Chairman Dennis Parham called the meeting to order with 50 voting members present.

Pastor Shaw led the opening devotion.

Walter and Sharon Rosborg signed the intent to become a member of the Voters Assembly.

The minutes of the September meeting were approved as pre-read.

Pastor Shaw read the Parochial Report which was previously printed in the Board Reports.

Scott Buescher reported for the Board of Elders. The Men’s Bible Breakfast is coming up end of January and one of the goals for the Board is to continue reaching out to long-term inactive members and update the list.

Jenni Wachter added the following to the previously printed Board of Sunday School Report: The board is going to start requiring all volunteers to undergo background checks and the dates for VBS have been set for June 9-12.

Sandy Stuart reported for Saxony Lutheran High School. Open House is January 27th from 1-3 pm and the Dinner Auction is February 23rd.

Scott Goodson presented the financial report.

INCOME December YTD Income Accounts $157,315.51 $575,437.28 Other Income $84,999.35 $562,832.34 TOTAL INCOME $242,314.86 $1,138,269.62 TOTAL EXPENSE $176,440.25 $915,364.72 INCOME LESS EXPENSE $65,874.41 $222,904.90

Business: Mark Unger made a motion to increase the Pre-school and Pre-K registration fees from $30.00 to $50.00. Matt Palisch seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Dennis Parham made the following appointments: Treasurer- Scott Goodson Asst. Treasurer-Ken Ruff Head Usher-Jim Sanders School Foundation- Nicole Peters and Addie Esselman Endowment Board- Tom Kiehne and Gary Kamp Chapel of Hope- Sheryl Spiecker Saxony Regents- Melissa Turner and Matt Steffens Camp Wappapello- Denis Wydra Lutheran Home- Roy Boren, Ken Ruff, Pam Whaley, Elroy Heimsoth, Joyce Kuntze

Bill Spiecker made a motion to approve the appointments. John Palisch seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Announcements: Dennis Parham announced that the next Church Council meeting is February 21, 2019 and the next Voter’s Assembly meeting is March 21, 2019.

Gary Kamp made a motion to adjourn and John Palisch seconded. The motion carried.

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Schmidt.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ashley Hemmann, Secretary





V. PASTOR REPORTS: a. Parochial Report FUNERALS: (6) Helen VanAmburg (died 11/28/2018) – McCombs Funeral Home – Rev. Jason Shaw Fern Statler (11/30/2018) – Ford & Sons Funeral Home – Rev. Eric Longman Bill Nitsch (12/4/2018) – St. Paul Lutheran Church – Rev. Eric Longman and Rev. Josh Schmidt Lillie Schilling (12/9/2018) – Ford & Sons Funeral Home – Rev. Jason Shaw Melva Mirly (12/16/2018) – McCombs Funeral Home – Rev. Jason Shaw Tracy Wyatt (12/30/2018) – McCombs Funeral Home – Rev. Jim Matthews : (1) Ava Brooke Seiler, (12/9/2018) St. Paul Lutheran Church, Rev. Eric Longman WEDDINGS: (0) JR. CONFIRMATIONS: (0) NEW MEMBERS (1): By Adult Confirmation: (0) By Affirmation of Faith: (0) By Transfer: (1 confirmed adult) Terri Leist, (12/18/2018) from the Exchange Community Lutheran Church (Jackson, MO) RELEASED FROM MEMBERSHIP (2): By Transfer: (2 confirmed adults) Libby Jansen and Cara Jansen (1/8/2019) to Hanover Lutheran Church (Cape Girardeau, MO) By Release: (0)

b. Belonging: Rev. Jason Shaw What’s Coming Up? January 9: W.O.W! Word On Wednesday resumes @ 6:00 p.m. New Adult Study beginning soon! January 13: Installation of Boards & Officers 7:45 a.m. Also, Youth Night (Gr. 9-12) 6:00 p.m. January 20: 4th/5th grade sing @ 7:45 a.m. Worship January 21: No School - MLK Jr. Day January 24: Night to Shine Volunteer Training Meeting 7 – 8:00 p.m. January 27: Night to Shine Volunteer Training Meeting 2:00 p.m. Also, Youth Night (Gr. 9-12) 6:00 p.m. February 2: Bible Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. February 3: 2nd/3rd grade sing @ 9:15 a.m. Worship. Also, Music @ St. Paul - Community Hymn Sing 3 – 4:00 p.m. February 3: Belonging 101 - New Member Class BEGINS 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. and continues WEEKLY February 5: Alive Worship @ 10:00 a.m. February 6: Midterm February 8-9: LSAM Scholar Bowl February 9-17: Book Fair February 10: Kantorei sings & JSR @ 7:45 & 9:15 a.m. Worship PAGE 2

