”*-’■ ■!!»' .HWTIWWWIWWWW—IKr * r,-,.1-^., w^-.vi <■* *■ MM——W ’HI « I—— ■— 11 ■! — ■ tBWnHi'im Wilt IMWW—t*WaWWWMg"*W»l*MW^**»lmWBfc*aW7''MI» gttsincjsis (Eanls. WAR NEWS. c- r-’ ■ PoRTtAND, 25t!l. ISRAEL 1(. LI NT, A fire at 3 o'clock this morning, on the « Jufhre oj Ihr Pmce anil Quornm. corner of Fore and Union streets, destroy- P" DIM! ISLAM*, MB. ed Hollins’ iron foundry, Crockett's ma- IVaUrr Public, Commissioner on Wrecks chine shop and several wooden buildings •suHJubIliving officer. 1 occupied by Irish families, find damaging in the WILLIAM SOMERliY, several other buildings vicinity. fHtstoxrrtl) An lias been issued against TRIM, JUSTICE, KILSWORTH, injunction the Sanford JHank. at Alfred, and receiv- Offiro on Ve*t S/nrt. Tkismj*ok Ai»vkiiti-iv«.- ers have been Soar Irst anA third riatunlays of each montli, at, T r tmnn ■* I Onraquareortrarf, appointed. 10 ■* deck * 1 New 25th. “ York, lUc tine in Pcciio, no! Hears; in no! A Washington dispatch to the Tribune. EUGENE HALE, Srisiil3:l§E £l)0tigl)!s, Brcalljo.” men. .. ri,en lulii.e Nonpnrlvl. will be »irtctly Awj to. J l -tales that a ei Vixen from Fair- s QVXSFU.OR •ml A TT(*A!A /. 1’ at LA IV, respectable j lax that in his District 7‘d KLlaSWOKTH, MK., County nays votes were east for Union 31 for Orm r. on Main Sti:kt, over tier*. N. Black’* against tore, in rooms formerly occupied by the llauc<>ck Secession ; and in Alexandria, where the Bank. MAY 1SG1. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. VII. NO. 1!>. ELLSWORTH, ME., FRIDAY, HI, usual vote is 1000 there were only 800 The bu.ma* Robinson ro- f- votes for sote-sion and 50 for union. In mi twain* with the undersigned, who will attend to it1* |L. Settlement at the above named office. pile of the Virginia Ordinance my in- 1 It would bo to too them down by thousands. Rut KUUENE HALE. along with it from one proprietor to an-1 impossible praise trampling formant, with nine others, openly voted o c t v 3tli .$ r c U unc o u $. not tin* a<*t but tin tin; obstinate Russians disdained to fly, i' y. other, an*l not one ot* them could ijuit it highly only itself, for Charles 11. the Representative CHARLES HAMLIN. announced. It is and rallied and so that it Upton, without permission. Kvcn when, with j manifesto in which it is again again, for the Federal This excited I t A on in lull- Congress. COUNSELLOR ATTORNEV AT LAW, their left the one ot the noblest documents to which tin* was no longer cavalry charging i For the American. NEW PUBLICATIONS. the permission of lord, they j the wrath of a certain Throckmor- o k /. a it n, it,, of horse Capt. on were the of mankind has birth. It trv, but galloping a®, estate which they horn, legal history given squadrons ton who was with 20 armed ruf- I r«*nipt attention given to nil business entrusted My Sister. into present of was not severed. The deserves to be in the archives of broken hosts, that, gathering to him. 1 R'OK : tic clev-, placed through lians for the of the Pkuvratoki Latin Prosk containing: serfage with purpose controlling ji\ r. m. t. the world Hide l»c side with Charfa, knots, still all tlx* Latin Prose necessary for entering crest and most enterprising might get j Magna disputed, unparalled election, and who left lor Alexandria vow- red and rent held. » t amass the Hill of the Declaration of the lOLUNS, S. I). College ; with references to Ivixhuer’s and employment in towns', wealth, tig-1 Rights, bravery, ing to return and them all.—* Who was my friend and mate alwny It was this that to-day hang Andrew's and Stoddard's Litin Cram marc lire as at as Am -rican and the Hrench during strange fight IIIIYsIClAN AND SURGEON, merchants, and last become Independence, .My informant waited in the rain for him In childhood's morn, by night, by day, notes, critical and a vocabu- Constitution of If it does not Murat was seen to one of those 1 r /: .v o ii s cot M e explanatory, rich as their owners; were still I7s'h perform until 10 o’clock this ■■ they morning. In work, in study, or in play lary, and a and Historical of it of deeds for which he was so re- Geographical slaves, and had to a sum of the “rights man,” speaks desperate votes in the In ion towns of Clarks- index. J. I! A. M 1‘rinei-; pay stipulated speak The A. My sister. Hy Hanson, 1 which include them, nown* 1. Kxcited to the of GKO. WHEELER, per year for the privilege ot seeming to those higher facts highest pitch Portland, Piedmont nnd New Creek, pal ol ti e lligli School f r hoys, Portland. ! the obstacles that burg. bo their own masters. The existence of l for the of man/1 and passion by opposed him, Physician and When passing years their changes wrought, M Crosby, Nichols, Lee A Co., Poston.' •respect dignity Va., was 1,5s again-t ratifying the MOM- Snrgoon. our The ol lie seemed endowed ten-fold wc this monstrous evil could not ho love to neighbor. wjtli strength 00 1 out,*M*. hi: And other homes both had sought. ISiU. pp. T<'*2. fairly “dignity sinn ordinance, and for it. looked more like a 3 f Oilier form*-rly OCcopi* *1 F-jr I»r N* h.in made a to Russia. It man” in the chattel of A and superhuman being Whose visits with them sttnl ght 1 n ugl t; This hook has b en recommended reproach prevailed yesterday! The Tribune that Cel. Ellsworth's highly down than an says once all and it of tin* noble in the man trending helpl&ss mortals, M y sister, the lion. Mr. Donnell, the late accom- throughout Kuropc, “neighbor” proud funeral took The by eon-j man. Amid the roar of the ar- i place to-day. corps* P H HARDING. M. D filmed ill most countries down to a who has heretofore been his vassal ! And ordinary of Common Schools period was deposited in the Congressional bury- And when affliction's dreadful blow plished Superintendent of an “autocrat !” and of and I VllYSKTAN ami SC IK! in their histories when civiliza- all this from the lips lillery, rattling musketry, It will lie sent north MON, in this State, President and Prof. respective ing ground. loved "tie 'neatli tho waves laid low, ; hy Chaplin We blu.Mi to think that while the Democ- of sabre strokes like ELLSWORTH. ME My tion was much more spread among falling lightning train. The of Watervillo and others widely .Monday's engine companies Office and Residence at the h u.-e ol the late Who to soothe the widow's woe ? | Foster College, j tin* West asunder the no- about him, that never once sought the than it now is in Russia. Rut racy of rending lofty plume and various will act as an escort ^»r. .McAllister. 1 people j j regiments »i>terf and we think that it deserves the highest ! b11• >t fabric of modern times, in w* nt down, while ever and anon it was My nations grow faster now-a-days. political j to the station. ! commendation. In it, Mr. Han- orb r to rivet more the chain of seen the smoke of battle, ; preparing tightly glaring through is at Alexandria. The Zou- DAVIS A Is O it II, And when in sickness and distress. It is a fair inference from the All cpiiet son has rendered a service to the cause of multipli- th the Autocrat of the tlo' star of in and show- «h L'-giU ait I r* tail dealer* in ! good African slave, hope Napoleon, Who came with dr ds to bless j that aves are in the outer the kindly cation of scientific discoveries, fifty his arm” was still ! (piartered depot, I instruction in Litin, for which ! North is seeking to cement his empire by ing that “right uplifted JIARDAS AUK, IRON AND SIT,El.. The widow and the fatherless r preparatory will do as N.Y. regiment in street, the Michi- years of the nineteenth century ami for 11 * like! King his own accurate and his an act which acknowledges and is based striking victory. raged 44 *•,. sister. the No. 4 Main mbi t. K.ii.-v* ih. My scholarship large much for the of man-1 gan regiment is also in that town; j political progress the common brotherhood of man.— an unloosed lion amid the foe; and his ! experience and good success as a classical i upon 21st N, V. is half way between When former friends were far from kind as half a millennium of the middle regiment me. Will not some member of the Southern (•yes, always terrible in battle, burned; j teacher, has admirably fitted him. The sc* I If Russia had been situated like I Alexandria and Kong Bridge, and seven F. A. DUTTON, And 1 but stranger faces sec, ages. of North America move with increacod lustre, while his clear and l vti ms from < ’a*s.ir. Sallust and Cicero, Congress N. V. regiments I tit) from t.ho how heart lias for thee (five Germany, in the heart of the Kuropean heard above the termoil of yards wholesale and retiil di aler in O, my longed 1 that the manifesto of the of steady voice, of his orations and of his her intellectual would Kmperor bridge. AII the stores are closed. The sister. thirty-five cj'isthe) continent, progress Hu b ( of the House '! strife, was worth more than a thousand My d.i read by tin* berk Ellsworth’s death ns (’orn and Fine Ford, the references to the rules and have been as and she is th citizens Flonr, copious prin- equally rapid, the. to cheer on his followers. At loyal regard Rating the single clement of color, trumpets and thus their l*Ko\ ISIONS, A.-.. And when again I turned my feet of the tlx* brief but member of the of nation- murder, sign'fy opiuion.—■ GROCERIES, ciples grammars, notes, Youngest family are identical but how a knot of Russian soldiers problems nearly ; length, seeing was last to make no 4 mi-.i lb me friends to greet, be.■ 11-1■ nature decreed that it should Jackson Main kt, Ki ij»w uiii. ward, my early sufficient, tlx.* that is needed ju-t that fora time had a devour- begged night throwing light are being dve l ! \\ long kept up he would die in de- Wh.> rhecred with converse wise, dis* rrct he so. ’flic bulk of her dilferently they hilej resistance, but swore just where it is ne ded,—the attention given great population j the is tin* dut’n*> fire on his men, he wheeled his horse 1 manifesto ing ■ outspoken upon fence of bis the _ Ii. l l,.Mi:i:. My sister will remain far behind the (lag. Among captured T7. j to words, and the well prepared probably long ol th it is full of wise and af-! m 1 drove in full upon their levelI- Manuht tan and *1 »!• m synonymous nobility, gallop secession! Is v,as a of same class in countries mo r' nephew Corcoran, Who low in death’s embraces make this a book of greatest fivorably lectioiKite counsels for the multitude who t muskets. A few of h‘s guards who lay. ; vocabulary, but the and the Washington banker. circumstanced, intelligence never allowed that to leave their And I from thee was far away, I excellence, and the one that should be tlx 11 are soon to taste th blessings and the plume j Tlio World that have AND WOODEN opinions of We.-teril Kuropc cannot fail after him. Without wait- says reports kON HOOPED BUCKETS .N r allowed one word to ni all schools. of freedom. St. Haul is to j sight, charged parting say preparatory ■- perils F. Whvio there are n ver r.: pr following: successive have a towards ...... t *t.. ... t.■ pullings re, Kuiperors loptc towards themselves, and that the be>t ID* m ; American This is the » i' .i v sister Dixons Personal of L**rd be n sen that the re- Hag. only battery J. \V. I’ *n, Loved History the serfs. It has Murat was a thunderbolt on that laws cannot benefit tlnwo wlio will not i»y. and Fort Monroe. fl. .* K of ArxLrr*; Political Pit of -ia l"s in the creati m of between p.iblic demption ll and the deeds that w *r• wrought Washington li -lp th iiselv Here is a *111 cnee wor- day, by The Times S3!) DITJC3 '3 If) lies. L iton ; lb mains of A1 xander a middle da-s. ari l ta.s can be ae- Washington despatch says UtXj College only thy of written in letters of him will furnish themes for the and i hTATK >ri;i ;;r. Mr heiu-jr gold:— poet that Lieut. ku.-wwitii. o x x c o o n it c n c c. do Autoi l fr« dom to tin* low- ( Striker, Company B, Sargcant ib ; K-views, .-omp!i.-he by giving a he p | Toeijueville Kssaysanl ••It i> only b. ;i"idueus labor, rational painter. of staff and Brown- ...... A, t.. m x: ...: r est, an l thu> allow, ,g five play to in Aleock, Company JOH ril l UMiMI A Co., of their strength and their A who shot Cor- vidua! ac in n s and amliilioii.— employment ell, Company Jackson, Fables of Forben'Icel.ind and Fleet* juisitivi e« above No. XII. Pibrius; r -oitre a strict onomv, and. The N< w Orleans Della that and some oth- MERC 1L\ XT ■ i;;- says A, J TAILORS, Tli Kmp ror Niehol; thought of i**’•' poral Killing Company I'liiumuim, l m’>1. n uf 1 *r«*>id* nt Lincoln and its eunse'juenecs. all. an honest life—a life constantly tin* eo-t of maintaining the Southern army the escort of an.I •!' 1* r« >.-i th slaves, but the difficulties by ers, will compose military ehisiug f ir f‘im\,) ‘-wvykr —In mv la-t I referred t 1 by the of the Lord—that at T.'i t Piekriis i- In,(MM) Ellsworth's to New York. Con. cloths, \ on111n<;, a v, I'll! 1, 'Mia ARTKRt.V lit’. VIEW 1 »It Al'KII., wit * gi- it that even his u- na- iu~pin per day. remains, imped can arrive at > a vi-it t » tli* I’liila 1 N \ .ir 1. (the prosper-' Butler has his commis- Kent !»<*ur b' 1 mt \\ :.it» /’.« '{ r>-, .M.uii Stretl t Ip'ii ivy lias the f.Ilowing urtiel*s tur« an l iron will recoiled from the ta-!;. they pea-ants) formally resigned it v and eii>•; o it d < Mr B!I<« >rth. 1 *wtli*M-t < lie hi ware. l> -tituti *n in tin* hrmaii.F1* manifesto was which decree* present >5am»fv tur-r f *. *1 " h hr at ! K I' Metropolis, published, : sucee-s of his h mvolent d. dgn enlist for the full three on -erf plete will term, r U.K. KIP AM* Till' K Si nee t: at visit. I bad i*i »t t e.ill i-ii and Dutrli Art African IF- .v ry F *r*l the gift of freedom to every throigh- Dairy Farming. probably an 1 we are mire there is not an lmgli-h-: remains with mit ti»* The * i \ i i1 ws»r i a 1- years, and be accordingly 13 O O T S two who are in it very >taii!e •Fi of Pitt Indian empire. For the la A do/, n there has gentlemen engaged (urreney. m:::i h; idling, wi >, after peru-.:r_r tin years been, II. S. hasbecn thanks him f r this m the General. Fay U Y t Ai r i'i:! \ l\ »'V-. IT ■ I in the northeast mire- and .gn:.nim- no bran h of that Captain Or large inn establishment Finance and Legislation Ir >u Manufacture in ii:'■ -1 ). will not e\. la:m with U-, L" perhaps industry has an.I f uir .1 ., New \ rk. Pack live the Czar ! uni! in' yield 1 to tin- husbandman bet- « m. r ■< < < /IK* it / K. .«/» part city, staff left discretion- 4ft r hen volenee, disiirtcrestedn:1 s, I appointment entirely .»n a 1 tUr-sigl.; t r or surer than a inan- t N i\y Yard I eir w rk- are trg* w hh| and tlie four Pritish K views, £10.00. profit.* judiciously General. e e and e\ 1 >u;\:g •. i i 1 ary to the ■ prnd / l the HATHAWAY A LANGOON. *. Tin v build ir-rn steauvrs •»! a larg dairy. .Nothing produced upon -.•a' wi : M V-. m\k »"i; .It \j P r ••■•iv•• 1 fr en •• at Nkw 25th. II Suwarrmv b n iiv ng iww, he might, Charge of Murat Eylau. York, * ■ farms of this meets with a more: in 0-2:> t-. :U»M feet in Tvv IVof Mass, country n ■ x.■ ia^_fr length. \ W illi imis A t’".. m, without have -fluted such an A contract has hr nted lor IS ri- ( r ale than butter an l ! lit b»r blasphemy, ady milk, cheese, « are now at the whari, n »t yet i bis nuuib>-r lias three illustrated art i I s o! BV .J. T. INiADLKV. fled steel camion lor Gen. Sickles’ 'J.lU i/ii J u [Hi lying aehiexeue at in the term of one half j when of and brig- AH), !■ specially pure, ^ood ipiality | \o. Isli *'!;»!«• MhtI, < a. and an !;• r i- n tl. ***• ly and th** usual number uf readable and ii»t*r- tv to <• ad ■. >npl* her famous despatch—(>' »d ! well Falvcs and incidental i at th it Murat put up. pork, j it, I. \\ ha .. It 'I'll Steamer Coatzaeraleos has arrived J*, ( Fortner!; f.) f. and n w covered withb-avy rs. -r*> i- l*i ii- ,5 to A: vaiidcr ! layl.m always ap- rn»*al, being •.--•ir.g pap Harp Magas always to a well conducted dairy, also sell ! •OA' FJ* MA H > / in hi.- ino-f terrible aspect. Tliis readily from \\ on to-day. " sheet* of ir *n. a Wei* me visitor into tens of thousands 11.-.-1"N Ml! II VM then occurred. fra fpmi Fort Monroe lien, liuttler sud- > t > d by a g- tit Jem an in the of-see 1 h id n that is is the m- r an- a scale with what cows for since to do f*r tl. *.tl uf puMi All wanted, interference on gigantic 1 ifver 1m 1 ieh to dairy purposes, any ha lore opp— 'trength ( deuij. made hi- appearance yesterday in * :i aii ir oi v..-s 1 i< ! r v m h b the of sort of to that branch of the sub- inoer building uouneeiiif-nt of it* r the .ksej- arc 1 to rights < on justice Hailroatl Tirs. j*ti hy suppose property. ii oth r, and a otnpb te victory II i:i|iton at tie: head of the Vermont Lniubor. an t Would oc a much S|».jr^. i i had I--* n. that lie* b n and a.s bolv t* f ■ rts had -1 no d from lo ir to h ir. ; up/ hir;jT v\. r* of vv and -* estates for hundred- of than \vc now h.\ •-al. \ t!ie other timbers .od, • f full of g-'od along with the r* ie l in ~p 1 to burn the s * > tilings. Lurope. ]>on.i]*:irte possess- but ( tli** r r* !.* ;»• t -Id me it bad mv' of and that was all ; no vic- imp %»• I'. e.-iratc i j *pri"t I'll I \ w : M"N ilia di !- an < \ pure!, ion the field, tie' of the ad- < -rat: no itatc by activity T, late in Id t w it' :a that ri 1. he careful »n-i 1 »n, and inti t Xki b-i-n at the inn numb r, j torv was ever > > like a defeat. muird. Celt. Butler intended ^ I" ! generally—111tvv lying r--ting presenting 1 yes- A CV, tui- 1,-0 .v \\ eivdingly know!'-!•/ of the d• ftcnmi l»r.1* ot eow* ha- bought the serf- with the soil, e win. wharf b" said hid l**;m»* f vv »ar «tlv merit.* for the m-v- •• a» a title in law to their — and he h ti tvv i* all of iron d'!i artie! the F lit-T, entitled flic good -imW, and th little that lay S'-at-j ill between James and York * s building throughout by ponds 1 IU-h nt A* peninsular a. m. \m.i > i a i «> sin A4 as he ha- te tile glebe it- 'l. Ill" eral d.iirs hu*bandry. *• 1 »v»*r it were frozen sutli hard rivers. The and Vermont 1! k*e!, t! -t-Tti \ -t, t!i rib-. tl team, Pi* kins und-Stealin's lieVUion,** shou! I b* icntly Troy regi- aiul Receivers et of the CUiair n-sullied that (diari L. I’ll.::, in hi* ..nlIv Coamissiou Merchants ipation to be ir thous- published ment.' arc near The the all are «»f iron. re i b P.I. \ ,tv\ t'leexe*'lien V proj- the artillery. Seventy-on encamped Hampton. the knee.-, plank, ithstonding to book Mi* f a n 1 I biir\ Farm- the would consent rolin- upon ■ ■ in :i on one and I.ime.' A after the \M» CKolH CF. •■’- a* proprietors and side, Igor FLOCK Tl ut-i !