spirit will sustain you in your dif- of some 20 or more people of dif- ficulties. ferent states of life. From among many Bishop Blanchette : I renew my trust definitions of prayer, I chose "dialogue, and I renew my firm belief in all that with God," whereby we talked to him you have revealed and all that the and listened to what he had to say. vicar of Christ teaches alone or with all During my present illness a young Catholic bishops. priest came to visit me while I was still God: When your burden seems "ery able to talk. He asked if i ever thought heavy, look at the crucifix and see Low about heaven and I replied, "every much Christ suffered for you and all mankind. Bishop Blanchette: Seeing and day." speaking with you will make us perfec- Prayer prepares us for heaven. tly happy. Still, you've made it possible. Through prayer we are united in spirit for the angels and saints to see and with. God. In heaven we shall be know each other" united face to face with him forever. The other day Bishop (Joseph L.) God: It is most fitting that at the Imesch (of Joliet) came to visit me. He eternal wedding feast the guests asked me how I was. I spelled out "still should know not only the groom, but waiting." also each other. , Bishop Blanchette: I long to dwell in "For the doctorr he asked. the house of the Lord forever. I desire I shook my head and looked upwar- to see our Blessed Lady, queen of all ds to indicate God. saints, St. Joseph, St. Peter and the The bishop then asked, "Do you talk other apostles; the patriarchs and to himr I nodded yes. Bishop Romeo Blanchette flashes his familiar smile from his hospital bed. prophets of old, the martyrs, and all "Why- don't you write an article the holy men and women, including about this," the bishop suggested. I Bishop Blanchette: My God, our God: My son, just as the father of the my parents, classmates, and all those thought about it for a few days and I Father, I love you with all my heart and. prodigal son forgave and em- who have helped me to salvation and realized that I would be baring my soul soul and strength. braced him so, too, I forgive and em- those whom I have helped to to the public, but I decided to try. God: I have loved you from all eter- brace you. salvation. When I wrote about prayer being a Bishop Blanchette: I have offered my dialogue, I never imagined that within nity. In time I created your soul from God: You will have eternity to know the moment you were conceived in sufferings in union with the sufferings each other. a few years the dialogue would be of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made completely silent. A week before the your mother's womb. -Bishop Blanchette: I have fought the man, for the purification of my sou|, good fight; I have kept the faith. In- baseball strike I received a sign which., Bishop Blanchette: I thank you for" for the welfare of the church, read, "Unless you're the umpire don't deed I have taught your teachings the gift of life. I also thank ybu for the especially for the Diocese of Joliet, without compromise, even at the cost talk! God wants the bishop to enjoy baptism in which you gave me, in a and for the intentions of those who the game" of ridicule. Will I obtain the crown of mysterious way, a share in your divine have asked for my prayers." salvation? This message is not part of our life. I regret any failure to use fully this God: By; accepting this you are God: You will, if you do my will and dialogue but the vivid imagination of a gift as well as the talents of mind and ; fulfilling in part what is lacking in the persevere to the end. witty woman Religious who knows body with which you were so j sufferings of Christ, the head of the Bishop Blanchette: Than you my that I love sports. ; generous to me. You gave me many; mystical body. Thus you can be closer • God. I will, with the intercession of • A dialogue with God might be as graceSvthrough your Holy Spirit as a to Christ the high priest and suffering Our Lady and the help of the Holy follows: student; priest and bishop. . i servant. Spirit. I love you. Alleluia! CLERGY AID THE P APPAREL! -by donating RESALABLE FURNITURE, clothing, merchandise 6 Supply, Inc. COLLIER COUNTY 3196 Davis Blvd. 7 South Andrews Avenue, Naples-775-2907 St. Vincent de Paul Stores DADECOUNTY CALL FOR EVERYTHING YOU GIVE Downtown Fort Lauderdale Warehouse and Store ALL OUR PROFIT FREE IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE. 2375 Northwest 149th St. GOES TO THE POOR 764-6645 Opa-Locka PICK UP You get a Tax Receipt Church goods, altar ware; 688-8601 vestments & cassocks In 12003 N.W. Seventh Avenue PALM BEACH COUNTY North Miami BftOWARD COUNr/ 513 West Broward Blvd. stock or made-to-measure. Ft. Lauderdale-462-0718 2647 Old Dixie Open 9:30 5:30 SAT 10 to 3. 16 S.E. 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PAGE 6 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 r Matter of Opinion Should Catholics be political activists?

(The following editorial, titled "The Catholic making of multinationals which disregard Dress and Public Policy at the 99th Annual Con- I the dispossessed of foreign countries, in vention of the Knights of Columbus," was written the financial and military support oT by Father T.H. Haney, executive editor of The repressive foreign governments. Catholic Witness, newspaper of the Harrisburg, And these "moral elements" must be j Pa., Diocese.) identified. The Catholic press has an obligation to The President of the National Con- call people to an understanding of social ference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop responsibility by indicating how turning John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis, the other cheek can be applied to world- recently urged the Knights of Columbus wide preparations for war, how walking to become political activists." that extra mile can influence international What did he mean? and national policy decisions, how giving He meant that the Knights should get a cup of cold water in his name can re- involved in influencing "public policy, duce world hunger and malnutrition. because it is by that policy that the moral The Catholic Press is in a position to order is frequently established." ask some necessary fundamental quest- Therefore, he warned,. with "your ions: can we separate what world govern- members and influence you cannot afford Iments, business, industry and the to stand above the political scene and military are doing and planning from merely be spectators." It's a warning ap- "human salvation" (or eternal salvation, if plicable to all of us, not just the Knights. you will)? Can we separate "public Political activism, he emphasized, policy" by which ... the moral order is means that the church's role is to call- frequently established" from the insights people to "an understanding of social and value system our faith affords us? .responsibility" and "to identify moral Can my personal eternal salvation be elements in the way government for- separated from the eternal salvation of 'To make the payments we'll need you, mulates solutions to... problems." the world — a world, as St. Paul reminds me and the baby working' According to the archbishop, the full us, that "will be freed from its slavery to teaching authority of the church must be corruption and share in the glorious brought to bear on political issues affecting freedom of the children of God?" our moral climate "in the interest of By continually focusing on the "moral human salvation." elements" of "public policy," the Catholic ' in terms of our pilgrimage through this life What instrument at the disposal of that press emphasizes the fact that our faith is in this world. It must speak in terms of all authority is better equipped to call people not some kind of anesthetic inducing a that affects us on this pilgrimage: all that to "an understanding of social respon- pious stupor which keeps us from challenges and consoles us, all that sibility" and to identify "moral elements" recognizing what's going on and what's dehumanizes and inspires us, air that in public policy than the Catholic press? going wrong with and in our world. stretches us to the edges of. despair and There are "moral elements" in the con- The Catholic press is able to ask in a fills us to overflowing with hope. struction of the neutron bomb, in the con- variety of ways whether, with theological To identify the "moral elements" of tinuing murders through abortion, in the honesty, we can enter our churches and "public pojicy," as Archbishop Roach escalating arms build-up. There are leave our lives behind — a world still to be urges, requires the Catholic press to place "moral elements" in an economic pro- "freed from its slavery to corruption." that public policy under the scrutinizing gram that could deprive the poor of the The Catholic press must speak to eter- judgment, of the Gospel "in the interest essentials of human dignity, irvthe prof it- nal salvation. Always. But it must speak , j of human salvation." Letters to the Editor

Don't attack author pope and bishops as his anger and passionate as your Father is com- your help. conceit lead him to join the ranks of passionate. Do not judge and you will the muck merchants, no one would not be judged. Do not condemn and To The Editor: You can Help us with little packages be surprised. Even Greeley can't need you will not be condemned. Pardon of everyday things, religious articles, money that much." and you. shall be pardoned." Luke soap, pencils, inexpensive jewelry, and I just finished examining the charming 6:35-37. article by Msgr. James Walsh in the I found Msgr.'s Christian evaluation any little thing you jriight consider September 11, Voice. of Greeley so intriguing, I asked some helpful in our poor hnissions. Kindly Msgr. composed the acquaintances for their comments on following public evaluation of not a his article: Dr. Norman Carroll Acknowledgement of your kind gift book, but its author: Permanent Deacon will be made upon your request only. "Andrew (Creeley) the Great, the Nero: "See how these Christians love Fort Lauderdale This is due to the high cost of postage. supreme iconoclast of the church and one another!" So, let me thank you a million times popes, is a first class wart with a com- Pope John Paul II: "Teh! tch! tch! Religious articles now, in advance, with my whole heart. mon octave. He is, alas, one of us Msg.r • for whatever you have given or intend bungling mortals, his omniscient to give to make Jesus loved, and for posture to the contrary, "but . . . why Satan: "Msgr.; you took the words needed the spread of His Gospel message in should I, for goodnes sakes, bow right our of my mouth" Africa. God Love You ... - down to the negative thoughts of, say To the Editor: Andrew Greeley . . . who will be com- Andrew Greeley: "I wish ! could Please mail to: pletely forgotten except by the Lord . . write with such invective." If I sound harsh on Father Greeley, it's I am an American Missionary in Brother Julius, O.F.JVI. Cap. not accident. I just read his latest book Our Lord: "Love your enemy and do Africa. My . name is Brother Julius, Fatima Mission |& which should rank high on the garbage good . . .and you will rightly be called O.F.M.Cap. I come to you as a.begger P.O. Box 15, Zambesi, N.W.P. list. If an atheist had written about the son of the Most High . . . Be com- of the Lord, pleading and imploring Zambia, Central Africa Miami, Florida / THE VOICE /Friday, September 25,1981 / >AGE 7 By Antoinette Bosco Gift to non-parents

Recently, attending a forum on will be severe. These new members of Security checks over a long period of Social Security, I started talking with the work force will pay the most into time? People entering the work force the woman sitting next to me. We the system and get tJae least out of it. today and in the next few years. With Who'll be a chatted. Eventually she found I had The scenario is clear. Our youth will • a reduced birth rate, we're on our way written a book on the role of single pay Social Security costs for the largest to an inverted triangle: More retired parents and that I had six children — at group of retired people in our history. people supported by a smaller group monk? which point she went into shock. By the time they retire themselves, of workers. perhaps at age 68 or 70, much of their THE WOMAN next to me, sounding Q. I read about the TV special on the With an air that clearly stated her earnings will have gone into the so much on the side of retired people Trappist monks in Massachusetts. I was opinion, she asked: "How do you system. while having so much contempt for surprised to learn about them. I am justify that?" Without waiting for an an- Unless they've ha gigantic incomes, the children who will pick up the bur- curious about what kind of young man swer, she informed me that she and her rich parents or enormous good luck den of their support, had angered me. would join such a group of people. husband long ago had made the right with investments, they'll have a mighty So I put my head in a noose and of- (Virginia). decision, the responsible one, not to small nest egg to supplement their fered a suggestion. A. A friend of mine, Tim, who is 22, have children. retirment income. Maybe the fair way to deal with the will enter a Trappist abbey in October. system, I said with deliberate sarcasm, Perhaps some information about him 'Parents of large families are not irresponsible. We have would be to index it according to how will partly answer your question, many workers you contribute to the although not every monk is a carbon made a most essential contribution . . . a gift to the system. copy of this young man. continuity of life.) ' Those who contribute none, would Tim is of average height, about the get back only what they paid into it — same size as his twin brother. His long They made me decision, she said, to In the midst of pleas to inject some plus interest, of course. Those who hair is a rich auburn, as is his beard. compensate for "breeders" like me common sense into the system right contribute workers - children - HE PLAYS the guitar well and is a who don't have a social or cultural now, there were angry outbursts from would get increased benefits propor- good artist; painting has given him conscience about the need for participants who wanted no tampering tionate to the number of workers con- many hours of enjoyment. population control. with the present system. tributed. After high school, Tim went to Just then, the program on Social The woman next to me was one of The woman was shocked into silen- work in the office of an insurance Security began. We listened to the most outspoken speakers, full of ce. company. He was on the job there for testimony about how Social Security is concern for today's senior citizens I only wanted to make the point that three years and then quit to go to not an insurance or investment plan It who earned this money and were now she had judged the scene incorrectly. college for a year. is a pay-as-you-go system. Today's getting back what was rightfully theirs. Parents of large familie are not He had an active social life — parties,, workers pay for yesterday's workers. A panelist argued that wasn't quite irresponsible. We have made a most dancing, drinking and general fun. He Tomorrow's recipients will be carried the case. He said that a person who essential contribution - a gift to the showed me a color print of one of his by the young joining the work force entered the system in 1941 at age 22 continuity of life. Everyone benefits former girl friends, and she is lovely now. would get back in a few years much from our gift — even people like her indeed. TODAY'S YOUTH said the speakers, more than, had been paid in. and her husband. After a time the social life wore thin face a work future where inequities Who pays for that person's Social I think she got the point. for Tim. Emptiness . . . hollowness ... hunger — call it what you will — made itself felt. Something was missing in the loud frantic parties and the drinking sessions. _ Certain questions became more in- sistent. What is the meaning of life? What will bring me the deepest hap- Qod: Man or wo man piness? IN HIGH SCHOOL, an English teacher had urged Tim to read "the Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton. This is an autobiography of a young It was one of those programs where men did at times think of God as try to make that of the Incarnation man who became a Trappist monk in the guest is questioned briefly by the Mother rather than Father. He said, seems to me to miss the meaning. the 1940s. host, then answers questions from the given his own Irish Catholic WE SPEAK of God the Father. But I audience and from viewers who background, this wasn't the way he More and more, Tim found himself know I never understood this an- thinking about God, about a deeper phone in - like the Donahue show, thought, but, still smiling, he said he thropomorphically — as if God was only this wasn't his show. hoped God turned out to be a relationship with the Lord, and about some bearded patriarch. God is for the possibility of becoming a monk. beautiful woman. Something like that, me, even as a child and throughout all The guest was Father Andrew anyhow. . • He made a number of visits to a Creeley, out on the celebrity circuit to the years of my life, simply God. Trappist abbey. He talked a number of shill for his novel. Father Creeley I JUDGED there were a lot of women If I were inclined that way — which I times to the vocations director there smiles on purpose. There was a time there who liked the idea. I know there am not - and would attempt to and to the abbot. He took long psyh- when it was understood that clerical are women in the Church who feel designate qualities that I thought cological tests and was interviewed by figures looked solemn, but in doing so. very strongly about this. My recollec- belonged to God, they might include a psychologist. tion is that' among bishops, maybe they managed to misrepresent what qualities thought of as masculine as Sometimes he thought the last thing believing is about. even from Vatican sources, there has wetl as qualities thought of as been recognition of the concept that in the world he wanted to do was feminine. But nothing in my own un- become a monk. Sometimes he wan- In reaction to this libel committed by God should be seen as possessing derstanding of God reduces Him to feminine qualities. ted to forget the whole thing. demeanor, it became understood that being either masculine or feminine. But the idea kept returning. God is Infinite. The very fact of being 'When / think of God I do not think of a man or of Infinite embraces all and is limited to HIS PARENTS, other relatives and no one quality. friends didn't really understand why a woman but of God.' • he was thinking of doing this. So for me there is an irrevelance to Last December he considered going smiling represented better what For me, and I suspect for most or- the discussions about whether God to college fOr three more years before commitment to Christianity is all dinary Catholics, it seems so should be viewed as masculine or becoming a monk. But he decided that about. So where once solemn was irrevelant. There is nothing in my un- feminine. It simply seems to miss Who was a cop-out. He will enter a Trappist standard, the smile is almost derstanding of God that is an- God is. abbey this fall when the silent Ken- obligatory today. thropomorphic. When I think of God I I feel a great closeness to God, in my tucky hills are drenched in a multitude I MENTION this not because I have do not think of a man or of a woman prayers and in my meditations - God of leaves of every color. but of God. anything against the smile - I is not for me an impersonal force. But Then Tim's quest for God and his greatly prefer it over solemn - but The Incarnation was as Man, of cour- my belief in a personal God does not prayers for all the people of the world because during the course of the se. I would think there would be no require a reduction to male-female will intensify. A lifelong task and ad- program the subject turned to the idea dispute over that. I don't spend time concepts. This would indeed be the venture will get underway. of God as Woman and, since he was meditating on such things but I sup- antithesis of my belief. : A final bit of informtation: Young smiling through it all, I'm not certain pose ''e Incarnation could have been We must come even closer to God, women who want to dedicate their how seriously Father Greeley took it. as V\'.) ,-an. It wasn't, but I don't think loving Him more. It seems to me sad lives to God in somewhat the same What he did say was that his own this f."'<•)• was in any way intended as a that people should get hung up on way Tim is doing can become Trap- sociological research . had indicated statement concerning the relative reduction of the Infinite to finite pistines, '•'•" that a certain percentage of younger merits of one sex over the other. To classifications. PAGE 8 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 By Msgr. James Action cures lukewarm faith J. Walsh

No matter how often we use the expression: HE HAD FRIENDS, however, who were as con- of others. Some favors we need from God will "God works in mysterious ways," there is no danger fident as he that if they could but get him to Our come only if we go to extraordinary effort, and put of its becoming trite, because hardly a day goes by Lord, everything would be taken care of. These ourselves and perhaps others to more than a little without fresh proof in our own lives of its truth. friends not only had the Faith, but they acted as if bother. they had commando training. For some problems, we need to rally the help of For instance, we notice in the Gospels that he friends. We need'others to plead our cause before sometimes dispenses astonishing favors to those God. who do not even ask Him. When Peter cut off the Not being able to get in the door, they take the ear of Malchus, it is very doubtful that the poor man man, bed and all, up on the roof of the house, and Like the invalid being hoisted to the roof, a sight who was helping to arrest Christ dared lose face to without further ado, start,pulling the tiles off until that must have started tongues wagging, perhaps the point of asking for a cure. they had a large enough hole to get his bed even in derision, we need to ignore what others through. may think in putting our case before God. BUT CHRIST cured him anyhow, an unexpected 'kindness that must have caused the servant to find THE EXTRA'EFFORT may involve not only more., his work distasteful. prayers, but more penance to win from God the blessing of someone's com ersion, the overcoming .. Many others, as it were, had divine favors handed of a vice, the restoration of peace in the home. ! to them out of the blue. We find ourselves in this group. The "born" Catholic had the gift of Faith and 'In God's plan, the only way some In God's plant, the only way some people are the indescribably great privileges of sanctifying people are going to pull out of the going to pull out of the rut of lukewarmness and graces given to him even before he knew his spritiual apathy is by pushing and. shoving h name. rut of lukewarmness and spiritual selves into action. We were blessed with a soul and body without apathy is by pushing and shoving asking for them. We were given parents who put our needs before their own. We were ptaced in a themselves into action.' Sitting and hoping for the best brings on decay country especially favored by God. and failure. And when we feel inadequate to the point of discouragement, like the paralytic, then we^ IN EVERY LIFE there are to be found many such nave to get others to lend us a hand. Imagine how unsolicited blessings. But at the same time, it seems happy the cured man was to do something in as if God has so ordained it that some other impor- return for his friends. tant needs will be obtained from Him only after considerable effort and strain on our part. If Our Lord were capable of surprise, He would Notice, too, in these hard won favors, that God have stopped speaking in amazement to see a bed always gives more than was sought. The sick man Some things will not come to us as a result of sit- coming down at Him through the roof. As it was, and his friends were looking for a cure. They ting quietly or making a half-hearted effort. We He had to interrupt His talk out of sheer admiration received considerably more. have to rouse ourselves in these matters to unusual for the faith and ingenuity of the friends. Or course, effots and solicit the help of others. the sick man was cured. This is the same man to whom Christ said : "Thy sins are forgiven thee." Perhaps his soul needed far For example, take the case of the parlytic in the There are some powerful lessons in this for us. If more divine help than his body. At any rate, He Gospel. It's really an extraordinary story of boldness the paralytic had been too proud to ask for help, if rewarded his perseverance in prayer by offering . and determination. There was Our Lord inside a he had merely sat and waited for something good him the friendship of God, the certainty that his sou] small house which was literally packed to the to happen to him, he would have died with his was cleansed of sin, and as an external proof of this doors. palsy, and his friends never would have had the op- wonder, He gave him a new pair of legs. The crowd overflowed down the street. There portunity of gaining the great merit they did. across the street was this invalid lying helpless on So with us. The more effort we make to rouse his pallet, anxious to speak to Christ, but unable IN OUR DAILY rounds, there are times when we ourselves in Faith the more must God show His even to get near Him. must be humble enough to get the spiritual help mercy and goodness to us.

