CANADIANS AND BRITISH IN- - GREAT ADVANCE IN Canadians assisted the English troops and carried everything before H. P. DAVISON'S DAUGHTER them. Along this line, Haig said, the enemy was heavily defeated ir his GERMANS RUN FROM BRITISH CZECHO-SLQVA- COURTACCUSES OVERALLS TO KS RECOGNIZED -- juepared defenses and Is retiring on virtually the whole battlefront. DONS WORK LIKE 1 More than 10,000 prisoners were taken by the British yesterday. RECRUITS SOME SCREAM AS A RADIO INSPECTOR Additional prisoners were taken this morning. 'WIFE' OF PERJURY: WITH FEAR -- OTHERS SURRENDER i. Contrary to expectations the enemy has not , reacted heavily, with BY THE GOVERNMENT OF U. S. a jwew to the recapture of the Qucant-Drocou- rt line, but has left the i THROWS OUT SUIT British in undisturbed possession of it. Prisoners Say War Is Over and Ask For In Flanders the British forces have captured the Town of Will- - Peace Anxious to Know Whether N EIGHT ON COMMON ENEMY - fi- yerghem, two miles southeast of Kemmel. British Are Well Fed. Charges Own Letters Prove Hichebourg-St-. two miles It was learned authoritatively that Vaast, WITH Tllfc HltlTISI! A KM IKS IN FRANCE, Sept. 3 (United Alimony Seeker Was .Vest of Neuve Chappclle, had been occupied. This is an advance of Press). Thousands of derm an prisoners swarming down tho roads Not Married. about one mile at the southern extremity of the Armcnticres front. like thcep and crowding each other Into tbe ditches along the aides, America Ready to Enter For BOLSHEVIKI SEIZE BRITISH DRIVING TOWARD CAMDRAI, told the storr of Hlndcnburg's effort to hold the famous line below tn mal Relations With Dd , Supremo Court Justice Ottlnger 4 Scarpo against the driving attack of the Urltlsh, y recommended thnt the Com-mltt- WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES IN FRANCE, Sept. 3 (Associated Facto Regime. Thc Germans running before the flrst. Drltlsh assault like raw on Grievances of the Bar Press). The determined German resistance' at the crossroads north of recruits nnd reforming later only when masses Of their own men' BRITISH EMBASSY Association Invcstlgato tho bringing ' WASHINGTON, 8epU 3. Recogni- was overcome by the British this morning and came up In support; Germans screaming with fear ns the British. , of a suit for separation by a woman tion of the Czeoho-Blova- as a. dc rcaohrtl their first lines; Germans leaping out of their dugouts and who styles herself Lillian Klscnmnnn, Halg's morrare now shoving forward in the direction of Cimbrai. throwing up their hands In surrender with appearance yes- Xf. I facto belligerent government was ex- the first IN PETROGRAD RAID against Slgmund J. Eiscnmann, a terday of tho Canadians, were scenes witnessed arly In the British tended by tho United States y. A strong British force is driving forward on the northern reaches of salesman. attack. To further old their war against line. The British are well tortile the Droccurt-Quea- nl Motion for llmony was denied the Hindcnburg Austro-IIungarla- . '.Tho war Is over." ttultl one prisoner. tho German and n nnd tho Court said Klscnmanti bad So far as learned, no organized counter-attack- s have ken devd-- j ' line. ,,"Vou mean that we win?" ho was asked. I; Kmplrcs, Secretary of State Lansing One Englishman Reported shown conclusively that the parties Germans, but on the extreme British left determined oppo- - "Yes," ho replied; "but we don't care. Wo want