ED 090 409 CE 001 276 TITLE Curriculum Guide for Adults. Draft. INSTITUTION Clemson Univ., S.C. Vocational Education Media Center.; South Carolina State Dept. of Education, Columbia. Office of Vocational Education. PUB DATE 72 NOTE 69p.; For other guides in the unit, see CE 001 266-275 and CE 001 277

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$3.15 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRI2TORS *Adult Education; Behavioral Objectivos; *Consumer Education; Curriculum Development; *Curriculum Guides; Educational Resources; Evaluation Methods; Homemaking Education; Teacher Developed Materials IDENTIFIERS South Carolina

ABSTRACT The consumer education for adults guide, part of a consumer and homemaking education unit, was developed in a curriculum workshop at Winthrop College in June 1972. It was written in reference to a norm grouping. The concepts presented are: family life cycle, life style, the consumer in the economy, spending plan, consumer credit, financing , transportation, health insurance, life insurance, social security, savings and investments, taxes, wills, financial records, consumer's rights and responsibilities, and financial crisis. Under each concept, three columns list behavioral objectives, learning and evaluation experiences, and teaching resources. (AG) CONSUMER EDUCATION CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR ADULTS

Consumer and Homemaking Education Section OfficeState Deparment of Vocational of Education Prepared by: VocationalColumbia, Education South Media Carolina Center 29201 In Cooperation With: Clemson, South Carolina 29631 Clemson University 1972 The guide for Consumer Education for Adults was developed in a curriculum workshop at Winthrop College in June, 1972. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Grateful appreciation is extended to the following teachers who contributed to the development of theMrs. guide: Elizabeth Benton, Aiken High School Mrs.Mrs. Betty ElrethaBettyDorothy Dickson, Bonner, Campbell, Carty, York Berkeley Walhalla BarnwellHigh HighSchool High High School School School University of Nebraska, for her untiring efforts andGrateful excellent appreciation leadership isin alsothe developmentexpressed to ofMrs. the Melinda guide. Holcombe, Assistant Professor of Home EconomicsMrs. Thelma Education Lee, 'William at the Moultrie High School CONTENTS of Guide Page 1 ConceptsConceptualRationale Framework 53 SpendingThe LifeFamilyConsumer Style Plan Life' in Cycle the Economy 1012 97 TransportationFinancingConsumerLifeHealth Insurance Insurance HousingCredit 3230242014 WillsTaxesFinancialSavingsSocial Security and Records Investments 4645433634 Resources FinancialConsumer's Crisis Rights an Responsibilities 495958 viv USE OF THE GUIDE qualityato be approached of home and to train family lifethe life. stylelearner that to ismake satisfying rational toDecisions decisions him. It is tobased hoped be made upon that in histhis the values, approachmarketplace standards, :I.) aremanagement goalsbecoming and resources increasinglyand consumer and complex develop education and the will teaching enhance of the consumer education needs experiencesTherefore,education.organize instructionthe Thewhich individual guide meet was the teacher needswritten willof in the needreference learners to examine inThisto local a curriculumnorm thecommunities. guidegrouping resource carefully and guide noand attempt select in management andwas implement made and to individualizeconsumer the oontent education andinstruction.. learning is an attempt to help teachers select content and in a sequence that will help learners grasp the basic structure in the area of management and consumer performancecontent.and evaluation Each to experiences.beteacher achieved will toInneed make this toguide them add theoperational.the objectives dimensionsThe behavioral have of been conditions objectives written inwith are which twowritten components--thelearning to show is theto occur outcomes behavior and whichtheand standardsthe should context result ofor from successful completion of the learning identifySeaming other environment. experiences Thus, that arethe relevantlearning toexperiences theThe time,A learningresource place, were experience columnand written needs suggests from isof that thethe whichlearners teachinglearner's a learneras materials point a total doesof group view.that to couldlearn Theand asteacherandbe individuals. used which willin involvessetting need toup interaction the learning with environment the external for conditions the learners. in the subjectlocalIt is communities.matter of utmost areas importance are to be included,that each a teacher teacher examineThemay subjectrefer and to the matterselect specific theareas teachingguide of fo& in eachmaterialsand nutritionof these that areas.and best textiles fit the needsand clothing of the learnershave not in been included in this guide. If these two iAz CONSUMER EDUCATIOL FOR ADULTS achieve, within the framework of his own values andConsumer goals, maximum education satisfaction (fo r. an adult) and utilizationis of his resources) the skills, concepts, and understandings...required for e.,eryday living to RATIONALE ofsatisfactionrolesTechnological paramount of mate in importance. thechangesand management female in theWages homemakers types of and their of increasedgoods resources. emphasize and finan,;JI servicesThe With thepresent increased resources importanceavailable dependence must and of sociological bedecisionmaking used upon effectively changespaid employr.lent, as to families inassure the multiple the seek financial life stability andstyle security interchangeable desired and becomes mutualat each life style of our nation has rapidly changed the family from a producing unit to a consuming unit. becausestandards,cycle of of familyandthe demandsgoals; life. (b) of distinguish changing betweenlife cycles wants as families Decisionsand needs; mature. basic (c) identify to improving personal the artd quality social of resources. all family lifeOrders depend of priorities on the varyadults' abilities to: (a) clarify and evaluate values, therefore,further from that the we marketplace-more,grasp the meaning ofbuying, intelligent lessThe ."L "Consumerism"home consumer produRtion; education has becomemore program critical a fact must decisions, of takelife. Complexitiesinto less consideration control. of present-day "It the is interests,important, manufacturing age and ability and levels, marketing and removesocial framework the consumer of asmanythe well group. opportunities as businesses The unique to and prepare,needs service of aseach organizations, wet; group as update, should to Schoolsassist adultsdetermine the inare consumertheir thein a consumercontent prime in the positionand roles. the to manner"There prepare isof apresentation.persons universal for responsibility their consumer for roles.schools, Basic and continuing adult education presents marketplace."3 TeachersDepartment of Home of Economics, p. 5. 2Catherine1State Department Welsh, of Education, Education, Little Rock, Arkansas. Consumer Education-AEducation, Guidep. 9. for "The Impact of Change," Insight-Report on Consumer and Homemaking Education, California State 3State Department of Education, Little Rock, Arkansas, 22. 3! cit., p. 5. f CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK CONSUMER EDUCATION FOR ADULTS 1. A.Family Life Cycle Stages G.F. WiseCredit credit ratings practices C.B.F.E.D. UseMajorCharacteriicsDeveiopmental of expenses resources tasks VI. B.A.FinancingH. a Home HousingRelationship needs to goals II. B.A.L ife Style DefinitionInfluentialRelationship factors to financial management F.E.D.C. PropertyFinancingSelectionHousingHousing variationsinsurance sourcescosts III. A.TheB.C. Consumer in the Economy FamilyDefinitionRelationship relationship to management in the economy VII. B.A.TransportationG. TaxesFormsInfluential factors IV. A.SpendingC.B. Plan JustificationDefinitionEconomy relationship to standard of living D.C.E. ShoppingResponsibilities2.Car1. for a car of car ownership OperationalCare costs G.F.D.C.E. RelationshipSettingCharacteristicsUseForms of up "resources a planto management G.F. ManagementAlternatives2.1. to of owning the transportation a car dollar InsuranceFinancing V. A.ConsumerH. Credit DefinitionPersonal plan VIII. C.B.A.Health Insurance TypesJustificationTerminology C.B. 3.2.Types1.Usti CashSalesService loanscredit credit IX. LifeE.D. Insthance ApplicationSelectioninsurance of management to health E.D. CostsLegislation 5 A.B. importanceDefinition 6 E.D.C. ApplicationSelectionTypes of management to life insurance C. 2.The1. checking account OpeningTypes X_ C.B.A.Social Security RoleBenefitsPurpose of the Social Security Office F.E.D. DeductionsRelationshipStorage4.3. of important to future records planning BalancingWriting a check a checkbook SavingsF.E.D. and Investments FamilyRoleProvisions of securitythe federal government XV. Consumer'sH.G. Rights and Responsibilities NeededExemptions resources XI. D.C.B.A. SavingsJustificationStepsDefinitions ininstitutions beginning a savings program B.A. 1.2.TheInformation1. marketplace 'DefinitionTheCharacteristic; consumer's right G.F.E. investmentsApplicationLegislativeForms of investments of protection rr.anagement to savings and D.C. Choice2.Safety1. The consumer's responsibilitiesright XI I. C-A.D.B.Taxes SourcesTypesRecordsBenef its needed E. 2.1.Voicing2. opinions and settling grievances TheThe consumer's consumer's responsibilitiesright right XIII. C-D.B.A.Wills ConsiderationCharacteristicsTerminologyJustification of taxes XVI. B.A.Financial Crisis SourcesExamples of help XIV. A.B.FinancialE. Records MethodsPurposesRelationship to famay security OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Family Life Cycle Show comprehension of the relationship between the family life cycle stages and management of finances. Identify the stages in the family life cycle. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES DiscussView selected the various transparency stages. of the family life stages to identify the stages. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES VocationalTransparency: Education Clemson Media University, Center, TEACHING RESOURCES 111s adults.!ifeList cycle.the forms Discuss of family families life brokenin America by death, that are divorce, not accounted or separation, for in andthe familysingle ThaiMoneV.Consumer and Holcombe,OP:10-16- Education, Your "Life Family Cycle." and Its familyDescribe life cycle. the characteristics of stages in the characteristicsView selected transparenciesof the various stages. to see the characteristics of each stage. Discuss the Transparencies:ConsumerVocational Education, Education Clemson Media University, Center. "Characteristics of andListen identify to thecharacteristics case study ofto stagesdescribe illustrated the various in the stages case instudy. the life cycle. Discuss andEducation,Bulletin:Each Norma." Stage." Texas "The Tech Family UrO.fersity, Life Cycle Consumer of Ted differentIdentify stages the developmentalof the family life cycle.tasks at the thewhichDraw correct stage from family the a box developmental life a stage.din of paper task on fits which and is pin stated the slip a developmental on the bulletin task.board Decide by ConsumerBooklet: Home Study UnitsEconomics Set 2, p. Publishers, 40. theDescribe family life the cycle. major expenses at each stage of shareBrainstormView information selected for other on transparency additionalexpenses expanses not on listed the withmajor on theclass expenses transparency. and add atto the Make transparency.various a list and stages. eachTran ConsumerVocationalStage." ;:parency: Education, Education Clemson "Major Media University, Expenses Center, of familytoGive familin life examples cycle. in the of resources different that stages are available of the family'sstageWork advantage. inmay groups possess. which Discuss represent ways the the various family may utilize those resources to the stages and list resources which each Bratton,110-111. Home Management IS..., pp. 7 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Family Life Cycle Show comprehension of the relationship between the family life cycle stages and management of finances. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES at theRefer different to the stages.story of 'Ted and Norma" and list the resources that are available LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES andEducationBulletin: Norma,"11:49. Texas 'The Tech Family University, Life Cycle Consumer of Ted TEACHING RESOURCES study.showinghearListen their howto views a symposiumtheir on viewcharacteristics, coincides composed majorwith of ideascouples expenses, you representing have and gainedresources. the through various Write previous a stages paper to ofSymposium: the 'ramify Couples life cycle. representing the stages lifeExplain cycle and the financial relationship management of the stages of the stagesRefer and to management the story again of finances. and explain the relationship between the family life andEducationBulletin: Norma,"11:49. Texas 'The Tech Family University, Life Cycle Consumer of Ted CONCEPTS: ufe style OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Show comprehension of the LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES relationship of management to the development of a life style. Define the term "life style." Participate in a discusion on the meaning of the term "life style." Association,Education,Bulletin: ConsumerAmerican"Dynamics andof Home Teaching." TEACHING RESOURCES Homemaking Economics style.identify the factors that influence a life ViewDescribeView a flannel a how bulletin differentboard hoard factors with presentation to see factors that pictures illustratinginfluence the a lifevarious style. influence a life style. ways people live. (TeacherPenriev'sPeriodical: reference). Forum, "Can you Fall/Winter Choose 1971,a Life Sty c?" p. 18. style.FinddifferingRecall or bringLife several styles. pictures current Discuss TV that illustrate the various factors theserials factors about that people influenced from their various occupationsthat with influence your life life styles. relateDescribe to the how development the elements of of a life style. management of Readmanagement a case studyrelated or towatch the a televit;iongiven program family and or describeindividuals. how the elements .Problem.StudyDervin, of g Farnifies11 and Their Consurner Soender. §mIrorner A gas

9 10 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: The Con crier in die Economy Show understanding of the relationship of the consumer to the American economy. Define the term "consumer." BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Discuss the word "consumer" and compose a definition acceptable to the group. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES MarketPlace-Levy, et al. Li:_ke. Consumer TEACHING RESOURCES Define the term "economy." thethatListen group. shows to howan illustrative the economy lecture functions, on the and term compose "economy." a definition View a acceptable bulletin board to wealth.Producing,B ulletin board distributing, to show the system of and consuming Product).Define the term GNP (Gross National newspapersParticipate in anda brainstorming periodicals to session learn theand correct list meanir definition 2s of lettersof GNP. GNP. Refer Consult to list Money,That and p. 48.Holcombe, Your Family and Its and cross out all incorrect definitions or ideas of GNP. ProblemsWarmke,Current newspapers pp. et 304-311,al., Consumer and p. news 208. periodicals. Economic Describe how the GNP reflects the economy. DiscussView chartshow the to current see how economy the GNP ranks reflects in terms the ofhealth current of GNP.the general economy. ThalMoney, and Holcombe,p. 50. Your Family and Its. View a circle graph that shows the Gros National Product for the past year to Warmke,KnowBooklet Aboutat Wood, al., Money. Conwmer What pp.Every 3-4. Economic Woman Should increasesPainvestments,became ticipate aware the in and snaHGNP of government the groupsbut comparative may and not spending- discussimprove distribution why economic an ofincrease consumer health. in government spending, businessspending Problems, pan, p. 209. - OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: The Consumer in the Economy Show undersiznding of the relationship of the consumer to the American economy- Describe how the GNP reflects BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES price i-:pond to a resource person by discussers LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES why an increase or decrease in GNP TEACI-CING RESOURCES prices.may affect prices of goods and how Durchasesof foreign imports affect GNP and Problerns.1,Varmke,PriceBulletin: NT.Commission, Executive 328-33%et al., Consumer P-210- Office Price ofConti* The Economic andPresident, You. Explain how the family affects the theView economy a chart showingis built around circular the flow flow of of moneymoney. in the economy and discus ho Money.That and Holcombe, Your Family and its DiscussListen the to affects.illustrated lecture on how decisions of families affect the economy. frabigns,43.-372.Warnike, :et al., CGIVitirfiN Economic andIdentify how they the areroles interrelated. of consumer and producer discussView howselected they arefilmstrips. interrelated. Identify the elements of producing and consigning and FilmstripRoleFilmstrip: asConsuniers. institute of Life hi:Waft% 041r Institute of Life. Insicatee, Define the terms ''standpnt of living" and interrelationshipMakeListen a listto case of goods with study, consumer and "Broke services andAgain," producer. and define now being consumed, and discuss their ONTSUMerSin that Alarketpbce. Builering. PK:7re%. p, clothes. Distinguish'level between of living." standard of liven; and of living."Recall case study, "Broke Again," and &sits how the family's level of "standard of Wirer and 'level, living is Problems,Teaching AidsfaiINnois Consumer ,eoard of Vocational Education, cf. 98 {Teacher referesce). levelExplain of living. how our economic system makes Givedifferent examples from itsof standardevkience of of , living. - That and Holcombe, Your Family and its possible a high standard of living. economy. Discuss how this is possible. high standard of living in the - , present day - 354-356.Craig.Money.. Threshold (Teacher reference). to Adult Living. pp.. CONCEPTS: OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL spendingOBJECTIVES plan Show ability to apply the management process to the devekipment of a spending plan. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES Define the term "spending plan." definitions.Participate Choosein a brainstorming one acceptable session to the of group.definition of spending plan. Compare Homemaking_BarclayMoney.Thal and end Holcombe, Champion, Your Teen Family Guide and Itsto Marketplace.Levy,TeenAgers,McDermott, Book et al., al., The Consumer in the tkimernalcir..3 for plan.Explain the reasons for having a spending havingRespond 4 spending to short plan. stories Discuss of real the -life reasons situations for having by identifying a spending theplan. reasons for MakingPamphlet: the Most of Your Money, pp_ 14-19. Institute of Life Insurance, motherListen toand a asymposium small businessman in which explain a grandmother, their reasons a recentfor having graduate, a spending a pian. young Booklet:JustThePamphlet MoneyManied. Follett You Follett Educational Spend, Educational p. 6. Corporation, CorPoration, spendingCompare plans. the different forms used for determinedStudy samples best for of your spending own use. plans. Compare the various forms. Choose plan.Describe the characteristics of a spercling chsracteristics.Listen to an illustrated lecture on the characteristics of a spending plan. List the a spendingExplain howplan. the use of resources influence Listen to a case study and explain how the use of resources influencedspending plan.the . :Year. Education,Booklet:Homemaking Illinois, Ts2g Programs, Aids Board for C.onsurnerof'Plannirxj Vocational for and Next OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Spending Plan Show ability to apply the management process to the development of a' plan. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES AL, theListen use of to resources a person so on that a limited he can income live within: discuss his spending ways of extendingplan_ his money by LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES spendingofKeep Listenresources record to plan. a influencedofbook Useall thereview direct resources your quotesto spendingsee howtoused illustrate thisplan. in afamily's 24hour the point. use period. of resources Explain influencedhow the use their Levinson, Everything but Money. plan.Describe the process of setting up a spending AnalyzeListen bulletinto an illustrated board that lecture shows on the how process to set upof settinga spending upa spendingplan. plan. showBulletin the structure board withof a spendingwords and plan. pictures to managementExplain the to arelationship spending plan. of home Listenmethods:View exhibitsto thebasket, record that envelope, andshow explain how box, ahowcookie budget management jar. can be- willset helpup using to make The ends following meet. goas.Listen to a case study and tell now the spending plan was managed to reach the aEZOLISToyland,Booklet:Record: '1 Can'tDisneyland Do the Sums." Record, Babes in Fans and Fane, A atallenge of Apply management procedures in making a Game:Services, Chemin," 'The Budgeting Times, Gagne. Educational persona/ spending plan. MakeStudy asample personal spending spending plitisto plan usinguse asguides the management it* process. plan. Periodical:MonLeilleNotre, Changirst Managing Times the FebruaryMoney at 1972 Your Manaoement, FallMoney 1971. Management Institute, OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Consumer Credit Show comprehension of the role of consumer credit in attaining pers3nalifamily goals. Define the term consumer BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES credit Viewin a the discussion of what consumer fortune wheel of creditLEARNING terms. AND creditEVALUATION is. Develop a definition EXPERIENCES Recall individual or family of the term. experiences termsBulletin written Board: on wedges TEACHING RESOURCES . Fortune whk.e.I with credit ct the wheel. Booklet1971,NeedPeriodical: topp. Money 38-39 "Using Management Credit Know," Changing Times. (Teacher -rerice). Key Words You Institute, It's November YQtirThalreference). Money,and Holcombe, Credit, Managepp. It 124-1V Wisely, (Teacher reference).Your Family end Its (Teacher State advantages of using consumer credit. View a flip chart. Cite instances where using consumer credit would be an beF lip purchased chart with on pictures credit of items which may advantageotherwise.Discuss to an items bought by families on individual or to a family. in raising our standard of living. credit that they could not have bought reference).Riker and Brisbane, Married Life (Teacher State the. disadvantages of using consumer CL-cussCite instances the where using credit advantages of credit would be a disadvantage to a family. Troeistrup,American(Teacher Arch reference).Society, W, 4th Ed- pp. The Consumer in 166-in credit CollectdisadvantagesParticipate and bring in a ofto discussion usingclass consumercartoons showing of "Cash credit. vs. Credit" to illustrate the disadvantages of credit. the advantages and - List the three typs of consumer credit. View selected transparency to list the three types of consumer credit. Transparency:AvailableCostsurnerVocational to theEducation. C.onstemer.Clemson EdurItion Media Center, "Kinds of Credit University, CONCEPTS:OVERALL OBJECTIVES: Consumer Credit Show comprehension of the role of consumer credit in attaining personal/family goals. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES eachBrainstorm of the toitems list items as one which of the you use but LEARNING AND EVALUATION following: service credit, sales credit, or do not pay for right away. EXPERIENCES Classify cash ThalMoney, and pp.Holcombe, 127-133 (TeacherYour Family references. TEACHING RESOURCES and Its community.Analyzeloans.list of thecredit classified sources. advertisements List other types in the of credit usedtelephone by families directory in the and compile a SemesterBulletin:Laboratories, Course Homemaking Todain Consumer y's Consumer Education, - Research -A Compare the types of service credit and the Bring bills for service credit to determine the costs of the credit and the pp. 19-26 (Teacher referee . Listcosts. types of saies credit. conditionsView selected under filmstrip.which it isDiscuss used. types of sales credit ConsumerFilmstrip: Resource. J. C. Penney, Inc.., Credit: A of BringMakesales tocredita listclass ofoffered. newspaperstores in the advertisements community which of sales credit. offer sales credit. Discuss the type Discuss the type of sales credit offered. charge accounts. Filmstrip: Visual Education Consultants, conditionsExplain thefor typesuse. of charge accounts and the. ViewcreditDiscuss selected office the filmstripfor questions a charge and asked account.discuss when the typesa customer of applies to a department store ChargePeriodical:Inc.,t970 Charge (Teacher Accounts, "WarningIA Please. referencer. Changing Doubla-check Times, October Those requirementsExplain a credit for obtaining card account one. and the creditView card. selected filmstrip. Explain the procedure and requkements to obtain a Economy,Filmstrip: Guidance Part II. Associa-ra:, Our Credit 15 16 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Consumer Credit Show comprehension of the role of consumer credit in attaining pwsonal/family goals. holders.Identify the responsibilities of credit curd BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES overspending,recordingCompile a of andlist Account oflosing the cards.resoonsibilitiesnumbers, using of LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES thecredit cards card by unauthorizedholders for safekeeping, persons, 12mClemsonBooklet to Reny Cooperative University, (Teacher Extension Creditreferences Cards-Thirty Service of TEACHING RESOURCES forLookthetiompany lostListen cards.for magazine to Reporta if wnlmary a card orto newspaperclass. is of lost. an article articles on losing a credit card. Discus ways to notify or call a bank to find out about liability Periodical:Woman'sPeriodicat: Day, 'Watch November"If You Out Lose for 1970, the a Creditp. 22. Card Card," Tines, March 1971, pp. 13-14.Foul-ups?"Periodical:37-38 a Changing "Can Congress Times, StopJune Those 1972, Billing erenCeT pp. Explain installment sales. ContrastsaspectsGive definition a definition of installment of installment of installment credit. sales sales. in these View select,ci filmstrip and discuss the two situations: (1) if buying Inc,F ilmstrip: The Installment Contract. Visual Education Consultants, thea car,Listen installment (2) toif buyinga selected plan. shoes case utilizing study the and lay-away discuss process.points to remember when buying on AbouttheBooklet Most 'Easy Instituteof Payment Your of ftelly Plans'." Life I".kvm nsuranceMakinia Learns List sources of cash loans. agenciesBringRead to selectedclass offering newspaper suchbook list advertisements sources of cash of cashloam. loans and discuss the types of ThalMoney, and Holcombe,pp. 733-136. Your Family and Its CONCEPTS:OVERALL OBJECTIVES: Consumer Credit Show comprehension of the role of consumer credit in attaining personat/famity goals. Compareloans may the be conditions obtained and under the whichcosts. cash BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES companyinFtiution,Visit or call and a lending credit a pawnshop unionagencies representative,to get in theinformation community: a aboutlife insurancea thebank, a savings office, aand finance loan LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES kinds of loans available, referencePeriodical; Ever Use a Pawnshop?" TEACHINGTimes, RESOURCES February 1972 (Teacher findingsthe conditions to the class. for obtaining a loan, and the costs. Present a summary of the Note."Periodical:(Teacher Cha r"If You're Asked to Co-sign a encer Times, March 1972, p. 12 s List reasons why using credit costs money. ViewListen the toselected a talk and filmstrip discuss to findwhy out it costs why tousing charge credit items costs or tomoney. Discuss the borrow money. departmentFilmstrip:credit costs storeMoney money. or Managementa esourcebanker to Person: explain Institute, why Be Credit manager of a creditBringcosts involved.andcartoons the costs. clipped Share from with newspaper class. and magazines that illustrate the use of Credit Wise. LendingExplain Law.the requirements of the Truth in board.Law:View financethe selected charge filmstrip and annual to find percentage out the requirements rate. List the of therequirements Truth on in Lending the Filmstrip:Lending, Federal Reserve System, Truth. in. Or Analyzehow th?y samples carry outof installment the requirements sales contracts of the Truth from in localbusinesses.Lending Law. Discuss Filmstrip:SamplesEconomy, Guidance of Part a sale contractAssociates, Our Credit I. State the reasons to shop for credit. reasonsView the on selected the board. filmstrip to determine reasons for shopping for credit List Credit.Filmstrip:Gettin9C.redits_ Guidance National Associates,Education Association, The Price of Or 17 OwlFilm: Who Modern Gave a TalkingHoot. Picture Service, The OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Consumer Credit Show comprehension of LEARNING AND EVALUATIONThe rose of consumer credit in attaining personal/family goals. EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES aSelect colorandcommunity ana televisionfinance as acompany car set, dealer, or to a comparea bank, a the cost item which you would like to buy new refrigerator. Visit credit union, a savings and loan association, illustrate thein the differencesof financing in charges through each agency. near future such as a new car, various agencies in the Periodical:1972,'Charge pp. 3e-36. "Before You. Borrow or say Changing. Times, January credit obtainedCompileView the bya selectedchartshopping from transparency around class for reports to list to the credit. bases on which credit is given. Discuss T ransparency: Clemson University, Center, rating.Define the 3 C's which comprise a character, capacity, and capital to formulate definitions. ThatMoney;VocationalCreditConsumer pp. is139-141 Education Kit Media "Bases on and Holcombe, Your Given."' (Teacher reference). Family and its Which Identify the importance of a good credit keepingListen to a a good resource credit person rating. discuss credit and the importance of building and CreditSpeaker Bureau. from Better Business Bureau Gr rating. orderViewListen to selected maintainto selected film.a good story. Identify credit Discuss the rating. importance the importance of a credit rating. of returning borrowed items in Credit.Film:Short Modem. Story: TalkingdeMaupassant, Picture Service, Inc., The Neck DiscussitemsDiscuss thewere experiences valueof not returned. building where Relateand items keeping thishave to a good been theirloaned to friends or relatives and credit ratings. credit rating. the SeptemberYourPeriodical: Credit Pascoe,1970, Rating?" p. 66Jean, Woman's "Do You (Teacher referenie Know protectsExplain the how consumer. the Fair Credit Reporting Act protectsListen the to aconsumer. sunwnary of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Identify how The act pp.CreditPeriodical:Statute: 25-28 Rating," Fair (Teacher "New Credit ChangingTimes, Rules Reporting that Act. April reference). Protect Your 1971, OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Consumer credit Show comprehension of the role of consumer credit in attaining personal/family goals. credit.List the guidelines to follow in the BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES use of .whetherRead or not selected to use credit. pamphlet Discuss to compilewith class. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES a check list to consider when deciding MindPamphlet Your Money SeriesManagement - When YouInstitute, Use TEACHING RESOURCES " Booklet:-Credit,Corporation, Inc,(Tea BeneficialBoolcht. :her referenT:le National(Wood) WhatFoundation Every for Woman Consumer Our Credit Intelligently Management Listen to the case study and discuss the guidelines to follow in the use of credit. GoingPeriodical:reference).Should Broke: Know Changing'Getting About Out Times, Money of Debt (Teacher Without July 1971; (TeacherUnderPeriodical:pp. 25-28. Control," reference). 'Ways Reader's to Keep Digest. Your Debts May 1969 Debt.Li:ingBookletInc., (Teacher "How99 The New Kiplingerreference).to ideaSKeeprron7 Washingtonon Your Drowning Mon. Job and Editors, credit.Explain the consequences of the abuse of ' on the article.FindDefine an alternatives article in a if credit is misused: newspaper or magazine on the abuse of credit. Give a report repossession, garnishment, bankruptcy. attainingExplain personal the and role family of consumer goals. credit in attainingUse a study on credit buying and explain the role of Consumer credit in ...k2MftaStudiesDervin of The 68 Families and Their Consumer Spender Syndrome: Case Writeor family a paper goat. and explain how consumer credit 19 has helped you attain a personal CONCEPTS. Financing Housing 20 0 VE\ PALL OBJECT!BEHAVIORAL VES. OBJECTIVES Show understanding that financing LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES a home requires an assessment of available and future resources. TEACHi\G RESOURCES families.Identify how housing needs vary among interviewed.L;steri to Discussa recording the various and compare needs. the housing needs of the adults being 2.EnvironmentKit:"interviews: The for Meaning Human of a Grol,.:ri.Horne." Side J. C. Penney Co., The Home- An of DiscussrelationParticipatechildren, tothe health, housing. inmeaning a discussionpattern of life of living, styesand identify andsex theof family familyrelationship members,needs, to housing. Consider stage of family cycle, recreation, vocation. wants, and resources in etc. ages areDemonstration:Happiness.- discussed. "No Magic Form.4:a rabbits from hat as iterns class.valuesList five in the to tenorder values of perference. you would Share deem andnecessary compare in choosingthe list of a home. Rank the values with the ObserveListen selected to a case transparency study and discuss and slides changes to see in howfamily fulfillment housing ofneeds. housing needs ThatMoney, and HolcombeChapter 8. J. C. Penney's, The Home: An Your Family anc Its View selectedmight be filmstrip achieved and in discuss a home. how homes fulfill housinn needs. HomesKit:Environment J. Can C. Penney Meet ForOur Co., HumanNeeds.- Homes are for People. -How (e)demandedcoupleWorklife couple incycle. ingroups withcollege, frequent Discuss: high to identify (b)school change What a couple theage would of housing children.residence. in be armed unique needs (f) OMolder service. considerations of couple thecouple. various with (cl a couple whoe job for housingpre-school forstages (a) a children, of the family housing.Identify variations in the kind and quality of housingViewList selected on needed. the chalkboard transparencies the kinds and discussof housing the avaiiable variations in the community, in kinds and quality of Classtoons:Transparencies: Hot. ling. Scholastic Vaga:ines OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Financing Housing Show understanding that financing a home requires an assessment of available and future resources. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES. desired:inRead the three kit Share and selected groupi-fentify case work factors studies. with the relating Work entire in class.smallto the groups kind toand discuss quality the ofwork housing sheets LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES Kit:Environment J. C. ,PenneyAnalyzing For Co.. Housing Human The Needs." Home: Growth, An TEACHING RESOURCES DiscussListen the meaningto a report of sub-standardon the magazine housing. article to identify different kinds of housing. "Coope7itNewThe KiplingerIdeas +Ts on antICondominiums." WashingtonYour Money, EditorsJob, and Inc., ii:y!m 99 whetherIdentify to buy factors or rent to a consider home. when deciding ViewbuyingParticipate selected a home. transparenciesin an Summarize informal anddebate points list advantages madeto consider by each and the group. disadvantages factors involved of renting in renting and or Transparencies: Clemson Vocational writeWorkbuying a in asimilar twohome. groups. document One for tothe write landlord. a tenant's Compare "Bill the of. documents. Rights" and another to (TeacherEducation made Kit Media "Thinkingon home Center, ownership.) About Renting?" onsum beEstimate spent on the housing. amount of money which could StateDiscuss the rule guidelines of thumb on used amount to estimate an individual amount ora family canmay spend budget on for a house. housing. ThalMoney, and ChapterHolcombe, 8. Your Family and Its TheNewCraig, 'What.Kiplinger Ideas Thresholds Can on Washington YouYour toAfford Money, Adult. to Living.Editors JJobPayfor and asInc.,M Living,House?" housing.List factors to consider in the selection of Listen to a report of a magazine article on selecting an apart ChangingPeriodical: Times "How April to Pick 1971, an. p. Apartment,"15. CONCEPTS:OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Financing Housing Show understanding that financing a home requires an assessment LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES of available and future resources. TEACHING RESOURCES DiscusswhichReview should factors check be which consideredlists forinfluence houses in the choices and selection for of apartments homes. of housing. to determine important factors ThalMoneys and Holcombe, Chapter 8. ymr. Family home.Identify the steps involved in purchasing a DevelopList steps a bulletin to take board when onpurchasing the steps ato home. follow Discuss when buyingthe steps. a home. BulletinMoney.,That and Chapter -Board: Holcombe, 8 -Open Your the FamilyDoor to andHome Its List the sources and types of loans available Listen to a resource person discuss where loans may be secured and the types of Ownership,"homeResource with steps personwhich leading depicts up to an dor.z. attractive forloansCompare financing in financing athe home. costs a home. of different types of Discussmortgage advantages loans available. of the different types of loans. Booklet:Laboratories, Homemarcing Consumer S'uclx Research Units Set 3. shouldreasonsUsingInvestigate sampleshop for a around preference different problems, for interest aof loan. compareeither rates a large theof various costsor a snail of lending different down agencies.payment types ofonExplain loans.a why one house. Give theIdentify financing factors of ato home. consider when planning rate.Brainstormlenders, Discuss size to factors listof down factors listed payment, forto considerclarification. length when of time financing to pay,the a home lowest such possible as kinds interest of _Money,Thal Chapter and Holcombe, 8. Your Family aw OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Financing Housing Show understanding that financing a home requires an asscument LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES of mailable and future resources. TEACHING RESOURCES BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES class.DetermineDiscuss selected the approximate magazine amount article andneeded list thefor a items covered$20,000 in closing house. costs. Share with the NovemberClosingPeriodical: the 1971. 'liaising Deal," Buying: Changing The TimesCost of IdentifyList reasons types of for property having insurance. property insurance. Work inView small selected groups to filmstrip list and anddiscuss discuss reasons the forprotection having property received by having a insurance. Home Filmstrip: Insurance Information Institute. State how property tax on a home is paid. Owner'sParticipate policy. in a discussion to learn how property tax on a home is paid. Patterns f Protection_ of Explaina home. how resources aid in the financing home.Listen to a resource person explain how the use of resources helped purchase a Resource person OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Transportation Show comprehension of how to manage the transportation dollar. EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES transportationidentify the needs. factors that influenceBEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES ParticipatenecessityCompile a rather list in ofa than discussionoccasions a whento identify transportation factors influencing LEARNING AND EVALUATION . (other than walking) would be a transportation needs. ThatMoney. and Holcombe, Your. -Family and Its transportationParticipate to in one's a discussion needs. of the relationship of one's attitudes toward SemesterLaboratories,Bulletin:(Teacher Course reference).Homemaking Today's. in Consumer Consumer: Education RE search A List forms of transportation. commonView selected forms transparencyof transportation to fist different under given conditions. forms of transportation. Identify Transparency:akplane,various means bicycle, Teacher of or transportation motorbike. prepared depicting =bus.- taxi, Identify factors to consider in the use of a taxes,costsListen ofandto operation,selected insurance. case care, study. driving Brainstorm habits, safety, to list factorsdepreciation, in the use of a car such as prestige, property ModernKit:Running Grolier Consumer a Car:'Educational Education, Corporation, 'The Costs of Describe the care which should be given a Listen to speaker.a speaker Discuss to learn the factors proper to careconsider in the safe use for a car. Ask qufttiorts. of a car. teacher,HighwayResource or other patrolman, resourceperson from person. driver dealer, education garage, service car. Periodical:station,orFistruaryYour Car auto Running, rnechanics Chantling class. Tir21.1s4 1972 (Teacher reference)-"Little Attentions that Keep forView yotir selected own car. transparency. Use it as aguide for setting up a car-care schedule Transparency:Educationlaboratories, "A HomemakingResourcg Car Owe Schedule," p. nn gstaner Research 118. CONCEPTS: Transpormtion OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Show comprehension LEARNINGof how AND to manageEVALUATION the transportation EXPERIENCES dollar_ TEACHING RESOURCES List the costs of operating a car. fees,assignedWork depreciation. in small topic: groupsgas Share and to oil,the discuss tire, information maintenance, and compile with the license informationclass. and inspections, on costs for park" your TroelstrupThat and Holcombe, Arch W., The 'Mite Consumer Familyney, and inpp. the Its 170-173. YourBookFinance:A i-nerican Automobile let: 4th Money ed. (Teacher Dollar. Management reference). Institute, Society:. Personal and Farniit Periodical:Tune-up,"Perim:kat: Cbilmiim 'What"Maybe Car Ttmes, Your Noises JanuaryCar Tell Needs 1971.You," a BookletRepairman,"Periodical:Better Homes The "How Family and Kiplinger Gardens,to CiFind Editors, an March Honest. 1972. 99 NewAuto March 1972. Newthe'Panic'WhereIdeas Front Kind Stops'on toWheelsof YourHaveTire," Safer," Money, theLately?"p. 56; p.Car 58. "Brakes Fixed:"Job, "Still and Anotherto"Checked MakeLiving, UseseparateDivide a samplecategories columns case onof to operatingthe estimate chalkboard. costs the annual into fixed cost and of operating flexible expenses a car, and and fill inlist the in Transparency: Homemaking Research appropriate oalumns on the transparency. ConsumerOwners,"Laboratories,Periodical: Education. Family Teacher Circle p..119. April Resource 1972. gra 21 "Money-Saving Tips for Car CONCEPTS:.OVERALL OBJECTIVES: Transportation Show comprehension of how to manage the transportation dollar. foraList car. the factors to consider when shopping BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES mentionedListen to inthe the case s-ry. study. Discuss the story ant' list the shopping suggestions LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES. forEducationBooklet Consumer and and Rehabirstation,jitegbthak 'Homemaking Program, TEACHING RESOURCESIllinois Boan:l of Vocational ft.BuyingBooklet- Most'"Army Usedof Institute Shops Your Cars:', forMoney,of PP-Lif'His 613-eFir= Insurance. "A Car. Lesson Making in andseeExamine owner. how coverage new car warranties.differs. Discuss Compare the responsibilities warranties of ofdifferent the dealer, manufacturers manufacturer to List features which affect the purchwe price ViewDetermineRecall selected the yourdevelopment transparency financial limitof ato spendingfor list transportation and rate plan features through as a guidewhich questions for affect shopping. and the answers.purchase Transparency:oneRefer has notto the bari section covered. on spending plans if' this Times Teacher's of a car. price of a car. JanuaryJournal.ConsumerBook 1972. 'Whatlet: komeGuide, Do You Economics Student Look for inPublishers, a Car?" Manual priceListen of a to car. chosen List onspeaker the chalkboard those features that are essential and those compile a list of features which affect the purchase Resource(Teacher reference).person: Car deaker. that are non-essential ChangingClPePeriodical: ocrical: Tins, Times,"Road 'The Tests JanuaryArt ofof BuyingFour197Z 1972 pp. a 25-29.Cars,"Car," 1971, pp. 25-28. CONCEPTS:OVERALL OBJECTIVES: Transportation Show comprehension of how to manage the transportation dollar. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES SchomfeldHis Dollars. and Natella. TEACHING RESOURCES The Consumer and View selected film. List features to consider if purchasing a used car. Film:Marketetace,toLevy, Buy Ford a et GoodMotor pp. Used Compare, al , 3139 -397.The Consumer in theCar?" 'So You Want cars.Compile Compare a chart with listing the advantages the available money to spend and the disadvantages of new for a car. and used SemesterBooklet:(TeacherLaboratories, Course reference).Homemaking inToday's Consumer Consumer: A ResearchEducation State points to consider in financing a car. promotion,Collect a variety etc. Share of advertisementsadvertisements offering auto and loans compare offers for credit. from newspapers, mail Refer to credit section for reference material Discuss how careful shopping for credit can save money. Periodical:if creditLoan," has Changing not"How been to Times. Pay studied earlier. Less for an Auto Explain the need for automobile insurance. explainDiscussListen the theto aimportance statement, selected case "If you study and of automobile insurance. can't afford insurance yot: c.,-;;;'! discuss how inadequate insurance can result afford a car." to theta Wills Simplified ice. Wyk Report,: Investments liTeacher in economicView chosen disaster. transparency to see reasons for having car insurance. Series,Transparency:reference).Against-Education "Wanted: Media Clemson Center, Financial Consumer Vocational Security Kit 28 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Transportation Show comprehension of how to manage the transportation dollar. automobileIdentify insurance. the coverages provided byBEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES DiscussView Partchosen 1. filmstrip, Part I, to gather information on bodily LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES injury coverages. AutomobileFilmstrip: Insurance. Insurance Information Institute, TEACHING RESOURCES coverage.View chosen Discuss filmstrip, Part II.Part List 11, the and coverages gather providedinformation by automobile on insurance. property damage ModerniCt:AutomobileFilmstrip: Grolier Consumer Insurance. Insurance Educational Education Information Corocration,Car Insurance. Institute, ThalToday,"Periodical: and Changing Holcombe, "How Times, to Your Buy July AutoFamily 1971. ins.--trant., and Its E.=Leaflet:InsuranceU.S. Ten News Minutes Wills and Srrnplified. AutoWorld Insurance. Report: Investments Insurance Information Institute, Listen to a report on "no-fault insurance." Interview people to secure their views Marketplace.Periodical:Levy. It al., 'Will Thy 'no-fault' Consualer Bring Cheaper, in the Identify factors which determine the cost of on no-fault insurance. Report opinions to class. BetterMarch Auto 1972. Insurance," Changing Times automobile insurance. insurance.insuranceViewListen selected to isAsk andetermined. questions.insurancefilmstrip, DiscussPart agent III, discussthefor factors.information factors thaton how affect the the cost cost of ofautomobile automobile AutomobileFilmstrip:Insurance insurance. Insurance agent. Information Institute. OVERALL.CONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Transportation Show comprehension of how to manage the transportation dollar. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES ThatMoney, and ChapterHolcombe, 9. Your Family and Its TEACHINC PESOURCES Play auto insurance jeopardy to identify factors in the cost of insurance. AdaptationEveryLeaflet Ten of Minutes TV show, Jeopardy. Insurance Information Auto Insurance. Institute, insuranceIdentify steps is cancelled. to take if your automobile DiscussListen how to athis report could on be what applied to doto a if personal your automobile situation. insurance is cancelled. JuneCancelled?"Periodical: 1972. _Better Homes and Gardens. 'Will Your Car Insurance Be automobileList the accident. steps to take in the event of an format.anObserve automobile flip charts accident. and listen Study to ana talk accident on the reportprocedure to become to follow familiar in the eventwith the of Teacher.Card,"Periodical: mrweFamily "Family flip Circle. chart Circle July 1972. Accident Report List alternatives to owning a car. powibihtiesCheck the classifiedof renting or leasing cars. Share your information with the class. section of the telephone directory to explore the Money,Thal and p. Holcombe,182. Your Family and Its Applypurchaing management of a car. techniques to the cashwhichtheSolveDetermine factors or thewould buy following which on thesuit credit. youprice.range your situation: shouldWill .needs- you- consider whichAssume buy Discuss a fits new before you into or options are yourused purchasing. going spendingcar? which to buy -Determine might plan a car. andbe Make considered. whetherthe sizea list carto of pay EducationBulletin: Texas Tech University, Consumer (Teacher reference). 29 CONCEPTS: Health Insurance 30 OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL Show OBJECTIVES ability to apply the management process in purchasing health inurance. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES ,1 TEACHING RESOURCES Identify terms used in health insurance. - expense,theseinsuranceSelect disability terms: a pieceinsurance, term. co-insurance, ofFind a healthpuzzle the matching surgical from piece and work a box on whichinsurance, is written regular one medical half coverage. of aninsurance,- deducible clause, hospital with that person to define Craig,Dictionaries. TAbitidIAR MAL Utia, Money,ThatMcDermott.169. and Chapter Macomb*, 10.Homemaking x2L, arax for ImamIna p. it{ Explain the reasons for health insurance View the transparency and list two major reasons for health insurance. ConsumerTransparency:HnalthVocational insurance." Education Education Clemson 'Why Consuners Media University, Center, Buy DiscussreasonsView the forexperiences instant having slides health relating and insurance. listen to the to cost the script of three case studies.hospitalization, Identify common illnesses, ThatBulletin:Education and Texas Holcombe, csithmGuide, Tech University,..y.w Family Part ktngII, and p. 168_ its nursing homes, etc. which show need for health insurance. SchoenfeldMoney, andChapter Natelb, 10_ The Consumer12211acz and Identify the basic types of health insurance. View selected transparency and identify the types of health insurance. 2:2DELMIETransparency:insurance."Vocational Educative= Education Clemson 'Types Media University, of Health Center, BookletCraig, Thresholds Instituter L Your of VLife Future.MIA Insurance ,A, Qam CONCEPTS: Health insurance OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL Show OBJECTIVES ability to apply the management process in purchasiN health insurance. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES Kit: G roller 'Educational Corporation, TEACHING RESOURCES thatListen are available, to a resource and discuss person the talk types. on the different basic types of health insurance ModernInsurance Consumer to Fit Your Needs." chsitkm, "ta.ealth healthList insurance factors toneeds, consider in determining ; Participate in a brainstorminginsurance needs session and listto givefactors ideas on the which chalkboard. relate to health Thal and Holcombe, Your Family and. Da selectionApply management of health insurance. procedure to the MakeusingView theselecteda health management insurance filmstrip procedures. and plan decide for your on family. a health insurance plan for the couple MarriageFilmstrip: and Your Money. Institute of Life insurance, 32 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Life Insurance Show ability to apply the management process in purchasing life insurance. Define the term "life insurance." BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES areaRespond of life insurance. to a pre-test on ins trance to determine background knowledge in the LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TeachingBooklet Institute Life and ofHealth Life Insurance,Insurance. Tips for TEACHING RESOURCES lifeRead insurance. the selected story for principle of risk sharing. E.lablisn a definition for WhatBooklet:Life %Ma.Insurance. New Family York Life Insurance Co., battisl gam Abwa. theExplain security the of importancethe family. of life insurance to Viewsecurity chosenthe of bulletin the film family. of board a young to seecouple the discussing relationship ideas of aboutlong-term security. planning to the Film:BulletinLong Association Term Board: Planning." "A Film, Song To ofILft,letti2 Security by ofDiscuss life insurance articles in to the the newspapers security of thewhich family. relate disasters. Explain the importance Ntz:ney,ThalNewspapers and Chapter Holcombe, and 10. magazine articles. Your Family and Its HisShoenfeldCraig, Dollars. Thresholds and Natella, to Adult The U.,' ConsumerIna. and Booklet:Witt:,UnionBooklet Your Report Future.InstituteCorhumer on Life of LifeInsurance. Union, Insurance, T gam= A p.m Identify the types of life insurance. differentListen typesto a resource of life insurance. person Listdiscuss the type and ofanswer life insurance questions you concerning would need. the Life insurance agent_ OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Life Insurance Show ability to apply the management process in purchasing life insurance. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES Bulletin: TEACHING RESOURCESSuperintendent of Documents. yalzark2a,GrolierFamily.Understanding "If Anything Happens to Me: A Ed. Corp., Modem Consumer Life !mania 1m lifeIdentify insurance. factors to consider when selecting insurance.theseListen cases to case as tostudies the factors of families that neededwhich illustrate to be considered various insurance when selectingneeds. Discuss life Money,ThalUnit and on Chapter Holcombe,Life Insurance." 10. Your Family . andMoneyDecadePamphlets: Health Behave. of Insurance- Decisions; and Tips Moderns for Teaching Make Life institute of Life Insurance, discussWork the in teamsinsurance with needs each of team the life representing cycle. a different life cycle stage, and Needy"Periodical: Changing "How Times, Much January Life Inswance0o 1972. You ofApply lifd procedures to selection lifeUse insurance. the multi-media kit and apply management procedures to the selection of DecisionsKit: institute Security: of Lift Insurance. The Role Priorities, of Life insurance.Play the game to apply management procedures to the selection of life InsuranceDecisions.Kit: Institute in aaSecurity: ofYoungYoung Life SZ12.Style.Insurance. The Role Priorities, of Life 33 CONCEPTS:OVERALL OBJECTIVES: Social Security Show understanding of how Social SecurityLEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES contributes to family security. TEACHING RESOURCES Identify the purposes BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES of Social Security. View selected transparencies to identify the purposes of Social. Security. Dept.TransparenciesSocial Health. Security made Number Education & Welfare, from padcet: Social Security of the From Social. Listen to a talk by a representative from the Social Security office and identify SecurityBenefRepresentative its" office.)Program?' and "Historyof Social (Contact local. Social Security office. List benefits provided by Social Security. Readthelisten purposes selected to a lectureof references Social demonstration on the benefits Security. for information on the of Social Security. benefit of Social Security Bulletin: Union Report on Life ThalBooklet:Money; and Holcombe. Chapter Institute 13. of Life insurance,Your Family- A Date and Its Security.View a film on Social Security. Discuss benefits that are provided by Social withThe Film:Your Social Future.Social Security Security Story. Administration Office; SecurityDetermine office. when to contact the Social Compile a list of times which a person should contact the Social Security office. DescribeMedicare. the provisions of Medicaid and AnelyzeView selected the charts film. on to describeMedicare. the provisions Discuss provided provisions of Medicare. by Medicare. Medicare.FChart: lira: Social Security office, Social Security office, charts. You and CONCEPTS: Social Security Show understanding of how Social Security contributes to family security. OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES LEARNING AND illustrate how Social Security EVALUATION EXPERIENCES works. Discuss the role of Charts: Dept of Health. TEACHING RESOURCES Administration. Education and theSecurity.Identify role of thewho federal pays scvemmentfor Social Security and in Social theViewView federal the the charts government transparency which to identify in providing Social Security. how Social. Security is financed. Welfare,Goes."TransparencyMoney Social (Social Comes Security madeSecurity From; Where the Money from leaflets. 'Whereoffice). tamilyDescibe security. how Social Security contributes to Describe how Social Security contributes to family's security. ThalMoney, and Holcombe,Chapter 10. Your Family and Its 36 CONCEPTS:OVERALL OBJECTIVES: savings and investments Show ability to apply the management process to purchasing savings and investments. Define the term "saving." BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Viewitems thatthe transparencypeople may save. to list types of LEARNING AND EVALUATION items people save. Discuss and list EXPERIENCES other ServiceTransparency:"Savings" Tiocine No_ Changing 1. Consumer Times TEACHING RESOURCES EducationEducation Thatjewels,Money.Examples: and land. Holcombe. p. 209. water, natural resources, money, Your Family and Its SchoenfeldSavings,Bohlman p. and7. and Bohlman, Natella, The Investing Consumer wid Your Define the term ''thrift." Consult reference books and define the term 'thrift" Money,ThalHis Dollars. and pp. Holcombe, 208-209. IN!: Family LW. its savings.Explain the relationship between thrift and additionalView the waystransparency not listed onon the transparency.different ways people save money. Discuss Transparency:EducationEducation, Media"Ways Clemson People Center, Consumer Save." Vocational formRead ofselected savings? story to see how Mama saved for her family. Was she thrifty in her - ThalForbes and tvlarna'§ Holcombe, 11,Ao;ount, Your Family and Its Identify reasons for saving money. ViewMake selecteda list of reasonstransparency why peopleand discuss save. why people save these kinds of things. Service,Transparency:"Savings," _Teaching No Changing 2on Consumer Times Education Ix 210. Education. OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Savings and Investments Show ability to apply the management process to purchasing savings and irwestments. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES enjoyWork later"in two vs. groups "Live andit up." have Discuss an informal ideas presented debate in the debate. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES on the question: "Save I Edycation.Booklet Texas "The Tech Money University, Tree," pp. Consumer 136-138. TEACHING RESOURCES theirListen reasons to several for saving stories money. or case studies relating to experience in savings. List 47_forEducationBulletin: Consumer and and Rehabilitation, Homemaking Teaching Programs, Aids P. I I I inois Board of Vocational ParticipateaidedCite examples in their in success aof circular successful by learningresponse citizens how to into question: yoursave. community 'What are or statesome who roadblocks have been to ideas Periodical: "You Can Save in Spite of savingParticipateidentifyingsaving?" practices. Participatesome in a discussion waysList techniques toin overcomea onbrainstorming how on others thesechart. roadblocks.have session developed and prepare techniques a list to ofpromote Bookletpp.Yourself,"Inc., 40-42. 99 The NewChanging Kiplinger Ideas or,Times Washington. Your October Money, Editors, Job,1970, and eachView stage.selected transparency. Determine savings goals that may be reasonable at Transparency:Education,Education14-15.Living, "Tricks "Fzilily Media Clemsonto LifeHelp Center, Cycle." You Vocational ConsurnsrSave," pp. ThaiYourBulletin:Money, and Savings pp.Holcombe, Money 12-14. and InvestmentManagement Your FiimiiY Dollar, Institute,anti pp. Its 3-4. changingView selected fife cycle. filmstrip. Relate how the family's goals changed with their reference).Britton;ConsumersFilmstrip: Personal in Action. Finance. p. 265 (Teacher Institute of Life Insurance, 37 38 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Savings and Investments Show ability to apply the management process to purchasing savings and investments. Identify the steps in establishing a savingsBEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Read selected reference on the steps in setting up a savings LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES program. stepsListenselected in establishing to atransparency resource a savings person and program.identify fill in blanks the steps entitled: for setting "How You Do It," to up a savings program. program. View see the Transparency:Resource"Saving,"Service, personTeachingNo. Changing 5. Consumer Times Education Education, longExplain term the goals relationship to savings. of short term and savingwedding,(Christmas,View in selected termstrip). schoolDiscussof transparency'Why books, save?"the relationship etc.). and list examplesof these goals of short to general term goals principles for saving of List examples of long term goals (house, Transparency:"Savings,"Service, Teaching No. Changing 4. Consumer Times Education Education, - ...Savings.BobThal PP-Money, !man and11 -13. pp.Holcombe, and 209-211. I3ohknan, Your Family and Its Investing Your View the bulletin board portraying types of things for which people save. WithBulletinBulletin: Your board FutureInstitute (teacher pp. of 31-33. Life prepared). Insurance, A Date List the various types of savings institutions. ViewClassify selected them transparencies as either short and term list or the tong various term types goals. of savings institutions. Transparencies: Changing Times Education Read selected references to identify the factors that need to be considered in Service,"Saving," T Nos. 3 and 6. in2 Consumer Education, consideredIdentify in the selecting factors a savings that need institution. to be stageselecting in the a savingslife cycle. institution. Make a list in order of importance at your present Savings,BohlmanHisSchoenfeld Dollars pp. and 14-15. pp.and Bohlman, 250-256. Natella. TheInvesting Consumer Your and CONCEPTS: Savings and investments OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Show ability to apply the LEARNING AND EVALUATION management process to purchasing savings and invishnents. EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES. findingsConduct with aclass. survey to find the savings institutions in the community. Share 5-11.YourBulletin: Savings Money and Management Investment Dollar, Institute, pp. ofinstitutions.Comcare placing the money advantages in and disadvantages various savings typesRead of selectedsavings institutionsreferences listed.and make lists of advantages and disadvantages of the HisSthoenfeld Dollars andp. 257. Natella, The Consumer and Bulletin:Money,Thai and pp. Institute Holcombe, 215-219. of Life Your Insurance, Family and Its Your U.S. Saving&News::"..:+hlrnarkMoney and pp. andWorld 20-22 andMarriage., Reoort Bohlman, p. 25. Investing Your questionsloanListen association, to to a compare symposium theand advantages composeda credit union andof representatives from a bank, savingsexplain disadvantages andtheir savings of the various types of programs. A* Insurance Wills p. 25. Inzestmitnp advantagesSecureinstitutions pamphlets of available. saving on by the this method. purchase of US. Government bonds to see the Savings,Bohiman pp. 22-24.and Bohlmar., need&returnView and the ease chart of of withdrawal. the various savings options andIdentify compare the the one safety, best rate suited of to your present Savings,Bohl pp. 20,23, 28. man and Bohlrnan, linvestnvestii:gg- yoYciuurr 39 40 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Savings and Investments Show ability to apply the management process to purchasing savings and investments. 41411MI BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES savings.Explain why life insurance may be a form of compareExamine a opinions life insurance of authors policy's as section to the onpositive cash values. and negative Read references values of andlife InsuranceU.S. News Wills and Simplified, World Report pp. 109-173. Investments .111MmEININI1111. insurance as a vehicle for saving. Consumersreference).Britton, Personal Union, Life Finance Insurance, p. 321 pp. (Teacher 69.84. Sate;,avesting. assets to consider before saving by resourceperson/familybeforeRead chosen peoplemaking should references in investments.the consider financial and before periodicals world Work investing. to in see to small see if Gothey what into agree is the advised marketplacewith yourfor family list. and Report security ask groups and list the assets a ThalSchoenfeldHis and Dollars, Holcombe, and p. Natella,260. Your The FamilyConsumer and and Its Takefindings.investing the slogan, is a long "Before term invest, investigate," and relate it to the fact 2434.YourBulletin:Money, Savings pp. Money 219-221. and Management Investment Eleikr. institute, pp- Define"bond,- the "mutual terms, funds." "securities," "stock" market.Read selected Share withreferences class. and develop definitions of terms used in the securities Livin1.4Inc.,Booklet 99 NewThePr. Kiplinger Ideas on WashingtonYour Imo, Job, Editors, and ' p 24 BrochuresInsuranceUS. News from Wills and investment Simplified,World Report: companies. pp. 45-86. InvestmentS termExplain goal. why saving by investment is a long investmentsandFind inflationseveral wouldchartshave changed beshowing of value thehow only value the for Tong of a long-terma stated-term effects investment. goal. of compounding Explain why interest these U.S.SchoenfeldInsuranceHis News Dollars, and Wills pp. Natella,World 256-262.Smigifled, Report The pp.Consumer Investments 13-19. and OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Savings and investments Show ability to apply the management process to purchasing savings and investments. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Choose a stock or mutual fund from the financial page of a newspaper. Maintain LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES Newspapers. TEACHING RESOURCES theandseea dailywould valuehowdetermine chart much haveof investments. showing gainedyouthe effectwould orchanges lost thesehave if you gainedshortin price had term or investedfor lost totwo longif youweeks. $100. term had ReferCalculatechangesbought to this ain howfinancial priceone much year have listing agoyou on to Describeinvestment. how real estate is a form of ownershipListen to as a areal form estate of investment. dealer discuss the pros and cons of property and home Bohlman, Investing Your Savings, p. 29. Askhis a opinionreal estate on mobile dealer homehow inflation vs. conventional affects an house investment as to investment in real estate. quality. Seek InsuranceU. S. News Wilts and Simplified, World Report: p. 33. Investments Explain how education is an investment. toAnalyze see that charts education showing is an average investment. incomes of occupations and years of schooling Society,Troelstrup, p. 103 T (Teacher reference?. Consumer in Amigo alb education.incomes.Listen to List reports other explaining satisfactions how resulting investing from in education additional may and result continuing in higher Living,"Inc.,Booklet 99 Newpp.The 33-36. IdeasonKiplinger Your Washington Money, Job, Editors, and NIZSYourBulletin: Money Managernent . Savings and Investment Dollar, pp. Institute, Describe how legislation protects investors. ReadAsk a selectedlocal banker references to explain on howhow regulatory savings accounts agencies protect the saver. are insured by law. Savings,Bohlman p. 42. and Bolhrnan, Investing_ Your protectedRefer to theby regulatory previous agencies. list of savings institutions to determine which- are 41 42 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Savings and Investments Show ability to apply the management process to purchasing savings and investments. 01.0min BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES pp.Moszeller, 17-28 (Teacher How to Avoidreference). Financial TEACHING RESOURCES Tangles, Applyswings managementand investments. process to purchasing suitableRefer savings to the plansteps for in the making followingMary, a girt of 20 who wishes to save for a nice a spending plan and illustrate how to make a examples: , Scott'sUse final the decision story, "The of where Money he Tree." placedJoe,Mr. yourShow hisand freshman Newlywed son, who who wants need a tocar establish management could have applied toan fund. Booklet Texas Tech University, Consumer money. I Education. Part II, pp. 136-138. CONCEPTS; S OVERALL BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES: Taxes Show comprehension of the relationship of tax outlay to benefits received. theLit tyres far ly. of taxes paid by the individual or ListBrainstorm taxes currently to list paidtypes from of taxes an paid LEARNING AND EVALUATION average American's income. by the individual or the family. EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES Name the sources of taxes. Observe flash cards to name sources of taxes. school,corporation,Flash and cards. Social saes, SecuritygasolimExamples: excise,taxes. gwoperty, individual, Identify berzfitv derived from taxes. Observe pictorial flash cards to identify benefits derived from federal taxes. SecurityscientificPictorial experiments, benefits, flash cards. parks, postal Example= housing loan, system,. Social defense, ObservebenefitView thea pictorial transparency public. flash cards which to shows identify benefits derived from state a dollar in the federal budget is spent to PictorialCraig,roads, Thresholds flashforeign cards. aid. to Example=Adult living, universities p. 297. Observe pictorial flash cards to identify benefits derived from local taxes. Pictorialandbridges, schools, flash parks- hospitals,-cards. Example= libraries, roads and . police and Respond to a talk by a resource person explaining bow taxes are collected and Resourceprotectionfirestreet protection, person, lights,and sanitstion,street, taxstreet collect roads libraries.c leaning, and health sidemalks, werecommunityParticipateused. not arailable. through in a discussion taxes. Think on the how life goods and services that are available in the be if these goods and services 43 44 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Taxes Show comprehension of the relationship of tax outlay to benefits received_ Identify the records which should be kept BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Listen to an illustrated lecture on vii.14 records f or filing an income tax form. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES form.Practiceby the filling family, out an income tax return Listen to a resource person discuss how to complete an income tax return form. couples.BusinessIncome educationtax forMs. teacher_ or two young Listen to a case study and practice completing an income tax return form. Cawotherrepresentative,Resource study.competent person person. certified such publicas internal accountarcor manse CONCEPTS: wins OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Show comprehension of how a will contributes to family security. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES Identify reasons for having a legal will. a willListen was not to madecase studiesand list toreasons see the for importance having a will. of having a will. Discuss cases where Society,TroeIstrup,(TeacherBritton, pp.Personalreference). 488496The_ Canzunim Financing< (Teacher reference).in PP-American 390-391 Problems,Warmke,p.Craig. 407. Thresholds p. et 579-580 tI2 (Teacher reference). al.. Consumer Economic ASIMBLjiM 2nd Ed., DefineIdentify the characteristics terms used in makingof a legal a legal will will.and . makingReadListen selected or torenewirg an attorney a will. speak Discuss on terms laws found pertaining in the reading_to wills in South Carolina, and compile a list of terms and definitions that are used in Attorney. IdentifyPracticesteps to taketaxeswriting when that a sample concernmakirre will. ao i.,-,stator.will. WritecharacteristicsListen a sample to a ofresource will a will, and andhaveperson steps lawyer discuss in makingdetermine estate a will. if taxes. it meets Have legal important requirements. questions esource person:. familyDescribe security. how making a will contributes to security.preparedillustrateListen toDiscussto theask case conceptthe studies personal speaker. that and havingexperiences discuss a will how contributesor makingexperiences toa willfamily of contributes friends security. which to family also i i U.S.Insurance News andWills World S"impl"ified, Report: pp. Investments 190-187. CONCEPTS: Financial Records 46 OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Demonstrate comprehension of resources needed in LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES keeping useful financial records. TI...-1.15.CHING RESOURCES recordExp ain on the business-like purposes ofbasis. keeping a financial .Select a quotation concerning financial records and explain its meaning. BulletinClassroom,Booklet: board Sears,pp. of16-17. quotations Dept. -Store on money. in The Describe methods used in keeping financial theDiscuss purposes the of benefits keeping of financial keeping records useful financialin a businesslike records. Make manner. a list to summarize Money,That and pp. Holcombe, 226-227. VOX' Family and Its Explainrecords. the reasons for using a checkirg ParticipatekeepingListen financial to ina selecteda discusson records. story to and exchange explain ideas the effectiveness of Mama's methods of Forbes, Mama and Her Bank Account. account. DiscussListenrecords. the to areason resource given person and includegive the additional pros and cons of using cash vs. using a check. oneson ifmethods desired. of keeping financial merchant.ResourceLeaflets personfrom local such bank. as a banker or retail account:.Give examples of the types of checking offeredaccountsVisit byseveral they each offer. bank.local Present commercial tc the banksclass findingsand investigate the types of checking on types of checking accounts Bookletbanks.Pamphlets American on checking Banking accounts Assoc.., from local Usini checkingDemonstrate account. procedures in opening a account.Visit several List stepslocal banksthat are to used investigate and share procedures with the class. used in opening a checking MaterialBank used &atm,. in openingapplication a checking form, accourr: deposit, slips, etc. OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Financial Records Demonstrate comprehension of resources needed in keeping useful financial records. Write a check in a recommended form. check.View selected transparencies to choose LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES appropriate procedures in writing a ChecksBooklet toand practice pamphlets with. from local bank. TEACHING RESOURCES forPracticeWatch accuracy. an writing illustration a check of writing in a recommended a check form. correctly. Have it checked by someone Money.Thal and Holcombe. Your Family and Its 228229- againstDemonstrate a bank the statement. balancing of a checkbook View selected transparency on balancing a checkbook against a bank statement. Bankrecord statement, book ;stubs), cancelled cancelled checks, deposit check slips. statement.UseWatch a case a demonstration study or real onsituation and balancing a checkbook against the bank statement. balance a checkbook against the bank CaseMoney,Thal andstudy pp. Holcombe, situation.229-231. Your Family and Its keepingState additional important records. ways to use banks in interest.Study a teacher prepared sheet on bank services and check the services of Sheets with a list of personal record services records.Listen Discuss to a panel and discuss contribute situations other situations that require the use of accurate financi0 as a class. that mayResource be obtained persons:or through panel. a bank_ payrollList itemsdeductions. that are withheld in the form of taxes,List Social items Security that are retirement, withheld union from dues, credit paycheck in various types of jobs such as union, United"Fund. RetirementPaycheck stubs statements with deductions. (copies). 47 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Financial Records Demonstrate comprehension of resources needed in keeping useful financial records. TEACHING RESOURCES taxList purpose& exemptions for federal and state income BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES allowedwithholdingsExamine and federal make would anda be list statehelpful of these income to the exemptions. taxindividual. forms to Tell see how the a LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES exemptions that are record of these ThalFederal and and Holcombe, state tax forms. Your Family and Its financialDescribe records. resources needed in keeping Make a written list of the resources needed to keep a financial record. Organize a useful financial record. financialanMakeinformation effective a list record of method asthe ato situationsresource. include of keeping allfor ofwhich thea situationsyou will need a financial record for -you/f. Organize a for which you will need this financial record. Develop OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Consumer's Rights and Responsibilities Show comprehension of the consumer's rights and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marketplace. Define the term "marketplace." BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES View chosen filmstrip and define the term "marketplace." LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES ConsumerFilmstrip: Institutein the Marketplace. of Life Insurance, Ths. TEACHING RESOURCES marketplace.Describe basic characteristics of the View chosen filmstrip and discuss the characteristics of the marketplace. SchoenfeldMoneyHisFilmstrip: Dollar. Well andSpent.Guidance Nate Ila, Associates The Consumer Association, and exchangeconsumerState info.-mation dollarsas he goesfor that goods into may theand be marketplace services. useful to the to Listenexperiences.Respond to tothe the four selected basic rightsrecording of consumers by relating thethat cases have tobeen personal mentioned problems many or RecordingConsumerKit:Bulletin: Changing Part LawRight,- President's Times Educational and Responsibilities, Committee Service, on I. times since 1962. Explain the meaning of each one of these rights. Troelstrup,.1.forConsumer C.Consumer Penney The Interests,Co.,Education. Consumer Forum. Suggested Fall/W in Americaninter, Guidelines 1968. 'SocietyConsumer (TeacherResponsibilities,Kit: Changing reference). Law Times Recording, Educational Part II. Service, Rights and savings,rightRead to or beproductlisten informed to quality, a selected was guarantee, violated case study andby misleading terms to identify of sale. advertising,the areas where false the claims buyer's for ConsumerFreezerResponsibilities,Kit: Changing Free ofLaw Charge..AImost." Times Unit -- EducationalRights and Service, I, Case Study, "A CONCEPTS: Consumer's Rights and Responsibilities OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Show comprehension of the consumer's rights and responsibilities it carrying out his role in the marketplace. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES Study a list showing what is needed information for the marketplace:1.3.2. TheTerms sellerproduct. of sate. or manufacturer theViewtheDiscuss need marketplace selected of anddefense identify filmstrip mechanisms information and discuss used that by the specific useful to information the consumer which as can resources eliminate of are used. DefenseFilmstrip: Mechwians. J. C. Penney Co., Inc., Consumer becomingIdentify informed. the consumer's responsibility for becominglistMake with a informed. listthe of class the consumer's to identify andresponsibilities illustrate the in becomingconsumer's informed. responsibility Share thein Pennev'sPer 'sod Ica Forum, l: Fall/Winter, 1968. "Consumer Responsibility," itsIdentify objectivity, consumer usefulness, information and source. according to Laundering,mean.Identify Usevarious sealsUnderwriters' seals such on as:transparency. Laboratory, American Inc., GasList whereUSDA, Association, they others. are American found and Institute what they of Responsibilities.ConsumerKit: Changing Times Law Educational Service, Rights and theStudysellerDiscuss information or labels the some consumer. and is productsbeneficial leaflets Tell that that whetherto thecarry have seller the seals. information informationor theTell consumer. whether on is biaseda product.they orare objective. beneficialTell whether to-the differentWarmke,LabelsProblems types and gt leaflets A..of(Teacher products. Consumer that give refe7 informationEconomic on consumerIdentify information.the public and private sources of consumerListen information. to the teachor Discuss give these illustrated sources.. talk on the various available sources of SchoenfeldTroelstrup,Nisi:loiters.Society (Teacher and The Natella, Consumer reference). The Consumer in American and CONCEPTS: Consumer's Rights and Responsibilities OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Show comprehension cf the consumer's rights and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marketplace. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TEACHING RESOURCES Listen to a resource person speak on public and private sources of consumer Periodical:Marketplace.Levy, gt McHugh, Al. The "Consumer Consume. Protection in the consume-List tre choices.agencies That help families make Analyzeseeinformation how a list many ofin abbreviationsSouth you can Carolina. identify. commonly used in describing federal agencies to ,EducationPre-Test,EconomicsAgainst Curriculum Texas What?" May Guide, Tech1972 Journal University,(Teacherp. 239. reference).of Consumer Home informationAnalyze a display theseto help publications of consumers library publications, provide. make choices periodicals in the marketplace.and books which Discuss provide the Troelstrup,Public Library, Consumer School Problems library. and Personal WilsonProblems,W arm ke,Finance and Chapter Eyster, Chapters 25. Consumer 15, 16,17. Economic et al.. Consumer Economic Explain how agencies help protect families a Problems Chapter 21. as consumers. I Work in groups andsituation list the where agencies an agency that helped help aprotect consumer. famil;es. Identify SchoenfeldHisProblems.Warm Dollars, ke, and Chapter Chapterset Natella, al., 25. Consumer 2 The and Consumer3. Economic and List statutes that protect the consumer. dealRead with selected consumer material protection. on legislation. Underline the sections of the statutes that OfficeCurriculumTexas Consumer Tech Guide. University, Affairs: Part ConsumerIII,Guide pp. FederalEducation 51 0 Consumer Services (Teacher reference). 52 OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Show comprehension of the consumer's rights and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marketplace. Consumer's Rights and Responsibilities advertising.Ider Iffy the media, and techniques used in BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES door-to-doornewspapers,View the selected salesmen: circulars, film special and discuss promotions, the media coupons, used for stamps, advertising telephone as television, calls, LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES Charlotte,F I I N. C., he Last Modem Talking TEACHINGPictures Service, RESOURCES Medium. View purchased.Pollchosen the slidesclass Discuss andon a discuss whetherproduct the brand used influence namesand give of are media reasonsa reliable on buying. why advertising specific guide. brands were Bratton,Slides:Up. Michigan Home Management Extension Service, Is. Ads Add AnalyzeIdentify the advertising'Think Board" technique used in each one. display of various printed advertisements.. SamplesSchoenfeldHis Dollars. of all -andforms Natella, of advertising. The Consumer and designedBring sample to influence advertisements reader. Identify from newspapers.the advertising Read technique and locateused. key words Bratton,Problems.Warmke, Home et Management Is. al., Consumer Economic viewpoint.IdentFy purposes of advertising from seller's of Interviewadvertising. several Report local findings merchants to class. who use advertising and determine the values - Warm ke, etProblems. al ., Consumer Economic view.advertisingState the advantagesfrom the consumer's and disadvantages point of of shouldAnalyzekind thisof advertisement information information bedo working madeyou as availablein a groups consumer aid discuss want in such an advertisement? questions as: What How the consumer? Various types of advertisement advertisingWorking in fromteams, the makeconsumer's a list ofpoint either of view. the advantagesShare list with or class. disadvantages of HisSchoenfeldBratton, Dollar_ Home and Managemerrt,ls-- Natella, The Consumer . and CONCEPTS: Consumer's Rights and Responsibilities OVERALL OBJECTIVES:BEHAVIORAL Show OBJECTLVES comprehension of the consumer's rights and responsibilities in carrying out his LEARNING AND EVALUATiON EXPERIENCES rote in the marketplace- TEACHI74G RESOURCES Identify types of misleading advertising. Checkadvertising.View selected local newspaper filmstrip and advertisements listen to the thatrecord. appear Discuss misleading. examples Visit of themisleading store to FilmstripInc., Buyer and Beware.Record: Guidance Associates, class.DiscussViewsee if selectedthe the advertisements misreading film to detect techniques were the false misleading used or in misleading. the techniquefilm. Report ctled your "bait findings and switch." to the Commerce,F ilm: Too Good to be True. Charleston Trident Chamber of Developexamining guidelines advertisement& for consumers to use in examiningWork in small advertisements. groups and discuss guidelines that consumers could use in Brattori,Problems.Warmke, Home et. Management Is. al. Consumer Economic Giveregarding examples product of performance. realistic expectations copiesListen of towarranties a resource or guaranteesperson give and an illustratedunderline thetalk points on warranties. they cover. Examine Problems.Warmke, et al., Consumer Economic of VisitimpliedMakea product. a warranty.list Discuss of items how that thisshould information be stated could on an be expressed useful to the warranty consumer.several and stores on an and list information that is available for performance Marketplace.Levy. al., The Consumer in the Distinguishand product failure.between misuse of proouct product.Participate Discuss in small ideas groups developed. to identify "misuse" of a product and "failure" of a safety.Identify the responsibility for product safetyListen of to the the product. selected Discusscase study situations and identify that the show person individual responsible and jointfor the Kit:Law Consumer R ights Education and Responsibilities. Service, Consumer Case responsibility for the safety of a product 53 study: "If Only We Had a Warning." OVERALL*CONCEPTS: OftlECTIVES:Consumer's Rights Show and comprehension Remonsibilities of the consumer's rights and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marIcetplace. 54 ,EiEft-fAVIORALOBJECTIVES View selected slides to identify the role of a private agency in product safety. LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES TestingSlide= Underwriters'for P.blic Safety. Laboratories, TEACHING RESOURCES Inc., etc.,Studyproducts.View to several estimatethe selected the degreevisual products and of danger. identify as detergents, Listvarious the estimatedcategories oven cleaners, degreeof hazardous furnitureof danger household polish, on a Responskiiiities,Service,Kit: Changing Consumer Times 'The ConsumerAwesomeLaw Tole* Education ,Rights and chart, using the following categories: 2.1. youngPackagingforLabeling safe children;use, tell what would to do attral in case a childof accident. by resemblance of food Does it warnCan of extent be opened of danger w.;.ut difficulty by adults, but not by give clear directions Identify the consumer's responsibility for Discuss responsibilities the consumer must assume for safety. product? Periodical: "Consumer Responsibilities." State,safety. situations where the consumer has Read or listen 10 the selected case study and define the terms "monopoly" and Kit:Pe nney's Forum, Fall/Winter, 1968. Changing Times Consumer Education - limitations in making choices. DiscussDiscuss"'natural a why situationmonopoly." the choice where was the limited. consumer has limitations in making a Lilo' theService,Responsibilities, World Stood Case Study The Night Consumer' Law Rights and marketplace.ExPlai*how baying', is choice-malcing in the DiscussView selected which of transparency these are most to commonly fist ways usedin which in the buying marketplace. is choice-makirxj. Transparency:Vocational' Education Clemson Media University, Center. Warreke,TestConsumerProblems of Buymarrship???" Educationet. (Tier reference). Kit "The Seven Way Consumer E00120MiC ".0344CEPii:'OVERALL Con= OBJECTIVES: Mer's Rights and ResponsbilitiesShow comprehension of the consumer's and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marketplace. BiEHAVfORAL OBJECT I VES madeSeer tin an buying item underthe item. consideration Share the list for with ....r.* LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES purchasing and listthe the class. choices to be TEACHING RESOURCES ch.:icesUstititechniques used in making satisfying involvedView bulletin in making board satisfying on "Directions choices for shopping:* Discuss the techniques marker(RoadsignBulletin indicatesa board: with "Directionsdirectional technique). markers;for Shopping" Oath Booklet:ShouldExpertCorporation,Booklet: Know Buying" Sows, AboutBeneficial (Wood) (Teacher Roebuck Money. What reference). Management"Techniques andEvery Co, Woman of GuideBetter(TeacherDSOSIrtment (Teacher Business reference). reference). Bureau, C.onsurnees Store in the Class-Room Buying A ' Stateobis. 'criteria. for an effective shopping ExplainReview how use of a, shopping list contrbutes to the advantages of using a spending plan. Plan.Discuss seasonal sales. Explain how anticipated sales can be a part of a :Hopping an effective stropping plan. Management,Lewis,YourBooklet: Shopping et Moneyal., (leafier Dollar Housing Management referenceL(Teacher and Horne reference). Instibele. 55 iti cilieRALLoatecrtvES:aaNCEPTSf Show Consumer's Rights and comprehension of the consumer's rights and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marketplace. Demi the terms which ;BERAVIORALOBJECTIVES a shoppe should shareleaders,View experiences the broken bulletin youtot, board havedamezed, display had with markdown, and LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES on shopping terms: irregulars, seconds, as is, loss special purchase lot. Discuss to Textbook,Gawne and ad Oecke, Ed. Dress The TEACHING RESOURCES Clothirs any conditions to which these terms apply. andBulletin Save," board displan on shopping-terms. &ornery -1972 (Teacher Times, -Buy Seconds' Staterfactortanitern. used in judging, the quality of quality of an item. brochures and magazine articles and state the factors used in judging the Cu:remraferencel. brochures and magazines advertising -shoultdpeacticer-tasY-1110PPIng4coertesies which CORIUMNS iscussshopping courtesieswhich consumers should practice. cownetics.appliances, fasniture, clothing, cart or ri(ShOofchoiise.'Identi*Aawsrthat regulate the coninmer's rightStudy to the choose. teacher-prepared Study the bulletin sheets board to identify to became laws that regulate the consumer's Sheet of laws than regulate .freedom' to 'Statesttaaaeigdroioes reSponsabities of the consumer in sitidying.choicecListen to a report giving a list of the reeponstaties of the consumer in snaking acquainted with these laws. fairleles Forum/Periodical:choose. Fail/Winter, "Consumer 199a Responsibility," fdintify4variour 'channels Paconsumer could agrievancft attemptingListen to tosettleagrievanos. a panel to identify various chanraeb that could be followed in representative,RetailResource Merchants, persons Chamber from manufacturers'agencies of Commerce, such sec -;Periodical;General.Better Business Changing "Got Bureau, Tune; Masrdr State 1972. a Gripe--Here's Where to Attorney OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Consumer's Rights and Responsibilities Show comprehension of the and responsibilities in carrying out his role in the marketplace. BEHAVIORALOBJECTIVES LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES JanuaryPeriodical:l',,ttsurnci. 1972. "TheyComplaints," Promise Changing Action Times, on TEACHING RESOURCES courtmustVisit is afollowprepared small toclaims bringto hear. court a case 3. andKinds into get court ofinformation orders 2. The the filingon: court 1. fee Thecan and procedureissue. Report this types of cases the a plaintiff Responsibilities,Kit: Consumer Information Law Sheet. "How Rights and Participatemakinggrievance.information 'a complain. Readin a toclass the the informatioosheet discussion class. Show to sharehow and thisexperiences discuss channel the suggested youcould have be hadusedprocedures in making for to settle a to Complain." carrYintiout 'hiiright to be heard. ,theo consumer's responsibilities in complaints.Discuss consumer responsibilities in voicing dissatisfactions. 