Where You Read It First Sunny 58/39 THE TUFTS DAILY Est. 1980 VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 48 THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2010 TUFTSDAILY.COM Committee chair Dolan discusses search for new Tufts president

BY ELLEN KAN Daily Editorial Board

As the Presidential Search Committee this week visited the Medford/Somerville campus to get input about the search for the new university president, Peter Dolan (A ’78), the committee chair and vice chair of the Board of Trustees, sat down with the Daily to discuss the process. The search committee, made up of 13 representatives select- ed in February by the Board of ASHLEY SEENAUTH/TUFTS DAILY Trustees, is currently in the infor- Crowds gathered on the Boston Common for the Tea Party Rally. mation-collection phase of its search, in preparation for crafting a full position description against Tea partiers rally which potential candidates will be measured. “Part two [of the process] is to around Palin in Boston conduct these discussions where we’re gathering input from the TIEN TIEN/TUFTS DAILY Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees Peter Dolan is the chair of the “The big government, big debt community, which we’re in the BY SAUMYA VAISHAMPAYAN Presidential Search Committee. Daily Editorial Board agenda is over,” Palin said. “We are midst of,” Dolan said. “Step three voting them out … we must restore is to translate all that input into a ready toward the end of this and build on what’s been accom- Amid American flags and balance and common sense.” position profile, which describes month, after which the search plished here,” Dolan said. “don’t tread on me” banners, for- Though there was no official as best we can in a summary the committee will undertake its He emphasized that the mer Republican vice presidential police estimate, sources put the collective input … which char- main task of identifying a hand- nominee Sarah Palin and other crowd’s size in the thousands. acterizes how we would define ful of candidates to recommend see SEARCH, page 2 prominent members of the Tea The rally, which occurred on the role and what we think are to the trustees. Party movement spoke yesterday the eve of tax day, was the second- the important characteristics “The search committee’s task See tuftsdaily.com morning to large crowds at Boston to-last stop in a national tour that going forward.” is to narrow the field of possible for a slideshow pro- Common about the dangers of began on March 27 in Searchlight, Dolan expects that the posi- applicants down to three or four file of search com- extensive government spending tion paper defining the role of people that we believe have the mittee members. and intervention. see PALIN, page 2 the university president will be potential to lead the university Panelists highlight censorship in modern age Students discuss

BY BRENT YARNELL Daily Editorial Board Bacow’s legacy

Panelists at the fifth annual Edward R. Murrow Forum on Issues in Journalism at forums last night compared media censorship BY MICHAEL DEL MORO in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks AND CORINNE SEGAL to McCarthy-era blacklists. Daily Editorial Board “Did blacklisting really end with Joe McCarthy?” Director of the The Presidential Search Committee Communications and Media Studies this week held two open forums on the (CMS) Program Julie Dobrow, who Medford/Somerville campus to gather facilitated the panel, asked at the student input for the university president event’s opening. selection process. The panelists cited examples of post- The Tufts Community Union (TCU) 9/11 media censorship as possible Senate sponsored on Tuesday the first instances of modern day McCarthyism, forum, whose major theme was finding including Clearwater’s refusal to play a candidate in the wake of the legacy of the Dixie Chicks’ music on any of its University President Lawrence Bacow. radio stations after band members “As difficult as I think it would be to criticized the Iraqi war and the cancel- follow Larry Bacow, I think a lot of the SCOTT TINGLEY/TUFTS DAILY students — and frankly, I think that’s see MURROW, page 2 Panelists at the Murrow forum discussed the media’s coverage of the run-up to the Iraq war. why a lot of the students aren’t here today — trust everyone to make a good decision because being a university Class of 2013 elects its senators president requires you to put your own spin and your own personality in the Seven freshmen were yesterday elect- other freshmen on Senate this year, two did This turnout was significantly higher than job,” TCU President Brandon Rattiner, a ed to the Tufts Community Union (TCU) not run for reelection, while the third was the special election held at the beginning of senior, said. Sophomore Senate. not successfully re-elected. this semester to fill a vacant Senate seat — The first forum saw a low turnout of Freshmen Faith Blake, Logan Cotton, Yesterday’s election saw a 55.6 percent that election saw a 14.46 percent turnout. six students, some of whom questioned Meredith Goldberg, Yulia Korovikov, Wyatt turnout, comparable with the turnout at the Chen attributed this to the fact that special whether or not some of Bacow’s qualities, Cadley, Tabias Wilson and Shawyoun last regular Class of 2013 election in the fall, elections tend to see lower participation and especially his intimacy with the student Shaidani beat out four other contenders to which boasted a 57 percent turnout. None feature fewer candidates. body, should necessarily be what the com- claim the seven Senate seats allocated to the of the other classes voted in the election as “Having 11 versus two [candidates] just mittee looks out for. Class of 2013, according to Tufts Election their classes’ seats were uncontested. makes it a bigger turnout,” Chen said. “Do we maybe look for someone who Commission (ECOM) Chair Sharon Chen, a “I’d say it’s a fair turnout; it is one class She added that the election went smooth- won’t be as engaged in student life but sophomore. Cotton, Wilson and Goldberg and we do expect less as when more classes ly and no difficulties were encountered. who will be engaged in other facets are newcomers to the Senate, while the rest are involved,” Chen said “I’m pleased to see of the university, be it fundraising, be of the winners are incumbents. Of the three that the freshman class is active.” —by Ellen Kan see FORUM, page 2

Inside this issue Today’s Sections

A thrilling weekend of News 1 Op-Ed 11 Tufts students sew competition is on the their own fashionable horizon for three Tufts Features 3 Comics 12 pieces. teams. Weekender 5Classifieds 13 Editorial | Letters 10 Sports Back see WEEKENDER, page 5 see SPORTS, back 2 THE TUFTS DAILY NEWS Thursday, April 15, 2010 Tea Party activists attack health care reform, big government

PALIN movement appeals to constituents ment … We are going to put the istration like the student loan sys- Palin said. “Energy in America is continued from page 1 across political parties. government back on the side of tem and auto industry bailout, she security for America, so yeah, let’s Nev. The tour featured a series “We vote on principles and the people … The Constitution labeled radical changes that will drill baby drill!” of speakers showcasing the Tea values; we don’t vote on the letter provides the perfect path to a per- hinder the economy. Kremer cited the victory of Sen. Party platform of small govern- next to a person’s name,” Kremer fect union. The government that “We need to cut spending to fix Scott Brown (R-Mass.) in January ment and a strict interpretation of said. “We are here to take back governs least governs best.” the economy,” Palin said. and Congressman Bart Stupak’s the Constitution. our country.” Some rally-goers agreed with Tea Party Express speak- (D-Mich.) recent decision not to “We believe in expanding free- Rally-goers expressed similar many of the anti-large government er John Phillip Sousa IV con- seek re-election as indicators of the dom and opportunity for all, not sentiments. sentiments expressed in the rally. demned the health care bill in growing movement’s success. the intrusive reach of government “I’m here because of a general “I believe in small government,” more explicit terms. The rally, however, drew many into our lives and businesses,” disgust with the incompetence Jan Solley, a participant from “We want a simple solution to the protestors, with chants from dis- Palin said. and arrogance of the government Maine, told the Daily. “Big govern- ills of our medical system and we senting groups at times obscuring Chairman of the Tea Party about every issue, from Democrats ment leads to a loss of freedom, have the right to protest the arro- the speakers’ remarks. Express Mark Williams emphasized to Republicans,” Jim Hermance and health care is simply an assault gant abuses of our government,” One group of protestors — the that the Tea Party is not simply a told the Daily. on our freedoms. I’m appalled at Sousa said. Raging Grannies — clad in rainbow political party. “We are a constitu- Tea Party speakers stressed the the government spending, and Palin also addressed the United attire and peace signs, demonstrat- tional movement,” Williams said. need to ensure that the govern- we cannot continue on this crash States’ dependence on foreign ed their dissent through song. “Massachusetts is a blue-collar, ment truly serve the needs of the course of spending.” oil, calling for the country to “We are for peace,” Laurie working-stiff state, and we’re people, highlighting the role of Palin’s remarks about exces- boost energy production through Taymor-Berry, a member of the reclaiming it for America.” the government as described in sive spending seemed to target the nuclear sources, clean coal and Raging Grannies, told the Daily. “We Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express the Constitution. recently passed health care bill, off-shore drilling. sing songs about ending the war, director of grassroots and coalitions, “This is about the people,” Palin which, along with other reforms “We can be energy independent; foreclosures and economic justice likewise argued that the Tea Party said. “This is the people’s move- undertaken by the Obama admin- we just need the political will,” to familiar tunes.”

Search committee putting together position description Panelists criticize SEARCH while they come from a part of the uni- good group that will work very collegially to continued from page 1 versity, the challenge is to recognize … the help accomplish our task,” Dolan said. media silence Executive Committee of the Board of value that brings, but to rise above that and While the committee is committed to Trustees would make the final decision, to think about and evaluate candidates in making the process as open as possible, with a year-end target date for the comple- the context of the total needs and priorities especially at this information-gathering before Iraq war tion of the entire selection process, before of the university,” Dolan said. stage, Dolan explained that a degree of the end of University President Lawrence “That certainly applies to individual confidentiality would be needed to protect MURROW Bacow’s tenure in May 2011. interest groups who ... might want to ele- the candidates’ existing employment. continued from page 1 Dolan acknowledged that different con- vate the list of environmental issues to the “I think there will be, particularly at this lation of Bill Maher’s show “Politically stituencies have different priorities and top of the list,” Dolan said. “That has to be phase of the process, a hopefully really high Incorrect” (1993-2002) following his interests in considering the agenda for the considered in the context of challenges and level of transparency in terms of exchange dissenting political statements. university and its new president. opportunities that exist today in some of of information,” he said. “At some point, as “They couldn’t get work, they couldn’t “The university’s a complex institution the schools.” we begin to vet candidates, that transpar- get airplay, so yes, it is happening, and … and everyone, so to speak, touches the The search committee is meant to be a ency needs to go into a quiet phase.” it’s happening in some form or anoth- elephant in a slightly different way, and microcosm of the entire university commu- While the committee is still formulating er always,” filmmaker Arnie Reisman, their view of where we are today and what’s nity, as it is made up of 13 representatives its position paper, Dolan identified some director of documentary “Hollywood on needed is in large part a function of just from the trustees, faculty, alumni, adminis- qualities that would be considered in a can- Trial” (1976), said. what part of the elephant they are touching tration and the student body, coming from didate, including accessibility, fundraising The Hollywood Blacklists during at the moment,” Dolan said. all of the university’s three main campuses. ability and integrity. the late 1940s and 1950s prevented Reconciling these varied interests will “That is large enough to encompass a “Someone who has the vision to build people from working in the entertain- be a focus of the committee’s work in the cross section of our community … while on what’s happened at Tufts … over the last ment industry based on real or sus- coming weeks, following the information- still being a manageable size for a work- ten years, combined with the intellectual pected political beliefs. Reisman said gathering forums. ing group,” Jim Stern, chair of the Board of capacity that allows them to interact and the blacklist expanded to include jour- “The challenge for us as a group is to put Trustees, said in an e-mail to the Daily. lead the academic community, but also to nalists as well. all that information together and gather Stern expressed his confidence in the understand the complexity and the diver- The late Edward R. Murrow, in honor that in a clear statement which acknowl- committee members’ qualifications. sity of this university,” Dolan said. of whom the forum was established, edges how far Tufts has come, how much “We’re fortunate that many of our mem- Dolan felt the forums on the different was a journalist for CBS television the culture of transparency and commu- bers touch lots of bases … They have superb campuses have been helpful, adding that who stood up against Senator Joseph nication, for example, that’s certainly been academic credentials … They also have while some of them have centered around McCarthy of Wisconsin by criticizing part of President Bacow’s administration, is in-depth knowledge of Tufts and the abil- Bacow’s legacy, it is important for partici- him publicly on his television show “See critically important to the Tufts community, ity to identify talent and to communicate pants to look to the future. It Now” (1951-58). and to build on all of that as we look at dif- to candidates what makes the presidency “There is a clear desire on the part of Murrow was championed for his ferent candidates,” Dolan said. of this university such an extraordinary participants in all of these meetings to rec- bravery and willingness to speak out at He challenged individuals and groups to opportunity,” Stern said. ognize and acknowledge the outstanding a time when fear had a paralyzing effect take a big-picture view beyond their own Dolan said the group has met and so far contributions of President Bacow … one on those in the media industry. immediate interests. has demonstrated good dynamics. of the fun challenges … has been getting His son, Executive Director of Synergy “What we’ve really said to each of the “In aggregate, when you look at the mix of people to … think about where do we go Learning International Casey Murrow, members of the search committee is that experiences, I think it’s actually going to be a from here?” Dolan said. who was on the panel, described the fear under which the family lived at the time. “I certainly had kids in my class in New York City come up to me and say, Search committee forums seek input from community ‘Your dad’s a Commie!’” Murrow said. “I remember going home and asking my FORUM Tufts, the biggest downside was the hous- CJ Mourning, a senior, felt students mom not whether dad was a Commie, continued from page 1 ing,” sophomore Jay Farber said. “It’s sort were dissatisfied by the lack of respon- but what a Commie was.” it the academic tone of the univer- of a perennial concern.” siveness to sensitive issues. “With the This year’s forum entitled “Dixie sity?” senior Adam Weldai, the Senate’s Weldai suggested selecting someone diversity conversation, maybe students Chicking: Murrow, McCarthy, and the trustee representative on university from within the university. “I’m a big fan are reacting to it, but they don’t feel Blacklist — History Lesson or Current advancement, said. of promoting from within … I’m thinking administrators are having a very strong Event?” was sponsored by the CMS Search Committee Chair Peter Dolan someone who has been a part of Tufts reaction,” she said. “I know Tufts hires Program, the Edward R. Murrow Center (A ’78), vice chair of the Board of Trustees, and has seen where we’ve been, where we people that are dedicated to the stu- at the Fletcher School of Law and concurred that the search should not be were, and where we are and where we’re dents, but I don’t feel as though there are Diplomacy and the Tisch College of for someone who does the job like Bacow, going,” Weldai said. enough of these people hired.” Citizenship and Public Service. but rather someone who can continue a Among the qualities sought by the Sophomore Gabrielle Horton said that The panelists drew parallels between flourishing university’s success. students present were a strong, grounded a lack of diversity dialogue contributes Edward Murrow’s debates with “I think it’s an extraordinary opportuni- presence, accessibility to students, ambi- to the isolation of minority students. McCarthy and what they deemed to ty for someone to lead, doing the job with tion, intellect, quirkiness and good fund- “Not only do we not promote racial dia- be poor reporting and coverage by the the unique mix of what their strengths raising skills. logue, we do not realize how necessary it news media in the lead-up to the 2003 are and continuing to build on what posi- The second forum, sponsored by the is,” she said. invasion of Iraq. tively has taken place over the course of Dean of Student Affairs, yesterday drew a Senior Jenny Lau hopes the new “We, in this country, walked into the last five or 10 years,” Dolan said. higher turnout of approximately 35 peo- president will recognize and respond to Iraq without the media doing its job,” Committee member Bernard ple. The student-dominated discussion racial issues. Program Director of the Murrow Center Harleston, trustee Emeritus and former centered primarily on diversity issues, “Students of color and the very few fac- Crocker Snow said. dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, as students and faculty discussed how a ulty of color at Tufts feel this burden to do Journalist Lynne Olson, author of said that the challenge is to find another university president could contribute to the work that administrators should be “The Murrow Boys: Pioneers on the president of equal caliber but with differ- dialogue on race. doing in creating a supportive environ- Front Lines of Broadcast Journalism” ent qualities. Seniors Marie-Gabrielle Isidore and ment,” she said. “I would like a president (1997), said that leading up to the inva- Students also discussed the new presi- Dan Stone cited a lack of communication who’s more dedicated and invested in sion, journalists failed to ask the tough dent’s role, expressing their hopes for between students and the administration creating a supportive environment for questions that should have been asked. Tufts’ future. as a major problem. the diverse students on this campus.” “One of those things that would drive “A priority for the next university presi- “One of the biggest issues that I see here Freshman Adam Sax said he wanted a Ed Murrow mad was the tendency to be dent is to re-engage or to make alumni is the lack of dialogue between faculty president who would be honest. “I would timid,” Olson said. more accessible for current undergradu- and students and the Board of Trustees, want a leader who’s not afraid to express According to Olson, part of the prob- ates,” Rattiner said. “I know that I’ve which I think hinders Tufts’ ability to rise [his] own opinion,” he said. lem was networks’ growing shift away found the alumni to be a little bit more in the rankings,” Isidore said. “I think fac- Committee member and trustee Alfred from news to entertainment, with news inaccessible for a school of this caliber.” ulty and the Board of Trustees really need Tauber stressed that students’ input programs today being more entertaining Other concerns included the quality to come and talk to students.” would be given weight. “I appreciate the but less informative than before. of facilities, in particular the dormitories “That’s a lot of what I’ve been hear- honesty of the comments, and I think it’s “One of his favorite things was edu- and athletic facilities. ing, is that there’s this huge removal of going to influence the process,” he said. “I cation,” Olson said. “I think he would “In my admissions experience and for the official Tufts administrative processes think you should walk out of here know- be disappointed today at the lack of a lot of my friends who are looking at from the student body,” Stone said. ing your voices are going to be heard.” analysis and education [in media].” 3

FFeatureseaturtuftsdailyes.com Universities claim they see classroom BEN KOCHMAN | BETWEEN THE SLICES The truth is potential in the iPad in the cheese BY CARTER ROGERS Daily Editorial Board n recent years, the most contentious bat- tlefield in the fast-food industry has been Apple’s new iPad tablet computer the fight for breakfast sandwich suprem- has been on the market for little more Iacy. As the McDonald’s and Burger Kings than a week, but that hasn’t stopped of the world have ventured into coffee sales, Seton Hill University, a Catholic liberal chain coffee shops have begun trying to sell arts school in Greensburg, Pa., from real food (meaning not muffins or donuts) making the device a key part of the to a larger demographic. The hope here is school’s future. Starting this fall, the that people will be lazy enough to pick up a university will be giving all incoming sandwich at the same time that they pick up freshmen an Apple iPad. their morning coffee. Seton Hill is promoting the initia- Though I often frequent Starbucks and tive so heavily that if users type www. Dunkin’ Donuts, I have consciously stayed setonhill.edu into their Web browsers, clear of the sandwich options that these they will be taken straight to a page two national java titans offer. But yesterday promoting the free iPad initiative. morning, I decided to do some detective Kary Coleman, Seton Hill’s director work on the subject. The result, dear reader, of media relations and communica- is this rundown, so that if you are ever in tions, refuted claims that the univer- dire straits and need to grab a quick bite, sity is merely using the iPad offer as a you’ll know what to expect. gimmick to lure prospective students, The Slightly Pretentious Bacon, Egg and but noted that the school has gotten Cheese: Starbucks’ success revolves around plenty of attention for the offer. a few basic principles: 1) They make tasty “In one day, Seton Hill’s [Web site] lattés, 2) Americans are addicted to caf- experienced an increase of 30,000 feine, and 3) average Americans, as proud unique visitors to the site,” Coleman of their culture as they may be, like to said in an e-mail to the Daily. “We are pretend that they are fancy Europeans. pleased that this Web site strategy has Starbucks’ sophisticated sentiment is helped to make the information about reflected in the chain’s sandwich options, the iPad easily accessible for current which are labeled as “artisan.” I ordered and prospective students, alumni, the bacon, smoked Gouda and Parmesan friends and the media.” frittata sandwich ($3.25 in Davis Square), Students are getting free iPads as a which is pre-made and then toasted so that part of Seton Hill’s Griffin Technology the cheese is all warm and melty. Advantage program (named after the Despite the Parmesan element in the egg school’s mascot), which will also pro- being entirely undetectable, and the egg vide incoming freshmen with new itself having somewhat of a spongy texture, Apple Macbook computers, which will I was actually very impressed by the sand- be replaced after two years. wich all in all, especially from a fast-food “In these challenging economic joint. The bread is a sourdough bun with times, we made strategic decisions to MCT a distinctive crust that has some give to it. shift resources and invest in technolo- Two universities are offering iPads to all incoming freshmen, but there are catches. The Gouda is fully melted and gooey on gies that optimize the students’ access both slices of bread and actually tastes like to resources. The Griffin Technology increased technology fee ($500) com- its mobility and the ease with which real cheese. The bacon has nice fat content Advantage program provides an pared to $300 for current students. faculty and students, in the future, and, while overly salty on its own, blends opportunity to transform the way fac- Seton Hill claims the increased tech- will have immediate access to e-text- nicely into the sandwich as a whole. ulty teach and the way students learn,” nology fee for freshmen is designed to books and comprehensive and inte- Starbucks’ slogan for its sandwiches JoAnne Boyle, the president of Seton improve technological infrastructure grated learning. With the iPad, stu- reads, “Great coffee deserves great food,” Hill University, said in a press release. rather than pay for the iPads. dents can create, produce, and share but these “artisan” sandwiches are not Though all incoming students will Coleman stated that the iPad has work instantly with faculty and fellow great. No pre-made sandwich that does receive an iPad and a Macbook, there is serious classroom potential. “The iPad not use freshly cooked eggs ever could be a catch. Incoming students will pay an was chosen by Seton Hill because of see IPAD, page 4 great. The java giant does, however, do an adequate job of masking its faults and offer- ing up a flavorful meal to go along with its beverage content. America’s Breakfast Sandwich: Dunkin’ Tufts students create both small- and Donuts would like you to believe that “America Runs on Dunkin’.” I always thought that America ran on the sweat of large-scale energy projects over-worked Indonesian youths, but never- theless, here I am, trying two sandwiches: BY CATHERINE CHEN solar energy power source for the com- energy system in Balan installed by next the basic ham, egg and cheese, and the Contributing Writer munity in Balan, Haiti. winter break. “waffle sandwich” (both $2.79). “Our group went on an assessment trip SEAH is not the only group on cam- While I like DD’s coffee, their sandwiches Sustainable energy research is a in 2008 to assess problems and evaluate pus interested in sustainable energy left much to be desired. The ham, egg and hot topic for the green movement, the community. Balan is a large commu- research. Ioannis Valsamakis, a graduate cheese looked like they were thrown down and Tufts is already involved with the nity, very organized, but they don’t have a student in the School of Engineering, haphazardly, without direction, on an groundbreaking area of study. However, lot, and they wanted an energy project,” has been working on his own energy English muffin. The combination was fla- students at Tufts may not be aware of Frisell said. “We decided a solar project research project. vorless, save for the nauseating processed sustainable energy projects already in would be the best suited, based on the “I work with a professor and a group taste of the orange slice of American cheese existence on campus. resources they had.” of engineers. We deal with catalytic reac- that the DD server failed to fully melt. Currently, energy research at Tufts is Today, SEAH is well on its way to see- tions,” Valsamakis said. “The project is The waffle sandwich was a definite limited, with only a few students involved. ing its goal achieved. British Petroleum essentially a gas clean-up process. We improvement, and kudos to DD for attempt- One group that hopes to raise awareness donated 12 solar panels to the cause in clean up the sulfur in gases so that the ing to replicate the McGriddle and create of the work it is doing is Sustainable late 2009. SEAH must soon decide wheth- hydrogen can be used in fuel cells.” a savory-sweet fusion. There were three Energy Access for Haiti (SEAH). er to install the panels in the community’s A fuel cell can be compared to a battery. problems with this sandwich, however. For Though SEAH is comprised of only 10 school or its new birthing center, which is It is a source of energy that is extremely starters, the waffle itself had a really mushy students and one professional engineer- being built by RESPE, a Tufts Institute sustainable — it can theoretically con- texture to it. Second, the egg layer had a ing consultant, sophomore Maren Frisell, for Global Leadership community health tinue to produce energy forever — and mouth-feel similar to a plastic trash bag. one of the heads of SEAH, said that the group and SEAH’s sister organization. is comparatively clean. Ideally, the only And finally: the cheese. Once again, it was group nonetheless manages to accom- The decision is a tough one: Either byproduct of a fuel cell is water, mean- orange and not fully melted, but this time plish a great deal. they power lights for the school so that ing it produces no greenhouse gases. smeared around a little to create the viscous “We started as an Engineers Without community meetings can be held there Because fuel cells require hydrogen to illusion of melting. Borders (EWB) project in 2007 but are and children can study at night, or they run, Valsamakis’ project aims to make the DD’s waffle sandwich definitely has no longer sponsored by them anymore,” power small refrigerators to hold critical gases that enter the fuel cell more usable potential, though. If they can somehow Frisell said. “Now we have funding from vaccines for the birthing center. by cleaning out the sulfur beforehand. steal Starbucks’ cheese, fix the soggy the Institute of Global Leadership as SEAH plans to visit Haiti again this “Right now, we don’t have pure hydro- waffle issue, and learn how to use a well as [the Jonathan M. Tisch College of summer to further assess the area and to gen available,” he explained. “So what toaster correctly, the result just might Citizenship and Public Service].” start building the cement foundation for we’re trying to do is use what we have, be something tasty. EWB is an organization devoted to the solar panels. The group also hopes to more conventional fuels, and make Here’s hoping that the next time America “low-tech, high-impact projects in … hire skilled workers in the area to help them as clean as possible for use in the decides to run on Dunkin’, we won’t run developing countries” according to its with construction. fuel cells.” into an abyss of nauseating misery. Web site. “We do want to help the local econo- Once the process is perfected, these Frisell and junior Allison Fechter, along my, so while we’re there, we’re hoping to fuel cells will be a huge breakthrough in with SEAH’s two other student leaders, find a local electrician or technician we energy research because of their long life Ben Kochman is a freshman who has not sophomore Mike Graifman and sopho- can use,” Fechter said. yet declared a major. He can be reached at more Lauren Klinker, hope to build a SEAH projects to have the entire solar see ENERGY, page 4 [email protected]. 4 THE TUFTS DAILY FEATURES Thursday, April 15, 2010 Owners say iPad can be used effectively for work as well as play IPAD PowerPoint-like presentation tool; and continued from page 3 Numbers, a spreadsheet application. students. In addition, they can use “Clearly, the iPad is a very useful Evernote, a note-taking program, that multimedia device, but it’s also a very syncs notes, photos, and voice memos fast computer that can run applica- automatically with their computers,” tions … Just like our standard comput- Colman said. ers are multimedia devices, but they’re Seton Hill is not the only institution also tools to get work done,” Mondello placing heavy emphasis on the iPad. said. “I think I could get legitimate George Fox University in Newburg, work done and accomplish things Ore. has offered computers to all with the iPad with the right software, incoming students, which have been and the software is coming out.” included in the cost of tuition in the Computer Science Lecturer Ming past, but this year, it is giving stu- Chow (E ’02) also owns a new iPad and dents the choice of receiving an iPad believes the device has the chance to or a Macbook. Representatives from innovate in the classroom. George Fox University could not be “It can open up a lot of new oppor- reached for comment at press time. tunities,” Chow said. “One thing I can Tufts sophomore and iPad owner certainly envision is, for example, Richard Mondello thinks the iPad has the Perseus project. One thing that potential as an educational device but Professor [Gregory] Crane could do is thinks it is a bit premature to declare he could render an interactive muse- the iPad an essential component of um of vases from Greece and ren- the classroom of the future. der them and have everyone on their “Even though I love the device and iPads take a look at them. I think there’s a lot of potential, and “It can create a lot of very rich expe- I think it’ll get much better when the riences,” Chow continued. MCT Sustainable Access for Haiti hopes to install 12 solar panels in the village of Balan. applications get better over time, the The Perseus Project is a digital school deciding to give out iPads to library run by Crane that contains students a week after it’s come onto documents and images of artifacts Students work to develop sustainable the marketplace seems a little prema- from the ancient Greco-Roman world. ture to me,” Mondello said. “I don’t The device’s small size also makes it think the platform is that thoroughly appealing to educators, Chow said. communities and a sustainable planet tested. I can see how it could be a “I love it. It is the best computer I ENERGY SEAH will also have a booth at the useful device: an Internet browsing have had. The only problem [is that continued from page 3 Energy Showcase. device with word-processing capabili- it is] hard to do programming on it. and their green-friendly characteristics, “The forum will be a good chance to ties and all sorts of stuff.” But everything that it can do like according to Valsamakis. Though fuel cell spread the word a little bit more and to Mondello added that though the book reading, web browsing, playing technology is not viable yet, the research network with some of the companies who iPad is an entertainment device, much games, it is phenomenal. As an edu- done by individuals like Valsamakis makes will be there, since we are still looking for like any laptop or desktop computer, cator, it is a very lightweight machine it a possibility for the future. donations,” Fechter said. it can also have the potential to serve so I do not have to lug around my This year, Valsamakis is also the head “When you’re doing the science, some- as a productivity tool with the right trusty laptop,” Chow said in a follow- of the Tufts Energy Showcase, which is times all you focus on are the fundamen- software. up e-mail to the Daily. a part of the Tufts Energy Conference tals, and you lose sight of the bigger pic- Currently, the top five paid applica- Even if the iPad does not become a and will take place in Cabot Auditorium ture, like how you can make a change that tions on Apple’s iPad App Store are classroom or workplace fixture, it is on Friday, April 16. Valsamakis recognizes is feasible and how you can change every- all productivity related: Pages, a word still successful as an entertainment that as a scientist, it is crucial for him to day life with something that is usable,” he processing program; Goodreader, device: Since launching last Sunday, connect with others interested in the non- said. “The conference showcase — all of a PDF viewer; Stick it, an “app” that Apple has sold over 600,000 iPads in scientific aspects of energy research, such us there are working in energy in some allows for users to place virtual sticky the United States alone, according to as SEAH. way, so it’s a great exchange of ideas.” notes on their iPad screen; Keynote, a U.S. News & World Report.

Rakesh Satyal Author of Blue Boy, Editor at Harper Collins

Blue Boy Blue Boy, Satyal’s debut novel, is a coming- Department of Drama and Dance presents of-age story about Kiran Sharma, a young Indian boy growing up with immigrant parents in 1990’s suburban Ohio. As an only for child, Kiran discovers that his interests don’t align with “standard stuff for a boy of his background,” and becomes a social outcast for his reluctance to follow his parents wishes. colored girls However, one day, he has a revelation, and “a long, strange trip is about to begin” for Kiran. who have Rakesh Satyal graduated in 2002 with a B.A. in Comparative Literature and Creative Writing from Princeton University, where he won the 2002 Ward Mathis Prize for best short story written considered by an undergraduate. He has been published in a variety of anthologies, including the Lambda Award-winning The Man I Might Become: Gay Men Write About Their Fathers. Rakesh is suicide when currently an editor at Harper Collins in NYC. the rainbow Everyone is welcome to events with Rakesh! Tuesday, April 20 3:00 - 4:15pm is enuf Reading, Q&A, and Discussion on Blue Boy by Ntozake Shange With English 2-29 (Asian American Experience) directed by Monica White Ndounou Asian American Center, Start House, 17 Latin Way choreographed by Mila Thigpen

April 15-17 & 22-24, 2010 at 8 pm $7 Tufts ID/Seniors - $12 General Public $7 on April 15 - $1 on April 22 5:00 - 6:30pm Balch Arena Theater, Tufts University 617-627-3493 for tickets & information Co-Sponsored by the Department of Music & the AS&E Diversity Fund Dinner Conversation: “How LGBT youth are portrayed in today’s media” (Indian cuisine will be served) LGBT Center, Bolles House, 226 College Ave

Sponsored by Grace Talusan’s English 2-29 (Asian American Experience), Asian American Center, and LGBT Center For more info: [email protected] and [email protected] 5

ARTS & LIVING tuftsdaily.com

In Stitches

Nowadays, not everyone has a Singer in the household. That’s the sewing machine, not the vocalist. But with vintage stores cropping up in Somerville and online crafting communities like Etsy.com available, do-it- yourself attire is still an attractive option for creative types. This writer posted an ad to TuftsLife.com seek- ing the sewing-savvy and was surprised at the response. Whether for relaxation, creative expression or repairs, these students are among those who choose to stitch their way through the semesters.

KRISTEN COLLINS/TUFTS DAILY BY JESSICA BAL Alyssa Skiba, a costume designer for the drama department, takes inspiration from vintage fashion. Daily Editorial Board

things, and I felt like doing things without to sewing and crafts, Gruner said: “I think a pattern was even more do-it-yourself.” Plus, it’s [sewing] is important, if only for making easier — or so Gruner claims. “I can pinch things here things that you feel like are really yours in and sew it there and cut it if it doesn’t fit right. There’s some way.” less math involved.” Lately, she’s completed a few dresses and a backpack. The Fashionista The bag loosely resembles an owl, with swoops of bur- gundy fabric on the sides and a yellow triangle (or beak, Rhianna Jones’ room is a haven of Francophilia and depending on the interpretation) forming the flap. She fashion inspiration. She’s made a vanity table fit for The Crafty Freshman has a shop on Etsy through which she sells mostly knitted Grace Kelly from a dorm dresser and blanketed her work — along with hula hoops. During a gap year in San walls with magazine cutouts. The sophomore lives and Mariah Gruner has been sewing for over 10 years and is Francisco between high school and Tufts, Gruner applied breathes fashion. about to conclude her first at Tufts. The freshman learned her handiwork to a hula hooping subculture there, con- “It’s the only thing that consumes me, that really drives to thread a needle at age seven or eight and completed by structing personalized hoops out of tubing bought at me,” Jones said. “I could actually go through runways age 14 her first large project: a red, bandana-print dress Home Depot. from the past 60 years for days and not get bored.” that she now considers “pretty goofy.” Since her silly red Now, Gruner’s crafty sensibilities are put to use during Jones debated going to fashion school before Tufts and dress, Gruner has transitioned into embroidery, weav- her Sculptural Fiber class at the School of the Museum dreams of being a stylist at Paris Vogue, but in the mean- ing, felting and other textile arts. She’s also become more of Fine Arts (SMFA), in which she’s currently crocheting time, she tries her hand at designing her own attire. While experimental in her creations. pillows that fit into each other like Russian dolls. Between not trained on a sewing machine yet, Jones has a gift for “I don’t really follow patterns anymore,” Gruner the class and personal projects, Gruner said she averages infusing found objects with an afterlife. She hand-stitches said. “I like to be connected to the beginnings of my between three and four pieces per month. When it comes adjustments and add-ons to garb found at Goodwill and other thrift stores, making otherwise unfortunate pieces into fabulous wardrobe enhancements. Standouts include a light blue jacket made from a maternity dress and a jacket/dress (it serves as both) in army olive green with dramatic high shoulders bolstered by balls of yarn. Some of Jones’ creations are designs-made-into-reality from her Art as Fashion course. She has also built a col- lection of customized T-shirts, some of which have been “It’s the only gifted to friends. Jones cites street style and designers with an appreciation for casual wear as influences. thing that “Fashion is definitely moving toward the more street- oriented, which is good, because that’s where it starts,” consumes me, Jones said. With high fashion lines collaborating with stores like that really Target and style experts like Alexander Wang making T-shirts and denim chic, Jones hails a new era of fashion drives me. I in which the bold — like her oversized, yarn-ball shoul- ders — becomes accessible. could actually “I think there’s a trend now of assuming fashion is a part of your life instead of seeing it as some sort of trivial, go through intimidating thing,” Jones said. “It’s about defining your own style and rocking it.” runways from The Costume Creator the past 60 Three jitterbugging couples dance across sophomore years for days Alyssa Skiba’s skirt. She has embroidered them on herself from a collection of transfers she dug up online from the and not get ’40s and ’50s. Skiba explained how she gravitates toward vintage styles when dreaming up her handmade attire bored.” and embellishments. She’s an avid watcher of “Mad Men” and finds inspiration in old advertisements. She’s been familiar with the workings of a needle and thread since middle school, and, like Gruner, Skiba pre- - Rhianna Jones fers to forgo patterns. “I really love the imperfections that come along with making things by hand,” Skiba said. “It gives those pieces character and personality. When I make something for myself, I feel like part of me is translated onto the fabric.” Skiba doesn’t consider herself a fashionista. In fact, she

DILYS ONG/TUFTS DAILY hardly follows current trends at all — unless you count pastel see SEWING, page 7 6 THE TUFTS DAILY WEEKENDER Thursday, April 15, 2010

THEATER REVIEW Puppets populate world of the Brothers Grimm Young cast provides mature performances in ‘Cabaret Grimm’

BY MICHELLE BEEHLER Daily Editorial Board

In blending the tales of the Brothers Grimm with a cabaret context, the resulting punk-rock fairy tale means to Le Cabaret Grimm

Written and Directed by Jason Slavick At the Boston Center for the Arts through April 24 Tickets $20 and up be bold, experimental and hilarious. “Le Cabaret Grimm” also breaks from tradi- tional theater narrative by opening with the “HUBbub,” a series of extraordinary and unconventional performances. “Le Cabaret Grimm” is the inaugural production of The Performance Lab, a new theater company founded by Jason Slavick. The production is also written and directed by Slavick, who, along with his fellow collaborators, hopes to broaden and redefine the boundaries of Boston’s theater scene. Right from the start, The Performance Lab proves its dedication to revealing a new, exciting theater scene — one that is already underway, but not entirely well known. The entire first act of the show, the “HUBbub,” is an unprecedented and completely separate performance from “Le Cabaret Grimm” and stands more as a precursor to the fictional cabaret than as a part of it. The “HUBbub” is comprised of dif- ferent acts from underground Boston JASON SLAVICK/THE PERFORMANCE LAB artists and is a part of The Performance We’re pretty sure that this is the same “lion-face guy” from the “Like A Virgin” (1984) music video by Madonna. Lab’s mission to draw attention to Boston’s alternative art scene. Each change from week to week, audiences 10, guest performers included Walter tive theater, it was a mix of highs and week, the “HUBbub” highlights a dif- have the option of returning to the the- Sickert & the ARmy of BRoken TOys, jojo lows and was outshone by the following ferent set of performances hosted by ater for another performance — and a The Burlesque Poetess and Madge of “Le Cabaret Grimm.” the gender-bending performance artist completely different experience. Honor. While this weekend’s “HUBbub” Johnny Blazes. Since the opening acts For the first weekend, from April 8 to was a fun, intriguing glimpse at alterna- see CABARET, page 8

MOVIE REVIEW ALBUM REVIEW ‘Emotion & Commotion’ presents meek eff ort from guitar legend BY MATTHEW WELCH Daily Staff Writer

Despite all of the flak he’s received for his last few albums, Jeff Beck does deserve some credit. As he aged, Beck Emotion and Commotion Jeff Beck

Rhino Records

never let his music succumb to the nostalgia that domesticated his fel- low guitar gods. RHINO.COM While Jimmy Page was still releas- Jeff Beck should maybe recruit the eagle ing live renditions of Led Zeppelin to be a guitarist, because his backing band Z.ABOUT.COM really dropped the ball. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth discover first love in the latest film from Nicholas Sparks. material, Beck was fusing his unique guitar style with electronica on “You Had It Coming” (2001) and “Jeff” fail to light a similar fire beneath ‘The Last Song’ portrays typical Nicholas (2003). Although the tracks on these Beck, keeping his sound all too com- albums were inconsistent, they still placent. Sparks film at its very worst bore the energy of an artist who The album opens somberly with a refutes stereotypes with each release. rendition of the medieval folk song BY ANNA WILLIAMS First-time feature director Julie Anne Unfortunately, this momentum “Corpus Christi Carol.” Beck’s signa- Daily Staff Writer Robinson helms “The Last Song,” which failed to carry over for Beck’s latest, ture style is recognizable from the first is the story of a rebellious teenage girl “Emotion & Commotion.” waver of vibrato. A 64-piece orchestra Although it would be so easy to who has issues with her father. Ronnie Although “Emotion & Commotion” swells in to support the guitarist. apply maxims about love and find- (Miley Cyrus) and her brother, Jonah still showcases Beck’s fluency in vari- Classical orchestration is the most ing oneself to the movie “The Last (Bobby Coleman), are sent down to ous genres of music, it hardly plays dominant component of Beck’s latest their father’s house in Georgia for the like a Beck album. Even the worst album. Unfortunately, the arrange- The Last Song summer. Ronnie, a defiant adolescent tracks from this release’s two prede- ments hardly keep Beck on his toes; blessed with a musical gift, stubbornly cessors kept Beck nimble and safely strings sweep in cloyingly, practically agrees to stay with her father, Steve away from any semblance of a com- ushering each note from the guitar (Greg Kinnear), who had left a few fort zone. along a pleasant, predictable path. Starring Miley Cyrus, Greg years earlier. Like any great soloist, Beck has The pacifying effect on Beck’s playing Kinnear, Liam Hemsworth Ronnie’s cold demeanor is chal- always been best with an energetic is palpable. Directed by Julie Anne Robinson lenged when she meets hunky local backing group. Even when live musi- One of Beck’s strengths has always Will (Liam Hemsworth), and she is cians were absent on “You Had It been avoiding the traditional sounds Song,” this movie doesn’t even deserve forced to open her heart to a sum- Coming” and “Jeff,” the dynamism of the guitar; his usage of extreme vague appropriations and connections mer romance. Will and Ronnie unite of David Torn and Aiden Love’s elec- bends, the whammy bar and volume to reality. With its predictable plot and despite their differences; Will comes tronic arrangements gave Beck a swells all helped him free electric dreadful acting, the lack of originality from a strict, Southern, blue-blood playground of noises to respond to. guitar from rock aesthetics. Although in “The Last Song” has cost itself the family, and Ronnie must make peace Despite this album’s phenomenal these unconventional techniques satisfaction of teenage girls nation- backing band, the music and arrange- wide. see SONG, page 8 ments of “Emotion & Commotion” see BECK, page 8 Thursday, April 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY WEEKENDER 7


Dear Conan O’Brien, We were so happy when it was announced on Monday that you’ll be coming back to television with a late night talk show on TBS (Very Funny). It seems like a good fit, seeing as you actually are Very Funny — certainly more Very Funny than “Tyler Perry’s House of Payne” and endless “Family Guy” reruns. You’re also way more Very Funny than George Lopez on “Lopez Tonight,” who you’ll be replacing at 11 p.m. Don’t feel bad for him, though. TBS (Very Funny) is Conan-ing him right into the 12 a.m. slot, so he can continue embarrassing celebrities, talk show hosts and Latinos everywhere with his overwrought “antics.” (By the way, did you see the ad for the show with a dude peeing his pants, and the stain was in the shape of Lopez’s face? Because wow.) Basically, we’re happy you’re going to get back to work, doing what you do best. We know it’s kind of silly to feel sorry for a multi-millionaire; damn, you got a lot of money out of NBC — nice job. But you seem so sad and distraught on your Twitter (@ConanOBrien)! And on your beard’s Twitter (@CoCosBeard)! Cheer up, Conan and Conan’s beard! Also, we hear that Max Weinberg, your longtime bandleader, wants to ditch you for Jay Leno’s “The Tonight Show” — that traitor. To that, we say good riddance. Does he not remember all the drama that went down in January? Fine then, he’s no longer allowed on Team Coco. So get back behind your fancy wooden desk, give Andy Richter a call, wrangle the Masturbating Bear and start rehearsing your String Dance, Coco. We’re sure your new show is going to vastly extend the limits of what can be considered TBS Very Funny. Sincerely, The Daily Arts Department MCT

TOP TEN | THINGS THAT COULD BE ON JUDAH FRIEDLANDER’S HAT Arts and crafts revived by sewing-savvy We at the Daily Arts Plus, we’re sure there’s some Department were very excited sort of sexual innuendo going Jumbos for Judah Friedlander’s comedy on here… show this past Monday night SEWING Anthropologie and Free People. A jacket tossed on in Cohen Auditorium. We were 5. HEY, EYES DOWN THERE!: continued from page 5 her couch was designed with a Free People one in especially anxious to see what Where else would they be?! pencil skirts worn by January Jones’ Betty on Mad Men. mind; the result is a thoughtful layering of fake fur would be on his iconic hat, “It’s less important for me to be on the cutting and floral, embroidered bands. and we think that “Campeón 4. 8: This is what Judah’s hat edge of what’s going on than to make things I genu- “I definitely like everything I make to be differ- del Mundo” was a pretty good would say if he were a hipster in inely like and feel proud of,” Skiba said. ent,” Carnahan said. “I’m of the mantra that I’d showing. This also got us to denial who had a thing for post- Knitting and embroidery are calming exercises rather have things that I love than a lot of things.” thinking, so we decided to modernism. I mean, hey, he’s she completes while watching movies or television, Like Jones, she took the Art as Fashion course at assemble our Top Ten ideas for already got the hipster glasses and she says the experience becomes infused in the the SMFA. And like Jones, Carnahan has a penchant future hats for Mr. Friedlander. to match. final product. “It’s a way to personalize things I have for all things recycled. She shows off an apron made and make articles of clothing more interesting and from a purse and an old dress, with small pothold- 10. ART$ Win!: We’re sure 3. BODY BY HOSTESS: We’re special to me,” Skiba said. “Sometimes I remember, ers in each pocket and a tie made from the decon- Friedlander appreciates some not saying Judah is fat or any- ‘Oh, I made this skirt while I was watching ‘Roman structed bag’s strap. She holds it up against a pair of Miley Cyrus and good grammar. thing. We’re just saying there’s Holiday’ [1953].’” shorts that she cut from pants she’d grown out of; We’d give him five stars if we probably a correlation between Skiba works as an employee in the Drama they have colorful stripes of fabric down the sides could review him, especially if his Twinkie intake and his Program’s costume shop, and she recently served designed to expand their size, and thus their use. he advertised the best section of T-shirt size. as assistant costume designer for the department’s “When you go out the door knowing ‘I made this,’ the Daily on his hat. February production of “Hedda Gabler.” While it’s a good feeling,” Carnahan said. 2.HANDS OFF THE MERCH- Skiba sews along the lines for theater productions, 9. THURSDAYS AT 9:30 ON ANDISE: Judah frequently she still savors opportunities to make personalized, The Fraternity Brother NBC: Simply put, we’re smitten suffers from excessive female playful pieces on her own — like a crocheted mous- with NBC’s fantastic sitcom “30 attention because of his sta- tache for her roommate during Hanukkah. “I’m kind of like a mom,” said sophomore L.A. Rock” and think it would be tus as both a world champion Creech with a laugh. The Sigma Epsilon brother was hilarious if Friedlander’s hat was and an international sex icon. The Home Ec Superstar referring to his sewing abilities, which he acquired an advertisement for the show This hat message would prob- when he took Drama 17 during the second semester within the show! How ironic?! ably prevent him from suffer- Junior Sara Carnahan loves having an off-cam- of his freshman year. The class includes a mix of all ing multiple instances of sexual pus apartment — in part because it offers her things theater: set design, lighting technique and, of 8. VON DOUCHE: Suck it, harassment. more space for her sewing nook. In the corner course, costuming. Ashton Kutcher. right at the top of the stairs, Carnahan stashes Creech had to sew a pair of pajamas for the course. 1. BACOW IS MY HOMEBOY: her sewing machine and dress form, along with He browsed a discount fabrics store in Somerville 7. LOCAL SPORTS TEAM: Pair it with the shirt that’s been a smattering of in-progress projects and printed called “Sewfisticated” and found the perfect pattern: Nothing says “I don’t care about floating around campus, and fabrics waiting for designs. Spongebob Squarepants. Actually making the paja- sports” like a hat that ironically you’ve got a winning ensemble. Carnahan has been sewing since the fourth mas, Creech said, was a lot of work. “But it taught me endorses any sports team in the We love you, Larry! grade, when she started with a quilt. Her mother, a lot. If anything gets ripped, I can fix it now, which is hat-wearer’s current location. who openly admitted she was an embarrassment awesome,” Creech said. “And I’m pretty rowdy, so I rip in Home Economics class in her school days, things often.” 6. NUTTER BUTTERS: Who —compiled by the Daily Arts made sure Carnahan learned the skill. By the time Creech’s friends have learned that he’s the guy with doesn’t love Nutter Butters? Department Carnahan made it to Home Ec and two semesters the sewing kit, and the one who will mend their rips of sewing classes, she was making four pairs of and tears as well. pajamas while others were completing just one. “Sewing is a helpful skill,” he said. “At first, friends Now she makes a project every month or two, laugh, and I say, ‘You’ll learn. One day you’re going depending on her workload. But sewing also offers to come to me when something rips.’ And they do.” Looking for something artsy to do this a welcome respite from class work. “When I get Recently Creech has decided to teach himself to knit. kind of cranky, it calms me down,” Carnahan said. He looked up instructions online and is still learning. weekend? Check out these events: She has a feminine taste marked by little As for the Spongebob Squarepants PJs? “I wear details along the lines of attire sold at stores like them all the time,” Creech said. “For Colored Girls Who Alvin Ailey American Dance Have Considered Suicide Theatre: The renowned dance When the Rainbow is troupe comes to Boston to Enuf”: Professor Monica celebrate Judith Jamison’s Ndounou has struggled for 20th anniversary as its artistic years to get this controversial, director and as a part of the unconventional play about black Celebrity Series of Boston. The women in America produced at Alvin Ailey American Dance Tufts, and this weekend, her Theatre is known for incor- “I’m of the plan finally comes to fruition. porating African-American (Tickets are $7. Performances culture into its perception of are in Balch Arena Theater at modern dance. (Evening per- mantra that 8 p.m. April 15-17 and April formances, April 15-18 at the 22-24.) Citi Wang Theatre. Tickets are $35 and up.) I’d rather have Rokia Traoré at the Somerville Theatre: Malian singer, song- Tufts Battle of the Bands: The writer and guitarist Rokia Traoré top five Tufts bands square off things that I will be bringing her lively, con- for the opportunity to play temporary African sound to the side-stage at Spring Fling. the Somerville Theatre with The judging criteria are partly love than a lot a unique blend of Afro-pop based on crowd response, so beats and bluesy instrumentals. come help decide whose music Free pre-performance talk with will usher in Drake and OK of things.” Rokia Traoré starts at 6 p.m. Go! (Saturday, April 17 from 3 (Friday, April 16 from 8 p.m. p.m. to 6 p.m. at Hotung Café. to 10 p.m. at the Somerville Admission is free.) Theatre. Tickets are $35. Call - Sara Carnahan WorldMusic/CRASHarts at 617- 876-4275 or buy online at —compiled by the Daily Arts worldmusic.org.) Department KRISTEN COLLINS/TUFTS DAILY 8 THE TUFTS DAILY WEEKENDER Thursday, April 15, 2010 Cyrus lacks character depth as she ventures outside ‘Hannah Montana’ SONG this movie is not the mediocre plot continued from page 6 line or the poorly written script with who she is and how she fits in inspired and written by Sparks — it’s with this new life and with Will. the star herself, Cyrus. Despite her Throughout the summer, Steve attempts, Cyrus ultimately fails at tries to find a way to reconnect with moving from television to the silver his daughter. At first, her resistance is screen. overwhelming and discouraging, but a relationship between Ronnie and Steve eventually develops, as expect- Ultimately, the worst thing ed. Ronnie begins the summer deter- mined to be miserable; she makes about this movie was not the family situation unbearable, the mediocre plot line or shuts out romantic opportunities and refuses her place at Juilliard despite the poorly written script her immense talent as a concert pia- nist. However, with some coaxing, inspired and written by the “real” Ronnie comes out, and she Sparks — it’s the star herself, develops into a decent person despite her original angst. Cyrus. “The Last Song” is the latest in a string of films based on material written by Nicholas Sparks (who co- She acts everything on the surface, wrote the screenplay with Jeff Van portraying the stereotypical bad girl Wie). While at first these films seemed instead of analyzing why her char- innovative and captivating, the rep- acter acts that way and expressing etition of the same romantic plot line it. Cyrus fails to portray the root of and inevitable twist that somehow the problem — the pain of her father JASON SLAVICK/THE PERFORMANCE LAB changes the surviving characters at abandoning her — and instead hides The Muppets went decidedly punk for this performance. the end is worn out and exhausted. in the shell of a rebellious teenager. Sparks has a way of writing love sto- She also relies on melodramatic teen ries that, though they may translate anger to get her character through a Cabaret’s opener sometimes more easily to the screen, have become scene. predictable to the point of boredom. Her acting skills will make audienc- The plot line itself seems mundane es want to storm out of the theater, shocking than main act and poorly written, especially to audi- just as her character does at the end ences who have heard this story many of every scene. She utilizes a total of CABARET current undergraduates at the Boston time before. It is a typical scenario: two facial expressions throughout the continued from page 6 Conservatory or recent graduates and boy meets girl with a chip on her movie: staring off vaguely into space The Burlesque Poetess was the best new to the Boston theater scene. shoulder; she gives him a hard time, and scrunching up her face as if she contribution to the “HUBbub.” With her The production incorporates pup- but he keeps pursuing her; she finally smells something bad. The only thing quick wit and expert manipulation of pets as part of the costuming, creating gives in and finds a way to open her that is surprising about Cyrus’ act- words, she was a constant surprise of visuals that include a pair of bickering heart up to him. ing is her on-screen chemistry with entertainment (as was her tendency to conjoined twins, a complex dragon that The thread of the father-daughter Hemsworth. But, then again, that isn’t flash the audience). While slightly incon- battles the prince and a lion’s head for relationship is also predictable. The even acting, as they are currently dat- sistent in quality — due in part to the the enchanted prince. Combining the daughter is a rebellious teen who ing in real life. show’s nature — the brilliance of the puppets with the rest of the dramat- must discover who she is and learn to Miley Cyrus’ appalling acting skills, “HUBbub” is that it is unpredictable ic performance introduces a different open up to her father, despite the fact coupled with weak characters and a and a more personal theater experience. medium to the show, expounding the that he hurt her. predictable plot, make this movie one More like a cabaret than “Le Cabaret already blurry theatrical boundaries. Ultimately, the worst thing about of the worst movies of the season. Grimm,” the “HUBbub” is bound to The most beautiful costume is shock and deliver the unexpected. also one of the simplest. The lilting, After intermission, “Le Cabaret leaping lark (Rachel Bertone) wears Grimm” finally begins with the lovely brightly colored feathers on her arms hostess and chanteuse Veronique du and is otherwise dressed in all black. North End style Blahblahblah (Haley Selmon) emerging Bertone’s dancing is similarly lovely Italian pasta dishes from her dressing room and taking over and mesmerizing, as she easily flits from guest host Johnny Blazes. across the stage — a symbol of desire, Veronique du Blahblahblah leads beauty and grace. Hand-tossed the audience through a cabaret-style The production truly shines in its Pizza reinterpretation of the Brothers Grimm humorous moments. In her role as a fairy tales (sans fairies) and covers all slam poet and lonely moon, Ally Tully’s the basics: an evil sorceress, a cursed over-the-top rendition creates a hilari- prince, a beautiful princess and all the ous scene in an already ridiculous situ- trials and tribulations along the way. ation. In another equally absurd but While the entire cast is captivating, uproarious moment, the evil sorceress’s Selmon is particularly seductive and dressmaker (Nick Peciaro) involves the clever, dismissing her fellow cast mem- entire audience in singing along with bers while simultaneously moved by him against the b---hes in the world. their stories. For something fresh — and one of That is not to say that the other the funniest shows happening this sea- actors are less enchanting or talented; son — check out “Le Cabaret Grimm” the entire cast pulls off strong perfor- at the Boston Center for the Arts Plaza mances despite being comparatively Theatre. The show runs until April 24 young. Most of the cast members are and tickets are $20 and up.

Aging guitarist foiled not by his years, but by backing band

BECK other track that pushes Beck. Vinnie 20% Off All Orders for Tufts Students continued from page 6 Colaiuta’s innovative drumming finally gave Beck his melodic potential, they’re breaks the submissive character of the ($10 Minimum after the discount) used far too often to retain their poten- album’s rhythm section, guiding the cy on “Emotion & Commotion.” Beck’s song toward a heavy rock breakdown swooning interpretations of “Corpus during the bridge. Christi Carol” and “Somewhere Over Unfortunately, the subdued sound the Rainbow” border on the saccha- of the album’s remaining songs hardly Website: rine, hardly recalling the edge that capitalizes on Beck’s skills. Most of has characterized Beck’s output for so “Emotion & Commotion” sounds like it www.adamspizzamedford.com many years. had little to do with Beck. The looped Though one might be tempted to percussion and synthesizers of “Never blame Beck’s docility on his advancing Alone” and “Serene” are more charac- age, the meekness of the album’s back- teristic of backing tracks than the work ing music is more at fault than any- of such world-class musicians. Phone number: thing else. Beck’s incendiary playing At times, the album seems like it on “I Put a Spell on You” shows what was completed before Beck arrived at the guitarist is capable of when he has the studio — that his soloing was his 781-393-4442 a spirited vocalist to play off of. Joss only contribution to the songs. Beck’s Stone’s sultry, edgy delivery coaxes an playing couldn’t help but plateau over equally expressive solo from Beck, who the stagnant backing tracks, proving fills the gaps between her lines with that even the greatest guitarists can blistering riffs. never be at their best without equally “There’s No Other Time” is the only talented musicians behind them. Thursday, April 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY ADVERTISEMENT 9

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KERIANNE M. OKIE Syracuse should embrace Dimon speech Editor-in-Chief Syracuse University’s (SU) recent claim that Dimon, who clearly repre- times. This is an important message for decision to have Chairman and Chief sents the banking industry and its role graduating seniors about to enter one EDITORIAL Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase in the economic recession, regardless of the most difficult job markets ever. Caryn Horowitz & Co. Jamie Dimon (LA ’78) as the key- of his personal role in causing the Additionally, Dimon, whose effective Grace Lamb-Atkinson note speaker at its Commencement cer- financial crisis, could not possibly have leadership allowed JPMorgan Chase to emony has raised a significant amount a relevant message for those students become one of the first banks to pay Managing Editors of controversy within the university’s who are struggling to pay for college back its federal aid, will be able to offer Ellen Kan Executive News Editor community. Students, alumni and and to find jobs. graduates keen and novel insight into Michael Del Moro News Editors Harrison Jacobs members of the SU community at large In response to the considerable the current financial scene. This speech Katherine Sawyer have formed a group — Take Back 2010 objection to his impending speech, may be particularly exciting for gradu- Saumya Vaishampayan Syracuse University Commencement Dimon has stated that while he under- ates from Syracuse’s business school, Marissa Gallerani Assistant News Editors Amelie Hecht — to protest the choice. The group has stands and has considered the dis- the Whitman School of Management. Corinne Segal collected over 900 signatures on an approval expressed by SU students, Syracuse has not had a Commencement Martha Shanahan online petition protesting Dimon as he still plans to deliver a hopefully speaker from the business field in 20 Jenny White this year’s speaker. empowering speech in Syracuse on May years, so Dimon’s speech will certainly Brent Yarnell Referring to the controversial role 16. President Barack Obama has sup- be fresh and applicable. Carter Rogers Executive Features Editor that the banking industry has played in ported Dimon’s actions in the financial People are often surprised to real- Marissa Carberry Features Editors the financial crisis of the past few years, sector, stating in February 2009 that ize that those they differ from the Robin Carol Emily Maretsky those who disagree with the school’s Dimon should not be punished for his most are often incredibly astute and Mary Beth Griggs Assistant Features Editors decision argue that in light of the current company’s success during the trying competent individuals who have sim- Emilia Luna economic recession and the impact it has financial times. Additionally, JPMorgan ply arrived at a different conclusion. Alexa Sasanow Derek Schlom on college students, choosing Dimon is Chase has longstanding ties with SU. As long as it is delivered with tact insensitive to those students who have In 2007, the company and the univer- and prudence, Dimon’s speech is an Catherine Scott Executive Arts Editor suffered or may once they graduate. sity worked together on a program in opportunity for SU graduates to bet- Jessica Bal Arts Editors Adam Kulewicz While some Syracuse students rec- Global Enterprise Technology, and in ter understand from someone directly Charissa Ng ognize that Dimon is “one of the good October 2009 the $30 million JPMorgan involved why the recession happened Josh Zeidel guys,” they insist that they must stand Chase Technology Center opened on the way it did. In addition to the Michelle Beehler Assistant Arts Editors up for their classmates who have had the SU campus, allowing students to salient message of succeeding in chal- Zachary Drucker Rebecca Goldberg to take out more student loans, work work collaboratively with bankers on lenging times, Dimon’s speech will, extra jobs or even drop out of college research projects. for some students, be the first of many Niki Krieg Executive Op-Ed Editor because of the financial burden tuition JPMorgan Chase, which recently opportunities to learn from those who Crystal Bui Op-Ed Editors Nina Grossman created — approximately 80 percent reported a $3.3 billion gain for the first challenge and upset us the most and Laura Moreno of SU students receive some form of quarter, can be seen as a prime example to enter the real world with a more Andrew Rohrberger financial aid. Many of these students of succeeding in the face of troubling holistic, open perspective. Devon Colmer Cartoonists Erin Marshall Alex Miller Lorrayne Shen LORRAYNE SHEN Louie Zong Vittoria Elliot Editorialists Rebekah Liebermann Marian Swain Seth Teleky

Alex Prewitt Executive Sports Editor Sapna Bansil Sports Editors Evan Cooper Jeremy Greenhouse David Heck Ethan Landy Daniel Rathman Michael Spera Lauren Flament Assistant Sports Editors Claire Kemp Ben Kochman

James Choca Executive Photo Editor Josh Berlinger Photo Editors Kristen Collins Danai Macridi Tien Tien Virginia Bledsoe Assistant Photo Editors Jodi Bosin Alex Dennett Dilys Ong Scott Tingley Anne Wermiel

Mick B. Krever Executive New Media Editor

PRODUCTION Jennifer Iassogna Production Director Leanne Brotsky Executive Layout Editor Dana Berube Layout Editors Karen Blevins Adam Gardner Andrew Petrone Steven Smith Menglu Wang OFF THE HILL | UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO Sarah Davis Assistant Layout Editors Jason Huang Alyssa Kutner Dietary habits contribute to Americans’ accidents Samantha Connell Executive Copy Editor Sara Eisemann Copy Editors Lucy Nunn BY SEIKO KAMIKARIYA Surprisingly, the frequency of fractures is having a well-balanced diet. You can Ben Smith get calcium from beans, grains and Ammar Khaku Assistant Copy Editors The Nevada Sagebrush increases as you drink more milk. Katrina Knisely You might be shocked about this fact bright red, green or yellow vegetables Isabel Leon Pretty summer dresses all around cam- since we have been encouraged by our by eating them evenly. As a Japanese, Vivien Lim pus tell us that our summer is finally mothers to drink milk to be strong. I also recommend you eat more fish Ben Schwalb Executive Online Editor coming after the long winter. Since I Since milk increases the concentration instead of beef, pork and chicken. Fish Hena Kapadia Online Editors came here, I have felt like I see more of calcium in your blood abruptly, your is not only rich in calcium but also pre- Audrey Kuan people who break their legs or arms body gives an order to set it back to vents arteriosclerosis, which hardens Darcy Mann Assistant Online Editors Ann Sloan in the United States than in Japan, a normal state and ejects the surplus the arteries due to high cholesterol. The and it especially increases during sum- calcium from your kidney as urine. temperatures of those meats are higher Muhammad Qadri Executive Technical Manager mer. Although there are many sum- As a result, milk actually reduces the than that of the human body, so those Michael Vastola Technical Manager mer activities here in Reno because the amount of calcium in your body as you fats become thick once they are taken area is rich in nature, I strongly think try to take in calcium. into your body, which causes buildup BUSINESS the amount of breaks is not due to Moreover, the excess consumption of in the arteries. However, fish is poikilo- Kahran Singh Americans grooving around more, but American junk foods including sugary thermic, so its fat does not stick in your Executive Business Director it is mainly due to their eating habits. juice, soda and processed foods weak- blood vessel. Benjamin Hubbell-Engler Advertising Director First of all, data shows that 25 million ens your bones. They contain phos- Today, health problems are really seri- Brenna Duncan Online Advertising Manager people have or could have osteoporosis phates that prevent you from absorbing ous in the United States. Thirty percent Dwijo Goswami Billing Manager Ally Gimbel Outreach Director in the United States, which is about 1.9 calcium. Therefore, as you eat more of of the population is morbidly obese and times higher than in Japan. Moreover, those foods, you can’t take in calcium many people are trying to eat healthy The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, pub- the incidence of fractures is really high efficiently even if you eat healthy foods foods. However, it seems most of them lished Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. in the United States. or supplements. misunderstand the “healthy foods” and It is the accepted view that milk To survive this bright summer with- have unbalanced foods. P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 strengthens our bones, but an aver- out breaking your legs, look over your This summer, let’s leave behind cere- 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910 [email protected] age American consumes twice as dietary habits once again. The simplest al, throw away large soda cups and much milk as the average Japanese. solution, but often the most difficult, jump into Lake Tahoe.

EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials that appear on this page are written by the editorialists, and indi- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters must be submitted by 4 p.m. and should be handed ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject vidual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials into the Daily office or sent to [email protected]. All letters must be word processed and to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Board of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics include the writer’s name and telephone number. There is a 450-word limit and letters must and Executive Business Director. A publication sched- does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board. be verified. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, space and length. ule and rate card are available upon request. Thursday, April 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY OP-ED 11

OFF THE HILL | UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL ELISHA SUM | OUR GENDERATION The risks of government-approved medicine Gender BY HADLEY GUSTIN HPV, cervical cancer and genital warts by with dogs have rushed to try this seemingly versus Minnesota Daily receiving the three Gardasil injections. effective medication. The results, however, On the other hand, Dr. Joseph Mercola, a created a storm of controversy with numer- When people get sick, they go to their nationally renowned osteopathic physician, ous consumer reports being filed for bad sex doctors, trusting that these physicians have says on his blog that “although there are six reactions to Sentry Pro XFC. the wherewithal to diagnose their ailments million cases of HPV each year, just two per- In Lisa Wade McCormick’s article on ori Amos once sang, “How a lion and prescribe medications for proper treat- cent of the patients in a recent study were ConsumerAffairs.com, “EPA to Release becomes a mouse by the woods.” ment. Rarely do patients question the accu- infected by the kinds of HPV that put them Findings on Pet Flea, Tick Powders” on While writing cover letters for sum- racy of the doctor’s judgment or the safety of at high risk for developing cervical cancer. Consumeraffairs.com, pet owner Celia K. of Tmer internships, I couldn’t help but the drugs given to them. However, with an You need to be aware that if you eat right, Greenville, N.C., said, “I purchased Sentry worry about the effect my perceived gender increasing number of drugs coming under exercise and keep stress in your life under Pro XFC from PetSmart and applied it to would have on my potential employers, given scrutiny for their damaging effects to the control, your immune system is typically my two dogs — lab and boxer. That eve- that my name is Elisha. Would the assumption human body, it is absolutely necessary that healthy enough to clear up the vast majority ning, the lab experienced neurological side that I am female reframe the response to my Americans start probing their health care of HPV infections.” effects — his body jerked every 15 seconds. application as opposed to if they knew I am providers about the security of the practices Many Americans have not been exposed The following day, my boxer experienced male? Would knowing my real gender perhaps and products they sanction. to these alternative notions and thus adhere uncontrollable leg jerking.” unconsciously result in more brownie points, According to Merck & Co., Inc., one of the to the arguments made by Merck, physi- In addition to the complaints and nega- especially since I applied to mostly feminist or largest pharmaceutical companies in the cians and the government that Gardasil is tive side effects from Sentry Pro XFC, anoth- women-centered organizations? Would they world, “Gardasil is the only human papil- essentially the only way to combat HPV, er flea and tick powder for dogs that has be shocked, or at least taken aback, if my per- lomavirus (HPV) vaccine that helps protect cervical cancer and genital warts. caused many consumers to criticize and ceived gender and sex didn’t coincide? against four types of HPV.” In spite of this, The reality is that in order to capitalize on object is Sergeant’s Gold Flea and Tick. Like These questions highlight the fact that “as of January 2010, there were more than the high potential of this medication, “the Sentry Pro XFC, this product has caused we live in a gendered society, in which we 17,000 reports of adverse reactions regard- Food and Drug Administration [accepted adverse side effects like chemical burns, sei- navigate the resultant power dynamics by ing this vaccine. Among them are 59 deaths, Merck’s request on] Dec. 1, [2005 for a] zures, shaking, drooling and paralysis. Sure way of socialized behaviors and reactions. 18 of which were among girls under the age fast-track review process,” according to enough, none of these symptoms are listed We can neither escape the implications of of 17,” as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Aaron Smith, a staff writer for CNN. In addi- anywhere on the box. gender nor ignore them; we do not live in a Event Reporting System. tion, the government strongly considered Today, the majority of Americans have post-gender world any more than we live in For several years now, Merck has adver- an appeal by Merck lobbyists that would unwavering faith in the status quo and a post-racial one. tised a critical need for this medication. require all girls in elementary schools to believe that anything stamped “govern- As a beginning framework for analyzing “In girls and young women ages nine to 26, receive the vaccine. In the end, though, this ment-approved” is 100 percent safe and our gendered world, returning to the final Gardasil helps protect against two types of initiative did not pass. intended for the well-being of the general question mentioned above draws attention HPV that cause about 75 percent of cervical It is important to realize that adverse populous. Nevertheless, time and again, it to the assumption that we wear our “sex” on cancer cases and two more types that cause reactions to pharmaceuticals such as is proven by unfortunate reactions, some- our sleeves; that is to say, our sex and gender 90 percent of genital warts cases. [It] also Gardasil, now-restricted weight-loss sup- times death, that government bureaus — are often expected to be visually appar- helps protect against 70 percent of vaginal plement Fen-Phen, and Vioxx, a toxic pain namely the FDA, EPA, and USDA — are ent and to correspond. It is thus a luxury cancer cases.” reliever, do not only affect humans, but more concerned with releasing new drugs when our bodies result from the harmoni- Recently, Merck began marketing the animals also. to the market than with the health and secu- ous phenotypic expression of our genotypic Gardasil drug to men as well. The company Many dog owners may be familiar with rity of the people they serve. sex and the more abstract notion of our says that “in boys and young men ages 9 to the over-the-counter pet remedy Sentry A paradigm shift in education is the only gender, for though they do differ, they are 26, Gardasil helps protect against 90 percent Pro XFC. This medicine is meant to repel way to combat this issue, and luckily, there often conflated. For instance, documents of genital warts cases.” fleas and ticks from the bodies of canines. are several different methods that can be and forms never deviate from the gender The statistics cited in Gardasil ads are As asserted by the cover of the Sentry Pro pursued. Society can start lending more cre- binary, offering just two boxes to check and clearly meant to induce caution and con- XFC box, the drug carries “five-way protec- dence to holistic doctors, and universities, using the terms “sex” and “gender” inter- cern in the minds of the general public, tion [by killing] fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, flea for their part, should invite the discussion changeably. Thus, for the purposes of this encouraging them to seek protection from eggs and flea larvae.” Thus, plenty of people and debate about holistic medicine. column, I define sex as solely rooted in biology and unchangeable and gender as a more dynamic social construction. OFF THE HILL | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Our social milieu and our surroundings often impact the way in which our gender is expressed and received by others. For exam- ple, a man may confine himself to be hyper- A little discomfort can be a good thing masculinized — perhaps bragging about sexual conquests — among his male friends, BY TRENT BOULTINGHOUSE of two examples, I believe that state- The Associated Press ran into this but he will subscribe to a different version of The University Daily Kansan ment is correct. I remember that as I problem last year when it chose to pub- masculinity in front of his boss. Though his watched Kumaritashvili’s impact with a lish a photo of a dying U.S. soldier who sex remains the same throughout, its mani- Hours before the 2010 Vancouver small group of people, our reaction was had been ambushed in Afghanistan, festation and understanding of it by others Winter Olympics were set to begin, gasps and shock. We shared the moment against his family’s wishes. Although are different in the two situations. Although a Georgian Nodar Kumaritashvili lost con- of emotion and could more closely feel the photo wasn’t nearly as bad as other simplified model, this example remains useful trol of his luge during a practice trial and the pain of the event. This is something images of war on the Internet, it did in understanding a social constructionist view slammed into a pillar, killing him. NBC, I believe would have been hard to repli- show the final moments of the soldier’s of gender that posits that power is inevitability the American network granted coverage cate if a Bob Costas summary took over life. Even though the Associated Press intertwined in its conception of gender. of the Games, captured the grisly footage in place of the video. received harsh criticism for its publica- In terms of gender relations, men as a on video, and viewers originally watched For another example, could the wide- tion of the photo, it did help remind whole wield more power than women, some the death of the 21-year-old on television. spread public unity in the immediate viewers that yes, there are still soldiers men more so than other men, and some Later in the day, however, NBC edited the aftermath of Sept. 11 have occurred if dying and that yes, the situation on the women more so than other women. Taking footage to just before Kumaritashvili’s news outlets had elected to censor the front can be deadly. into account other variables of identity, such impact, preventing the worst of the foot- footage of the planes striking the build- Removing publication of graphic as race, sexuality, disability and weight, fur- age from airing. ings? Most everyone can remember photos allows the public to be spared ther complicates the dynamic but also pro- Whether or not this video should have where they were when they first heard from disturbing images, but such an vides a more profound perspective. Limiting been shown is a debate that perhaps will news of the attacks, even years after the action refuses to tell the complete story. the focus back to gender, the general group never be resolved, but should certainly events. This leads one to wonder how Therefore, NBC and the Associated of men ranks highest in the hierarchy, regard- be discussed. The fact that the video was much of the emotion generated from Press were just in their publication of less of individual men who may be lacking later taken down is a reflection of the that day was a result of the media’s will- the respective images — after all, isn’t power, as we live in a patriarchal society. That media’s good intentions of protecting ingness to publish the images — albeit the complete truth what we demand in is not to say we should ignore the plight of viewers’ comfort, but others argue that disturbing ones. our news? men, for they too are restricted by another the video’s removal was ill-advised and It’s pretty harmless to debate on the It’s very possible that most of the criti- set of conventions, but we cannot forget that prevented citizens from seeing reality. topic when one is devoid of a direct con- cism directed against the Associated Press systemic gender inequality still oppresses It’s a basic human response to distance nection to any of images discussed. But, wasn’t about the soldier’s death. Instead, those deviating from hegemonic masculinity ourselves from situations that make us how would you feel if it was someone it may have been a reflection of viewers’ —including men — the patriarch of all types uncomfortable. But how is a viewer sup- close to you whose moment of vulner- unwillingness to place Afghanistan back of masculinities. posed to see just how dangerous that ability was broadcast for millions? This in the dominant role of public discourse, We cannot dismiss the ideals of feminism Olympic luge track was if the video can’t is why it’s difficult to know where the much like Olympic fans who didn’t want seeking to equalize the playing field for all gen- be shown? line is drawn in the battle of the rights to the dangers of winter sports to interfere ders in all arenas of society because we cannot The cliché says that a picture is a see reality versus the ethics of showing with their eager, but safe roles as viewers. easily see the play of power dynamics. Power worth a thousand words. In the case violent acts. The public needs to confront reality. functions within groups and institutions and confers privileges to individuals. Often, with- out a critical eye and a larger sociological perspective, it becomes invisible to us. As a LET THE CAMPUS KNOW WHAT MATTERS TO YOU. result, we reject the fact that gender inequality affects our lives, whether positively or nega- The Op-Ed section of the Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is tively. We cannot ignore the intersection of our environment and all of our identities, whether printed Monday through Thursday. Submissions are welcome from all members of the they are biologically or socially based. Gender discrimination will continue, especially if we Tufts community. We accept opinion articles on any aspect of campus life, as well as ignore the unequal power dynamics that exist articles on national or international news. Opinion pieces should be between 600 and between genders. 1,200 words. Please send submissions, with a contact number, to [email protected]. Elisha Sum is a junior majoring in English Feel free to e-mail us with any questions. and French. He can be reached at Elisha. [email protected].

OP-ED POLICY The Op-EdOp-ed section of the Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. Op-EdOp-ed welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. All material is subject to editorial discretion, and is not guaranteed to appear in The Tufts Daily. All material should be submitted by no later than 1 p.m. on the day prior to the desired day of publication. Material must be submitted via e-mail ([email protected]) attached in .doc or .docx format. Questions and concerns should be directed to the Op-EdOp-ed editors. The opinions expressed in the Op-edOp-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Tufts Daily itself. 12 THE TUFTS DAILY COMICS Thursday, April 15, 2010






SUDOKU Level: Running the marathon after only a week of training


Wednesday’s Solution

Carter: “She steals all my Google thunder.”

Please recycle this Daily Thursday, April 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS 13

E v e n t Housing Housing Housing Services Wanted

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Statistic (NESCAC rank) Tufts Trinity Team ERA 3.61 (2) 2.98 (1) Opp. BA .258 (2) .251 (1) Strikeouts 104 (6t) 114 (4) Walks 68 (3) 63 (1) Hits allowed 154 (2) 121 (1) Earned runs allowed 61 (2) 45 (1) combined record of 7-1 this year. The Jumbos’ bullpen has also been superb this year, led by junior and recent NESCAC ALEX DENNETT/TUFTS DAILY Pitcher of the Week Ed Bernstein — owner of Junior pitcher Ed Bernstein, the reigning NESCAC Pitcher of the Week, and the rest of the Jumbos’ staff will have their work cut out for them a team-best 0.00 ERA and 13:2 strikeout-to- when Trinity comes to town on Friday. walk ratio — and sophomore Chris DeGoti, who has a 0.77 ERA and six saves, just three but our bats have cooled down a bit,” senior tri- Trinity, it will virtually guarantee the team a there are going to be great games. All three shy of setting the Tufts record. Hopefully for captain and catcher Alex Perry said. “Hopefully top seed in the conference playoffs, barring a games are going to be close. And even though the Jumbos, that will enable them to avoid the we can put complete games together [this late-season collapse. And the Jumbos are well- we’ve lost the last eight, the games have been late-inning losses that have plagued them in weekend] offensively, defensively and on the aware of those postseason implications. unbelievable. You have to get the job done recent seasons. mound.” “I think it would be awesome [to win the when you play NESCAC teams so you can get “Our pitching has been awesome all year, If Tufts is able to take two of three from series],” Perry said. “It’s one of those series — to the playoffs.”

The Department of Romance Languages presents The Gifford Lecture

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Thursday, April 22nd, 2010 Barnum Hall, Room 104 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Reception to follow in Laminan Lounge, Olin Center. 14 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS Thursday, April 15, 2010 Conn. College is undefeated but has limited off ensive firepower MEN’S LACROSSE continued from page 16 the next goal we’ll be fine.” The Jumbos got off to a good start in this one, with Hessler and McCormick

THE STAMPEDE Thanks to a 13-10 win over WNEC on Tuesday, the men’s lacrosse team set a program mark for both the best start in team history — 10-0 — and for the longest of 10 games. And the Jumbos will put this mark to the test on Saturday when they go to undefeated Conn. College in a battle for fi rst place. The Daily takes a look at the Jumbos’ statistics throughout this 10-game streak.

Total goals 136 Goals per game 13.67 Goals allowed 76 Shot percentage 338 Wins by at least 5 goals 5 10-goal games 9 Road wins 7 opening the scoring in the first quarter as Tufts jumped out to a 2-0 lead. But WNEC junior midfielder Mike Santare was quick to respond. Kirwan then added the first of his hat trick, only to be negated by two Golden Bears goals, with the second coming from sopho- more midfielder Patrick White with just a second left on the first-period clock, tying the score up at 3-3. In the next stanza, Kirwan struck first and then Molloy and Hessler com- bined — this time with Hessler on the assist — to stretch the lead back to two, 5-3. Santare and Hessler than traded goals before Santare’s third set off a VIRGINIA BLEDSOE/TUFTS DAILY WNEC run that put the Golden Bears The sixth-ranked Jumbos will put their undefeated record and school-best 10-game winning streak on the line when they travel to Conn. up 7-6 at the half. College this Saturday. “We have been pretty used to this kind of comeback,” McCormick said. McCormick added. both offense and defense.” in NESCAC point-leader Hessler, Molloy “Especially with the Skidmore game … Foglietta, the most recent NESCAC The defensive composure and the and Witko. And if it comes to a fourth- so we just had to settle down and forget Co-Player of the Week, was arguably the robust offense that the team displayed quarter scoring battle, the combina- about our mistakes and play our game.” biggest factor early in the game, making on Tuesday night will be more important tion of the Jumbos’ junior scoring trio After the break, Santare beat Tufts’ seven saves in the first quarter to keep than ever on Saturday, as the Jumbos and the impervious, as-of-late, defen- sophomore goalkeeper Steven Foglietta Tufts even with the Bears. The defensive prepare to take on the only other unde- sive unit could prove victorious. But, it one more time before he was silenced unit as a whole may have been a decid- feated team in the NESCAC — No. 8 is the NESCAC, and with two perfect for the remainder of the half. Down 8-6, ing factor on the day, as WNEC held the Conn. College. records and the chance to host the fast- the Jumbos rallied as back-to-back goals advantage in shots, ground balls and The Camels have proven tenacious, approaching conference tournament on from Witko started a four-goal streak that face-offs, but was kept to one goal on six boasting 11 consecutive wins, but lack the line, emotions could nullify any pre- turned the tables in Tufts’ favor for good, extra-man opportunities. big numbers in the stats column. In their game predictions. closing out the third up 10-8. “Every offensive possession starts matches over Middlebury, Bowdoin and “When we prepare for other teams, “We just started finishing better on the with a stop on defense,” McCormick Williams, the scores were 8-7, 8-7 in over- we don’t take into account their history,” same opportunities they were giving us in said. “Our goal play has been phenom- time and 7-6, respectively. Both Conn. Witko said. “We’re focused on being 1-0 the beginning of the game,” Witko said. enal, and I think every big play gets College and Tufts have proven their mettle on our next game … and “We have been a really good second- everyone pumped up and starts a chain late in games, with each side consistently College is the only team that can hurt us half team the last few games — we’ve reaction … it’s electrifying. Everyone winning this season with last-minute ral- right now. We just have to come out firing just been starting off too slow — and feeds off each other and we can’t get lies and defensive consistency. from the start and dictate the tempo of I think it just shows how good we can these big wins in the games coming up But Tufts is arguably the more explo- the game, and we’re confident we can get be if we played a full 60 minutes,” unless everyone’s on the same page, sive side, with bigger offensive threats another win.” Thriving freshmen to face a whole new level of competition

WOMEN’S TENNIS At the very least, the Jumbos’ relatively continued from page 16 soft dual-match schedule allowed Katz, second doubles. Lam and Hollender to gain plenty of expe- The next challenge for Tufts’ bud- rience and confidence in anticipation of ding stars will be to continue their suc- the team’s difficult upcoming slate. “I know especially for me and the other two freshmen, it was nice to STREAKIN’ EPHS get some matches under our belts, When the No. 2 Ephs just because this is our first college come to town on Saturday, they bring season,” Katz said. “It’s been nice to with them a lengthy streak of victories have confidence that we can beat other teams before we have to play these four versus Div. III opponents not named hard matches. I think it was just good Amherst. Since the 2007-08 season, for experience and getting warmed up. the Ephs are 49-1 versus Div. III foes “We’ve all improved so much since that are not the Lord Jeffs. That one loss the fall, especially with our doubles,” came on March 27, 2008 to Wash- she continued. “We’re all really excited to see how we’ll do against the tougher ington & Lee. The Daily takes a look opponents.” at Williams’ gaudy statistics in the past In spite of its anticipation for three seasons. Saturday’s match, Tufts isn’t over- looking tomorrow’s contest against National championships 2 Wellesley. Though they aren’t nation- Overall dual-meet record 51-7 ally ranked, the Blue are historically Wins by 9-0 margins 10 a major contender in the Northeast Victories versus Tufts 2 Record versus NESCAC 15-3 region and this year boast strength at the very top of their singles and dou- bles lineups. Still, Wellesley is just the opening cess against superior competition. act for Saturday’s main event, one “Our freshmen have played such that could very well help launch Tufts a key role in our success thus far,” toward some of its lofty goals for 2010. McCooey said. “All three of them are “I’m not really sure what it was like such tough competitors out there — in the past, but I know our goal for this they’re so mentally tough, they fight, season is to win NESCACs,” Katz said. they love to battle and they’re in it ’til “If we’re playing our best and we’re the end every single match. I just know focused, I’m confident that we can beat that they’re going to come out ready to Williams. We’re definitely capable of ANNE WERMEIL/TUFTS DAILY play on Saturday, just like they have all doing it — we just have to bring our ‘A’ Junior Edwina Stewart and the Jumbos will seek to upset the two-time defending national season.” game.” champion Williams Ephs at home on Saturday. Thursday, April 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS 15

THE WHEEL AND CHAIN | A CYCLIST’S TALE DAVID HECK | THE SAUCE Stupid is as stupid doesn’t An innocent man?

BY EVAN COOPER summit. Rarely is it the defining moment reabsorbed by a few other riders, and we It doesn’t Daily Editorial Board of the race, but if you’re not careful, it can formed a chase group. We picked up a few spell the end of your day. more fading riders along the way, but we matter Editor’s Note: Evan Cooper is a sopho- But that wasn’t my problem. Neither never closed the gap. We finished about 50 more, a sports editor for the Daily and an trip up Juniper gave me any trouble, and seconds back of the group ahead, our race pparently Tiger Woods isn’t the aspiring professional cyclist. He races for the I crested the summit both times safely in now for 21st place — a sorry consolation. I only one who likes the ladies. Tufts Cycling Team and for the elite amateur the lead group without expending much didn’t contest that sprint, and simply rolled Ben Roethlisberger, two-time squad Team Ora presented by Independent effort. As the peloton rolled along on one in for 30th place. Not exactly the top podium ASuper Bowl-champion quar- Fabrication. This series will chronicle his of the less eventful stretches of paved road step I had dreamed of the night before. terback of the Pittsburgh Steelers, has season as he tries to make racing into more not long after, a rider rolled off the front So where did I go wrong? What foiled my gotten himself into a situation that even than just a hobby. and pedaled away from the field. No big plans for glory? In a word, me. I, and only I, Tiger wouldn’t be envious of. In the past I had a personal revelation this weekend. deal. With about 60 miles left to race, none am responsible for the missed opportunity couple of years, Roethlisberger has twice It won’t seem like much on the face of it, of us was all too concerned. Not long after, that was the 2010 Tour of the Battenkill. I been accused of rape, and a lawyer who and taken out of context it probably seems a single rider sped up the right side of the missed my chance when I watched that rider recently appeared on WEEI radio claimed inconsequentially obvious. But after I back- road on a slight incline, rapidly forging a fly up the road while the peloton thought knowledge of a third incident that was track a little, I think you’ll see what I mean. gap to the idling peloton and making his nothing of it. I let myself down when I didn’t never reported. So what was the earthshaking conclusion way up the road as well. But still, none of us spring from the safety of the complacent In 2008, a Nevada hotel employee that I recently came to? Simply this: No one was worried about two lonely riders trying peloton myself and try to do what everyone accused Roethlisberger of raping her in knows me better than I do. to survive 60-plus miles of dirt, hills and else told me was impossible his hotel room after he called her up to fix And now for some context. wind. That is a long way to go. “It’s 82 miles,” they all said. “That is suicide. his television set. The accuser described Last weekend was the Tour of the I should have known better. Both of Don’t worry about it — they’ll be back.” the incident in such detail that it could Battenkill. The biggest single-day Pro- those riders are known for their strength in So I listened. I sat there, safely in the field only mean one of two things: Either Amateur event of the year in the United long breakaways, and the latter of the two doing what was supposed to be smart: bid- Roethlisberger was guilty, or the accuser States, Battenkill is generally the first big has been on an absolute tear all season ing my time until the race got truly hard was bleeping crazy and looking for some goal on many cyclists’ calendars. After tak- long (though the season is barely a month and all the excess baggage was shed from money. Considering the fact that a civil ing second in the Category 3 race last year, old). By the first feed zone, their lead was the field and only the strongest remained. lawsuit was filed but criminal charges I expected nothing less than the top step of already over two minutes. But the peloton But wait, that already happened. Those two weren’t, it appeared that the latter case the podium this time around. Go big or go never showed any sense of urgency, and brave men up the road had already forced was more likely. home, right? neither did I. the final selection, and that excess bag- That is until last month, when The big difference this year was that I We continued to take the flat and paved gage was all the rest of us. And you know Roethlisberger was accused of rap- was in a new field: the Category 2 field. Cat sections at a sadly pedestrian pace, only what? I should have known better. I should ing a 20-year-old college student in 2 is one level below the top level of amateur turning the pedals in earnest when we hit have known that I should have been up the Georgia. Celebrating his 28th birthday, racing, and more often than not, the Cat 1’s the dirt or began to climb. Then our anger road with them. I should have known that Roethlisberger was apparently bar-hop- and 2’s are combined in one field, with a few would show. Then we would unleash our everyone has their strengths, and every- ping in Milledgeville, a relatively small col- pros often thrown into the mix as well. But fury on one another. But this inconsis- one has their weaknesses. And riding in a lege town, where he met college girls and at a race with such an enormous draw like tent pace always favors the riders in the 60-plus mile break on challenging terrain, supposedly bought them drinks. One of Battenkill, the 2’s are given their own field breakaway, who are consistently putting however stupid it supposedly might be, is those girls alleges that Roethlisberger fol- to race in, providing aspiring riders like me power to pedal. my strength. I may not have the raw power lowed her into a bathroom and proceeded with a golden opportunity to shine. Needless to say, we never saw those two to drop helpless riders with a searing attack, to sexually assault her. The usual Battenkill course — on which riders again. The race was for third now. As but give me an advantage on a course like Again, Roethlisberger will not face crim- everyone but the Pro/Cat 1’s and Cat 2’s races for me, a crash on one of the final dirt sec- that, and I won’t readily come back. inal charges for this incident. Georgia state — is a 62-mile loop featuring 25 percent dirt tors with about 15 miles to go found me on A little cocky? Maybe. But I think it’s real- law has very high standards for evidence to roads and a number of climbs. None of them the wrong end of a split in the field. I was ism. I know what I am good at and I know prove rape, and even though the accuser are epically long, but there are enough of having a moment of weakness after launch- what I am not. But none of that matters was found with cuts, bruises and vaginal them to leave your lungs burning and legs ing an attack of my own on that same long when you don’t even try. None of that mat- bleeding, her case was not strong enough throbbing by the time you reach the line. dirt section and had drifted too far back in ters when you always try to do what is to merit charges being filed. Further, the The Pro/Cat 1 and Cat 2 racers, though, the field when the crash happened. Forced “smart.” Maybe smart doesn’t mean just one accuser told police that she did not want contest an additional 20 miles, with the to slow nearly to a near stop, I didn’t have thing. Maybe what’s smart for you is stupid Roethlisberger to be prosecuted because added loop including a second trip up the snap in my legs to reconnect with the for me. Maybe the smart thing to do some- of all the media attention and scrutiny that one of the race’s more famous obstacles: 20 or so riders who were spared. I spent the times isn’t really all that smart. And now I would befall her — the same reason the Juniper Swamp Road. This little beast is next hilly dirt section of the course alone, know that. I already knew what I was good lawyer on WEEI claimed that charges were a short but incredibly steep dirt hill that turning myself inside out to regain contact, at and what I was not; I just didn’t know how not filed in the alleged third incident. would give many cars trouble reaching the but to no avail. Back on the pavement, I was to let me be me. I’m not saying that Roethlisberger is guilty in any of the above cases; I have no more information on the matter than anybody else. But something’s clearly not First-round matchups for 2010 NBA Playoffs set right here. If you were a multimillionaire world- class athlete, how would you celebrate It came down to the final night of the regular season, but the field of 16 teams that will compete for the Larry O’Brien trophy your 28th birthday? Maybe a party at a was finalized yesterday. A look at the first-round matchups: prestigious club in a big city like New York or Miami. Maybe a wild weekend Eastern Conference: in Las Vegas. But probably not by cruis- (1) Cleveland Cavaliers (61-21) ing through college bars in a small town versus in Georgia. (8) Chicago Bulls (41-41) I don’t know what Roethlisberger was Regular season series: Tied 2-2 looking for that night, but the circum- stances of the whole thing certainly seem (2) Orlando Magic (59-23) sketchy. At best, he put himself in a bad versus situation and wound up embarrassing (7) Charlotte Bobcats (44-38) himself, the Steelers and the NFL. Regular season series: Magic won 3-1 Roethlisberger recently met with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, as it is being (3) Atlanta Hawks (53-29) determined whether or not Roethlisberger versus will suffer disciplinary action. Even though (6) Milwaukee Bucks (46-36) he’s not being prosecuted, it seems clear to Regular season series: Hawks won 2-1 me that something should be done. NFL players are suspended all the time (4) Boston Celtics (50-32) under the league’s personal conduct poli- versus cy, but the details are usually a little clearer. (5) Miami Heat (47-35) Michael Vick was suspended for his dog- Regular season series: Celtics won 3-0 fighting ring, Pacman Jones for inciting a fight and shootout at a strip club. Santonio Western Conference: Holmes, whom the Steelers recently trad- (1) Los Angeles Lakers (57-25) ed, was suspended for four games for vio- versus lating the league’s drug policy (meaning he (8) Oklahoma City Thunder (50-32) either failed or skipped a drug test). Regular season series: Lakers won 3-1 While the circumstances in Roethlisberger’s case are not so cut-and- (2) Dallas Mavericks (55-27) dry, he still needs to suffer a penalty. Forget MCT versus MCT about the cries of racism that Goodell will (7) San Antonio Spurs (50-32) hear if he allows Roethlisberger to play Regular season series: Mavericks won 3-1 a full season — the man clearly cannot conduct himself in a responsible manner. (3) Phoenix Suns (54-28) Even if Roethlisberger is innocent, the fact versus is that he never should have put himself in (6) Portland Trail Blazers (50-31) those situations to begin with, particularly Regular season series: Trail Blazers won 2-1 the one in Georgia. Roethlisberger should suffer con- (4) Denver Nuggets (53-29) sequences for acting so recklessly. versus Comissioner Goodell, it’s up to you to (5) Utah Jazz (53-29) make sure that he does. Regular season series: Nuggets won 3-1

