H BENEDICTINE SISTERS BUY CANON Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1938—Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Two Children Killed in Flood on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue WILL OCCUPY Were Frequent Communicants INSTITUTION Of the seven persons who lost ter of Mr, and Mrs. Earl J. Pedley CATHOLIC their lives Friday when trapped of 755 Marion street, members of and drowned in the flood which St. John’s parish. She would have swept down mountain canons, been a sixth grade pupil at the ABOUT NOV. 1 Registorials j six were Catholics, four of one parish school this term. Friday family— Thomas H. Clennan, morning she had received Holy former Denver County jail war­ Communion with her mother at St. Extensive Repairs Being Made in Building MANY CHILDREN IN den; his wife, a grandson, Thomas John’s church and had planned to NON.CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Clennan III, 8, and a granddaugh­ receive the Holy Eucharist the fol­ REGISTER Formerly Owned by Fremont There will be approximately ter, Babara Pedley, 10. Three lowing Sunday in Evergrreen. Be­ 7,000 Rtudenls this year in the others who died were Mrs. Cecil sides her parents, she is survived The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have County Doctors Catholic grade and parish high Goodrich of Evergreen, her daugh­ by two sisters, Mary Louise, who Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. schools of Denver. The public ter, Georgia, 16, who was a for­ entered high school this fall, and Canon Cit> becomes one of Colorado’s leading centers schools have a total enrollment in mer student at Loretto Heights Alice Virginia, VOL. XXXIV. No. 3. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1938. $2 PER YEAR excess of 55,600. The total num­ college and had planned to enter Thomas Clennan, long a promi­ of Catholic institutional y^ork with the announcement that ber of grade and high school chil­ a Catholic girls’ school in Houston, nent figure in Denver, is survived the Fremont County Doctors’ hospital has been purchased dren in Denver, including public, Tex., this fall, and Mrs. Kathleen by his son, Howard T., .father of by the Benedictine Sisters of Sacred Heart convent in parish, and private schools, will Boy(| of Louisville. The Goodrich TTiomas III; his daughter, Mrs. Final Tribute to Cardinal Yankton, S. Dak. Canon City already is the home of Holy run close to 63,500. girl was born Jan. 6, 1922 and (Turn to Page 7 — Column i) baptized under the name Mich­ who had the privilege of attending services for the Archbishop of Cross abbey, where the Benedictine Fathers conduct the We are reaching about one- New York. Here is shown a procession of priests following the Abbey high school and junior college; Mt. St. ScholAstica’s ninth of Denver’s total child popu­ elle at the Cathedral June 3, 1936, casket of Cardinal Hayes into St. Patrick's Cath^ral, where the body lation with our Catholic parish by Father Thomas Doran. lay in stale until the final funeral services Friday morning. Sept. 9. Academy of the Royal Gorge, operated by the Benedictine schools. Local private Catholic Quadruple funeral services for The Most Rev. Stephen J. Donahue, Auxiliary Bishop of New York, Sisters of Chicago; St. Michael’s high schools will bring the num­ the Clennans and their grandchil­ p m k I j i i e d , has been named administrator of the archdiocese until a new Ordinary parish, of which the Rev. Albert ber up several hundreds, but some dren were held Tuesday morning is installed. Schaller, O.S.B., is pastor, and St. of these students come from out­ at 9:30 in St. Leo’s church with the Michael’s parochial school, taught side Denver. Our Catholic popu­ Rev. F. Gregory Smith, pastor of by the Chicago Benedictines. _ lation is better than a sixth of St. John’s church, as celebrant of The hospital building purchased the total. An extremely con­ a Solemn Mass of Requiem, as­ III FALL IFIER by the Yankton Benedictine Sis­ 12762829 servative estimate holds that sisted by the Very Rev. Harold V. ters is now undergoing extensive there are 50,000 Catholics in Den­ Campbell, pastor of Blessed Sac­ The Cathedral parish will honor renovation in preparation for the ver and immediate vicinity. A rament church, deacon, and the the Rt. Rev. Hugh L. McMena- sisters’ occupancy about Nov. 1. study of these statis^cs shows that Rev. Joseph Walsh, assistant at St. E min, rector, at a mass meeting The hospital, purchased from the several thousand local Catholic John’s, subdeacon. The Rt. Rev. Monday night in connection with Canon City doctors’ corporation children are still in public schools. Monsignor William O’Ryan, pastor The Rev. John Cavanagh, asso­ the current campaign to wipe out which had operated it for the last In many cases, this is true because of St. Leo’s, preached the sermon. ciate editor of the Register and as­ the outstanding debt of the parish. two years, will be staffed by eight they live at great distances from The church was packed for the sistant pastor of the Holy Ghost The occasion will be the birthday sisters and one or two lay nurses parish schools. Likewise, it is be­ Mass. Burial in Mt. Olivet. W. parish, is in St. Joseph’s hospital, celebration of the prelate, who in­ and its facilities wilt be at the dis- cause parishes find it impossible P. Horan and son service. Gov. the victim of fractured vertebrae. augurated the financial drive re­ .posal of all approved members of The most phenomenal relipous to expand their educational sys­ Ammons and Mayor Stapleton at- He fell right after he had returned cently. An attempt will be made the Colorado State Medical asso­ practice of modern America is be­ tem, owing to lack of funds. ciation. ing introduced to Colorado this a Thomas Clennan III was the after being caught in the Bear to raise the total of the amount ^ .Some day, we hope, America Creek canon flood of last Friday collected to $20,000 in tribute to Negotiations for the purchase week as the naticrally famous per­ will quit her injustice to parish only son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard petual novena in honor of Our Thomas Clennan of 1908 Bellaire night. Two of the vertebrae are Monsignor McMenamin, who is re­ of the institution, founded a num­ education and adopt a plan some­ broken, but fortunately the breaks sponsible for the magnificent Ca­ ber of years ago by Dr. Raynor Sorrowful Mother begins at Sa­ what like the Ontario system, street, members of Blessed Sacra­ thedral and the high school, both cred Heart church in Colorado ment parish. The morning he had are such that no permanent cripp­ Holmes, Sr., were conducted by where groups, like the Catholics or ling will result. He will be walk­ of which were erected in his rec­ Mother Jerome Schmitt, superior Spi^ings and plans are made for Lutherans, that want separate pub­ gone to the mountains with his torship. of the Yankton community, and its introduction at St. Elizabeth’s grandparents he had placed a ing after another week or so and lic schools in which religion can cured in perhaps eight to ten To date the campaign has been Sister M. Emerentia. The Yank­ church in Denver next week. be taught are permitted to or­ basket of flowers and had lighted weeks. a decided success. In the three ton Benedictines, who devote them­ The novena, which first at­ ganize their own separate school candles before statues of the Sa­ weeks that it has been in opera­ selves mainly to hospital work, tracted widespread attention when districts and tax themselves, not cred Heart and the Blessed Virgin Father Cavanagh and Father its devotees created traffic jams William Mulcahey of the Blessed tion, nearly $15,000 has been sub­ have a membership of more than having to pay towards the upkeep in his bedroom’s tiny shrine. A scribed. At a meeting of the 300 sisters laboring in the Dio­ around the Servite Church of Our very religious boy, Thomas had re­ Sacrament parish were driving to of the other schools. One would (Turn to Page i — Column S) ceses of Denver, Sioux Falls, Lady of Sorrows in Chicago, has think that' the normal American ceived Holy Communion the Sun­ Brookforest inn for a dinner party. Omaha, and Rapid City. In Colo­ spread rapidly throughout the would have too much pride to be day before his death. He had There was rain at Morrison, which rado, the sisters conduct the paro­ country, and at the present It is compelling his neighbors to pay made his First Hol-y Communion became worse as they went up the chial school at Gardner. Previous attracting upwards of 175,000 for his children’s education when the year before and was buried in canon. Suddenly the car was Fr. Flynn Back; to their purchase of the Canon persons to Chicago churches every the neighbors are paying also for his First Communion clothes. He caught in the maelstrom of a ter­ City institution. Mother Jerome’s Friday, besides 270,000 in other their own youngsters’. But even was a student at Blessed Sacra­ rific flood that took six lives and Still Crippled community had conducted negotia­ cities. In one church there, are 38 the rich seem to be willing to live ment school and would have en­ wrecked about 50 cars. The fact tions for ho.spitals in Alamosa services each Friday. off the dole in this fashion. The tered the fourth grade this week. that the automobile. Father Cava- and Fort Collins. Father Lawrence Calkins. O.S. logic behind it is just the same His mother is a convert to the nagh’s, was thrown against the From Accident The Fremont County Doctors’ M., Servite Missionary priest who as when a Protestant Irishman Church. mountainside, enabled the clergy­ hospital is a large three-story has conducted the novena services (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) Barbara Pedley was the daugh­ men to escape. They spent the The Rev. Leo Flynn, pastor of graystone building on the corner at the shrine in Chicago, came to night in wet clothing in a mountain Holy Family parish, returned last (Turn to Page i — Column 6) (Turn to Page i — Column S) f cabin, walked to Idledale early the week after a three-month absence 1st Day’s Enrollment Sets Record next morning, watched the old from Denver, enforced by a serious 180,000 Motor, club burn Satur­ accident. Father Flynn went to Calls Part of 5-Point Proposal Unwise day morning, and were finally CO-OPERATIVES WOULD Belle Plaine, la., in June to preach 200 MORE CHILDREN IN jjrought back into touch with civil­ a mission at St. Michael’s church, ization over circuitous roads in a where his brother, the Rev. Ed­ DR. ABELL IN FAVOR OF horse-drawn vehicle. AID MINING CENTENS, ward S. Flynn, is pastor. One Arriving in Denver about noon evening after the services were PARISH GRADE SCHOOLS Saturday, without having had any ended the two brothers were en­ sleep and with no food since Fri­ joying a walk. While crossing the WIDE HEALTH PROGRAM day noon, they went to the SAYS FN. CAMPBELL street Father Leo Flynn was Continuing an advance that be­ ^:ity and 1,500 in the parochial high Blessed Sacrament rectory, where struck by a car driven by-a man gan ten years ago, the enrollment schools. According to eftHy reports Father Cavanagh fell on a stair­ Who was under the influence of (8y-Leonard A. Tangney) day night frotW Montana tnd went in Denver’s parochial schools set from out-of-town schools, the at­ way and suffered the fractures. Belief that Colorado, mining banner under which they tried to intoxicants. The car bumper struck “If the five-poirtt program pro­ on to Estes Park Thursday to ad­ an all-time high this week for first- tendance is slightly higher than He went afterwards to the Holy communities could adopt and live.' the priest in the leg, breaking the posed at the recent National dress the Colorado Medical so­ day attendance. According to the that of the 1937-38 school year. Hope replaced hopelessness, knee cap. (jj^alth conference in Washington, ciety’s convention. Rev. Hubert Newell, diocesan su­ Ghost rectory, not realizing the profit greatly from co-operative Three of the high schools will state of his injuries, and was taken movements similar to the organi­ anarenial grumbling turned into Fat)fl»r Flynn was forced to re -^D?'C., is to succeed, the compul­ “The idea of the national health perintendent of schools, Tuesday have enrollments of better than constructive conversation, and, main in a hospital for several sory sickness insurance clause will program is excellent,” Dr. Abell saw nearly 200 more children in to the hospital after he virtually zations in Nova Scotia wa.s ex­ 300. Cathedral registered 378 for collapsed Saturday evening. He pressed this week by the Very above all, Christianity replaced weeks as the result of the accident have to be revised,’’ declared Dr. said, “but there are many diffi­ the grade schools than registered the first day of class; St. Francis Communism. The Red scourge and is still unable to bend his Itnee. Irvin Abell of Louisville, Ky., culties which must be ironed out the first day of school last year. ran extremely high temperatures, Rev. Harold V. Campbell, pastor de Sales’ had 290, and St. Joseph’s, but is now improving. Dr. J. F. of Blessed Sacrament church. had attained an apparently strong His physicians report that it will president of the American Medical before the house of delegates—■ This week’s enrollment in the six 300. It was virtually certain foothold in Nova Scotia, because take some time before the priest association, when interviewed the American Medical association’s parish high schools has surpassed Harrington reported that he found Father Campbell returned Sept. 3 Wednesday that the South side him suffering greatly from ex­ from the 16th annual rural and no effort was being made on the again will have the full use of his Wednesday morning in Denver. governing body—can work out a the peak of last year’s attendance school will go over the 300 mark part of the economic overlords to leg. Dr. Abell arrived in the city Tues- plan based on the Health confer­ and more students are expected. posure and shock, as a result of his industrial conference held in by the beginning of next week and experiences in the flood. The Antigonish, N. S, which drew lighten the load which they were ence’s program and submit it for When the registration is coip- that the number at both Cathedral priest’s car w'as salvaged from the 1,250 delegates representing over forcing the poor fishermen, agri­ Men to Hold Rally at Regis the approval of congress.” plete, there will be nearly 5,500 and St. Joseph’s will be increased. canon and was found repairable. 1,000,000 members of co-opera­ cultural workers, and coal miners “A national health program," children in the grade schools of the Despite the fact that Annuncia­ tives all over America. to carry. Communism at least held out promises of action, and the doctor declared (anci he wants tion school building had to be aban­ The Nova Scotian plan was de- it clearly understood that this is doned, the registration is not much many flocked\p the flag oif the his own view, not the opinion of vi.sed and brought into action .sickle-and-hammter. But all that Four-Fold Program less than that of last year. Early through the tireless crusading of the A.M.A.), “must be built on regi.stration at Annunciation was El C l M III is changed today. ' ^ Father J. J. Tompkins, vice presi­ Realizing that immediate action 400 for the grades and 180 for the dent of St. Francis Xavier’s uni­ high school. must be taken, the leaders of the versity in Antigonish. Although (Turn to Page 7 — Column 4) T o Mark Jubilee The new Loyola grade school, only ten years old, the co-opera­ which has only the first four grades m M E MADE tive movement has been the moti­ This month inaugurates the in the open air on the campus of this year, attracted 75 youngsters vating power which has lifted the year-long celebration of the golden Regis college. A sermon will be Tuesday. residents of the eastern-most jubilee of Regis college, founded preached by the Rev. Daniel A. Following is the complete list of province of Canada from the low­ at Morrison in 1884 as Sacred Lord, S.J., sodality leader. Denver parochial high and grade AT CATNEDDAL est depths of poverty to a satis­ Heart college and moved to Den- A scholarly forum to discuss school enrollments for the first day factory standard of living. very in 1888. The Very Rev. GIRL TO 0[ of classes; acute political, economic, and socio­ Education was the chief factor Robert M. Kelley, S.J., Regis presi­ logical problems of the day will High schools—Cathedral, 378; Seven non-Catholics will be re­ in organizing and pushing the dent, has announced that the com­ emphasize the academic sphere of Annunciation, 180; Holy Family, ceived into the Church next Tues­ plan into action. Despite the fact EETTEI mODT pletion of the rosary of years will the festivities. Also, honorary de­ Two more Denver girls will be­ 228; Sacred Heart, 75; St. Francis day evening at the Cathedral, rais­ come sisters—Miss Mary. Demp­ that many of the adults were be marked in four phases of college grees will be granted to several de Sales’, 290, and St. Joseph’s ing the number of converts in illiterate, Father Tompkins set out activities: Relipous, academic, so­ sey, an employe of the Register (C.SS.R.), 300; grade schools— the parish to 61 for the vear. The distinguished men and women. for the past two years, and Miss on educational pilgrimages across cial, and financial. The social celebration of the (Cathedral, 263; Annunciation, members of Tuesday’s 'class will the province, teaching the illiter­ The religious phase of the cele­ Margaret Fitzpatrick. 