Book has '' Former coach rocks the mic

arts&entertalnment/page 7 sports/page 11 THE

~VE Vol. iDS No. 10 A Student Publication of Washington State University since 1895 Thursday,September 6, 2001

DOWNTOWN PULLMAN Steppin' out City presents CornerDrug lot vision

By Jake Smulkowski A new era of cautious opti- mism for the revitalization of Pullman's tired downtown dis- trict is rising out of the ashes of last year's Corner Drug store fire. .., The Oct. 29, 2000 fire .. destroyed the Corner Drug oS building on Main Street and Paradise Street damaged the Ken's Stationery TONYA RICKS/OAILY EVERGREEN building, which later was demolished. Strong interest in the space .Duane Brelsford, a already has been voiced. A let- pullman developer, is pushing ter of intent for the lease of the a plan to construct a four-story third floor has been signed by building that would provide the WSU Foundation and three retail and office space. potential tenants have The building would be co- expressed interest in the first- developed by Kip Development floor space. and Construction, and would "Our goal is to have our JEFF WHITNEY PHOTOS/DAILY EVERGREEN be located at the corner of drawings into the city by Oct. Kamiaken and Main streets in 1," Brelsford said at a meeting Above: Delta Sigma Theta downtown. held in the Youth Center at City members Selome Teshome, The brick and glass struc- Hall on Wednesday. DeGale Williamson and ture, called ''Town Center," Brelsford said he hopes to Na'Ceshia Holmes perform would be the tallest building in have the foundation in place Wednesday afternoon on downtown Pullman. before the ground freezes in Glenn Terrell Mall. The first floor will be dedi- mid-December. To do this he Right: DeGale Williamson of cated to small boutique-type will need a permit from the Delta Sigma Theta sorority shops and an indoor foyer and city. . participates in a step rou- breezeway. The second floor will "It's a very aggressive goal, tine Wednesday afternoon hold a restaurant, while the but one we're trying to meet," third and fourth floors will on Glenn Terrell Mall. house offices. See DOWNTOWN, page 5 A place to cal

WSU diversity centers provide multicultural students By JOLENE with support and leadership me CRANCER "Many collegesaround the "I haven't had a homecooked program and the center serves as a eople sit around talking about meal in a long time, so when they home for 10 Chicano Latino organi- classes, club meetings or country don't have throw a dinner party, I always show zations. Pissues on couches. . multicultural centers. up," he said. George Thomas, a senior major- This isn't someone's room or Orozco said the center serves an ing in MIS and decision sciences, apartment, but many minority stu- (They) just have one that average of 50 people per week, but said regrets having utilized the cen- dents find these multicultural cen- serves everyone. This that if he were to count the number ter services late into his college ters a second home. (university) is unique. " of times the same people come to career. The African American Center, the center in a typical week, the "It's unfortunate, because the the Chicano Latino Student Center, Damon Arnold number would range into the hun- resources are always here and there Asian American Pacific Islander dreds. African American are good people here," he said. Student Center and the Native He also said the number of stu- Student Center counselor The center is doing an excellent American Student Center fall under dents utilizing services at the center job raising awareness of the Chicano the umbrella of Multicultural has risen in the past three years. Latino culture on campus and pro- Student Services, and are funded Student Center counselor Paul Kyle Funakoshi, retention coun- viding resources for all students to through that office. Orozco, the services the center offers selor for the AAPI center, said he succeed, he said. Damon Arnold, counselor at the also has noticed the increase in pales in comparison to the impor- The overall opinions from stu- African American Student Center Asian American and Pacific Islander tance of having a home like atmos- dents have been that each center said the university demonstrates a students attending the university in phere for students far from their provides services that are needed commitment to diversity in the dif- the past two years. families. and welcomed. ferent ethnic centers on campus, in "They're pretty good, you can't do The AAPI center provides a home For sophomore Amanda Licorish, addition to having an office of multi- everything, and there are a lot of to more than five student organiza- a secondary education major, the cultural student services. students to talk to, they do pretty tions, as well as a mentoring prcr African American Student Center "Many colleges around the coun- much everything they can," said Jon gram, computer resources and advis- try don't have multicultural centers. Kane, a sophomore who has not ing. has provided an outlet to get involved with student organizations (They) just have one that serves decided on a major. Francisco Tamayo, Chicano like the African American everyone," he said. "This (university) Kane remembers when one stu- Center counselor also said there has Association, she said. is unique." dent came to campus with lost lug- been a rise in the number of stu- Each center provides services gage, the center's staff and students dents using the Chicano center. The center provides wonderful access to services, she said. ranging from academic advising to donated blankets and bedding to the ''The average weekly usage is free computer access to students. student to help. between 40 to 50 students," he said. "It's not something that is not However, according to an e-mail In addition, Kane said this home- The Chicano center services always here, it's always here for you interview with Native American like atmosphere has spread to his life. include a computer lab, mentoring (to use)," she said. 2 lliE DAilY ~REEN llj,URSOAY,SEPTEMBER 6" 2001 .NEWS -PEOPLEBRIEFS - POLICELOG------Sept.4 for a survey, but was persistent Family ,to speak Bodyguard Hall of Farner NOrHnJuryTrame Accident and refused to take "no" for an SW Center st. 7:19 a.m. answer. at award show faces jail, fines seeks office The reportingpartysaid a white NEWYORK- Aaliyah'sfamily LOS ANGELES- A federal SHREVEPORT,La. - Being vehiclehit hercar,and the suspect Abandoned Vehicle plans to make its first major pub- grand jury has indicted LeAnn govemor of Louisiana might be attempted to leavethe scene.The NW Lamont Dr.,1:01 p.m. lic statements about the death Rimes' former bodyguard and fun, NFL Hall of Fame quarter- reporting party's husband chased The reporting party said a car of the R&B singer at the MTV personal trainer on an extortion back and sportscaster Terry her down and is out with her. has been parked in front of his Video Music Awards on charge. Bradshawsaid. house since he moved in a week Thursday. "I've thought about it. I would Malicious Mischief ago. Robert Lavetta allegedly bring some fun back into that SESunnymeadWay,8:28 a.m. The awards ceremony and threatened to sell personal infor- place. I'm a Republican. But if The reporting party said her Complaint tribute will be held at Lincoln mation and photographs of the that's going to hurt me, I'll go mailbox was run over Monday NE Maiden Lane,8:54 p.m. Center in New York City and country singer to the tabloids if neutral," said Bradshaw during night. It appeared that a truck The reporting party requested broadcast live starting at 8 p.m. he was not paid off, accordingto Tuesday's visit to film anti-litter might havedone it. to talk with an officer about an EDTon MTY. . court documents. TV commercials for Keep ongoing problem with Dial-A-Ride The 22-year-Old performer's Court documents said Louisiana Beautiful and promote Suspicious not giving her rides. family has said iittle since her Lavetta called one of Rimes' co- his new book, "It's OnlyA Game." Person/Circumstance death on Aug. 25 in a plane managers in Mayand told her he Keep Louisiana Beautiful said NE Campus St.,10:12 a.m. Traffic Hazard crash in the Bahamas, where had taken videotapes and pho- Bradshaw's role of pitchman will The reporting party said a SE Johnson Ave., 9 p.m. she had been shooting a music tographs from a safe in the bring its anti-litter campaign to a man wearingjeans and sunglass- The reporting party told a video. singer's house. statewide audience. es, and carrying a small video group of children to get out of the camera was trying to interview road, but they yelled obscenities women. He said he was doing it and remained there. -CORRECTION------Pullman Weather The article "GPSAvice president resigns post for Inuit" in the Fridayedition of The Daily Evergreen should havesaid Nunavut is a Canadianterritory. Today: Sunny High: 70, Low: 42 Tomorrow: Sunny -COMMUNITYCALENDAR------High: 73, Low: 29 Saturday: Sunny Today Chi are holding an informational 220. Everyone is welcome to High: 80, Low: 44 Gamma Alpha Omega, the meeting for any interested attend. first Chicana/Latina sorority in women at 6 p.m. in CUB Room the Northwest, will be holding an 233. Monday THE Editor: Chris Chancellor DAILY EVERGREEN [email protected] informational meeting at 5 p.m. The Washington Student Managing Editor: Tonya Ricks in CUBRoom 219. The Graduate Student P.O. Box 642510; Pullman, WA 99164 [email protected] Lobby will have its first meeting Sports Editor: T.J. Conrads Christian Fellowship is holding' at ~ p.m. in CUBRoom222. Call The Daily Evergreen is the official student publica- [email protected] The International Business an informational meeting at 5:45 Scott Heath at 332-1766, or tion of washington State University, operating Photo Editor: Sarah Goodwin under authority granted to the Board of Student [email protected] Club will be holding an informa- p.m. Dinnerwill be provided. [email protected] more infor- Publications by the WSU Board of Regents. Assistant Managing Editor: Cameron Probert tional meeting at 6 p.m. in Todd mation. [email protected] Responsibilities for establishing news and adver- A&E/Oplnlon Editor: Lynn Cervinsky Hall Room 409. Refreshments Friday tising policies and deciding issues related to [email protected] will be provided for those who This is the last day to enroll Tuesday content rest solely with the student 5taft. The Special Sections Editor: John Becerra, Jr. attend the event. editor and advertising manager provide reports news@dailyevergreen,com In the student medical Insur- The American Council on to the Board of Publications at its monthly meet- Advertising Manager: Sima Hajari ance program. Call 335-1759 to Exercise exam prep workshop ings. [email protected] Beta Alpha PsI/Accounting enroll or come to French begins at 3:30 p.m. Registration G",phlcs Manager: Jay-er Reyes The goveming • Statement of Policies and [email protected] Club will be holding an informa- Administration Room 232. is at the Health & Weiness Operating Bylaws" is available at SP's administra- Weo Manager: Josh Lavalleur tional meeting at '7 p.m. in Todd Services Room in the Student tive offices in Room 113, Murrow Building. SP [email protected] general manage, is Bob Hilliard. Web Editor: Brian Phelps Hall Room 311. The Adria Club is holding an Recreation Center. The registra- [email protected] informational meeting at noon in tion cost is $75. Call 335-5759 If you'd like to work for The Oally Evergreen .... contact Editor ChriS Chancellor at 335-3194. Contact Us: The India Student CUB Room 108 for Students for more information. Editor: 335-3194 Sports: 335-2465 Association is holding its inau- interested in the Renaissance If you'd like to place on ad ... call 335-2124 and Circulation: 335-5138 Classified: 335-4573 ask for Advertising Manager Sima Hajari. Newsroom: 335-1140 Fax: 335-7401 gural meeting at the Multicultural and the Middle Ages. Wednesday Advertising. 335-2124. Graphics: 335-4179 r Center Courtyardat 6 p.m. Enter' " The,Econ Club will be holding > If you think something has been Incorrectly Photo: 335-2292 Online: 335.1571 reported ... contact Managing Editor Tonya Ricks &-llYl1I: [email protected] CollegeAve.and Idaho St. to get =S-=u==nday~-=-----,=---:=---:-;-;---;-----;;an informational meeting at 5 at 335-1099, Internet: there. The first Dad's Weekend p.m. in Todd Hall Room 490. If you have a news tip ... call the newsroom at Copyright @ 2001 WSU Student Publications Committee meeting of the year Anyone interested in economics 335-1099. Board. All WSU Student Publications articles, The members of Kappa DeHa is at 5:30 p.m. in CUB Room is welcome to attend. photographs and graphics are the property of the To purchase a copy of any photo published In WSU Student Publications Board arid may not be The Dally Evergreen ..• call Sarah Goodwin at reproduced without expressed written consent. 335-2292. 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Education Abroad/International Pmgrmns WASHINGIDN SI'A11'. 108 Bryan Han. 335-4508 OUl'ilVF.RSlTY WarilC'-F .. ItIIJ'... NEWS THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 2001 THE DAILY EVERGREEN 3 ASWSU Aiming for the bull's-eye wsu to host , --, big conference .t! Committee leaders "It's a realgood opportunity toget planning for 2002 involved and show off business meeting our university. " By Evan Caldwell Steve McCarron The ASWSU senate meet- No Frills conference staff ing was dominated by mem- bers of another group of stu- to WSU from Feb. 8-10. dent leaders. "Two-hundred and fifty Members of a committee people from all around the planning a conference for West will come to experience regional Residence Hall Pullman and participate in Associations announced that the Business conference," WSU will host the 2002 No Public Relations Director Jon Frills Business Conference Price said. Wednesday night. Steve McCarron, a mem- They said they were happy ber of the No Frills conference with winning the bid and that staff, said the conference will the conference will offer lead- allow people to be introduced ership training skills, group to WSu. dynamics courses and other "It's a real good opportuni- optional events. ty to get involved and show off Participants will engage in our university," McCarron workshops and planning ses- said. sions for the region without No Frills Business the distraction of a great deal Conference participants went of social events. to the UNLV campus last People from 50 to 60 uni- year. versities m the Pacific "It also gives us a chance to Affiliation of College show off our campus to other COREY RUSSELL/DAILY EVERGREEN University Residence Halls colleges in the West," Price Kevin Wantland, a junior majoring in chemical engineering, wins a T-shirt by throwing a region, or PACURH, will come said. football through a hole three times Wednesday on the Glenn Terrell Mall.

