E1794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 16, 2012 which was held at George Washington’s camp schools, teachers and staff, universities, and Shelley should be proud of the service she at Jockey Hollow, Morristown in 1780. Since citizens to recognize this occasion as well. I has provided to our District and country. It has that day, the Irish have continued to play an support the resolution and ask my colleagues been an honor to serve with her and as I retire important role in Morris County’s social, eco- to please do the same. from office I wish her the very best in the fu- nomic and political fabric. f ture. Western North Carolina is a better place Originally founded on March 14, 1892, the because of her efforts and I will cherish the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Morris County REP. BARLETTA STANDS WITH memories of serving with Shelley and the have aimed to create a social group for the ISRAEL team by my side. large community of Irish-Americans within Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Morris County while also assisting the county’s HON. LOU BARLETTA in recognizing and thanking Shelley Townley neediest residents through charitable works. OF for her hard work on behalf of all of western With 300 members today, the Friendly Sons of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- St. Patrick of Morris County is open to all men Friday, November 16, 2012 cess in her future endeavors. of Irish descent, the group is non-political and Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in f non-sectarian. solidarity with our friends in Israel. IN MEMORY OF ANTHONY LAINO The Friendly Sons meet monthly to promote We’ve recently seen Hamas, the Palestinian faith, heritage and fellowship, they are noted AND SAFAR SHAFINOORI—VIC- terrorist organization, target Israeli cities with TIMS OF SUPERSTORM SANDY for their charity work including the annual Mor- large civilian populations, like Tel Aviv. Since ris County St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Orga- last Wednesday, more than 500 rockets have HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN nized by their membership, the parade is at- been fired at Israel generally targeting OF NEW YORK tended by over 50,000 people and raises over schools, playgrounds, homes, and other civil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $10,000 for local charities, including Employ- ian targets. Innocent civilians trying to live in ment Horizons and Cheshire House. The peace are purposely placed in the middle of Friday, November 16, 2012 Friendly Sons have also been integral in the the violence. This ratchets up the conflict, and Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today recognition and preservation of several histori- brings both sides to the brink of a dangerous with a heavy heart. Tragically, two constituents cally important Irish-American buildings and confrontation. Israel has the right to defend from my congressional district perished due to sites throughout New Jersey and New York. itself, particularly when its civilian population is Superstorm Sandy hitting the New York area. The mission and work of the Friendly Sons directly targeted by Hamas. Americans must While unfortunately many people lost property, of St. Patrick of Morris County has made the stand with Israel as it confronts these terror- or lost power due to Sandy, we cannot forget group an important asset to Morris County. ists. that many people and their families lost much, Their continued support of local charities and Mr. Speaker, I condemn the evil actions of much more: they lost their lives and their preservation of Irish-American history and her- Hamas, and I pray for the safety of all inno- loved ones. These people were just in the itage are to be commended. cent civilians caught in the middle of this esca- wrong place at the wrong time—a minute or Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues lating violence. two earlier or later, a foot or two closer or far- to join me in congratulating The Friendly Sons f ther—and perhaps their lives would not have of St. Patrick of Morris County as they cele- been tragically cut short. They were our neigh- HONORING SHELLEY TOWNLEY brate their 120th Anniversary. bors, our friends, our brothers, our sisters; f they were part of our community. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK HON. HEATH SHULER Anthony Laino was in his home in Flushing, OF NORTH CAROLINA waiting out the storm in his bedroom when a HON. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tree fell onto his home, taking his life. Tony, Friday, November 16, 2012 as his friends and family called him, was only OF PENNSYLVANIA 30 years old and a graduate student at St. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the members of my Congressional Staff John’s University. He had his whole life to live; Friday, November 16, 2012 who have served with me over the past six friends and family described Tony as larger Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in years while I have been in office. A Member than life, a ‘‘pillar of Flushing.’’ His family and support of House Resolution 811, supporting of Congress’ most important responsibility is to friends will truly miss him as they grapple with the goals and ideals of American Education provide exceptional constituent services and their unspeakable loss. Safar Shafinoori of Roslyn was just moving Week, which this year celebrates its 91st an- my staff is second to none in providing the his car. Just as any of us would have that nual observance. As a proud father of two best assistance to everyone in our District. I night of the storm. Heartbreakingly, a falling children enrolled in public schools and a mem- take great pride in the work that each one has tree struck and killed him. My heart goes out ber of the House Education and Workforce done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone to Mr. Shafinoori’s family. Committee, I recognize the critical role public in the 11th Congressional District of North Mr. Speaker, I ask that all of colleagues join schools play in providing our young