May 20, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 7 9715 funding bill will not be completed. kind of policy proposals our friends on So, Mr. President, I know we have a That may not be the case; maybe we the other side have included in the sup- difficult road ahead of us because we do can work with less than 100 Senators plemental spending request. The House not have war funding in this bill be- trying to get it done, but it is not an has failed in its basic responsibility. It cause the Republicans in the House did easy chore. It is one that is necessary is my hope the Senate will do better. not vote for it. Don’t blame it on the but difficult. While some of our friends on the House Democrats. There were enough f other side seem to be counting on the of them to get a majority to do it. The fact that most Americans are dis- Republicans walked out. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY tracted by the ongoing Presidential But I say, Mr. President, is it any LEADER contest, the families and friends of U.S. wonder that the House Republicans The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- soldiers and marines who are fighting have lost three special elections in dis- pore. The Republican leader is recog- overseas are, indeed, paying attention. tricts that are overwhelmingly Repub- nized. The President sent a request to fund lican? In Illinois, the former Speaker f these men and women. As long as they of the House, Dennis Hastert’s dis- remain in harm’s way, we have a strict trict—they lost that. They lost a seat DEFENSE SUPPLEMENTAL obligation to give them what they in a special election in Louisiana that SPENDING need. On this point, there really should was a slam dunk Republican district. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the not even be a debate. The Senate must And then in Mississippi, they lost one. supplemental spending request that pass a bill funding our troops free of re- Is it any wonder when they do tricks was sent to Congress last year by the strictions on their ability to win and like this: ‘‘Democrats didn’t fund the President was unambiguous: the funds free of spending unrelated to their mis- war’’? ‘‘Well, don’t check too closely were to be spent on forces in the field, sion. And we must try to do it by Me- because 132 of us just walked out and on the men and women fighting in Af- morial Day. In less than a month, the didn’t vote.’’ ghanistan and Iraq, and on their fami- Defense Department will be unable to So I am here, Mr. President. We are lies here at home. make payroll for our uniformed Army going to go to this bill this afternoon. Last week, the Democratic leader- unless Congress approves the Presi- I spoke briefly to the distinguished Re- publican leader yesterday. We are ship of the House showed us what they dent’s supplemental spending request. going to have to try to figure out some thought of that request. They took it Less than a month after that, funds for way to work together to get votes. At up, hollowed it out, and filled the shell operations and maintenance will also the end of the day, we will see what with a raft of unrelated domestic run dry. It may be convenient for those happens. In the past, war funding has spending projects and policy proposals focused on the political calendar to ig- been—after a lot of arm-twisting and that did not include a dime for the nore these pressing needs, but ignoring cajoling, there have been enough votes troops in the field. House Democrats them really does not make them go to get that. I don’t know if the votes took a request meant for the troops away. are here this time, but we certainly and used it to fuel their own domestic I hope the Senate will do its duty recognize that we have an issue, and we spending habits. Then they sent this this week. The majority leader just in- are going to do the best we can with piece of legislation over to the Senate dicated it is challenging. Of course, it my friend, the distinguished senior on the eve of Memorial Day and told us is always challenging to do that. But Senator from Kentucky, to see what we to vote for it. The Senate was being we need to do our duty this week. Our can do to get to a point where we have asked to vote not on troop funding but forces in Baghdad and Ramadi will not on two other amendments. One in- this war funding over with until some- be taking a week off for a recess. time next June. If we can’t get it done, cluded unemployment benefits and a Mr. President, I yield the floor. then we are going to have to worry Medicaid proposal. The other sought to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- about what we do in the next month, as undermine the constitutional powers of pore. The majority leader is recog- he said, but hopefully we can complete the Commander in Chief by proposing a nized. it this week. withdrawal date from Iraq. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I say re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Unfortunately, our Democratic spectfully to my friend that the logic pore. The minority leader is recog- friends in the Senate made it even of his statement is really without foun- nized. worse. Taking up what they got from dation. Keep in mind, the complaint he Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, one the House, they added even more unre- has is the House sent us a bill that did additional word. The process for doing lated policy proposals. In the name of not have war funding in it. Bingo. this has been offensive, I know, both in combat readiness, Senate Democrats Why? Because 132 Republicans walked the House and in the Senate. It is my also sought to restrict the ability of out—did not vote. One hundred thirty- understanding that what will happen our military commanders to deploy two Republicans in the House did not later this week is the tree will be filled forces, ignoring the fact that the surest vote for war funding. Don’t blame it on and cloture will be filed. If any amend- way to degrade troop readiness is to the Democrats. Had 132 Republicans ments are allowed on the floor of the delay the delivery of funds that are voted, there would have been war fund- Senate, it will be because my good used to prepare and train our forces in ing. But they decided not to vote. friend, the majority leader, decided to the first place. So don’t blame the House for sending let us have a vote. The whole process is Taken together, it seems the only us only conditional aspects of the war one that doesn’t immediately engender issue unaddressed by the Democratic and sending us some other things, like a great level of cooperation. leadership in the House and Senate is the GI bill of rights. We have funded Having said that, the underlying leg- the only one that matters: how and this war on borrowed money, spending islation is important, and hopefully when we will fund our forces in the $5,000 a second on this war—borrowed somehow we will find our way through field. money. The House made a decision. this process this week, but I think it is The bottom line is this: Tasked with They said: Well, don’t you think it is a pretty safe to say that 49 Republicans the responsibility of funding our forces good idea we spend some money on the of the U.S. Senate are going to insist in the field, Democrats in the House troops coming home, as we did in on being an important part of the proc- and Senate neglected that task in favor World War II, so they can get an edu- ess. Hopefully, we will be able to sort of domestic spending and freelance pol- cation? This bill, written by JIM WEBB, all that out and work our way through icy proposals that we know in the end was adopted by the House overwhelm- it and get this important piece of legis- will not be signed into law—this de- ingly. And they did something else: It lation out of the Senate and on the spite the fact that the House will soon is paid for, not like the war. The war is way, at least, back to the House or, take up the Defense authorization bill, not paid for. The GI bill of rights is hopefully, if we are lucky, back to the which is ordinarily the vehicle for the paid for, as we have it. President for signature.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:21 Jan 04, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S20MY8.000 S20MY8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9716 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 7 May 20, 2008 I yield the floor. cost and weather, construction con- Whereas, when completed, the mountain carving will be the largest carving f tinues. When it is completed, however, it will be the largest carving on earth, in the world, at 641 feet long by 563 feet high; RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME measuring some 641 feet long by 563 Whereas Korczak Ziolkowski’s parting words to his wife were, ‘‘You must work on The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- feet high. To put that in perspective, it the mountain—but go slowly so you do it pore. Under the previous order, the is said that all four heads on Mount right’’; leadership time is reserved. Rushmore could fit into Crazy Horse’s Whereas the Ziolkowski family and the head. Foundation have con- f Today, I wish to honor Korczak tinued to do it right, have proceeded without MORNING BUSINESS Ziolkowski, his wife, and their family government financial support, and remain for their continued work on this monu- dedicated to making steady progress on the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ment. In addition, I would like to Memorial’s humanitarian goals; and pore. Under the previous order, the honor those involved with the Crazy Whereas the Crazy Horse Memorial will Senate will proceed to a period for the Horse Memorial Foundation. Most im- celebrate the 60th anniversary of the dedica- transaction of morning business until tion of the mountain carving on June 3, 2008: portantly, I wish to honor the memory Now, therefore, be it 12 noon, with Senators permitted to of the great Lakota warrior to whom speak for up to 10 minutes each, with Resolved, That the Senate, on the 60th an- this memorial is dedicated, Crazy niversary of the commencement of the the first hour equally divided and con- Horse, as well as all Lakota people for mountain carving of the Crazy Horse Memo- trolled between the two leaders or their great many contributions to our rial, honors sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski, their designee, with the Republicans history and culture in South Dakota. the Ziolkowski family, and the Crazy Horse controlling the first 30 minutes and the It is they that this memorial is to Memorial Foundation for their dedication to honoring the culture, tradition, and living majority controlling the next 30 min- honor. utes. heritage of North American Indians and the Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask spirit of Crazy Horse and his people. The Senator from South Dakota is unanimous consent that the resolution recognized. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, the reso- be agreed to, the preamble be agreed lution that was adopted by the Senate f to, and the motions to reconsider be is S. Res. 496, which I introduced on laid upon the table. April 2, 2008, along with my colleague CARVING OF THE CRAZY HORSE The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- from South Dakota, Senator TIM JOHN- MEMORIAL pore. Without objection, it is so or- SON. The resolution honors the 60th an- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask dered. niversary of the Crazy Horse Memorial. unanimous consent that the Judiciary The resolution (S. Res. 496) was The Crazy Horse Memorial, located Committee be discharged from further agreed to. in the of South Dakota, The preamble was agreed to. consideration and the Senate now pro- honors the culture, the tradition, and ceed to S. Res. 496. The resolution, with its preamble, reads as follows: the living heritage of Native Ameri- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cans. Once completed, the memorial S. RES. 496 pore. The clerk will report the resolu- will stand more than 22 stories high tion by title. Whereas sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski, who and be the largest mountain sculpture never received any formal art training but The assistant legislative clerk read in the world. Every year, there is an as follows: nonetheless won 1st place for sculpture at the World’s Fair in 1939, came to event called the Volksmarch, in which A resolution (S. Res. 496) honoring the 60th the Black Hills of South Dakota as an assist- people start at the base and walk up to anniversary of the commencement of the ant to to help carve Mount the very top of the monument. You carving of the Crazy Horse Memorial. Rushmore; cannot appreciate the size and the di- The Senate proceeded to consider the Whereas Lakota Chief Henry Standing mension of this great monument from resolution. Bear contacted Korczak Ziolkowski in 1939 a distance. It is only when you get up Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I wish to encourage him to create another moun- close that the true dimensions of this tain memorial, saying in his letter of invita- to speak today about the Crazy Horse monument come into full view. I have Memorial in South Dakota. On June 3, tion: ‘‘My fellow chiefs and I would like the white man to know the red man has great had that opportunity on the 2008, the Crazy Horse Memorial will heroes, too’’; Volksmarch, with my family, to walk celebrate the 60th anniversary of its Whereas Crazy Horse was remembered by up and stand next to this monument dedication. Gutzon Borglum, who was his people as a fierce warrior and visionary and to have an appreciation for its true the sculptor behind , leader who was committed to preserving the dimension and for what it means to my brought Korczak Ziolkowski to South traditional Lakota way of life; State of South Dakota and to the Na- Dakota to work on Mount Rushmore. Whereas Korczak Ziolkowski was inspired tive American culture. It was during construction of Mount to honor the culture, tradition, and living The sculptor of this monument, Rushmore when Lakota Chief Henry heritage of North American Indians, and thus designed a metaphoric tribute to the Korczak Ziolkowski, had no formal Standing Bear contacted Korczak spirit of Crazy Horse and his people; training and originally came to South Ziolkowski and stated ‘‘My fellow Whereas Korczak Ziolkowski was dedi- Dakota to assist Gutzon Borglum in chiefs and I would like the white man cated as well to helping his country preserve the carving of Mount Rushmore. In to know the red man has great heroes, freedom, enlisted in the Army, and was 1939, Chief Henry Standing Bear invited too.’’ It is believed that this statement wounded in 1944 at Omaha Beach; him to construct another mountain led Mr. Ziolkowski to construct this Whereas Korczak Ziolkowski returned to monument, this one to honor a great memorial. South Dakota after World War II in order to Native American hero. However, it was On June 3, 1948, this memorial was find a suitable mountain to carve in order to honor Crazy Horse and his people; not until June 3, in 1948, that the dedicated and construction has contin- Whereas Korczak Ziolkowski and Chief project was officially dedicated. ued ever since. Mr. Ziolkowski worked Standing Bear dedicated the Crazy Horse Me- Crazy Horse, a great Lakota chief, on this memorial until the conclusion morial on June 3, 1948; was selected as the Native American of his own life in 1982, when his wife, Whereas Korczak Ziolkowski worked until hero worthy of the mountain monu- Ruth, took up the job that her husband his death in 1982, and his wife, Ruth, and ment because of his courage in battle, began. The Crazy Horse Memorial their family have dedicated their lives to his visionary leadership, and his com- Foundation was established and runs carving the mountain and continuing the mitment to the preservation of the tra- entirely on gifts and donations. No mission of the Crazy Horse Memorial; ditional Lakota way of life. The memo- Whereas there is no way to predict when government funds have ever been used the mountain carving will be completed, rial was placed in the Black Hills of for construction of this memorial. With owing to the uncertainty of weather, the South Dakota because they are sacred no way to predict when completion of availability of private funding, and the chal- to the Lakota people. While Crazy this memorial will take place due to lenges of mountain engineering; Horse was never photographed, the

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