400; Bles.sed Sacrament, 312; be baptized by the Rev. Francis CNJilTf EETE jubilee will be climaxed by a ban­ Miss Dempsey entered the ates the fundamentals of reading bration will be marked by a quet. Alumni and friends of Regis Holy Family, 294; Holy Rosary, J. Kappes, assistant rector of the and writing, then extending their parade of Denver Holy Name so­ will be especially welcome. The mother-house of the Sisters of 145; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 192; Cathedral, who has been conduct­ A letter from the Most Rev. Charity of Cincinnati at Mt. St. education to higher planes. cieties Oct. 23 to the college students and faculty plan other Presentation, 111; Sacred Heart, ing instructions for non-Catholics Urban J. Vehr, Bishop of Den­ grounds, where the men’s annual Joseph, 0., Thursday. She left 290; St. Cajetan’s, 238; St. Cath­ in the summer months. Those who Through the medium of study ver, sent to local priests this smaller functions that will round Denver Sunday, stopping in Chi­ clubs, the university priest and rally will be staged. Ten thousand out the social phase for the year. erine’s, 340; St. Dominic’s, 278; St. will became Catholics at next week, calls attention to the an­ are expected to turn out for this Financially, the celebration will cago en route to Cincinnati. Elizabeth’s, 147; St. Francis de week’s rite are as follows; Mrs. his assistants were able to awaken nual Silver Dollar days. It is as A native of Denver, Miss Demp­ the impoverished natives to strive event. A visiting Bishop will be marked by a drive for funds Sales’, 430; St. John’s, 251; St. John Geboner, Martin Chadwick, follows: preach the sermon and will give that is hoped to remove the entire sey was graduated from Sacred Joseph’s ((i.SS.R.), 280; St. Jos­ A. W. Hoyt, Lyda Metzler, Mary for a better standard of living Sept. 6, 1938 Heart high school in 1935. She than the one imposed upon them Pontifical Benediction of the Most school debt. Preliminary gifts to eph’s (Polish), 100; St. Louis’, 193; Alice Higgins, and Allen Grill. Reverend dear Father: Blessed Sacrament. the jubilee fund already total lived with her father, J. L. Demp­ St. Patrick’s, 124; St. Philomena’s, Mrs. Geboner was formerly a by the greed of the capitalistic The Knights of Columbus will sey, and sister, Dorothy, a sopho­ The following morning, Oct. 24, $3,200. A downtown office has 238; St. Vincent de Paul’s, 125; Presbyterian, Mr. Chadwick a hold their annual Silver Dollar a Solemn Pontifical Mass will be been opened in the Security build­ Dr. Irvin Abell more in Saered Heart high school, Loyola (new), 75. Methodist, and Miss Metzler a days at the Knights of Columbus at 3030 Vine street. celebrated by Bishop Urban J. ing, with C. C. Seidenstricker in Lutheran. The others had no pre­ ST. JOSEPH’S hall on next Thursday, Friday, Vehr. This Mass will be celebrated charge. economic needs and based on local Margaret Fitzpatrick, daughter vious religious affiliation. and Saturday evenings. Sept. 15, and individual necessity, not on of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fitzpat- It is expected that the quota of HOSPITAL NUNS 16, and 17. the basis of political expediency. ALL CLASSES 100 converts for the year will be The St. Vincent de Paul so­ Should the program go through as reached, as several persons are cieties participate in the proceeds Diocesan Union College Plans it stands now. Catholic hospitals now under instruction and several ' TRANSFERRED of this benefit. You are kindly will be imperiled and Catholics and large classes are expected to en­ asked to announce it at the To Discuss Rally other individuals seeking hospital OPERATING AT roll when the Rev. Dr. Thomas Replacing Sister Mary George Masses this Sunday. Special Course care under the plan will not be Doran, who is in charge of the as superintendent of nurses at Faithfully yours in Christ, A meeting of the officers anil allowed to select their own hos­ convert work, resumes his lectures St. Joseph’s hospital is Sister « URBAN J. VEHR, council of the Diocesan union pitals or doctors. The program is ANNUNCIATION later this month. Cornelia, niece of the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Denver. of the Holy Name society will On Saturdays designed primarily to afford care Topic! of Lectures Announced J. J. Donnelly. Sister Cornelia An aura of pioneer mining days be held at the Knights of for the indigept and low-income The Very Rev. Charles H. Hagus, Father Doran has announced is a graduate of the hospital’s in Colorado pervades the K. of Columbus home, 1575 Grant, Loretto Heights college will spon­ groups. pastor of the Annunciation parish, the time and subjects of his dis­ school of nursing, and studied at C. home, 1575 Grant, with the Tuesday at 8 p. m. to discuss sor special Saturday classes this Compulsory Insurance Dangerous where the old school building has cussions as follows: Sept. 19, in­ the Catholic university. Her first completion of decorations this plans for the rally. Recommen­ year for the benefit of teaching “Compulsory sickness insurance, been abandoned, reveals that the spection tour of Cathedral; Sept. station after she became a nun week'. Murals reproducing scenes dations will be presented at the sisters and lay students. Registra­ the fifth point under the National school, including all grades from 26, “The Absurdity of Atheism;’’ was at St. Joseph’s. She served in the various boom camps, many quarterly conference of the tion will be held Saturday morn­ Health conference plan, would re­ the first to the 12th, will be in Oct. 3, “Man, the Image of His last at St. Mary’s college in of which are ghost towns now, •Diocesan union, to be held at ing, Sept. 17, from 8:45 to 9:30. quire that individuals with in- full operation by Wednesday, Sept. Creator;’’ Oct. 10, “Necessity of Leavenworth, Kans., and had been cover the walls of the main hall. the K. of C. home Wednesday Organization of classes will take (Turn to Page i — Column i) i Revelation;’’ Oct. 17, “Proof of stationed previously at institu­ Booths are constructed of native night. Sept, 21. Those attend­ place from 9:45 to 11:45. The After the Sisters of Charity, Revelation;’’ Oct. 24, “Historical tions conducted by the Sisters of logs and the whole effect rolls ing will be the guests of the classes are designed especially for ywho teach at Annunciation, told Value of the Gospel;’’ Oct. 31, “Di­ Charity of Leavenworth in Mon­ back the years a half-century or so. order, and a large number are those who have no other time for Tather Hagus that they would vinity of Christ;’’ Nov. 7, “Christ tana and elsewhere. Sister Mary The popularity "contest has been expected. studies. Returns From make any sacrifice to prevent any Founded a Church;’’ Nov. 14, “The George has been transferred to running very close. The contest­ Students may obtain three se­ part of the school from closing, he One Church;’’ Nov. 21, “The Holy Providence hospital in Kansas ants are Mrs. Irene Thoden, Mrs. mester hours’ credit in each course Collection for made arrangements to have the Church;’’ Nov. 28, “The Catholic City, Kans., as superintendent of Winifred Smith, Miss Esther Gans, followed for the full academic year, entire program carried out. The Church;’’ Dec. 5, “The Apostolic nurses. Mrs. Hugh Stewart, and Miss Ma­ Msgr. Donnelly vrith the exception of biology 41, Orphans Given first three grades of the elemen­ Church;’’ Dec. 12, “The Govern­ Other changes at St., Joseph’s rietta Lowery. This event closes which carries credit of two hours tary school will be housed in the ment of the Church.’’ include the transfer of Sister Saturday night. Sept. 17, at 10:30. Is Critically III for the first senifester. Returns from the annual dioc­ J .sisters^ convent and Hagus hall, The second series of the priest’s Mary Basil to St. James’ hospital Committees for the various Should a sufficient number of re­ esan collection for the support of according to present plans. Classes lectures -will be as follows: Jan. in Butte, Mont. Her place as booths have their work well com­ The condition of the Rt. Rev. quests be made prior to the date orphan children are announced this Margaret Fitzpatrick from the fourth gi-ade through 9, “The Holy Trinity;’’ Jan 16, supervisor of the surgical de­ pleted. A number of new attrac­ John J. Donnelly, pastor of St. of registration, the administration week by the Chancery office as fol­ high school will be held in the “Seven Sacraments;’’ Jan. 23, partment will be taken by Sis­ rick, will enter the Sisters of St. tions have been secured in addi­ Francis de Sales’ church, who is a will consider plans for the intro­ lows : Ironton school building, which has “Forgiveness of Sins;’’ Jan. 30, ter Mary Aquin. Sister Rita tion to the old-time amusements patient at St. Joseph’s hospital, is duction of courses not listed on this DENVER— Joseph of Carondelet at their no­ been leased from the Denver Pub- “Holy Eucharist;’’ Feb. 6, “Mar­ Louise has gone to St. Francis’ vitiate in St. Louis. Miss Fitz­ that have made this affair a fa­ very critical. The aged prelate has schedule. Cathedral ...... $200.00 lis School board. Thia- will in­ riage;’’ Feb. 13, “Veneration of hospital, Topeka, Kans.; Sister vorite of' fun-seekers for years. been confined to bed for the pa|it The following is the schedule for Annunciation ...... 26.65 patrick was one of the most promi­ clude the complete commercial de­ Saints;’’ Feb. 20, “Devotion to the nent students in her class at (Lo­ Agnes, to St. Vincent’s hospital, The main award this year will be month. Although there has been Saturday classes: First period, Blessed Sacrament ...... 125.8S partment Blessed Virgin;’’ Feb. 27, “Prayers Billings, Mont., and Sister Eu­ $500 in cash and there will be two no change in the last few days, Saturday morning, 8:45 to 10:15-— Holy Family . ,•...... 30.00 retto Heights college, vmere she Enrollment in the school has for the Dead;’’ March 6, “Infalli­ •was graduated last June summa gene Therese, to St. Mary’s hos­ other prizes of $100 each. Monsignor Donnelly has been de­ Art 195, methods for the grades. Holy G host...... 288.71 not suffered appreciably from the bility of Pope;’’ March 13, “Bible pital, Grand Junction. Other new All the proceeds go to char­ clining noticeably for the past Sister Mary Norbert, room 402; cum lav.de. She majored in uncertainty of previous plans, and Holy Rosary ...... 9.15 mathematics. Her name appeared Not Sole Rule of Faith;’’ March sisters coming to the hospital are ity, and this affair is one of the four weeks. Prior ta that time, education 158, school administra­ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. 19.25 students have co-operated •willing­ 20, “Outside Church No Salva- Sister Rose Bernard and Sister main aids to the St. Vincent he had been able to be up and {Turn to Page g — Column SJ ly with the revised set-up. tion. Miss Grace Conley, room 207; Presentation ...... 15.06 j (Turn to Page 4 — Column Aurelia. de Paul men. around, but a hospital patient (Turn to Page $ — Column SJ (Turn to Page 7 — Column S) PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER ; Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Sept. 8, 1938

Pioneer Organization 46 Years Old i To Webster Qillege iRegister Worker HELEN LAMBERT TERRELL AID SOCIETY OPENS NEW ! T e a c h e r of VOICE - - THEORY - COMPOSITION Graduate Philadelphia Conservatory of Music and Temple To Become Non SEASON AT MEET SEPT. 15 University College of Music of Philadelphia, Pa. (By Rose M. H agus) has also been foremost in civic and 1545 Lafayette Street Denver, Colorado (Continued From Page One) STUDIO 1 in the College Wfco’s Who this The Sacred Heart Aid society national humanitarian projects. It Telephone MAIn 7773 year. will meet at 2:30 Thursday after­ was represented at the meeting Phons or Write far OeicriptlTS Literstare She was president of the Dra­ noon, Sept. 15, at the Catholic for organization of the Rocky matic Art club and of the honor­ Daughters’ clubhouse, 1772 Grant Mountain division of the Ameri­ ary actors’ club. Wigs and Patches. street. This is the first meeting She was also treasurer of her can Red Cross and took an active I class and took part in nearly all of the fall. In the summer period interest in organizing the Fed­ WHEN YOU PHONE FOP I student activities. the work of the society was con­ eration for Charity and Philan­ SERVICE. YOU G ET^EPVia. At present she is living with tinued under the direction of Mrs. thropy, which was the forerunner her sister, Mrs. Mary Nelan, and J. J. Dean, chairman of investi­ of the Community Chest. Fifty WE'PE ON OUR WAY IN A , her brother-in-law, Louis Nelan. members worked in the initial MINUTE-DAY OR NI&HT ! The couple have two small chil­ gation and relief. Mrs. J. T. Tier­ house-to-house drive of the fed­ ney will preside at the meeting eration and got better results than Phoni MA.5?4I or MA.5542 dren. Margaret and Bridie Walsh, Thursday. At that time it will be aunts of Margaret Fitzpatrick, any other women’s team. Craig WE NEVER CLOSE / )/ U oe(*t are employed as housekeepers at decided whether the monthly social colony was helped by the Sacred luncheon, which was an innovation Heart Aid society when that now H ^ I ths Cathedral rectory. last year, will be continued. TIRECO.«S,^,, Miss Fitzpatrick became ac- widely-known haven was but a q’.ainted with the work of the-Sis­ The society was organized 46 collection of poorly equipped years ago by a band of women, tents. Mary Jane Nolan, who has been ters of St. Joseph while a student acting prefect of the senior So­ at St. Francis de Sales’ high school two of whom remain today—Mrs. Twenty-seven years ago the Sa­ E. M. DuBois, who was first presi­ dality of Our Lady at St. Mary’s in Denver. She will leave here cred Heart Aid society section of academy, frpm which she was St. Joseph's for the novitiate Sept. 12. dent, and Mrs. M. C. Johnson. It the National Needlework guild was graduated in June, will leave Den­ was the pioneer of Catholic private established by Mrs. W. R. Leon­ X Margaret and her sister, Mary, charity, dispensing relief to the ver in a few days to register at were both born in Cleveland, 0. ard, then president of the society^ Webster college, Webster Groves, poor in their homes. “Private Mrs. Leonard formed four other The firms listed here de­ Their mother was an invalid for Charity’’ was the topic presented Mo. The college, like the Denver several years and passed away in Catholic sections. In the term of academy, is conducted by the Sis­ serve to be remembered by one of the officers at the semi­ office of Mrs. J. A. Osner $2,300 ters of Loretto. Mias Nolan was BRIGHT SPOT OF Ip rn l 1937. Her funeral was held at annual meeting of the State Board WEST DENVER ths Cathedral, yith Bishop Urban was given towards the furnishing publicity director of the Rocky when you are distributing of Charity and Correction held in of the Mullen Home for the Aged Mountain Regional Sodality con­ J. Vehr giving the blessing and the state house in 1910. your patronage in the dif­ Monsignor Hugh L. McMenamin Poor. Five hundred dollars was vention in Denver last spring. ferent lines of business. UNION O’Brien’s BOU8B giving the sermon, in which he de­ Leadership has been developed in donated towards the purchase of 760 Santa Ft No Cover Charge clared that Mrs. Fitzpatrick was its ranks. Presidents of numer­ the Catholic Daughters’ clubhouse. believed a saint by all who knew ous other organizations have pre­ The Sacred Heart Aid society her- viously served in that capacity in ceased to be an agency of the 251 Registered at FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Mr. Fitzpatrick, a native of Ire­ the Sacred Heart Aid society. It Community Chest last year. As Ice Cold Beer, Wines land, returned there after his provision had been made for the Regis High School BOB & VAN’S wife’s death. care of the aged by other means, Bottle or Case J. F. Little Renamed the fund formerly allotted the so­ (Regis High School) AT REDUCED PRICES Meat Market ciety was turned into other chan­ Regis college high school BOB’S OLD TRAIL 750 SANTA FE DRIVE nels. Much relief work still de­ opened Tuesday, Sept. 6, with an Si Sperling Running 4th Degree Master pends on the society and aside enrollment of 89 freshmen and LIQUOR STORE from the proceeds from the an­ **Where Indies majf shop w ith esse** a total registration of 251 stu­ 240 SANTA PE DRIVE KE. 7143 Fresh Fish Silver Dollar Days For State Senator Joseph F. Little is retained as nual card party it must rely on dents, which is an increase of AUSPICES master of the Fourth Degree, the dues of the members for finan­ 30 students over last year. Forty- Santa Fe Drive Moving Nominate Si Sperling for state Knights of Columbus, for the dis­ cial aid. An earnest effort is being three of these registrants make THEORA Knights of Columbus • St. Vincent de Paul senator. He deserves your sup­ trict of Colorado, it is announced made to increase the membership. their home at Regis for the and Storage Co. port. He is tireless and energetic by John H. Raddin, supreme mas­ All women are invited to attend school term and have come from Societies in his loyalty. He will serve the ter. Mr. Little will serve another the meetings. Reports are brief far and wide. BEAUTY SHOP Private Locked Storage best interest of all citizens of Den­ two-year term commencing Sept. and after a short business session The West chapel in the Ad- , Specializing in Frederics < ver county. He believes that 1, 1938, and ending Aug. 31, those wishing to remain and play ministfation J)uilding at Regis Rooms - Packing • Crating SEPTEMBER 15,16, and 17 every law on the statute books 1940. cards may do so. Permanent Waves college, which is used by the high KE. 5705 400 SANTA FE DR. AT 1575 GRANT STREET should be beneficial to every man Officers are Mrs. J. T. Tierney, school students, has been com­ tSU SANTA FE TA. 8M 7l and woman with limited purse, FORTY HOURS’ DEVOTION president; Philip McCarty, Wil­ pletely renovated, refurnished, This carnival is one of the principal means providing and maintaining an am­ Week of Sept. 11: Aspen, liam P. Dolan, T. B. Liverman, and redecorated. It now contains Billy Van’s Grocery ple opportunity for them to have a liturgical altar. SANTA FE SHOE{ of raising funds necessary for the vast amount a reasonable economic security for St. Mary’t; Brighton, St. Elmer Hanlon, and James McDon­ and Market themselves and their children. Augustine’s; Elizabeth, St. ald, vice presidents: Mrs. P. W. The high school recreation room : HOSPITAL of charity done by the Knights and Vincentians. Mary’s (may have one-day Stauter, treasurer; Mrs. P. Lace, immediately adjoining the college THE MARKET OF QUALITY Send your friend. Si Sperling, exposition of the Blessed ►Shoe Repairing for the^ These charitable works seek no publicity but to the state senate. You can rely secretary; Mrs. J. C. Hagus, cor­ gymnasium has been remodeled 16 ozs. to the Pound on him. Sacrament); Leadville, An­ responding secretary; Mrs. T. B. and enlarged. The room has com­ ► Whole JFamily they cannot be done except thru the charity and (Thin political advertisement written and nunciation parish; Longmont, Livermart represents the society plete new flooring and has been ► We Appreciate Parcel Poet Orders 612 Santa Fa Dr. Pbona TA. 0538 good will of others. All proceeds go to charity. paid for by a friend of Si Sperling.) St. John the Baptist’s. in the Denver deanery. equipped with many games. ► 742 SANTA FE DRIVE UNION SHOP DO YOUR PART Buy Tickets Sell Tickets Attend Silver Dollar Days $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Timely Clothes an d ‘Test Ye Forgei” Herman rt Schaffner & M arx KLINE This Fail at the Man’s Store Choose from Served Our People Honestly, Fearlessly and Conscientiously l \ 0/ tke CloiltUtf ^ield! Vote for Herman Kline STATE REPRESENTATIVE Democratic Primaries Sept. 13 t o Reward Them Who Serve Ye Well” • 3 J 5 0 and < 3 8 ^ 0 ^ (This Ad Contributed by Dean Mulligan) Paid Pol. Adr.

RUPTLRID? i Sisnifleantly with the famous institutions that lead,the nation' Hnndrrds of •atisfird naen I The Geo. A. Pullen i can’t be wrong— ► 1 in man merchandisinS/ this fall Cottrell's steps ahead to broaden l“THE little doctor TRUSS” I hsi proven to be the best sn the market and ^ Stove and Furnace Repair^ ' the answer to sH rupture luffirers. Neat, elm- their scope of service to Denver thru the acquisition of M O R E I pie, efficient, no iteel to rust, ns ilsttle, ne tireiiure on the back or hipi. no leg straps; I 1 ! walsbt 6 ounces. Sold s i 30 days' trill. |i* of the biggest Name Brands in America today! vestifate this today. Denver, Colo. i drug co. Again, it’s Cottrell's leading by adding another (•EzduslTe Authorized Agents) ► 4 Corner Curtis and 15th Sts.i Denver MA. 0725 1J3J Lawrence < G R E A T to an already great line of famous cloth­ ing brands. Now, watch the march of Timely Holy Family Clothes in Denver... the brand that is bringing Lowell Hardware CLARK & SON about a popularity eclipse in New York, Chicago,' and Paint Boston and wherever you go! -r R. H. ANDRIDGE. Prop. g e n e r a l HARDWARE, GLASS, PAINTS HARDWARE } ■ T Electrical Supplies and Houieware GA. 1086 4034 TENNYSON ST. General Hardware, Palnta, Glass 3464 W. 32nd Ave. Phone GA. 7663 and Kitchen Ware CHOOSE YOUR FALL SUIT WHERE THERE IS Health MUk McCracken Cleaners P J. D. McCRACKEN. Prop. No police PeneUiff O H O M o P iff,! Cheerful Delivery Service Highland Creamery Established 14 Years 3130 Lowell Blvd. (Near 32nd) 4914 W. 38TH AVE. C. F. PALMETIER. Prop. Phone GAIlup 3508 Irma’s Beauty Conoco Service • Shoppe CroQUianoIe Perm anent Waving, Shampoo­ Station ing,' FarlaU. Scaipe, Marcelling, Finger Waving and Manicuring C. M. LUNDEEN Full Line Coametica G A . 1 3 8 1 Wr C»n tor and COTTRELL'S Lilly Bryce 88th A Tennyaon Deliver 4014 Tennyaon St. GAlIup 1962 We Appreciate Pariah Patronage The Mon'i Siote 621 SIXTEENTH ST*

VOGUE SHOPPE The firms listed here de­ 3931 Tennyaon Our Fail Hati Have Juit Arrived. serve to be remembered See the Latest Styles in Millinery —Make Your Selection Early, when you are distributing t^e Our Will Call System INTEGRiry ENDURES — 46 YEARS UNDER THE SAhJE OWNERSHIP O N SIXTEENTH STREET HEM^ITCHING ...... Sc yd. your patronage in the dif­ We Appreciate Parish Patronage ferent lines of. business.