only peace." Czccho-Slova- k wero oped by the : formally notified the Shot When Troops Oc- never married, adding that the sition is developing. Anothor asked If the British people are hungry, and when told" National Council, through Its head, plaintiff's letters and other docu- that they are not replied: "That Is America's work." Dr. Masaryk. that tho United States cupy Building. ments showed that her complaint The British y pushed forward well to the east of Nqreuil And Regarding (he work of the Germnn submarines, he answered, "Un- - Is prepared formally to enter Into re- and attldavlt aro "a mass of wilful Vcit Australians made steady progress to the east of Pcrortne. .: ' lations tho de regime. perjury." 'terp'cobbles caput,1' meaning that tho submarines aro done for. with facto COPENHAGEN, Sept. 3. Bolshe- WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES IN FRANCE, Sept. .3 (United Tho purposo of recognition would Tho plaintiff alleged aho and the bo prosecuting the war against the vik troops occupied tho British Em- defendant wero married In Far Press). The break in the Hindcnburg line above Queant now exceeds Miss Alice. one JDAVI SON common enemy. bassy at Potrograd and shot Hockaway on Aug. 3, 1913. Elscn-man- n seven miles, extending beyond Eetaing to the north. LATEST OFFICIAL REPORTS This Important action of the Gov- Englishman, according to the Pravda, produced a formal "release," Amnnc the first of tho wealthy ernment Is expected to deal a vast Tho Incident occurred during the executed In his favor by tho plain- women of to blow to LIolshovlkl8m In Russia and tiff for 1300, and denied BRITISH. America don overalls Dolshvlk general examination of that ho had FRENCH REACH THE EDGE and accept manual toll was Miss to solidify tho Gzechs fighting tho iRcn part in a "inocK marriage," as LONDON, Sept. 3.Following is the text of to-da- statement Alice Davison, daughter of II, P. Teutons. houses Sunday evening, following tho she alleges. by the War Office: Davison of J. P. Morgan & Co. and "Tho Czecho-Slova- k people," said murder of Urltskl, Bolshevik Com- A letter Introduced by Elscnmann CHEMIN-DES-DAME- S; Kccrotary Lansing's announcement, ns having OF THE "Our .operations carried out yesterday' south of the River S:arpc the American Red Cross. For 120 missary of tho Interior at Pctrograd. been written to him by every "having up nrms against the tho woman on 13, 1910, a week Miss Davison workn taken WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Safe con- Jan. roads: tyere in his pre- Austro-IIungarla- completely successful. The enemy was heavily defeated (lay as radio Inspector In tho Do German and n Um "My Dear Dick: duct passage through REPULSE FIVE ATTACKS pared, defcrtfes of the Drocoyrt-Quean- t system, with the result that he Forest Radio Telephnno & Telegraph pires, and having placed organized for Finland has "This letter will mirprlso you. I waging bcon granted to Allied s retiring this mqrning along practically the whole battlefront. Company factory In upper Now armies In tho Held, which are citlzena of am not feeling well, but getting very York. war against those Umpires under countries seeking to leavo Itussla, nervous. The doctor told mo "In the course of yesterday's battle, in addition to inflicting heavy that Qcrman' Prisoners Report That Preparations Miss Davison, who Is only twenty, olllccrs of their own nationality and tho German authorities