1968.Periodical: Penney's Forum, FaWWinter maikeistice.cOnsurrierihasExPlairrthe rightsand he uses' responsibilities the resources of the theDiscuss marketplace. the rights and responsibilities of the consumer as he uses the resources of -1 57 'OVERALLCONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: Fiemciel Crises Show comprehension of the sources of help available to families involved in a financial crisis. Gk9S'ii;dmplesOf financial, crises. BEHAVIORAL:OBJECTIVES ListenParticipate to selected in a trainstorrning case studies session where to :ndividuals give ideas and LEARNING AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCES on financial crises. families are involved in reference)-Wailer and Hill, The Family (Yeager TEACHING RESOURCES whylistenfinancial each to severaldifficulties case is casesan exempt% Share of financial findings. of financial (rises thatcans have occurred in real life. Discuss FamiliesSpenderBooklet: and Syndrome:University Their Consumer ofCase Wisconsin, Problems.Studies d The ' farriieSindealingIdentifylsourceswhidi with a financial could becrisis. helpful to 'a financialWork crisis. in groups Make aand list. find sources of help that are available to families involved in ServiceTelephone Agenda' directory. s, banks, (See finance listihgs as Family companies.. dealingDraw up with a list a financial of sources crisis. which could be helpful to individuals or families in pp.Gordonextensionministers, 326-329 and 81011IS). Lee,(Teactor attorneys, Economics reference). Salvation for Army, lEzi. ; Barclay, Marion and Frances Champion. TeenCompany, 1972. RESOURCES FOR CONSUMER EDUCATION FOR Guide to Homemaking. Dallas, Texas: Webster ADULTS Division, McGraw-Hill Book Bratton,'Esther.Bahlrnan,Better-Business Herbert Home Bureau. andManagement Consumer'sEdna Bohlman. Is Buying Guide-Priblishing Company, 1968. Boston:Investing Ginn andYour Company, Savings. 1969.Chicago: Educational New York: A Benjamin Company/Rutledge Book, 1970. Opportunities Division, Follett deMaupasont,Britton, Virginia. Guy. The Complete Short Stories of;Hazel Thompson. Thresholds Personal Finance. New York: Van Nostrand to Adult Liv" Peoria: Ctrarles A. Bennett Company, Inc., 1969. Reinhold Company, 1968. Forbes,Dervin;:Brenda. Kathryn TheAnderson. Spender Mama's Syndrome Consumer Affairs, The University of Wisconsin, Bank Account. New York: Harcourt, Brace Case Studies of 68 Families and Their Consumer deMaupass3nt,University "The Extension,Necklace." 600 Kars West City: Kitbourn Halcyon Avenue and World, 1943. Problems. Milwaukee: Center for 53203, 1971. House, 1947. :Gordon, ,LelandGawne,Garrett, J. J.,Pauline. and Eleanor Stewart Consumer M. Lee- Housing. Peoria: Charles and Bess V. Oerke. Dress, The Clothing Textbook. Economics for Consumers. New York: Van Nostrand A. Bennett Company, Inc., 1972. Peoria: Charles A. Bennett Company, Inc., 1969. Reinhold Company, 1972. LevY."Leon,,,Robert'O.Levinson, Sam. Everythug Feldman but Money. and Simpson:Corporation, 1970. New Yock: Simon and Schuster Company, 1966. Sasserath. The Consumer in the Marketplace. . New York: Pitman Publishing 59 McDermott, Irene E., Jeanne L Norris and FlorenceBennett W. Nicholas. Company, Inc., 1972. Homemaking for Teen - Ayers, Book 2. Peoria: Charles A. Riker,Mosteller, Audrey Kenneth. Palm, andHow Holly to Avoid E Brisbane. Financial Married Tangles.Research. Life. Great Peoria: Barrington, Massachusetts:Charles AmericanA. Bennett Institute Company, for Inc.,Economic 1970. Thal,Schoenfeld, Helen and David Melinda and Holcombe.Arthur Your Familybe and revised1970.; 1973). Natella. The Consumer and His Dollar. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Its Money, 2nd ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972. (To Oceanic Publications, Inc., U.Troelstrup, S. News Arch and W.World The Report Consumer Investments in American Insurance Society, Wills 4th 1969. ed. NewSimplified. York: McGraw Washington, -H ill BookD. C.: Company, U. S. News 1970. and World Report, Warmke;;,Rork-zatWailer, Willard W. and F.; EugeneRueben D.Hill. Wyllie; The Family. W. Harmon NewCincinnati: WilsonYork: South and Western Publishing Company; 1971. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. Elvin S. Eyster: Consumer Economic Problems 8th ed. Booklets, Bulletins, Leaflets, Pa aptilet= WilsOn, W. 'Harmon and Elvin S. Eyster. 1966. Consumer Economic Problems 7th ed. Dallas: South Western Publishing Company, Arkanzas'StateAmerican Home Department Economics of Association.Education. Curriculum Dynamics720036. Guideof Teaching. 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W.,- Washington, Consumer Education for Teachers. Little Rock, Arkansas D. C. Consumer,,Union. The Consumer Union Report10550. 4 .on Life insurance. 256 Washington Street, Mount Vernon, New York Cooperative Exiension ServiCe. Clemson "University, TheTruthCredit'Cards in Lending H Thirty Law to Reality Clemson, South Carolina 29631. ,EXecittive'fOffiCeFane,Credit Union,Arthur `National,of Association, Inc. Using and Xenia Fane. A Challenge of Success. Ginn the President, Price Commission. Price Controls Credit Wisely. Box 431, Madison, Wisconsin 53701. and Company, Boston, Massachusetts 02117. and You. Washington, D. C. 20508. HomeFollettFollett' Economics PublishingEducational Publishers.Company. Corporation. JustConsumer The Guide Married. 1010 W. Washington Boulevard,Money You Spend. New York Upversity Press, Student Study Manual. Sheldon, Wisconsin Chicago, Illinois 60607. New York, New York. 54766. MinoisiBoard of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation. Today's,ConsumerConsumer': St Research Laboratories, Tony, Wisconsin 54563. Units, Sets 2 and a A Semester Course in Consumer Education Teaching Aids for Consumer and Homemaking Pr ms. Special InstituteInsurance of Information,Life Insurance. Institute., 277 Park Every Avenue, Ten MinutesPrOgrains Unit, Division of Vocational A Dat& with Your Future and Technical'Education,New 1 York, New York 10017. Auto insurance. 110 William Street, New York, tauter Park Drive, Springfield, Minors New York 10038. 06. Abkingthe,MostYourTipsiorModernsMakeMoTiey Money Teaching. and of Marriage YourLife and MoneyBehave Health insurance Money Management Institute, HOusehold Finance _ Corporation, Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60601. MirammtMEMO;les:Your Credit = Ma Alsattwalibm Ysa WI= Malmo=Abaft Yi2114,LM Ccesiit. it Wisely , Your:Automobile_ Dollar 61 62 National, Foundation for Consumer Credit, Inc.20006. Your2ming,Your +lousing our,SavingsandDollar Investment Dona- Using Our Credit Intelligently. 1819 H Street, N. W , Washington, D. C. Sears,OfficeNew Roebuck ofYork "the Life andAttorney Insurance Company. General. A Department Statute: Fair Store Credit in the Company. What Family Should Know about Life Insurance.Reporting New Act York, 1971. New Columbia, York. South Carolina. Classroom. 7401 Skokie Boulevard, Skokie, Illinois 60076. Superintendent nf.Do;;Jrnents, U. S. Government WhenGuide/to You UseCredit 'Federal C.onsurner Services sag, uidertnerfor-Consurner Education e insurance 4or Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. Grades K-12 TexasTeckUniversity.;-,College;of',Home.Economicm,The,Amerkan Bankers Association. Lubbock, Texas 79409. ,ConsumerEclucation.forCanselmer,Education'airricukrrn familieswith GuideLimited income Bank Services. 1120 Connecticut Parts I and II Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20006. woodThe.:1GplingerWasbingtorr'-Editors. Merced= What Inc. 99 New Director,ideas 200 h eet, Morristown Woman Should,Know About Mon , New Jersey 07960. on Your Money, Job and Living. 1729 H Street, N. Beneficial Management Corporation, Public Relations W., Washington, UniteCStates Mepartment 'of Health, Education.Sec city A "dmsnismtioni-Baltirnore, Maryland 21235. and Welfare. Charts and Leaflets for Teaching Social Security. Social FordCharlestonAssociation Motor Trident -Company.Film. ToChamber Life So, with ofYou Commerce.Love. Want 600 to *andToo 4 y a Good Used Car?Good Film to Be I_ True.Avenue, P. O.Ft' Box 975, Charleston, South Carolina teld, New Jersey 07657. 29402. Modern Talking Picture Service, Inc., 503 North48121. TheCredit Lasting Medium - College Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202. , The American Road, Deerborn, Michigan Social Security Administration Office. TheYouThe Social Owland MedicareWhoSecurity Gave Story a Hoot (Local Office) -Rknstrip= Federal Reserve, System. Truth in Lending. Washington, D. C. 20551. 'Guidance Associates.. Pleasantville, New York 10570. ThezPriceMoney,Well,OurtereditBuYer ofBeware 'CreditEconomy, Parts and II Institute of, Life Insurance. Institute of Life Consumer Education Serie= "Consumers"Consumers in in Action" the Marketplace" Insurance, 277 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Insurance Information Institute. 110 William AutomobileMarriage Insurance and Your Money "Our -Role'as Consumers" Street, New York, New York 10038. Patterns tz, Protection 63 64 MoneyIC. Management Penney Company, Institute. Inc.Be Credit 1301 Wise.Avenue Household of the Finance CreditConsumer Defense Mechanism A Consumer Resource Americas, New York, New York 10019. Corporation, Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60601. VisualNational Education Education Consultants, Association. Inc., Getting Box 52, Credit. 1201 TheCharge installment it, Please Contract Madison, Wisconsin 53701. Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Games Changing Times Education Service. The Budgeting Game. 1729 H Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. 20006. Kits: Changing Times Education Service, Consumer Law Rights and R nsibilities. 1729 H Street, Northwest, Washington, D. Grolier Education Corporation. 845 Third C. 20006. Modern Consumer Education Series: Car insurance Avenue, New York, Ncw York 10022. Institute of Life Insurance. Priorities. Decisions TheIfHealth AnythingCosts, insurance of RunningHappens to Fita Carto Your MT Needs C. Penney. Company. EducationalAvenue, New and York, Consumer New York 10017. Thel-lomeH >mg. Am for People An Environment for Human Growth Security: The Role Relations,of Life Insurance 1301 Avenue in a Young of the Americas,Life New York, New York 10019. Style. 277 Park Better,Homes and ,Gardens. Meredith 'Will"What Your Car Car Noises insurance Tell beYou" Cancelled?" May 1972. Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50336_ June 1972., Chanukkr Times. The Kiplinger Washington Editors, ' "'Art; of 'Buying a Car" March 1971. lnc., 1729 H Street, Northwest, Washington D. C. 20006. "Getting,Out"Ever"Can,"Buy"Before 'Seconds' Ilse,a You of Pawnshop?" 'Debt Borrowand Save",,withourGoing or FebruarySay February "C 1972.Broke" 1972. July 1971. ess Stop Those Billing Foul-ups?" June 1972. It"' January 1972. ,'Bow "Howto',Pick"How,Much"Howto,Buy"Got to ,a Pay Gripe 'Less lifeAuto Insurance for insurancaToday" an Auto do Loan" You Need?" July 1971. an Apartment" April 1971.Here's How to Complain" March 1970. January 1972. "Maybe"Little"Houselluying Attentions Your Car KeepNeeds Your a Tune-up" Car'You're, January Asked 1971. to Cosign a. Note..." March 1972. the'Money at Your House" February 1972. The ,Cost of Closing the Dear' November Running R" February 1972. 1971. "Warning:"Using"They,ProMise"Roar"New Test Credit Rules DoUble-check of `Keywords FourThat Action 1972cCars'JanuaryProtect 'on Those-ChargeYou' ConsurnerCornPlaints" Your Need to Know" Accounts"1972_ November October 1971. 1970. CreditRating" April 1971. January 1972. "You"Watch,Outfor CalVSaye in the ,Credit Card Crooks" 'March 1971_1407Fault'Sring Cheaper, Better Auto, Insurance" March 1972. Look for ha Car" January 1972. of Yourself" October 1970. . Farrar CirCie,PAattoon, Illinois 61938. .14owtoFind"Money"Farnily:Cirdes Saving an Honest Tips AccidentReport Repairmen"for Car Owners" March Card" April 1972.July 1972. 1972 -' Jotirnat of - Home Economics. "Consumer ProtectionMassachusetts Avenue, 11,-;rthwest, Washington, D. C. 20036. Against What?" American Home66 Economics Association, 2010 Reader'spigest.Penney'sForum..J.'C. "Ways toPenney Keep YourCompany, Debts Inc., Under 1301 Control," Avenue May of the1969. Americas, The Reader's New Digest Association,"Consumer"Can You 'Responsibilities" Choose a Life Style?" FaII/Winter Fall/Winter 1968. 1971. York, New York 10019. Wornarespay. New York 10570. "Do"If YouYou KnowLosea Your Credit. Credit Card" Rating?" November September 1970. 1970.Fawcett Publications, Inc., Fawcett Building, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830. Inc., Pleasantville, Disney Watt. -Babes Toytand: "I Can't Do the Sums." Disneyland Record, 1961. Underwriters'1..aboratories,Michigan-State University Extension Inc. Testing Service. for PublicAdsChicago, Safety. Illinois Public 60611. Information and Education Add Lle: East Lansing, Michigan 48823. Services, 207 East Ohio Street, Changing Tinei;Eduaition Service, 1729 H Street, Nortimest, Washington, D. C. 20006. T .Constimer Education. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. SchobstieMagazipes.Homemaking Laboratories. Classtooni Teacher Housing., Resource 904 S Unit on Consumer Education Teachers" Journal "What Do You Look for in a Car?" Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 January 1972. A Car Care Schedule. Tony, Wisconsin 54563. t6. ."