On November 20, many families will be heading to downtown for Light-Up Night to kick off the Holiday Season. With so many activities to choose from, it is important for parents to plan ahead and choose appropriate activities. Parents will be able to fully enjoy this spectacular night with their children if they come prepared. Here are some fun, practical and FUNNY tips to make the most of Light-Up Night!

Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC is a proud sponsor of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership and Holiday KidsPlay 2015

The Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership invites you to celebrate the official kickoff to the Holiday Season with FREE high-quality entertainment, activities, music, magic and memories all across the Golden Triangle! Click here for the complete Light Up Night schedule and event map!

TIP #1

Prep and Pack! Editor Tip: If you don’t know by now that it both saves money and saves tantrums to “pack-a- snack” then I can’t help you! But I still love you and will smile with such understanding at you while your munchkins meltdown and or you buy $20 water bottles. I’m not judging. I am loving. - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: Take snacks and water and if you go to one that is both indoors and out take a backpack to put coat and hats in so you don't have to carry them and kids are comfortable. Wendy Wilkinson, Super Mom and Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Expert Tip: Bring Essentials and most important- check the weather beforehand! Don’t forget the winter coat, gloves, earmuffs, and heavy socks! Look for inside events as well so your family doesn’t have to be outside the entire evening! – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor

TIP #2

Throw Caution To The Wind! Editor Tip: Sometimes the best laid plans aren’t laid out. I usually regret them but hey... - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby Perry

Reader Tip and Wise Friend of Debby’s! - GO FOR IT! NO planning! Just enjoy it with your family! Reader Tip: Patty P.I.

You Don’t Always Need A Plan. Sometimes You Just Need To Breath. Trust. Let Go. And See What Happens

TIP #3

Choose Wisely Editor Tip: You know your family best. Choose your plan of attack wisely grasshopper. No reason to do it all, everywhere. - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: I have four little ones and I go by myself...therefore I stay away from town! We go to Station Square, still packed, but a wee less. And you can go inside to warm up. ---Melinda Arlof- SuperMom Of Four and Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Expert Tip: Plan Activities of Interest for Everyone Perhaps each person gets to pick one activity! Here’s the holiday schedule to check out! It is important to make everyone happy, so you don’t have cranky kids on your hands. Make a list of the activities and PRINT OUT THE MAP so your family doesn’t miss anything they want to see! Here’s a downloadable list I created for you! – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor TIP #4

Timing Is Everything!

Editor Tip: It’s Feast Or Famine. This is a popular night and Galinda The Good Witch would serenade you in agreement. If it’s gonna be POP- U- LAR... then it’s going to be SUPER CROWDED. This, like that comes every. single. year-- is no surprise. So expect it! Be smart and go ahead of the crowd if you can! It’s worth it! - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: If you can, go early! We usually go around LUNCH time! You’ll get to view a lot of things such as the PPG displays before it gets packed with people. - Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Expert Tip: Make a calendar of the activities of interests and research how long and how often that particular event goes on for. Also, make a backup plan if the lines are too long. You can always come back to the activity. It is vital to plan ahead! – Here’s a downloadable list I created for you! – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor

TIP #5

Make A List- Check It Twice!

Editor Tip: Show Santa Up! You are no rookie! Make a LIST! Do you speak list? You should. Make a list, check it twice. Then your night will be real …nice? - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: I always review the schedule (usually several times!) before we go. I also make a list of the things we definitely want to see and the times they start. - Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Expert Tip:, Here’s a downloadable list I created for you! – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor

We also included the map of Light Up Night below!

TIP #6

Pick Your Favorite! Editor Tip: If you had to pick your favorite child, you wouldn’t do it but you CAN pick favorite EVENTS that occur downtown on Light Up Night! No one will even judge you! If there’s a family favorite, DO IT FIRST and as EARLY as you can. Did you ever hear the saying, the Early Bird Gets The Worm? Well the Early Burgher Gets To Stay Sane. That’s what I say! - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: Most activities start at 5 so we pick the one thing we want to do the most (usually always Fifth Avenue Place) and get there early. - Noreen Colleen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer

TIP #7

These Boots Were(n’t) Made For Walking!

Editor Tip: Yes, the adorable boots that you found at Ross for $19.99 are truly cute but really-- those are for “sitting.” Not walking the whole of Pittsburgh with kiddos in tow. Dress comfortably & for the weather! Save the fashion show for Holiday Pictures! P.S. Send me one! - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: How to get around? Three words! The Holly Trolley! It’s a great means of getting around, especially if it's cold. It runs frequently and has stops at all the main attractions. - Noreen Luff- Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

One Oxford Center: Free-Horse Drawn Carriage Rides 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Take a ride around the block in a beautiful horse-drawn carriage. Pick up on Fourth Avenue. Last ride is at 8:45 p.m.