dictating the I'd have to give up tho rubber line osses on the enemy, we captured 10,000 prisoners. explained purposo In with tho rules and that thero Is my that her was to accordance policy of the Finnish Government, acid In blood, and I Are Being Made For a With- entered Pronville, release a man for tho front. She Is practices of civilized nations; and think tho best thing for me to do "We. arc advancing and are reported to have having no objection ar- one young "Tho Czccho-Slovak- s, having In made to tho la to glvo up my position, to Doignles and . of flvo women who took a and If I drawal St. Quentin. special course of Instruction ns radio prosecution of their Independent pur- rangement. do that I will havo to get married. PARIS, Sept. 3. The French are biting Into the western edge of "Canadian troops showed the greatest skill and courage yesterday operators. poses in tho present war, conflded Special trains will be provided for If I look for anything else, what sal-ar- y Drocourt-Quean- authority to the will I get? Chemln-des-Dame- one-'ial- t. torming the t line. These lines had been perfectiJ by supremo political tho refugees, the s, having readied Laffaux mill (six and who Includo some one "Now I havo a to wed, Czecho-Slova- k National Council; chtneo northeast of Soissons.) The Germans arc energetically defending .the enemy in the past eighteen months. They provided the most formi WAVE OF DISILLUSION hundred Americans, to carry them which I always told you, but you miles "Tho Government of tho United thought 1 Was Olllv klilillnc. I iln not . Laon. The rear guard counterattacked five times dable obstacle, as they had been furnished with every device of modern recognizes that a state of through Finland to tho nearest Swed- know wibat elso vou thought, r mnv their positions toward ABOUT ARMY'S States nginecring. STRENGTH belligerency exists between the ish port to ombark for their homes. as well take tho ring, as I am not north of trie Aisne without success. yuunKer, ana no may do my Czccho-Slovak- s thus organized and The Stato Department was Informed hiiiiiiK - the German lines on the "The enemy had reinforced his defences rvre to such a degree that SWEEPS OVER GERMANY Inst chance. Men nowadays want Constant movements toward the rear of Austro-Hungaria- n young tho German and of tho arrangement y through chickens. Somme front in the regions of Ham and Guiscird are reported by the on a front of 8,000 .yards no Jess than eleven German divisions were umpires. "I know It will bo very hard to tho Swedish Minister at Ilclslngfors, glvo you up. by the strength of his defensive organization, recognizes tho Czecho-Sl- o correspondent of Le Journal at British Headquarters. Hospitals and identified. Undeterred tle Swiss Traveller Predicts Acts Sur It ulso L Most of the you can It over. Council ns a do facto American and Allied na "sow think being hastily .cleared, while convoys are moving Canadians, assisted admiAbly by British troops on their left, carried vak National tionals will come from Moscow "You havo promised to huv me dressing stations are passing Those of Bolsheviki belligerent government clothed with and dress. You can buy mo my wedding ' ' ' Pctrograd,'' In which they northeastward, harassed by .Entente airplanes. , all before thern. Unless Change Comes. proper authority to direct the mili- cities have dress. Oct mo live nnd n half v.irdu gathered from various points. of