GRADUATE PROGRAM GPSAplanning to redesignate college districts Code of conduct, where pay, work hours and her replacement at the Senate selection are involved," Hansel meeting on Sept. 24," Hansel "We'd like to take a stronger stand and make some teaching issues said. "A lot of the TAs are work- said. "So far, two people have changes where pay, work hours and selection are also on agenda - ing 40 hours a week and only come to me and expressed getting paid for 20. They are interest in running for the involved. " afraid say anything because office. They are both great can- By Veronica Rlsken to Victoria Hansel it is difficult to get the job to didates, I'm really pleased with GPSA President Many changes are on the begin with." both of them." schedule for the GPSA this Also, Vice President Tina The new vice president will year. Minor resigned last Friday. be elected by the senate instead is harder and more intimidat- "I'm very excited for this Some of the plans include Minor left to accept a federal of a campus-wide election. ing." year," Hansel said. "Ithink that redesignating the GPSA's dis- internship working with the "This will help bring good GPSA also is planning a cel- we will be able to make some tricts, rewriting the code of con- Inuit, commonly known as people who might not have ebration for the centennial significant changes and make a duct, confronting some issues Eskimos, in Alaska. otherwise applied," Hansel anniversary of graduate educa- great impact on graduate edu- that Teaching Assistants have said. "A campus-wide election tion at WSU. cation." come across and electing a new ''We will hold an election for vice president. This year the GPSA also will be celebrating a 100-year anniversary. ''We'll be busy this year," said GPSA President Victoria Hansel. "Right now there isn't a district for each college, so we will change that." At the moment, the districts are mixed together. For exam- ple, chemistry and anthropolo- gy are in the same district. The trengtheningcharacter,RecOgniZing the value of education. changes are intended to make S Serving the community. 11evelopitlg1if~-long friendships. each college within the school a specific district. It's what Alpha Delta Pi is all about. Rewriting the code of con- Ahd AAfl IpJcrnationai representatives will be at. duct also is on the agenda. As it stands now, the code of conduct WSl:.Jthe ...weekend of September 8 to tell you more. gives the GPSA guidelines to follow, whereas a bill of rights S~ptembet' 7i':dessertreception meet &'greet would explicitly state the rights Alpha Delta'Pi House Here's your chance t6 do what.othw ..~tu~e~ts only read about. To get one-on-one training a~d; haye sho~ atra scholarship each member has. ,.!.:OOpm a "It is vague; basically, it's worth thousands. It;s all partoHhe Army RgTC Nursing outdated and has no teeth," " ~ptem~t~8 Uif6i-~tlo~! appointthents program.Talk to an Ar1pY ROTpadvisor tqd~y. Because'it's Hansel said. ''We want to time youput your passion !nt9 practice... rewrite it to make it less like a .Alpha Del~ Pi .tiou.~e code of conduct and more like a Appointments between 10:00 am - 3:00 pm bill of rights." "AIlM~iRb,TC All of the teaching assistants UnlikeanJ: other oollegeeg)?l',e you~n taJ,te. on campus are graduate or pro- To leam more about AaO trJmbership and our inf:;,?::: ''We'd like to take a stronger stand and make some changes 4 THE DAlLY EVERGREEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 NEWS SUICIDE ATTEMPT -NEWS BRIEFS- Jumper out of intensive care Rule requires Woman who leaped As of early Wednesday hospital for treatment of a no problem naming that per- birth control there was no word on whether spine fracture, chest and son," Leykis said. off 1-5bridge listed the woman knew of the broad- SEATTLE - When Rana abdominal injuries, and exten- "There's no reason to keep Nelson of Tacoma had a baby in cast by Tom Leykis, who is as satisfactory sive bruises. this name a secret," he said. January, she had no problem get- heard locally on KQBZ-FM Subsequent news reports 'This is information. This is a ting her insurance company to The .and claims he has 2.5 million described her as former state woman who stopped down the pay the $5,000 hospital bill. listeners nationwide. Her capital lobbyist for the city of Seattle for 3% hours on a But when she got an IUD, a SEATILE - A woman who name has not appeared in Washington Realtors weekday. This is a person who birth control device, implanted attempted suicide by jumping Seattle-area newspapers or in Association who was dis- affected the lives of a million later, the insurance company off a bridge on Interstate 5 radio and television news traught over a relationship. people, who affected the econo- demanded she pay the $500 her- after being taunted by reports. my." Leykis said he identified self. Representatives of motorists is out of intensive After she climbed onto the her, as wen as a man he She and others celebrated Entercom Communications, care and is listed in satisfacto- span and threatened to jump, described as her boyfriend, Wednesday as state Insurance ry condition. halting traffic on the city's prin- which owns KQBZ, could not Commissioner Mike Kreidler partly to boost his ratings. He be reached Tuesday by The Susan Gregg-Hanson, a cipal north-south artery during signed a rule requiring insurance also referred listeners to a Web Seattle TImes, nor could repre- spokeswoman for Harborview the morning rush hour Aug. 28, site that included a photo- companies to offer birth control some stranded commuters sentatives of Westwood One, coverage along with their regular Medical Center, disclosed the graph of the woman falling and the syndicate that distributes shouted at her to go ahead. prescription drug plans. change in the 26-year-old a link for writing humorous Leykis' show. Tacoma woman's condition Following the 160-foot captions. "With the signing of this rule, Concern for the woman we're going to end sex discrimina- Tuesday - the same day her plunge into the Lake ''When you name a person should not outweigh public tion in WaShington," Kreidler said. name was broadcast by a syn- Washington Ship Canal, she who is accused of committing desire to know her name or his Nineteen other states have dicated radio talk-show in Los was pulled from the water murder, that's a troubled per- desire for promotion, Leykis Angeles. _ passed laws requiring birth con- unconscious and rushed to the son, too, and (the media) have said. trol coverage in some form; Oregon currently is considering OKLAHOMA CITY such a rule. The new rule takes effect Jan. 1. It will apply to about 200,000 Conspirator to be charged in bombing Washington women covered by state-regulated insurance compa- Tile Associated Press first-degree murder counts he wants to make sure Nichols were filed in 1999 by District nies. The rule will give women brought by his predecessor two does not escape punishment. Attorney Bob Macy, who was better access to all kinds of birth OKLAHOMA CITY years ago. Ending months of speculation "I simply do not know what removed from the case last control, including emergency over whether he would drop "Accountability with the might loom out there on the year after explaining to the "morning-after" pills. the case, the new district attor- laws of Oklahoma demand that legal horizon which would place media how he wanted to put ney in Oklahoma City said we stay the course," Lane said Terry Nichols' federal conviction Nichols to death. No charges filed at the site of the 1995 bombing Wednesday that he will prose- in jeopardy," he said. 'The inter- Lane took over when Macy that killed 168 people. after road rage cute bombing conspirator ests of the people of the state of retired inJune. He had consid- Terry Nichols on state murder Nichols, 46, was convicted in Oklahoma cannot be vindicated ered dropping the charges, cit- SPOKANE- Spokane County charges that could bring the federal court of conspiracy and by the blind reliance upon the ing the expense and the effects prosecutors have declined to death penalty. federal government or Terry involuntary manslaughter and of another wrenching trial on press charges against a man Lynn Nichols."· District Attorney Wes Lane is serving a life sentence. But bombing survivors and mem- claiming self-defense in a road said he will pursue the 160 he has appealed, and Lane said The state murder charges bers of victims' families. rage shooting that left a teen-ager dead in July. CATHOLICISM Jack Driscoll, the county's chief criminal deputy prosecutor, said Tuesday that charges won't be filed because the victim, 17- Archbishop says Mother Teresa had exorcism. year-old Jacob Walton, initiated The Associated Press this eastern Indian city paid would not affect the nun's can- He said the exorcism took the argument. homage to the renowned care- didacy for sainthood. place in a hospital where the "It appeared that Walton went CALCUTTA, India giver on the fourth anniver- "Noway. Mother was not nun was admitted because of out of his way to confront the Mother Teresa had an exor- sary of her death. possessed ... it did not hurt her heart trouble before her death other person, driving around the cism performed on her while on Sept. 5, 1997 at age 87. block and coming back to the But the Rev. Richard sanctity," D'Souza said. He hospitalized in 1997, the D'Souza said he was undergo- parking lot where the shooting McBrien, a Notre Dame theol- said the need for the exorcism Archbishop of Calcutta said was a sign of her human side. ing similar treatment at the happened, to confront the other Wednesday. ogy professor, called the exor- person," Driscoll said. "Human dimension in a same hospital. cism and the archbishop's The shooter's name has been The disclosure by saint is quite normal," he said. The doctor treating Mother explanation for it ''bizarre.'' withheld by investigators, in part Archbishop Henry D'Souza ''It was rather a sign of close- 'Ieresa reported that she was came as hundreds of people in D'Souza said the exorcism ness to God." because they believe he could be having trouble sleeping, he said. subject to retaliation. Man's civil rights not violated ~. SAN FRANCISCO - Social ~: workers did not violate a man's civil rights during a child sex B~ one·· ()J'tle't set abuse investigation, even though .e~',full or4erJllpli_ their interrogations may have &1.00 M,ystery Tap stalting, at 9p.m. coerced false statements from Stay and Karaoke wi tisa the children, an appeals court Chetl. out our~l, darts, & foos1l011 ruled Wednesday. td • ~_ f®lf allPOOhmil(i~2 The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of 300S. Grand Appeals ruled 8-3 that Robert Devereaux could not sue the city of Wenatchee over the investiga- tion in 1994-95 of alleged child sex rings. His lawsuit was dis- missed earlier by a three-iucge panel of the appeals court. King gets cake thrown in face STOCKHOLM, Sweden A young man threw a straw- berry cake in the face of King Carl XVI Gustaf on Wednesday during a royal visit to the southwestern city of Varberg, police said. The 16-year-old was wres- tled to the ground by the king's bodyguards and detained by police. It was not clear why he threw the cake. The monarch, who was not injured, asked. the suspect ifhe was. OK, the Swedish news agency TT reported. Queen Silvia, who was walking near the king, was not hit, the agency said. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 THE DAILY EVERG~EEN 5 caused by increased downtown Association has offered its lot downtown area, and it said Brels[ord, ~ 19~HWSU grad- business. at Paradise and High streets 'downtown Pullman looks u8:te~said he IS Cautiously opti- DOWNTOWN He said he visited the down- along with $15,000 if the city tired'," Sherman said. ''The mistic about dow~town revital- continued from front page town public lots Tuesday after- goes through with its plan. more that we have down here, ization. he said. If all goes according to noon and counted more than 50 City leaders are optimistic the more we have for opportu- "Everyone is putting the plans, the building could be open spaces. that the development will lead nities for students to come ~g~t foot fon:val"d," he said. to a new era of prosperity in the done as early as Jl!ly. The city also plans to grade down. We feel it's a real 'ThIS IS .a um~\.le window of City SupervIsor John and pave a new parking lot on downtown retail sector. untapped market. We need opportumty WIth cooperative Sherman addressed concerns Paradise Street. "About five years ago, we businesses to provide services effort from WSU and Pullman about parking complications The Pullman Parking had an assessment of our for students." and the community."

