special feature: illustrating the crash, PAGE 10

Issue #152, June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent A Free Paper for Free People


Palestinian solidarity activist Debbie Mardon, in her home. Photo: thomas Marczewski

Finance Bill Green Gone Misses the Wrong, Mark, p15 p8

Immigration Escalation, p3

indypendent.org 2 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent day a and us onJoin Facebook, My and Wolf. Amy Wishnia Steven Tarleton, John Secunda, Jaisal Gary Martin, Marczewski, Thomas Lin, H. Irina Lisa Amelia Krales, Kane, Hinderaker, Alex Joyce, Alice Andrew Ivanova, Heglar, Mary Gupta, Arun Guerruntz, Gorelick, Samantha Jon Gerberg, Garcia, Leo Friedrich, Jeff Fisher, Burke, Mike E Baumer, Arnerich, Bennett Steven Bailey, Alli, Mark Sabrina Alcoff, Sam LUNTEER V (nyc.indymedia.org.) news publish can anyone where website publishing open an Indypendent The for clarity. and articles content length, edit to right the reserves pendent Indy- The globally. and locally people of lives the affect — social and political economic, — ofpower howsystems exploring lens, critical a through look culture at and that news missions sub- accept We advertising. and merchandise benefits sales, grants, donations, reader tions, by subscrip- own funded is Indypendent The their media. produce to people encouraging by press corporate the to alternative true a create to people empowering to dedicated is pendent awards, Alliance 50 Media Community than more of this Winner in project. participated have activists media and artists journalists, 650 more citizen than 2000, Since management. fund- website provide distribute, and raise photos, take design, draw, edit, write, report, who volunteers of network on reader- a by year produced is It online 200,000. than more of ship and a print our times to Wednesdays 16 published newspaper a is Indypendent The IndyKids to and production, media grassroots to fostering dedicated movement, is that Indymedia network global international an the of part which is Center, Media Independent City York o l len Davidson, Rob len Davidson, f t o

Jessica Lee, Lee, Jessica indypenden llow our bloggers online every every online llow bloggers our [email protected] VERTISING A , a children’s newspaper. , newspaper. a children’s LUSTRATIONS I Ryan Dunsmuir, Anna Gold Anna Ryan Dunsmuir, [email protected] l CONTRIBUTORS: d [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DYPENDENT E T indypendent.org/donate GENERAL C GENERAL [email protected] ONE P h [email protected] N BLISH P h nyc.indymedia.org MMENTS ADER R NERAL G e u e I indypendent.org e N culture SUBSCRIPTIONS: Frank Reynoso Frank w n SUBMISSIONS: P.O. B Kate Perkins Kate o DONATIONS: VOLUNTEER: Y SIGNERS D PS WS N DYkIDS I or, Polina Portnaya, Sarah Sarah Portnaya, Polina or, : E is affiliated with the the with affiliated is e 212-904-1282 n e o l E C izabeth Henderson izabeth r

Y t o and I l o k . o ordinators o org! etto, Daniel Fishel, Seth Seth Fishel, Daniel etto, C n

T , NY 10276 , NY x 1 editor ur N q o i

promotion u ordinator e N 417 417 iries w York-based free free York-based w S : : : e p ws ace& Twi , : inc : : : N : .

N Y : The The Indy- : C IMC C is IMC e York w t N t e e r, r, w END EASE P brechtforum.org 212-904-1281 • indypendent.org Brecht Forum, 451 West St Proceeds benefit are boring. Indypendent, Arun Gupta, a founding editor of States People’s History of Sports in the United columnist for VERBAL VIOLENCE. Dave Zirin, sports OF FORENSIC FISTICUFFS AND ARE SPORTS BORING? AN EVENING 7:30pm Sliding• $10–$20 scale. TUE JUNE 8 212-904-1282 • indypendent.org [email protected]. Email for application and information: writing, research and journalism ethics. will teach the basics of news reporting, Indypendent WORKSHOP: JOURNALISM 101. Join 1-5:30pm • Sliding scale: $15-30 SUN JUNE 6 212-966-4014 • workereducation.org Worker Education, 25 Broadway, 7th Fl Brooklyn College Graduate Center for financial elites. change bad public policy controlled by take democracy into our own hands and Richard Levins for a discussion on how to TO WORK. Join Stewart Acuff and READING: GETTING AMERICA BACK 6:30-8pm • Free 212-620-7310 • gaycenter.org LGBT Community Center, 208 W 13th St Chin and others from the film will follow. Arnove, spoken word poet Staceyann co-producer and co-director Anthony the on Howard Zinn’s screening of this film, which is based This will be the first community film FILM SCREENING: 7pm • $15 WED JUNE 9 planetconnectionsfestivity.com 917-338-9541 • tix 866-811-4111 Gene Frankel Theater, 24 Bond St Community Fund. proceeds benefit theAppalachian Appalachian Mountains. Part of the inflicted by mountaintop removal in the of a family coping with the traumas STONES OF FIRE THEATER: 5:30pm, 7:30pm, 12pm, 7pm • $18 TUE JUNE 8 - SUN JUNE 13 Develop, Don’t Destroy Brook- Destroy Don’t ne- Develop, I interview. the in say to glected something was There fight when others could not. to up stand to willing wereyou how shows you before long left others for when years place seven about your in stayed you that fact The offer. first the not was it because bit one deal that taking after sellout a you sider con-notdid I Goldstein. Daniel you foryour goodfight, thank I 12: May Goldstein” Daniel At- with Yards: An Interview lantic After “Life to Responses HOME SWEET HOME [email protected]. email or article each of end the at online comments own your Post reader comments community calendar l , defends sports, and debates

s 4 ½ HOURS: ACROSS THE editors for a workshop that who claims that sports The Nation

e vent . This play tells the story . A Q&A session with —Tal Barzilai The Indypendent. A People’s History of THE PEOPLE SPEAK

a nnouncements , author of




t o with the community’s input input community’s but the developed, with yards the ed Wewant- rhetoric. not was lyn Brook- Destroy Don’t Develop, in “develop” The the bidder. low chose MTA the infinite its wisdom, In million. $50 to million $150 yards rail MTA’s developer, That plan. munity com- the of version a propose and yards developer the for bid to willing a rail found and the yards of development fair the for advocated Ratner’s we project, oppose just not did movement) large a but army” “small a not was (it velopment that de- Yards Atlantic the community opposed the and lyn E 703-236-1535 • unifem-usnc.org 703-236-1535 St and EAve Lexington 68th Hunter College West Building, at Hunter College, CUNY.online. RSVP Women and Gender Studies Program and health. This event is hosted by The issues of education, economic security feature scholars andcovering activists and annualUNIFEM’s conference will tional Council for Research on Women The WOMEN. Na AGAINST LENCE FOR ENDING VIO IMPERATIVES 718-928-3320 718-928-3320 • brooklynpride.org 14th St/Prospect Park, Bklyn in Park Slope. begins at 7:30 pm on 14th St and Fifth Ave festival begins at 11 am and parade fun run and local entertainment. The LGBT rights also includes a fundraising annual parade and festival dedicated to FESTIVAL: BROOKLYN PRIDE. The 14th 11am-9pm • Free SAT JUNE 12 STRATEGIC CONFERENCE: 8am-9pm • Free FRI JUNE 11-SAT JUNE 12 •646-314-6423 picturethehomeless.org PTH Office, 2427 Morris Ave, Bronx Social Forum in Detroit this June. of Picture the Homeless travel to the U.S. and eat good food to help send members FUNDRAISING DANCE. Come dance EVENT: PICTURE THE HOMELESS 7pm • $10 FRI JUNE 11 ceptive Choices for Women Control: The Complete Guide to Contra- Eldridge will read from her book, READING: 7pm • Free THU JUNE 10 212-592-0116 • indykids.net Town Tavern, 134 W 3rd St newspaper for kids ages 8–14. Come show your support for this radical coloring book, bake sale and coloring in the DAY. This celebration includes a raffle, FUNDRAISER: INDYKIDS 5 • 5:30-8:30pm $15 Sugg (Plus free drink) THU JUNE 17 212-777-6028 • bluestockings.com Bluestockings, 172 Allen St uses of contraceptive methods. history, scientific advances and practical comprehensive guide includes the

i ndyevents x tell, outbid Ratner for the the for Ratner outbid tell, IN OUR CONTROL Coloring Outside the Lines @ g mail . c om . Eldridge’s t IndyKids h . Laura


In Our - - - . embavenez-us.org/newyork 212-826-1660 Venezuelan Consulate, 7 East 51st St socialist society. Chávez government’s efforts to build a ezuela’s Bolivarian movement and the NYC TO BOLIVIA TO NYC process. undemocratic an through oper devel- single one in of vision the developed not vision, and 647-702-7914 • peoplessummit2010.ca 25-27. To attend, RSVP online. G8 and G20 Summits happening June participate in this counter-summit to the the world in Toronto to strategize and SUMMIT. Join activists from around ORGANIZING EVENT: PEOPLE’S FRI JUNE 18-SUN JUNE 20 alliedmediaconference.org 495 Ferry Mall, Detroit, MI (Wayne State University) McGregor Memorial Conference Center $100 sliding scale. Detroit is available. Registration Fee: of media. Transportation from NYC to and creative world through the utilization gather in Detroit to organize for a just from around the world are invited to CONFERENCE. Every summer activists CONFERENCE: ALLIED MEDIA THU JUNE 17-SUN JUNE 20 Revolution Memoir of Venezuela’s Democratic Cowboy in Caracas: A North American’s correspondent, will discuss his book, slum-dwelling priest-turned-foreign CARACAS CONVERSATION: 6:30pm• Free FRI JUNE 18 Justice Groundswell from from 12: May Cancún” to Cochabamba to Groundswell Copenhagen Climate “The Justice to Responses a Left. to the loss great is organization community ACOR of tegration disin- the obviously is ploded im- that story this of part One Daniel Goldstein criticized criticized ACOR Goldstein Daniel —Daniel Goldstein —Daniel N . Charles Hardy, a former , as well as the origins of Ven , I think the loss of the ofthe loss the think I

—Acorn Story—Acorn COWBOY IN N . a co-foundingeditorofTheIndypendent.

While While

- Proceeds benefitTheIndypendent. An EveningofForensicFisticuffs The Nation, debates ArunGupta, DEBA Dave Zirin,sportscolumnistfor June [email protected]. 380 Marlborough Rd, Ditmas Park, Bklyn Third Root Community Health Center, displacement. Hosted by ShiftNYC. economic privilege, gentrification and learn about the connections among a w 6:30pm •Free MON JULE 7 s VOLUNTEER: E 10am–2pm • Free SUN JUNE 27 877-515-USSF • Cobo Hall, 1 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI is available. tion. Transportation from NYC to Detroit world. See websites for more informa political projects aimed at improving our to gather together to strategize about space for activists from across the globe The U.S. Social Forum will provide the CONFERENCE: U.S. SOCIAL FORUM. TUE JUNE 22-SAT JUNE 26 212-80-PRIDE • nycpride.org 72nd St and Fifth Ave Rumsey Playfield Central Park, public. SummerStage. This event is open to the with LGBT activists on Central Park’s ers and speakers will join the stage RALLY: NYC LGBT PRIDE. Perform 4-8pm • Free SAT JUNE 19 that work there. what they had to say about doing hear and theminterviewshould movingtowardYouCancún.be government — and others — will are the positions that Thesethe ceremony. Bolivian closing the in andstate headsofthegroups to working four of results the present- ing up ended and nature the working chaired group on harmony with even person One Cochabamba. in players major fromMothers on the Move were and Justiceand Peace for istries N 212-477-4022 • lesecologycenter.org Location TBA. Community Hooked on East River Park. by Lower East Side Ecology Center and Tools and gloves provided. Sponsored hip gainst orkshop e Yres rm ot Min- Youth Yorkers from w TE: ARESPORTSBORING?