'H Thursday, Sept. 8, 1938 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE

Case Went to Territories Supreme Court pimsi sociii) ZjOEimOEUT PAROCHIAL SCHOOL BOOKS Preferred Parish Saint’s Picture Caused Both'Neic and Used Trading List— Herrick Book & Stationery Co. lEllEBS TO MEET Dispute Among Indians ST, KE. 5470— 15th AT CURTIS

MR. AND MRS. SHOPPE'R: (St. Louit’ Parish, Englewood) Attorney Joseph A. Craven has some years past, but within the (St. Philomena’* Parifh) A covered-dish luncheon for all just come across one of the strang­ memory of persons now living, According to Sister M. Pruden- The merchants represented in this section are boosters. They are officers of the various parish so­ tia, superior, 250 students have cieties will be held in Concordia est bits of Catholic history in the under pretense of a loan, borrowed anxious to work with you and are deserving of your patronage. Cb- early West—the battle of two In­ said painting of the pueblo of enrolled at S t Phllomena’s school hall Monday evening, Sept. 12, at Acoma for the purpose of celebrat­ to date. Mass was celebrated at Preferred Parish operate with them. 6:30. The wives and husbands of dian towns for a picture of St. Jos­ 8 o’clock Thursday, the Fea.st of the officers are invited to attend. eph (San Jose) that finally ing Holy Week; that the said reached the supreme court of the pueblo of Laguna having so ob­ the Nativity of (]%r Lady, with the To be represented are the Holy tained possession of said painting, entire school present. Trading L ist-* Name and Altar and Rosary so­ then Territory of New Mexico, in Santa Fe, in the term they set up a claim to if, and re­ The Altar and Rosary society Cathedral cieties, P.-T.A., St. Vincent de fused to return the same.” will hold its opening meeting Mon­ Paul’s society. Dramatic club. Boy of January, 1857. The court formally decided that the picture Laguna Reverted Charges day, Sept 12, at 2 o’clock at the Scout directors, athletic director, was intrinsically not worth “two The Laguna pueblo replied that home of Mrs. Giles F. Foley, 1301 MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER: PETE GOLDEN’S recreation director, ushers, and bits” but that its “appreciative its people “knew nothing of the High street. The merchantt repretented in thit tection are boottert. They are PEARL DRUG CO. Confraternity of Christian Doc­ origin of said painting of San The Holy Name society will re­ anxiout to work with you and are deterring of your patronage. Co> K tb A Pearl Shamrock Tavern value” was such that one witness trine. The program for 1938-39 swore: “Unless San Jo.se is in Jose except from the tradition of ceive Communion in a body at the operate with them. CUT PRICES *18TH ANK DOWNING will be discussed after the lunch­ Acoma the people thereof cannot their old men, handed down for 8 o’clock Mass Sunday. eon. A social hour will follow. several generations past, and such MAIN 46«6 PKEE DELIVERY Plate lunches Two talented young people have prevail with (jod.” The entire Barnis of marriage were an­ G. F. BERKENKOTTER. Prop. story is a weird affair of the ap­ tradition clearly and conclusively been added to the cast of the nounced for the first time last Oor Speclaltr Is Filllni Prescriptians Beer — Wines Mixed Drinks propriation of the ancient picture establishes the right of .said pueblo Sunday for Thomas Raber Taylor St. Francis de Sales' three-act play, Adam’s Rib, to be of Laguna to said painting of San WINES & LIQUORS HOT & COLD-SANDWICHES presented in the Englewood high from one pueblo or town by the of this parish and Josephine Red- people of another, the casting of Jose, and manifests clearly that din of Cathedral parish. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ■i,. school auditorium Thursday eve­ lots under the direction of a priest the same is property of the pueblo C. L. PIERCE The Handicraft Shop ning, Sept. 15, at 8:15 o’clock. of Laguna. It is said and uni­ Judge and Mrs. J. J. Walsh and Proprietor of to determine what God wanted Miss Josephine Wal.sh have re­ BUCHANAN’S CHARLES S. AUGER, Prop. The new members of the ca.st are •done about the matter, and the versally believed that, after the LOGAN GARAGE (Between Washington and Clarkson) Lodema Bowman and James conquest of this country by Spain, turned after spending several supreme court decision, ending weeks in New York. LIQUOR STORE 275 8. Logan SP. 2811 Art Leather and Sweeney. Miss Bowman plays the with what the Indians to this day a Bishop gave the painting of and romantic lead of Donna. James declare -was the miraculous trans­ San Jose to the pueblo of Laguna, Glenn Carey, president of the Fine Wines and Liquors Merchants Oil Co. & Garage I f f Ml CARRY TOOMAHCnBASKIT Aeroplane Kits Sweeney, who has played success­ portation of the picture part way and that said painting was by the Donovan club, plans to leave early ICE COLD BEER I7th and York FR. 3214 731 EAST COLFAX fully with the Regis players the next week to accept a military ap­ Complete one*itop ■crrlco day or night Instruction Given to School Ciatsea and back to where it belonged. Despite pueblo of Acoma clandestinely Phone PEarl 1777 377 South Broadway h r pointment at Fort Sill in Lawton, Gai, Oili. Waahing* Greasing, Storage Individuals past few years, will carry the com­ the court decision about the value taken from them.” ' V - ! t 1 (— I I edy. Okla. He will be stationed at the M i i i i TABOR 6961 of the picture, some critics be­ Legal points raised in Laguna’s "Shop With Confidence at Werner’s” The Schrodt trio is featured in lieve it may be an old master’s. appeal were dismissed in the su­ military school there for three Dutch Lunch Headquarters songs and dances, while the pi­ The story is just another chapter preme court decision granting the months. Frank Egan, vice presi­ Hair Dyelni Permanent Wavint anist, Geraldine Young, handles picture to Acoma. This decision dent, will assume the duties of WERNER’S W. M. WITTE LEARN Tinting and Bleaching French Paper Curl in the most picturesque part of president until election of officers MARCELLING the musical numbers. The St. records Padre Lopez’ gathering of Grocery and Market Louis’ school orchestra will make American Catholic history, the in October. DELICATESSEN Swedish Massage SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE 50c story of New Mexico. the faithful from the two towns ALL WORK GUARANTEED its first public appearance with to hear Mass and cast lots for the Bill Noonan is leaving Friday WINES and LIQUORS Cor^ Fed Meats Fresh Fish BY WELLER METHOD several selections between the A digest of the 1857 decision of painting: “They went to the for Texas, where he will take a 82 to 86 S. Broadway, at Bayaud A Lucrative FieW - Taught by the supreme court, followed by an "TV’here Ladies may shop at ease” Jean Weller 21 Years Experience La Grace Beauty Shop acts. Assisting the director, Marie temple, where a vessel was placed position. Staple Groceries, Fresh Vegetables explanatory statement, is herewith Miss Margaret McConaty will PE. 4664 — PE. 2302 514 K^Pt 13th Ave. KEvstone 1754 Victor Gazzolo, with the stage set­ in which were the lots, covered You pay no more for 701 SOUTH LOGAN PE. 0934 Gardner Health Studio AGNES LA CERO SUE MORTON ting are Roy Schrodt, William given: with a white cloth. Two little leav? Sunday for San Antonio, Quality Liqnora here 1516 Downins: CH. 2378 Between Pearl and Penn. Stecker, George Bell, and William The case originated in the sec­ girls were then placed on the Tex., where she will attend Our L-re Ask About Our .New Beauty Baths Abbey. Adam’s Rib, a recent re­ ond judicial district court, Valen­ fable. .' . . The girls then com­ Lady of the Lake college. A Rendezvous That’s Different lease from the pen of Mary Lane cia county, and was tried before menced drawing out the lots. Miss Shirley Smith will attend SUPREME COAL Gity Lace Cleaners Gray, will be given at the Good Judge Kirby Benedict. The Acoma There were 12 lots, all blank but Rosary college in River Forest. 111. 1 Majestic Barber | 218 East 7th Ave., Ph. TA. 7907 Shepherd home Sunday, Sept. 11. pueblo had filed a bill in chancery one, and that one had on it the George Porter and William Father J. P. O’Heron will entertain against the pueblo of Laguna, Sheehy will leave next week to Kins Cole Room CURTAINS picture of San Jose. The priest ( and Beauty Shop \ CO. Carcfnlly Cleaned and Returned Same SIm the members of the cast and their “setting forth that in years past, called the lots. The first, second, attend Nebraska university, Lin­ llth* and Broadway Special Care Given to Table Linens friends at the parish hall im­ but how long is unknown, the third, and fourth tickets were coln. k 304 8. P e.rl St. PE. 6516 i PE. 4679 Blankets Laundered without shrinkage mediately follow ing the play pueblo of Acoma was established blank, and the fifth ticket with Newton Kosher will leave next ^ M ILD RED A. L E E ) Fine Food, Mixed Drinks WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Parish Patronage Appreciated J. L. Kingsbury. Prop. Thursday, Sept. 15. . . . that on the establishment of •the picture of San Jose on it was week to enroll at the University Popular Prices 10% FOR CASH CARRY Principal to Address P.-T.A. said pueblo and dedication thereof drawn by Acoma, and then the of Detroit. Miss Margaret Flood, principal to San Jose, a full life-size oil priest declared that God had de­ Mrs. Lee Gibbons and children of the Englewood Junior high painting upon cloth or linen was cided the case, and the Lagunians have moved to 1330 Milwaukee St. Philomena's school, will address the P.-T.A. at placed in the Catholic church . . . proposed returning to Laguna.” street. * Superlative Cleaners and Dyers the first meeting of the school that said painting is an object of For a while the Lagunians Mrs. W. C. Schwenger’s club Announces Opening of year in Concordia hall • Tues­ peculiar affection to the people went away to their camp at Agua met last Friday with Mrs. George BRANCH NO. 2—605 E. 13th (Near Pearl) day evening. Sept. 13, at 8 o’clock. of said pueblo and . . . of such Escuridad, but from there a num­ Clarke. High score was made by SHAR-ZEE SHOP Presentation of the St. Louis’ peculiar interest that it cannot ber of them came back to the Mrs. Clarke. Mrs. H. W. Swigert Come In—Browse Around Distinctive Dyeing CH. 1610 dl junior choir in a^roup of songs be compensat,ed for in any other church where the painting was vnll entertain next with her sister, A 1,001 ITEMS Expert Dressmaking Main Offire: will also be made. The year’s way; being guarded by a few Acomese. Mrs. Lilly, at Mrs. Lilly’s home By Hattie M. Barton 1205 E. 9th at Downing. CH. 1303 program, as planned by the execu­ “That the pueblo of Laguna The Lagunians said they had come in Lakewood. Notions • Party Favors - Berkshire Hosiery By RAY’S RALPH R. McLEAN. Mgr. (23 Vears of Superlative Service) tive board at a recent meet­ for the picture and would batter Robert Hart has entered Holy Frocks • Greeting Cards - Unique Gifts the door down if necessary. Padre Cross Abbey school in Canon City. 2932 E. Colfax At*. TO. T796 ing, will be presented for-approval FR. S770-W 12th & Madiion on Tuesday evening. All parents Lopez advised the Acomese to de­ Mrs. E. J. Roble and daughter, and friends are invited to attend. liver the painting to the Lagunians Gloria, of Chicago left for their Consult Our ------1 School Enrollment Gains FliEliELL PmTT to prevent bloodshed. home after spending five weeks Alteration and Remodeling ■ ■ ■ St. Vincent de PauFs The enrollment at the opening Not Worth ‘Two Bit$’ with Mrs. Roble’s sister, Mrs. Carl SERVICE Young:’s Barber Shop of school this year totaled 200, as After deciding that the evidence 0. Selander, and family. For complete assurance of perfect fit and 3421 E. 12th Av«. fine workmanship. Easy Terms No Interest Trade In compared with 190 last year. The proved Acoma’s right to the paint­ Near Madison PARK LANE enrollment by grades is as fol­ M lO n S PRIEST ing, ^jistice C. J. Deavenport MARVETTE R. G. YOUNG, Proprietor lows: First grade, 18 boys, 10 wrote: “The court deems it not improper to indulge in some re- New Date Is Set — Specialty ^Imp"— WELL-BARBERED PHARMACY SWEGLE-MYERS girls; second grade, 14 boys, five DreMee, Bionsei. Hosierx. Neckwear IS Large Selection of girls; third, 11 boys, 17 girls; (St. Vincent de Paul’* Parixh) fiections on this interesting case. 2406 E. Colfax Are.. Near Josephint W E D E L IV E R WELL-GROOMED fourth, 14 boys, 12 girls; fifth, The parishioners gave a fare­ The history of this painting, its For Aurora Party YO. 4815 CUT RATE DRUGS FURNITURE 15 boys, 11 girls; sixth, 15 boys, well party in honor of the Rev. obscure origin, its age, and the ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 10 girls; seventh, 12 boys, 12 Charles^?. Sanger before he left fierce contest which these two In­ Wa Meet All Advertised Prices dian pueblos have carried on, be­ (Sl. Thereie’s Pariih, Aurora) ARTGRAFT B. Race at E. Kentucky SP. 9916 PEarl 7288 1055 South Gaylord girls; eighth, 10 boys, 14 girls. for his'new post at Annunciation The party sponsored by the There are 109 boys and 91 girls parish, Leadville. A leather purse speak the inappreciable value Conoco Service which was placed upon it. The Young People’s club will be held UPHOLSTERY 1067 So. Gaylord SP. 0574 altogether. was offered him with best wishes Tue.sday, Sept. 13, instead of Sat- SOUTH GAYLORD Mrs. G. Moore and Mrs. G. for success. He was praised by intrinsic value of the oil, paint, Expert upholstering on furniture of every and- cloth upon which San J o ^ urda.Y« Sept. 10. The party will be Station description. Beauty parlor, office eand boys. Catechism classes for public All these supposed virtues and at­ Peggy was permanent club chair­ Serv1c^~>ICEystone 6228 tributes . . . have contributed to man of grames and entertainment. 1061 S. Gaylord SP. 2961 school children will be conducted St. Dominic's by the sisters after 8 o’clock Mass make this a case of deep interest, on Sundays. involving a portraiture of the feel­ The first meeting of the season ings, passions, and character of Holy Ghost Bazaar Tickets for the Parent-Teachers’ associa­ these peculiar people.” White Horse Tavern Eddie Druley’s St. James' Miraculoui Return ^ CHERRY 9326 4 tion will be held Friday, Sept. 16, The statement appended to the BRIGHT SPOT OF at 2 p. m. All mothers of the y SNAPPY FREE DELIVERY z NORTH DENVER Service Station parish are expected to attend. court decision records the Acomese belief that the return of > HARRY’S LIQUOR < HAMMS ON TAP 2501 FEDERAL BLVD. When buying from the . Are Distributed The Rev. Charles Sexton of In­ G r^am Bros. Market the picture to their village was PHONE GA. 6486 dianapolis has taken up his work miraculous and also adds to the : STORE ; Lunches — Liquors Most Up-to-Date Store in St. Register, please mention as assistant at St. Vincent’s. 3625 W. 32ND. SINCLAIR PRODUCTS James’ Parish (Holy Family Parish) historic data about San Jose: Imported and Domestic^ Mualc Every Night firms advertising in The Tickets for the annual parish “I was told by one of the Acoma Freih Vegetables Corn-Fed Meats Indians . . . that after this decision ►Wines - Liquors - Beer< that you saw their adver­ bazaar^ at which a 1939 Plymouth I In th» RooMT.lt Hot*l, 712 18th StrMt i ; sedan is to be awarded, were dis­ Parish Society to of the supreme court the Acoma 7226 E. Colfsx—Next to Car Loop tisement in this paper. Indians set out en masse for Annunciation yO. 7731—Dellverj Service tributed by the supervisors this week. A large attendance is ex­ Laguna to bring St. Joseph home; GOOD CLOTHES NEED NOT that about half w^y there they pected at the next bazaar meeting Meet on Sept. 9 BE EXPENSIVE in the school hall on Monday night. found the picture, perched in the crotch of a small pinon tree; that DE SELLEM St. John's Sept. 12, at 8 o’clock, when further (Preaentation Pariah) FUEL AND FEED CO. plans for the various booths will The Altar and Rosary society St. Joseph had been so glad to re­ THE TWO STORES turn to his rightful owners that CHARLES A DcSELLEM be outlined. will meet Friday evening, Sept. 9, he had set out upon the journey SAME PRICES The Holy Name society will re­ at 7:30. Members are asked to alone, immediately upon the court’s Wi> Ship b y Rail ceive Communion this Sunday at make returns on tickets for the ENGLISH PHONE TA. 3208 FLOWERS 6th Ave. Liquor Store the 7:30 Mass. last card party. decision, and had perched in the tree to rest. I found on in­ S5TH AND WAU9UT FIFTH AVENUE 2316 EAST SIXTH AVE. [|jra |S The school opened Wednesday, The young women of the parish quiries later that the Laguna In­ 4401 Franklin St. 3101 Williams St RES. PHONE MA. 8644 f A (Sixth and Josephine) j Sept. 7, with a High Mass at 9 will have a sewing meeting at 8 dians, to avoid any encounter with TAILORS FLOWER SHOP o’clock in honor of the Holy Ghost. o’clock Friday evening. Sept. 9, the Acomese, took the picture half YORK 8878 Ira ffl S in the old rectory. Girls of the 901 FIFTEENTH STREET FRANK D. JENNINGS, Mgr. There were 239 enrolled in high way to Acoma and left it in the Prompt and ConrteoDt. OeliTerr | school and 298 in grades. parish are invited to attend. tree, making a swift getaway be­ Combine Quality and Style ! Blessed Sacrament 1. 620 CLAYTON ST. YO. 3015 Complete line of Liquort. WInet and A hard-time social will be held The Holy Name society will re­ Beers at downtown prices fore the Acomese approached. at Prices Ypu Can Afford | in the school hall on Thursday, ceive Holy Communion Sunday, “This painting was given to 23rd at Dexter Denver, Colo. Phone YO. 2774 M. Uawalk, Prop. Sept. 15. Admission will be 25 Sept. 11. Adhma by Charles II of Spain, DENVER cents, and refreshments will be On Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 2 who sent it to one of the Fran- Sarchet served free. Prizes will be given' o’clock there will be a C.P.-T.A. cLscans for presentation to the LEADER MARKET GO. for the funniest and most original meeting. All mothers of the chil­ UJ€ST6Rn m€SS6nG€R. Park Hill Drug Co. Barber and Beauty pueblo. It was certainly painted “Your Doctor Knoics U s” costumes. Proceeds will go for dren in school are asked to attend. by a good artist of that period, CLEANERS AND TAILORS I.G.A. Sfores 'Shop the benefit of the ^'doll and toy” The activities of the coming school TAbor YOrk 1188 and some artists and critics have 4614 E. 23rd Ave. " 2422 E. 6th Ave. FR. 4151 4 /l5 2 Specializing in booth. year will be outlined at this meet­ thought it an ‘old master’.” Baur’s Ice Cream and Candies 20 Y.ar» In Park Hill * ' Selected corn-fed meats. Fanc^ and Permanent and Finger Waving St. Rita’s circle will hold a card ing. 5345 ftaple groeeriea. fniita and regetablea Phone YOrk 9419 3010 E. 6th Are. party and dessert luncheon at the Mrs. Gruber and Mrs. Gotchey ) Fresh fish and oysters home of Mrs. John Weakland, 4401 have charge of the sanctuary fhis Weckbaugh-Hanzicker Let Us Deliver Your PacklixM 1 f Vrain street, on Wednesday, Sept. month. " Wedding to Be Oct. 12 424 18TH ST. Bancroft* Decorating KOA Service Station ; .4 MULLEN HOME American Cleaners & Dyers 14, at 1 o’clock. Instead of paying The winter schedule of Masses Announcement was made this the usual 25-cent admission, each at 8 and 10 o’clock will begin Company TEXACO PRODUCTS FRED STRELOW, Prop. week of the impending marriage FEET HURT? 20 Yean on East Colfax 1 DAIRY PRODUCTS patron will bring a finished article Sunday, Sept. 11. Benediction of of Kernan Weekbaugh, son of Mrs. COLFAX AND JASMINE YO. 9591 W« Operate Onr Own Plant of not less than 25 cents’ value and the Blessed Sacrament will be Ella Mullen Weekbaugh, and Miss Free Foot Test Painting — Papering u The Nook Creamery . Cleaning and Dyeing of interest to -women. These will ^ given after first Mass. Alice Anne Hunzicker, daughter By Decorating Tire and Battery We Call For and Dr. Scholl Trained Comer Ivsnhoe St Res. SP. 6575 \ f 2940 E. 6th Ave. used in St. Rita’s booth at the of Mrs. W. W. Hunzicker of Okla­ K i All work guaranteed. Fully insured while , Expert 6610 E. Colfax Are. YO. 0592 Service Deliver CORNER MILWAUKEE in our care. bazaar. Everyone is invited. homa City, scheduled for Oct. 12. 