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* Women aged 15 to 44. Source: Henshaw SK. Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Fam Plann Perspect. 1998;30:24-29.46. © 2001 Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, a subsidiary of Pharmacia Corporation UX0011398.05 9/01 6 THE DAILY EVERGREEN lliUSDAY, SEPTEMBER6, 2001 KIcKING BACK .... THE LAST WORD IN ASTROLOGY BY EUGENIA LAST ... Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis From Universal Press Syndicate the background of those urging you to ing news. Those you least expect may invest. 2 stars be behind the rumors spreading like ACROSS 2 Stadium 31 Organizes, in scrape CELEBRmES BORN ON THIS DAY: 1 Flier's choice shape away 45 Honey CANCER (June 21-JuIy 22): Travel wildfire. 3 stars Jane Curtin, Mark Chesnutt, Swoosie 6 West Point 3 Razor-billed 33 Sadistic 46 Knock about for business or pleasure will be to your freshman birds Kurtz, Rosie Perez, Jeff Foxworthy, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22~. 21): 36 Completely 47 Verdi heroine 11. Cartographer's 4 Jazz singer advantage. Get involved in· mentally You'refull of energy, so you'd better find outclass 48 Car scar Michael Winslow, Foxy Brown abbrs. Laine 37 Driver's gpo 49 Nicholas II, stimulating events. Yourtalents will sur- something to do. Outdoor activities will Happy BIrthday: It's time to start 14 Small egg 5 Listen to with- 39 Sure thing for one face, and hobbies can be taken to high- be favored. If you can spend a little time Radiant rings relying on others to help you reach your 15 out interrupting 40 Characterized 50 Rick's love er levels. 5 stars in the country, you'll be ready to conquer 16 Unduly 6Cell_ by 51 Baker's pro- goals. Self·sufficiency is fine, but out- 17 Try 7 Sou vanna 1.£0 (July 23-Aug. 22): Organize the world. 5 stars 42 "_b~y tection side input can often lead to slightly dif- 19 Keats subject Phouma's meet... 52 Cousin of a foil ferent results. You have the drive, but your day well. An ability to delegate jobs CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 20 Non-medal- country 43 Bow and 55 _-Mex be prepared for obstacles. Your nurn- will help you complete everything on Oon't let someone you live with nuin ists, e.g. 8 Pointy shoe time. Here is your chance to shine. You 21 Cuddly pet wearer ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: bers:6,13,22,25,39,46 your day or twist things around. Be hon- 23 Notable 1849 belong in the limelight, so be prepared 9 Release one's ARIES (March 21-Apr1119): Oon't est. You can only do so much, and after find frustration CLIPISTEADICRAG to make your debut. stars USN A T U L L E R I L E become involved in other people's 4 that, you'll have to see what happens. 2 24 Family 10 Big properties emblem 11 Hunk PAR T ELI A N leo N secret affairs. Problems with in-laws or VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You'll stars 25 Tie, as sneak- 12 Snapper com- n"R MAS S I G N MEN T relatives will cause friction with your want to spend some time alone. Stress AQUARIUS (Jan. 2O-f"eb.18): Look ers petitor I A~A I DES mate. You will have to be extremely and worry will cause fatigue. It's time to into a way to implement some of your 29 Obsta des to 13 Berlin work SUS A N A L I G N_ open about your feelings. 3 stars kick off those shoes and relax. Don't let innovative ideas. Talk to those who may investioations 18 Irving protag- APO.SERMON.APEG ·32 le{t at-sea onist TAURUS (AprIl 20May 20): Your anyone make you feel guilty. 3 stars be interested in backing your plans or L 0 0 S E LEA F F ILL E R 33 Security pre- 22 For each ANTI.LISTON.ARI moneymaking ideas will be lucrative. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): becoming a partner. 4 stars cautions 24 Brouhahas Talk to relatives and about your Disharmony will be upsetting. Don't let 34 To's partner 25 Operates with _L I~ESTOP PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): AS T I R H A R intentions. Travel will be beneficial but someone you live with ruin your plans. 35 Cozy a beam Moneymaking inventions will be good, 36 One is hidden 26 Sleep trouble C H E C K 0 U TOP IT rb-,g.~p. costly. Protect ideas legally before pre- Visit friends; you need someone to talk but untrustworthy acquaintances may in each theme 27 Trying place? RENOIGRASP CROP senting them. 4 stars to. Don't let your mate put the onus on be quick to steal your ideas if you are entry 28 Work unit E 8 0 N L A 8 E LEN D 0 you; it takes two to tango. 2 stars 37 A long way off DAR EEL U DES E E P GEMINI (May 21-June 20): too open about them. Mum's the word. 29 Winery needs 38 Profit chaser? Involvement in joint ventures or financial 30 Shenanigan .,...." SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): estars 39 Oklahoma or contractual matters will end in dtsas- Deception and underhandedness at COPYRIGHT2001 UNIVERSALPRESS Indians ter. Read the fine print and check into work are likely. Stay alert for disconcert- SYNDICATE 40 Put on a coat? 41 Gorges 43 Beans partner 44 Rubbish 45 Literally, the "way" 46 Conductor Kubelik 48 Unproductive period 53 It's struck in fields 54 Keep mum, with difficulty 56 Driller's gp.? 57 Affair 58 It may be acquired 59 Animal's gullet 60 Student's needs 61 Emulate Cicero

DOWN 1 Cook book

By Mit ... Kom,.. (,,)lAMllTri,- ..~MMl. s.."""_' la~. xworcledltorO.ol.c:om

!sirt~ COI'\-tr-of ~OU-t~il'\ka£$ou-t jus-t '-I- x a 'jear:

DEPO-PROVERA" Contraceptive Injection • if you have had cancer of the breast 6.Other Risks (medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension. USP) • If you have had a stroke • if you have or have had blood clots (phlebitis) in your legs Women who use hormone-based contraceptives may have an increased nsk of blood dots or • if you have problems with your liver or liver disease stroke. Also. if a contraceptive method fails, there is a possibility that the fertilized egg will begin This product Is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV • if you are allergic to DEPO·PROVERA (medrtixyprogesterone acetate or any of its other infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. ingredients). ~~I!~~o~~~~~ o:~d~e;~~~,:i~~~:e~~~~~ ,rn= I~ts~ ~:.u should What symptoms may signal problems while using DEPO-PROVERA What other things should I consider before using DEPO-PROVERA What is DEPO-PROVeRA Contrac:eptiye Injection? Contraceptive Injection? Contraceptive Injection? . DEPO·PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is a form of birth control that is given as an intramus- You win have a physical examination before your doctor prescribes DEPO-PROVERA It is impor- ~6rpQ'\;~E~provider immediately if any of these problems occur following an injectJon cular injection (a shot) in the buttock or upper arm once every 3 months (13 weeks). To con- tant to tell your health-care provider If you have any of the following: tinue your contraceptIVe protection, you must retur:n for your next injection promptly at the end • a family history of breast cancer • sharp chest pain, coughing up of blood. or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible dot of 3 months (13 weeks). DEPO·PROVERA contains medroxyprogesterone acetate. a chemical in the lung) • an abnormal mammogram (breast x-ray), fibrocystic breast disease. breast nodules or Jumps. or Similar to (but not the same as) the natural hormone progesterone. which IS produced .by your bleeding from >"""ioI'ipples • sudden severe headache or vomiting. dizziness or fainting. problems with your eyesagtrt_ or ovaries during the ~ond half of your menstrual cycle. DEPO-~ROVERA acts by preventing your • kidney disease speech, weakness, or numbness in an arm or leg (indicating a possible stroke) egg cells from ripening. If an egg is not released from the ovanes during your menstrual cycle. it • irregular or scanty menstrual periods • severe pain or swelling in the calf (indicating a possbe dot in the leg) cannot become fertilized by sperm and result in pregnancy. DEPO-PROVERA also causes • high blood pressure • unusually heavy vaginal bleeding changes in the lining of your uterus that make rt less likely for pregnancy to occur. • severe pain or tenderness in the 10'Ner abdominal area H_ e«ecti.e i.DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection! : :~ headaches ~::tJ:~8;bie~g~n~~PROVERA ~_ Injection? The efficacy of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection depends on following the recommend- • epilepsy (convulsions ~r seizures) I Weight Gain ed dosaS; schedule exactly (see 'How often do I get my shot of DEPO·PROVERA Contraceptive • diabetes or a family history of diabetes Inlecbon. ).. To make sure you are not pregnant when you first get DEPO.PROVERA • a history of depression . You may experience a woei2ht gain while you ~ using DEPO-PROVERA. About two thirds of Contraceptive InJectl~n, rcvr first ~nj~ction must be given 0':'lL~ du:ring the first 5 d_ays of a • if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications the women who used DEPL>-PROVEAA in dinlcal triaJs re(>?rted a weight gam of about 5 pounds ~ormal menstrual pen~; Within the first 5 days after childbirth If not breast-feeding; and, during the first year of use. You may continue to gain ~ght after the first year. Women in one ONLY This Is to prevent does not ptbtact against If exclusively breast-feeding ~NLY at the sixth week after childbirth. It is a long-term injectable product Intended pregnancy. It trans. large study who used DEPO-PROVERA for 2 years gamed an average total of 8.1 pounds over mi ...... n of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted dlsaaaas auch as chlamy- contracept,.ve ~he.n ~dmlnlstered at .3-month (13-week) intervals. DEPO-PROVERA those 2 years. or approximatefy 4 pounds per year. Women who continued for 4 years gained an dia, genital herpes. genital warts, gonontIea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Contraceptive lnJectJ~n IS over 99% effective, making it one of the most reliable methods of birth average total of 118 pounds over those 4 )eMS, or approximately l.s pounds per year: Women control avaJlable. This means that the average annual pregnancy rate is less than for every ant who continued for 6 years gained an average total of 16.5 pounds over those 6 years. or approx- 100 women who use DEPO·PROVERA The effectiveness of most contraceptJVe methods =:t to become pregnant after using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive per ",ar. depends in part on how reliably each woman uses the method. T-he effectIVeness of 20:; U;tftc~s Becal:lse DEPO-PROVEAA is a long-acting birth control method. it takes some time after your last DEPO·PROVERA depends only on the patient retuming every 3 months (13 weeks) for her next In a dinica/ study of over 1900 women who used DEPO·PROVERA for up to 7 ",at; some injectJon for its e!feet to wear off. Based on the results Ifom a large study done in the Unrted States. InJ~lon. Your heatth-c.are PfOlllde~ Will help you com~ DEPO-PROvfRA with other contra- women reported the following effects that mayor may not have been related to their use of for women who stop USIngDEPO·PROVERA in order to become pregnant ~ is.expected that ceptive methods and gtve lOU the Informatlon you need In order to decide which contraceptive DEPO·PROVERA: Irregular menstrual bleeding. amenont1ea. headache. nen>ousness. abdominal about half of those who become pregnant will do so in about 10 months after their last InJection; method ISthe right choice for you. cramps, dizziness. weakness or fatigue. decreased sexual desire. leg cramps. nausea. vaginal dis- about two thirds of those who become pregnant will do so in about 12 months: about 83% of charge or initation, breast swelling and tenderness. bloating. swelling of the hands or feet back~ those who become pregnant will do so in about I 5 month~; ~nd about 93% of those who become The. ache. ~pression. insomnia. acne. pelvic pain. no hair gfO'olvth or excessive hair loss, rash. hot flash- following table shows the percent of women who got pregnant while using different kinds of pregnant will do so in about 18 months after their last Injection. The length of time you use contraceptive methods. It gives both the 1D'YVeSt expected rate ofJ'regnancy (the rate expected es. and joint pam. Other proble:ns were reported by very few of the 'NOfTIen In the clinical tnals. DEPO-PROVERA has no elfect on hew kmg ~ lakes you to becorre pregnant altec you stop using it In ~om.en who use e~ch method exactly as it should be used) an the typical rate of pregnancy What are the risks of using DEPO-PROYERA Contraceptive Injection? but some of these could be senous. These include convulsions, jaundice, urinary tract Infections. (which Indudes women who became pregna.nt because they forgot to use their birth control or I.Irregular Menstrual Bleeding allergic reactions, fainting. paralysis, osteoporosis. lack of retum to fertility. deep vein thrombosis. because they did not follow the direclJons exactly). pulmonary embolus, breast cancer, or cervical cancer. If these or any other problems occur dur- The side effect reported most frequently by women who use OEPO-PROVERA for contracep- Ing your use of DEPO-PROVERA. discuss them with your health-care prlcal see your heahh·care provider right away. With con~nued use of DEPO-PROVERA bleeding usu. . DEPO·PROVEAA periods may stop completely. If you have been recetving your DEPO-PROVEAA ,tnjectJo~ regu- OJ 0.3 ally decreases, and many women stop h.aving periods completely. In clinical studies of Implants (NorpJant) larly every 3 months (13 weeks), then you are probably not pregnant However, If you think that 0.2" DEPO·PROVERA S5% of the women stud,ed reported no menstrual bleeding (amenormea) Female !>terilization ~~~~(O~ te7t~~~~n>:ur health-care provider. 0.2 0.4 after I year of use, and 68% oi th~ women .studied reported no menstrual bleeding after 2 years of use. The reason that your penods !>top ISbecause DEPO-PROVEAA causes a resting state in Male sterilization 0.1 If you are scheduled for any laboratory tests. tell your health-care prOVlder that you are usmg 0.15 your ovaries. When your ovaries do not release an egg monthly, the regular monthly growth of Oral contraceptive (pill) DEPO·PROVERA for contracepbon. Certa,n blood tests are affected by honnones such as the lining of your uterus does not occur and. therefore, the bleeding that comes with your nor- Combined DEPO·PROVERA 0.1 mal menstruation does not take pla~e. When you stop uSlpg DEPO-PROVERA your menstrual 3'orug Interactions Progestogen only 0.5 ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~'retum to Its normal cycle. . Cytadren ( is an anticancer d.rug that may signific.antly decrease the effective- IUD ness of DtPO-PROVEAA If the two drugs a~rven dunng the same tJme. Use of DEPO-PRO~ERA may be associated with a decrease in the amount of mineral stored in Progestasert 2.0 4.Nuf5ing Mothers your ~nes. This could increase your risk of developing bone fractures. The rate of bone miner- Cooner T 380A Mhough DEPO-PROVERA can be passed to the nUrsing Infant 10 the breast milk. no harmful 0.8 alloss ISgreatest In the early years of DEPO-PROVERA use. but after thallt begins to resemble Condom (without spermiCIde) effects have ~een found in these children. DEPO-PROVERA does not Prevent the breasts from 12 the normal rate of age-related bone mineral loss. Diaphragm (with spermicide) 3.Concer 18 ~~~O~ip~O~~ t~a;f; p~~et~ ~~e~~?a~gln~~~h~~ ~~~e~rtbi~h~t~~esh~~ldar:rtn~~f Cervical cap Studies of women who have use~ different forms of contracepti~n found that women who used 18 Withdrawal DEPO-PROVERA for contraception had no increased overall nsk 0( developing cancer of the ~;;:~fla:~rd~i~d~:°~f'l>~PO~~~g~~O~:~~ti~;,aI~l:tion? 18 breast ovary. uterus. cer'Vlx. or "~f: However. women under 3S years of ag~ who~e fim expo- Periodic abstinence The ~commended dose of DEPO-PROVERA IS i 50 mg every 3 months (13 weeks) given in a sure to DEPO-PROVERA wa~ Within the previous 4 to 5 years may have a slightly Increased nsk 20 SIngle Intramuscular inJectlo~ in the buttock or upper arm. To make sure_ that you are not preg_ Spermicide alone of developing breast cance.r Similar to that seen With oral contraceptives. You ShOl..!d discuss this 21 nant at the time of the first Injection. it is essential that the Inject'lOn be given ONLY dunng the Vaginal Sponge wrth your health-care proVider. 4.Unexpected Pregnancy first 5 days of a normal menstrual penod. If used follOWing the delivery ofa child. the first InJec- used before childbirth t,on of DEPO·PROVERA MUST be gl""n wrthin 5 days after ch,ldb,rth ,f you are not breast. 18 Because DEPO-PROVERA is s~ch an effective contraceptive method. the nsk of accidental Pre,g- used after childhlirth feeding or 6 weeks after childbirth If you are exclUSively breast-feeding. l~you walt longer than 28 nancy for women who get their shots regularly (every 3 months [I 3 weeks J) is ~ry low. While No method 3 months (13 weeks) between inJections. or longer than 6 weeks after deltvery. your health-care 85 85 there have been repo~ of an increased nsk or low birth weight ~ndneonatal Infant death or S~UfCe,Trussell et al. Obstet Gynecol. 1990.76.558-567. other health problem.s In Infants conceived close to the time of Injection, such pregnanCies are b~~PR~VEl~~etermine that you are not pregnant before giving you your Injection of ·From I\lorplant" package insert. uncommon. If you think you may haye become pregnant while uSing DEPO-PROVERA for con- Who should not use DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? traception. seeyour health-care proVider as soon as pOSSible. Rx orrly SAllergrc Reactions Not all women should use DEPO·PROVERA. You should not use DEPO·PROVERA if you have anx of the, follOWing conditions: Some women usi~g DEPO-PRQVERA Contraceptive Injection ~ave reported severe and poten- • If you think you mIght be pregnan~ tially life-threatening allergIC reactJOns known il.S .anaphyl~ls. and anaphylactoid. rea0,ons. Pharmacia • If you have any vaginal bleeding Without a known reason Symptoms Include the sudden onset of hives or swelling and rtch,ng of the skin, breathing difficul- PharTnacia & Upjohn Company tIes, and a drop in blood pressure. &Upjohn Kalamazoo. MI 4900 I. USA • Sound Check: "If I was depending on my recording career to sustain me 45 years in this business, I'd be a dead heifer." RTAINMENT -Country singer Patti Austin Thursday, September 6, 2001 Page 7

THE It's all in how you see it BORDERLINE

Disney, Fox announce video on demand venture LOS ANGELES - The Walt Disney Co. and News Corp. will form a joint venture to provide Internet and cable-based video on demand, the companies announced Wednesday. The venture had been expect- ed after five other major movie studiOS announced a similar plan several weeks ago. The new company will be called and will use an existing Web site of the same name, which is operated by Disney. Unlike the other major studio venture, will also be offering films on a cable televi- sion service, which the compa- nies say should launch about the same time as the Internet-based offering. The companies said the joint venture is scheduled to debut early next year. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS JEFF WHITNEY/DAILY EVERGREEN Painting instructor Mark Boone comments on art displayed Wednesday afternoon in the Fine Arts Center. The exhibition Paula Zahn headed for shows work of exchange students from Nihon University in Japan and will run through September 17. CNN, is fired from F~x . NEW YORK- Paula Zahn is WSU MUSEUM OF ART headed to CNN, where she is expected to anchor a new morn- ing broadcast. The path was abruptly cleared Exhibit gets down and 'Raw' for lahn to make a move when Panel discusses how lection," said Mary Collins, "It is as if we don't trust to recognize art in the widest she was fired Wednesday from . director of the Museum of II sense of the word, including Fox News Channel for what that science and art can Anthropology. "We are trying to OUT own eyes to ~e us things that were not created by network called breach of con- be one and the same find ways that the collections what we aTelookmg at, hum~ hands. It just lets us tract. She was signed with Fox can be used by lots of people or our minds to tell us if ad~r~, b~auty, whereve~ we News through February 2002. with lots of different goals." . find It, said Roger Schlesmger, Fox News is charging that Zahn's By Amy Davies One of the interesting things what we are looking at history department chair. agent, Richard Leibner, violated A standing room only crowd about collecting is what these is beautiful." The relationship of collecting that pact by talking to CNN. packed the fine art auditorium objects say about the people to colonialization was discussed "Fox News regards breach of on 'fuesday night to listen to a who collect them, said Amy Amy Mooney by a number of panel members. contract as a serious and intoler- panel discussion that was part Mooney, a professor of art histo- Art professor "Control over objects of a cul- ry. ture are symbolic of control over able offense," Fox executive Jack ofthe opening of "The Raw and Abernethy said. the Cooked: A Cabinet of "Each object represents a people," Coates said. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Curiosities from the Collections history," she said. It is not only of the Museum of Art. "We "Frequently, the justification of Washington State the history of the object itself, decided that the artificial line that has been given for collect- but the history viewers attach between science and art would ing is to document a culture so THE Top FIVE University." The panel participants dis- to it, she added. be definitively blurred." that there will be some record TELEVISION cussed various aspects of col- Panel members said they When viewers walk into a once that culture becomes 1. "Who Wants to Be a lecting, the relationship saw this collection of curiosities museum and look at a piece of extinct," Mooney said. "In fact, Millionaire-Tuesday,"ABC. between collecting and colonial- breaking down the barriers art, they immediately look for those cultures are still very 2. "Everybodyl..mes Raymond," ism, and the relationship between art and science. the card on the wall next to it to much alive." CBS. between science and art. "This collection encourages tell them what they're looking The Museum of Art is open e 2. "Law & Order;"NBC. The first volley of the discus- us to step outside the regula- at, Mooney said. Monday through Friday from 4. "Who Wants to Be a sion started with their experi- tions of academia," Mooney "It is as if we don't trust our 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday said. own eyes to tell us what we are from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Millionaire-Thursday,"ABC. ences with collecting. 5. "NFL Pre-season Football "Managing a collection is ''We made a decision not to looking at, or our minds to tell Saturday and Sunday from 1 to special-2: Oakland vs. Dallas,"ABC. exciting. Not only (for) the prac- label the pieces in the exhibit," us if what we are looking at is 5 p.m. "The Raw and the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tical issues, but the social issues said Ross Coates, professor beautiful," she said. Cooked" will run through Oct. RLMS surrounding the use of the col- emeritus and interim director "This exhibit encourages us 14. 1...Jeepers Creepers," MGM. 2. "Rush Hour 2," New Une. BOOK REVIEW 3. "AmericanPie 2," Universal. 4. "The Others," Miramax. 5. "Rat Race," Paramount. 'Passions' gives great insight into soap THE ASSOCIATED PRESS entertainment industry right Secrets from the Diaries of By Matthew R. Weaver based story- .FICTION HOTRVE now is NBC's ''Passions.'' Tabitha Lenox." Written by lines. (A pri- Hidden romance novelist Alice Alfonsi 1. ''I'm Real," mary exam- Interesting that the show is upon my soapbox Passions: and using "Passions" (feat. Ja Rule). Epic. again. ple of this doing everything I talked 2. "Fallin',"AliciaKeys. J. Soap operas intrigue Secrets about above, when it only creator/head writer James E. kind of story- Reilly's bible for the show, 3. "Someone To Call My Lover," me as an industry. They, I line is ABC's From The began to air in 1999. "Hidden Passions" is a window Janet. Vi rgin. feel, are one of the few story- lineup, which Diaries Of ''Passions'' has had a feature to the past so that eager read- 4. "Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!)," telling channels where it is is a real Tabitha article in Entertainment ers can make sense of some of BtuCantrell.RedZone. possible to show an event, mess right Lenox Weekly magazine, and was on the current mysteries. 5. "Let Me BlowYa Mind," Eve and the fallout from said now.) Alice Alfonsi the cover of TV Guide in July, The book is the diary of (feat. Gwen Stefani). RuffRyders. event, for years. Some of the And that's Harper proof that it's taking off. Part Tabitha (played by Juliet Mills THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stories currently showing on why it's Entertainment of this, I will admit, is because on the soap), a 200-year-old daytime dramas today got exciting G.RAPE of the bizarre stories the show witch who's been living for cen- AlBUMS their start more than a when a soap is telling, what with trips to turies in the show's setting, a 1. "Now," Maxwell. decade ago, and viewers have pauses to hell, angel girls and living dolls seen every step along the mine its her- A and all. New England town called Columbia/CRG. Harmony (even though life in 2. "Project English," Juvenile. way! itage and tell But at its heart, all this That's why it's frustrating storylines that will both draw hype just reflects the fact that Harmony is anything but har- Cash Money/Universal. monious). Peppered with little 3. "Now 7," Various Artists. that the people currently in in new viewership, and please "Passions" is using past history charge of most soap operas to enrich what's on screen right comments from Tabitha's living EMI/UniversaI/Sony/lombajVirgin. people who've been tuning in today don't have a clue as to now, and fans are tuning in in doll, Timmy (Josh Ryan 4. "Songs In A Minor;" Alicia since day one at the same what they're doing, and are droves. Evans), the book describes life Keys. J. (Platinum- certified sales time. (The shining example of using gimmicks to draw in this is currently CBS' "As the In the spring, NBC sought in Harmony twenty years ago. of 1 millionunits) viewers rather than utilizing to cash in on the growing Well-to-do Ivy (Kim 5. "," 'N Sync. Jive. World Turns.") their show's rich histories and However, the soap that's soap's mania and released a Johnston lnrich) loves middle (Platinum) coming up with character- book, ''Hidden Passions: See INSIGHT, page 10 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS really catching the eye of the -- __------

