Michel Thomas | none | 01 Sep 2014 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9781444790696 | English, Spanish | London, United Kingdom Total Spanish Course: Learn Spanish with the Michel Thomas Method by Michel Thomas | Hachette UK Accept all Manage Cookies. Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools, including those used by approved third parties collectively, "cookies" for the purposes described below. We use cookies to provide our services , for example, to keep track of items stored in your shopping basket, prevent fraudulent activity, improve the security of our services, keep track of your specific preferences e. Performance and Analytics. ON OFF. We use cookies to serve you certain types of ads , including ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Cancel Save settings. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Free delivery worldwide. Bestselling Series. Harry Potter. Popular Features. Home Learning. Description Learn Spanish - Instantly. No books. No writing. No memorizing. Join the millions of people worldwide who have learned a new language with the Michel Thomas Method. Speak and understand Spanish perfectly - Incredible progress. Learn Spanish effortlessly - Absolute confidence. Unleash your natural learning style without trying The Method: Stress-free audio learning Michel Thomas teaches you Spanish through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. He builds it up, step by step, and you don't move on until you've absorbed and understood the previous point. And, as Michel Thomas said, 'What you understand, you know; and what you know, you don't forget. Just in 8 hours you, as a third student in a group taught by Michel Thomas, will gain a sound understanding of Spanish equivalents to present tense, imperative, present progressive tense, past tense, past progressive tense, subjunctive mood and lots of other useful language constructions. And the most important thing is that, as Michel Thomas promises, "what you learned, you will not forget Michel Thomas Foundation Course are the best introduction into any language, and this one is no exception. And the most important thing is that, as Michel Thomas promises, "what you learned, you will not forget". Because this is not a parrot training course based on monotonous memorizing, this is a course that shows you how the language works and stays with you. Jul 01, Lars Denkewitz rated it it was amazing. Audio book of eight hours with this unique and absolutely great working method of learning a language. After trying different ways of learning Spanish by other audio books, comprehensions, text books I can say, this one just works as best, its quick and it doesn't feel like "study work". Thanks Michel for this neat and pleasant way to dip into a new language. Mar 23, Matin the Wandering Seeker rated it it was amazing. Of the best, he is. RIP, my good man. Andrew Graham rated it really liked it Apr 26, A rated it it was amazing Jul 01, P J rated it liked it Jun 20, Irena rated it really liked it Nov 02, Simon Deeley rated it it was amazing Apr 29, Anton rated it really liked it Sep 18, John rated it really liked it Dec 26, Yeong rated it really liked it Feb 20, Adam rated it it was amazing Sep 29, Marwen rated it it was amazing Sep 04, Paul Mamani rated it it was amazing Aug 06, Charles O'Neill rated it it was amazing Aug 01, Victoria B rated it liked it Oct 26, Siebe Hiemstra rated it it was amazing Nov 11, Tony Adams rated it it was amazing Sep 03, Thomas rated it it was amazing Dec 30, Tonyb rated it really liked it Sep 05, You can change your ad preferences anytime. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this presentation? Why not share! Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Published in: Business. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. An eBook reader can be a software application for use on a computer such as Microsoft's free Reader application, or a book-sized computer THE is used solely as a reading device such as Nuvomedia's Rocket eBook. Users can purchase an eBook on diskette or CD, but the most popular method of getting an eBook is to purchase a downloadable file of the eBook or other reading material from a Web site such as Barnes and Noble to be read from the user's computer or reading device. Generally, an eBook can be downloaded in five minutes or less Their customer service is outstanding, never left a query unanswered. Show More. Be the first to like this. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. Total Spanish (Learn Spanish with the Michel Thomas Method) : Michel Thomas :

I find him extremely irritating and lose my train when he interrupts the students but the Arabic method with Jane and Mahmoud is great. Unlike you, Donovan, I love the way that Jane speaks Arabic because she's English like me and she pronounces Arabic well enough to be understood and she's good at explaining HOW to get your speech organs around a word. And if she can do it then I possibly can too. I also like the fact that you learn about your own language internal and external plurals for example and the fact that if you do the equivalent in Arabic of pluralising incorrectly and you say 'mouses' instead of mice, you will be understood. I also like the building blocks approach and the way in which you soon get a vocabulary that you can use and fit in to the basic syntactic patterns you've acquired. And the way the 3 consonant root thing works and learning about the English words that have come via Arabic. It's very do-able. So I get what you are saying but would have to disagree. I found the MTM helpful, mainly in learning to speak French, not so much in comprehension. However, there was a limit to how much it could teach me. I think it is a great resource to use along side other things. I would definitely recommend taking other steps to learn a language as well, but the MTM was, for me at least, a great stepping stone. I find the Michel Thomas Method courses an excellent place to start when embarking on the process of learning a new language. I find the method efficient in getting me off the starting block. I think this is important because a sense of making progress breeds faster further progress. I also think the method is quite effective in starting to push structures over into long-term due to the repetition and recall elements. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a complete course because attacking from all angles, and over and over again, is par for the course with what will ultimately be the lifetime endeavour of learning and maintaining a language. So, I'm not too concerned that, yes, I will have to buy other materials like a grammar and seek out TV programmes in the target language etc. I do wish they were cheaper, but then, I wish everything were cheaper! I have noticed that, as a teacher, I have the tendency to take the comment about the responsibility for learning being the teacher's and not the student's rather too personally! While I can't comment on the Arabic courses, I can however comment on how the Japanese lessons were. They are definitely effective than most lessons I've tried, including Pimsleur. MTM teaches you proper grammar and sentence construction, when others just asks you to memorise phrases without explaining in detail how those phrases or sentences were constructed. I'm a learner, and before trying to learn any other language than english, I was unaware of MT method, when I decided to learn french, i found Michel Thomas and Pimsleur methods. In my own opinion bro, the only certain thing in this universe is that everything is relative, it doesn't matter my reasons to express that I found Michel Thomas method EXCELENT and very accurate at the time of my french learning journey, it simply worked for me, the learning was simply effortless, but it's just me, if this course is useless for other people, great, then go find the course that fits your personality and your way of learning, but there's no such thing as right or wrong, just diversity of methods, that's why there's pimsleur, Rosetta, Fluenz, earworms, and the traditional way, that is going with some teacher and having the pressure of doing a bunch of homework and exercises from some book, and all of them are OK and WRONG at the same time, but it depends on the learning approach of each person. I would recommend it? Hell no! Peace language learners I honestly couldn't disagree more with almost everything you've written here. To each their own I guess I used the Polish course and found it fine, it gave me the backbone I needed for a running start. The massive criticism is that once you've gone through it once, you'll never want to repeat the 8 hours of the two students struggling and the teacher a polish lady, fluent in English explaining things. It seems like poor value for them not to include a condensed version, with only the English sentences followed by the native polish - with everything else cut out, it would probably only be an hour long! Still, I would recommend the Polish foundation and advanced, in conjunction with something that focuses on everyday, classic tourist scenarios like pimsleur. I married into an Italian family, though my husband has grown up in the UK but his extended family live in Italy. I'm on lesson 70 of the beginners package and soon to move on to the intermediate. While I don't agree with the "good teacher, poor student" claim for this method, or the celebrity endorsements, I do think this method is good. No method is perfect. This is purely a method to learn speaking and how to become understood. No, it does not equip you well for listening to natives. I always ask people in Italy to speak slower, but that is because learning a language doesn't end with completing a course and everyone speaks quite rapid in their native language. You have to immerse yourself! Use what you have learnt to practice with people. I really enjoy this course. It is good that they have a male and female sudent so I can spot the differences for masculine and feminine words. I have learnt far more Italian via this course than I did in my 5 years of French and Welsh in secondary school and by any other app, program or youtube video. I often look up the conjugations and spelling. I do think if you had tried a new language you may see the benefits of this method. Sure it doesn't offer a "complete" introduction to the language. In the introduction it says it's aim is to get you speaking with confidence. I think if you are serious about a language then you wouldn't rely solely on one method for learning. Honestly, my grammar in Italian is actually better than my husbands now. His understanding of natives is better having grown up listening to it, but he never took Italian academically and rather picked up what he knew from staying in Italy in the summers and from his father who spoke it when he was very young, but he never took it seriously to become fluent like his sister did. I think your personal criticisms of him are harsh and have no bearing on this method. I know MT is Polish, so he has an accident and so do the students, but he does correct the pronunciations of the students and to be honest, it doesn't affect me. I find his teaching of the pronunciations adequate. The Japanese program was fantastic. I'd started and stopped many different language programs, even dropping out of a class I'd signed up for, because none of them were really working for me. But the MT program really worked in getting the language to make sense to me. I still remember the day that Japanese sentence structure clicked in my head - I suddenly understood how to mesh different sentences together, and it all made sense to me. I think this was due in big part to how in-depth the woman on the program explained everything. It was amazing. The Italian version was done by Michele himself, and it didn't work as well for me. It may have been the heavy accent, I'm not sure but I couldn't get into it like I had the Japanese program. I think it's pretty heavy- handed to say that the program shouldn't