6TH ft MILWAUKEE YO. 6000 Darleen Jean, daughter of Mr. The wedding will be solemnized PAUL R. MARSOLEK L OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS .and Mrs. Murtart, 4360 Fenton Mothers’ Club to at a Nuptial Mass in the Cathedral Dexter Service Station SCHOOL TIME’S HERE street, and Dennis Michael, son of of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Rudolph’s Shoe Store LITMAN’S Under New Management MITH’S sixth Mr, and Mrs. John Doran of 4416 — Stop St — Convene Sept. 15 Oklahoma City. 804 15th St. Phone TA. 9335 _ SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Arenua INCLAIR Osceola street, were baptized For Good Bicycles Colfax and Dexter Phone YOrk 94(4 Children’s Dress Shop in the week by Father Edward J. S Fraezkowski. The first fall meeting of the Expert Repairing lire and Battery Serrice ERVICE At Columbint Exclusira Cnsfnm-Maile Clothes tor Boys Regis Mothers’ club will be held Work Called for and Delivered Washing. Polishing, and Lubrication and Girls— 1 to 14 Years St. Lawrence’s circle will have Loyola We Cali For and Deliver Your Car Waihing, Poliihing. Wa Glra its regular meeting Monday, Sept. in the library of Regis high Thurs­ Greasing 8. & H. Hemstitching—Other Sundry ArtlHes FR. 4.5.T3 . l.'jO O Colo. BIviI. W. H. Dunn and Murray Walker. Prop. Hypold Gesr Serrice Green Stamps 12, at 2 o’clock with Mrs. A. L. day, Sept. 15, at 2:30 p. m. The 2S16 E. 6TH AVE. Crouse at 4847 Meade. All mem­ newly elected officers, Mrs. Bart Any Radio Repaired WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YO. 8379-J Sweeney, president; Mrs. Wayne HAROLD L. BOWER Something New in Denver Phone YO. 9 4 4 3 bers are requested td attend. Park Hill Hardware Cards null be played in the after­ Ball, secretary, and Mrs. Joseph Cleaner and Dyer • CURB SERVICE ^ SUPERIOR noon. Celia, Sr., treasurer, will preside. Home or Car, $1.00 The Columbine A very cordial welcome is ex­ All Work Guaranteed and Paint Creamery and Lunch tended to all new mothers smd it is Plat Parti Free Call and Delivery Painting and Electrical and The Tower i Pharmacy Festurinx Rerular 30c Dinner Inclodinx hoped that a large attendance will 15% Discount on Parts 10% Off for Cath and Carry General Repairing V.' Phones; YO, 3373; YO. 9474 Sundays ind Eveninxs St. Louis' respond. An interesting program Horae Made Piea — Sandwiches 2018 E. 28th AVE. CH. 8404 DELIVERY SERVICE - PH. YO. 6045 Laundry 2438 6lh Ave. at Columbine is planned with a talk by the prin­ 4528 E. C O LFA X —Colfax and C herry £ Beer and Soft Drinks cipal of Regis high, Father AC-DC Radio "If We Haven't Got It, We’ll Get It" s. Cut-Rate Prices 2818 E. 6thy Near Detroit ENGLEWOOD Bernard Karst, S. J., who will & Cleaners FREE DELIVERY Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. SPIC AND SPAN 1501 Cherry—Comer E. Colfax When buying from the YO. 9416 SHOE SHOP outline activities for the year. Service Market and Groceteria As has been the custom in the firms advertising in The Shirts ...... 121^^ Reptirini That Inanm Rtalth. Economy past, there will be a talk by a 2M8 E u t 28th A rt. KE. 2864 FInett in PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Comfort Register, please mention Men’s Suita Cl & Pr 35^ member of the faculty of Regis MEATS AND GROCERIES THEY ARE RELIABLE E. HAMLYN & SONS at each meeting and it is hoped Tell the people you patronise that you saw their adver­ other Prices Egaally LdW PRICES REASONABLE that each member will be able to WE GIVE NATIONAL BROWN STAMPS Special Dlsdbnnt Allowed to Customers that you taw their advertitement Bringing This Ad *«4 8. Broadway Plmaa JSNO. ITl attend all meetings in the year. ia the Registtr. 2004 £ . 28Ut At*. tisement in this paper. 'i i PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIG REGISTER Telephone. KEystone 4205 Thursdaj% Sept. 8. 1938 The D e n v e r Catholic Register WIDE HEALTH PROGRAM IS President______Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. President Emeritus...... Most Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D. 12262871 URGED BY DR. IRVIN ABELL Editor...... Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. School Days SAFEUIRY Managing Editor...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D. (Continued From Page One) county units being formed into comes of $3,000 or less pay five state societies, which, in turn, Associate Editors—M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Charles J..'McNeill,' A.B., send delegates to the A.M.A. con­ Jour.M.; Rev. Walter Canavan, Jour.M., M.A.; Rev. John Cavanagh, per cent of their annual income ventions. One delegate at the Are Here Again M.A.; Ruth Vincent, A.B. for this service.” Approximately national convention represents I 90,000,000 persons in the United 700 doctors. States are included in this income Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. A native of Kentucky and a School Days mean carefully prepared lunches, whether bracket, the doctor shows, and descendant of prominent families t (Continued From Page One) thus the proposal would be a drain whose members fought in the (Continued From Page One) they are carried tq school, or whether the kiddies come Colorado to institute the novena on those in the low income level. youths of the parish Tuesday of Published Weekly by Revolutionary war. Dr. Abell is home at noon. In any event, the mother who buys for in the two chtfcrches. Permission “This clause,” he says, “does not a true son of the South. He was this week $2,600 was pledged. THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) to inaugurate the devotions was allow the individual to select his born in Lebanon, Ky., on Friday The Rev. Barry Wogan, who is children’s meals will find everything at Safeway fresh, own hospital nor does it permit the 13th in September, .1876. His directing the drive under the 938 Bannock Street obtained from officials in the dio­ him to name his own doctor. It ancestors had emigrate from the supervision of Monsignor McMena- nourishing, delicious, and low in eost. cese and in Rome by the Rev. goes without saying that the fam­ then Dominion of Virginia to Ken­ min, announced W^nesday that Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0 . Box 1497 Charles J. McCarthy, pas­ ily doctor knows more of the per­ tucky in 1787 and taken part in the weekly average of the dona­ tor of Sacred Heart church in sonal needs and family difficul­ the state convention preliminary tions has been nearly $5,000. Fa­ $2 a year. Sold only in club arrangement with The Register,' Colorado Spring, and the Very ties, Jiaving been in contact with to Kentucky’s admission to state­ ther Wogan also revealed that the Tuesday edition. $2 covers subscription to both weeklies. Rev. Angelus Tintle, O.F.M., pas­ the family for a number of years; hood in 1'792. He received his drive is being received enthusias- tor of St. Elizabeth’s, Denver. therefore, he should be allowed to Master of Arts degree from St. ticallv by the parish as a whole. 1st Springs Service Friday continue in his capacity as guar­ Mary’s college (now St. Mary’s Nearly everyone who has been Thursday, Sept. 8, 1938 dian of the family’s health, even seminary) in St. Mary’s, Ky., in called upon by the volunteer Father Calkins instituted the though funds for the members’ workers has given a donation. novena in Colorado Springs with 1894, and received the degree. care are taken from a fund in Doctor of Medicine, from the med­ The campaign will run for three OFFICIAL: DIOCESE OF DENVER a triduum that began Wednesday charge of governmental and state evening, Sept. 7, when the Seven ical college of the University of more weeks and it is expected that The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. supervisors.” Louisville in 1897. The next five a substantial part of the $80,000 We confirm it as the official publication of the Diocese. Whatever Stations of the Sorrows of Mary, which play a part in the devotion The health conference’s third years Dr. Abell spent in post­ objective will be reached. More appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or those point in the proposal, government graduate work at Marburg univer­ than half of the wage-earners of of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. to Our Sorrowful Mother, were installed in Sacred Heart church. allocation of $400,000 a year sity in Berlin, Germany, studying' the parish are still to be solicited We hope The Register will be read in every home of the to provide medical care for the for donations and the big gift Diocese. On Thursday evening, the Chicago under the famed bacteriologist. priest explained the method, of poor (a sum that would have to Von Behring, who perfected the committee has yet to make its re­ We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in be matched by a similar amount serum for diphtheria. port. the children of the Diocese for the reading of The Register. making the novena, and on Friday at 7:45 p. m. the services will be by the states), would affect states 1* Colonel in O. R. C. « URBAN J. VEHR, officially inaugurated. The devo­ in the lower economic levels, the Dr. Abell returned to Louisville Aug. 5, 1931. Bishop of Denver. tions are held every Friday, and doctor thinks. Many states, par­ in 1902 and began his practical a person may begin making the ticularly those which have a large work as a surgeon. In the World Benedictine Nuns novena at any time. number of poor and destitute, war he was m charge of Base could not match their share of the hosmtal 57 close to the front lines To Denver Next Week $400,000,000-a-year federal fund. in France. He now holds a com­ Buy Hospital With the devotion established in “Compensation for the individ­ mission as colonel in the Officers’ Colorado Springs, Father Calkins ual in the time of his illness should Reserve corps. He is visiting sur­ (Continued From Page One) will come to Denver next week to be placed under social economics, geon at the Louisville Public hos­ of Greenwood and Fifth streets. institute the novena at St. Eliz­ not medical economics,” Dr. Abell pital and at St. Joseph’s infir|iiary, The present renovation program abeth’s. On Wednesday evening. said in referring to the third point and is consulting physician at the includes a complete redecoration Sept. 14, at 7:30, he will begin the of the plan. Children’s Free hospital and at of the structure and remodeling of triduum preceding the first reg­ Preventive Medicine Ideal Kosair hospital for crippled chil­ its facilities. Work has already RAINBQ ular service and will install the The A. M. A. president agrees dren. Dr. Abell is a trustee of been started on the tiling of the IContinued From Page One) stations. Known as the Via Matris, the University of Louisville. basement, which will house a diet the Seven Stations of the Sorrows wholeheartedly with the first two Named president of the Amer­ used to have the privilege of mak­ well-known warning, “Beware of points in the proposal. The first— kitchen, nurses’ dining room, of Mary are copies of famous ican Medical association in June, laundry, and janitor’s quarters. ing his Catholic neighbors sell the ides of September,” And paintings executed by Janssons, the providing of $200,000,000 a I3READ him livestock far below its value. year for public health and pre­ 1937, Dr. Abell took over his duties The first floor will contain the events bear him out, as they augur the artist whose original works in June, 1938. He is a past presi­ hospital offices, a newly equipped — Monsignor Smith. hang in the Cathedral at Antwerp, ventive medicine—^he praised as ill for world peace, playing an ideal that the American Medi­ dent of the Kentucky State Med­ reception room, the surgery, Belgium. ical association, of the Southern emergency, and x-ray departments, WH.4T HAS BECOME OF Caesar's role as the person en­ The nature of the novena to cal association has stressed. The association is anxious to promote Medical association, and of the and private rooms and wards for THE BUILDING BOOM? dangered. Our Sorrowful Mother will be ex­ Southern Surgical association; is patients. On the second floor will For years .American business has The astronomer really shouldn’t plained in St. Elizabeth’s church the practice of preventive medi­ a regent of the United States Col­ been trying to stir up a building cine and welcomes assistance from be the maternity department, more have the charge of sooth-saying Thursday evening. Sept. 15, and lege of Surgeons, and holds mem­ p^rivate rooms, and patient wards. thatcounti boom to lift the couptry out of on Friday, Sept 16, the first serv­ the government in this connec­ bership in the American College laid at his door, for he is a tion. The- $200,000,000 sum The third floor will be used as the doldrums, and the Roosevelt ices of the novena will be held in of Surgeons, the American Surgi­ living quarters for the nurses. Advertisers that merit your patronage. They are administration is making a sin­ man • of science interested only the downtown Franciscan church. would be divideej^nto a number of cal association, the American Neu­ ■smaller amount?L-$ij000,000 for Chapel Being Provided cere effort to promote the boom in fact. It is his interpreters— It is thought that the three serv­ rological association, the Southern reliable, consistent and appreciate your support. through its housing program. The ices at 10:30 a. m. and 3:30 and the control of malaria; $25,000,- A chapel for the small com­ reporters hunting something “new” 000 for cancer control, $47,000,- Medical association, and the Amer­ munity of nuns who will be in biggest drawback to the federal 7:30 p. m. will be enough to ac­ ican Gastroenterological associa­ JOHN H. REDDIN __government’s plan is that, while it in the news— who are the oracles. commodate the crowds at first. 000 for prevention of venereal tion. . ■ charge of the hospital is being IS making progress toward the pro­ The fact is that about Sept. 15 Other services will be announced diseases, etc. The allocation Announced in March . as recip­ outfitted on the second floor of Attorney and Counselor at Law vision . of housing for the lower Ihter if they are necessary to serve of funds to fight these specific ient of the 1938 Laetare medal, the building. The walls of the 612-614 Ernest & Cranmer Block an unusual series of sun spots diseases before they reach the in­ chapel, which has dimensions of 17th and Curtis COAL income groups that need subsidiza­ the devotees of Mary. bestowed annually since 1883 by' will make their appearance. These curable stage, and to erase them about 14 by 18 feet, will be fin­ tion, it is not adequately meeting Order Founded in 1233 the University of Notre Dame Phone MAin 0557 Denver, Colo. Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. the needs of the middle income occurrences previously have had at the time they are contracted, upon an outstanding member of ished in antique ivory and the The Servants of Mary (Servite is highly commendable. woodwork will be done in a lighter group— those who can afford to a marked effect on radio trans­ Fathers) are an order founded in the Catholic laity. Dr. Abell will Moving, Grain, Hdwe. pay from $30 to $40 a month mission. The aurora borealis ap­ Affording 60,000 beds in addi­ receive this award Nov. 5 in South ivory shade. It is expected that Florence, Italy, Aug. 15, 1223. tions to hospitals throughout the the hospital’s chaplain service will W. 25th and Decatur GA. 6125 for living quarters. pears in greater brilliance (it is Special indulgences were granted Bend, Ind. country and construction of 500 Dr. Abell’s wife, a member of be provided by the Benedictine Writing in the Commonweal, primarily an electrical effect) and by Pope Gregory XIV on July 14, Fathers of Holy Cross abbey. H. G. REID Elliott Taylor, a housing and diagnostic centers in rural areas, Kentucky’s Harting family, was The House of Quality, whera the 1837, for devotions conducted by “if built according to the geo­ May Purchase 'Y.M.C.A. Building Elactrical Contracting, homestead expert and former edi­ tlipre are magnetic or electrical the Servites in honor of Our Sor­ educated at the Convent of the Sa­ best meats at the most reasonable tor of Homes, who is “storms” throughout the world. graphic and economic needs of the cred Heart in London, Canada. Negotiations are also under way Repairing and Fiztnret rowful Mother. The Servites have country,” is the second point of MAIb »30S S2« I4tb St. prices may be obtained. now conducting a housing survey, The late Father Jerome Ricard, one of the most famops shrines in They were married in 1907 and for the sisters’ purchase of the says, “Housing needs a new idea.” S.J., of Santa Clara university, the the world at the place of their the program, which was also are the parents of four children, Y.M.C.A. building, which stands “padre of the rains,” believed that praised by Dr. Abell. all boys, one of whom is dead. next to the hospital on Fifth According to Taylor, the Federal foundation in Italy and also con­ street, but nothing definite has RABTOAT'S Housing authority has enough the sun spots caused weather dis­ duct a great center of American Will Fly Ea«t Their oldest. Dr. Irvin, Jr., 30, is funds- to provide 40,000 new turbances on this world. His years devotion to Mary at Portland, Following the Colorado Medical associated with his father in been done on this proposition. The 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7287 dwelling units a year for the ne.\t of observation showed a remark­ Ore., where the Marian congress society’s convention in Estes Park Louisville; William, 28, is a law­ present building will accommodate three years and none after that. able coincidence of storms on was held in August, 1934. on Thursday, Dr. Abell will leave yer, and Spalding, 24, is a student about 35 patients, and this num­ in medical school. ber will be materially increased But we have already an accumu­ the sun and on the earth. Servite Cardinal Visited Denver by plane for the East and will lated housing shortage of 2,000,- Others have professed to see preside at the A.M.A. house of if ^ e Y.M.C.A. building is ob- INSURANCE Francis J. Fisher, Inc. Following that meeting, Alexis tairfed. 000 dwellings, and there is a new a lik e' disturbance in the ac­ delegates’ special session in Chi­ r 'w’wrwvrw w w w r y < TAbor 6204 annual demand for 300,000 homes tions of human beings. They Cardinal Lepicier, who was prob­ cago, which begins Friday, Sept. Miss Marian Bollacker, who for those with incomes under have listed a seeming relation be­ ably the world’s best known 16. The national health program Engagements of served as Fremont county nurse Cement - Planter - Mortar $1,500 a year. This is in the low tween the sunspots and the out­ member of the order, visited in will be presented item by item for two years, left recently to be­ JOS. J. CELLA Denver on his way East from come a member of the Benedictine income class, and this class has break of war or other serious so that the governing body of the 1120 Security Bldg. Metal Lath • Stucco not enough money to support a trouble. It is upon this relation, Portland. While in the city he medical association may deter­ Bishop Vehr in community which has purchased building boom of big proportions. if true, that the most recent warn­ visited members of the Servite Fa­ mine which points of the program the hospital. Phone KEystone 2633 2863 Blake St. D enver It must be subsidize.d. ing is based. thers who conduct Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church. the A.M.A. will approve and sup­ Those who can pay more than There have been only vague port, which ones the association Fall Announced $30 a month for a home can get guesses about what the mysterious will oppose, and which ones, in i what they want and are getting “ray” emitted during the time of the opinion of the house of dele­ The following engagements of it, but they make up only ten sun spots may be to cause human gates, should be amended or Bishop Urban J. Vehr have been per cent of the market. These nature to “go haywire.” If there changed. The house will remain announced for the fall months; people have the money to pro­ is anything to the theory, how­ Classes Planned in session until deliberations on Sunday, Sept. 11 — Denver, St. vide their own homes but they ever, we suggest a commission to the national health program are are not numerous enough to fi­ shield Hitler, a la the latest Buck concluded. The house of dele­ Francis de Sales’ church. Holy nance a real boom. Rogers incident, in an under­ gates is composed of approximate­ Name society. Mass at 8 o’clock. The $30 to $40-a-month peo­ ground retreat where no “rays” For Saturdays ly 160 medical men of the United Sunday, Sept. 18 — Colorado I ple are the only ones to whom the can reach him. States. Individual counties are Springs, graduation of nurses of L building industry may look to sup­ To put the matter on a more the basic unit of the A.M.A., the Seton school of nursing, 5 p. m. port a building program that (Continued From Page One) Sunday, Sept. 25—Pueblo, Holy would be large enough to accom­ serious plane— Sept. 15 is the date by which the Czech-Sudeten dif­ English 82, survey of literature. Name rally, 3 p. m. » plish the happy results that are Sister Marie Clyde, room 202; Sunday, Oct. 2 — Walsenburg, being sought. But the building ficulty must be settled, so that Hitler may announce another “tri­ French 3, reading course. Sister Ma.ss and Confirmation. Aguilar industry has made no study of Mary James, room 302; home eco­ Confirmation, 3 p. m. Trinidad this group; it does not know either umph” to the Nazi congress. Some F IS observers feel that the German nomics 1, foods. Sister Mary Re­ Confirmation, 7:30 p. m. the requirements or the wishes of becca, room P. H.; speech 122, in­ Tuesday, Oct. 4 — Denver^ ' this middle class. The problem dictator will seek to gain his ends by indirect action instead of terpretative reading, Mrs. Gene Priests’ conference. , is to provide adequate housing at Wachtel, room 400. Tuesday, Oct. 11 — Pueblo, what is really a moderate cost. direct force. But the fact re­ mains that Germany, France, and Second period, 10:20 to 11:50— Priests’ conference, 2 p. m. Prefabricated houses seem to of­ Wednesday, Oct. 19—Seminary, fer one solution of the problem. (^echoslovakia are all mobilized Art 195, methods for the grades. to a great extent, and that the Sister Mary Norbert, room 402; Junior Clergy examination, 10 Their production so far has been (St. Elizabeth’s Parish) a. m. very limited, but eventually stand­ British lion is roaring, after sev­ Biology 41, genetics-lectures. Miss Father Benvenutus Rudolph, eral years of timidity, as if he Gertrude Coles, room 307; English Oct. 12, 13, 14 — Washington, ardization in building plans and O.F.M., has gone,.A^ Paterson, N. Bishops’ meeting. materials must force the cost of means business. When the dogs 132, history and technique of the J., where he will be stationed. of war start bristling and growling short story. Dr. Paul Ketrick, room Oct. 17,18,19,20—New Orleans, housing down. Pre-built houses A chicken dinner will be served National Eucharistic congress. may open the midde-class market, at one another, a small bone of 202; French 81, survey of litera­ by the Altar and Rosary society but they will not do so unless contention may start something. ture, Sister Mary Concilia, room Sunday, Sept. 18, from 11:30 a. In this connection we’d like to 302; home economics 1, foods. Sis­ m. until all are served. The they meet the needs and cater to ter Mary Rebecca, room P. H.; MODEL RAILROAD the tastes of the market. There quote the last paragraph from charge will be 50 cents for adults Nfl is no information available on Wyndham Lewis’ book. Count history 1-a, Europe 1500-1815, Sis­ and 25 cents for children. All AND The old moxim "from saving comes hoving" is still true. either needs or tastes of tliis Your Dead— They Are Alive, as ter Mai-y Felicia, room 20r- Span­ parishioners and friends are AIRPLANE Know the finonciol securijy that money in the bonk will given by Art Kuhl of the Queen’s ish 1-a, elementary. Sister Francis invited. group. de Sales, room 212; Greek 1-a, ele­ Kits and Supplies give you . . . start on old-foshioned sovings account to­ Taylor says that of the 12,000,- Work. Launcelot, suddenly over­ The Holy Name society will re­ morrow! Moke regular de^sits, no motter how small, 000 American unemployed 1,320,- whelmed by a large dosage of mentary, Sister Mary Miriam, room 300. ceive Communion in a body Sun­ Bennett Craft Shop ond watch your savings grow. 000 belong to the building trades. trath, cries out in effect: “I can day, Sept. 11, at the 7:30 Mass. If thev were put to work, they see the bodies of millions of dead Freshman registration for Lo- Father Conradin Rellinger, 0. FR . 0568 3405-07 E. Colfax $1.00 Optni 0 Savings Account with This Bonk could earn almost $2,000,000,000 stacked up there on the field, and retto Heights college will be held F.M., has gone to Glenwood a year. This would justify the the nations prowl about them on Monday of next week and the Springs to take the place of the Casters—Tbst Art Bollt to De investment of $4,000,000,000 a senselessly. ^ There’s no reason for upper class members will be regis­ Rev. Clarence Kessler while he is liver Reel Service for Yoai year in new homes. If 20 per,»it all. Count your dead,’ I want tered on Tuesday. Specifle Requirements. on vacation. HOSPITAL—BOMB cent were deducted for the cost ' to •" shout-l’— * to•" them. ~ ‘tv—‘Don’t —_ standj there stupidly insisting that they Father Ludger, O.M.Cap., from INSTITU’nONS of land, there would remain tended that the picture was less Hays, Kans., visited at the mon­ Armstrong '2u American Motional $3,200,000,000 for construction. are dead, that there is nothing objectionable to him than some astery the past week. Tliis would finance 1,000,000 that can be done ^K>ut it. Now, Caster Co. musical comedy choruses he had Sister M. Alban, formerly Irene SarJi off homes at $3,000 a piece. A mil- while there’s still time, now, be­ seen. The defense attorney called Fermcrlr Industrial Downing of this parish, left for St. Caster and Truck Ca. lion new homes a year would be fore the carnage starts, count your Denver “intolerant.” Mary’s academy, Cortland, N. Y., KE. 4IS1 Msmbtr Federal Deposit Intumues Cerporatlen Which Insures Deposits a record for the United States, dead—they are alive. They need in This lank vith $5,000 Maximum Insuranca for Each Depositor.. which built 937,000 in 1925 and never die if you’ll but see’.”— “Maybe we are like that,” com­ where she will teach for the com­ 825 I4TH S T . DENVER has not approached this mark Millard F. Everett. mented Judge Gilliam. “But I ing year. She spent the summer prefer to think that Denver is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. since, A million new homes a peculiar because we are clean and . year would soon take up the hous­ F. Downing, and family. PITY THE POOR NUDISTS decent. . . . I have made up my MARGIE RYAN ing shortage, and would go far The walls of the “liberty” lovers mind that this kind of film is not Tune in on “The Bloom Family'* Every Thursday, 8:30 P. M. t toward alleviating (not solving) the unemployment problem. of Denver will probably have going to show in Denver.” . STATIONERY Station KLZ, Presented by The American National Bank of Denver But until the housing industry reached the ears of all Denverites We hasten to assure the judge 61 Converts Made in can make it more desirable for before this edition of the Denver that he will have the support of GIFTS the middle class to own than to Catholic Register is published. It all decent-minded citizens in his 1938 at Cathedral Greeting Cards for All Occasions rent homes, the building trades is likely that accusations of in­ judgment. Denver is not, has workers will remain idle. To make tolerance, Fascism, Puritanism, never been, a city of prudes. But (Continued From Page One) 32nd and Meade GAllup 4922 renters buy or build homes, the narrow-mindedness, and bigotry it does have a large body of tion;” March 27, “Particular and industry must make these homes will be leveled at Police Judge citizens who are opposed to smut General Judgement;” April 3, Plfilip B. Gilliam for a decision in any form, be it in.magazine or “Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.” at least as large as the present ESTABLISHED SINCE 1005 MAin 5314 rented quarters and must make it he made Wednesday, when he film. Despite the cry of “cen­ The third series of lectures will possible for families to pay for banned a motion picture that de­ sorship” from the “liberals” of the be as follows: April 24, “Chris­ their homes and pay their taxes picted romance in a nudist camp. city, these citizens have decided tian Science and Catholicism;” without spending more money It seems that Judge Gilliam in­ that nudity is objectionable to the May 1, “Seventh Day Adventism than they are now paying for voked a little-used city ordinance mass of the people. They are and Catholicism;” May 8, “Pres­ The American Fixture Co. that prohibits the showing of “peculiar” in so far as they be­ Fa Ja KIRCHHOF rent. They have no more money byterianism and Catholicism;” May Manufacturtrt •! to spend. , . . scandalous or immoral pictures to lieve in the moral code. 15, “Mormonism and Catholicism;” Some progress has been made ban the film in question. He de­ Of course, those who object to May 22, “Lutheranism and Clatho- CHURCH PEWS AND ALTARS , f toward providing better homes for cided that most of the inhabitants the moral code can appeal Judge licism;” May 29, “Methodism and CONSTRUCTION CO. Americans, but the b u ild in g boom of Denvkr would have judged it Gilliam’s decision. Perhaps they Catholicism;” June 5, “Glory of CHURCH FURNITURE and the solution of the problem indecent. The defense attorney can obtain the services of the Church;” June 12, “Religion.” not yet in sight.-C . J. Mc­ called a parade of witnesses who American Civil Liberties league, if Private classes for non-Catholics BANK, BAR, AND STORE FIXTURES BUILDERS, Neill. stoutly held that they saw nothing that body ran spare the time from will he held every Tuesday and objectionable in the picture. One its fight against “Fascism” to make Thursday evening. Father Millwork of All Kinds b e w a r e THE IDES witness naively explained that the Denver safe for nudist pictures. Doran’s lectures are intended to We Appreciate Your Patronage OF SEPTEMBER iindraped figure is less suggestive But, in the meantime. Judge Gil­ supplement these instructions. FRANK KIRCHHOFs J Astrcnonier turns astrologer and than the partially drapsd figure. 1232-46 ARAPAHOE ST. liam’s decision stands.— Rev. W. Catholics are urged to invite their PRESIDENT 708 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. tells us, in a paraphrase of a To prove this assertion be con- J, Canavan. non-CathoIic friends to attend. DENVER, COLO. Thursday, Sept. 8, 1938 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER lelephone, KEystoive 4205 PAGE FIVE

REGULAR MEETINGS TO BE Denver Woman Is I RESUMED BY ALTAR GROUP New Testaments (Bletied Sacrament Parith) William McNamara of Omaha, Injured in HoDand The Altar and Rosary society Nebr., and his four children. will resume its regular meetings Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearse and son are at home after spending a week Miss Bemadine Kirchhof, who is and Bibles Preferred commencing next Friday, Sept 9, at Yellowstone park. visiting her sister, Mrs. Christian at 2:30 in McDonough hall. It will m Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oliver left Diamantopoulos, whose husband is be preceded by Benediction at 2 Wednesday, Sept. 7, for a trip to the ambassador from Greece at the New Testaments...... 50^ to $2.50 p, m., followed by Instruction on Chicago and Washington, D. C. royal court of Holland in The the liturgy. A large attendance They will be away for a month. Hague, had the misfortune to break her right ankle in two places By All is urged, and all those who have Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Chisholm are in an auto accident a few weeks not as yet affiliated themselves newcomers in the parish. They ago. Mr. and Mrs. Diamantopoulos, Bibles with the society are invited to at­ have taken an apartment at Cleare- accompanied by Mr. Diamanto­ tend. Hostesses for the afternoon mont and Batavia place. poulos’ motherland Miss Bemadine Cloth Binding, red edges...... $1 .5 0 include Mmes. Thomas Rogers, F. Mrs. D. E. Steinbrunner and Kirchhof, were motoring from Rot­ C. Davis, and James Eakins. son, who had been visiting Mr. terdam to_ The Hague when a sud­ Keratol, gold edges...... $ 3 .0 0 The Horan concern draws its patron­ Mr. and Mrs. George F. Dodge and Mrs. Thomas Phoenix, Mrs. den terrific cloudburst hurled their on Tuesday accompanied their son, Steinbrunner’s parents, for the auto against a tree. Mrs. Diaman­ American Seal, gold edges...... $ 4 .5 0 Eugene, to Canon City, where he past seven weeks, left for their topoulos’ mother’s left wrist was age from all sections of Denver—from the is attending Holy Cross Abbey home in Fort Wayne, Ind., Thurs­ sprained. Mr. Diamantopoulos did Other bindings ranging in price for $ 5 to $15. day. i school, ' not suffer any injuries, but Miss Bibles with the sayings of Christ in red, $ 7 .5 0 to $15. most prosperous homes to the least pre­ Mrs. L. U. Wagner and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crapo and Kirchhqf’s ankle-break was very se­ ter, Grace, have returned from a Mary Louise left for Chicago on vere. She will have to remain in vacation at Estes Park. Margery Wednesday, Sept. 7. Mary Louise the Red Cross hospital at The tentious. Regardless of financial circum­ Wagner was a guest at Crystal will enroll at Rosary college, River Hague for many weeks. lake, Pine. Forest, 111. stances, each Catholic family knows that The Thomas Cain family, who School Hm Record Enrollment James Clarke had been living in Chicago for The attendance at the school is Ladies’ Club in here it will receive a beautiful service the past year, have returned to the largest in the history of the Denver and are living at E. 23rd parish; every room has reached Church Goods House avenue and Holly. capacity. within its means. John Hesselbine, who suffered a Durango Meets Headquarters for Articles of Devotion, Church Furnishings, Mrs. Glenn Davis will entertain fractured leg six weeks ago, is Books for the Catholic Laity and Clergy. St. Jude’s circle on Friday, Sept. still at St. Anthony’s hospital and 16, at 1:30 p. m. Durango.—Mmes. John Kelley is doing as well as can be expected. and Laura Parkinson entertained 1636-38 Tremont Street Phone jTAbor 3789 Mrs. Winslow of Gunnison, The benefit bridge party orig­ the Northside Catholic Ladies’ mother of Mrs. Carlton Sills, who inally planned for Aug. 26 by S . club at a luncheon and bridge has been visiting here, fell and Anne’s circle, has been postponed party in the Kelley home Monday fractured her arm and is at St. until some time in October. evening. Sept. 5. Joseph’s hospital. The Very Rev. Harold V. Camp­ Mrs. W. J. Doran, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rice and bell returned last Saturday after Mrs. W. B. Jacobson, entertained HORAN children have returned from a a month’s vacation spent in the ARGONAUT HOTEL at a bridge dinner Wednesday eve­ I AND SON CHAPELS two months’ trip to Sioux City, la., East. ning, .Sept. 7. Guests were Mmes. and Sioux Falls, S. Dak. • This Sunday all the men of the August Klahn, Herbert Young, Ar­ Where Denver’s Society Entertains for Lnneheons and Dinners parish are urged to receive Holy thur Pearce, W, E. Duggan, FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, KEystone 6297 # KEystone 6296 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Callahan Cbmmunion in a body at the 8:30 had as’ their guests last weekend Charles Hogan, Richard Gallavan, DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE TABOR 2361 1527 Cleveland Place Mrs. Callahan’s brother-in-law and Mass. Laura Parkinson, Mark Cummins, sister, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. John and MiSses Rose Cavanaugh, Sadie Beantiful Ballrooms * Private Oining Rooms Guarding Forever our Founder’s Ideals B. Coulter, who were en route to Sullivan, and Marie Andrews. their new station. Ft. Meade, S. 1,000 at Meeting of Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Mason I Dak. For the past four years Col. have had as houseguests Dr. and Coulter had been on the war de­ Spanish-Americans Mrs. J. S. Ryan and daughter, Vir­ partment general staff at Wash­ ginia, of Raton, N. Mex., and Mrs. You Will Like Our Convenient Location ington, D. C. More than 1,000 delegates from George Rock and son, George, and The R. P. Foley Stove & Heating Parts Co. Margaret Walsh, daughter of Denver, Grand Junction, Delta, Mrs. Rock’s mother, Mrs. E. Dud­ 1508 Arapahoe w« Mr. and Mrl> Peter D. Walsh, en­ Brighton, Fort Morgan, Montrose, ley of Denver.