Off to the Races
A Journal of Free Voices April 18, 1986 One Dollar OFF TO THE RACES ) 11 '7A1 r A . •.,‘. .. ; 4 rft• 4. 4 . _ a 174-ink, 0 W6iei ,,./..:-. A, tar W ,4.10.--41 ,-;f is ii Ilii•' ;it ___/ c, FOE . -•r-7----- " HE PEOPt ,, • EDITORIAL • ,c- _ tp 21 c----. III PR1E144 _.- —*ALA_ m.., The Gloves — ,i,,,,, , p_i% ....• 7 . 1 kb e - -- - = -----7 - - - -- . .n: , ii ,.. , --...... — , --____-:-_- Come Off I I►!!1 ■ PAM 11 1'1• 11111; - - - I .-...,, --__--- -. ___-______ HY IS Mark White smiling? Because he knows the peace pact signed by Republicans Bill Clements, W Kent Hance, and Tom Loeffler is all but dissolved as we approach the last days of the GOP gubernatorial primary TEXAS SERvER race. It had to happen sooner or later. But when Houston The Texas Observer Publishing Co., 1986 pollster Richard Murray issued his findings a month before the primary date showing Loeffler and Hance way behind Vol. 78, No. 8 740t-,, '''..:.: April 18, 1986 Clements, everyone knew it was time for the gloves to come off. Copyright 1986 . by Texas Observer Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced without permission. With Clements showing majority support in the Murray PUBLISHER Ronnie Dugger poll and Hance running a close third, you could see home- EDITOR Geoffrey Rips stretch strategies. formulate before your very eyes. Loeffler ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dave Denison and Hance have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars CALENDAR EDITOR Chula Sims on advertising to increase their name identification among LAYOUT AND DESIGN: Valerie Fowler Republican voters in order to force a runoff with Clements.
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