be suggested for anyone - people learn in different ways, and this program rocked for the way I learned the . I tried the MT app on iTunes for Greek. My absolute favorite at this point is hands down Language Transfer. Go straight to YouTube, forget the website except to donate through Patreon. LingQ is great for reading and listening. Italki of course for conversation. MT was okay, but I learn more for the time spent with LT. LT even has Swahili! A friend had raved about them about four years ago when I didn't speak a word of the langauge. I listened to them several times over and they were a great launchpad for learning Spanish. I then started attending a class for beginners at the America Institute here in Vienna and the tapes were an incredible advantage for me - allowing to grasp grammar concepts a lot more easily than the others in the class. I now read novels and newspapers in Spanish, listen to Spanish radio and chat with Spanish-speaking friends. Sure Michel Thomas isn't going to make you fluent but it's definitely a great way to learn some holiday Spanish and more importantly to lay the groundwork for the real learning if you really want to speak the language well. I imagine that's true of all these language methods. I recommend the tapes to all my friends who talk about learning a language from scratch. I don't work for the Thomas organisation. Hi, I just have to say I love MT method and I don't work for any companies involved in it in any way! I'm always recommending it to people who are looking to learn a language. The one thing I would say though is that I've only learned European languages French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese and I think a lot of the less flattering comments seem to be about the non-european languages, perhaps it doesn't work so well for these? I did try the MT Polish and didn't get very far with it it was really hard! But I would reiterate, I love learning languages and for the French and Spanish in particular it's the best I've found for me personally. But I guess we are all different and different styles suit different people? When giving a thorough critical review of a product it might be worth mentioning to state current alternative products you prefer to use when learning Arabic. This is pretty much the political situation in the Middle East and their viewpoint of western societies. Israel is the most advanced economy in the Middle East with incredible technology startups meanwhile the deranged countries next door are too busy being critical of Israel as you are with MT to offer any real value to the world. As a native English speaker with 8 years of study in Latin and half a lifetime studying French and keeping up with it via podcast who's done "7- week crash-studies for travel" in Spanish and Italian, and as someone who NEVER looks at a new language when first studying it I'm great with the written part -- it's my fluid-pronunciation handicap I need to immerse myself in , I decided to try Michel Thomas for Portuguese because all my old favorite audio-only standbys Instant Immersion era casettes with the "Ann Johnson" narrative, the Rush Hour singalong series, etc. But that's for my very specific situation already knowing all the grammar, and merely wanting an easily-memorizeable way to transfer that knowledge to new words and pronunciation. But I knew she'd get a kick out of the sentence since she works in customer service, and indeed she understood me. I tried and failed to learn German that way before a trip. The sentence construction was just too hard to remember at the pace it was presented when I hadn't "put in the work" to make it subconscious. Anyway, for me, so far, it's been good in its niche using audio-only products to crash-course pronunciation, vocabulary, and subtle variations in a language I've already "done the homework" to learn the "hard parts" of. I also have to defend the Michel Thomas method. It taught me Arabic to a level beyond my expectation. I am also learning Spanish now and there is no match in other courses in the attention to detail in explaining grammar in a really painless manner. Also the focus on correct pronunciation is crucial I believe. It made me start to understand other language courses better. I think MT courses are best combined with a more vocabulary focussed course. Everyone has different learning styles, but for me this is by far the most accessible way to learn a language, at least for me it is. Well, if there is a focus on "correct" pronunciation, then we should only be hearing native pronunciation in a self-teaching course. Hearing other students respond is an unavoidable part of a group classroom, but even this is gets in the way of developing native-like pronunciation. I was a language teaching professional for almost 40 years, and now I study languages as a hobby. When I encountered the Michel Thomas Italian recordings, I was shocked by the lack of cultural and situational cohesiveness. The utterances seem to be occurring in some kind of semantic, cultural and social void. I certainly did not want to be exposed to so much non-native pronunciation, and I took the discs back to the library ASAP. The recordings reminded me of a very bad language class that I once took as an undergraduate. We had to take turns translating English sentences into German in order to show our knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures. I learned a lot in this class, but only because I was a highly motivated lover of language study. If you had a positive learning experience with the MT courses, you are probably a good self- teacher. I found the beginner course at a used bookstore and I have to say I have learned a lot. I am constructing my own sentences from the get started kit. I love watching Arabic television and hearing words I just learned. We all learn in different ways. I heard this ted talk by a young boy whom speaks fluently 5 languages. He said have fun. Don't get bogged down in the alphabet. What words out phonetically how you hear them and