Planning & Development Local Land Charges Department Direct Line/Fax (01233) 330284 Email
[email protected] Civic Centre Tannery Lane Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL (01233) 331111 DX 151140 Ashford (Kent) 7 @ashfordcouncil tm group AshfordBoroughCouncil 1200 Delta Business Park Welton Road Swindon SN5 7XZ Date: 24 January 2019 Case No: PORT/19/00230 Ask For: CindyHopkins, Direct Line: 01233 330338, Email:
[email protected]. Your Ref: 18902190 Dear Sir / Madam, Re: 3 and 4 Priory Cottages, Priory Road, Bilsington, Ashford, Kent, TN25 7AU An urgent response is required so your search is not delayed. Thank you for your application however I have been unable to validate it for the following reason(s): · The search submitted includes an additional parcel - 4 Priory Cottages. Additional parcels of land, providing they are part of the same transaction, are charged at an additional fee of £22.00 (VAT included) per parcel. I would be grateful if you could contact me at your earliest convenience advising how you would like us to proceed. A full list of options available to you are enclosed. Yours faithfully Cindy Hopkins Direct Line: 01233 330338. Options available to you to validate your submission: Fees: Outstanding / Cheque errors (unsigned/made out incorrectly): 1. Payment can be taken by credit/debit card over the telephone. The case will be validated on successful payment with results being returned by email immediately on completion. (When applicable, cheques originally supplied will be returned to you). 2. A second cheque sent. The cheque received with the submission will be processed and work will commence on your request however results will not be sent until the outstanding balance is received.