By Msgr. George Higgins

Gregory Baum is still going strong. He is still editor protecting human rights, it is observed, while at - homilies and public addresses he has declared time of the Ecumenist journal in which he continues to other times he seems to plead with priests to in- after time that ecumenism holds priority in his scale write provocative editorials. In the latest issue he volve themselves as little as possible in political of values. : tells very interestingly of a new book, "The Mind of struggles. Rumor has it, according to Baum, that after John Paul II," (Seabury) by George H. Williams. Baum sees Williams as a Protestant loyal to his Vatican II several top council theologians became spiritual tradition but readv and willing to show a afraid that renewal had gone too far, opening the At first glance, I thought Baum's discussion might great sympathy for Catholicism as well as personal church to a secular spirit and weakening the be critical of the pope. Instead, Baum seems to find admiration for the spirituality of Pope John Paul. authority of the hiearchy. The fact is the popeJ much worth praising and says of this book that it strongly supported the reforms of Vatican jl and "makes fascinating reading." dedicated himself to affirming them. What is discussed here is the pope's education, 'The Pope hos shown a deep, per- What about Polish Catholicism? Time after time, the development of his philosophy, the gradual sonal concern about relations with we have heard the Polish church accused of anti- formation of his pastoral aspirations and his par- Semitism. But Baum states, "The Polish Church, ticipation in the Second Vatican Council. Protestant Christianity . . . Ecu- culturally oppressed, and later politically per- secuted, passed through centuries of resistance, THERE ARE MANY factions and groups in the menism holds priority in his scale fidelity, sacrifice and heroism." Catholic Church, Baum points out. Not all agree of values.' with every phase of church life and teaching. For in- WILLIAMS asserts that the Polish church looked stance, Baum notes that the pope's speeches and back to centuries of cultural pluralism which directives on his journeys to Mexico, Brazil and the BAUM ADMITS himself puzzled as to why the welcomed easy cooperation and freedom among Philippines reveal many contrasts. pope, charming and pastorally concerned, has only Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Jews and other a reserved sympathy for Protestant Christianity and ethnic and religious groups. In fact, he says that an- With this in mind, one criticism Baum makes is trends in Catholicism generated through construc- ti-semitic outbursts were only a brief phase in Polish that the new book by Williams seems to be sear- tive dialogue with Protestant theologians. On this history. ching too earnestly for a unity in church teaching point, however, it seems to me that Baum is Williams is a man of honor whose word can be while Roman Catholics may be accustomed to con- mistaken. trusted. I have had the good fortune to meet this trasts. The pope has shown a deep, personal concern professor many times, notably in the days of Sometimes the pope stresses the church's role, in about relations with Protestant Christianity. In his Vatican II at Rome. ' Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE 9 Change is for better at Curley- Notre Dame

continued from p. 1 school's total enrollment from about 600 to 810:- Senior Mercy Yero and sophomore Bellekys Hinestrosa, both wearing their Notre girls whose brothers attended the • To accommodate the new students,' Dame uniforms, check their speed and accuracy during typing class. school. This added to Notre Dame's Curley re-possessed a building being enough to know how to act with girls." enrollment problems, although it also Roig, but she adds, "A lot of Notre used for office space by the Catholic Size, not boys in fact, has been the Dame people had friends (from gave; the girls a chance to join an Service Bureau, making it a multi- hardest thing for the Notre Dame athletic program for the first time, sin- elementary school) here, so coming media center with audio-visual facilities, girls and teachers to get used to. here is graduating with all my old ce they were allowed to try out and space for Title I and home economic play for Curley's girls' teams; friends again. So it's nice. Plus I'll be classes, a faculty lounge and a corn- "IT'S A BIG change," says home graduatirigjwith my friends from Notre When plans for the move were Dame, which makes it all the better." finalized last year, both schools faculties and student councils began meeting, planning this year's 'I miss the closeness,' says Notre Dame senior Julie ONE CURLEY JUNIOR says the curriculum and activities. school's bigger size also stunned him Roig, but she adds, 'A lot of Notre Dame people had at first, but "it's brought new life into "WE WERE TRYING to keep the iden- friends (from elementary school) here, so coming our school. It has improved a lot." tity of both schools," says Fr. McCrath, Carl Strode, a history teacher and adding that the Notre Dame faculty here is graduating with all my old friends again ... Junior Varsity football coach who did "had a great deal of input into our his student teaching at Curley three present curriculum and activities Plus I'll be graduating with my friends from Notre years ago and returned this year, says program." Dame, which makes it all the better.' he has noticed a couple of changes Along with classes in home since the merger. economics and music, and a drama "The boys are acting up less/for department that plans'to put on "The bined 20,000 volume library. economics teacher Miller. "Notre one. And the Notre Dame girls are Diary of Anne Frank" this fall, Notre- Five tennis courts and a five-mile • Dame was a very small school and it- having to adjust not only to having Dame contributed 1* portables, a track are also being built, and plans are was like a family. This is a much bigger boys in the classroom but to a faculty dozen sewing machines, four com- in the works to someday replace the school." with a greater number of lay teachers. plete kitchens with cabinets, 11 portables with a permanent building. Bellekys Hinestrosa, a sophomore "They're so used to nuns and the teachers, among them two sisters, and As to the camaraderie between the from Notre Dame, says "There's strict discipline they had there," Strode 149 girls. students, Fr. McGrath says it couldn't more people here. We knew every says. "With the lay faculty it's a dif- . They changed Curley's ratio of three have been better. "Most of them seem one over there. Here we" have to get ference in teaching styles." boys for every two girls to three girls to be very happy with the situation." used to it again." But Strode adds that he can under- for every two boys and raised the Besides, "our boys are gentleman "I miss the closeness," agrees senior stand how they feel about having classes with b6ys, since "I was the only male" in many classes at Barry College. "Having boys in the class is a real shock to some of these girls." BUT WILL parents' fears about the neighborhood force Curley to' someday also dose its doors? Fr. McGrath replies, adamantly, "no." "We're tryiilg to dispel that whole notion that it's a bad area," he says. I'm now living on the campus myself and there's another priest here ... to give living affirmation to the fact that its a safe area." ''..'•• Many of the parents who express those fears, he says, "have never even been in the area. It's just hearsay. We're in the northeast. We were far removed" from where the riots took place in May, 1980, he adds. TO MAKE the school an integral part of the neighborhood, Fr. McGrath is also joining the local homeowner's association and allowing the com- munity, which has become in- creasingly Haitian, to use the gym- nasium and soccer field when these are not being used by the students. The buildings are also turned into polling places for voters and the Dolphin Star-Brites train and practice on the campus. In fact, Fr. McGrath, who feels "co-ed schools happen to be. better than all- Sr. Anthony Miriam, former principal of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, girl or all-boy schools;" says confiden- now teaches biology to both girls and boys at Curley- tly "Things are only on the upswing." PAGE10 Miami, Florida/THE ypiCE/Friday, September 25,1981 'Notre Dame' now refugee center By Prentice Browning will obtain temporary financial aid for VoiceStaff Writer. that person. Symbiotic. That is the word, meaning In addition to orientation through mutually beneficial, that best personal interviews on U.S. laws the describes the harmonious relationship agency will often enroll a refugee in of. several different organizations, training programs or English classes. religious and secular, that have recen- Haitians do not have to go far to tly come together in one building: the begin learning our language. Several old Notre Dame Academy facilities at doors down the hall from the Reset- 130N.E. 62ndSt. tlement program is Project "Help, a The former school located in the Lit- program operated by Miami-Dade tle Haiti section of Miami did not sit Community College that teaches vacant long after the school closed Haitians "survival English." this summer and merged with Arch- bishop Curley High School. Now Haitians in particular may find THE PROGRAM includes three levels the building a convenient centra) of learning and takes a year to com- location to meet many of their needs, plete for. an individual attending but the community as a whole will classes four days a week for two hours benefit from the school's new oc- a day. Currently, nearly 350 Haitians cupants. are enrolled in trie courses. THE REFUGEE Resettlement Program Project Help is part of the Miami- administered by the Catholic Service Dade Outreach Center that occupies Bureau on the first floor offers the second floor of the building. assistance riot only to Haitians, but to In addition to offering degree and Teacher Berne Tinker takes time out to chat with one of her all refugees, including Rumanians, pre-degree courses in developmental students in a Miami-Dade office skills class. Cubans, Poles, Cambodians and studies (special college courses that Ethiopians. require a lab) and office skills, the lear- The program offers orientation ning center also house two other upgrade both clerical skills and order to minister to Haitians. Theyatsc* counseling and financial assistance to Miami-Dade programs: a C.E.T.A. educational skills, such as reading and celebrate Masses at the Krome Ave. those refugees in special need of help. reeducation program and Project spelling, of C.E.T.A. workers. camp in addition to the services they For example, if something happens to Uplift. PROJECT UPLIFT recruits, motivates hold at their new chapel to standing- a refugee's sponsor or if the husband Through a C.E.T.A. grant the college and provides supportive services for room-only congregations. of a refugee deserts her is offering courses that are intended to 100 disadvantaged individuals chosen The center also sponsors talks on from housing projects throughout the rent and immigration laws and has its city. own English classes on the school's fir- In a nutshell, it provides educational st floor. • and vocational instruction to these • THEY WORK closely with the persons and then attempts to find Catholic Service Bureau and are them advantageous employment. sometimes^able to find jobs and OCCUPYING WHAT was formerly provide material help to Haitians in the Notre Dame convent is the Pierre need. Toussaint Haitian Catholic Center. The school's occupants are still get- They are especially pleased with ting to know their neighbors and. the • their new home, which offers not only services which they offer, and work- the roomy convent but a large men can still be seen pouring cement cafeteria room in the school building and pounding in the last nail. now converted into the "Notre Dame In general, the various agencies have d'Haiti" church. The new facilities settled in and seem content and even because of their location will offer the grateful for their new surroundings. center more opportunity for pastoral Said Dr. William King, a project direc- work than at their former location tor at Miami-Dade: "The Catholic across the street from St. Mary's church has done something very Cathedral. unique here. It has proven again and again that it can meet the needs of the Mission Notre Dame D'Haiti is the name given to the former The center's three priests regularly range over the entire archdiocese in people." Notre Dame cafeteria, not the Haitian Center's chapel. Yes, we have Viet refugees, too Walking down the, hall that houses Vietnamese are already working and not speak our language well enough. the new offices of the Archdiocese where there are people who can tran- In spite of this, many Vietnamese Refugee Resettlement Program you slate directions into their language. refugees find America an unspeakable might be surprised to encounter a improvement to their previous cir- Vietnamese social worker. Whether they are able to obtain a cumstances. "Vietnamese refugees, in Miami?" job in such a factory or not the first FILLING OUT residency forms in Ho your might ask yourself. To be sure, priority for them, and for that Ho Vo will Vo's office, one young man Vui it's a mere trickle of people compared the language and for that Ho Vo will Nguyen, and his wife and family to the flood of Cuban and Haitian refer them to courses offered curren- seemed to exemplify this. refugees. tly at Lindsay Hopkins. Nguyen, now a machinist, first came Nevertheless, speaking a strange HO VO SAYS, he is able to help to this country in 1978 after a language, arriving from half way . many out by telling them something of harrowing three days and four nights around the world, often serving as American culture, such things as the at sea. reminders of an unpopular war, the fact that "Americans don't like people "The first thing I like is the freedom Vietnamese refugees have needs spitting on the street." and that the family stays together," he which are every bit as pressing as 'It's very hard for people coming says. those of other exiles. over here," he says. "|fs beginning Ironically, many fomilies have a bet- SOCIAL WORKER Ho.Vo, a former everything. It's like starting a new life." ter chance of staying together by at- colonel in the South Vietnamese air Although it's very difficult for the tempting difficult escapes than by force, spends his days helping average refugee to adjust from a life in staying in Vietnam where family refugees fill out residency forms and a rural area of Vietnam to his new ur- members can often end up in "re- orienting them to an alien culture. As ban setting, Mr. Vo says that the education camps." part of the Resettlement Program the people from the upper echelons of service is funded by the'United States Vietnamese society are often "in ALTHOUGH IT can take many mon- Catholic Conference and administered shock." ths, says Ho Vo, the U.S.C.C. family Tan Thi Nguyen was all smiles for by the Catholic Service Bureau. He explains that these people, ac- reunification program now allows a the cameraman while his father Mr. Vo also is often able to find work customed to their high status, are for- refugee in the U.S. to sponsor his Vui Nguyen filled ot forms at the for refugees. There are factories in ced to become dishwashers or seek whole family, often living in Thailand Catholic Service Bureau's Indo- South Florida, he says, where other other menial labor because they can- camps, as long as they have exit visas. China office. Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE Life By Dr. James and Mary K*nny Shyness and a 6-year old

Dear Dr. Kenny: My 6-year-old son embarrasses What can yo do? First, you can ignore the shy If he is not doing anything praiseworthy, then us in public. He doesn't throw temper tantrums. In behavior. Don't force him to be polite and man- respond in other ways. Touch him. Tousle his hair.' fact, he behaves just the opposite. He acts shy. nerly and outgoing. It is best if you allow him to Call him by name. When I try to introduce him to a friend, he hides progress at his own rate. As you say, he may well Finally, if you wish him to be mannerly in public, behind me, clings to me or even crawls under the know the proper social behavior. That does not then you and your husband should break down table. Then in a few minutes, he starts acting mean, however, that he finds it easy to observe. mannerliness into its smaller parts. The greeting foolishly, making funny faces or noises or doing A SECOND THING you can do is to polish up your ritual, for example, includes a smile, a touch, hello minor nuisance things to get attention. Why can't own social graces. Let your son observe you and introductions. he behave properly? We have taught him the right, greeting people properly and warmly with a smile, DONT WAIT for all of these to occur. Notice any manners. — Kentucky. a hello and a handshake. Parental example will be one of them. Touch him when he smiles. Tell him A. The behavior you describe so well is rather the best teacher in the long run. ' ihat you're glad he shook hands. typeial for a 6-year-old. Like the adolescent in our You mention that minor naughtiness follows his This is known as "shaping." Reward the bits and culture, the 6-year-old is in transition, making his fir-, initial shy and awkward behavior. That too is very pieces. Eventually you will get the big picture. st major break from the home. He goes off to common. The best thing you can do is to relax and be school and out to play. Home may remain a safe The best thing to do here is to anticipate his need patient. Don't force 6-year-olds to know all the fiarbor, but he surely does not spend all his time for attention. Rather than wait and have him force, social skills at the vey beginning of their social life; jfhere. you to give him attention for his nuisance behavior, Let them cling now and then if they need to. With .Also like the adolescent, the 6-year-old is am- you might beat him at his own game with an early parental example and support, most children will bivalent about his entry into the world outside the payoff for good behavior. practice at least minimal social graces in a year or Jiome. One day he wjll want to be away from the two. . family. The next day he may cling like .a frightened When your son goes into his shy, awkward act, 2-year-old. He reaches out and pulls back. For a ' look for something nice to rewad him with your at- (Reader questions on family living or child care to tention. Perhaps his hair is combed, his shoes are be answered in print are invited. Address questions: while this double role might cause much parental : consternation. : tied, he has a smile on his face. The Kennys; Box 67, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.)

Who me? Talk too much? Curran

"The best friend a would-be writer can have is a While I was congratulating myself, Sloan Wilson hit pre-mother. Then I had three of my own: one who. talkative mother," said the article in the writer's" a nerve. "It is possible to be tongue-tied and still talks, one who doesn't and one who talks when he magazine. I read the sentence again, speculating on have verbal facility with a pen, but most writers I feels like it. Here's where I take issue with Sloan whether I should be pleased or insulted. I decided know talk a great deal and come from families that Wilson — they all write well. And they all com- to be positive. What a legacy I am giving my talk a great deal." municate well. children, I preened. A pity they don't appreciate it. Bingo. Ouch. Unfair. Humiliating. True. THERE'S A BIG difference between talking and (I'm still smarting over mv ten vear-old's astonish- I talk too much too much of the time and I don't communicating. We communicate in lots 6t ways - ment a few years back when he learned that much like myself for it later. If I could design myself, by silence, glances, listening, body language, ex- people paid to hear me talk). I would be a serene and mysterious observer of pressions and reactions. Communicating builds people, accepting their ideas without disagreement Because one ot the too many hats I wear is oc- relationships. Talking clarifies personal thinking and or comment, and totally loved for my self control. I initiatives lively discussion, casional teacher of professional writing, I was inten- would also write fiction. sely interested in an article I found in the magazine initiates lively discussion. on the relationship between talent and writing suc- THE WORST PART of all this is lack of scapegoats. At least, thafs what it does in our family. We find cess. I liked the first part immensely and found Whose fault is it that one talks too much or not at out what we think by talking it out with one myself nodding enthusiastically and underlining all? Cod's? Parents? Our own? And is it a vice or a another. When the family isn't here and I have to copious sentences until I reached the part that virtue? As a teacher, B.C. (Before Children of my clarify something I write, I talk to myself, often made me squirm. own), I used to tefl parents that their children never taking the pro and con on the way to the said anything, implying this was a problem. They refrigerator to see if there's an answer there. When AUTHOR SLOAN WILSON indicated that he was stared at me as if to ask, 'But what can we do about we're at the table or in the car we have animated about to treat us to eight characteristics that it? He doesn't talk at home, either." I recently read discussion on the state of the world or of the boys' distinguish people who write' well enough to the response of a student who told his teacher he rooms. We all talk, unfortunately sometimes publish. The first of these was verbal facility. I liked didn't join in classroom discussion because: "I think simultaneously. his intorduction to it: "Probably this is acquired by- I will learn more by listening. Anything I would say, Did my mother talk a lot? Yes. inheritance or environment. The best friend a I already know." Does that prove Sloan Wilson's point? Yes. would-be writer can have is a talkative mother." I thought back then that parents simply told their Does that make me feel any better about talking Well, the Lord" warned about priding and falling. children to talk or to hush up and they did. Foolish too much. No.

By Terry and Mimi Reilly park, noting the changes in nature. 2. Take a hike through a woods or OPENING PRAYER Lord for the harvest. Farmers seem to and water. Gather some houseplants forest preserve, collecting leaves and Dear Lord, we want you to be with • automatically turn to the sources of and arrange them attractively as a other signs of fall for a family center- us as we come together to think about these good gifts in thanksgiving. Those table centerpiece for thjs Family Night. piece. the many blessings you have given to of us who are "city folk" sometimes Talk about what they add to the 3. Play checkers, cards, or other us, to grow in our appreciation of need to stop and reflect on the house, the care they require, the en- . favorite table games. these great gifts, and to share our har- availability of good food and the true joyment they can bring, and how they SHARING vest of blessings with others. Thank source of those blessings. This Family can be reproduced. After the • Share a moment when you were you, dear Lord, for each of your gifts Night is dedicated to celebrating the discussion cut off a stem that can be especially aware of God's blessings. and for the opportunity to come gifts of food and the value of plants of rooted in water and later transplant as • Share your favorite sights, smells, all kinds. together to celebrate our Family Night a gift for someone special. and activities of fall. with you. Amen. SNACK TIME ACTIVITY IDEAS Plan a treat that includes fresh fruits CLOSING PRAYER Form a family prayer circle. Offer a SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT • Young Families and/or vegetables. Harvest time is the time to celebrate CROWING PLANTS Materials: prayer of thanks for the gift of plants ENTERTAINMENT and the blessings they are to us. the gathering of crops and to bless the houseplants, plant contianer, soil, jar, 1. Take a fall stroll, walking through a

PAGE 12 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 Barry becomes university Paper broke promise, Barry College became Barry Univer- BARRY NOW has a School of Social sity this week, when its Board of Work, a School of Nursing, a School of Trustees approved the name change Education, a School of Business, and a which will make the oldest four-year , School of Arts and Sciences. Catholic says Catholic college in Florida the newest university in the state. In addition there is a growing Con- The change will become effective on tinuing Education Department to CHICAGO (NC) - Chicago's arch- THE SUN-TIMES said Cardinal Cody Founder's Day Nov. 15, 1981, when which was added the Barry diocesan newspaper, has accused the declined to be interviewed and Barry's fifth president will be Paramedical Institute this fall. Chicago Sun-Times of breaking its . referred a reporter to archdiocesan . inaugurated. A new Palm Beach County Center promise to give the archdiocese the spokesman Peter Foote, who was con- Sister Jeanne O'l.aughlin, O.P., Ph.D., was opened in August at Rosaruin chance to respond before publishing tacted 15 minutes later with another president, said, "Operationally, Barry Academy in West Palm Beach, initially an investigative series on Cardinal request for an interview. has been a university, considering to provide a graduate program in )ohn Cody of Chicago. graduate programs. This legitimizes social work for area professionals in In its first issue after the Sun-Times An hour later, according to the Sun- our existing status. We plan to expand that county. began its series on Cardinal Cody, Times, it called Foote again "stressing our library holdings in areas of the Archdiocesan paper. The Chicago. the seriousness and urgency of the graduate emphasis, and we plan ex- The Miami Education Consortium, Catholic, said Sept. 18 that Sun-Times request' for an interview. pansion of existing graduate programs known more popularly as M.E.C:, has editor Ralph Otwell had promised the as well as the implementation of doc- involved Barry for eight years with opportunity to respond in a letter to The Sun-Times said Foote remarked toral programs." Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Trie Chicago Catholic last year that he did riot think Cardinal Cody would be available because of his s "IT TURNED out to be an empty let- Other commitments and suggested ter," said The Chicago Catholic in an . that written questions be submitted. editorial. "Its promises might as well After the written questions were ' have been written in disappearing ink. submitted, the Sun-Times said Foote ; THANK The series was not discussed with the told the newspaper at 8 P.M. that he ' church and no serious attempt was doubted there would be a response s YOU, made for an adequate response." that evening. . :- According to The Chicago Catholic, INDIANA i The questions, according to the Sun- the Sun-Times, "did not disclose the times, sought the reaction of Cardinal THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH c> >ntents of its articles and offer to Cody to the report that a federal grand i publish the church's comments on jury was investigating allegations that A 17-year-old boy in Indiana writes: them." Instead, four written questions WISH Dear Monslgnor Nolan, he misused archdiocesan funds, asked I am 17, still In school, and I don't have to ask "with the ultimatum that they be an- whether the cardinal and the arch- THIS swered at once" were delivered to the BOY mysslf questions Ilka: Can my child see? Hear? diocese would cooperate in the WERE Learn? Grew?-But I think I can understand archdiocese at 5 P.M. the day before federal investigation, asked the source YOURS? such poverty and I wish there were more I could the first stories were published. of funds used for the purchase of a ' do. home in Florida in 1969 by Helen This summer I didn't get a chance to work or The archdiocesan newspaper Dolan Wilson, the cardinal's step- the amount I send would be larger. I must admit characterized the effort to secure ar- cousin, and asked the "genealogical that lunch for a refugee child for a month Is weir chdiocesan response as "window relationship" of the cardinal and Mrs. worth $5. dressing." Wilson. I am the oldest of 17 children so I guess I'm saying thanks for their health as well as my own. In a separate news analysis The I now end by saying you have my prayers for According to the Sun-Times, it first Chicago Catholic said the Sun-Times, your work In Christ. « requested an interview with Cardinal while offering "no proof of *' Signed: Jerry H. Cody when it contacted him by wrongdoing," published "a torrent of REFUGEES The days are hot in Jordan, the nights are cold, telephone at a meeting in a Chicago information, opinion, gossip and ARE but the Holy Land's new refugees have no way to suburb at 2:15 p.m. the day before commentary" in its series, which ran ASKING: escape. More than that, they're hungry. . . . publication. Sept. 10-14. "WHERE "Where is God?", a Catholic Arab asks Mon- IS signor Meaney. "The birds have nests. Doesn't GOD?" God care at all about my children?" ... God cares, but you are His hands and feet.'.., Infants will freeze to death this winter, or die of disease, Blacks to Cody: unless we do something now. Find a stamp and envelope, and walk to your corner mailbox: • $3,525 equips a rehydration clinic for under- 'Lean on us' nourished children. CHICAGO (NC) - More than 6,000 Speaking for the 80 parishes in the • $1,000 will build four classrooms for refugee schoolchildren, teachers and adults in black community of Chicago, Divine children. the black community told Cardinal Word Father Dominic Carmon • $525 will repair a damaged home for a of Chicago at a Sept. 18 welcomed the cardinal and "ex-, refugee family. tribute he could "lean on us." pressed gratitude for everything you • $100 will replace for ten families the pots, pans, knives, forks, etc.,-as well as a small The Black Catholic Clergy of Chicago nave done for our schools and chur- "camp stove." Take care of one family ($10) at called for and arranged the tribute af- ches during the 16 years of your ad- ter the publication of allegations that ministration." • $20 gives a family one month's supply of food. Cardinal Cody misused church funds Father Carrnon noted that over the Give $20 every month during this emergency.? to benefit his stepcousin. years the cardinal had approved sub- • $2 for a blanket keeps^a baby warm. Can you "We come together as friends - sidies of approximately $40 million to refuse? " friends in the black community . . . for keep inner city schools open, THANK GOD YOU LIVE IN COMFORT: HELP one we love," Kuchambi Myhand, a THE HELPLESS. pupil from Holy Angels School, told "WE ARE also thankful for your the gathering. foresight in providing education not Dear FNRLnSFD PI FASF FINT1 $ only for Catholic children but for all Monsignor Nolan: HE LIKENED friendship to the the children of our community," FOR seasons, with spring as a time of bud- Father Carmon said. "And you con- Please NAMF ding and summer a time of ripening. tinue to support that effort although ! return coupon But this is winter for "our leader," he our schools number 75 percent non- with your STRFFT offering said. Catholic students." PITY STATE 7iprnr>F "Today we come to him and say, He also noted the "thousands of lean on us. We are your strength. We dollars" that have come into the black THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION are your friends." community through an archdiocesan The group expressed that sentiment program in which wealthier parishes a few moments later when it gave share their financial and other resour- NEAR EAST Cardinal Cody at standing ovation. ces with poorer parishes. MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President You can depend upon J03 MikALLE MILE MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOC. 1011 First Avenue • New York, N.Y. 10022 915 E Itt ULAS Telephone: 212/826-1480 (••SUING LOT »OJ«CE«T 10 BOTHSTO«IS Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE 13 MACCW set membership drive fC of C to hear Bishop Nevins Catholic women from all over the There is a part for each woman to Auxiliary Bishop John Nevins will be the Knights of Columbus in the Church United States join hands in celebrating play whether she is a mother of 12, a the featured speaker at breakfast Mission" of proclaiming the Gospel in the 60th Anniversary this year, with fuJI time working woman away from following a Mass and Corporate American society. over'ten million catholic women now home, single, divorced or married. Communion sponsored by the Marian Joseph Rossiter, Marian Council active in the National Council of Join at your parish this Sunday one ol Council of th knights of Columbus, Grand knight, has written to all Coun- Catholic Women. Archbishop Edward the 83 affiliates in the Miami Arch- Sunday, Sept. 27 at 8:30 a.m. at St. cil members, urging a large attendance A. McCarthy has proclaimed Member- diocesan Council of Catholic Rose of Lima Church, N.E. 105th St. at the Mass and breakfast, noting that ship Sunday, September 27. Women. and 4th Ave. "ifs not every day we are graced with In his letter to all parishes, he has en- Breakfast will be served following the presence of a Bishop in our Coun- couraged Women's Clubs to en* Each parish Guild or Women's Club the Mass, at the Marian Council K of C! cil." • courage each club to increase their (affiliation) belongs to a Deanery. Hall, 13300 Memorial Highway. Further information can be obtained membership. Giving each catholic There are nine deaneries in the Arch- Knights and their families will hear by calling the K of C Hall at 758-9571 woman a chance to join hands in diocese. The Miami Archdiocesan Bishop Nevins address "The Role of or 759-9535. spiritual, educational, social, creative Council of Catholic Women (MACCW) and service to others. president is Mrs. Al Masso of South The Miami Archdiocesan Council of Dade, Father Laurence Conway oft Broward men's softball league Catholic Women is composed of Miarni Beach; Kirs. Thomas Palmer of A newly formed Men's Club Softball one. organizations in the nine Deaneries, No; Miami; and Mrs. j.P. Donobue of League will start its season this Sunday. representing eighty affiliated groups Plantation represent the MACCW on The league will have an 18 game The league started last year with only and numbering a membership of the Florida Council of Catholic) schedule running from Sept. till May. four teams. More teams will be accep- 8,500w®men.. Women, along with four other The league has 10 teams. Nativity has ted next year. For more information The objectives of the MACCW'are to Dioceses in the Province of Miami — 3 teams, St. Stephens - 2, St. Boniface, please write Bill Crosta, Catholic Men's Unite Catholic Organizations of State of Florida. St. Maurice, St. Bartholomew, St. Club of Broward, 2131 N. 55 Ave., women in purpose, direction and ac- George and Chaminade each having Hollywood, Fl. 33021. tion in religious,: educational, social The President of the Florida Council and economic fields; to stimulate of Catholic Women serves .cwv'thei Prendergast Memorial mass board of the National Council of these groups to greater efficiency and A concelebrated mass for the repose The main celebrant at this mass for usefulness in meeting the needs of the Catholic Women. The President of the of the souls of Denis and Mary Pren- his parents will be Father Edmond times and to render them assistance in National Council of Catholic Women dergast will be held on Tuesday, Sep- Prendergast. is Mrs: Donald Le Fils from Florida. these efforts. tember 29th, 1981, at 9:30 a.m. at Mr. Prendergast died in Ireland on Immaculate Conception Church, 68 March 12, 1981, and Mrs. Prendergast West 45 Place, Hialeah. died on June 26,1981. 2nd annual Charismatic Dade Catholic Singles Events Meet set SUNDAY OCT. 4 Pizza, 5 P.m. D'Pizza, 1118 So. Dixie Social 7:30 P.M. - admission $1.00. Highway. One year ago, on Sunday, October college; or take the Sunshine Parkway St. Brendan's Church, 8725 S.W. 32 St. Sunday oct. 1 5th, the first annual Catholic to the Pompano exit; take the first SUNDAY OCT. 11 Volleyball 3 P.M. Ponce Jr. High, Charismatic Conference in South right on Cocoanut Creek Parkway one Softball 3 P.M. Ponce Jr. High, 5801 5801 Augusta Ave. and S. Dixie. Florida was closing. An overflow I mile to the college. Augusta Ave. and So. Dixie Pizza 5 P.M. D'Pizza, 118 S.Dixie crowd of several thousand represen- Gifted speakers from across the" Highway. ting every Christian faith, was singing nation will address the conference: its final alleluias in the spirit-charged these include: Bishop Joseph McKin- Catechetical Visual aids atmosphere at Broward Community ney of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Sister Planning a program for a church N.W. 27 Avenue, Miami 33147. the College. Amidst the praise, healing Ann Shield of SteubenyilTe, Ohio; group, religious class of young people phone is 693-1248. Either phone or visit and joy of this singular experience, a Father David Russell of Miami; Father or adults or any church activity and the Center to discuss what film, film- Baptist minister exclaimed to this Rick Thomas and Sister mary Clark need an audio-visual to enhance the strip, record or video cassette best fits writer: "I can't wait 'till next year's coji-r from.El Paso, Texas. Headphones in meeting? You may find what you need your needs. The Center is open mon- ference!" Spanish will be available. at the Catechetical Center, 10650 day - Friday from 9;00 til 4:30 p.m. That year has gone, and although Archbishop Edward McCarthy will headlines scream of murder, drugs, close this festival of prayer, Sunday, Secular Franciscans and rape, Catholic charismatics plan October 4th at 11:30 A.M. with a mass Our Lady of the Ange|s of the Secular Secular Franciscans' Meet. St. Joseph an even more dynamic and of joyous gratitude to God from the Franciscan Order, Spanish speaking, Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan meaningful conference of prayer. This community of South Florida. "* will celebrate the birth in Heaven of Order will meet Sunday, September conference is the reply which the Nearly two thousand tickets are Saint Francis of Assissi with a con- 27, at 1 p.m. in St. Anthony's Parish Christians of South Florida wfl| make to already sold so order yours im- cefebrated Mass by the Franciscan Hall, 901 N.E. 2nd St. in Ft. Lauderdale. all this crime in their midst; ; mediately. The charge for adults is Priests of Miami, at St. John Bosco Mass, social hour, classes and a The conference will ppen Friday, Oc- $1080 and for youth (ages 12-18) Cathofic Church, on October the 4th, business meeting will follow. Visitors tober 2, 1981 at 5:00 PM in Omni $5.00. Send vour check to: C.S.C, Con- 1981, at 7:30 P.M. Monsignor Arcadio are welcome. •Hall on the north campus of Broward ference, P.O. Box 6128, Hollywood, Marinas and Fr. Emilio Vallina'will be ****** iCommunity Colfegje at-1000 Coconut Florida 33021. concelebrants with Fr. Frank Dumois, Creek Parkway in Porripano Beach, - 0-F.M., from Havana, Cuba. Auxiliary's First Meeting. The first ffte collegeis ideatty located: take 1-95; For further information consuhrRev. meeting of the Barry College Auxiliary north to the Atlantic Blvd. exit, i Dr. Norman Carroll, 200 S.E. Davie is scheduled Wednesday, Sept. 30, at

proceed west to Coconut Creek Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316, ***** .'. - • 10 A.M. in the Red Room of Thom- Parkway and turnieft one mile to thei phone: 463-2402, home, 522-5682. pson Hall on campus. The meeting will Widow-ers Club Supper. The provide members and guests with an International Rosary March Greater Hollywood Catholic Widow- opportunity to learn more about the Rosary March. Celebration of the' Delray Beach. The public is invited For ers Club will hold their Annual Fall. gala Fall Festival planned in October, and to meet the new president of the 11th Semi Annual International Rosary more information call Nancy^ 276- Covered Dish Supper on October 2, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the Nativity Parish college, Sr. Jeanne Q'Laughlin, O.P. March will take place at 3 p.m. Oct. 4 6892 or Nicholas Soltys, 482-1091. Hall, 700 W. Chaminade Dr. in New members and guests are at St. Vincent Ferrer, 740 Palm Trail in Hollywood. Ladies bring a covered welcome. dish. Gentlemen pay $4. Wonderful ••••• food, good compoanionship and con- Lay Carmelites Meet. The Lay Car- versation, music, dancing. Bring a. melites will meet on October 3 at Villa "Where Service /s friend. Call 987-4493 or 431-8275 after Maria Nursing Home, 1050 N.E. 125th Bennett & Sons 6 p.m. St. North Miami at 2 p.m. We A Profession" welcome visitors or phone 635-6122. CALL 681-3531 Presbyterian pro-life film 15201 N.W. 7th Avenue (US 441) Miami r The superb film series by Dr. Schaef- f&L Becker fer and Dr. C. Everett Koop (President Reagan's nominee for Surgeon "Family Owned Funeral Home General of the United States) will be shown at Bethel Orthodox Ron E. Becker ! and Operated" Presbyterian Church. 1551 N.W. Funeral Director 32 Years Experience 47th Avenue, Lauderhill at 7:30 p.m. Phone (305) 428 1444 on FIVE successive Wednesdays - Oc- Serving North Dade and South Broward 1444 S. Federal Hwy. tober 7, 14, 21, 28, and November 4. Member of 4 DEERFIBD BEACH Rev. Donaid Taws extends an in- Shaugnn C. Benne SAINT LAWRENCE PARISH Barton H. Bennett F.D. vitation to all to view this educational I and provocative film series. PAGE 14 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 In Immaculate Conception Teens make good music at Mass