TIP #8

Rinse and Repeat! Editor Tip: You don’t have to do it all. This isn’t your last day on Earth! Check out what Noreen has to say about re-visiting! It’s the new re-gifting! - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: We visit downtown often during the holiday season! It helps us to avoid things on (that we know are going to be extremely crowded!) and we can do it instead during another visit (ie; the ice rink and carriage rides). - Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Holiday KidsPlay happens every weekend!

TIP #9

Melt Downs- Um Will Happen

Editor Tip: Yes, that was ME one year with a 4year old throwing a hissy fit in front of Wintery Tinker Bell. In the words of Steeler favorite Antonio Brown “You Don’t Know Me!”- Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Expert Tip: Encourage proper behavior. Kids will be coming in contact with a lot of people so it is important to say “Please” and “Thank You” and encourage proper behavior. The best way? Model the behavior! Another example, when Kids are standing in line with you for a hotdog or hot chocolate, make sure they tell the server, “Thank You!” When your kids see something they would like to look at such as a window display or holiday lights, encourage them to use the magic word, “Please!” – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor

 Ask Dr. Sears – Handling Tantrums In Public  How To Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrum  Tips For Teaching Patience  25 Manners Kids Should Know

TIP #10

Toasty The Snowman? Editor Tip: People, it might be FROSTY cold that night so say hello to Toasty, Frosty’s long lost brother. Dress warm and in layers. Bring warm drinks in thermos’ and even hand warmers! But really…by now. You all want to know ... what does Noreen do? It’s okay. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: To stay warm we do make trips on the Holly Trolley. We also make plans to stop inside different stores along the way to look around. The in and out will keep you warm! We also make frequent stops at local shops for hot chocolate (we love Crazy Mocha the best)-Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Reader Tip: Dress warm, bring hand warmers! Sherry R. SuperMom and Light Up Night Goer.

 Staying Warm In Colder Weather ( Fantastic Tips For How To Dress!)

TIP #11

Barron Says, “Be Gumby!”

What Barron means is...be flexible and patient. If there are long lines for certain activities, then your family may have to come back later or at another time to participate. – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor

 How To Be A Calm Parent

 How To Be A More Patient Mom In Just 24 Hours

TIP #12

Crazy Fun!? Editor Tip: So, like Christmas and birthdays and Easter and everything that happens the same exact time of the year on every single year. Light Up Night is a little crazy. Crazy FUN for most, sure. But just a heads up. It’s um.. CRAZY FUN! Just be prepared for well... CRAZY FUN! - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: Light up night downtown is super crowded and crazy. My husband and I are taking our daughter to our community light up night at the same time. Much less crowded and she can still meet Santa, etc. -Michele L. Super Mom

Community Happenings In The Burgh, The Burbs and BEYOND! Download your FREE list today!

TIP #13

Santa Sightings! Editor Tip: There might be a few Santa’s on the loose so be ready to explain to your kids-- why there are a few! You say whatever floats your boat. I honestly just ignore my kids and ask if that was just Rudolph who flew over at that EXACT moment they question me. - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: One Oxford Center has the BEST Santa (hopefully it will be the same one as it has been the last few years). They don't do pictures for you there but you're welcome to take your own! -Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

ONE OXFORD CENTRE Annual Tree Lighting and Santa's Arrival 5:45 p.m. Join us for the official lighting of One Oxford Centre's 30-foot and welcome ! Santa will be on hand to hear children's holiday wishes.

TIP #14

The Cool As Ice Stuff Editor Tip: Wasn’t that just the BEST movie ever? Rest in peace former awesome Vanilla Ice who doesn’t go by this name anymore. My favorite thing to do? The Santa Display at PPG place and then Ice Skating! - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: Depending on the age of your children, the culture district is a nice place to stop for the free mini Christmas movies and the arts and crafts (also a great way to warm up). Fifth Avenue Place usually has the coolest activities going on like ice sculptures and making snow globes. The different areas for bands and Christmas music is always nice and festive. -Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer!

Smithfield Street: Holiday Window Unveiling 6:30 p.m. with Mayor Bill Peduto and World Cup Champion, Meghan Klingenberg, of the US Women's National Soccer Team Join us as we unveil a new take on an old Pittsburgh tradition. The former Macy's windows will once again come alive in fantastic holiday traditions. Featuring two iconic Macy's designs, as well as windows created by The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera, Children's Museum of Pittsburgh, First Night Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Dance Council, Cirque Dreams Holidaze, and more!

