‘The deployment of this Election Observation Mission confirms the European Union's continued commitment to the democratic transition of .’ Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 29 September 2015 EU DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION IN MYANMAR A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER PRODUCED BY THE EU DELEGATION TO MYANMAR 3rd Quarter, 2015 - ISSUE 3

A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER PRODUCED BY THE EU DELEGATION TO MYANMAR EU Joint Programming retreat On 1-2 September 2015, Heads of Cooperation from the Czech Republic, The Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the UK and the EU retreated to European Taungoo to further strengthen the coordination of their development Union in cooperation. Together, we agreed on the steps to take towards creating the next EU Myanmar Joint Strategy for Myanmar, which will be launched in early 2017.

Children taking part in a project in Mon State, July 2015 Myanmar hit by devastating Millennium Development Goal Fund (3MDG) allocated $455,000 worth of critical medical floods and landslides and food supplies. The Livelihoods and Food

Since July 2015, more than 1.6 million people Security Trust Fund (LIFT) provided EU Joint Programming Retreat, September 2015 have been displaced and critically affected by additional $1 million to support local

floods and landslides in Myanmar. The EU is microfinance partners in providing assistance deeply saddened by the flooding that has to 66,651 flood-affected households, or EU in the field affected many areas of the country. We are around 286,000 people. The Quality Basic struck by the remarkable manifestations of Education Programme (QBEP) will redirect an Vocational training for youth solidarity towards the flood victims. EU estimated $2 million towards flood response, In July, a team from the EU Delegation visited Ambassador Kobia visited the flood victims in prioritising Rakhine State, the most seriously a project that aims to enhance the life the Irrawaddy region to listen to and discuss affected area. QBEP will focus on opportunities of children in Region. In their immediate and long-term needs. rehabilitating damaged schools, constructing , our partner Fondazione Temporary Learning Spaces, and providing All humanitarian donors funding Terre des Hommes Italia (TDH) has been essential teaching and learning materials. The interventions in affected areas agreed on addressing some of the problems affecting programme will also conduct trainings to immediate flexibility for responses with underprivileged children. Since 2013, TDH improve the disaster preparedness of existing partners and the release of supports a governmental facility for children teachers. contingency stocks. Moreover, EU Member and a monastic Vocational Training school, States allocated additional €4.5 million The EU has also mobilised experts to both working in the field of child protection towards these efforts. The European contribute to the Post Disaster Needs and elections. Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Assessment (PDNA) requested by the Protection Department (ECHO) contributed Myanmar Government, in partnership with €1 million euro towards the relief the World Bank and UNDP. The exercise interventions of the International started on 21 September, and will be Organisation for Migration and Action Contre completed by mid-October. la Faim. These organisations are providing Some of our partner organisations were shelter as well as water, sanitation and unable to conduct their development hygiene (WASH) facilities to the populations activities as planned given the damage of flood and landslide-hit zones. caused by the floods. We recently witnessed

On the development side, three multi-donor the inaccessibility of certain project locations Child friendly space in Kawhmu, July 2015 trust funds supported by the EU also in Chin State. We would like to commend the The two centres have been provided with responded to the crisis by providing new persistent efforts made to adjust new child friendly spaces and an existing funds and reallocating existing ones towards interventions in these extremely challenging facility has been rehabilitated to make it safe disaster relief and reconstruction. The Three conditions.


for children to live in. The project aims at Yangon on 16 September to launch the EU's of the elections. As Election Day nears increasing the adolescents’ chances of a Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society (8 November), the programme is ensuring successful social reinsertion through in Myanmar. The EU has already completed that voter and civic education activities can vocational training. such roadmaps in 90 countries around the reach very remote areas of Myanmar. world. A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER PRODUCED BY THE EU DELEGATION TO MYANMARYoung decision-makers in Mon State Together with EU Member States and In July, we also travelled to Mon state to Development Partners, CSO representatives meet children, youth and other actors discussed how the roadmap could be involved in a project implemented by our implemented in order to best meet their partner Save the Children. This project needs. As a result, very concrete inputs were encourages children and youth to participate presented to inform the next steps. One in local decision-making processes. It also significant outcome of this launch event is seeks to strengthen child rights and children's the creation of four reference groups awareness and understanding of their rights. comprising local CSOs, representatives from Voter education training in Chin State, Sept. 2015 Activities are taking place in Chin State, Shan EU Member States, INGOs and other State, Rakhine State, as well as Mon State. Our partner the Friedrich Naumann Development Partners. Foundation is coordinating the activities of Children and youth of Saw Ke and Hnee Mote Each group will concentrate on one of the local organisations that are conducting villages explained how the project has helped four key roadmap priorities, which are interactive workshops across the country. them build the confidence to speak out (i) to increase the space for CSOs to operate, The EU Delegation observed these innovative against abuses and share ideas about how to (ii) to enhance the relationship between CSOs trainings in Chin, Kachin, and Sagaing. improve intergenerational relations in their and public institutions, (iii) to increase CSOs' communities. Children and community capacities for research, advocacy and policy members alike reported a notable decrease dialogue for government and (iv) to enhance in maltreatment and violence against the organizational structures and internal children since the start of the project. management of CSOs and CSO networks.

Further details can be found at: Hot Topics http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/myanmar /press_corner/all_news/news/2015/2015092 Launch of the Roadmap for Engagement 4_en.htm with Civil Society in Myanmar The EU Delegation “casting a vote” with the STEP Election observation and preparation Democracy team in Kachin State, September 2015 Following an official invitation sent by the STEP Democracy will reach more than Union Election Commission in March 2015, 250,000 individuals through 120 voter and the EU is sending an Election Observation civic education trainings ahead of the Mission (EOM) to Myanmar. In addition to elections. the EOM Core Team, 30 long-term and 62 short-term observers will be monitoring the Events electoral process in Myanmar during October 29 Sept. : Launch of MyJustice – the EU and November 2015. access to justice programme

Meanwhile, our three-year STEP Democracy 6 Oct. : Launch of the EU Trade

programme (Support To Electoral Processes Development Programme Group discussions at the Civil Society Roadmap and Democracy in Myanmar) led by launch, 16 September 2015 Oct.-Nov.: EU Election Observation International IDEA has been actively Mission After a series of consultations with Civil supporting election preparations and

Society Organisations (CSOs) in Yangon, democratic processes. One of the aims of the

Mandalay and Mawlamyine, the EU programme is to strengthen public awareness With the kind contribution of our colleagues Delegation met with them once again in from the ECHO Myanmar field office.

For further information: Email: [email protected] Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/myanmar/index_en.htm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinMyanmar