A Few Of Goodman's Stellar Sidemen As The Movies Captured Them

«itienten Gene Kruj i, Harry Jame«, and Ziggy Elman, Gootlman composition called HwW’a Dream. from left to right- Î iird picture. from the 20th Century- hi« little daughter. public interest. Chambei , whetted a musical appetite that slack by expanding. His early Bouquets' To stemming from a meeting between Benny <^ahed in on. Just how far training had been in classical mu­ Richards Named Goodman ano at the Goodman band would have sic and now, recognized as u mas Mildred Bailey’s, became a highly gone had Fletcher Henderson not ter of his instrument, he ventured Discovery Director acceptable

mo ata then unknown, to ting with hit band. Second shut rhowa two-third* of the Benny Goodman sextet at WNYC in March, 1941. Front the left are Goodman, Chariir Christian, , and Cootie William«. Cootie’» •witch from Duke Ellington’s band to Goodman**, several month* before, had caused great con«ternation among jazz anti fans who admired the statu* quo, »nd in»pirrd troubadour