VB- INIIIISTBIES lIMI'I'EII GIN NIL: L51 909WB1 982PLGD35222 9, OLD CHINA BAZAR STREET, 5TH FLOOR, ROOM NO. 85, KOLKATA - 700 001 Tele-fax : 033 — 2242 7270 E—mail :
[email protected] Website : www.vbindustriesltd.in February 22, 2019 The Manager The Company Secretary Corporate Relationship Department The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Limited BSE Limited 7, Lyons Range P ] Towers, Dalal Street, Fort Kolkata-70000 1 Mumbai — 400 001 Ref: Scri o BSE- 39123 CSE-10 32008 Re: Outcome of Board Meeting Dear Sir, Further to our letter dated February 15, 2019, in terms of Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we hereby inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today to approve following agendas: 1. Adding New Objects in the Memorandum of Association of the company: a), To carry on the business to produce, treat, process, prepare, alter, develop, expose, edit, exhibit, make, remake, display, print, reprint, convert, duplicate, finish, buy, sell, run, import, export cine films, TV serials, advertising films, telefilms, documentary films etc; and to act as agent, broker, distributor, proprietor, owners of copy rights, audio rights, theaters, cinema halls, dubbing rights, cinema studio and film processing labs owners and to do all other incidental acts for the attainment of the aforesaid objects of the company. b) To carry on the business of the cinematograph trade and industry in all their branches and activities and particularly the business of manufacture, production, distribution, exploitation, exhibition, import and export of all kinds of cine films, talkie films, video films, telefilms, documentary films, advertising films, TV Serials and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature for entertainment, amusement, publicity, education and instruction in all languages prevailing in the world.