February 11-13: Grades 1-8 Registration February 11-15: Parent Teacher Conferences February 15: No School - Regional Professional Development Day February 16: Night to Shine Event 6 – 9:00 p.m. February 18: No School - President's Day February 19: School Night Out - Chick-fil-A February 22-24: LSAM Basketball Tournament February 24: Kantorei sings & JSR @ 7:45 & 9:15 a.m. Worship March 3-8: National Lutheran Schools Week March 5: Saints Alive Worship @ 10:00 a.m. Also, Talent Show (Gr. 5-8) 7-8:00 p.m. March 6: LENT BEGINS – Ash Wednesday Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with Communion & a Lenten Meal March 8: Grandparents Day & Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. March 13: Midweek Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal March 20: Midweek Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal March 21: Voters’ Meeting March 27: Midweek Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal April 3: Midweek Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal April 10: Midweek Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal April 18: Maundy Thursday Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with Communion April 19: Good Friday Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. April 20: Worship 6:00 p.m. with Communion April 21: Easter Sunday Worship 7:45, 9:15, and 10:45 am with Communion c. Becoming: Pastor Josh Schmidt no report submitted d. Building: Pastor Eric Longman Night to Shine Night to Shine is only about three weeks away! Our steering committee has been hard at work with planning, and many of you have signed up to volunteer. THANK YOU! Here’s what’s coming: Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience for special needs people aged 14 and up. It’s scheduled for Friday, February 8 from 6-9pm. We’ll be using the school cafeteria as our dance floor, and have various activities scheduled all over the building. Our goal is simple: to share the love of Christ with our community through a joyous night of fun. We expect to have 100 guests, and something like 150 volunteers helping with the event. Activities include a karaoke room, a sensory room (for folks who are a little overwhelmed and need to relax), a respite room for caregivers to relax and take a break, along with hair and makeup touchups and shoe shines for our guests. We are so thankful to the Tim Tebow Foundation, who has provided guidance and direction along with a very generous grant to help get us up and running, and to many members of the congregation and of the community who have stepped up to make this an amazing event. Training for volunteers is planned for Thursday, January 24 @ 7:00pm or Sunday, January 27 @ 2:00pm. If you’ve signed up to volunteer, please be sure to attend one of these sessions (they’re the same content, so you only need to go to one).

Video Streaming We’re making great progress on the Video Streaming project. Thanks to very generous donations from a couple of different sources, we are able to install video cameras that will allow us to live stream worship


services over the internet. There will be three cameras in the sanctuary along with a control station in the balcony. Final installation of the equipment is scheduled for January 30. There’s still quite a bit of planning and setup needed after that, but I expect we’ll go live for streaming sometime in February.

Christmas Decorations Thank you so much to everyone who helped make the church beautiful for Christmas. We had a huge crew show up to decorate the sanctuary, which was much appreciated by the small-but-dedicated group of folks who have been undertaking that task for the last several years on their own. In addition, the Men’s Bible Study group (and others) did a fabulous job with the giant Christmas tree out front, and we had a bunch of volunteers who made sure the Nativity Scene was set up. Thanks also go out to all of the people who came together earlier this month to take down, pack up, and stow away all of those decorations. Yes, what goes up must come down…fortunately, it tends to come down quicker than it goes up!

Men’s Bible Study and Men’s Bible Breakfast Just a reminder that we have opportunities for the men of the congregation to join together around God’s Word. I lead a Men’s Bible Study every Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30am. We’re studying the book of John right now, but our conversations go pretty much wherever the Holy Spirit takes us, and we love running down rabbit holes. No RSVP needed; just join us in the Fellowship Hall any Wednesday morning. The next Men’s Bible Breakfast is planned for February 2 from 8:30-10:00am in the Fellowship. We’ll be continuing our study of the book of Revelation, using a video series put out by Lutheran Hour Ministries. Plus, there’s bacon, and lots of it! Contact the church office to sign up so that we know how much food to prepare.

VI. BOARD REPORTS & FINANCIAL REPORT: a. Board of Elders – no report submitted

b. Board of Trustees Meetings held on December 3rd & planned for January 7th

Inspections required Tracked by Ryan Walther

SPW Fire Alarm Panel failed Marmic Test due to a faulty charger circuit. Panel and Transformer were replaced in November 26th by Marmic

New St Paul handicap accessible van for providing travel assistance to church is in use; fully functioning with wrapped graphics. Thanks to everyone involved. Looks amazing!