get to communication. There is where the fun will motivate you. He also said, " If you are not making mistakes, you are not learning. Having used all the app options as well as to learn languages Michel Thomas turned out to be one of the limited options to learn European Portuguese as opposed to Brazilian. When I read how the course worked I approached it with a lot of scepticism about how effective they would be. But I have to say that I have never experienced a language learning experience before that so effectively locked in so much of the content. I would definitely recommend the process to anyone trying to learn a language. I have to add that Michel Thomas' personal history and endorsements from celebrities completely are irrelevant to how effective the learning process is. What I feel is important when one picks up MTM is to have clear expectations and I do agree that the marketing blows those expectations out of proportion, as you said yourself - I picked it up on a friend's recommendation, so I had a much clearer idea of what to expect. The course will definitely not help with listening comprehension. It does not really give you a whole lot of vocabulary to work with I later supplemented MTM with the entire Duolingo course just to learn more vocab in a convenient way. It will not make you a fluent or even decent speaker. It will give you basic understanding of sentence structure and how to build sentences in a variety of tences, as well as how to make use of some common structures and expressions. I found that even after all these years, I remember the grammar I learned with MTM much better than a lot of things from other languages learned through other methods. A month ago, I had a chance to put my memory to test during my five-day stay in Spain where I spoke almost exclusively Spanish I have to emphasize that I did not learn Spanish in any other way than MTM and Duolingo, for lack of time and need. Surprisingly, I was able to succeed with day-to-day interactions without much difficulty, and I attribute at least part of that ease to MTM. I think the review was fairly meaningless in the end - from the point of view of someone wanting to choose a language course like me, for instance. Instead of debating his opinions about how language should be taught and what claims should be made and what today's fashions are he needs to point to studies and comparative results. And very probably, looking at the comments again, this matching process would need to be repeated for each different language. And I'd say after considering all this that no one can tell us until after we've discovered something for ourselves. But remember what seems apparent about things needing to be reassessed with each new language. And another: requirement. Just what do you want? Complete fluency undetectable from a native? Or just enough to get by on a quick visit? If there were a scientifically presented and analysed database of language methods, teachers, students and results then maybe we could say something but prior to that we simply, as students, first time students, need to jump in anywhere whim dictates and see what happens. It's all up to us. I was in China for instance and I discovered what I needed from a language was first of all the simple ability to get things, buy things, find things. So I needed to be able to say 'how much? Never forgot that. Main things: names of foods, 'how much? I've said so much here I might as well go the whole hog and say one more. Doing MT Russian I repeatedly notice they go on about how this or that English phrase is said this or that way in Russian: and it frequently takes fewer words. Like big deal, a plus, Russian is great because it takes fewer words. I don't mind. But it seems to me they get it wrong. They say Russian for something like maybe 'where can i buy cigarettes' is whatever it is. And point out there's no little particles of speech. So it comes out like like: where possible buy cigarette? So that's how Russians speak. They just say 'want food' or something like that, you know? They don't say : I am interested to know where can I buy food' they just say 'interyesna buy food'. I'm not explaining myself very well. They give us the translation as though the Russian HAS said it. But Russian just doesn't talk like that. Same as the English don't say 'he table like she ship' but the French do, with their 'le' and 'la'. See what I mean? Like if you look at Pidgin, New Guinea Pidgin, there's no pretense there that they're saying the same thing. It is not 'This thing is exactly the same as that thing' it is something like 'Dispella allsame datpella' and that's the end of it. I think this feature should be much considered in teaching languages: that they just don't say the same things. I'd agree. I tried MT method French, and it was just a guy with a French accent shouting the English and then the French, without any real flow or structure. It was like he'd been told to say all the phrases he knew in both languages, as he thought of them. I don't rate this method at all, plus I can't easily go and find relevant phrases or vocab, as I can in virtually every other course. This was just random. I concur that there is virtually no comprehension, but I find the explanations a great assist in understanding any of the 'natural' learning styles e. Pimsleur, which is always my starting point. If there's a serious shortcoming with that combination, it's one that is shared by most resources I find - they top out at a very basic conversational level. MT works great in many languages, and what you are writing is complete misleading political bullshit! And for the sake of argument, what do you recommend? Have you tried a lot of courses out there? How great did Rosetta Stone help you? Everybody is different in learning and by posting this bullshit article with your personal shortcomings you are spreading the wrong news about the fantastic method that helped millions. I can't believe someone would attack MT method--this is insane As an educator, you should