Story and photos by Ana M. Rodriguez ' Who do you get to fill a grown-up's shoes^ Kids, of course. That's what Immaculate Conception parish in Hialeah did when the couple that played the guitars and sang at its folk Mass moved to another parish last March: Pastor Jude O'Doherty asked the school's music director, Sr. Regina, to form another1 folk group, this time made up of students at the school. The idea worked, and now 20 singers and six guitar players gather every Sunday for the 6 p.m. Mass. MOST ARE in sixth through eighth grades at the school, others are alumni now at- tending Catholic high schools. Not only do they have the usual guitars, the group has also added bongos, maraccas, tambourines, and, occasionally, drums. Practices are Fridays during school for the singers and Wednesday after school for the guitar players. "They really are a special group," says Sr. Regina, "because they come every Sunday. They're enthusiastic." And she has noticed a couple of changes since the teens took over. "Our numbers keep growing all the. time," she says, and now people, who usually shied awav from sitting in the choir section, are bringing their kids over and participating in the singing. While rather pleased with it all, Sr. Regina adds that what she really wants is to get more high school students involved. "I want them to come back. They should be iden- tified with their own parish." And after all, why not? They call it the 'youth Mass', don't they? Christian lawyers should care — priest

The Christian lawyer should be con- national Catholic-rights union, will and with defeating their adversaries always ready to use his professorial cerned with much more than just legal look beyond the law to the personal than with the good of their clients as skills, enlightened by the grace of Cod, problems, said Jesuit Father Virgil C. needs of his client, taking into con- human persons. to help people with legal problems - Blum, president of the Catholic League sideration the client's moral, religious, ; Using the matter of divorce to people created in the image and for Religious and Civil Rights, in his social, economic, and political well ' illustrate his point, he noted that likeness of Cod." September 18 address to the Palm being. whereas the Christian attorney might Beach County Guild of Catholic Father Blum compared the Christian strive to effect a reconciliation, the When lawyers strive to bring the Lawyers. attorney with the "hired gun legal "hired gun" would be more concerned Gospel values of Christ into their prac- Rather, he said, "The Christian lawyer technicians," who may, he said, be with the high fees and glory that come tice of the law, he said, "they are in- practices his legal skills from within the skilled manipulators of the law but with winning in litigation. deed following a lofty calling, a context of his clients' lives as human who are not engaged in the healing FATHER BLUM defined the Christian profession that partakes of Christ's beings, and he does so with com- power of the law. . lawyer as "a concerned person who is mission of reconciliation." passion for his clients." According to Father Blum, the "hired A LAWYER who sees his client as guns" are more concerned with the ef- created by Cod, said the leader of the ficient execution of their legal skills

FUNERAL HOMES FT. LAUDERDALE RON l\ KMRCHILI) I..K.I). 581-6100 ESTABLISHED 1939 4501W. BROWARD BLVD. Lithgow Funeral Centers is pleased to announce the second generation of family management and ownership. Effective Fort Lauderdale Deerfield Beach Aug. 1, 1981, founder David Lithgow's sons Donn & Dal 565-5591 KRAEER FUNERAL HOME 427-5544 assumed the responsibility of President & Vice President of the family-owned Lithgow Funeral Centers. Pompanb Beach SAMPLE ROAD R. Jay Kraeer Margate Boca Raton 941-4111 946-2900 Funeral Director 972-7340 395-1800 FUNERAL HOMES

FUNERAL HOME. INC UktdLS-tOtad. MIAMI BEACH Miami • North Miami • Coral Way 72ad Street at Abbott A South Miami • Carol City

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE 15 [ Scriptiiral Insights j JESUS, THE PERFECT MODEL Readings: Ezekiel 18:25-28; Philippians 2:1 -11; Matthew 21:28-32 By Fr. Richard Murphy, O.P. The world turns. Seasons come and go, and there bigwigs on their ears! He seemed to have lost His Jesus divested Himself of the divine glory that was is nothing we can do about it. There is however a • struggle, for He died and was buried. But that was rightfully His, coming as the Suffering Servant special area, spiritual in nature, wherein we live and not the end of him. foretold by Isaiah. No pagan god ever mingled with move and have our being, and there is much for us There are three stages of Jesus' story. First, He human beings in order to suffer and die for them; to do in it. In a quite literal way, we write our own had a previous existence, that is, as God He was quite the contrary. That is what makes Jesus so ap- history there. with the Father and Holy Spirit from all eternity; This pealing, so believable. His death was horrible, but Ezekiel, prophet of the Exile, was also the we call pre-existence. The second stage occurred in some mysterious way redemptive; man's pride theologian of personal responsibility. He sharply when He emptied Himself, as St. Paul puts it. By this was healed, and sin was destroyed. discounted the collective view of morality which emptying (or kenosisl He became a humble man, From Jesus' example, we can learn how to seek would allow a person to blame his sins upon his obedient even unto death. The third and final stage out and obey God's will. The sinner knows in his forebears. Ezekiel would have none of that. Each came with His glorification by the Father. He was heart that he must do penance, choosing once man is to answer for his own sins. Sins are bad raised on high and given the name that is above all again God's way in preference to his own. One son choices which alienate a man from God. But Cod other names — He is now worshipped and ac- in- today's gospel professed his obedience to his rejoices to see the sinner turn from his evil ways, claimed by every being on earth, in the heavens, father, but did not follow i up; it was the other son and restores him to life. He is a just God, but He is and under the earth as: LORD! who grumpled a bit who did his father's also merciful. His mercy seasons justice ... TODAY'S READING from Philippians presents us will. Facta, non verba ( = deeds not words) mark A CHILD ordinarily sees his parents in their with the verv heart of Christian belief. Jesus the the truly mature, responsible person. everyday clothes, and is amazed to see them all Christ is not merely a Superstar, or a Superman, or a Children learn goodness by looking at models of dressed up. Jesus is usually pictured as a man superior being, but as our Creed says, He is true goodness. We must often look at the perfect among men, but the New Testament shows Him in God and true Man. He was divine but also human, model, Jesus Christ the LORD, to learn maturity, an astounding light - a man of commanding per- rn Him in a unique way. we discern a real human humility, courage and goodness. In that way we can sonality, a speaker of great authority, a fearless nature, a genuine divine nature, and a divine per- make responsible decisions and, with God's help, debater capable of standing the professional son. work out our salvation. Double wedding vows not allowed

Q. My nephew is marrying a non- in any Protestant church that I know ritual. _ Catholic and asked the priest if their of. For one thing, it could create con- marriage ceremony could have two siderable legal confusion over the You may be thinking of the marriage recitations of the vows, one for the Fr« marriage that might be detrimental to of a Catholic to a person of another priest and one for the Protestant pastor the new bride and groom. faith (or of no faith) which takes place - of the bride, who will also be present. Both by general church law for the before a judge or Protestant minister The priest said this was impossible. I entire world, and by regulations of the . rather than before a priest. As I've ex- thought this was done often now in bishops of the United States, it is not plained several times before, it is per- - other churchs, so why can't it be done permitted to have two separate mitted now, on condition that a in our parish. (OHIO) religious marriage services, or one ser- dispensation is obtained for such a vice which would include both the marriage from the Catholic party's A. No, this procedure is never Catholic and non-Catholic marriage bishop. allowed in the Catholic Church, nor


PLUMBING SO-RELIGIOUS ARTICLES 60-SEAL COATING 80-ACCOUNTANTS 60-ELECTRICAL-l . (0-MOVINGb STORAGE JACK'S IMPERIAL ASPHALT, INC. )EDCO,INC. Phil Palm ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC ROBERT WILLIAMS Seal Coating (2 coats) FRED H0FFM6IER-ACCOUNTANT Residential Commercial Industrial Plumbing BOOK * FILM CENTER Asphalt Patching 581-5352 Tax/Bookkeeprng/Notary , Home Improvement Maintenance MOVING AND STORAGE REPAIRS a 'Bibles • Missals • Rebgmus Articles Call 665-878? Licensed & Insured 595-1400 Large or small jobs. Anytime. ALTERATIONS ' Mon Sat. 8-30 AM lo 6 PM «0 SEPTIC TANKS 681-9930 cc 2476 CALL 891-8576 . ee Parking in back ol building SO-GENERAL MAINTENANCE 2700 Bis. Blvd. S73-1S1I CONNIE'S TANK CO. CALL FOR ANY WORK Pump outs, repairs'. 24 Hr. done on YOUR Aircoridjtioning REASONABLE RATES 60 MOVING -6QRAL GABLES PLUMBING ' Service Complete batrjroom remolding ' M-ROOFING 947-S674 TONY cc No. 256727 592-3495 *Do'n't fuss, call Gus Canales" SUNSHINE STATE MOVING Home repairs 24 Ht.Setvice 60-TU.E 60-AUTO PARTS DADE Plumbing-Electrical-Carpentry-PSinf'lig Anywhere in Fla. Dependable, 446-1414 ccNo.0754 44&2157 AC. Units-Sprinkler Systems-Installations expert professional. Packing & RESIDENTIAL TILE SPECIALIST BOBS USED AUTO PARTS < Types Water 9 liters Appliance Repairs Cabinet Work-Tile Work . . storage available. Free estimates. Terra cotta, ceramic, marble 9800 NW South River Drive Flat rate. Owner operated. and brick. Call Jeffrey Daly Wood and Chain Fencing MGHT WAY PLUMBING CO. INC " FREE ESTIMATES WE BUY LATE MODEL WRECKS. 981-1402 or 962-0838 COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE 442-8210 Roof Repairs and Painting Call 754-4634 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL All Work Guaranteed 756-9096 after 7 P.M. 60 TV SALES & REPAIRS 7155 NJW. 74 St__'885-8948' ' 60-AUTO SALVAGE-DADE Free Estimates 60 PAINTING CALL NOW AND SAVE W-ROOFING-DADE It BROWARD. RCA-ZENITH CHARLES THE PAINTER WRECKED JUNK LATE MODEL ( Day or Night 2614623 «0-PLASTERING SPECIALIST CARS WANTED. Highest prices Interior-Exterior-Paper Hanging DOLEMBARO.OHNG SALES & SERVICE 60-LAWN MOWER SERVICE Expert plastering - patch work For all your plastering paid. - 235-7651 SERA'S TELEVISION, INC. 25 Yrs. in Miami work & expert patching license & Ins. Free Estimate. CALL CHARLES 758-3916, Roof Reparis of All Kinds 2010 NW7st. 642-7211 60-ELECTRICAL-BROWARD 758-3916 PETE'S LAWN MOWER ALL WORK GUARANTEED 80-VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE SERVICE 60-ROOFING-DAOE It BROWARD. 887-6716 TAKE A MINUTE Small Engine Repair-Rentals RONALD GABON CO. INC. STEADCRAFT BLINDS CAUMINNET ELECTRIC factory Method Sharpening! Painting • Interior/Exterior" ROOFING & REPAIRS 60-ROOFING Venetian blinds, Riviera 1" blinds, Papering • Pressurized roof Established 1954. Experienced. 8195NW17Ave. I 693-0221 Over 22 yrs. experience. Custom shades, old blinds re- cleaning & painting • Patching Honesty, integrity, Dependability. Guaranteed Joseph Devlin Roof Repairs finished and repaired your home, REPAIR, REMODEL. plaster • Professional work at FREE ESTIMATES. Licensed and Member Little Flower Parish jalousie door and window steel 772-2141 prices you can AFFORD!! : References given insured < Insured. 24 Hrs. 7 days. Licensed Reas. <666-6819 guards. CALL: Outfitted' 945-2733 758-1521 60-DRIVEWAYS-MiAMI at:.. 751-8092 Eves. 754-4056 < 1151 N.W. 117 St. 688-2757 Miami: 754-2651 r 60 SIGNS Broward: 525-5157 60-REFRIGERATION 60-WINDOWS HARRY'S SEAL COATING Quality Home Painting Services Palm Bch: 833-1971 ALL WINDOW COMPANY DRIVEWAYS Licensed & Insured. Free estimates M.L.S. REFRIGERATION CO EDVITO SIGNS Asphalt patching * Residential Woik done on your premises TRUCK WALLS GOLD LEAF Patio Screening • screen doors etc. Commercial. , 264-8311 Call Ed O'Neill 754-9731 : FREE ESTIMATES 754 2583, 7228 NW 56 St. 887-8633 : i 7813 Bird Road 666 3339 PAGE 16; Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 1 South Florida Circulation for leisure


JR'S SOLID BRASS HEIRLOOM Thanks to St. Jude for prayers NURSE seeking private duty 1 BR. corner, furnished. Apt. 575N.E.83Street Collections. Musical & all types answered. Publication promised. call before 8 AM'or after Walk to shopping. Adults. NO 50 UNITS . Gross Income $8,400 H.S.F. of animals. Call for appointment. 8 PM 759-5915 pets. Call 759-5560 PER ACRE Great Investment. Bring Offers. 553-6128 !

3-CEMETERY LOTS Classic Riedell Professional • , Roller skates, like new. Only 52 HOMES FOR SALE-NE JOB? 2 lots, Southern Memorial Park. FOLLOW THIS $100. Call 553-6128 : Near entrance, across from Show- WATERFRONT mens statue. Includes concrete ARROW FOR NO BRIDGES TO vaults. $1500 total. Thomas 25-TOOL RENTALS THE BAY Here's ' Dehnert, 903 Wakulla Drive. SE BETTER BUYS QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD Winter Haven, Fla. 33880 OVER ISO IOW RENTAL TOOLS SWIMMING POOL SMimVHARDWAK * fAXT CO. CUSTOM BUILT HOUSE Where 12330 NW 7 AVF . 6S1-4481 4A HALLS FOR RENT Please Call Gene Chavoustie Armer E. White Inc. 420 S. Dixie GABLES K OF C HALL FOR RENT 40A-APARTMENTS FOR SALE NAPLES Hwy.,.Coral Gables, Fla. to Weddings Parties or Banquets 38-RETIREMENT HOMES-BROWARD 305-667-1071 EVES. 757-7744 270 Catalonia Ave. 448-9242 RETIREMENT HOME Enjoy a relaxed style of living in this garden apartment in Walk to Barry, St. Rose, Miami Get It K of C Hall for rent. Weddings & OPENINGS FOR AMBULATORY LADIES & GENTLEMEN beautiful Old Naples. Attrac- Shores. Modernized 2 Br. with Banquets. (Miami Council 1726) tively furnished. 2 BR. 2 Bath on Fla. room and garage. 5644 NW 7 St. 264-2091 Room 3 Meals & Personal &' Laundry - second floor. Pool & elevator. 269 NE 115 St. $69,500 REASONABLE On block to St. Ann Church. Lasch Realty Broker 757-4509 923-1726 989-6671 Walk to beach and shopping. 52-HOMES FOR SALE 5-PERSONALS Adults. No pets. Monthly Dynamic Spiritual words: $72,500 813-263-3593 QUAINT Coral Ridge Country Club A3 '24 hour tape brcadcast.Call Fatima RETIREMENT HOME CUSTOM-BUILT HOME 4 BR. 2 Bath. Garage. Central Message Center 498-1287 Small, centrally located for 41 CONDOS FOR SALE N.MIAMI IN THE SHADOWS OF THE Air. extras. 81/2 %assumable Mtg. independent people. Good home I' PALM BAY CLUB Owner will take 2nd Mtg. SOCIAL SECURITY cooking. Reasonable monthly Owner-Agent 491-4713 Owner selling N. Miami 1 BR Apt. ; WALK, Bicycle, Jog to Bay \ If you have been denied benefits, rates. Call Pat - 921-6577. you should appeal! Responsible Large tiled terrace overlooking Only 500 Yards Away ' Claimants Representative available pool area. Low Maintenance. ; 3 Bedroom 2 Bath FHA-VA '$65,000 to help you. FREE CONSULTATION. Many extras. In the $30's. Call The Price Is Right The family room could be third Or. Bernard M. Yoffee 27M45J. 891-1862. Please call Gene or Anna bedroom.. On corner. 2 BR. plus • 9-CRAFTS efficiency. Close to shopping,, ' Chavoustie, Armer & White, Inc. schools and churches. 41 CONDOS FOR SALE NE Realtor. 420 S. Dixie Hwy. Coral SOCIAL SECURITY ; 13190 NW 8th Avenue JGables, Fla. 33146. " ' Lasch Realty Broker 757-4509, Turned down '305-667-1071 or Eves. 757-7744. for Social N QUAYSIDE Security Dis- Mon-I MANY TO CHOOSE FROM ability? LascTTRealty Broker 757-4509 52-HOMES FOR SALE SW