8 THE DAlLY EVERGREEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 ABcE CD REVIEW Bjork dazzles, Jay-Z and RZA show different sides on record By Tony Toskoy tal songs on this new release ay-Z's new album, entitled "Harm of Will" was jork's latest album, "The Blueprint" is riding written by cult filmmaker 'Vespertine'is a remark- high on a wave of hype Harmony Korine (KI.D.S, able 12 d heavy anticipation. B Gumma) possibly as a gag, and song set E LEe T RON I C rTheLP, filled with Vespertine even that worked out rather which is his Hrp-HOp flawlessly. Another gem on this top of the Bjork sixth in as The album, "Sun in my Mouth" is line electron- Elektra many years, Blueprint based on the E.E. Cummings ica arrange- Entertainment recently had Jay-Z GRADE poem of the same name. ments, per- its release De! Jam/ Roc-A- Overall, the album is per- fect for the date pushed a Fella Records haps Bjork's best to date, and boisterous week forward GRApE A that's saying a whole lot. She singer to to Sept. 11th just continues to produce wallow in. due to exten- impressive and innovative sive bootleg- B+ Recorded over the past win- quality albums. ter in her native Iceland, the ging. - The title, ''Vespertine'' is fit- On this album, which runs tracks carry a wide array of ting because it pertains to enticing chimes, bells, and 13 songs deep, the most suc- something that shines in the harp sequences. The opening cessful rapper in recent years dark and thats exactly what track "Hidden Place" is an displays his usual array of this album is, a bright new enigmatic blend of an orches- slick, braggadocio-style punch- release in a year that has so tralloop with trance-like per- lines over top-notch produc- far been marked by a ton of cussions. As dark and experi- tion. unimpressive releases. mental as the album is, it actu- The album's first single, ally flows very smoothly, even "Izzo (H.O.V.A)," is perhaps eis arguably hip- at first listen. The nature of this summer's biggest anthem, hop's most respected the album may recall banking on a silly, but catchy fig- Radiohead's "Kid A" album H Jackson 5 interpolation on the ure at the HIP-HOP chorus. from last year, but doesn't pos- moment. As Digital Bullet sess any of its awkwardness. The latest single, ''U Don't PHOTO COURTESY ELEKTRA ENTERTAINMENT head of the RZA as Bobby One of the more experimen- Know," is an uptempo tune Bjork amazes on her latest album, "Vespertine" dynamic Wu- Digital with a party vibe to it. These Tang Clan, Koch Records songs are fine, but don't truly RZA has con- GRADE reflect the feel of the entire tinuously album. pushed the "Takeover," samples The envelope in c Doors classic.''Backdoor Man," rap music as Jay-Z proceeds to take ver- over the years, especially bal jabs at fellow rap heavy- behind the boards with his weights Nas and Prodigy. slick production skills. Brutal, yet comical, it's a stun- ''Digital Bullet", his latest ning track which follows the release is much like a sequel to album's opener. his 1998 pseudo-classic solo On "Renegades," Jay match- debut, 'Bobby Digital in es wits with counterpart Stereo.' Standout tracks on this Eminem (who also produced new release include "It Must the song) as the two take turns Be Bobby" where RZA displays dismissing naysayers and fac- sharp braggadocio rhymes over ing up to their controversial a pleasant piano beat. ''Build images, as Jay-Z's opening Strong" features RZA fumbling verse on the track so nimbly over his words halfway describes: ''Do you fools listen through the song, to the point to the music or do you just where he has to stop for a skim through it/See I'm influ- moment and recollect himself. enced by the ghetto you ruined Too good to be an outtake, it ... the renegade/You've been stayed in there for aesthetic afraidII penetrate pop culture purposes. ''Fools" is a brilliant and bring them a lot closer to song where Rza speaks against my block ..." the evils of numerous vices. Tracks such as "Never There are a few misses on this LP as well. ''L3. Rhumba," Change," with its outstanding soul sampling, and "Song Cry," which is the first single inter- estingly, sounds like a cheesy where Jay reveals details of his Spanish reggae tune packed New York upbringing, are a with a high annoyance factor couple of gems that are instant delights. . on the chorus. There are also a lot of subpar guest appear- Perhaps, his most polished ances that drag the album - not to be confused with best down a bit. - album to date, 'The Although, there's one inter- Blueprint' doesn't disappoint esting collaboration on a bonus by any means. Infact, this song entitled "Cousins" which album works mostly because of features French rappers Don Jay-Z's effortless ease around Dyneco and Cilvarings, as the the microphone and will likely two rap in their native lan- remain a hip-hop fixture for guage over a prime quality years to come. RZA beat .. As wide as its appeal may Overall, ''Digital Bullet" is a be, Jay-Z understands that his FOR A LIMITED TIME, COME INTO CELLULAR ONE FOR A solid effort but lacks the replay music isn't for everyone., as he value to be considered a great acknowledges this on the song SPECIAL smartpay PACKAGE WHICH INCLUDES: album. Just mark it as another "Heart of the City:" ''You're not wireless- sequel that doesn't live up to feeling me, fine/It cost you the original. nothing/so pay me no mind." ® MOTOROLA 3090 DIGITAL PHONE All FOR ONLY ACTIVATION FEE INCLUDED Available Seats $30ltll* ON YOUR ACCOUNT On" While supplies lost.


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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 THE DAlLY EVERGREEN 9 BOOK REVIEW 'Mauve' not very colorful with words By Matthew R. Weaver kin~ of life most people are aIlXlOUSto read about. olor me disappointed. Which brings us to the 1 first saw Simon ~ther half of ''Mauve,'' which is CGarfield's "Mauve" on hterally the biography of the the non-fiction new arrivals color itself, how it caught on table at a Barnes & Noble in ~d the ensuing Beanie Baby- Spokane. The subtitle, "How hke craze over it in the early one man years, dubbed "mauve BIOGRAPHY invented a me~sles" by smart-alecky jour- color and Mauve nalists. This is more interest- changed the Simon ing (especially the bit about world" Garfield Napoleon's wife kicking the intri~ed me, WW Norton and mauve trend oft) but, alas, it Company and 1went becomes lost as Garfield gets through great GRADE swept up in the more mundane pains to order and boring scientific bits it from the v.:hich are sure to thrill ~y Spokane c diehard fan of textiles and library sys- manufacturing, but will put tem in order to take a closer the rest of us to sleep. look. Hidden gem, however: On 1shouldn't have wasted my page 164 of "Mauve" there lies time. Garfield gets an "A" for the word "polyoxybenzyl- subject matter and concept methyllenglycolanhydride," u a "C"{ior 1ousy execution.. ' b t which Impresses me, as it is On one hand, "Mauve" is COURTESY LIONS GATE FILMS even longer than "ethylte- the biography of William trahydroanthrahydroquinone." Desi Brable (Julia Stiles) is comforted by Odin James (Mekhi Phifer) in "0," a modern update Perkin, a young chemistry stu- (Hey, simple pleasures for sim- dent who accidentally discov- of Shakespeare's play Othello. ple people.) ers the ability to manufacture The most interesting part of colots to dye materials, not just "Mauve" comes at the end in MOVIE REVIEW by using natural elements. Garfield's afterword and it Garfield trips up in this aspect belies everything «Mauve" of the book by including virtu- '0' pays tribute to the classic ally every person Perkin came could have, or should have, been: "On (Garfield's) visits to into contact with on the trip to By Ray Huffaker kill them both o audience feel for the charac- Imperial College it was appar- ters. We hope everything making mauve a household in a jealous Julia Stiles, ent how slender was the con- 'More than 73 percent works out okay in the end, color, which isn't very interest- rage. Mekhi Phifer, nection between the current of all movies are even though we know ing to slog through. Actually, Josh Hartnett What's more, the reader is batch of ambitious chemistry based on the works "Othello" was a tragedy and \ with all the left wondering what could pos- students and their Victorian of Shakespeare. This is a lit- RatedR everyone is doomed. predecessors. The future was Shakespeare sibly come next when Perkin (l tle known statistic, since 1 Now PLAYING AT movies com- The movie is also to be hope I'm not giving anything too exciting to look back ... but made it up. ing out, it's University 4 commended for casting Phifer they wrote their thesis on blue- Yet the cold hard truth away here) dies, and there are enough to (who is black) as the main berry iMacs, photographed remains. From comedies to GRADE still a significant number of convince me character, who is a black man their friends on one-use dramas to pornographic films, pages still unturned. Shakespeare in Shakespeare's play, This is Kodaks, sprayed themselves - not a single genre is No real biographical details is still alive B+ a step up from the embarrass- with Calvin Klein and masked Shakespeare-free. are given, save for the usual "0," an update of the bard's and living on ing 1965 version starring birth, marriages and children their headaches with aspirin. a deserted Laurence Olivier, who is information. There's nothing to Their clothes were not all "Othello," is the newest, but black; some of them wore blue certainly not the last, tropical island somewhere whiter than Saltines, as endear Perkin to us; nothing to with Tupac. Shakespeare Othello. make us think, "What a fasci- green, even yellow. And they , Shakespeare-inspired movie. walked around as if these Why is Shakespeare so pop- ghostwrote the classic Pac "0" is the rare re-make nating life this man had! I lines "1 won't deny it, I'm a that stays true to the original, must keep reading so as not to colours were the most natural ular? Does anybody actually thing in the world." straight rider, you don't want yet brings new life to the miss a moment!" Perkin dis- know what iambic pentameter covered a color the world had Tho bad Garfield never lets means? Since Jay-Z can rhyme to f&%* with me," in fact. story. And, as Shakespeare never seen, and ultimately the irony nor his wonder at the six syllables together, should I've never read "Othello," once wrote, "big pimpin, whole thing shine through. It's since I am illiterate, but judg- spendin cheese; big pimpin, on changed industries all over. students read the lyrics sheet Other than that single intrigu- a glorious ending to an other- ing from "0," the play is about b-l-a-des." to "Big Pimpin' " in high school ing fact, he did not lead the wise dull textbook wannabe. English class? a superstar high school bas- Shakespeare's works are ketball player named "0" basically 17th-century daytime (played by Mekhi Phifer) who soaps. If he was alive today, is driven to violence by jeal- Shakespeare would be writing ousy and the deceit of his best for ''" and friend/teammate (played by Stefano would fall in love with Josh Hartnett). John Black, only to have Chloe "0" succeeds in making the

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No one told you the hardest part of being an engineer would be finding your first job. Of course, it s still possible to get the high-tech work you want by joining the U.S. Air Force. You can leverage your degree immediately and get hands-on experience with some of the most sophisticated technology on earth. To find out how to get your career off the ground, call1-B00-423-USAF or visit our Web site at In Army ROTCyou'll PUShyo!Jr~~lf:f~st Yopr,lirpits. And in tile process,.learnhgw to think'oti yot,lrfeet and be a good leadetYou could~yen.getasspotarshjqi.~egister today/or an Army ROTC class. Beca,useyou're not jvstllke."everyon~." .,:': .;.::':.. _,... ;'AlI)VI ri' .ROTC Unli1tea.n~. otherCol1_eg~, ..~l'se you cap. ta.lce. \.J ~ .' ~" . .:,. 'Regist~~f~~'ijILSIOl or 102 u.s. AIR FORCE "{pSix sectlonsto·.;hOOse(!.om! Call CPTpani~II)'llncanat 509i3'35~2951 or yisitAvery 405; 1.0 THE DAILY EVERGREEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 AAE U thea.ter to make room for 'Company' Pia:' ,.' examine the 'ups "I'm excited about this show. Some of the cast of "Company" were Princeton University this fall. Heather part of "Winnie the Pooh, the Musical" Harper has been cast to play April for and Clowns of relationships' It's going to blow people's socks and "Driving Miss Daisy," the two of the the upcoming shows. off. " productions in Summer Palace this year. "I'm excited about this show," By Amy Davies MacMillan and Chris Barber, who MacMillan said. "It's going to blow peo- played Christopher Robin and Winnie ple's socks off." The WSU department of theater and Brian MacMillan Actor in 'Company' the Pooh, respectively, are part of the "Company" played to packed houses music is bringing Broadway to Pullman cast of "Company." during its run this July and August. It with their revival of "Company." "I have to commend (Barber) on his will run Sept. 7 and 8 at 8 p.m, at the The Steven Sondheim musical was The lone bachlor is Robert, played by dedication," said Julie Wieck, director of Jones Theater in Daggy Hall. Tickets are one of the productions presented this Brian MacMillian. Robert finds "Company." "He is flying in from Kansas $4 for students, $8 for adults, and $6 for summer as a part of Summer Palace. "Company" as he tries to make sense out to be a part of this revival." seniors and youths. "Company" follows the lives of a. of love and life. There will be one of the original cast The production is rated P~ 13 for lan- group of friends living in a Manhattan ''Tllis show examines the ups and members who is unable to be a part of guage, drug use and adult situations. apartment complex. All but one of this downs of marriage and relationships," the revival. Danielle Ivory, who played Tickets are available at the Daggy Han group are either married or engaged. MacMillan said. April this summer, is attending box office.

"Confused? Try Westmore) and Luis Lopez- WSU MUSEUM OF ART INSIGHT re-reading the last two Fitzgerald (Galen Gering) are continued from PAGE 7 meant to be, even they've paragraphs a couple of spent several past lives trying class pizza boy Sam (James to be together. 'Border Exchange' Hyde), but forces (namely, times. It'll all sink in But I'm happiest that Tabitha) are working to keep eventually ... " "Hidden Passions" reveals a them apart. Ivy is to be paired little bit of the motivation to renew program with town scoundrel Julian behind Alistair Crane. On the them. Crane (Ben Masters), at the You see? Intricacies like this show, Alistair's face is never Graduate art students "It really energizes both pro- wishes of her dad and of don't spring up over night! It seen. All we see of the man is from both schools res- grams." Julian's machinating father, takes planning, and sometimes his hands, and body from the Rafael Mendoza, a WSU stu- Alistair (voiced by Alan decades of secrets to make neck down, while he plots to urrect the art something really viable, and dent participant, combines Oppenheimer, he of Skeletor- kill daughter Sheridan and exchange program voicing fame). But Julian is only soaps have the power. endulges in an assortment of founded bronze, carved wood, intoxicated by jazz singer Eve "Hidden Passions" enhances odd hobbies and crafts. (Why sandstone and marble in his By Amy Davies (Tracey Ross), who is about to the current fan's viewing, and kill Sheridan? Now we know work. "Working with metal at fall in love with Sam's best will intrigue many more to ...) While football players fought 2,500 degrees, pouring it into friend and Julian's tennis rival, start watching. (I know I'm Alistair is intriguing, in in the "Border Battle," gradu- the molds, is an incredible rush. T.C. (Rodney van Johnson) tempted to set my VCR ... ) part because he's never com- ate art students were cooperat- It makes creating even more Fans of the show know that, I particularly like the idea pletely seen, and partly ing in the "Border Exchange." exhilarating," Mendoza said. ultimately, Sam and Ivy share that Tabitha has been a thorn because of Oppenheimer, con- "We are all aspiring profes- Julia Cardone's work in clay one last night (right after she in Harmony's side for quite tinuing my Skeletor fascina- sional artists," said Richard is a commentary on community, marries Julian!), which ulti- some time. (As those in the tion. Kerr, WSU Fine Art graduate individuality and communica- mately produces Ethan (Travis know know, Tabitha and side- That, and the fact that student, and co-coordinator of tion, she said. Cardone is a Shuldt), who was raised as a kick Timmy are the show's "Alistair Crane" is a really cool the "Border Exchange." Crane heir until the eve of his breakout characters and the name and fun to say, although After a few years in hiatus, WSU student. marriage to Theresa Lopez: biggest daytime draw since most of the characters' names student organized art exhibits Both exhibits contain Fitzgerald (Lindsey Korman), .) Tabby's roll off the tongue. are coming back to the Palouse. diverse artwork in a variety of daughter of Ivy's maid Pilar diary takes us back to the Alistair Crane Alistair Graduate students at the mediums. (Eva Tamargo Lemus), while early settler years, and Crane Alistair Crane Alistair University of Idaho and WSU Work by graduate students Julian and Eve's tryst mayor explains Tabitha's hatred for Crane ... are exhibiting art across the from the U of I will be visiting WSUs Fine Gallery IT from may not have produced Chad Grace Standish Bennett (Dana So check out the book and border. Art (Donn Swaby), who is currently Sparks) and her niece Charity check out the show. Until they "The exhibit has always Sept. 3 to 21.An exhibit of work wooing both Eve's daughters. (Molly Stanton), as well as a wise up, shows like "General been organized by students," by WSU graduate students will Confused? Try re-reading long-standing grudge against Hospital" don't deserve your said Paul Lee, chair of the fine visit the U of Ts Ridenbaugh the last two paragraphs a cou- the Cranes. We also get to see . attention. arts department. "It brings Gallery from Aug. 29 to Sept . ple of times. It'll all sink in that current supercouple Alistair Crane, and good together to very good fine arts 11. eventually ... Sheridan Crane (Mackenzie night. programs, promoting communi- cation and cooperation between