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g Join in for a day of gardening. and Verbal Violence. Continued on page 19 page on Continued entrification : A a l u —Diana Pei Wu Pei —Diana lies st ssf


2 i o T ver 010.org rganizing ues (see listing)

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The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 3 ------l

Loca Some100 demonstratedpeople w York City civil disobedience ac- e N S. Rep. Yvette Clarke of Brooklyn told

. U Under Under vacancy decontrol, landlords can eas Lawlor defends the state’s record on enforc However, according to agency figures ob pushcontinuewill groups tenant said McKee That kind of fraud happens even when the Whether an omnibus reform bill can pass The May 24 protest was the second of ing vacancy decontrol has been the top issue on issuethetop been decontrol has vacancy ing the tenant movement’s legislative agenda since Democrats won control of the state Senate in 2008. It passed the State Assembly in 2009, but was stalled in the Senate when Housing Com mittee Chair Pedro Espada switched to the Re publican Party the day before a scheduled vote lastJune. ily get away with charging illegally high rents, McKee explained. “Ninety percent of landlords will just stop registering the apartment and tell tenantsthatit’s notrent-stabilized. don’tPeople file complaints because they don’t the assume they because and knowfile, to right a have they systemsaid.againstthem,” McKee jigged is ing the law against rent overcharges. In the last three years, the state DHCR has orders issued requiring landlords 2,100to pay back rent and damages. tained by Housing Here and Now, 2,000 only complaints. overcharge file tenantsyear a about ing for full repeal of vacancy decontrol. Senate Majority Leader John Sampson, he 32 votesreally “get wants ifhe it.” said, can apartment rents for under $2,000,Housing. on Council Metropolitan the of adds Mazzoni Mario cerns that the new measure could result in widespread racial profiling. in an election year remains unclear, but ad- vocates say they will continue to press it. for protesters on May 24,have a to job do “We and transcends it election cycles.” three tions over the past three weeks in which a total of 109 were arrested. were organized These by a actionscoalition of labor, im- migrant and social demonstrationsMore 72-hour justiceanda hunger organizations. strike are planned for later this month. ------spOILed BE-GONEPETROLEUM: 28 May againstBritish Petroleum Manhattan a at gas stationHoustonofthecorner on Street Lafayette and Duringtheevents, Avenue. participants dozen a poured themselvesfoodcoloring on chocolatesyrup black and expressto theiroutrage thegrowing over environmental disasterMexico,theGulfofwhile in others carriedbottles fulldirtyof The NYPDwater. metalerected a barricade station thegas thearounddemonstration,of advance in effectivelyshutting down thefacility. The action was CODEPINK by organized NYC, Freedom Glory Project and Up!Time’s NYC. PHOTO:LEE WELLS : NYPD officers prepare to handcuff Lenore Freilander, Service Employees Employees Service Freilander, Lenore handcuff to NYPDprepare officers : decision for Stuyfor Town/PCV, decision he Roberts About 40,000 apartments get J-51 benefits, That provision is likely intended to protect “Why are we allowing taxpayers’ dollars to Krueger added that the vacancy-decontrol JAILED FOR JUSTICE FOR JAILED International Union 32BJ vice president, during a May 24 protest for immigration reform inManhattan. PHOTO: RENÉE FELTZ v. v. Tishman Speyer last threw October the “completely situation into disarray,” that he ruling stated; held that the ant ownersTown/Peter of Cooper Village Stuyves could not take those tax breaks and then ments deregulate in apart those buildings. The courtsaid, wasclear: city’sJ-51 benefits are specifi law, the cally intended to help landlords renovate rent- stabilized buildings, so buildings receiving that money must remain under regulation. Lawlor said. The proposed law would not over turnthe says. Instead, it would clarify the mentslaw: Apart that were already rent-stabilized when J-51benefitsgotthey deregulated, could still be rent-stabilized became thatwhenthoseonlybut theyreceivedJ-51 benefits not be.could owners from lawsuits challenging deregulation in other J-51 buildings. State Sen. Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) called it “completely unaccept Letting able.” apartments with J-51 designation be deregulated, she says, would overturn both the court thedecision and intent of the justlaw, obligations. outgetlegal of can landlords so be given away if there’s no quid pro quo for the good?” public asked. she do changes “not go nearly far enough.” Repeal - - - - - Roberts w York York w e N

“Arizona shows that if we don’t change “Focusing on the border security is AssemblymembersstateCouncilCity and “This bill will do nothing to slow down the loss the down slow tonothing do will“This bill The bill, which would extend the state’s rent- • Vacant apartments could still be decon • It would establish some new protections • Landlords could decontrol apartments that “This is what everyone in the industry City protests, part of of a civil nationwide disobedience wave that included actionsin Los Angeles and Chicago. An estimated 35,000 people marched on May 29 a under broiling sun in Phoenix, Ariz., againstnewstate thatlaw requires police a request to citizenship of proof fromsuspected undocu- mented immigrants. our immigration system, states are going to takethe intolaw their own hands and come up with measures that will be Figueroa,liberties,” contrarycivilcitingcon-saidour to really denying the reality that there are mil- lions of people here working,” said Lenore Freilander, vice 32BJ president. amongwere those arrested in the of affordable rent-regulated housing,” ing Here and Now Hous said in a statement May 26. “Nothing short of full repeal of vacancy decon trol, reregulation and of the 300,000 apartments years,willlost thedo.” last16 have in we regulation laws from 2011 to provisions: main 2019, has three trolled if the legal rent is $3,000 or thresholdmore. Thatwould go up every year according to the increases set by the city Board.(Apartments Rent decontrolledalready would Guidelines regulated.) notbe against illegal overcharges. apartments Owners out of taking rent required to file regulation an “exit would notice” with be the Divisionstate of Housing and Community(DHCR) Renewal and to tell incoming tenants that can filean they application with DHCR to makecer decontrolled.legally apartment was the that tain received J-51 tax benefits once theythe$3,000 reached threshold. thought the law was,” Lawlor phone said press in conference a tele May 26, referringthe to provisions regarding state J-51 Court benefits. of The Appeals decision in


ion Local 32BJ, including n U hnia s i

earing a clerical collar, a pressed black suit cuffs, and Bishop plastic Orlando Findlay- hand- tenants’ W

fter more than a year of tenants pressure urging from the repeal of the state’svacancy-decontrolDavid Pater Gov. law, Y.) Y.) includes a path to citizenship. . xt to Findlayter sat several purple- w York Police Department truck and

e e teven N

“We believe we’ve crafted a balanced mea “It’soutrage,”McKee, an respondedMichael N With more than120,000nation- members more With “They should have a mechanism to be- The comprehensive immigration reform “We “We have written letters, we have S N y

By Renée Feltzand Mary Annaïse Heglar New Yorkers Escalate Demand for Immigration Reform Immigration for Demand Escalate Yorkers New B A

son has finally weighed in. Ina billannounced May 26, he proposed raising the threshold for taking apartments out of $2,000month rent a $3,000.to controls from sure that provides stability and certainty, tight- ens protections for tenants, will stem the loss of rent-regulated units and preserve affordable legitimate a be of that housing, has and chance ing passed in the legislature,” said State Hous Commissioner ing Lawlor. Brian tenant-rightsNow and Here Housing the of head coalition. “He [Paterson] has gone over to the everybodyscrewingto used whoHe’s side. dark partbase.” be his of W But his proposal takes a “border-first”ap- proach, putting applications for legal resi- dency on hold for eight years backlog until is cleared. a visa shirted members of the Service Secretary Treasurer Hector Figueroa. “My Figueroabe-said simple,” veryis motivation fore his arrest. “We have a broken and un- just immigration system that is allowing the exploitationmillions of workers.” of wide — including 70,000 in International 32BJ is the largest property service workers how described Figueroa country. the in union 1,200 unionized in Minneapolis janitors lost le- lacked they because October last jobs their in janitors gal San status. Fran- Another 475 similar reasons. dismissed for be could cisco come legal residents,” Figueroa said. outline proposed by Sen. Chuck (D- Schumer took a seat. He was among 37 rested May people 24 for blocking ar- the intersection in front of 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, downtown an act of civil disobedience the demonstrators hope will increase pressureon Congress and President Barack Obama to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year. marched, we have rallied and we have seen no real action. So step up,” Findlayter it said before is he stepped our into intention to the intersection. local Caribbean He congregations with undoc- represents 140 umentedmembers.during“Thisthe worked civil rights era, and we believe immigration is the civil rights issue century.” the of 21st ter climbed with purpose into the a back of 4 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent First Person Two visionsofeducationclashasBloomberg prepares tolayoff6,400teachers Teaching Under Race to Nowhe to Race of parents, something that has roiled neighborhoods across the city in city the neighborhoodsacrossroiled has that something parents, of approval the without schoolspublic existing into co-located be to able setbackforcharterpublic school advocates, charterschools be willstill time first and no new charterswill be grantedto for-profit operators. In a managed. which schools, receive publicare but funds privately charter schools to 214. The vote of followed months wrangling over of the future T Under the agreement, charter schools will be publicly audited for the the publiclyforauditedbeschools charterwillagreement, Underthe from 200 to 460. New York City saw its charter cap lifted from 100 100 from caplifted charter its saw years YorkCity New four 460. to 200 next from the over state the in schools charter the of double number than more to 28 May voted Legislature York New he DANIEL FISHEL DANIEL type teaching model in which young, bright bright young, which in model teaching type Corps- Peace nonunionized, a of that is try coun- the across them like others and Klein serve. they communities and lies fami- students, the of needs the to respond and to understand ability a teacher’s in ence are and they real bonds; a make these differ- stu- former of dents. children the teaching career was my in later but parents, their know to came and students former of siblings er generations. across community school a anchor to able are and teachers to younger mentor a position in are time, over pensions. skills their develop also receive they But someday will and more cost teachers Veteran professionals. trained highly for path career a as teaching visions en- half-century past the for under operated have schools public model educational The Visions Two A Scott Norm By two different visions of teaching. visions different two but also of seniority, principle the just not is stake At layoffs. administering for basis the as seniority junking for call reformers tion educa- self-styled when mind in this keep to year important is it cuts, budget proposed to due this layoffs facing teachers school lic the of city pub- With 6,400 school in system 2002. control Schools took Klein handpicked Joel Chancellor his and Bloomberg Michael Mayor since years intervening the in worse grown anything, if has, leadership would have overloyalty chosen competence. principal my choice, a given that question, no was There school. the within union the ter how bad the policy, and to try undermine mat- way,no every in principal the — support butter the meets bread the where knew teachers These ways. many in effective least and respected least the often were teachers favorite principal’s This avail. little to often — our policy time” the all prep “test principal’s against openly out speaking included This needs. their met best that students ways the our in teach could my I so and freedom colleagues academic on of insisted had degree I some years 20 for and three years, previous the for school the at leader up forit.” makes “but this said, leapt for joy. “My was stolen today,”car she practically she principal, my informed boss new my When 1998. in level district the at The vision espoused by Bloomberg and and Bloomberg by espoused vision The young- the taught only not I 147, PS At This kind of favoritism and arbitrary arbitrary and favoritism of kind This chapter union teachers the been had I N burg, I was offered a technology job technology a offered was I burg, Williams- in 147 PS at years 27 for education elementary teaching fter o metric can measure the value of value the measure can metric testing. standardized of rounds additional including programs wasteful new of to help cash-strapped school districts but will instead enshrine a number the Top program. However, critics say Race to the Top money will do little chanceof qualifying for as much in federal as $700 aid under the Race to schools that share a building to monitor space usage and conflict. councils at advisorycreating callsforlegislation only The recentyears. upres f h lgsain oe ht t il mrv Nw York’s New improve will it that hope legislation the of Supporters r e A full-time substitutes. full-time into turned were and rehired get not could many positions, their and lost closed teachers veteran were “failing” be to de- schools termined When $50,000). teacher than more 23-year a is and between teacher first-year difference a (the teachers higher- with salaried those penalized that schools for formula funding a instituted then Klein basis. non-seniority a on openings teaching to fill principals allowed that system market open- an created which contract, 2005 the in poorer performing schools. schools. performing poorer in teachers experienced keep to wanted he ing say- wanted, he anywhere teachers transfer could he so protections seniority loosen to right the for arguing began Klein 2002, in teachers. school public union that 87,000 represents U in system of kind this for in up garb. idealistic dressed cheap the on years. education few It’s a within school) pursuits graduate other (like onto move teachers young of these many conditions, line-like assembly out by their burned Quickly rights. minimal with conditions work grueling to under forced hours long often training, little with schools inner-city into thrown and America For Teach are like programs graduates through recruited college white) mostly (and ity protections, with with protections, ity teachers. highest-paid of the the rid goal of an with manipulate ultimate situation getting to was along all intention his appears It reversed. been has argument the of leadership hapless the running around while circles years eight past the during rooting out the lazy and the burned-out ones who abuse their tenured status. tenured their abuse who ones burned-out the and lazy the out rooting while teachers keeping have of a best to the nobler principals agenda most that believe naïve is it teachers, veteran purge to exist currently that incentives the Given rate managerial ideology but know little little know education. about but ideology managerial rate corpo- by guided are who principals more installed as Klein years vere eight past the in se- But increasingly problem the become has despots. petty who like fiefdoms their principals over rule school incompetent have been there remember, can I as long as For compe I n n Soon after being appointed by Bloomberg by Bloomberg appointed being after Soon groundwork the laid carefully has Klein li cniud o nemn senior- undermine to continued Klein E td eeain f eces ( Teachers of Federation ited s x pected to run their schools like a busi- a like schools their run to pected sa t e n t