Attorney Rep- 42-TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT N.W. resentative. 10-AMUSEMENTS, PARTIES ETC. A little country in the city. Large executive home on acre. No Charge for SPORT FISHING 2 BR 1 1/2 Bath townhouse 1/2 blk. to Catholic School. Pool Consultation. "HELEN C" 5409 NW 168Th Terrace and horse stable. 661-6871 947-4081 $550 MONTH. Call 888-0540 GARY PALMER, ESQ. CAPT. |OHN CALLAN 947-1131 13-HELP WANTED 40 APARTMENTS FOR RENT S.W 44 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 'Wise people shop 53-REAL ESTATE PALM BCH. CTY. Male or female to sell Unusual 1 Bedroom fiirn. Apartment with 5A-NOVENAS No Rent — You own Land $375 month. 856-1911 Brass Collection. 30% commission. CITRUS CIRCLE THE VOICE PHILP D. LEWIS, INC. 2012 SW 24th Street Thanks to St Jude fo. favors gran- "Be your own Boss." 553-6128 Adult mobile home subdivision ADVERTISERS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES " ted. Publication promised. L.B. 2900 Picciola Road 754-2651 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY Leesburg, Fla. 32748 31 West 20 St. Riviera Beach Thanksgiving $60 DAY LPN'S Owner 904-728-4285 844-0201 Novena To St. Jude (Based on experience) Oh, holy St. Jude, Apostle and 28 paid fringe benefit days martyr, great in virtue and rich hospitalization & Life Insurance FAK HAVENS 0 45 HOMES FOR RENT-SW in miracles, near kinsman of Looking for full-time or Jesus Christ, faithfd intercessor Rehabilitation & Retirement Center Miami Springs Spart-time employment? of all who invoke your special Contact Ms. Pamsh, D.O.N. 'Check the Voice Classi- NEAR EPIPHANY patronage in "time of need, to Mail an fied Ads;--might havejust 887.1565 New 3/2 with Air & Heat. you I have recourse from the whpit you are looking f Washer, dryer & dish washer. depth of my heart, and humbly FULL TIME COOK 667-4148 or 358-9118 beg to whom Cod has giv«n 5 day week. Good salary, hospi- ad! such great power to come to' talization & excellent benefits. To: THE VOICEBox. 1059, Miami 33138?* my assistance. Help me in my 625-3243 624-8534 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR • 4-5 WORDS present and urgent petition. In RELIABLE, HONEST, SERVICEMEN? PER LINE return, I promise to make your Check the Business Service Guide name known and cause you to Ams/Oil, the world 3 LINES MINIMUM r be invoked. leader in synthetic LAWN DEADLINE MONDAY NOON PRECEDING DATE OF ISSUE L lubrication, now has Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and Glories. MOWERS •UPHOLSTIRY Please print the enclosed classified ad. ground floor openings Publication must be promised. St. |ude, pray Starting • . Run - weeks. for us and all who invoke your aid. AMEN. L for Dealers & Direct This novena has never been known to fail. 1 Jobbers. Phone John v' I enclose $ . in full payment. have had my request granted. Publication SALES • REPAIRS I promised. M. Kellogg '. L : Soukup, 764-5088 or SHUr-EMHE ' K»HIS write, P.O. Box 182, (Name _ k- j Ft. Laud. 33302. Assorted Plants Address L Thanks to St. Jude for all the . I (member St. Clement) j.. care and love you have given Greenhouse me. LOU. Supplies

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday,September 25,1981 / PAGE 17 The Age of Science

Is faith still possible? preciation of God as creator. Nature, like poetry and other works of art, is the By Neil Parent vers. They are concerned that science is tran- signature of its creator. To examine its intricacies Yuri Gagarin hurtled into space in the year 1961. i sgressing God's scheme for nature, that experimen- and to understand its ways is to gain yet another Aboard Vostok I, the Russian cosmonaut became tation may damage life rather than enhance it. glimpse of its maker. the first man to orbit the Earth. He seized the oc- There is some cause for concern about such: Scientific discoveries can also spur our personal casion to taunt religious believers, proclaiming that, developments. Science needs to be critiqued. That growth. Science poses new problems to solve, thus he had not seen God anywhere out there in space. forcing us to expand our understanding. Reactions to this atheistic chiding ranged from As we grapple with questions raised by scientists, mild amusement to outrage. But no mature we may find that we are doing something to keep believer really felt threatned by this first peek of its our faith alive and fresh. We are paying attention to kind into the cosmos. our faith — a condition for its growth. Later the same year, American astronaut Alan Can science and religion be mentioned in the Shepard Jr. rocketed into space. The next year, it same breath? Some people probably would was John Glenn Jr.'s turn. respond "no." They recall the wedge of suspicion THE SPACE AGE had dawned, with its amazing that came between the two in the course of history. scientific and technological feats. WHEN GALILEO openly espoused the theories of Science and technology. How much they shape Copernicus in the 17th century — asserting that the the time we live in! But their accomplishments are Earth revolves around the sun — he was censured not always applauded. by church authorities. In recent years, new concerns about the direction jromr Recently Pope John Paul II called for a rein- of science have been heard. Some say scientists go vestigation of the Galileo case. He urged "an honest too far, usurping the role of God. recognition of wrongs on whatever side they oc- Recent experiments with the very beginnings of cur." And he expressed hope that the investigation life — the splicing together of genes from different "might make disappear the obstacles that this affair still sets up, in many minds, to a fruitful concord organisms to create a new organism, "in virto" fer- is part of the picture. tilization (the so-called test-tube baby procedure}, between science and faith, between church and But does science hold benefits for faith? world." and cloning (nonsexual reproduction of life through SCIENCE by definition delves into the mysteries of a single cell of an organism) - alarm some obser- nature. It can lead to a greater awareness and ap- When the pope traveled to Hiroshima, Japan, in early 1981 — where the first atom bomb was drop- ped — he again spoke of the need for a new era of cooperation between science and religion: "All those who generously dedicate their knowledge to the progress of the people and all those who have faith in man's spiritual calling are invited to a common task: to constitute a real science of the total advancement of man." IF SCIENCE can contribute something to faith, can faith contribute anything to science? It seems so. Faith enables all of us to look beyond the limitations of what we can observe in the here-and- now world. It frees us for life's transcendent side which is not confined to the material world. Scientists sometimes see their creative efforts as part of God's work. Last December a group of Nobel science prize winners met with Pope John Paul II. One, a winner in the field of medicine, was Australian neurobiologist Sir John Eccles. He said: "I, myself, have the strong belief that we have to be open to the future. The whole cosmos is not just running on and running down for no meaning . . . Each of us can have the belief of acting in some unimaginable supernatural drama. We should give all we can in order to play our part. Then, we wait with serenity and joy for the future revelation of whatever is in store after death." ^^^^^^^^^^_ jJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJt li^^^Hi^HP^ iMBsBHI flEH< wnaiever is in siore auer aeain. Physicist-priest combines science,faith By Katharine Bird One day Father James Shilts was lecturing to his' ultimate aim is to understand the physical universe This is important, he believes, because sometimes „ college students, analyzing the so-called big-bang - to find out how the universe and the solar system the advances made possible by science end up theory concerning the beginnings of the universe. began and how they will end. "making our lives less human." Father shilts asserts, One student in particular listened intently as the However, he emphasizes, astronomy has nothing "with all our gadgets and conveniences, we often priest explained how, according to this theory, the to say about "who" set the physical process in are not in tune with nature — we don't seem to universe has been expanding ever since its ex- motion, about the fundamental causes preceding have as much familiarity with nature as our an- plosive beginning, perhaps for some 10 to 20 billion the beginning of the universe. "These answers have cestors had." years. to come from Theology," he believes. Finally, the student could keep silent no longer. A HOLY CROSS priest for 2 years, Father Shilts NUCLEAR POWER is an area which greatly con- "Father," he burst out, "how can you continue to be tries to "steer sludents in the directions I believe." cerns the astronomer-priest. "We are like persons a priest and teach something like that!" As a scientist, he thinks the "value I put on knowing' whose horse has been stolen and who find them- about the physical universe says something about selves locked in the barn," he says. FOR THIS STUDENT, the teachings of science and > the God I profess to be true." : In Father Shilfs view, people would do well to pay his beliefs as a Christian seemed to conflict. For Father Shilts encourages students to look up at' attention to the "strong expressions of concern" Father Shilts, however, it was different. the sky and observe the world they live in. Often voiced by some scientists today, such as the scien- He told the student he was "very comfortable" they are astonished at what they see, he reports. tist who wrote, "We should be studying the with being both a Christian and a physicist. For instance, the photographs sent back to earth by possible moral and social effects of what we are And, as a physicist with a special interest in Voyager 2, the U.S. spacecraft, show clearly the' doing." astronomy, he finds the big-bang theory quite in- "mystery, magnificence and complexity" of the The educator says 30 percent of U.S. energy teresting, though he cautions that science "never thousands of rings around the planet Saturn. comes from nuclear power. And the general public speaks absolutely" and a new theory could displace The trick then, says the Holy Cross priest, is to is "not facing the problem of nuclear wastes which it tomorrow. "translate this wonder into human values." Faith en- remain radioactive for millions of years." A teacher at the University of Notre Dame for 20 ters the picture, he insists, when the scientist makes Frequently, decisions about using nuclear power years, Father Shilts points out to students the dif- a "jump of faith" and thinks "someone really fan- are being made politically, by people with little ferences between astronomy and faith. tastic" must be behind the wonders of the universe. scientific knowledge, Father Shilts thinks. At the In astronomy, he says, scientists measure distan- Therefore, Father Shilts tries to teach students to very least, he adds, people "need to be much bet- ces and study the behavior of stars and planets and make judgments concerning their attitudes toward ter educated" about the implications of nuclear then develop theories about their behavior. The the world and each other and God. power. PAGE 18 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 Putting belief into action

By Judy Ball She makes sure not to exceed the With a doctorate in cellular biology and the genes of a teacher, Sister of Charity 55-mph speed limit, lives in a Paula Gonzalez could be comfortably tucked away in some college science laboratory. house in Cincinatti that even the land- Instead she is, in her own words, a free-lance futurist and educator who enjoys scrambling for a living, relying on her own resources and continually testing her ability lady said wasn't livable before to do without things that most people consider necessities. Sister Gonzalez put 500 hours of "We are brothers and sisters under one Father and the implications for those of us who happen to be among the more favored are enormous," she says. work into it and [points with pride Sister Gonzalez doesn't just preach simplicity and stewar- to the $2 oak dresser she dship and subsistence living. She practices them. It seems that with all that science in her background, her affection for God's bought at a flea,market. creation has grown, along with the desire to take care of that creation. SHE MAKES sure not to exceed the 55-mph speed limit, lives in a house in Cincinnati that even the landlady said wasn't livable before Sister Gonzalez put 500 hours of work into it and points with pride to the $2 oak dresser she bought at a flea market. She feels the same wav about the recliner she found at a Good Will store for $5. So it has a couple of rips, she says. It would go for $250 new. Her commitment to "voluntary simplicity" came through dramatically last spring when she had the opportunity to go to Peru for what her religious community calls a "Third World ex- perience." After she came to the realization that she did not wish to ask her community to pay for such a trip, she decided to go Gonzalez-style.

Home for a visit to her native Albuquerque last Christmas, she took the first steps that would lead her to Peru for two months. Rummaging through the attic at home, as well as the attics of other family members, she accumulated six high school and college class rings. It turned into a $248 heist - just enough for her discount air fare from Miami to Peru and back. But she would need funds to live on during her two-month stay.

Agai' she tapped her own resources and those of friends. Settling on a garage sale as a perfect way to raise funds and en- courage recycling, she borrowed her community's pickup truck and appealed to friends for contributions.

THE HAUL she took in was rather conventional — clothing, bicycles, "the kind of things you find in attics." At the end of two days she had $550. Added to $248 from the rings, $110 from recycling aluminum cans, $40 a young widow friend collected for her and a few donations, Sister Gonzalez had $1,050 - enough for the trip.

But this resourceful daughter of resourceful parents was not prepared for what she would experience in Peru. Global awareness became more than theory.

In Manazo, peru, near the Chilean-Bolivian border, she met people living on $200 a year, making their living growing potatoes (they had "zilch income" last year because an un- seasonal freeze destroyed up to 85 percent of their crop, crop).

These are her "brothers and sisters" who, she says now, "are always on my mind." They are no longer strangers who fall into the impersonal category of "have nots," but friends she hugged when she had to say goodbye after her two months. It's these and other "have nots" that Sister Gonzalez thinks of every time she is tempted to turn up the thermostat or to use the car when she really doesn't need it. Sister Gonzalez is a scientist who pursues a simple lifestyle - but not just to save money- The finite resources of the world and the needs of others are what she is thinking about.

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE 19 Retarded man rates a '10' Townspeople love 'Bo's' personality, willingness to help By Robert G. LEE Hines works at various odd jobs in Willow Springs. Although unable to tell time, he has a precise WILLO SPRINGS, Mo. (NC) - Willow 'Springs' "Bo" schedule each day with local businesses. has yet to be seen jogging down a beach in a At 8 a.m. Hines can be found at one Willow Springs designer swimsuit, unlike movie star Bo Derek of store, sorting soda bottles. By 9:15 a.m. he's at the the film "10". other end of town separating bottles for another But the people of his town think John F. "Sambo" grocery store. Come lunch time he heads on foot - or "Bo" Hines rates a "10" anyhow because of his no matter what the weather - to the local cafe, personality, willingness to help others and frien- where he is given his lunch in exchange for dliness toward children: sweeping the floor. Hines — or Bo, as he is usually called in Willow The next stop may be the Ferguson's drug store, Springs — has a five- or six-year-old mentality living where he does whatever is needed. At 1:30 p.m. he in the body of a 45-year-old man, a mongoloid. walks to a candy factory and helps bag candy for LOSING BOTH parents at an early age left Hines distribution locally. homeless and destined to be placed in a state in- By 3:30 he can be found walking along Pine stitution for the mentally handicapped. But Tom Street, headed for home and visiting with friends and Sadie Ferguson, pharmacists in Willow SpVings, along the way. Hines has his own key to the added another room to their home and invited Ferguson home, a special privilege for him, and Hines to live with them. He has done so since 1963, when he finds his way into trouble the key is taken bringing his own particular love and happiness to away as a form of discipline. the Fergusons and to the community. DURING'THE LOCAL high school's football and basketball season Hines can be found on the \ sidelines as an assistant manager. He has his own letter jacket, travels with the teams wherever they go and is well-known by the rival teams and fans. In 1974, Tom Ferguson was admitted to a hospital in Columbia, Mo., for cancer treatment, and Hines was forced to live with relatives of the Fergusons for six months. Finally Hines got so desperate missing the Fergusons that he stopped a friend and told him to take him to Columbia. He was talked in- to going back to his temporary home but when the Fergusons eventually returned, Hines was over- joyed. Stopping a car and telling the driver to take him wherever he wants to go is only one of Hine's an- tics. Once, while attending church (he never misses unless he's sick), he was seen to take a coin out of his pocket, toss it in the air, call "heads," and put it back into his pocket, saying, "You lost, God." At 45 Hines has lived longer than most mongoloids, but then he has the support and love of the town, his friends say. In honor of his ac- complishments and services, Willow Springs High School held a "Sambo Hines Day" in June 1979. An award was set up in his name for the athlete who most expemplifies Hines' spirit. To some people, even a "10" rating isn't good enough for Bo Hines. Face-to-face confession JEROME, BORN IN DALMATIA, WAS SENT SI JEROMETO SCHOOL IN ROME ANP FINALLY BECAME My first time A LAWYER. FOR A TIME HE LIVED A W0RLPLY LIFE. BUT LATER WAS BAPTIZEP IN ROME. AFTER TRAVELING THROUGH THE EAST By Hilda Young promised. "Father O'Neill is really AND VISITING MANY HOLY PERSONS, HE super." DECIDED TO LIVE IN THE DESERT OF "Please take advantage of the "Father O'Neill used to be our paper CHALCIS IN SYRIA, WHERE HE SPENT revised Rite of Reconciliation," our boy," I told my enthusiastic former sit- FOUR YEARS IN PRAYER, STUDY AND pastor urged last Sunday. "You may ter. "How can I confess to someone PENANCE. JEROME LATER BECAME A PRIEST AT ANTI0CH. HE WENT TO use the reconciliation room or go face who used to crush the hedge with the PALESTINE ANP JOINED A MONASTERY to face for confession. Almost Sunday Times'" AT BETHLEHEM. HE WAS ABOVE ALL A everyone will like this much better "What's the difference between con- SCRIPTURE SCHOLAR, TRANSLATING than the confessions box." fessing your sins to Jesus in the box or. THE OLP TESTAMENT FROM THE HEBREW Talk about mixed emotions. That's face to face," she asked. V AND THE NEW TESTAMENT FROM THE like being told your son passed his "Listen, St. Adolescent, don't try to GREEK. HE WAS A CONSULTANT FOR MONK, driving test or that Cousin Claude and confuse me with trick theology," I told '/S: BISHOP AND POPE. ST AUGUSTINE SAID OF his seven kids won't be able to visit her. "Father 'Jeans-Are-OK-at-Mass' HIM,"WHAT JEROME IS IGNORANT OF, NO this summer because they're coming will be sitting right there in front of me MORTAL HAS EVER KNOWN.* at Thanksgiving instead. and know who I am. That's the dif- ST JEROME MAPE A TRANSLATION OFTHE ference." BIBLE WHICH CAME TO BE KNOWN AS THE •' VUL6ATE. HE WAS A MASTER IN LATIN, GREEK, I don't want to say the confessional I could tell a dare when Iheard one, HEBREW ANP CHALDAIC. ITISSAIPTHAT box has always scared me to death, however, and went face to face JEROME HAD A TEMPER, BUT WAS ALSO but it is true that I was known as the yesterday. I'm converted. I'm coming SWIFT TO REMORSE, EVEN MORE SEVERE ON kid with butterflies in his stomach on out of the closet. HIS OWN SHORTCOMINGS THAN ON THOSE holy days of obligation. "How'd you like it?" asked my OF OTHERS. HE Pl£P IN BETHLEHEM IN 420, FACING UP to face-to-face con- Vatican II freak. ANP WAS BURIEP THERE. HIS BOPY WAS fession, however, has held all the ap-. "None of your business," I said. "But; MOVEP LATER TO THE BASILICA OF ST. MARY peal of tap dancing on the hood of a j MAJOR IN ROME. I'll give you a hint. THE FEAST OF ST JEROME, PRIEST ANP moving New York taxi cab. "I tipped the paper boy today and DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH IS SEPT. 30. "You'll love it," my . 14-year-old told him to save it for the seminary." PACE 20 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 SEPTIEMBRE 25, 1981

Publicacidn oficial cat6lica de la Arquidi6cesis de Miami, 6201 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fla. 33138, Tel: 758-0543. Una vez mas propone la Iglesia solucion a problemas sociales