David Heck is a senior majoring in phi- losophy. He can be reached at David.Heck@ tufts.edu. 16 INSIDE The Wheel and Chain 15 SSportsports The Sauce 15 tuftsdaily.com April showers bring national powers The Daily previews a weekend of critical showdowns for Tufts Athletics MEN’S LACROSSE BASEBALL After setting program mark, Tufts to battle Trinity for Tufts welcomes Conn. College top spot in division

BY CLAIRE KEMP BY DAVID HECK Daily Editorial Board won by the team that kept its composure. Daily Editorial Board 10-10 before Trinity scored seven runs in the Though WNEC scored first in the stanza eighth to win the game handily. Last year, Revenge was sweet for the men’s to cut the lead to one, the composed For the last few years, the baseball team Tufts had two opportunities to down the lacrosse team Tuesday night. It was even team proved to be Tufts. has played second fiddle to division rival Bantams: In the regular season, the Jumbos sweeter when you factor in that Tufts is Not rattled, Tufts senior tri-captain Trinity in the NESCAC. In fact, everyone in lost a 2-1 pitchers’ duel in the second game now off to midfielder Doug DiSesa answered to the conference has. of a double-header, and in the playoffs, Tufts its best put his team up by two for the fifth While the Jumbos put together a respect- was leading 3-2 before a five-run eighth start in time in the game. The cushion didn’t able 13-11 conference record between frame gave Trinity the win. program last long, however, as WNEC 2008 and 2009, the Bantams cruised to an But despite those struggles, the Jumbos history. freshman attacker Corrigan unblemished 24-0 mark are confident that they can take down the The Harreys scored to make it 11-10 en route to consecutive mighty Bantams come this weekend. Jumbos with 5:12 to play. But junior NESCAC titles. “As long as we play the way we’re sup- avenged attackers D.J. Hessler But this year, it appears posed to, take it one inning and one game at their loss and Ryan Molloy made the balance of power might a time, we can beat anybody,” Pontes said. “It in the first round sure that Tufts would be shifting. Tufts (15-3, 5-1 doesn’t matter who’s on [the] other side of of the 2009 NCAA tournament stay undefeated, NESCAC) is off to one of the diamond.” Tuesday with a 13-10 win over teaming up for the best starts in team history and While Trinity is not dominating Western New England College insurance goal just currently holds first place in the the NESCAC like it has in years (WNEC) in Springfield, Mass. In over a minute later. NESCAC East standings, while past, the numbers say it is still a game that saw three ties and Sophomore attacker Trinity (14-4, 6-3 NESCAC) has one of the elite teams in Div. III neither team hold a lead of more Sean Kirwan sealed begun to look fallible. — a notion supported in national than two goals until the final minute the deal when he con- So when the Jumbos take on the polls, which place Trinity as the No. of play, the Jumbos were able to outwork verted on Molloy’s Bantams for the first time this year 8 team in the nation. The Bantams their opponent and earn a non-confer- next feed with 58 in a three-game series at Bello Field, lead the conference in just about ence road victory over the Golden Bears. seconds on the they know it will go a long way toward every important offensive cat- It didn’t come easy, but the national No. 6 clock to move determining which team is the cream of egory — including average, Jumbos’ 10th consecutive win marks the the Jumbos to the crop in the NESCAC. on-base percentage and slug- best start and longest winning streak in 10-0 on the “I’d say it’s probably our most ging percentage — and are the program’s 80-year history. year. important three games of the year also tops in the league with a “I think we felt really motivated and “We’re so far,” senior tri-captain Corey 2.98 team ERA. all around really jacked up for the game always Pontes said. “They’re obviously “They’re just a good going into it,” sophomore midfielder really con- a very good team, and we think team,” Pontes said. “Pitching- Kevin McCormick said. “Not only for fident that we’re a good team as long as we wise they’ve always been revenge but to keep our season going no mat- play the way we’re supposed there, and they hit the ALEX DENNETT/ as well as it has been. We definite- ter what to … Whenever you get two TUFTS DAILY ball. They just play ly had revenge in the back of our we can competitive programs together, the game well.” minds, but it was more about stay- come there’s going to be a little bit of a The Tufts offense is ing undefeated.” out rivalry. We definitely want to beat not quite up to the same JAMES CHOCA/TUFTS DAILY At the beginning of the fourth and these guys, no doubt about that.” standard — the team is fifth in quarter, the Jumbos were cling- win,” said junior Tufts has dropped its past the league with a .413 o n - base ing to a slim 10-8 lead, but the mid- fielder Matt Witko when six regular-season games percentage — but the pitching up Golden Bears were determined not to go asked about the close fourth-quarter. “We against Trinity and past eight over- to this point has been fantastic, compiling a down without a fight. As the game got always stress that we just need the next all, with several of those losses coming in 3.61 ERA that is second only to Trinity. The more physical, with four penalties com- goal. That’s our attitude — that if we score heartbreaking fashion. In 2008, the Jumbos Jumbos’ starters in the series will likely be ing in the first two minutes of the period, held an 8-1 lead early in the game only to see it became clear the match was going to be see MEN’S LACROSSE, page 14 Trinity storm back. The two teams were tied see BASEBALL, page 13

WOMEN’S TENNIS Jumbos eager to face two-time defending NCAA champ Ephs

BY SAPNA BANSIL Daily Editorial Board said. “We because the other matches have been been in a number of years, they’ll look feel confi- easier,” Katz said. “This was a team to tip the balance at bottom of the The last 12 days have probably felt dent, we’re that we knew was going to be singles and doubles lineups in their like something of an exhibition for the ready and we want a little more challenging. It’s favor. women’s tennis team. this competition. It’s been definitely great to know that “We definitely have a lot more depth Of the Jumbos’ last six matches, great to build our confidence we can beat a nationally than we did last year,” McCooey said. not one — not even Tuesday’s contest by playing the teams we’ve ranked team just like we “We’re a stronger team altogether, and against national No. 28 Brandeis — was played over the past few weeks beat the other teams that we’re that much more mentally tough. even slightly competitive. In that span, — now we’re hoping everything maybe weren’t as strong.” We have last year’s experience behind Tufts did not play in anything clos- we’ve worked for is going to pay After hosting Wellesley us, and we’re really gunning for them er than last Sunday’s 8-1 victory over off on Saturday.” in a non-conference tilt this year. We want to beat them badly, Hamilton, recording five 9-0 shutouts The Jumbos had one of their final tomorrow, Tufts will turn and we know that we have the poten- and sweeping all 36 singles matches tune-ups for the Ephs on Tuesday its attention to Williams. tial to do it.” along the way. afternoon, when they trampled The NESCAC rivals last met If Saturday’s match is ultimately But now, the fun begins. Brandeis 9-0 in their first dual on April 11 of last year, with decided on depth, then Tufts’ trio of After fattening up on weaker oppo- match of the year against a the Ephs coming away from a freshmen will almost certainly play a nents for much of April, the Jumbos are ranked Div. III opponent. As spirited contest with a 6-3 vic- big role in determining the final out- set to begin a season-ending stretch has been the case for much of tory. What stood out about that come. that, over the next two weeks, will the last two weeks, Tufts was match was how competitively the Katz, Lam and classmate Lauren pit them against four of the nation’s unchallenged throughout the Jumbos played behind their lineup Hollender have been thrust right into best teams. It all starts Saturday at 1 singles and doubles lineups. anchors, McCooey and junior tri- the fire in their first season on the Hill, p.m., when national No. 17 Tufts hosts Freshman Lindsay Katz had a captain Julia Browne. One of Tufts’ and all have risen to the challenge. two-time defending NCAA champion virtually perfect afternoon, earn- three victories, for instance, came The Jumbo first-years have won all 38 Williams in a showdown that will help ing a love-and-love win at third at third doubles, while at fifth sin- dual-match singles sets they’ve played measure how well it stacks up against singles and teaming with class- gles, then-freshman Jenn LaCara against Div. III opponents this year, truly elite competition. mate Janice Lam to post a shutout pushed her opponent to three while Katz and Lam have dropped only “We’re all just so excited because this victory at second doubles. sets. eight games in their last six matches at is everything we’ve worked towards,” “I think it was a good confi- Now, with the Jumbos arguably senior tri-captain Meghan McCooey dence boost for everyone just the most well-rounded they’ve see WOMEN’S TENNIS, page 14 JOSH BERLINGER / TUFTS DAILY With one of the biggest weekends in Tufts sports fast approaching, the Daily sports staff previewed the action. To see interviews with members of the baseball, men’s lacrosse and women’s tennis teams, visit tuftsdaily.com/sports.