P r incipals u U F T complicity, in in complicity, T —J N N l e ohn e w York City City York w w York City N U T t arle F o T), the the T), w that that w t on the lazy and the burned-out ones. burned-out the and lazy the out rooting while teachers best the keeping have a nobler of principals most agenda that believe to naïve is it teachers, veteran purge to exist currently that incentives the Given to do same. the colleagues of their rights the They are their also students. more likely to defend educate to best professional how about their judgment on rely and test- the script buck prep to likely veteran more are power; teachers centralizing about also is approach This educators. long-time by ried car- memory institutional and expertise the of expense the at but money saves teachers ednotesonline.blogspot.com. at education public City York New in sues is- current about 2002. commentary publishes to He 1967 from system school public City York New the in worked Scott Norm enormous an fordecades. impact have will years and months coming the in issue this around made sions deci- The educational children. our for of want we future sort what about carefully think should society a as we elsewhere, and funding). (i.e., test scores) do while making with fewer “inputs” standardized mandate: (i.e., “outputs” singular increase a face principals ness, ers is carried out here in in here out carried is ers education. ban ur- in force a as unions teachers’ break and teachers nonunionized favor with of schools in systems school public of chunks massive union- privatize end game: The schools. public the ized from drained is money that money public — with supported mostly still are which schools, charter into amounts funding of enormous poured have interests and other business financial corporate, large why reasons the of one also is It problems. to sold educational for all panacea the as public the being are that schools privately charter for run craze current the underlying plan. of the component anecessary — is of — ure protection teacher unionism pillars free- of ten- and seniority Destroying forces. market infringement an constitutes rules labor of union existence very the deformers, education Tothese choice. and competition like forces market-based employing the of guise under interests private of hands the systems in school public urban place to way under is push all-out the An Party. Democratic within allies teacher traditional many from support who reform, have getting been education corporate-style of proponents by teachers on attack national the of heart the seniority. teacher on laws to move the approval for look proposal, for this attempts won not has he While standards. objective purportedly other and scores test dardized stan- student’s their using abilities teachers’ measuring and layoffs required executing in criterion a as seniority eliminating for calls N Before this sacking of experienced teach- experienced of sacking this Before motive major a is bias anti-union This to goes seniority over battle current The o netheless, in his latest attacks, Klein Klein attacks, latest his in netheless, N e w York to change Legislature E l iminating experienced experienced iminating N e w York City City York w The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 5 6 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent profile s One W P p together, likethisMay31demonstrationinTimes Squareagainstadeadly IsraeliraidonshipsfilledwithaidforthepeopleofGaza. m ma ho arrie f o t t am o: ellen ’ ale ch r r rdon d a e to i i o DROPPING b n ly’s p lly FOR rote da msky, s v for lea ids s t po : on DebbieMardon(left)andherPalestinian-Americanhusband,MahmoudBitar(center),areoftenatdemonstrations oman’s Journey mat l d d i no s he t ebb i ion cal ti am i ll i r e .

ne E and elections, won democratic Strip. Gaza of the blockade demonstration ongoing the to attention a bringing at aimed March, Freedom the in part Gaza take to Cairo to traveled tries world. of the sense make her help to Limbaugh Rush and hosts Hannity radio Sean rightwing on three relied as ago recently years as for and voted Bush W. who George mother apolitical viously scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” Yorker, said that protesting in Cairo “was the native a 55, Debbie, hotel, their inside and 23. Joel, son 18, and tar, Bi- her Jenna with daughter Freedom March Gaza the in participate to square main ro’s she and Mahmoud had lost their mothers mothers their lost had Mahmoud and she both — time harrowing personally a was It the on attack in Gaza the ofwinter 2008-09. together. demonstrations attend regularly now they together and family, closer a as them brought has com- munity solidarity Palestine the in volvement in- passionate to indifference political from children two their and Mahmoud husband what at massacre.” “Gaza the outraged have labeled many were March, Gaza Freedom the in participated who activists the of majority civilians. them the , 1,400 about killing eventually when Israel invaded Gaza, aid. 2008, December, in humanitarian worsened situation The basic in allowing only Mediterranean, the on strip coastal sieged L g Since 2006, after the Islamist movement movement Islamist the after 2006, Since coun- 43 from activists 1,300 than More pre- a for be to place unlikely an was It protesters at aimed violence police Amid For Debbie, things came to a head during during head a to came things Debbie, For her Debbie, for journey three-year The of rest the like children, her and Debbie p hv cmltl bokdd hs be- this blockaded completely have ypt E g confetti — instead, she to headed Cai- — instead, confetti or did not noise makers with celebrate w Year’s w ast yptian security forces blockading them N e S E ol v e, Debbie Mardon Mardon Debbie e, i N By Alex Kane e dar w lumbia could get involved,” Debbie said. Debbie involved,” get I could how out find to effort an made I Af- that ter this. supports government for- your while is it silent be longer no can you political, and policy is eign a it by disaster, caused not is natural suffering this said, he Then tears. in me had photos children, the and phospho- rous, white the maimed from burned and children dying of photos ing aboutPalestine, and one in particular, featur- Palestine. in happening was what about more out find it to and Debbie was home, decided ing time and a had in good placed a friend been nurs- never important. One of four siblings, she she siblings, four of One important. never torn apart by unpatriotic voices,” she said. out there was watching so our country wasn’t someonethat know towanted world.“I the Peggy columnist and conservative O’Reilly Bill reading watching couch the on refrigerator. the near posted are theincity events leftist flyers advertising and Hedges Chris of works the with filled is bookshelf Their Blossom. named cat black a and couch comfortable a room, living around the plants kitchen, the in costume een avoid each other if everyone’s home. to enough not comfortablebut feel to room enough with snug, is kids two andhusband ment she shares with her Palestinian-Americanapart- The drinks. and dinneroffer to quick onthe apartment walk-up floor fifth her in found be can buoyant, and outgoing tall, Debbie, YORKER NEW NATIVE “It was jaw-dropping. He showed us us showed He jaw-dropping. was “It lectures and talks attending started She But for most of Debbie’s life, politics were But for of most politics Debbie’s life, Debbie took comfort in Fox havebeen would Debbie ago, years Three Hallow- a in Jenna of pictures are There N o U wga dco Md Glet t Co- at Gilbert Mads doctor rwegian U p n per iversity, left an indelible impression. E

a stSide. She is welcoming and N it o N onan. o rman Finkelstein and and Finkelstein rman Wall Street Journal Journal Street Wall N y o N am Chomsky, Chomsky, am e ws’ slant on a I lived the life they lived for a bit, saw the understand.” but Ididn’t the checkpoints, saw bit, a for lived they life the lived I were alive. when they my grandparents with weeks, three for on, going was what knew I before there visited “I said. Pales- Jenna tinian,” was that family my least at or ians, Palestin- the to happening were things bad Palestine. in childhood his about talked rarely Mahmoud Joel, and Jenna ing Services. Children’s for tect archi- an as works currently He talking. of way pointed and forward more Debbie’s to contrast a tones, airy times at and calm in speaks eye, his in twinkle a have always to children. their raising while firm at an architectural Debbie worked part-time 1992. in Jenna, Joel, second, their child, and 1986, in first their had Mahmoud and Debbie later, years three college from ating visa. astudent on 1977 War started in 2003, though, as her trust trust her as though, 2003, in started Iraq War the after long too for last not did tics Fox. watched she as side mother’s her by stayed Jenna and time, of it.” enough had really I had when treat I and would re- information, would pick the she so her with control remote the had “She led the with remote control,” recalls. always Mahmoud she so nature, by leader a bie’s post-9/11 politics. cussed us,” said. Debbie attack would someone why and policy, foreign about ing television. on World the hit plane second the Trade Center school when she home returned and watched throughout rested ers were college-aged, their parents sent sent parents the to their them college-aged, were ers relatives. his of three killed bombs Israeli after to Jerusalem returned family his and Mahmoud out, broke War Six-Day the 1967,when In bles. vegeta- and fruits selling Jericho in a station ily moved his father had there because set up for ten histhe first of years fam- hisafter life conflict. WestBank, the in city a Jericho, in lived He Israeli-Palestinian the of politics the in immersed up brought was Mahmoud like, you’re nice.’” ‘You’re too him aPalestinian, not to things said “people how re- calls Debbie Italian. or Jewish was he think people, dating, started let they when he Debbie including and heritage, his with able uncomfort- was Mahmoud Palestine. from what not it understand tomeant be someone love,” in said. Mahmoud fell and heart her saw I campus. met. they time first the with ing Palestinian- a American, at the end of Bitar, their sophomore year. Mahmoud husband, future her met first she where Architecture, electrician. an worked as father her High and homemaker Waltona was mother Her attended School. and Bronx the in neighborhood Park Bedford the in up grew Middle Middle of thousands as especially Palestinian, a as background his about nervous more moud Mah- made and perspective, political bie’s 11,The September 2001, jolted attacks Deb- FACTOR 9/11 THE U “I never got a greater picture, it was just just was it picture, greater a got never “I rais- and while For marriage ofmost their seems and hair curly has who Mahmoud, gradu- and 1980 in married getting After Debbie’s close attention to post-9/11poli- to attention Debbie’sclose the at politics about apathetic was Joel Deb- listened. just I it, “Wediscuss didn’t dis- rarely Mahmoud and Debbie But learn- started I time first the was “That to Fox turned Debbie at off Jenna dropped just had Debbie As soon as Mahmoud and his two broth- two his and Mahmoud as soon As Born in the Old City of in 1958,Jerusalem she did Mahmoud, met Debbie first When on rain the in tree a under talked “We start- Debbie with taken was Mahmoud ofCollegeSchool City theDebbie towent . S. citizen, arrived in the the in arrived citizen, S. N E a e w York City’s Administration for w York Administration City’s tr mn ee rfld n ar- and profiled were men stern U n ited States. Mahmoud, now Mahmoud, States. ited N e w York City. N e ws forclarity. ws U n ited States in in ited States The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 7 r- a H —A.K. The Case Case The Project

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N C JU I y l M t Say FOR RACIA s s S e d Press, Press, d l n e CONO E am Chomsky am Jw jewssayno.wordpress.com Brookn brooklynpeace.org Pa ine thinkpep.net JEW E jfrej.org o N Chomsky exam- Chomsky the the situation is too complex to understand have distorted the reality of the Israel-Palestine con- debunking at aimed is book the of Much flict. Dershowitz’s Alan book professor vard Israel. for Triangle: Fateful The States, United The the and Israel Palestinians, By (South (South 1999) harmful the ines sup- U.S. that impact on has Israel of port Israel, Palestinians. is argues, Chomsky to asset strategic a States United the States’global United the to crucial region a in hegemony. Groups in NYC NYC in Groups

for : s ine rk t nt o e s rman rman o e d Y Palestine Solidarity Solidarity Palestine l N Finkelstein Finkelstein argues w e position on Israel. on position On Chutzpah: Beyond Anti- of Misuse the the and Semitism History of Abuse By Finkelstein Finkelstein of (University Press, California 2005) that those that claim Pa Stu

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a d I a P m ice e w l E t u N a l D s o u Al-A Coalition Return to Right Palestine The al-awdany.org/newsite Cba J columbiasjp.org CO codepink4peace.org NK NYC Adh The Israel of Boycott adalahny.org the for Campaign York w NY: ere ere are three books that found helpful especially when she sought to Debbie Mardon This This book describes how the pro-Israel lobby learn learn more about the root causes of the Israeli- conflict: Palestinian Policy Foreign U.S. and Lobby Israel The Walt Stephen and Mearsheimer John By 2007) Giroux, and Straus (Farrar, by Israel for support U.S. overwhelming enforces their on based politicians punishing or rewarding An Activist’s Activist’s An Bookshelf H skwi ze Continued on page 19 w York Campaign for e arc N M w York-based activist who has : (From left to right) Mahmoud, : The mas e e Y N m N ti

y o: Tho l i t m “She’s really “She’s knowledgeable. Shehas real- In In the last two years, the household has These days, it is nearly impossible to fa Jenna, Debbie and Joel Mardon frequently Their involve- discuss politics with eachother. ment in Palestine solidarity activism has drawn the family closer together. Pho become close friends with Debbie over the past two years. “She has a voracious mind, very very, and smart.” she’s the Boycott of Israel, in thepaign against Lev group’s Leviev. An Israeli cam- billion- aire who owns a jewelry store in Manhat-tan, Leviev is involved with companies that invest in and construct illegal Jewish-onlysettlements on Palestinian land. educated ly herself Palestine,”on Helen says Schiff, a gency start to having voice.” a some- how describes Jenna transformed. been times, before she goes to sleep, Debbie will run into her room and “just read me books passages from including the out loud,” work “She’ll Parenti. of Chris and Michael Hedges passage, this you read to have ‘I say, and come de- and sad something be it’ll and good’ so it’s laughing. says, Jenna pressing,” miss Debbie and members of her family at activist events related to Palestine. The ac- tions they frequent include protesting with Adalah- am ited o n N U iversity n U , also started started also , S. weapons, paid . U A D S. foreign policy and the . U TION A M The Fateful Triangle: The The United Fateful Triangle:

S. foreign policy on Palestine. on policy foreign S. OR . F U S w York security guard and charged

e ne months later, on Dec. 2008,27, Is- i N After those 22 days were over, Debbie MahmoudGazamadealsoassault onThe “It’s a natural conclusion to what hap- N “It was during Gaza that we started to AmnestyInternationalcalledwhat During Joel, who was reading books like “It was a small thing in the larger world, However, However, they were forced to leave this