■• eo\.nng i* in larg -li •I th- Jun iiuuiIh r, t number will eighty-five of lauding Troy rogi- July ■ their and the Well remark-, the the legal rights; though on tie arose from the lro- ing, nbjeets dairy iii' it sni’• -1 for ,\ w \ ork. t. :• M A pii-h thou-mud other, A l> If. / 1 «J /. /•*■».' • of an inch an 1 bav. arte a- writt a P.ivard favl ilavv- f*.in»e five r -ix ights ihi'k, by -r. i- enough to a» three Ibid: the ion of milk lor: Kmperor poiitie compliment /. ii field on which had that product T e II in i' t l-aec has to Charles- ©. M BAA-CNT. 1 gone rivets thr the ri’ tli 11 I. and St «we.— they slept to .ii by means of *ugh th, dui"-, .well, Mi>. tin in for th. ir liaoce witli -ah*, confine l milk dairies, and put patr'oti" eomj in without tent or cover- mainly ton. Ti c Blockading S' of Fort /!< vr. A( I ti’ght Kebruary’, pi;.dron \:l seem* t > b < x firm ind ii ma le We ad\i-c the lovers of reading to.-ub- has it no ta-k to -in ilk r farm* in th of laro* 'I- ■••edingly good hi- wish**-, lie found vicinity of H*n 11 .1 li c 'll tl II I.- easy ing, to battle for a continent. Monroe consists the Minnesota, Cum- Angeroau. e * f' WaAl'in. Jr >r V <• 1 It I' rv i »u* to water. •**riV 1 *r the Atlantic, l'lektn r A IAcids, to in luce them to .-urivn h r all control town*, w :i• •: a mi.vd i-follow- entirely imp* on was r.» it*- 1 in husbandry V alike.'. Star. and * • ■ the berland, >!.»•' Hi ». I '! II I I. left, utterly early (Junker City J* 14*01 « the hi-t cm of but t I. > 41 1 he sued has boon < ready Jlcon ers and st.um engine* are constructed. ce|U-'d I To Ml the Publisher. iiudly distinguished by tlic Uu—ian calm mow- l h morning There are ci.-ral prizes in the enemy, -t I'm* and tin* l dc-i *ation ot firmne-s and moderation. The ti\ Ii. maik nilik; m.i .lire rv f• »r d ung *> muefi, and such v.*ry liii- is tfi -tin l ii* 1 vv rk of it.- kind in Kmperor ranks down with their d -Trn harbor. The arrival of the frigate -Miss- v. ha.- to take the into his eh •>•*• *, carrie 1 on tin Fr circumstance uti a nobility e k which w re or- was will'll active w rk must, of course be, a* it is, this country and each succeeding nutn‘ er is -ought while the cavalry, i-sippi expected opera- heavy to make them the in ear- -omewhat similar to the manulaeturc ot counsel.-, agents d* red to came on, al- tions will I" itndrrlakeu Sewall's Aft SPRING STYLE! seal *. •rill in advance, in s *me of the charge, thundering against grand particular, out ids will, them butter, and *.uuct mi■■- unit l \s it it it a* ning giving p*vtty in* »'t hitting tii french v\ 1111 I Vint. In tli action la-' threw is *..e!» in 1 1 that and I last. It n vv .—Ires11 a.-iu vv Mown Infantry Sunday It iron, very envy i-always dear to understand at the -am, tine- an obi** t of on the farm. y their lances before were vi-iob- pur-nit or lour of lie pbel.' were dismount- ■ long they guns the a* a l all well '*• ir .n to**, to Ik* wrought into il »W'.rs, and welcome \i-kt-»r will wool l be and Tii dill rent t* -Imuld be I,. I>. SH AW A (■().. ap(H*als that hi- paramount, the storm. oh|«*. kept ed and it i' well understood (hat at least, ra- as * through the attention I < >r !nc i* n -. and desired •, title 1 to, rfi hulls* !i 1 1> the arlic.-t e in tic* sole lion of rows; for an- Ll> call dful p r-gulat-d ls*'|iiets that the clmi left to and l in view 1 sliap them, 1 in and ov the whoh in*';i 1 tv 11 i. if cun- HjKTR^ol " '> really ii>-mm rthrown, I'ii’iiT) »» t for t. and fast- ned into th in*--* t >r hi* h it in ring. It lias 11 writt -u stories, high all this .-In• »v of ileferem e. wa- that who-h imal* whirh Would m d, j div i«*n, cmipo.'i*d ot LftMui men, with profitable tain- d 1 ■'» guns. .n i* with .i* much c.i>f and Iv finished and the latent fashi i-kn K igli-'aim u as llob»ud>. the milk mi-dit hc\ei-, Hibboii', Flowrrs, Ju.. d<-ign*d di-pateh engravings, ovnaimmg-t ib.•*•. ii-.ii of |,bi“b were or dairy, unprofitable I'ln.* Michigan regiment is mis, raptured ■ •- expected » V s it were invited two ago f *r th »»:i: t• r or The best as it vv re toe in and I Ul The year- dairy. *■ »n from several B rt it. Their a- rtruei.t, a* though pliant nobility slain. Washington, aUo frooi .m -,.*•)I. ,• L *i»ii .. I... .j u I,,*., im. regi- to form e> >m mi It s and to frame their be kept Urgei njlvt Ir-','n nt wood I n h 11 sKtiot.n Jut r.n ai., Part ‘J, \ 1. II. .In th-m the sow storm clearing up. -m nt' from New \ "ik and Hosfnn. «nt own of email r ation. I he-• j• HIM!, g d an l Upon illimita- N 11 iw a-t .tii,‘ i..g tli nv- r of u.in 1 ov r A 1 lartlnil A New ^ rk. plan- plans \. ah'-1 t<> the to w hich »;.iTly k'pt I w Voriv, 2.'»tll. sn’ alt- nt- :»• j Napoleon peril May > «ill receive j have be u into a at St. ble !’<•■ I. im:«\ and aim--t do, | m m.i Thi- i- re*-* iV"d ai d o digested system n was ami lie inline naiciv it- always prove of the I'nitud Auril 12. lbtl. 1- Hi it! r 1 r all the v.i-t and *-t n-eful Maga/iii" ju.-t pr oro'l_'UI, Major Fiujohn. porter I* iti* in ■ imiin unit’ rumen an 1 tl« .-auto i- true of all •uiiTH, r ,,i. unpro’it.iMe- Sl it' lii been c’.ir.-tv n*tA hi use, an l which enables mm t > !>•• all that the re ‘run. n I. It it-1: 1 a L'i'au l by tlie Annv. elected publishers charge Impel other kind- of ft.Mil -tork. To inak tin- Hrigadicr >i|* ami form the basis nl 1 t » t!iEmperor, i1 a n l ami ih whole N ithiu : (i< n< il ul tin: I-t b*i/idi dI N. \ vol- t <1* with at c •. an 1 is full of eli"ie»* r* a lln^r, and inn t tail cavalry. gr* amazing -p*-*-1. the manifesto which has been in -t that in he mad'* fit of a dice. ju-t pub'i.-b- was furth r from wi dairy, unteer'. Ci|. Vlliti> regiment sails to- that win'h d<*«\ 1*01111 not d • at all, or the in -t 1 iSii-lims. S-nd I t a f] Eonaparte’s they plr;w ■ I. From the liniment of its nr.im'e gi it rare, I with a good degree ul | app1 than the of his ie. coup!« day lor Fort .Monroe, t'ol. Wilson's reg- 1 v and with immense in n nun.li r. an] t it. IT ice > \ nt* n .perl:.tion. bringing hat formed a Ci part i-t •!** bIow degrees, ry the serfs are Imt two \v 1 an 1 k ll i- r 1. < ’mv ing tree, .-e Hi at calf, 'piii iment will be mu.-tcri ! into scr\ ice of' \ Hm.1.11 poteutiaMy into I'ngreeiiient this to-day. •mi style i” ..j inventiv edits. he 1.* in a con- i. r, hut tii working tear- are allow- 1 f>r the of tniis- -h mid perfectly Imilthy and of cair> ing "i, i!u* p'-riod stage of lit battle, but there was no oth- Tin* CM. Karrigan's reg- result of well direct i. nt v•:\zis:: i"U Jim is in n <>ur the dition, and fed the kin 1 of food mind.*! —the piti IVu M itiuii, during which existing arrange- er resource left him. upon iment- will *ooii have their ranks full.— t * of the tabh ments will he maintained. i!i.■ largest ■ >// thought. Murat -ustain- 1 his high reputation on adapted prod.iclion (1i|. Slierutai: r< im< ut has been accept- k in this of milk or butt Auoth *r im- on A in ti\ 1 r the rovenu-nt \\ have ri n th" stand strong this, imj -{ piai-ol The first result of ..1 an, of course, th occasion, tilt l 11:.its-• lf for the quantity ol by government, 'flic Great Fast- proved eit cows t ■»i» tVug is that -build have' *r of the «>f -111 an! »n^ra\- ■ p*ri oni .'ailed this Kill, if ntiiid, and t tlio cultivation Magazine, plat- is that th s.-rf ae. a r ;ht in hi~ la- hundredth time, Worthy of the greatest early morning. ptir g » » 1 with comfortable shed- in an ol uc of iw st >ri«s.— dry y.nds, j 11 \ t>old cu-• In-art too, that tin- tnont ingenious, most |*»w- in--, 1 especially bor, and this is the basis of the whole coulideuco Napoleon placed in linn.— i.Ti'iotti:, 25th. I r a o n- -uinmer, and warm w- 1 veiittll.it l .-table.- urful, and newt Woiidrlul ol all other ma- It c intinuis to be a f.ivuritc \vit!i tin- la lies. scheme. His bud. in stead of Nothing could be more than the No trai ls mn over the Baltimore .and an^ei.T nt. monopo- impo-ing iu and of tie* winter, always plenty purest Ohio liailronl last and not e arc id linn f chines—the human mind, Is- moved in Aktiii i;' M m. Ma*.\/.ink » u Jim in n bis labor for will have to battle-held at this moment, lhmaparte night may u| lising nothing, of Water. Wh* all llie-c eenditious are nd* l«»r a i Flewu subservient to uur table earlier in the month than usual. him for all ho and the free and the trembled in th balance, running to-day. engines and a the right direction, and made pay reiptires; Empire !1 cannot hut y uiu*t in- coni] I with. dairy fanning The June numlier rh.-e- the \ duino. It ia the of while Murat to lead down his large number of ears are detained at Har- firm. ill the b at ol purpoM*. peasant, being r..ipt wage-, prepared ho remunerative. to save them. s men i»U»r this the maintains its usual and has its will have to pay his former owner lor all cavalry Seventy piadrons, per's Ferry. Forty-nine eniploved The present is a fery trying time for euellance, Then wh *n butter and cheese i.- that he receives from him. The first making in all 14,1100 well mounted men, again, on tli road ha’ e b« en arrested there and The usual ol and elegant il- mu-t wa ll and to merit u worthy pr.. tors of this enterprise. variety £«»■».! reading made ihr the market, it he pr lie is In and loud.— pnti to move over the slope, with the Old inipri.-oii'd. It is currently rumored that and an 1 lustrations. thing reiptires lgiinz in order to command the iplni-'i* iron steamers which they have built, l neatly put up, ho liliiie- are on at and the lienee he is to retain the cottage he now lu ll'd marching sternly behind. going Harper's Ferry, highest It eo.-ts no more to make cal are vv re lor Florida, and was more price. but deliuiti is known. Pleiue building, designed o with a of land sufficient ] Kou iparte, it is said, agita- nothing yet Serf in eupies, piece a hun Ir 1 1- of 1»1111<■ r of the line-t IKJ.b. mu there to New Orleans. Hut F r Tho Emancipation potin \ I to run fr for Iris wants; and for these ho will have ted at this crisis, than, when, a moment \V SI! NoVo>, 25th. iJlliMiKS. tli oi it d < > to luce a in- Russia. pro \ery \V '! rn V the seee.xiioii r> -Jh'>n has blast'd to rent to hi- landlord, llow the' before ho was so near quality. irginia is an to Cuil present, pav being captured by to exception terior article, w!ii! there i- from fifty I*o their in that direction. rent be a matter for ad- the Russians. Rut as lie saw those sev- the order of the tma-tcr General prospect* ( iii oiMloi iiil.lc Situation. shall lie paid will stop- Vii a hundred per cent, diflercuco iu their val- > s on a th mads in the States.— it s •••tin* to a Xtelit. t It will be enty down ping seceding Indeed, grtat par justment, probably paid partly I'tadrotis coining plung- to Th hc.-t ANT & Co. the while ue when brought market, F\'TV will be afforded for iiliz all husinesi lor the save that lli.- from all in labor and in kind Hut this in trot, hard after facility postal are mi- present, W claim iiiurning liberty partly ing pressing a «\V article meets with sale, -e: ar- of that stream ’1 in a always ready aei oiumn lat ions in that tion. There is arc We hav li. it ;i votive oil. for 1! 'ill. not the in i-t of the Murat, front, i building and prepar- in the military and naval line. loving ring important part plume and reflects credit the inak' r and upon a o il of eoal from been of th it The desires to smile over liis countenance. great Cumberland, ol th.it here may Im-sure ll has the misfortune great arrangeinent. E.uperar passed while the other i- a drug at plenty you ns vender, any M l., on tin* w:;\ to ti<] water. down to the hour, establish"'] in Russia a of small Tue earth groan 1 and trembled The prin- a of i-ollicrs llmp'ro that, pro-cut body and m i\ wa ll o •-•a-iou a hlu-h of To-day, April jMth, regiment price, or in the which WOHIv. whole of il- of the same they iin'S’d, and the sabres, above the ciple only difficulty way of who left list unarmed, have re- tin: agricultural population proprietors, exactly dosdrip- shame, the face of him who makes in the In-st manm r. night just some mass looked like the upon is the refusal of the rebel at Har- have be mi slave-. To correct ol tion as our ancient yocmcn, who, dark angry below, troops and all kind' ot buck the ni di at Balti- judge ly or sells it. >hipbuild- turned—driven by on to a I low to our three centuries w re tore- foam of a sea-wave as it crests the Ferry boats pass that ou reasonable terms, this fact, we must dismiss from minds ago. allowed per'' more th- same who withstood the Ma-vsa- From on haul, r built to or- as the franehis'. It is The of their armor, and! present appearances thisob- the coarser adjunets of slavery it ex- tain forty shilling deep. rattling point. al shot t nut o*«-. A Iso chusetU tro of their \o liras in LvikS'WN 1*i vs. Mr. .'trU' iion will not continue. i|«s yesterday. ists, tor example, iu the Confederate provid'd that ill" freed serf, if he choose, j the muffle l thunder tread, drown-1 long / Muj'fi A*h Oars Hut 1 need not write of this, for will id all the roar of as w ith linn, set John M. Smith, of Wh ,ill.tud, ini’orms u, I mu vna i*olis, 25. Jan you States of South America, ns well n- in shall be at liberty to purchase bis holding battle, it all the before this can isants on terms, and thus his and swift, motion, they bore that ho sowed o 1 -g acres of peas h t Governor Vales, of Illinois, and Sena- soon to be get by papers long Cuba and llrazil. The Hus.-ian p. fair change posi- array, steady on tor Trumbull arrived Govern- The here arc mar- tion of a of the soil.— down with terrible front the foe. the irerk in .hun, and aril, fuf wlc, reach yon. p pie exceedingly were not bought and sold in the open to that proprietor year, first tiny yesterday. immense host was I wore tie* hu g ors C unison of Yates of UBiM one is does not the \\ bile tin of the is The shock of that Ohio, Illinois, I J. H. HlddlNfl. patriotic. Nj tolerated that ket ; they were not driven to labor by cooperation nobility entirely uninjured ly the front were sown ea corn and Morton of Indiana have had a C:uS s> in their the out of those like a mountain, and AH long g> lor the Union. 1 juppesc it is in lash, nor wore they outre god do-, earnestly invited, carrying falling They ground. nut he left in line of the Russian went down like hut one aero was sown without conleieiiee,- the result of which has not Maine. J. U. me-tie relation.-. Still they were slave-. arranglmciit.s is to wholly army being w ill he sent a frostwork before it. Then commence 1 land harrowed and cul- beenNnadi Gen. McLellan and They had no civil standing. They did, tin ir hand-. Commissioners plowed—the being public. USB. 1 will form a of hand to hand, and tivated in t!i and the the Governors reviewed five regimenAs of I not count for men. They could hold no into the various districts, who protracted tight spring, peas gang- tfttlly action I uited States and two of State j.i-i in-1 own miserable with the local authorities, so -word to sword, us in the cavalry iu. file peas on the acre that was regiments rorth and vi (btoKEi) Catti.e.— A correspondent of property, nut oven in their along many plowed own small courts of for be- at E 'kmuhl. The of steel was were the best. The whole troops. The General expressed surprise d to Boston, the X. II. Journal of Agriculture gives chattels. Their labor was not their ciptity arbitrating clashing plowed crop, lacated the of countless and however, bushels at the of the and was sully method of — it was all duo of to their lords, tween the and the nobility. Ci- like raging hammers, averaged thirty-five per proficiency troops, been the following simple relieving right peasants b iatt su^ in was 1 with their advancement. •• in horses and riders were blended wild acre, 'flic what is known giMtiiie choked cattle : a little black who returned them such portion of it.- vil organization is to proceed hand variety highly >ist Apply /up. *• -rilsr.^a reserve Go nor Morton has Hon. M. would ibr a band with the of confusion the Russian here as the (••anada The peas appointed ,o uiay desir« p* r to the note. The sudden convulsion fruits as suffice living. They process emancipation, together; Creeper.’* were and on these -Murat fid 11 were oil' to allow the land M Ci ek Colonel of th 1 Nth the wi re deemed tho law a of tho es- and the seed will he ordered up, early enough re^i of the muscle* ejects obstruction, and by part ^ of.self-government j with Ida lie tee and he Sown to wheat in 1 ..vn m meat Proprietor. animal is relieved/’ tale oil which lived, were sold .sown the Empire. horsemen, crushing to y-o ■it j the they they throughout 25th. A to the Tribunt, from ITEMS. Washington, dispatch Annapolis Tin* New II nnpsliircregiincnt was rwviv d <'•»!. Irvine, cross -d the Ohio nut o'l A Thrilling Scene. t >g-th with th men who had Warded LOCAL AND OTHER The. remains of that all is there. Gov. 1 licks had the President t *1. \'- ut t -i Col. Klisworth were, says rjuiet by to-day. Kelley's regiment i r, til the block-house, which arrived. I ? ! ♦'!.** :»i t** »*• fV.»m iH'4 hi"* against The former had Some 300 of the IM New York tinin the 14tti Ohio tie I-r •• t„'«* the latest tel this morning, consigned to the east room tele.raph operators regiment rej!tn« p had with all it* give in nn extra * ! 'truck, garrison.while y\Vr II d taking their instruments with them.— refused t L* sworn in and w» r>-sti Suttd 1 t *i•• «* M \ I ! >1 t , l of the Presidcht’s house, where to-day, ij»- the and enfold a in our reg- they lay The lines are now in rg' of the with all news, copy the hands of the Gov- j*ed of their uniforms. Dissatisfaction wan d Park r-'*urg at h-*s>' <*n from ih r awl Brother*. portion bridge, graphic in state several The was j>:at Harp* -• hours. coffin ernment and all ocoupi J t atdone 1 it, had vanished in- und e.ilit caused the bad Mon-I th r»1 ■* P .. ?{• j*« up ular issue. working. dly by commissary ay Ti«- * ura* hr ft«• f rik an »«!• with the American and or- A t r wn work of a draped flag Washington disprleh to the Tribune uui igen ut. haste, and I I K lie? in th It tli" single to tho advertisement danel n.yjr ibly \ ttr* T t j*af r«’t N th rhta !» r* iy We call attention with the choicest flowers. The face sn\-that a from Baltimore has It is r-< >rted tliat all is at Korlr n irowm* bit to its low- gentleman ]• quiet -^i'in ot th*- thi- ; instant Hi Sell* a pla«v .