One Oxford Center: Santa's Reindeer and Free Activities 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Santa's faithful reindeer are ready to greet you in our outdoor plaza. Free indoor activities for children, such as face painting, balloon art, sand art, and caricatures.

PPG Place Plaza and Rink 's only outdoor ice skating rink is open until midnight on Light Up Night and Magic Ice USA is donating $1 or each skate admission to the American Cancer Society.

4:45 - 5:00 p.m. Kick off the holiday season with an on-ice interpretation of Polar Express.

Fifth Avenue Freeze & Festivities 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Discover a shimmering display featuring the "Best of the Best" ice sculptures displayed over the past fives years! Create your own winter nightlight with the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh, get a commemorative airbrush tattoo, snap photos with Ice Santa, Mrs. Claus, and more, and enjoy holiday classics like you've never heard before with Pittsburgh's majestic bagpiper, Nick Hudson. TIP #15

It’s Not You, Light Up Night-- It’s Me.

Editor Tip: Listen, some things aren’t for everyone! Let’s call a spade a spade and admit that Editor Debby won’t be jaunting around downtown in the cold despite all the wonderful festiv- acious activities. It’s just not for my family. I’m okay with that. My name is Debby and I am not attending Light Up Night. “Hello Debby.” - Macaroni Kid Editor Debby

Reader Tip: We have gone down to the point. Super crowded, keep the kids glued to you. Get to Santa's stage early. I was shocked by the number of rude adults pushing kids out of the way so they could get a picture of Santa. Last year we actually just did a community light up night and it was so much nicer! - Sherry R. Super Mom and Light Up Night Goer.

 How To Deal With Rude Parents  EveryDay Life: How To Deal With A Rude Parent

Community Happenings In The Burgh, The Burbs and BEYOND! Download your FREE list today!

TIP #16

End With A Bang! Editor Tip: My kids despise fireworks so this one, is all Noreen. I’ll be headed home to put on my PJ pants after a long festive night of Lighting It Up! -Macaroni Kid Editor Debby  Helping Kids Through Fireworks Fears  What To Do When Kids Are Scared Of Fireworks  5 Ways To Help Kids Not To Fear Fireworks

Reader Tip: Check out the earlier fireworks! It’s always nice to get the little ones home earlier after a long and usually very cold day. But there are fireworks LATER for older kiddos! -- Noreen Luff, Super Mom & Veteran Light Up Night Goer

Early Fireworks- 5th Avenue Place 7:00 p.m. Highmark Unity Tree Lighting with Rooftop Fireworks and Mr. McFeely (Corner of Penn Avenue & Stanwix Street) Join one of Pittsburgh's best known neighbors, Mr. McFeely, thousands of Pittsburghers, a magnificent marching band and a flash of fireworks to kick off the official lighting of the historic Unity Tree - presented by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. The Shops, Food Court will be open until 9:00 p.m. with many eateries open later.

BNY Mellon Fireworks Finale 9:38 p.m. Launched from the Warhol Bridge, one of Pittsburgh's most spectacular displays by the first family of pyrotechnics, Zambelli Fireworks, including Light Up Night's signature Niagara Falls of fireworks, all synchronized to your favorite holiday tunes, broadcast live on Q92.9.

Expert Tip: Share Your Holiday Memories: It’s a great idea to create a Holiday journal of all the memories of the different events the family is attending! You can add photos, tickets to holiday shows or mementos. Have the family write some positive things about each Holiday event they participate in. – Barron Whithed, M.S. ED K-12 Certified School Counselor

Here’s a great article about ways to create special family memories!

Download Any One Of Our Other Local Macaroni Kid Of Pittsburgh LLC Go-Guides!

About Barron Whited

Barron Whited, MS.Ed., earned his Masters of Science degree from Duquesne University in Education in School Counseling and is Certified as a K-12 as a School Counselor. He also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown in Biology and Communication. Barron has 15 years of experience in elementary, secondary and higher education which includes: The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, ICM School of Business & Medical Careers, Franklin Regional School District, Penn Hills School District, and Agora Charter Cyber School.

Find our more about Barron Whited at http://www.barronwhited.com/ Are you looking for an experienced, articulate, and polished educational professional to book for an upcoming TV segment or a special K-12 School presentation? Book Barron Whithed!

Topics could include: Bullying/Cyber Bullying, School Safety, School Bus Safety, Grieving, College Prep and Adjustment, Homesickness, Exploring Careers, SAT/ACT Prep, and Test Anxiety.

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