However, a series of events in 2008ineventswould series of a However, Additional Resources For more about the conflict in Gaza, see page 12 of this issue. this of 12 page see Gaza, in conflict the about more For For a resource guide to understanding the Israel-Palestine conflict, please conflict, Israel-Palestine the understanding to guide resource a For indypendent.org. visit started going to lectures and protests about the conflict andmeshed in soonthe world of Palestine found solidarity herselfactivism. Although en- described as the “lead- lastpersonthewas household,shethe of er” finallyto call herself an activist. Palestinethewithengagedsol- becomemore idarity movement. pened in Gaza,” breath is being taken Mahmoud out of us. I felt an ur- says. “Our States, Israel and the Palestinians the and Israel States, Israel-Palestine conflict. “Killingindiscriminately civilians with Chomsky’s im- detrimental the about Debbie with talk to of pact rael invadedrael the , beginning what would be a devastating assault. firsttimethewas at Joel,saidwho awaken,” foraying into politics by joining an antiwar organization at Hunter College and ing books about read- for with our tax money, seemed hideously wrong.” to be so “22 days of death and destruction,” Debbie theGaza avoid couldconflict,not especially was Farid,because who brotherMahmoud’s thegluedAl assault,coverageof to Jazeera’s was emotionally devastated. with assaulting an officer,misdemeanor resistingand chargestheft— Deb- that arrest bie and her family say were ridiculous and were later dropped. but it happened to this, us,” all immuneto Debbiebe would we that recalls.thought “I and that the community we were a part of would care about truth and care about jus- tice being served, but they didn’t care about either of those things. It opened my eyes to greaterthinkinjustices.used to people thatI who went to jail were probably guilty. But thought,goodness!I my ‘Oh There are now, all these people in jail that are probably in- nocent.’ Michael could’ve gone to jail, but he had a private lawyer. What poor?” you’re happens if of of CHURCH, GAZA AN Debbie’s family started attending deemer the Re- Presbyterian years Church ago. While they were almost initially drawn the to church, which metHunter at 20 College, by a smart and interesting pastor, over the years the congregation family became for all them. of a second communityMarch2008inafterMahmoud, who worked at the church on Sundays, was accused of stealing a CD of mon. a He was church arrested ser- by a City TRAN in the government slipped when the States did not find weapons of mass destruc-findweaponsof Statesnot did tion in Iraq. bring politics back into the family’s life a inprominent andway, they have not turned back since.

8 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent large percentage of the the of percentage large a equals already giants size five Street’s The Wall of place. first the in big too coming be- from it preventing is fail to big too ing becom- from way to a best prevent bank the that understand to whiz-kid Street Wall ing assets. capital their on imposing and hold could they deposits by the on caps banks have biggest would the up that broken amendment an rejected ap- roundly Senate The regulatory enough. not is this proach process, bank- “orderly” ruptcy-type an into banks failing ing push- by problem fail” to big “too avoidthe HouseWhite does not support any of them. The limbo. in idea third leavesa and future, biggest Street’s Wall banks so ofthey won’t cause more trouble structure in the the ing the change of Wall Street. structure to nothing does is It it that regulatory. is — bill House the with onciled rec- being toway the on now — 20 May on ers) from investment banking. investment ers) borrow- from to lenders classic connecting of (the function banking commercial to banks separate force and Act Glass-Steagall era Depression- the resurrecting by banking of structure the to change be would bill Senate competitive huge banks. over smaller advantage a have banks these fail, to big too are they know investors and ers trad- Because them. liquidate to way derly” “or- an were there the if even of system, financial foundations the shake would mise de- their — 2008 in did they as — trouble into get two or one if because definition, by product. T Reich Robert By (D-Ark.). She would force the banks to do to banks the force would She (D-Ark.). Lincoln Blanche Senator by advanced idea, power and “too inevitable big to fail” status. their to adding trading, derivatives over oly monop- banks’ giant the erode not would it applied), is it before vari- studies and delays requires ous bill Senate current the (and E capital. own their with bets market making or trading,” “proprietary from banks ring ap- bar- provision a regulatory includes It a instead. proach takes bill the too, Here, Matter Derivatives Why ANALYSIS We need Wall to restructure Street, not just regulate it F v ll: ‘socialism’ not such not adi ‘socialism’ ll: A Pe than half of young people, women, people with lower incomesloweryoungandthosepeople, ofpeoplewomen,halfthan with Fewer reaction. negative a have they say who percent 37 to compared than half the public percent) (52 reacts positively to the word “capitalism” frequently used in current political discourse, found that only slightly more the message. sanPew Research Centerindicates thatalotofpeople aren’t still getting You do not have to be an algorithm-wield- to seeks bill Senate the although First, The bill omits two ideascritical for chang- Another crucial provision left out of the the of out left provision crucial Another almost fail to big too them makes That Which brings us to the third structural structural third the to us brings Which en if this regulation were tough enough enough tough were regulation this if en The nationwide survey, which tested reactions to words and phrasesand words to reactions tested whichsurvey, nationwide The mericans are constantly reminded about both the wonders of capitalism a form bill passed by the the by re- passed bill financial form know 1,500-page to the about thing important most he ndthedangers ofsocialism. However, arecent poll bythenonparti- i w nance B

p o U . S. gross domestic domestic gross S. U . S. Senate Senate S. tinue to use derivatives. They just could not not could just They derivatives. use to tinue con- to Lin- banks allow would irrelevant. measure coln’s but True, activities.” ing to bank- normal of their risks the help mitigate derivatives use institutions “depository that argues the Bernanke continue. want to subsidy they Obviously businesses. tive deriva- lucrative their backstop to surance in- deposit taxpayer-funded on relied have committee. conference upcoming the survive will it believes ington Wash- in one no Almost it. on trained guns its has lobbyist business and Street Wall jor ma- every Virtually it. detest banks biggest hate it. it. out came The Republicans against Bernanke Ben Chair Fed and Geithner Tim Secretary Reserve Treasury Volcker, Paul Federal chairman former after life-support separate banking. commercial entities their from in trades derivative their But it’s critical. For years the big banks banks big the years For critical. it’s But on is but bill, the in still is measure This • • • • Resto It keeps taxpayers on the hook for future bailouts. banks’ power andbig inevitable “too thebig to fail”to bankingstatus. adding derivatives of commercial regulation the in loopholesdangerous open between leaves It firewall Glass-Steagall-style a (the classic createfunction of connecting lenders to borrowers) and notinvestment banking. does It It does not get rid of “too big to fail” banks. i ll M r i ng A dom sampling people.of 1,546 “capitalism.” tively to the word “socialism” and percent 43 having a positive reaction to posi- reactingpercent 43 with dividedequally were 18-29) (agespeople States, “socialism” received an overall positive rating of 29 percent. Young lesswith education react positively to “capitalism.” m The poll was conducted from April 21 to 26 and was composed of a ran- United the in force political a as nonexistent almost being Despite e r i can Financial Financial can 4 Reasons the the 4 Reasons r W I i t LL y sses F the structure of structure the back his on changing turned has also banks, on “tough” get to wants he says who dent, Lin- coln’s measure. without bill, Dodd the accept to ness willing- its signaled has Street the and two, The wonlobbyists banks. biggest on the first America’s of structure because the change would ideas all three these against nail and deposits capital. for the government-insured their on rely place. The final healthcare act doesn’t even doesn’t act healthcare final The place. systemof private for-profit in insurers health old the left that regulations ofcomplex set a favor Housein White bytheof jettisoned all “public option”were so-called — aeven all, for Medicare payer, single — industry care Ideas for changing the structure of the health- approach instead. regulatory A w IL The interesting question is why the Presi- the why is question interesting The tooth fought have lobbyists Street’s Wall It’s almost exactly like healthcare reform. healthcare like exactly almost It’s : o S t r ability ability d U . S. banks — opting for a for opting — banks S. A c t o —JOHN —JOHN TARLETON f t 2010 he Mark LISA LIN LISA a future. the in risks greater and to greater economy the subject also will It bigger. even them make will derivatives, including activities, banking investment for deposits too to draw on just commercial ability big, their and are banks big Street’s Wall place. first the in trouble into us got — healthcare or banking it be — industry an of structure insurers privatefrom the nation’s laws. antitrust of exemption the remove this fundamental problem. fundamental this cure will regulation of amount no but mad, like it regulate to try can We delivery. care health ineffective driver and bloated key a America’s of is insurance health for-profit adapted from a longer version originally originally version robertreich.org. on published longer a from adapted of was article This 1997. Secretary to 1993 from Labor U.S. as served Reich Robert before. as go much on to industry the allow will that language tive legisla- loophole or vague chosen a carefully with industry an placate to possible always is It effect. into put is legislation as process rule-making the in time, over also, but cess pro- legislative the in only not bargaining, directly. on them to take want not did Obama and powerful, politically are Both industries. fromthese firestorms elicit surely would healthcare or Street Wall re- structuring Because restructuring? over regulation 1960s. the in (Medicare) Lyndon to Johnson healthcare by and 1930s, the in Roosevelt D. Franklin by finance to taken approach the was That structure. is to their alter healthcare and ing bank- as intransigent and large as industries industry. an ing to at time attempts erode serious oversee- all over serves also door ofrevolving regulation This positions. move regulatory into industry temporarily the in guns top while late, regu- to trying putatively are they industry Greenspan). Alan (read: safeguards such for disregard patent a displayed past who the in chiefs Fed under it puts bill the Fed, the to protection sumer con- assigning In problem: potential other AIG) with An- deals ofwell be thought might as customized. banks’ other Goldman and (read: Sachs’ trouble most the that derivatives caused the of many Yet excused. be will contracts what define to regulators to it leave but example, for exchanges, the from derivatives “customized” exempt bills to mean. them wants industry what mean to distorted and warped are words islative Leg- longer. get Delays larger. get loopholes Tiny process. regulatory the into themselves insert lobbyists industry when occurs that erosion inevitable the to vulnerable s also is healthcare and com- L banking like in industries plex ap- problems deep-seated structural to than proach, rather regulatory, A LOOP mount of regulation can cure that. cure can of regulation mount Regulations do not work if Regulations underlying the Similarly, the underlying system of system the private underlying Similarly, And that’s precisely the problem. the precisely that’s And more for allows approach regulatory A chosen consistently Obama has why So on effect lasting a have to way only The the into move regulators top Inevitably, reform financial House and Senate Both H O E N o The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 9

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JUNE 19 & 20 & 19 JUNE

Plenary speakers include: Brian Tokar • Diana Wu 10am to dusk and Capitalism PLUS MANY WORKSHOPS by MINQI LI, UNIV. OF UTAH David Gordon Memorial Lecture: at Epworth Center, High Falls, NY —Discount with Registration by July 15— ON ISSUES IN POLITICAL ECONOMY Informal Socializing • Outdoor Recreation • Union for Radical Political Economics Global Climate Change Evening Entertainment • Activities for Children Climate Change: Barbarism or Socialism? www.ClearwaterFestival.org • 845.418.3596 Michael Dorsey • Joel Kovel • Helen Scharber Free childcare offered with registration by July15 Fri. July 30 (4 pm) – Mon. Aug. 2 (after lunch) to participate in workshops, share insights, and socialize in a relaxed rural The Union for Radical Political Economics invites activists and academics 2010 URPE SUMMER CONFERENCE www.urpe.org • 413-577-0806 • [email protected] setting. Epworth Center is 90 miles north of NYC; see epworthcenter.com for setting. Epworth Center is 90 miles north of NYC; see epworthcenter.com INFO: Metro North to Croton-on Hudson, Free shuttle to Croton Point Park. All proceeds go directly to support Clearwater’s missionto protect the Hudson River and its communities. 7 STAGES WITH7 STAGES LIVE MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE ARTISTS! STEVE EARLE, SHAWN PETE COLVIN, SEEGER, JOAN OSBORNE, DAVIDBUCKWHEAT ZYDECO, SUBDUDES BROMBERG KELLER QUARTET, WILLIAMS, RAILROAD& many more! EARTH, DONNA THE BUFFALO description. Rates are sliding scale. More info and registration at ro ro started u (leftbusines- E authorities and ropean Central ) u E U isis E rope (Italy and Ire- r u C E - ion ( o n r U Guardian (guardian.co.uk). u ropean Central Bank — are E u HuffingtonPost (huffington- E art Over t S the

ropean LeftBusiness Observer d ustice, peace.” no o u rozone. E u ited States was growing rapidly in the o j e t E n N U m i ss an T a : ro ro was plummeting because the financial mar- Cl ty : u i t ood E l i o w b r b e H nta u u o authorities and financiers believe that realwages must fall c o U c D n Thedog-eat-dog social modelof Darwinism its (on well worked g own terms) while the 19thandearly20th centuries, since growthbut downinslowed the 1970s, we have been in need of a rethink of the old model. reck- more triedeverInstead, have it. we of incapableare we But less applications of debt to keep things going. The recent finan- cial crisis looked like a major affront to that approach, but we E A

Bankers d ropean authorities — especially the Mark Weis In mid-May, the kets wanted more blood: They wanted , Spain, Portugal and the other currently victimized countries of spendingcommitmore to land)to cuts taxand increases. Thenthey got what they wanted, and within a day or two, the crashing again because “the markets” discoveredcyclical policies that would actually thesemake things worse pro- in the countries u n ow E a d m a h S .