« t’i* i ail * m* yawned Mr. Rollins large red the War a • Trtny # of Rollins. keeps was to view. off Battalion and Mmroe. l» •lore er the < r V r •• n ?*p:i»»r-S th nn across Henry exposed publie Many per- Bepartment ring *! 1 then cist its waters in a tt f. t t'» Max f r.»r £«a. line and is ol four 12 Six addi- tim. Rntlcr has men w H M P Han P* i- I r n t» t y stock of in his prompt sons, principally soldiers, visited the Battery pounders. 10,000 there,but pr hit i the f rts, and far goods ti nal ol Indiana volunteers have not move until lie ha* m The men •! ■■ ? companies l(*,0O(t 7th of \\ ntern \ ir„- ! tii* nsi piur*. ■ his business. White House. ? I in I. Tli earth shook as with i-> at !.• accepted Tin re gr m ternati m New York leaves lor Lone on Sat the nun as In r l«, ,tt*| th t regiment th h il •! » ii v :i! U the I weather New York, 27th. air the S mi tfvHij# In ?, th throb of a volcano. A wild -There has icon much rainy mg them mail contractors owing urd houses, lioni's. familt. and r*% «. glare ty. j ••-j* : I 1 a tic one and so much so as A to the Herald states that to the diseontiuuauce ol the mailsT- to a l »’i tbr moment, nni it has lioen cold, dispatch abrupt V dispatch the 7’ '?///< say* that sal.* umh r their pruteet ! v u of late, > ! Gen. Scott, General v. flier •. Counts from tin1 Counties K< «* x ; *'■ tk.it k. « * th n Mi*- 1 I darkness.— have not highly compliments Western of I e roller will be li a h Wit t »r »' t by pitchy to retard vegetation. Some yet I'be Convention will assemble state that \x> an i tne f* * I I «i tHi* f i- kr.lt < a Mansfield on the ability displayed in tak- Wheeling tucky secession, mob law and on ihe r-sotnirv, hot f»tt *tnj f t i-> tt t j» I! t ; l ‘loan miles wav.and their #* gardens. •n the lltii of dune. a number of lenee rule there * snk r »i • •*» w f rtv planted ing posossion of Arlington Heights. Quite will he frusta ! ih imk' rk. ring thing, even in remote places. O'b rn counties will be The 1 represented. Arm.* and amunition arc dailv L taken T'i leral's !a •, n t * ! t m-'. th i a hi? (k 1 kr^l. -*'x -Mr. Thomas Holmes, of this village, No further advance will he made into ing pr Ik j» it' t- t. The air was filled oid State <« iveruuient w ill Iw treated as vir- from t' Montg mcry t*• -a in* f* *4 in one this until the fortifications are County, Maryland, say* *S i!»-1 with* t U w h r * n of broke his day week, by making present ** leg Virginia abdicated and new State officers will \ >u are or I n t * r «« th. 'i rv ier j*l*m,’i-'!iangrave-stones, tually Harper.* Ferry. t < * At the conclusion of Divine n Th lb-1 ri* r. It it. rmix* 1 with th** a lalse his foot into a erev- be and are entertained of in- Hatail* of a new m *n will .*» <« step,and slipping completed. chosen, hopes levy of lOO.tHM) ent r tin soil of \ irgi .» V r t»» ■» » < i- 1 New new t» I t * %«'*« th »n*a I 1 jn ilb lie' of what had b l * on and carried into tion that Sewall’s has been ta- daily. pr •;*• rty Vir.ru fci » I * f.trin l I f’ t *m- t •. \ thon ml soldiers ffi rc tlr> near the Ualixc the 17th Battery The at Alexandria now a ro.*k it Mown you Cavalry captured Me, having!*, will t tln-ir at* I to ■ pa*sa huge rigt'ts .* ken the action up r.-p pi ! 1> r th: r it r r a r lai I t ?ii.c of them N.w t irleans. She is owned ut Castine by of Gen. wish to un the f j many by co-operative j ederal service. t on the truck near Han*r’s strn test .!in, ii |int-. Ferry. Ii «.a <-■-*?»• -*r raini sivk t»! h- Butler and Commodore So d. M. Marl has hem I‘.vtm aster py i, ivy i*. i even the s in* the Mi ,-srs. Jarvis, we understand, and was Striugham. appointed lines will soon connect theeauip Paeh on *f it I P in his k t bey T1’graph you mo. of Butler’s and 3S5 were of W and Zenas W. Bliss has h rn in ir -fik*. .nt*i till, | with mi!-t b ! force, Virginians oro'Kter, and the War hepartment with ea di other, h tn«*r of Ohi » uni tie l m a \ » tr humanity. built at Castine and not at Medlonl as sta- when the surrendered to a in the Census Bu- and will follow the advanced column*. rim n hall-, Htuk'ttf mark!*. * hitt*-*ii-4, 1 ir* i. m l was not killed, Battery appointed^to clerkship ealle I lip'll t > overt »m an arm Pjj K ipp* ted in the reau. papers. Fiv regiments m >ve to-morrow Ir »m Har- I »w ir* fi»!i *ih r«.ati I *Lm* c y* (Sen. Butler with 13 camion, 000 prison- kn your eourag i* •<,a il t t t*-n «*kplanch* every ;d r;»! da\ 1at r, when his M hen Col. W was more ileox asked what risburg and against 11 jU' « k* ers. ChaniL’rshnrg arj*er's Remember youf nty I .* ttii«i!- that *ui I imagifN’’! a a- *li I. doubled around an -A of-war is to lm commenced al was wanted at sloop \1 xandria. lie answered one with an advance from art.I show eyti t » th *i w1 The above wants confirmation. Ferry simultaneously merry la h. t * th mtti*' »n*l th*’ ■*» ! «li whn li from one of the of «pt- iin, hung inv at Hu- Kitterv Yard. trusty regiment Infantry, and tire Massa- the west. r, tor nmnv of t m ire no- Navy A Baltimore states that it is pow •it h a« re iik- -wi-o ill* l with *»ts in the centre ot the river.— despatch chusetts »th was i m me I > nt to -* -hip pav- L latch him. I lie report* of the misdeed* of the /oil I’lnler e*i »u the 1 valnni tw yutr prot* it*_f x?*H. «t.ik s. n* -The Maine in are be- understood that .Norfolk will be attacked Gee ‘Milan fas been inm-km^l I U S. g ir il< a regiments camp bridge burned bv the lives arc mainly untrue. Most all of them rti \ n ginia h .\ Pvn a t harp* Hilly, ■ > wh •' vat inuted. on The at old lVtut ami rebels. \ ofr.lvl was started connected an l ! r *; T *»’ i*’ ing Monday. bridge picket guard cavalry Lung by malicious persons form. Tiny **troye I. Hampton by Wasbingfo pap jean your p- II m. Henry W. Davis is stumping ol tin ir rendezvous. A to the Ib-raM that a s.it r- i a * if ink 1 v rk n a* * New Yiirk, 27. sight dispatch says lar.c islaetion of having ] r\ 1 a g J p Hi M .. bis vu dwcov- dolin C. Fr*‘m mt has ody his District for l*eeu ! the stock on the Haiti fr mi ,1 >tructi -i." w e a * w to be again Congress. A to the Tunes from Wash- appointed Maj quantity rolling p. .pie a pi.« **t L T iijrht- i'd idacrtng to the timUr-work of the despatch General. It is rumored that is more and Ohio railroad will lx* lined the Beauregard »\ e th th ot by W \«m v t 2 hh I at th j r t*iti*\ in or I r it I ultima! removal of that --Calais is to !»■ lighted w ith gas. Tin) says that the inhabitants Alex- on Al vuairiu with a force. on the and Alexandria ington marching large i government Orange The V eight r*'1*. 1* eaptur -I in |«n v fa. f 4 th »r i!» ;i u.t* r« a a -rk of Ii.ih commenced. andria are sullen and disaffec ted, and the I’la-re are eontiuiied eneounlers between our rjod. pf ipp« n!y gni.'»*d by | ijw la\iUo in The Moeavalrv wli> w r k •< jail. *•! fi' i it n 1 I I *\* b w faces to fee seen are those of the and the relic 1 scouts. Two were arrested last tie xiiiipk* I ;» g 1 11ji hich he smiling pickets spies night by oin-rs at Ah xan lria w ill u : habitually Tin* Mmni> .ita ha* to blockade put ■ t gone fhe ////<■>• lias a letter from IVteiham, I Ith *t * ) Hi hi I V» then f w a. throw it to the darkies. Several forts are being con- regiment. aw lit the aetion of the im: .t.irv auth *• -t ii \ * » i li.irl- 11 irU»r. West irginia. stating that tliere are 1.00(1 Miss lender t Massachusetts soon t > Hi* K.irtUIl- .1 -I an 'I •<*h. V'TV I. -t r 1 a Mow oil the shoulder structed there and earthworks all along goes air. .M irkte, late elerk tn t Mat* I and the are yr t troeps tliere, t for the care of the sick In I i v ? »r I. nimmttii »t< 1 with * w the river are also constructed. \n people anxiously per! arrangements ment, was examined this ui- uni tit pr> in b l page, ho w as Tlie fortification* al being lor lnuii < to riling Arlington flight* looking >hio drive them off. soldiers. v» n to .it help wliieli shows was e r Milniit l mine, nhitli f. i*l embankment seven feet mid a mile that h< in r*f Iui< fell dt • d. high I av lor 7**0 lor the 1 n It i> that numbers of slav. testimony .ir *1111dot* county gave majority reported large w »n*‘ t* I been thrown the doth N I respondeiiee ith Ihnlley Maun a** l * ni»* iy a a.i m rrnp- * at a w Kind, killed th concussion long has up by i »n Gratt n. 1-1 ycee»ion. A reb- continue to arrive at Foi tress Monroe, desir- by against 1 k ■ ■ it S an jH-rsonal friend, will !»* hi the | 11 'it ui t!i-- »*t 11 r t! titni.* v * is**. v« .1 Tl c* ’attic wall** Point rd.it. d Six hundred of ammu- el s!11»t a I niuii man last We to b* *et at work. over plaee*i of th* air. Regiment, pounds guard night. ing Yesterday forty ot t iemrai MuiisheM. !-«• 1 in a •* * "* in c> 1 uinn **1 news ia not con- nition and 250 revolvers w ere seized there have l nion force but no urrivtd and are bold ns contraltand of war .'ilut- l»y ii*fc- p td.'gr.iph enough, authority N a V >i.k, 2 'th a*;- 1 • to act iiiill r If we had a Federal oilie r The BiitiMi Seho**ii.-r with a rl«» k»w.»rk, hv wli a, .*t tut aj j- '1 \ Mm iim. .* t, ml or- firmed. yesterday and duly cmili--ated. Martial Tropic earg" Steam* r State of w 1 1 lleurgii pi-- •' here w'■ would give them thunder. All vv •: k of t »ba< e », of St. < »e \ Maine, tiiii*-, tiro, Ptru k ft.an a f it, » *- l u»* ! f• * a I. a!e s iih -1 at da\light 1«»W. having upon, rebels. FI. ur at Richmond >27 II et and arrived at tin ■ -t '• --4 in’*. tw >.iMi Kink** m inui firings per Washington Navy Parti it's ; tin- *141! «-.»rp -r.il-, my. the that could have 1 morning, with nival I'.ngid- I r In a Mlti-m t th t\v*» in4* Alexandrians they arrel. Tliere is n,» doubt of Mr. Banks Yard to-dav. The regiment arrived at \ A !'- .-1 IMS. *11, M-» -ti. r ttll'l Mli'lltv-*’* ap- Troy r ** I tress M »nr**e. The ate N i.igae st»>k or ,c th-v w trig rliint**, lii'll*-*npii* *,'* — \ contribution of has boen if desired, but if more as General F s tress Monro.* on and tin* saim \ n r » t »t.il t nm r ink »’H £|IHM> peace they any pointment Major Saturday en on the i>tli four ot I* u't j fy miles north a of w >- v V to the Tino.s that Min- a called, fleet nal;-r a II! r iiUKi M itll tin* IH'W itl *fl >*t >n to the l firing was done retribution would Ice vis- dispatch says the day captured ?i\ prisoners including rebel ii ...i o » i. .... thir'y-t r**;4lll s.-nt fr-»in 1* nion noldiert at I' ■ ■ nesota has been ordered oil" Chaileston. A Colonel. Wa- 1 I w 'th tar. tar; I '» tin T r III i/at I- 'll t tlw I ited upon them. 20,000 more volunteers pr> par JTu\l 1 is have been ordered to I g Oile.ois says that there Col. hnrv’as' regiment vv re unJ-r arm- tint ro-iit, anti li i with inflate a'd ml \rmy h im ti 1:1 th. nj* ui.< Arlington Park II. L. r arrived hen- tin** m -rn Kutg comlne-tiMe materials, tli,-—■ bark- wer. to j. tin* t .r- niis? n»r in adiili mel y ar in I’l v amiifi Tfiiry meeting* of the rc Private of the Zouaves who She was h mud t .r N *v » ble a > 1 r*»m Buckley of tin New \ -rk details of the tress M *nr> e !.• ing. i'r Hi" l t: I* t«Till f papers gi\ing they ing fireel upon. be -ent from down the river in State (lll.lkilli* tltf‘ and 1* nr. dent societies CuniiOfDced was shot whilst a offi- ! P »st‘*n but was ordered bu-k the steamer Vntwcrp ligioiis assaulting superior great military mowments of tis North.— I'he lluild also says that advices from by •‘til i*t ti 1 111 thr year*), will !*• <’rusider* detachments of eight halt'hour witii imimshutly t ir in B ol >n »n M m last. cer and another Zouave are under arrest very ■ sitting lay Business there was stagnant. Fortress Monroe suite that Cm. Mutier yes- I » '! ... I i -i r1. It.nil-?.* I iiirii f th. ebb tid. The t »a- to ele.ir the with and if The '//no' si\s i: is to ordered •"> an lii'-n to PlllI VOKI.l’UIA. 2''t!l obji \ s t 1 h charged rape found guilty the!determination terday vessels 1 2'>00 mid 41.a?.* .nijMiii exhati-te 1, if The Vermont State (h>n- Will l>i> wKnf Tin’ w if "-1 blc. tie ra t. and to c Kcpublicnn crush out the rebellion before the coming lt!i Ne\\j. it Point where f. rtilie.itioiis and «*n- Scott legion with time *>th**r r- ay p. ipy ms* -,rv. in {ill in 4 ti j til** \ .iiifiis in tn*1 1 unti-n will I- * 1-1 it the ‘Jbfli of .1 wore i ments under («eu. rson l**av«* t• of the until t1 Montpelier The Zouave Camp moved to Alexan- uly. treoehm nts imim-liat ly conunenerd. P.itt night tlle‘attention Spaniard- fir-t luMi l c u.j iues, 1 ri r t** r«e 111114 Siriiultan ■!!< aria. k- will on N >r \ to the Twits that it is on the i •stmati :i « it:e r r ol June. dria much to the of the ho made di"jtitch says Pennsylvania Rail-road, I’ortuue and the II .-hea I 'I •th -fruit*. to-day chagrin •1 1 fdk. Kichm*nd. Pensacola, the intuition of Judge 8Uj)|K>.sv:d to be the .A i" 1 l. din- t, 11? inhabitants who dislike them because Harper’s Kerry. undoubtedly Taney Harper's Ferry. uj.oii bridge-. -\ .ttr i**ti •!*-nti-t in Oxford Coun- they and a !l w to on a *• ! » j up 'tiila ill be sent down the Mississip- bring collision between the judicial r. VITIM >RK, *2 ‘til. t'i- f dim .114 v r^patn !•• mu-t r l at are not of the first, wive- It wa.» u dark mil l evening of earl? families. The !> < it f- lb r- t- t y.»l citizens will protected and trai- and military dejuirtinents and if possible t Col. l>ar a *1 r ginicnt went by tin* N *ith their ril r< l 7.1 a-. | .r t a.m nt, (r a ty pull gratis of several officers arrived. i spring. » ■ l tors hung uud their j r -perty confiscated. threw the weight ••( the judiciary against ern Central Railroad at noon in th the *tIi t til** I"l m-t mrlu*u •. u* f x JunUa r*. to-day A the If ■ of vessels «] iw\ $500 was received tor the Ells- tne iiovernui nt and in favor cl' the ie'-els. same direction as Iroppcd to-day N w York 2>th. the Pennsylvania regiment 1 K i-t M lehs I »i v a mt, l» \tt r. I> > -a i 1 I.une !u- it\tit Sun* Stt/in. \ has worth fund. He wo> luard t on t at he down the river, * dispnt**h been The Aldermen \ ded £I2JH*0 to Nickels* say Saturday this morning. they ally i*r. Ntwforf. :ml ijt.m i' i-*d .ml < ar of dark- • wish' d the would wade to their iiiinous, eaeli flaming out the e * r .1 Ir in ti of American Ex-Governor Banks is prominently brigade last evening. A dispatch to the Virginians W.V*iIIl\«;T«»N. 2hth, ship !».-!* nij'ini'-. in u- K.r-t I * * i m the Captain ship waists in northern blood. II- ro il that .1. ?1 au- ne-s. a antom of living tire. The t ir i r, n:n \S ! i.i { a w named as Commissary General. says Da\is and Hon. B The 300 men of tin* 2 1 N \ regiment ph very M »ut!i. I'. j**’ if4. .il a. 1 *.ith, nt Ni Orleans, that r The nt l tab have been ordered w t 1 g ird arc at Biehmotid t regulars who refused t » he sworn in did s !*. is of th .- lit id' ined mg th ud, |Ir >k-. I >ink an i Kairf 1 1 n, No doubt is entertained here of the cap- exp-eted --day glow fiity, »ii 1 i.i \k> n seizin! | >y the nh Is there. l n-teiiecs are I* -nstruete 1 outside •! home. hi > -. n ture of Point mg ot b ang liall starved. but re-- iving !* ttc.- lie' while its bank- wer. j,.ani*>, the md 1». Ihi.-kt. i, Sewall’s J A slave out near eoutlagration. Battery. Kielui!'-nd. All tin* on the Al-xin insurrection had broken \\ l-h.ek. and t \ndr»*Ms’ I B.ii r It that Hr F>. bridges ratio).> to day wished to r turn but the ofli lighted with a It LimiU4t>n 'j- '.// -ays Reliable information lias been received Mat in 11 one all tie up preternatural glare. dria r.-.ilr-*a 1 have been burin 1. gue,—on plantation not Hidietur l e 111 the 1 bird l ',u*i a. cers would accept them. was a tae! >injs.my, 11 and < II Hit* licock, iuivo that Ben is ol w wil l, theatrical -pc Kd<|., MeCullock within 15 miles 1’r .- ils w id .on he o-■■ ! f *r e in- hites were murdered uuu the houses burnt pompous, ; the > Cameron is in Illinois. I lies.- c an : hut uii.it rctary The array of sol tiers on both -i les of the mjai.i ,a!.,/ i, n ij j- int' 1 to c i»I.- t the S-ientific Sur- with a of struct i >n I SU A00 tons down. * gun-boats each. ■ Washington body troops. Pam ivfoRi 2 'th. t.nSit I. an 1 a* th tinx muM* T.*-4. Mill The Hi*' New New York, 23th. river,along tie' an 1 thebri Ig ; "tato, uu J* r t r solve ol last of the Alexandria reached Wash- dyk. upon ■ > only occupant Hampshire regiment Prussi m I’d rium from r I t df "if r tn alt* rn »tii Col. Jainism’s Maine were in- Park Albertino ,jinrt Slave was an old was ington at mi regiment with banners rud irand liras* winter. pen. negro who told inight. I.i'h n 1 r w;v- t i.-st on th waving, sp tili.il 'a\t f *11. M .lh it rra mustcrc 1 int > s« rv ice Palrim-re, jav < i n. e and tally : tie- d m a Mi h-.weil takes the mniund spected y strrday. in tie' lurid ■ that he could find hi- master, but he eouM Brig 2"th on Currituck. Crew saved. glancing light ti s, until a!.* I ini * n d Hi'' < • »t r of the forces in \ in of San Father I* •;n 2 »rli. • •a. i'im has c>iitr»l*uteU from his not see the and himself irginia. place fleet, no human hand, wrapped n r r in t 1 v t n -t t ! necessity attached N ■ signs of Strainer N rtli Mriton. Wea- guided by iy ford. ■ :* ."ik* t ’.lards the tie --. tvv r t .r u as cook to the regiment. (lames, and Hitting through darkie da | it.that taeh k.t- Cijiiijr- Michigan K\-< iv. Binks lav «rs an f th- r cloudy and calm. putting army with irregular nice, iie-nt. but m- drill ! i:. r t* u, until *th*rw -■ rl r at'-l th Micfii^an .uiii./r-, an* 1 The h.i- concluded a ■ New York. portent; $10,- Navy department .".I M».n-o men i: i, : ••hi, -> that the lit 23th. if be (fllstoortb Amnicun, t. h ii r■< r-i 1 r- it pr-v : ed. and ! th >r, ifh* r « *rt I ; : »r Ia n tin*-! ii contract sets < A from N w Or ^ns dat- at the ot wind and tid j j; in£ tbeir for full <>f kistair- diilicu lies Is- settled. private bi-patch aspect, caprice ■ night sig- j may sj.ee.lily -uit kr?« rs r ■«u -mu It •!. a!?- r v 2'tu. >:i\> that u t is e of et.itkill wii. ,ju a ■** nals. Their buck of the has In -t am r New \ : k i.as arrived. N ws ed sterdav. j bkrk- IT PI MP'D FA FRY FRIDAY MOKNLNh. til. death like silent exp auv. signal Navy natiit s .4r •! < hnod, t 1 ,r >14111/. iti n- < antici ‘.it'd. i aded. had ,-uoee. d d the ain l of I been mmodore Paulding. AT I K! trumpet, > l * 1 \,-t. .\ .«:•■ •,! rearranged by lots’ I’.t.OlK, Any j Mth, 14 \- .1 dm *tc •* that a Maitimore, 23th the shouts iif the soldier.-; and the w. id pajrr Lir^n F \RTI1KR 1'oINT, l>th. ii M ai.t< l t hit 1 c 1 I 1 l 1 ii New York, :17th. 1 Steam r ieorgiana has arri\ dir mhrtr -■* KLIiSW O It'r It, Mo. i-i'v of !••»:*♦ ^ an 1 has been tit darkie---. M h hoiitesputi N :gim fst amer Britain, now ou r due giovv which had sitj pi.itit. i j-aiii.it ill ... h .•«* i t» un.st r All the drilled at Coverm r\- Is- M nr >e. >!»e left there at six u\T».*k I t-1 • troo| — i Ir an : t >r the u-• •>! the Wealher alt with the .- use of inuni- udU at t t. ■; 11... t aty cloudy. A st. amer r dk eomhined p land :h i Fort Hamilton are under march- evening. small from N * "■41|r”rti*1 l,"i" tjrs* I a Wajiiinot >\. 28th. Wm. I’. J.i iilt, >Pa n.t aul re a- dang' r to x an 1 j / !'|, r nd ti it lary- mini’ r of orders. ! und r a dig of truce had just l.ai •! \ r !•'" my.-t ing Ex C >v. Banks is her*by invitation of the s on hoard the Cumberland. ni. -tH N. K. SAWYER,.Editor. tie rim i and Tin Alexandria I'ninn would not refuge oppress iiiiagin.it!.ai. •bi[ p>l pub- id War 1. ! •- !. .*.% I i, it r. and j Secretary tii. wives and children of lah irers in the a l'rf tlu .' m: .r!-. tli i.. 1. -:-n by st* a in* r lish Col. V deox's when a C res >n ntly, The iimcil has a .Inti arc s •! .• • • .* proclamation, City passed Yard. state that there from 7imi f.’-TTKN 1.1. > \-tv.*ri.**.•..• A? .. r. the to tafeh at tgi ■. t id bar l tun- vy They upon bridge.began ttiiy j *• of was -cut wh took the of- of to the of Col. Kdswort'i. N ..-in S-r !. N a \ rl iv ^ 1. Sj r >/ i-* at h m. M «\ »r- f -r tie- Vm k.> * >. and after another, in..ny 1 j 1 l th fice and it without their fa- ird had n t arrived at N .rfolk- 1 .•* ut d r th* of ti »* printed using I'll! lar>Kid’ll 1 a 2"th. Meaur g I' r:i i-ifl nvaiiil and larj- -i r- nl.iling N n *i r« auspices scIs drifted again-t ti. ; .ft. wii half li : ■ III i-T ’•* i,‘; uh t t lie L »• the in t!»»- nit-1 Suit,* and Canada?*. ar> nathi>:s£-<1 blindly th.:.4 4 ** tal sticks. The fir-t tro >p f JO men. nr un- 1 uusianaand vrgia troops \v*r Tli-y t I: aoi ’» furnished with James' ri shooting cavalry, u» «. t<» :.traci f*»r ill «*ur lournl rati tin cut ! tli. tii— ivc- among t ie .• m t arr i»t ar. ... !< u- A to 1 Ymld state-, it i.- -! r orders to march tomorrow. Destination best and y angle y jay I il the equipped disciplined. I is * ct'il to be dispatch s. K. NtbK'.f'i -r t > V. !’. I'alnv r.- N w-iaj.-r hook- and l-.aiel b.u m b^ttf-ry ip unknown. Mitt r there was Worth oO cents. Hams gigantic -p.-.ir-hca t l ui an. * ‘.ai* In ! that the advanc 1 of the V V N Is I. ■* Pei .. ]«nd uj-m reported pickets < I W :thm t*H Sr. 28th. o0 cents, and other .visions were r r- ! id auth-mx--1 to receive a»tv« rii-‘n.cuta f-r slow out without e.iU-.iig x'.r .t. arr^ days. Zouaves were attacked reb.ls. Luis, pr ] »p iy any tit r n rk f r ti r lady I r *id, r by twenty tin*, r. at tin' >.»«»*.* rut*..' u< ux. iatly Order* w re r e ive-1 y 'terdav to occupy tionately high. t»7 Cni *n votes w.rw east in .ijm r-* Others ou fa After several shots the Pickets conflagration. grounded n aril l it t- r i- m ?! r < ! w*- f 1, I* *i said that Fx captured r lsvn and ov* r at Norfolk.— Bird'* Point. Tim W!i -giami.t has Portsmouth, twenty batik- of the river, befup- p aching tie ir six rebel officers. IV la M 1 .-bid'll fr-»n hii in s* 1 •?. 1 f.r this —\ aid will Perl t and terror the com- ly !•!?-... i !. »l pi-u'ti-m )•«srp probably gloom pervaded FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1861. n. .;a. dt-titiati. S-.iii -auk in the ■ A to the Tribune that • »v r says an bark t I'.h* em- moment in the su- d ..Ildant In a! t Cali- MUU aft ■*? a* I .-obtaining the 1 uion. Hi* vU dispatch i-'lay. munity. Last of a !, J the forward movement in llu-hii■■•ml w ’•ur' i- to he hr-'ken ar.d tlm tri S \cral lutteri s have Invn er -et- d lx twcei * up lik t \ id hard linn- — «» .1* ff I >ai is. iw* him in Ins oj squar- VOLF .ME VI r. XF.MBEU XIX. unsteadily with th o’.irr nt ; tie- ly \ others j tobftbly be made soon an fnv. r d in th' arsenal at *!• -ft*, rs n Barracks. Fortress M mroe and Norfolk. Tnat on Ta swaying by overwhelming l.s i- mi *. 1 h t man that* m ■*. id ntr-'U him now, ** he del Island, tn N r- of course.as it ip I th ii*ry of the near An Ann ri >n /. ua\e B- gim nt is f ruling ny commanding theappr-ach pilots, they bri-lg entirely independent troops w u a m* iir r f hi* l ■ tolk and had embrasures for 1* ~J7* Wo are desirous that all dues f r the noi- b !f ; d f. r '■mall >U 1. :a all; ..an* a*met Washington. here. Th lii'ii Brigade is filling up fast. j Portsmouth, having —!y i.j iy It i- mi i.-rst d t at Hun v lias au- Anon in to tlie coinnicneement of the tie- -kit!'-. Tie- slight lii' n tie "1 .-dinuM l*- settk J a- illuminated th dark .m-lik ii> .* *1 ,u v l a l i *• I * was ordeicd to man includ- present -'areely pli-m! many iy« imu'mm k neral and march, e far d. fin every uies Cm n li r mards at Hannibal, >t Point had been thus undisturb hull-, th cun soou as who ar- lioth were carried v ■ possible. Those subscriber* by i-t ! 1.. mi. tl. 4 1 n 1 i til -'fit as r those in the were in nioti..:i •I'-n- Kansas and w !i Steuben rifles from New York landed this j y 1*14 May *#enefnl, ing Hospital plis. City Spinn/ti- Id. a it vri -r dear of the raft, wii: h. gr iv — and five be- by rk. a?. ! 1 .,1 t a d r * in five minutes and were the 1st regiment an t » h must red into sendee and arm* d ui »rning and went into encampment. owing two,three,four years,must j 4 fs.l a j | r \al as of as it now -d "it tie s{-point- i’<- or \\ c judgment, appear- 1 ■ in All the tr -ps hale i* it J !]• m l dy Immediate attack on Suvull's Point gin to cancel tie ir indebt- dnebs. lmv- hir- niaii, m!j t-.ru jay ui m utd !.l t * !-• made. Virginia. b a m I- tw v. N •• 1 i; t as f tie- builders, had exc anies h r< main as rloik be Hen. Mutlei to on our hun- part only 1 n. 1 r : A dispatch to the Tribune says that -pt enj body expect'd, ed money carry business,while y _ j j n 14 of t c c \ernor. is ; the man to risk valuable lives l u to the floating it !' tie 1 J n Vh- tt. a s mew hat T'/. AYim a rabid s.a-.-s-ioii guard our s protect port:- ..lid Mu ; '-ui* I liHii til .11* ! dreds of i* scribers leave, -' luifc. mat Parkersburg mt< > s-rminglv. ... »f i'l i Th- I'..rtum 1; •• win * was p slightitragetie importance,com Ig'-. g, p »n, l.a* m tim sheet demolished the citi- t. ■ w i. a {suit quietly by w ith utb.-rs near at hand. forgotten that th y owe f-r their and r* 4 i*y 1! u .w 14.it I. paper, the au l then clum* » pared iii.-ide ralt, ;> m mi* uruul ing ■ zens there a few ag >. >- i Inn*' s Nows. Tie uk- r is off th> that it costs t) n t Ui el ‘t 1 1 »;a i. t h ar day- lay Morning City again cruising inoe-y t!i-:n with the and ; l up supply dyke, grounding I I Montreai., ’• against Mivaclmprtu their r a an I 1* T a* »t tn lr.»|« C“1 ling. We wish to retain till th" without t mi -Iti.ig th iU r u : \\ Kallo, ’■ >' I at I rt AA No signs of ,-tcani' N.wtu Brit In \sm\HTo\, Cth. irnfi, fur uttering «vw r>*' .. II ^ 100.000 more call- •..» l! .» 1 .» I it re wa- a moment s ; 1^1 t!. ill r»am Jr ,u j un, in af at troops p -I I u II w.i» Liverpool loth Father [Viut th^iuorn- ho..: Ji l.ietltrwnl, t**ni. t'l-'fe is no sixcli n I !.• -n War turn* an • \* •i.'J Press, M mr i.’. It i> d it' d Mon thing ns li fting a I; 11. A: I tV- slow mat 'h UJ th .J ilti i -ft .u ing. Went her calm. |-w v ay uing just been received. wspapr and k -ping the j uh:.- .-r oil' of hurt]" out, and N i> {!»•* 11iti I r t!i«* in *n that i.t >u Fram;i\»kt, Ivv. May 27th. < I »r ol in n. the Vcrmoni 1 .. .= i“. <. l. mI. nt i.l lis V_ V 1 unbracing the town if’ suhserila-rs do not and which lilt! T lit*1 an l wh* ha* r i.» t re t ] ’y partial xplo-ion, by ^it! 1 The harder State invention, ni*?t h MAY 4tli j OHLEAXS ElJiCKA DEP and Mass, regiments and the SteuUn hi 110 Was ia !. It day John J. Crittend< n was iut-l We earn-stly rail on th in-1-hte-l t damage pr m il rial- a: i ha* th m n \ * r* r to this t siun-extent. S mi tantly t u) *! ih. I--u> !. t. i, Im.",-: iary lour s of artili'-ry, lorine 1 t an on -pond ap|«ei!, it, ^v 4 pier- -• — fr nn Missouri w r slave j\sri:fii;r*ri<>.x ix urns day t hoard the v i. I':." d and my tcriuus * il< at Delegates Kentucky Irene 1 earnp at N wp.rt, mar tie* m uitl as one, two or three dollars, as y at can, il’ ml }’..«!•. I w ,t \ t‘i an t I ■ till to in >rr w t■> await AM. w ,' in .ohd lie- i prescut. Adjournc-l <•!’ tlie James ri\ r and ah..ut t 11 mil > fr n perat" expedition ly «. ! the whole canu it l«- in A !• .' -'.I k rv man at w -r* the arrival no.v a ib*-ir wav paid. j of delegates ks ■’« Howland York' a Is a f v. )■ rtr* M..nroe, a- r!lampt»n ll-»a loner, Ini hither. nJIlo Tiiuups \!MO Hl.XG \ .J' Will llted this in •••!’. w iv* t i-t.iin t I !>;eulwn Guards did not rand at the F r you there was more to 1" li aid in S th- | day a .i OM/.VsT II \RPER'S FERRY. ha* u* -•* uf th* .ntr v an I *urv it x a Cairo, 27th. tress. er.and The party sprang iut tie ;it -Solliest illc. history. ro- Ida Rebel batt fired fair shots at tin Idtlg ICtlisillg uav n .*n I ;’i »v rat i* r III The work «>f thi* I». is j ry desert' d and now liarmb — v .icano. e\:in- *ti.*T I ,t «*1 *=>, that fortifying j IMPORTA XI' l'Rn\l F\ ire and when "11 >ew- ■ gressing The levee in liter illv laoj City Quaker City The cituecns at Mt. I' rt. ;• -m r I \ ..r % in ai.t, it, u nt Ugt rapidly. Mo\ ROE. Soun-sville, iguisliing the sliglit tires tiut «'• i.(' .j crowded with men the raiir all’s 1’ lint, over three miles distant tearing »•!. though ■ iVl.it up without distinct! -il of pirty, ere- ted a -n- b ring on the ,b k. and tin u- ii t > want \ i.t-* it Id.e sb"t fell o sj-1 t-iing ^ wheeling earth, Ac The j .i>> ng- ts from little abort, indicating guns s.iv s diJ i Staff at that and ai i!t an 1 long lut the hid 1 n r IU the South the continued eonont rat: n (ol. .1 [ Ml ALMSE REG I- b av r calibre. lag plan-, thing pole.- report K\*;j wn H\j fi\“ s MEX T. Nb is S the Star Manner last til" hold. Tin r Was, however, little tan Ni rkvLitv iIk ti«i troojis at Randolph. A considerable num- The Point of wp»rt lik- wall' Spangled Thursday ai- t*» v r vt* ber arrived there and in r are ex- J\»iut in lr.uu the Urn .on. The lir-t intimation citizens to tie-e rilous investigation .ini —I f ;n f th. Ktt», 1 to-day. plain sight ramparts the pursue [ It,i t re are over JFlHiE TAXF.Y HI on >DTJIiRSTY. I ortn-ss Monroe. The r idstead i- e- ti.. w in >■ t pected to-night. They jubilant had of such aa intention was on tin 'the party soon male th ir .p to iurr.v 1 at .1 hn I'lt'i "f 'lav [feed- 'i ,t their iu \ about three miles wide. The object of tin reported victories irginia. HniK>ufK*‘*i that :h Bntiwh <. armin'nt ! ing At that time the t.ail,- r I. r bridge. a CF.XF.RAL At I.EI.I. \ As PROCLAM- eutreuched Camp it to command Sand Islam .Saturday. I,IT Fort 27th. The 1 :i i«ui *i a r »n Kk.nnkv, < the was of 1‘arnri. til hcimti •! it* inn-nti-* All OX which is about U tw- »-n and i»in stall in the wo ds uncut, and tin- troop* crowding j Unn^ from Sun Francisco midway A , Pony Express loth, and lookin over t > *•» linta II 1 -r» * — Ii alt t ■ ♦ « guards the entr.m.>f James riv r. hunting for the fl the shell of s one palisade, theparap.t- *1:1 V on I nioii pletely ig upon .'I., this Friday night. n * passed place Cen llutler was fearful that th reU*h now to the >\n; w.tl. tin* <* \* ri I.t *f th I tut ir llostun iuerehani *s st .e-, began greet I ’at* i th are held almost in all t e WasuingT'iv. 2sth. still e.ervtliino meetings nightly .Mi would tak. ssion of the Island. of derisive It was l it * \,r, >e « j. laugliter. *tv! i t it*-. t r. ■».- towns and < ith s and Frami* Muiir r»*eentlv l rk in the St ite wa- and the st ill’ eie -t- d and peals i-ral- \ princijwl S|*eeehes i’oint aiw" e auniands to a c eompleicd flag lllt.'l 1>* irtinent w is unvs?« l this afternoon Newport gr- child’s to threaten a resolutions are in fa\ >r rd a ]• by play, they thought, It w ir:i» l*ri?.-'i * li.at it l» y {•- r invariably vig- extent the U-twen .lames am the flag raised early on Tnursdav afternoon. a .... voi- s » and in l to await iVn^'Milar and g n- rai •he orous war The Cnion is military authority plaecd ja Spanish army, ni .*• * u * feeling • > Istarv r\ ith- r •*• r in policy. V rk Rivers. A large fore i- t be assetu The iti- ns -if that village evinee the ut- 1 *, •hin tlmt there w ill Is* no examination. der l’arnese, with mi-it lirc-w rW.- ii n prominent bled and so a m \eiuent i paltry • r probably there, important most in the of •t‘ war tnn*j *r>. r alt t t » ^ t r disturbance ot the in Calilornia. It Nrw York, 2Sth. alacrity contributing th-ir a- t!i rthel all wet mj peace to in et with tw» N eyes '-iii to »' opposition Only »r tit out -r •*•■* lias been to settle the w ith the A tin* P tor**.* ste-.m- likely means f r the of w rtliv *TUtt., ti**U t war trouble dispatch says — |-ort ; agreed or tnre wtre su n at the P int. promotion any prais. fixed the fir i.. ers fill* d with tr > sail* d <1iwn t! • P-»t«»- i pei>ons iousiy upon remaining | M ■ settlers in Suita Clara p» for its aim a I •• urt*. < Supreme could m-t land the Steamer a love for the I’ni.n and the (' institution. now -- any <-*tai.li»F- I, r to ir but it is t-> be lor the guards driftc 1 very n-.ar the of it.- d* tally to organize a company of volunteers in Sail cret. supped capture place There was a great accident at Swall’ A coll- ti iu of ladies *r tuit ri tl >n rbe to tender their senders the of A ‘i ua ('reek I j large and getithmen lination. her way between tie ry *ddwr»'disjnt any Francisco to gov- littery. Point last Tearing \* v night. tra‘, war I r A A similar m I .a n I armed here wo re in attendance on the occasion and im v raft and the shore, she struck 111 uf Mlbrr wii i ST ernment. orgauuuti lx Hampshire i-gimeet is deserted. heavily |urty, tiny | tti* m Hampton nearly made at Sacramento. -riling. were N. tiie on tin Kulioo.-i !■ lx* ii.' t alt 1 > anil io.u>"* ill U • on addres---1 K.Sowv r i K,1-worth, against bridge [M'lialtn* ( flit* long bridge was burnt Saturday. hy |t*ilt The .State (\ rural C -inmitt.«■ \ Washington to the mmmim to Kcpublicau dispatch ml came tor about half an tic bloek-house at tint eoinm no nt Of*, an 1 will 1j at tin .r an 1 in i, >k !*•' S Ah lOO fugitives in this uiornin; hour. j* r.l, have issued a call for a Convention of Cnion -i.iteMh.it tf.Tts r. ad to the 7 th New York and were 1 with rations an 1 of the of the A they provide were tirel iu honor ol floating portion bridge. wia vd-Utn ti ii from th. i..i rt. If iVt men, of to met on the regiment the expiration of their term ot 3( Thirty-four guns |r irrespective party. set to work, their services thin wreath ot smoke was seen enlistment and st.it* <1 that were at Uing greatl; the states. curling mint. tllU 1''tli of June. The Republicans don't de- day- they needed. thirty-four t" return to their hut said tin over a an 1 lire n to th- if ition but t- liberty home*, In toe was a t slight smouldering U; • *Ul sign give up organi/. Th all that tin were eithe evening there all at the iil- 111 iTisu •• >M .if War \v e t-i y represent y her deck. i.i.i; '-Sine# tl., a union test without n ti-rcr, t th Seer- tury >uld pleusol hau i-aj-tur adopt sent S mtli or to work on tho reU*l I at -, at which a union ami a d i-ett put lag felling i- of rt .int, r r- l. er issues. Rest lutions w re "(b red in tin them remain three for secret rea- i*. r, i'i. ,1 i, 1. mat. days longer terries. At the same moment a certain ensign, sons f»r whirfi the r tion to st to union m i.-, r- •* Tin. assemb the Mcmb rs »t C*m- whole giment volun keep j- good j min1*1" -1 in all dir, ni ly, instructing The IIyg*na Hotel is being converted ii.t II \ ega. who -tood near the l’riin-e ol gettii 'j |. of California to oiler In r as a m- -diut* r to ‘led. vailed b gress a ital. ce.se to snubbed in I. 4..a w!ul *i l. ai t. it# (• v. I'aiiua, the li- ff mu; a V. mV’- wa«j Ooramis Hosj bloek-house,approa' in the difficulties, and favor Nation to-day appointed The cloth WyU present The weatle r is int. ris hot. The tr | table,—the beingspr-ei ! I him with vehement that a 1 m, t;. t mui'i!. al 1 invention to revise the Constitution. sary fe n ral. ly entreaties h' nigol.it y g. 1 ii, j, are in excellent health. we the (. num-nt dishes la-fore left, was ■ .1 i r to .11 contest is on in San has inforum providi-d tire. Alexander refused to stir attiiu[,t mike tg v runn-nt. *4 i,rn T exciting going satisfactory On tin* f al ium I. ght il « ti t1, h njthurn uih Saturday night and It ,u. .. to m p a for I >e,il officers. The e!» tioii b Comiuwsioners arranged. the anxious to learn the raneiseo lumined the distant reaches of ly elegantly spot, being Hritain ami Krann-r, g'u/j- tin- king ! mu 1*1 a vitli i;- 111e Hmuptoi to come off the 22J inst. The ir's tick refusal of a beat I ot these p- reeugniti roads." anywhere. inve-tigatiolis. Vega, N, w I'aliOin v, a» t! < -! kmj I a ta.. lh«* b t v :• Fi; !• d and with wt will France. n- ••'••I -miK probably triumph instinctive and irresistible fait and a » 1 r .ot in Alexandria. TUltiuurk. 2'jtb. by Erst ila># [ r. tin. atanuM. r NViv 2'ili. huig jtoltbe You*, 1 ork A', -a (.11 hi- km. -, and Tim of which ha ®"The\'-W f’orrnrd appr>.!e nsiou, ■ N w \ uk:** 29th. regiment Pennsylvania upon till <^11., aV r- nt r .ilaiual. in A to the IV'< states : t the tie- •■y j n, t m't dispatch A v to the World*IV ;i U t*n encamped at Perrysville so mo woskmir that if the of Iff Davis : peeking General earnestly by the -nt itingti* ji.lt.*’; piratical plan Will uiaki hard w rk t.*r tin iu to »i,.. ., in lnnvcui pit 4 u tiiM*,” then .u, ngiinent, sending abroad to n or implored pa-siunate vails at Richmond. Th ntimsnt tier pre privateers prey up rival.- r> tj ent r tl*. .r # re landed era Central It is umh rstood thei word* an i to gitting 1 rviiv frou *•* n« ! bi fit day jm»t duttfhle of Al- lb-pot. esmumeree is gestures leave the utirclj is that that the Federal Al 1 carried out, the business men I plan',that troops ex ir r destination is and thence t » Ila j ul.ro anulda vailing a md at A'-piia ( reek. Gettysburg the I'nnce .4, limy get I in Maryland, ,1 I bit arrived exandria must be dislodged, lUOU Carolim the suit -s, and all the will de- rvluetantly yielded. ahij« I t and 2.1 Ohio This indicates loyal p ipl-, Iv ,. regiment* aro en gnrstown. Harper’s Ferry. kv, in Miss uri, and art- last uus mIi had reached Manassas junction. Fi\i Ir was not a moment too soon. The tinjj very troops oaa ! ar ( INI INN ATI 2Jth. mand that the slaves lie set free just as l.,st opportunely 50frt> Arlington Heights. tl.