THURSDAY March 8, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Commissioner Taylor approves new county park BY NEIL B. MCGAHEE “This is a resolution before the House of ises. I don’t give a lot of chance for its suc- the standard agreement we have with all Lake Allatoona from the U.S. Army Corps
[email protected] Representatives, House Bill 158,” County cess.” cities,” Olson said. “The amendment ad- of Engineers, wanted to close the lease. Manager Peter Olson explained. “When “Yeah,” Taylor retorted. “Good luck justs the fee for housing prisoners and for “The Corps of Engineers has agreed to Bartow County Commissioner Steve the state commits money for a specific pur- with that.” accompanying a prisoner to a hospital” allow the county to lease the park,” he said. Taylor started his public meeting Wednes- pose, they bind it to that purpose. Unfortu- Taylor also signed agreements with the Olson said the city of White, which “We just have to get it through the Corp’s day by attempting something more futile nately, the money they collect for that cities of Adairsville and White, which had broke away from the animal control agree- bureaucracy.” than killing an elephant with a peashooter specific purpose doesn’t get reallocated; it a far better chance of happening. ment in the past, had requested to rejoin. Olson said a county employee would — getting money from the state’s dedi- gets dumped into the general fund. This is “We have amended the standard jail He also said the Girls Scouts of Atlanta, cated fees collection.