know that. There are really only four Michel Thomas courses. French, Italian, Spanish, and German. The rest were made up after he died. I have to say I found the French course extraordinary. I made more progress in a couple of days than I did studying Spanish in school for five years. MT just makes the grammar so effortless. I did his Total German course and loved it. I felt so much more confident in speaking. I was working as a tour guide at the time and met Germans daily and this course really helped. I will say though that this course was not my grounding in German, I did duolingo German up to the genitive case stage and stopped for some reason I can't remember. Michel Thomas is definitely not wonderful for learning a massive vocabulary but he teaches you how to learn. I would say his course alone is not enough, he does not even get into der, die, das, den, dem, des, etc, but if you buy a dictionary and a grammar book to the side and get a penpal, then he is great. I started his begin French course and had similar results until I had my radio taken away My name is Hasan and I live in Iraq and I notice that you're learning Arabic, so if you want any help I will be more than happy to help you. Thanks for your review! I actually like the MT courses I used Italian, Spanish and French and even a bit of German, even though that's my mother tongue , but I never considered them real language courses, for the same reasons you give. I used them alongside real courses at my university, because I liked how they only required you to listen and pay attention I used to take long walks with them without using other material and I was very pleased by how they managed to get through most of the important aspects of a languages grammar, even giving some historical context and connecting concepts of those languages to English. I see them as a useful tool to very quickly understand the workings of the languages grammar, allowing you to use it correctly without much effort, but without learning the language in some other, more profound way, the MT courses are pointless. First of all, I have a diplom as teacher in for foreigners, and comparing the methods was part of what I learned, so I can see wich are the good and week points of a method. But french teaching of foreign languages is wordly famous for being awful, leading people to think that french people themselves are awful at languages ; - I needed to learn a bit of nederlands to spend a year in Belgium, but never learned a word of it before. I've try my newly acquired russian actually speaking with russian and ukrainian people and it went really great. And now I'm back at university, to learn languages and , with specialization in russian and german and I can say this method was a major help in preparation for this. And thats the point: I was unable to remind a new language, while the support language is really close to the new language. So I kept answering in english. And finally stopped to go back to less oral methods, using french as support, which worked better for me. This wasn't a problem with russian, due to the fact that I already knew the language and due to the distance between english and russian. I will actually give a try later to MT method for another language that I don't know, just to see what will be the result but this time using my own language as support, maybe italian or chinese. But the effectiveness is yet to prove for a totally new language. Or you won't be able to just read a menu in a restaurant not knowing a single hanzi. A good side method but that should not be the single one you use. And I really want to point this :pay attention to the closeness between the support language and the learned language, it can be a difficulty and I'm pretty sure that learning german from zero through english would have been quite difficult too. And also, I didn't respected the deal, working on my own, listening severaltimes, reading newspapers, using other sources. A good, and, actually, very good method for rewieving acquired knowledge, maybe not that great for starting something new. I've just read your review, and I think I will probably agree with you. Sure, you learn quite "a lot" in only two hours, but what annoyed me from the begining is that the teacher isn't a native speaker. And it's a BIG problem. I am not German, but for example one of the student was pronouncing "nicht" which means "not" When the teacher finally decided with his weird accent to explain how to pronounce "ch" in German. I mean, I have started German for only one week and even I noticed it immediately! Not the teacher. And here's the second problem : I think it's bad to hear several time in a row other students making mistakes, because it's not good to hear something wrong to learn I mean for me. German is actually the 4th language I am learning, and I can also say from my personnal experience that this "way of thinking" MT way, block by block isn't very efficient. It is better to directly think in the language you are learning. Like google. Isn't a good way. Of speaking. Because you will. Be stuck. Like this. For a long time. I think I will finish "the Foundation" anyway, to give it a shot. But I will use it as a tool only. I have tried all the main and some of the online German courses and none of them gets the mind to work as it should do to be able to create an understandable sentence by compounding words quite like MT's method. I did find Paul Daniel's Magic Language course in tapes for French allowed me to now to remember words and gender that I learned 20 years ago. I found this is an extremely good vocabulary learning method but not good for creating sentences. Most of the most up to date methods of learning language incorporate pictures but these pictures aren't as compelling as the pictures you create in your mind via Daniel's audio tapes. Visual hooks as they are termed, need to be created in conjunction with the words to be fully effective. As MT states, we are no longer children and therefore we cannot learn as they can. I