pale rry gabardine. Franco-America- Their That makes Coucy-le-Chatea- u "jSqnth of the Canadian English, Scottish and naval troops tary political affairs of tho is being outflanked by the Corps Sept SjCltavas Agoncy). and numbers Is assumed to be compara- up very prettily. I hope, that what- Czccho-Slovak- s. ever you may In you Crecy-au-Mon- t. French having made an ad- of the 17th Corps, under command of Lieut. Gen. Sir Charles Fergussor., PViyS, despatch Uernc, tively do llfo may hnvy Bouth of the Ailette from from United small. tno ocst ot iucjc - "The Government of the and health. Canai-du-Nor- d Switzerland, to I.o Matin vance of two kilometers (a mile and a quarter)- beyond' the. Bart., K. C. U., K. C. M. G., M. V. O., D. S. O, performed no less gal- - States further declares that It Is pre quotes a prominent Bwlss citizen ALLIED TROOPS TAKE Nesle. German prisoners declare preparations are ant storming the junction of Drocourt-Quea- nt pared to enter formally Into relations in the region of and arduous a task in the coming from Germany as declar- with tho do fucto Government thus GEN, SEMENOFF DEFEATS fcdng made for a general withdrawal to St. Quentin. and Hindcnburg systems. ing that In the past six weeks POSITION IN a recognized for purposo of prosecuting RUSSIA Franco-America- n formidable disillusion lias swept troops are progressing along the road toward Laon. "Those defenses were of the most formidable character, but our tho war against tho common enemy, ROLSHEVIKI AT OLOVIANIA over Germany. SOUTH OF ARCHANGEL north they are filtering into German positions Ixitween the woods troops swipl over and around them, encircling Queant from the the empires of Oerniany and Further north, If tho Ooiynijji military situa- . j .... i i t T 1 near LOUCy-ie-L,naie- aim ine lower cnu ui iui.y num. with the resillt that this important pivot fell into our hands at nightfall. tion does not Improve, the Infor- Captures Town In Siberia, Takinj Great Hrltain, France and Italy al- -' pnemv Cminter-Alhr- in trouble ur-pa- ss k NVir UDOZ-Slovak- " North and east of this area the French have gained new ground The Tank Corps assisted materially in the success of those operations." mant said, that may ready have recognized tho Czecho-- . Prisoners and Hour Ma- nets In implied direction of Guiscard, having carried their lines more than a mile FRENCH. the of tho Ilolshevlkl nnd Japan has given erskava Repulsed With the Russia mcnacos the German recognition by participation In tho chine Guns. Canal-du-Nor- expedition, Heavy Losses. across the PATtlSCSept. 3.-- The text of 's War Office statement reads International Siberian FCKIX, Sept. 3 Czccho-Slovak- s tiolshevlk troops " which is aiding tho LONDON, Sept. 3. -- In the region of Ham the roads behind'the enemy lines arc reported as follows: and loyal Russians In Bntcnto Allied hive again been defeated by the Alllei troops obstructed with transport and troops' moving northeastward. Prisoner! "bunne the nic'ht there were artlllerv actions on the front of the STOCKS SENT UPWARD the eastern front. In Northern European Ilussla, advancing In Siberia. Gen. fc'cmcnoff, la Tho headquarters of the nation Is communique i aided by Ilusslan forces, on Aug. 31 a Issued announce! taken by the French in this region assert .thiV ii ".retirement toward St, Somme and liefwefin, the disc and the Alsne. at present In Paris, but Its territorial capture BY NEW