- sitin' la ti in t " were there located. troop ,-wurk in the in 1 I" tt, r Virginia, duty g mub John thousand in* I'aCahotikwi lelt l«».rt foV a C l. comtnam I as the li"p" been •hip Jarvis to ■ On in federal takes ol on their to night trij Sunday night Kelley troops possession the t« i werc met lost night way Harp.. down the than the slow mat' h in in tUcir I'lana to take ; tl.ii river* and it it> after be- of tlie 1st of volunteers ■ adjusted the For- Wa»liingt-.n that ar-am surmu-i, regiment Virginia In fact that gentry had I Kerry only armed with revolvers tie l country. slavery ’*■ (!«an» they 1 the Anuc.i'tu and ar received orders. left Wheel “wiped tune. had Alexander r. will unit a like late in the t to IM**r has beei ing jo.iR by Fiwnee, marching They out.’’ This Scarcely ached atteraj tik« a gatno whieh their waist with cord. Col. au.ioiv would comes from a paper which has hUy might 1 be made on Acijuni t’r-ek, tin ing at 7 o’clock on Monday morning in di the entrance of St. Fort, at th Fort I'ickms. will ,-nd General of the Connect not Mary’s Finally tlay theii getting bit.” The Brigadier 71st a detour H.uit am of Grafton. After their been radical the of two I appointed regiment by making rection depwrUir* upon question negro end ol the when a horrible museraUe career ! -1 bridge, snublxdeu a b-u: it on uudeJ txplo- by being trai- tonnage, rank the brigade attacking laud. the 10th Ohio 1000 slavery. 1 regiment, strong, sion was heard. The tor .lloWi. j Hope disappeared, g I the nw Aalut. I ti 9 J Till* Time YrniV l,ev) High Ar 27th, brig Willirm K Sawyer,of Harrington, J I Hi-h. nth Inst of Dr. C. H. SHOLES, NEW MEDICINES Clmmrfrr* hnicimlnl forflir Of- Sagua ; brig Alninn, Bangor, mt.M'mti: READ THIS! I H Pinkhnm. | Proftnsor >f thr Discaxrs of omen, Klixabethport. tJraduatc flrer^. CM MI K only' llegulitr Physician advndhdngin 27th, schx Julia (iraeo, K Jonex o' RECEIVED. Tnylor.and I Poston, giv» r, particular attention to Im ■<•:«»(» JUST 22. off at Cost! rillli: -id ribcr on baud till WAsniNiiTox, May Snow, Huokxport ; Oneeo, Post, Calais ; Watcr- Selling keep* ounitantly Vomen, especially tlio-c Buffering from any di-ari-mf' The of War has sent a circular I »o, Broaderx, Mt Desert. I kind* of lent of the Menstrual jtystem. Married or single l.a.li-•# Secretary f E Jtibscribor* desdrou* of disposing of (’Id S |1II being iay with safi and In roulidence, :'ur rein I It*»*•• to the Gov* rnors of the different States, 28th, prig Waltham, Clark, Fletmi, J. din apply ty giv- I a portion f»f their largo stock, oiler to the FURNITURE* he misfortunes t the *'*x. Emery A Co brig Judith Somes, I. Mt. J many peculiar G, ing tfic plan of organization of the volunteer Baymoii public the following inducements: VA VF.Ii PECK, D'-sirt, same ; Ocer Isle HANGINGS, LUNAR MIXTURE. forces called into service the President.— by Josephine, Crockett, ; IIKKT, ELljtiWOHTII, MAINE, Penninah \ I a Medicine for the of regul.it hy Joxcpbine, Higgins Edon. CURTAIN FIXTURES, have prepared purpope 'tanlly "" tiaiirt and for M lie that all from Col- will Discount from their for- j the Monthly Sicknegn% which 1 have n —cl for the I * says regimental officers, Nkw They ig le and retail, a full supply ol Tonic.—-Below 25th, brig II Moanx, from OIL SHADES, unhoutided success. Tin fw onels to Second are to be ; m years with the most Lieutenants, ap- Cuba ; ,-eli from Cardenas. mcr Low for cash on nil •a\ ‘MV v!.1 (leorgo Harris, Price, DAT ig reeoinendation is sufficient. Naj k the Governors of tho and RACKS, pointed hy States, Ar 2/tli. brig Elixa Ann, 25, brig “Its uniform Bucoens, even in extreme eases. i-a* qsjJl ViMiijniuvj, •■n, other .1 | nr? MF f'ld ini' cut rut nl form the nutritive of VV'htaft — * by account, (now duo) 1|1JM properties Somkkxkt. Ar sell Francos meet. A cure is tain over 30, or field officers, such as 22-1, Ellen, (’lark, 1 urely produce the rfusiml guaranteed ti pi.uni >' *: J\ p-n ti.miaipaj^ jn p «*H and has received tlio highest encomiums Ellsworth. they L>uth Oval an»l of all kinds. or will Im* refunded. Purely veg* and Lieutenant unless a of Square, nn/frosr:t, th*-price os Colonel, graduate of an At term v. and -afe at all times. inent medical authorities, possessing qualities — 1 able, perfectly \>y vy .-y vy jy Pawuxket. — Ar 22 sch Laura A Ixi—» I ‘\>y —this desideratum the Cnited States Military Academy, or 1, Jane, Harter, DARWIN X. M OOltE A CO. t At Tlo.N. *.e\• purchase any medicine of this n i- that are absolutely fattening j Calais. the for bale. J*UCh Diil^S to those who are known to possess knowledge and experience Ellsworth, May 2b, 1861. ]'.» r> COFITNS n nrrof.inv one. if left at'oiil colliery renders it invaluable suffering in ’ills and drops are d* •-rving of no coiitidrnce whatever. iVInlMiiirs, from flronchtii*, who has the tivo of 40 N’kwiii itt.— Cld Ct’th, sells Protector.Plum* (Vnuumptiem, hung ('>>mpl<>irtts, passed rcsjs*« ages 35, and Trim iio il nurses and pleasant rooms fur tle»de who mrr, and Maehi.i*. Kept constantly *»n hand, h— lapcri' IViIimtvi}, Imjuiiml Strength, hack of Vital fi.nergy, and KlI and 45 of The also Magm-t, canb»»rn, i.di to r-main under my c -ie. years age. Svretary NOTICE. mod at hurt notice. *~r" Soaps. diseases which, in their incipient stages, ruquiro Xr.v*i‘"!;i. -I’M 2l(h, brig Bcronda. ^4 Aildre-r in || Mi d,Hi J27 Court Sftrcot, r--'"ii. the the moral character and grn- Higgins, is win* are a and an im nour- Bays higher < Notice Poston. IStHJ. Spires, only generous diet, igoratLing, Flixibethj rt, to Ii'.i'l e« al f- r A-pimrall. hereby givrntnnll June, 1>-l eral inblligonco of the officers app mt»d,tln concerned in Vessels that are in the y All of the above article* will l»c .-old liliils, >nh, ishing stimulant. Tnn inn niA.—Ar 25th, xch llutebin- A cases of the of the and tli« Maricl, habit of passing through the drawer I ,72 C II K, I*. tf. i’ut up in quart bottles, in iron bound greater efficiency troops «ad for Sullivan. drawer is to be constructed. A for car- j No. 19 Proud New York. Bays that Mr. Crittenden will be sent t>* < in- passage III B NETT’S Preparation-; Lin. d Food. for Liver Proprietors, street, in the time, will be J’or sale in Poston Geo. C. Goodwin A. from that district in ol nages, day provided. Liberal Arrangements Complaint, Coughs. By-ipcpsin. 1.male I»i by Co., gress spite himself, W.M. THOM 1’aON. Agent. N 11 A 12 Marshall st. ; M. S. Purr A Co. ; without FOREION PORTS. I it ill be made with smart, energetic tnen, to intro- and Regeneration of Man; Meek?’ Magi' Com- any opp-Mtion. 1 SCI. 3wl7 W f I urn* tt\- Weeks A Potter ; Seth E. Pecker ; D. Goodnow Sld from Marseilles 2 1 In.-1, Sn- w, N. Trenton, May 11, duce and sell pound ; hi?<•« mb’s remedy Asthma ; There are now* four unconditional Cnion Trident, York. Cod Liver Oil; Jayne’s Expectorant; Wistar’s A Co. ; Peed, Cutler A Co. ; T. L. Smith ; S» candidates for in as THE COSMOPOLITAN and C. S Davii A Congress Maryland, lob At Nur\i# 11th »n«t, brigs J W Pnwv.r, AViLI (’berry Balsam; Fowle's cure J..r Biles; I'r. Pierce A Co. ; Stephen Weeks, lows : STOVES. Brake’s fm remov Co. 42 Height n. for Nnv 5 UK A li/LIT V I/.airy. \t Police 14th inst. brig Nathan j Pills, lor female ob.-t rum ions, Ac; Grugor’s C.»n- Fourth Winter Ihivis. Sawyer, di*g 1 \n m a yu \i\. Jhslrut—Ilcury I’M 22, br»g Penobscot, Mill, Boston. eentrat. d Cure for nervous weakm-s; IL mb id's j In the Fifth District, John Pick II an- with Ar at -i John, NB, 25th soli Maria Nichols, New and Stock of V r.r- ular, font lining full particulars, Fluid Extract of Burchu, for dis-io. s <>f tin- bind J a Large ice at ret ail a nounces himself candidate on the Siimo Sawyer, Maehi.i !"»•■• *eiit ««n upplieat ion. I’i lor tier, kidney*, Ac; Ma vnar I’s Colodion for burn® platform. Md from Cienfnego* lOt!i inst, brig Mira W. Ini ** -• t -in ill< r i/' in proportion. Sin- and cuts; Gardiner's Rheumatic Compound; Peru- >••!* ■! !•• on of Il-df, Dodge. N, w ’I ., rk -tuj ( aiiv point receipt price. vian Syrup; Gould's Pin worm Syrup; I lough mV — Imi'ortwt Order. Postmaster Generali Address (JELK A <<>., Corn an Aral Livcrj*oo| 10t!i, Britannia, Patten, Calai-. CLOTHS,A llil Solvent, infallible renudy; Magnetic 1 flair has issued the following ord« r: All JOHN W. HILL, IvT 712 15 road way, New York. Balsam, for rbcumatism and neuralgic; Jeffries' service in the States of Sl’OKEN. Panacea of a cure for Sore Throat and p*»stal Virginia.North IXTor 1*1* r—qiertfully Inform t* •* ritzena of Kll*wnrth and I Life, v "f Bronchial .tone'.- for Carolina, Smth Curoina, Georgia, Florida, M iy 2’. ii" bit A**, brig Tiiud, of Frankfort.fin : i11ity thiit he may -till bt f -nml at th* l;it**sL»nd j FURNISHING GOODS. affection.-; Elixir, bronchitis; Bal’iin* re for !!• -t* n. Hill fi Young, nlwre be found ,h« largest assortment ( Alabama, Mis*i>.-ippi. Lmisiana, Arkansas may kj b] q Coueland s sure cure for Bed Bugs, M.«> J Al *ee< m, sch Damon, of Wu!d< bo. j nnd Texas, w ill lie on and after r I lilt! .'•d.wri her* have j i-t turned fr*rn P. .ni*OltT4!%T TO IITIILI l!< fluid’-, Peek’s, Har- suspended r«, fr' in Cuba fr PortlanJ. BITTERS—oxygenated, the 31st inst. I/'tters f »r offers I. t.in with u large *t -ck < f !’i;nns\ lva.m a dy's, Brown's, Clarke'- .**heriy W ine, tempirarilv oil sch Lou Langley’s GIN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. May 2.1, Chiiio-teague. \’elma, COOKING STOVES Root and and c loft'd this ord* r will be forwarded to the everofT'T*d f- sale in F.INworth, among which h* 1 Herb, Abbott’.', other.- ; by North. may Salt Manufacturing THIS DKI.DTOUH TONIC • f Up and .(■nli; Company's STIMULANT, lead letter office, except tli.*s.j f*r W*-st tii ! und it- it K« puldi-. Hay Mate, Farmer, j LI X I.M ENT—Tobias’, G- d Samaritan, Mustang, fin'k. These btov have not beeo equalled in this mar j & Summer Goods. fur tlio use of the Medical Pro* \ which will In- sent to DISASTERS. Spring saponin i; II. and Liniments and G'litments of all kinds; Especially designed irginia, Wheeling. k*■ t for economy and />."/ n ami the lias durability. < Family, all of those intrintit In liin 'f Hath, before V,i W Oranit Ptati f New Pattern* and fine quality. I ■>, I’ auly ,V. and 1 ’aivrr.i,:! SARSAPARILLA—Bull', Shaker’s and Barque Queen, reported I, \f,tkrrt Sand’s, rnt-cli- .il qualities (tonic and which be* -The KUswortli Farmer advertises N w \\'i.rld T ;1 |l.t• **i V i.Mur and llosloti We t U < diuretic) abandon*'I. I 110 t n-. rated via* •il'd--. Air it. ) in.'t r. all (her kinds. *’ reg*«!*-i. AJ.uud principal t«» an aid and Gin. It lias received the M im with Oven*. at < b-ng pure Doolittle fur ‘•ale. We built at Hath hi 1- I ». l**mkiiig s, and without elevated of the bc-t quality and material, and W ill make hard water soft .clean Paint remove raspls-rry plants PILLS—Ayer’s sugar coated, Erandrcth’s and endorsement of over seven thousand Rnf*. We have a a*-* ituu nt "I •*. personal physi- l»aveeultivnt* d that kind and don’t like them Sell".’in II ini’ r, (• f fr> ni !'• s. i large Ink fr in »irca.se from Kitchen l tcu.-il.-, A Fdon) Jordan, Type, Wright’s Indian Vegetable. as, who have recommended It in the treatment •* thn* c-.-fs ... dord ult tln r too little." ton f- New Hiui -wi<*k, on the 2wth inst, when SHIP’S CABOOSES I’.ox 2d eta. They -g- " canker and salt Ar- if Obstruction or ml \ I'.in-'h' .-t>'\ of all with an Also, Weaver’s rheum Syrup; Gravel, Dropsy, Rheumatism, about two m/•••* \t cs* n! Mit,: e -izes, together *iid|< (iriitlcmcnN CooiK, 4 t*> I lbs refuse grease, at | F.ost': n Times I*hin!-, exper- Fiimi-liin^ usually given away, of the Affections of the Kid- j f I', r' < M* |ii ki.... Cylinder, H and A ir ! Mold'.' Vital Fluid; Atwood’s Extract. Hambdion; Suppression Me*.res. ienced a «quall, which !• *t tore mast, which will be <*-11 LOW. iiL>>ui i cent per lb., -,iy, 20 during sprung T.^lit all which I "hall 11 f->r ca*ti «d»< apcr Brant’ Purifying Extiact, (day’s Blood Purifier; neys, etc. mainmast, Ac. 1 than r. 'iiet.itif v on hand a large assortment of Km- I We have a late Mors- s \ • 1- Put in and and all few of the «tylo 4 5 eta. Kennedy’s Mu-dnal Hiscovery; Syrup up quart pint bottles, ooldby .iia il, I'o i;an.a. Jap ime d and Tin ware, /me, bh—t I*.id low Hock; Railway’s Remedies; MoMum’s Elixir' Druggists and Town Agents. le-ad o- ('tin (ISt Irotl A id /' ty.t'i rut*, therefore is the cost of a barre pipe, Pipe, WHITE AND BLUE" NECK TIES. of opium; .Mi-. Winslow's Soothing Syrup; Sha- A. M. PININGER A CO., Sole Proprietors. Notices. Pump*. Fir- F rame*, Ov-n, A* land Holler month*. and "RED, f f'n •/ T ilt Sot t m>a r. M A 1 ker Extract Balm of a J housaml Flow- (Established in 1773 No, 19 It road Street, N. Y. HIM Id I ). s ) Special in 1 a Kinds of all jutici* usually found in a stove eatah /.. lor uiucrciu kind- r»l stn Valerian; desirable f /;■* making .-nap. Kvery stylo er-; Cold Flesh For sale in Huston GKO- <’• GOODWIN A CO., Nos. hshuieuL t'rr Cream; Balls, Liquid Rouge; by by addre-.-mg A ver's v II and 12 Marshall St., WEEKS A POTTER. SETH E. 1 SEASONABLE GOODS. Chert l’eetor:il* Brunt'* Pulmonary 11m j*dan— l'.)th inst., by Itev. J K. Ma.""iit JOHN \V. HILL. i»i:r«>T OF COMPANY. Tilixo can be found at "ur tin l we will make nniuiry HaBam; (.'Ini ke's 1'nehclnr Extended, Brown, I. j., c4 I>ii t, I M s Han- Ellsworth, Jan. 23 th, 1m I. 1 Store, up Hough syrup; M.S !'.! IUI ,v < 0., STEPHEN WEEKS, T. L. SMITH, • om account of sickness.) i.i.m i* j\m:s a co. and Harris, n’s Hair Mu.-k mih P Stanley t It. *ui: in the . IMKUCK AC CO., C. S. HAMS A; CO. *ti« bat inf ui.^Ulnl rh»r t.-v .«t t!i** « run. \ r>Ki ruiA. Cream ami Y< rl eim. Watei Butcher’* |vr* *•«•* i n rt '..hi ir:-t.. Itcv.W. II. Pillxburv. low prices. We have a I* a largo a-?**rtincnt t Shaving ; March 1,IStfi. Ij6 t..'.' ( |lu» | \ W«t- fllwvortli and The w Mrrn an be had >d < cta- Bead sh -t 1- r lb I ; and ail other article* Mu' L. Wl.itten *•! t Mt-- farriagc* 77^ any ns| Hug > Matilda i. Slri^Ji 4 prr..-nt ?>•- ('i ... f'■»* mi Etna, Mu -I. r' ki in the in a st-re. »• 1 .'annders of H. cper ly'Jl usually kept Brug n, vf .r -'.,1 ,.>. ..* .1 M ANU FACTORY, Country. ■ *• *■ > I t.V ;• ft « .» !.»•*»• -r i. ot.iu :.t ''ii 11th. bv Ilev. ucauij-itlaoc kLlotljinij, / ici/i’s l'l <> com- Mi), April Fr.-d.; WATER : : ELLSWORTH. V/>j*i' ri/>lions cai'tjulhj \ « STREET, | AN M, VI. 1,1- 1 hU, t C.vlfoti. .Mr.,- ,• Jenk* to Mi-- Abbi*. \ St-ven.-i. • of our own manufacture, on hand, tim u« a THE " pound'd. 1 IMil'MK, » .'an m'l oy .1.1 Hii.-I.u. EiliiW Marrh is 1 4a JOSEPH FRIEND & Co. ‘rt%« |H. I. i .' t Mr i.und Ash Mi.-- .Mary N H J r. 1- th MAIN sTUKKT, KLLSWOHT1I. Dr. < II. A Friend in Neod. it. of I- rank I in. Try l’h«-r tv f# i J *rh in-t by Rev. 1*. 1). ml, Mr. Ellsworth, May 2. 1*561. 1 » Idr. Hwcot's I -* ECLECTIC nfAlli'bJo Liniment irv-vd ■ Largest '■1 INFIRMARY, I l’t 11irgiI! t-. Mi- AshbeIme 1 11<<»«-in r<•, fl >n» lit'* r* f I1:. M- .‘II .**»• « of rtitiv- « l)>* t, it, f •• »• *■ both r. 127 COURT m tt.-r, .I' d «• v n» ! .• ■* u- AND STREET, » \ t A«t II N• w *t. v for lh* 1 »*l -*.li ih«j in-*l ;»« Y*• rk. Fr i*la v rn AIKEN, liUOTHF.liS, Boston, mass. i- *• A » .; T' r- !i i* | i'»g. Ma\ .1’ !;• V Mr. by Rurlinghatu. l,i»ut. OF THE V INii ,o\en undivided att> i.:inii fur flu* la*t .r-j .u * hat lr« \. I. n*t -r .rg ii and Lax mu had .1 laiaie prat in this ■ 1 /rs peeiahlx fr.f1»!|ilij*-, and •« a intv.fr S' »|rt Fir.r>jr 'laughter Mmiufa'hirers of S/riy/is, '•rn. Samuel I'. Mriekland f Ellsworth Stove Store, 1 e|.in hand a assort meut of III «i good world has yet discovered. *i; *V •]- '* «_• it s*t w I Ait ft* !■■.!«' 1 of and Selected Slock of M tilH'ardW new .splat.did | 1 have been advised by many of rur b**st medical men •if all ** h-. hin*fii'r it il:..il t»' -*r f mr hiin.lr.-d v 11 w! 1 •'i tin v tier t->r sale at the lowest mar to advertise remedies fur the limn my people generally, us of m ik.-- I’ IInifam- ttfnndies, having fftliii #!•*• f \- I )■> u vt;u •• practice adulterating j s. to i! i...•• t/0’ i kvt We have taken procure I.. (-Mine oniiiion a is the ex- Ih- U • > -it •. «i t. i. i l >. pric> great pain* I that genuine article y Cloths, tr it •"! n In t.i ,hurt tin ,n wo Clothing, .I for mui' kU g«"-d mat'-ri.il* and g.1 workmen, therefore ception; j*i nf rita' importance to those requiring it 2 AND J" Nil. IMPOTENT AVI. PKItIMT NTF.D. l e -iitideut that We ran give good satisfaction. larmiy n«' and Invalids, that it should be cf undoubted 'irn M.m. 'J4th, Kdward \\ > j 1 and .1, wgcl yr- Our work is all warranted to bo u- wo n e« in-! Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, purity ellicuey. 1 '• 1 u* hill Slav J 4 tii. \nnie S.. <*f \\ 11It a view to meeting the demand for a re- daughter nnnd. I’leuso us a call and see if we do not popular give FURNISHING GOODS I-' N x Em n L .eh Eel- ■' li •’» t M k ac I F A ag I n my ie Life Drops able Itrandy. in its natural state, free Irom alcoholic fla- year--. we do as ever hi* d in at will eare in a vor »;. say. i.llsworth, very 'lent time, without failure. and impurities, and appreciating lie- fact that it .'uii. nth ii.-t ,ir b Kdgnr. -on *f Jas. fully I •pun g 1 nc in the bet possible manner. I 'Jd Da.I ! i..ia:s T are more ea*e* of this is often recommended by tin* Medical Faculty ns a sus- \\ Itolcsiile ami ICrt.iil, 1 “j } K. !t. J ■“ k| »gfJ I < and Ornamental I'air i- tin ;.l i* iwar* f. s me **t flic sxmpmns tire taining Ft. ■'/ w !.. n i; t!i> r* im dies fiI. we are now ■*. l if“ ‘.image. Sign ting 1 year 9 t !.• i and at that h.-'h-i red ami *■ .Mx aena'.i"ii* lr-.m the bottling and cal r«i>..;ial *|e rates a Itrandr of our d in in a i, -t ! be 15 IN'* the puldi. f liberal pat-i price- bladder, — style surpassed. # * glllANK a. .1 12th in-t.. Miry, wife f J din 1 .wntn g, a rod 8 a -to iriing-ii^atinti ait«ndmg it. s itnetimes with » \ own impofi -in ••!.. ..j ih- responsible houses .*».> ! r»»■ -11:, -I v 'her- a milk iiN'1 ap|» aranee. I ! in Frau m known n years. rvecivcd tho best as.- •itincut « f just Competition! > /• I in x -i 1 this i.ature, and in all -! Tin* .> -!»• in-* •«***■ mt>" »ti<*n.md ft f* rm -d* ?#th. Mr Ilarri- P. Lewi-, Defy s Genuine Rangnr—May aged ■ iv M'id traee. .,f s. mil N hum,m, which is Biniuger Cognac Brandy.’ 1 a■ •: r■. —.ft •! 1. « •:* n t/7 car* 7 ATTENTION! f*«r In-1.. „• ad-.