do sense a little professional jealousy among others with regard to MT's teaching methods. As a psychologist, I would agree that there is no such thing as a bad student but a poor teacher is the centre of all our educational drawbacks. Not because they are incapable of teaching, but that the structure of teaching is simply wrong. Montesori teaching methods work, but are not recognised by teaching autorities and governments. The authorities are right and everything else that is different is wrong. MT states very clearly that learning is to be a stress-free as possible so that the direction he gives can be absorbed. In fact, I would go so far as to say that he allows the student to self teach but to correct when needed. Many students, even those at school, will find an excuse for not learning. It's in our nature to do so as we have been allowed those excuses. I have heard those holding business seminars and writing on chalkboards and the like, state that they are dyslexic when they are not. They just can't spell and can't be bothered to learn to spell. The USA have met their students half way and simplified the spelling of words so that they are logical such as theater instead of theatre and use liter instead of litre. Most of the 'ou' vowel combinations have been replaced with 'o' as in labor and neighbor. I guess that the students are saying When I was told about the MT method of learning, I was sceptical. The reason for my sceptisism is that it isn't the latest method of learning. However, that is a typical modern day wy of thinking. I think we all tend to want the latest most up-to-date language teaching method, that has been scrutinised by psychologists and teaching professionals and hopefully a little magic comes out of it. That is a pipe dream, and an expensive one at that. The top language learning tapes do not match the hype and the misleading adverts that sell them. Would that you could follow a trail through a park and as people and things are met with your eye, that a label comes up with the word association. However, the reality is that yes, you have pictures but they are a series of repeat still pictures. You will eventually learn the words but you still have to find a way to memorise them. It isn't natural any more than it is permanent. It requires the student to apply themselves to the task of memorising. That isn't absorbsion its the same old same old school test of how much you can remember of a subject prior to an exam. This is the measure of what you can store and recall and has nothing to do with learning. Why do I know this? Beacuse I am a psychologist and that is not how the mind works. The most brilliant 20 century mathmatician Srinivasa Ramanujan whos work is still used today was not formally educated. He was not taught to work in any particular way. He saw the patterns of mathematics in his head and translated this to pen and paper. His biggest problem was to prove his answers. He had no workings out in the margins of his text book. Because he didn't do things the way they understood them. The truth is he took days to create a theory that took them years. He didn't keep going down blind alleys, but visualised a form of clarity within the maize that led him directly to the centre. To those taught by regular methods, his was an incomplete peice of work. They needed to see how he worked it out. He couldn't tell them because he didn't work by a series of lists in chronological order as they had been taught. His was a natural, cerebral, connection of mathematic patterns that fitted like a puzzle. Music, language and mathematics are all things that should be allowed to naturally form in the confines of our minds to eventually be realised by communication of those thoughts. If Srinivasa Ramanujan's work is still being used today to solve complex mathematical equations such as black holes, then we should never arrigantly state that because something is old it is no longer relevant. Too much emphasis is placed on a person's learning ability and application than the method of teaching. Too much emphasis is placed on the method of testing the ability to recall and remember facts. If a history exam can be passed by remembering dates and a physics exam by remembering Archimedes principal or Boyle's law then we have learned nothing useful. If we fill a bath to the brim, get in and weigh the water that overflows, then we experience the phenominon. Michel Thomas invites the student who has a desire or need to learn a new language. His method is logical and therefore useful to those who can benefit most by this method. It may not be for everyone. Most of us carry some sort of scepticism and as such will create a barrier to learning. If you retain that barrier it can be guaranteed you will get nowhere with it. Most will find an excuse for giving up. The only thing that MT does not mention is to make time each day to listen and learn. That requires a discipline we are not used to. In fact I would say that it is a discipline we thought we had left behind when we left school. Much has been said about actors and actresses being used as marketing tools for MT's language course. Just because Woody Allen failed to be able to speak fluent French, does not mean he did not enjoy the course or had an opportunity within the US to practice it. I grew up speaking German but after I was 5 I spoke nothing but English. I forgot all my German. This wasn't because I did not learn it properly, it was because English became my first form of communication. A necessity for everyday life. If you learn a new language, you need to be I a position where its use is compulsory or communication will falter very quickly. Of course Michel Thomas is no longer around to argue his case, so it is easy to snipe at his methods when he can no longer defend them. Of course, the earning method is still being sold by the publishers or whomever holds copywright. Today, if you are not taking full advantage of marketing aids then you will not compete with the wild calims of others. I am surprised