- THREE SCHOOL UNITS BUSY IN tertained a group of girls at din­ and Fort Lupton attended the Jack Dwyer broke his arm t^t the Stove and Furnace Repairs — Water Fronts — Furaace Water Pans Store ner Thursday evening. Sept. 1. fourth annual convention of the elbow when he fell from his bicycle. Gas Heater Radiants Hoiuebold Goods Among those present were Velma National Spanish-American Citi­ Mrs. Charles Hogan is visiting Phone CHerry 4577 and Merchandise SACRED HEARTLOYOLA PARISH Gallagher, who left last Saturday zens’ association held Sept. 5, her son, John, and family in for the University of New Mex­ 6, and 7 at West Turner hall, 10th Pueblo. DUFFY STORAGE AND (Sacred Heart-Loyola Parish) large school building at 28th and ico in Albuquerque; Virginia and Larimer streets, Denver. Mrs. M. C. Wherritt has gone to MOVING CO. School work is being carried on Lawrence streets, upper floor; Ball, wlm will attend Ran­ “Our organization has the defi­ Carbondale, Kans., to spend some in three different units of the par­ Sacred Heart grade school rooms dolph Mlcon, Frances Kellogg, nite purpose of uniting Americans time with her father, H. J. Hart­ ish school system. Sacred Heart are on the first floor of the same Kay Smith, Betty McConaty, of Spanish extraction with all man, and other relatives and JAMES MOTOR CO. high school holds classes in the building, and the first four grades Betty Dosch, and Clara Mae other Americans so that united we friends. DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS are now being held at Loyola. The Hibbard. may live as true Americans, fight­ Miss Marie Matley returned from ALTAR BREADS four classes at Loyola are entirely Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rihn ing for the common freedom, summer school to visit her rela­ Expert Repair Service at Reasonable Ratea— Also Used Cars SEWING separate from Sacred Heart school. returned to Denver Wednesday loving with the same fraternal tives, the Sullivan and Buchanan 13th & Lincoln KE. 8221 There is a good registration from a vacation spent at Mesa spirit, and enjoying all that is families of Sunnyside. Miss Mat- LittU Girls* OresseB, Embroidery, in all divisions and the year’s Verde. good in this, our country,” Reyes ley teaches in the Los Angeles MoDOgraminy, Etc. BULLEIIII10 Rill Gutierez, master of ceremonies, schools. work is already started. The school Sister Mary Gertrude, who was bus is used for conveying the stu­ told the delegates. J. R. Shea, maintenance super­ THE SISTERS OF THE taken to a hospital for an emerg­ Speakers at the convention in­ visor, is making an inspection trip Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone MAin 8437 GOOD SHEPHERD dents of the lower grades to both ency operation about two weeks Sacred Heart and Loyola schools. ago, made a good recovery and cluded Dave Martinez, grand over Wolf Creek pass. TELEPHONE PEARL 2401 ilSTOOI OF OFOIS The present bus route is as fol­ president; Mrs. Vivian Lopez, Patrick O’Rourke is spending a left Wednesday, Sept. 7, for Pitts­ lows: Up E. 32nd avenue from grand vice president, and Mrs. S. few days visiting friends in Silver- burgh, Pa., where she will teach Armijo, grand secretary. ton. Dr. J. J. O’Neil, Dentist (kegit College) Downing to Colorado boulevard, at St. Justin’s. She was accomp­ over Colorado boulevard to E. J. T. Upton Renovating Co. The feature article in the Oc­ anied by Sister Mary Leona, who 29th avenue, down E. 29th avenue will go to Mercyhurst college, Erie, Suite 722 Mack Building, 16th and California Streets tober issue of the Jesuit Bulletin to Clayton, over Clairton to E. 28th CARPET will be a history of Regis prepared Pa., and Sister Mary Leona’s avenue, down E. 28th avenue to mother, Mrs. J. M. Reagle, who will BISHOP VEHR TO BE GUEST AT CLEANERS by Mr. Arthur A. Barth, S.J., in­ Sacred Heart school. The “second structor in history and political return to her home in Franklin, THAT CLEAN bus” travels up E. 26th avenue Pa. They had been guests of Sis­ science in the college. XheVeauit from Downing to Gaylord, over HOLY NAME MEN’S BREAKFAST W. H. UPTON, Mui>s« Bulletin reaches each month some ter Mary Gertrude’s sister, Mrs. Gaylord to E. 23rd avenue, and F. J. Hill, for the summer. Gallagher Transfer & Storage Co. 765 Tejon Street 9,000 relatives and friends of the down E. 23rd avenue to Sacred (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish) Hynes and Miss Madeline Trainor. Jesuits in the Missouri province. Heart school. Couplet Wed 25 Years TAbor 5223 To supplement the narrative Twenty-five years a^o at a 'This Sunday, Sept. 11, at 8 Dolores Ann Trainor was the 1700 16th St. history, pictures of the school and The cafeteria at Sacred Heart double wedding at Hamil, Minn., o’clock. Bishop Urban J. Vehr will flower girl. Joseph Hynes, brother TA. 3341 photographs of outstanding per­ school will open Monday, Sept. 12, two sisters married two brothers, officiate at Pontifical Mass and of the bridegroom, was the best with Mrs. Richardson in charge. Addie Baril being united to George be the guest of the men of St. man. The ushers were Jack Mul­ HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND MACHINERY MOVING sonalities connected with the in­ Francis de Sales’ at breakfast im­ / / n r Q uality \ stitution will appear. Students may either carry their Friend, and Alma Baril, Lorenz ligan, Thomas Carroll, and Brian Zinc Etchings ' The first Jesuit came to Colo­ own lunch to school or buy their Friend, and Alma Baril to Lorenz mediately following the Mass. Noonan. ^ Color Plates - Half Tones rado in December, 1871, from the food at the cafeteria. A large Friend and their three children Seats in the church will be re­ After the" ceremony, a wedding territory of New Mexico. He was lunch room is provided next to of Bristol, S. Dak., came to Den­ served for the men as a capacity breakfast was served at Lakewood ‘‘D savsr’s Mm I Pretrssslva Lauadry’* Se^eman-Ehret Father Salvatore Persone. In 1884 the cafeteria, where all students ver Aug. 28 so that the two fam­ crowd is expected on this, the Country club. A reception was Father Dominic Pantanella arrived eat. ilies could celebrate the silver Bishop’s first visit of its kind to held in the evening at the home of P hoto CiiQinx^ers Music classes will be held wedding anniversary together. the parish. All men are urged to the bride’s uncle, A. C. Kline. The THE CASCADE LAUNDRY in Morrison, Colo., to accept from receive Communion at the 8 “TRY OUR NEW SERVICE” T A b o r Bishop Joseph P. Machebe«f the throughout the school this year. Both couples went to Bristol to couple left on a honeymoon trip famous Swiss cottage (Evergreen A new music teacher is in charge live after their marriage, but the o’clock Mass and have breakfast in the state and will live in Den­ I ^ • hotel). Here, that same year, was of this work and directs the stu George Friends moved to Denver with the Bishop on this special oc­ ver. The bride is a graduate of Complete Laundry Service opened Sacred Heart college. It dents’ choir at Sacred Heart 15 years ago. Fred Baril of And­ casion. No affiliation with any St. Francis de Sales’ high school. remained at Morrison until 1888, church. over, S. Dak., a brother of Mrs. society or group is necessarj'. Mr. Hynes attended Regis college. 1847 Market We Call For and Deliver FA. 6370-637* Parish Societies Ready for Work Breakfast will be served free of when it was moved to the present Friend, has also been a guest at charge in the high school building. Priest to Teach in Chicago Your business is site of Regis in North Denver at Many parish organizations will their home this past week, as wer4 The Rev. John Clarke, C.M., left what is today 50th street and Low­ Sodality to Convene appreciated here. begin the year’s work with meet­ There will be a special meeting Sunday, Sept. 4, for Chicago, ell boulevard. The name was ings next week. The Sacred Heart where he will teach at the De Paul changed from Sacred Heart to of the Young Ladies’ sodality 50th Ladies’ sodality, the Loyola La­ Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 7:30 p. university for the coming year. Anniversarx Regis in 1921. • dies’ sodality, and the Sacred Missions to Be m. in the high school. All sodal- Mrs. Tom Egan is convalescing W hy Pay More?'* Priest Visits Regis Heart Altar societies are among ists are asked to attend, as final at St. Joseph’s hospital. (Tradeasark) Tht Beat in The Rev. Joseph Egan, S.J., is those scheduled to gather. Both arrangements will be made for the . Major and Mrs. C. L. Hysson Used a guest at Regis now and will re­ sodalities will meet on Tuesday, Held in Stratton first silver party to be held Fri­ and daughter, Gloria, of Washing­ main for a week or ten days. and the Altar society on Wednes­ day, Sept. 16, at 8 o’clock in the ton, D. C., have been the house Furniture Father Egan at present is assistant day high school. The sodalists are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Han- to the provincial of the Chicago And Buribgton WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES Pinochle Cluh Calls 1st Meeting asking the co-operation of the en­ nigan and family of 327 S. Sher­ INCORPORATED I ALSO NEW province. Formerly he was a pro­ The opening session of the par­ tire parish at this affair. man street. Major Hysson is Mrs. Cash or Credit fessor at the Mundelein, 111., ish pinochle club will take place Stratton.—Plans have been com­ Carnival Plant Progrett Hannigan’s brother. seminary, which has a faculty Colorado Owned Store* A FULL LINE OF in the hall below Sacred Heart pleted to have a mission here and at Several of the parish circles and Miss Leona Gallagher enter­ composed of Jesuits. church Tuesday evening. Sept. 13. OFFICE FURNITURE Burlington. At Stratton the mission organizations are holding card tained at her home Friday eve­ 17th and Broadway 800 Santa Fe Dr. Classrooms Near Completion at 8. All members of the club and will begin Sunday, Oct. 2, and parties as pre-carnival events to ning in honor of Miss Margaret Broadway and Ellsworth We rent Folding Chairs, Card and The new classrooms in Carroll those men who wish to become close Thursday evening, Oct. 6. A assist toward reaching their Fitzpatrick. Those, invited were 16th and California Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silver­ hall are rapidly nearing comple­ members are cordially invited to mission will open the next morn­ quotas for the coming fall bazaar, Mmes. Rita Boutwell, Barbara 16th and California ware, anything in stock. tion, and will be ready for use on meet at the hall Tuesday evening. ing at Burlington and close the which will be staged in October. A Caragher, Leah Dolan, Marjorie the first day of college classes, In the week the new cartons of We Do Not Have Speciel Sales Bnt Sell Yon at Oer Lowest Established 1888 following Sunday evening. The good co-operative spirit was evi­ Ferrero, Madonna Hughes, Alice Prices Every Day on All Drug Merchandise. Sept. 15. Wiring, installation of envelopes for the year’s Sunday mission will be given by the Rev. denced at the meeting held Tues­ Kidd, Helen Reichard, Alfretta PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 desks, finishing of the walls and collections were distributed. Any Joseph Kane, O.M.I., of Sacred OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO « P, M. day evening, Sept. 6, in the high Watkins, Virginia Dill, and Agnes woodwork, and preparation of one who was overlooked may se­ Heart church, Colorado Springs. school building. Reports from Rosetta, and Misses Margaret equipment in the new laboratories cure a carton by telephoning to the St. Charles’ school opened 'Tues­ committees indicated that arrange­ Doyle, Helen Flynn, Marion Fre- are well under way. The improve­ rectory. The first Sunday in Oc­ day morning. Sept. 6. High ments are going forward in a con­ geau, Julia Hynes, Dorothy Jef­ ments are being made on the sec­ tober a list of acknowl^gments Mass of the Holy Ghost, fol­ structive manner and the various fries, Nora Johnson, Mary Kinsler, ond and third floors of the here­ will be given out. lowed by Benediction of the parish organizations are all taking Margaret Klusener. Margaret I

\ Hits and Bits y i p l o n j o ^ Tea Will Honor A candle may be made to fit any candlestick if dipped for a Altar Group Head •.noment into very hot water. This Shades of beige ranging from a that all designers have been shout­ will soften the wax and it can then ing for years, but 1938 is to be a be easily pushed in. | soft greyed tone to the clear color The Cathedral Altar and Rosary of cornflakes are prime favorites “Black" year. Every black frock will have a vestee or collar of society will hold a tea at the Cathe­ Grapefruit juice blends well in wool jersey. Rosemary Lane, in white, pink, or cream. Antique dral rectory in honor of the new with pineapple and raspberries. the Warner Bros, film, Blackwell’s gold clips -will lend character to president, Mrs. James M, Knight, This combination is good served Island, wears a frock of sandy biege the black crepes, jerseys, and Friday, Sept. 16, from 3 until 5. as a cocktail or partially frozen sheers. Dawn blue suede hat and fdr dessert. which can be combined with prac­ gloves with matching purse are The Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Doran, tically any accessory color extant. the last word when worn .with spiritual director, will receive the When making jellies or jams use It is fashioned with square yoke, black. New-style pipings for aft­ guests and present the new officers. a kettle large enough so that liquid high, rolled collar, gathered bo­ dice, and short flared skirt. The ernoon ensembles of black are A silver offering for the purchase will not boil over. It should hold astrakhan, beaver, and sealskin. four or five times as much liquid beige wool jerseys are number of altar linens will be given by the as is to be cooked. one because- of their practicabil­ ■ir •{! tr members and friends of the organ­ '8'ear rannul harm the floor that ity, but Kelly green, scarlet, Jersey, because it is so drapable, ization. The tea tables will be pre­ Is protected ndlh RUBBER FLOOR To keep a coffee pot sweet and Swedish blue, wine, navy, and is the natural-favorite of every de­ sided over by many of the older VARMSH. Like a costing of glass, clean, put a tablespoon of bicar­ black are also beginning to dot signer who is attempting to erase members whose loyalty and - co­ tliis durable varnish keeps the wood bonate of soda into it, fill it nearly the Hollywood landscape. that over-fitted look of last year operation have made the Altar and untouched. Does not show scratches. i j ir -t: from the current silhouette. Silk Rosary society -a substantial unit full of water and let it boil for a in the affairs of the parish. Will not check or uiar white. Dries '' 11;; little while. Then rinse very thor­ "Black for faikion" is a phrase jersey, which has been a summer in 4 hours-ra great convenience; use oughly with warm water several favorite, continues right on into the An invitation is extended to all fall. of the room is hardiv interrupted times. This should be Alone once members of the Cathedral parish Let your McMurlry dealer show you a week. ☆ ☆ ☆ to be present at the tea and mani­ fest their willingness to support the how economically you can keep floprs Tweed is another fabric which is like new with Rubber Floor Varnish. When hashing cold meat, add a IIEEIS, Lim iTO being rediscovered in a big way. work of this organization. little chopped parsley to improve It no longer goes into shapeless I jthe flavor and appearance. suits, hilt is being smartly teamed with suede or fur. Fay Bainter, Never stir a salad. Toss it for example, appears on the boule­ eAmI AMS V,SMIAM FwATt OLAM lightly together blending the dress­ Ti EET BEOIESTS ANo Mirror* vard in a slim frock of light blue MAArUt SlMCt list ing thoroughly with each piece. tweed over which goes a boxy coat tB89 ARA»ASS«f 4t. eiNwt* of plaid blue tweed having edges When you use molasses in a cake Under the will of Miss Julia C. bound in a purplisit blue suede bake it in a moderate oven, never Clifford, prominent Catholic which repeats a fleck in the plaid. New Dresses philantliropist, who died Aug. 20, a very hot one. All important accessories are car­ the bulk of her $46,804 estate ried out in matching suede. A suit 34 Yearn of A good filling for a one-crust eventually will be divided be­ which Ann Sothern designed for Father E. A. Conway, S.J., who Leadership pie is grated pineapple thickened tween Loretto Heights college and herself treats tweed exactly as it has come to Denver to join the FILLMORE DRUG Regis college. The will was pre­ in Business and Coats with cornstarch. would an elegant velvet. Deep faculty at Regis college, will de­ Training. sented in the county court for brown in color, the suit it made liver the talk at the perpetual STORE, INC. probate Thursday of last week. with short fitted jacket buttoned novena devotion at Loyola Friday It Pays to Travel ARE ARRIVING DAILY Miss Clifford directed that her up to a high neckline. The brief evening. Sept. 9. Father Conway 288S E. Colfax ATonat life-long friend. Miss Mary Cough­ peblum on the jacket, the small has a reputation in the province Our Prescription Department is with the Leaders!! Orphanage Will lin, should have the use of Miss barrel muff, and little conical hat for zeal and oratory, and the 'T'HB Barnes repuatioo help! i Clifford’s home at 1340 Gilpin are all of mink. priests at Sacred Heart-Loyola the pride of ^our store—Let ns ^ mstudenugetagoodttmiiti AT street during her lifetime and also ir •{! ir rectory look forward with inter­ Convince you by filling your the business world. est to the sermon on Friday. This Thorough. Intensive. Pleaitfit. receive the income from the estate. Velvets, especially the cotton Prescriptions. Moderate rates. Free PlacemeoL Have Glee Club After her death. Miss Bridget Hen- ones, have gone exceedingly gay. will mark the fourth service of Scan any Monday. nessy, another friend, will be en­ A Roman-striped pattern goes the perpetual novena in honor Free Delivery Service to Any Part ol titled to the possession of the home into a dashing flared skirt for of the Sacred Heart. the City for Any of Tour Wanta BARNES C O M M E R C E t Glee clubs will be organized this and the estate income. A large crowd attended the 1410 Olenorm St.. DENVER, COLO. Slack* week at St. Vincent’s home for Susan Hayward, newcomer to “the CALL YORK 1296-1294 After both have died, the screen. A brown and yellow services last Friday evening, when (Formerly the Nelson Apparel Shop) boys under the direction of Sister trustees are directed to turn over Father James W'alsh, S.J., de­ Mary Loretto. On Tuesdays and plaid makes up a drawstring $6,000 to St. Thomas’ seminary, jacket for Linda Winters. Grey livered the sermon. Kathryn OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL Fridays Mrs. Ginn will have her $2,000 to the Bishop of Denver, Morrell Perenyi sang the "0 Salu- manual art classes, and tan danc­ and coral striped velvet is used Chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Slack during their pay a few other bequests, and then for the cuffs of gloves and an taris,” “Tantum Ergo,” and “0 ing work will be continued by Jim­ Holy Redeemer,” accompanied on mie Gallagher. give the remainder to the two col­ ascot scarf which Jan Holm trip East, new daytime and evening dresses, costume leges. wears with a trim velvet suit. The the organ by Mrs. Wayman. suits, and coats are arriving every day. As a climax tqi,the summer vaca­ new vet town coat is waterproof. At the devotions this Friday, tion, the boys of the home on Fri­ It is practical and is a sensi­ Joseph Clifford will sing. This THE DENVER. . . Come in and make your selection early, while day, Sept. 2, spent a day at Elitch’s Mrs. Ryan Gives Report ble town-and-country type of gar­ will probably be his last appear­ the stock is large. You will be delighted «Tth the gardens. Through arrangements At D.C.C.W. Conference ment. ance in Denver before returning with A. B. Gurtler, park manager, attractive styles, the new colors, the interesting i t ■ir ir east to continue his work in music. there was no limit to the number At the devotions this week, the materials, and the reasonable prices. of rides permitted the boys on the Mrs J. R. Ryan, the treasurer, The moit iumptuoui material of was present at the conference of the •eaion it metallic moire, a new booklets will be used. 