ALLIED VICTORIES boundaries Includo lloliL'mia, Moravia captured tho enemy's positions north the of Olovlunla from the Quentin has already been organized. The choking of the roads indi; "linemy nids along the Vesle River and in the Vosges region were and u portion of Uallct.i, nil now un- by a turning movement, taking ' " of Obozcrskaya, scventy-llv- o miles guns. begun. without result."' " ' der Austrian domination. prisoners and four machine cates that it may have already Tremendous political significance Is south of Archangel, according to an HAHHIN. Wednesday, Aug. 28. Buying General as Confidence in attached In diplomatic quarters to Fifty motor trucks and eighteen tour- AMERICAN olllclal report Issued y by tho action by the United States. ing cars passiid through hero to-d- to Sept. 3.-- The Early End of the War Is WASHINGTON, following communique from Gen. It moans America, the Czccho-Slova- MXNY JERSEY CITIES WHITMAN AND SMITH that with Hrltlsh'Wur Otllcc. Join tho k farces on tho to-da- Allies, will go Into tho peace confer- was y: Increased. ' Tho captured position was consoll ershing, dated Sept. 2, made public ence recognizing as an Independent Manchuria front, Al- a subsequent enemy coun regi- TO LOSE WAR ORDERS ' VOTE WITH THEIR WIVES "North of the Aisfte our troops have continued to advance in spite of News of the onward sweep of tho nation and ally a large section of the dated and Wounded men from Col. Orloffs lied armies In France brought about present Austro-Hurlgarln- n empire. tcr-atta- waa repulsed with heavy ment have rcturni-- to Harbin. They i '.he strong resistance of tie enemy and have taken the village of Terny- - relate stories of treachery by sol- activity and higher prices on losses. some on in this - Tho Allied troops arc pushing on to diers to their olllcers. They state Lack of Housing and Transportation Horist Pins Flowers Governor Sorny. In the operations yesterday region they captured 572 pris- stock exchanges Bears CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. I the Obozcrskaya. Tho guns of tho Allied one cavalry olllccr who ordered his He Recognizes in Poll cners, two guns and seventy-eigh- t machine guns. North of Facilities to Cut Government wero forced to cover and there was Willi ixt chars' from Ttoi clar. armor train wero very effective In the squadron to charge rtolshevik forces at activity among Investment pur- Kamenrlboloff was followed to Minimum. ing Place. the Vesle two local hostile attacks west of Fismes were repulsed with marked llljh. low. Ut. fighting. not by hid . Orders chases aa confidence grew that the end men. On being surrounded by tho S. WASHINGTON', Kept. 3. Sixty cltlo tiowrnor and Mra. Chnrlva Whit ioss." of tho war' was being brought nearer. Ami. Oar A IM) H MH M enmy the nfttcer killed eight Uolnhevlk man cast their I'rlnmry iiallotB at n buying In 1 " kef the East, Bouth. Middle West and GERMAN. There was heavy the last Am." Mv "it! $1,714,000,000 WAR COST soldiers with his sword before ho was F IniluetrlHl ivolllnR placn In the store of a florlaf many stocks look an upward Am. 11. & I., K. 'J'Mlflc coast are to have their hour when Am, lotMiMHnr wounded in tho right arm. Then, - nt No. SSO Cth Avenue, In tint Sth (via London), Sept. 3, Following Is 's War Offiw $;wr. order cut down bocauau of con- i:iff spurt. Am. h1W Kil) . . HIV OF THE FOR AUGUST drawing his revolver, ho committed - of 15th Aaacmbly t)l-- strong, Mm, Hicaf nix; U.S. geiied hoUbliiB snd transportation tacii.