Yule Marble Company
y 2x4 apology can be a ;An croaker but it shows the stuff of a man to buck obstacles with a cheerful face The Booster .illalways fight for the thing* The Booster which make a prosperous town ifc an Independent newspaper de- THE MARBLE BOOSTER voted to the interests of Marble Five Cents a Copy. MARBLE, GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1913. VOL. 2. NO. 49 The issuance of these bonds will i onst rated positively the superior qual- there is always room for a difference leave free for use in our commercial ity of our marble, and there is little of opinion as to what is wise to do in operations Facts Concerning Present the quick assets above re- < question but we can, within a few every case, and no human being, or ferred to. amounting to $700,000.00, months, market at fair prices, all the aggregation of human beings, could which with over $200,000 cash to accrue marble we can quarry up to at least conduct an enterprise of such magni- to the company from the sale of the 1500 per are tude, over a seven years, Condition the - cubic feet day. There two period of of Colorado bonds, will provide the company with contracts which will probably be let without making some mistakes. The a working capital of $900,000. within the next two or three weeks, death of Colonel Meek was a severe We can see nothing in this plan, or work to secure which has been going blow to the business for the tremen- Yule Marble Company in the condition which made it seem on for some months, and which we dous work he had already accom- advisable to put it into operation, have every reason to believe will come plished, and the results which he had which should greatly perturb any to us, that will require over 300,000 secured, would have been possible to Mortimer Matthews, president of the development and operation of the bus- ¦ stockholder.
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