people the Carolina. me and rise in remembrance of Anthony Laino intellectual and practical skills necessary to Each District Staff member has shown a and Safar Shafinoori. They will be missed by become functioning and productive members strong sense of dedication in meeting the their family, friends and our entire community. of our society. needs of each and every one of our constitu- American Education Week, to be recognized ents. They often go well beyond the call to f from November 11 through November 17, make sure each constituent is treated fairly IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- 2012, provides our Nation the opportunity to and respectfully by our government agencies NIVERSARY OF THE ANNUN- recognize the importance of public education and that they receive appropriate resolution. I CIATION GREEK ORTHODOX and honor those individuals who each and owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them CHURCH every day strive to provide a quality education for the support and friendship which they have to every child. Each day of this week features shown me while I have served in Congress. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH a special observance dedicated to five criti- Shelley Townley has served as member of OF OHIO cally important groups within the public edu- my District staff since the fall of my first term. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation sphere. Specifically, armed service vet- Shelley’s work in constituent services has erans (especially student and teacher vet- been invaluable to thousands across western Friday, November 16, 2012 erans), parents, education support profes- North Carolina as they attempted to navigate Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sionals, educators, and substitute educators, the often difficult processes of the U.S. De- recognition of the 100th anniversary of the An- as well as the countless individuals who de- partment of State and Immigration Services. I nunciation Greek Orthodox Church, ‘‘Mother vote their time to our public schools but are cannot count the number of times people have Church,’’ in Cleveland Ohio. not mentioned here, should be all recognized stopped me and thanked me for the work she Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church was and honored for their hard work and the serv- did in expediting their passport application to founded in 1912 by Greek immigrants in the ices they provide to our Nation’s youth. make sure they were able to attend that spe- Cleveland area. Since its establishment, it has Today, I express my strong support for cial family vacation or participate in a mission fostered a strong Greek School program. Fol- American Education Week and encourage all trip to help others abroad. lowing World War II, the Greek population in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:58 Nov 17, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16NO8.041 E16NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 16, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1795 Northeast Ohio began to grow and the Greek the memories of serving with Randy and the social media for granted, but this heightened Orthodox Church of the Annunciation was no team by my side. engagement with constituents started with longer able to cope with the number of parish- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Charlie’s efforts to make the work of the Peo- ioners. The result was four new churches, St. in recognizing and thanking Randy Flack for ple’s House more transparent and more inclu- Spyridon, Sts. Constantine and Helen, St. his hard work on behalf of all of western North sive. Demetrios and St. Paul. Annunciation Greek Carolina and to wish him continued success in Charlie was of great help to me when I Orthodox Church became the Metropolis or his future endeavors. joined him in the House in 1987. He made ‘‘Mother Church’’ for the new parishes and has f certain I was warmly welcomed, gave much brought together the Greater Cleveland Greek savvy advice, and especially encouraged my American community and Northeast Ohio’s HONORING CONGRESSMAN growing involvement in foreign affairs. Char- Greek American societies. CHARLIE ROSE lie’s work with the NATO Parliamentary As- The centennial celebration of the Mother sembly was not as well known as his other Church has been led by Fr. Dean Dimon HON. DAVID E. PRICE endeavors, but it was important to him and im- Proistamenos, Fr. Peter Metallinos, Gust OF NORTH CAROLINA portant to the organization. He organized our Sevastos, Chris Boukis, Pam Petsas, Antoi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES delegations to Assembly meetings very effec- nette Geanneses and Stelios Vitakis. Some of Friday, November 16, 2012 tively, and I greatly enjoyed helping him gain the events that have highlighted this year-long election as Assembly President in 1991. It was celebration include a Sunday School Reunion, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, instructive to see how little he altered his Three Hierarchs Greek Letter’s Day, the I rise to honor a distinguished representative down-home style in dealing with European Tremont Greek Fest, the Centennial Banquet from my home state of North Carolina, Con- notables—and how well it worked! Celebration, and the upcoming Philoptochos gressman Charlie Rose. Charlie passed away Shortly before leaving Congress in 1997, Celebration. in September at the age of 73 in Albertville, Charlie married Stacye Hefner, the daughter Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Alabama. Along with many others in this body, of our beloved North Carolina colleague, Rep- in recognizing 100 years of service and wor- I valued him as a mentor and friend, an inno- resentative Bill Hefner. They had a wonderful ship of Cleveland’s Annunciation Greek Ortho- vative and effective legislator, and a member life together in DC and, in recent years, Ala- dox Church. who combined international leadership with bama. Charlie is also survived by a brother assiduous attention to agriculture and other f and sister and five children, Charles, Louise, North Carolina