- lion Dlntriet thr statement: Liberty Bonds were especially Am. &uii. TicY . suicide. They nhortly t sold up to wan lo-u- trlct. urrlvrd aftrr the flrst Issue of 3tf. which Arun.aiU Mitiirt,. iK lift, tit annouircu mi n AMi T. A. S. P Stt o'clock and had to wait aWtectt mln? "Between the Si:arpe and the Somme English attacks are contlnuinc. 101, ot 3$ cents. Trmipalilii General SUft had advlacd all nupply bur an advance HaWlwtn lnmxlni I'Hi Expenditures Break All Monthly Itnllnn ltrilrhraj .Virtli liccauxj placo not -Cambr- in d, lUIt. & War Department to see that utca tho had been Soulheasl Arras, astride the al lull stock remained the Oiw MS Oilnn Port. eaus of the of road, they thrust back our OiMiH(n Ktml.... HttVa In the. cltlea act In order. The proprietor of thd but Industrials secured a . II N! Records by More Than TIKNTSIN. China, Sept. 3. An l'tacJnr of new order - itfl rtla.. It!. til getting eastern fringe of- atom, on reroffnlclnir lbn Oovernor, infantry line, the Dury. .EasjLof Cagnicourt,' stronger "footing, with United States lUIra Truialt UhS Inn troopship has arrived at a northern tamed U reduced to a minimum. In hla coat JIuttA & .HunkTluc . VlVf $ 00,000,000. a white flower lanel This stock rose tt . port. in tho lead. . The cities named include myonne, preaonted Mra. Whitman with northwest of Queant and in the northern fringe of . we held up Steel (Vn.Tal Jjratlirr. 70 nnd then 116, a new maximum, al- Ona.llan fadtUi. . im', WA8IIINGTON, Sept. J Govern J.,lnrldgeport. Conn., Camden, N. J n nounuci orifonoa. points to !bli, MS the enemy thrust. the 4,l per cent, dividend OhTaat.cCJiicTTM. X. PeVby. Conn., Ellrabelh, N. J., Jer try Alfred B. Sinltli. Democratic candl. lowing for Sf. V. Ml, ment war expenditures In Autruit broke I . dnte for Oovernor, acrompanlcd by Vast week. Tho cloie was 11814. ;,. 'ii, & i. i- in "i ED Clty, Newark, New Hrunswlck, N. "On both sides of enemy attacks were' repulsed. North of elite.. It. I. & IV. iT'i all monthly records by moro thun MA1SOH At his home, 310 taconla J. Mra. Hmllh, voien in a Krammnr school Union Pacific attained a new maxi Viwl. & Iron,. VJll ' Aniiwy, ana Col. Vlrohurst. N. V.. on Aug, 31. New London. Conn., rertn j., at Hrnry uuver Hlrneta. the we retained the heights east Moislalhs, year. 127K. allowing .... 1100.000,000, amounting to 31,714,000,000 Htret. Philadelphia. I'hll- - Somme of.Sallly, AirecourS mum for the for fnriWu!S5. !''" f ti'. 1018, John, huabind of Umma Muticli South Amboy, N. J., dividend, ' NetKuiar.'.' on reports up to Later reports he-Ha- the recent and led the bull cnha Cane (Fleckenateln). In aixty. year. and on the eastern fringe of w I I Hpc. hU eighth ttMburx. N. J.. Mariner's Harbor, atatca FARLEY'S GOOD. Peronne. u 4 .nil i...,.- - hut. Corn.. may raise this 350,000,000. APPETITE mOVCOtCIlfc Aiiiuiifc win tun inauia. ( Kfi ...... funeral Wwlnenday momlnr at 10 .7. K'S Ordinary war exprnses nmountcd to "Be,twecn the Oise and the Aisne French Colonials and Americans UUISI HI"W til ItHMUj IfllV l"l IM ...... i.:i T o'clock. Interment Woodland Cmtrv acverM lowpriced rails, nmonrr (iamral Mntom On. 1X1 tt, 408, 000,000, or 3200,000,000 more than 8. I. Cardinal Farley la bl to alt up for yesterday afternoon attacked. Their attacks from the Ailette Plain, againai In tln'at Nnr. if ' SUNK? them MlnKOiirt Taclflc and Ilock (Irat Nor. Or.... last month's high record. This did not INTERNED SHIPS an houa every day, Mnnslitnor Carroll, l'4;tr. outlays Saturday, yet to Pierrenemandc and Folembray (both northwest of Coucy-le-Chatea- Island. Among the Industrials which Smpiratlnn Include of last his hecrctary, said tcf AIIIoj re- LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. wero General Klnc-trl- c, Copycr. be tabulated. Loans wero couriler-attack- showed strength . liar iVMkpIoalvee Heard on Herman Vee. "He lias a Rood appetite frr a alclc failed. In isolated places our s drove back the enemy. lAuirti Valliy. .. . mi! 3244,000,400, not Including JISTIIiauoihI ntii .American Ioeornotlve, American l.liarlT l4iari 10I.OI 101.80 ported us and faatlc'a Hwtaurant. Is.rur )iarbt reward. iiy la Improvlnc alowly." mild .'t.. IM .11 aria aieiti iii.c. man. nnd Ham-Nes- le I,lb, Ijiii Saturday. iiiHuarr I'liwur n:a:n .wj. "Astride the railway line repeated French Car, American Sugar and Tobacco. 4.... 113.16 i SANTIAGO, Chile, Sept. 3. The the Monaixnor. Thero la no sIrti of attacks were 1.11,. lawn ill 4l. 1'l.lnl M.M iia laian II 4 1)1. M til. in U4.44 0 Izac't, relMine, winch waa moat (tunM 4 01.441 4S eews of the German steamers repulsed. Between the Somme and the Oise there was artillerying. Yes- t.'ib. laii t a . . HI M 04 ' preavnt. Alrr. Marllr tt. . . Jtpdolphls end Ccban, Interned at Corral, VI,- .- uwa; terday we shot down thirteen balloons and fifiy-fiv- e aeroplanes. AIR MAILS TO CHICAGO Alr ti iu.1 tCWU, are oeucveu lu iiavu iurm inn BELMONT ENTRIES. "Several enemy attempts to press further forwaVd llUial btivi j--i Vveeaels. over the heights il.i . k. A. T.. LThe Government received word to-d- HAVE TRIALS THURSDAY; .P. I MIIIV. . . , before Dury, east pf Cagnicourt, failed." X. Y. irl. heavy eiploslona had been heard on mi In rtn'.rM'.' , ttftt 100, U'l.lam 44J f - -- JOURNEY OF TEN HOURS i'bwtrd the ships. MUTniury. hwjj- .uf, ,u! jnn nuj, ITALIAN. MLW-i-i 9$ lvit lift', 1 i rurv nrr m m p. t Wealvra $ Vara. bitnrtt. IM ICO, ROME, Sept. 3. "Our patrols I W Will.i.r1ll.-- penetrated the .enemy, lines in the IVniujti.uvU 14 44 H.U.ri, )( Jiu iwrn, lilt... Triulu U iff mntrriT. hoi . t Mark. SHIP ESCAPES BOAT. Concei Valley yesterday, bringing back prisoners and war material," the Will Leave Belmont Park at jjiijjoVcifc-- iyl Plane Special for Tuciday Wednetday, September 3rd ' nii.anl: one tniw Mametltr. lift, ilisii.) Optica and and 4th 40U li.r War announced ,to un Of! I'UUitu iuy.l. IIS; (ll'TwU, IIS; Utqiue, 6 A. M. and is Due Arrive , . . Hl ClIfK'OTjATn roVKHKIl ASStinTKD PATTti: a Clmro-a-Ui Weatuaven Fired Mlr NolVwn. V v lli'i'llnj , 'j llrrr' rollrcllon of ll.l! Wlntolit IIS. I IImi. . , HI UI Covcrrd.HnrrU, nrenrntMl In nlraklnr f di'llrloim Halifax. HACK Tltc Vjllry: "In the Grappa region there was violent A M. Hm l' illtrnltr Crrnni un. f Tilt Itll Uiruit llitr artillerying. in the Tun.ile in Windy City at P. Air . in, s romurlnlnc Imon. Oranre. Mrnubrrrr. Cliumlute nnd Vanilla. Till Liiwirct; Ltv. trn. In Iho-U- 3. - and hai.rt.rai; afl.inx; milt isiMAir Uiw vt . El Mrtitirut of Koodlrii urKttnrd for a lilr v run of sra llWABHIN'OTON, Sept. The ateame.