Online items available Register of the Roger M. Keesing Papers MSS 0427 Finding aid prepared by Finding aid prepared by Mandeville Special Collections Library Mandeville Special Collections Library 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, California, 92093-0175 858-534-2533
[email protected] Copyright 2005 Register of the Roger M. Keesing MSS 0427 1 Papers MSS 0427 Title: Roger M. Keesing Papers, Identifier/Call Number: MSS 0427 Contributing Institution: Mandeville Special Collections Library Language of Material: English Physical Description: 36.7 Linear feet(45 archives boxes, 21 card file boxes, 12 records cartons, 17 oversize folders)2,982 online items Date (inclusive): 1962-1993 Abstract: Papers of Roger M. Keesing, a cultural and linguistic anthropologist whose area of specialization was the culture history and language of the Kwaio people of the island of Malaita in the Solomon Islands. The Keesing Papers represent the research and materials generated from his fieldwork with the Kwaio of Malaita, and to a lesser extent, his research in Himalayan villages of India. The papers reflect Keesing's particular interest in Melanesian languages and the cultural conflict caused by colonialism. The papers include correspondence with colleagues, friends, family, and associates; manuscripts of published and unpublished works; ethnographic and linguistic data collected in field notebooks, journals, typescripts, diaries, photographs, and recorded interviews; teaching material; writings of others related to