i P fortunately the n

It a Takes Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses, and Backroom Deals from Washington These barely regulated, nontransparent bastions of speculation moreSenate doesrecentbillmost the DecemberpassedbilllastHouse the nor neither Yet, Remarkably, this crew of incompetents is still claiming papal Before anyone listens to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, U There is a class dimension to all of this, with the sobserver.com), a monthly newsletter on economics and politics. Excerpted from an article(prospect.org). Nomi thatPrins is a wasformer managing originally director of at Goldman published Sachs and author on The Street Wall to American Prospect Nom Despite all the noise about financial reform, the shadow banking system that helped create the financial crisiswould remain fun-damentallypendingCongress.legislationrins:inthe unalterednow by Indeed, leveraged entities such as private-equity, venture-capital, and hedge funds get only minor regulatory attention. the by created be could that any beyond risks systemic propagated banksbanks, banks,Whether at by themselves. created housed or freestanding, they exist to enable speculative camouflaging risk-taking while lay- scrutiny, market hidden or regulatory either from financial the caused collapse. that deals complex-securitization the enabling and debt of ers than impose marginal adjustments on the shadow banking system. Dean Baker: De The same people who caused this disaster are shots. Specifically,still there has callingbeen little change in thepersonnel and no acknowledgment of error at the central banks whose incom- petence was responsible for the crisis. infallibility, warning governments and the general publicbad thingsthat will happen if they are subjected to more oversight. Instead, the central bankers and their(IMF) are dictating accomplices policies to at democratically theelected governments. International Their agenda seems to be Monetarythe same everywhere, cut back retirement Fundbenefits, reducepublic support for healthcare, weaken unions and make ordinary workers take cuts. pay Four progressiveFour experts economic speak out Excerpted from an article that was originally published on Voices of Reason of Voices Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet or IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, they should first beforced to tell us when theycannot stoppedWe affordlet these to subprime centralbeing bankers control economic wrongpolicy anylonger. about the economy. post.com). Dean Baker is the co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (cepr.net) in Washington, D.C. quite sharply in these countries in order to make them internationallythemmakethe sharplythese to countriesquitein but ordercompetitive in— protesters are responding with a fiscalversion of “ even worse than the markets. They are less ambivalent and more committed the to punishingweaker economies by having them cut spending even if it andcauses mass unemployment 20 percent (over inor Spain). deepens recession Excerpted from an article that was originally published in the Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. that adopted them and reduce growth in the whole the bankers united in wanting to balance the adopt “labor books market onreforms” that the will backs weaken labor of and the redistribute workers income — upward for and generations to come. The Excerpted from a lecture Henwood gave at the Studies in Political Economy annual meet- Ottawa,ingin Canada, January.in editoristheHe of are now emerging from the crisis phase without things having changed all that much. The country seems to be rotting from within, but the political and ideological systems are inca- recognizingpable of that fact. 10 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent Economy Understanding the w bookshows how we gotintotheGreat Recession N e ... andhow we cangetoutofit. Crash v system that instead rewards community and sustainability. Here’s some of what they found. they Here’s of what some sustainability. and community rewards instead that system a gold for mine — lenders it down and until — speculators crashing all came and what is to needed build a financial through the confusion and explain how mortgage lenders and investment banks managed to crash the economy. the crash to Tobocman, Authors Seth managed banks investment and lenders mortgage how explain and confusion the through leash. it atight on on speculated that behemoths W A new book, book, new A ing — to pass a financial reform to stop the lending practices that led to the bubble and put the banking banking the and put bubblethe to led that practices lending the stop to reform economic afinancial —to pass ing disastrous a created it nosedive, a into Two to survive. — that the Street rest and is of fail- later, trying years downturn struggling us Congress are still Wall sent bubble housing the of end the hen (Soft Skull Press, June 2010), uses a graphic nonfiction format to cut to format nonfiction graphic a uses 2010), June Press, Skull (Soft Crash the Understanding E r ic Laursen and Jessica Wehrle and ic Jessica Laursen show howbecame homeowners low- and middle-income Copyright © 2010 by Seth Tobocman, Eric Laursen and and Laursen from Wehrle Eric Jessica Tobocman, Seth by 2010 © Copyright Reprinted with permission of Counterpoint of permission with Reprinted U nd erstanding the Crash the erstanding .


11 t Indypenden The June 2 – 22, 2010 2010 22, – 2 June 12 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent Kane, are ultimately allowed to enter Gaza. includingdelegation,the during their time in the country. About 80 members of forces security Egyptian by attacked andharassed repeatedly are participants March Freedom Gaza a andIsrael. States , Unitedthe ofally keyMiddle East by controlled is which border, Gaza’s crosssouthern to try to Cairo in gather March dom M sets aoff wave of aroundprotests the world. ternational waters about 40 miles off the Gaza coast, supplieswhich Gaza.tooktoplace attack, The inin- humanitarian carrying ships six storm commandos Israeli when injureddozens and killed are activists M ing plans to send more relief ships to Gaza. raeli warships and forced to dock in Lebanon. Is- by sea at rammed is McKinney Cynthia woman Congress- U.S. former include passengers whose suppliesmedicalemergency with boat A rubble. to Gaza of much reduces and civilians, them of jority ma- thepeople, 1,400 kills that Gaza invasionof ing Beersheba with Operation Cast Lead, an overwhelm- and of towns Israeli southern from the into Gaza rockets homemade of firing sporadic the to D Au daily access to water. no havepercent 60 andaid food on relypercent 75 percenttics,70 Gazansof day, a liveon less than$1 decimates Gaza’s economy. According to that blockadeU.N. seastatis- and air land, and full a Israelimpose Egypt Gaza. from expelled and routed being with ends forces security Fatah-backed and D succeedtivists in completing this journey. would be the last time to date that Gaza freedom ac- It 2008. Octoberin Gaza in arrivesaid carrying ship manitarianaid successfully arrive in Gaza. A second Jun range of social services. respected by the local populace for providing a wide movement Islamist an Hamas, of favor in elections oust the Western-backed Fatah inparty free and fair andunfulfilled promises, Gaza’s million1.4 residents J my and its infrastructure: nearert total control over Gaza’s borders, econo- its Israeli-Palestinianconflict as Israel continuesto ex- the in flashpoint a remains Sea,Mediterranean the along runs that enclave coastal 139-square-mile a international I Gaza U Adam Shapiro oftheFree Movement Gaza DescribestheFlotilla Attack ‘SOLDIERS WEREOPENINGFIRE’ a e e a a c c t fre otie h trioy Hwvr Gaza, However, territory. the outside forces its occupationmilitary its when in it redeployed2005 adjusted and 1967 in Strip Gaza the seizedsrael n g y y e E e u u 31, 2010: 2010: 30, m M

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the Where do I get my E i n dypendent ? and and 9 p.m. ships cargo — at 8 approximately between la of six and ships — three passenger three ters and to using airplanes attack the flotil- helicop- using ships, using soldiers, sand about involving operation a thou- military in Gaza need, but also to awaken the in- the awaken to also but need, Gaza in Palestinians the that materials and goods the deliver to yes, was, effort this so, And basic with. to in, just survive get food and medicine can’t Palestinians where built, re- be to able been not has and rubble to January to 2008 2009, in which much of was Gaza reduced December Israeli in the attacks after especially point, this at to survive who trying are lion Palestinians mil- 1.5 of a punishment collective of Gaza, form on imposing is it that Israeli blockade the break Freedom literally to Gaza was the Flotilla of purpose The AS: Flotilla? Gaza Free the of the what is purpose Shapiro, Adam AG: of threat. kind any posing ship, that on passengers the people, our about else ship — on that anything board journalists any else thing about — and there are many heard or seen not I have first. fire opened soldiers Israeli the that is understanding our So, helicopters. from descending were they and ship the onto coming were they as fire opening were soldiers that ported re- and ship the onto came soldiers the as live reported ship the on people Our AS: happened? has understand you do What knives. and sticks by attacked were they that ship, Turkish the boarded they when that say reports military Israeli AG: ammunition. live using soldiers Israeli by attacked was countries, different from parliament of members ing ish includ- ship about with passengers 600 ability, Turk-the large lite communication satel- a had which sure, for know we that One ships have of captured. been the ships O Ad happened? has understand you what hour news daily the of host man, media. to the speak to unable custody, Israeli in remain flotilla hun- the of members surviving while of dreds happened, what for Flotilla Freedom is in the Gaza participants blaming Israel press, to goes Indypendent The As ships. six the of one of passengers the on fire opened troops Israeli when jured in- more dozens and killed been have to reported are activists nine least At Strip. Gaza the of people the to supplies itarian m Goodm Amy raid: Israeli of the picture Free the of a Movement Gaza described very different Shapiro Adam Now!, racy In a May 31 interview with Amy Good- Amy with a In May 31 interview a m Sh half-dozen ships bringing human- ships bringing half-dozen a of commandos flotilla unarmed an Israeli stormed 30, May n a E p a h Irei luce a launched The iro: a stern Standard Time. All the All Time. Standard stern n Adam, can you tell us us tell you can Adam, : Democ- For E p [email protected] •Email: 212-904-1282 Phone: A F The Indypenden R a E they opened fire, then we must assume assume Because fire. open must to orders had they that we then fire, opened they and soldiers, professional their are these if so and soldiers, sending professional most were their they that mission, this on commandos best their sending were they that said Israel because even worse almost is it way, a in think I case, this In driver. bulldozer a by over run be- and and crushed it ing protect to home a of front in standing Gaza, in Corrie Rachel to pened hap- what remember Weall described. be I it think, is absurd in a way that can’t even something, is Israel to threat no pose who civilians unarmed against the fire of but opening Gaza, reaching from us prevent obviously, to control of and try take them, try, and ships the attack that might Israelis the prepared been always have We AS: Flotilla? Gaza Free assault the on military Israeli has the to what to happened, response your is What AG: suffering. are Palestinians the that abuse the to community ternational ian aid that was trying to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip. PHOTO: ELLEN DAVIDSON ELLEN PHOTO: Strip. Gaza the of blockade the break to trying was that aid ian humanitar- and civilians carrying aship on attack naval Israeli the denouncing in 31 May tan A SEA

waters to seize ships and take their passengers hostage. coast of East Africa in recent years in which Somalian pirates have ranged far into international generously,”contribute Bansaid. conferencethe The off was promptedattacks spateaby of moon also promised international piracy laws would soon be streamlined. Ki- Secretary-GeneralBanU.N. trial.on putcan placesbeallegedthey towhere pirates port aders aders F World loc “I will submit to [the] U.N. options for prosecuting pirates and ask the shipping industry to to shippingindustry theask and prosecutingpirates for options U.N. [the] to submit will “I agreement to establish an international fund to fight piracy.The fund wouldan with be23 used Istanbul, May conferencethree-day ,in concludedto on nations trans-a ifty-five a p O a F A e t r ion n N

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d i ndypendent.org throu view, visit democracynow.org. visit view, inter- full the For flotilla. the on was and Movement Gaza Free the the of is chairperson Arraf Huwaida wife His Flotilla. Freedom the of coordinated that one groups the (freegaza.org), Free Movement the of Gaza member board a is Shapiro 31 the from May was adapted interview This in waters. Israeli in not waters, place international took attack This independent investigation. an investigation, Israeli an press for not an board investigation, independent on citizens had who governments to doso. dered or- were they unless shoot, to reason no have would they had, Israel that mandos com- they were well-trained the best, truly and professional, truly were they if way, I in this don’toperating that soldiers think the the And I And hope really that the S Democracy Democracy E o g u me) Pirates me) ropeans and Turkey and the other other the and Turkey and ropeans h out N N e o w transcripts. Adam Adam transcripts. w!

