381 bus time schedule & line map

381 Westeld - - Staplecross - View In Website Mode College

The 381 bus line (Westeld - Northiam - Staplecross - Robertsbridge College) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Robertsbridge: 7:50 AM (2) Westeld: 3:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 381 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 381 bus arriving.

Direction: Robertsbridge 381 bus Time Schedule 28 stops Robertsbridge Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:50 AM Primary School, Westeld Chapel Lane, Westeld Tuesday 7:50 AM

Cottage Lane, Westeld Wednesday 7:50 AM Stableeld, Westeld Civil Parish Thursday 7:50 AM The Red Lion, Brede Friday 7:50 AM

Cackle Street Saturday Not Operational

Brede Village Hall, Cackle Street

Oakhill Drive, Broad Oak 381 bus Info Arnold Bridge, Broad Oak Direction: Robertsbridge Stops: 28 Primary School, Northiam Trip Duration: 50 min 3 Six Bells Mews, Northiam Civil Parish Line Summary: Primary School, Westeld, Cottage Lane, Westeld, The Red Lion, Brede, Cackle Street, Coppards Lane, Northiam Brede Village Hall, Cackle Street, Oakhill Drive, Broad Oak, Arnold Bridge, Broad Oak, Primary School, Goddens Gill, Northiam Northiam, Coppards Lane, Northiam, Goddens Gill, Northiam, Dixter Road, Northiam, Primary School, Dixter Road, Northiam Northiam, Mill Terrace, Mill Corner, Perrymans Cross, Mill Corner, The Octagon, Horns Cross, Sidegates, Hylands Close, Northiam Civil Parish Collier's Green, Court Lees, Collier's Green, The Firs, Staplecross, Cross Inn, Staplecross, Hobby Hobbs Primary School, Northiam Farm, Staplecross, The White Hart, Cripp's Corner, 3 Six Bells Mews, Northiam Civil Parish Compasses Lane, Swaile's Green, Vinehall Farm, Vinehall Street, Roundabout, John's Cross, Mill Terrace, Mill Corner Poppinghole Lane, Robertsbridge, Heatheld Gardens, Robertsbridge, The George, Robertsbridge, Perrymans Cross, Mill Corner Community College, Robertsbridge Road, Northiam Civil Parish

The Octagon, Horns Cross

Sidegates, Collier's Green Court Lees, Collier's Green

The Firs, Staplecross

Cross Inn, Staplecross

Hobby Hobbs Farm, Staplecross

The White Hart, Cripp's Corner

Compasses Lane, Swaile's Green Compasses Lane, Civil Parish

Vinehall Farm, Vinehall Street

Roundabout, John's Cross

Poppinghole Lane, Robertsbridge

Heatheld Gardens, Robertsbridge

The George, Robertsbridge

Community College, Robertsbridge Direction: Westeld 381 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Westeld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:30 PM Community College, Robertsbridge Tuesday 3:30 PM The George, Robertsbridge Wednesday 3:30 PM Heatheld Gardens, Robertsbridge Thursday 3:30 PM

Poppinghole Lane, Robertsbridge Friday 3:30 PM

Roundabout, John's Cross Saturday Not Operational

Vinehall Farm, Vinehall Street

Compasses Lane, Swaile's Green 381 bus Info The White Hart, Cripp's Corner Direction: Westeld Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 50 min Hobby Hobbs Farm, Staplecross Line Summary: Community College, Robertsbridge, The George, Robertsbridge, Heatheld Gardens, Cross Inn, Staplecross Robertsbridge, Poppinghole Lane, Robertsbridge, Roundabout, John's Cross, Vinehall Farm, Vinehall The Firs, Staplecross Street, Compasses Lane, Swaile's Green, The White Hart, Cripp's Corner, Hobby Hobbs Farm, Court Lees, Collier's Green Staplecross, Cross Inn, Staplecross, The Firs, Staplecross, Court Lees, Collier's Green, Sidegates, Sidegates, Collier's Green Collier's Green, The Octagon, Horns Cross, Perrymans Cross, Mill Corner, Mill Terrace, Mill The Octagon, Horns Cross Corner, Primary School, Northiam, Dixter Road, Northiam, Goddens Gill, Northiam, Coppards Lane, Perrymans Cross, Mill Corner Northiam, Primary School, Northiam, Arnold Bridge, Hastings Road, Northiam Civil Parish Broad Oak, Furnace Lane, Broad Oak, Oakhill Drive, Broad Oak, Brede Village Hall, Cackle Street, Cackle Mill Terrace, Mill Corner Street, The Red Lion, Brede, Cottage Lane, Westeld, Primary School, Westeld Primary School, Northiam 3 Six Bells Mews, Northiam Civil Parish

Dixter Road, Northiam Chapel Place, Northiam Civil Parish

Goddens Gill, Northiam

Coppards Lane, Northiam Ballards Lane (Station Road), Northiam Civil Parish

Primary School, Northiam 3 Six Bells Mews, Northiam Civil Parish

Arnold Bridge, Broad Oak

Furnace Lane, Broad Oak How's Close, Brede Civil Parish Oakhill Drive, Broad Oak

Brede Village Hall, Cackle Street

Cackle Street

The Red Lion, Brede

Cottage Lane, Westeld

Primary School, Westeld Main Road, Westeld Civil Parish 381 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved