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281750-Sample.Pdf Sample file Campaign Book Atlas of the Savage Coast Based in part on the "Princess Ark" series by Bruce Heard and partially derived from the work of Merle and Jackie Rasmussen. Copyright © 1996 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made in the U.S.A. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, DRAGON, DUNGEON MASTER, AD&D, MYSTARA, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, and RED STEEL are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. MONSTROUS MANUAL, SAVAGE COAST, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork printed herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. TSR,Sample Inc. fileTSR Ltd. 201 Sheridan Springs Road 120 Church End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton WI 53147 Cambridge, CB1 3LB U.S.A. United Kingdom 2521XXX1501 ISBN 0-7869-0379-1 Table of Contents Foreword........................................................... 3 Nearby Lands ..................................................... 44 Overview ............................................................ 5 Gargoña, Almarrón, and Saragón .................... 45 Campaign Flavor ................................................. 6 Baronía de Gargoña...........................................46 What is Needed to Play ...................................... 6 Estado de Almarrón .......................................... 49 Central Themes ................................................... 7 Baronía de Saragón ........................................... 51 The Savage Coast ................................................ 8 Guadalante and Cimmaron .............................. 55 An Atlas of the Estado de Guadalante ....................................... 56 Savage Coast................................................ 12 Cimmaron County ...........................................58 The Serpent Peninsula ...................................... 13 LB Trading Posts................................................ 62 The City-States .................................................. 13 El Grande Carrascal .......................................... 62 Hule .................................................................... 14 Bushwhack Prairie and the Badlands ............... 63 The Savage Baronies ........................................ 16 Robrenn and Eusdria....................................... 64 Nomenclature .................................................... 17 The Confederated Kingdom of Robrenn ........65 People of the Savage Baronies .......................... 17 The Kingdom of Eusdria .................................. 67 Conventions ...................................................... 18 Renardy and Bellayne....................................... 70 The Immortals ................................................... 19 The Kingdom of Renardy .................................70 The Red Curse .................................................. 20 The Kingdom of Bellayne .................................72 Threats ............................................................... 21 Shazak, Ator, and Cay ...................................... 75 The Environment ..............................................22 The Kingdom of Shazak ...................................75 History of the Region ....................................... 22 The Kingdom of Ator ....................................... 76 History of the The Kingdom of Cay ........................................ 77 Savage Baronies ..................................................... 24 Immortals of the Lizard Kin............................. 78 Possibility of Unification .................................. 27 Herath ............................................................. 79 Vilaverde and Texeiras ..................................... 29 The Magiocracy of Herath ................................79 Dominio de Vilaverde....................................... 30 Other Places .................................................... 83 Estado de Texeiras .............................................33 The Orcs Head Peninsula .................................83 Torreón and Narvaez ....................................... 37 The Arm of the Immortals ...............................84 Baronía de Torreón ...........................................38 The Yazak Steppes .............................................85 Baronía de Narvaez ............................................ 41 Other Goblinoids .............................................86 Credits Design: Tim Beach and Bruce Heard Additional Design: David Gross, Cindi M. Rice, and Ed Stark Editing: Cindi M. Rice Editorial Assistance: Tony Bryant, Jonatha Ariadne Caspian, and Lester Smith Project Coordination: Karen S. Boomgarden Art Coordination: Bob Galica Cover Painting: Paul Jaquays Cartography: John Knecht and Diesel Graphic Design: Heather Le May Playtesting and Review: Many people at WarCon, Hurricon, and Concentric; Carrie A. Bebris; Anne Brown; Steven Brown; Bruce Cordell; Miranda Horner; Mike Huebbe; Kevin Melka; Sean Reynolds; and Ed Stark Special Thanks to the following, without whom this would have been a lesser product: Rich Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Tim Brown, Angela Clay, William W. Connors, David "Zeb" Cook, Patty Corbett, Flint Dille, Dan Donelly (and the Society of the Grand Gauche), Cathy Griffin, David Gross, Jeff Grubb, Andria Hayday, Bruce Heard, Dori Hein, Gordon Hookailo, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Brad Lavendar, Julia Martin, Colin McComb, Dominic Messinger, Bruce Nesmith, Faith Price, John Rateliff, Thomas Reid, Marshall Simpson, Bill Slavicsek, Lester Smith, Dave Sutherland, Audra Timmer, Sue Weinlein, Skip Williams, David Wise, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (especially John Cereso and Ky Hascall) SampleEditor and Typographer: aia (avatar of the Spam Overlord) file PDF Version: 1.0 June 2006 2 Savage Coast Campaign Book Foreword A crimson shadow covers this lush land. I have spent much of my life exploring the Savage Coast, discovering its history and learning its secrets. I saw the effects of the Red Curse before most people knew of it-and I saw the results when the curse spread to all parts of this beautiful expanse. I have undertaken the task of creating a history of the Red Curse, from theories about its origins to descriptions of its varied effects. I will describe the history of the Inheritors, those people who have learned to manipulate the powers of the curse, and I will tell of our efforts to end the reign of the curse. I do this for the people of the Savage Coast, so that should my efforts end in failure, they might learn, and through perseverance, find a way to terminate the affliction that now dominates and diminishes this region. I will attempt to describe the nations of the coast and the peoples of those nations in order to show what the coast was like before the coming of the curse. Most importantly, I will try find a way to lift the ruby darkness from our homes. SampleThe Chronicle of filethe Curse by Don Luis de Manzanas, Baronet of Aranjuez, Crimson Inheritor Atlas of the Savage Coast 3 Welcome to the Savage Coast. You are now reading the results of an experiment hands, a book that combines all the material from that worked. the original RED STEEL campaign set and the Savage In 1992, I was asked to work on a product that Baronies supplement, along with some new material. eventually became known as the RED STEEL® More supplements will follow. campaign. I would take some excellent material that Bruce Heard had been publishing in DRAGON® I offer my sincere thanks to the readers and players Magazine, and I would turn it into an accessory for who made this experiment a success, allowing the RED the AD&D® game. As originally envisioned, it would STEEL campaign to continue. I have gathered be a sort of mini-setting, accompanied by an audio comments and criticisms from many of you and from CD with background music. I began writing in 1993, playtests and tournaments, and I have tried to incor- and the original boxed set was published in late 1994. porate much of your advice into the setting. To those In early 1995, the supplement, Savage Baronies, was of you who have just discovered the setting, thanks released. for giving it a try. By that time, the RED STEEL campaign had I hope you all enjoy The SAVAGE COAST™ received a lot of support and gotten some very Campaign Book as much as I enjoyed writing it. favorable reviews. So we decided to do a relaunch, offering the lands of the Savage Coast as a full line of products. You hold the results of that decision in your Tim Beach, May 1995 Sample file 4 Savage Coast Campaign Book Overview The Savage Coast is a land of diversity and adventure. I have been surprised many times in my extensive travels. In this journal, I have attempted to organize my thoughts, so that those who read my work might more easily benefit from this knowledge. I offer first a summation of my knowledge, an overview - perhaps the details that I might reveal to a visitor new to the Savage Coast. The Chronicle of the Curse by Don Luis de Manzanas The lands of the Savage Coast give rise to
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