Y —I o rk ndypendent U n C ited States, ited States, it y. S taff The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 13 Staceyann Chin. Staceyann and writer/performer and writer/performer

The feature film was basedThe feature

History of the United States”, Q&A with co-producer and and co-producer with Q&A

on Howard Zinn's “A People'son Howard co-director Anthony Arnove Anthony co-director

THE PEOPLE SPEAK brings to life

the letters, diaries and speeches of

everyday Americans who fought for

equalityequality the bottom andand justicejusticeup. from f at 7 pm at th LGBT Community Center NY New York, 13th Street 208 West Wed June 9, 2010 7-10pm June 9, 2010 Wed Concessions will be sold. advance tickets ($15) at: Please purchase http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/111818 June 12 June NYC 172 Allen Street, Bookstore, Bluestockings $5 - $10 • Reservations:Donation 212-777-6028 at 7 pm at th at 8 pm; June 6 8 pm; June at th Lewis Galantiere & 5 th June 4 June NYC Street, 451 West Forum, Brecht $25 • Reservations: $10, $15, Scale 212-242-4201 Sliding Adapted by Adapted Murnin by Michael J. Directed Tony Palmieri present Palmieri On Wheels Tony and Productions Anouilh’s Jean ANTIGONE 14 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent book essay and discuss literature and the political sphere. Sliding scale: $10-$50 speaker of the first annualAnnette Rubinstein arts and letters lecture, reading from his latest NotedREADING: playwright, actor and political humorist Wallace Shawn is the keynote SUN JULY 11 • 2pm dark prophet. Sliding scale: $10-$50 man docudrama introduces audiences to the “other” Sam Clemens — American radical and censored and posthumously published Twain letters, stories, and historical artifacts, this one- Man’s production of the life of Mark Twain, who died 100 years ago. Featuring previouslyTHE REPORT OF MY DEATH FRI JUNE 11 • 8pm in New York City to clear his name. Produced by Iron Age Theatre. Slidingchallenges scale: its $10-$50audience to consider the issues of social justice when MARX IN SOHO Karl Marx returns to earth THUR JUNE 10 • 8pm considers his life Fes and r philosophy. Sliding scale: $10-$50 Hollenbach, a play where Thomas Paine, the most radical of the American Revolutionaries, CITIZEN PAINE WED JUNE 9 • 8pm Thea 9.13 JUNE 9–16 rmation and ticket reservations: For in challenges such as the growing gap between North and South, and North between gap growing the as such challenges mrcn xetoaim icuig ne Peiet Barack President under (including exceptionalism American Exploring century. twenty-first early our of prospects and suggest “real progress toward freedom and justice.” Obama), the fiascos of Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.-Israeli assault in Latin America and in the global solidarity movements that movements solidarity global the in and America Latin in waya futureand the move to forward—in wavedemocratic the on G on dangers the surveys Chomsky book, Noam new urgent this In W W W f “This is a classic Chomsky work: a bonfire of myths and lies, inspiration all over the world for the simple reason that he is aza, and the recent financial bailouts, he also sees hope for hope sees bailouts,also financial recenthe aza,the and o sophistries and delusions.sophistries Noam Chomsky is an enduring . The Pennsylvania-based Iron Age Theatre brings t . Written by the late historian Howard Zinn, this 70-minute production . e YMARKETBOOKS K O O B T E K R A M AY H a truth-teller on an epic scale.a truth-teller I salute him.” t . Actor Michael Graves stars as Samuel L. Clemens in One Armed i val in in val AT E N I L N O R E D R O —JOHN PILGER —JOHN Upcoming events comp HE m Fo 451 West Street, Manhattan Street, West 451 Move a Building e R r at the brecht for m

t e Hopes and Prospects and Hopes essential reading for anyone b concerned about the primary challenges still facing the human race. er sponse sponse

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B re brechtforum.org or 212-242-4201 t

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a r m g . P Curatorial Fellows, 2009–2010 Independent Study Program and Robert Wuilfe, Whitney Michelle Lim, Amanda Parmer Curated by Anik Fournier, locations May 27–June 19at various Ecosystems inRecentArt Undercurrents: Experimental of New York City ‘Undercurrents’ Makes anEcological Museum review the George Washington Bridge), Bridge), Washington (near George Lighthouse the Red Little the Gina in from broadcast radio as FM Badger’s murmurs, urgent as palpable times at are ecology rary contempo- of politics high-stakes The River. Hudson the along sites other several and Kitchen The at ytm i Rcn Art Recent in Eco- systems Experimental dercurrents: count dead. future the among themselves must decimated, as selves them- imagine must participants activism: peace to approach — cal paradoxi- and — doomy pellingly com- a It’s non-proliferation. clear nu- for images protests at used been the have Hiroshima; of wake the in left silhouettes haunting the into shadows be that mimic turned to themselves, of pictures submit to users allows website, peaceshadow.net, Team’s Project Shadow Peace The and Miyajima Tatsuo have The consider to you — about 2010 in think to ecosystems subspecies. is it his how That’s of member ing surviv- last the overeager now is some biologists, to thanks who, Islands Galápagos the tor- from toise 90-year-old a he’s Berwick: Emily Roysdon unititled (Below the Surface), 2009. Courtesy of the artist andof the Whitney.org. artist Courtesy 2009. the (Below Surface), unititled Piers acystrugglesthere. PHOTO: of queer and community anti-gentrification hs wrs r pr of part are works These ere te ujc o a of Rachel by Lonesome installation subject video the George. George, oor ’s music at the Chamber piers the resonates leg- Street with E nd . For example: example: For . , on view view on , Un- ER Whitney.org. and artist the of courtesy City, York New in 40 Pier at Farm Oyster Project’s River The PHOTO: environs. Bad Gina re hsoy of history a brief presents Economy didactic Sludge Mogel’s The Lize environmental violence. and colonialism ecological on meditation a in rons envi- urban and life marine of dio au- ambient the combines which of dread acting as its driving force. as its driving of acting dread sense looming a with subtle, ically Much ment. of the show is aesthet- docu- horrifying big, dense, to this attention calls simply it polemics, Change mate Cli- on Panel Intergovernmental available publicly the reading ist Report thesis Balkin’s Amy surmountable. in- and scary something as waste evinces but it also put touse; some and treated be can waste natural that shows research Her sewage. g , does not issue any any issue not does , a ie o te art- the of video a , ’ s w ork combines the ambient audio of marine life and urban urban and life marine of audio ambient the combines ork N e w York City City York w Syn- into gallery art. art. gallery into well so translate don’t alas, that, projects ambitious — systems ral be- natu- and industrial relationships urban, tween map that ects proj- ongoing of fragments show Spurse and ecoarttech collectives acter of acter char- fragile precariously the even convolution, systematic the snarl, endless the of some captures that project a really: simple, is Seeker Plant). Treatment Waste Acoustic es, the High Line and the Line High the of tours audio Soundwalks: some the zation, organi- Feng’s and (Polli city of the map aural of sort eventually a into to grow set boroughs, five the around recordings field bient am- of collection interactive (soundseeker.org) an is Seeker Sound institutional- ignores. world generally art ized the traditionalism earnest of sort the painting: rative figu- of mini-exhibition pleasant a presents Helguera Pablo struggles. anti-gentrification and community queer of site a as history piers’ the in part taking and to attention ing call- Piers, Street Christopher the that we are, all of us, held in the balance. the in held us, of all are, we that about in ecology 2010: considering thing tricky other the That’s life. In ephemeral performance piec- performance ephemeral In Andrea Polli and Sha Sha Feng’s Sha Sha and Polli Andrea E E l sewhere, environmental-art environmental-art sewhere, m ily Roysdon makes music at music makes Roysdon ily N E e c w York City life — our our — life York w City N ology, is also hosting hosting also is ology, e Yr Scey for Society York w —Mike Newton —Mike N o rth River River rth Sound Sound The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 15 nterview I And the neighborhood is the There’s going to be pushback. So is this a questionpolicy,or a thisof is So : I I individual involvement? HR: Well, it’s both. Germany, In 15,000 Freiburg, people live two in different that have been around eco-communities for over a dozen years. They have super-en- ergy-efficienthousing, transporta- tion systems that prioritize transit mass and they bicycles have car over sharing for cars,who peopleneed cars — it’s a very well- designed project with energy a sources mix like of wood solar waste,and wind, and some natural gas, but they use their energy very frugally.Thecommunity mixed-is income. product of an ongoing process of engagement. The people who live there worked together the to neighborhood start and to maintain continue it. They the work local with government — influenced they’ve some federal— policies but they ongoing understand process. The it’s day after an left,I there was a meeting with the City Council, because the city constantlyis trying to get the com- munityto ease their rules [regard- ingcar ownership], andthey don’t want to. There’s going to be political push- back and pushback from rations, corpo- so we need engagement that to goes have beyond the an point purchase. of s and V delivers an indictment of green capitalism. U s er g Ro vironmental Pro- n er E h t a S.] S.] e . H U r o h We need We toconsume less, bot- t The [ If consuming smarter isn’t the u : I A put put those efficiencies into greater guaranteetheycan’t fuel economy, the same profits. tection Agency does to the determine testing fuel efficiency,since they started doing this but in the 1970s, they overestimate the miles per gallon. And unlike S large trucks, where the profit mar- gins are in the thousands of lars, dol- small, fuel-efficient cars yield smaller profits,they’re even money-losers. and sometimes I answer, does it consuming come less? And how do down you to drivethat message home to people who don’t want to hear it? HR: tom line. Part of that is having maturea politics, whereby we canfigure out how to do that without diminishing our qualityIf of we can life. separate from growth, developmentthen we make steps thatdirection.inproduct a not It’s thatpoliti-peoplea it’s can— buy calandsocial process.all need We theenvironment; the point isn’tto not touch it — we need the food and materials from that it to meet we our dailyBut extract how needs.can we do that without destroying the nothinginnately planet?human about the There’s amount and toxicity of waste that Americans create — it’s [a tionfunc- of] our economic and politi- cal system. author heather rogers w these farmers are o N ited States those gains get n U There’s There’s a widespread assump- Thishappenswhatis under cap- I was also fascinated by your de-fascinatedyouralso bywas I

: : I I poured into creating more luxury, more powerful seats engines,— the list goes on. The biggerrea- son is if you beef up those parts,the profit margins increase. If you scription of the problems around American-manufactured cars. HR: It’s one of the more complex stories in the book. In 1913, Ford Model the T got 26 miles to the gallon. And now, the Ford F-150 truck gets 15 miles to the gallon. Those extra miles went into lux- ury. There are efficiency gains in the auto industry each year, but in the reinventing the wheel, and a lot of them even basically, don’t know that there was a distribution net- work in place before. There has to be a different motivating force be- sides expanding profits. I tion that buying from your easiestbest and the local ismarket green thing you can do for the sustain- able-food economy. It seems like andobvious direct sucha action. HR: It’s unfortunate, but story that it’s nobody’s talking theabout. One of the big problems that these farmers face is distribution. There just aren’t distribution networks, so they’re all trucking down their vegetables to farmers’ markets in different trucks; and then there’s the criticism that there’s carbon all [output] this so local farming isn’t that environmentally sound. But there was a distribution net-work for local farmers that devel- opedinthe1970s and 1980s, with the back-to-the-land and the movement rise of farming. modern The organic health-food that grew up at the same stores time had direct connections to local farms. Then one health-food store owner started buying up these distribu-tion networks in different parts of the country, and over the course of a couple of decades, all of these networks were consolidated. italism: consolidation shuts down the local systems that are seen as redundant. I it- n U w York to e N green gone wrong Right, so do you have one large one have you do Right,so If these people are supposed I went to upstate Isn’t this a Catch-22? For any : I (Doubleday of Canada,maximum2006)Alan of for (DoubledayWeis- Heatimpact, or edStates only earn percent 15 to 5 of their income from selling their produce. 85 to 95 percent of theincome on small farms is earnedfrom off the farm — or the spouse has farmer another job; maybe they have a trust fund. need We to changethe rules just sothat isn’t it profitability that keeps businesses and farms going, but their ability to support the health tems and of human health. ecosys- some smallsomefarms practicethat this incrediblybiodiverse, environmen- tally conscious, holistic farming. type It’s ecologically of sustain-not it’s that is problem the but able, economically sustainable. [Theirproducts are] expensive, and easy it’s to assume these farmers are making a good living, but they’re not,because costs it somuchmore to farm the way they do, and they thesupportkindthat have of don’t conventional farmers have. to lead the transformation of the food system, they have to be able to earn a living. One farmer I in- terviewed earned $7 an hour. And the only reason he can operating continue is that he inherited hisfarmland. Small farms in the I consumer or grassroots to demand be effective it has a to large grow to scale, but once enough, it it’sruns the risk large of getting folded into this larger system. industrial HR: hun- a have you do or farm, organic dred smaller farms? a There’s pop- ular phrase these days, “vote with One your wallet.” of the things we can do to make sure that our food comes from the hundred organic farms is to understand that shop- ping is not voting. Shopping is not political participation. We need to engage in politics and understand ourselves as political actors; that and means practicing environmen- ways. of range talisma in to meet to market demand organ-for ic food, and doing it as cheaply as possible. Green Gone Wrong doesn’t dumb down the information, and while the ited n ited States’ over-reliance on market solutions is proving fatal to the planet. While U n U Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolu- : A lot of these s er g Ro v er I

Heather Rogers’ h dismantlesthe many feel-good myths consciousabout consumption with an indictment “green of capital- t f you’ve ever takenever comfort inbuyingyou’ve “certifiedf fair just organic, insteadtrade” of optimistic or about driv- ing a fully electric vehicle within the nextyears, five to you’ll have think again.