Vatican (NC) - Para conmemorar Como ejemplos de cooperacion, la los 90 anos de "Rerum Novarum", la enciclica evoca ensenanzas anteriores primera enciclica de la era industrial de la iglesia sobre "propuestas de- sobre temas sociales, el Papa Juan propiedad conjunta de los medios del Pablo II ha publicado la terera trabajo, administracion compartida enciclica de su pontificado bajo el. por los obreros y reparto o oar- nombre 'Sobre el Trabajo Humano" en __ ticipacion en la ganancia, lo que ha que defiende "la prioridad del trabajo llamado co-propiedad de las acciones sobre el capital" y da la voz de alarma de la empresa." El papa insiste que contra los males del capitalismo y de[ toda forma nueva en las relaciones marxismo. El texto papal amplia su? capital-trabajo debe tomar muy en criticas al imperialismo economico, cuenta el bien del pueblo, el bien sea de las corporaciones comun. multinacionales capitalistas o de las "Cuando habjamos de la oposicion administraciones estatales de paises entre el trabajo y el capital, no se trata comunistas, pues unas y otras per- de conceptos abstractos o de fuerzas judican las relaciones obrero- impersonales que actuan en la patronales en muchos pafses. produccion economica, sino de gente, Aunque la enciclica de casi cien de pueblo vivo y real." paginas fue publicada el 15 de sep- Recuerda ademas la enciclia la tiembre, Neva por fecha el 15 de posicion de la iglesia, "que esta mayo, fecha asimismo de la celebre radicalmente en desacuerdo con el enciclica de Leon XIII. colectivismo proclamado por los El texto define al trabajo como marxistas y aplicado en varios paises "cualquier actividad del hombre o la por decadas . . . al mismo tiempo esta mujer, ya sea manual, ya intelectual." en desacuerdo con el capitalismo ins- Una familia americana. La miseria "habita" tambien en la mas rica nacidn del De inmediato critica los abusos "de un •pirado por el liberalismo y su sistemas planeta. Si esto sucede aqui podemos imaginar que sera en las naciones con un capitalismo rigido" que no reconoce la •politicos." subcero desarrollo. Estos son los males que el Papa (la Iglesia) condena y desea pariorida del trabajo sobre el capital y resolver apelando al sentido humano de todos, incluyendo los propios obreros, por ende sacrifica el bien del obrero "La tradicion cristiana jamas con- en paz y harmonic cristiana. en aras de la ganancia. Por otra parte sidero al derecho de propiedad como critica al marxismo y su lucha de absoluto e intocable; por el coritrario, cen ademas el poder en la sociedad." estado en un sistema colecivo de clases, que no es tampoco solucion a lo entiende como parte del contexto Con tal poder en la mano, es posible ninguna manera equivale a su los abusos del capitalismo, pues tam- mas amplio del derecho comun al que cumplan. un cometidoj satisfac- 'socializacion" en cambio se puede bien subordina el obrero a la produc- usufructo de los bienes de la torio para los trabajadores, "pero por Iograr satisfactoriamente una tion. Se ignora asi que la respuesta creacion." Al mismo tiempo "las an- otra parte, puede suceder, que se socializacion adecuada, con asociar el esta en una cooperacion entre el trab«, siada reformas" al capitalismo "no se desempenen malamente al reclamar trabajo con ia propiedad del capital en •ajo y el capital "La posicion correcta logran con suprimir primerd la para si el monopolio de la ad^ cuanto sea posible, y con fundar una del trabajo y del trabajador en el propiedad privada de los medios de ministracion y de los medios de serie de cuerpos intermedios con fines proceso de la produccion demanda produccion," que no bastaria para produccion, y ofehder incluso los economicos, sociales y culturales, adaptaciones diversas en la esfera del iograr "unsocializaci6n satisfactoria" derechos humanos fundamentales." cuerpos (organizaciones) que a la vez derecho de propiedad de los medios pues los nuevos administradores for- "Conyentir los." medios de produc- idisfruten de autonomia verdadera de produccion," dice. man otro grupo especial, "pues ejer- cion simplemente en propiedad del I (Sigue en la P6g. 4A) VII Reunion de Sacerdotes cubanos

PorJoseP. Alonso isla y de las condiciones bajo las cuales en la diaspora : los sacerdotes en Cuba sirven su Por septimo ano consecutive se ministerio. Resumiendo, los sacer- ynieron en Miami los sacerdotes, Obispo Auxiliar de La Habana, ac- Santo en su emperto. dotes estan considerados lacras idigiosos y diaconos de la Asociacion tualmente Vicario de Los Teques en El Arzobispo anuncio a los reunidos , sociales; su actividad es seguida por el de Sacerdotes Cubanos en la Venezuela, y Monsefior Agustin que la Arquidiocesis consciente de las Dapartamento de Lacras y Prevencion Diaspora. ("Sacerdotes cubanos" debe Roman, Obispo Auxiliar de Miami, necesidades pastorales de la Iglesia Social de Ministerio del'. Interior. entenderse incluyendo religiosos y presidieron las sesiones que se exterv local, esta haciendo todo lo posible El miercoles en la mafiana el Padre diaconos permanentes cubanos de dian desde las 9 a.m. hasta las cinco para que los sacerdotes ordenados aqui Vizcaino trato sobre evangelizacion y origen o por lazos afectivos de de la tarde. El miercoles 16 con- sean bilingues y conozcan las culturas cultura cubana. Dio a conocer algunos aquellos que sirvieron en Cuba su celebraron todos la Liturgia Eucaristica que componen la familia estudios hechos por el Instituto ministerio.) junto a los obispos Boza y Roman. arquidiocesana. Pastoral del Sureste erv relacion con Durante tres dias, del 15 de Sep- Durante la sesion de la maftana del La asamblea le comunico que han los cubanos llegados en fe ultimo tiembre al 17 incluidos, discutieron en miercoles los reunidos recibieron la llegado noticias de que los programas exodo via Mariel. Por la tarde un panel detalle las necesidades pastorales del visita del Exmo. Sr Arzobispo de radiales del Padre jose P. Nickse y del cpmpuesto por los dqctores jose I. pueblo cubano, en Miami y la Miami, Mons. Edward A. McCarthy Padre Jose L. Hernado se escuchan Lazaga y juan Clark abundaron sobre situacion de la Iglesia en Cuba y aconopanado del Rev. P. Pablo er> Cuba. Mons. McCarthy dtjo seria el tema ofreciendo estadisticas de los latinoamerica actual mertte y como Navarro, su secretario. El Arzobispo bueno estudiar la posiblioad de que vartojfts aspectos de los recien podrianaliviarse sus necesidades. McCarthy saludo a los asistentes y dio tales programas lleguen a mas lugare; llegados, tanto espiritual como in- Estivieron presentes sacerdotes que la bienvenida a los visitanles al tiempo de Cuba, como un modo de ayudaj en telectualmente. orestan sus servicios en Republica que manisfeto su gratitud por el en- las necesidades pastorales de la Iglesia Como responsables, durante el Dominirana, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, teres que toman en ayudar a resolver cubana. • proximo ano la asambela eligio a los p'rr. y delegaciones de otros estados tan importantes problemas, animan- En la sesion de! martes 15, el Padre Padres Gilberto Fernandez y Omar •:Je ia union americana. doles a seguir adelante en sus estuer- Froilan Dominguez presento un infor- Huesca y a! diacono tfa"hsitorio Jordi Monsenor tduardo Boza Masvidal, zos y rogando la accion del Espritu . me de la situacion de la iglesia en la Rivero. (Sigue en la p6g. 4A) Miami, Florida / LA VOZ/ Viernes, Septiembre 25,1981 / PAG1NA 1A AAuy constructive! primera reunion hispana de divorciados y separados.

la Parroquia Saint Agatha se anolo Padre Jorge y pidio a cada uno do los pregunta de cada mesa, desenvolvio otro "goal" al patrocinar osla primera que han pasado la experienca de la el tema "Tribulaciones y Pruebas de conferenda arquidiocesana para los. separacion "olvidarse hoy de todo. ser padre unico, sin esposa o separados y divociados do l«v pido que hoy se vuelvan egoislas y esposo". Ofreck> soluciones practicas roimuriidad hispana. MuchoV "'credito piensen solo en usledes". Asi les con- a los problemas ectJiiomicos. al deseo tambien se debe al family Enrichmenr mino a concentrate en los temas que tribulaciones, s()bre come aliviar las Center por la organizacion yrr t'ratariah los conforencistas durante el '• cohibido de contiarse a alguien en sus planeamiento del evento que alrajo dia. tensiones y desahacerse de la a • ma's/do cien personas so. Por La explicacion que hizo el Padre Er- la reprosentantes del Family I tint Iv esto, cuando el padre Jorge'anuncio nesto Molano, del Tribunal de la ment Center Elaine Marrero Syierl y un recreo para cate, pocos hicieron la Arquidiocesis, creemos dio un respiro Hermana Agnes Goll, O.Pr:. directors linea. de alivio a la mayoria, sino a todos los.. del Apostolado para Separados y asistentes. Trato sobre el asunto de la d|*v«fcwcPv; del F.r.C. la Herman.!" Sequidamenle hablo . el diacono anulacion de matrimonios El Rev. P. Jorge Qarcia inicia la Agnes, para sor presa de todos hablo Jorge Gonzalez sobre como la per- eclesiasticos que tanto angustia a los primera conferencia hispana en espanol. ' . sona obligada a vivir sola por im que se hallan en situaciones de divor- / arquidiocesana para separados y~ Aunque no tomo parle como orador divordo o separation ptiede •do y desean rehacer su vida de acuer- divorciados. el parroco de St. Agatha. P. Pedro Luis recuperar su propio equlibrio mental do con la doctrina de la Iglesia. Perez, esluvo presente la Sra. Silvia' desarrollando su potencial para ser Coincidentemente, The Voice/La Voz! Sanchez, de Fampa, asi,sti6 desoosa teliz sin depender de olros. El padre Molano educo. si, realmon- publico en su ultima edicion una en- de informarse como lraba|a el grtipo te educo a los concurrentes con su trevista con el Padre Andrew Ander- para estudjar la posibilidad de Pasada la hora del almuerzo, Rosario charla durante la cual expuso todo el son, vice oficialis del Tribunal, sobre establecer unoen Tampa. Bourguignan presento a la ••'dorl.ora proceso de la anulacion desde su esle tema, dando la inlpresion de que El Padre Jorge Garcia fue el primer Graciela Guerra, desarrollando su comienzo hasta su fallo final. Tambien fue una forma preparotoria a I evento orador de la asamblea y hablo de lo charla con el concurso cle la con- les informo que como promediouna^ del Grupo Agape de St. Agatha. que significa la palabra "Agape , que currencia. Explico la Dra. Guerra que anulacion cuesta unos trescientos Finalizo la Jornada con la Santa Misa el grupo lleva como tilulo. ("onto la " ella IKJ iba a hacerles perder el liempo dolares. El proceso todo puede durar presidida por el Obispo Auxiliar de hisloria de la oruga y el proceso que la diciendoles como vivir solas. Pidio que como promedio entre seis y nueve Miami, Mons. Agustin Roman y con- Neva a ser una bella mariposa. cada mesa discutiera los problemas de meses, dependiendo de cada caso; celebrada por los sacerdotes de la cada uno y so pusieran de acuerdo en algunos pueden resolverse en menos parroquia asistidos por el 'diacono Todos nacemos.orugas llamados a' adoptar la pregunta que creyeran mas • tieinpo. permanente Jorge Gonzalez. convortirnos en mariposas", di|<> el importante. Asi, contestando la Misa Solemne por Bodas de Plata del P. Nelson San Jeronimo Con motivo~de celebrar el Septiembre a la 1 de la tarde. Rev. Padre Nelson Fernandez El Consejo Ntra. Sra. de la SEPTIEMBRE 30 sus Bodas de Plata sacer- Caridad No. 5110, de Jeronimo nacio en Dalmacia. A edad dotales, 25 anos al servicio del Caballeros de Colon, invita a apropiada liie enviado a Roma por sus Senior, los fieles de su todos los miembros de la padres para que estudiara alii. parroquia St. Robert Bellarmine parroquia y a los amigos del Finalmente se gradu6 como abogado ofreceran una solemne Liturgia Padre Nelson a unirse a la y por algun tiempo vivio una vida. Eucaristica el Domingo 20 de. celebracion. . mundana. Desconocemqs quo movio a Jerome a pedir el bautizo cle la Iglesia, aunque sabemos que Dios, Celebran Fiesta a San Francisco de Asis hace caininos derechos de surcos tor- . cidos. ; La Orden Secular Franciscana Ntra. West Flagier y Avenida 13. Monsenor Despues de viaiar mucho por el Sra. de los Angeles, de lengua Arcadio Marinas y el Padre Emilio orienle y j/isitar muchos sanlos hom- espafiola, celebrara el nacimiento Vallina, parroco, concelebraran. El bres deddio ir al desierto do Chalcis, celestial de San Francisco de Asis" principal celebramte sera el Padre en Siria, donde paso cuatro anos en ofreciendo Solemne Misa con- Frank Dumois, O.F.M. quien sirve ac- oracion, estudio y penitencia. Fue celebrada por los sacerdotes fran- tualmente en la Habana, Cuba, y.esta ordenado sacerdote en Anlioquia y ciscanos de Miami. en Miami visitando a sus familiares. " partio hacia Palestina donde ingreso La Misa esta senalada para el 4 de en un monasterio de Belen. Octubre proximo a las 7-30 p.m. en la Todos los devotos y amigos de San San Jeronimo fue un escolaslico de la - Iglesia Parroquial San )uan Bosco, Francisco de Asis estan invitados. Biblia traduciendo directamente del hebreo el Antiguo Testamenlo y el Prdximos eventos de Impacto Nuevo Testamento del griego. Fue consiiltor de monjes, obispos y papas. A la salida de esta edicion se esta Se venderan comidas y refrescos. San Agustin dijo de el: "de lo que celebrando Impacto 64 en el Mercy Tambien tendremos celebracion Jeronimo sea ignorate, nunca lo ha' Hall de Inmaculada Concepcion. La Eucaristica. sabido mortal alguno". Misa de Clausura es el domingo 20 del "THE WILD WEST" Fue docto on Latin, Hebreo, Griego y. corriente a las 6:30 p.m. (65 W. 45 PI., Caldeo. Fue tambien muy severo con Hialeah). Con el proposito de que puedan sus acciohes y mtiy misericordioso con planear con tiempo los disfraces para Impacto 65. El 10 y 11 de Octubre la fiesta de Halloween, anunciamos las do otro's. San jeronimo, Sacerdote en Blessed Trinity. Misa de Clasura el y Doctor de la Iglesia, murio en Belen que el tema sera "the Wild West". La Dom.-11 a las 6:30 p.m. (4020 Curtiss fiesta de los ninos sera en St. John the • el ano 420 y enlerrado alii. Anos mas Parkway, Virginia Gardens). tarde sus restos I'ueron llevados os sentimos solidarios con la Iglesia- apoyo y ayuda tanto en el orden en Cuba y sufrimos como propias sus espiritual como material, creemos un graves limrtaciones y dificultades, por deber dirigirnos a todo nuestro pueblo lo que reclamamos el dere.cho que para que con sentido de fraternidad tiene nuestro pueblo y vivir y expresar patriotica y cris.tiana y por encima de APOYANDO AL CARDENAL — Con las manos unidas y cantando el Cqrdenal Cody su fe conservando sus raices historicas prejuicios y genralizaciones in- de Chicago (Der.) aparece junto a los sacerdotes negros en un acto organizado cristianas. A la vez recordamos a los justificadas, asuman su respon- por dichos sacredotes para demostrar su apoyo al cardenal. Mas de 6,500 numerosos presos politicos que aun sabilidad paraicon estos hermanos. jdvenes, ninos, monjas, sacerdotes y laicos tomaron parte en la reunion. quedan en Cuba, muchos de ellos on Una de las consecuencias mas criticas condiciones y por los males lamentables de esta situacion es la elevamos tambien nuestra oracion. separacion de las familias, lo que hiere 2) Considerainos fundamental para profundamente el sentido de unklad 4) Al commemorarse este ano el 450. Este trabjao de reflexion, que nos ha una correcta evangelizacion, lal como familiar del pueblo cubano al mismo aniversario de la aparicion de la Virgen ayudado a tomar conciencia comun ha reconocido la Iglesia en su enciclica •ti.empo que viola los derechos de Guadalupe, primera en America, de los problemas pastorales de Evangelii Nunriandi y los documentor humanos fundamentals. Apelamos, pensamos tambien en todos los nuestra Iglesia y nuestra promesa de~ de Puebla, el respeto a los Valores mas por lo.tanto, a las autoridades de los pueblos jatinoamericanos que trabajar con animo en este sentido, lo profuridos de la cultura de cada Fstados Unidos de America y de los atraviesan angustiosas sitaciones y ponemos a los pies de la Vjrgen, con- pueblo, donde se encuentra y se trans- i paises latinoamericanos para que, con. oramos por ellos para que en todos se fiados en su intercesion maternal, finite eomo herencia el tesoro de la alto sentido humanitario, consideren conserve la fe y haya libertad, justicia y Miami, Florida, 18 de septiembre de lev este caso y faciliten su j solucion. paz. 1981.

La Iglesia propone solucion. • • (Viene de la p6g. 1A)

frente a los poderes publicos. economia mundial> su politica y los "El trabajao humano es la clave, por razones economica su primordial Quien asi escribe es el primer papa sistemas de relaciones internacionales quizas esencialisima, de toda la tarea de criar a lo hijos es nocivo a que viene de un pais gobemado por dervados de ella." cuestion social, cuando se le mira con toda la sociedad. los comunistas. Tiene tambien una Propone el , textq que la vistas al bien cle ios seres humanos." - Las mujeres que tratfejanideberiaf* vision del mundocapitalista. Organizacion ^"ternacional del La encicliqa toca otros puntos con cumplir con su tarea de acuerdo a su PUesto que el mundo se entrelaza Trabajo (On/y°ia Jrganizacion para la' funcion orientadora: naturaleza femenina, sin discrimen o economicamente cada vez mas, las Alimentacton y la AgricuTtura (FAO) de - La technololgia puede ser la amiga exclusiones por razon de su sexo, ya fuerzas financieras internacionales las Naciones Unidas y otras entidades, del obrero, pero tambien su enemiga la.vez en forma tal que no se corten pueden convertirse "en patronos in- elaboren normas para las, transac- si la mecanizacion automatica toma su sus aspiraciones de familia y de con- directos" con repercusiones adversas ciones internacionales que afecten a lugar o le quita la satisfaccion personal tribuir, con su companero, al bien de a la condiciones del trabajo en cada los obreros. "ya que lbs derechos de la y el incentivo a crear y ser respon- la sociedad. nacipn. persona humana constituyen el sable, con Jo cual queda reducido a - Los gastos en el cuidado de la "Por ejempfo, la naciones eon in-i elemento clave para todo el orden esclavo de la maquina. satud, particularmente los accidentes dustria avanzada, y mas aun los social y moral." — El trabajo provee la base para la' de trabajo, deben ser compensados y negocios que controlan en gran escala La enciclica, cuyo nombre en latin es vida de una nueva familia, pues es el puestos al alcance del trabajador, ya los niedios de la produccion industrial "Laborem Exercens," evoca la epoca medio economico necesario para por un bajo costo 0 por ser totalmente yesas companjas que se conocen de la revolucion industrial cuando la sustentarla. gratis. como m'ultinacionales o trans-' Rerum Novarum fue escrita, y agrega - Con el sudor de la frente la - Los obreros tienen derecho a for- -nacronales^ fijan los precios mas altos que de la misma manera trata de humanidad cumple el mandamiento mar sindicatos para proteger sus in- posibles para sus productos semi- aplicar las ensenanzas de la iglesia al' de Dios de ser seftora de la creacion; tereses vitales y para contar con una manufacturados ... El abismo entre la , estado presentede la economia pero la creacion no debe ser voz colectiva en la lucha por la justicia mayoria de los paises ncos y los mas i mundial, infltienciada por la tec- propiedad de unos pocbs hombres en social. La actividad sindical toca al pobres no disminuye ni se estabiliza, nologia, el costo creciente de los detrimento del resto de la humanidad. campo de la alta politica en cuanto se aiites bien aumenta cada vez mas con combustibles y la materias primas, la • •— la obligacion de proveer entiende como contribucion a I bien detrimenjo obvio de los mas pobres." contaminacion ambiental. y el beneficios compensatorios por el comun; peo no debe inmiscuirse-en Ef aBismo entre la mayoria de los agotamiento de losrecursos naturales. desempleo surge del principio basico luchas partidistas pues entonces se paises ricos y los mas pobres no "A la_ vez surge en el escenario- del derecho de todos al usufructo de - vuelve instrumento de otras causas. disminuye ni se estabiiiza, antes bien politicoTHeJos pueblos la exigencia, al los bienes, es decir, el derecho a vivir y Los trabajadores tienen el derecho del aumenta cada vez mas con detrimen- cabo de siglos de sujecion, de lograr a sobrevivir. recurso a la huelga, sin sufrir sanciohes to obvio'de los mas pobres." un puesto decente entre la naciones y - Hay un hecho desconcertante en por ello; pero tambien, tienen la Es posibte explotacion similar "en el al nivel de las decisiones internac- la escena mundial: recursos naturales obligacion de no jr. a la huelga cuando caso de la propiedad Socializada' de tionales." enormes permanecen sin explotar, al resulta novica al bien comun. los medios de produccion .. . lo cual "Desgraciadamente para millones de paso que hay millones de seres sin - La sociedad debe dar trabajo a los tiene tambien un efecto evidente en la • trabajadores calificados estos cambios • trabajo, o en desempleo parcial, y- minusvalidos (p impedidos), pues de polrtica nacional frente al trabajo y la pueden significar desempleo, por lo otros tantos pasan hambre, lo cual otro modo incurre en la discrrmnacion situiicion del obrero en sociedades en menos temporal, o la necesldad de revela que hay algo deficiente en la contra el mas debit. desventaja economica." rehabilitacion vocacional. Al mismo distribution del trabajo y su produc- - La gente tiene derecho a migrar en "Al encontrarse dentro de un tiempo estos cambios pueden cion. busca de trabajo. Los que trabafen en sistema asi condicionado, el patrono significar la reduction del bienestar - El justo saiario da la medida con- otro pajs como inmigrante residente o' directo fija entonces condiciones de material, o un ritmo mas lento en su creta de la justicia que prevalece o no como temporal (por cosechas) debe frabajo inferiores a las necesidades ob- • avance, para los pueblos de las. en todo el sistema socio-economico, y . ser tratado con equidad en cuanto a jetivas de los trabajadores, particular- naciones mas desarrolladas. Pero por de su funcion correcta. El salarip sus derechos, sin que se le explote mente si este patrono quiere obtener; lo mismo tales cambios pueden brin- familiar se necesita para que el social o economicamente. los beneticios maximos posibles de su dar un altvio y una esperanza a los proveedor de la fafmlia baste con su iiian Pablo nota en su enciclica que negocio," advierte la enciclica. millones de seres que hoy viven en trabajo para satisfacer sus necesidades esperaba revisarla y tenerla lista para El respetp a los derechos reales de condiciones vergonzosas e in- sin tener que recurrir al trabajo del el 15 de mayo, pero que no pudo i« trabjadoxes . . . debe constituir el merecidas de pobreza." otro conyuge. En su defecto, deben cumplir su deseo sino despues de ser ./iteridTundamental y adecuado para . "]a iglesia consider como darse subsidios familiares o ayuda . hqspitalizado recientemente. El 13 de r;••;'(!rmar toda la economia, tanto al tarea de ayudar a orientar esos cam- similar para que la madre pueda mayor sufrio un atentado contra su ••!••;'•. cie la sociedad o estado in- bios para asegurar el progreso auten- dedicarse exlusivamente a la familia. vida cuyas heridas^Jequirieron serio •'v.'iiiual, como a nive.l de toda la . tico del hombe y de la sociedad." Que una madre tenga que abandonar tratamiento. ' PAG1NA 4A /.Miami, Harida / LA VOZ I Viernes, Septierobre 25,1981 Keep This Hurricane Tracking Map Handy During Storm Season HURRICANE EDITION tlOaylcnm •••«

94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 <«6 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 72 71 70 69 68 WEATHER TERMINOLOGY ADVISORY: Advisory messages are issued by the HURRICANE WARNING: A warning which indicates plifying the advisories and recommending specific National Hurricane Center, National Oceanic and that hurricane winds of 74 MPH (64 knots) and action to be taken in a particular locality. Atmospheric Administration, National Weather higher, or a combination of dangerously high water Service, concerning TROPICAL STORMS and and very rough seas (in this case with winds as low SEICHE: A condition which results in an enclosed HURRICANES. An advisory gives details as to where as 60 MPH) are expected in a specified coastal area. body of water when the mound of water ac- tropical storm or hurricane is located, its intensity When a hurricane warning is announced, hurricane cumulated by the winds of a hurricane in one sec- and direction and speed of movements conditions are considered imminent and may begin tor is released as the winds subside or change Precautionary measures are given for ships in or" immediately, or at least within the next 12 to 24 direction, resulting in a pendulum-like oscillation. near the storm. See also "Hurricane Warning." hours. It is of utmost importance that ALL precautionary measures and actions be instituted SEVERE WEATHER WARNING: A formal National BULLETIN: Bulletins are issued by the National immediately for the protection of life and property, Hurricane Center to describe weather disturbances Weather Service message advising the possibility of when a hurricane warning is announced. severe weather in specified areas including severe with winds not yet strong enough to be classifed as thunderstorms, high winds, heavy rainfall, or the named storms. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS: winds of 74 MPH (64 possibility of tornadoes.. knots) and higher. GALE WARNINGS: A warning of winds within the range of 39-54 MPH (34-47 knots). Gale warnings SQUALL: A strong wind usually associated with a HURRICANE WATCH: An announcement issued by thunderstorm or a shower, which maintains it speak may precede or accompany a hurricane watch, and the National Weather Service to the public and all may be used as the warning for coastal sections ad- speed over a period of two (2) or more minutes and other interests, via Press, Radio and TV, whenever a then decreases quickly. jacent to an area under a hurricane warning. tropical storm or hurricane becomes a threat to HURRICANE: A violent storm originating over coastal areas. THE HURRICANE WATCH IS NOT A STORM SURGE: The increase in water level, often tropical waters, with winds near its center reaching WARNING. It indicates that the hurricane is near rapid, due to the action of the wind on the ocean 74 MPH (64 knots) and higher. In the Northern enough that everyone in the area covered by the surface and the low barometric pressure of a storm Hemisphere, winds in hurricanes blow in a counter- "watch" should listen for subsequent advisories and system. clockwise direction around the center and the size be ready to take precautionary action in case of the storm may range from 60 to 1000 miles in hurricane warnings are issued. A HURRICANE STORM WARNING: A warning of winds within the diameter. WATCH implies the possibility of dangerous con- range of 55-73 MPH (48-63 knots). Storm warnings may precede or accompany a hurricane watch, and HURRICANE CENTER OR "EYE": The relatively calm ditions within 24 to 48 hours. area near the center of the storm. In this area, win- may be used as the coastal warning for coastal sec- ds are often light and the sky may be seen, as it is LOCAL ACTION STATEMENT: A statement issued tions adjacent to an area under a huFrkane war- Dften only partly covered by clouds. by the local National Weather Service Station am- i

Miami, Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 /.PAGE 18 FIRST AID Animal Bites Earache Insect Bites Soap and water, half strength iodine* Aspirin, hot water bottle. Calamine lotion. Wash wounds freely with soap-and water. Hold under running For any pain in ear that does not clear up immediately, call your Remove stinger if present. Apply calamine lotion or calamine tap for several minutes if possible. Apply iodine* (half strength) doctor. Earache may be due to impacted ear wax or infection ex- lotion with an anthjhistamine. If swelling is Dronounced, also and cover with sterile gauze compress. Always see your tending from nose and throat. Delay in treatment by a physician apply ice bag or cold cloths. Call your physician immediately if physician immediately. Obtain name and address of owner so is dangerous. Do not put medication or cotton in ear canal. One known allergies exist. : that animal may be held in quararune — notify police. or two aspirins and hot water bottle may relieve simple pain. Nervousness & Hysteria Bruises Eyes Aromatic spirits of ammonia. Vaseline, bicarbonate of soda, (Foreign Bodies) Boric acid (1/2 teaspoonful Give 1 teaspoonful of Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia in 1/2 glass to glass of boiled water). of cold water. If patient is hysterical, apply ice bag or cloth wet sterile gauze. with cold water to head. Keep patient warm. Offer reassurance. Mbor burns run cold tap water over burn and apply vaseline or Remove by gently touching with point of clean handkerchief or If this treatment does not have the desired effect, calf your my oi! to burned area and.bandage lightly with sterile gauze or by washing eye with boric acid. If not successful after one or two physician at once. -.pp.! > sterile gauze soaked in a solution of baking soda (3 attempts, consult a physician. . abipr,poons to quart of water). If burn is deep or extensive Do Never rub the eye. Nosebleed Jcr .pply vaseline or oil - apply sterile gauze and call your CHEMICALS - If any chemical spatters into eye, irrigate eye '^".••-ian. Keep patient warm and lying down. freely with clean running water and consult physician at once. Ice water or ice bag. Place patient in a chair with head erect. Loosen dothing at neck. Chills Fainting Use ice bag or saturte towel with ice water and apply over bridge of nose, at the same time holding the nostrils together Aromatic spirits of ammonia, blankets Smelling salts, aromatic spirits of ammonia. tightly. Keep changing towels at intervals of 1 minute. If hot water bottle. Keep in lying position, with head slightly lowered. Loosen any blood continues to flow freely send for physician at once. tight clothing about neck. Pass smelling salts or aromatic spirits .O(K<->i clothing. Keep patient warm with blankets and with hot of ammonia gently a few inches beneath nose (not too close to ivawr bottle applied to feet. Give 1 teaspoonful of aromatic nose). Sprinkle face lightly with cold water. If person does not spirits of ammonia in a glass of cold water. Call your physician. respond within short time, summon physician at once and keep Poison Ivy Convulsions patient warm with blankets until physician arrives. Calamine lotion. Sterile gauze or clean handkerchief, Fractures Wash exposed part thoroughly with laundry soap and warm tongue depressor or spoon. water, then with rubbing alcohol. Apply calamine lotion, or (Broken Bones) Hot fluid, blankets. calamine lotion with an anthihistamine. If area is extensive or 't.'.-'CALM Call a physician Place patient on back Turn head to Deformity of injured part usually means a fracture. If fracture is spreading, consult your physician. .d( ' oosen tight clothing about neck and waist Gently place suspected, do not. attempt to move injured person; call a io • padded tongue \depressor or spoon between teeth to physician at once. Keep in lying position with head low. Cover =•* wit biting tongue. with blanket and give small amounts of hot fluids while waiting. Sore Throat & Hoarseness Cuts, Abrasions, Wounds, 2 aspirin tablets and 1/2 teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda dissolved in a glass of Wounds, Scratches, Scrapes Headache hot water. (Where Skin is Broken) Aspirin, neuralgic balm, ice bag, hot Gargle throat with aspirin and bicarbonate of soda solution. water bottle. Repeat every 3-4 hours. If not improved in 24 hours consult your Antiseptic solution, i.e. 2% iodine* mer- : For the occasional headache take one or two aspiring tablets. physician J • thiolate, etc., sterile gauze. Apply neuralgic balm to forehead and rub in gently with the HOARSENESS - As for sore throat plus use voice sparingly. Many t the blood does not spurt from the wound, there is little danger hand. If no relief, try ice bag or hot water forehead or medicated throat lozenges are on the market;-! check with your -jf exc^slve bleeding. Apply-pressure with sterile gauze untij - back of neck-Focsfrequent headaches, consult;your physician,,,-•- physician on his ptefeence. „.., bleeding stops There is, however, danger of infection even m the case of minor cuts, wipe m|ured area with piece of sterile Sprains gauze Apply antiseptic to the depths of the wound and -to sur- •ace of the skin immediately around the wound Permit antisep- Heat Exhaustion Ice bag or cold cloths. tic |o dry. Cover wound with bandage. Do not touch wound Salt, Blankets. witpfingers or anything other than the antiseptic and dressing. Swelling, tenderness, pain on motion are the signs. Because it is Caused by exposure to heat — either sun or indoors. Symptoms See;a physician for subsequent treatment if necessary. difficult to distinguish between simple sprain and one associated — Face pale, skin wet and clammy, pulse weak, temperatur ap- _ ABRASIONS - If dirty, sponge off gently with mild soap and with fracture call your physician. In the meantime, elevate in- - proximately normal. Usually conscious. Treatment — Keep in.- jured part and apply ice bag or cold cloths immediately after in-. ,wa|f, blot dry and cover scraped area with antiseptic and apply lying position with head low. Wrap in blanket. Give salt water to stetife dressing if necessary. If scrape is deep, see your physician. jury to reduce swelling and pain. Keep joint quiet and do not drink (1/2 teaspoonful. of salt per half glass :of water every 15 walk on a sprained ankle without protective support. PUNCTURE WOUNDS - If puncture wound extends deeper than minutes for 3 or 4 doses). Give a cup of strong coffee or tea as a theskin surface, always consult a physician. Serious infection can stimulant. Call physician immediately. aris§ unless such wounds are properly treated. Continued on Page 6B


PARISH PHARMACIES Since 1970, our Family In time of sickness, and for better health, you know of Programs has helped COVERED BY $i>u can depend on your pharmacy. The quality to guide alcohol or drug MOST MEDICAL prescription experts in thishis section are listed by TRR*' dependent persons and their INSURANCE PROGRAMS parish location for your convenience. families towards recovery. Saint Rose of lima Parish We'd like to help you too.

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PACE 2B Miarhi; Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 St. John's rehabilitates Broward's elderly St. John's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Lauderdale Lakes is one nur- businessmen is responsible for sing home that would rather send its establishing policy and guidelines for patients home than keep them. the center. The Archbishop Carroll Since its opening last September, St. Catholic Life Center is located in . John's reports that of 500 patients it ha Lauderdale Lakes adjacent to St. Helen's patients it has Catholic Church. admitted, 200 have been returne8 to the community - an unusual progress report for a nursing home, but one DOCTORS' HOSPITAL that reflects its basic philosophy. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA St. John's is more than, just a nursing home. As an integral part of the Arch- PROFESSIONAL NURSE JOB bishop Carroll Catholic Life Center, St. John's focuses its services on OPPORTUNITIES rehabilitation to achieve the maximum Experienced Intensive/Coronary Care potential independence for the Experienced Operating Room . elderly. • "This philosophy is what makes us dif- General Staff Medical/Surgical Areas ferent from nursing homes which are Our BtMfitt lncM>; * considered the last stop and often used to warehouse the elderly," ex- • Competitive Salaries plained Joseph Spinelli, executive • Liberal Fringe Benefits director for St. Johns. • Every Other Weekend Off "All too often we've seen people • No Shift Rotation placed in nursing homes who really • Continuous Orientation and Staff didn't need to be there. St. John's, on Development Programs the other hand, is a center of • Free Parking revitalization and learning. We believe BUILD YOUR in rehabilitation and restoring the NURSING elderly to the maximum potential of FUTURE AT: function. In this way we help preserve rehabilitation center patients are re- patients to the community,' said their dignity by allowing them to fun- trained in activities of daily living such Spinelli. DOCTORS'HOSPITAL ction as independently as possible," he as bathing and eating. Five staff Urider the auspices of the Arch- ft bm Mot YM tot*... ; said. therapists provide physical,-, oc- diocesexpf Miami, the Life Care Center - cupational, speech and educational St. John's is a 180-bed nursing facility serves elderly residents of Broward" Pknt Contact Or Apply In Person To: that provides nursing and rehabilitative therapy. Exercise tables, -whirlpools, County without regard to race, creed services to those who are no longer sonar pain control equipment, parallel or national origin. DEPARTMDIT0flMrSW6SaWCE capable of taking care of themselves bars and other specialized apparatus The CatnolkTtife Care community is (305) 668-2111, Eit. 120 aid patients in regaining skills such as because of illness or debility. But the a non-prdfitv church sponsored MWWwrtfyDrh* emphasis is on rehabilitation, k is the walking or using tneirhands. organization. Support is provided focal point of the center. "We have many cases where we 4&Mfhrid 3313 thorugh donations.