that MT's biggest critics ave not said "where is his qualification in linguistics" but will remark that his qualification as a war hero doesn't apply. Its called life experience and life experience relates to a professorship in any language. I certainly would not trust a BSc in mechanical engineering, with no practical experience to show me how to service my car rather than an experienced grease-monkey who does it every day. If you need to learn a new language not necessarily just want to learn a new languge then I recommend this type of language course above all others. Incidentally, actors spend a considerable amount of time learning lines and therefore are very self disciplined. Those who study the Stanislavski acting will attach an emotion and motivation behind the lines that make them more real and therefore much easier to recall as written or near enough. Whether they are ideal candidates for learning languages is debatable. But if the studio is paying for them to do so, why not? If they are using German within a film, they would want to be able to express Stanivlaski's method acting by wanting to know what they are saying and with the right conviction. My guess is, if he has any success with actors then ordinary people will be a breeze. That in itself will invariably interfere with learning. This kind of student is not a good example of a typical language learner but why not mention them if it helps sell copies. You would not necessarily respond if you were told Lena Bakover of Leicester say's "The most extraordinary learning experience of my life" So what? Thanks for the almost personal slating review of Michel Thomas Donovan. I am not really interested in the debunking of Michel Thomas only the experience of using his work. For me the question always is does it work. I play in a band and we go to Europe to play in Germany and France. One summer it was France so I got the first 8 hours of French. I turned to a lady near to me who was eying up my trumpet. And asked in French would she like to play it for me because I am too tired after playing all afternoon. Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See details for additional description. Verified purchase: Yes Condition: New. Skip to main content. The Michel Thomas Method Ser. About this product. Make an offer:. Stock photo. Brand new: Lowest price The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Knowledge is structured and organised so that you assimilate the language easily and don't forget it. You learn through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. See all 2 brand new listings. Buy It Now. Add to cart. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. If you wish to opt out, please close your SlideShare account. Learn more. Published on Oct 29, Looking for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets you speaking a new language in a matter of hours? The acclaimed audio-led Michel Thomas Method Total Spanish course, endorsed by celebrities, executives and learners worldwide, will deliver the results you want. How does it work? During the course, you will join Michel and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. You, as the learner, become the third student and participate actively in the class. Within the very first hour you will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking out answers for yourself without the pressure of writing or memorizing. You learn through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. Why is the method so successful? The Michel Thomas Method was perfected over 50 years by celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas. This unique method works with your brain and draws on the principles of instructional psychology. Knowledge is structured and organised so that you assimilate the language easily and don't forget it. The method breaks down the language into building blocks that are introduced sequentially in such a way that you create your response and move on to ever-more-complex sentences. There is no need to stop for homework, additional exercises or vocabulary memorization, so you progress rapidly. Michel Thomas Foundation Course Spanish by Michel Thomas

The Michel Thomas Method Ser. About this product. Make an offer:. Stock photo. Brand new: Lowest price The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Knowledge is structured and organised so that you assimilate the language easily and don't forget it. You learn through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. See all 2 brand new listings. Buy It Now. Add to cart. About this product Product Information Looking for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets you speaking a new language in a matter of hours? The acclaimed audio-led Michel Thomas Method Total Spanish course, endorsed by celebrities, executives and learners worldwide, will deliver the results you want. How does it work? During the course, you will join Michel and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. You, as the learner, become the third student and participate actively in the class. Within the very first hour you will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking out answers for yourself without the pressure of writing or memorizing. Why is the method so successful? The Michel Thomas Method was perfected over 50 years by celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas. This unique method works with your brain and draws on the principles of instructional psychology. The method breaks down the language into building blocks that are introduced sequentially in such a way that you create your response and move on to ever-more-complex sentences. There is no need to stop for homework, additional exercises or vocabulary memorization, so you progress rapidly. Within the first hour you will be able to construct simple sentences. By the end of the course, you will have the confidence to understand and speak basic Spanish. You will learn at your own pace, pausing and repeating where necessary, and complete