-t y and months. COMPANY, House I'urninIiini^ iroosls a- i11 death as *'->mump mil, unless il is It *s m d an-l fruity and is designed to be aj — of .11* ,.«| f »h** t‘ rpHE o »h*fx* ■■■■nitfl,*. mflftinmalimi 1 *eter l‘.*:h in-t., of i. J »hn Jerome. a* a in hi- bit-inep*. the un- I medical i/ ,m ,,, ’'thi am' Put dipthcri in; tt;g hinge over SioV" of tlie I .1 a stock of sea na- b.x treatment, wags hararter. up In lunr* ami .{ *4. m*-.t in a«r>h-r offered in this market. follow- large n 'U Mark | ju v*-ar- I Wi I• r*f: in xt r: da -. d d< 7.< n Parker, F«*j.. ag !. y is|*o*-e il** w‘ *i in nidi t*• this market. l.o. »K NT Yol|; CASE IN TIME. pints < *. ivi. w',1. y.^-xw. a excellent g adapted — ing patterns: and on*'- d ir: *..d is s- Id all U .'.t Mr. Kdrnunl «'b .i:cn!-. :.-«eit Hr' ash, at wholesale in SI. 1.' .Mi.**! i.a it I'- xx k Such eases ipi liy pruiiinetit Pritg- rp.Mt-M.iv Jl-t, k, pi ices', v« a vear-'•x ri* nee in the Lmsine.— in KUs- may be * p* < J »-■ a I T*1 iv n A a- nts. agcil al ul *•" v. ar-. lot* t > suit. ! E\ Iilar lieati.i if the pa I lent be iu otherwise lot gists, Pr <\ If. Hit II *! *i I'hyat nn, Tho Matchless,’ w rlh, «- il'ii'* him !•» understand flu wunU "I this 1 cruble h-aldi. T» d- ai t-a lie in original packages, vl* t— til >..f III- '.""if'i-unil « id, V- v Mr- |'4M -it-Slav Martha' Hamman. ■ imiiin 1 v un for »-1 and the and ( asks. Traders, Peddlers, that rivals tho Stewart,’ and comes much lower. i tuanklul p favors, Rest Fr i-'i Preventa; r. at l"xv ie* a. Eighth.- tpiart. A* « ! * « Country pi ►’•* f -l 7 ears an 1 .ul ■ ag. ; st* a *r>tSi.ur»ii«-»* ••! flu* same. m am a tl ore full d> •scrip: mil nl such case*. I dab: I "7s Ju.if, lfttW. ljjn an early call We have Kail- 1 ) f ■ * Mm A'.' JA »it#- #»t Ur* tleii' •*, Like, I*\mth;in, \'i it >. * \H > i'. '• i. Arthur ■ Crystal -t this *t I* uni tin- C. II. M. J27 Court Im:' I1.'. IJi* ad N. Y. U S maybe fallowing SIIO.LES, D., Street, l'riilk water. n.i' .1 '..j \u. W .11.111 .Vttgnr,. /*.•*. 1'i.fh, p» Od*t r Ac., A <•.. Bouton. F »r .i. I: «;i.o. r *«)()!• WIN Not Mia. WINSLOW, f«Upe- ctd, Muz/.y Street, Co.. / T> / \ /I’anun*. ('rn n *r Ii"-i n. Juio lStfO. 1! ill di M S. It* Kit ft r...; WEEK A i. r endow r# m ». idle alike f--r her #!• !i- V' ( ">>k 11 rn/ ( V in S/ni >-f i:\-.I.I'll. KHKNi II and ]yJO A ■’ i'» "d f «. • f ms min A |- *! II i; ~ III F I* «*p*»HMVVd Col II H I'nr a I’l.ChKK. (imtlFNOW k Coj -nr--, an I -Wert, n SVIII- we manly All of whi-'h guarantee to entire -atisfa.1 * I < _* niji f.r „• r -1< 11 > h give Kil l* II.I ll A T. F. vMMTf.S. IMEllPK A h i> ■, /frv •■>«/', ( a #ju iliti# t h< in m l and art tiou in « IS*- jinww#% ft* .*'•■» 'l ■, mI i' every way. HddMI N Ml IKS S Ii.WlS * t'o.j JAMEi •>#!■ * .i- t> a an 1 other iirti.de* too tinmen uu t (i K all * stoat »• .1 »U id* .- <-.-minami the r» and afT» etimi specify. A D 1 N E R S M A* KIM IKK. •, pert >f nil ;, r- ai.d >|iialiliea, and us will IRON SINKS. LEAD ZINC. &.C. !*•)•• per* please PIPE, rtati u*. Also ,tn eAten.-ive a- -itmt-nt ul cowly49 r-i| If- .< « ■ r, )-«or» <• f ttight* r. *i*t# r. w V an i m .ther, w ith ngi. a!! an 1 •» tie by 15ifir-t f .1 uno next. llalb w and liiamel. I an md a a « lb i.r ;i !!l»El J1A1IC AM) XKlKAUIt % a t* ft * iii 'Ll |Vrf«i-tly is iar ! i- lify, purity and 1 v#v Rv her n-iuoval tlie C11A '. Mel’<>NAM», Agent. rtment- t tila-c, Hritania and french Ware. roitiiru 1 »'i 1 (O'll'OlXO. > a* •’ li; a I *U our.-h !• v *dinmg 11giit, and the p-r hare May 1, Hsl force. ri-t'-m and •'min Also Hydraulic. Pump- A ■ rf'iin. and cure fot ilk' u I.,*! a tiiend. permanent •yiU|4Vthinng Atw.-i. I s l’af. ut li v liaulie w iii--ii i- .»• Pump ui .N' liiatj I -alt Rheum. It is mi o-r fattier, I will that al- wleun -u ha-t Aolifo. they Th l^sigiitT’s kn< w to be the best ana lodged cheapest Pumj VESTINGS, i..»l i• incdy. dri\ ut and eradi ating given me, he with nir where 1 am. that th#*v t otii d «v of a n. Stover entirely may Mav, HOI, in the world. « j f -1• k•*. \ lv* r-. On naline'a.-li*n*-res the diseH-v an u ■ in dut «.r bu*.- boh* Id winch 1 u ha.*t uie.” < ton-isting* i e p. fruit '-o H I'uin.ii aid uralgiv C m- the ■ •! ’h ipter 7d of the Uo iscd .'tatutr-s, for the ben- Pantaloon T > 1* she-. Waiter*. Nurse t'luthes Goods, an i- the h* ? medicine !• tin .ii-< a-- I cxer Schr P.atan. Print!. Mother. et’.t ! their ciedi' > N-.ticc thereof is ijiunps, Sprink- um: v r i:\n:i{\ Ui hfiii;dv. hereby j « A '. All of wlii.h wiii be male t*« ord» r, or solJ .1 \ A '.Ml 1 1 Male mi* w- ler*. Ac up by 11, No. Bid 11 1 foreftter, Uli. 1 0 M tii# 'car. **p n-t f me. ..••ven, an 1 ti ,t thr< months from said date are F u I.;-- \* crnlgi.i. Stiff Neck the I.uinbago, •' do \v irt piece. ill ..! .1.. bnn.-' S t'lit* I an Jr ali .**unt! I full of -ad:.# -*. n w. a.! wd to credit to h« •••in*? parties to said as-' »cl(s Spi'a. '.s, mill Wounds. A in- wd!' H' tun it.-:a I’1 II* d a I ill it w rn with car." 1 twenty veers, h*-. Ilheiimutie ami « it uk o. Thy spit see, -igtuu at, aud t" bring in and prove their claims. •if our own make, better and than in cheaper any J to in v I -'ii ial will.- ! » t Vt v< u* Disorder*. With rr w r# -ling mi l r -w. •' thy other Said and Fire lr n*. t the best ■ I- ■< and U J* Warn n. .1 la1 ! t- n place. w tin d 1 tin* u*'- certain remedy, and r « CLOTHING. •'■ > A. » '• ATE, \ Tub- 'I ! 1. t i« pr* pai ii from the reetpo of r, M- r>-, N< w l»« -i!• I It i* ‘i 1* will, deare-t moth.jr, make; Ealhing : ! . ll neuinat and Neuia igu. f ’..|ii- Stt|>rri> ->« a n .- .. ('astine, May 11 Hoi. ilwlT A st k of A Summer l'i t, n nt.tll*- f.itii'US I tone *ct- *• 'hm .^ai-inirv. I *»-'V T »t I wa* *-alled f II# av -ii aboro for Halt'.- Patent Horner, also Juhn- large Spriug Clothing, ! AX i: 1.-. 7 1 r n I l-fflir 4 Vif’ 'gents VN *i-• s !.i« ns ovrcunO, Kr Mick* and I’u-uie*.- .• practice f..r more thuu twen- T* dwell w t.i 1 -tfn •n‘> Patent li the and »cki», ,i my #lopart#*d r-, g Trough, best cheapest ty ye.,, with in -t ast-.in,long success. Fiii.iv, Pant- uud W.-U. of all the m- st iashiui W ., .• v t.i -I. the d 1 but. I thing of the kind e\cr mad- li.ix i..* »•••:! a 'ii4' a ut suil' rer from N» urt.lgi i> f A IF/ ! .1 (il /• i; it h unrivaled by t n. iiu*4w i- inted and h »- M. "Ur, Uii -k. P.. I It-. n ... tiling sell f-»r or! •»;. « at m i. t'... ; nl.|a ..f which the no-si 0 n We shall the-e goo's very low* cash, i*.i i-tgica -. and bx-cn ilriven c,\‘ iuci- •* • ther. tell father *1# ar ...i, ii ii !i.m- .! .• ii u -; ( an Administrator of the by Jo tny A1-o on hand a hand .i >rtm« nt t 1 ’* ell *.\ii:ci d a Astoria. ^cins, We inv ito ev-! a’ 11 » pltc.'l by H.ngle trial. I n-.t •h#-1 with esiat■of exchange tor Harter. respectfully pain the oiil id nundn 11. remedii *• SS o**1, J" give up. grief, LOT III and a ! k I i! I, and HULL'- I<.»r«*!»t, ~ whether N‘«, laig* .pully radically. W in. C II AIII hv \ \V \ / h Y. late ,f Ilii t-> call and examine ur .it t.f.j. niig 1*1 el. I w.i* itulm'id t" trv •• t.cn h#* I !*-n bat!, -..ill »ip.rt, cry body good*, 11ll I I I *** > F. Warrcul ii. N« * ^ fk. hear; /.' / US ..fei'-ry kind, and in thousands L*r«l» in th*- r .i: •, of lime gentleman, d-ceased, t.y wish t<> dm-e ir n--t. i. 1.1 a 1 N euf.it .4 • o in n"i |. Rut Iru.-t m t*cH.i t^* fin 1 relief. they pur •is* ,.i- i*ciu used it has never been known >h. i.U as the i«v .Ih-Ho Jr tleTef-re r- all ■ A Kill a n* iriv r.g .pleats Atlki l•« •-* J I H "rK n ill ij nnil *womptl\y I hni tak’ li inf a.• botf!# and am entm x will. n Wh«» ate a ■•! !•• the 1 d*-e> a.'- it’s '-state, to •• t i!* ff earth will .••"■n p-f*-• boons. / A / / I if wid I' -t ni. The be passed, liiP »I'llfiHS. Fl it MSIII Ml B B. H N \ ! Kit. In o i> B. N a F .!!.',! afTjrd immediate relief iu Wan lrrrr. l'.elatfy, make tmttieiliate and t!e>*e who have de- AIKEN, .tier, p* payni'-rit. any * ■•. *. 4* An 1 w* -[.all find in Heaven's Store Ellsvv IS til. 4 a Ut. il Idoek I,, w- M*»- ry di«tr***.sing. Valhalla, Iui i> mands tie r* to* kin* tie same Hr se-.il* inent. -ith, May I, wliieh l*uso-u i »r- «• { ll. .ii, among are-"hirta, I w i*. s of III'..il).H UE in thret .. A tieh reward f r us at last, 1 have be.it I. f- i with Suit 1 u urn -. \\H I> sWA/.KY 1*. Iti it* .-alurday, iil'UCe11 Hi lk -liii f-, c■ o' .il •! i* v, limi ted d*' it. T dwell with '# 1, t die r.o m r*-. buck HI SRI. li I xx r-t f in 1 a * a d a I iti"re t' ;•»! '•port. May ami a stock I g /*”'/// // a u cure KranWc. P»i*-*ti*n. (urge instantly. Csun«e!li (iFlfr.RAT, •• you kind, Pa»ti t., Jo I '! I t ■ f II ice or thin Pori*, 1 Jami*- and sister r• •• Under-Shirts and Drawers. I. 1 it. I ue b- ttb'ot y ut nij find, a d .mu nprude excess, •* my O e .» .*l indaili lljoar, IlfJgkir.*. to -#• I 1io|i» .11 v -ax ,» I 1. v !’.*«;? loll ; x ii'td g remedy. Acting lie fvtl.ful -till t!i behni'l. ■ *• dr -i' u« 11 u iu.di«- MliitunM*. J’< «t n. ih'.ii;; tii-t "I Ad'" i'-traU>r \ s, It strengthen* i'arrMa, U b**m <»od hath 1 t liv •• « ltd "ii\ >!.»■". i’ -ii t I! e- i. Mb* -pan you. wm >n the e.'atc ■•( m < .dre«t..u s it to i-lastiev an-l do up r am ! to reak* garmm 4 vigor M>»or«*, 72T prepare up «. urn |.h< Uintt a l N. ,.| a • in. Madagascar, T.-vniv MVlik Ml N late of ** 1 ,y, •'-uii r*-»ii* u\ we claim uiai V, bucksport, lat* -t style, warranting good fit.-. r \ / fl.KlKF.D. in:.’ «* r Han -k, d-e. l.v grv.etf »* nd as the ■ i. illangc the world U» onl, 1 intend t«» deal on the e* pro ^ principle, ii K .t .1" I I "f tlii« distressing complain/ !;iittol 1 uuoiu io -« 11 « n* »i». inut w.i: rr \ m s gouu* *v to toniak medial ipicmiycan "id -I It. II u- I ... i|i red fm. alTortl iinnu-di • nian to Let titU he under*' I. / U stll Um *> -u in*' t, •! I't. sfwh ii.ii -a.i> U exhibit -• will ell ct A radical ■ \ lots t t. t rHir by *#* My "• t. n V » a »•. I* f r tb « y -tf.- 1 III.-1 \\ 'I \ N nin t'i t 'it 'i. i»*>i• I t 'i n /i ■ -1. b \ l* !\ v *- .. 111. n 11111. ~. ,,t *;•*• r-r ... lii.i ? j |i .-c -r. lvM. I.* * *'/» '-it an r ar« ox- 1 May 1i. Cl 1TI.\ < doiie at short notice and in t m tut THRO.4 sometimes ton. Kllsworth, 2'Jth. i r-i.it j. u I ,t -a •**- I !. Kps May j ini (muly appiiuu- styles. ■. ui > ■ ■ f •' t:.- <4 i v, i. \ >i fail tn cure. 4llIN ED. At irt f i*r it« held at Hue k» within Traders ;it who!*- a**» port, 9. MOJVEGIIAN, "Ur.try supplied M " \ l • * V t I v r> •ii'Stiuat”, and enlarge and for the !*• univ of cu the n. «t. n. Hancock, tail'd •• 1 i*' « if n*1 Ini-Tin* his friends ami the in lo in t. .i Iim I I = u;* \ I in gleeteil. The i-. public general, LIKIA W aulPil work «>ltop. do f May. I-M. i»>1 tills l.it.iuiini iu two or «*n, Wednesday « I n ... 111- Old that In* .Mill continues at the 1 stand I h. t,*.,. |. ur. ti- V v 4 \\ Stand. n of r. »• «/# U>m.> n >n, j-uthl n. th'-jM-iiti Woodman, A. T. JELLISON. • CLEAR! IIP*MP' »N. i Pml ••• II HOI ON administrat'd «d t •; «-state of Mark «linn, V/I> SORES, ULCERS, 27. SW-.Vi.'w. 1. 'i. ti Mi. < .nl to the wunilmfiil Monday, K11-worth l!f»us*. late id it. in said decran the Opposite itucksf county, d, ^/■* Remember place, *\v wh> ro he i- to build and has on hand for <>..• u.l l' I«V t H't-i « ■ u** ! 1 LI I N FA 1-1.1 ULL LIN* Huston. r* «i* that tin- > *il e -t »f** f s.i l dc- prepared J Murch, rej .ting ; n f" direct inns. -a’.c rt' n S *• \ M Also, t > S. Pa ■ •-••a-vd i< t surti'Mcnt pay the just debts, which Store *lrh t [It AS D /ySEi'T I CARRIAGES A WAGONS, formerly occupied by HI 'Wt»'«'V P.*H Ii ! » r, ELLSWORTH, ME. he rcA' d at tin time < 1 Lis death, by the »um f / * t.\hM/A#..v | ill > 11. .i t H I ... I! three thou-.m l dollars, !• r a li n-n-.* f all * it and at to suit the times. He on Main street. | my andpr.ixiug prices elfurd, r. » 2? : , i...... Horso Owner iocs-da,jr, | I-, s. l| (in i uvey im» mu • *d the r«vtl eatute of has enlarg* l hi* -h< i duri. g the pa-t winter, and 1 ivory KUsworth. 18, 1861. I III it :• u I » * 1 April l*.,- 1 f'-r •» timely use at the said d !•*-1 its may be it --ary !* r the fitted up in onnvto :i with his Carriage .'hop, a pny- w III * nil.. N. .4 w. o u •• pa*.ill.' tiiy |-rerent those n > *it -d said debt-- and ’idciital charge*: HENRY ROLLINS take this method to ini » .. •* lire Ml Li! igred tr-.n, an it It tl f n « !«*,< halite, and I 1.1 I i,-' thank- t • his --ust umts t- Ur-l.r.'l I'll at T I. t ICt; thereof fstabiislimnit, '| ) KN pa-t pet. nergiv* Painting ti < B I the cit•/.ei,-..f KUsworth ami vicinity —AI.r.KK l 'Mil H, l M • ilu.d lior-' nearly le. -ai i and > r-'-r.t in. 1% 1 ;v- *, and trusts attend.i? t-> the heirs of I all cne «• «cr- ■< by piiM-iual p- ar I ha at |i ruble n*e, the lor t > xp* engaged they have t-, ntly lilted up machinery t It* M II *>•*. < a ordi to ■ * "ill* the wonderful t hie bu-i:i»>!*, i" merit and receive ac »ntinu.inco forested by causing p> of this l*e ub- X — f cue tin Im »t c i, ;iii 1 <•mani-nta I -age manufacture of ir t.n«i. k t •• i r»i. I.ari I li\. t>een received of their Iished in the Kllaw >rlh \*iierio«»n, printed hi id's, I’aint* r.s in the -tit,-. He »i»«.*i'■ tin* custom of palr-nage. II I «• i. N‘ ■ !.»th, from the ; II ■**! H ! them from persons I have «-n hand as u-ual. and am e- a -rth, in -aid county, three w* «-k« want nstantly successively, all wiio may eld and •• t, schooner of Carriage? repaired I Ul* ,li f •' ■ IV all kind- I llarn- --rj. consist that at a l*r bate t'irt t be b* t p'MIt.d manufacturing they may appear in the -tyle ■ ? She ie own- painted DOORS, and t ti •!. ill n v .*. « > « « m sat 1 (’• on third itinitm. the be.-t Mixer I’lat- Iir.i-s and J.ipaml Iiim- hidden at Kllsw* rth, unity. the i’• o.-tan* «>m b ind, Lumber and Truck c< af-t •#* in11*t r.'it« *. J in the < June next, at 'el- in SASlI, I gnature and f.lke- min*:*, mil l- --f the I»* -1 *ak Tanned heather, and Wednesday In the Wag ri*. »’ar* Wheel-, 1 arm Wagons, Ac. 1 ti it and rt id ! • vi-r s l»t»e|. and also 1 'N < whv ipiilll nt and faithful rknmn. f- renoon. and shew 0411*0 if any tln-y have, W »_ ii- ,m 1 W -f id k'o-L made to order *' by •'in|H.t< t I '.i.'nt Mown hi ths .-ii ll.UU' C •«: suid -n -hmil I red be K*le, Sta^e iiU-l l»oub!e leaiu •, lire prater petin granted at. v* »rr I Mil’ll CN M"N K«. 11.\N. c|| time .ir- PORTS. I id the m -f an I I- I i- genuine, sLintly "ii band. l'AKKKit Tl lx. Ju !*»'. litltl* II if*r >V'of, /.//' wirih. IMI.I >*'N \ ok I!.»■ pu- 1- '• II \\ K \\ ane Smith, II‘ A true — Attest I I-*'a. Norwich, Ct. copy. ■ » v ’• I» liar ly 23 flock land ; I l ave in my ctn|-b-y the best low N-i;\l», \ ■ ill •!. ; Star.-* A Maker* in the State f-»r in that tram- Ac. >triji*.i|, anything •- •» 1 &.C., At a « f P -1 '*i K • HA'. I* l.l.! \ ! !:. F: i. \ \ I Kandali, Horton, of 1 argent, work, •*. ill it.- -' defy competition. the i'll.', v i'llk. fourth W- l.kj W \l.l Jr * ii • ! | » AI. o, m fur Hr:«*tii .mil Scrum! ! seh Linton, Cas- \, t. I* 1*' 1 icUinery IIappiness Idaho, T itl \ K *. A «*.: 21 Man... I I .. .. V 1 *»\ \ | H \ \ .-*|'A N t.KV r. : K i* x Mat-• J>1\ i: v hi the fleet* of Vali-es, farpet Bay-, and Traveling »'-. • I -'•*» Eden f r !ii..ni i!I.«, Lumber^ » p. nily r**Blor«*U order at notice. in-1-- 1- ■ PH MMlii:. 1 M l»y constantly on hand r made t** short rt« Munch Ufc ICrm tr;h % >« \% IHmoutv. Planing county. d-• *- * •» ii and and A PH.A : w l.i.K u WHIPS.— -t -ek ot canm t be « v -‘li- \ 1 I W removal -d hard Planing Kitting Clapboards My Whip* ■ .1 J On/1 #./—T*. .t tie IK* .*t--r r|Mir. of all We also Thi J\ A • T Concentrated Cure ! piiinc, ed. m k-. f-mbs, Biu-h. preparing Moulding* descriptions. Whin |lilies, furry « .ns hit* r.-ste a 1 x f .. :.r 1- I »•> a > \W in tu ki n weukuesM of the which •• a Jl‘i constantly and every article in my line of trade, all of l.shcdlhre* .. > «' b v inun t pt.v- -n I universally considered by keep operation. j by (Iri d Tnrk, Dollivcr, Uict u, n wtih the above we Ul/n Tit. — • In anrecii business, still ». will be |-i I- w f--r '’nab. at Kll*w*-»rth, .1 *-*• v lit* rea b of me licine, are entire-* (JTtut i KEATIVE ORGANS. "...m Travi 1< printed ; l rig* r,-\i lit, to lie >1 Id- I* at H »» M *». .1 t*w c(>nt»nuc to manufacture the celebrated Ii .M 4 »• Second-haud llarnes- Liken in part pay- i'*urt « lr- m v:.c human m tin* u e of I »■ f. ", K > M. #*# •• ly xp*'.*d by Principal j Ober, by John S Kin- third H.d f Jui- xt at 1 IMIS SedgNNiek, n.cut tor new ones. i) (ITT, ■ -• s n Mi. !, -. I \ ; \ w A Mt Desert 1. k f 1 ! Dr. E O G ul l Ptn W^rm PREMIUM PLOW. _- ,K. 1 W11 here MS Murphy and at -Ik rt Syrup. Ham* .--' Oiled 1 •» Cleansed, IB-paired msfnim-nt k -a I i-.| •«..*■ I » s «*d M \* A .. 11:\Kin i n ; ii i'MI UMI.IiY Fatten, Ellsworth; Albion, pr A « n o \\ »rinit- l in every **A**-, Wo wish it understood that it! w> rk entrusted notice. 11 KNHV HOLLINS. *i "I t d*. %-• I ... a» lb* 1.4.-1 d a>. • Dublin, by 17 lUikTi err, |v un*t armies* w.t t*» y. nog* -t child. Particular paid orders from Hooper, t,i>fif youth, •, <; Sherman, town. line ; !:i p. \ I brig Uurmah, Sedg- THE VOIMi V ERMONT M IT^M'* It «»• i' mg, luting anil di«- i> nut u Mmutlent, tiut bv i. Colbeth, Mae hi.13 ; Lucid- ■ worth, and ,ip Fojw, Irena i,t H W*r » ait I tin f* tUU* Wild *0 "it the at t'oiindry MYtff Sul A ul Shop Ihuldiny, of I ; ; M*h1k Commodore, tirant ; * the nit. I .'tat.--*. N o. rely Remedy. \Jachias; Putiut mi-tak* a t**r the Ihie* l'man lin er •• Atwood* *«uat,ofl«n disagreeable j r- 1. .1 ed ,t. BLACK HAWK. Milunrrgnl Itridgr. CLIAS. 1\ •. Ait HIM ii » try and Zulette.Millikeo, EIDw- rth ; »r of by *i, e in tee 4 rf».»r,e n I wer part 11. W THOMAS Si Co. W i.l. M I:t l.\ I UK. Crockett, This beautiful xvill bo seven l>ecr Jslcj Lafayette. Horse years a-.- r. ■ !u!m ^yx i, -11« w.« Starting and Kl’-w rth. .Ian. 21, 1861. 1 el ea;, iui.y, and thcu you du ; no ia, Sur- old in is black, an l weighs 1020 unlit- Age Youag, July, ream in the p, !a»; tu g, ani n J. ll. k og B. V. TIIoM.lt THOMAS. | BAUTON. Si;si«* ol M;»iin Houldsboru. ^ lie xxa> bred in Vermont, sired HYDRAULIC | /' ir. Fitigeraid, p..und- PUMP, of Id* »|4*4*i* • Vo- a *|Ueutly ** Oil nr. .'i * •* \it. «» .d will Iasi a mouth. Oracle, Dollivcr, Treinont ; the celebrated Black Hawk out t lull blood- mne HV' tl*e Hr. K. I by 4*ti —The name, | W : ta M .1 I | ’•• I, \ *1.1 U AM* KLT VII. HY and Oti' uto, Hammond, Ellsworth. ed marc, she Sherman »*-d to be th.- hi a ii in hot- Tne un i* having removed from Pi's '*, Morgan by Morgan. by judtec.* i.. «. u IVi V\ .w rut i*ii rsigtie.l Augu 1 ic.