BIDAR DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN-2015-16 Government of Karnataka Bidar District “Disaster Management Plan 2015-16” ©ÃzÀgÀ f¯Áè “““«¥ÀvÀÄÛ“«¥ÀvÀÄÛ ¤ªÀðºÀuÁ AiÉÆÃd£É 20152015----16161616”””” fĒÁè¢üPÁjUÀ¼À PÁAiÀiÁð®AiÀÄ ©ÃzÀgÀ fĒÉè BIDAR DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE, BIDAR. BIDAR DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN-2015-16 CONTENTS SL NO TOPIC PAGE NO 1 Preface 03 2 Glossary 04 3 Chapter-1 :Introduction 05-13 4 Chapter-2 : Bidar District Profile 14-25 5 Chapter-3 : Hazard Risk Vulnerability and Capacity (HRVC) 26-41 Analyses 6 Chapter-4 : Institution Mechanism 42-57 7 Chapter-5: Mitigation Plan 58-73 8 Chapter-6: Response Plan 74-80 9 Chapter-7: Recovery and Reconstruction Plan 81-96 10 Chapter-8 : Resources and Contact Numbers 97-117 11 Chapter-9 : Standard Operating Processor (SOPs) 118-125 12 Chapter-10 : Maps 126-137 13 Conclusion 138 14 Bibliography 139 BIDAR DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE, BIDAR. Bidar District Disaster Management Pla n 2015-16 Office of the Deputy Commissioner Bidar District, Bidar Shri. Anurag Tewari I. A.S Chairman of Disaster Management & Deputy Commissioner Phone: 08482-225409 (O), 225262(Fax) Bidar District E-mail:
[email protected] PREFACE “Disaster” means unforeseen and serious threat to public life with suddenness in terms of time. Declaration of disaster depends on gravity or magnitude of situ ation, number of victims involved, time factor i.e. suddenness of an event, non- availability of medical care in terms of space, equipment’s medical and pa ramedical staff, medicines and other basic human needs like food, shelter and clothing, weather conditions in the locali ty of incident etc., thus enhancing human sufferings and create human needs that the victim cann ot alleviate without assistance.