interests. Kelly, Parker, and Joseph. To all of them we HONORING RANDY FLACK Charlie was elected to Congress in 1972 express our sympathy and good wishes, and after an early career in law, and he went on our admiration for a life dedicated to public HON. HEATH SHULER to serve North Carolina’s 7th Congressional service. District in the House for 24 years. He ably rep- OF NORTH CAROLINA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resented a large district which at the time stretched from Wilmington to Fayetteville. In IN RECOGNITION OF ST. COLMAN Friday, November 16, 2012 between those two cities there were farms, PARISH Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and lots of farmers, and Charlie took seriously honor the members of my Congressional Staff the hard work of getting around to every com- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH who have served with me over the past six munity to talk about what he was doing in OF OHIO years while I have been in office. A Member Congress to help them. He not only took seri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Congress’ most important responsibility is to ously the hard work of explaining legislation to provide exceptional constituent services and his constituents—he relished it. Charlie was a Friday, November 16, 2012 my Staff is second to none in providing the man with the proverbial ‘‘gift of gab.’’ He had Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in best assistance to everyone in our District. I insights on important legislation before Con- recognition of St. Colman Parish as they gath- take great pride in the work that each one has gress, but also a way of explaining the com- er to celebrate the November 23 feast day of done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone plexities that led you to realize his position St. Colman of Cloyne and honor the trades in the 11th Congressional District of North was the common-sense one. that built their historic church and community. Carolina. Even though he may have been more pro- Born in Ireland, St. Colman converted to Each District Staff member has shown a gressive than his constituents on some issues, Christianity at the age of 52. Being quite de- strong sense of dedication in meeting the such as civil rights, they knew that Charlie vout, he quickly became a priest and later a needs of each and every one of our constitu- would look out for them. As the chairman of bishop, establishing monasteries all over Ire- ents. They often go well beyond the call to the House Agriculture Committee, Charlie land. St. Colman of Cloyne Cathedral in Cobh, make sure each constituent is treated fairly forged bipartisan coalitions to help farmers County Cork, Ireland sits high above the har- and respectfully by our government agencies time and time again. As a former Republican bor from which most late 19th and early 20th and that they receive appropriate resolution. I colleague recently recalled, ‘‘Charlie was a century emigrants departed. The cathedral is owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them master at building coalitions. A devout Demo- likely the last thing they saw of their home for the support and friendship which they have crat, he worked assiduously, often behind the country. How reassuring it was to those immi- shown me while I have served in Congress. scenes, with Republicans on matters of con- grants who made their way to Northeast Ohio Randy Flack was the first individual to join sequence.’’ and found their new St. Colman Parish to be me on the campaign trail and to serve as a Among his colleagues, Charlie was a favor- a welcoming place for worship, education, member of my original District staff team. ite. He had a great sense of humor and could community celebrations and comfort. Randy’s friendship and companionship have deliver a punch line with natural comedic tim- Founded in 1880, construction began on the been a blessing in my life since my college ing. But he wasn’t just fun to be around. Char- current church building in 1914. With skill, tal- days at the University of Tennessee. Randy lie worked hard, and he devoted much time ent and dedication, the men and women in the has always been ready and willing to do any- and effort to the workings of this institution. As building and construction trades completed the thing I asked and then some more. His knowl- the chairman of the House Administration beautiful landmark St. Colman Church in edge of issues and people in the District has Committee, Charlie acquired the nickname 1918. Established in 1912, their Construction been invaluable to me. ‘‘the Mayor of Capitol Hill’’ for running a tight and Building Trades Council was responsible Randy has been so much more than an em- ship and attending to detail. ‘‘He hears the for some of Northeast Ohio’s most beautiful ployee, he is a trusted friend, a counselor and soup is bad in the kitchen, he goes in the structures. St. Colman Parish, in addition to a confidant. Without the support of people like kitchen with a spoon to find out why,’’ a col- the celebration of St. Colman’s feast day, is Randy the past six years would have never league told the Washington Post. ‘‘You feel also recognizing the contributions of the Con- been possible. he’s on your problem, no matter what it is. structions and Building Trades Council to the Randy should be proud of the service he And you’re grateful.’’ City of Cleveland throughout the past 100 has provided to our District and country. It has Charlie had an abiding fascination with tech- years and honoring Executive Secretary, been an honor to serve with him and as I re- nology and was instrumental in ushering in Loree Soggs, who is retiring this year. tire from office I wish him the very best in the such innovations as live television coverage of Pastor Bob Begin and the parishioners of future. Western North Carolina is a better House proceedings and computerized record St. Colman are very giving to those in need. place because of his efforts and I will cherish keeping. Today we take websites, , and Annually, parishioners donate approximately

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