- a advanced posts So. SI1J nnnularttr. ami MHmm. itunr tLc. i.; uiw lti icgion.our drove back enemy detachments. One hostile -)- PATTBN Himlair Oil..,.. .. Hi'.i but ilon't ualt to irl vnur' un tlii urciiml tlr. lie mnonir tlic mrlr ."Weathaven. tunned by a aubmarlne ill, Tv hapiJiw i', llraii.l, 6lt IntiUar, IPfl) 0STMA8Trat ISmtlwin Iwfle... ss rniilim. M'KCIAI. fOII TIHI II.WH (INI.V. l'ODNII IIHX 400 ea airplane was brought down and another was forced to schedule y Southern llallwi)r... VH',i J't about mllea off Halifax Auc. 31, 'tli- - MlVulat land yesterday." f!e f(7Vi KlIt'ltTII Ufk (rlllnii tko. ISimth. ItalUay lt. . (hi, H l eaeed. accordlnc to a Navy Department ear.imwj ui mtiijnai iiraiun, Uioii u nr. 11.' for tho aerial mall trial .Toiaa CVpnj , . . . lfiiS ni - Tuesday -' i.'i Attractive Offerings: tm i)'i ili.innalif. 122. Court Jf.t. Chi- 'r.Junin l'n.lll.1ll. . '?! J. l' fridlccram :at'"J,i flight between this city nnd H I Is KO.OOO, I'nllM Clar dUxiii. K'lS mi irtii I'nrli-- LAWYER HELD FOR FORGERY. tatPd thnt the amount M.OOO Ilcl-mo- 1V7-- 4- - 1 ' Wil .Nulirali (lro., li'Kj .tun piano will lcavo nt I'ul.m Partite - limit niiAint smooth oiioc)i,ATi! llinih 1U7m, of which belonged to WhII, u don-lis- t, cago. The 1.1 , moat covnril" il Ir. i.l Al.MOMIf thr Kl an D. Rran llratsna urn I'lt-r- HACK-Ti- n Itrentwcxkli t.'irM.ira nnd the balance to A. C on Sept. S, 4 popular Not iiaMl In CllEAMKJtY " l'rralilrnt Julius Mrrz Park at A. M. I I'. nl.U ami tiimanl. liiDjhaii. nnt ml)..- It hint-- i .o. I'. 8, tttrrlllf. .f ... A ill ' 4'nil CnI H tho Al- whrn wo aar of Annrondu Coiper. Miiri.n. til! Ilfmlj KiOj Berlin. BO; .Vrmirk Man Arrmril of Olitnlnlnsr in i.iiucinn Avenue. In Chicago tho n W.inut and will arrive I'lah Cnipfr M. mond, mid Inrae r "Creumrry" ng realg-natln- D. rtyan na Imp 1(17 SlurtKMKei., Sis ii,rn .The of John Hal. I, Jar $,MHI nu 4 M. VlravPar, t'hm.. th clioiit of lh pure ilmn). UOt Sfrn'ntih. t?tt. l'l.r NEW YORK COTTON same day at P. crn-tn- il dairy Oram and tho Anaconda Copper N. thlrty-ont-you- EXCHANGE. t11- 10 40 alirrlrt. Knch Ii Prealdent of HIXTH IIACK Ivn ' ir nl.ln! rendltiona, fl. Ifobt'rt Khoenrker, iaiiaiiWvalini Man IftS 1.11, alirll nlrnly of . . Open. High., Lour. Btopn .lellver nnd pick up nil In n ilnlutr It. Tlfne Company ao may de- - an I a baU Urn . to alnir that he turlonii nuliM d'nr lis old, h lawyer with offlres In the ... 34.85 37. JS 31.85 M. r., A Jl in; T 41, of purmt Confection-f- r' ilnlntr anuarra ara uctober 36.20 rd the to Qovcrn- - (inhflil, 110j hoi (.'rait lmi.), IM; lnireliaw; Itulldlng, mall will bo niado at the follow- in ! 101, 10K H'laiir and of Itia entire time the I.lmiey Newark, wis Decernber .. Ss.CO 34.S& 3S.6S illtlikji.1. lr rrDceI caramel den y arrrld In rlounCM. and' m of the service Apmiic alluwinca tlaloud, Vathr clear, ui ins nomo, no. tvt January ... 34.CS 3.35 34.44 .15.51 ing cities; of nleaalnafrrllnt, fruit nr director air Newark, on 31,40 34.05 York. ilrhlr corernt with to-d- pi,er Street. charevs of March '31.3$ 35.33 Morrat Ken fnucrant m i.Minoimted after It meet orgcry utterances, obtaining May 34.3S 35.97 , Lockha,Yi. Pa.; Cleyeland, O., rooklin. Newark, a and and ...... 34,40 35.33 DIVlbENDR DECLARED. f'liocotate. . IM-- eamranr's ,4 Inters: ,C, F. money July .,,,,. 3 fO. . 14.I& 33.43 tavnd QhlcnacvJU. , - .SS 39c .tot eaaei location a. t ?5.4a I'M I I flection dlrfctarr. J Mails wJlf .(jlo.eSvflnSj.S. jj;at-- , by reaeon'r ferarH-WfiVtI'- notwi-etmrn- to 194 Pun O. Cfct.T s(3. - 'iaret ir"IM rnnr.' 'IKtl i.'ifllP bound.- Advt. Jt tut, according to the police, atioeauker polnU. Vl Oacwi, U. 1U Oct, 1