«in «.i ii. Holmes, K Machine ; This Horse is well km-wn for size and beauty. 1 use Manufac- H-Itli, 1 b it Ills ll t, .III H' >niit.- with Kugei.e i/ lyi ni. Mayflower, VCKNHWI.LlMiKDcheapest an l best pump ||i i.e Mr*it. a da.. m.l*- td Ms •Ig’mlUitt To ■ No 7 and wi.-h t- stock will w .ihi be ■ * 42 N. Y Machine ; Arborecr, Smith, All persons who imjirovo their tured and tor .-ulu at a 1 < retail by il»u-, with they can settled within »*rdor ol • am I tin- I B.o,ulway, •*p|a-r. t >■ »••!* ji' Clark, Tre- examine f*• r thomselvoa. a time r>-ts to tin -o 1 Itrmy IlMTtfinkm ; Savoy, please call and hii\ t.\ M *'LK 'ole I’r* | * i. re reasonable without indebted. Uovernor J. E. ATWOOD & Kden at Kllsw- rth Stable. Co., JtUIN H. I'KAKSO.N. •• > »• <■ ; Almira, Haskell, Saturdays .. '' <» -.rA t’.* 11 and 1 J Mar that to. bill a .ul u.ii I" 4 Drooklin ; at John Ha-lam's, Waltham. At Su< '\tr'» A*- x h'i .. V Ar-c f, March i860. 1 i.iti.-n f r ui'»11.*t EXPOSED.' Lawrence, ■'Unly, Mondays L *i >, M*' ocei at Agent, for .V w Kliswoith, 10, out of t.. ; QUACKERY and '1 IHocbill- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Fridays HI < K*r*>RT, V. matlt1 by act approvid April I » * Tl .1 J 4r .*sr» oad ku«M «.f I*.- I St. will a'teud to call within reasonable aistauce. a L\» A i*i%«l A Hi*, Trcraont, Verrill, any ally lvl4 l^or Sale. reoopii/.etl a.-* van I, uni1 -aid loll, wy use 1'ur .-ale Aiken L»r> -tuer«, Ellsworth. draggieta genet v n I N l> Tii fllK I'KmPLK ,i, Left Man- TauMa—Warrant *10; Season $7; single by dall l-nn autb -lu- d •■■ •'>» barque V oni h rous of a second hand centia.'t bayt * ot horse purchasing *«, I*iwar lic^nts Cotton. All c*dts to bo hidden for service the Orders atleudcd to i. n. ur dg $4. promptly < ernor and» "ntfil or im ##* \N I' 1*110 Fort**. U< > will hear ol a bar- |»ot »-o..r gtcTiki l» f» ad t*y cv**ni»«»ly. N M ami all mares hand- bo yteat Cole, Msehias ; until settled, chau^in^ w. r. .HAKHA> th'-ir authorit\ h * nl j. t. AT WOOD. §■*•* by iii ,011111^ at thic Oftice t LIP4v«Ui, Mr artlett, East- Considered with foal. WM. t»KANT. Pectoral i. llallctt, ,v. c U.. l^tl tewjuili Ayer’s Cherry A pill 1th. 11 IT JU -LPll L li iLI 1 l»i.l |}4 tiouldsboro. Waltham, Me. May 2-Jlb *LwlJ liuek.port, April i, within! AYER’S of Hancock. At a Curt f Prolate lu-M at Ellsworth, County State of Maine. anj lor the r,tinty of Hnucork, on the fourth I \. i*. 18G1. lSf»l. * f Tkb\si’ki>:r*8 Office, May IT.wroi k, ?«.—At the C -urt of County mi- Wednesday April, tho of A. C Kniuild, administra- f-CATHABTH I Statement of costs allowed in Criminal sinners, begun un i held at Ellsworth, within ami petition OX tor of tho rdate of Smith C. Spurting, 1 Prosecutions at tlie Term of the Su- for the County of llano >'k, on the fourth Tues- I I’ll-IK ’Ol. April late of I-de, in said detun-cd, of and bv urnment oa the fth Cranberry county, fjga 4, Judicial Coin t stnd Court ul day April, ad; "-"t v •. »i*k. 4n4 April Coinmisfioners, viz : ceased i- n- t sufficient t pay the just debts, which 4*** Ottimur.n Th it there be as- ssed on Township ?Vfe ■ ttlitl 'll .1..- « Allowed Commissioners. he owed at tho time of in-death, the sum < t by County No. f*. S nth Division, in the C.-unty : 11.in’ •■•h, by ,4’m' .rn one hundred and live dollar*, and praying 'V’ 1 Costs of Inquisition on body <>( (for repairing the r>ai therein leading from the seventy J‘rH Mary t > sell and so much of the Hatch Maeomfer,Coroner. East lino <.f Ellsworth through -aid V S, t the tor n license convey ;:,a Kief,Before rial e-t.rto o! said di--eased as may be nece.-.-ary South line of Waltham) crtinif.t ml to contain eight FURNITURE NVj ±.-'* rv npf!i 4. Total Amount, $10,52 for the ivmcnt of said dels* ai.d incidental j ,:w .! i. M it.-.l Iv a thousand nine hundred and sty acre*, exclusive 1 TTy? -f7 ,,i.i of water and lands reserved h r public u-*1the charges: Vy '^v,. .:3rf i> *4 il •• riuto not ee thereof ■ 1 State v James Sc al. > (Jr.lfrftl—That the g;.e * «••»•*. *“ Ordway sum of one hundred and twelve dollars, one petitioner f'*., ».■■ being ■ NervousHeadache to the heir.* .J -aid deceased and t all pm^'tis in-‘ v. w\T< ,. * li .ii—i l-rr*i li«- Total Amount, and GOODS 1G,55 cent and one quarter of one cent per acre, W—l. »>.4 i* W t: re.-tod canning a Copy « f this order t bo pnb- r ■'H. ’'-VEalS'l ,- i-.. before illiara T. tJrant of said Ellsworth is | by in-- li nw*- <)riginatcd Somerby. Joseph appointed rth in Ells- 1 ■U ,1 I. I 111- llni.lv to law. li-hed in the Ellsw* American, printed agent t-> ex|x*ud said assessment according >. I’Vv Jr- t...i I III I- illli aniin. said c. three weeks W successively, ■ TMn| there be ,t-« --cdon T< No. t», South worth,in unty, AREHOUSE, C> *jf ii,ml.ii« III- fund li ■«" State > T. Whittier. wnship j Stephen that at a Probate Court t-- be *■- ’Divisi* n, in the County of Hancock, (for repair- they may appear Vijfrd '»?*' til. -l* Into ltB"l"ll" Total Amount, 15,39 n nt in said on the thir l >**"'* i.unfv tii-">ii in (Vnnt a ii- the E ist Iii»e <*f li.-bl- Ellsworth, County, ,,i,. ing (he rt 1 therein le.-uli g m l. 1..1W. before William \\ idn- silav of June next, at 1<» o’clock, In the ,, ; I.It,„. I,.lul Originated Somerby. l ranklin, thr ugh said No. to the Wot line oj nn4 cause ,, ... Wli ■- III III- l*»ly. Opened! to forenoon, and slo w it any they have, why 1 No. 10 estimated 4 *i T"wnsliip adjoining Steuben) In Lora's Building, .. inn-, il ruli. n- t be v S. the o! said -ii-iild ernnted. State Wyatt Moore. th usftnd foot hun Ind and forty p:a\er petition ‘"'i, ,J" .i , .i,fi'«ii|.|int! ■■ntnn*. It"- PAKKKK Tl CK. Judge. 'Total Amount-. 2,2 V exclusive of water and lands reserved for public « ., «,*•«*«.. EUsw. r‘h ■ A true *itc the lloU*C,) ... tii- .1. iinr-nw i*f*. before Geo. W. Madox. uses, the sum of niucty-tivo dollars ami twenty copy,-—Attest (Opf. .... I By the use of these Pills the periodic at- Originated IT A. A. EAmLKTT, Eegistcr. ;• if... .•.l-l- tin. cents, being tine cent and three fourth? of one Cent tacks of Nervous or Sick Headache may b. non- ; at -I The.„p re Hunker. Jr., of Franklin ... v per t .... I*. ; and if taken at the commence- ROBINSON & HARDEN State Rol>ert Beekett. At a Court of Probate held at Ell-worth, within MAIN STREET. prevented i< appoint' •! agent to expend said assessment ac- ,4,1,1... t. ...tunny ielief from Total cm fourth ment of an attack immediate pain Amount, 5,51 cording to law. nii’i for the County of Hancock the mi i!i- IatltO A. lMil. •'.mr- II** shi'tlur Motrin'• and sickness w ill ho obtained. VVK returned from Roston, and have before W illium i That there be assessed * n the Wextern t < f of A| ril, 1». .... 11• 11. just Originated Somerby. pat •* <*f tl’" ■ X and HEN J \MTX V lEAN. ( th a’ ~r fn»*<'ti<>n« seldom fail iu removing the Nauskv M* opened a la; stork of New Honda, which N 10, a ."t 11• u. i;i t > AMI El. CIIA They Township !j ing County «* -'.. ., ^ > inwill 'Vi t the trade at LM" th.o r id lead- ► named E.xrcut rs in a certain instrument pur- i' n, and Headache to which females astonishing v of Hanc-ek, therein !!• «•! Stab* Daniel Dowd. (for repairing .. ... > w||.t !■ ill'- virt*t»*H PLh'LS. Among their stock be found a full fr -m the East line <-f T No. South to bo the la-t will and testament of Mary ftuin ject. may T *tal Amount, 7,*S ing wn-hip !», porting to * I y tii-hi wlit'U Mifltflliig lute of fashionable •! aid No. l ran, late of Sullivan, in sail c< u- tv de- i-a-ed, They aet gently upon the boxw i>,—it mov- W Division, through said Western part before illiaiu Som *rby. the same for '”>* i" Costiveness. Originated U>, to the Division line between land of John having presented probate: m ,4 f,' 11.ii'iiHiT i-i'i ing 'ili-i «*H known !»"• «-t Dutt- n and <1- That the said Extent r* giro notice; .iii nM.l f, -u. |wUie For Men, Students. PellcavFc. West and others, and land Samuel ,.| Literary State v A. T. Hawkins. six to all interested, a c- t this *o||«. habits others) estimated to contain nine th- usand persons by causing py males, and all person *>i is -1. ;i..ry DRESS GOODS. in F’: »■ \W- Total Amount, hundred acres, exclusive of water ami land- re- onler t bo publishetl three weeks sneer-.-indy /• y r’.mt./St. '• 3,17 as a a arc valuable Laxative, impi sue!* Ik Forages, Leisters, Valentias. t’anicIV the K !l-worth at Kl’-w ;th, that ■ of all tint i* they before WilliamSjm served for public uses, tho (nni of one bun iu i American, printed j,.. ^ y -r PUN »t tii tone a d vigor to the ji llair t'l.ith. \l| Wmd Hrlaines. Silk and Linen Originated Tby. fMi't-l mV Anuifht the appetite, giving and one c. nt '. I three y may ar at a Probate C< ui t t be lit !-l at j,, i. Tb-v I.i' •’ -ivtv-cight dollars, being aj-pi tli-.t il • re-' .turd clas- i t«. -1 '> I lair. Lama t 'loth, with a ... | lia I- 1.11-1 f»'t tT organs, and ring good one acre and Theod :c Hun- Eil-wi th in said on the third gestive fourth- of cent per ; County, Wedne--lay v* I—•»* !"»■: K'*• *■ — v 1 «. I!*»r nvtlfr 1 ot wh> \>tcm. a ltmriiLi-l (»•" d<, ‘JOOO State Thomas Ford. r»i n. fi, and strength th tiray Foliages, of Franklin t i t June m xt. at ten of the clock in the mu, l.rv -km a Mrity ker. Jr., is appointed agent exj i’Vi -i | u » ! .t »,.*4 m 1 pi n. ! ot New l*i Ac. Total 3.51 ai l p The CKPII X PIU> arc the result yds Felaines, i:,ts, Htnghams, Amount, said a-.M-ssment to law. an-l shew cau-e. if have, the .InM a. tm 1. -!••• •!*» «'• LbC | according any they why in I,-. I,.. ’ir a: 1 conduct! d ex- it< i bcf<>re W illiaiu v of ?!; uld not be d long investigation and eareftiKy (trigin Somerby. That there be a- d is the Eastern part instrument proved, apprv 4 *•*"*.*01.41, " ;< will and testament : 1 de- periments, have been in u>c many >< -•. dur- Township No. 10, adj ining M- ubeu in the County allow, 1 as the last ceased. 1*AUlvEK TICK. iag which time they have prevented ami State v John Morey of Man ck (for repairing tin r ad then in, lead- Judge. A« a Family Fliyalc. Wi.-t A o ! v — t relieved a vast amount ot and sufi* s ing Total Amount. ing from the line between land ot J- hn and tno- Attest, /• 1 / ir. .\>»f pain 13,79 Ib ■ I to IT A. A. HAKTLETT. gi-t-r. from Ileadachs, whether origin..ting in i: before others, and lai.d of Samuel Hut? n an others Vmr I*,!! tin* 11 *' f | 'i Tin-ir -li-r? Originated Renj.F. Ferguson. the West line of estimate! t contain rttnl,?' .»• .-VhtrtK »» I n»-T .1'" *r a state ot th. Clurryfield) ! nervous from Black and Dress Silks. •• *<■ !• .’ i*» ?K ft •> »*• ti til.-, deranged ... f system thirteen thousand three hundred and acres, To the Honorat te Parker T Jud t Proto I ,t ,1 .-vl forty j ui stomach. * « f C mr v 1 H:in- -fk. imk-a tti* :n taialuaU* to tu Ibv tlaily We have very large assortment Fancy l>ress State v Jonathan C. Press y A al. exclusive of water and land reserved for public C. ir ! v f J a N arc vegetable in their and Al- Ib N- Pray, tn atn," ,»l ■>! tlHt-n^v They entirely Silks, f tlie I’lai i.-. Stripes Figured Total Amount, the rum of tw » hundred dollar? and ten cents 10,09 uses, non inot.'t*. or BluekiV. l! .1 lb*’ at all times with In ni;Mlil.XPray, compm hr .Foul “lomm li. snd be taken so ih'iiidi. Llaek Silks. •• sition, may ri*-h, figtred Win. one cent and one half f « nc cent acre, »• Carpets, IiiiiiU( lic.<,it lillrn^nr Originated before S. Croon. being per u .1 hit V Pr i\ l-i without change ot Indta and Foulard .'-ilk,-. In I'l m k ^ o,/ /; A perfect safety making any and Samuel Hutton of Kilsworth is appointed .... a I /-if taste we ran *ut 4T« 1 •*»!' > i-ti diet, and the absence ot any disagreeable Silks sln*w al orery agent to expend said assessment according to law. Bay, that b© ha* bail an atlvamafoou* offer of P" pr A\r_ 1 r**mf-l-in»0 State \ Robert Beekett. •• In I* m C'*l’ .It f'-r 0 sain*', am! !U | |,.«,r*. ■,»# f wltfi ur PIIU ft--, il.»« 1 iv /h I »•« renders it easv to administer them to children. grad a from '.*'i cts up to $1,50. That there be assessed on T -wnship No. *1, dred til.liars. iij.'in I Amount. I it vs •ultl 1". f ir" t!r- of Sill t j. ’.a N Urn? an-l ail '• I P* ’* COrNTKKFF.i l S Total 10,38 Mi l lie in the of 11.me- RE WAKE OF Division, County ck, (h s-n 1 -I. *ui I »••• ..fi ill -fl. '-i.i '.t. in ri-i .lilt if.tr-! fit', 1 *•f*>re NN' inter* -t* .1. Hint l.i said mh-rv-l in | &C. ,S. of (\ illi.imSomerl>y. the road therein, fr ui the East not HANGINGS in ii» 1!. The genuine have live signatures Henry Originated repairing leading .lisj.,.4,.,1 ,.f and the proof,to th- re >f put ut and PAPER that | line of Mariaville the Western ot loner :' md-P- I bat I. w hi' ,l*Ii uiiv «!u tin'in Spalding on each Box. through part 11 J im ,«n itil'-r*-C. V*-ur ja-Ul pray* »t highly. l!o-' -e 1 •• <1 <*f th.- Sold and all other Dealers in Slate v Timothy Rreslehan A als. raid No. -1, to the North line thereof, called the m :r II -;mr wuult! grant !um *-»p I ■' W | by Dmggcsts vr h a taw of this Mat- in *un < a*es »» Total Moose Hill ltoad) estimated t< contain twenty-tw.. !.. limriv, agr aMy | I f Medicines. Amount, 2,So 1> N UKAV. i.i wl-and pn-M Ift. 011*1 V V I II ,,, lull! l»f A ll «4> or tw > thousand ami acres, rxclu-ii e of water and j T’:r ,illi,> r. Lave j®*t received nriv on re- before William eighty a. » « A Box will be sent oy mail prepaid (>riginuted Somerby. April Ji. r ISG1. 1*. It t n:,'. (uutv of on tin fourth W nln* of I SotIioungi (* Capes. Mills per acre, Joseph tin’ Hancock, s-ta) .stuffed ('bails, ,/.S>„wfrrf.iMtl. to Total Amount, 8,19 is 1 to laid afSCs.-::.-. nt ac- j April. A D. l-o.l. Card Tables; Fancy All orders should be addressed we it a j app"inte agent expend — I.li rr In *his artielr have made regular branch Petit O i' b l!ilinti« nitorthri <’nni|»l«Int*. lefure Win. S. (ireen. to law. olng Si Us, ( aue Feat, Wood our and have fitted a I'l oak Dc* Cording d 01 a ■ Chamber T- f W HENRY C, SPALDING. of businuss, up Originated *T e n ’In < t*» all p> r«*n« it, rest* h> T> r -I /■,. ;. iu ", X rv,rI Cfjr. That there be assessed >-n N •>. "1. and hu\e "tir I'l aks and di- Township of ti.t and order **f « -urt thereon, to In? publish* *d Si at and Chairs, \c. ,t Iv I t their 48 Cedar Street, Now-York purtment. Hap* |M tilfun Keeking &■).<{'!' f*nr- Middle in sai l estimated c n- ■ t» ner from our of the largest t’luak Kstab- State v Weed. Division, County, j t!tr«s-Wf-ks ’ll' s*:\i !v in t! J'.b-w Vn .»t , *| <■. if H ■.»! rflv- tn * Rost-on. Randolph * •• at * J— Or to XVBEKS POTTER. tain thousand and acres th- V n.m appear .xt a Pro!.,; irt h* M ■ lut' in f* lishmont- in the Fnited States, and shall Amount. twenty-two eighty I t.ii *. | 1!,- >' toy | 'Total 13,10 u tl nil' 1 **■ > ’*••»« t.'.nn Sole Wholesale for New of water and lands reserved ! r rt!i. -I «atd «•<»««• tl... It It, 1 Hi** 'W of b n Agents, England. hr the seas.-n with the exclusive public of | -1 tun! --- Alio a a.=s rtuunt supplied through before \ M lar^c an nil- i> I mnnrr*!r t.-.1 W- Originated Renj.F. Ferguson. Use--, fertile ot that ]- t; 11 of the r-oi, j fv„ I NFW We this repair 1 n -n d -t 1 1 patterns. opened day .iic. the uf sai *h /r.i-it* ,» »t |i ni' i- 1 UK KN DolliU.MENT OF .1 why player p | FOLLOWING (it ill -ra i-c nimgi n; ■■ » a of new ng fvl.Kl.lt 1TI!\. J U*1,.T' 5' *'»••« AM I great variety patents u j ll. -.*J«vU !. -• lhI {+• rk*- State v A. Herrick A al. in .-ai l X-*. 21. the sum it one hundred ani t- -• w nSi we ar« selling at tr• m \'.h \ A T :: rrr. K ] T ’M NT T ?r I> 1 Total V nil .nnt 1.1 .V:» dollars cents, beii five mills a re. -rd* f court there I* < h in > [ SPALDING’S and rge N. Black «.f Elk-worth is ;*j■ nte i 17 Attest—A. A. I’artlktt, Hc^istcr. before <»oo. L. IK-suier. I Originated t" said ti.«*o.**mcnt to la" agent expend :»-•<*..rding .,rj li iii.i !• lit' n>. .t:i » « Hill •» li’-'italr bi a-*ep>t l on the We.*tern art ■! T-.:!.- II «n. Parker Ju of at..I «•' I- TU. lf That there ; Tuck, l$c Ptvbaic, ! ,t til. » -I 1 Ilf !• *{ •■tttlsAlU. *i t*c*t- PILLS, v CEPHALIC State I M. (lott. = — >t th- < "f lit;: -*k. •• ! K Toy No. 22. Middle Diu-i n. i- -a 1 (' .a- f IJilty j n.M lit** Inrr 1 ,'ii | Township 1 Oil Cloth all who sifff.u fiulm » » i'Mpi.y vtr* .-■ f r.=. Carpets, •' ;• : — •'* will convince Total Amount, 0,41 tv.estimated t contain eleven thousand and 1 :: » 1 I 111"1 "I "I f Mfl'l .1 < 2 ■' ■• i | tl,,t ,; bet*.re John S aer«-*. exclusive of water and land- .•c l for Originated Staples. imJ K Red it ria •16 Hint .-.'Mil* AC 11 E. u*cs. for the of that •, \iiV HEAD d- a* t v. .• —IU.it ! » Il W I ’•l I'. public repair p tat.- sn '.iid tnwii, !•<••! f-dlows, i: .u | ill'll, ) J »r*. Al, /. THAT V LADIES’ 1 CLOTHS, 1 Allowed by S. J. Court. ad in No. 22 leading from Aur ra t a g- Il til s it h hy lit d of Solace Mur- -u them-..:’. 1 l.’i.d j i' i. if A. * II JK l. <• « -hade the ■ AND SURE CURE \ is 1 -Tin', lit, 11’; ry t n, wlii di lie- b. fw < n the Wc.-L line <■:' said N d Jer- \ a: ham's heir*. CcntailiiiJK «»*• >Ut of SPEEDY \ St. T. Whittier. Aluo a Lirgc o. IMm, Worm*. State > that as. ninrrlir* Mi \n .. S ilsbury and Middlesex Cloths. Brown pben 22 and the Division line between land of tieorge ,i'i and .died tie (’iwdajff lartr. and »4> Pyintlrrv. IS WITHIN’ Til ill 11 REACH. :'.' f hundred dollars h i* hr* an Water Total Amount, 54,70 t«*> and thirty 1 Ida. k mixed. Repeilant. Proof. Fancy N. Bl.o.-k and lan 1 < f N\ llliam 1 r> man. Jr., the 1 1 :■> ’• .*»?•! u .1 hr Ah «• ler Fulton, and th it 1 V nr | m» J ¥ 1 > s • I'.-i! ii Cloths. A I-.-a .treat vari- before VVilliam cent-, u rn unsol ! v Mr. /- VP-red, Warp Originated Souierby. sum of dollars and ru- I •: V said iut*-r- ■' Am these Testimonials ninety-nine thirty-fix md 1 Kell and al! •! th j I I 1 in In * ■, 1 el Lia b' o* !;i,it all of which an warrant- uH'lntstu * J ety nine Mills aeie, and N. Black -.1,1 ’.d* 'h .;d !*• d H I th- d* » 1 11 « mg, they afford }>’■■ effo being per tie-.•rge rii !tS|".*« uf, pro. ,. ! 1 If ed to !"• Heal Herman Alsu ’• < Ml Wool, anil Cloths. v > A ».f Ellsw. rrh > anted nt t 1 .v eti i t» f -1 f h t: .-•■ me- Y- m i- -•■••■r mi am > '*»•• M cy of this truly s-rmt v- State Jam Oavi* als. ftf p ag* liilfl-- appli ffi. f\>rliiat •' « 1 can be t und in our Cl ak Department, Cloak Total Amount, sessment ace. rding t- law. tl raj -{.r 11 .: I,.- ¥/ II ft 'll" I* i’-l •Atilt'; 1 07,47 •• of th. > a.-. to a law of • i. t able Ac., to match < li«p at.iy Masonvillo L an, Feb. 5, 1801. friminitn;-, V-ds, Buttons, That there be u*sesaud n the Eastern part if Ixfore Sam‘1 0. a l-.d. e> Rich. this Mat-.