September 7th

Get involved and read about WSU: Audible: "With Barry, it's all about image and all about money. But I'd love him to become a Met." -Mets fan Charles Stanley, on Barry Bonds

PORTS Page 11 Thursday, September 6, 2001 A HER 0 's HOM E COM I. N G THE SIDELINE Guillen out with sprained left ankle The Seattle Mariners expect to be without starting e ball shortstoP Carlos Guillen for at least a week because of a. Former football coach sprained left ankle.. . . Jim Walden returns as a Guillen was Injured In Tuesday night's 8-3, 10-inning Cougar radio analyst loSS to Tampa Bay when he By Nell Pierson stepped on first. Steve Cox's foot while running familiar face is back in out an infield single in the sec- Pullman, but you won't see ond inning. A his face as much as you'll Guillen's ankle was exam- hear his voice. ined before Wednesday night's Jim Walden returned to WSU this game against the Devil Rays. fall as the radio analyst for the "It's a mild sprain," Crimson and Gray Sports Network. Mariners trainer Rick Griffin He will be teaming up with announcer said. "We hope for less than Bob Robertson, who is in his 35th sea- 10 days, but we'll have to se~." son as the voice Guillen is hitting .245 With of Cougar foot- "You need a four home runs and 49 RBis in ball. Walden 130 games. called Robertson sense of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a "pioneer of humor and to radio," and com- be able to A's win fourth pared him with such legendary interview and straight with broadcasters as visit with Keith Jackson win over O's and Chick Hearn others." (ofthe NBA's Los Jason Giambi extended his Angeles Lakers). Jim Walden hitting streak to a season-high Walden believes Crimson and Gray 11 games with his 33rd home he will learn a lot Network run as the Oakland Athletics from Robertson's radio analyst routed the Baltimore Orioles 12- descriptiveness 6 for their fourth straight win. and accuracy Terrence Long added a solo that allows the home run and an RBI single, game to come and Cory Udle (1D-6) allowed alive for radio listeners. two runs and six hits in seven ''Hopefully it will be a good combi- innings. nation," Walden said. Giambi was in the lineup as Walden is no stranger to Cougar designated hitter for th~ A:S football, either. As coach from 1978-86, after leaving Tuesday nights he helped tum around a WSU pro- game with a tight left ham- gram that had three coaches in the string. But he had walked three previous seasons. In 1981, three times, keeping a 10- Walden guided the Cougars to an 8-3- game hitting streak alive. 1 record and a trip to the Holiday He extended the streak Bowl in San Diego, the first bowl with his two-run homer off game for WSU in 51 years. His 44 vic- Calvin Madura (3-5) in the tories rank third in school history, fourth, the A's first hit. . trailing only (60 wins) and . After throwing three hitless (93). Walden later innings, Madura wound up coached at State University from l allowing seven runs and seven 1987-1994. JONATHAN HENNING/DAILY EVERGREEN hits in five innings. It was during his years at Iowa Jim Walden converses with Paul Sorensen in the announcer's booth during THE ASSOCIATED PRESS See WALDEN, page 12 Thursday's WSU football game against University of Idaho. Yakima will have team in WOMEN'S SOCCER new league WSU aims high after close losses The Continental Basketball Association will return to cougars to battle "Everyone I've talked to Yakima for the 2002-2003 that has played (EWU) season. Eastern and UNLV An ownership group, led Of thisweekend said they fight very hard the Rev. Craig Jackson of and they're very Renton, received unanimous By Richard Galluccio approval for a franchise on organized Tuesday. The WSU soccer team hopes defensively. " Jackson said his first task to redeem itself this weekend will be to work out an agree- when it hosts Eastern Dan Tobias ment to bring the Yakima Sun Washington University and Women's soccer coach Kings former gene.ral manager, Mercer University. Rich Austin, back m.toth~ fold. The Cougars lost their first Austin said he IS trying to two games on Aug. 31 and Sept. team," WSU Coach Dan Tobias work out a deal that would 2 to St. Mary's College (Calif.) said. ''Everyone I've talked to alloW him to retain his general and UNLV by scores of 3-2 and that has played them said they manager's position wit~ the 1-0. fight ~ery hard and they're very Yakima Shockwave, an Indoor The EWU Eagles also head orgamzed defensively." football team, as well. into Friday with a winless The Mercer Bears members The 55-year-old CBAfolded record, after losing to the of the Atlantic Sun Conference last winter, two years a~er University of Toledo and San head into Sunday's game with ~ Basketball Hall o~ Farner ISla.h Diego State University. The 1-1 record. This will be the first Thomas bought It for $9 ml.l- Cougars are 2-0 against the time the Cougars play the lion. Thomas, a former Detroit Eagles overall. The last meet- Bears. PistonS star, was forced. to sell ing was in 1999 when WSU WSU will be led by senior the CBAafter he was hired as - won by a score of 6-2. goa~eeper Lindsey Jorgensen. STAFF PHOTO/DAILY EVERGREEN coach of the NBA's Indiana . "Eastern Washington She was named to the Pac-l0 WSU junior Rachel Rodrick st~bS ~t the ball during the 2000 University is a very improved Pacers. NCAATournament against University of Montana. • THE ASSOCIATED PRESS See HIGH, page 13 1.2 THE DAlLY zyERGREEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001. SPORTS

WALDEN NFL OUTLOOK continued from PAGE11

State that Walden began to Holmgren: Hawks find his talent in broadcasting. He started with a coach's show and followed its success by must begin well launching morning and . The Associated Press evening radio shows. He also Favre's backup in Green Bay, had a 116.0 rat- collaborated on a Big 12 high- KIRKLAND - The NFL's ing during the exhibition sea- light film during his time at worst defense has been beefed ISU. Walden said his "gift of up with veterans, an old star son. He completed 63 percent of his passes (36-for-57) for gab" and his knowledge of foot- and a new face are looking 458 yards and six touch- ball have helped him get where good on offense and the new downs, -while throwing one he is today. quarterback, while untested ''You need a sense of humor in battle, performed well in interception: Still, he has yet to start a regular season and to be able to interview and the exhibition season. game. visit with others," Walden said. Still, the bottom line for the During his nine seasons at Seattle Seahawks is this: do His backup is expected to the helm of the Cougar pro- better in their Sunday season be Trent Dilfer, who helped gram, Walden recalled many opener in Cleveland than in the Baltimore Ravens win the wonderful memories. He said last year's meltdown in Super Bowl last season. the best experience of all was Miami. Holmgren, who acquired working with WSU president "Last year I felt we were Hasselbeck in a trade with the Glenn Terrell to bring Pac-l0 ready," coach Mike Holmgren Packers, likes what he's seen, rivals like USC and UCLA said Wednesday. "I felt pretty but expressed some reserva- back to play in Pullman good about that game." tions. again. Before Martin But Jon Kitna threw four "Matt hasn't won any Stadium was enlarged by interceptions and lost two games yet," he said. "So let's 12,400 seats in 1979, many fumbles in Seattle's 23-0 open- be a little patient with him." Pac-lO games were played in ing loss to the Dolphins. The Holmgren has to show Spokane. In 1984, the Trojans Seahawks never recovered some of that patience himself. made their first appearance and finished with a 6-10 Last season, he had a strained in Pullman since 1956, and record, Holmgren's first losing relationship with Kitna, . the Bruins ended their 24- season as a coach in the NFL. whom he demoted as the year absence in 1979. The JONATHAN HENNING/DAILY EVERGREEN ''You can't start the season starter and had to go back to process of improving Martin Walden overlooks Martin Stadium Aug. 30 during WSU's 36-7 that way," Holmgren said. after Brock Huard got hurt. Stadium to help students and win against UI. After winning their final "My challenge with Matt alumni get closer to the game two exhibition games, the will be to make sure that I involved what Walden termed fans in 2001. They want the Seahawks head into their temper his enthusiasm and "taking the bull by the "(Price}would be the prosperity of four years ago to third season under Holmgren make sure he's not trying to horns." first to say when wins continue. But Walden knows with new optimism, but lots of do too much," Holmgren said. Today, Pac-l0 football in aren't happening, people that no one wants a team to questions remain. Their coach "I just have to keep the ham- Pullman is alive and well. wID.more than the coach. is making no predictions. mer on. I can't be his best "(It) showed the impact that start grousing and "We are a 'today' society, a New starting quarterback friend in the whole world and playing these kinds of teams at complaining fast-changing society," Walden Matt Hasselbeck, Brett he knows it." Pullman would have for the said. "(Price) would be the first future;" Walden said. Jim Walden to say when wins aren't hap- Walden also fondly remi- Crimson and Gray Network pening, people start grousing Vick accepts role, nisced about his rivalry with radio analyst and complaining." Don James, former University Walden hopes Cougar for- of Washington coach. tunes will make a turn for the Although the Cougar-Husky and Walden's football staff also positive this season, and but likely will play rivalry, as it is today, was was turning over. He felt that believes the team has a good fierce during Walden's days, his years in coaching were shot at winning if they stay The Associated Press opener against San Francisco he recalled the tremendous healthy. He feels the line- somewhat numbered and it FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. - the only question is how amount of respect he had for was time for a change. When backer situation is a big key much. - Michael Vick wants to put James, his assistant coaches for success. The Cougars have ''We will definitely use him ISU made an offer, which a couple of issues to rest. and the UW program. What lost starters Melvin Simmons Walden called a "hellacious He doesn't care whether in the game," Reeves said. ''I made Walden's nine Apple and Curtis Holden, and are amount of money," he made he's called Mike or Michael - have an idea, but we won't Cup experiences so memo- the move. awaiting the return of Al talk about it." rable, he said, was the con- and Chris Chandler is THE ''It was a very, very sad day Genatone, who will play quarterback for the Atlanta When told of Reeves' com- stant struggle to find a way to for us," Walden said of the day Saturday against Boise State ment, Vick smiled. "Oh, well, beat the Huskies. Falcons. he and his family packed up University. "I don't think I'm going to never mind. The only thing I "He made me a better for Iowa. Walden now lives in Coeur play this week," the NFL's No. can do is prepare myself for coach," Walden said of James. whenever I go in the game, do As a former coach, Walden d' Alene with his wife, Janice. 1 draft pick said Wednesday. In 1986, Walden made a to the things I'm capable of said he can relate the pres- They have two daughters and "Chris is the starter. It's his tough decision and left WSU sure being put on current three grandchildren in team, My time is up now that doing." for Iowa State. Although he Reeves, one of the league's WSU Coach Mike Price. Spokane. Walden said he is the preseason is over." said his love for WSU had not most open coaches, doesn't Walden believed the success happy to be back in the area Well, that's not how coach faded, it was a time of great Price had with 1997's Rose where he raised his family. Dan Reeves looks at the situa- want the 4gers- to know what change in Pullman. 'Thrrell was the rookie might do, so he took Bowl trip has kept the expecta- It's the area where he hopes tion. He made it clear that the unusual step of reminding leaving WSU after 18 years, tions high for the students and to become a familiar voice. Vick will play in Sunday's the media of the rules for cov- ering practice. ''You guys can watch prac- tice, but what you see in prac- tice, don't write it," Reeves said. "Whatever you see in practice, just keep it that way." Certainly, the coach is floating the idea that while Chandler is the starter, Vick is going to play a major role before this season is done - with a few trick plays thrown into the mix. ''What we want to do is hopefully increase that learn- ing curve of him being able to get on the field where he is more comfortable and yet not DUE disrupt the flow of the game, and being fair to Chris so that 1·~G Chris doesn't lose the flow of the game," Reeves said. ''That is a difficult thing to do, but $10.00 we are going to try it." $ The Falcons have too much 15.00 invested in Vick - a $62 mil- lion contract and hope for improving the franchise's sorry image - to let him lan- guish on the bench all year. ''We're going to see how it works, because I do think that he can develop faster that way," Reeves said. "Also, his skills present different prob- lems for a defense." SPORI'S THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 THE DAILY EVERGREEN 13 AUTO RACING ---=..:;-lI.S. OPEN Venus Williams, Capriati Yakima girl killed, to clash in .Friday match parents blame car The Associated Press The Associated Press the U.S. Open has changed. They've got a brand ((My daughter should new huge stadium. The Open has really blown YAKIMA- The parents of a NEW YORK - Venus Williams was erratic, up a lot, and tennis, in general, is so popular. still be alive. rr 17-year-old girl killed while .Jennifer Capriati was ecstatic. Now the winners I'm glad that 10 years later I'm able to be part training .at an auto-racing ~f the year's first three Grand Slam titles will Steve Bergman of it," Capriati said. school beheve she was driving lbeet for a spot in the final of the fourth major. Victim's father "I'm very happy, joyous, ecstatic. It's a great an unsafe car. Not a whole lot went right for Williams at the sense of satisfaction - and I'm very grateful, Ashley Bergman died in May V.S. Open on Wednesday - the 43 unforced also." when her late-model Monte the car wasn't mounted at the ~rrors, the 48 percent of first serves that missed Williams and Capriati have been alternately Carlo race car slammed into a bottom; it was just tucked itn he the mark, the eight double-faults. Just enough dominant in 2001, and they're the only two wall at 40 mph to 50 mph at the said. ' oJ.idgo the defending champion's way, though, to women who have not dropped a set so far at the Yakima Speedway; where she Ashley was wearing a hel- qdd up to a 6·3, 6-1 quarterfinal victory over Open. That will change in Friday's semifinals. had been a student in a two-day met, but when her head hit the l