Trustee jobs, tasks and worklist items in motion: -Conner Klein’s bid was accepted for Snow/Ice removal -Brick sealing on west side of SPW school on a warm day -Sanctuary slate tile & grout repair planned over Christmas break -Floor install planned for Brenda’s office over Christmas break

Live stream video system is in current install phase in the sanctuary


Welcome to our new Trustee board members; Jeff Thieret, Doug Rubach, Tim Welker

--Respectfully Submitted by Scott Williams c. Board of Day School The board met on October 8, November 12 and December 6, 2018. Current Enrollment:  St. Paul K-8 enrollment: 219  Tuition paying enrollment: 61  Preschool / Pre-K enrollment: 61

Business Conducted:  Goals for schoolyear  Positive student recognition – LOL (Love Out Loud) awards, bulletin board postings  Professional growth – teachers participating in workshops  Improved marketing – continue to increase exposure through social media postings, publications class “The Brave”, Prayers in church, participation in community events (Christmas Parade, Celebrate Jesus) and newspaper articles  Accreditation action plan – addressing items the committee recommended such as demographic study, annual board training, governance policy/handbook updates, long range fiscal planning, early childhood long term planning, and a training policy for volunteers  Governance Policy/Handbook updates are ongoing  Early childhood updates – committee provides updates every other month to the board and has identified a few items we can improve upon including security improvements, state required ratios, and CPR training for all child care providers. We are working on plans to address these points.  Curriculum Review – reading is being reviewed this year  Secretary position – Julie Voelker has been hired and has begun working in the office and training under Mrs. Lowes  Counselor position – Scheduled topics to discuss with the students  Fees are being reviewed and will be voted on at the January 14, 2019, school board meeting  Application has been submitted to receive free EpiPens to have on hand throughout both the east and west buildings  Intent letters will go out in the next few weeks  The board continues to upgrade technology after the generous support for additional devices purchased by attendees at the dinner auction  Principal evaluations of teachers have been completed meeting the December deadline requirement

Upcoming Events:  3rd Quarter ends March 13, 2019  PreSchool and Kindergarten Registration will be held on January 29, 2019  Knowledge-A-Thon kickoff on January 9 with testing on March 15, 2019

Additional Items:  Celebrate Jesus event was held with over 300 people attending along with a few animals. KHIS Radio participated as well.


 We hope everyone was able to enjoy the Advent season and the Children’s programs. Thanks to everyone who made it all possible.

Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stuart, Chairperson d. Board of Sunday School The Board met on November 4, 2018 and December 6, 2018.

The B-Hive Christmas Program was December 9 during the Sunday School hour. Twenty-five preschool through 1st graders sang songs to celebrate the birth of Jesus! Thanks to all leaders and helpers involved.

B-Hive students helped make 250 tags for the Giving Tree project.

New Board members are Sarah Schubert, Debbie Bangert, and Kyla Huber (superintendent).We would like to thank Jenn Spieler, April Birk, and Terra Aufdenberg for their service during their terms!

Officers for 2019 are as follows: Co-chairs: Jenni Wachter and Emily Barlow Secretary: Charise Sprengel

VBS 2019 planning is underway. The theme this year is “Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World” and the date is TBD.

Respectfully submitted, Jenni Wachter, Co-Chair e. Board of Youth We have 38 young people and 8 adults who have registered for the National Gathering and we found out in October that the Gathering has been restructured in such a way that we will pay more for the hotel than ever before. We will find out the actual cost in March when we receive our hotel assignment. The Board suggested appealing to the congregation for added support. Sue will get something in the Messenger for the month of December.

We brainstormed various fundraisers beyond those that we normally do. The Gathering participants are meeting together on December 30th and they will firm up the fundraisers that will be done between now and July.

In December, the young people served at the live nativity at Emmanuel United Church of Christ, the Senior Citizen’s Banquet, Celebrate Jesus, and by handing out goody bags to all the children at the Christmas Eve services.

Respectfully Submitted, Sue Stiegemeyer f. Board of Evangelism The Evangelism Board met on November 13 and December 6, 2018. The Thanksgiving food drive was conducted during the weekend services prior to and on Thanksgiving Eve/Day. It was a success with two pick up loads delivered to the Jackson Ministerial food bank. The 32nd Christmas Giving Tree project is again underway with 7 families being served and distribution planned for December 16th.. St. Paul has Christmas displays at the Jackson and Cape County parks. A motion was made and passed at the PAGE 6

December meeting to purchase two new sets of carolers. These will be added to the displays as the current angel has not been able to withstand wind/weather. New board members were welcomed with current/past board projects explained. Meeting date agreeable to all members was established for 2018. g. Board of Stewardship December 6, 2018

The following officers were elected: Chairman – Rick Feiner; Vice Chairman – Doug Scheper; Secretary – Glenda Nations.

Mark reviewed the activities of the past year and emphasized again the true definition of stewardship.

A brief discussion was held regarding the offering envelopes and on-line giving which makes them unnecessary. Mark and Rick will discuss this further.

Rick Feiner then took over as Chairman of the meeting. A new meeting date was discussed. Rick will check with the church office about meeting the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. with the exception of WEDNESDAY, January 2, 2019.

Goals for 2019 were discussed as follows:

Encourage the congregation to practice a life of Biblical Stewardship, using their time, talents and treasures in the service of the Lord. We will employ the tactics of Thanking, Telling and Asking. Seeking out and recognizing examples of stewardship is thanking. Helping the congregation understand our mission story and where and how their gifts make a difference is Telling. Reaching out to the congregation to encourage them to respond to the blessings entrusted to them is Asking.

Belonging – Making sure we understand what gifts a member may be able to provide and helping match those gifts to opportunities to serve. (Examples: Time and Talent Survey, new member acclimatization)

Becoming – Encouraging the belief that Stewardship is about discipleship and not membership. (Examples: Steward of the Month, Stewardship Minute, photo montage pre-service Thank You’s for time and talents offered)

Building – Goals still under consideration.

Respectfully submitted, Glenda Nations, Secretary h. Camp SEMO Wapapello –no report; It is closed for the season. i. Chapel of Hope Regular activities at the Chapel includes:  Sunday worship at 2pm  Wednesday free lunch and bible study at noon. o Angela Millstead is organizing volunteers to serve the meals.


 Thursday service of evening prayer at 4 pm. and then hang out if you are able. Everyone is invited to attend.

This fall we served the students brunch on a Saturday morning followed by a work day. Several students and board members attended. We cut and cleaned up a lot of brush, replaced the lattice work around the air conditioner unit, applied waterseal to lattice, picnic tables and benches, painted all of the handrails, washed and painted framework of the sign in the back. Everyone’s efforts really brightened up the place. We would like to have another work day in the spring and take care of the flower beds.

We have started making purchases with the second half of our LWML grant, which is to be used for the Wednesday lunch and Bible study. The first purchase was 30 Lutheran Study Bibles and the board has approved the purchase of several new Items for the kitchen.

We are trying to come up with some fund-raising ideas for funding the replacement of the roof and fixing a water leak around the foundation between the building and parking lot.

Some of the students attended a Lutheran Student conference at Lindenwood University in St. Charles.

The students went Christmas Caroling at the Lutheran Home. Pastor Wollenburg and the students are trying to organize a trip to the Creation Museum and Ark sometime in February.

Submitted by Sheryl Spiecker

j. Saxony Lutheran High School – no report submitted

k. Stephen Ministry - no report submitted

l. Endowment Board - no report submitted

l. Financial Report–see December Income and Expense Summary attachment

VII. BUSINESS a. Appointments by Chairman, Dennis Parham

VIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Next Church Council Meeting: February 21, 2019 b. Next Voters’ Assembly Meeting: March 21, 2019




December of Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Current Month Year-to-date Actual Budget Actual Budget


05-INCOME ACCOUNTS $157,315.51 $169,733.34 $575,437.28 $605,166.70 06-OTHER INCOME $84,999.35 $51,175.00 $562,832.34 $507,425.00 $242,314.86 $220,908.34 $1,138,269.62 $1,112,591.70



30-Church Ministry $20,594.98 $21,212.59 $104,863.65 $109,116.31 35-Worship $10,586.88 $7,323.12 $33,403.35 $34,631.84 40-Stewardship $0.00 $8.33 $2,154.80 $2,041.65 41-Administration $17,169.28 $15,467.17 $75,932.93 $81,966.25 42-Property & Maintenance $22,086.74 $21,400.45 $122,916.80 $125,348.75 $70,437.88 $65,411.66 $339,271.53 $353,104.80


50-Sunday School/Bible Study $869.00 $749.68 $3,366.40 $3,624.06 55-Youth Ministry $4,181.25 $4,397.85 $23,611.72 $23,399.67 60-School Expenses $87,808.82 $91,493.10 $500,491.12 $494,939.21 $92,859.07 $96,640.63 $527,469.24 $521,962.94


91-Outreach $12,561.03 $14,012.67 $46,016.45 $48,877.35 92-Evangelism $582.47 $716.66 $2,607.50 $3,433.30 $13,143.50 $14,729.33 $48,623.95 $52,310.65

$176,440.45 $176,781.62 $915,364.72 $927,378.39

$65,874.41 $44,126.72 $222,904.90 $185,213.31