Planche-contact Rolex et le SailGP


Réf.: rolex-media-brochure_empty


Crédits photo: © Rolex

France Sail Grand Prix

Réf.: bb908511_1 Réf.: bb908598_1 Réf.: ir2_6734_1 Réf.: rp2_5018

The 2021 France Sail Grand Prix took The dynamic racing was often right in The France Sail Grand Prix was the Japan SailGP Team helmed by place off Saint-Tropez on the Côte front of the idyllic French harbour fifth event of Season 2 Nathan Outterridge won the event d’Azur town and, in doing so, went into the overall Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ian Roman for lead of the Season 2 championship Crédits photo: © Rolex/Bob Martin for Crédits photo: © Rolex/Bob Martin for SailGP SailGP SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ricardo Pinto for SailGP

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Réf.: tl104689_1

The Golfe de Saint-Tropez provided a fitting backdrop for the France Sail Grand Prix

Crédits photo: © Rolex/Thomas Lovelock for SailGP

RockWool Denmark Sail Grand Prix

Réf.: ir303558a Réf.: ir303588_1 Réf.: rp1_3783 Réf.: rp3_1748

F50 catamarans use aerodynamic A quartet of F50s flying during racing A feature of SailGP racing is the Onboard Australia SailGP Team shapes as well as foiling technology at ROCKWOOL Denmark SailGP proximity of the racecourses to the winners of fourth event in the Season to reduce drag shore 2 Championship Crédits photo: Ian Roman for SailGP Crédits photo: Ian Roman for SailGP Crédits photo: Ricardo Pinto for Crédits photo: Ricardo Pinto for SailGP SailGP

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Réf.: tl206727_1

Intense action and athleticism typifies SailGP racing

Crédits photo: Thomas Lovelock for SailGP


Réf.: tl208378_1 Réf.: jb2_1580 Réf.: rp1_6146_1 Réf.: rp1_7364_1

Eight national teams took part in The third event of Season 2 was won Great Britain Sail Grand Prix was Tight, close to the shore racing Great Britain Sail Grand Prix by Australia SailGP Team led by sailed on Plymouth Sound in front of typifies SailGP former Rolex World Sailor of the Year, crowds gathered on The Hoe Crédits photo: © Rolex/Thomas Tom Slingsby Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ricardo Pinto Lovelock for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ricardo Pinto for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Jon Buckle for for SailGP SailGP

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Réf.: tl109451

Racing was characterised by foiling conditions throughout the weekend

Crédits photo: © Rolex/Thomas Lovelock for SailGP


Réf.: rp2_6827_1 Réf.: ir2_4172_1 Réf.: rp2_7187 Réf.: tl204449

Eight international SailGP teams took Light wind conditions led to reduced The United States team won two out The southern Italian city of Taranto part in the second event of Season 2 crews piloting the foiling three fleet races on day one in Italy, provided the backdrop to the second catamarans for much of the racing at before finishing third overall event of SailGP Season Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ricardo Pinto the Italy Sail Grand Prix Championship for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ricardo Pinto Crédits photo: © Rolex/Ian Roman for for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Thomas SailGP Lovelock for SailGP

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Réf.: tl100140

The second event of Season 2 was won by Japan SailGP Team with Spain in second place

Crédits photo: © Rolex/Thomas Lovelock for SailGP


Réf.: tl103927 Réf.: bb207136 Réf.: sb021735 Réf.: bb207941_1

The SailGP fleet flies down Great Fleet action during the opening event Tight competition between Great Winner of the Bermuda Sail Grand Sound, Bermuda of SailGP Season 2 Britain SailGP and Australia SailGP Prix - Great Britain SailGP Team, during the final race of the Bermuda helmed by Rolex Testimonee Sir Ben Crédits photo: © Rolex Crédits photo: © Rolex/Bob Martin for Sail Grand Prix Ainslie SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Simon Bruty Crédits photo: © Rolex/Bob Martin for for SailGP SailGP

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Réf.: bb204357_1 Réf.: bb207571_1

A trio of fast foiling F50 catamarans Spain SailGP Team is the youngest team competing Crédits photo: © Rolex/Bob Martin for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Bob Martin for SailGP


Réf.: js0y2a2556 Réf.: m2343_dg1-0437 Réf.: 4_es2_9673 Réf.: 2_bb307622

Sir , Rolex Testimonee and SailGP Season 2 features eight Rolex Testimonee and most Keeping the F50 foiling is the secret helm of Great Britain SailGP Team national teams racing eight identical successful Olympic sailor of all time, to fast and a key ingredient in foiling catamarans at eight venues Sir Ben Ainslie, leads the Great winning races Crédits photo: © Rolex/Javier Salinas around the world Britain SailGP team in Season 2 for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/©Bob Martin Crédits photo: © Rolex/David Gray for Crédits photo: © Rolex/Eloi for SailGP SailGP Stichelbaut for SailGP

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Réf.: 2_cc1_0867 Réf.: 2_ml2_6294_1 Réf.: 3_cc1_7168_1

The F50 is a foiling catamaran and The 15 metre (49 foot) F50 is capable Season 1 was won by Australia close racing is typical of exceeding 50 knots (close to 60 SailGP team narrowly beating Japan mph/95 km/h) SailGP team in a winner takes all Crédits photo: © Rolex/Chris final. Cameron for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Lloyd Images for SailGP Crédits photo: © Rolex/Chris Cameron for SailGP

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