! = New To/Updated in 2011 ^ = Partial Bathymetric Coverage * = Detailed Shoreline Only

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! = New To/Updated in 2011 ^ = Partial Bathymetric Coverage * = Detailed Shoreline Only ! = New to/updated in 2011 ^ = Partial Bathymetric Coverage * = Detailed Shoreline Only Inland Lakes Saskatchewan Lake Name State County Batka Lake SK Cote No. 271 9 Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Battle Coal Mine Strip SK Estevan No. 5 Adams Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Battrum Lake SK Riverside No. 168 Aikenhead Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Baumann Reservoir SK Coulee No. 136 ! Alkali Lake SK Wawken No. 93 Baxter Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Alpine Lake SK Paddockwood No. 520 Beatty Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Alpine Lake SK Paddockwood No. 520 ! Beaverlodge Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Als Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Beet Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Alsask Lake SK Chesterfield No. 261 Belcher Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Althouse Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bermuda Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Alvena Lake SK Fish Creek No. 402 Berna Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Amber Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Besnard Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Amisk Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bewley Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Anglin Lake SK Lakeland No. 521 Bielby Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Annabel Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Big Bear Lake SK Loon Lake No. 561 Antelope Lake SK Webb No. 138 Big Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Arm River Reservoir SK Craik No. 222 Big Peter Pond Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Armit Barrow Lake SK Hudson Bay No. 394 Big Plate Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Aroma Lake SK Reford No. 379 ! Big Quill Lake SK Big Quill No. 308 Arthur Lake SK Three Lakes No. 400 Big Sandy Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Artwhite Lake SK Porcupine No. 395 ! Big Shell Lake SK Spiritwood No. 496 Assiniboia Reservoir SK Lake of the Rivers No. 72 Bigstone Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Atchison Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bills Lake SK Hudson Bay No. 394 Attitti Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Birch Creek Reservoir SK Emerald No. 277 Attons Lake SK Cut Knife No. 439 Birch Lake SK Medstead No. 497 * Avonlea Lake SK Elmsthorpe No. 100 Birch Lake SK Wawken No. 93 Baldhead Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Birchbark Lake SK Hudson Bay No. 394 Baldy Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Birchbark Lake SK Paddockwood No. 520 ! Barker Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bittern Lake SK Paddockwood No. 520 Barnes Lake SK Spiritwood No. 496 ! Bizarre Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Barrier Lake SK Barrier Valley No. 397 Black Island Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bartlett Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Black Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Basin Lake SK Humboldt No. 370 Black Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Batchelor Lake SK Clayton No. 333 Page 1 of 11 ! = New to/updated in 2011 ^ = Partial Bathymetric Coverage * = Detailed Shoreline Only Blacker Lake SK Maple Creek No. 111 ! Careen Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Blackstrap Lake SK Dundurn No. 314 ! Caron Reservoir SK Caron No. 162 ! Blindman Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Carrington Lake SK Moose Mountain No. 63 Bloodsucker Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Carswell Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Blue Heron Lake SK Canwood No. 494 ! Cat Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Bog Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cater Lake SK Medstead No. 497 Boire Lake SK Meadow Lake No. 588 Cedoux Lake SK Wellington No. 97 Bolney Lake SK Frenchman Butte No. 501 Ceylon Lake SK The Gap No. 39 Boomerang Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Charron Lake SK Spalding No. 368 Boundary Lake SK Estevan No. 5 Cheeseman Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bousquet Lake SK Beaver River No. 622 Cheeyas Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Brabant Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Chick Lake SK Golden West No. 95 Braddock Reservoir SK Coulee No. 136 Chitek Lake SK Big River No. 555 Bradwell Reservoir SK Blucher No. 343 Chris Johnson Lake SK Keys No. 303 Branch Lake SK Loon Lake No. 561 Christopher Lake SK Lakeland No. 521 Brightsand Lake SK Mervin No. 499 Churchill Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Brightwater Creek Reservoir SK Rosedale No. 283 ! Cigar Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Broach Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cinch Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Broderick Reservoir SK Rudy No. 284 Clair Lake SK Lakeview No. 337 Broeder Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Clam Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Bronson Lake SK Loon Lake No. 561 Clarence Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Broughton Lake SK Medstead No. 497 Clarke Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Buffalo