First United Methodist Church Carbondale, Illinois

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost – October 4, 2020

Order of Worship

214 W. Main Street, Carbondale, IL 62901 (618) 457-2416


Prelude A Vision in a Dream1 Tim Huesgen Jim Beers,

Call To Worship

On this world communion Sunday we look beyond our differences in culture, color, and custom, we turn our eyes upon Jesus, we join our voices in worship, we join our hearts and fellowship, we join our hands in service with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Let us pray,

(Unison) On this special Sunday we rejoice in the fact that today we are joining a vast multitude of Christians of many languages, of many nations, of many colors, of various theological convictions, and of many traditions. But all have one thing in common --our mutual faith in Jesus Christ. Bless our worship together, and strengthen our bonds of love and faith. Amen.

Opening Hymn Let Us Break Bread Together UMH No. 618

Let us break bread together on our knees, Let us break bread together on our knees, When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.

Let us drink wine together on our knees, let us drink wine together on our knees. When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.

Let us praise God together on our knees, Let us praise God together on our knees, When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.

Let us praise God together on our knees, Let us praise God together on our knees, When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.

Prayer of Confession (Unison)

If we have put other gods before you, Father, forgive. If we have worshipped anything of our own making, Father, forgive. If we have misused your name, Father, forgive. If we have failed to keep Sunday as a special day, Father, forgive. If we have dishonored our parents, Father, forgive, If we have murdered in deed or thought, Father, forgive. If we have been unfaithful in action or plan, Father, forgive. If we have taken that which does not belong to us, Father, forgive. If we have breathed falsehoods, Father, forgive. If we have been obsessed with the possessions of others, Father, forgive.


Words of Assurance

A Time for the Child in Each of Us Necia Jannings, Director of Christian Education

Scripture Mark 8: 22-26

Special Music He is Yahweh2 Dean Saylyn, (1000 Generations version) Jim Beers, vocals & percussion; Jim Beers, set & shaker; Vicky Beers, piano; Jeffery Beers, bass

Message Sermon: “Like Walking Trees” Reverend In-Sook Hwang

The Prayer for Ourselves and Others

Offertory Prayer

Offering Dangurangu3 trad. Music of Zimbabwe Jim Beers, prepared vibraphone and arr. Jim Beers

The Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise him above, ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Holy Communion

We invite you to share in Holy Communion with us at your home. Please be prepared with elements, such as bread or crackers and grape juice or wine (although, in these unusual times, use what you have at hand).

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

May the composer of heaven's music be with you! And also with you! Beloved, God has created you for faithful living. We lift our hearts to the One who calls us to be Christ's Body. People of God, sing to the One who cleanses us of our fears. We will dance with joy to the Table of peace and hope. …. So, with those who trembled at the foot of your holy mountain, and with those who press on to follow you, we join our voices in praise to you:


Your Word opens our eyes to all creation; your Word is the sweet taste of joy for hungry hearts; your Word endures through every trial and triumph.

Blessed is your Word who comes in your name! Hosanna in the highest! ….

As we remember his goodness and gentleness, As we celebrate his life in us, we would speak of that mystery we call faith:

Setting aside all he valued, Christ became our treasure; setting aside his own life, Christ rescued us from sin; setting aside our doubts and fears, we yearn for Christ's return in glory. …. God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Giving of the Bread and Cup

Prayer After Communion (Unison)

Eternal God, we give thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Closing Hymn I Want Jesus to Walk with Me UMH No. 521

I want Jesus to walk with me. I want Jesus to walk with me. All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

In my trials, Lord, walk with me. In my trials, Lord, walk with me. When my heart is almost breaking, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

When I’m troubled, Lord, walk with me. When I’m troubled, Lord, walk with me.


When my head is bowed in sorrow, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.


Postlude Doxology Variation4 Thomas Ken (1694) & Anony. (2nd cent) Jim Beers; mbira, marimba, , cajon, cabasa, , seed shaker

1A Vision in a Dream - Solo vibraphone "A Vision in a Dream" is part of a work called "Trilogy," which three contrasting movements with varying tempi and styles. Due to the variety, the performer has great freedom in terms of tempo and phrasing. "Vision" has a mixture of melody and accompaniment that include varying contrapuntal textures.

2He Is Yahweh This song will feature members of my family in a "Beers Family Band" situation: Jimmy - vocals and various percussion instruments including , , Vibraphone, Triangle, and Rainstick Jim - Drumset and Shaker Vicky - Piano Jeffery - Bass

While this song fits into the contemporary praise and worship music genre, the version I am referencing for the arrangement (by 1000 Generation) draws heavily from African influences in regards to style, language, and instrumentation.

3Dangurangu - Prepared vibraphone and marimba "Dangurangu" is a piece from the 1,000-year old Shona mbira music repertoire, usually played in ceremonies. A wide variety of meanings are ascribed to the name of this piece, including "a song to celebrate the chief", "a big goal to save and pray for," and "little creatures, arguing and unable to understand the meaning of life." While not a sacred work in the context of Christian music, I believe the messages and music can still be applied to our worship. Humanity's fortunes ebb and flow with the tide of life, but the One True God is the constant to help us navigate life's river. Those familiar with my prior World Communion services will remember the mbira, an instrument with metal tines, attached to a wooden board, which are plucked by the fingers. The instrument is similar to a thumb piano, or kalimba, but is much older and utilizes a greater range of pitches. Rattles, traditionally seashells, are attached to the board. Many songs of the mbira tradition require two players, with one playing the higher melody and the other playing a bass line. My arrangement makes use of the vibraphone and marimba, playing the melody and bass respectively. Quarters have been taped to the vibraphone bars as a means of emulating the rattle of the mbira. A brief cadenza opens the piece before the traditional melody is introduced.

4Doxology Variation A mashup of "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" and "Glory Be To The Father (Gloria Patri)," with the mbira and marimba playing the melodies of these traditional hymns, respectively. A variety of non-pitched percussion instruments including congas, cajon, cabasa, bell, and seed shaker provide the accompaniment.