the course in about hours. This course is available to stream or download via the Michel Thomas Method Library app. Language Builder Spanish for improving students will widen your vocabulary and teach authentic phrases and expressions in a one-to-one seminar. You will be able to express yourself more fully with idiomatic phrases and language that will give you the edge when it comes to communicating. In only a matter of hours, you will have a comprehensive grasp of the structure of the language, enabling you to communicate with confidence. This digital course is available to stream or download via the Michel Thomas Method Library app. For anyone who has already completed, and enjoyed, Foundation Spanish, the Intermediate course will take your language learning to the next level. As with the earlier levels, the Michel Thomas Method in this intermediate course breaks down the language into building blocks that are introduced sequentially in such a way that you create your response and move on to ever-more-complex sentences, improving your conversational Spanish, as well as taking your grammar and vocabulary to the next level — in an effortless fashion. This course will take hours to complete and is available to stream or download via the Michel Thomas Method Library app. In this 5-hour intermediate digital course, Michel Thomas Method teacher Rose Lee Hayden introduces over 1, new words, verbs and everyday phrases through essential language building blocks which allow you to increase your vocabulary in manageable, enjoyable steps. Unlike most vocabulary courses which give you lists of words to memorize, the Michel Thomas Method-based course allows you to extend your vocabulary by unlocking what you already know, introducing you to a unique way of acquiring language that will significantly boost your confidence in your ability to speak, listen to, pronounce and understand Spanish. As a result of her interest in Michel Thomas's innovative method and amazing results, she studied German with him in This was the beginning of a long and exciting collaboration, developing his programme and teaching his 'Second Phase' Spanish students. This Spanish conversation course is ideal for those following on from Foundation or Intermediate levels. It will advance your overall fluency, listening comprehension and conversation skills, expand your vocabulary and improve your grammar. Through authentic, lively conversations around engaging topics, this course focuses on the colloquial language and conversation strategies used by native Spanish speakers so that you can fit in and communicate more naturally. It offers support for pronunciation and intonation to help you express yourself, with cultural insights into the unspoken rules of the language. Virginia Catmur studied languages at the universities of Oxford and Lisbon. As Languages Editor at Hodder, she worked in the studio with Michel Thomas during the recording of his Advanced courses in and was responsible for their audio editing. She has since developed courses in new languages using the Michel Thomas Method. Jennifer is a freelance translator, writer and editor. Make an investment in yourself. These courses together form everything you need to speak Spanish to a high-intermediate level. About Spanish. Start Spanish.

Total Spanish Foundation Course: Learn Spanish with the Michel Thomas…

Skip to main content. The Michel Thomas Method Ser. About this product. Make an offer:. Stock photo. Brand new: Lowest price The lowest- priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Knowledge is structured and organised so that you assimilate the language easily and don't forget it. You learn through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. See all 2 brand new listings. Buy It Now. Add to cart. About this product Product Information Looking for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets you speaking a new language in a matter of hours? The acclaimed audio-led Michel Thomas Method Total Spanish course, endorsed by celebrities, executives and learners worldwide, will deliver the results you want. How does it work? During the course, you will join Michel and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. You, as the learner, become the third student and participate actively in the class. Within the very first hour you will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking out answers for yourself without the pressure of writing or memorizing. Why is the method so successful? The Michel Thomas Method was perfected over 50 years by celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas. This unique method works with your brain and draws on the principles of instructional psychology. The method breaks down the language into building blocks that are introduced sequentially in such a way that you create your response and move on to ever-more-complex sentences. Where do I go next? SlideShare Explore Search You. Submit Search. Home Explore. Successfully reported this slideshow. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this presentation? Why not share! Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Published in: Business. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. An eBook reader can be a software application for use on a computer such as Microsoft's free Reader application, or a book-sized computer THE is used solely as a reading device such as Nuvomedia's Rocket eBook. Users can purchase an eBook on diskette or CD, but the most popular method of getting an eBook is to purchase a downloadable file of the eBook or other reading material from a Web site such as Barnes and Noble to be read from the user's computer or reading device. Generally, an eBook can be downloaded in five minutes or less Their customer service is outstanding, never left a query unanswered. Show More. Be the first to like this. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. Adsimple access to all content2. Quick and secure with high-speed downloads3. sitzung-am-13-dezember-1995-in-dussel-39.pdf