School on Schedule for 2020 Completion

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School on Schedule for 2020 Completion THE OFFICIAL PARISH OF ST. BRELADE NEWSLETTER Edition 41 • Autumn 2017. Published by the Parish of St. Brelade, Jersey School on schedule ‘Step in time’ St. Brelade’s ‘Battle’ Float’ as in 2016, which this year went to St. Peter’s ‘Drive Through Diner’ float remains class act Eddie told La Baguette. “The Jeff Hathaway competition this year saw everyone upping their game; all of the floats AFTER a grey morning, the sun shone were excellent so the competition was for 2020 completion on cue as crowds took their seats for fierce and taking 3rd prize in the the 2017 Battle of Flowers Parade. Parish Class is still a great result so we Revised plans submitted The standard was again breathtaking, are proud of our achievement. An and the atmosphere humming with immense effort has been put in by the and now awaiting Planning excitement as the floats made their many volunteers who, over several permission way along Victoria Avenue. months, have worked on constructing The St. Brelade float ‘Step In Time’, the float and the many others who Tony Bellows taken from Disney’s musical film spent endless hours sticking on In July, heavy rain led to the closure of Les adaptation of the famous PL Travers harestails; and particulary those who Quennevais School for a few days, as it led to stories ‘Mary Poppins’, took 3rd prize on the eve of battle stayed on through substantial damage, leaving large areas of the in the ‘Parish Class’. the early hours to apply the last school temporarily unusable. The St. Brelade entry was designed by flowers and complete the float ready for the Parade. We may be slightly It appeared the previous spell of very hot Nigel Gates and Simon Thomas and disappointed not to have gained one weather had caused roofing material to expand constructed over months of hard of the top prizes, but we are far from and crack, affording egress for rainfall into the work and dedication by the St. downhearted and eager to start work building. Three internal roofing tiles came Brelade Battle of Flowers Association on our float for next year. As always, loose, and the electrics were affected in the hall, team led by Eddie Le Gros and new pleased to receive donations from the gym and the canteen. Chairman Daniel Avrill. parishioners to ensure that we can Head teacher Sarah Hague said “considerable The float featured many characters from the film; Mary Poppins and Bert continue to compete and aspire to damage” had been caused but stressed that winning the Prix d’ Excellence.” actions had been taken to ensure that children of course, but also the chimney Constable Steve Pallett said: “The St. were safe. “This really highlights our need for a sweeps, Admiral Boom, and the Bird Brelade Association must be new school,' she said. Woman, ‘feeding the birds tuppence a bag’. The float was particularly congratulated on yet another After two days of repairs, the school was safe to impressive in the Moonlight Parade, extraordinary and colourful entry. A open again, but the incident highlighted the yet did not make the ‘Best Illuminated big well done to all!” u problems of maintaining a building that is long overdue for replacement. Education Minister Deputy Rod Bryans said: department has been working extremely hard A revised planning application was submitted “The new Les Quennevais School is well over the past year and will continue to do so to in mid-July for the new Les Quennevais overdue and I am pleased that the project is ensure we deliver a high-quality modern secondary school on the fields that border La moving forward. It will be the single largest school.” Route de Quennevais after the original was investment in education for many years and I found to be deficient. The estimated build time for the new Les am delighted to see it entering the next phase. Quennevais School is two years from receipt of Issues raised by the independent planning Parents, staff and students will be pleased to planning permission. The target date for inspector at a hearing in January have been see it is progressing.” opening to students remains September 2020 addressed. As a result, the £40 million scheme “I would like to thank the team at Jersey The Minister said: “We are on track to start now has a different traffic flow system and Property Holdings for their continued diligence work on Les Quennevais School in 2018 with parking layout on site. The design of the school on this important project and for sharing our completion due in 2020” has also been changed to reflect comments of enthusiasm to create a new school in the west.” the Jersey Architecture Commission about the As well as traffic concerns, the revised plans exterior appearance, use of materials and other Infrastructure Minister Deputy Eddie Noel said also address deficiencies in the original plan on technical elements. “This is a large and complex building and my disabled access, and energy efficiency. u Gold standard! team decided to concentrate on St. Aubin for 2017 St. Aubin’s village, the since Category Champion precludes entry in the same category in the succeeding year. We are Parish Hall and Les Creux therefore delighted to have been awarded a Gold Allotments all ‘Parish in for St. Aubin. We hope that has fared us well in the national competition in which we also entered St. Tel: 741510 Bloom’ Gold winners! Aubin. That was judged the week following Parish in Bloom, on 4th August by RHS judges Jon Thomas Frederick Wheatley and Teresa Potter who were joined by TENNERFEST EVERYDAY trainee judge and Telegraph Gardening columnist UNCH AND INNER A trio of gold awards for St. Brelade rounded off a Helen Yemm. However the results of the national L D . tremendous and very satisfying 7 days of judging competition are not due until October when they in the ‘2017 Parish in Bloom’ competition. will be announced at special ‘Britain in Bioom’ OURSES The results were announced at a special Awards awards event to be held in Llandudno. North 2 C £12.50 Dinner held at the RJA&HS Trinity Showground on Wales.” 3 COURSES £15.00 July 28th, attended by around 70 ‘bloomers’ and The third Gold went to the Les Creux Allotments, the Constables of St. Brelade, St. Clement, St who for the second year running also picked up INCLUDING FLAME GRILLED Saviour, St. Helier, St. Peter, St. Martin and Trinity. the Lucas Bros Award for ‘Best Allotment’. RIB-EYE STEAK. The awards were presented by Royal Horticultural But it didn’t quite end there. A Gold award also Society (RHS) judges, Mr Rae Beckwith and Mr went to St. Brelade based, ‘Action for Wildlife’ for John Woodward, assisted by Mike Stentiford MBE, their hide on Mont a La Brune from which Sand chairman of Natural Jersey - the charitable status Martins can be observed nesting in a specially organisation that now co-ordinates and arranges prepared embankment, in the Mike Stentiford the competition in association with the RHS. Environmental Award category, the overall winner The judges commented on the very high standards being the National Trust’s, Les Mielles Wetlands being achieved in Jersey, especially with Parish Hall Centre, located in St. Peter. Discretionary awards floral displays which they said ‘ were better than also went to St. Brelades Bay Hotel for thier floral ALLALL DAYDAY FOODFOOD ever’ awarding Gold’s to nine of the 11 parishes displays and to the gardeners at the adjacent entered, St. Brelade being one of the nine. But Winston Churchill Memorial Park who had been determining the Best Parish Hall was clearly a busy revitalising the seafront gardens and main SATURDAYSATURDAY & SUNDAYSUNDAY difficult decision for the judges who for the first gardens. time announced ‘Best Parish Hall’ joint winners in Constable Steve Pallett said. Grouville and St. Clement which they said ‘they at Winton Churchill Park, all of whom truly “If you haven’t could simply not separate’. “We are justly proud to have been awarded Gold demonstrate that St. Brelade enjoys a wealth of for St. Aubin and for the Parish Hall. Jeff Hathaway talent and important amenity we can all enjoy. been down to the In the core category competition St. Brelade and his team have worked tirelessly to ensure both Indeed through Parish in Bloom, that is also achieved a Gold for St. Aubin which was entered in were looking at their best, despite the best efforts Smugglers recently evident throughout the island. St. Brelade now the Village category for the very first time. St. of the weather just prior to judging to ‘dampen’ look forward to October and the prospect of you don’t know Brelade Co-ordinator Jeff Hathaway said: our spirits and some of our floral displays. I am “Having won Gold and announced as Category also delighted that the Les Creux remain the bringing home a Gold for St. Aubin in the national what you are Champion award in the national ‘Britain in Bloom’ flagship allotment site, and for Action in Wildlife, ‘Britain in Bloom competition.” in 2016 in the Small Coastal category, the Bloom St. Brelades Bay Hotel and the team of gardeners (Full results of Parish in Bloom are on Page 7) u missing!” WIN a Meal for Two at St. Aubin’s newest restaurant page 7 Le Mont du Ouaisne, St. Brelade JE3 8AW Page 2 La Baguette. Autumn 2017 The Constables Message Asian Hornets out west The St. Brelade Battle of Flowers Can you spare While active throughout the Association, under new Chairman Daniel What you can do summer months, Asian hornet Avrill, yet again produced an incredibly Jeff Hathaway colonies mature in autumn vibrant and colourful float for this years us some time? when the next generation of parade based on Mary Poppins, called ‘ A ISLANDERS are asked to look young queens disperse to Step in Time’.
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