Congressional Record—Senate S2015
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April 9, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2015 Resolved, That the Senate— CALLING ON THE GOVERNMENT Whereas, on January 16, 2016, the Government (1) designates April 11, 2018, as the ‘‘Sesqui- OF IRAN TO FULFILL REPEATED of Iran released five United States citizens de- centennial of Connecticut’s Navy Installa- PROMISES OF ASSISTANCE IN tained in Iran; tion’’; THE CASE OF ROBERT LEVINSON Whereas, on January 17, 2016, President (2) commends the longstanding dedication Obama stated that ‘‘even as we rejoice in the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I and contribution to the Navy by the people safe return of others, we will never forget about of Connecticut, both through the initial deed ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Bob,’’ referring to Robert Levinson, and that of gift that established the Navy Installation ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- ‘‘each and every day but especially today our of Connecticut, and through their ongoing endar No. 355, S. Res. 85. hearts are with the Levinson family and we will commitment to support the mission and peo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The never rest until their family is whole again’’; ple assigned to the installation, presently clerk will report the resolution by Whereas, on January 19, 2016, White House known as Naval Submarine Base New Lon- title. don; Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated that the The senior assistant legislative clerk United States Government had ‘‘secured a com- (3) honors the sailors and submariners who read as follows: have trained and served at the Navy Installa- mitment from the Iranians to use the channel A resolution (S. Res. 85) calling on the tion of Connecticut throughout its 150-year that has now been opened to secure the release Government of Iran to fulfill repeated prom- history in support of the naval and undersea of those individuals that we know were being ises of assistance in the case of Robert superiority of the United States; held by Iran ... to try and gather information Levinson, the longest held United States ci- (4) recognizes the indispensable role Naval about Mr. Levinson’s possible whereabouts’’; vilian in our Nation’s history. Submarine Base New London plays in for- Whereas the Government of Iran’s most recent tifying the national security of the United There being no objection, the Senate commitment to assist in locating and returning States at a time when adversaries seek to proceeded to consider the resolution, Bob Levinson has not yielded any meaningful challenge the United States; and which had been reported from the Com- results; (5) pledges continued support for the oper- mittee on Foreign Relations, with an Whereas, on November 23, 2016, the United ation of Naval Submarine Base New London amendment and an amendment to the Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention for years to come. preamble, as follows: (UNWGAD) adopted Opinion No. 50/2016, con- (The part of the resolution intended cerning Robert Levinson in which the UNWGAD f to be stricken is shown in boldface found Iran responsible for the arbitrary deten- tion of Mr. Levinson; APPOINTMENTS brackets and the part of the resolution intended to be inserted is shown in Whereas, on November 26, 2013, Mr. Levinson The PRESIDING OFFICER. The italic.) became the longest held United States civilian in Chair announces, on behalf of the ma- (Strike the preamble and insert the our Nation’s history; and jority leader, pursuant to the provi- part printed in italic.) Whereas the Federal Bureau of Investigation sions of Public Law 114–198, the ap- Whereas United States citizen Robert continues to offer up to a $5,000,000 reward for pointment of the following individual Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bu- information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe re- to serve as a member of the Creating reau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral turn: Now, therefore, be it Options for Veterans’ Expedited Recov- Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Resolved, That the Senate— ery (COVER Commission): Matthew Levinson, father of their seven children, and (1) recognizes that March 9, 2017, ømarks¿ grandfather of their six grandchildren; marked 10 years since the disappearance of Amidon of Texas (Veteran). Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Robert Levinson from Kish Island, Iran; The Chair announces, on behalf of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to Kish Island, (2) recognizes that Robert Levinson is the the majority leader, pursuant to the Iran, on March 8, 2007; provisions of Public Law 106–398, as Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and longest held United States civilian in our amended by Public Law 108–7, and in checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Nation’s history; consultation with the chairmen of the Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; (3) notes that repeated pledges by officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Senate Committee on Armed Services Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to re- Government’s assistance in the case of Rob- and the Senate Committee on Finance, trace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials ert Levinson have not led to any meaningful the appointment of the following indi- of the Government of Iran who pledged to help progress in locating or returning Robert vidual to serve as a member of the in the investigation; Levinson; United States-China Economic and Se- Whereas for 10 years, the United States Gov- (4) urges the Government of Iran to take curity Review Commission: Roy ernment has continually pressed the Govern- meaningful steps towards fulfilling its re- Kamphausen of Connecticut. ment of Iran to provide any information on the peated promises to assist in locating and re- whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help en- turning Robert Levinson, including imme- f sure his prompt and safe return to his family; diately providing all available information Whereas officials of the Government of Iran from all entities of the Government of Iran AFRICAN GROWTH AND OPPOR- promised their continued assistance to the rel- regarding the disappearance of Robert TUNITY ACT AND MILLENNIUM atives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the Levinson to the United States Government; family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in Decem- CHALLENGE ACT MODERNIZA- (5) urges the President and the allies of the ber 2007; United States to continue to press the Gov- TION ACT Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson fam- ernment of Iran at every opportunity to lo- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ily received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, cate and return Robert Levinson, notwith- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- representing the first proof of life since his dis- standing ongoing and serious disagreements ate proceed to the immediate consider- appearance and providing some initial indica- the United States Government has with the tions that he was being held somewhere in Government of Iran on a broad array of ation of Calendar No. 304, H.R. 3445. southwest Asia; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The issues, including Iran’s ballistic missile pro- Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family gram, sponsorship of international ter- clerk will report the bill by title. received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, rorism, and human rights abuses; The senior assistant legislative clerk which provided further indications that he was (6) notes that in addition to these other se- read as follows: being held somewhere in southwest Asia; rious issues, further delay in locating and re- A bill (H.R. 3445) to enhance the trans- Whereas Secretary of State John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, ‘‘The United States respect- turning Robert Levinson remains a signifi- parency and accelerate the impact of pro- cant obstacle to improving United States- grams under the African Growth and Oppor- fully asks the Government of the Islamic Repub- lic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our Iran relations; and tunity Act and the Millennium Challenge (7) expresses sympathy to the family of Corporation, and for other purposes. efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson.’’; Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the Robert Levinson for their anguish and ex- There being no objection, the Senate first direct phone conversation between the presses hope that their ordeal can be brought proceeded to consider the bill. heads of governments of the United States and to an end in the near future. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous consent that the bill be considered read the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran consent that the committee-reported a third time and passed and the motion Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of amendment be agreed to, the resolu- to reconsider be considered made and Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; tion, as amended, be agreed to, the laid upon the table. Whereas, on August 29, 2014, Secretary of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without committee-reported amendment to the State Kerry again stated that the United States preamble be agreed to, the preamble, objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘respectfully request[s] the Government of the The bill (H.R. 3445) was ordered to a Islamic Republic of Iran work cooperatively as amended, be agreed to, and the mo- third reading, was read the third time, with us to find Mr. Levinson and bring him tions to reconsider be considered made and passed. home’’; and laid upon the table. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:52 Apr 10, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AP6.016 S09APPT1.