'These various amusement devices. have been especially compiled for We are open every evening until 9 p. m., and Class Work Begins the Diocesan Council of Catholic revival from the Louit XIV pe­ Women in Salida and gave an riod. In Hollywood it it being use at the perpetual novena, and there’s always plenty of unlimited parking space, Tuesday was registration day at they will be furnished to those at­ the home and the boys assembled excellent report. She has been serv­ uted for timple evening gownt day and evening. ing the council in a capable and it worn adorned by a tin- tending without any charge. The to meet their teachers and receive novena devotions take place at assignments. The teaching staff manner since her election to the of­ gleOcwel. fice at the convention held in -ti -tr -tr Loyola each Friday evening at is composed of Sister Mary Gerard, 7:45. Sister Mary A g n e s i a, Sister Pueblo in May. The skirts for fall will be slim Because we believe that the Best People may rightfully ^ Louise, and Sister Genevieve. The and straight—on some dresses Miss Leahy Returns (especially the ones that are part demand the Best Service, we are especially Rev. Hugh Gerleman, S.J., has been appointed chaplain. Miss Florence Leahy of 546 of the costume)—with a matching Queen’s Daughters equipped to serve your Floral needs. After attending a Mass of the Emerson street, daughter of Mr. jacket. Prompt City-Wide Delivery Holy Ghost, regular class work and Mrs. Thomas Leahy, has re­ ☆ ☆ ☆ To Be Entertained began on Wednesday morning. turned home after a visit of three iJecklines are extremely high Football practice under the di­ months with relatives in Cali­ in the front. Bodices are soft, Misses Nellie Lennon, Grace Pal­ SPETH FLORAL CO. rection of Coach Richard Brown fornia. with dressmaker details. mer, and Mary Detmoyer will be Ch. 1337 1^01 E. Colfax Ch. 1244 has already begun. hostesses to the Queen’s Daugh­ Nuni Bring Peaches to Home ters Sunday afternoon. Sept. 11, Sister Mary Loretto and; Sister at Lakewood Country club. Trans­ Mary Alacoque have returned from ST. JOSEPH’S ALTAR SOCIETY portation will be furnished for the Grand Junction, where they ob­ members. The meeting will be Imperial Coal Co. tained fresh peaches for the home. called to order at 3 o’clock. The TO BEGIN FALL WORK SEPT. 14 committee promises a program of BE SURE unusual interest after the business Meeting Planned (St. Joieph’t Pariih) ilton, father of the injured man, session. To Ask for IMPERIAL When You Next Members of the Altar and Ro­ left Tuesday for Flagstaff. By Altar Society sary society -will hold their first Order Goal meeting of the fall season Announcement was made this The Holy Ghost Altar and Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 7:30 p. week by Sister M. Alphonsus, su­ 514 Denham Bldg. Phone KE. 3358 Rosary society will hold its first m. in the church hall. Preced­ perior tdf the Sisters of Mercy in fall meeting Monday, Sept. 12, ing the regular meeting, the this parish, that Sister M. Clara at Holy Ghost hall, 19th and group will assemble in the church will teach the seventh grade this California streets, at 2 p. m. for Rosary to be followed by Hostesses for the afternoon are year, replacing Sister M. Marita, Fetching, fortu­ GALLUP 4200 2315 W. 29th AVE. Benediction. The altar commit­ who was transferred to Costilla, Mmes. Konicke and Thrall. The tee for the month of September N. Mex. nate, very femi­ program chairman. Miss Wilma is as follows: Mmes, C. Edwards, Fnmily Gerspach, has arranged a short The Holy Name society will re­ A. Cizeh, C. Mallory, and J. ceive Holy Communion Sunday at nine. That’s the Work Rdgon^ musical program for the social Dogely. hour. the 7 o’clock Mass. A meeting will way you register Our Word was received this week be held in the church hall Tues­ It is hoped that the president, that Cyril Hamilton, class of '30, day night following novenk serv­ in this new cos­ Speciality Mrs. Harvey Smith, will be able was seriously injured in an auto­ ices. __ LAUNDRY to preside at the meeting for the mobile accident Sunday night, en Tickets for the annual fall tume. Wool first time since her accident la.st route to his home in California, festival Nov. 3, 4, and 5 are be­ spring. Members and their friends after spending a two weeks’ vaca­ dress, queenly in are urged to attend and make ing distributed this week. The tion with his parents here. The Very Rev. Christian Darley, C. i t s simplicity, the meeting a real welcome to accident occurred noar FlagstafL SS. R., pastor, requested all mem­ You’ll Need No Fairy Godmother If You her. • Ariz., and Mr. Hamilton was bers of the parish to take a book warm in its vi­ moved to a hospital in that city. of tickets and make individual Take Your Cleaning to Although he suffered a frac­ efforts to aid the committee to brant fall color­ Cathedral Alumni tured skull, his condition is not FOR COLORADO LACE CLEANING CO. reach the goal of $5,000. REAL ing. ITe Want Your Draperies With Your Curtain Orders c»nsiderpd critical. William Ham- A Nuptial Mass celebrated PGP 4100 Federal Bird. GAIIop 1000 Will Give Social Tuesday morning. Sept. 6, united WEAR And over your shoul­ in marriage Margaret Durocher, tl**f The Alumni association of Ca­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ders a graceful cape thedral high school will sponsor Sises All Donations Needed Durocher of this parish, and Rich­ of silky soft Lapin a complimentary social for the ard McNamara of Los Angeles. 9 to 3 ' seniors of the high school Friday Producers Creamery Products Means Quality Products at The Rev. A. A. Zeller, C.SS.R., A to C SHOES (dyed coney). Dress Reasonable Prices evening at 8:3-0 in Oscar Malo, By Benefit Shop was celebrant of the Mass. James Jr., Memorial hall. All the mem­ Creamer was best man, and Miss in green, wine or nat­ bers of the association are in­ (Denver Deanery) Ruth Faul was bridesmaid. Char­ vited to attend. Special prizes With the opening of school and lotte McNamara, Mrs. Helen Han- ural, with brown lapin Ice Cream - Milk will be awarded. the approach of winter, the Denver fen, Bert Fenler, and Clifford cape. Sizes 10 to 16. deanery Benefit shop is making a Smith also assisted. Eileen Dolan Cream - Butter Good Shepherd Aid special plea for clothing, bedding, was ring-bearer. The couple will 933 Bannock St. and furniture. Useful articles of make their home in Los Angeles. Denver, Colo. Will Meet Sept. 13 any description will be gratefully .39.95; KEstone 3297 Miss Mary Kain, class of ’34, The fall meeting of the Good received, the sale of which will en­ and Ambrose Spenard were united Shepherd Aid society will be held able the deanery to continue its in marriage Saturday, Sept. 3, be­ Other Lapin Soils Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the home work in ^he community centers fore Father Zeller at a Nuptial and carry*on its program of Mex­ FREE DELIVERY AT CUT PRICES of Mrs. John J. Campbell, 416 Mass. Oscar Spenard, brother of 29.95 to 89.95 Dahlia street, at 2:30. All mem­ ican welfare and relief. Call TA. the bridegroom, and Miss Ger­ bers are asked to be present as 2916. The shop is located at 1335 aldine Kain, sister of the bride, Lawrence street. Skarlcikin Tip PENCOL DRUG STORES final plans for the bazaar and served as attendants. Salts— Second Floor S errinff dinner to be held Tuesday and Fall programs will be outlined On Wednesday morning. Sept. will net Kuff Baur’s Ice Cream and Candy Wednesday, Oct. 4 and 5, will be at Little Flower center and St. An­ 7, Miss Ella Hafertepen, class of Imported and Domtitic Liquori thony’s Neighborhood house upon made. ’37, and Stanley Wolterang were This 'Is ths biggest selling and Se4 E. Colfax Are. TAbor 2323 the return of the directors. Miss married before the Rev. Willard Mary Ellen Daugherty and Miss longest wearing type of shoei Berberich, C.SS.R., in a Nuptial In the country for active boya Colorado Upholstery Co. Marie Carter, who are on their va­ Mass at 9 o’clock. James Starr "Where Denver Shops With Confidence”—Phone KE. 2111 cations. Volunteer workers have and girls. SPECIAL PRICE was best man and Miss Mary IT HAS THE FLAVOR been carrying on the work in their Hafertepec, sister of the bride, Others $1,45 to $3.95 2 pc. recovered tipeetrj ...... $28.50 absence. Mrs. L. A. Higgins at was maid of honor. Another sis­ Because it is fresh from our farm every day. Holstein or Guern­ 2 pc. recovered velour ...... $32.50 Vail center is in.structing her sew­ sey milk. We produce all the milk we sell—and deliver it the ANY WORK GUARANTEED ter, Miss Julia Hafertepen, sang ing class in patch work quilts, several appropriate hymns. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS same day. Cnihions refilled with new , ipring end using material supplied, by the Charles Rust, Sr., returned home new cotton ...... $1.00 emch Benefit shop. this week after spending the sum­ BBTtBH SfiOfS'- B ov LOSS- CITY PARK DAIRY General Furniture Repairing Deanery monthly meetings will mer at Grand Lake, where he was 724 Fifteenth Street PHONE YO. 4184 1U9 l$th S t rb, GAUap >804 be resumed Monday, Sept. 19. I employed. Bstweea Stoat and Calilemia THEY ARE RELIABLE

\ C ' Thursday, Sept. 8. 1938 Office, 938 Bannock Street

Joseph A. Cowan Is Summer School Highlights Wlllers (left) and Teresa Dyer (right), student nurses at St. Joseph's Qualified Candidate hospital, who were sodality delegates to the Summer School of A a i ^ i Catholic Action held from Aug. 22 to 27 in Chicago. They will give For Representative YOU CAN'T a resume of the Chicago sessions Wednesday evening. Sept. 14, at the home. B U IL D A Joseph A. Co,wan, Democratic Democratic Candidate capdidate for the House of Rep­ REPUTATION For resentatives, was bom in Leadville “Well ‘Natch-rally’ for you O N THE (Continued From Page One) State Representative in 1900 and was plicated at St. Sacred Heart-Loyola. . . . | 25.00 and . . ■ Patrick's grade and high schools THINGS St. Anne’s (Arvada) ... 8.58 One month ago Frances Lang­ Member St, Vincent De Paul’i Parish and the old St. Cajetan’s ...... 6.15 ford sang those words for the Benedictine Youke Democratic Primary St. Catherine’s ...... first time. The “Hollywood Hotel” Tuesday, September 13, 1938 College in GOING St. Dominic’s ...... 25.00 audience applauded wildly. The Pueblo. He T O D O St. Elizabeth’s ...... 60.00 Lincoln Music Publishing company Paid Political Adv. studied jour­ St. Francis de Sales’ . .. 112.20 sent a wire to Hollywood. And a nalism at the St. James’ ...... 32.49 young Denver man sat before his University of St. John the Evangelist’s. 135.00 loudspeaker scarcely believing his Southern Cali­ St. Joseph’s, (C.SS.R.).. 60.00 ears. Miss Langford had just sung fornia, is well St. Joseph’s (Polish) ... 6.75 his song. JOBS WANTED grounded in St. Leo the Great’s ...... That young man is Joe McCarty For Good Worker* economics and St. Louis’ (Englewood).. 30.00 of 2635 Race street, a member of sociology, and of any type, permanent or odd And GENERAL tires built their St. Mary Magdalene’s Loyola parish, and naturally the alert to the (Edgewater) ...... 17.00 name of his song is “Natch-rally.” job, call EmploymentSmplo I)epartment. needs for gov- present fine reputation by doing things no other tires St. Patrick’s ...... 21.15 Joe is married and the father of • iSSSSSSS^SSSS emmental re­ St. Philomena’s ...... 116.00 three children. Catholic Charities forms. did before. Thousands of car HIRS^CHFELD Joseph A. Cowan is a member owners trust their driving St. Rose of Lima’s ...... 14.10 According to Joe, the song was 1665 Grant S t KEystone 6386 of TiOyola Parish and his two chil­ safety to GENERALS only. St. Theresa’s (Aurora) .. 7.89 written some, time last May and he Democratic Candidate for Such confidence must be St. Vincent de Paul’s. . . . 39.50 was totally ignorant of the fact dren attend Sacred Heart School. merited! His working principle of govern­ Akron—St. Joseph’s ...... that it would be broadcast. It was State Senator Alamosa—Sacred H ia rt... 10.00 just luck that he turned on the M m ment can be summed up in this Paid Pol. Adv. quotation from Abraham Lincoln Antonito—St. Augustine’s. 8.50 radio that evening. n j u i u WE which appears on his campaign “Until I heard the lyrics, I MOVE Aspen—St. Mary’s ...... 5.20 thought somebody had stolen my cards. “The legitimate object of Boulder—Sacred H eart.... 100.15 government is to do for the people ^^GEHERilX7^<6 ^ title,” he said. Frame Houses, Garages what needs to be done, but which/ BRA^S-BATTERIE5-ALIONMENI Boulder, South — Sacred CO-OPERATIVES WOULD AID Joe spent the greater part of For Service—KEystone 6228 they cannot by individual effort, do Heart of Mary ...... 3.18 last year in Los Angeles where he ^ Oftee A Wcrebouse» 1521 20th St. at all or do so well for themselves.” M EET I Brighton—St. Augustine’s. 22.67 interested Harry Barris, a com­ Paid Pel. Adr. Bristol—St. Mary’s (Holly) .... MINE CENTERS, PRIEST SAYS poser of national renown, in his ^ general! Brookside — St. Anthony’s lyrical works. Developments were (Canon City) ...... / slow, however, and Joe was (Continued From Page One) was the victim of the, vicious eco­ Brush—St. Mary’s ...... 9.00 nomic circle in which he lived. forced to return to Denver. Calhan—St. Michael’s .... 23.32 St, Francis Xavier movement went He was fighting more for the un­ “My chances seemed pretty slim Walt Redmond Canon City—St. Michael’s...... through the country talking the deniable wrongs that oppressed then,” he confided. “One day, how­ DEMOCRATIC Castle Rock—St. Francis’ two-fisted language of these men, him and his fellow-workers than ever, the postman brought me a CANDIDATE (Elbert) ...... 5.00 urging them to divert their efforts for the Moscow-directed catise package from Los Angeles, It for Central City—Assumption...... which he represented. MacIntyre turned out to be a recording of Cheyenne Wells — Sacred to more useful channels and al­ was challenged by Father Tonip- Harry’s latest song. He said he Heart ...... ways looking for natural leaders kins and his men to aid. in th^r was going to give me a chance to Colorado Springs— plan. He gradually swung into write the lyrics.” L a State We Have Our Own Delivery among the people themselves. Corpus Christ! ...... 8.00 their way of thinking and became With a full-time day job oc­ MAin 3518 Sacred Heart ...... 15.00 They found one such man in the person of A. S. MacIntyre. He was one of the pioneer laymen wofk- cupying his time, Joe was forced Representative Fresh Sea PixkIs (not frozen) contain St. Mary’s ...... 307,00 ing for the freedom of the peo­ to write his lyrics in the evening. Primary Election— a hiftfi percentRjce of lorfine. CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING I n o te d / Padua’s ...... 20.65 a small band of practical Catholic Bound Stratton—St. Charles’ .... A towering wave of water had GROWS HAIR 11.00 educators. — ‘ - : CATffOLIC A DnlTertlH prkft cbemlst'i Crcttlw ob Superior — St. Benedict’s cascaded upon Morrison from Bear . . and you must be ► priest, explains in hla famous OARE OF THE HAIR U Qcm being enit fm (S. Boulder) ...... 3.00 creek about 7:30 p. m. Friday and ► Classified Ads i to icalp (uffprert. It detcribet bo^ to uk the Trini lad—Holy Trinity ... 45.75 was met by another wall of water < rerriArkabte cornponnd mixed by Fr. Jamc» smartly wardrobed ► It will pay yon to read ALL of the following advertiaementa. " HEALTH BOOK Gllmnrt which grew perfect hair on head of Victor—S t Victor’s (Crip­ from Mount Vernon creek, which GRID SCHEDULE i the causes and symptoms of bald ftudent. Since then mnre than 60,000 ple Creek) ...... 2.36 flows into Bear creek within the bottiea have been uaed, royaitlea going tr

Getting the Most Out of College Altar Vomen Meet NOTED AUTHORITY HOLDS Altar Society Colfax Market The coming year in college will mean much close study under artificial light. Can your eyes stand the strain in their present GREGORIAN CHANT CLASS condition? Have a thorough Eye examination now. Correct­ At Canon City Reports Given Solitaire Food Mart ive lenses will remove that tired feeling—and appearance known authorities on liturgical Clark’s—Flowers Canon City.—Members of the Colfax Drive-In Market Stop, Shop and Save around the eyes. See US. Abbey school choir and a schola music. Early in August he di­ (St. Patrick’s Pariah) TAbor 3662 A Streamlined Store Canon City.—The Altar and Ro­ composed of Praters Joseph, Bona- rected a choir of 625 nuns at Mt. The September meeting of the sary society met in St. Michael’s venture, Clement, and Bernard St. Scholastica’s convent, Atchi­ ROBT. T. CLARK. Prop. Complete'’ Line of completed a special two weeks’ son, Kans. In his classes here. Fa­ Altar and Rosary society was held We Appreciate Parish Patronage ^‘Solitaire Fine Foods** SWIGERT BROS. hall Thursday afternoon. Sept. 1. on Tuesday afternoon. Sept. 6, in Funeral Sprays - Cut Flowers course in Gregorian chant under ther Fangman illustrated the tech­ TA. 2968 FREE DELIVERY Mrs. D. G. Hayes, president, and the direction of the Rev. Sylvester nique that has gained him nation­ the library. The business session Plants Better Vition Optometrists Good Service Mrs. J. Leo Sterling, secretary- Fangman, O.S.B. of St. Bernard’s wide recognition as one of the was preceded by a dessert luncheon for Ever; Age at Right Price* treasurer, presided over the meet­ abbey, St. Bernard, Ala. Father leading authorities in the field of served by the refreshment commit­ ing. It was planned to hold a so­ Fangman has been studying and Church music. tee. Mrs. G. A. Durbin presided. Exclusive Up-Town 1550 California KEystone 7651 Nearly 80 Boys at Pow-Wow cial at the Mellow Moon hall. Pros­ teaching chant for over 30 years, The sick committee report was sub­ Woman’s Apparel Shop and has studied under many well- Nearly 80 boys, representing mitted by Mrs. D. R. Lucy. pect Heights, Monday evening. mOD€ 0 DflV 444444V 44>44444444^ nine states, attended the “get ac­ It was renorted that the sum Sept. 12. A rummage sale was quainted pow-wow,’’ held Tuesday of $83.60 had been contributed to QUALITY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES planned for this month and the evening in the grove on the Abbey the fund being raised under the Liquors Wines annual fall collections will be taken school campus. auspices of the society to be pres­ Where You Park and Shop Acting as toastmaster for the ented to the Rev. Achille Sum- Florida Fruit Co* \ iriiousaiid Years up in October. get-together. Father Jerome Healy, maruga for the purpose of pur­ , “Free Delivery” Beginning with September the O.S.B., explained the necessity of chasing new vestments. It is hoped Colfax Drive-In Public Market order of the Masses on Sunday PAUL’S are but a Day unity and co-operation in school that, together with the amount We Ship Pascal Celery to All Parts of will be at 8 and 10 o’clock and at life, and urged the incoming stu­ raised by the Holy Name society, U. S. A. and Canada 1120 East Colfax Ave. KE. 4878 7:30 on weekdays. iMuinypi dent body to follow the high ideals Svdi It tke endannee history of the an adequate sum will be presented Phone CHerry 5524 FREE DELIVERY ffranltes commend to yov for David and Jack Gibson, sons of set by former Abbey student to the pastor on his return from yonr family memorial. Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson, who groups. a vacation trip to Europe. Ten­ spent the summer in La Jolla, Football practice at all paro­ The Rev. Augustine La Marche, tative plans were made to hold a Yon i^'Ul find In onr extenslre Calif., returned to their home chial high schools got under way O.S.B., newly appointed rector of card tournament in the near fu­ TA. George’s Market exhibit cranite raemortals of un* this week as teams prepared for nsaal design. These have been qnerried* W’ednesday, Sept. 7. The Gibsons the Benedictine school, then ex­ ture. Mrs. Winifred Wilson will “17,76” motored to Pueblo to meet the boys their opening games of the sea­ tended a hearty greeting to both be in charge, with Mme.s. Chio- See George for Better Meats shaped and finished by skilled artisans son Sunday, Sept. 25. who have every known facility at their Wednesday morning. the old and the new students, and lero, D. R. Lucy, G. A. Durbin, DENVER’S EXCLUSIVE Free Delivery . . . Phone KE. 7333 com m and. St. Michael’s school opened Tues­ Co-champions last year, Cathe­ briefly outlined the policy of the. and Morrissey assisting. Mrs. UPTOWN FISH AND POULTRY dral and Regis teams figure to MARKET GEORGE PETROCCO, Proprietor Call at yonr convenience and make a lelanrely in­ day morning, Sept. 7, with an en­ school. Bill Zontine of Florence, Theresa LaRosa was admitted to spection of these impressive ipranlte memorials. Y'oa rollment of 105. Mass in honor of be in the thick of the battle this well-known for his musical abil­ membership. A report was made of Free Delirery 1130 E. COLFAX will appreciate the hijfh decree of perfection attained the Holy Ghost, for the success of year as strong squads are re­ ity, pepped up the assemblage with the illness of D. Rotolo and Ed In. their production • . . the melotone finish and the the school year, was offered at 8 ported at both schools. Thirteen many popular tunes on his accor­ O’Donnell. A short talk was made Phone KEystone 9058 highly polished surfaces which TIME will no’er o’clock with the Rev. Albert lettermen ^eeted .Coach Frank dion. The Rev. Edward Vollmer, by the Rev. Edward A. Pinster. ehanKTO • • . the deep* true earvlnas and « . . the mag­ Schaller, O.S.B., officiating. Collins’ initial call for gridders at O.S.B., dean of residence, then The meeting closed and a short All Lines of Beauty Work Come In and Gas With Us nificent colors prevnllina. In the aranites from which the Bluejay institution. spoke, and the other prefects were many of these choice memorials hove been fashioned. Bernard O’Hanlon has returned social hour followed. Hinman Beauty Shop home after a stay in Salida, where One new coach will make his introduced to the boys. • School Reopens Because of modem production facilities and huae bow among the league’s mentors. Two vocal selections by Mike MARTHA HINMAN The Shane Oil Co. TOlume* lo%v priees prevail. You are alw a y s welcome* he had been doing construction School re-opened on Wednesday Harry Pemberton, producer of Calorelli of Canon City and “Ma­ morning with a Mass offered in W. A. SHANE work for the Scott Oil company. champions at St. Joseph’s high jor” Creighton of Manitou Springs CH. 1087 1148 E. Colfax Ave. He was contractor for a new sta­ honor of the Holy Ghost for a suc­ 1108 East Colfax Denver, Colo. tion and living quarters there. school a few years ago, has taken augmented the program. cessful term. Record enrollment over the reins at the Mullen Home The returning students were 'necessitating the installment of a Miss Adeline Zanotti of Gallup, for Boys. Pemberton’s team will STOP R E L A X — N. Mex., is a guest in the J. L. then introduced, and the new boys number of desks was reported by open its season Friday, Sept. 16, were asked to give their names and Mother Rose Gertrude. The first Voss Bros. Bakeries AT Sterling home. She will go to in a night game at Aurora. Colorado Springs next week, where their home towns. Besides Colo­ fallQneeting of the Mothers’ club she will enter her senior year at Holy Family team has a large rado, this year’s Abbey student will be held next Thursday after­ May We Serve Yon Colorado college. squad working out under the di­ body includes boys from Ohio, Illi­ noon, Sept. 15, in the lunchroom Special Attention to Parties in St. JIMS LUNCH rection of Coach Gobe Jones, but nois, New Mexico, California, Only Eatinx Place in the Market Because of the success of the of the school. The future activities Philomena’s and Cathedral! lost its star athlete, Doug Sexton, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, and of the organization will be outlined Parishes Good Coffee Candies picnic at Abbot’s lodge, near West- on an eligibility ruling. Arkansas. cliffe, the Ladies’ Altar society has and a full attendance is urged. Chicken Pie Our Specially Delicious Sandwiches - Soft Drinks Forty candidates reported to To cap off the night’s program, Mrs. Mary Tierney of St. James, decided to make it an annual affair. wieners and soda water were en­ People from Canon City and near­ Charles Kintz, director of St. Jos­ Minn., formerly a member of this ^ We are dealers in eph’s Bulldogs, kintz’s charges joyed by the boys. parish, has been visiting: here for by communities attended the pic­ Maas of Holy Ghost Sung GENUINE RAINBOW GRANITE nic. 3vill engage Golden high school in the last three ■weeks, and will leave a practice game Friday, Sept. 16. The annual Mass in honor of the next Monday for Omaha, Nebr., Joseph Fassler, who is employed Little is known of the prospects Holy Ghost, which officially marks where she will spend several days in Las Animas, Spent Labor day at Annunciation school, where the opening of school, was held in en route to her home. here w’ith his family. definite announcement of the the Abbey chapel Wednesday Mrs. A. Goetz and daughter, JACQUES BROTHERS school’s opening was delayed until morning at 9 o’clock. Agatha, have returned from a last week. Father Augustine was celebrant, visit to Ventura, Calif. They also 6th Ave. & Lincoln TA. 6468 assisted by Father Jerome, student visited in Santa Paula and Santa Students Arrive St. Francis de Sales’ is expected chaplain, deacon, and Father Ed­ to have a much stronger team Barbara. than last year when it won ward, subdeacon. Frater Stephen Miss Marie Carter of St. An­ At Boulder School only one game and tied one. Bert Sustrict, O.S.B., prefect, was mas­ thony’s Neighborhood house left Kearns is director of the pigskin- ter of ceremonies. for Fort Worth, Tex., where she PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS FOR NEAT SCHOOL WORK ners at the Sherman street school. The entire student body attend­ will visit a brother and sister. She Boulder.—Miss Viola Lee Drake ed this Mass. Call Frank Williams for demonstration. MA. 3495 Regis Expects Strong Team plans to return about Sept. 20. All Makes Trpewriter Service. Rentals and Repairs of Raton, N. Mex.; Miss Bette Lee Fathers Manus Boyle and 436 14th St. Barnes Bldg. Logue, Miss Catherine May Mc­ Things were looking up this Carthy, and- Misses Patricia, week for the Regis college Vote Drive Urges Charles Sanger were visitors at All Makes Typewriter Service Eileen, and Audrey Gallagher, all Rangers, who have not won a game the rectory in the past week. Windsor-Neadow Gold of Denver, were the first students since they resumed the fall pas­ The Rev. Vincent Walsh, C.M., time three years ago. Thirty as­ All to Visit Polls who had been visiting M. Higgins to arrive at Mt. St. Gertrude’s and famjly, left on Sunday for PaVWWWVWVWVVWkVifl academy after summer vacation. pirants reported to Coaches Dave Call MAin 5131 ^ Specializing in Quality Plumbing and Miss Florence Brooks and Miss Kelley and Lou Kellogg Tuesday, In connection with its program Chicago. He assisted on Sun­ Sarajane Bates, who spent the Sept. 6, with 30 more expected to for better citizenship, the Den­ day by offering the 7:30 Mass. Heating Repairs vacation at the academy, attendedT be added to the roster when school ver junior chamber of commerce Mary Bottone returned the first a picnic at the Chautauqua opens Thursday, Sept. 15. is instituting its annual “Get Out of the week from a two weeks’ The standard in Dairy Products for Forty Years grounds Monday evening, Sept. 5. Of the group reporting this and Vote” campaign. Hyman A. vacation at Glenwood Springs. Goldstein is the chairman of this SLATTERY & COMPANY Miss Kathleen Gephart of Longt week, only Jim Costello, tackle; Joe Sunderland, end, and Jim Car- committee, which urges everyone mont, a member of the class of to “vote as you please,' but VOTE.” Kenmare Club Holds PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS ’38, spent the weekend at the roll, center, were regulars last year. Experienced men who are The primary elections take place Meet at McClain Home! % 1646 BLAKE STREET S academy in order to attend the Sept. 13. alumnae meeting Tuesday eve­ expected to join the squad next 1 P JOHN J. CONNOR, President PHONE KEYSTONE 1441 S ning, Sept. 6. week are John McGee, Walter This project is furthered all The Kenmare club met at the The Butts, John Marshall, Bill Mc­ over the United States by the home of Mrs. A. E. McClain, 1002 New bulletin boards have been chamber of commerce and is installed in the library, corridors, Kenna, and Richard TurilH. E. 10th avenue, on Wednesday, CRAFTSMAN Newcomers who demonstrated backed by leaders everywhere. It and other prominent places is only by voicing their will at the Sept. 7. Refreshments were Requiescant in Pace throughout the building. pigskin possibilities at this week’s served. workouts were Rickey Smith, polls that citizens can have the PAINTING & DECORATING CO. EMMA McKe n z i e h e l m i c k , 2529 tackle; Dave Bonavia, halfback; kind of government they want. SPruce 5757 Kensington court. Requiem Mass was Roy Hoilenback and Chester Because of the supine indifference THEODORE offered Tuesday at 9 in St. Patrick’s of many persons, often only a ELECT I Carl R. Peterson 74 Emerson church. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Meeting Held by Sodowski, ends, and Chester Bor- I Manager Denver, Colo. Horan & Son service. relli and Harold Denery, guards. part of the voters register their MARGARET J. STONE. 2339 H Negotiations were completed for choice. The result is that a small Champa street. Mother of Mrs. Ger­ minority actually governs. HACKETHAL trude Webster, grandmother of .lohn and St. Vincent’s Aid a game with Fort Lewis Aggies j William W’ebster and Mrs. Margaret at Regis Saturday, Oct. 22. The I Comito, great-grandmother of Shirley Rangers will play an eight-game Mae Comito. Requiem Mass was offered Mrs. Julia O’Neill was hostess FROSH BROS. MORTUARY last Saturday at 9 in Holy Ghost church schedule. Interment Mt. Olivet, W. P. Horan k Tuesday, Sept. 6, to the members ANNOUNCE.MENT Son service. ^ of St. Vincent’s Orphanage Aid —Just received a full line of for­ WALTER B. 1449-51 Kalamath Su KATHLEF^' McALLISTER, I t'ot Race society. Mrs. George Pope, presi­ eign and domestic woolens. The street. Wife of Robert C. McAllister, dent, asked for committee reports prices this year are very reason­ Phone MAin 4006 deughter of Mrs. Mary Gibson, sister from Mrs. J. B. Hunter, Mrs. A. Bar Exam Passed of Mrs. Eileen Harrington and Victor, able. Frosh Bros, have been Stanley, and Ernest Gibson. Requiem L. Douds, and Mrs. J. J. Meehan. known to Denverites for years as BENNETT Mass was offered last Friday at 9 in Mrs. E. L. Sanders of St. Louis was makers of high class clothes. Spe­ Loyola church. Interment Mt. Olivet. a guest for the afternoon. By Regis Alumnus Boulevard service. cial attention is also given to Candidate for All plans for the annual card PAUL JOHN COSTA, 1739 W. 80th Andrew Hauk of Denver is one ladies’ suits. Smart styles and avenue. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles party to be held Oct. 8 have been choice patterns is Frosh’s keynote. Costa, brother of Joseph and Marie made. Mrs. H. W. Lawrence, of the 411 successful candidates IT’S COMING Carolyn Costa. Requiem Mass was Frosh is just across the street from State offered Tuesday at 10 in Our Lady of chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. who took the bar examinations in the Denver club—519 17th St. Mt. Carmel church. Interment Mt. Edward Delehanty. The narty will Washington last June. Call TA. 9483. Our represen­ Representative Holy Family Bazaar Olivet. Olinger service. be held in the fea-room of the Den­ tative will gladly visit you. 5IARY GASPARD, at Arvada, formerly ver Dry Goods Co. Mrs. J. B. This is the fourth honor to come -Adv, of 44 W. Archer. Mother of Rose M. Hunter read the monthly letter to Mr. Hauk within the past few Republican Primary October 13-14-15 Drips. Requiem Mass was offered Tues­ months. In the late spring it was day at 10 in St. Francis de Sales’ church. from Washington to the affiliated Interment Mt. Olivet. announced by Yale university that Founded by M. T. Murray September 13 W. 44th Ave. & Utica organizations of the N.C.C.W. and he had been awarded a Sterling was appointed delegate to the con­ fellowship.for the graduate study Was Capable Assessor GRAND PRIZE MICHAEL LOMBARDI vention to be held in October at Charles D. Strong 11' Michael Lombardi, resident of Denver Biloxi, Miss. of law at that institution. Early Charles D. Strong, candidate for 1931 to 1935 for 38 yearr. died Sept. 1 at a Den­ in spring he was the winner of a 1939 PLYMOUTH ver ho:ip!tal after a three-week ill- Sister Mary Alacoque gave an State Representative, on the Demo­ Paid Pot. Adv. $500 cash prize for an essay on cratic Ticket, is a businessman, an nesE. As a scissors and knife grinder, account of summer activities at “Company, Craft, and Industrial NEXT TO LAST ON PRIMARY BALLOT This ad courtesy Miles & Dryer he once had been a familiar figure on the orphanage. The Very Rev. Architect. His long record of Denver streets. Born S8 years ago in Unions and Their Legal Respon­ humanitarian seraice in behalf of Italy, he came to the United States when (William Higgins spoke. Miss Anne sibility” in a national contest in he was 18 and worked two years in O’Neill sang a group of songs which 87 students from 80 col­ the unemployed, the aged, labor, Eastern rock quarries. He then came to accompanied by Miss Josephine slum clearance and low rost hous­ Denver and waa employed for two years leges participated. In June he re­ ing is known to the readers of this in a brickyard. _ L ater he weuit into the Courtney. Refreshments were ceived his LL.B. degree from the Groceries, Meats and scissors and knife-grinding business, re­ served by the hostess. paper. As a member of the tiring about ten years ago. Catholic university law school. Bakery Governor’s Advisory Committee, he Surviving are three sons, Joseph, Carl,, The next meeting will be held at A graduate of Regia college, has first-hand knowledge of the and Anthony, and two daughters. Mrs.' the home of Mrs. H. W. Lawrence, Denver, he entered Catholic uni­ problems of the state, and is for Angelina Addueci and Mrs. Mary De Tuesday, Oct. 4. MURRAY’SSIN C E 1S82 Nuzri, all of Denver: three brothers, versity three years ago on a schol­ Slate Reorganization, in the inter­ VIngenso Lombardi of Denver, Salvatore arship offered by the John K. Phones GA. 5201-02-03 est of economy in government and Lombardi of Italy, and Carlo Lombardi Mullen family of Denver. He took of Baltimore, Md„ and one eister, Mrs. Annual Card Party West 32nd a Julian tax reduction. Filomcna Melaragno of Denver. his degree magna cum laude at POL. ADV. ' 6 o < M Requiem Mass was offered Monday at To Aid Orphanage Regis, where he was an active par­ GOLDEN 9 in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church. ticipant in debating, dramatics, GEO. P. Burial in^Mt. ^ivet. Boulevard service. and athletics. At Catholic univer­ Henry's Home Lunch The annual card party for the sity Law school he led his class Evans Tavern A vAflil nlac. ta meet y m r friends. HACKETHAL MRS. CARRIE M. QUINTANA benefit of Queen of Heaven or­ academically each year and was W. S8th and Brrxnt St. Special German Dinners Mrs. Carrie M. Quintana. 37, 4764 phanage will be held Tuesday, president of his -group fo? two Ted E rani, Prop. Fish Dinners Wednesdays and Fridays Funeral Director High street, mother of four children, Oct. 18, sponsored by the Aid so­ BEER - WINE died Thursday, Sept. 1, soon after being years. He was one of the most The Bright Spot of Tables for Ladies 1240 Acom* TA. 1656 injured in an automobile collision. Mrs. ciety and held at the orphanage, prominent members of the Legal Quintana was a passenger in a truck en 4825 Federal boulevard. Mrs. J. North Denver HENRY WAGNER. Prop. route to Sants Fe, N. Mex., and had in­ Argument club organized by Dean CH. *475 144* Lawrenee SL tended to attend the annual fiesta there Fred Doyle is the appointed chair­ Robert J. White. The True Viennese-TypB with Joseph Montoya, driver of the truck, man. Everyone is asked to keep CALL and Mrs. Montoya, also a passenger. As the date of this annual affair in At Yale, where he begins his it traveled the Denver.Pueblo highway studies this fall, Mr. Hauk will Coors Pilsener^ S x tr a D r y JOHNSON in a heavy rain storm, the truck struck mind, as the money realized is spent to make Christmas happy investigate recent trends in law a soft shoulder eight miles south of particularly with reference to the COAL wjtli hn fiocky Meuit.in Spdnf WiUr STORAGE & MOVING CO. Colorado Springs. Mr. Montoya lost for the children of the home. DUSTLESS DELIVERY A aoi.H C o o u CoMCANr; Go im n , CeiOiAOO control of the wheel and the truck administrative activities of the I 51 WHY TAKE CHANCES? skidded headon into an oil truck coming many governmental agencies. This Climax Lump or Etr .$5.96 You Can Have Dependable Servlet in the opposite direction. Mrs..^uintana All Grade! at Standard Price Denver’s Housing Unit work leads toward the degree of For Man to Call and Giv* Esti­ Special Stoker Coal' and the Coat It Very l.oW. was hurled through the windshield into mates on Packing and Shippinc the path of the oil carrier and died To Eradicate Slums Doctor of Jurisprudence. PEart 2433 221 Broadway shortly after in a Colorado Springs hos­ KEysten* 6228 Mr. Hauk is the son of Mr. and 0*ca an4 W*reh*tae, 1521 aeth St. The Owen Goal Co. It Take* So Little Coal to Heat Your Home With Our pital of a fractured skull and internal 801 W. Bayand Ave. SP. 4428 injqries. She was a native of Santa Fe Mrs. A1 A. Hauk of 1245 Wash­ ''------— ------/ and came to Denver 1'2 years ago. Denver’s new Housing authority, ington street, Denver. This sum­ CALL A Surviving are her husband. Lee Quin­ consisting of four men and one mer he has been serving as assist­ DENVER STOKER CHERRY 0441 tana, and four children, Mary, 'Viola, woman appointed by Mayor Staple- ant to the librarian in the law Rehecca, and Lee, Jr., Quintana. ton, is to carry out a federally- Powrr and Lixhtinc Inatallations For the reason that we use Requiem Mass was offered Monday at division of the Library of Con­ WIRIN^ LAMPS, REPAIRING — VOTE FOR — ZONE CAB 9 in St. Cajetan’s church. Burial in Mt. financed slum clearance and low gress. He expects to return to Forced Air Circulation Olivet. Boulevard service. cost housing program for the city. “Everything Electrical” MAin 7171 Denver for a visit this coming —an exclusive feature in our stoker which is Very The Very Rev. Monsignor John R. Christmas, his first trip home in DELLA V. KENNEDY Oehmler Electric Co. necessary if you want Economy in Fuel Pi*oinpt* Courteous Sem e# Mulroy, director of Catholic Chari­ two years. 1522 Park Avenue Denver* Colo. Edward J. Mias Della V. Kennedy. 70, died Mon­ The heater in your automobile gives results as soon as you turn CLEAN NEW CABS ties, is a member of the board. Liceneed and Bonded Electricitni day at her home, 1551 Ogden street, on the fan behind it and not before. after a year'a illness. She was born in Let Our Representative Inspect Your Home and Advise Marquette, Mich., and when two years 23 years were devoted to carins for Miss Nuns’ Guild Will Have Keating old was brought by her mother to Elizabeth Bostwick, a daughter of Miss Stove and Furnace What Sixe to Use Colorado via mule train. She spent her Kennedy's sister, who died shortly after First M eeting Sept. 10 Sold, Guaranteed and Manufactured by DOYLE’S early life in the eastern part of the the child was born. The first fall meeting of the Repairs Democratic Candidate for sute on a ranch, which her father had Surviving, besides Miss Bostwick, are Sisters of St. Joseph guild will PHARMACY homesteaded. The owner of mining a brother, John J. Kennedy of Denver, claims near Central City and Silver and two aisters, Mrs. H. W, Anthony of be held Saturday afternoon. Sept. DENVER STOKER COMPANy Th* Particular Onaggist Plume, he died 50 years ago. Many San Antonio. Tex., ahd Mrs. M. 0. Dennis 10, at St. Francis de Sales’ con­ The J. A. Battin Stove State Senator A DENVER CbNCERN 17TH AVE. AND GRANT times the family raced in a wagon to of Los Angeles. Denver^ to escape from Indian raiders. vent, 301 S. Grant street, at 2 GA. 4809 1450 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, Colo. KF 8987 ^REE DELIVERY Requiem Mass was offered Wednesday Supply Co. Primaries, September 13, 1938 Miss Kennedy was a graduate of St. at 9 In tba CatbtdraL Burial in Mt., o’clock. All members are urged —Pol. Adv. jrUl You Invest Ten Cents a Day? mH Mary’s academy in Oanvar, Ear l*st OUvat. to attend. 1 1741-47 Lawenee St. KE. 4295

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