HIGH continued from PAGE11 .....~-...... •...... •.....••.....••• ...... •...... all-conference second team Jessica Allen, Katelin Eagles at 3 p.m. Friday and aJld Pac-l0 all-academic first Jackson, Kim Morgan, J enna host the Bears at noon Sunday. team, and also has the WSU Wirtz and Rachel Rodrick. Both games will be played on records for most saves on goal Sara Lebowitz, who filled in the WSU soccer field. (351) and shutouts (16). as goal keeper for Jorgensen, ''The task for us this week- Friday, SepTember- 7Th 'i_ Senior defender Beth also returns. Eleven new end is to just take it in steps," Childs, who owns the WSU freshmen also have been Tobias said. "As cliche as it ca.reer assists record of 17, added to the roster for the sounds in sports, Friday is the ,~:OO - ~:OO p.m. leads the defense while the Cougars. first step. I would expect with Cougar freshman class of ''The good thing is, from the the group that we have, we @ 2000 returns nine players first person to the 28th person, will show up very motivated tbis season - including we have a talented team, with a lot of extra incentive to maybe our most talented not just perform well but to get Greenhouse by L..ighiy defenders Mariette Boyce, t Shay Hobby and Danielle group so far," Tobias said. the result that we've been Sass. The. Midfielders are The Cougars play the working for." (Grimes Way)

Bible Studies pus every week learn God's Word and enjoy great friendships e~' Go /. . ouf af Christian on me and find one In '1 Fello1Ns

«£:> this fall, the most fun and exciting·thing happening An afternoon of waterskiing, EVERY Friday night ... volleyball, knee-boarding, innertubing, ultimate frisbee, at 7:30 pm swimming, food...and more fun! ...u couple hundred college students from WSV Call for more info and VI gather and experience lots of laughs, a live band, 334-1035 multimedia, dance, drama, We meet at Living Faith Fellowship and motivational messages. 1035 South Grand, Pullman, WA 99163 335-4573


101 Roommates 105 Apls. For Rent 105 Apls. For Rent 140 Duplexes Index 1 F rmmt. for 2 bdrm. house, walk to .... *** •••• **•• **••••• ****** •••••••••••• **** Country living. Lg. 2 bdrm. duplex campus, off-st. parking, WID, DW, 100 RENTALS $325/mo + 1/2 uti!. Call 332-5926. midwayproperty. com II2-way between Moscow & Pullman. •••• *****.**** ••••••• ** ••••••••••• ** •• *** •• WID hk-ups, quiet & private, pets neg. House in Albion. $210/mo. plus 1/2 $700/mo. 334-4327 or cell 595-0341. 200 REAL ESTATE uti!. Serious student pref. Call 334- 1 Bdrm Large Unfum. Apts. 7400. Now renting for summer and/or fall! Price Reduced-3 Br brick Dplx near campus, prvt yard, Indry rm, WID, off EMPLOYMENT 1 F for 3 Br duplx, w/yard. Quiet 5 excellent quiet locations, perfect 300 for grads, staff, faculty, or serious un- st pkng, gar. disp. Cat ok. 334-4407. area. $300/mo. includes utiL DW, .....•.••.••.••....•...... •••...... WID, NS, Call 334-7612 Ive msg. dergrads, low utiI! Pets considered. 3 bdrm .. close to WSU, W/S/G paid, 400 FOR SALE $367-$380. 8am-6pm 332-7704 WID, garage, pets negotiable. Call M/F, NS, for beautiful 2000 sq ft. FREEMicrowave 883-3766 or 882-5680. TRANSPORT house. Fenced yard, WID, pets neg, 500 reasonable rent. (509)397-6884 2 br. on 217 Timothy (#2) . $550/mo. Firepl., OW, WID hkps, carport. Pets SERVICES 1 M/F, resp., rmmts. for 4 br, 2 bth, negot. 332-3020 or 5-6002. 600 new hse, WD, DW, AC, DSL. Avail now. $275/mo. Call 332-4879. Small 1 bdrm duplex. Rrst, last and NOTICES deposit, $375/mo" laundry facilities 700 1 M/F for 2 Br, 1 bth duplx. WID, OW, avail. 334-3500, Avail. now $300/mo. +1/2 util, Grad or serious student pret. 332-4549 • Completel, Iree Ethernet • Free lurnlshing 145 Subleases 2 M/F rmmts. to share 3 bdrm. 2 ba. apt. WID, DW, AC, $255/mo + util...... • '-month leas. 2 br apt. in Meadowbrook. $240/ September paid. Call 332-5288. • Elltra larg. hedroom, person/mo, DW, ethernet. 1 bdrm fur- nished, avail now. Rachel, 334-3549 1 F rmmt. wanted to share 3 year old Great • Sink In e'lery bedroom house .. 4 bdrm, 2 ba, WD, DW, ga- Rmmt. to share 3 bdr. College Crest rage. $300/mo. Call 338-9099. • Air Conditioning Apt. w/ 2 M undergrads. Close to Places and Prices bus, free ethernet. 1st, last & Sept. 2 quir-t M/F for 3 Br w/yard, WID, Rooms'or rent 'rom pd. $250/mo + utI. 334-5442. garbage disposal, parking, low heat. ....••••..•.....•••..•...... Price reduced. Call 334-4407. $210 to $250 ter Month 2 br/2 ba at CCS avail ASN'. Ground 1Ir., fum., ethernet, AC, OW, WID, FIM rmmt in quiet house. WID, DW, pets OK, $708/mo. Jacob 332-6881 yard, deck, frplc, Ig. rm. $300/mo. 332-8622 + low utiL 332-6237/338-9571. 332-6777 Spacious 3 bdr, 1.5 ba. Close to bus rt on Military Hill. Avail 10/1.. Studio, 1, 2 & 5 bdrms. avail. in quiet $560/mo + utI. Pets OK. 334-6700. 105 Apls. For Rent S. Grand bldg. Flex. leases, pets al- lowed. Call 208-301-1132 (local call) Lg. 2BR/2ba, pets OK, WID, DW, MIdwaY Property AC, ethernet. Close to bus. Property 115 Unfurnished Apts One of a kind, 1 bed Apts., newly ren- Midway $723/mo. 332-0776. Terrific, newly renovated 4 bed house ovated, Great for a couple, $500. Large 1 bdrm. apt. now available in Large 2 beds, close to wsu, Cov- on Reaney Park, $900. 332-2151 or 595-2388. Pullman. Quiet, residential area. Call 150 ered parking, many plusses. Call 332-7704. 332-2151 or 595-2388. Sublease 3 br 1 ba, lower level, 210 Office/Commercial NW Coryell, water/sewer/trash pd, 2BR - RESIOENTW.. AREA - NICE $600/mo. Assoc Brokers 33MJ562 $355 sgl/$395 dbl occp, cat ok, prkg Office Mall. Individual offices. Central low utly, D bus 11, Pullman-882-6327 downtown historic building. From em REAL ESTATE/RENTALS MINUTES FROM CAMPUS: Great $100. Call 332-4717 or 332-2841. 334-7700 Rentals Prices! Newly Remodeled 1 Br Apts. 125 Mobile Homes 332-4567 Sales Contact Assoc. Brokers @ 33MJ562 Commercial Space: Ground floor, historic bldg, Central Downtown. Ma- 330 Grand WlL-RU APTS. 10x57 2-BD, WD, DW, Wood Stove, Large fenced yard, pets OK, $3201 jor intersection, 1400 sq ft. 332-4717 , Our quiet community next to the Chipman Trail offers on-eite manage- mo. Lease option also available. Call ment, laundry facilities, parking and William at 332-4367. 155 Wanted to Rent NICE, QUIET 2 bdrm. apt. in 4-plex, on a bus Only have a taw 1 & 2 br near WSU. Private parking, on bus rt, rt. 7 FUN WSU ALUMNISTSI left. no pets. 332-5631 130 Houses kitchen furnished, large living room & Sony, So, school just started and you need WWN.paIouse,neVailamerican bdrm. Laundry facil, no smoking. 3bdrm/2bath home in Palouse. Avail $$$ ... LET US HELPI ISO 4-bed Call (800)791-7979. AlBue Apts: 2 bdrms, laundry facility, 6/5/01. $650. Helene's Property house/apt to rent wknd 9/21-9/23 ...... ,•••••••••••••••••••" *, . off st. pknq, cats ok, $425, Helene's Place. Call 338-9008 for Coug game lodging. Prefer some- Property Place, LLC, 338-9008 thing around CCN, but not too partic- 101 Roommates Pullman: 4 br 2 ba family home ular. $$ Negotiable. Responsible , ON CAMPUS: Elmhurst Apts. 2 $1200/mo. crew bin ages 25-40. Interested call ...... bdrms avail. Only $495/mo! Hel- 33W832. Tom at (206)241-2410 or Spacious 2 bdrm apt on Military Hill. ene's Property Place, LLC 338-9008 [email protected] Plenty of prkng & garage. Approx ON CAMPUS: 6 Bdrm, 2 bth house 700sq ft. DSL Pets OK. Rent & Quiet, nice studio apts. by eng. bldg. in excellent condition, Helene's Prop- REAL-E-ST-14.-JE-- lease option negot. Lv Msg U563 3 br brick duplex w/yard & WID. erty Place, LLC 338-9008 Both available August. 334-4407. 2BR, near Kruegal Park, WID, WSU 140 Duplexes 1 quiet F. rmmt for 2 bdrrn, apt. near campus view, patio, lawn, greenery, 205 Houses campus & bus rt. Sept rent & dam- private entrance, $550/mo, 740 Location-Clean-Quiet. 2 bdrm. +. age dep. pd. Rent only $214.50 + Ridgeview, 334-7700 DRA Rentals. Hall Dr. WID, fireplace, N/S, no Pullman, 4 bdrm, 2 ba, 2700 sq ft, 2 1/2 utI. 332-8391. pets. Water/Sewer pc. 332-4174. frplc, Ig. office/workroom, hardwood floors. $165K.. 33W832. LLC 3 bdrm duplex, just blocks from the Rmmt for house in Pullman, iun at- Helene's Property Place, new Ree Center. Off-street prkng, Palouse. Buy or lease to buy. Two + mosphere, living w/college students. W/S/G paid. Helene's Property Sept & last mo. pd. (509)663-3204. 225 NE Olsen *Pullman br. 1400sq. Charming oldr home. 338-9008 Place, 338-9008 Wood floors/frplc. 1996 M6ther-in- lawloffice addition w/second bath. M/F rmmt. for 2 bdrm. apt" OW, 1, 2 & 3 bed. units, quiet areas, Garage. 2 landscape lots. $85000 WID, close to campus. $265/mo. + clean, N/S, newer carpeting, reason- reduced from $92000. Owner sale. 1/2 util, avail. ASAP. Call 338-0528. ably priced,great landlord. 332-3096 serious inquiries please. 509-878- 1258. 210 Mobile Homes 10x57 2-BD, WD, ow, Wood Stove, Large fenced yard, pets OK. $8500. Lease option also available. Call William at 332-4367.

