Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation

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Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR CLEARING PERMITS AND AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND/OR REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST Applications for clearing permits with a 7 day submission period 1. Martindale Pty Ltd, Area Permit, Lot 622 on Deposited Plan 63643, Yarawindah, Shire of Victoria Plains, drainage, 2.86ha, (CPS 6379/1) 2. South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare, Purpose Permit, Canning Location 2337 – Reserve 30646, Brentwood, City of Melville, redesign urban drain to a living stream, 0.09ha, (CPS 6394/1) 3. Princess Nominees Pty Ltd, Area Permit, Lot 16 on Plan 15741, Lowden, Shire of Donnybrook - Balingup, revegetation, 80 native trees, (CPS 6396/1) 4. City of Joondalup, Purpose Permit, Lot 995 on Deposited Plan 57155 – Reserve 49462, Burns Beach, City of Joondalup, construction of community centre, playground and car park, 0.4ha, (CPS 6397/1) 5. GW Matthews, Purpose Permit, Lot 2321 on Deposited Plan 181623, Bow Bridge, Shire of Denmark, dam construction, 0.8ha, (CPS 6402/1) Applications for clearing permits with a 21 day submission period 1. Exergy Power Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lots 98, 99 and 100 on Deposited Plan 220062, Mount Burges, Shire of . Coolgardie, development of a power generation facility, 700ha, (CPS 6391/1) SPOT 2. Beau John Riley, Area Permit, Lot 1433 on Deposited Plan 205173, Collie, Shire of Collie, paddock, 1.5ha, (CPS 6401/1) 3. GM Reynolds, Area Permit, Lot 2 on Deposited Plan 77053, Eurardy, Shire of Northampton, cropping, 16.76ha, (CPS 6406/1). MONO Applications to amend granted permits with a 7 day submission period 1. Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia, Purpose Permit, various road reserves and properties, City of Public Notices Belmont and Shire of Kalamunda, road construction for the Gateway WA Project including Roe Highway and COLOUR Berkshire Road interchange, 114.85ha, (CPS 5242/4) – amended to extend timeline to submit offset proposal 2. Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia, Purpose Permit, 65 bridges within various Local Governments Position: throughout the State of Western Australia, establishing/re-establishing maintenance zones around bridges, 6.41ha, Please check all details carefully (CPS 5351/4) – amended to include one additional clearing location Submissions for applications for clearing permits are to be made within the time frame specified. Submissions may be forwarded to Clearing Regulation, Locked Bag 33, Cloisters Square WA 6850, or email to [email protected]. Further information is available through the website or telephone (08) 6467 5020. 29 Dec Mon, NOTIFICATION OF DECISIONS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC APPEAL Date: Clearing permits granted 1. ABN Developments Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 1808 on Deposited Plan 108469, Lot 1876 on Deposited Plan 131371, Lot 2294 on Deposited Plan 124824 and Lot 5889 on Deposited Plan 208236, Bullsbrook, City of Swan, 10 C M agriculture, 73.05ha, permit duration 22 January 2015 to 22 January 2020, (CPS 5981/1) 2. Federation Custodian Pty Ltd and ISPT Pty Ltd, Area Permit, Lot 504 on Diagram 94039, Halls Head, City of Mandurah, expansion of Halls Head Shopping Centre, 6.33ha, permit duration 22 January 2015 to 22 January 2017, (CPS 6299/1) jo 3. Shire of Manjimup, Purpose Permit, Lot 12439 on Deposited Plan 215937 – Reserve 38881 and Lot 13304 on Deposited Plan 188657- Reserve 38881, Windy Harbour, Shire of Manjimup, residential development, 4.5ha, permit Australian West jo duration 22 January 2015 to 22 January 2020, (CPS 6328/1) 4. Ransberg Pty Ltd, Area Permit, Lot 3 on Diagram 38675, Whitby, Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale, stockpile of overburden, 10 native trees, permit duration 22 January 2015 to 22 January 2017, (CPS 6344/1) Publication: 5. Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Area Permit, Lot 2857 on Deposited Plan 187607 – Reserve 10164, Byford, Shire of Operator: FAX: 9210 0833 9210 FAX: Serpentine-Jarrahdale, construction of country club, 1.56ha, permit duration 22 January 2015 to 22 January 2017, | (CPS 6355/1) Adcorp has prepared the above proof for your approval. Accuracy, content, media, position, appearance dates position, media, content, Accuracy, Adcorp has prepared the above proof for your approval. responsibility. and finalclient’s approval for media publication of this ad is the Appeals against the grant of these permits must be made within 21 days of 23 December 2014. F97286 25x4(133) Amended permits granted 1. Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 55 on Plan 212209, Millstream, Lot 128 on Plan 240249, Lot 313 on Job: Size: TEL: 9210 9500 TEL: 9210 Plan 63520, Millstream Road reserve, Fortescue, Lot 148 on Plan 93149 and Unallocated Crown Land, Hamersley NOTE: Range, Shire of Ashburton, Bungaroo to Millstream water pipeline, borefield and associated infrastructure, 635ha, permit duration 14 November 2011 to 14 November 2021, (CPS 4220/4) 2. City of Wanneroo, Purpose Permit, Lot 15503 on Plan 43510 - Crown Reserve 48449 and Lot 10334 on Plan 11288 - Crown Reserve 37937, Koondoola, City of Wanneroo, drainage and pollutant traps, 0.4917ha, permit duration 9 January 2012 to 9 January 2017, (CPS 4670/2) Appeals against the amendment; or the conditions of permit must be made within 21 days of the applicant receiving notification of the decision. All appeals to be sent to the Appeals Convenor Level 22 Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Tce, PERTH WA 6000. Telephone (08) 6467 5190. For all other decisions, including refusals, revocations and suspensions, refer to the DER website The Department of Environment Regulation has established a dedicated RSS feed to provide up to date information on the clearing provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Subscribe at Furthermore, to receive notification of Monday’s advertisements, subscribe at adcorp F97286 For copies of above documents visit Information: Email: [email protected] 29/12/14.
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    Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR CLEARING PERMITS AND AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND/OR REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST Applications for clearing permits with a 7 day submission period 1. Shire of Quairading, Area Permit, Lot 29205 on Deposited Plan 219610 (Reserve 30628), Quairading, Shire of Quairading, walkway, 0.04ha, (CPS 6838/1) Applications for clearing permits with a 21 day submission period 1. EF Rzemek, Area Permit, Lot 3444 on Deposited Plan 205127, Muckenburra, Shire of Gingin, horticulture, 12ha, (CPS 6815/1) 2. R & R Jordan Pty Ltd ATR R & R Jordan Superannuation Fund, Area Permit, Lot 51 on Plan 10545, Barragup, Shire of Murray, grazing and pasture, 1ha, (CPS 6817) 3. GA and AV Haythornthwaite, Area Permit, Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 137888, Merivale, Shire of Esperance, pasture, 77.038ha, (CPS 6826/1) 4. Shire of Manjimup, Area Permit, Hospital Avenue road reserve (PIN 11422036) and Lot 350 on Deposited Plan 407139, Pemberton, Shire of Manjimup, road construction and fire hazard reduction, 0.149ha, (CPS 6830/1) 5. Kerygma Pty. Ltd, Area Permit, Lot 2656 on Deposited Plan 153480, Yallingup, City of Busselton, existing dam expansion, 0.325ha, (CPS 6839/1) Submissions for applications for clearing permits are to be made within the time frame specified. Submissions may be forwarded to Clearing Regulation, Locked Bag 33, Cloisters Square WA 6850, or email to [email protected]. Further information is available through the website or telephone (08) 9333 7469. NOTIFICATION OF DECISIONS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC APPEAL Clearing permits granted 1.
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