a I went to this organic sugar Read it alongside George Monbiot’s GeorgealongsideMonbiot’s it Read But the outlook isn’t all bad. Rogers’ detailed analysis demonstrates that we do have the technology for i e States.They’reexpanding their or- ganic cropland on land that’s been ecosystemdeforested,nativethe so is being cleared in order to grow “green,” environmentally crops. sound This isn’t what people have in mind when they see the organic seal on the products they buy, but it’s what’s happening. There’s still a motivation for food system to transform the organic, industrial instead of the reverse, because our economy has to grow in order to avoid crisis. That thingslikeclearing forests orderin means doing so-called “green” products are marketed that to us are incapable asof turning our solutions dirty economy into a green The economy. market — the lever ply of and sup- demand — isn’t of doing capable that. But it’s not just that “green” products are ineffective: ultimatelythey can derail deeper changeslikesignificant energy and agriculture policy changes, things pro- to reallyorderneed thatin we tect the environment. plantation in South America that provides a third of all the organ- ic sugar consumed in the Ir naof us would disagree basicanalysis can’tthatwe pursue with your only marketanova: solutions to effectI the don’t think any green revolution, but isn’t capitalism greenstepa fromup business as usual? H I By Irina Ivanova an interview with Reclaiming the Environmental Revolution Reclaiming the Environmental tion science is largely settled, fully grasping the myriad social, economic and political patience.implicationsThe messareincomplicated, is we andcanRogersshines glaringa take lightansome issueon pressing that more is than any us of care admit. to The World Withoutman’s Us (Thomas Dunne Books, 2007) feel to betterabout the alternative. left-inclined readers may have some idea of the perverse tangles thus engendered, this is an expansive just far how look off track at market-based environmentalism has gotten us. systemic change, if politics permit. ism.” Rogers tackleshousing,Rogersdiversetransportation,asissues as ism.” organic-foodthebiofuelsand nichemarketin a broad look at how the 16 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent A LOOK AT ARTANDPUBLICPEDAGOGY INNEWYORK CITY InPractice?Art Class InSession, Essay dctoa isiuin i threat- is institutions educational time many of quo a status the even when “[A]t greater crisis: a of educational context the in turn educational world’s art the tioned journal online for the editorial a March In CRISIS EDUCATIONAL AND TURN EDUCATIONAL THE I Luse Mimi By flurry of talk about pedagogy. about talk of flurry a and so, nearly or free ofthem all projects, school-like preponderance artist-run, of a been has City, in Putnam ert Rob- by identified repairing gaps social the act, progressive so- a cially be would art-making that was idea The work. to art put to theoretician particularly evident in in evident particularly result, The education. col- laborative and cooperative on lectern, the at performance solo the yond be- sights its set has practice” “art But pedagogue. podium- as semi-shamanistic artist the Beuys: of Joseph of art kind the in roots with a art performance is form, impulse.” pedagogical Turn Educational The name: a gained has trend that ers, Publish- Art by subject Distributed the on book a of publication cent re- the With art. with engagement teachable interactive, emphasizing trend, a curatorial has experienced large at world art the suit, lowing Fol- agency. participants give and debate incite would that art tive” transforma- “socially itly fostering explic- toward turned art lational eviction). facing were occupants the where shelter door next to a happening homeless Tiravanija Rirkrit by performance “gen- cited a (Kester erative” practice art conscious, socially it a from distinguishing art- myopia, its world for aesthetics relational denounced had Kester Grant and tial influen- 2004, By galleries. walled white- like in meals communal serving gestures tepid with naively, practice into principle by this putting responded world so art The and on. collaboration of the demise community, of fragmenting One manifestation, the lecture lecture the manifestation, One re- backlash, the to response In c udrok acrig to according undertook, ics aesthet- relational called ment move- art an 1990s, late the n critics Claire Bishop Claire critics ArtForum E-Flux N Bowling Alone Bowling i Ii Rgf ques- Rogoff Irit , cholas Bourriaud, Bourriaud, cholas N , or “the “the or , e York w : the the : tion Founda- Quality High Bruce The and School; Public The 16Beaver; City’santi-institutions of pedagogy: tiontourain of some of expectations.” mined predeter- or by outcomes measurable unrestricted — educational instructive be or not may or may within which — place configurations unstable take can making, and of thinking learn- exchange, and ing of forms how consider important to ... becomes it ... ‘educational turn’ an absorb to seems increasingly world art simultane- the ously] [when and general), in Process Bologna the or system the out through- for protests ... (see the instance learning regiment standardize to and ... measures and hikes, tuition cuts, by budget ened cial contribution. practicethat amounted to a real so- art educationalrealan aof— turn sketch rough a even provide could oppositely accreditedtoeducation, providing a form of pedagogy exact- see to whetherornottheseorganizations, curious was I but system; education higher the replacecould had no illusions that these “schools” I least. the say to pursuit rarified a have some grasp of theory. They are classescertainoffered, whoalready who can afford leisure time, and for listsfor nonprofit art organizations, mailing on are who people to ited lim- are — termthe of senseoping lic pedagogy in the vague, still devel- classes — which are considered pub- these course,Of artists. by run are are free, do not focus on results and ent,theyholdcommon inthat they that researched social issues. films fromclips watched we ward, After- work. their presented three, nor social science, but a hybrid of all tionalgrass-roots activism nor arts, tradi- academics neither was research andwhose artists Activists, location. the about self-conscious sentersfeltcomplicitwereandhere pre- The revolution. working-class a a had about conversation self-reflexive activists and students ate The N at held Research,” Militant “On At criticism. art academic of jargon-heavy,idea-rich,literatureif the toward tending seminar-based, and lecture- are events16Beaver’s CURRICULUM e I attempted to answer this ques- this answer toattempted I At The Bruce High Quality Foun- Msu, mx f gradu- of mix a Museum, w U n iversity (BHQF U n iversity of California California of iversity U ) . All differ- N e w Yorkw

lse icue D.I.Y. a include Classes audience.its expandedsince has It schoolwasoriginally forarchitects. in Dockery, Sean Angelesby foundedLosThough in membership. rotating with board nonhierarchical a by vetted lightly an isopen-source curriculum that isonly result The class. a propose website,styleanyonewhichon can board- message a around centered locations of network a butschool, ited terms. uninhib- in it discussed and aloud Joyce’s Jamesfrom storyphotocopy a aof the Bruce collective members shared hour,ofonelast the In broughtin. classmate another film that a treatment through patiently moved we publications.Then certain to it pitch I suggested and advice matic prag- me gave classmates My on. working was I article an reviewed attendedwritinga group, where I we in. allowed was anyone formal; in- moremuch were things dation, that involved a field trip to the stu- the involved thattrip to field a Media, Progressive of Future The and School lic first of atwo-session the class,The attendedPub- I Music. Improvised Disorganizing Sound: 20th Century and Film, 8mm and16mm Project YogicClass;Rolling;toHow Body S The Public School is not one single a fun summer. a fun adults geared busy toward freegiving these classes, fresh Keepcrafty or with hands and almost-free mind your your at fixerscollective.org. teus GowanusUnion RSVP in(543 Brooklyn). St., advance l with house the around handy be to Learn blogspot.com. secretscienceclub. at: foundbe can implications.Details amining your DNA and moralits and ethical the family secrets you might discover by ex-explores 8, June talk, next The S important. ing about things you didn’t even know were CRET featuringtalk-scientists storied Brooklyn), lecture series at the Bell House (149 7th St., The CHOOL’ ecti S Dubliners e v e . Meetings are held on Thursday evenings at Pro-

c eorc Now! Democracy ience W ec read each We . r become technologicallyOr adept at S N R meets regularlydowntownmeets inBrooklyn. They offer a variety of classes, that, that, classes, of variety a offer They e e while not quite cheap, beat going to to going beat cheap, quite not while INFOR schoolfor acomputer science degree. sistor Check out nycresistor.com/about. Yr, the York, w

C l N u b o

is a free monthly nprofit , hces cletv that collective hackers’ a : S is of dios as anything more than anything as to try to see these events it woulddisingenuousbe issues, social with engage to artists upon places sometimes ory the- that burden tuan the educational turn. of anti-institutions the master’sunderstandto a needing inirony ous there’sand— obvi-an would history have been handy art in degree master’s a in, enrolled understandhadwhat I to order in and tent; con-overtheform the prioritizing periences, ex- my overshadowed Theory reading. tory prepara- and research of amount substantial a requiredpractice art of context the within derstandprojectsthese un- to But enriching. personally was classes these ofdifferenteachreasons, For PURPOSE? MAKES PRACTICE journalist Karen Ranucci. veteran with journalism advocacy ofrole the ondiscussion a and sea ept te gargan- the Despite UMMER >> F i x eorc Now! Democracy e 225 West 225 Broadway, Manhattan • thebrucehighqualityfoundation.com rs ’ C NYC 16 Beaver 4th &Street, 5th floor, Manhattan • 16beavergroup.org o UCE HI UCE THE l - 177 Livingstone Street, 177 Brooklyn Livingstone •Street, nyc.thepublicschool.org B craft-night-brooklyn. etsy.com/storque/search/title/ at: available are Details features a project,different or feel free to bring your own. DUMBO offices(55 WashingtonSt., each Brooklyn), week B At February’s classes at tradeschool.ourgoods.org. open in September. Track their progress and checkre- to fundsout raising popular,last they’reso were classes the temporarilyFebruary,isclosed,of but month throughthe mentthat allowed to barter forstudents practical classes T of tools and supplies, and more. lendinglibrary aclasses, morehouse will that grouplookingnewThespacecurrentlyaisfor brooklynbrainery.com/courses. at catalog the out decisions.Checkmake to how to perfume classes on a variety of topics, from how to make r R rooklyn ade E t

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na r B ool H Q aft rainery i vanova •Illustrat , UALITY FOUNDATION UNI FOUNDATION UALITY the Lower East Side experi- Side East Lower the

N unpragmatic field ofart. muchtodemand from eternallythe too is contribution social concrete perhaps theory, of up promises the in Caught education. with cern heightened con- a upon reflect and with coincide that gestures poetic B i g L h

offers $25 offers collaborative$25 t , held on Monday’s at Etsy’s Etsy’s at Monday’s on held i ons b y Guerruntz R A 16 B V E E RSTY V E GUERRUNTZ The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 17 IN_502110_final.pdf 5/21/10 7:20:16 PM 7:20:16 5/21/10 IN_502110_final.pdf C M Y K CM MY CY CMY EDITED BY TEAM COLORS COLLECTIVE EDITED BY TEAM COLORS


9781849350167 | $19.95 | June 2010 | http://whirlwinds.info 9781849350167 | $19.95 | June 2010 where they stand, and where we all can go if we work together. go if we work we all can they stand, and where where we understand our social movements ... where they came from, they came from, ... where movements social our we understand AK Press | 510.208.1700 | 674-A 23rd Street | Oakland, CA 94612 AK Press | 510.208.1700 In the midst of continual crisis, it is more important than ever that ever that than important more is it crisis, continual of midst the In revolution by the book

oakland, edinburgh, baltimore * [email protected] ak press 18 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent Phone Email State City Address Name subscribe with a credit card at indypendent.org. “The Indypendent” and send to: P.O. Subscription rate:$25/year(17issues).MakeBox 1417,check or money order payable to

Zip today The Indypendent is looking [email protected]. N Manhattan. Send resumé to hire aresponsible and and letterofinterest to e No phonecallsplease. deliver newspapers in hardworking driver to w York, N Y 10276. Subscribe case, case, Banksy grasps the importance lectors In anyand documentarians. col- art street of caricature a ating shrewdly ownpresenting work his cre- while a figure, as hooded appears low-lit, artist British subject. The main the become to era cam- the behind from out Shop Thierry Gift the Through o hs OB his art- for known best Fairey, street Shepard ists: contemporary promi- nent two on is focus wheatpasting, The rals. mu- like above-ground and stenciling forms art other into globally evolved move- ment the before 1970s, dur- the ing tunnels subway City York that of Queen Queen of that replaces Diana the Princess of which visage on banknote £1 million defaced a and Disneyland, in placed conspicuously inmate mo Guantána- hooded a resembling doll inflatable an include versions sub- satirical whose Banksy, and closes); it before it’s last gallery’s the December, until display (on Projects Deitch at show his rating inaugu- Bowery near Houston on and mural Day May a portrait, recently, most Obama “Hope” view of street art, but it skips skips of it days but graffiti-writing art, the street of view itself. art the than greater or to equal is — night of cloak the — ativity on in rooftops dangerous cre- of act covert the where world, their of part a himself finds soon He artists. street illusive signifi- and cant most city’s the with ship obsession relation- documentary close a into that channels under- L.A. ground the with fixation A them. watching ever without tape, after tape his collecting video, on of life moment every practically is shoots who Guetta recorder obsessive an Angeles, Los in clothing shop vintage a of owner The with fedora. a under from merge mustache his that sideburns long with cameraman amateur French F Producers Distribution Agency Directed byBanksy; Released by Exit ThroughtheGiftShop Reviews in San Francisco (left) and Camden, U.K. (right). Photos courtesy of Banksy, banksy.co.uk. Banksy, of courtesy Photos (right). U.K. Camden, and (left) Francisco San in BANKSY BY ARTWORK Take Street from Art CityWalls totheSilver Screen aky s h ra sa of star real the is Banksy The film begins with an over- an with begins film The os her Get, a Guetta, Thierry lows fol- Shop Gift the Through or the most part, part, most the or E Y E campaign, sticker l izabeth II. izabeth it forcing , N Exit Exit Exit Exit e w

t Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat Basquiat Jean-Michel and Haring Keith like artists after form art an as itself Yorkdistinguish to started where it goes.”where to attention paying “is explained, he art,” street good doing of “Part approach location. artwork’s the emphasizes documentary Mike’s but exhibition, inaccessible virtual a in spaces and art disparate street from aggregates gunk.com hat. wool plain and glasses with rimmed thinly beard, red short his attention at- minimal identity, tracting his conceals Mike graffiti. of mark hall- a are the that letters interlocking deciphering of master a he’s 2004; since photographs street-art call we’ll has more 50,000 taken than Mike, who eyegunk.net, site it. to locate artist ofstreet a mindset adoptthe to necessary it’s and artwork, the finding of challenge the in is thrill the of much art, the of mentarians bill- on a along highway.boards For docu- or buildings, of the cornice below just fences, behind chain-link lots abandoned in found traditional geographical limits. beyond impact his magnifying of purpose the for documentation of you see a piece up close in person.” when have you that awe of sense fiti,” hesaid, “ butin replicatingthe just interested in documenting graf- not am “I website. his on purpose greater found have photos it; his but remember to way a as art simply street photographing started He documenting. with obsession Exit Through the Gift Shop. Gift the Through Exit in studio his in interviewed BANKSY The creator of the graffiti web- graffiti the of creator The inaccessible, often is art Street During During the 1980s, graffitiin N o o de Mk sae Guetta’s share Mike does r t he S U n like Guetta, Guetta, like N E y e e- w Design High School in the Lower Lower the in School High Design his his days as a from personally knows Pais whom Zephyr, Can2, Spot, Knows, Kaves, Part, like artists notable by year every artwork new with is repainted and characters urban popular with fiti graf- traditional fuses that exhibit mural a Project, Legends Rooftop the inworld graffiti the from neers lapse over itself. col- undoubtedly will it rules with movement a into condensed is art chist spirit, reminding us that when anar- art’s street with resonates it And erased. intentionally is reality and fiction between boundary the un- folds like film an elaborate The prank, where ruse. a be could art that suggests also it artwork, their into insight offers it while mirror: holds street upartists to a funhouse 1980s. the during ist E collectors. Many pioneers of the the of pioneers and Many dealers collectors. art major attracted and fashion. design education, transportation, public like careers other into over avoided it — and have since crossed recognition — or have intentionally international Banksy’s gain toable N rooftoplegends2010.blogspot.com New Design contact High School, 2010 212-475-4148, Legends, the to Rooftop visit Shop a theaters. schedule Gift movie To the local Through at itplaying E t x a e Exit Through the Gift Shop Shop Gift the Through Exit Jesee Pais, a dean at the the at dean a Pais, Jesee t ie big tgte pio- together brings Side, st Yr gaft wrd ee un- were world graffiti York w ree E w ok and Case2, many ofmany ok and Case2, N —Arturo Conde —Arturo e w Yorkart- graffiti ts N e w is is . The Indypendent June 2 – 22, 2010 19

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—BENEDETTO FONTANA, m m m te u m e synthesis of Gramsci’s life synthesis of Gramsci’s life bl

“a brilliant and stimulating p MONTHLYREVIEWPRESS “a brilliant and stimulating t MONTHLYREVIEWPRESS Baruch College; author, Baruch College; author, i LAST WORDS OF THE EXECUTED THE OF WORDS LAST synthesis of Gramsci’s life s On the Relation Between Gramsci and Machiavelli On the Relation Between Gramsci and Machiavelli o “a brilliant and stimulating MONTHLYREVIEWPRESS Baruch College; author, JUNE 10, 7p 10, JUNE

R On the Relation Between Gramsci and Machiavelli ANTONIO GRAMSCI JUNE 26, 7p 26, JUNE ANTONIO GRAMSCI by Antonio A. Santucci Preface by Eric J. Hobsbawm Foreword by Joseph A. Buttigieg JUNE 18, 7p 18, JUNE ANTONIO GRAMSCI

ANTONIO GRAMSCI by Antonio A. Santucci Preface by Eric J. Hobsbawm Foreword by Joseph A. Buttigieg T r I A o R MONTHLY REVIEW PRESSMONTHLY | 146 NY W NY 29th 10001 St,| 212.691.2555 6W, order online @ AVAILABLE fNOW r o m $15.95 paper | 207 pp. | ISBN 978-1-58367-210-5 MONTHLY REVIEW PRESSMONTHLY | 146 NY W NY 29th 10001 St,| 212.691.2555 6W, F ml c a MON JUNE 7, 7p 7, JUNE MON READING: READING: PRESENTATION: THE WATER IS OUR DAMMIT. Polluted water, mega-dams, mega-dams, water, Polluted is DAMMIT. crisis a OUR IS but WATER THE resource, basic PRESENTATION: and ubiquitous seemingly a confronts is that art Water presents Life privatization. for Water Defending from Posner Emily up. bottling nightmare. this F from reads Vijver de Van Ineke Author STORM. SILENT READING: Freedom for Bicycling oral history of American capital punishment. Join him for a reading of the testaments of of testaments the of reading a for him Join punishment. gurney. capital the and American of chair history the oral gallows, the from heard as damned the Laura activist THU health women’s and author Join CONTROL. OUR IN READING: of discussion and reading a for Eldridge Women for Choices ceptive SUN JUNE 13, 7p 13, JUNE SUN card, vi card, PRESENTATION: QUEER COMIX. Three Queer Comix Artists will discuss their work work their discuss in will Artists media, Comix popular Queer of Three form COMIX. this QUEER through PRESENTATION: create to able been have they impacts the and communities. counter-public constructing of support 7p 21, the JUNE of MON contributors and editors the Join LIBERATION. AND RACE, LOVE, READING: project America. in multi-media privilege white on ground-breaking guide curriculum a Liberation, and Race, Love, S order online @ AVAILABLE fNOW r o m $15.95 paper | 207 pp. | ISBN 978-1-58367-210-5 ANTONIO GRAMSCI ANTONIO GRAMSCI by Antonio A. Santucci Preface by Eric J. Hobsbawm Foreword by Joseph A. Buttigieg indy ad gramsci.qxd 6/1/2010 10:35 AM Page 1 6/1/2010 indy ad gramsci.qxd indy ad gramsci.qxd 6/1/2010 10:35 AM Page 1 AM 10:35 6/1/2010 ad gramsci.qxd indy MONTHLY REVIEW PRESSMONTHLY | 146 NY W NY 29th 10001 St,| 212.691.2555 6W, order online @ , AVAILABLE fNOW r o m $15.95 paper | 207 pp. | ISBN 978-1-58367-210-5 t r The indy ad gramsci.qxd 6/1/2010 10:35 AM Page 1 Page AM 10:35 6/1/2010 gramsci.qxd ad indy o p e d e ITOR 4 R where in his r o a N W —Bill Weinberg palese government of ld e davidson r

N o TheIndypendent live to up W ellen : pal’s pal’s Maoists. “Over a long time you can to want I … part a have can I “But e not change anything in the world. And she still thinks that. change [the world], but ally, person- me? changing Cominganything, it’s unlikely,” along Debbie says. and change things but badly, that’s not any me motivates that thing the even can I that just “It’s says. she longer,” no longer sit by and watch things happen and not speak out there.” and out shouting at voice a be least N trumpetingand power” “people of “popular insurgency” is there any acknowledgement that the rebels were accused by Amnesty Interna- tional of executions, torture non-combatants, and of rape aswellas forced labor and the recruitment of child soldiers. (Lest be dismissed Amnesty as a mouthpiece imperialist of propaganda, it should be pointed out that they also cused ac- the Himalayas” May 12: How frustrating. time For that the I Indypendent can first remember, actually featurescompelling photo on its cover and a firsthand reportage fromoverseas — and it is Jed rassingly Brandt’s embar- uncritical lionization of all that and worse.) I’m still wait- ingfor “free a of sloganits andname its to paper for free people,” instead of replicating the ethical and lectual errors intel- that have led to the American left’s evisceration. photo E st Side, Deb- Y —Renee M. a E E s killing of at least nine people who were part of a flotilla CAL I pper T U Debbie Mardon hits the streets for a May 31 protest ry: CRI fu E R illa “It is essential that the move- She used to think people could ot MO l bie plansbie continue to herpart-time job, as well as her involvement in the Palestine solidarity movement. ment continue to fully, grow. in Hope- this Americans economic will climate, decide that thereare better uses forbesides their money wars supporting that will fuel terrorism, not end it,” Debbie unending says. dialogue and action on issues. abortion Women of color certainly are stakeholders in the dialogue,although it does appear, if we play the “numbers” game, are that less they involved, color as are having women fewer abortions. of However, we women of color un- derstand the complexity of the is- andsuenecessity stayingfor in the dialogue. I must say, though as a woman of color, our younger gen- havingallabortionsareeration for the wrong reasons. Something has happened in the Black community that needs to be young women corrected.do not respect their Our bodies enough and the young men are not responsible or respectfulenough.TheBlack community has to take more responsibility this includes (and the Black church) for putting an end to these unneces-sary abortions. Abortion birth control and is a woman’s body not is still sacred. the fall and Joel working as a door- a as workingJoel andfall the man in the Response to “Showdown in the f condemning Israel’ trying to break the blockade of Gaza. A continued from page 2 ited n n U o

acti tions estimates that Y a D g N


—Isaac Evans-Frantz in ited D n

E k U rman Finkelstein at the Brecht

CR But for Debbie, knowledge is With Jenna attending college in However, her However, transition into po- Some of her friends worry she Debbie believes that this kind of from world the at looking “We’re While some of Debbie’s friends brotherher took2009 InDebbie o A S reader comments Response to “Coloring the Abor- tion Debate” May 12: Hats off to organizations like De- siree Flores’ Ms. Foundation Women for for keeping traditionally under-represented women in the

N Forum, a political and social edu- cational center Democrat on a brother, Her side. west Manhattan’s and strong supporter Obama, of Barack said he was by the realities “shocked” of the situation in Gaza. just the first step of many helped — she raise money for participating in the students Gaza Freedom March in 2009, and organized protest a outside a “Friends of theIDF” fundraiser at the Astoria earlier Waldorf- this spring. ta Continued from page 7 litical activism has not come with- family. her and Debbie for cost a out “caused has politics for passion Her a lot of stress on our relationship,” says Mahmoud. “There’s always a cost to anything, and it’s drawing reservoir.” our from is on the “wrong political track.” One friend, Debbie says, told her, “I’m worried for your children.” reaction stems from the fact that the life she and her chosen live to is unconventional. family have a whole people different Most perspective, live. and to way harder a it’s — that want not would know I that quo status pretty a want would they says. Debbie life,” of type avoid discussing Mideast politics with her, Debbie is eager to with talkfriends who are interested in learning more about Israel’s occu- pation Palestine. of Israel-Palestinetalk by a to scholar Statesresponsibility.hasa Climate change legislation must funding include for internationaltation. adap- Adaptation funding support communities will in building resilience [in the face of] climatedisasters. Just as the failure to cut emissions will cost us all, so willthe failure to help those most vul- nerable. These costs will be mea- sured in lives lost to hunger, disas- ters and increased conflict. developingcountries togetherneed $86 billion a year simply to adapt new to challenges presented cli- by mate change. Karah Woodward’s article described how ties communi- on the front lines change of climate are fighting back. Asleading carbon emitter, the the The 20 June 2 – 22, 2010 The Indypendent Drawing from nearly 300 hours of véritéof hoursfootagenearly from 300 Drawing CarolbyDysinger premiere) (NY AFGHANISTAN VICTORY, CAMP shot between 2005 and 2008, and 2005 betweenshot AFGHANISTAN functioningAfghanmilitary.a building Sat June 12 9:30; Sun June 13June9:30; Sun 127:30; JuneSat Thu June 17June 4:00 Thu N A M U H H C T A S W T H G I R www.hrw.org/iff skillfullyrealityexploresof the CAMPVICTORY, i mFestival Film New York TicketsNow! Saleon (US premiere) (US economiceducationaland background sharingallbut fasci secularistsIranian ofstory untoldthreethrough The GeramifardDavoudby UNHEARD THE OF VOICES IRAN: a love for their motherland and a need for a countrya forneed a and motherlandtheirforlove a free from politicalfromfreerepression theocracy. and Sat June 12 4:30; Mon June 14 8:30; Tues14 June Mon 154:00 June4:30; 12 JuneSat | nating characters—eachnating distincta social,from June10–24 brings us into the lives of five Iraqisdiversefromfive oflives the intobringsus touchhumor,ofa and dialogue powerfullycandidunflinchingeye, an With Fisher Nathanby premiere) (NY UNRETURNED THE ethnicitiesreligionsdisplacedand ongoing the by war in their country.their in war Tues9:00 16 JuneWed 156:30; June (212) 875 5601875(212) West165 Street65th THE FILMSOCIETY THE LINCOLNOF CENTER WALTERREADE THEATER CO-PRESENTED BY CO-PRESENTED www.filmlinc.com SUPPORTED BY SUPPORTED THE UNRETURNEDTHE