GROWING TO MEET THE NEEDS OFTHE COMMUNITY • Short-term Rehabilitation • Long-term Care • Care of the Terminally itl

VILLA MARIA NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 1050 Northeast 125 Street North Miami, Florida 33161 (305)891-8850 A Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center Sponsored by the SISTERS OF BON SECOURS

' •'&•

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE 3B HURRICANE PRECAUTIONS Make a plan provided you make the necessary cements as to which localities should preparations. (A mobile home may be evacuated. PLAN A: RELOCATE OUTSIDE THE not be safe in hurricane conditions, no matter how securely it's affixed to the If you hear such an announcement, " AREA. IF you intend to travel a few and if you are in a locale to be hundred miles to get out of the ground. evacuated, it's vital that you get out threatened area, use a current road PLAN D: GO TO A RED CROSS map to plan a route - and stay clear of without delay! SHELTER. If you do not use Plan A, B or If too many residents are too slow in major bodies of water. If you have ill C, Red Cross emergency shelters will or disabled persons in your home, get evacuating, bridges and causeways be' available in assigned locations. may become clogged, and many a doctor' advice on where they should ; When such shelters are opened, stay if a hurricane hits. If you relocate, people could be trapped as a result. they'll be announced on radio and A hurricane causes sea level to rise dp it early so you'llavoid traffic jams television. If you plan to go to a and dangerous winds. above normal tidal heights —P with shelter, be sure to leave as soon as the giant wind-driven waves and strong PLAN B: STAY WITH LOCAL FRIENDS shelter's opening is announced, and unpredictable currents. These are the OR RELATIVES. If you do not use Plan bring along your valuables, hurricane's worst killers. A, and if you expect to stay at irreplaceable documents, and bed- Anyone living in a low-lying locale someone else's home during the next ding. ' which may be swept over by high tides . hurricane, arrange it in advance. You'll or storm surges should go to a want to be sure their place will be Many people may prearranged safe location inland - or adequately prepared and supplied. travel completely outside the Better have an alternative plan ready, have to evacuate threatened area. too - in case a hurricane comes when in order to prevent widespread loss the other folks are out of town. of life, in may be necessary for many Hurricane preparations: persons to evacuate their homes if a. PLAN C: STAY HOME. If you don't use major hurricane threatens a direct hit The hurricane season extends from Plan A or B, but plan to stay home, in the area. make sure your home can withstand a June to November. Here are some hurricane, and that you are in Whole islands and keys as well as preparedness steps that ought to be reasonably good health. A house or mainland shore areas may have to be taken, even before any hurricane wat- apartment building that meets current evacuated, depending on how hard a ch or warning is announced: building codes, if kept in good con- hurricane is expected to strike. P Make sure you have these items: dition, and not located in a shore area, • If this becomes necessary,, D Battery-operated radio could be safe during a hurricane —» authorities will broadcast announ- . • Flashlight • Extra batteries . Extra flashlight bulbs • Emergency cooking facilities D Lantern RAMADAINN* D Fuel D Candles • Pay attention to official announ- • Matches cements on radio and television from on the'gulf • Canned foods and canned milk the national Hurricane Center and the ON VANDERBILT BEACH • Extra medicine, baby food, etc. Red Cross Disaster Committee. Do't • First aid kit pay attention to rumors. NAPLES, FLORIDA • Strong boards, for boarding up P If you are in an exposed beach windows Outdoor Pool area or island, be ready to evacuate Presents P Bleach early: Pre-storm tides rriay cuf you off Shelling • Check to be certain that your if you don't move soon enough. A GULFSIDE GETAWAY Tennis Near By emergency equipment is in good • You will not be asked to leave ~ Beautiful White working order, and that vour supplies your home unless your life is seriously are adequate to last several days if Sandy Beach/ H threatened. If you receive word to VACATION necessary. .. • . • leave, GO! P Be sure that all fire extinguishers P Gas up ahead of time to avoid are ready for use. lines at service stations. Gasoline P If you expect to evacuate your might be unavailable for days after the home in the event.of a hurricane, hurricane strikes. make contingency plans in advance: • If you're going to drive anywhere *3 where to stay, how to get there, etc. before the hurricane comes, do it P If you have a large boat, make early. Help prevent traffic tie-ups and arrangements in advance for safe har- avoid storm damage. As winds bor in the event of a hurricane. become more forceful, they will make, vehicles harder to control, as well as filling roads with debris. Pavement When a hurricane may become undermined and collap- se under the weight of a car. warning is announced: •p If you are relocating outside the

AVAILABLE ANY TWO DAYS AND NIGHTS Through December 18, 1981 OPA-LOCKA DISCOUNT TIRE CENTER The package includes: Still has the Best USED TIRES and • Cocktails for two in our Gangplank Lounge. Guaranteed IRECAPS • Rib eye steak dinner for two one evening. Come see us! • Continental breakfast for two both mornings. • Double room both nights. New Location Around the Corner at TOTAL PRICE $89.95 ! 2055 OPA-LOCKA BLVD. Same Phone (Includes all taxes and gratuities) Advance reservations required by calling 813-597-3151 or by 685-9117 writing to: Reservations, 11000 Gulf Shore Drive N., Naples: FL 33940 Children age 18 and under are free in the same room with parents. Meals will be at menu prices. GOLF: 20% discount on green fees and cart rental at Bonita Springs Golf | On the purchase of 4 ReCaps, this Ad entitles bearer to 2 FREE | & Country Club, one of Southwest Florida's finest courses. | Mounts and 2 FREE Balances. |

PAGE 4B Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 AND SAFETY TIPS • • If you board up your house, nail to prevent contamination. . .. then sponge and swab with bleach securely. Get your materials and • If you have a small boat (the size . . . then rinse. Let the tub and other . prepare them in the spring, not the that can fit on a trailer), put the boat container dry. Then fill them with day before the hurricane. on the ground, remove the outboard water. Remember, later, to boil water - • Tie down or bring inside any out- •motor, lash the boat down and half fill before drinking it.- ICANE door objects that hurricane winds can it with water. If you have a large boat, transform into missiles of destruction: dock it in safe harbor. During the hurricane: garbage cans, patio furniture, garden • STAY INDOORS! tools, signs, toys, etc. Remove coco- Food, water, medicine D Keep a door or window open on _.. nuts from trees. ;. D Double check to be certain you the side away from the wind. Be quick • Close shutters. Lash or remove have adequate supplies on non- to close it, and open one on the op- awnings. Brace sliding glass doors and perishable foods, baby food if needed, posite side, if the wind changes direc- French doors. medicines, etc., to last up to several tion! D When you're taking down limbs days. • If the calm eye of the hurricane or antennas, keep in mind that, if the • Turn your refrigerator and freezer passes through your area, continue to object you're holding makes even the to colder settings. Open only when stay indoors — unless emergency slightest contact with a power line, it absolutely necessary, and close repairs are absolutely necessary. Wind could cause you a serious electrical quickly. IF you take these precautions, and rain may stop for as little as a few shock._ a good refergerator/freezer can main- minutes or as long as a half hour or tain food-preserving temperatures up more. Beware: The wind will pick up • If you can do it safely, with- to two days without; electricity. Fill again - from the opposite direction, out getting in contact with empty spaces with frozen plastic jugs possibly with greater force than utility wires, remove any tree of clean water. This keeps box cold before! limbs that look as if they . longer by displacing air with frozen before! could cause damage. solids. D IF the electricity goes off, use • If you want to take down . Q You might have to depend on flashlights instead of candles or your television antenna, un- your own emergency sources of water kerosene lamps when possible. And plug the set first to make sure and cooking heat. Electric utility service be careful witn cooking flames. A gust the TV antenna is not elec- could be interrupted for hours or of wind through a door or window trically charged. even days if the hurricane causes could help start an accidental fire. The • When lowering your citizeh's heavy damage to power facilities. fire department may not be readily band radio antenna, tele- Municipal water supplies may also be available while hurricane winds are scope it down if possible. If it interrupted by hurricane damage. blowing. won't telescope down, look • Prepare your emergency water D Use your telephone for emergen- around in all directions and supply before the hurricane strikes. j cies only: Jammed phone lines may then lower the CB antenna Sterilize the bath tub as well as j obstruct emergency calls for police, away from power lines. available jugs, bottles, cooking utensils firemen, doctors and Red Cross hurricane-threatened area, carry a • Don't drain yourswimming pool, and other containers. Scrub throughly •disaster units ; Continued on Page 6B current road map and follow a route draining just increases the possibility that stays away from seashores, lakes, that the pool wilf pop out of the canals, etc. As the hurricane comes ground. Do turn off electricity to pool ashore, roads near major water bodies equipment (pump, motor, lighting, may be flooded even if they're many chlorinators). If filter pump is exposed, miles inland. wrap with waterproof cover and tie St. Francis Your property: securely. Add extra chlorine in pool, The Caring Hospital A41 YEAR TRADITION OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE St. Francis Hospital, the first hospital on Miami Beach, prides itself on 55 years of community care and service. Caring is . always a key word at St. Francis — for Barry University its patients, its community and its family CATHOLIC of employees. • . v • COEDUCATIONAL A new community lecture series BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS provides the public with a monthly op- portunity to attend a free evening lec- A CATHOLIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY ture on a pertinent medical topic. UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS Details are published monthly and can also be obtained by calling the Hospital's Accounting Elementary Education Nursing . Public Relations Department. Art English Political Science Biology Exceptional Child Ed Pre-Law A Pastoral Care Department, composed Pre-Medicine History Professional Studies of three priests, four sisters and a part- Pre-VetMed International Studies Psychology time rabbi and minister, provides daily Pre-Dental Med Management Religious Studies visitations to all patients, special Liberal Studies Social Work Chemistry religious services for all denominations Pre-Pharmacy Marketing Spanish | and a lovely chapel. Employees are also Communication Arts Mathematics Theatre Early Childhood Ed Medical Technology Plus 7 graduate \ welcome to attend services or seek per- Economics/Finance Music programs . sonal counseling from clergy members.

CLIP AND MAIL TO ADMISSIONS OFFICE Clinicla Services continue to keep pace Jniversity, 11300 N.E. 2 ave., Miami Shores, FL 33161 with the needs of the Miami community. An ultra-modern Cardiovascular Center NAME (please print) IklStl is just one of the many outstanding Annupss medical services at St. Francis. It

rnv STATF 7IP features two separate operating theaters, nine intensive care beds, a PHONF ( ) . cardiac catheterization lab and more. It Name of 250 W. 63rd St. is one of the finest cardiac units High School anywhere. or College Miami Beach, Fi. St. Francis is owned and operated by the PHONE: Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, New I am interested in the fieW of . (305) 868-5000. York and is a not-for-profit institution.

Miami, Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 / PACE 5B First Aid (Continued

Continued from Page 2B; position with head elevated. Apply cold cloths to body and ice position, turn head slightly to one side, loosen any tight • packs to head. Call a physician immediately. Do not give clothing about neck. Always summon a physician in every case stimulants. unless you are sure it is a simple fainting spell, if breathing stops Sunstroke apply artificial respiration until physician or rescue squad arrives Ice packs, cold cloths. Toothache Caused by exposure to heat — usually Sun's rays. SYMPTOMS — Aspirin, cotton, oil of doves, dental Upset Stomach Headache, skin hot and dry, red face, high fever, strong pulse, poultice, hot water bottle. (Associated with or without nausea, usually becoming unconscious. TREATMENT - Keep in lying [ If cavity is present saturate a small piece of cotton with oil of . vomitting, diarrhea, cramps). Bicarbonate cloves and apply it to the cavity. One or two aspirin tablets, den-1 Sunburn tal poultice and hot water bottle to cheek help relieve pain until! of soda, salt water enema. Gold cream or any "oi|y" dressing. you can see your dentist. One teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a full glass Cofd cream or such oils or greases as salad oil or shortening may i water sipped slowly and repeated in 1/2-1 hour. Consul relieve pain in mild sunburn. Wash hands before 'applying % physician for persistent abdominal pain and get his advice on material. Avbid medicatee cream - some people are sensitive to one of the kaolin mixtures excellent for simple acute diarrhea Do Unconsciousness not take a laxative when moderate pressure on abdomen causes the drugs in some of them. Do not use butter or oleomargarine. Artificial respiration. Apply dressing if blistered. For extensive or severe bums,.with or acute pain: a small enema using one teaspoonful of salt to one ' pint of water is preferable; without fevr, call your physician. .. Never attempt to give anything by mouth. Put in flat lying,

O«WJ'« glv* « ccrilKtrite or feutcrtfarai in tntf

HURRICANE PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY TIPS Continued from Page 5B\ D Beware pf weakened roads, I D If your electricity is off, continue • When you put up your CB or TV bridges, tree limbs or porches which' to conserve refrigeration. . I antenna again, check in all directions D Continue to " conserve may collapse unexpectedly. and make absolutely certain that, if the refrigeration. Open the D After power is restored, check ' antenna should happen to fall, it won't refrigerator/freezer door as little as D Use your telephone for emergen- food for possible spoilage. , possible. cies only. ° touch a power line! • Continue to listen to radio or • Do call the police or utility television foT announcements from immediately to report haz- the National Hurricane Center and the zards such as "live" power NATURAL FAMILYPLANNING Red Cross Disaster Committee. lines, broken gas or water D Remain indoors until the official mains, or overturned gas ST. COLEMANS PARISH "all clear" is given. (If you're in a Red tanks. Cross shelter, wait for the "all clear" • Don't use the phone to re- THURSDAY, SEPT. 24TH announcement to be made by your - port interruptions in indivi- shelter coordinator.) dual electric, gas, water or 7:30 P.M. PARISH HALL telephone service. Utilities A series of Workshops in Natural Family Planning will begin at St. Coleman After the hurricane: have plans for complete ser- Parish on Thursday, September 24th at 7:30 P.M. in the parish hall. • Pay attention to instructions from! vice restoration. The two-hour sessions will be conducted for couples every other week official sources such as the police and • Report individual trouble to until Thursday, Nov. 5th. Henry and Judy Brooks, certified instructors in the Red Cross. the utility only after service D Avoid electric shock: is generally restored in your N.F.P. for the Archdiocese Family Center, will lead the workshops. • Don't touch fallen or low- neighborhood. All couples who wish to learn about this safe, cooperative new method hanging wires of any kind, of Natural Birth Control are invited to attend. A registration fee of $15.00 is under any circumstances. • If you are relying on emergency requested and the cost of materials, booklets etc. is $13. At the end of the • Stay away from puddles hav- cooking facilities, lanterns or candles series, every couple thoroughly acquainted with the Sympto- ing fallen wires in them. - remain cautious! In the event of an Thermal Method of Natural Birth Control. • Don't touch any tree or ob- accident, fire fighting will be difficult if Mark your calendars for 7:30 Thursday evenings: Sept. 24, Oct. 8 and 22, ject that's in contact with water mains have been damaged by and Nov. 5 and call 942-3533 to pre-register for the workshop. power lines. the hurricane.

Unique opportunity for a couple who loves gardening, the mountains and the great outdoors. I am looking for a couple that would like to live in an attractive 2 bedroom home located in a large ranch in central California. The ranch is JOHN W. G. PHELAN, located 1 hour drive from the city of Santa Marie, California; 1 hour to President Reagan Ranch; 2 hours drive to Los Psychiatry Angeles; 3 hours drive to San Francisco. In exchange for the home and all utilities paid. You must help maintain the Mercy Professional Building grounds and do the gardening. Send your address and 33661 S. Miami Avenue resume to: Miami, Florida 33133

RICHARD N0WICKI By appointment 854-8725 P.O. BOX 21112 Archdiocese Consultant FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33335

PAGE 6B Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981 FIRST AID FOR POISONING I

IS IT POISON? • After a convulsion, turn the victim on his side 1. Syrup of ipecac (to induce vomiting) -Symptoms vary greatly. Base your suspicion that a or in the prone position, with his head turned 2. Activated charcoal (to bind, or deactivate, person has swallowed poison on — to allow fluid to drain from his mouth. poison) • Information from the victim or an observer Instructions on product labels for specific treatment 3. Empsom salts (a laxative) • Presence of a poison container of poisoning may be wrong; contact your doctor or If poisoning occurs where medical help is • Sudden onset of pain or illness a poison control center for instructions. unavailabl (e.g. camping), you may induce vomiting • Burns around the lips or mouth if the victim has taken an overdose of drugs or • Chemical odor on the breath Have on hand medication, but not if a strong acid, alkali, or • Pupils contracted or dilated These products should be used only on the advice . petroleum product has been swallowed. Then get of your doctor or the poison control center. the victim to a hospital as quickly as possible. FIRST AID FOR POISON BY MOUTH Conscious victim: • Dilute the poison with a glass of water or milk if the victim is not having convulsions. • Call the poison control center or your doctor or Health Care dial 0 or 911; call the emergency rescue squad. •• Save the label or container for idendification; save vomited material for analysis. M Do not neutralize with counteragents. Do not give oils. ore Than « if the victim becomes unconscious, keep his airway open.

fc Maintain an open airway. • Cail the emergency rescue squad. « Give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or cardio- pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).if necessary. • Do not give fluids; do not induce vomiting; if the victim is vomiting, position his head so that vomit drains from his mouth. • Save the label or the container for idendifi- cation; save vomited material for analysis. Convulsions: • Call the emergency squad as soon as possible. Do not attempt to restrain the victim; try to po- sition him so that he will not injure himself. • Loosen tight clothing. • Watch for obstruction of the airway and cor- rect it by tilting the head; give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or CPR if necessary. • Do not force a hard object or finger between the teeth. | Emergency telephone numbers DOCTOR.

RESCUE SQUAD Flexibility is convenient POISON CONTROL. important in CENTER options of work- today's ever- * ' ing on any of Write in these numbers now! Have the family changing ^m our three shifts memorize them. Also place them on your society. That's why we at Hialeah during the week. Of course, we offer telephone. Hospital offer you alternatives. We Poison prevention practices can eliminate needless shift differentials too. illness and worry. Call your Red Cross chapter to want YOU to choose your schedule- You'll find our people-oriented enroll in a first aid course, the days and hours that best match environment rewarding in more ways your lifestyle! than one. Competitive wages, free If you care, Working weekends means parking, and a wide assortment of other have them cared for turning 24 hours of work into 36 benefits ranging from free life insurance at home. hours of pay for our morning shift to educational scholarships are all a part The ones you love deserve the best care. And (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and 40 hours of pay of Hialeah's commitment to our nurses. Medox can provide if, under your doctor's for our night shift (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.). At Hialeah Hospital the supervision... at home. RWs, Nurses Aides. Homemakers, Orderlies, Home Companions Perhaps you'd rather choice is yours because... have all been screened and reference-checked. And they're available, 24-hours a day, sevenv have weekends free to be \J[\ %Y% health care IS more than 4ays a week. with your friends or family. JETHialeaJ 1Xh1 technology, its people. H ialeah p ro vide s the HospitaWi inll People just like YOU. MEDQX DADE 324-4072 DA/CU.7S.10ME. BROWARD HIALEAH HOSPITAL/651E. 25th ST./HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33013/(305)835-4737 491-3430.922-7700 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE /Friday, September 25,1981 / PAGE 7B IF YOU MUST GET SICK MERCY OFFERS THE FINEST MEDICAL CARE

No one, of course, likes to get sick. But since you Among its many services and facilities, Mercy offers can't avoid it, you can receive the finest medical care . . . intensive care and coronary care units ... car- available. Mercy Hospital has been a symbol of ex- diovascular lab . . . cardiac rehabilitation center . . . cellence in the health care field for more than a quar- neurology and dialysis . . . gynecology . .. plastic ter of a century. surgery and a maternity unit. Located on beautiful Biscayne Bay, Mercy has a total of 530 private and semi-private beds and serves Mercy also has the latest equipment, such as com- patients from all origins and religious backgrounds. puterized scanning and nuclear units for medical and Our bilingual medical staff consists of more than 500 psychiatric use. A modern emergency room is available 24 hours a day. doctors specializing in the many diverse areas of health care. MERCY HOSPITAL 3663 South Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33133 TELEPHONE: 854-4400

PAGE 8B Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, September 25,1981