No down payment, low monthly pay- ment. Single-wide. Many updates. Fenced yard, $6000 OBO. 332- 6095 or collect (573)642-6239, eves EMPLOYMENT 301 General

CMA or RN needed for busy medical office. Duties include taking vitals, blood draws, and assisting doctors. Salary DOE, benefits. Fax resume Attn: Andrea, (509) 334-9620.

Bernett Research now hiring for summer and fall help. Work a flexible schedule, making $7/hr and up, plus incentives, 7 days/week. No sales involved. Stop by the Eastside Marketplace in Moscow or give us a call at (208) 883-0885.

Quality Inn hiring front desk manager

c and sales director and houseepinq. Call 332-0500 . Cou~ar Cash Cards now aeeepted for all serviees{ineludin~ sports bar and @ill) Do you enjoy helping others? Teach living skills to the disabled in their ~~et coupons ® ,tbrSPJ' 780 SE BiShop 334:-7101 own apts! Info, call (208) 892-8481. . 301 General 305 ParHime 305 Parttime 405 Appliances 430 Furniture· Building SUpervisors. Pullman Parks Child Care Resource and Referral of Time slip position 15-20 hrs/wk. dur- Washer & Dryer & Recreati?~ is accepting applica- Whitman & Asotin County has open- ing sch<:,olyear. Duties incl: cleaning $150 for both IUD HJIINfDIii tions for building supervisors. Individ- ings for Phone Counselors. Experi- lab equipment ~nd facility, assembly Call 332-0239 uals are responsible for monitoring ence in Early Childhood Development of expendable Items used in experi- nE6~~RE city buildings wh_ileactivities are being and/or child care required. Degree ments and various other tasks as di- 410 Computers or course work in related field prefer- rected. .Must be reliable, have a !Wilt' .. IIUD 1'1I.1I'1IRf. held and locking buildings when activ- 111_016.BIOI. .. ORUIIRI ities are flnrshed. Job nuns from Au- red. Experience with office systems, good aptitude for mechanical work New Micr~n notebook, Pili, 700MHZ computing, database and program follow directions accurately and work DVD,13.3 .TFT LCD, 128 MB Ram: Mon.-Sat. 11-6 gust through December. Must be »205 NW Whitman.334-1300" available evenings. 10-15 hours per development also desirable. PT with minimal supervision. Some ~OGB HD, IEEE1394 "Fire Wire", lith- days, Monday-Friday, 3-6 hrs. Call heavy lifting required. $8.50/hr de- ium bat. floPPY,56k v.90 Modem ME week @ $6.72/hour. Applications Quality restaurant chairs, $15 each. 335-7625 for information and applica- pending upon ability and experience. OS, works ste 2000 w/word, liR,2 are available at Human Resources Take them all (22) for $300. Call Bring resume and names and number USB,Synaptics touchpad, S-video, al- Office, Pullman City Hall, 325 SE tion. Closing date is Sept. 10. 332-6850, after 5 pm. Paradise Open until filled. ?f 3 refe.rences to 948 Webster Phys- teck lanSing speakers, 2 PCMCIA EOE ical SCience Bldg. or e-mail to s101s.1299 OBO Call 208-882-2329 College Marketing [email protected]. f]Jf]fJREAI STATE/RENTALS CARES (Community And Residential Passage Events & Promotions has im- 415 Sporting Goods Experienced Support) Hiring direct mediate opportunities for enthusiastic 334-7700 Rentals CARES staff to provide daily living Independent Contractors to lead the 310 Office/Clerical 21 inch Cannondale Mm. bike wI skillS for people with disabilities in local sports team logo credit card rockshocks, shaimano components 332-4567 Sales their homes. Competitive wages and promotions at your school during FT Clerical Assistant III needed for gripshifters. $300. Jesse 334-3548: 330 Grand games and your school alumni logo busy office. Must have strong gener- benefits. Call Jason Sadler 332-1311. htt :// card during the school year. This is al office support and organization IT asst. teacher in Preschool Enrich- your chance to work and eam a great skills: be detailed oriented, and de- ment program. Experience and course income while supporting your school. pendable. Wage is attractive and work in early childhood education You must be organized, outgoing, re- competitive. E-mail resume and 3 preferable. Apply in person for info. sponsible, and be able to recruit your reference phone numbers to 332-0161. own team to help you make this hap- [email protected] or drop by Webster pen. Marketing or management ex- 948. Eleanor's Comer Saloon in Union- perience is always a plus. Excellent town. Hiring for all positions. income opportunity, working week- $6.72/hr + tips. Apply in person. day and weekend events. If this type FOR SALE 101 Montgomery. of position fits you and your past ex- $8000 BONUS perience, please e-mail your resume Stuff that's gotta Paid Training. $$$ for College! and qualifications to: 401 Openings Available for Students, [email protected] or fax go Graduates, and GED holders. at (206) 219-0030, Attn Pullman Call the National Guard today! Marketing. Pool table w/accessories. $150. 40 UJOO-Go-Gusrd gallon fish tank w/accessories $75. Russ 332-2805. 305 ParHime Floral delivery: must know Pullman, WID. 15x8 Camaro rims. Holley good mpg-your vehicle, be NS, have carb, chrome valve covers, hiking Music director/coordinator, PT, start variable hrs. 20-30 hrs/wk, Mon-5at. backpack. 338-4511. ASAP. Apply at Emmanuel Lutheran Call Florence 334-1545. Rowers by Church, 882-3915, 1036 W. "A" St., the Laurel Tree. Wheels for sale: Concept Neeper - MoscOW. Closing 9/7/01. Synchro's 16" Alum. alloy, chrome plated. 4 lug 100mm $425 Desper- Spokesman Review Newspaper has NORTH STAR JANITOR ate!!! Call 208-301-1405 (loea!). Seeking responsible weekday and early morning car delivery rts avail. for weekend janitor at Pullman Taco fall. $450+ gross/mo. Also avail. Car for sale: 95 Mitsubishi Mirage Time. Start $7.00/hr, free employee sales positions w/commision from 2dr, 96k, nuns great, Rob 208-301- CARNIVAL meals. Please pick up application or $9-$21 per start: 334-1223. 1405 $1500, Desperatel call George or Laura at 334-2312. 530 E. Main DAILY ENTERTAINMENT Pullman, WA SWlL1.YS Amazing Reptile Safari PT employment. Day server/counter help. Must be avail. M/W/F 9:30 am to 4 pm. Apply in person. 200 The Legend Continues ...with Kamiaken, Pullman. 334-3395. Choir Director for prominent church Hypnotist music ministry. Musical excellence, diverse repertoire, compatible faith raq'd. Part-time. Competitive salary. Tammy Harris Barton Apply.pullman Presbyterian Churcb 1630 NE Stadium Way: 332-26S9. Maintenance. 10-20 hrs/wk. $8/hr PEF RODEO + bonus. Must be dependable wI . transportation. 332-5180. Friday &' Saturday 7 pm Sunday) 2 pm WSU UBRARIES SO MUCH MORE .... Everything You Need in Today's World of Complex Information Thus, it begins ... ~~Pa1ouse It's the fourth week of the semester. The collegiate honeymoon is t over, and the assignments are stacking up like cocktail shrimp on a Empire Fair sumo wrestler's buffet plate. You have three papers due in three weeks. You Septetnber 6-9 don't know where to begin. What will you Palouse Empire FairEJrounds, 5 miles west write about? How do you do research? of Colfax on Hwy 26 (509) 397-6263 Where will you find reliable sources?

Fast Forward... Your paper is due soon, and you haven't been to the library yet. When you arrive at the library, you find fellow students at computer terminals, searching the library catalog and subscription databases. They're getting the sources they need to make the grade. You sit down, attempt the same, but you're not finding anything. Three hours later, you're still in desperate need of info. • _..Rewind But let's say you played it right the first time. Instead of wondering where to go in the wide world of information, you started at the WSU Libraries. Quality reference services and instruction classes will show you how to master the complex world of knowledge. With six Pullman-campus libraries, and lots of librarians and support staff, you can achieve academic success.

Boolanarkthe' _.~fWW1&' ..wsul·lk·. .. :' . WI.' . ad. , . Librarie~ .. . .' . . . . .' • . U. . 'U TRANSPORT SERVICES 725 Announcements 725 Announcements 730 Personals Aerobic Strengthening is at Pioneer 515 Autos 655 Hot Tub Rentals Center. Many classes offered, incl. dlPENHOUSE Hip Hop. 334-4555 ext. 227. FRIDAY SEPT. 7, 2001 Cadillac runs great, new starter/bat- U tery, all options, all working, $550. TUB TIME ill (jMwc a 1](i) [pcWlc :-J\U,u Call 338-9505. CalI3~2188 @fl []0 0Wl~(J[b CBIYWlu Wf3C!J '88 Honda Civic H/B, 5 spd, AC, new %/)I\\~ Unrversfty of Idaho T belt, W pump, other new parts. All Nances FREE: maint. records. $2000 332-7838. TestPreparation Classes fNTQ()DUGION 'lD t'OLK DANCfNC 1992 Ford Explorer XLT. 5 spd, V6, 701 Yard Sales QEfQt:6HMENT& - LX.HIBITc. loaded. 1 owner. Excel. cond .. CQEAT MUc.IC $5250. 332-2352 after 6 p.m. Leaving the Country LSAT Join us for 6 weeks of io;sons. bc8innin8 on &plcmbcr 7lh Everything must go! Sat.8th 8:00am. 1992 BMW 525i .. Black, leather int., All tl8cs welcome .~/D'" 6-disc CO changer, came w/BMW -3:00 pm. 113 N. G. St. Albion. Come sin81yor wilh a friend premium sound. Very nice, perfect fOf in:" alII ('iCP) 137,.';625or by emil hhcnick@lurboneLcom DcoQIIBOV> condition. $8,200. 332-8588. 710 Lost GRE Need a fundraiser? Avon has money 1989 Jeep Cherokee, 4 WO, 6Cyl, to offer. Call Ladonna Kelley. 509- 4dr. New tires, exhaust, more. Runs Lost: Black wallet covered with clear Coil: 208-885-6486 291-3962. great. Reliable! $3500. 882-1864 tape and lots of stickers & decals, lost Friday between 11:30 pm & mid- Earn extra money. Become an Avon ·fd~~ night, along B Street. Call 333-1738. 525 Motorcycles Looking to earn money for your or- Representative. Only $10 to join. ganization or yourself? Try Fund-U, a Call Ladonna Kelley 509-291-3962. 1999 Suzuki DR 650. 3,400 mi. Fun 715 Found no cost fund raising program that's dual sport motorcycle. $4,OOOOBO. easy and reliable. Call 1-866-48- (509)595-7310. Found kitten in Greystone area on FUND-U or visit Saturday. Kitten is med. to long hair. 795 Miscellaneous Please call to 10. 332-2649. AVON REPRESENTATIVES WAtfT- ED. I'm leaving town & need some- one to take over my customers. Sign -r-:::AND SILENT Found on Wawawai Rd; Purple bag up for only $10 for a limited time. Call w/gold trim. Contains bicycle parts. Melissa 334-9437 to hear about ~..AY~BOB ~;gg NIGHTl.Y Can be claimed at CUB lost & found. Avon's opportunities. ~ STRIKE BACK.

BEST THEATRES 334-MOV-E ~n = Blu/Caul !Jl\tmlllllijlll (\hlll- TllllrOIlIJ) CAPITAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT RICO'S Student Jazz Night with the Smoke- presents a house FIVe. Thursday at 9 pm. No cover. Pullman's oldest licensed es- tablishment, 200 E Main, 332-6566 PUBLIC MEETING Wanted: Lead Guitarist & Keyboardist vocals a plus for traveling rock band. with scheduled shows. 332-0239. Bubble Boy - PG-I3 4:45 - 6:40 Thursday, September 13, 2001 Ghosts or Mars • R (2:50) - 7:00 - 9:10 6:30 - 8:00 pm The Others - PG-13 (12:30) - (2:45) - 5:00 - 7:15- CUB Cascade Room 127 Princess Diaries • G (12:10) - (2:35) - 5:00 - 7:25- Pearl Harbor - PG-l3 The Universitv is planning to build a new life Sciences BUilding on the site of the Administrative (1:05) - 8:35 Annex building. The Administrattve Annex will be demolished so the new science facilitv can be SHREK-PG (12:50) - 5:00 erected. The new science facilitv will significantlv enhonce that area of the campus and will Summer Catch - PG-13 (12:35) - (2:50) - 5:05 - 7:20 - provide high tech teaching and research facilities for the twentv first century.

WASHINGTON STATE For more information, contact: Ryan Ruffcorn, Project Officer 335-7641 • UNIVERSITY Capitol Planning and Development

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