John Barszewskli FTCH Operations . 3.8 Square miles, 890ft highest pt. . Population year round 392, up to 15,000/day summer . Motorized vehicles banned since 1898 . M-185 – 8 miles in circumference, the only non - motorized state highway in the US . Mackinac Is State Park covers 80% of the island

. 900 AD Native American Fishing camps . Tribal worships and chief burial grounds . Ojibwa, Algonquin, Iroquois, Huron, Chippewa . 1634 First European - Jean Nicolet . French-Canadian explorer . 1670 Several French missions established . St. Ignace . Mackinac (formerly known as Michillimackinac) . No WWTP

 By 1780 Fort Mackinac established  British controlled post French /Indian war.  1815 Island given to the US by the British  Forced by the Treaty of Ghent  Established as a fur trading hub  1829 Mission Church  Oldest surviving church building in Michigan  1875 Mack. Is. Becomes the 2nd National Park  No WWTP

 1887 Grand Hotel opened  Commercial fishing replaces fur trading  1895 Feds give Island to Michigan  1st State park  Fort was closed, motor vehicles prohibited (safety)  No WWTP  Mike Rowe “dirty jobs”  Mack. bridge maintenance worker  Horse manure/garbage removal/compost collection  1980 film “Somewhere in time”  Ghost Hunters – Mission point resort

 1969 -1971 sewer system built, WWTP established.  1991 landfill closed, going green  Composting/recycling programs established

. All paths lead uphill . Mobility and deliveries . Vehicle permits required . Police escort . Boat schedules . Seasonal limitations (mild winter 2013) . Upgrade planning crucial . Loads maximized . Onsite storage limited

 Started spring April 2012  Completed spring May of 2013 “before Mothers day” no cement trucks allowed after…  2 trucks per barge with only 2yds /truck.  Quantity needed approx. 900 yds…do the math!  No storage available at docks  Generator and screw press arrived by flatbed  Installed by two cranes in same day

 Winter average flow 0.1 MGD  Winter operations (November – May)  Winter headworks (interior screen & grit chamber)  Bypass primary clarification and towers to aeration basins 1 & 2  Flow to 1 final clarifier (interior)  Final covered 2nd clarifier on standby  Chlorine contact to effluent force main.  WAS stored to in ground basins or storage tank  Plant design average summer flow – 0.9 MGD  Summer operations  Summer headworks  2 primary clarifiers  2 packed towers  2 additional aeration tanks (4 total)  3 additional final clarifiers (4 total)  Chlorine contact to effluent force main  Sludge storage and dewatering  Ferric feed system

Summer Headworks WesTech in line spiral screen Ultrasonic level control Vortex grit removal & washing

Timer controlled sequences Organics removal

Open air no ventilation required

Reduced energy costs

 Upgraded internals to Primary and Final clarifiers (baffles, motors, scrapers, coatings)  Covered Final clarifier (winter backup)

 Tower arm replacement  RAS & WAS pump and controls  Ferric Chloride pumps and storage  New Generator from 250 to 400 KVA  Upgraded lab –cabinets , fume hood, 1 beaker  Chlorine gas system 150# cylinders  Sludge dewatering screw press HEADBOX LEVEL VARIABLE VS CONSTANT CONTROL


 Willie, Jay, & Ike  Bike ride  1st step on site %*&#@$ !!!  unexpected orientation  Flows hit 1.1 MGD this WE  Brand new jeans!  MDEQ How is this possible?  Sludge sample  Last boat off the Island  (reminder: the Tribal burial ground history?)

 BOD in = 140/500 + mg/l (landfill leachate)  BOD out = < 10 mg/l  T. Phosphorus in = 5 – 8 mg/l  T. Phosphorus out = 0.5 mg/l  Grit removal 10-15 gallons/day summer  Sludge cake solids range 20 to *27.8%  (* Barszewski analysis )  Estimated $20 k savings on sludge processing

Thank You John Barszewski [email protected] 616.464.3754 616.575.3824