Pound Lake SK Dufferin No. 190 Clearwater Lake SK Lacadena No. 228 ! Bug Lake SK Big River No. 555 Clearwater Lake SK Porcupine No. 395 Bunting Lake SK Canwood No. 494 Cleland Reservoir SK Marriott No. 317 Burtlein Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cluff Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Burton Lake SK Humboldt No. 370 ! Coal Pit SPC B SK Estevan No. 5 Bushy Lake SK Cut Knife No. 439 Codette Reservoir SK Nipawin No. 487 ! Busse Mine Strip SK Estevan No. 5 Cold Lake SK Beaver River No. 622 Cabri Reservoir SK Pittville No. 169 ! Condie Reservoir SK Sherwood No. 159 Cains Lake SK Canwood No. 494 Constance Lake SK Leask No. 464 Camp 10 Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Contact Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Candle Lake SK Paddockwood No. 520 Cookson Lake SK Hart Butte No. 11 Candy Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cora Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Page 2 of 11 ! = New to/updated in 2011 ^ = Partial Bathymetric Coverage * = Detailed Shoreline Only Coral Dam SK Brokenshell No. 68 Dog Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Costigan Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Domino Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cote Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Dore Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cow Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Doreen Lake SK Meadow Lake No. 588 Cowan Lake SK Big River No. 555 Dorothy Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Crater Lake SK Canan No. 214 Dougan Lake SK Big River No. 555 ! Crean Lake SK Prince Albert National Park Downton Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cree Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Drinking Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Creighton Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Duck Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Crooked Lake SK Grayson No. 184 Dugout Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Cross Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Dunblane Reservoir SK Coteau No. 255 Crystal Lake SK Keys No. 303 Dupre Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cumberland Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Dupueis Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Cut Beaver Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Eagle Lake SK Lake Lenore No. 399 Cycloid Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Eagleback Lake SK Spiritwood No. 496 Cypress Lake SK Reno No. 51 East Jackpine Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Damour Lake SK Leask No. 464 East Lake SK Big River No. 555 David Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! East Naniskak Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Davidson Reservoir SK Davidson ! East Nesootao Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Davin Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized East Trout Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Davis Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Echo Lake SK North Qu'Appelle No. 187 * de Balinhard Lake SK Beaver River No. 622 Edouard Lake SK Spalding No. 368 Dead Lake SK Cymri No. 36 Eds Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Deep End Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Egg Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Deep Lake SK Canwood No. 494 Egg Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Deep Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Elaine Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Deer Lake SK Beaver River No. 622 Elbow Lake SK Hudson Bay No. 394 Deer Lake SK Big River No. 555 Eldredge Lake SK Hudson Bay No. 394 Delaronde Lake SK Big River No. 555 Elm Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Dellwood Brook Reservoir SK Usborne No. 310 Emma Lake SK Lakeland No. 521 Deserter Lake SK Spiritwood No. 496 Esto Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Devil Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Exner Lake SK Loon Lake No. 561 Dickens Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Fafard Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Dieter Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Fairview Reservoir SK Snipe Lake No. 259 Page 3 of 11 ! = New to/updated in 2011 ^ = Partial Bathymetric Coverage * = Detailed Shoreline Only Fairy Glen Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Gouverneur Reservoir SK Wise Creek No. 77 Feldspar Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized ! Grace Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Fern Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Grants Lake SK Canwood No. 494 Fife Lake SK Poplar Valley No. 12 Green Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized First Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Greenwater Lake SK Bjorkdale No. 426 First Mustus Lake SK Meadow Lake No. 588 Greig Lake SK Meadow Lake No. 588 Fish Lake SK Spiritwood No. 496 Grenfell Town Reservoir SK Elcapo No. 154 ! Fishing Lake SK Foam Lake No 276 Grid Lake SK Three Lakes No. 400 Five Fingers Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Hackett Lake SK Big River No. 555 Flotten Lake SK Meadow Lake No. 588 Halfmoon Lake SK Frenchman Butte No. 501 Fontaine Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Halkett Lake SK Prince Albert National Park Forrest Lake SK Division No. 18, Unorganized Hamell Lake SK Division No.
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