- in fuch-Cas-. made ai- J pr t-2 « «ftu*U itii 1 clill'UvIi. eh ths, b« tli 1 iok and h-rs. A full Originated No. lbv ;-! ii. i< Mr. Sir : any luney r.Wt.-Mp 22. Middle 1- A AC S. <*ik« )D. Spalding, stock of biuK- an I II -i* Linen from ! v Iiii of tlio III noil. ry; lld'kts, •.Jed to Contain cieven th i .»:.d t -- jut illy I have tried Pills, and 1 ty. April‘^4. ISG1. your Cephalic • sl.o. I Km- State v John M. C dlum A. als. fti Lmens; Napkins; acres, « lusivc of u:iti aui lan i- riel ! r At a t f i .• !. — AM)- so that I want to send me two t/urn well l.ossed Table C »■ -r-; 3-4. 4*4 and e-1 Flannels; "* u < i.iC' uii I \\ id lav of I, ,* » » I ’!» rtiAfr4iiM you Total Amount, 57.1 public use*, for the repair if tliat p -rti 1. : the .iy II », tl. »ur»h \ J more. I >'* s all a. I 1*61. tut fiiitilr nn*1 *m tit ’• ! ***t' iltal lei dollars worth Balmoral >k Velvet llibbon.-, lx tore William S oad in -aid No. 22, fi-ca Aur ra t Bed- Apr*!, in i!ijf loading •’ Originated >merby. «* •»,!• f .rev i: Or,f. th' IVdti -n •tt •«'••!* «i»4 Part of these are for the to whom width-: 'In 1 t Black silk Velvet?. which lies between the linew i ieh divides petiti n, red,—That ■ ll. •» neighbors, dingt-m. five n t ilj |.^rso:.« I'lt-p-*: d *’> i-tsiny a I ! V Ul- * » I ll*«« 1 a of the first box I from tie la: d bo N. Black Jr ta t b»nd >• » il.. m 1 gave few out got you IOO Walrii spiiiiy Skills. State v Merrill Eaton. rge .[ tl.-- p ai I ..rd> of <- -irt ■■., 1 carpetings .t aini I CU • .jI- -.i W. .. a freeman, and the Ea*t line of i th: -a -. :i 1 Aii.- ri-. •: i. ii \vw% J. I. HIM 141. Scud the Pills mail, and oblige Total \mount, 5'.si Jr,, it>| ft by ■ it a « .if. I— d at 1 N 22. ti smiu one hundred and tli > may ipi-.ir Pr*Vit- ■ ■ Your ob't of t:;:rty*< ight \\ 'I *4 l‘ servant., lx 1 re Win. II- 11 ». n t1 th.t 1 W »;u -i J t.Wj 1 !>» one one n* nt worth.. »■ ? r* w ii Originated i;:g cent and ijuarfer »*1 ijf tVr Jut- -t ft! 3 !'.»«•' 1 N• York T*rtr, * s 1 » » m> i' .h* i’itt# ** JAMES KENNEDY. t at li A. M * acre, and C. lewis 1* >int>. I \\ ;ni- w .'i.k i.». l.i urUin fixture 1 M |-a Kti-W- !»*• tU# Spofiord. per Jo.-cph app ugcut a; in-"' 1 t--t ! s A!-. • hive, why the prayer el ■ lit .*.* 1 f'ttm'-rm’ law. id. PM1KI il Tl K. Ju I ilatr < ih anil I>.ur.4*h b r c >«T»n4 Loungr*, !. :l umVI.H |» aver Feb. 1801. 'ii ■ 1 '» li ford, Pa., 0, State v Oiibert Rich. I .at t...-re be. t i:*i N 2s Mid- Attest: —A A 11 akti rrr, I; if A*". 1»« -rH, 1 ki »•** v C contain •• .- V. « r». »1 Mr. Spalding. Sir WOOLENS, Total Amount. 42.60 dle Bivu-i- n, in -aid uritv, e-timatol t At f uf r: rutiv, u a;( iri'ii'a C lilt I ! pn t II* m < 11 Jijii loir, > % A A A P < ■ one r r thousand and acres, exclu.-i.e 17 i. v. Jut* I i. iimalltni. u|»» I wish t 1 in<* box of Herman *' i--i me res and twenty-two eighty t Mala, you Black Cloths, Doeskins, a I* .11 -i*. I it-. »• •1 water and lands reserved f r u-* -. f 1 Coni*. A. U,i.« lam.*. C|i>th»* y Illy Pills, / no •«•••-' a and P: '• is.it no'- I w e- i-. and a lull as- public ],. ynal Plain v « -*• * your Cephalic State John Sullivan. < '• » f .’ /’ ! */-.’• the repair f that ] orti.-n of the rad leading tr -m At at -art of Pro'.’te h-M at I l'.tj?, I •*r»1111r« ! uni01Ki!OESE. ( J f two irtei I t. 1 Wc al?'- r::xnuf .••turf an ! 1 *• «*• r• -r.»nl? v vii La mi Oeneral Rill of il l."I one cent per acie and Seth Ti* lale of EIlsw. rth riM.r.l,ha»i!i; present***! ! a a- ads.;* j> Costs, — Spruce Crook, Huntingt m Co., Pa.. ) is t. i agent to expend said as.-vsmeunt ac- '.ration ujkju » 1 rift *•»■a*, -r a lar^e u Huuiit I to law. (»rj*n !.— I it th -.1. 1 A Ic.ivdrsi to I'', 1801. \ cording to I January Total £51 o,50 •At!. —3*. W. ! hi’KV, th :.. p 11. C. Sir -h Hi \- Spahling, N. K. SAWYER, A true c- alt*, t kkhstkaps, pv, lean Ut PIN” i'-h. li;at t! .. »r ,d a P- You will >end t wo h \ s .f Ce- FLANNELS, print'd SIJ j* pleas* your Red, Blue, I''• mixed. Yellow and White Flan- 17 County Treasurer. 37 P. W. PERKY, Clerk. Court f I Pills. Send t m imm t:, phalic iiately. nels. Also, Ticking-. Stiipes, Sheetings, Denims, thud H'd -l At a C ir* dpi h-d .;i P..:- % Belle Obi -. Jan. lb, l.-’l not liable to be taxed in any town, the following Y.-rnon, v ■ f llanr k on tl nth VA ... : Ilcnry C. Spalding, Es

1J a; f -r I \ a : :: AN \M.*.Y t!.’ very i west Please find inclosed tv. nry-five c nt>. ^ ers ef Hancock ..m the second if April j-ricc?. County, day •» which send me anoth r h \ : rt J.i A. t». lhhl. in-f.t of 'i h n.l.a Mv’iih' '. ’.ate Of P: | ■■ a .> Count., d a* Jin* :-. th- ‘..r I hit* Sh- si r< :na; Pills. Tto t,i // lotr- imil, li.ivtM^ d jr Otir }■ *! •»• i- •» y truly N' 3, North I>ivi i n, §•.'!• 1 H with a full assortment of alnio«t *verv O fd—T It tl.- S.»;d !. <- .1 ; in poiHiiciotn with ever irad Direct Together 23 »*3 ... *•4. •■*• iia int* r*.-i e-.-t- n- ft < *-f .» r-P 1-* I a:tide to be :■ unu n. a lir>t cla.-s M .ods Store, by ;> A. Dry 4 kinU.« of Cabinet Wo t= STOEER, P. M.. A of 3, North 43 -’1 thr*f **'•• k< ..... o. .»oith As. an. all oj who li »• shall Sell as a.- mu be I strip Division, !y cheap bought •• a Belle t C O. 4, 4 43 prtn-.-d it I rth, t». .: th- n..-.\ a; a. .* P- Vernon, Wyund »., iu Busteii or other any place. No. 8, South Division, 4 43 «"'srt »-• h. Men at i. h. M V tv. tl third \A **..-• f d. t Kohiaiwosi A ilsirili'ii. •« •• 4 43 .lay June,!,- Mass., Dee. 11, ls0>b f -r-si-^ut, and shew o.n%e t; any f. ii-. \*) th- : Beverly, 8 *> 7 Elbworth. lSol. 11 It), Adjoining Steuben, lustrum- lit •*- -it hot he 1 li. C. April 4th, p. olid, -ad allow Cl) READY MADE COFFINS t j~ -1 f T il t.rr. Spalding, Es-j.: 1 Middle 14 77 V. ;! .- •- ti, Division, as th- ia-t s: l t i,.:. f » *• I. * s -r •-w % 1 witdi lor unccircular* b.rg ** •* 14 77 P.UiUr Tl K. J ANOTHER “21, -!*:i.r t:« m .* |l, .I t.l'ul Pills m r tieulav- A r-; -t to bring your Cephali p.ii “22, 14 77 py—At’- OF AI.L “:/XS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ••*; fi- .n.1 Hi -VI IT \ V ! ■ ly before my customers. If y a have ; ny- “28, 14 77 {.falll ■ fltfT'M.. -f r...'.l*! •»* a Hint. •.? a>. s t » m \ 32, 23 t.3 thing of the kind, p! nd At a Co :! f Pr I ! Pr.'o, 25 c r.!» p*»r i: r, rr 5 II tosf rSl. 33. 2h 58 One of mv w! » is to 1; fourth Wtd customers, subject New and Stock of Darwin \, ,’loor \ Co. Prrrarc i 1 Dr J C A Large “3 4, 23 b3 Apt A il. 1 1. y AYKR CJ LiWc^l. Matt. severe Siek two lleadache, (usually listing '* \ '! A ,i ’.hr ■; » 11 itu rr 30, 23 (.3 liol.T, — „#t, r, .. « u. 1 an ot ri ; I* days.) was nind f hour iaj 3 28 53 \I.MIi;J ih 11 It, I d |;lu .: ... ui.'y. d I f..' I li JI v«kt !1, o**'?! *, 1 "I. havi ^ v i.t-'-i l.ir t.!»t a.. -I..: A .ioiuml a Il ^ Ilf J tU your jab’s, which I sent her. 10, 17 72 pr MrvM, Jr»„H. Ujio-I vti! I* --r* f .r pro*.-.! M J lull i. N lai:. \ ^ •• etfuilv \ :rs. 14 77 « « Jo*'] 41, (>r,r; ». 1 Adt -tratr.c.’ th-r*- II II. Mr^ite. SetWi •• M >• > \Y. B. \\ 1LKES. Putter Island. 1 11 f t ,H int. 1. 1 _* a py tj r- N « .V ... *1 awi Or r oceries Eagle Island, 177 1- t-• i.'h -i thr » -k* the ii'« 41 Head and Bear Island. v.' W Aiii'-r, m. i-n.it- d I .at th y m -. I ’raid; l in (' 01. i < Spruce ar at a l'r- i.»t* : I Reynoldsburg, Beach Island, .**2 1- l'ol. N Y. Rubber -t w* January'.*, ^ 4 1 > >UII I, Bsiting. ^ I! C. -axd- 7 nry Spalding, Bradbury's Island, 4 s.uu i. u.d n*-l Of -l* ■».. 1 No. 4'.* Cedar st., N. 4 1' 'ill. r- Little Dear Island, 1-AUKMl Tl t K, Ju l.-" At-: *. Dear Sir : Rhode Island Oak Leath- Western I .-land, J'* ; y Head 30 17 A \ P.arti.ktt, R -t» r Inclosed lind cents, («") f r Little .-p.uce Island, twenty--flv' •• I* ul M er 1 •• which send a 1» >x of (. Pills. >-*nd t- At t urt IV ?*»:. ! id at h >•; r»‘ ,» t' .'.if- rt! pi.alie \ Belting. 7 \ Calf t'-lliltv .f Han h. t’sC f -urth if address of Rev. Win. I'. Filler, I 44 >\.-du-;daJ EevuddsLurg ^ Weft Black 1» Aj A. !». !*» 1 C«>. Ohio. PROVISIONS, M Franklin ma awarded tlu American 17a*t Mack 2*2 * S€AM\|ON.-.wi I w r.f M*lt. .1 f.-vm.i Diph by " I it* *.f i. id** i>< Your Pills work like a charm—cttr> lluu- Placentia * Midi* |: i«;!ir * Mol, Of UtU I- Mr. Sir Pickering’s tij |*jr FAIN ami umH-1 .ti, a 1 ,* Spalding, ■} :■ v ... t.< :i » !!■**»* «si. At. r- a Old Harbor 4 4 ST received Full Fresh Stock, al! width.*. ! :* •' n Not long since 1 sent to you for a h «.d print, d It -rth, it th* y .y .rat a SI'KK i Ki ml l.u i: Mil; j;o\VKI> IT an*l i N. \ UubU-r at .MauufuC 17 NATHAN* Treasurer. 1 ply. licit, DANK, I It l * ; n iL u * r* Pills for the cure "f the Nenous j BLACK & FOSTER S. Ixj* U|«.|| io<*tb' r*. »« |.. ur**d»c*,u; d (Yphalic turi r\- a •<*».' t-.>r V Prices, with Di* Cash. N m l iv.-d IIF. 1,11 b \ 11 UK M TU 1* YOl It INFANTS. Headache and Costiveness, th I’ll J ! «*’ I >1, >» c iiu* tl ai ah* h i'* ■, an —A .**».>— y y why " t s the and had o an (fj< | con;--! that li' ! i> > •- du > ; all W an sii-uid J.-t t* l. id*. same, they yovd •H. 1 CAN 'ir, IV >v».h>v.k AM' In'. IH f It, Hint »» Rhode Island Oak all widths. En- taken ii|»m hi:u*tlf the trust vf HU A n.....;i<:ir f ! 1'AUK IK Tl • K, Ju!.*. induced (■> send more. Ik-Jting. 1\•' 1» !. t.■ f -tti* l»" — N f. \ for estate of A tri* r-.j —Alt* t tire Hungs *d'either kind uu FUIlVMl FAIf.FUl.N V > I NGI.K I N.«T A V K affetl Please send by rat urn mail. Dir t to JAMKi* CALKIN’, lut- of Tr t n. 17 A A. llUtTIJTT. K Ki-'.r \ ill. v. U ..... V .. i! .1 *. w ..( U:. Liberal Term*. We on hanl a st'-ck of in the of -i a- I ! keep constantly large County Han «k, !, by giving •• •• A. R. \VHELLER. Vj-d.mti. Mi f ...liu I-v .my t-i •*.-* U'-d it. Oh which we will 1 liroceriee, Provision.*. Ac., sell At a urt link- i;• !.-• I■ .•.• o]xr»ti<»ns, L-c f ilxli-bti-il *•! .. *. nth t U *.: *'•' cheap. Among our stock may uud ’> urtii lav *-f t- ri:.- f ,v< any il-usaids to-1 A 1*. Iml. Cephalic mpii-h A; 1 F »! Mr- " »k tl.» .alter To harness anti shoe makers. tiirr same fur vUl m-nt. were vu: Cure >1 he.: ..i ..e ii; ail it.* exhibit \ N All U.TKK A AI. I \\ ,:! .. they made, ••WHAT HI. k V H." after Ml it's V Jn 1 A M* A US * i.- o I.L. " H i: y. lit f t. n :• ", r N forms. Pure Oak, I!.tii Oak and Ih-mh .-k Harness Flour. HV PI !•’ It tikPt ATI- * H TUP II |.» Ml NT lr u |f AT Kllsworth. 1ML D •I *••• ** !.•- ! t!.- V .*. May 20, iha- | o*t. ...*.- u ; a...ntu From the Exmmnrr, Sort ,lk, L ather a \ >t Full k at.d at uurat.-.ii sa.d dec* a** 1'* ■ ,r 1 cry Meal, uj*..t» tat. f |*r :>i ii fatit is fr m am and have been tested in more than a th- usand Sugars. »u!J rtug t-%‘mudi-n, rth* f •dll* They (J' it r< I hit '. v h\**. vi* Low iVlC/5. >1,-- -Jtoff y -i.*** f .c.’.d in ft ft ji t a n. Coffee, Teas. f I Ml E I have 1 « ! A. •! M " U ;.ty u.uU9 alter the syrup n ad with entire sueev-s. under-!,'!!.- pun- •• cu»os, ; thrro.f to ,-UI j* r- ;* i!d* -.t. d. a *i y *: this mini4M.fi. New ^ rk I*. A S 'l*- Lather, r L ath Spices, Butter, I l;l~' N A < t ! 1’pjM This valuaid pr-paraf. *n is the j.r. «. ipti .n .fr.neof FromMhr Th m >- it, St. ( ! wl, M.nn. Sakrmtue. " f.h A.-. »• •. .t 1 I -a a t!,- er. French ..n-1 American t ail'.Skins, ('heewe, 1 i:!i. tl.,iy u|» the n. -'. i:\FKUIKNl FI* and .-KILI.H t. Nt F.M> in •• ’• !*•- If are. or have* beeu trou*;« 1 w ith ti head- |»-ar at a IV at* ( urt t« u ..• .. N' w you Eimtiu'. Sice St ek and Candles, bird, n‘ >. ai.dliAA bf u us d with .VtTMt rAIL.'.su blC Rinding*, -HARDWARE & < u ti..- t' 1 \N ! .f ,t ache. »ead P-r a box, me so ti at u j IRON. C‘*uuly. .111. at (C, | Pdla) y »• 1' i>, in Cigars, Tobacco, and will continue tl business under the tame of .,1 t.’.* ! U..- ! a I s!, -w c if have them iu ca~ an attack. great \ariety. m**-, any TIM!'.' iNTi? OF rASFlS. may tie liii*1 rt tin slivii.i ', I- ai; Fluid. y Ly I' n-d r> ii -a « I «r !’■ ri iks r Raisin*, DAVIS & LORD. ,',.ly the «*h.Fi fr ; u,l-.it aivi-;. rat* \geut Aecti-in SHOE i PAKlvhlt Tl t.’K, ■ IF /• Ju*!r**. ... rei I From the A-u F N Fidh, A X PI. \TE> and liiAVS. ft the old stand. NV 4 M (IN STKKET. ; y —Alt*.*.’ and cm ry; t tin. wi. d .• •) >t in. Itwit. alums t wisUc.; s The 1'iU? are .sod t-* 1 a nu::».k.ild\ 17 A A. Opbahc ; is 1 w an 1 a 1'sp.Ti.rrT. IPviiVr. relieve Al* ■. a It hoped that prices proper regard f.-r t' ■ a. t •• J'.i't recciu-d choice block id ; effective remedy very to the wants of tho will ensure a lib- GU1FINGIN TIIK iMW'lil..*, ANU W IM) community H C !'. r i•« COLIC, that t'n c :. ie.t w (tents and Lnlies’ MOLASSES, in the market. At oi l-a <*.t I'm #»-;• .rt. « .d.-ii and fur ami best for very -gueul lick cheapest orercotne crnvuUkm* which if r, very eral c f unupeediiy imdcd.’ patronage. .anty Ham< rt, on th*.- I*..id \V* f 11 '*• -kt ft W b. has ever beeu discovered. h*v»dwy 1.. V .tin, H ,t, .1 ,1 Kk K.IIKUY hoot* ami MIOI>, Ac. JAMK8 r. DAVIS. 3* PAM IK!. I.MID. A i- Ar., M | ail. f IiY.-KNTUlY ANI» l-I • MIJI-L \ IN Jill. M \ N AI. ! I s .And all the various article* found in a well I a c r- it -P.iI.DI.NG -1 Selling very low, at my Old Stand. usually WU.N.H ,»r.* fr* hi t'.r !r..u, Oth.-I jy.\ single little of PREPAID 1 v\ any regulated Store. Please call and exam- " El* GLUE will save ten tiun> it.- ; annua! Urocvry TestHta* ut ■ \\ iHi H. • a I at* ! in y.^“7* 55 West Maiket Rut'* .|i..»t, said r.nirfr in .. \ Square^ Bangor. y the f .r. % T ine and -• mpim.t,-i>., goods prices. SPEilAL NOTICE. «• do .- *1. hai nr. nl. d t!.t sain f at. ; .a-.:y. j-r-.l t.KT V' • R Pnk.U. S 'It k>, TUK iKKJtl* ».* of «TH*: ... 4m 12 E. P. BLACK A FOSTER. t.» -r m PREPARED GLl Fd BALDWIN. All person# indebted t'.e Sub.- (no beta., v SPALDING'S nr s .• rh I and ti,.- n | .‘.„v matter hour small tin- am M.t) are st- ; r I "•!» »t hereby Ki:-v s. AL.-t'l.l Tl.I.Y ,M Ki:-I.if, .v •■'* t!.r* a .» ia the 1.. •Ann rican SPALDING'S PREPARED GLI L' c-d to call and settle ituiu* diatrlv and .-ave v-t. 'M .. » .. (.urn; mom ITiia. ! at i: -a rth. that th- may a; :.-ar at a l’r .half mom', mi DA I: ". IN N. M'XHi k ( U. vtsT C « .- "*rt tn !.- Id Kd- »*Tlh. i: 1 a >ty,i>nth« third 1.4, tm fr*** ( A am! aU J.n> & V • SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE other ki :»!* of Ellsworth, Jan. 2d, 1-tl 30if W f Ju *-.•* •. h k inU.ef l'KKKl.N?, \ r», and shew a --, if y tl. said instru- they ha.*-, why Im > >Iarblo 1,'rugk i»- h >u: tin- w-»rld. .AYE TUii 1 11 KS ancl Stono Work !'*-iit .'.* aid n-*i I*.- |*r.-* I a; -v. ! a ml alinWul as the* Soap ihi;.., a: * a. * ., No, id d .r M.. N W \ !! : last wiU ami t ‘’..ia at nf rai <• i- d. ECONOMY !.-T\T executed by ■ PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL, for sale at NOTICE. 5if** A Stitt?! r* T.wr Sav v L' PAltKtai TI CK, J !:■ Price 25 to cb *e b only cents per Bottle will The subscribers intending up their A mie »j.y—A -t. C. As accident* haj JOHN U. l-t, N ? BLACK & FOSTER'S. *.-• t \ ; ! I! K. .V.:.t tiawoilh. IHla .HV. B.n- ■• GRANT, iness in this reque.it all p< BART PT. ed families, it is very <1* -itui. 1. t :u «*.i|. | place respectfully S"r- IHVKSIXKT, Me. indebted to them t" make immediate ia|, ;; convenient way lot ix eaii u ^ I urn.i’U'*, 1 taynu-nt, Ur f 1 ! \\ c intend » c all account* arc re- t < n hand a and having unsettled f t *’ v .1 .. rockery, 4rc. keep n>runt!y laig persons lla..•;*« », tut u.-d:.--sd.»y ! v the ;• SENT SPALDING'S PHEPAltK;' -Li C variety nuei.'ul w rk. Mur I utilities tor quested to call and adjust same. We offer lor M s ; i. FREE TO ANY * ADDRESS' obta.riii;■* .-’ •*a!e the Ileal K-tau* : '.'.t j.*a .r! J A' ;t Admi mtratnf of >. II «ixv. M. I> meets all such emergence .*. and r»-■ uou-vdinld can and carrying ot. the bu*iue>\*, i.« following I It..-. It r... ; ON f h p. Ute r !• ‘‘ without it is a and Mi di a.s tt» aiiie ut t«, ,,in, ,.,,1 The H u-o T. D. J net on Main ujsmia Gay, Ullwib, I r. it .. hi>i- it afford to be It aiway* ly u4i Marble and Good occupied by •' -* iMTirii., :.' .'i„ ;! it th*- J-r.aoii d e.-tate i.f said d a iv a < T.rk, jit Is rice as e.tn In* .11ine(l at Street, **• to the stickinK point. j any d is i. d mil. tl* w: he ■ j.av jus' t»H, •• on -‘tr■ t. s Fi t i. ix r. vrtiY noi e and wo shall r.tv t .{<* so, with all Our wharf Water ■! at tin.-,- ■ .1 »• a t jda who I El for sale at \ ; !ty til*- *!■ !*y tl,.- sum at th-i-.i- ! EXPLOSIVE ID, :«•* n *t ie d a ■’ u .'ni, i. Prie line an uc.asi n to in « nr 2700 wild Ian t.,o of lice i’? ,ii a--, d f < a U tn ami ... >* N. B.—A Rrush ""in; ry purevust- anytLtng liue iyiuj.' is*vy IJ-.tn. % jVON ur. *-f :)» ,.t. >'f business, if will honor us with a call, Pon 1 in Kllswt.rth. .,1 n,i-.| a, i,, a I i, 1 2d cents. Ad'rc-s, they & FOSTER S...... m ,• HLA' K "ary I -r th* ft A ii< i*li a ad ... , IlENUY C. -1 \J.1TXG. Nov. l*ti©. D’tOO acres wild land at the head *•* lieci's P nd paym.Lt .1 .... ■; liueksport, I’Ttii, lyta eharr. s * lf ‘”1 •'-u‘ 'i6ful is Cedar X- w V t. in Dedham. o I' No. street, list hat th I* *.*! ft ^Ufvly wipprew. A of II- me L- ;* iri ?!.: village. number lai’s >f saal da" asi ■ '■* * j and l-> ail p-*t «oio ii.i si. d ... TI 'N. CAt The above will be d 1 ou favorable tstatf l.y «-a:iisii!if a of tins order h CLOAKS and CAPES. prop<;ily copy p ; '.;»; 11 rnui-^M i. ,i rsons arc at ■ is As certain u torineipb-d mptinp terms. K worth A:.. < .■ a j-n .1 hd I..UU-...B.* < c w to off on the tin *us;>* ti r pu« ‘-[’.Hi-: Ai.v> Pews No. 1!* and 30 <*n t’ br ad ai 1c in unty.thi "hs su«i-*.ssi. -|y. that they palm New Cloak at a Estrbh hmeut 1 IV r. ur; t*> t- GU i:. 1 w -uM caution ail just opened. ti. louse. .at Kd-wort of my PREPARED JSth, 1S61. 13 ■ Ellsworth, April ('•>-. nth I* d \\ 1 i- -l y Ju W u, ai t*-. ( tlvipiioat’dl18, .-re -i and hc that ■ I to examine be-' pureha ,,, IN'If t'l.W i: n fell; ] ill of t’lB Coni! > persvus t in Block- it's .*.. an shew cans", il th Coal! >•»* »1 '(l Cun- P.oom Whiting'* any / A ul,;,’t:u- Mitaglatftatfh; | the full name, i'.iC, ml froia h '■ »h> v. 1 lay.; f Said ; itd 1 *“'• * ; -- :! ,r af tent but t> t he ^r.*U- I J*r ■* Iti Mint a! c*L SPA Li MX ->• SJ.Jtf to <1C,U0. g.vc Discounting * J 1’AUliEtt TI C K. Judi-.. “Jl *•“. : tuu -* -L )=• u and N< tT miner*-iai Par «r. A tm —Attest t-,.- Ison the outside wro4 nouix.-;* t:.\ hdkn. jutiaUng copy 4i,.,lf.r I ,,' »• s 0 J4ti J. W. A T. D. JUNKS. A A I'UtKl eo'AiiUilftiti April 4. 1-C1. 11 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. PjuBTI-’et.?, R'-gi-tef, 1 I', ti. ft I EATON, | i lUswortk, S.j(. <3.
